Modeling of Pre-Cast Concrete Hybrid Connections by Considering The Residual Deformations
Modeling of Pre-Cast Concrete Hybrid Connections by Considering The Residual Deformations
Modeling of Pre-Cast Concrete Hybrid Connections by Considering The Residual Deformations
This paper presents an alternative section analysis and hysteretic modeling for the response of pre-
cast concrete hybrid connections which have different level of mild steel contributions to the
connection flexural capacity. Well-known classical reinforced concrete section analysis approaches
cannot be directly applied to the pre-cast concrete hybrid connections due to the strain incompatibility
between the concrete section, and the partially bonded mild steel, and the un-bonded pre-stressing
tendons. In the proposed section analysis, initially the moment-rotation behavior of the hybrid
connection is modeled by providing a new de-bonding length formulation for the mild steel. Later, a
hysteretic response model is proposed by considering the residual displacements measured during the
hybrid connection subassembly tests. The general trends and the energy dissipation predictions of the
proposed model are compared with the previously published reversed cyclic test results. It is observed
that the proposed moment-rotation envelope model and the cyclic response behavior model both
exhibit satisfactory agreement with the previously published test results.
Key words: Precast concrete, post-tensioning, hybrid connections, moment-rotation envelope, de-bonding
length, residual deformations, hysteretic modeling.
The design and performance of post-tensioned connec- The section analysis, namely moment and displacement
tions of precast reinforced concrete members have capacity predictions, and the hysteretic behavior of post-
attracted considerable attention in the last two decades. tensioned connections are widely different than that of
The self-centering ability of such structures, along with the conventional reinforced concrete or steel members,
the high lateral nonlinear displacement capability with due to the strain incompatibility throughout the member
minimum damage to the framing members may be cross section under a given rotation. Many investigations
highlighted as the reasons of increasing popularity on so on numerical approaches for performance calculations
called “hybrid connections”. Various types of post-ten- were reported in the literature for post-tensioned steel or
sioning applications were reported on concrete or steel precast MRF’s and precast walls (Cheok et al., 1998;
moment resisting frames (MRF) and precast concrete Christopoulos et al., 2002a; Christopoulos et al., 2002b;
walls and bridge piers (Kurama, 2002; Kwan and Christopoulos et al., 2003; El-Sheikh et al., 2000; El-
Billington, 2003; Ozden and Ertas 2007; Priestley and Sheikh et al., 1999; Kurama, 2000; Kurama, 2001;
MacRae, 1996; Ricles et al., 2002; Stone et al., 1995). Kurama et al., 1999, Pampanin et al., 2001; Priestley and
Extensive experimental and analytical research on the Tao, 1993; Ricles et al., 2001).
seismic performance of hybrid connections (Nakaki, An experimental and numerical research on the
1999; Priestley et al., 1999) resulted in design guidelines performance of hybrid connections with varying mild steel
(ACI T1.02-03-2003) for this relatively new construction content was carried out at Bogazici and Kocaeli
practice. Universities in Turkey and funded by the Scientific and
Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-Project
No: ICTAG I589) and the Turkish Precast Association.
Within the content of this piece of work presented here, a
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. section analysis for hybrid connections with bond-slip
782 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
response of mild steel and an alternative hysteretic model Sheikh (El-Sheihk et al., 1999; El-Sheikh et al., 2000)
by considering the residual deformations are presented. was the estimation of the ultimate limit state. In this
state, the ultimate moment was equal to the yield
moment and the ultimate rotation capacity was calculated
LITERATURE SURVEY from the ultimate strain of the confined concrete and from
the critical failure length.
In the theoretical background for the current modeling of The modeling of the unbonded post-tensioned
post-tensioned connections of the precast concrete mo- connections with mild steel was discussed by Pampanin
ment resisting frames, the fundamentals of the currently in 2001 (Pampanin et al., 2001). The reported model
available models need to be discussed. Firstly, a simple provides an iterative section analysis method, incur-
tri-linear idealization of the force-displacement response porating an analogy with equivalent cast-in-place beam
of unbonded post-tensioned connections was developed and named as “monolithic beam analogy”, and additional
by Priestly and Tao (1993). There were three key points conditions applied on the member global displacements.
in the definition of the response curve. They were the A similar approach was presented for post-tensioned
decompression point, the linear limit for the section and steel frame connections by Christopoulos in 2002
the proportionality limit of the post-tensioning steel. The (Christopoulos et al., 2002b).
first point on the curve was defined as the precom- The flag-shaped model and its hysteretic rules were
pression stress on the extreme fiber of the section and it defined by Christopoulos for self-centering post-ten-
was assumed that the flexural cracks start to propagate sioned connections in 2002 (Christopoulos et al., 2002a).
when this stress was lost. The second point was the end In this model, loading, unloading and reloading stiffness
of the elastic behavior. The last point was the limit of values were defined and a parametric study about post-
proportionality on the steel stress-strain curve, since it yield stiffness and energy dissipation characteristics were
was reasonable to assume at this stage that concrete presented. The details of flag-shaped behavior will be
ultimate conditions were approached (Priestley and Tao, discussed in the cyclic modeling part of this paper.
Secondly, a parametric study was performed by Cheok
et al. (1998), about the hybrid connections by using the PROCEDURE FOR MOMENT-ROTATION ANALYSIS
program IDARC (Kunnath et al., 1992) which is capable
of nonlinear structural analysis. The proposed model was In the previous part of this paper, the behavior of hybrid
connections and some of the available numerical approaches are
characterized by seven unique feature parameters that summarized. The complexity of the section analysis of unbonded
were developed from experimental observations. post-tensioned connections may easily be pointed out from the
Hysteretic parameters were identified for five different available literature since the classical analysis procedures of
connection types. The parameters were calibrated using monolithic reinforced concrete for moment-curvature relationship is
the experimental load-deformation data which was scaled not directly applicable. In this part of the study, definition of
using similitude requirements to account for the reduced moment-rotation behavior of post-tensioned sections with mild steel
will be discussed.
scale of test specimens. The hybrid connection concept is defined as the existence of
Another study about modeling the post-tensioned unbonded strands in the mid-depth of the beam crossection and
precast concrete connections was reported by El-Sheikh mild steel on the top and bottom of the beam with partially
(El-Sheihk et al., 1999; El-Sheikh et al., 2000). That study unbonded lengths as defined in ACI-T1.2-03 (ACI-T1.2-03, 2003).
was based on a spring and fiber approach modelled in For the analysis of such type of connections, a simple and iterative
procedure for the equilibrium equations was previously defined by
DRAIN-2DX (Prakash et al., 1993) software. In the con-
Pampanin (Pampanin et al., 2001). The current procedure for the
tent of this model, limit state points were defined. The first response envelope is based on this approach with a modification of
point was the estimation of the linear behavior limit. The new debonding length estimation formula for the partially bonded
linear limit moment was considered to be the smaller of mild steel. Besides, as a new development, the current study
the two values; the first value accounts for concrete proposes a hysteretic response curve which considers the residual
softening and the second value accounts for the geo- deformations.
The flow chart to calculate the moment-rotation behavior of a
metric softening due to the gap opening. The linear limit hybrid connection is presented in Figure 1. In the first step, the gap
rotation was calculated assuming the beam was opening angle (may also be called rotation angle, θc) between
uncracked. The second point was defined by the yield beam and column is imposed. Secondly a neutral axis depth, c for
limit state with several assumptions, as listed below: the crossection is assumed and the monolithic beam analogy for
precast members is used to find the concrete compression fiber
(1) The elastic flexural deformations over the length was strain, εc (Equation 1 and 2).
negligible Monolithic beam analogy claims that, if two beams, of which one
was with hybrid and the other one was with monolithic connection,
(2) The center of rotation at the beam-column interface
had identical geometry and reinforcement, the elastic deformations
was at the neutral axis would be the same and, when imposing the same total
(3) The cover concrete was spalled. displacements the plastic contributions can be equated (Pampanin
et al., 2001). The plastic hinge length, lp calculation may be done
The last point of the moment-rotation curve defined by El- according to the approach of Paulay (Paulay and Priestley, 1992).
Ozden and Ertas 783
defined as:
Impose θc
θc × c
εc = (2)
Assume c
The Equation 2 is a simplified illustration for the relation between
the strain in concrete and the rotation at the beam-column con-
Calc. εc nection. The difference between the more accurate calculation of
the concrete compression fiber strain, εc as given in Equation 3,
Eq. 2 where φy represents the yielding curvature, and the approximate
one (Equation 2) for precast members were reported as minor
Calc. ∆pt , ∆ms (Pampanin et al., 2001).
Eq. 4 & 5
No Check
where h is the beam total height and d is the effective depth of the
εsi=εsf beam.
In the fifth step (Figure 1), an assumption on the strain level of the
YES mild steel, εsi need to be done. By using Figure 3, which shows a
tri-linear idealization of the mild steel, the stress on mild steel, fs is
Calc. Tpt , Tms , C calculated. Although other constitutive models were reported by
Restrepo (1993) for the modeling of mild steel bars, a tri-linear
model is chosen due to the ease of application, especially for the
design engineers.
The test data on the hybrid connections (Ozden and Ertas, 2007)
No Check revealed that the elongation of mild steel was not solely related to
Τ=C the initially imposed unbonded length lun but also the de-bonding
behavior of the mild steel. When the comparisons with strain level
and the elongations were made, strain penetration towards to the
YES steel ducts was observed. In order to determine the additional
debonding length, ∆deb, experimental test data taken from bond
tests performed in Kocaeli and Bogazici Universities were used
Calc. Mpt , Mms (Akpinar, 2004; Karaduman, 1998; Tezcan, 1999; Yalcinkaya,
2004). These researches showed that the debonded length was
directly related with the stress and the strain level of the mild steel.
Figure 1. The algorithm for the moment- In these tests, debonding length was increasing even if the steel
rotation behavior. was in the yield plateau. It is observed that the other factors
affecting the debonding length are the concrete or grout com-
pressive strength, fg mild steel bar diameter, db and the re-bar cover
A similar approache was reported by Raynor (2002) for the bond-
l p = 0.08 Lcant + 0.022d b f y ( mm) (1)
slip response of reinforcing bars grouted in ducts. In the currently
proposed model, the debonding length of the mild steel is taken into
The variable Lcant represents the length of the cantilever and db and consideration as shown in Equation 6. The cover thickness of the
fy are the bar diameter and yield strength of the reinforcement, mild steel is not considered as a variable since the mild steels are
respectively. The concrete strain, εc at the hybrid connection can be located in steel ducts in hybrid connections. It is assumed that the
784 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
strain penetration which takes place on both sides of the gap Equation 8 where εpi is the initial strain due to the post-tensioning
opening is equal; towards the beam and column. and Lun is the unbonded length of these strands. At this point,
strain distribution along the unbonded length of the tendons is
assumed uniform. After that, by using Ramberg-Osgood formulation
f s × ε si × d b as presented in Equation 9 for low relaxation tendons, the stress on
∆ deb = 2 0.40 (mm) (6) strand, fpt is calculated.
∆ ms
In the following step of the procedure defined in Figure 1, the ε sf = (7)
calculated final strain in the mild steel, εsf by using the Equation 7 is l un + ∆ deb
to be checked with the assumed initial mild steel strain, εsi. Until the
convergence of assumed and final strains, successive iterations are ∆ pt
to be performed. In the next step, the force balance condition at the ε pt = + ε pi (8)
beam crossection, right at the gap opening section, should be Lun
checked. Initially, the strain in the strands, εpt is calculated from the
Ozden and Ertas 785
Model Model
Test 300 300
200 200
Moment (kNm)
Moment (kNm)
0 0
-0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
-100 -100
-200 -200
-300 -300
-400 -400
Rotation (rad) Rotation (rad)
200 200
Moment (kNm)
Moment (kNm)
100 100
0 0
-0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
-100 -100
-200 -200
-300 -300
-400 -400
Rotation (rad) Rotation (rad)
Figure 4. Comparison of test result and the proposed model for moment-rotation.
the compression force resultant due to the mild steel. When two
0.975 (9) assumptions are satisfied, the flexural moment capacity of the
f pt = 200× 103 ε pt 0.025 + ≤ 1860 (MPa)
[1 + (118ε ) ]
10 0.10 crossection is calculated. The relative moment contributions of the
prestressing strand, Mpt and the mild steel, Mms are computed
Mander’s confined concrete model (Mander et al. (1988) is used for
the confined concrete stress-strain relation since the connection
region is heavily confined by high amount of rectangular closed
stirrups and steel plates at the beam-column interface. These con- Experimental Validation for Moment-Rotation Behavior
figuration generally delays the concrete crushing hence, confined
concrete model is more appropriate, instead of an unconfined The experimental program that was performed on post-tensioned
concrete model. The strain distribution on the compressive block is connections with different mild steel ratios yielded envelope curves
assumed linear throughout the analysis. Using this model, of the specimens having different flexural moment contributions
compression force component due to the concrete block, Cc is from the mild steel (PTM10, PTM30, PTM50, and PTM65) and the
calculated. Until the section equilibrium condition as defined in prestressing tendons. The details and the behavior of these test
Equation 10 is satisfied, the assumption of neutral axis depth is specimens are discussed elsewhere (Ozden and Ertas, 2007). The
iterated. numbers in the names of the specimens indicates that part of the
moment capacity carried by the mild steel. The comparisons on the
proposed numerical approach and on these specimens in terms of
T pt + Tms = C c + C ms = C (10) moment-rotation behavior of the hybrid connection are presented in
Figure 4. Generally, the numerical moment-rotation behavior
The Tpt and Tms variables are the tension force component due to coincided with the backbone curve of the experimental results. For
the strand and the mild steel respectively, while the variable Cms is specimen PTM10, the predicted rupture of mild steel was later than
786 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
the experimental result. In specimen PTM10 a smaller mild steel In the Takeda model, the variables Ki and Kp are the initial and
diameter was used in the huge steel duct as compared to the other post yielding stiffness value of the reinforced concrete members,
specimens. while the variable Kr is the unloading stiffness which considers the
Therefore, the debonded length prediction was probably longer stiffness degradation by using Equation 11. The value of γ is given
than the experimental value. Hence the rupture of the mild steel in as 0.3 for pure reinforced concrete members and systems
the simulations is delayed. The numerical response is the same as (Christopoulos et al., 2003) and µ represents the displacement
the experimental result both in elastic and inelastic region for ductility level of the latest hysteretic response cycle.
specimens PTM30 and PTM50 with only minor difference for the
ultimate flexural moment capacity at around 0.04 radians. When
the predicted elastic response of PTM65 was compared with test Kr = (11)
result, numerical curve was slightly stiffer. µγ
Cyclic modeling of beam-column subassemblies The flag-shaped hysteretic model as illustrated in Figure 6 was
developed for self-centering post-tensioned structures
In this part of the paper the proposed cyclic model for hybrid (Christopoulos, 2002.a). In this model, the post yield stiffness ratio
connections which considers the residual displacements is dis- of Ψ and an energy dissipation coefficient of β, depending on the
cussed. The experimental response curves of the specimens, with stress-strain behavior of the mild steel and the mild steel
which the proposed model is compared, are reported elsewhere contribution to the flexural moment capacity are used. It is reported
(Ozden and Ertas, 2007). that the β value ranges 0 to 1.0 (Christopoulos, 2002a). Also, the
The hysteretic curves of the proposed model will be compared clear span and the effective depth of the beam affects the post-
with the hysteretic curves of the specimens, along with the experi- yielding stiffness of the flag-shaped model.
mental and analytical energy dissipation curves. It is believed that Christopoulos proposed Ψ and β values as 0.10 and 0.70
the overall shape of an analytical curve may represent the overall respectively for a typical post-tensioned connection (Christopoulos,
behavior of a reversed cyclic test, and it should be better if the 2003). Flag-shaped model does not consider residual displace-
dissipated energies are also comparable. ments inherently because of the self-centering concept of such
Three hysteretic models, which are bilinear self-centering spring connections. On the other hand, when mild steel content
model, modified Takeda model and the flag-shaped model are contribution for the flexural moment capacity is more than 30 per
considered in the establishment of the proposed hybrid connection cent, excessive residual displacements were reported (Ozden and
cyclic response model with residual displacements. The bilinear Ertas, 2007). It can be concluded that the flag-shaped hysteretic
self-centering spring model is suitable for representing the behavior model may not be sufficient for such specimens having higher mild
of unbonded post-tensioned specimens of Priestley (Priestley and steel content.
Tao, 1993), while the Takeda model (Takeda et al., 1970) is widely The proposed model within the framework of this study can be
accepted for the modeling of conventional reinforced concrete defined as the combination of bilinear spring model and the
frame members (Figure 5). modified Takeda model as shown in Figure 7. The first step in the
Ozden and Ertas 787
proposed model is to calculate and draw the load-displacement Mc, Mbeam, Mcol : Flexural moment at connection, beam and column
backbone curve of the test subassembly as described in Figure 1. respectively.
It is assumed that the nonlinear action is accumulated in the con- φbeam ,φcol : The curvature value at beam and column respectively
nection region for the hybrid subassemblies and the behavior of the
connecting structural members are in the elastic response range. It is observed that the cyclic response of the experimental sub-
Hence, by using the virtual work theorem, that is formulated in assemblies, successfully follows the calculated load-displacement
Equation 12, lateral force, Fh and the top displacement, ∆top of the backbone curve which is drawn by using the Equation 12 and the
column in the experimental subassembly of Ozden and Ertas procedure defined in Figure 1. The response curve may be divided
(Ozden and Ertas, 2007) can easily be calculated and the lateral into two parts according to the relative contributions of the mild
load-lateral displacement response can be reproduced. steel and the prestressing tendon to the flexural moment capacity of
the hybrid connection. The behavior of the unbonded strand is
simulated by a bilinear self-centering spring system. The remaining
Fh × ∆ top = M c × θ c + M beam × φ beam + M col × φ col (12)
part of the response curve behaves like monolithic R/C members.
Therefore, this type of structure is called as a partially reinforced
where: concrete structure. The similarities of a hybrid system to a classical
788 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
reinforced concrete one is directly related to the level of mild steel hysteretic curve is to define the residual displacement, δr or the
content at the connection. Such relation is derived from the test residual story drift, θres value. Kawashima (Kawashima) reported
results (Ozden and Ertas, 2003) and represented with the square that the 1996 Japanese seismic design code for bridges defines a
root of mild steel contribution to the moment capacity of the con- variable for residual displacement, δr as presented in Equation 15,
nection, (α0.5), where α value is calculated as presented in Equation where δy is the yield displacement and cr is a factor depending on
13. the stiffness ratio. Based on this approach, a new residual story
drift equation (Equation 16) is proposed and calibrated with the test
M ms results of Ozden and Ertas (2007). This calibration variable, λ
α= (13) changes from 0.1 to 1.0, depending on the mild steel content as
Mc illustrated in Figure 10. For low mild steel contribution, the
calculation of residual story drift is minor or at a negligible level.
In the proposed model, the loading branch of the hysteretic curve is
defined as the summation of the effects of the post-tensioned and Kp
reinforced concrete parts of the connection; similar to the bilinear δ r = cr 1 − (µ − 1)δ y (15)
spring model and Takeda model respectively. The unloading
branch of the analytical response is assumed similar to the flag-
shaped model and the Takeda model as shown in Figure 8. The Kp
unloading stiffness is calculated similar to Takeda model but γ value θ res = λα 0.5 1 − (µ − 1)θ y (16)
is calculated based on the mild steel contribution to the flexural Ki
capacity (Equation 14).
θy represents the yield story drift.
γ = 0.3 × α 0.5 (14)
The last critical point for the cyclic modeling is the lateral load value
at the zero story drift level. Due to the self-centering effect, pinching
In Equation 14, when the mild steel contribution is 1, γ is 0.3 and behavior is observed in the hybrid connection tests (Ozden and
this corresponds to a purely reinforced concrete structure. On the Ertas, 2007). When the story drift is zero, the contribution of the
other hand, if the mild steel contribution is 0, γ is 0 and this prestressing strand to the connection moment is zero because of
represents a purely post-tensioned system. In the next step, the the bilinear model. As a result, the lateral load is directly calculated
definition of the energy dissipation coefficient β will be made. By from the Takeda model with sole mild steel contribution.
using the test results (Ozden and Ertas, 2007), depending on the
mild steel content, β changes from 0.3 to 0.75 as shown in Figure 9.
Again, the tests showed that, this unloading branch depends not Verification of the Proposed Model
only on the β value and the yield force level, Fy but also the
displacement ductility at the current hysteretic cycle with increasing Four different hybrid connections tested by Ozden and Ertas (2007)
residual strain in the mild steel. Another critical point of the are used to verify the currently proposed hysteretic response
Ozden and Ertas 789
model. Briefly, the overall behavior of the numerical studies show model yields good estimation up to the rupture of mild steel. After
good agreement with the test results at initial loading, unloading that point, the system behavior is simulated with the bilinear spring
and reloading parts of the response curve. In the test results, the model. The correlation between the experimental results and the
behavior of forward and backward cycles were not symmetrical predicted response of specimens PTM30 and PTM50 yielded that
therefore, the current model results generally coincided with the the proposed model has good estimations on residual story drifts
backward cycle as shown in Figure 11. For PTM10, the proposed and self-centering effects. Although the behavior of PTM65 was
790 Int. J. Phys. Sci.
200 200
Model Model
150 Test 150
100 100
50 50
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
0 0
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
-50 -50
Story Drift (%)
Story Drift (%)
(b) PTM30
(a) PTM10
200 200
Model Model
Test 150 Test 150
100 100
50 50
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
0 0
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
-50 -50
-100 -100
-150 -150
Story Drift (%) Story Drift (%)
(d) PTM65
(c) PTM50
Figure 11. Verification of hysteretic model with test result of Ozden and Ertas (2007).
widely similar to the monolithic behavior, the model also predicts DISCUSSION and CONCLUSIONS
the specimen PTM65 relatively good. Another comparison is done
according to the cumulative energy dissipation values of the Experimental investigations on precast hybrid, and
specimens as presented in Figure 12. conventional reinforced concrete beam-to-column con-
Loading cycles were repeated three times at each story drift level
during the test hence energy dissipation values for the specific story nections revealed important differences especially under
drift level is calculated by taking the average of cumulative value of reversed cyclic loading. Most of the reported data on
these three cycles and compared with the analytical results. The precast hybrid connections are on two-dimensional (2-D)
energy performance values of numerical model and the test results frames with in-plane loading. Very limited number of data
are identical with negligible errors except PTM10. is available on three-dimensional (3-D) frames of which
Until the rupture of mild steel in PTM10, the energy dissipation
values of the model and the test resulted very similar values. After
the beams experience all degrees of freedom. It is
that point, due to the bilinear self-centering model, there was no believed that the response of 3-D frames with lateral
additional energy dissipation at the connection and error in loads on two orthogonal directions deserve further invest-
predictions is observed. For the rest of the specimens the energy tigation. Moreover the available analytical procedures
dissipation values of numerical and experimental works yielded very may need modifications for such frames and loadings.
good correlations. Besides, the deformations imposed on the connections
It should be noted that the above verifications may be considered
valid for the real structures only with the assumption that the
and on the reinforcement passing the plane of connection
torsional deformations, either due to the existence of one-way under different beam moment-to-shear ratios also needs
precast slabs or due to the non-orthogonal earthquake excitations experimental verifications.
are negligible, as it is the same for the previously proposed models. Based on the comparisons with proposed model and
Ozden and Ertas 791
60 60
Cum. Energy (kNm) Test 50
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Story Drift (%) Story Drift (%)
60 60
Model Model
Test Test
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Story Drift (%) Story Drift (%)
Figure 12. Comparison of experimental and analytical energy dissipations (tests from Ozden and Ertas, 2007).
the test results (Ozden and Ertas, 2007) for the nent deformations are dependent on displacement
unbonded post-tensioned connections with mild steel, ductility ratio of this level.
following conclusions may be drawn: Hysteretic model behavior demonstrated similar results
with the experimental ones. The estimation of residual
The proposed moment-rotation modeling showed good drift coincided with the test results. Furthermore, the
correlation with the test results. As a result, the proposed cumulative energy dissipation values are very similar to
calculation algorithm and the proposed simulation of the experimental values for all specimens.
bond-slip behavior may be applicable for the response The proposed hysteretic response model may well be
predictions of hybrid connections with different levels of used to predict the nonlinear response of hybrid con-
mild steel contribution. nections as well as the nonlinear response of the overall
The combination of the bilinear self-centering model precast concrete frame structures with hybrid
and the Takeda model in order to develop the proposed connections.
hybrid model has very good agreement with the test
results. Energy dissipation coefficient is directly related
with the square root of the mild steel contribution for the REFERENCES
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