Registration As Proprietors Muwonge
Registration As Proprietors Muwonge
Registration As Proprietors Muwonge
Wandera Ismail
LLB (MUK) Dip Lp
Jagwer Benedict
Dear Sir/Madam,
We act for and on behalf of MUWONGE JOHN and TONNY LUBEGA (herein after
referred to as our “clients) who have instructed us to address you as hereunder;
Our clients are the lawful appointed administrators of the estate of the late
BUKENYA LAUBEN formerly of Kanonge Village, Lugazi Municipal Council,
Buikwe District, the registered proprietor of the above- described land. Copies of
the letters of Administration and National Identity Cards are herewith enclosed for
ease of reference.
The clients are desirous of being registered as the registered proprietors of the said
land thus this application.
Yours faithfully,
Wadembere Nuhu
For: Mugisa, Namutale & Co Advocates
CC. Clients