EE2010 Signals and Systems - OBTL

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Academic Year 2017 Semester 1

Course Coordinator Ma Kai Kuang

Course Code EE2010/IM2004
Course Title Signals and Systems
Pre-requisites MH1810 Mathematics 1 & MH1811 Mathematics 2 or MH2810 Mathematics A
No of AUs 4
Contact Hours On-line Lecture (39 hours); Tutorial (26 hours); Laboratories (6 hours)
Proposal Date 5 May 2017

Course Aims

Through this course, students should be able to understand the representation of continuous-time and
discrete-time signals; their frequency characteristics and Fourier spectrum; representation and
characteristics of linear time-invariant systems in both time and frequency domains; and the principles
of sampling a continuous-time signal to yield a discrete-time one.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this course, you (as a student) would be able to:
1. Classify and characterise signals.
2. Perform simple operations on signal waveforms to solve engineering problems.
3. Calculate, represent and characterize linear time-invariant systems in both time and frequency
domains using the graphical and mathematical approaches.
4. Apply the concepts of Fourier series and transform to represent, analyse, manipulate and interpret
continuous and discrete time signals.
5. Solve engineering problems using the time-domain frequency approach to sample, modulate,
analyse, process, manipulate and interpret waveforms.

Student Assessment

Continuous Assessment 40% [ Individual Readiness Assessment 20%]

[ Practical Work (L2010A/L2010B) (5% each) x 2 = 10%]
[ Quiz 10%]
Final Examination 60%

Course Content

Signals and Systems. Linear Time-Invariant Systems. Fourier Representation of Signals and LTI Systems.
Sampling. Modulation.

Course Outline [Lectures: 39 hours, Tutorials: 12 hours, Laboratories: 6 hours]

Signals and Systems (5 hours)

Classification of Signals: Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time, Even and Odd, Periodic and Nonperiodic.
Operations on Signals: Time Shift, Time Scaling. Elementary Signals: Exponential, Sinusoidal, Step,
Impulse. Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems. Properties of Systems.
Linear Time-Invariant Systems (7 hours)

Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time LTI Systems. Convolution Sum and Convolution Integral. LTI System
Properties. Differential and Difference Equations. Singularity Function. Correlation Functions.

Fourier Representation of Signals and LTI Systems (16 hours)

Frequency Response of LTI Systems. Discrete-Time Periodic Signals: Discrete-Time Fourier Series.
Continuous-Time Periodic Signals: Fourier Series. Line Spectrum. Discrete-Time Nonperiodic Signals:
Discrete-Time Fourier Transform. Continuous-Time Nonperiodic Signals: Fourier Transform. Properties
of Fourier Representations. Convolution Property.

Sampling (5 hours)

Continuous-Time Signals. Aliasing. Reconstruction from Samples. Sampling Theorem.

Modulation (6 hours)

Types of Modulation. Full Amplitude Modulation. Frequency (Angle) Modulation.

Lab Description (6 hours)

Two 3-hour lab modules are incorporated in this course. The two lab modules will strengthen and re-
enforce concepts taught in the class.

L2010A – Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems, Convolution and Impulse Response (3 hours)

Through hands-on exercises, this lab will introduce the students the topic of convolution and the
associated concepts of time-invariant system and impulse response with computer simulations and real-
time measurements using the Matlab software together with a hardware circuit as a system. On lab
assessment, each student is given a 2-page assessment form to record lab results and to answer a series
of questions given in the lab manual.

L2010B – Fourier Representation of Signals and Filtering (3 hours)

The objective of this laboratory is for the students to learn the Fourier transform of signals, plotting of
spectrums, and filtering applications, in Matlab environment that is introduced in the earlier laboratory.
Students deal with various mathematical signals (e.g., sinusoids) and real-life signals (e.g., speech). They
observe plots of these signals in the time domain and plots of their spectrums in the frequency domain.
They carry out simple filtering operations (e.g., low-pass filtering) on signals and observe the effect of
filtering on signals.

Assessment (includes both continuous and summative assessment)

Component Course Related Programme Weighting Team/Individual Assessment

LO LO or Graduate rubrics
Tested Attributes
1. Final Examination 1-5 EAB SLO a, b, c 60% Individual
2. Continuous 1-5 EAB SLO a, b, c 10% Individual
Assessment (CA) 1:
3. CA2&3: Lab 1-5 EAB SLO a, b, d 10% Individual
2 x 5%
4. CA4: Individual 1-5 EAB SLO a, b, c 20% Individual
Total 100%
* From the NTU website: EEE & IEM Programme Accreditation (Refer to Student Learning Outcomes)

Formative feedback

Describe how you would be giving feedback to students on how they are learning in this course.

Students’ exercises through IRA;

Examination results;
Markers’ report on overall examination performance;
Quiz scores and answers;
Lab assessment.

Learning and Teaching approach

Approach How does this approach support students in achieving the learning outcomes?

Video Lecture Instructor can introduce how to apply algorithms and knowledge to solve
engineering problems.

Tutorial It provides an opportunity for students to discuss problems that can help them
to understand how to apply algorithms and knowledge to solve engineering

Laboratory It provides a hands-on experience for students to design and implement the
algorithms and knowledge to solve engineering problems.

Reading and References

1. M. J. Roberts, Fundamentals of Signals and Systems, McGraw-Hill, International Edition, 2008.

1. Oppenheim Alan V, Willsky Alan S and Nawab Syed Hamid, Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition,
Prentice-Hall, 1997. (QA402.P62 1997)
2. Haykin Simon S and Van Veen Barry, Signals and Systems, Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2003.
3. Mandal Mrinal Kr and Asif Amir, Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems, 1st Edition,
Cambridge University Pres, 2007. (QA402.M271)
4. Hwei Hsu, Schaums Outlines Signals and Systems, 3rd Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, 2013. (TK5102.92.H873

Course Policies and Student Responsibilities

General: Students are expected to complete all online activities and take all scheduled assignments and
tests by due dates. Students are expected to take responsibility to follow up with course notes,
assignments and course related announcements. Students are expected to participate in all tutorial
discussions and activities.

Continuous assessments and laboratories: Students are required to attend all continuous assessments
and laboratory sessions.

Absenteeism: Continuous assessments and laboratories make up a significant portion of students’

course grade. Absence from continuous assessments and laboratories without officially approved leave
will result in no marks and affect students’ overall course grade.

Academic Integrity

Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student
relies on adhering to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values
shared by the whole university community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared

As a student, it is important that you recognize your responsibilities in understanding and applying the
principles of academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Not knowing what is involved in
maintaining academic integrity does not excuse academic dishonesty. You need to actively equip
yourself with strategies to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud,
collusion, and cheating. If you are uncertain about the definitions of any of these terms, you should go
to the academic integrity website for more information. Consult your instructor(s) if you need any
clarification about the requirements of academic integrity in the course.

Course Instructors

Instructor Office Location Phone Email

Prof Ma Kai-Kuang S2-B2c-83 6790 6366 [email protected]
Assoc Prof Teh Kah Chan S2-B2a-20 6790 5365 [email protected]

Planned Weekly Schedule

Weeks Topics Course ILOs Readings/Activities

1 Classification of Signals 1
2 Operations of Signals 1,2 Conduct IRA
3 Linear Time-Invariant Systems & Properties 2,3 Conduct IRA
4 Convolution 2,3 Conduct IRA
5 Correlation 2,3 Conduct IRA
6 Sinusoidal Signals 2,3 Conduct IRA
7 Fourier Series 3,4 Conduct IRA
8 Fourier Series Properties 3,4 Conduct IRA
9 Fourier Transform and Its Properties 3,4 Conduct IRA
10 Frequency Response of LTI Systems 3,4 Conduct IRA
11 Sampling Theorem 4,5 Quiz (10%)
12 Modulation 4,5 Conduct IRA
13 Course Summary 1,2,3,4,5 Conduct IRA

Appendix 1: Assessment Criteria for lab work

By mark range

Marks Criteria
> 90% Able to achieve LO1 to LO5 completely
70% to 89% Able to achieve LO1 to LO5 with some minor issues/misunderstanding
50% to 69% Able to achieve most of LO1 to LO5. Some major issues/misunderstanding exist
40% to 49% Able to achieve only some of LO1 to LO5
< 40% Unable to achieve LO1 to LO5

Appendix 2: Assessment Criteria for IRA

By mark range

Marks Criteria
> 90% Able to achieve LO1 to LO5 completely
70% to 89% Able to achieve LO1 to LO5 with some minor mistakes
50% to 69% Able to achieve LO1 to LO5 with some glaring mistakes
40% to 49% Able to achieve only some of LO1 to LO5
< 40% Unable to achieve LO1 to LO5 at all

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