CAD Activities 1-3
CAD Activities 1-3
CAD Activities 1-3
Submitted by:
Crissalyn Joy A. Sanico
BSEd–Gen. Science 1
Submitted to:
Aina P. Gervacio, MAT
Lesson 2
1. Do you agree that which is developing in the womb is a mere “blob of tissue”
or “uterine contents” as abortionists claim? Share your explanation.
ANSWER: Yes, I would agree that the fetus may look like a “blob of tissue”,
however abortionists shouldn’t say that it is just a mere “blob of tissue” because
that tissue is life. It is the beginning of life and it is important.
2. Why are pregnant mothers advised not to smoke, not to drink alcohol drinks,
not to take any medication without doctor’s advice? Give some hazards of pre-
natal development.
ANSWER: Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages has a big impact to the
growing fetus/baby inside the mother’s womb. These causes includes low
weight of the baby when born which is harmful and may lead to the baby’s
death, chances of getting pneumonia, asthma, undeveloped lungs of the baby
and even death.
3. What are proofs that which is developing in the mother’s womb is a living
human being?
ANSWER: There are several proofs that inside a woman’s womb are a living
human being. First is the heartbeat, heartbeat of the fetus can be heard during
the late stage of the first trimester of pregnancy. Second, movements inside the
womb, it is commonly observed on the second to third trimester of the
pregnancy these caused by the movement of the fetus inside the mother’s
womb, it is commonly visible outside the womb (tummy). And lastly, in the
early stage of the third trimester the body parts, organs, and everything that a
human body is composed of is starting to be fully developed and just waiting for
birth in which it is considered to be a fully developed human being.
Activity 2.1
1. Describe what they were before birth and who they will possibly be after
birth unto adulthood. What will they possible become?
ANSWER: Before birth they were once a fetus floating in their mother’s
womb. After conception and child birth they slowly developed things that
they need to survive and adapt to the outside world. They’ve both
undergone infancy, which is the stage that follows childbirth this is the
learning and developing their skills that is needed for their everyday
living as they grow. As they grow there are different stages of
development before they enter adulthood. In between the stages of birth
and adulthood, the outcome of the child during these stages depends on
the behavior the child is exhibiting or living in.
When you gave your own predictions as to the kind of children they may
become and hypothesized on how they once were, you were referring to human
1. What is development?
2. Will child A be able to do all of what child B can do? Why or why not?
ANSWER: Yes, child A can do what child B can do when he/she grow up
because as an infant grow up he/she develops something during his/her
development stage.
2. Development is plastic.
3. Development is multi-dimensional.
4. Development is contextual.
2. If you were given a chance, which development stage would you like to
be in? Why?
1) pre-natal (gains weight, brain develops, immunity system develops, eyes
open, hiccups begin)
2) infancy (cries, eats every 2-3 hours, responds to human voice and touch,
begins to walk and talk)
3) early childhood (climbs stairs, learns more complex sentences, can hop,
learns to socialize)
4) middle and late childhood (develops complex motor skills, peer acceptance is
extremely important)
5) adolescence (puberty occurs, establishes a sense of self, confrontations with
6) early adulthood / young adult (learns to accept responsibility, learns to accept
7) middle adulthood (concerned about job and health and family, hearing and
vision decrease)
8) late adulthood (concerned about health and finances, bones become brittle,
some memory loss)
1. Infancy
- learning to trust their environment
- believing that their needs are important
- feeling loved and worthy of being cared for
- establishing a bond with their caretakers
- exploring their world
2. Early childhood
- becoming more independent
- beginning to see themselves as separate from the parent
- “owning things” – this age group does not like to share (even things
that are not their own!)
- continuing to explore their world
- beginning to identify feelings and express them in appropriate ways
3. Middle and late childhood
- learning how to plan out and engage in a task
- continuing to explore their world and discover how it works
- learning how to use power
- learning that behaviors have consequences
- acquiring socially appropriate behavior
4. Adolescence
- mastering difficult tasks
- accepting and following rules and internalizing them
- developing responsibility
- learning many new skills, including social skills (especially same-sex
peer relationships)
- selecting adult role models of the same sex
- continuing to learn how the world works
- increasing their independence
- enhancing their ability to reason
- becoming more cooperative
5. Early Adulthood
- establishing their own identity
- separating emotionally from parents
- experimenting with different values and deciding their own values
- learning about how to relate to the opposite sex
- beginning to renegotiate relationships with family members
6. Middle Adulthood
- Physical changes occur
- Main concerns: children, health, job, security, aging parents, and fear
of aging.
- Love and acceptance still take a major role
7. Late Adulthood
- Fastest growing age bracket of society
- Physical deterioration
- Some memory problems
- Coping with retirement and forms of entertainment
- Very concerned with health and finances
- Significant number becomes depressed; suicide rate is high
Stage Outstanding Expected Tasks
cries, eats every 2-3 hours, learns to walk, learns to take
Infancy responds to human voice and solid food, learns to talk,
touch, begins to walk and talk distinguishes right from
1. Using the matrix below write at least two indicators of the
Developmenta Physical Cognitive Socio-emotional Spiritual Creative arts
l milestones development development development development development
Fine Gross nume linguis interpe intrap moral Awe visual perfo
motor motor racy tic rsonal erson & rmin
al wond g
0-5 Can Can Can Can Separa Involv Afraid Curio Mimics Can
color stand count talk tion ing to lie. us movem sing
and on one from with anxiety paren about ements. simpl
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on few using ops dures. wave ry
their second simple sense fears and rhym
own s words of unfa es.
withou miliar Can
trust. es
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balanc e
e easy
61-and over
Early childhood I should give them attention. I ought to help my child by being
patient and understanding that
they should be guided.
Middle and late childhood Be considerate and patient. And I would be more understanding
share ideas and knowledge that and should be more considerate
they can use I their lives. because this is the stage where
they need someone who would
listen and understand their
Adolescence Understand that this is the “rebel” I should trust my children more on
phase and talk to them when they their decision making and guide
need someone to listen. them thoroughly.
Early adulthood/college Understand and talk to them Support my child’s decisions and
because this stage is full of ideas. And guide them in their
pressure, from family, friends, relationship troubles.
work, relationship and life.
Middle adulthood Stay with them.
Each of us has his/her own informal way of looking at our own and other
people’s development. These paradigms of human development while
obviously lacking in scholastic vigor, provide us with conceptual framework for
understanding ourselves and others. Scholars have come up with their own
models of human development. Back up solid research, they take stand on
issues on human development.
1. From the following topics and issues on human development, choose one and
take your stand on it.
1. Both nature and nurture plays significant roles in human development but
nature is significant during the crucial stage which is the early
development stage but as the human develops, nurture takes over. So,
therefore, I would side with nurture. Because human development
doesn’t totally depends on the nature that surrounds him but rather on
how a person is nurtured by the parents. No matter how good the
surroundings are if the child is nurtured poorly he/she will eventually
have a poor development.
2. Human development both involves discontinuity and continuity, but
discontinuity is actually more observed than continuity. Few children
develops a continuous development while most actually changes
differently as they grow older.
3. Stability and change are observed depending on a child’s development.
But in most human development, change is commonly observed. No
human has developed the same way as one another, most of us is different
in varying aspects. Stability is what we can see on robots which are
programmed and synchronized in moves and follows one particular order.
Directions: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the following:
source :
inherited traits or life experiences play a greater role in shaping your personality?
findings: What researchers do know is that the interaction between heredity and environment
is often the most important factor of all. Kevin Davies of PBS's Nova described one
fascinating example of this phenomenon. Perfect pitch is the ability to detect the pitch of a
musical tone without any reference. Researchers have found that this ability tends to run in
families and believe that it might be tied to a single gene. However, they've also discovered
that possessing the gene alone is not enough to develop this ability. Instead, musical training
during early childhood is necessary to allow this inherited ability to manifest itself.
Conclusion: Today, the majority of experts believe that both nature and nurture influence
behavior and development. However, the issue still rages on in many areas such as in the
debate on the origins of homosexuality and influences on intelligence. While few people take
the extreme nativist or radical empiricist approach, researchers and experts still debate the