Installing and Configuring Liberty Audiosuite
Installing and Configuring Liberty Audiosuite
Installing and Configuring Liberty Audiosuite
Your DSP card should be installed as directed in the instructions provided by its manufacturer. In
general, to minimize noise pickup, it is best (but not essential) to install it in the slot farthest from
the computer power supply.
If you already have a Soundblaster or equivalent soundcard installed in your system, it is often
possible to install the ECHO DSP or Turtle Beach card along with the existing soundcard. (The
ECHO DSP cannot, however, coexist with other soundcards which use either AD1848 or AD1846
CODEC chips, or chips which emulate these). In the case of the ECHO, be sure to connect the
jumper on the ECHO DSP to the HIGHER PORT ADDRESS (HEX250) and DO NOT install the
ECHO DRIVERS. LAUD is able to find the PSA type DSP cards at either of the two port
Note that any multimedia software drivers or applications which might be supplied with
the card are not needed or used by laud! If you will be using the dsp card only for
measurement purposes, it is simpler to not install these drivers.
When using the MIC/PROBE preamp with a LAUD system, connect its outputs to the line (not
mic) inputs on the back of the DSP card. This will require adapters along with cables. The DSP
cards use miniature stereo phone connectors, while the MIC/PROBE preamp uses RCA
connectors (because good quality RCA shielded stereo cables are the easiest and least
expensive to obtain). The Channel 1 output of the MIC/PROBE Preamp should connect to the
left channel input of the DSP card s input socket (the tip connection of the connector). The IMP
or Mitey Mike microphone connects to the CH1 mic input and the two probe cables (with 47.5K
ohm resistor probes at the other ends) connect to the provided input jacks. Initially set the gain
switches to the 0dB positions.
The DSP card LINE outputs can be connected into an external power amplifier (for speaker tests)
or used directly as a source to drive low-level input devices. Although software control of the
output level is provided, an external manual volume control for this output level is required for
practical application and safety.
For Windows systems, the card s software installation should be performed first as
detailed in your Turtle Beach card s instruction manual. The installation should be done in
NON-PLUG-N-PLAY mode, as LAUD must be able to consistently determine the card settings
(which could change under PLUG-N-PLAY). In DOS (or Windows 3.1) installations, pay special
attention to the instructions for adding or modifying the EMM386 line in the CONFIG.SYS (or
For Turtle Beach cards, LAUD will look for the file PINCFG.INI in the LAUD hard disk directory
if the file is found, LAUD will attempt to use the Turtle Beach type card; if the file is not found,
LAUD will instead search for a PSA type card.
When using a Turtle Beach type card without a mic/probe preamp, the Directprobes connect via
adaptors and any desired extension cables (up to about 30 feet) to the LINE input of the card.
The microphone (calibrated electret type) connects through a similar adaptor/extender to the
LEFT (white, or tip connection) channel of the MIC input.
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II. Installation and Configuration
The DSP card LINE outputs can be connected into an external power amplifier (for speaker tests)
or used directly as a source to drive low-level input devices. Although software control of the
output level is provided, an external manual volume control for this output level is required for
practical application and safety.
Software Installation:
The following procedures assume that the software is to be installed to drive C: from a floppy
disk. If a drive other than C: is desired as the target, the file INSTALL.BAT should be edited
(using the Windows Notepad or DOS Edit program) to change any references from drive C: to the
desired drive before installation. If the floppy disk drive is not A:, substitute the drive letter you
are using in the instructions below.
Three sets of install instructions are given below, for installation from DOS, Windows 3.1 or
Windows 95:
(If you are using a PSA/ECHO card, skip ahead to the section on running LAUD)
If you are using a Turtle Beach card for your LAUD system and do NOT have Windows 3.1
installed, you will not have been able to install your card s software or INI files by the
procedure described in its hardware manual. You must perform these installations manually.
You will first need to add or modify a line in your CONFIG.SYS file similar to:
As described in your card s manual, the values following the X= in the line above reserve
upper memory space. That space (which can be changed as described in your card s manual)
must not already be reserved for use by another device. Your system must be rebooted after
changing the CONFIG.SYS file for the change to have any effect.
Next, find the file on your Fiji or Pinnacle installation disk called PINCFG.EXE and copy it to
your new C:\LAUD directory.
You should then find the files on your Fiji or Pinnacle installation disk called PIN250.INI ,
PIN260.INI and PIN270.INI . Choose the file which has the number matching the jumper
setting you have chosen for your card s NON-PNP address, and copy that file to your C:\LAUD
Then, you must change the name of that file (in the C:\LAUD directory) to PINCFG.INI using
the DOS ren command.
Next, you must edit the file (using DOS EDIT or another simple text editor) so that it indicates
the proper reserved memory area (as specified above in your CONFIG.SYS file). The section
of the PINCFG.INI file which you must change is the parameter RAMAddress under the
heading [LogicalDevice0], similar to that shown below:
// ld0 DSP
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II. Installation and Configuration
The RAMAddress value must match the first number after the X= in the edited line in
If the IO address 290 (hex) is already in use by another device, you may have to change the
value IOAddress0 in the same section of the PINCFG.INI file to another unused value
(140,150, 160, 210, 230, 280, 290, 360, or 3E0).
To run Liberty Audiosuite from DOS, first log to that drive and directory:
C: [enter]
CD\ [enter]
CD LAUD [enter]
Then type:
LAUD [enter]
You may wish to create a batch file called LAUD2.BAT, containing the command lines (given
above) for running LAUD and save it to your root directory (or a directory listed in your DOS
Put the floppy in the A: drive and from Program Manager, select RUN and then type:
If you are using a Turtle Beach card for your LAUD system, you must first copy (not move!) the
file PINCFG.INI from your C:\PINNACLE or C:\FIJI directory to your C:\LAUD directory
(using the Program Manager) before running LAUD.
To run the program, use File Manager to find the LAUD directory on your C: drive. Double click
on the LAUD directory and within it find the file LAUD.EXE. Double click on LAUD.EXE to start
the program.
You can add LAUD as an iconized program item to your desktop in an existing group (or a new
program group) by using the New menu option under File in the Program Manager. There is a
special icon provided in your LAUD directory which can be used to identify the program item.
Consult the Windows HELP file or manual if further details are required.
If you are using a Turtle Beach card for your LAUD system, you will need to install an INI file
into the LAUD directory to inform Liberty Audiosuite of the proper two port addresses and
memory range used by the card. This isn t difficult to accomplish, as detailed below. Be sure
to do the following after you have done the Turtle Beach hardware and software installation
into Windows95:
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II. Installation and Configuration
The first step is to determine the values of the three parameters. The parameter values are
expressed in hexadecimal, that is, they may have the characters A through F, as well as the
decimal characters 0 through 9. You need to locate three values.
1) The start of the address range for your card s Control Port (one of: 250, 260, or 270. This
value must match the jumper position you have set on the Fiji or Pinnacle board, as described
in your card s manual.)
2) The start of the range for the DSP Port (usually one of the following: 140, 150, 160, 210,
230, 280, 290, 300, 3E0, or 360.)
3) The start of the range for the DSP Ram Address (one of the following: C800, D000, D800,
E000, or E7FF.)
To find these values: right-click on the My Computer icon on your open desktop (using
the right mouse button, rather than the usual left mouse button). Then in the displayed menu
list, left-click on Properties . Left-click on the Device Manager tab. Then locate the
Sound, Video and Game Controllers group (you may need to scroll down on the list to find
it). To see the specific Sound, Video and Game Controllers , left-click on the (+) sign to the
left of the words. You should see an entry for the TBS Pro Series Digital Audio device.
Left-click on this entry to highlight the words, then left-click on the Properties button and left-
click on the Resources tab. In the displayed window, you should see two ranges for Input-
Output Range . The beginning of one of these ranges will be the Control Port value (either
250, 260 or 270; ignore the leading zero in the values). The beginning value of the other
range is the DSP Port value. The first value shown in Memory Range is the DSP Ram
Address (do not use the leading three 0 s in the Memory Range value).
To make a PINCFG.INI file with the correct parameters, you will use one of the three files
PIN250.INI , PIN260.INI or PIN270.INI . These can be found on your Pinnacle or Fiji Install
floppy disk (or in your hard drive s PINNACLE directory, under the PROGRAM
subdirectory). Use your My Computer icon (or Explorer) to locate these files. Choose and
double click on the file with the port number (250, 260 or 270) of your card s Control Port. This
should bring up the Windows95 NOTEPAD editor.
In this file, the information under the heading // ld0 DSP should be edited, if necessary,
so that IOAddress0 equals the number for your DSP port. To edit, just left-click your mouse
to position the text cursor just after the equal sign and use the Delete key to remove the
current value. Then type in the new value.
Similarly, the value RAMAddress under the same // ld0 DSP heading should be edited
to equal the DSP Ram Address.
No other values in this file need be changed for LAUD use.
When the changes have been made, you then need to save this file into your LAUD
directory under the name PINCFG.INI . To do this, click on the menu item File at the top of
Notepad, and then on Save As . In the Save As window, browse to your LAUD directory
(usually on the C drive, unless you installed it elsewhere) and then change the File name
at the bottom of the window from PIN250.INI (or PIN260 or PIN270) to PINCFG.INI . Then
click the Save button. Then close the NOTEPAD.
To run the program, use the Explorer to find the LAUD directory on your C: drive. Double click
on the LAUD directory and within it find the file LAUD.EXE. Double click on LAUD.EXE to start
the program.
Program Configurations:
After installation, the initial program configuration for LAUD can be easily accomplished by use of
a built-in Easy Script. To run this, first start up the LAUD program. On first startup and after the
title screen (which will stay until a key is pressed or the mouse is clicked), the computer will
sound a tone and a message will appear at the top of the screen warning that the STANDARD
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II. Installation and Configuration
configuration file can not be found. This file, called STANDARD.ICF, is a special file in which
LAUD stores parameters about the physical configuration of the system (DSP card type, printer
type, system gains, etc.) and your choice of various default start-up display, acquisition and
processing parameters. The warning serves to alert you that the file needs to be created. Just
press the [Enter] key to continue.
Creating the STANDARD configuration file is easy in LAUD version 3. A special Easy Script is
built into the program which will prompt you for some information, direct you through any actions
which might be required, and create the STANDARD configuration file (it also provides a good
introduction on how to use Easy Scripts).
To start the Easy Scripts, identify the large button near the bottom of your screen. Click your
mouse on this button (using the LEFT mouse button), or press the reverse apostrophe key ( the
` key, usually at the top left corner of most keyboards). This will bring up a pop-up window with a
selection of different Easy Scripts. You may make your selection by either pressing the number
key (not the function key) associated with the desired choice or by clicking on the line containing
the Easy Script selection number. Script number 1 offers brief descriptions of the Easy Scripts.
The second to last selection in the first Window is for the Software Installation script which will
create your STANDARD configuration file.
The same Easy script can also be used later should you want or need to change some of the
primary system characteristics with your installation of LAUD. Of course, the STANDARD
configuration file can also be updated without the script by using normal menu options within
LAUD. If you are using a Turtle Beach card, an ECHO DSP/mod, or another extended low
frequency card, you may skip the next section.
NOTE: If you are using LAUD with a Turtle Beach card, the Echo DSP/mod or any card which
has been modified for extended low frequency performance, the BAL data and process should
NOT be used -- just skip this section. Bal is intended to compensate, in software, for differing
rates of low-frequency rolloff which occur within the measurement band in some DSP cards sold
for multimedia soundcard use. By not using the BAL facility, you can achieve faster program
operation and lower memory utilization.
As described elsewhere, Bal (balance) data is a correction file for the frequency domain
differences between the two channels at lower frequencies. A Bal data set, if used, should be
made when LAUD is initially installed and need only be changed if you change probes, your DSP
card or your mic/probe preamp.
To generate this data set, connect both probes to the same output of your DSP card (to the same
channel). The Line outputs are preferred. Press the [%] key so that Dual Channel mode is
selected. Go to the SINE instrument and select [Acquire Freqs] and then select [Log_f].
Temporarily choose a first frequency of 200 Hz, a last frequency of 400 Hz and Num_points equal
to about 100. (NOTE: the menus are navigated by either clicking on the designated menu words
in order, or by pressing the key which is capitalized or highlighted in each word. The frequency
range parameters will be prompted for -- just type in each number and press [Enter]). See the
connection diagram following this text.
Be sure that the word PROBE is displayed in the top-of-screen box marked 4:INPUT . IF not,
press [F4] until it is. Also, if the box marked 9:DLAY does not show 0.000 , use [F9] to set it to
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II. Installation and Configuration
Now go to [* Acquire Set_levs Auto_adj], and select Both_match . Now go back to {* Acquire
Freqs] and change the first frequency to 2 Hz. Then go to the [* Acquire Modes] menu and set
[Resp_mode] to [Optimized] and at 5 cycles. Also ensure that the Gating parameter under [*
Acquire Modes Resp_mode] is set to OFF.
Press [* Acquire sWeep Freq_response] and take the time to read through your documentation
while Liberty Audiosuite compares your two channels at low frequencies. After the process has
completed, go to the [* System Z_set] menu and choose [Set_bal], and answer affirmative to the
are you sure? question. The data will be automatically saved, ready for future use.
computer to soundboard
line inputs MIC/PROBE Preamp
Cal in Probe in
stimulus out
from line outputs
(either channel)
Using the Turtle Beach Pinnacle or Fiji without a Mic/Probe Preamp ( Directprobe ):
When LAUD is used with the ECHO or other PSA type soundcards, the Mic/Probe Preamp is
needed for most practical measurements. This is because the microphone preamp in those
cards does not generally have a sufficiently extended flat response range for measurement
purposes. That card design also lacks sufficient gain or adjustment range on the Line inputs to
allow resistor probes to adequately handle a wide enough range of input levels with a direct
connection. The Mic/Probe Preamp therefore provides the needed flat gain mic stage as well as
an interface to allow resistor probes to be used safely and switchable attenuator steps to greatly
extend the input range.
When LAUD is used with the Multisound Pinnacle or Multisound Fiji cards, the system can be
operated without a Mic/Probe preamp. This is practical because the mic and line input hardware
of these cards have very low noise as well as a wider adjustment range. This type of operation,
in which LAUD operates with the Pinnacle or Fiji cards but without an external Mic/Probe
Preamp, is referred to in the documentation and Help files as a Directprobe configuration.
Note that much of this manual will describe only (or primarily) the Mic/Probe Preamp-
based configurations. If you are using the Directprobe configuration, you may ignore
references herein to external Mic/Probe switches and most External Gain or Attenuation
settings. Note that the probes used with this Directprobe connection are not the same as
those used with a Mic/Probe Preamp based system. Rather than connecting the
microphone and probes through the Mic/Probe Preamp, these devices will instead connect
directly to the Turtle Beach card as shown below:
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II. Installation and Configuration
L (black or white)
mic in
Fi j i o r
Line In R (red)
(in computer) Mic
Line In R
A u d i o Po w e r A m p l i f i e r Directprobes
Spkr Out
Note: In most cases, the ground leads of the probes (black, green or blue)
need not and SHOULD not be connected at all.
Directprobe operation of the Multisound Pinnacle or Multisound Fiji cards is generally simpler
than is operation with the Mic/Probe Preamp. There are fewer hardware switches and
connections to worry about and one less piece of equipment to purchase or maintain. Measured
distortion residuals are considerably lower with the Directprobe connection (it avoids the
inevitable distortion which would otherwise be added by the Mic/Probe Preamp s circuitry). Also,
there is less need for keeping the LAUD software informed about external settings. For example,
when using the Mic/Probe Preamp, you must make certain that the INPUT ([F4]) button of
LAUD matches the switch setting of the Preamp. But with Directprobe operation this occurs
automatically because the LAUD software is able to directly switch between the Microphone and
the Line (probe) hardware.
There are some special considerations, however, when operating LAUD in the Directprobe
The microphone correction data (its calibration file) may not be correct for the bias
conditions provided with direct mic connection to the Turtle Beach cards. The correction
data provided for capsules intended for use with the Mic/Probe Preamp assume a source
bias of 2.5Volts, supplied via a resistor of 2.2k ohms. The Turtle Beach cards provide a
source bias of 5.0Volts, supplied through a resistor of 4.7k ohms. Typically this will result in
the reference sensitivity being 3.4dB higher (a voltage ratio of 1.48x) when the microphone is
powered directly from the card rather than from a Mic/Probe Preamp. If your microphone s
calibration was done previously only for the Mic/Probe Preamp, a good compensation can be
provided by changing the first line in its calibration data file so that the number provided there
(the mV/PA value) is 1.48 times its original value. For example, if the sensitivity value was
6.30 mV/Pa, it should be changed to 9.32 mV/Pa. Alternately, the capsule can often be
recalibrated by its supplier for the new conditions at a nominal cost.
The resistor probes used with the Directprobe connection are of different construction than
are the IMP style probes used with the Mic/Probe Preamp. The IMP probes used a single
47.5k ohm resistor in series with the hot lead (this worked against the 2.2k load resistance of
the Mic/Probe Preamp s input to provide attenuation and voltage protection). This provided
protection to terminal voltages up to 100V peak, and linear operation up to 40V peak.
The Directprobe probes, however, contain both a series resistor of 7.68K ohms and a
shunt resistor of 2.87k ohm (the 1x directprobe). This provides DSP card protection for
terminal voltages of up to 40Vpeak and linear operation to 20V peak. Do NOT use
these probes at points which may potentially exhibit voltages above 40V
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II. Installation and Configuration
(black, blue or green)
inline "RCA" phono jack
Directprobe, 1x type (for use with Turtle Beach cards only)
For higher voltages, a 10x Directprobe can also be purchased or constructed. This, however,
is unlikely to be needed by most users. A 10x Directprobe provides 20dB more attenuation and is
usable to levels of approximately 100Vpeak, (use above this level is not recommended for
safety reasons). A 10x Directprobe uses a series resistor of 9.76k ohms and a shunt resistor of
232 ohms.
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II. Installation and Configuration
and then press the [Enter] key. If you are asked if the existing file MPP should be
overwritten, press the y key ( yes ) in response.
When you start up LAUD, it will normally come up configured for use WITHOUT the Mic/Probe
Preamp, as saved in the STANDARD configuration file. If you wish to use it on this occasion
with the M/PP, just use the menu selections [ * System Config_file Use MPP] and press the
[Enter] key. This will then restore the configuration (mic correction file, gain settings, etc.) for
using LAUD with the M/PP. If you later wish to make changes to this configuration, be sure to
save the Config_file under the name MPP , rather than STANDARD (because STANDARD is
being used for the more commonly used Directprobe configuration).
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II. Installation and Configuration
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