Synchro 11 User Guide 2020 (201-400)
Synchro 11 User Guide 2020 (201-400)
Synchro 11 User Guide 2020 (201-400)
5. Enter Trip Distribution Characteristics: The following sub sections describe each of the three key
menu selections included within the Distribution Menu. Upon selecting the Distribution
Origins/Driveways menu item, follow these steps:
a) Be sure that Origins is selected and begin clicking the nodes with the Yellow highlight as
displayed in the Figure below.
b) Now choose Driveways and select the node with the Red highlight as displayed in the Figure
6. Review Routing Characteristics: Review the routes by pressing the Routing button. Be sure to
review both the inbound and outbound routes. For purposes of this example, the Shortest (distance)
option will be used. If it is necessary to adjust a route, select Manul Define and make the necessary
adjustments your desire. Be sure to select Recalculate Routes to confirm the adjustments were
8. Review Trip Assignment Characteristics: Review the calculated Trips In and Trips Out by pressing
the Trip Assignment button. These are the trips that will be added to each of the intersection turning
movements along the calculated routes. For purposes of this example, a two percent (2%) future
growth rate will be applied.
The last step is to place checkmarks for both developments listed within the Include column of the
Developments for Analysis of the Trip Assignment screen. Completing this step will now “send” the
assigned trips to the Volume Settings screen within Synchro. The assigned volumes will be displayed
within the Development Volume (vph) row.
9. Review Volume Setting Screen for each Intersection Include Within a Route: Select the Save icon
within TIA. You should now be sent back to the Map screen within Synchro. Review each of the
intersections to confirm that the appropriate values are displayed within the Development Volume
(vph) row. The figure below is the Volume screen for Node 3.
The HCM 6th Edition is divided into four volumes. Volume 1 includes concepts, volume 2 focuses on
uninterrupted flow, volume 3 on interrupted flow and volume 4 is an electronic only applications guide. In
addition, the HCM 6th Edition includes computational engines that contain computer code based on the analysis
procedures within the manual. The computational engines are maintained by the TRB Committee on Highway
Capacity and Quality of Service (AHB40). TRB periodically releases updates to the computational engines, based
modifications or corrections to the methodology. The code from the signalized intersection chapters are
incorporated within Synchro and updated as new computational engines are released.
Currently Synchro includes the analysis methods from the following chapters:
✓ Chapter 18 and Chapter 30 include signalized intersections within a coordinated network.
✓ Chapters 19 and Chapter 31 include isolated signalized intersections.
✓ Chapter 20 and Chapter 32 include two-way stop controlled intersections (TWSC).
✓ Chapter 21 and Chapter 32 include all-way stop controlled intersections (AWSC).
✓ Chapter 22 and Chapter 33 include roundabouts.
Users can download a White Paper focused on the HCM 6th Edition and Synchro at This document is updated based on each new Synchro
If the intersection is compatible with the HCM 6th Edition methodology, the appropriate HCM 6th Edition form
will be displayed. The form includes all of the necessary inputs and outputs required to mimic the various HCM
6th Edition methodologies. Some of the methods also include procedures for analyzing Pedestrian and Bicycle
Modes. Additional tabs within the HCM 6th Edition forms are available for the methods included within Synchro.
If the intersection selected is not HCM 6th Edition compliant, a warning or error message will be displayed.
These settings apply to the selected intersection. TRB refers to these parameters as calibration parameters,
beginning with Sneakers Per Cycle and moving towards the bottom of the pane, that can be used adjusted to
match field conditions.
Node #
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
The Description cell is a convenient location to type notes about the intersection. The information will appear
at the bottom of the Intersection Reports (see the chapter on Reports and Printing on page 23-1).
Control Type
This field indicates what type of controller is being used. Changing the Control Type will also cause the
Controller Type to change within the Timing Settings window.
Cycle Length
The Cycle Length is the total time required to service all competing traffic movements at a signalized
intersection. Changing the Cycle Length will also cause the Cycle Length to change within the Timing Settings
Lock Timings
The Lock Timings field is used to prevent the timing from changing. To preserve the timing for one or more
intersections, click the check box in this field for each of the intersections. Adjustments to this parameter will
also be applied within the Timing Settings window.
This is the calculated Cycle (s) Length based on the methods described within the HCM 6th Edition. For
uncoordinated intersections, it may be less than the programmed Cycle Length.
This is the calculated intersection control delay (s) based on the methods described within the HCM 6th Edition.
This is the Level of Service at the selected intersection based on the HCM 6th Edition thresholds.
This is the duration of time for one single application of the HCM 6th Edition methodology. Traffic conditions
are considered steady during this time. Synchro does not support a multiple time period analysis.
The entered value for this parameter will be used for all lanes of the selected intersection. Users should place a
checkmark within the Use Saturation Flow Rate box to use the entered Saturation Flow Rate for the entire
Click to add a checkmark. This will direct Synchro to use the Saturation Flow Rate entered in the cell located
directly above this parameter instead of the Saturation Flow Rate entered in the Lane Settings window. Note
that the individual Ideal Satd. Flow Rates cells within the HCM 6th Settings pane (located to the right) will be
replaced with a dash.
Sneakers Per Cycle (veh) represent the number of vehicles that are served during the clearance intervals
(Yellow +All-Red).
The HCM 6th Edition methodology calculates the phase durations for actuated signals based on a series of
iterative calculations. The “solution” is based on the difference between two successive iterations. The
maximum number of iterations is 100.
The average length of a vehicle measured from front bumper of first vehicle to front bumper of second vehicle.
The average length of a heavy vehicle measured from front bumper of the heavy vehicle to front bumper of
second vehicle.
This value represents the Probability of a Pedestrian Pushing the Button during the Don’t Walk interval.
Average distance to the nearest point of detection for two queued vehicles. This distance is subtraced from the
Stored Vehicle Length to estimate the average detected vehicle length.
Percentile queue length to be included in the HCM 6th Edtion reports. The default is 50, which represent the
average queue length. Other accepted percentiles include 85th, 90th, or 95th.
Equivalent number of through vehicles for each protected left-turn vehicle, given an exclusive lane and no
conflicting movement.
Equivalent number of through vehicles for each protected right-turn vehicle, given an exclusive lane and no
conflicting movement.
Equivalent number of passenger vehicles for each heavy vehicle, given an exclusive lane and no conflicting
Follow-up time for permitted left turn from an exclusive lane at signalized intersection.
The speed defining a stopped vehicle. A stop occurs when a vehicle first drops below this threshold.
The critical headway required for a through driver desiring to merge into an adjacent lane.
The HCM 6th Edition Settings pane includes three expandable sections: Signal Timing Details, Adjusted Flow
Rate, and Ideal Saturated Flow. The most commonly used parameters are viewable with all sections collapsed,
with additional details about the intersection available by expanding one or more of these section(s).
The Development Volume, Combined Volume, and Future Volume are automatically calculated based on
the values entered within the TIA module. These values cannot be overridden; edit the Trip Generation, Trip
Distribution, and/or Trip Assignment entries to modify the TIA Volumes. See Chapter 15 for details on the TIA
The Development Volume is equal to the sum of all primary and pass-by trips generated by development(s)
selected in TIA.
The Combined Volume is the sum of existing Traffic Volume and Development Volume.
If included, pass-by trips are subtracted from the through movement adjacent to a driveway (see page
15-4 for more information about selecting driveways). The same volume is then added to the turning
movements entering and exiting the driveway node, so that these vehicles will continue on their original
path after exiting the development. In many cases, the calculated Development Volume will be negative
for the through movement at a node adjacent to a driveway to account for the pass-by trips.
With a negative Development Volume, it is possible for the calculated Combined Volume to be less
than zero. The Combined Volume is set to 0 to prevent analysis with negative volume.
The Future Volume is equal to the Combined Volume with any select Future Scenarios applied using the
equation below. See page 15-7 for details on entering future scenarios.
FV = Future Volume
V = Combined Volume
r = Growth Rate
t = number of years
The Turn Type sets the level of turn protection and assigns default phase and detector numbers to the
dedicated turn lane. These defaults can be changed at any time.
Before setting the turn types, set the phase numbers for the through movements using a phase template.
For additional details, see the topic on Turn Type in the TIMING settings, page 11-3.
Protected Phases
For additional details, see the topic on Protected and Permitted Phases in the TIMING settings, page 11-4.
Permitted Phases
For additional details, see the topic on Protected and Permitted Phases in the TIMING settings, page 11-4.
Lagging Phase?
The first two phases within a ring-barrier sequence are considered phase partners. The 3rd and 4th phases
within a ring-barrier sequence, if used, are also phase partners. Phase Lagging is used to swap the order of
phase partners. Normally phase partners are 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8.
For additional details, see the topic on Lagging Phase in the TIMING settings, page 11-8.
This factor is used to adjust the capacity of left turning vehicles due to right turning vehicles from the opposing
approach. Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu based on field observations. This setting applies to
permissive left-turns or the permitted portion of a protected-permitted left-turn.
This section may be expanded to view additional signal timing parameters. In most cases, this information is
entered using the Timing Settings and Phasing Settings windows.
Passage Time is the maximum amount of time one vehicle actuation can extend the green interval while green
is displayed. It is input for each actuated signal phase. It is also referred to as vehicle interval, extension interval,
extension, or unit extension.
For additional details, see the topic on Vehicle Extension in the PHASING settings, page 12-8.
The Minimum Green setting represents the least amount of time a green signal indication is displayed when a
signal phase is activated. Minimum Green is equivalent to the Minimum Initial time.
For additional details, see the topic on Minimum Initial in the PHASING settings, page 12-6.
The Maximum Split is the current split time, given in seconds. It is the longest amount of split time for actuated
For additional details, see the topic on Maximum Split in the PHASING settings, page 12-7.
The Maximum Green is a calculated value. This is equal to the Maximum Split minus the Yellow Time and
All-Red Time. To change this value, change the Maximum Split value.
Yellow Time is the amount of time for the yellow interval. Normally, this value should be set to between 3 and
5 seconds, depending on the approach speed, the cross-street width, and local standards. The minimum value
allowed by Synchro is 2 seconds and the maximum is 10 seconds.
For additional details, see the topic on Yellow Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-7.
All-Red Time is the amount of time for the all red interval that follows the yellow interval. The All-Red Time
should be of sufficient duration to permit the intersection to clear before cross traffic is released.
For additional details, see the topic on All-Red Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-7.
For additional details, see the topic on Lost Time Adjustment in the TIMING settings, page 11-7.
Time lost at the start of green as queued drivers react to the green indication and increase their speed such that
constant saturation headway is achieved by the higher queue positions.
The extension of the effective green is time vehicles continue to enter after yellow interval begins.
For additional details, see the topic on Walk Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-9.
This is the amount of time for a pedestrian flashing don’t walk interval, sometimes referred to as a pedestrian
clearance interval.
For additional details, see the topic on Flashing Don’t Walk Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-9.
The Walk + Ped Clearance is a calculated value and is the sum of the Walk Time and the Flash Don’t Walk
Recall Mode
Each phase can have a recall of None, Minimum, Maximum, or Pedestrian. The HCM 6th Edition Settings do not
currently have an option for coordinated recall. C-Min will be evaluated as a Minimum recall, and C-Max will be
evaluated as a Maximum recall.
For additional details, see the topic on Recall Mode in the PHASING settings, page 12-8.
The traffic volume adjusted for peak hour factor and growth factor.
The traffic volumes are divided by the Peak Hour Factor (PHF) to determine the traffic flow rate during the
busiest 15-minute period during the hour.
For additional details, see the topic on Peak Hour Factor in the VOLUME settings, page 10-3.
Growth Factor
The Growth Factor can be used to adjust all volumes by a set amount. This is commonly used to convert current
traffic counts into future projections. See the topic on Growth Factor (page 10-4) for more information.
Refer to the Appendix of the Working White Paper on the Implementation of the Highway Capacity
Manual 6th Edition in Synchro for addition details.
This is the number of pedestrian conflicting with the right turn movement.
For additional details, see the topic on Conflicting Pedestrians in the – Volume Settings, page 10-2.
This is the number of bicycles conflicting with the right turn movement.
For additional details, see the topic on Conflicting Bicycles in the VOLUME settings, page 10-3.
Enter the Ideal Saturated Flow Rate for a single lane in this field. The HCM recommends using 1,900 vehicles
per hour per lane for urban areas with a population greater than 250,000. This is the default.
If the Use Saturation Flow Rate box is checked, the single value entered in the Intersection panel will be used
for all movements at the intersection.
The HCM 6th Edition includes a RTOR reduction input. Synchro computes the saturation flow increase for RTOR
and therefore can calculate a RTOR volume reduction. The RTOR reduction is calculated as follows:
vRTOR = minimum (sRTOR,v) * r/C = RTOR reduction to volume
sRTOR = RTOR saturation flow as calculated by Synchro
r = effective red time
v = adjusted lane group volume (before RTOR reduction)
C = cycle length
For additional details, see the topic on Right Turn on Red (RTOR) in the LANES settings, page 9-10.
A heavy vehicle is defined as any vehicle with more than four tires touching the pavement. Local buses that stop
within the intersection area are not included in the count of heavy vehicles.
For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition and the topic on Heavy Vehicles in the VOLUME settings, page
The lane utilization adjustment factor accounts for the unequal distribution of traffic among the lanes in those
movement groups with more than one exclusive lane.
For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition and the topic on Lane Utilization Factor in the LANES settings,
page 9-6.
The average lane width represents the average width of the lanes represented in a movement group. The
minimum average lane width is 8 ft. Standard lane widths are 12 ft.
For additional details, see the topic on Lane Width in the LANES settings, page 9-4.
Parking Present?
For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition and the topic on Adjacent Parking Lane, Parking Maneuvers
in the VOLUME settings, page 10-5.
For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition and the topic on Adjacent Parking Lane, Parking Maneuvers
in the VOLUME settings, page 10-5.
Enter the number of local busses that stop at the intersection during the analysis period.
For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition and the topic on Bus Blockages in the VOLUME settings, page
Check this box if there is a work zone in or adjacent to the travel lanes of the intersection approach.
For additional detatils, see the topic on Work Zone Presence Adjustment Factor in Chapter 31 of the HCM 6 th
This field is available for approaches with a work zone present. Enter the total width of all left-turn, through,
and right-turn lanes open.
Enter the number of left-turn and through lanes open on the approach in the work zone. If the number of lanes
in the work zone varies, then the smallest number of lanes open to motorists should be used.
The HCM Platoon Ratio describes the quality of progression associated with arrivals to a phase. For left-turn
movements with permitted phasing, the platoon ratio describes arrivals during the Protected Phase. For right
turn movements with a protected operation concurrent with the complementary left, the platoon ratio
describes arrivals during the permitted right-turn operation.
Platoon Ratio is designated using a number from 0 to 2.0. The conditions associated with various ratios are
described below:
Synchro calculates a Platoon Ratio for approaches of a coordinated intersection based on the user input
Reference Phase. For a Platoon Ratio to be calculated, the following are required:
• Upstream signalized coordinated intersection within 0.60 mile.
• Upstream intersection and study intersection must have equal, double, or half cycle lengths.
• Reference Phase of upstream intersection points towards study intersection.
The upstream filtering adjustment factor accounts for the effect of an upstream signal on vehicle arrivals to the
subject movement group. Specifically, this factor reflects the way an upstream signal changes the variance in
the number of arrivals per cycle. The variance decreases with increasing volume‐to‐capacity ratio, which can
reduce cycle failure frequency and resulting delay.
The filtering adjustment factor varies from 0.09 to 1.0. A value of 1.0 is appropriate for an isolated intersection
(i.e., one that is 0.6 mi or more from the nearest upstream signalized intersection). A value of less than 1.0 is
appropriate for non-isolated intersections.
The initial queue represents the queue present at the start of the subject analysis period for the subject
movement group. This queue is created when oversaturation is sustained for an extended time. The initial
queue can be estimated by monitoring queue count continuously during each of the three consecutive cycles
that occur just before the start of the analysis period. The smallest count observed during each cycle is recorded.
The initial queue estimate equals the average of the three counts. The initial queue estimate should not include
vehicles in the queue due to random, cycle‐by‐cycle fluctuations.
The delay for unsignalized movments may be included in an HCM 6th Edition analysis. If this box is checked the
volume for any channelized right-turn movement(s) with Free, Yield, or Stop controlled will be included in the
calculation of approach delay and intersection delay.
Enter the delay for unsignalized movements (Free, Yield, or Stop-controlled right-turns) to be included in the
calculation of approach delay and intersection delay.
The delay must be estimated by means external to the HCM 6 th Edition methodology. This may include direct
field measurement or simulation in SimTraffic.
The type of channelization for the right-turn is displayed in the HCM 6th Edition window. The choices are None,
Yield, Free, Stop and Signal. This field may be edited using the Lane Settings window (see page 9-5)
This is the capacity of the lane group based on the HCM 6th Edtion methods. For additional details, see the HCM
6th Edition.
HCM Volume/Capacity
This is the volume-to-capacity ratio based on the HCM 6th Edition methods. For additional details, see the HCM
6th Editoin.
This is the average control delay for all vehicles in the subject lane group based on the HCM 6th Edition methods.
This is the sum of the Uniform Delay (d1), the Incremental Delay (d2), and the Initial Queue Delay (d3).
This is the lane group LOS based on the HCM 6th Edition thresholds. For additional details, see the HCM 6th
This is the average approach control delay per vehicle based on the HCM 6th Edition methods. If Include
Unsignalized Delay is checked, the Approach Delay is computed to include the volume and delay for the
unsignalized right-turn on the subject approach.
This is the approach LOS based on the HCM 6th Edition thresholds. For additional details, see the HCM 6th
Figure 16-5 HCM 6th Edition Signalized Intersection Pedestrian Mode Screen
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
Control Type
This field indicates what type of controller is being used. Changing the Control Type will also cause the
Controller Type to change within the Timing Settings window.
The Cycle Length is the total time required to service all competing traffic movements at a signalized or
unsignalized intersection. Changing the Cycle Length will also cause the Cycle Length to change within the
Timing Settings window.
This is the duration of time for one single application of the HCM 6th Edition methodology. Traffic conditions
are considered steady during this time. Synchro does not support a multiple time period analysis.
Average percentage of elderly pedestrians at the study intersection. Values greater than 20% will result in a
decreased average walking speed.
Enter the average slope upgrade along the study intersection crosswalks. Values greater than 10% will result
in a decreased average walking speed.
The Average Pedestrian Walking Speed is calculated based on the Perdentage of Elderly Peds and the
Percentage of Upgrade Slope. This value may be overridden based on field observations.
The crosswalk length (i.e., Lc and Ld) is measured from outside edge to outside edge of road pavement (or curb
to curb, if present) along the marked pedestrian travel path.
The crosswalk width (i.e., Wc and Wd) represents an effective width. Unless there is a known width constraint,
the crosswalk’s effective width should be the same as its physical width. A width constraint may be found when
vehicles are observed to encroach regularly into the crosswalk area or when an obstruction in the median (e.g.,
a signal pole or reduced‐width cut in the median curb) narrows the walking space.
This is the total number of vehicular lanes crossed by a pedestrian on the subject approach. The value is
automatically populated by Synchro based on the intersection geometry.
Type of Control
This is the type of pedestrian control on the approach. The options are none, actuated, pre-timed, actuated plus
rest in walk, or no signal.
This is the signal phase associated with the pedestrian movement on the subject crosswalk. See Figure 16-6 for
an example.
Research indicates that, at intersections with pedestrian signal heads, pedestrians typically continue to enter
the intersection during the first few seconds of the pedestrian clearance interval. This behavior effectively
increases the walk time available to pedestrians. A conservative estimate of this additional walk time is 4.0 s. A
nonzero value for this additional time implies that some pedestrians are initiating their crossing during the
flashing DON’T WALK indication. Refer to the HCM 6th Edtion for details.
The corner radius of the corner curb in feet (R). Refer to Figure 16-6.
The Total Area of the right corner, based on Wa, Wb, and R.
This is the flow rate of pedestrians crossing from left to right when viewing the crosswalk from the subject
approach. Refer to Figure 16-6.
This is the flow rate of pedestrians from right to left when viewing the crosswalk from the subject approach.
Refer to Figure 16-6.
This is the flow rate of pedestrians on the right sidewalk when viewing the crosswalk from the subject
approach. Refer to Figure 16-6.
This is the permitted left-turn flow rate, in units of vehicles per hour. This number is NOT the total hourly left-
turn flow rate, it's only the flow rate of the permitted turns.
This is the permitted right-turn flow rate, in units of vehicles per hour. This number is assumed to be the TOTAL
permitted right-turn flow rate, including RTOR's.
This is the right-turn-on-red flow rate, in units of vehicles per hour. This is for the right-turning movement that
could otherwise turn permissively into the crosswalk during the pedestrian phase.
This is the 85th percentile speed at a mid-segment location along the street approaching the intesection, in units
of miles per hour.
This is the pedestrian circulation area for the right corner of the subject crosswalk. The table below can be used
to evaluate this data.
Pedestrian Space (ft2/p) Description
>60 Ability to move in desired path, no need to alter movements
>40-60 Occational need to adjust path to avoid conflicts
>24-40 Frequent need to adjust path to avoid conflicts
>15-24 Speed and ability to pass slower pedestrians restricted
>8-15 Speed restricted, very limited avility to pass slower pedestrians
≤8 Speed severely restricted, frequent contact with other users
The Pedestrian Circulation Area is the subject crosswalk circulation area per pedestrian. Figure 16-7 can be
used to evaluate this data.
The Pedestrian Delay calculated based on the HCM 6th Edition methodology. Refer to the HCM for additional
The pedestrian compliance code is based on the HCM 6th Edition methodology as shown in the table below.
The pedestrian LOS score for the intersection Ip,int is calculated by using Equation 19‐71 through
Equation 19-76 of the HCM 6th Edition. Refer to the HCM for additional information.
Pedestrian delay represents the average time a pedestrian waits for a legal opportunity to cross an intersection
leg. The LOS score is an indication of the typical pedestrian’s perception of the overall crossing experience.
Figure 16-9 HCM 6th Edition Signalized Intersection Bicycle Mode Tab
Figure 16-10 HCM 6th Edition Signalized Intersection Bicycle Mode Screen
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
Control Type
This field indicates what type of controller is being used. Changing the Control Type will also cause the
Controller Type to change within the Timing Settings window.
The Cycle Length is the total time required to service all competing traffic movements at a signalized or
unsignalized intersection. Changing the Cycle Length will also cause the Cycle Length to change within the
Timing Settings window.
The maximum bicycle rate of flow as measured at the stop line during the green indication. The default value
of 2,000 bicycles/h assumes that right-turning drivers yield the right-of-way to through bicyclists. Refer to the
HCM 6th Edition for additional information.
This is the sum of the Adjusted Lane Group flow rates for all movements on the subject approach.
It is assumed that bicycles share the same phase as the through movement on the subject approach. Therefore,
the effective green time for bicycles is the actuated effective green time from the Timing Settings.
The street width represents the width of the cross street as measured along the outside through vehicle lane
on the subject approach between the extended curb line limits of the cross street. Refer to the HCM 6th Edition
for details.
This is the number of through lanes for the given approach. Both shared and exclusive lanes are counted.
This is the Lane Width for the outside through lane, not including a gutter or shoulder. The value is
automatically read from the Lane Settings window.
Check this box if any vehicles are parked along the right-side curb line within 250 ft upstream or downstream
of the intersection. Refer to the HCM 6th Edition for details.
This is the paved outside shoulder width adjacent to the bicycle lane or outer vehicular lane. Shoulder width is
measured to the curb face when a curb is present.
Curb is Present?
Check box if curb is present, leave unchecked if no curb is present. Refer to the HCM 6th Edition for details.
This is a calculated capacity for bicycles based on the HCM 6th Edition methodology. Refer to the HCM 6th Edition
for details.
This is the calculated bicycle delay based on the HCM 6th Edition methodology. Refer to the HCM 6th Edition for
Bicycle Compliance
The bicycle compliance code is based on the HCM 6th Edition methodology as shown in the table below.
The bicycle LOS score for the intersection Ib,int is calculated by using Equation 19‐79 through Equation 19-82 of
the HCM 6th Edition. Refer to the HCM for additional information.
Bicycle LOS
The LOS score is an indication of the typical bicyclist’s perception of the overall crossing experience. Refer to
the HCM 6th Edition for details.
The screen will switch to the SIGNING Settings icon . The basic setup for a stop-controlled intersection
should be completed in this window; the results displayed in that window are based on the methodologies of
the 2000 HCM. To use the HCM 6th Edition Unsignalized intersection methodologies, choose the HCM 6th Edition
settings button.
After selecting the HCM 6th Edition settings button, the Automobile Mode Method will be displayed.
This should be AWSC, thus indicating All-Way Stop Control methodologies are being applied.
This is the overall intersection control delay per vehicle. For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition.
The LOS for the intersection is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed or measured values of
control delay.
This is the length of analysis period in hours. Typically, set at 15 minutes or 0.25 hours.
The Development Volume, Combined Volume, and Future Volume are automatically calculated based on
the values entered within the TIA module. These values cannot be overridden; edit the Trip Generation, Trip
Distribution, and/or Trip Assignment entries to modify the TIA Volumes. See Chapter 15 for details on the TIA
The Development Volume is equal to the sum of all primary and pass-by trips generated by development(s)
selected in TIA.
The Combined Volume is the sum of existing Traffic Volume and Development Volume.
If included, pass-by trips are subtracted from the through movement adjacent to a driveway (see page
15-4 for more information about selecting driveways). The same volume is then added to the turning
movements entering and exiting the driveway node, so that these vehicles will continue on their original
path after exiting the development. In many cases, the calculated Development Volume will be negative
for the through movement at a node adjacent to a driveway to account for the pass-by trips.
With a negative Development Volume, it is possible for the calculated Combined Volume to be less
than zero. The Combined Volume is set to 0 to prevent analysis with negative volume.
The Future Volume is equal to the Combined Volume with any select Future Scenarios applied using the
equation below. See page 15-7 for details on entering future scenarios.
FV = Future Volume
V = Combined Volume
r = Growth Rate
t = number of years
The traffic volumes are divided by the Peak Hour Factor (PHF) to determine the traffic flow rate during the
busiest 15-minute period during the hour.
For additional details, see the topic on Peak Hour Factor in the VOLUME settings, page 10-3.
The traffic volume adjusted for peak hour factor and growth factor.
Growth Factor
The Growth Factor can be used to adjust all volumes by a set amount. This is commonly used to convert current
traffic counts into future projections. See the topic on Growth Factor (page 10-4) for more information.
A heavy vehicle is defined as any vehicle with more than four tires touching the pavement. Local buses that stop
within the intersection area are not included in the count of heavy vehicles. For additional details, see the
Number of Lanes
This is the number of lanes (in numerical form) along each approach of the intersection.
Approach Data
The approach leg is reiterated by Synchro for use in determining the opposing and conflicting lanes required
by the HCM 6th Edition.
Opposing Approach
The Opposing Approach is defined by the HCM 6th Edition as the “opposite” approach leg from the subject
approach being analyzed. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
Opposing Lanes
The Conflicting Approach Left is defined by the HCM 6th Edition as the approach on the left that “conflicts”
with the subject approach being analyzed. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
The Conflicting Approach Right is defined by the HCM 6th Edition as the approach on the right that “conflicts”
with the subject approach being analyzed.
This is the average control delay per vehicle on each approach to the intersection. For additional details, see
the HCM 6th Edition.
These values represent the movement volume as a percentage of the total volume on the subject approach.
Sign Control
For an All-Way Stop Control intersection, the word Stop should be displayed in all columns.
These values represent the total volume of vehicles assigned to the subject lane.
These values represent the number of left-turning vehicles in the subject lane.
These values represent the number of through vehicles in the subject lane.
These values represent the number of right-turning vehicles in the subject lane.
The total volume within each lane is adjusted by the peak hour factor.
Geometry Group
Based on the intersection configuration and the number of lanes, each approach is assigned a value based on
Exhibit 21-11 of the HCM 6th Edition. This value is then used to determine the base saturation headways and
headway adjustment factors. Figure 16-13 depicts the conversion of the geometry group listed within the HCM
6th Edition.
HCM Synchro
Four Leg or T 1 1
Four Leg or T 2 2
Four Leg or T 3a/4a 3
T 3b 4
Four Leg 4b 5
Four Leg or T 5 6
Four Leg or T 6 7
This value represents the probability of finding at least one vehicle on the subject approach. See the HCM 6th
Edition for additional details.
Departure Headway, Hd
This value represents the average time between departures of successive vehicles on a given approach.
Convergence (Y/N)
A value of Yes indicates that the calculated value of departure headway is within 0.1 second of the initial
assumed value of departure headway.
Capacity (vph)
The maximum flow rate calculated for each lane based on a degree of utilization = 1.0. See the HCM 6th Edition
for additional details.
These values represent the average time spent by a vehicle in the first position (at the stop bar) waiting to
depart. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
This is the average control delay per vehicle for the subject lane. For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition.
The LOS for each lane is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed values of control delay.
The 95th Percentile Queue is based on Equation 21-33 of the HCM 6th Edition.
After selecting the HCM 6th Edition settings button, the Automobile Mode tab will be selected by default.
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
Control Type
This should read TWSC, thus indicating Two-Way Stop Control methodologies are being applied.
This is the overall intersection control delay per vehicle. It should be noted that the major street through traffic
is not accounted for in this calculation becuase its delay is assumed to be negligible. For additional details, see
the HCM 6th Edition.
The LOS for the intersection is not calculated because traffic along the major street is considered free-flowing
and thus experiences negligible delay. For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition.
This is the length of analysis period in hours. Typically, set at 15 minutes or 0.25 hours.
This is the walking speed of pedestrians used in the two-way stop calculations.
Select No if you do not wish to have the calculations adjusted due to the presence of an upstream signal. Select
Yes if you wish to have the calculations adjusted due to the presence of an upstream signal. The calculations
are adjusted based on the platooning of traffic from the signalized intersection.
The effect of upstream signals may be included for coordinated intersections located within 0.60 mile from the
subject TWSC intersection.
If the next upstream intersection is another TWSC, Synchro will search further upstream for a signalized
intersection. However, a bend node will cause Synchro to stop searching for a signalized intersection in that
direction. If there are signalized intersections both upstream and downstream of the subject TWSC intersection,
but you’d only like to include one of them in the analysis, add a bend node between the subject intersection and
the signalized intersection that you would NOT like to consider.
The Development Volume, Combined Volume, and Future Volume are automatically calculated based on
the values entered within the TIA module. These values cannot be overridden; edit the Trip Generation, Trip
Distribution, and/or Trip Assignment entries to modify the TIA Volumes. See Chapter 15 for details on the TIA
The Development Volume is equal to the sum of all primary and pass-by trips generated by development(s)
selected in TIA.
The Combined Volume is the sum of existing Traffic Volume and Development Volume.
If included, pass-by trips are subtracted from the through movement adjacent to a driveway (see page
15-4 for more information about selecting driveways). The same volume is then added to the turning
movements entering and exiting the driveway node, so that these vehicles will continue on their original
path after exiting the development. In many cases, the calculated Development Volume will be negative
for the through movement at a node adjacent to a driveway to account for the pass-by trips.
With a negative Development Volume, it is possible for the calculated Combined Volume to be less
than zero. The Combined Volume is set to 0 to prevent analysis with negative volume.
The Future Volume is equal to the Combined Volume with any select Future Scenarios applied using the
equation below. See page 15-7 for details on entering future scenarios.
FV = Future Volume
V = Combined Volume
r = Growth Rate
t = number of years
Conflicting Pedestrians represents the number of pedestrians conflicting with either left or right turning
Sign Control
In the Two-Way Stop Control module, the word Stop should be coded for the minor street. Free should be coded
for the major street.
This is the length of a turning bay. See Storage Length (page 3-5) for additional information.
If a median exists and left-turning vehicles from the minor street use the median to perform the left turn in two
stages, enter the maximum number of left-turning vehicles (1) or (2) that can be stored within the median.
Grade (%)
The percentage Grade is the slope of the roadway approaching the intersection (negative grades are downhill).
See Grade, page 3-5 for additional details.
The traffic volumes are divided by the Peak Hour Factor (PHF) to determine the traffic flow rate during the
busiest 15-minute period during the hour. For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition and VOLUME
SETTINGS, page 3-5 .
Growth Factor
The Growth Factor can be used to analyze future volumes based on a value entered. See Growth Factor (page
3-6) for additional details
Adjusted Flow
The traffic volume adjusted for peak hour factor and growth factor.
A heavy vehicle is defined as any vehicle with more than four tires touching the pavement. Local buses that stop
within the intersection area are not included in the count of heavy vehicles. For additional details, see VOLUME
SETTINGS, page 3-6.
The traffic volume adjusted for peak hour factor and growth factor.
Select the appropriate Right Turn Channelized geometry, if one exists. If this data was entered within the Lane
Settings window, the appropriate values will be displayed.
If a Right Turn Channelized island exists, enter the appropriate curb radius.
Approach Data
The approach leg is reiterated by Synchro for use in determining the opposing and conflicting lanes required
by the HCM 6th Edition.
The total conflicting flow rate for completing the assigned movement in either one or two maneuvers. See the
HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
Critical Headway
This value is the critical headway for completing the designated movement using only one maneuver. See the
HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
This value is the critical headway for Stage 1 of a two-stage maneuver. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional
This value is the critical headway for Stage 2 of a two-stage maneuver. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional
Follow-up Headway
This value is the time between the departure of one vehicle from the minor street and the departure of the next
vehicle using the same major-street headway, under a condition of continuous queuing on the minor street.
Based on the number of lanes, a Base Follow-Up Headway from Exhibit 20-12 of the HCM 6th Edition is then
assigned to the applicable movements.
The HCM 6th Edition assumes that both major-street approaches have the same number of lanes. Synchro allows
the user to analyze approaches with multiple lane configurations by converting the total number of lanes on
the roadway to the number of lanes per approach. Table 17-4 depicts the conversion of the total number of
lanes along the major roadway compared to the number of through lanes along the major roadway. See the
HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
Table 16-1 Total Number of Lanes vs. Number of Through Lanes along Major Roadway
HCM 6th Edition
Number of Through Lanes on Approach
Total Number of Lanes
2 1
4 2
6 3
The Potential Capacity is calculated based on the HCM 6th Edition Equation 20-32. See the HCM 6th Edition for
additional details.
The Time Blocked by platoon (%) is calculated if there is an upstream or downstream signalized intersection
within 0.60 miles of the study TWSC intersection and Include Upstream Signal? is set to Yes. This value is
determined based the reference phase and offset of the signalized intersection(s). See the HCM 6th Edition for
additional details.
This value is the capacity of a crossing vehicle completing the designated movement using only one maneuver.
This value is calculated even for movements that allow a two-stage maneuver. Adjustment factors are applied
to account for the impeding effects of higher-ranked movements. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
This value is the capacity of a crossing vehicle completing the designated movement using two maneuvers. If
Vehicles in Median Storage is set to 0, not permitting a two-stage maneuver for the subject movement the
Movement Capacity – 1 Maneuver is displayed again. Adjustment factors are applied to account for the
impeding effects of higher-ranked movements. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
This is the average control delay per vehicle for the approach. For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition.
The LOS for the approach is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed values of control delay.
The maximum flow rate calculated for each lane. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
This is the control delay per vehicle for each of the minor street lanes and major street left-turns at the
intersection. For additional details, see the HCM 6th Edition.
The LOS for each lane is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed values of control delay.
The 95th Percentile Queue is based on Equation 20-68 of the HCM 6th Edition.
Figure 16-17 HCM 6th Edition TWSC Pedestrian Mode Full Screen
This value represents the pedestrian start-up time and end clearance time.
Crosswalk Settings
Median Present?:
Yes or No will automatically be selected based on the Median Width coded in the Simulation Setttings screen.
No indicates that pedestrians cross the entire length of the roadway at once. Yes indicates that pedestrians
cross a portion of the roadway, wait in the median, and then cross the remaining portion of the roadway. If Yes
is displayed, two colums will be displayed for the crosswalk, as seen in Figure 16-17.
Crosswalk Information
Crosswalk Length
The length of crosswalk is measured from outside edge to outside edge of road pavement (or curb to curb, if
present) along the marked pedestrian travel path. This value is calculated automatically, but can be overridden
as needed.
The total number of through lanes crossed by the pedestrian will be displayed.
The total number of through vehicles that the pedestrian is in conflict with will be displayed.
Pedestrian Volume
Enter the number of pedestrians crossing the roadway within each crosswalk.
Yield Rate
This value represents the average rate that motorist will yield to pedestrians waiting to cross the roadway.
Table 16-2 includes the average yield rates based on research data collected at intersections with different
crossing treatments. The use of local data is recommended if available. For additional information see Chapter
20 of the HCM 6th Edition.
Table 16-2 Average Effect of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments on Motorist Yield Rates
*Staged data was collected with pedestrians trained by the research team to maintain consistent positioning,
stance, and aggressiveness in crossing attempts.
**Unstaged data was collected through video recordings of the general population.
Pedestrian Platooning
Users should select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to indicate whether Pedestrian Platooning exists at
the intersection. Pedestrian platooning is defined as groups of pedestrians crossing the roadway as a group.
Critical Headway
The Critical Headway is defined as the time in seconds below which a pedestrian will not attempt to begin
crossing the roadway. The calculated value is dependent on whether pedestrian platooning exists at the
The probability that a lane is blocked by a vehicle is calculated based on the Critical Headway, Vehicular Volume
Crossed, and number of through lanes crossed.
The average delay that a pedestrian or group of pedestrians will experience waiting for an adequate gap is
calculated based on the assumption that no motor vehicles yield to the pedestrian.
The probability that a pedestrian or group of pedestrians will be delayed is calculated based on the probability
of a blocked lane and the number of through lanes crossed.
The probability that motorists yield to pedestrians waiting to cross the roadway is calculated based on the
Yield Rate (%) and number of lanes crossed.
This is the calculated average pedestrian delay based on the HCM 6th Edition methods for each individual
crosswalk. Refer to the HCM 6th Edition for details.
The total delay and level of service for the entire crosswalk is displayed. If a median is present along an
approach, the approach delay is equal to the sum of both crosswalk segments.
Table 16-3 Two-Way Stop Control Pedestrian Level of Service (HCM 6th Edition)
F >45 Delay exceeds tolerance level, high likelihood of pedestrian risk taking
Result/Report Notations
The following notations are used in the HCM 6th Edition window and reports:
$ Delay more than 300 seconds.
* All conflicting volume is present in crossing platoon. No conflicting volume in random arrival phase.
! Computation is not supported by HCM 6th Edition Methodology.
- Not applicable.
Entry Lanes
This is the number of lanes entering the given approach. These values are based on the data input within the
Lane Settings window.
Exit Lanes
This is the number of lanes exiting on the given approach.
This is the total adjusted flow on the approach, in vehicle per hour.
The circulating flow opposing a given entry is defined as the flow conflicting with the entry flow (i.e., the flow
passing in front of the splitter island next to the subject entry). All flows are in passenger car equivalents. See
the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
The number of pedestrians crossing the leg. This value is used to determine the pedestrian impedance factor.
Pedestrian impedence factor, calculated based on Chapter 22, Step 6 of the HCM 6 th Edition.
Pedestrian traffic can reduce the vehicular capacity of a roundabout entry if sufficient pedestrians are present
and they assert the right‐of‐way typically granted pedestrians in most jurisdictions. Under high vehicular
conflicting flows, pedestrians typically pass between queued vehicles on entry and thus have negligible
additional impact to vehicular entry capacity. However, under low vehicular conflicting flows, pedestrians can
function effectively as additional conflicting vehicles and thus reduce the vehicular capacity of the entry. The
effect of pedestrians is more pronounced with increased pedestrian volume.
This is the average control delay for the subject approach in vehicles per second.
Approach LOS
10 A F
>10 - 15 B F
>15 - 25 C F
>25 - 35 D F
>35 - 50 E F
>50 F F
For multi-lane (two lane roundabouts), this will display the left and right lanes.
Field measures of follow-up headway can be used to calibrate the capacity model. Refer to the HCM 6th Edition
for additional details.
When the conflicting flow rate approaches zero, the maximum entry flow is given by 3,600 s/h divided by the
follow‐up headway, which is analogous to the saturation flow rate for a movement receiving a green indication
at a signalized intersection.
Field measures of follow-up and critical headway can be used to calibrate the capacity model. Refer to the HCM
6th Edition for additional details.
The Designated Moves are based on the input Lanes and Sharing, in the Lane Settings window. For cases in
which a movement may use more than one lane, a check should first be made to determine what the assumed
lane configuration may be. For approaches in which a movement may use more than one lane, the assumed m
moves may differ from the designated lane assignment based on the specific turning movement patterns being
analyzed. See the HCM 6th Edition for additional details.
In Synchro, this is the Right Turn Channelized setting represents right-turn bypass lanes. Valid entries for a
roundabout are None, Free, or Yield. If Stop is selected in the Lane Settings window, it will be treated as yielding
bypass lane.
Lane Utilization
Table 16-5 Roundabout Lane Utilization (HCM 6th Edition)
This is the per lane entry flow rate in passenger cars per hour.
The flow rate for each movement may be adjusted to account for vehicle stream characteristics using factors
shown below and Equation 22-15 of the HCM 6th Edition.
Table 16-6 Entry HV Adjustment Factor (HCM 6th Edition)
This is the entry flow rate, converted back to vehicles per hour.
For a given lane, the volume‐to‐capacity ratio x is calculated by dividing the lane’s calculated capacity into its
demand flow rate.
The average control delay for the subject lane is based on the following formula:
3600 √ ( )𝑥
𝑑= 2
+ 900𝑇 [𝑥 − 1 + (𝑥 − 1) + 𝑐 ] + 5 × 𝑚𝑖𝑛[𝑥, 1]
𝑐 450𝑇
Level of Service
The LOS for each lane on each approach is determined using Table 16-4 and the computed control delay.
The 95th Percentile Queue is based on the following equation from the HCM 6th Edition:
√ ( )𝑥 𝑐
𝑄95 = 900𝑇 [𝑥 − 1 + (1 − 𝑥)2 + ]( )
150𝑇 3600
The HCM 2010 is divided into four volumes. Volume 1 includes concepts, volume 2 focuses on uninterrupted
flow, volume 3 on interrupted flow and volume 4 is an electronic only applications guide. In addition, the 2010
HCM includes computational engines that contain computer code based on the analysis procedures within the
manual. The computational engines are maintained by the TRB Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of
Service (AHB40). Each year, TRB releases updates to the computational engineers. The code from the signalized
intersection chapters are incorporated within Synchro and updated as new computational engines are released.
Currently Synchro includes the analysis methods from the following chapters:
✓ Chapter 17 and Chapter 30 include signalized intersections within a coordinated network.
✓ Chapters 18 and Chapter 31 include isolated signalized intersections.
✓ Chapter 19 and Chapter 32 include two-way stop controlled intersections (TWSC).
✓ Chapter 20 and Chapter 32 include all-way stop controlled intersections (AWSC).
✓ Chapter 21 and Chapter 33 include roundabouts.
Users can download a White Paper focused on the HCM 2010 and Synchro at Reference Documents tab. This document is updated based on each
new Synchro release.
If the intersection is compatible with the HCM 2010 methodology, the appropriate HCM 2010 form will be
displayed. The form includes all of the necessary inputs and outputs required to mimic the various HCM 2010
methodologies. A few of the methods also include procedures for analyzing Pedestrian and Bicycle Modes.
Additional tabs within the HCM 2010 forms are also available for the methods included within Synchro. If the
intersection select is not HCM 2010 compliant, a warning or error message will be displayed.
These settings apply to the selected intersection. TRB refers to these parameters, beginning with Sneakers Per
Cycle and moving towards the bottom of the pane, as calibration parameters that can be used adjusted to match
field conditions.
Node #
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
The Description cell is a convenient location to type notes about the intersection. The information will appear
at the bottom of the Intersection Reports (see the chapter on Reports and Printing on page 23-1).
Control Type
This field indicates what type of controller is being used. Changing the Control Type will also cause the
Controller Type to change within the Timing Settings window.
Cycle Length
The Cycle Length is the total time required to service all competing traffic movements at a signalized or
unsignalized intersection. Changing the Cycle Length will also cause the Cycle Length to change within the
Timing Settings window.
Lock Timings
The Lock Timings field is used to prevent the timing from changing. To preserve the timing for one or more
intersections, click the check box in this field for each of the intersections. Adjustments to this parameter will
also be applied within the Timing Settings window.
This is the calculated Cycle (s) Length based on the methods described within the HCM 2010.
This is the calculated control delay (s) based on the methods described within the HCM 2010.
This is the Level of Service at the selected intersection based on the HCM 2010 thresholds.
This is the duration of time for one single application of the HCM 2010 methodology. Traffic conditions are
considered steady during this time.
The entered value for this parameter will be used for all lanes of the selected intersection. Users should place a
checkmark within the Use Saturation Flow Rate box to use the entered Saturation Flow Rate for the entire
Click to add a checkmark. This will direct Synchro to use the Saturation Flow Rate entered in the cell located
directly above this parameter. Note that the individual Ideal Satd. Flow Rates cells within the HCM 2010
Settings pane (located to the right) will be replaced with a dash.
Sneakers Per Cycle (veh) represent the number of vehicles that are served during the clearance intervals
The HCM 2010 methodology analyzes actuated signals based on a series of iterative calculations. The “solution”
is based on the difference between two successive iterations. Max value is 100.
The average length of a vehicle measured from front bumper of first vehicle to front bumper of second vehicle.
The average length of a heavy vehicle measured from front bumper of the heavy vehicle to front bumper of
second vehicle.
This value represents the Probability of a Pedestrian Pushing the Button during the Don’t Walk interval.
Average distance to the nearest point of detection for two queued vehicles.
The length of queue that will not be exceeded should be entered in the Queue Length Percentile cell. The
default is 50.
Equivalent number of through vehicles for each left turn vehicle, given an exclusive lane and no conflicting
Equivalent number of through vehicles for each right turn vehicle, given an exclusive lane and no conflicting
Equivalent number of passenger vehicles for each heavy vehicle, given an exclusive lane and no conflicting
Follow-up time for permitted left turn from an exclusive lane at signalized intersection.
The speed (when a vehicle first drops below) at which a vehicle will stop.
The Critical Gap required for a through driver desiring to merge into an adjacent lane.
The first two phases within a ring-barrier sequence are considered phase partners. The 3rd and 4th phases
within a ring-barrier sequence, if used, are also phase partners. Phase Lagging is used to swap the order of
phase partners. Normally phase partners are 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8.
For additional details, see the topic on Lagging Phase in the TIMING settings, page 11-7.
Turn Type
The Turn Type sets the level of turn protection and assigns default phase and detector numbers to the
dedicated turn lane. These defaults can be changed at any time.
Before setting the turn types, set the phase numbers for the through movements using a phase template.
For additional details, see the topic on Turn Type in the TIMING settings, page 11-3.
Protected Phases
For additional details, see the topic on Protected and Permitted Phases in the TIMING settings, page 11-4.
Permitted Phases
For additional details, see the topic on Protected and Permitted Phases in the TIMING settings, page 11-4.
Passage Time is the maximum amount of time one vehicle actuation can extend the green interval while green
is displayed. It is input for each actuated signal phase. It is also referred to as vehicle interval, extension interval,
extension, or unit extension.
For additional details, see the topic on Vehicle Extension in the PHASING settings, page 12-8.
The Minimum Green setting represents the least amount of time a green signal indication is displayed when a
signal phase is activated.
For additional details, see the topic on Minimum Initial in the PHASING settings, page 12-6.
The Maximum Split is the current split time, given in seconds. It is the longest amount of split time for actuated
For additional details, see the topic on Maximum Split in the PHASING settings, page 12-7.
Yellow Time is the amount of time for the yellow interval. Normally, this value should be set to between 3 and
5 seconds, depending on the approach speed, the cross-street width, and local standards. The minimum value
allowed by Synchro is 2 seconds and the maximum is 10 seconds.
For additional details, see the topic on Yellow Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-7.
All-Red Time is the amount of time for the all red interval that follows the yellow interval. The all red time
should be of sufficient duration to permit the intersection to clear before cross traffic is released.
For additional details, see the topic on All-Red Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-7.
The Maximum Green is a calculated value. This is equal to the Maximum Split minus the Yellow Time and All-
Red Time. To change this value, change the Maximum Green setting.
For additional details, see the topic on Walk Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-9.
This is the amount of time for a pedestrian Flash Don’t Walk phase.
For additional details, see the topic on Flashing Don’t Walk Time in the PHASING settings, page 12-9.
The Walk + Ped Clearance is a calculated value and is the sum of the Walk Time and the Flash Don’t Walk
Recall Mode
Each phase can have a recall of None, Minimum, Maximum, or Ped. The 2010 HCM Settings do no currently have
an option for coordinated recall.
For additional details, see the topic on Recall Mode in the PHASING settings, page 12-8.
Dual Entry?
Dual entry mode is used in dual‐ring operation to specify whether a phase is to be activated (green) even though
it has not received a call for service. Two entry modes are possible: dual entry and single entry. This mode is
input for each actuated signal phase.
For additional details, see the topic on Dual Entry in the PHASING settings, page 12-10.
The flow rate adjusted for peak hour factor and growth rate.
The HCM 2010 includes a RTOR reduction input. Synchro computes the saturation flow increase for RTOR and
therefore can calculate a RTOR volume reduction. The RTOR reduction is calculated as follows:
vRTOR = minimum (sRTOR,v) * r/C = RTOR reduction to volume
sRTOR = RTOR saturation flow as calculated by Synchro
r = effective red time
v = adjusted lane group volume (before RTOR reduction)
C = cycle length
The vRTOR value cannot be over-ridden. However, the sRTOR can be changed in the LANE settings.
The sRTOR can be calculated with observed vRTOR using the formula sRTOR = vRTOR * C/r.
For additional details, see the topic on Right Turn on Red (RTOR) in the LANES settings, page 9-10.
A heavy vehicle is defined as any vehicle with more than four tires touching the pavement. Local buses that stop
within the intersection area are not included in the count of heavy vehicles.
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Heavy Vehicles in the VOLUME settings, page 10-4.
The lane utilization adjustment factor accounts for the unequal distribution of traffic among the lanes in those
movement groups with more than one exclusive lane.
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Lane Utilization Factor in the LANES settings, page
The traffic volumes are divided by the Peak Hour Factor (PHF) to determine the traffic flow rate during the
busiest 15-minute period during the hour.
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Peak Hour Factor in the VOLUME settings, page 10-
For additional details, see the topic on Lost Time Adjustment in the TIMING settings, page 11-7.
Time lost at the start of green as queued drivers react to the green indication and increase their speed such that
constant saturation headway is achieved by the higher queue positions.
The extension of the effective green is time vehicles continue to enter after yellow interval begins.
The HCM Platoon Ratio describes the quality of progression associated with arrivals to a phase. For left-turn
movements with permitted phasing, the platoon ratio describes arrivals during the Protected Phase. For right
turn movements with a protected operation concurrent with the complementary left, the platoon ratio
describes arrivals during the permitted right-turn operation.
Platoon Ratio is designated using a number from 0 to 2.0. The conditions associated with various ratios are
described below:
Table 17-1 Platoon Ratio (HCM 2010)
Platoon Ratio Arrival Type Description
0.333 1 Very poor progression
0.667 2 Unfavorable progression
1.000 3 Uncoordinated signals or random arrivals
1.333 4 Favorable progression
1.667 5 Highly favorable progression
2.000 6 Exceptional progression
The upstream filtering adjustment factor I accounts for the effect of an upstream signal on vehicle arrivals to
the subject movement group. Specifically, this factor reflects the way an upstream signal changes the variance
in the number of arrivals per cycle. The variance decreases with increasing volume‐to‐capacity ratio, which can
reduce cycle failure frequency and resulting delay.
The filtering adjustment factor varies from 0.09 to 1.0. A value of 1.0 is appropriate for an isolated intersection
(i.e., one that is 0.6 mi or more from the nearest upstream signalized intersection). A value of less than 1.0 is
appropriate for non-isolated intersections.
This is the number of pedestrian conflicting with the right turn movement.
The Development Volume, Combined Volume, and Future Volume are automatically calculated based on the
values entered within the TIA module. These values cannot be overridden; edit the Trip Generation, Trip
Distribution, and/or Trip Assignment entries to modify the TIA Volumes. See Chapter 15 for details on the TIA
The Development Volume is equal to the sum of all primary and pass-by trips generated by development(s)
selected in TIA.
The Combined Volume is the sum of existing Traffic Volume and Development Volume.
If included, pass-by trips are subtracted from the through movement adjacent to a driveway (see
page 15-4 for more information about selecting driveways). The same volume is then added to the
turning movements entering and exiting the driveway node, so that these vehicles will continue
on their original path after exiting the development. In many cases, the calculated Development
Volume will be negative for the through movement at a node adjacent to a driveway to account for
the pass-by trips.
With a negative Development Volume, it is possible for the calculated Combined Volume to be
less than zero. The Combined Volume is set to 0 to prevent analysis with negative volume.
The Future Volume is equal to the Combined Volume with any select Future Scenarios applied using the
equation below. See page 15-7 for details on entering future scenarios.
FV = Future Volume
V = Combined Volume
r = Growth Rate
t = number of years
This is the number of bicycles conflicting with the right turn movement.
For additional details, see the topic on Conflicting Bicycles in the VOLUME settings, page 10-3.
This factor is used to adjust the capacity of left turning vehicles due to right turning vehicles from the opposing
approach. Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu based on field observations.
The initial queue represents the queue present at the start of the subject analysis period for the subject
movement group. This queue is created when oversaturation is sustained for an extended time. The initial
queue can be estimated by monitoring queue count continuously during each of the three consecutive cycles
that occur just before the start of the analysis period. The smallest count observed during each cycle is recorded.
The initial queue estimate equals the average of the three counts. The initial queue estimate should not include
vehicles in the queue due to random, cycle‐by‐cycle fluctuations.
Average running speed is used in the methodology to evaluate lane group performance. It is correlated with
speed limit when speed limit reflects the environmental and geometric factors that influence driver speed
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Link Speed in the LANES settings, page 9-3.
The average lane width represents the average width of the lanes represented in a movement group. The
minimum average lane width is 8 ft. Standard lane widths are 12 ft.
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Lane Width in the LANES settings, page 9-4.
Receiving Lanes
The number of receiving lanes represents the count of lanes departing the intersection. This number should be
separately determined for each left‐turn and right‐turn movement. Experience indicates that proper turning
cannot be executed at some intersections because a receiving lane is frequently blocked by double‐parked
vehicles. For this reason, the number of receiving lanes should be determined from field observation when
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Storage Length in the LANES settings, page 9-4.
Parking Present?
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Adjacent Parking Lane, Parking Maneuvers in the
VOLUME settings, page 10-5.
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Adjacent Parking Lane, Parking Maneuvers in the
VOLUME settings, page 10-5.
For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and the topic on Bus Blockages in the VOLUME settings, page 10-4.
The stop‐line detector length represents the length of the detection zone used to extend the green indication.
This detection zone is typically located near the stop line and may have a length of 40 ft or more. However, it
can be located some distance upstream of the stop line and may be as short as 6 ft. The latter configuration
typically requires a long minimum green or use of the controller’s variable initial setting.
This is the capacity of the lane group based on the HCM 2010 methods. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
This is the volume to capacity ratio based on the HCM 2010 methods. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
This is the delay the lane group based on the HCM 2010 methods. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
This is the lane group LOS based on the HCM 2010 methods. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
This is the approach control delay per vehicle based on the HCM 2010 methods. For additional details, see the
HCM 2010.
This is the approach LOS based on the HCM 2010 methods. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
Control Type
This field indicates what type of controller is being used. Changing the Control Type will also cause the
Controller Type to change within the Timing Settings window.
The Cycle Length is the total time required to service all competing traffic movements at a signalized or
unsignalized intersection. Changing the Cycle Length will also cause the Cycle Length to change within the
Timing Settings window.
The duration of time for one single application of the HCM 2010 methodology. Traffic conditions are considered
steady during this time.
The crosswalk length (i.e., Lc and Ld) is measured from outside edge to outside edge of road pavement (or curb
to curb, if present) along the marked pedestrian travel path.
The crosswalk width (i.e., Wc and Wd) represents an effective width. Unless there is a known width constraint,
the crosswalk’s effective width should be the same as its physical width. A width constraint may be found when
vehicles are observed to encroach regularly into the crosswalk area or when an obstruction in the median (e.g.,
a signal pole or reduced‐width cut in the median curb) narrows the walking space.
The street width represents the width of the cross street as measured along the outside through vehicle lane
on the subject approach between the extended curb line limits of the cross street. It is measured for each
intersection approach.
Type of Control
This is the type of control on the approach. The options are none, actuated, pre-timed, actuated plus rest in
walk, or no signal.
Research indicates that, at intersections with pedestrian signal heads, pedestrians typically continue to enter
the intersection during the first few seconds of the pedestrian clear interval. This behavior effectively increases
the effective walk time available to pedestrians. A conservative estimate of this additional walk time is 4.0 s. A
nonzero value for this additional time implies that some pedestrians are initiating their crossing during the
flashing DON’T WALK indication. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
The corner radius of the corner curb in feet. Refer to Figure 17-5.
This is the permitted left-turn demand flow rate, in units of vehicles per hour. This number is NOT the total
hourly left-turn flow rate, it's only the flow rate of the permitted turns.
This is the permitted right-turn demand flow rate, in units of vehicles per hour. This number is assumed to be
the TOTAL permitted right-turn flow rate, including RTOR's.
This is the right-turn on red flow rate, in units of vehicles per hour. This would be the RTOR within the right-
turning flow rate that could otherwise turn permissively into the crosswalk while the crosswalk is being used
by pedestrians.
This is the 85th percentile speed at a mid-segment location on the major/minor street, in units of miles per hour.
This is the right corner area per pedestrian in square feet per pedestrian.
The pedestrian level of service for the subject crosswalk based on the score in HCM 2010 Exhibit 18-5 (from
the HCM 2010).
The Pedestrian Circulation Area is the subject crosswalk circulation area per pedestrian, in units of square-feet
per pedestrian or ft2/p
Circulation Code using the qualitative descriptions of Exhibit 18-24 (from the HCM 2010), the corner circulation
area is provided a description of service.
The Pedestrian Delay calculated based on the HCM 2010 methods. Refer to the HCM for additional information.
The pedestrian compliance code based on the HCM 2010 methods. Refer to the HCM for additional information.
The pedestrian LOS score for the intersection Ip,int is calculated by using Equation 18‐72 through Equation 18-7
of the HCM 2010. Refer to the HCM for additional information.
Pedestrian delay represents the average time a pedestrian waits for a legal opportunity to cross an intersection
leg. The LOS score is an indication of the typical pedestrian’s perception of the overall crossing experience.
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
Control Type
This field indicates what type of controller is being used. Changing the Control Type will also cause the
Controller Type to change within the Timing Settings window.
The Cycle Length is the total time required to service all competing traffic movements at a signalized or
unsignalized intersection. Changing the Cycle Length will also cause the Cycle Length to change within the
Timing Settings window.
The duration of time for one single application of the HCM 2010 methodology. Traffic conditions are considered
steady during this time.
The maximum bicycle rate of flow as measured at the stop line during the green indication.
The bicycle flow rate is based on the count of bicycles whose travel path is crossed by vehicles turning right
from the subject approach during the analysis period. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
This is the sum of the Adjusted Lane Group flow rates for the given movement. Refer to the HCM 2010 for
This is the actuated effective green time from the Timing Settings.
The street width represents the width of the cross street as measured along the outside through vehicle lane
on the subject approach between the extended curb line limits of the cross street. Refer to the HCM 2010 for
This is the number of through lanes for the given approach. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
This is the Lane Width for the through lanes. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
This is the bicycle lane adjacent to the outside lane. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
This is the paved outside shoulder width adjacent to the bicycle lane. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
Curb is Present?
Check box if curb is present, leave unchecked if no curb is present. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
On Street Parking?
Check box if parking is present, leave unchecked if no parking is present. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
This is a calculated value based on the HCM 2010 methods. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
This is the calculated bicycle delay based on the HCM 2010 methods. Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
Bicycle Compliance
Bicycle LOS
Select the appropriate Sign Control (Stop or Free) based on the analysis desired. For All-Way Stop Controlled
(AWSC) intersections, each approach (maximum of four) should be coded using the Stop option. For Two-Way
Stop Controlled (TWSC) intersections, the minor street should be coded using the Stop option, while the main
street should be coded as Free. A maximum of four approaches also applies to TWSC intersections. The effects
from adjacent signalized intersections are accounted for within Synchro 9.0, if specified by the user.
10 A F
>10 - 15 B F
>15 - 25 C F
>25 - 35 D F
>35 - 50 E F
>50 F F
This should be AWSC, thus indicating All-Way Stop Control methodologies are being applied.
This is the overall intersection control delay per vehicle. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
The LOS for the intersection is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed or measured values of
control delay.
This is the length of analysis period in hours. Typically, set at 15 minutes or 0.25 hours.
Traffic Volume represents the number of vehicles for each movement in vehicles per hour.
The traffic volumes are divided by the Peak Hour Factor (PHF) to determine the traffic flow rate during the
busiest 15-minute period during the hour. For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and VOLUME SETTINGS,
page 3-5.
A heavy vehicle is defined as any vehicle with more than four tires touching the pavement. Local buses that stop
within the intersection area are not included in the count of heavy vehicles. For additional details, see the HCM
2010 and VOLUME SETTINGS, page 3-6.
The traffic volume adjusted for peak hour factor and growth factor.
Number of Lanes
This is the number of lanes (in numerical form) along each approach of the intersection.
Approach Data
The approach leg is reiterated by Synchro for use in determining the opposing and conflicting lanes required
by the HCM 2010. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
Opposing Approach
The Opposing Approach is defined by the HCM 2010 as the “opposite” approach leg from the subject approach
being analyzed. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
Opposing Lanes
This value is number of lanes along the Opposing Approach. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
The Conflicting Approach Left is defined by the HCM 2010 as the approach on the left that “conflicts” with the
subject approach being analyzed. See the 2010 HCM for additional details.
This value is number of lanes along the Conflicting Approach Left. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
The Conflicting Approach Right is defined by the HCM 2010 as the approach on the right that “conflicts” with
the subject approach being analyzed. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
This value is number of lanes along the Conflicting Approach Right. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
This is the control delay per vehicle along each approach to the intersection. For additional details, see the HCM
These values represent the corresponding volume movement being analyzed within each lane. See the HCM
2010 for additional details.
Sign Control
Since this is the All-Way Stop Control module, the word Stop should show up in all columns.
These values represent the total volume of vehicles being analyzed within each lane.
Based on the left turning movement percentages within each lane and the corresponding Traffic Volume by
Lane, these values represent the number of left turning vehicles being analyzed within each lane.
Based on the through movement percentages within each lane and the corresponding Traffic Volume by Lane,
these values represent the number of through vehicles being analyzed within each lane.
Based on the right turning movement percentages within each lane and the corresponding Traffic Volume by
Lane, these values represent the number of right turning vehicles being analyzed within each lane.
The total volume within each lane is adjusted by the peak hour factor. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
Geometry Group
Based on the intersection configuration and the number of lanes along each approach, each approach is
assigned a value based on Exhibit 20-10 of the HCM 2010. This value is then used to determine the base
saturation headways and headway adjustment factors. Table 17-3 depicts the conversion of the geometry
group listed within the HCM 2010. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
Table 17-3 Geometry Group Conversion
Intersection Approach Configuration Geometry Group
Degree of Utilization, X
This value represents the probability of finding at least one vehicle on that approach. See the HCM 2010 for
additional details.
Departure Headway, Hd
This value represents the average time between departures of successive vehicles on a given approach.
Convergence (Y/N)
A value of Y indicates that the calculated value of departure headway is within 0.1 second of the initial assumed
value of departure headway.
Capacity (vph)
The maximum flow rate calculated for each lane based on a degree of utilization = 1.0. See the HCM 2010 for
additional details.
These values represent the average time spent by a vehicle in the first position (at the stop bar) waiting to
depart. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
This is the control delay per vehicle for each lane at the intersection. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
The LOS for each lane is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed or measured values of control
The 95th Percentile Queue is based on Equation 20-33 of the HCM 2010.
After selecting the HCM 2010 settings button, choose the Auto Mode tab to enter the HCM 2010 Automobile
Mode Methods.
All intersections and external nodes are assigned a unique node number used to identify the node in reports
and data exported to UTDF.
Control Type
This should be TWSC, thus indicating Two-Way Stop Control methodologies are being applied.
This is the overall intersection control delay per vehicle. It should be noted that the major street through traffic
is not accounted for in this calculation since its delay is assumed to be zero. For additional details, see the HCM
The LOS for the intersection is not calculated since traffic along the major street is considered free-flowing and
thus experiences zero delay.
This is the length of analysis period in hours. Typically, set at 15 minutes or 0.25 hours.
This is the walking speed of pedestrians used in the two-way stop calculations.
Select No if you do not wish to have the calculations adjusted due to the presence of an upstream signal. Select
Yes if you wish to have the calculations adjusted due to the presence of an upstream signal. The calculations
are adjusted based on the platooning of traffic from the signalized intersection.
If the next upstream intersection is another TWSC, Synchro will search further upstream for a signalized
intersection. However, a bend node will cause Synchro to stop searching for a signalized intersection in that
direction. If there are signalized intersections both upstream and downstream of the subject TWSC intersection,
but you’d only like to include one of them in the analysis, add a bend node between the subject intersection and
the signalized intersection that you would not like to consider.
Traffic Volume represents the number of vehicles for each movement in vehicles per hour. For additional
details, see the HCM 2010 and VOLUME settings, page 3-5.
Conflicting Pedestrians represents the number of pedestrians conflicting with either left or right turning
Sign Control
Since this is the Two-Way Stop Control module, the word Stop should be coded for the minor street. Free should
be coded for the major street, free-flowing movement.
This is the length of a turning bay. See Storage Length (page 3-5) for additional information.
If a median exists and left turns from the side street use the median to perform the left turn in two stages, enter
the number of left turning vehicles (1) or (2) that can be stored within the median.
Grade (%)
The percentage Grade is the slope of the roadway approaching the intersection (negative grades are downhill).
The default percentage Grade for each approach is zero percent. See Grade, page 3-5 for additional details.
The traffic volumes are divided by the Peak Hour Factor (PHF) to determine the traffic flow rate during the
busiest 15-minute period during the hour. For additional details, see the HCM 2010 and VOLUME SETTINGS,
page 3-5.
Growth Factor
The Growth Factor can be used to analyze future volumes based on a value entered.
A heavy vehicle is defined as any vehicle with more than four tires touching the pavement. Local buses that stop
within the intersection area are not included in the count of heavy vehicles. For additional details, see the HCM
2010 and VOLUME SETTINGS, page 3-6.
The traffic volume adjusted for peak hour factor and growth factor.
Select the appropriate Right Turn Channelized geometry, if one exists. If this data was entered within the Lane
Settings window, the appropriate values will be displayed. See page 9-5 for additional details.
If a Right Turn Channelized island exists, enter the appropriate curb radius. See page 9-5 for additional details.
Approach Data
Each approach is assigned a label based on whether it is considered the major roadway or minor roadway.
The total conflicting flow rate based on crossing the major street in either one or two maneuvers. See the HCM
2010 for additional details.
Critical Headway
This value is the critical headway of a crossing vehicle completing the designated movement using only one
maneuver. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
This value is the critical headway for Stage 1 of a crossing vehicle completing the designated movement using
only two maneuvers. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
This value is the critical headway for Stage 2 of a crossing vehicle completing the designated movement using
only two maneuvers. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
Follow-up Headway
This value is the time between the departure of one vehicle from the minor street and the departure of the next
vehicle using the same major-street headway, under a condition of continuous queuing on the minor street. The
HCM 2010 methodology assumes that both approaches along a particular roadway have the same number of
lanes. Based on the number of lanes, a Base Follow-Up Headway from Exhibit 19-11 of the HCM 2010 is then
assigned to five of the key movements associated with a Two-Way Stop Controlled intersection. Synchro 9.0
allows the user to analyze approaches with multiple lane configurations. Table 17-4 depicts the conversion of
the total number of lanes along the major roadway compared to the number of through lanes along the major
roadway. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
Table 17-4 Total Number of Lanes vs. Number of Through Lanes along Major Roadway
HCM 2010
Number of Through Lanes Along Approach
Total Number of Lanes
2 1
4 2
6 3
The Potential Capacity is calculated based on the HCM 2010 Equation 19-32. See the HCM 2010 for additional
The Time Blocked by platoon (%) is calculated if there is an upstream or downstream signalized intersection
within 0.60 miles of the study TWSC intersection. This value is determined based the reference phase and offset
of the signalized intersection(s). See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
This value is the capacity of a crossing vehicle completing the designated movement using only one maneuver.
Several capacity adjustment factors that account for the impeding effects of higher-ranked movements are
considered in this calculation. See the 2010 HCM for additional details.
This value is the capacity of a crossing vehicle completing the designated movement using two maneuvers.
Several capacity adjustment factors that account for the impeding effects of higher-ranked movements are
considered in this calculation. See the HCM 2010 for additional details.
This is the control delay per vehicle for the approach. For additional details, see the HCM 2010.
The LOS for the approach is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed or measured values of
control delay.
The maximum flow rate calculated for each lane based on a degree of utilization = 1.0. See the HCM 2010 for
additional details.
This is the control delay per vehicle for each of the minor street lanes at the intersection. For additional details,
see the HCM 2010.
The LOS for each lane is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed or measured values of control
The 95th Percentile Queue is based on Equation 19-68 of the HCM 2010.
Pedestrian Inputs
Walk Speed
Clearance Time
This value represents the pedestrian start-up time and end clearance time.
Approach Information
Approach Direction
Median Present?:
Yes or No will automatically be selected based on the Median Width coded within the Simulation Setttings
screen. No indicates that pedestrians cross the entire length of the roadway at once. Yes indicates that
pedestrians cross a portion of the roadway, wait in the median, and then cross the remaindering portion of the
roadway. If Yes is displayed, a second crosswalk dialogue box will be displayed within, as shown below.
The total delay and level of service for the entire crosswalk is displayed. If a median is present along an
approach, the total delay will be equal to the sum of both crosswalk segments.
Crosswalk Information
Length of Crosswalk
The length of crosswalk is measured from outside edge to outside edge of road pavement (or curb to curb, if
present) along the marked pedestrian travel path.
Lanes Crossed
The total number of through lanes crossed by the pedestrian will be displayed.
The total number of through vehicles that the pedestrian is in conflict with will be displayed.
Yield Rate
This value represents the average rate that motorist will yield to pedestrians waiting to cross the roadway.
Table 17-5includes the average yield rates based on research data collected at intersections with different
crossing treatments. The use of local data should be used if available. For additional information see Chapter
19 of the HCM 2010.
Table 17-5 Average Effect of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments on Motorist Yield Rates
*Staged data was collected with pedestrians trained by the research team to maintain consistent positioning,
stance, and aggressiveness in crossing attempts.
**Unstaged data was collected through video recordings of the general population.
Ped Vol Crossing represents the number of pedestrians crossing the roadway within each crosswalk.
Pedestrian Platooning?
Users should select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to indicate whether Pedestrian Platooning exists at
the intersection. Pedestrian platooning is defined as groups of pedestrians crossing the roadway as a group.
Critical Headway
The Critical Headway is defined as the time in seconds below which a pedestrian will not attempt to begin
crossing the roadway. The calculated value depends on whether pedestrian platooning exists at the
The probability that a lane is blocked by a vehicle is calculated based on user input.
The probability that a pedestrian or group of pedestrians will be delayed is calculated based on user input.
The average delay that a pedestrian or group of pedestrians will experience waiting for an adequate gap is
calculated based on user input.
The probability that a motorist will yield to pedestrians waiting to cross the roadway is calculated based on
user input.
This is the calculated average pedestrian delay based on the HCM 2010 methods for each individual crosswalk.
Refer to the HCM 2010 for details.
Level of Service
This is the Level of Service based on the HCM 2010 methods for each crosswalk segment.
Table 17-6 Two-Way Stop Control Pedestrian Level of Service (HCM 2010)
Control Delay
LOS Comments
F >45 Delay exceeds tolerance level, high likelihood of pedestrian risk taking
Entry Lanes
This is the number of lanes entering the given approach. These values are based on the data input within the
Lane Settings window.
This is the internal conflicting circular lanes to the approach. The user can adjust these values if required. HCM
2010 limits the circulatory lanes to two.
Exit Lanes
This is the total adjusted flow on the approach, in vehicle per hour.
This is the equivalent adjusted flow converted to passenger car equivalent. See the HCM 2010 for additional
The circulating flow opposing a given entry is defined as the flow conflicting with the entry flow (i.e., the flow
passing in front of the splitter island next to the subject entry). All flows are in passenger car equivalents. See
the HCM 2010 for additional details.
The exiting flow rate for a given leg is used primarily in the calculation of conflicting flow for right‐turn bypass
lanes. If a bypass lane is present on the immediate upstream entry, the right‐turning flow using the bypass lane
is deducted from the exiting flow. All flows are in passenger car equivalents. See the HCM 2010 for additional
When the conflicting flow rate approaches zero, the maximum entry flow is given by 3,600 s/h divided by the
follow‐up headway, which is analogous to the saturation flow rate for a movement receiving a green indication
at a signalized intersection. At high levels of entering and conflicting flow, limited priority (where circulating
traffic adjusts its headways to allow entering vehicles to enter), priority reversal (where entering traffic forces
circulating traffic to yield), and other behaviors may occur. In these cases, more complex analytical models or
regression models, such as those incorporated into some of the alternative tools discussed later in this chapter,
may give more realistic results.
The number of pedestrians crossing the leg and is used to determine the pedestrian impedance factor.
Approach LOS
10 A F
>10 - 15 B F
>15 - 25 C F
>25 - 35 D F
>35 - 50 E F
>50 F F
For multi-lane (two lane roundabouts), this will show the left and right lanes. There are multiple lane
geometries that may exist for the group.
This is the Critical Headway for the given Lane. It uses the default values from the HCM 2010 and can be changed
to calibrate the model.
In Synchro, this is the Right Turn Channelized setting, see page 9-5. It can be None, Free, Yield or Stop. If Stop
is selected, the movement will be treated as Yield control.
Lane Utilization
Table 17-8 Roundabout Lane Utilization (HCM 2010)
This is the per lane entry flow rate in passenger cars per hour.
This is the per lane entry capacity as determined with the HCM 2010 methods in passenger cars per hour.
The flow rate for each movement may be adjusted to account for vehicle stream characteristics using factors
shown below.
Table 17-9 Entry HV Adjustment Factor (HCM 2010)
This is the entry flow rate, converted back to vehicles per hour.
3600 √ ( )𝑥
𝑑= 2
+ 900𝑇 [𝑥 − 1 + (𝑥 − 1) + 𝑐 ] + 5 × 𝑚𝑖𝑛[𝑥, 1]
𝑐 450𝑇
Level of Service
The LOS for each lane on each approach is determined using the HCM LOS table and the computed or measured
values of control delay.
The 95th Percentile Queue is based on the following equation from the HCM:
√ ( )𝑥 𝑐
𝑄95 = 900𝑇 [𝑥 − 1 + (1 − 𝑥)2 + ]( )
150𝑇 3600
– Time-Space Diagram
The Time-Space Diagram can be used to graphically see how traffic flows between intersections. To
view a Time-Space Diagram (TSD), first click on the desired intersection or the desired link to select it,
then press the Time-Space Diagram button or the [F7] key.
Arterial view: Invoking a time-space diagram with a link selected will bring up a time-space diagram showing
that link's arterial TSD from one end to the other.
Intersection view: Invoking a time-space diagram with an intersection selected will bring up a time-space
diagram showing all of the links connecting to that intersection and one intersection in each direction.
Named Arterial view: Invoking a time-space diagram with a named arterial from the SELECT INTERSECTION
window (press the Select Intersection button or the [F8] key) will bring up a time-space diagram
showing a named arterial. The Named Arterial view can show part of an arterial based on its name,
zone, or route #. The Named Arterial view can also show an arterial that turns corners. See the section
on Interacting with the Time-Space Diagram on page 18-7 for details on creating a route number.
Synchro's time-space diagrams display time along the horizontal axis and distance along the vertical axis.
The following information summarizes each part of the time-space diagram in Figure 18-2.
Toolbar- These buttons change the views of the Time-Space Diagram. They are explained in detail
Street Names and Offsets- These are the street names of the intersection shown. The top name is
the name of the street with the time-space diagram being shown. The bottom name is the name of
the cross street. Underneath the street names is the intersection offset. The offset is referenced to
the reference phase even if it is not one of the approaches in the diagram.
Direction Icon- These icons indicate the direction of the street in question. The top icon shows the
direction of traffic moving downward in the diagram, usually Southbound or Westbound. The
bottom icon shows the direction of traffic moving in the upward direction in the diagram, usually
Northbound or Eastbound. These directions also match the direction of the average delays showed
in delays options and the colored timing bands (F).
Street and Intersection Diagram- The vertical line represents the street with the time-space
diagrams. The horizontal lines are crossing streets. These lines identify which links connect two
intersections and which are external links. These lines also show where the diagrams stop, when
two or more streets are shown in Intersection View. Clicking on or near a vertical line will display
an Arterial View centered on that link. Clicking on or near a horizontal line will display an
Intersection View for that intersection.
Traffic flow lines or Traffic Density Diagram- The diagonal and horizontal lines show traffic flow.
(See the Traffic Flow Diagram in this topic for a complete description.)
Timing Bands- The red, green, and yellow bands indicate the phase of the signal for each part of the
cycle. The different colors and hatching are as follows:
• Green represents a green phase for through traffic in both the upwards and downwards
• Red represents a red phase for both directions through and left movements.
• Teal represents an unsignalized intersection or a bend.
• Downward Hatching (\\\\) represents a green phase for downward through and left
traffic. Left turns, if any, are protected.
• Upward Hatching (////) represents a green phase for upward through and left traffic. Left
turns, if any, are protected.
• Cross Hatching (XXXX) represents a green phase for left turns in both directions. Through
traffic has a red phase.
• Solid Yellow or Hatched Yellow represents a yellow phase for one or more phases in the
The green bands for an actuated signal may start or end early. The times shown are actuated times
and this represents the phases gapping out early. Select [Max] to show maximum green times.
A scale on the top of the timing bands shows the time scale. The scale can be changed with the
Options → Time-Space Diagram command. Refer to the icons in (C) to see which direction the
cycle bands represent.
If your time-space diagrams only show 2 or 3 intersections, it may be because you are displaying an
intersection view. See the Switching Views section below for information about arterial views.
To scroll or move the time space diagram vertically, use the arrow buttons, the arrow keys, or by
clicking and dragging on the diagram (away from the timing bands).
Show Bands
The show bands (bandwidth option) shows arterial bandwidths. Bandwidth is the part of the
cycle that allows the vehicles to go through all intersections without stopping (in theory).
Synchro shows both arterial bands and link bands.
Arterial bands are green bands that carry a vehicle along the entire corridor without stopping. Link bands are
green bands that carry a vehicle between two intersections without stopping.
The default colors can be changed with the time-space options. Clicking the [Legend] button will display a
legend of the colors.
This diagram also shows the speed and position of the vehicles. Each line represents one or more vehicles (see
the table below). The slope of the line is proportional to the vehicles' speed. Horizontal lines represent stopped
cars. The best timing plans are the ones with the fewest and shortest horizontal lines.
The triangles of horizontal lines represent stopped vehicles queued at a red light. The width of the triangle is
the longest waiting time. The height of the triangle represents the maximum queue. A tall, skinny triangle
represents a long queue making a short stop. A short, wide trapezoid represents a few vehicles making a long
Normally each line represents one vehicle. On high volume lane groups, a line could represent two or more
vehicles. Table 18-1 indicates how many vehicles each line represents.
Table 18-1 Time-Space Vehicles per Line
Percentile Options
Traffic flow is not constant but varies, even over the course of an hour. Synchro models traffic flow, actuated
green times, and traffic flows with five different traffic scenarios. These scenarios represent 90th, 70th, 50th,
30th, and 10th percentile cycles for the hour for which volume data is given. If you looked at 100 cycles, the
90th percentile would have 90 cycles with less volume (10 with the same or more). The 50th percentile
represents average traffic conditions.
The time-space diagrams allow you to see traffic flow for these scenarios. To see the varied flow options, select
the appropriate drop-down from the toolbar on the left.
Maximum Option
With Maximum, green bands show maximum green times, even for actuated signals.
Max can only be used with the Bandwidth option. This is because Synchro calculates departures
internally using actuated green times. Synchro does not calculate departure patterns for actuated signals
with maximum green settings. The Flow option can only be used with the Percentile scenarios.
With one of these options selected, the green bands show the actuated green times and actuated
start times.
The 90th percentile scenario will have heavier traffic; the 10th percentile traffic will have
lighter traffic.
Bandwidths in percentile scenarios are based on actuated green times. This feature can actually allow greater
bandwidths around intersections that have light side-street traffic.
Viewing actuated signals in percentile view can highlight several potential problems with coordination. If some
phases are skipped or gap out, the main street green will start earlier than predicted with pre-timed
coordination. These vehicles will arrive at the next intersection early and may have to stop a second time.
When coordinating side streets or left turn phases, it is possible for the signal to skip or gap-out before the
platoon arrives. This view can highlight these problems. This is especially a problem with leading left turns.
When showing a Percentile flow, splits cannot be adjusted. Maximum splits must be shown in order to
adjust splits.
Show Delays
To show the Total Delay for each movement, and the intersections overall, push in the Delays button. Showing
delays gives you feedback about how well a timing plan works. Turning off the delays makes more space
available for the diagrams, and speeds up diagram generation.
Total Delays - These values are the estimated total delay for all traffic moving in the given direction. Total delay
includes control delay and queue delay. The first three columns are the total delay for traffic in the left, through,
and right turn lane groups. The fourth column is the total delay for the intersection, including traffic in all
If the intersections have incompatible cycle lengths, the diagram does not repeat and a queue builds with each
successive cycle.
Push the Queue button to show queue interaction problems. Queue interaction problems will be shown as
colored rectangles in the time-space diagram at the stop bar. The color coding is as follows:
✓ Red indicates blocking delay. A red rectangle at a stop bar indicates that the upstream intersection
queues are spilling back and blocking.
✓ Yellow indicates starvation delay. Starvation delay is congestion caused by a short upstream link in
conjunction with poor/no coordination .
✓ Brown shows storage delay.
Blocking for left turns is shown with two strips as red or brown. If the cycles are uncoordinated, blocking time
is shown as pink across the entire width. More details can be found in the topic on Queue Interactions page
Show Legend
Select the Legend button to display a color-coded legend. The legend shows the color for the flow lines and the
through and left timing bands. If the [Queue] button is selected, the legend will include queue interaction color-
Normally time-space diagrams print the green portion of the timing bands as white. This makes the diagrams
clearer on a black and white printer.
To print the timing bands as red and green on a color printer, check the following setting:
a) Choose [File→Print Window].
b) Check the box, Color Printer.
The Time Space diagrams have an option "Expand Short Blocks". This allows space for text or users can
keep them small. The option is on the Time Space diagram options settings and the Print Settings options.
For the time scale, enter a number between 16 and 96. The higher the number, the smaller each cycle is. Since
there are 96 dots per inch on the screen, it is recommended that the time scale be an even divisor of 96. Good
numbers for the time scale are 16, 24, 32, 48, and 96. For the distance scale, enter a number between 100 and
3,000 feet per inch (30 to 1,000 meters per inch). As the scale increases, the distance between intersections
Viewing traffic flows for four movements simultaneously can be a bit overwhelming. There are options to limit
the movements shown simultaneously.
For each movement, the color can be changed by clicking the color box to the right of the text.
To switch to a different Basic Arterial View, you can do one of the following:
✓ Click on the Street and Intersection Diagram, (D in Figure 18-1) on a vertical line (do not click near
any horizontal line).
✓ Go to the Map view (press [F2]), click on a different link, then return to the Time-Space Diagram
(press [F7]).
The Basic Arterial view shows an entire corridor of through streets regardless of name or zone. When in basic
arterial mode, the Intersection Name panel in the upper tool bar is blank.
To switch to a Named Arterial view, select the Helicopter button or press [F8] to activate the Select
Intersection settings.
1) Select an arterial by name or number.
2) To select part of an arterial by zone, choose the By Zone option.
The Named Arterial view can show an arterial with bends or for a specific zone. When in named mode, the
arterial name appears in the Intersection Name panel on the upper toolbar.
To set up a route with multiple street names or that turns corners, enter a route number as part of the street
name with a # sign. For example, a street name of "Ashby Ave, SR #13" can be referred to as route #13.
To make an arterial bend from North to East for example, make sure that '#13' is in the north and east links and
NOT in the south or west links.
To display an arterial that splits into a one way pair, include the route numbers "5th Street #101N" and "4th
Street #101S" in the name of the one way sections. Include both route numbers in the name of the two way
section separated by a space such as "Broadway #101N #101S".
To change an offset for any phase, click and drag on the timing bands away from any phase boundaries
(F in Figure 18-2). The cursor will change into a hand shape before and during offset adjustment.
Offsets cannot be changed for actuated and semi-actuated signals because they are not coordinated and
thus do not use offsets.
To change a split for a phase, click and drag on the timing bands at a phase boundary. The cursor will
change into a splitter shape before and during split adjustment. This feature changes the maximum
Splits can only be changed when in MAX mode. When in a percentile mode, the splits shown are actuated
splits; this feature only works with maximum splits.
When adjusting splits and offsets, you should attempt to make the right end of traffic flow lines hit the timing
bands in the green section, or to the left of the green section. This represents traffic arriving at the intersection
when the signal is green or just before the signal turns green.
When manually adjusting the timing, be sure to look at the average delay values. When you reduce the delay
for one direction, you may be increasing it for another direction. Make sure you consider the delay for all
movements. It is probably easier to let Synchro determine the best timing plans for you.
Swap Phases
Holding down the [Ctrl] key can be used to swap the phase order. When the [Ctrl] key is held down and the
mouse cursor is moved over a swappable phase, the cursor changes to indicate that the phases can be swapped.
Clicking the mouse changes the phase sequence. If the cursor is over two phases, the phase with the closest
center point is chosen. Locked timing plans cannot be changed. Phases can be manually swapped even if marked
'No' for Lead/Lag Optimize.
The Time-Space Diagram can be printed using the File→Print Window command.
The red and green bands will print as gray and white with a black and white printer. The color option can be
changed with the Color Printer checkbox.
When a percentile option is shown, the displayed green times are actuated green times. The green times may
be more or less than the inputted Maximum Green times. It is possible that some bands show 100% red or
100% green; this indicates that a phase has been skipped. Phase skips are common with volumes less than 100
vph, and for the 10th and 30th scenarios.
It is also quite possible for the main street green to start early. This is caused when side street phases gap-out
or skip. This behavior is called "early return to green", and the Time-Space Diagram shows this when a
percentile option is selected.
Splits cannot be adjusted when a percentile option is shown. This is because the timings shown are the
calculated actuated splits and not the maximum input splits. To edit splits in the Time-Space diagram, choose
the [Max] option.
Maximum Splits
When the [Max] option is selected, flow lines cannot be displayed. The vehicle flows are calculated using an
iterative process based on coordination and actuated green times. It would make no sense to show vehicle flows
with maximum green times because the flows do not exist without actuated green times.
Uncoordinated Intersections
Uncoordinated Intersections do not have an Offset or a fixed cycle length. With uncoordinated intersections,
the first phase always starts at time 0, and offsets cannot be adjusted.
The width of the horizontal lines in the Flow diagrams represents the signal delay incurred by each vehicle. The
sum of the line widths divided by the vehicles per cycle is equal to the uniform delay for the percentile scenario
The control delay shown with the Delay option is same stopped delay shown in the TIMING window and in the
Intersection reports. The Percentile delays are volume weighted average of the five percentile scenario delays
with the incremental delay added.
To convert from the delays represented by the flow lines to Percentile Delays the following steps are applied:
a) Uniform Delay for each percentile scenario is the sum of horizontal widths divided by vehicles per
b) Take Volume weighted average of five scenarios
c) Add Incremental delay for congestion
One might ask why the delay option does not show the delay associated with the percentile shown. The
percentile scenario is an unstable event that does not exist for more than one cycle. In real life, traffic will vary
between the maximum and minimum scenario volumes each cycle. One cycle could be 90 th percentile traffic
followed by a 30th, a 50th, a 10th, and a 78th. To show delays for a single scenario has no meaning because the
scenarios all exist together in a 15 or 60 minute analysis period.
A follow-up question might be why the time space diagram does not show a mix of percentile scenarios. This
type of display would be too difficult to present in a clear and informative method.
Each horizontal line represents one (or more) vehicles in queue. The height of the queue stack is equivalent to
the length of the queue. The height with the 50th Percentile Flows is roughly equivalent to the 50th Percentile
Maximum Queue. Each vehicle takes up the space of the average vehicle length, which is 25ft (7.5m) by default.
With 2 or more lanes, the space per vehicle is divided by the number of lanes. A delay of 6 seconds or less
represents a vehicle slowing but not stopping. The maximum queue will thus be at the top vehicle with a delay
of 6 s or more.
The 95th Percentile Maximum Queue is normally 10 to 20 percent longer than the height of the 90th
Percentile Flows' Queue Stack. A delay of 6 seconds or less represents a vehicle slowing but not stopping. The
maximum queue will thus be at the top vehicle with a delay of 6 s or more.
In a coordinated system, it is possible to change the queue length and delay by changing the offsets. Remember
that the widths of the horizontal lines represent delay and the height of the queue stack represents the
maximum queue.
The application of weighting factors > 1.0 will generally tend to increase the amount of green time allocated to
the phase(s) for which the weighting factor was applied. For example, applying weighting factors to the
coordinated phases along an arterial should increase the green along the arterial, thus leading to an increase in
the green band along the arterial. This chapter will define how to perform a basic signal optimization as well as
an advanced signal optimization using Synchro.
Overview of Optimizations
Synchro contains a number of optimization functions. It is important to understand what each function does
and use the optimizations in the correct order.
The first step is to develop timing plans for each individual intersection. This step includes:
✓ Enter lane data (refer to Chapter 9)
✓ Enter volume data (refer to Chapter 10)
✓ Set up phase numbers for each movement along with phase parameters (refer to Chapter 11 and
Chapter 12)
✓ Optimize cycle lengths and splits
✓ Check capacity
✓ Check for coding errors (see the topic on Coding Error Messages on page 25-1)
The next step is to divide the network into subsystems. This step is optional.
The Partition Network command will divide the network into multiple zones. This function assigns a zone name
to each intersection. Each zone can be optimized as a separate system in the cycle length optimization.
The next step is to determine a system cycle length. It is possible to create multiple zones and assign a different
cycle length to each zone.
The Network Cycle Length command will develop a timing plan for each cycle length based on the range
selected by the user. Synchro will highlight the cycle length with the lowest Performance Index (PI).
Synchro allows users to apply weighting factors to specific phases during the optimization routine and save the
MOE results at various times throughout the development of the optimal signal timing plan for further review.
After determining a system cycle length (or several cycle lengths), the last step is to optimize offsets. Select
Offsets from the Network section of the Optimize ribbon tab.
If you have set Allow Lead/Lag Optimize? to “yes”, this step will also optimize phase orders.
Table 19-1 shows the six types of optimizations and which parameters they optimize.
Table 19-1 Optimization Commands
Scope Values Optimized Values Needed for Input
Be sure to set the Maximum Cycle Length using the Options→Network-Settings command. Congested
intersections will be set to the Maximum Cycle Length in many situations.
If there are permitted left turn movements with a v/c of greater than 1, consider making a protected left turn
phase or prohibiting left turns at this intersection.
If you find that there are blocking problems between closely spaced intersections, consider using alternative
phase orders, such as lagging lefts, lead-lag phasing, or split phasing. If you set the Allow Lead/Lag Optimize?
field in the PHASING settings to "Yes" then Synchro will try both leading and lagging for that phase. Synchro
measures queue interaction delay, which will be accounted for during the optimization process (see the section
on Queue Interactions, page 20-12).
When optimizing Offsets, optimizing the lead-lag phasing slows down the optimization process. If you want a
faster optimization, turn off Allow Lead/Lag Optimize.
Optimize-Intersection Splits
The Optimize Intersection Splits command will automatically set the splits for all the phases. Time is divided
based on each lane group's traffic volume divided by its adjusted Saturated Flow Rate. The Split Optimizer will
respect Minimum Split settings for each phase whenever possible.
When optimizing splits, Synchro first attempts to provide enough green time to serve the 90th percentile lane
group flow. If there is not enough cycle time to meet this objective, Synchro attempts to serve the 70th
percentile traffic and then the 50th percentile traffic. Any extra time is given to the main street phases.
By attempting to serve the 90th percentile, Synchro gives splits that will clear the queue 90% of all cycles.
Because low volume approaches have more variability in traffic than high volume approaches, this method will
tend to give lower v/c ratios for low lane group flow approaches. Consider the following examples
Phase #1, Lane Group Flow = 120 vph, Cycle Length = 60, capacity is 1800 vph
50th percentile Lane Group Flow per cycle is 2.
90th percentile Lane Group Flow per cycle is 3.8.
Green time assigned is 8 seconds
v/c is 0.44
Phase #2, Lane Group Flow = 1000 vph, Cycle Length = 60, capacity is 1800 vph
50th percentile Lane Group Flow per cycle is 17.
90th percentile Lane Group Flow per cycle is 22.
Green time assigned is 44 seconds
v/c is 0.74
In practice, percentile optimization gives short phases a few extra seconds to process an occasional extra
vehicle. Longer phases also get extra time, but their extra time is less as a proportion of the total time.
If the volume exceeds capacity, Synchro will attempt to balance v/c ratios for each phase, while still respecting
all minimums.
Other Rules
If two or more lane groups move concurrently, the maximum volume to saturation flow rate is used to set the
split. For example, if there is a right turn lane and a through lane, the one with the highest volume to saturation
flow rate is used.
If two rings are used, the maximum sum of ratios is used for this barrier. For example, the time requirement for
NBT + SBL is compared to the time requirement for NBL + SBT. The maximum is used for these phase pairs.
All phases are assigned a split greater than or equal to their Minimum Split. The Optimize Splits algorithm
calculates splits repeatedly to ensure all minimums are met. If the minimums exceed the cycle length, then all
splits are reduced proportionately and there is a Min Error at the bottom of the TIMING settings. To use a split
less than the ped timings, set the Minimum Split less than Walk + FDW + Yellow + All Red.
If there are permitted left turns, the entire process above is done repeatedly; the first time using protected
left turn factors. Permitted left turn factors are then calculated based on these splits. Next, splits are
recalculated using the permitted left turn factors. Finally, the left turn factors are recalculated using the new
If a lane group is served by two or more phases, its volume will be divided among the phases that serve it.
However, the lane group's volume will only be used to request time for the first Detector Phase. Make sure that
the first Detector Phase is set correctly for each movement.
If there is a shared turning lane plus an exclusive turning lane, the calculations are repeated even further.
The traffic is assigned among the various lane groups based on volume-to-capacity ratios. Lane group
assignment affects permitted left turn factors and volume-to-saturation flow ratios. These, in turn, change the
optimum splits, which means that the traffic may need to be reassigned further.
At low volume intersections, there may be extra time available even after accommodating the 90th percentile
traffic. In these cases, extra time is divided evenly among phases at all intersections.
On pass 1, the permitted left turn factor used is an estimate independent of a timing plan. This is the same
estimate used for calculating the percent traffic in a shared lane.
flt Est = (900 - volOp)/900 * 0.95; (minimum of 0.15),
volOp = opposing volume
On subsequent passes flt is based on the previous passes timings. Pretimed maximum timings are used for the
calculation of Flt in split optimization. After split optimization, the final calculated Flt is based on actuated green
For version 7/8, split optimization does consider RTOR saturation flow during red times. In previous version,
RTOR saturation flow was not considered.
The Optimize Intersection Cycle Length command will set the intersection to the Natural Cycle Length.
In some cases, a longer cycle length will give lower delays or other performance
benefits. The Cycle Length Optimization attempts to determine the shortest cycle
length with acceptable performance.
Synchro starts with a short cycle length and optimizes the splits for that cycle length. If the splits for each phase
are not able to clear the critical percentile traffic, Synchro will try a higher cycle length until the critical
percentile traffic is cleared. For cycle lengths above 90, the v/c ratios simply need to be less than 1. If no
acceptable cycle length is found, the cycle length is set to the cycle length with the lowest PI. To set the Maximum
Cycle Length, use the Options→Network Settings command. Table 19-2 shows the acceptable Critical
Percentile Traffic for each range of cycle lengths.
Table 19-2 Acceptable Critical Percentile Traffic for Cycle Length
40 - 60 90th
61 - 90 70th
91+ 50th (v/c 1)
With one or more movements at or over capacity, the standard optimization procedure is to try successively
longer and longer cycle lengths. Longer cycle lengths add additional capacity because a lower proportion of the
cycle is used by yellow and total lost time.
When cycle lengths exceed 120 seconds, however, further increases to cycle length start to have less impact on
intersection capacity, while incremental delay continues to increase. In one example, changing the cycle length
from 150 seconds to 160 seconds increases the capacity for the intersection by 80 vehicles per hour, but adds
3 seconds of delay to all 5000 vehicles using the intersection. At some point, the cost of the extra delay does not
outweigh the extra capacity due to increasing the cycle length.
The cycle length optimization will choose the cycle length with the lowest performance index. The PI is
calculated as follows.
PI = [(D * 1) + (St * 10)] / 3600
PI = Performance Index
D = Total Delay (s)
St = Vehicle Stops
The Percentile Signal Delay adds 450 seconds of delay for each unserved vehicle. This causes the cycle length
to stop increasing when adding capacity for one vehicle will increase delay to other vehicles by 450s (7.5
minutes). In general, shorter cycle lengths have a shorter uniform delay, and will be favored when comparing
delays of various cycle lengths. The Signal Delay calculation helps to favor longer cycle lengths in congested
In previous versions of Synchro, over capacity intersections were always set to the Network Maximum cycle
length. In many cases, these intersections can have a significantly shorter cycle length with much less delay and
only a slight drop in capacity.
Shorter cycle lengths may also have other operational benefits. Queue lengths are generally shorter and storage
bays can operate more efficiently.
In some cases with permitted left turns, it is possible that capacity decreases as cycle length increases. In some
cases, a short cycle length will give acceptable capacity while longer cycle lengths fail. In this case, Synchro may
recommend a short cycle length that does not meet the percentile criteria.
By optimizing to accommodate percentile flows, Synchro will not recommend short cycle lengths unless there
is extra capacity to accommodate traffic fluctuations. In previous versions of Synchro, the cycle length
optimization only attempted to find acceptable v/c ratios. In some cases, Synchro recommended cycle lengths
that were considered too short. At a low volume approach, the traffic can be quite variable and a low v/c ratio
is needed. If 2 vehicles per cycle are expected, it is quite likely to have 4 vehicles in some cycles. To
accommodate these extra vehicles, 8 seconds of green is needed rather than 4 and a v/c ratio of 0.50. By looking
at percentile flows, Synchro can be more confident that all vehicles will be handled on busy cycles when short
cycle lengths are used.
Partition Network
This allows a network with multiple systems and cycle lengths, allowing timing plans to be tailored to local
conditions. On the Optimize tab choose Partition Network to divide a network into multiple systems. Each
intersection is assigned a zone. Existing Zone assignments will be changed. This command does not actually
change timings, but it sets up the network to have multiple cycle lengths when Optimizing Network Cycle
Even if all of the intersections are in the same zone, the Cycle Length Optimization may still recommend
individual intersections to be operated independently. This means that candidates for independent operation
can be included in the same zone.
The partition network optimization calculates Coordinatability Factors (CFs) for each pair of adjacent
intersections. Any intersections with a CF above the threshold value are put into the same zone. See the
description of the CF calculation later in this section (page 19-22).
The CF value will range between 0 and 100. When choosing a Partitioning strategy, the number in parenthesis
is the threshold CF. If One System is selected all connected intersections will be placed in the same zone.
After partitioning the network, the zones can be observed on the map by pressing the Show
Intersection Zones button. You may wish to change the zone recommendations based on personal
experience with the network or to match the current network partitioning.
Even though there are multiple zones, the intersections can still be in the same system by assigning them the
same cycle length.
Performance Index
The best cycle length is found by calculating a performance index. Previous versions of Synchro included a
queuing penalty component within the PI. This is now directly accounted for with the Total Delay, which
includes Queue Delay.
The PI is calculated as follows.
PI = [D * 1 + St * 10] / 3600
PI = Performance Index
D = Total Delay (s)
St = Vehicle Stops (vph)
The Total Delay above includes the Control Delay plus the Queue Delay. When multiple zones are optimized,
the MOEs assume that intersections in adjacent zones are not coordinated.
Using a longer analysis period tends to favor longer cycle lengths in the network cycle length optimization.
Unserved vehicles will be delayed on average for 1/2 of the analysis period. (Individual vehicles are not delayed
this long, but is the cumulative effect of added delays). With a longer analysis period, serving as many vehicles
as possible tends to dominate more than reducing uniform delays by having shorter cycle lengths.
Congestion lasting for 1 hour or longer tends to favor longer cycle lengths than spot congestion for 15 minutes.
Changing to a longer analysis period may cause the cycle length optimization to recommend longer cycle
Faster Optimizations
It can take several minutes to evaluate each cycle length depending on the number of intersections and the
speed of your computer. To get the best solutions quickly, a two-step optimization is recommended.
Pass 1: Evaluate a wide range of cycle lengths with a large increment (e.g., 60 to 150 at increment 15). Use
quick offset optimization and manual optimization.
Pass 2: From the first pass, it will become clear which range of cycle lengths work best. At this point, focus the
optimization on this range of cycle lengths (e.g., 80 to 100 at increment 5). Use Medium or Extensive offset
After performing a manual cycle length optimization, the Select Cycle Lengths Summary Table will appear.
Each cycle has MOEs listed for Performance Index, Queue Delay, Total Delay, Delay/Vehicle, Total Stops,
Stops/Vehicle, Fuel Consumption, Unserved Vehicles, Dilemma Vehicles, Percent Dilemma Vehicles, Speed, and
Average Speed.
One cycle length can be used for the entire network or each zone can have its own cycle length.
The box in the lower right displays the number of intersections in the zone. For the selected zone and cycle
length, the number of half, double and uncoordinated intersections is also listed.
The performance indexes shown for zones in the Select Cycle Lengths settings are for the zone independent
of neighboring zones and without coordination across zones. The performance indexes in the Select Cycle
Lengths settings are for the entire network and do consider coordination across zones. The network PI for a
cycle may be less or more than the sum of the zone PIs.
The Select Cycle Lengths settings cannot be used to determine the benefits of coordination across zones.
The zone MOEs in the Select Cycle Lengths settings assume no coordination with neighboring zones.
Improved solutions may exist which provide coordination across zones. The automatic method and the
initially recommended manual solution do consider coordination across zones.
Locked Intersections
Using the cycle length optimization with locked intersections presents a number of problems. If the locked
intersection is pre-timed or actuated-coordinated, its timings will not change for cycle lengths other than its
original. There will thus be no coordination from locked intersections. Caution should be exercised in using
cycle length optimization with locked intersections. If the intersection's original cycle length is chosen, it will
keep the same timing and neighboring intersections will be optimized with it.
If the locked intersection is actuated-uncoordinated, it will remain uncoordinated with the same timings. No
attempt will be made to optimize the timings.
Isolated Intersections
With some options, isolated and uncoordinated intersections are set to their natural cycle length for all
evaluated cycle lengths. To view the performance of a single intersection at each cycle length, do one of the
✓ Assign the intersection to its own zone.
✓ Select “Never” for Allow Uncoordinated.
Multiple Zones
Network Cycle Length Optimization calculates a separate set of MOEs for each cycle length in each zone.
Initially each zone is assigned a cycle length with the best set of MOEs for that zone.
Next, each set of adjacent zones is evaluated for a combined cycle length. If the zones have lower MOEs due to
inter-zone coordination, both zones are assigned the cycle length with the lowest combined PI.
The automatic cycle length optimization attempts to combine zones at the same cycle length for inter-zone
coordination. This feature allows the user to set up many zones without fear of losing coordination across
zones, but will still allow for multiple cycle lengths when appropriate.
Selected Zone(s) Indexes
80 sec 90 s
Cycle Cycle
Zone 1 100 112
Zone 2 310 300
Zone 1+2 (independent) 410 412
Zone 1+2 (coordinated), less than sum
390 395
due to coordination across zone
The performance indexes can be calculated assuming random and coordinated arrivals across zones. In the
above example, the best solution for independent zones uses different cycle lengths. However, when the
benefits of coordination across zones are considered, the best solution is to use one cycle length.
Master Intersection
In Synchro, there is one or zero master intersections for each cycle length. Half cycled intersections share the
master. When changing offsets, it is possible to combine two masters into the same cycle length and only one
intersection will remain a master.
A common misconception is that there is one master per zone. This is not true. There is one master per cycle
length. Two zones with one cycle length can have only one master, even if they are not physically connected.
The functionality like adding Weighting Factors during the optimization routine and allowing detailed MOE and
timing data to be saved for additional analysis are similar to version 10. At the top portion of Figure 19-4, the
“Preserve Files for Each Cycle Length” option from version 10 has been changed to “Create Scenario For Each
Cycle Length” in version 11. It allows preserving the optimized files for each cycle lengths and appears under
Scenario Manager window as different scenarios denoted by relevant cycle lenghts. This added feature allows
users to select timing plans that best meet their goals and objectives.
To perform a basic signal optimization, choose the Optimize Network Cycle Lengths command to optimize
cycle lengths for the zone or network identified within the Scope setting.
1. Minimum, Maximum, and Increment Cycle Length: Enter the minimum and maximum cycle lengths
to evaluate. The optimizer will evaluate every cycle length between the minimum and maximum at
increment intervals. If the values are set to 60, 100, and 10; the optimizer will evaluate cycle lengths of
60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 seconds.
If Allow Half Cycles is selected, only even numbered cycle lengths will be evaluated. If min, max, and incr
are set to 80, 120, and 5, and half cycles are allowed, the optimizer will evaluate 80, 86, 90, 96, 100, 106,
110, 116, and 120.
2. Allow Uncoordinated: This option may recommend that some intersections be left uncoordinated.
The number in parentheses is the threshold Coordinatability Factor (CF). Intersections will be made
independent and uncoordinated when either one of the following apply:
a) CF with all neighbors is less than threshold CF and space required for one cycle of traffic is less
than 80% of the storage space.
b) The sum of Minimum Splits exceeds the Evaluation Cycle, the intersection will be set to
3. Allow Half Cycle Length: This option will test some intersections at half cycle length. This option can
give snappier operation and less delay at less congested intersections. Half Cycle Intersections will be
given a cycle length of 1/2 the evaluated cycle. Intersections will be half cycled when they meet both
of the following criteria:
c) Natural Cycle Evaluation Cycle / 2
d) Space required for one cycle of traffic is less than 120% of the link storage space.
4. Preserve Files: With this option a file is saved for each cycle length. These files can be loaded
afterwards for evaluation or used for a multi-file comparison report. The files are given the name
"filename-050.syn" where filename is the name of the file and 50 is the cycle length evaluated.
5. Optimize Phase Sequence: If this box is checked, leading and lagging left turn combinations will be
tested. However, lead/lag combinations will not be checked if the Allow Lead/Lag Optimize? setting
in the Phasing window is unchecked (see page Error! Bookmark not defined.).
6. Offset Optimization: Choose Quick to evaluate many cycle lengths quickly. Choose Medium or
Extensive to analyze several cycle lengths in detail.
Table 19-3 Offset Optimization Options
Offset Option Optimizations Performed
7. Weighting: Choose No Weighting. See the next section for conducting an advanced optimization.
8. Write Timing File: Click the box to display a checkmark in the box. This will enable Synchro to create
a csv file (file name as indicated) that includes the basic signal timing data for each intersection within
the selected range. This file can then be viewed once Step 10 has been completed.
9. Automatic: The automatic option will automatically select the best cycle length based on the cycle
with the lowest Performance Index (PI). It is possible to have each zone assigned a different cycle
To perform an advanced signal optimization, choose the Optimize Network Cycle Lengths command to
optimize cycle lengths for the zone or network identified within the Scope setting. Refer to the previous section
and select the appropriate settings for Steps 1-6. Once completed, refer to Step 7 below to complete the required
coding to perform an advanced optimization.
7. Weighting: There are two choices for applying weighting factors when performing an advanced
a) Optimize using Phs Weighting: Choosing this option will direct Synchro to use the values
entered within the Optimize Phs Weights - Delays cells located within the Phasing Settings
screen. This option is used when there is a variety of weighting to be applied to individual
b) Optimize using RefPhs Weighting of: Choosing this option will direct Synchro to apply the
entered weighting value to the Reference Phase(s) that are coded within the Timing Settings
The weighting range is from 0.1 to 5. A value of 1 indicates no weighting and therefore would be the same as
performing a basic optimization.
8. Write Timing File: Click the box to display a checkmark in the box. This will enable Synchro to create
a csv file (user can enter filename) that includes the basic signal timing data of each intersection within
the scope identified. The Timing Plan name will be used as a label within the csv file along with an
extension indicating the cycle length being optimized. For example, if the timing plan is entered as
AMPeakRefWt2 (representing the AM peak period with a weighting factor of 2 applied to the reference
phases) and the cycle length range was 100 seconds to 150 seconds, the summary csv file would
include labels AMPeakRefWt2-100. This allows users to easily compare delay results from various
timing plans within one summary file.
The csv file also includes a few additional fields for identification of the various optimization scenarios that
were conducted.
a) Notes – labels automatically inserted during the optimization process.
b) RunDate & RunTime- Date and time of optimization.
c) Weighting - This field provides the weight of each phase in sequential order. If there is only
one value in the weight field, then the weighting factor was applied only to the reference
The table provides users the ability to review MOE’s at the individual lane group for each of the cycle lengths
that were analyzed. The MOE categories can also be filtered based on user preference. This allows users to
quickly focus on a critical intersection and/or approach to compare MOE’s across a range of cycle lengths.
Figure 19-9 depicts a summary table that has been filtered by Node and then by Approach. In this example, the
critical EB Left delay reduced from 111.9 seconds to 61.2 seconds when the cycle changed from 110 seconds to
130 seconds respectively.
Users also have the option of exporting the data to a csv file for additional analysis. The summary tables will
include rsults for the entire Synchro network. The following table includes a list of the data exported to the csv
12. Review Timing File: This file includes all of the key signal timing data (splits and offsets) calculated
for each cycle length during the optimization process.
13. Repeat Steps 11-15, as necessary: Steps 11-15 can be repeated as often as desired. As the process is
repeated, be sure to enter a new Timing Plan name within Optimize Cycle Lengths dialogue box. The
timing file listed will then be appended with the new results from each round of optimization. A
warning message will be displayed alerting the user that the previous file name was not changed and
whether it should be deleted. Select No to append the file with the new optimization data.
14. Fine-Tuning Signal Timing Parameters: Once the MOEs are considered acceptable, the user has the
opportunity to manually adjust splits or offsets at the intersection level, if required. If changes are made
at the intersection level, the revised MOEs can be appended to the timing and/or MOE data file created
in Step 16. Choose Transfer→Append and confirm the file names listed in the screen displayed. Be
sure to change the Timing Plan ID so any existing data is not overwritten.
The Synchro 10 Examples pdf located where Version 10 is installed includes a step-by-step example detailing
the use of this feature.
Network Minimum delay score is a relative measure of delay, so that you can see how the optimization is
progressing. These scores are not convertible into an actual delay measure and will vary by cycle length.
However, after performing an intersection offset, users can append the MOE table to determine actual
intersection delays to compare results without adjustments to the offsets.
The scoring used for offset optimization uses the 50th and 90th percentile scenarios only, with the 50th
percentile being double weighted.
This command only changes the selected intersection. It does not make any changes to surrounding
intersections. There may be better timing plans available by changing the timings of surrounding
intersections, but Optimize Intersection Offsets and Phasing will not find them. To find the best timing
plans overall, use the Optimize Network Offsets command discussed in the next section.
For each offset and lead-lag combination Synchro will re-evaluate the departure patterns at this and
surrounding intersections and recalculate delays. Synchro will also recalculate skipping and gap-out behavior
at actuated-coordinated intersections.
When optimizing offsets, Synchro will look at offsets every 16 seconds around the cycle. Synchro will take those
with the lowest delay score and look at offsets nearby every 4 seconds. Synchro will then take those with the
lowest delays and look at offsets nearly every 1 second.
The offset optimization function is used to evaluate the delays by varying the offset for every 8 seconds around
the cycle. The optimizer then varies the offset by step size increments (1 or 4 seconds) around the 8 second
choices with the lowest delays or close to the lowest delays. This finds the offset with the lowest delays, even if
there are multiple "valleys" with low delay. The cluster optimization will vary groups of intersections so that
local clusters can be synchronized with other local clusters rather than with just each other.
A new option, Weighting the Reference Phases, during the offset optimization routine has been added. Selecting
this option will focus the Offset optimization routine on minimizing delay for the reference phases. In many
cases, an improved bandwidth in one or both directions (based on the reference phases) will occur. Users can
append the MOE table to determine actual intersection delays to compare results without adjustments to the
Choose Zone and enter a zone to perform optimizations on a group of intersections. To select multiple zones,
separate the zones with a comma.
Optimize Splits will perform a Split Optimization for all intersections in the current scope. Cycle lengths and
offsets are not affected. Perform this step if volumes or geometry has changed since the cycle length was last
Offset Optimization Speed controls how many optimization passes are performed and the step size of each
The Step Size controls how many offsets are looked at with incremental offset optimization. Using a value of 1
will check offsets in 1 second intervals. Using a value of 2 will check offsets in 2 second intervals and will take
less time. It is recommended that offsets be optimized with a step size of 4 first and followed with a step size of
[OK] starts the optimization process. All of the checked optimizations will be performed in order.
To fine-tune a network after minor changes, only use the incremental offset options.
Do not select Optimize Splits if splits have been set manually. These values will be optimized and any custom
splits will be lost.
Allow Lead/Lag Optimize? is enabled for some passes. This feature will try reversing phase orders to improve
coordination. This optimization is only performed for phases with Allow Lead/Lag Optimize? set to Yes.
During passes 1, 3, and 5, Synchro performs individual intersection offset optimization. With individual
optimization, each intersection's offset is set to a representative sample of every possible value between 0 and
the cycle length -1. With each offset value traffic flow bands, actuated green times, and delays are recalculated.
The offset resulting in the lowest delays is selected. The delays for the subject intersection and its neighbors
are considered. In some cases, the timing of the subject intersection can affect delays at an intersection two or
more links away.
During passes 2 and 4, Synchro performs cluster optimization. With cluster optimization, Synchro finds groups
of intersections that are connected and treats them as a single group. Synchro will adjust the offsets of the entire
group together.
Consider an arterial of 4 intersections. With cluster optimization, the left two intersections will have their
offsets adjusted together while the right two intersections are held constant. Whenever a group of two or more
intersections is connected to the remainder of the network via a single link, they will be treated as a dangling
cluster. Dangling cluster optimization works well with linear arterial(s).
Another type of cluster is a CF cluster. If two or more intersections have Coordinatability Factors between them
of 90 (or 70) or more, they are considered a cluster and have their offsets optimized together. CF Cluster
optimization helps with situations when two or more intersections that are very close have a lot of traffic
between them. Without CF cluster optimization, these intersections would tend to be optimized for the benefit
of each other only and not for the surrounding intersections.
Platoon Dispersion
Some traffic models such as TRANSYT-7F implement platoon dispersion. With platoon dispersion, it is assumed
that some vehicles will go faster or slower than the defined speed and platoons spread out over greater
distances. One result of platoon dispersion is that coordination has less beneficial impact on longer links.
Synchro does not implement platoon dispersion. Synchro offers two other features that reduce the weightings
of far-apart intersections.
Entering mid-block traffic can be used to "soften" the platoons and provide an effect similar to platoon
Synchro calculates a Coordinatability Factor that takes the travel time between intersections into account. In
many cases Synchro's optimization routine will recommend not coordinating intersections when the travel
time between the intersections exceeds 30 seconds. Therefore, in places where platoon dispersion is expected
to reduce the benefits of coordination, Synchro may recommend no coordination at all.
To reduce the weighting of coordination on longer links, enter mid-block traffic (see page 10-5). Also consider
not coordinating intersections that are more than 30 s apart.
In many cases, using alternate phase orders, such as lead-lag phasing, can significantly reduce delays, stops,
and queues. Many parts of North America only use leading left turns and never consider alternate phase orders.
When performing Network Offset Optimization and Automatic Network Cycle Length Optimization, Synchro
performs a check to see if using alternate phase orders can reduce delays. The Check Phase Orders optimization
does not change phase orders in the final timing plan, it merely recommends changes that could reduce delays.
A phase pair is the 1st and 2nd phases or the 3rd and 4th phases of a ring-barrier sequence. During Lead/Lag
optimization, the optimizer will test timing plans by reversing the order of the phase pairs. During
improvement optimization, the optimizer will test all combinations of phase reversals, including those marked
"Fixed" for Allow Lead/Lag optimization. This may result in some suggestions that the engineer had not
previously considered.
When an improvement is found that reduces delay by at least 1800 vehicle seconds per hour, the improvement
is listed, like this example:
Consider changing the phase order at Node 3: E Pine ST & Freeman RD
Node #3 Phase:1 WBL, Change to a lagging phase.
Node #3 Phase:5 EBL, Change to a leading phase.
Total Delay is reduced by 10295 vehicle seconds per hour!
Node #3 Intersection delay is reduced by 8395 veh-s/hr!
Node #3 NBR Delay is reduced from 28.2 to 20.3 seconds per vehicle!
Node #3 WBT Delay is reduced from 9.7 to 4.0 seconds per vehicle!
Node #15 EBL Delay is reduced from 28.1 to 25.7 seconds per vehicle!
In this example, changing some of the phase orders at node #3 would reduce network delay by over 10,000
seconds per hour. This reduction may occur at node #3 and its neighboring intersections. Intersection delay
reductions are listed that exceed 1800 veh-s/hr and individual movement reductions are listed that exceed 900
veh-s/hr or 50%.
To implement one or more of these suggestions, go to the Phasing settings and change the Lead/Lag field of
the recommended phases. When using lagging left turns, the oncoming left turn treatment should be changed
from Permitted-plus-Protected to Protected (see topic on Left Turn Trapping, page 11-8).
Check Phase Orders cannot be disabled. The ratio of time saved by motorists to the time spent analyzing these
alternatives can exceed 10,000 to 1. Check Phase Orders is not performed if at least 66% of phase pairs have
Allow-Lead/Lag-Optimize set to “Yes”. Check Phase Orders is not performed on any intersection that has Allow-
Lead/Lag-Optimize set to “Yes” for all phase pairs and the preceding optimization allowed for Lead/Lag
Coordinatability Factor
The Coordinatability Factor (CF) is a measure of the desirability of coordinating the intersections. Several
criteria are used in an attempt to determine whether coordination is warranted. These criteria are used to
determine a CF on a scale from 0 to 100 or more. Any score above 80 indicates that the intersections must be
coordinated to avoid blocking problems; any score below 20 indicates the intersections are too far apart, or
coordination is otherwise not desirable.
The CF is used with the Partition Network optimization. Intersections with CF values above the threshold CF
are placed in the same zone or signal system.
The CF is also used with cycle length optimization when uncoordinated intersections are allowed. Intersections
with CF values below the threshold CF are allowed to be independent and uncoordinated.
The calculation of Coordinatability Factors is highly empirical. The application of these factors should
be used with caution. They are primarily meant to call attention to the different criteria that make
coordination desirable or undesirable.
The following criteria are used to determine the Coordinatability factor and are discussed here.
CF = Max(CF1, CF2) + Ap + Av + Ac
CF = Coordinatability Factor
CF1 = Initial Coordinatability Factor from Travel Time
CF2 = Initial Coordinatability Factor from Volume per Distance
Ap = Platoon Adjustment
Av = Volume Adjustment
Ac = Cycle Length Adjustment
Travel Time Between Intersections: This is the single most important element. The travel time affects the CF
in the following ways. For links greater than 80 seconds apart, (5,300 ft. at 45 mph or 3,500 ft. at 30 mph), the
intersections are assigned an initial CF of 0 because they are too far apart. For links less than 4 seconds apart,
the intersections are assigned an initial CF of 100. These intersections are so close together, they could cause
blocking problems. For links between 4 and 80 seconds, the initial CF is assigned using the formula:
Many agencies use the distance between intersections as the sole criteria for determining coordinatability.
Using travel time instead of distance takes into account the speed of the links. High-speed expressways require
coordination over longer distances than low-speed city streets.
Average Traffic Per Cycle Exceeds Link Distance: This criteria is similar to the previous criteria in that it
uses the distance between intersections. This test also considers the traffic volume on the link and the cycle
length of the intersection to see if the average traffic per cycle length will exceed the storage space between the
intersections. If the average volume per cycle for either direction between the two intersections exceeds the
available storage space, there is a potential blocking problem. Synchro assumes there is a blocking problem
when AverageTraffic > 0.80 x StorageSpace.
Similar checks are also made for the right and left turn lane groups as well. CF2 is the maximum factor of the
internal lane groups.
Platooning of Traffic During the Cycle: This criteria looks at how much of the traffic arriving is compressed
into the busiest 30% and 60% part of the cycle. If vehicle arrivals are spread out over the entire cycle, due to
traffic coming from the side streets or from mid-block, coordinating this link will have less effect on reducing
delays overall. If there is a short red time upstream, the traffic will be spread out over most of the cycle and
coordination will have less effect. A pulse factor of 45 indicates that vehicles arrive uniformly across the cycle,
coordination will provide no benefit. A pulse factor of 100 indicates that all of the traffic arrives in the busiest
30% of the cycle and coordination is a good idea.
A Pulse Factor of 45 reduces the CF by 20 points. A Pulse Factor of 100 increases the CF by 10 points. For a two-
way link, the maximum Pulse Factor for the two directions is used.
Main Street Volume: This criteria looks at the volume of the main streets. The assumption is that high volume
arterials are more suitable for coordination than low volume streets. The arterial volume is the total hourly
volume on the link in both directions including turning movements. The Volume Adjustment, Av is adjusted
according to the following formula.
Av = (v2 - 700) / 50, when v2 < 1200
Av = (v2 - 200) / 100, when v2 < 2200
Av = 20, when v2 2200
Av = Volume Adjustment
Incompatible Cycle Lengths: This criteria looks at the natural cycle lengths of the adjacent intersections, or
groups of intersections, to see if they are compatible. The Natural Cycle Length is the cycle length the
intersections would have if they were operating as independent intersections, and it is the shortest cycle length
that gives an acceptable level of service. If the two intersections have close to the same cycle length, they can
be coordinated together without increasing delays to uncoordinated movements. Conversely, if one
intersection only needs a short cycle length and the other needs a longer cycle length, both intersections would
have to operate at the longer cycle length. This increases delays at the intersection with the shorter natural
cycle length. The following test attempts to calculate, empirically, how much delay is increased when the
intersection(s) with the shorter cycle length is increased to the longer cycle length:
Ac = Cycle Length Adjustment = - ( IncreaseInCycle) / 2
−30 ≤ 𝐴𝑐 ≤ 0
IncreaseInCycle = amount to increase cycle length for coordination
If the shorter cycle of the two adjacent intersections can be half cycled, then IncreaseInCycle = LongerCycle / 2
- ShorterCycle. For example, Intersection 1 has a natural cycle length 100 and intersection 2 has a natural cycle
length of 40. Intersection 2 can be half cycled so its cycle length is increased from 40 to 50 and IncreaseInCycle
is 10.
If one or both intersections are operating actuated or semi-actuated with a floating cycle length, the increase in
cycle length is the difference between the longer natural cycle length and the average actuated cycle length
without dwell time. If both intersections are actuated, the IncreaseInCycle for both intersections is used. For
example, intersection 1 has a natural cycle of 70 seconds and an actuated cycle without dwell of 46 seconds.
Intersection 2 has a natural cycle of 100 and actuated cycle without dwell of 78. To coordinate these
intersections, intersection 1 increases from 46 to 100 and intersection 2 increases from 78 to 100. The
IncreaseInCycle is thus (100-46) + (100-78) or 76.
This factor will avoid coordination when it significantly increases the cycle length of intersections. This factor
also avoids coordinating actuated signals when they can shorten their cycle with skipped and gapped-out
The Current Coordinatability Factor uses the current cycle length and timings to calculate the CF. The Natural
Coordinatability Factor uses the intersection's natural cycle lengths. The Natural CF is used to initially
determine which intersections should be coordinated. The Current CF is used to analyze the current timing plan
and justify whether or not to coordinate additional intersections.
To answer the question, ‘why were these two intersections coordinated together?’, look at their natural CF. To
answer the question, ‘why are these two intersections not coordinated together?’, look at their current CF.
Delay Calculations
Synchro’s core delay calculation is called The Percentile Delay Method. The percentile delay calculation looks
at five levels of traffic arrivals so that actuated signals can be evaluated under varying traffic loads. This allows
the percentile delay method to capture and rationally model the non-linear behavior of actuated signals.
The Percentile Delay calculations in Synchro are also interval based. Vehicle arrivals from adjacent
intersections are evaluated in intervals to determine the influence of coordination.
The calculations for The Percentile Delay Method can be quite complex, including multiple intervals to be
evaluated with detailed information about arrival patterns from adjacent signals. The HCM 2000 Delay
equation (Webster's Formula), can be calculated by hand, while the HCM 6th Edition and HCM 2010 cannot.
Synchro allows you to choose which delay method is used, the Synchro control delay or an HCM delay
evaluation. The delay shown in the TIMING settings is the Synchro control delay.
The following sections explain the differences in calculations between the HCM 2000 and the percentile delay
methods in detail.
Webster's formula as it appears in the Transportation Research Board's, HCM 2000 is defined as:
D1 = 0.5 * C *
1 − ( g / C )2 = Uniform Delay
1 − ( g / C ) * min( X ,1)
PF = Progression Factor to account for coordination or controller type
8* k * I * X
D2 = 900 * T * ( x − 1) + ( x − 1) 2 + = Incremental Delay
c * T
D3 = Residual Demand Delay, caused by existing queue at beginning of analysis, not used in Synchro
C = Cycle Length (s)
T = duration of analysis in hours, default 0.25 (see Network Settings)
g = Effective green time (s)
X = Volume to Capacity Ratio (v/c)
c = Capacity (vph)
k = incremental delay factor, dependent on controller settings (0.5 for pre-timed or near saturation)
I = upstream filtering factor (1.0 for isolated intersections)
Webster's Formula is used when compatibility with the HCM is required. Webster's Formula and the HCM
methods are a nationally recognized standard for measuring intersection performance. The formula provides
a uniform set of rules for all design reports and planning studies. For these types of applications, Webster's
formula should still be used.
The Progression Factor (PF) is used by the HCM 2000 to account for the effects of coordination. Synchro has
already explicitly calculated the delay with coordination effects, so Synchro actually can determine the true PF
by the following formula:
PF = DelayCoord / DelayUnCoord
PF = Progression Factor
DelayCoord = uniform delay calculated by Synchro with coordination
DelayUnCoord = uniform delay calculated by Synchro assuming random arrivals
The Uniform Delay shown in the Delays Report assumes random arrivals, to get the total delay, multiply the
Uniform Delay by the PF and add the Incremental Delay.
Analysis Period
The analysis period, T, in Synchro can be modified. To change this, go to the Network Settings, Volume Settings
The typical (and default) analysis period is 15 minutes (T = 0.25 hours). As the v/c ratios begin to increase to
about 0.90, the control delay is significantly affected by the length of the analysis period. When the flows for
each 15-minute interval remains relatively constant, consideration should be taken to increase the analysis
period. If v/c exceeds 1.0 during the analysis period, then the length of the analysis period should be extended
to cover the period of oversaturation in the same fashion, as long as the average flow during that period is
relatively constant.
If the Analysis Period is changed to 30 minutes or greater, the PHF is automatically set to 1.0 and is not editable.
The PHF is only used in conjunction with a 15-minute analysis. The delay equations (both Percentile and HCM)
have provisions to accommodate traffic fluctuations that would occur for the peak 15-minute period during a
60-minute analysis.
The length of the analysis period will affect the control delay. Adjusted volumes and v/c ratios will be lower
due to not using a PHF adjust. Uniform delays will be lower at 60 minutes due to lower volumes. Incremental
delays will be lower at 60 minutes due to lower volumes, but higher due to longer analysis period. Movements
under and near capacity may see a reduction in delay. Movements over capacity will likely see a big increase in
delay. This reflects over capacity movements having standing queues for 60 minutes rather than 15 minutes.
The average delay for a lane group at a pretimed signal is represented by the area in the triangle in Figure 20-1.
The width of the triangle's base is equal to the effective red time of the phase. The slope of the left side is the
arrival rate of vehicles in vehicles per second. The slope of the right side is the departure rate or Saturated Flow
Rate in vehicles per second. The height of the triangle is the maximum queue in vehicles. The maximum queue
can thus be found with the following formula.
Q= * R = Maximum Back of Queue (vehicles)
(1 − v / s) * 3600
v = Volume (vph)
s = Saturated Flow rate (vph)
R = Red Time (s)
The vehicle delay per cycle is the area of the triangle; the delay per vehicle is the area of the triangle divided by
the vehicles served per cycle.
v R2
VD = * = Vehicle Delay
(1 − v / s) * 3600 2
Dp = = Uniform Delay per vehicle, for scenario p (s)
C * 3600
C = Cycle Length (s)
0.5 R
Dp = *R*
(1 − v / s ) C
Given that...
X =
s*g /C
Dp = 0.5 * C *
1 − ( g / C )2
1 − X * g / C
This formula is identical to the definition for Webster's formula for D 1. The primary differences between the
Percentile and Webster calculations lie in the determination of green time, and the handling of nearly- and over-
saturated conditions.
Percentile Scenarios
Over the course on an hour or 15-minute period, traffic will not arrive at an intersection uniformly. Some cycles
will have more traffic and some cycles will have less. A Poisson distribution can be used to predict how traffic
To account for variations in traffic, Synchro models traffic flow under five percentile scenarios, the 90 th, 70th,
50th, 30th, and 10th percentile scenarios. If 100 cycles are observed, the 90th percentile cycle will be the 90th
busiest cycle. Each of these scenarios will represent 20% of the cycles actually occurring.
The traffic volumes for each scenario are adjusted up or down according to the following formulas.
The expected number of vehicles, , is the hourly flow rate divided by the number of cycles per hour.
= v*
v = Volume (vph)
C = Cycle Length (s)
The variance, or standard deviation, in traffic is the square root of the expected number of vehicles for a Poisson
= Sqrt( ) = standard deviation in expected arrivals per cycle
The expected number of vehicles for a given percentile can be calculated using a Poisson distribution. A Normal
Distribution can be used if the expected number of vehicles is greater than 6. This gives the formula:
vP = ( + z ) * = volume for percentile P
C = Cycle Length (s)
z is the number of standard deviations needed to reach a percentile from the mean. It can be determined the
table below.
Table 20-1 Standard Deviations for Percentile Scenarios
Percentile Z
10 -1.28
30 -0.52
50 0
70 0.52
90 1.28
vP = v + z * v * C / 3600 * 3600
with vP 0
Using five scenarios instead of one has several advantages. Even though an approach is below capacity, it may
be above capacity for the 90th percentile traffic. By modeling the 90th percentile traffic, it is possible to better
model nearly saturated intersections.
Using multiple scenarios allows actuated signals to be modeled under multiple loadings. The complex operation
of actuated signals will vary under the five scenarios and give a range of expected green times over the course
of an hour.
For example, a phase serving a low volume movement may skip 40% of the time. With percentile modeling this
phase is skipped in two of five scenarios. The alternative used by HCM is to assume a split or green time of 60%
of the non-skipped time. Similar non-linear behavior occurs with pedestrian activated phases.
To get basic delays for pretimed, unsaturated signals with uniform arrivals, the formulas are:
v10 R2
VD10 = 0.5 * * * 3600
(1 − v10 / s) C
v10 = 10th percentile volume rate (vph), volume rate is adjusted using methods described earlier
Vehicle-Delay values and Arrival rates for other percentiles are calculated similarly.
If volume exceeds capacity for a percentile scenario, the capacity, rather than the volume is used in the uniform
delay calculation. For congested percentile conditions the following apply:
VD10 = 0.5 * s / 3600* = uniform delays calculation for congested links
To estimate the delay for actuated signals, it is necessary to determine how skipping and gapping behavior will
change their timings. These actuated timings are then used with the Percentile Delay formulas. This section
describes how actuated signals are modeled.
The key to determining actuated behavior is to predict if each phase will be skipped and when each phase will
gap out. Once these behaviors are determined, the green and red times from the actuated signals can be used
to model delays.
To determine the probability of a phase being skipped it is necessary to determine the expected number of
vehicles that arrive during red. Synchro assumes the phase will be skipped if there is a greater than 50% chance
that zero vehicles arrive during the red time. If the expected number of vehicles is less than 0.69, there is a 50%
chance that zero vehicles arrived.
The red time can be a tricky number to determine. The red time occurs at the beginning of the unusable yellow
time or about 2 to 3 seconds into the yellow time. The red time extends to the end of the permissive period for
this phase. The permissive period ends at the yield point of the previous phase. If there are advanced detectors,
this will allow more vehicles to be detected and extend the detection time for avoiding a gap.
When determining the probability of a skip, traffic from all lane groups calling the phases are added and
pedestrian calls are added as well.
If this signal is not in coordination, the actual cycle length may be less than the maximum cycle length and the
skipping and gapping calculations must be done iteratively with shorter cycle lengths.
If this signal is in coordination, the arrival flow will reflect the departures from the upstream intersection.
It is possible for a phase to be skipped if the platoon arrives after the permissive period, this occurs most
often with leading left turn phases. In this case, Synchro will calculate delays by modeling two cycles. In
the first cycle, the phase is skipped. In the second cycle, all vehicles are served. Synchro will not skip
phases if the v/c ratio is 0.9 or greater.
Synchro assumes that any phase with traffic of at least 1 vph will not be skipped during the 90th percentile
cycle. This insures that every phase gets at least some green time.
The queue clearance time is equal to the startup lost time plus the service time for any vehicles that arrived
during red plus vehicles arriving during the clearance time. Synchro has the startup lost time set for 2.5 seconds.
The service time is 3600 divided by the Saturated Flow Rate and the number of lanes.
Tq = L1 + * ( L 2 + R + L1) = queue clearance time (s)
L1 = 2.5 s = startup lost time (s)
v = arrival rate (vph)
s = Saturated Flow Rate (vph)
R = Actual Red Time (s)
L2 = Clearance Lost Time (s)
If this phase serves two or more lane groups, the lane group with the highest Volume to Saturation ratio is used.
If the lane group for this phase is also served by another phase such as a permitted + protected left turn phase
or a right turn phase with an overlap, the vehicles arriving on red will be reduced by the vehicles served by the
other phase.
Synchro does not actually model stop bar detectors or initial intervals. Synchro assumes that the detectors and
initial interval settings are set up in such a way that the phase will not gap out before the queue is cleared.
An "overflow queue" calculation is used to prevent gap-out at lower percentiles for movements near or over
capacity. The unserved vehicles from the 90th percentile cycle are assumed to be in the initial queue for the
lower percentile cycles. The overflow queues are assigned as follows:
uI = (vI - cI)*C/3600 = unserved vehicles for percentile I.
vI = percentile volume for percentile I
cI = capacity for percentile I, based on maximum green times
o70 = u90/4 = 70th percentile initial overflow queue (vehicles / cycle)
o50 = u90/4 + u70/3 = 50th percentile initial overflow queue (vehicles /cycle)
o30 = u90/4 + u70/3 + u50/2 = 30th percentile initial overflow queue
o10 = u90/4 + u70/3 + u50/2 + u30 = 10th percentile initial overflow queue
The time-to-gap-out is the time from when the queue clears until there is a 50% chance of gap out.
The effective gap time, GapEff, is the time required between two vehicles for the signal to gap out. A single
vehicle can extend the phase from the time it hits the first detector until the time it leaves the last extension
detector plus the gap time. GapEff is thus equal to the controller's actual gap time plus the travel time between
the first and last extension detectors. Only extension detectors are counted when determining the effective gap
The probability of an immediate gap-out is the probability of 0 vehicles in the first GapEff seconds. If the
expected vehicles are less than 0.69 in this time, there is more than 50% chance of an immediate gap-out.
The probability of a gap-out in any subsequent second is the probability of no vehicles in the new second and
the probability of no vehicles in the trailing GapEff -1 seconds. The expected number of vehicles in the trailing
time is arrivals + 1 since we know there was at least one vehicle in the trailing GapEff seconds.
One of the best ways to reduce delays at signalized intersections is through coordination. When a signal is in
coordination its arrival flows from adjacent intersections will vary over the course of a cycle. Under perfect
coordination all traffic arrives on green, there are no stops or delays.
Synchro models coordination by varying the arrival rate at intersections based on the departures at upstream
intersections. This causes the arrival rate to vary across the cycle.
Synchro takes all traffic from upstream intersections moving toward the subject intersection, both through and
turning traffic. If the upstream green interval is not saturated, the traffic flow leaving the upstream intersection
will vary across the green band.
Normally traffic from the upstream intersection will be heavy during the upstream intersection's queue
clearance period and then the flow will decrease to the upstream intersection's arrival rate. If a platoon arrives
at the middle or end of the upstream intersection's green time, the platoon will carry through to this
For a graphical representation of how vehicles leave the upstream intersection, look at the flows in the time-
space diagram (page 18-4).
If the upstream intersection is actuated-uncoordinated or if it has an incompatible cycle length, the traffic is
assumed to arrive uniformly. A compatible cycle length is the same cycle length, double the cycle length, or half
the cycle length.
If the upstream intersection has half the cycle length, traffic will be modeled over two of its cycles. If the
upstream intersection has double the cycle length, this intersection will be modeled with two cycles.
If the upstream intersection is unsignalized or a bend node, Synchro will look beyond the unsignalized
intersection for a signalized intersection. Any vehicles arriving at a free approach to an unsignalized
intersection are assumed to depart immediately.
Vehicles arriving at a stop or yield approach to an unsignalized intersection are assumed to depart uniformly
across the cycle. If mid-block traffic is coded, this traffic is represented as arriving uniformly.
Traffic volumes from upstream traffic are adjusted up or down to match the required traffic at the subject
intersection. Traffic adjusted downward can be used as an automatic traffic sink. Traffic flows from upstream
intersections will be adjusted upward by as much as 30%. Any additional traffic is assumed to arrive uniformly.
The vehicle flows from upstream are time adjusted based on the travel time between the intersections. Synchro
has no option for platoon dispersion.
It is possible that the departures of a distant intersection can affect the arrival pattern at this intersection. For
this reason, departure patterns are recalculated iteratively and this causes Synchro to take a while to
At links near or above capacity, the delay will have two parts:
As volume approaches capacity, some or all vehicles will not be accommodated on the first cycle. Both the
Synchro Delay and HCM Signals Report include an incremental delay term (D 2) to account for delays from
vehicles waiting for extra cycles. The D2 in both models accounts for delays due to near saturation and over
Incremental delay is now calculated using the HCM formula. Earlier versions of Synchro performed a 100 cycle
simulation to determine the incremental delay. Trafficware conducted research that showed the HCM formula
gives essentially the same results for a wide range of v/c ratios, cycle lengths, and green times, provided the
same definition of delay is used. Synchro 6 switched to using the HCM formula to give consistency with the
other method, and to facilitate fast D2 calculations to model queue interactions during optimization.
8* k * I * X
D2 = 900 * T * ( x − 1) + ( x − 1) 2 + = Incremental Delay
c *T
Synchro allows for analysis periods other than 15 minutes. D2 will be higher when using longer analysis periods.
However, with a 60-minute analysis period, there is no adjustment for PHF, this will normally reduce the
adjusted volume. The resulting delay could be higher in some cases and lower in others than using a 15-minute
analysis period.
Upstream Metering
The I term is determined by Exhibit 15-9 in the HCM 2000. If this is an isolated intersection or there is no
upstream intersection, I = 1.0 for random arrivals. Exhibit 15-9 of the HCM 2000 is as follows:
The basic premise of the Percentile Delay Method is that traffic arrivals will vary according to a Poisson
distribution. The Percentile Delay Method calculates the vehicle delays for five different scenarios and takes a
volume weighted average of the scenarios. The five scenarios are the 10th, 30th, 50th, 70th, and 90th
percentiles. It is assumed that each of these scenarios will be representative of 20% of the possible cycles. For
each scenario, traffic for each movement is adjusted to that percentile.
If the signal is actuated or semi-actuated, the skipping and gap-out behavior for these traffic conditions are used
to determine the green times for each scenario. If the signal is in coordination, an arrivals flow pattern is
calculated to account for the effects of coordination. Delays are calculated using the adjusted volumes and
calculated green times.
Estimating actuated operation or coordination arrivals may require that the calculations be performed
iteratively. D2 is calculated to account for signals near or above saturation.
In most situations, the delays calculated by the Synchro Percentile and HCM methodologies are similar and will
be within a few seconds of each other. Key differences are highlighted in the table below.
Table 20-2 Limitations of Methodologies in Synchro
Limitation Synchro’s Percentile HCM 6th Edition & 2010 HCM 2000
Delay Method
Turn Pocket Overflow All analysis methods in Synchro have this limitation. If vehicles are spilling out
of a turn pocket or through vehicles are blocking a turn pocket, the delay that
would occur in the field is not included in the models’ delay output.
Spillback and Synchro includes a The HCM methods do not include any delay for queue
Starvation Delay method to model this spillback or starvation.
(caused by closely delay when
spaced intersections) intersections are close
to each other.
Acutated Green Time Synchro determines The HCM 6th Edition and The HCM 2000 does not
Calculations actuated green times 2010 include calculate the actuated
computational engines green time. In Synchro,
Right Turn on Red Synchro calculates a In the HCM methods, the RTOR is a volume input by
RTOR saturation flow the user and is used as a volume reduction (not a
rate, and increases the capacity increase).
right-turn capacity.
Actuated Signals
Webster's formula calculates delay using a single set of green times. These green times are an average of the
actual green times encountered by the signal operating in actuated mode. The percentile method uses five sets
of green times, by using five levels of traffic. Delays are calculated using each scenario and a weighted average
is taken.
In most cases, the difference between using one and five scenarios will be less than a few seconds. The biggest
differences occur with the non-linear behavior associated with pedestrian phases and skipped phases. If an
intersection has pedestrian actuated phases with 1 to 50 pedestrians per hour or skipped phases and traffic
under 100 vph; the delay to other phases will be calculated more accurately using the Percentile method.
Webster's formula calculates the effects of coordination by using a Progression Factor (PF). The PF is calculated
by estimating the percentage of vehicles arriving on green. The formula does not discriminate between vehicles
arriving at the beginning or end of red so the entire process is an approximation.
The Percentile Method calculates the effects of coordination by looking at actual arrivals from adjacent
intersections. The queue length and delays are calculated by integrating the expected arrival rate across the
cycle length. The delays calculated this way explicitly account for coordination and give the detail necessary for
offset optimization.
Delay Calculations for Approaches with Left Turn Phasing, but no Left Turn Lane
Delay calculations for approaches with left turn phasing, but no left turn lane are completed as follows. Traffic
is assumed to flow freely (both left and through) during the protected left turn phase. During the through phase,
traffic is somewhat or fully constrained. For Permitted+Protected operation, the flow rate during the
permitted part of the cycle is reduced by the left turn factor calculated using the methods shown in the 2000
Highway Capacity Manual. For Protected operation, it is assumed that the left lane will be blocked by a left
turning vehicle. The capacity is thus reduced by one lane, or the capacity is zero for a one lane approach.
The Synchro delay calculations are designed for operations and signal timing optimization. Synchro’s method
is called The Percentile Delay Method. The Percentile Delay Method is designed to model coordination and
actuated signals in detail.
Delay based methods including Synchro’s are inherently less accurate than capacity based methods. However,
Synchro’s delay method does explicitly account for actuation and coordination thereby reducing those sources
of inaccuracy.
The calculations are too complicated to be performed by hand or described completely on paper. The Synchro
results are therefore not reproducible by other software or by hand methods.
For optimizing signal timing for coordination, Synchro’s delay method is the best choice because it is explicitly
calculating the affects or coordination. Similarly, for analyzing actuated signal parameters, Synchro’s delay
method is also the best choice.
Queue Interactions
Synchro 6 introduced a new series of traffic analysis called Queue Interactions. Queue Interactions looks at how
queues can reduce capacity through spillback, starvation, and storage blocking between lane groups.
Spillback is caused when a queue from a downstream intersection uses up all the space on a link and prevents
vehicles from entering the upstream intersection on green. (See Figure 20-2)
Queue causing
Starvation occurs when a downstream signal is green, but the signal cannot service at full capacity efficiency
because the upstream signals is red, see Figure 20-3.
(wasted green) due
to upstream red
Queue Interactions
Queue Interactions have the potential to not just increase delay, but also reduce capacity, even on movements
that normally are under capacity. With movements at or above capacity, queue interactions become even more
critical because they have the potential to reduce capacity even further.
Historically Synchro has modeled how good coordination can reduce delay. With Queue Interaction modeling,
Synchro is modeling how bad coordination or no coordination can exponentially increase delays and reduce
Queue Interactions look at queues on short links and short turning bays. Less storage space than one full cycle
of traffic causes higher delays along with a reduction in capacity. It is not just a bad problem, it is a terrible
problem. In addition to the problems previously noted, it is also a safety problem. Vehicles holding at a green
light can get rear-ended. Vehicles stuck within an intersection can get into a right-angle collision.
Spillback and starvation are tightly interrelated. It is possible to initially have one and not the other depending
on which intersection is more capacity constrained. The reduction in capacity due to starvation will eventually
lead to spillback upstream. Spillback and starvation are caused by no coordination or bad coordination in
conjunction with short block spacing.
To reduce spillback and starvation; all major movements for a direction need to be green at the same time.
Using shorter cycle lengths and/or longer block distances can also reduce queue interaction problems.
The Queue Interaction calculations are used throughout Synchro 6 and later, including the following areas.
A new queue delay term is introduced. All displays and reports that show a percentile delay now have an
additional term called Queue Delay. This delay measures the additional delay incurred by the capacity
reduction of queues on short links.
Queue delay is part of the objective function used for optimizations. Optimized timing plans will now take into
account the effects of queue interactions. This will tend to favor timing plans that hold all movements green
simultaneously on short links and shorter cycle lengths.
The Time-Space Diagrams can now show times where queue interactions occur. Starvation, spillback, and
storage blocking times are shown at the stop bar with colored rectangles.
The Coding Error Check feature now looks for queue interaction problems. Any significant problems are
reported in detail as a warning.
The Queue report now contains detailed information about the three types of queue interactions. The Queuing
penalty is removed.
The first step is to determine if the ratio of volume per cycle to distance is critical. Queue Interactions only cause
a reduction in capacity when the storage space is less than one cycles worth of traffic.
If a movement is over capacity, it will cause spillback at any distance; but system capacity will not be reduced
because there is enough storage space to accommodate an entire cycle of traffic.
This test must be true for both the blocking and the blocked movement. Both movements need to have a queue
extending past the storage bay opening for an interaction to occur.
These tests do not actually determine if queue interactions are occurring, only if they have the potential to
The next step is to determine the time that the movement is blocked or starved. For storage blocking and
spillback, the capacity during this time will be zero. For starvation, the capacity during this time will be reduced
to the upstream saturation flow rate active at the time.
Note that at the beginning of green vehicles begin to clear the queue at point (1), the queue is drained at time
(2) and the last queued vehicle clears the stop bar at time (3). From time (3) to time (4), the only vehicles that
can be serviced are those that enter the intersection from times (2) to time (5). The storage space cannot be
used after time (3).
If the upstream signal is red between times (2) and (5), only vehicles using the intersection will be vehicles
turning from side streets upstream or entering mid-block. The capacity of the downstream intersection is
limited by the Saturated Flow Rate of allowed movements upstream during this time.
For starvation analysis, the green time is divided into two portions. The beginning of green for queue clearance
time Tq is able to clear vehicles stored on the link. After Tq, the capacity is limited to the upstream Saturated
Flow Rates of traffic given a green during that time.
Starvation (a)
Red Green
Upstream Saturation Flow
Red Green Red
Starvation Capacity
Red Green
Figure 20-5(a) shows the basic capacity for the downstream intersection versus time for one cycle. Figure
20-5(b) shows the upstream Saturated Flow Rates for vehicles bound to the downstream intersection. The
Saturated Flow Rates are adjusted to account for the proportion of vehicles in that stream bound for this
movement. Note that there is a big flow for the upstream through movement, and smaller flow on red for
vehicles turning from side streets upstream. Figure 20-5(b) is time adjusted to account for the travel time
between intersections.
Figure 20-5(c) shows the combination of the two flow profiles. The shaded area is the reduced starvation
capacity. The difference between Figure 20-5(a) and Figure 20-5(c) is the reduction in capacity due to
In the case where the upstream intersection has a different cycle length, the average volume is used for the
capacity during the Starvation time.
Red Green
Note that at some cycles, the starvation time will be fully utilized and other cycles will be starved.
The link clearance time for a 300 ft link with saturation flow rate of 2000 vphpl is:
If the two intersections operate at different cycle lengths, starvation may occur on some cycles but not others.
Over time the flow rate serviced after time Tq will be equal to the volume. During some cycles, it will be greater
and some cycles it will be less.
The capacity at the downstream intersection is reduced depending on the number of vehicles that can be
serviced after Tq.
If starvation is a potential problem, it is essential to use good signal coordination and/or shorter cycle lengths.
For spillback analysis, the upstream capacity will be zero whenever the queue extends to the upstream link.
Refer to Figure 20-7. The first step is to simulate the traffic flow of the downstream movement. This will
determine the queue time upstream. In Figure 20-7 this is from time (2) to (4). The capacity of the upstream
movement(s) are reduced to zero during this time.
Note that side street movements may also have their capacity reduced during the spillback time. If a side street
lane group has two lanes of Thru and Thru-Right, its capacity will be reduced by ½ during the time the right
movement is blocked.
In the case where the two intersections have different or variable cycle lengths, the calculations are performed
multiple times. The upstream intersection’s departure and capacity profiles are rotated at 5 second increments
over their entire cycle. At each 5 second increment, the profiles are truncated or extended to match the
downstream cycle length and the spillback analysis is performed. The capacity reduction is averaged for all the
5 second offset rotations. This allows all offset combinations to be evaluated and considered. It is likely the
spillback affects will vary greatly among offset rotations. It is necessary to test all offset rotations in order to
determine whether there are damaging spillbacks with incompatible cycle lengths.
For half cycling or double cycling, offset rotation is not used; the analysis is performed using a double cycle.
For queue delay calculations, the capacity reduction is calculated using both 50th percentile traffic and 90th
percentile traffic with the 50th percentile traffic counting for 2/3 of the total.
Storage blocking combines a spillback and a starvation analysis. The first step is to determine the time that the
entrance to the storage bay is blocked by the blocking movement.
Refer to Figure 20-8. In this example through traffic is simulated for a cycle to determine the queue time at the
top of the storage bay. In Figure 20-8 this is from time (1) to (2).
Refer to Figure 20-9. This shows left traffic on the same link.
Figure 20-9 Storage Blocking in Time Space view (Left Turn Traffic)
The time from (3) to (5) is the storage clearance time. From time (5) to (6), the capacity will be zero if the
storage entrance is blocked.
Figure 20-10(a) shows the basic capacity for the blocked movement versus time for one cycle. Figure 20-10(b)
shows the time the entrance to the storage bay is blocked. Figure 20-10(b) is time adjusted to account for
travel time.
Figure 20-10(c) shows the combination of the two flow profiles. The capacity is reduced after ts whenever the
storage bay is blocked. The shaded area is the reduced storage blocking capacity. The difference between
Figure 20-10(a) and Figure 20-10(c) is the reduction in capacity due to storage blocking.
Storage blocking is not considered with queue delay. Initial versions of Synchro 6 included this feature, but it
was found that this behavior is too complex to model macroscopically.
Some examples: For a two lane through movement, through vehicles can move around queued left vehicles in
the right lane. In many cases the capacity was not reduced as much as predicted. Blocking through traffic
prevented left traffic from entering and queuing, and vice versa. The best way to model the interactions of
queued traffic with storage bays is with simulation.
The storage blocking is still shown on the time space diagrams, but the queue delay is not affected.
Starvation (a)
Red Green
Storage bay block time
Blocked time
top of storage
Red Green
Storage blocking
reduced capacity
Red Green
Queue delay is the additional delay associated with the capacity reduction of queue interactions. It is calculated
using the incremental delay formula with and without the capacity reduction.
The purpose is to penalize queue interactions that increase v/c above 1, but not penalize queue interactions
that keep v/c < 1. This delay also penalizes interactions in proportion to the amount they increase delay by
reducing capacity on the critical links.
8* k * I * X
D2 = 900 * T * ( x − 1) + ( x − 1) 2 + = Incremental Delay
c *T
T = duration of analysis period (hours)
X = v/c = volume to capacity ratio
c = capacity
k = incremental delay factor, 0.50 is used here because these movements are at capacity
I = upstream filtering, 0.3 is used here, because these movements are metered
qd = queue delay = d2’ – d2
d2’ = incremental delay using c – cr instead of c
cr = capacity reduction due to queue interactions = max(crSB, crS)
crSB = capacity reduction due to spillback
crS = capacity reduction due to starvation.
Here are some examples of how capacity reduction affects queue delay:
v c cr X X' qd
Note that qd is much larger when v/c is pushed over 1. In the 4th example, a 30% reduction in capacity has
minimal affect because excess capacity is available. In the last example, a 5% reduction in capacity has a large
affect because the movement is already over capacity.
The Uniform Delay is not part of the Queue Delay calculation. Synchro already calculates the effect of
coordination (good or bad) on Uniform Delay.
Queue Interactions can have very negative impacts on traffic flow. In addition to increasing delays, they also
can reduce available capacity and even create safety problems. The calculation of queue interactions is very
complex and prior to Synchro 6 was only available through microscopic simulation.
The queue delay quantifies the impact of queue interactions. Queue delay is used during optimizations to find
offsets, phase sequences and cycle lengths with minimal impact from queue interactions. Queue Interactions
can be seen visually on the time space diagram, and listed in the Coding Error Check.
The best way to minimize queue interactions is to use good coordination. With short links, all movements for a
given direction need to be green at the same time. Using shorter cycle lengths can also reduce the impacts.
If Storage Blocking is a problem, there are several options available. The simplest is to use lead-lag or split
phasing. Using longer storage bays, shorter cycle lengths, or better coordination can also help reduce Storage
Sometimes bandwidth style timing plans can have bad queue interactions, especially on the link where timing
plans alternate. Figure 20-11 shows a bandwidth timing plan for a two-way arterial. Figure 20-12 shows the
flow lines for the same timing plan.
Note that on the link between (1) and (2), all traffic is stopped nearly for the entire red period. Note that these
queues are causing spillback SB at (1) and NB at (2). The short block spacing is also causing starvation SB at (2)
and NB at(1). The conclusion is to watch out for queue interactions (and excessive delays) when the timing
plans alternate on a bandwidth style timing plan.
It is of vital importance to coordinate closely spaced intersections, especially when there is not enough
space on the link to store a full cycle of traffic.
Uncoordinated intersections can cause spillback and starvation. Even when the signals are controlled by
different agencies; it is imperative to use coordination to keep the intersections operating safely and at full
The queue reports show the 50th percentile and 95th percentile queue. This queue represents maximum back
distance where vehicles stop during a cycle.
The queue lengths shown are the queue for each lane. The total queue length is divided by the number
of lanes and the lane utilization factor.
Consider the arrival departure diagram in Figure 20-13. The base of the triangle is the effective red time, R.
The slope of the left side is the arrival rate in vehicles per hour, v. In a coordinated system, the arrival rate may
vary across the cycle.
The slope of the right side is the Saturated Flow Rate in vehicles per hour, s.
The height of the triangle is the maximum back of queue in vehicles, Q. Vehicles delayed a short time will only
slow but not stop. For this reason, Synchro does not consider vehicles delayed by less than 6 seconds to be part
of the queue. The Queue is actually the height to the point where the triangle is 6 seconds wide.
The value Q2 is the number of vehicles arriving on red. After the signal turns green, additional vehicles may
queue up in back while the front of the queue dissipates. Other queuing methods such as the ITE and SIGNAL
94 queuing methods are based on the lower Q2 value.
Synchro's delay, capacity, and LOS outputs now take into account delays and reduced capacity from
queuing and blocking problems. Details on this can be found in the topic Queue Interactions. In addition,
you could use microscopic simulation, such as SimTraffic, to determine the affects of queuing on traffic
Calculation of Queues
Based on Figure 20-13, the formula for the queue is.
v 1 L
Q= * ( R − 6) * 1 + * = Queue Length (ft)
3600 s / v − 1 n * fLU
R = Red time (s)
s = Saturation Flow Rate (vph)
v = Arrival Rate (vph)
L = Length of vehicles including space between (ft)
n = Number of Lanes
fLU = Lane Utilization Factor
If the volume to capacity ratio (v/c) exceeds 1, the queue length is theoretically infinite. Synchro calculates the
queue length as the maximum queue after two cycles. This will equal
The 95th percentile queue is calculated by increasing the arrival rate to account for fluctuations in traffic. The
volume is unadjusted by the Peak Hour Factor because the 95th volume adjustment accounts for traffic
v95 = v * PHFx * 1 + 1.64 * = 95th Percentile Arrival Rate (vph)
vc = Vehicles per cycle = v * C / 3600
PHFx = minimum of PHF or 0.9
The 95th percentile queue will be calculated using v95 rather than v.
In many cases, the 95th percentile queue will not be experienced due to upstream metering. If the upstream
intersection is at or near capacity, the 50th percentile queue represents the maximum queue experienced.
Similarly, if the upstream intersection has a v/c ratio over 0.8; the maximum queue is approximately equal to
the 50th percentile queue divided by the upstream v/c ratio. For example, if the 50th percentile queue is 150ft,
and the v/c ratio upstream is 0.90; the maximum possible queue would therefore be 150 / 0.90 = 167ft.
Here is a complete step-by-step calculation of queue lengths. Note that the formulas presented here are
simplifications of the flow rate integration used internally by Synchro. These formulas will not work with
platooned arrivals or with complex phasing such as permitted plus protected left turns.
Input Data
Adjusted Volume (v): 351 vph
Saturated Flow Rate (s): 1770 vph
Lanes (n): 1
Cycle Length (C): 90 s
Effective Green Time (G): 23 s
Average Vehicle Length (L) : 25 ft
Peak Hour Factor : 0.9
Lane Utilization Factor (Fu): 1.0
Upstream Metering
The arrival volume for the 95th queue, but not the 50th queue, is adjusted to account for metering at the
upstream intersection.
If the upstream intersection has volume equal to capacity, v/c=1, the 95th queue will equal the 50th queue. If
the upstream intersection has v/c=0.95, the volume for the 95th queue will be limited to 105% of the 50th
percentile traffic and the 95th queue will only be about 5% longer than the 50th queue. The above cases assume
no mid-block sources of traffic.
Upstream metering is not performed if the upstream intersection has a incompatible cycle length, or if either
intersection is actuated with different controllers. Upstream metering is not performed at stop controlled
unsignalized intersections, but is performed for signals beyond if traffic flows freely through the unsignalized
Upstream metering is used to determine the rate only. The arrival profile is calculated without metering and
may be overly weighted towards metered movements. Metering is not used in the calculation of arrival profiles
and uniform delay calculations.
Synchro's delay, capacity, and LOS outputs take into account delays and reduced capacity from queuing
and due to upstream metering. The 95th queue may be less than the 50th Percentile queue. If the
upstream intersection is operating with v/c>1, the metered arrival rate will be less than the volume for
this intersection. Since metering is only performed with the 95th queue, this causes the 95th queue to be
less than the 50th queue. This situation may indicate a coding problem. Be sure that the Midblock traffic
is coded correctly and that the signal timing and volumes for both intersections are set correctly. This
reduced 95th queue does represent a valid queue because vehicles will not be able to clear the upstream
intersection to queue at this intersection.
Example Calculation
Adjusted Volume: 1000 vph
PHFx = 0.90
C = 90s
Volume from Midblock: 100 vph or 10%
Volume from upstream through: 700 vph or 70%
Upstream Through v/c: 0.95
Volume from upstream left: 200 vph or 20%
Upstream Left v/c: 0.8
VC = Vehicles per cycle = v * C / 3600
VC = 1000 * 90 / 3600 = 25
v95 unmetered = v * PHFx * ( 1 + 1.64 * SquareRoot( VC ) / VC ) = 1000 * 0.9 * (1 + 1.64 * SquareRoot(25) / 25
= 1195 vph
v95 metered = v * sum(PropI * min(1/(vi/ci), v95/v)
= 1000 * [0.1 * 1195/1000 + 0.70 * min(1/0.95, 1195/1000) + 0.2 * min(1/0.80, 1195/1000)]
= 1095 vph
In this example traffic from upstream through is not able to increase by more than 5% due to the high v/c ratio.
Traffic from midblock and from upstream left is able to fluctuate. The resulting metered v95 is less than the
unmetered v95 but is more than the 5% increase allowed from upstream through.
Stop Calculations
Stops are calculated similarly to the calculation of delays. Consider the arrival departure graph above. The total
number of vehicles being delayed is equal to the number of vehicles queued or Q in the diagram above.
However, vehicles being delayed for less than 10 seconds do not make a full stop. Synchro calculates the number
of stopped vehicles by counting the number of delayed vehicles for each delay time and adjusting these vehicles
by the following table.
Table 20-3 Stop Adjustment
This table is taken from the TRANSYT 7-F User’s Manual and is the same adjustment made for partial stops
used by TRANSYT.
These stops are calculated for each percentile scenario and averaged for cycle failures and over capacity
vehicles. The stop calculations model 100 cycles similar to the delay calculations, to calculate stops for
k3 = .0000061411 * speed ^ 2
F = fuel consumed in gallons
Speed = cruise speed in mph.
TotalTravel = vehicle miles traveled
TotalDelay = total signal delay in hours
Stops = total stops in vehicles per hour
These are the same as the default formulas for fuel consumption used by TRANSYT 7-F.
It may be useful to create this report with a before and after scenario to access the amount of improvement
gained by adding coordination.
Emissions Calculations
The emissions calculations are based only on fuel consumption. The somewhat simplified calculation multiplies
fuel consumption by the following factors to determine emission rates.
These simplified rates are based on an unpublished letter to the Federal Highway Administration from Oak
Ridge National Labs.
The unserved vehicles are shown in the MOE reports and the Optimize Cycle Length table to quickly show
where and by how much capacity is exceeded.
When optimizing, it is desirable to minimize and keep at zero the number of Unserved Vehicles. In some cases,
it may be acceptable to accept some unserved vehicles. Many times a long cycle length exceeding 100 seconds
will be recommended to accommodate an extra 10% capacity. Long cycle lengths can have negative operation
aspects including long queues, inefficient use of turning lanes, and blocking. Lower cycle lengths may be better
because the reduced queues will generally increase capacity and provide smoother operation.
If alternate routes exist, some unserved vehicles are acceptable because drivers will select alternate routes
when faced with congestion.
Traditionally traffic engineers have used MOEs such as delays, stops, and bandwidth when timing signals in
order to move vehicles as efficiently as possible. However, today many engineers are being called on to
implement traffic calming and improve safety. The traditional MOEs do not provide a measure of safety, so new
MOEs are needed. The Dilemma Zone MOE is a new measurement that considers safety.
The Dilemma Zone Vehicles measures the number of vehicles arriving while the signal is turning yellow.
Vehicles in the Dilemma Zone are more likely to have accidents because they must either:
✓ Stop quickly and risk being hit from behind.
✓ Continue through the intersection after the signal turns red and risk a pedestrian or right angle
✓ Regular users of a coordinated system are likely to know that the signal will change and thus exceed
the speed limit to avoid the upcoming yellow signal. Sometimes speeders will ignore pedestrian right-
of-way and exhibit other dangerous behaviors in order to keep up with the coordination platoon.
It is therefore desired to have timing plans with minimal numbers of vehicles in the dilemma zone. A timing
plan that delays the platoon by 5 or 10 seconds will be safer than a timing plan that "cuts off" the last 5 or 10
seconds of the platoon.
The original design goal of Synchro was to encourage the use of lead-lag phasing to improve coordination. Many
engineers are hesitant to use lead-lag phasing because they perceive it to be a safety problem due to driver
confusion and false starts. It is hoped that the Dilemma Vehicles MOE can show that lead-lag phasing is actually
safer in many cases because fewer vehicles are in the Dilemma Zone. Vehicles in the Dilemma Zone are a much
bigger safety issue because they are moving at full speed while false starts are starting from a stop.
Many times, agencies have money available for safety improvements but not for signal coordination. The
Dilemma Zone MOE can be used to show that coordination is a safety improvement and qualify signal timing
for additional sources of funding.
Only lane groups with a speed 35mi/h ( 55 km/hr) are counted as dilemma vehicles. Turning groups
with turning speed less than 35 (55) are not counted as dilemma.
The dilemma zone is a summation of the vehicles expected in the dilemma zone. The zone starts at
DS = RS - L2 - 2 = Dilemma Start Time
DE = RS - L2 + 3 = Dilemma End Time
RS = Red start time (end of yellow)
L2 = Clearance Lost Time (Total Lost time less 2.5 s)
As an example:
Y+AR = Clearance Time = 4 s
tL = Total Lost time = 4 s
L2 = tL - 2.5 = 1.5 s
DS = RS - 1.5 - 2 = RS - 3.5
DE = RE - 1.5 + 3 = RS + 1.5
In this example the dilemma time starts 3.5 seconds before the end of red or 0.5 seconds after the start of
yellow; and the dilemma time ends 1.5 seconds after the beginning of red.
For actuated signals, the dilemma zone vehicles may be reduced for phases that gap-out. If the gap times and
detectors locations are set up so that gap-out occurs when no vehicles are expected to be in the dilemma zone.
If the phase gaps out for a given percentile scenario, the arrival profile will remove vehicles in the "gap-out
To reduce vehicles in the dilemma zone, use a long distance from the leading detector. Using a gap time longer
than the time between detectors will not remove vehicles from the dilemma zone. Using a long gap time,
without leading detectors will not remove vehicles from the dilemma zone, because the signal will not detect
late arriving vehicles until after the signal turns yellow. If the phase has max recall, or maxes out; there will be
no dilemma reduction for the gap-out shadow.
Synchro does not consider Dilemma Vehicles when optimizing offsets. There is a loose relationship between
delay and Dilemma Vehicles, so Synchro optimized timing plans should be safer than bandwidth style timing
plans in most cases.
The method sums the amount of time required to serve all movements at saturation for a given cycle length
and divides by that reference cycle length. This method is similar to taking a sum of critical volume to saturation
flow ratios (v/s), yet allows minimum timings to be considered. The ICU can tell how much reserve capacity is
available or how much the intersection is overcapacity. The ICU does not predict delay, but it can be used to
predict how often an intersection will experience congestion.
The ICU is timing plan independent, yet has rules to ensure that minimum timing constraints are taken into
account. This removes the choice of timing plan from the capacity results. The ICU can also be used on
unsignalized intersections to determine the capacity utilization if the intersection were to be signalized.
Additional Details can be found in the Intersection Capacity Utilization 2003 book. A copy of this can be
found in Adobe PDF format in your Trafficware installation directory.
ICU 2003 includes new procedures for analyzing Diamond Interchanges and Single Point Urban Interchanges.
The Diamond method includes procedures recognizing the special timing needs of a diamond interchange to
prevent spillback.
Level of Service
The ICU is the sum of time required to serve all movements at saturation given a reference cycle length, divided
by the reference cycle length.
The ICU Level of Service should not be confused with delay-based levels of service such as the HCM.
Both are providing information about the performance of an intersection while measuring a different
objective function. The ICU LOS reports on the amount of reserve capacity or capacity deficit. The delay
based LOS reports on the average delay experienced by motorists.
The ICU 2003 uses one-hour volume counts with no adjustment for Peak Hour Factor. Older versions of the ICU
used one-hour volume counts with a peak hour adjustment factor (with a default of 0.90). The scale has been
adjusted to reflect this change while still providing the same LOS.
Table 20-4 ICU Level of Service
0 to 60% 0 to 55% A
>60% to 70% >55% to 64% B
>70% to 80% >64% to 73% C
>80% to 90% >73% to 82% D
>90% to 100% >82% to 91% E
>100% to 110% >91% to 100% F
>110% to 120% >100% to 109% G
>120% >109% H
A brief description of the conditions expected for each ICU level of service follows:
LOS A, ICU 0.55: The intersection has no congestion. A cycle length of 80 seconds or less will move traffic
efficiently. All traffic should be served on the first cycle. Traffic fluctuations, accidents, and lane closures
can be handled with minimal congestion. This intersection can accommodate up to 40% more traffic on all
LOS B, 0.55 < ICU 0.64: The intersection has very little congestion. Almost all traffic will be served on the
first cycle. A cycle length of 90 seconds or less will move traffic efficiently. Traffic fluctuations, accidents,
and lane closures can be handled with minimal congestion. This intersection can accommodate up to 30%
more traffic on all movements
LOS C, 0.64 < ICU 0.73: The intersection has no major congestion. Most traffic should be served on the
first cycle. A cycle length of 100 seconds or less will move traffic efficiently. Traffic fluctuations, accidents,
and lane closures may cause some congestion. This intersection can accommodate up to 20% more traffic
on all movements.
LOS D, 0.73 < ICU 0.82: The intersection normally has no congestion. The majority of traffic should be
served on the first cycle. A cycle length of 110 seconds or less will move traffic efficiently. Traffic
fluctuations, accidents, and lane closures can cause significant congestion. Sub optimal signal timings cause
congestion. This intersection can accommodate up to 10% more traffic on all movements.
LOS E, 0.82 < ICU 0.91: The intersection is right on the verge of congested conditions. Many vehicles are
not served on the first cycle. A cycle length of 120 seconds is required to move all traffic. Minor traffic
fluctuations, accidents, and lane closures can cause significant congestion. Sub optimal signal timings can
cause significant congestion. This intersection has less than 10% reserve capacity available.
LOS F, 0.91 < ICU 1.00: The intersection is over capacity and likely experiences congestion periods of 15
to 60 minutes per day. Residual queues at the end of green are common. A cycle length over 120 seconds
is required to move all traffic. Minor traffic fluctuations, accidents, and lane closures can cause increased
congestion. Sub optimal signal timings can cause increased congestion.
LOS G, 1.00 < ICU 1.09: The intersection is 10% to 20% over capacity and likely experiences congestion
periods of 60 to 120 minutes per day. Long queues are common. A cycle length over 120 seconds is required
to move all traffic. Motorists may be choosing alternate routes, if they exist, or making fewer trips during
the peak hour. Signal timings can be used to "ration" capacity to the priority movements.
LOS H, 1.09 < ICU: The intersection is 20% over capacity and could experience congestion periods of over
120 minutes per day. Long queues are common. A cycle length over 120 seconds is required to move all
traffic. Motorists may be choosing alternate routes, if they exist, or make fewer trips during the peak hour.
Signal timings can be used to "ration" capacity to the priority movements.
The length of the congested period is heavily dependent on the source of traffic and the availability of alternate
routes. If traffic is generated by a single factory shift change, the congested period may be shorter. However, a
shopping mall could generate congested traffic for several hours. If alternate routes exist, motorists may know
to avoid the congested intersections during the peak hour and this reduces congestion.
If intersections have LOS E to LOS G, queues between intersections can lead to blocking problems. Signal timing
plans should be analyzed with microscopic simulation to ensure that spillback is not causing additional
The ICU 2003 is designed to be compatible with the HCM. The default Saturated Flow Rates and volume
adjustments are the same as those recommended by the HCM. The two methods are closely interrelated. If the
intersection has an ICU LOS of E or better, a timing plan exists that will give LOS E or better with the HCM. With
an ICU of F, the intersection will be over capacity for the peak 15 minutes. It may possible to get an acceptable
HCM LOS when the intersection is over capacity by using a timing plan favoring the highest volume movements.
Overview of Calculations
The primary calculation for ICU 2003 is to calculate an Adjusted Reference Time for each movement. The
Reference Time is the amount of time required for each movement at 100% capacity. The reference time is
volume times Reference Cycle Length divided by Saturated Flow Rate.
tRef = vC/s * CL = reference time
vC = adjusted volume combined for lane group
s = saturation flow rate for lane group
CL = reference cycle length
The Reference Time must be greater than the Minimum Green time and is added to the Lost Time to give the
Adjusted Reference Time. The ICU is the sum of the critical Adjusted Reference Times divided by the Reference
Cycle Length. The Reference Cycle Length is a fixed input value; the default is 120 seconds.
tAdj = max(tRef, tMin) + tL = adjusted reference time
tMin = minimum green time
tL = lost time
There are further adjustments to account for pedestrian time and pedestrian interference.
The reference times for the critical movements are added together to get the combined time required.
Additional Details can be found in the Intersection Capacity Utilization 2003 book. A copy of this can be found
in Adobe PDF format in your Trafficware installation directory.
The modeling of permitted left turns, particularly for shared lanes is problematic in the ICU methodology. This
is especially a problem for single lane approaches.
The ICU method requires a movement to be protected to determine its timing requirements based of the v/s
ratio (volume to saturated flow ratio). If there is no left turn lane, protected phasing cannot be used. The two
options available are to use Split phasing or to assume a de-facto left turn lane. For modest left turn volumes,
neither of these solutions is satisfactory because a large proportion of the time there will be no left turn vehicles
and the lanes will function as though they were normal through lanes.
Trafficware conducted research using simulation to determine the average amount of green time a left turner
spends at the stop bar. The simulations were performed for a complete range of left turn proportions for the
subject approach and a complete range of left turn proportions for the oncoming approach. If the oncoming
approach has multiple lanes, then the behavior is assumed to be equivalent to zero oncoming left turns.
Currently the most popular method for analyzing capacity is the HCM. The HCM method is based on estimating
delay for the intersection.
The ICU 2003 is designed to be compatible with the HCM and can be used in conjunction with the HCM and
other methods. The default Saturated Flow Rates and volume adjustments are the same as those recommended
by the HCM. In most circumstances, the volume to Saturated Flow Rates in ICU 2003 (v/s), will be the same as
those in the HCM. When an agency requires an acceptable HCM Level of Service, an acceptable ICU Level of
Service will insure that the HCM Level of Service is met.
An acceptable ICU Level of Service guarantees that a timing plan exists that will meet all of the following:
✓ Acceptable HCM level of service
✓ All minimum timing requirements are met
✓ All movements have acceptable v/c ratios
✓ All movement volumes can have their volume increased by the reciprocal of the ICU and be at or below
The ICU is inherently more precise because the delay equation is unstable near capacity. The calculation of
delay requires an estimate for the effects of coordination, which adds greatly to the resulting uncertainty.
One consequence of the high range of uncertainties is that it makes the method easy to manipulate. In some
cases, it is possible to get a 20% reduction in delay or two Levels of Service by increasing capacity 5% and
reducing volume 5%.
If a real estate developer is attempting to get project approval with a minimum of mitigation measures, it is not
too difficult to adjust the input factors, platoon factors, and so forth to get a significant reduction in delay. Some
communities have regulations requiring developers to maintain a certain LOS. There is unfairness to this
method of regulation because all developers up to the critical LOS pay nothing and the first developer to go
over is saddled with high mitigation costs. A more equitable approach is to assess all developers equally based
on the number of trips generated. Because of this unfairness, there is a huge incentive to manipulate the
numbers to get the desired LOS.
Diamond Interchanges
The ICU 2003 includes a special procedure for evaluating diamond interchanges. This method considers the
special timing requirements for a diamond interchange due to the limited storage space and susceptibility for
spillback. Refer to the Intersection Capacity Utilization 2003 book for a complete description of the ICU for
Diamond Interchanges.
The delay used by Synchro (version 4 and later) and the HCM (2000 edition and later) is Signal Delay. TRANSYT
7F also uses signal delay. When looking at delays calculated by Synchro Version 3.2 and the HCM 1994, you may
need to multiply those delays by 1.3 to be equivalent to the Signal Delays currently used in Synchro.
HCM Method ICU
Measures of
Delay and v/c Delay and v/c v/c
Operations, Planning,
Operations and
Target Applications Impact Studies,
Signal Timing Planning
Roadway Design
Expected Precision 10% to 27% 10% to 29% 3% to 10%
Other Sources for HCM compatible
No Spreadsheet and Worksheet
Calculation software
Pedestrian Timing
Yes Yes Yes
Detailed Modeling of
Yes No* No
Detailed Actuated Signal
Yes Yes No
* The HCM Delay calculation within Synchro explicitly models coordination and actuated signal timings.
For a complete discussion about accuracy, see the topic Precision in Traffic Analysis on page 20-37.
Table 20-6 helps to choose the appropriate analysis method for your project needs.
Table 20-6 Data Requirement by Analysis Method
cycle length of 120 seconds. The result is similar to adding the critical volume to saturation (v/s) ratios, but the
sum of required phase times takes into account lost times and minimum timing requirements.
The ICU method is completely documented with step-by-step instructions. The method is also available as a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and a single page worksheet that can be calculated by hand. Because the method
is less complex and well-defined, it is possible for results to be reproduced by an independent analyst.
The ICU method is designed for high accuracy. Volume capacity ratios are inherently more accurate than delay
calculations. The ICU assumes that all left turns are protected so there is no uncertainty from permitted left
turn factors. Coordination is not considered so there are no inaccuracies introduced by coordination.
The ICU is designed to be a true measure of capacity. Unlike the HCM v/c calculation, conflicting movements
are not allowed to use the intersection at the same time so that capacity is not double counted.
Table 20-7 below lists the primary inputs for an ICU calculation, and an intersection delay calculation along
with typical uncertainties.
The general volume to capacity ratios can be calculated with more accuracy than delay. The following illustrates
how inaccuracies can compound in an ICU or delay analysis; the numbers in parenthesis are the typical level of
Table 20-7 Compounding Inaccuracies in Analysis
The Table below shows how these certainties combine to affect the overall uncertainty in the resulting ICU. The
ICU affect was calculated using a spreadsheet. The relevant input variable was increased 1% and the resulting
ICU for a typical intersection was compared to the baseline ICU. A value of 0.88 indicates that a 1% increase in
volume increases the ICU by 0.88%. Each input value’s percent uncertainty is multiplied by the affect factor and
squared. The root of the sum of the squares is the combined uncertainty for all input uncertainties. For this
example, the ICU has an uncertainty of 10.6%.
If the ICU had been calculated without permitted left turns, the resulting ICU uncertainty would be 9%. Most
ICU calculations do not use permitted left turns.
Table 20-8 Uncertainties Effect on ICU
Table 20-9 examines the same uncertainties effect on delay. Two cases are considered, the first has a v/c of 0.75
and the second has a v/c of 1.0. Note that uncertainty to volume and capacity has a multiplying effect of over 3
at capacity, but only about 1 at lower v/c ratios.
If the intersection is assumed to be uncoordinated and uses protected lefts, the platoon factor and permitted
left turn factor contributions are removed and the resulting uncertainties are 13% and 41% for the 0.75 and
1.0 cases.
Table 20-9 Uncertainties Effect on Delay
The following table summarizes the amount of uncertainty that can be expected from ICU and HCM methods
for various scenarios. The uncertainty for ICU is relatively low and constant for all options. The uncertainty for
HCM is acceptably low when v/c is under capacity, left turns are protected, and the approach in uncoordinated.
The HCM and delay based calculations become very uncertain when v/c approaches 1 because small changes
to input values have a 3x effect on the resulting delay. The HCM relies on estimates of platoon factor to account
for the effects of coordination. This adds greatly to the effects of uncertainty in the HCM delay values.
Table 20-10 Uncertainties Summary
Figure 20-16 illustrates how delay is related to volume. Note that delay increases significantly once capacity is
reached. This steepness of the graph illustrates how small changes to volume or capacity can make a huge
difference in delay. The v/c ratio increases linearly and also provides information about when the delay slope
will start to increase.
Delay vs. Volume Coordinated Delay
v/c * 100
500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800
Traffic volumes fluctuate as discussed in Chapter 4 of the ICU 2003 book. Volume will change by day of week,
hour of the day, by time of year, and even within the peak hour. Volume will also change due to special events,
accidents, and bad weather.
Some days can experience 10% or higher volumes in the peak hour than the design volumes. The delay for these
days can be 30% higher and the LOS 2 levels worse. The ICU for these days will only be 10% higher and 1 level
worse. The ICU does a better job of predicting reserve capacity.
Synchro Studio is designed to run on your local machine. It is best to store your project folder locally, especially
when using SimTraffic or 3D Viewer.
Save As*
Use the File → Save As command to save a file with a new name or to save a Synchro 11 file to a version 11 or
comma separated (CSV) format. The CSV format can be used with Synchro’s UTDF format (see page 24-1). The
Save As feature is not used to create files compatible with previous versions of Synchro anymore. File →Save
Scenario command has been included to support creating compatible files for previous versions of Synchro.
Save Scenario
Use the File →Save Scenario command to create Synchro 11 files with single scenario as well as create files
compatible with previous versions of Synchro. To use this command, select a scenario from Scenario
Manage→Save Scenario command. Enter a filename for the new section.
Merge Files
Use the Transfer → Merge command to combine or merge two files (both commands get to the same place).
The Merge command can combine some data, such as volumes, from one file with other data, such as lane
geometry and timings, from another file.
File Merge works with data files in the CSV format (Combined, Lanes, Phasings). File Merge will not add links
or nodes, nor change geometry.
The Merge Options settings control how to combine data from intersections that exist in both files.
Merge Options only appears for Synchro files. Data files are always merge by ID. To merge selective data from
a data file, edit the data file in Excel or Word and remove the sections you don’t want to merge,
Selecting Merge/Add Intersections by Location will cause intersections from the merged file to be merged if
they are at the same location as intersections in the overlaid file. Other intersections in the merged file will be
added to the merged file. Select this option when both files have the same coordinate system and when
combining different intersections.
Selecting Merge Intersections by ID# will cause intersections from the merged file to be merged when their
node numbers match a node number in the overlaid file. Intersections in the merged file without matching ID
numbers will be ignored. Select this option to combine data from files with different coordinate systems or
when transferring partial intersection data between two files.
Select Merge Lane Geometry, Merge Volume Data, and Merge Timing Data to control how intersections are
merged. When the box is checked, the data is taken from the merged file; otherwise, the data in the overlaid file
is preserved. Lane Geometry includes all the data in the LANE settings. Volume Data include all the data in the
VOLUME settings. Timing data includes all the data in the TIMING and PHASING settings.
The Update Scenario option can be used to combine the Scenario Manager information between the two files.
The Date and Time information will be taken from the merged file if the Merge Volume option is selected. The
Alternative will be taken from the merged file if the Merge Lane Geometry option is selected. The Timing Plan
ID will be taken from the merged file if the Merge Timing option is selected.
Open the large file first. Select File→Merge and choose the smaller file. Check all of the merge options on, and
merge by ID.
The data from the smaller file will be merged into the larger file. Only the data from matching IDs will be merged
in. Non-matching IDs will be ignored.
Open one file first. Use the Transform Map button if necessary to adjust coordinates. Select Transfer→Merge
File, and choose the other file. Check all of the merge options on, and merge by location. This must be performed
with two Synchro files, not CSV data files.
The two files will now be merged into one file. Links between the two separate areas may need to be created to
connect to them.
This option allows you to correct the coordinates of a file to a file with correct coordinates.
Open the file with correct coordinates first. Select Transfer→Merge File and choose the Synchro or data file
with incorrect coordinates. Check all of the merge options on, and merge by ID. Use the File→Save As to save
the file with a new name.
Team Management
The Transfer→Save Part command can be useful for allowing multiple people to work on the same file. Parts
of a large network can be saved as separate files (see Save Part of File above). Each team person can work on
each piece of the network. The pieces can be combined later using the Transfer→Merge File command.
File Extensions
The following are the file extensions used by Synchro and SimTraffic:
Versions 10 and 9.1 will save to a Version 9.0 or Version 8 format (syn). Synchro 10 can create a comma
delimited (csv) file format for use with Versions 7. If you open an older version Synchro file with version
7/8/9/10 and simulate, the old HST file will be overwritten. The S3D file can be viewed with 3D Viewer. Refer
to Chapter 31 for details on operation.
Saving to a previous version of Synchro may loose some functionality that was not available in the
prior version.
The following are historical file extensions used by previous versions of Synchro and SimTraffic:
In Synchro, all functions related to the ATMS Integration can be accessed from the Transfer tab, using the ATMS
Exchange Folders
An Exchange Folder is a location in the Trafficware Cloud used to transfer data between ATMS and Synchro. By
connecting both systems to the same Exchange Folder, data can be shared easily between organizations
anywhere, as long as they both have an internet connection.
The exchange folder must be created from ATMS. Once a new Exchange Folder has been created in ATMS, the
Synchro user (as specified in ATMS) will receive an email with instructions on how to subscribe. From the
Transfer tab, select ATMS>Manage Exchange Folders to view which folders you’re currently subscribed to,
unsubscribe from a folder, or subscribe to a new folder.
Before importing signal timing from ATMS, the basic intersection must be setup in Synchro. This includes
geometry, phase numbers, and turn types. Validation will be performed as part of the import process to verify
that the phase numbers in the controller database from ATMS match those in the destination intersection in
All files available for import can be viewed in the Manage Exchange Folders panel. Begin the import process
by either choosing the file in this panel and selecting Import File, or by selecting ATMS>Import from the
Transfer tab. Once the ATMS Import panel opens, the following steps are required to import signal timing for
an intersection:
1. Select the Exchange folder to import from (refer to Figure 22-1). (This step can be skipped if beginning
the import directly from the Manage Exchange Folders panel.)
2. Select the file to import (refer to Figure 22-1). (This step can be skipped if beginning the import directly
from the Manage Exchange Folders panel.)
3. Select the time and date represented in the Synchro file (refer to Figure 22-2).
The signal timing exported from ATMS represents the entire controller database, which includes data for
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. A Synchro file represents one specific hour. When
importing timing from ATMS, selecting the time allows Synchro to automatically import only the signal
timing parameters relevant to that 1-hour period.
Similar to the import process, signal timing can also be exported from Synchro for use in ATMS. You must
already be subscribed to an Exchange Folder prior to starting the export. An Exchange Folder must be created
from ATMS. After you’re subscribed to a folder, you can import and export freely from either ATMS or Synchro.
All Exchange Folders available for export can be viewed in the Manage Exchange Folders panel. Begin the
export process by either choosing the folder in this panel and selecting Export to Folder, or by selecting
ATMS>Export from the Transfer tab. Once the ATMS Export panel opens, the following steps are required to
export signal timing for an intersection:
1. Select the Exchange Folder where the file should be saved (refer toFigure 22-5) . (This step can be
skipped if beginning the export directly from the Manage Exchange Folders panel.)
a. Select the intersection in the Map View
b. Optional: Enter a Timing Plan ID and notes. These fields are not required but may be helpful
in identifying the file when importing into ATMS.
2. Press Next to export this signal timing to the selected Exchange Folder, which can be then imported
into ATMS. Refer to Figure 22-5.
Printing the Map and Time-Space Diagram (File→Print-Window command) has an options settings dialog.
The user can set up headers and footers and select the font. The scale is also adjustable and there are a number
of options including fixed scale or print to fit.
When printing the MAP View with fixed scale, it will use the scale specified by Zoom-Scale. The printout will
be centered on the center point of the current MAP View. To print the entire Map View centered on one page,
first use the Zoom All button.
Figure 23-2). This window can also be access from the Reports tab. From here, you can select the reports to
include and the options for each report.
Viewing Reports
Select [Preview] from the Create Report settings to view reports. To change pages, use the buttons [|<], [<<],
[>>], and [>|]. You can also change pages using the [Page Up], [Page Down], mouse scroll wheel, [Home], and
[End] keys. To move around the current page, click on it and drag with the mouse. You can also move the page
with the arrow keys. To return to the Select Reports settings, use the [Back] button.
A Zoom control is located at the top of the Report Preview window to view the report in a larger or smaller
Printing Reports
To print the report, select the [Print] button from the Create Report or Report Preview settings. To change the
printer, select or the [Print Setup] button.
When an Intersection Report is selected in the left panel, its options are included in the right panel. It is possible
to select any or all options for each report. In some cases, the same data appears in more than one option; the
report generator will only include this data once in a logical order.
Intersection reports have an option to skip unused rows. With this feature, rows for items such as pedestrians,
busses, growth factor, will not be included if they contain default or blank data. This can be used to shorten the
report if desired.
Lane Inputs, Lane Outputs, Volume Outputs, Simulation Settings, Detector Settings, Timing Inputs, Actuated
Inputs and Actuated Green Times mirror the data contained in the input settings.
The reports with the Lane Inputs option will include link speed and distance, plus travel time.
Level of Service Info contains a summary of information needed in a capacity analysis report for the control
delay calculation. v/c Ratios contain the output information in the Timing settings for each delay type.
The delay measures include the Control Delay, the Queue Delay and the Total Delay. The Control Delay is
uniform delay plus the impacts of coordination and incremental delays. Queue Delays are the additional delay
caused by reduction in capacity due to spillback and starvation. Total Delay is the combination of the Control
Delay and the Queue Delay.
Stops, Fuel, Emissions contain these MOEs in the report. The Queues option includes information about
maximum queue lengths and blocking times in the reports.
Most of the information contained in Intersection Reports mirrors the data shown on input screens. Some notes
about special cases are listed below.
The Stops, Fuel Consumption, and Emissions are calculated based on the methods shown in the topic on Fuel
and Emissions Calculation (see page 20-28).
There are seven (7) Intersection Reports that summarize the analysis of an intersection based on the
percentile delay method. These reports provide information about individual intersections.
The HCM 6th Signalized, HCM 6th Roundabouts, HCM 6th AWSC, and HCM 6th TWSC Reports include options
by mode of travel and are based on the HCM 6th Edition.
The HCM 2010 Signalized, HCM 2010 Roundabouts, HCM 2010 AWSC, and HCM 2010 TWSC Reports
include options by mode of travel and are based on the HCM 2010.
The HCM 2000 category includes reports for both Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections. These reports
include the methodology of the HCM 2000.
The Phases: Timings Report contains all of the timing information sorted by phase number. This report is
useful for programming controllers.
The Actuated Green Bars Report shows the range of actuated green times for each phase in an actuated signal.
The Actuated Greens and Starts Report also shows the start times and is useful for actuated-coordinated
signals. The Actuated Details Report shows the green times as well as the time to clear the queue and the time
to gap out. The Details report is useful for examining actuated signal behavior in detail.
The Measures of Effectiveness Reports show the performance of intersections, arterials and the entire zone
or network. These reports can be customized with the panel on the right.
The Multi File Comparisons Report lists Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) from multiple files side by side so
that various alternatives can be compared. To use these reports, it is necessary to have multiple versions of the
same network stored as different files.
Arterial Level of Service is an arterial travel time report. This report is very similar to the HCM 2000 Chapter
15 reports for Arterials.
The Permitted Left Turn Factors Report contains detailed information about the calculation of Flt. This
report is used for capacity analysis.
The Coordinatability Factors Report displays information about the calculation of CFs for each pair of
adjacent intersections. The CF is a measure of the need to coordinate a pair of adjacent intersections.
The Time Tracker Report provides a summary of a Synchro File’s User and various command-related
The Traffic Impact Analysis: Distribution report summarizes the number of new trips to/from each driveway
coded within the TIA module. The Traffic Impact Analysis: Impacted Intersections report lists all
intersections where the volumes have been impacted by one or more development(s) within the TIA module.
The report header and footer can have two lines each with information on the right and left sides. The eight
input boxes control which information appears in each line and each side. The header and footer include macros
to display dynamic information, these macros are as follows.
Table 23-1 Header/Footer Options
Part of the program key code prints under the footer. The key code identifies the name to which Synchro is
registered. The key code will not appear if the analyst is shown and the registered name appears within the
analyst field of the Scenario Manager.
Graphic Options
Press the [Graphics] button to set the line colors, fonts and picture options. Shade Rows, Horizontal Lines,
Section Color, and Back Color control the look of the printed report.
The Font buttons allow for editing of the fonts used in the reports. The default font is Arial Narrow 10 for data
and Arial 12 for titles. The narrow font of the data is better for separation of the twelve data columns.
Set Pictures to Color for color pictures, B/W for pictures to print on a black and white printer, or None to
exclude the picture from the report.
Press the [Defaults] button to change the settings back to the user defaults. Refer to page 3-9 for additional
At the bottom of the Select Reports window, the Scope determines which intersections are included in the
Choose Single Intersection and select an intersection to create reports for a single intersection.
Choose Zone and enter a zone to create reports for a group of intersections. To select multiple zones, separate
the zones with a comma (i.e., “A, B, C” to print reports for zone A, B and C).
There are number of footnotes possible on intersection reports. Below are the definitions of the possible
* User Entered Value: Indicates that the calculated value was changed with a user entered value. This
applies to adjusted volumes, lane utilization factors, Saturated Flow Rates, turning factors, and delay
~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite: This is used with Intersection Queue
Reports, see page 23-8.
# 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity: This is used with Intersection Queue Reports, see page
m Upstream metering is in effect: This is used with Intersection Queue Reports, see page 23-8.
dl Defacto Left Lane: Indicates the shared left lane has congestion exceeding the level of other through
lanes. Synchro does not model this situation correctly. Convert a shared-through lane into an exclusive
left lane to model correctly.
dr Defacto Right Lane: Indicates the shared right lane has congestion exceeding the level of other
through lanes. Synchro does not model this situation correctly. Convert a shared-through lane into an
exclusive right lane to model correctly.
! Phase conflict between lane groups: Indicates that two or more conflicting movements may have
concurrent phases.
@ Some critical lane groups may be at other intersections sharing controller: Used in volume to
capacity report. Not all lane groups are listed in this report. The controller at this intersection serves
other intersection and some of the critical lane groups may be at the other intersection.
The queue length shown for a lane group is the queue for each lane. The total queue length is divided
by the number of lanes and the lane utilization factor. For instance, if the lane group has 2 lanes, do not
divide the queue reported by Synchro by 2 since this has already been done by Synchro.
The Queue report shows the 50th Percentile and 95th Percentile Maximum Queue lengths. The 50th percentile
maximum queue is the maximum back of queue on a typical cycle. The 95th percentile queue is the maximum
back of queue with 95th percentile traffic volumes. Synchro's queues may be longer than those in other queue
methods, because Synchro's queues include traffic that arrives during the queue clearance stage. Vehicles
delayed for less than 6 seconds are not counted because these vehicles slow but do not stop.
The 95th percentile queue accounts for upstream metering. The 95th percentile volume is unadjusted for peak
hour factor.
The ~ and # footnote indicate that the volume modeled exceeds capacity.
The ~ footnote indicates that the approach is above capacity for the 50th percentile traffic and the queue length
could be much longer. The queue length is theoretically infinite and blocking problems may occur. See the topic
on Queue Length Calculations for more information (page 20-23).
The # footnote indicates that the volume for the 95th percentile cycle exceeds capacity. This traffic was
simulated for two complete cycles of 95th percentile traffic to account for the effects of spillover between cycles.
If the reported v/c < 1 for this movement, the methods used represent a valid method for estimating the 95th
percentile queue. In practice, 95th percentile queue shown will rarely be exceeded and the queues shown with
the # footnote are acceptable for the design of storage bays.
The m footnote indicates that volume for the 95th percentile queue is metered by an upstream signal.
Due to upstream metering, the 95th queue may be less than the 50th queue. If the upstream intersection
is operating with v/c > 1, the metered arrival rate will be less than the volume for this intersection. Since
metering is only performed with the 95th queue, this causes the 95th queue to be less than the 50th
queue. This situation may indicate a coding problem. Be sure that the Midblock traffic is coded correctly
and that the signal timing and volumes for both intersections are set correctly. This reduced 95th queue
does represent a valid queue because vehicles will not be able to clear the upstream intersection to
queue at this intersection.
When designing the size of storage bays, it is normally sufficient to store a single cycle of queues. The idea being
that through and left traffic will move at different times during the cycle and enough storage should be provided
so the two movements do not block each other from using their green time effectively.
The Link Length is the link distance minus 80ft (24m) to account for the space inside the intersections. The
link distance is entered center-point to center-point.
The Queue report lists "Internal Link Dist" to distinguish from Total Link Distance.
The v/c Ratio is the volume to capacity ratio for the lane group.
The Control Delay is the delay caused by the downstream traffic control device for the lane group.
Queue Delay is an analysis of the effects of queues and blocking on short links and short turning bays.
Total Delay is the combination of the Control Delay and the Queue Delay.
Base Capacity is the capacity of the lane group if unimpeded. Capacity is the lane group saturation flow
multiplied by the lane group green to cycle ratio.
The Starvation Capacity Reduction is the reduction to the base capacity due to starvation. Starvation is
congestion caused by a short upstream link in conjunction with poor/no coordination.
Spillback Capacity Reduction is a reduction to the base capacity caused by a short downstream link becoming
filled up.
Storage Capacity Reduction is a reduction to the base capacity caused when turn pockets cannot
accommodate queue lengths.
Reduced v/c Ratio is the modified volume to capacity ratio with the adjustments to the base capacity.
This section contains line by line description of the ICU report. Lines not described are self-explanatory.
For a complete reference on the calculations, see the topic on Intersection Capacity (ICU) Calculations, page
Additional Details can be found in the Intersection Capacity Utilization 2003 book. A copy of this book
can be obtained from Trafficware.
Pedestrian Timing Required: This is the Walk plus Don’t Walk Time from the primary phase associated with
this direction. If no pedestrian timing is provided and pedestrians are present, this value is 16 seconds.
Ideal Flow: This is the Ideal Saturated Flow and 1900 vphpl by default. If the intersection has Area Type of
CBD, the Ideal Flow is multiplied by 0.90.
Lost Time: This is the Total Lost time for the movement. By default, it is 4 seconds.
Volume Separate Left: The volume assigned to lane groups, assuming no shared left-through lane. A shared
lane is considered exclusive left or exclusive through for each lane group’s analysis.
Lane Utilization Factor: This factor adjusts the Saturated Flow Rate when there are 2 or more lanes. This
adjustment accounts for the unequal use of lanes.
Turning Factor Adjustment: This factor adjusts for the number of right or left turners in the lane group.
Saturated Flow Rate Combined: This is the adjusted Saturated Flow Rate adjusting for turning factors,
number of lanes, and lane utilization.
Saturated Flow Rate Separate: This is used with a shared left-through lane. This value will be used for some
capacity checks in the permitted and split options.
Minimum Green Time: This is the minimum time a signal can show green. This is the Minimum Initial value
for the phase or 4 seconds for unsignalized intersections.
Pedestrian Interference Time: This is the estimated time per cycle that right turn traffic will be blocked by
Pedestrian Frequency (freq): This is the probability of a pedestrian activating the pedestrian timings on any
cycle. If there are no pedestrians it is 0. If there are no push buttons and there are pedestrians, it is 1.
Protected Option
Protected Option Allowed: The protected option is allowed only when both opposing directions do not have
a shared left-through lane. Otherwise, the intersection is only analyzed with split or permitted phasing. In some
cases, a shared left-through lane can be recoded as a left only lane to give better performance with the protected
Reference Time: This is the time required to serve the adjusted volume at 100% saturation. It is equal to the
Adjusted Volume divided by the Saturation Flow Rate Combined multiplied by the Reference Cycle Length and
added to the Pedestrian Interference time.
Adjusted Reference Time: This is the reference time adjusted for minimums, pedestrians, and lost time.
Permitted Option
This option calculates the ICU using a permitted left turn option. Traditionally the ICU method did not allow for
permitted left turns because it is taking a sum of conflicting movements. However using the protected option
requires a dedicated left lane. Many intersections in urban areas have shared left-through lanes that are
analyzed too harshly with the protected or split options.
The ICU 2003 contains two options for treating permitted left turns. Option “A” assumes that there are
relatively few left turners. These left turners will be accommodated as sneakers at the end of a green or when
there is a left turn on an oncoming single lane approach. Option “A” should only be used when the left turn
volume is less than 60 vph or the oncoming approach is single lane with some left turn traffic.
Option “B” assumes that the oncoming traffic is relatively light and that oncoming traffic will only block the left
turns for the first 8 seconds of green. Option “B” is only available when the oncoming traffic is less than 120
If the volume exceeds the requirements for both Options “A” and “B”, it is considered that the intersection would
operate as efficiently using protected or split phasing. It may be necessary to reclassify a left-through lane as a
left only lane for the analysis.
Permitted Option Allowed: The permitted option is allowed for opposing approaches, when either left traffic
is less than 60 vph or the oncoming through traffic is less than 120 vph. This condition must be met for both
sets of conflicting movements for the opposing approaches for permitted analysis to be allowed.
Adjusted Saturation A: This is the saturation flow rate of the through and shared lanes adjusted for blocking
by left turn traffic.
Reference Time A: This is the reference time for the through movement, when the shared lane is blocked by
less than 60 vph of left traffic. If vL is greater than 60, enter "NA".
Adjusted Saturation B: This is the Saturated Flow Rate of the through lanes without the shared lane.
Reference Time B: This is the reference time assuming the lanes will be blocked for 8 seconds by oncoming
through traffic. If oncoming through traffic is greater than 120 vph, the B option is not allowed.
Reference Time: The minimum of Reference Time A and Reference Time B is allowed.
Adjusted Reference Time: This is the reference time adjusted for minimums, pedestrians, and lost time.
Split Option: The split option is always allowed, in some cases the split option is the only option allowed. The
split option analyzes the lanes combined and also checks the left and through traffic independently.
Reference Time Combined: This value is for the combined lanes and volumes. This is the time required to
serve the adjusted volume at 100% saturation. It is equal to the Adjusted Volume divided by the Saturation
Flow Rate Combined multiplied by the Reference Cycle Length and added to the Pedestrian Interference time.
Reference Time By Movement: This Reference Time calculates lefts and throughs and rights separately. This
adds an additional check against uneven lane distribution.
Reference Time: The maximum of Reference Time Combined and the Reference Times by Movement.
Adjusted Reference Time: This is the reference time adjusted for minimums, pedestrians, and lost time.
This section summarizes and combines the required times for left and through traffic by approach pairs. The
best solution is found for each approach pair and combined.
Protected Option: Maximum of the Sums of the opposing Adjusted Reference times.
Minimum: For each approach pair, take the minimum combined adjusted reference time.
Right Turns
Right turns from exclusive lanes are calculated by a separate calculation. This accounts for free rights,
overlapping right turn phases, and right turns on red.
Adjusted Reference Time: The Adjusted Reference Times for right turns. For approaches with 0 exclusive
right lanes, this value will be 0.
Cross Through Adjusted Reference Time: The minimum Adjusted Reference Times for the cross through
Oncoming Adjusted Left Reference Time: The minimum Adjusted Reference Times for the cross left
movement. This does not include the permitted time for oncoming left. The split reference time for left
movements should be the same as for through movements.
Combined: The sum of the above lines. If this movement is a free right, it is simply the right turn’s Adjusted
Reference time. For intersections with 5 or more legs, the cross through times and oncoming left times may
include multiple movements. There may be additional time added if there are "interlocking" right times that
are both critical.
Final Calculations
Intersection Capacity Utilization: The maximum of the Combined times for through and right turn sections,
divided by the Reference Cycle Length. This is the Intersection Capacity Utilization. It is similar to, but not
exactly the same as the intersection volume to capacity ratio. A value less than 100% indicates that the
intersection has extra capacity. A value greater than 100% indicates the intersection is over capacity.
Level of Service: A letter A to H based on the table and the Intersection Capacity Utilization. Note that the ICU
2003 includes additional levels past F to further differentiate congested operation.
Unless noted here, the report line items are self-explanatory or match the same fields found on the Synchro
input settings.
Total Lost Time: This is the sum of the Startup lost time and the Clearance lost time. Do not confuse this value
with the Startup Lost time. Refer to page 11-7 for details on the Lost Time adjustment.
Frpb, Flpb: Bike and Ped factors, these may vary slightly from the bike and ped factors shown in other Synchro
reports because these are calculated based on actuated green times for HCM compatibility. These factors are
applied to both the permitted and protected phases. The bike/pedestrian factors in other Synchro reports are
calculated based on maximum green times for calculation efficiency and only apply to the permitted phases.
Flt Permitted: The permitted left turn factor may vary slightly from the left turn factor shown in other Synchro
reports because these are calculated based on actuated green times for HCM compatibility. The permitted left
turn factors in other Synchro reports are calculated based on maximum green times for calculation efficiency.
RTOR Reduction: The HCM Signal Report includes a RTOR reduction calculation. The Lane Group Flow is now
equal to the Adjusted Lane Group flow minus the RTOR reduction. The RTOR reduction is calculated as follows:
The vRTOR value cannot be over-ridden. However, the sRTOR can be changed in the LANE settings.
The sRTOR can be calculated with observed vRTOR using the formula sRTOR = vRTOR * C/r.
Actuated Green: The green times used for the HCM signals report are actuated green times which may be less
than the maximum green times for actuated signals. When comparing to other HCM compatible software, be
sure to compare the same green times.
v/s Ratios: The volume to Saturated Flow Rate ratios for permitted and protected movements. A "c" indicates
that this is a critical movement. The HCM volume to capacity ratio is based on a sum of the critical v/s ratios.
Progression Factor: The progression factor is calculated by dividing Synchro’s control delay with coordination
by the control delay without coordination. This may vary from the progression factor used in other HCM
The HCM Signals Reports will skip unused or default rows. With this feature, rows for items such as pedestrians,
buses, growth factor, will not be included if they contain default data.
Multiple options can be selected when printing reports. For example, the HCM Signal Report can be
printed with the Queue report. In the SELECT REPORT settings, choose the HCM Signal Report, hold
the [Ctrl] key and select Int: Queues.
In some cases, Synchro will give results different than the HCM and the HCS. Some of these deviations are
necessary to accommodate modeling of coordination and actuation. Other differences can be attributed to
varying input methods and rounding errors. The following section outlines the known deviations of Synchro
from the HCM and recommended workarounds.
The following table lists the reasons why the Synchro HCM report may deviate from the HCM and HCS reports.
Synchro Version 5 and later have eliminated many of the differences found in earlier versions of Synchro by
using the HCM delay formulas instead of time-slice analysis. The remaining differences are mostly due to
limitations in the other software and Synchro’s explicit calculation of coordination.
Table 23-2 Synchro HCM vs. HCM & HCS Differences
Queue Delay is New in Synchro 6 is an added measure for Accept Synchro's No Yes
not included in queue interaction delays. This measure is not delay
the HCM and included in the HCM Signal Report or the HCS.
PF (Platoon Effects of coordination are calculated explicitly. Synchro's PF is No Yes
Factor) based on
Does not match calculations versus
HCM a ±25% estimate in
the HCM method.
Input Data User has entered data differently for each Export data from Yes Yes
different model. Synchro or check
data carefully
Rounding Programs round numbers to different precision. Minor Minor
Effective Green When both directions have a leading Permitted Accept Synchro's Yes Yes
Times with plus Protected left turn of the same length, the truer numbers or (Synchro (Synchro
Permitted + HCS assumes (incorrectly in our opinion) that use HCS has lower has higher
Protected Left the interval between the green arrow and the capacity) delay)
Turns green ball is part of the permitted green time.
This causes the HCS to give higher effective
green times, lower v/c ratios and Flt and lower
Effective Green With lagging Permitted plus Protected left turn Accept Synchro's Yes Yes
Times with phasing, the HCS assumes (incorrectly in our truer numbers or (Synchro (Synchro
lagging opinion) that the interval between the green ball use HCS has lower has higher
Permitted + and the green ball counts towards the protected capacity) delay)
Protected Left green time. This causes the HCS to give higher
Turns effective green times, lower v/c ratios and lower
tC, single: The critical gap time for single stage crossing.
tC, 2 stage: The critical gap time for each stage of a two stage crossing.
cM: The capacity for the movement. This value considers the impacts of two stage gap acceptance and
plattooned flows. However, this capacity does not consider the influence of shared lanes or flared right turns.
Lane Section
The lower part of the unsignalized report has information on a per lane basis. One column appears for each
cSH: The capacity for each lane considering the effects of sharing and flared right turns. The capacity of free
movements is assumed to be 1700 vphpl.
Queue Length: This is the 50th percentile queue for each lane in feet or meters.
Intersection wide delay and level of service is not defined by the HCM for two-way stop controlled
intersections, therefore, it is not shown in the report. The analyst needs to look at the delay and LOS for
the individual movements.
The LOS for main street approaches is not shown because it is not defined for main street approaches. The
analyst needs to examine the left turn LOS and delay to rank the vehicles.
Hadj: Headway adjustments based on turning percentages and proportion of heavy vehicles.
Departure Headway: This is the value Hd, computed by multiple iterations of Worksheets 4a and 4b from the
Highway Capacity Manual, Chapter 17. It is the average time each vehicle requires at each lane. Hd takes into
account the number of lanes, and occupancy of conflicting lanes.
Degree Utilization, x: This is the volume divided by the departure headway. Note that x is not the v/c ratio
because increases to the volume on this approach will increase the headways and occupancies for conflicting
approaches and in turn increase the headways for this approach.
Capacity: This is the capacity for the lane. The method iteratively increases the volume for each lane until x is
1. The volume to capacity ratio is based on the Capacity.
Crossing Volume: Sum of movement volumes crossing this movement in front of the roundabout. The method
is only applicable for crossing volumes up to 1200 vph. If the crossing volume exceeds 1200, the results are not
High Capacity: High range of capacity. The method has a high and low range of possible capacities. It is the
analyst's responsibility to decide which is more applicable.
Low Capacity: High range of capacity. The method has a high and low range of possible capacities. It is the
analyst's responsibility to decide which is more applicable.
The roundabout's method has not been very well developed. There are no delay or queue outputs. The method
is only applicable to single lane roundabouts with up to 1200 vph crossing volume. The output is a range of v/c
values; it is the analyst's responsibility to decide which v/c ratio is most applicable.
When creating an Arterial LOS report, select one or more arterials in the right panel of the Select Reports
settings. To create an arterial with multiple street names or that turns corners, include a route number with
the # symbol in the street names, such as "Ashby Ave #13". A report is created for each direction of the arterial.
The Arterial Class is calculated automatically based on the distances between intersections and the link
speeds. The Speed is the total distance divided by the total travel time. The segment distance is the total distance
divided by the number of segments.
Table 23-3 Arterial Class
1 to 29 any IV
30 to 35 < 2000 ft IV
30 to 35 ≥ 2000 ft III
36 to 45 any II
above 45 any I
The Flow Speed is the free flow speed or link speed input for each link.
For segments over 0.5 miles, the Running Time is the link distance divided by the flow speed. For shorter links,
the running time is based on the running times in the HCM 2000, Table 15-3. This table is based on FHWA
research that shows longer running times on networks with short segments. This will cause longer travel times
and lower LOS than using the free flow speeds.
The Signal Delay is the Synchro Control delay for the through lane group. This will match the Control Delay as
shown in the Timing view.
The Travel Time is equal to Running time plus Signal Delay. Arterial Speed is thus Distance divided by Travel
The Arterial LOS is based on the speed and the Arterial Class.
The Summary Network MOEs and Detailed Network MOEs reports display quantitative information about the
performance of intersections and the network.
The MOEs can include delays, stops, fuel consumption, queuing penalty, dilemma vehicles and emissions.
The network reports can display information about each approach, each intersection, for an arterial, and for
the entire zone or network selected.
The MOE Report is based on Synchro’s Percentile Delay Anslysis. Details of this analysis method can be found
in Chapter 20. MOE Report options are available for the Measures of Effectiveness reports and the Multi-file
reports (“A” in Figure 23-6).
Select the MOEs to include in the report. Detailed information about each MOE is listed later in this topic.
Select the Level of Detail to include in each report (“B” in Figure 23-6). It is possible to list MOEs for each
approach, for each intersection, for selected arterials, and for the entire network or zone.
Select one of more Arterials to include in the report (“C” in Figure 23-6). The report will summarize the MOEs
along the arterial for arterial approaches only. Through and turning lane groups are included.
The volumes are not adjusted for PHF or Lane Utilization. Volumes are adjusted for growth factors.
Delays per vehicle are the Synchro Control Delay, Queue Delay and Total Delay. The Total Delay per vehicle
would be the Control Delay per vehicle plus the Queue Delay per vehicle. The Total Delay is the Total Delay
per vehicle multiplied by the number of vehicles in the network/zone in one hour.
Stops are calculated with the methods shown in the topic, Optimizations and Calculations (see page 20-28).
Stops are the number of stops per hour.
The Average Speed is the link distance divided by the travel time including delays. Average Speed includes the
speed of vehicles in turning lanes and will not match the Average Speeds in the Arterial Travel Time report.
The Total Travel Time is an hourly summary of delays and travel time.
The Distance Traveled is the volume times the link distance. Bend distances are included at the downstream
intersection. Travel on exit links is not counted.
The Fuel Consumed is calculated using the methods outlined in the topic Fuel and Emissions Calculation
(see page 20-28). The fuel is based on the delays, stops, speed, distance traveled, and travel time.
The Emissions are calculated based on the fuel consumption. The conversion rates are shown in the topic Fuel
and Emissions Calculation (see page 20-28).
The Unserved Vehicles is the Adjusted Volume less the Actuated Capacity. A value of 10 indicates that the
volume exceeds capacity by 10 vehicles per hour.
The Vehicles in Dilemma Zone is a count of the vehicles arriving while the signal turns yellow and soon
thereafter. This is rough measure of the safety of the movement. It is undesirable to create timing plans that
turn yellow when a platoon is approaching the intersection.
The Performance Index is a combination of the delays and stops. When optimizing, Synchro selects the cycle
length with the lowest PI. See the topic on Optimize Intersection Cycle Length on page 19-11 for more details.
Select a street name or route number to generate an Arterial Summary (“C” in Figure 23-6). The Arterial
Summary summates the MOEs for approaches on the arterial including turning lane groups. Side street
approaches are not counted. The MOEs are summarized by direction and totaled.
To create an Arterial Route with multiple street names or that turns corners, include a route number in the
street name with the # symbol. For example, the streets Ashby Avenue and Tunnel Road are part of the same
route. Give these streets the names "Ashby Ave SR #13" and "Tunnel Road SR #13". Synchro will be able to
create reports and analysis on the arterial "#13".
The values summarized by arterial are volume weighted and include turning lane groups. The values will not
match the average speeds and total travel times listed in the Arterial Report.
The report could be used to compare a before-and-after condition scenario, or the report can be used to
compare MOEs for two or more different volume/timing plans scenarios.
When performing a Cycle Length Optimization, select the Create Scenario for Each Cycle Length option. These
files can be used to create a Comparison Report.
To create a Multi Scenario Comparison Report, use the following steps (files to compare must be in the same
✓ From the SELECT REPORTS dialog, choose Detailed or Summary Multi-File Comparison
✓ Select the options you would like to include
✓ Select the scenarios you would like to compare
✓ Select the [Print], [Save-Text] or [Preview] button to create your report
The first page of the comparison report lists each alternative with its scenario information and basic statistics
(Figure 23-8).
Succeeding pages list the MOEs with one column for each alternative. The MOE information follows all of the
rules for the Network report listed above (Figure 23-9).
Most of these values are the same values shown in the Timing settings or Phasing settings.
Movement is the lane group(s) served by this phase. For through movements, for example NBT or EBT, the
movement ends in T. For left turn phases the movement ends in L. For split phasing, for example NBTL, the
movement ends with TL, because the phase serves through and left traffic. For a single phase serving two
directions, the movement is NB-SB for northbound and southbound.
The report includes a start time, an end time, a yield/force off and yield/force off 170. These times are phase
references to the beginning of the system clock. The 170 yield (to the coordinated phase) is referenced to the
beginning of the flashing don’t walk.
The report also contains the Cycle Length, Natural Cycle Length, Control Type and Offset Information at the top,
and a Splits and Phasing Diagram at the bottom.
For each phase and percentile scenario, the following information is listed:
Detail Bar Graph
Phase: Each phase has its number and lane group listed here.
Percentile: This is the percentile scenario for this row. Synchro models traffic under five percentile scenarios
(see the topic on the Percentile Delay Method, page 20-3).
Green: This is the actual green time for this scenario. This value is normally equal to the sum of the Queue and
the Gap-out times. Many times, the green time is constrained by the minimum or maximum times or the phase
is skipped altogether.
Termination: This code explains how the phase was terminated. The available options are as follows:
Skip: Phase is skipped, no calls.
Min: Phase shows for minimum time.
GapOut: Phase gaps out
Hold: Phase held for phase in another ring. Lagging main street phases are also held.
Max Out: Phase shows for maximum time.
Ped: Phase extended for pedestrian phase due to ped button or ped recall.
Max Recall: Max Recall, phase is set for maximum recall.
Dwell: Signal rests or dwells on this phase, conflicting volume is very light.
Coordinated: This phase is the main street phase in coordination. Any extra time reverts to this phase.
Detail Bar Graph: The bar graphs to the right show the green times graphically. Each graph shows the green
and yellow time as green and yellow.
For non-coordinated actuated signals, the cycle length and the rest-in-red time are shown at the bottom. If all
phases have no recall, the signal may rest with all phases red. The blue bars represent the cycle length and the
red bars represent rest-in-red time.
For pre-timed and fixed-cycle signals, the cycle length is listed at the bottom.
For each phase and percentile scenario, the following information is listed:
Detail Bar Graph
Phase: Each phase has its number and lane group listed here.
Percentile: This is the percentile scenario for this row. Synchro models traffic under five percentile scenarios.
Also see Percentile Scenarios (page 20-4) for more information.
Green: This is the actual green time for this scenario. This value is normally equal to the sum of the Queue and
the Gap-out times. Many times the green time is constrained by the minimum or maximum times or the phase
is skipped altogether.
Start: This is the start time for each phase. The start times are referenced to the system cycle clock. These start
times are the same as appear on the time space diagram. If this signal has offset 0, referenced to the yield point
of phase 2, phase 2 will yield at time 0.
Termination: This code explains how the phase was terminated. The available options are as follows:
Skip: Phase is skipped, no calls.
Min: Phase shows for minimum time
Detail Bar Graph: The bar graphs to the right show the start and green times graphically. Each graph shows
the green and yellow time as green and yellow.
For non-coordinated actuated signals, the cycle length and the rest-in-red time are shown at the bottom. If all
phases have no recall, the signal may rest with all phases red. The blue bars represent the cycle length and the
red bars represent rest-in-red time.
For pretimed and fixed-cycle signals, the cycle length is listed at the bottom.
A sample Actuated Start and Green Times Report is shown in Figure 23-12.
For each phase and percentile scenario, the following information is listed:
Queue Clearance Time
Gap-Out Time
Detail Bar Graph
Phase: Each phase has its number and lane group listed here.
Percentile: This is the percentile scenario for this row. Synchro models traffic under five percentile scenarios.
Also see Percentile Scenarios (page 20-4) for more information.
Queue Clearance Time: This is the time to clear the queue. This time includes the startup-lost time which is
2.5 seconds. This time includes the time for the vehicles arriving on red to clear as well as any new vehicles
arriving during the clearance time. A value of 50+ in the queue time or gap-out field indicates 50 or more
Gap-Out Time: This is the time for the phase to gap-out. It is calculated as the time till there is a 50% chance of
a gapout. This value also includes the unused green time.
Green: This is the actual green time for this scenario. This value is normally equal to the sum of the Queue and
the Gap-Out times. Many times, the green time is constrained by the minimum or maximum times or the phase
is skipped altogether.
Termination: This code explains how the phase was terminated. The available options are as follows:
Skip: Phase is skipped, no calls.
Min: Phase shows for minimum time
GapOut: Phase gaps out
Hold: Phase held for phase in another ring. Lagging main street phases are also held
Max: Out Phase shows for maximum time.
Ped: Phase extended for pedestrian phase due to ped button or ped recall.
Max Recall: Max Recall, phase is set for maximum recall.
Dwell: Signal rests or dwells on this phase, conflicting volume is very light.
Coordinated: This phase is the main street phase in coordination. Any extra time reverts to this phase.
Detail Bar Graph: The bar graphs to the right show these times graphically. The top half of each graph shows
the queue time and gap-out time as brown and cyan respectively. The lower half of each graph shows the green
and yellow time as green and yellow.
For non-coordinated actuated signals, the cycle length and the rest-in-red time are shown at the bottom. If all
phases have no recall, the signal may rest with all phases red. The blue bars represent the cycle length and the
red bars represent rest-in-red time.
If a value is too big to fit in the bar graph, it has broken bars at the right of the scale.
For pretimed and fixed-cycle signals, the cycle length is listed at the bottom.
For details on all of these values, refer to the 2000 HCM, Chapter 16. The value flt is the permitted left turn factor
that is seen in the Lane settings.
FLT is calculated based on maximum green times rather than actuated green times. This may cause the
Synchro FLT to vary slightly from the HCM calculations.
If there is an exclusive left turn lane plus a shared left turn lane, a separate F lt is calculated for each lane. This is
a feature not found in the HCM or the Highway Capacity Software. If an approach is opposed by an exclusive
turning lane and a shared lane, only the opposing shared lane and through lanes are considered to be opposing.
This report is used both for approaches that are opposed by single lane and multilane approaches. The values
Prop LT Opp., n, PTHo, EL2 and Gdiff only apply to approaches that are opposed by a single lane approach. Fm only
applies for multiple shared lane approaches.
The value fmin is the left turn factor assuming that the only left turns are "sneakers" (turners who complete their
turns during or after the yellow phase). If fmin is greater than fm,, fmin is used.
If either the subject or opposing approach has a protected phase, then the appropriate adjustments are made
to the gu, gf, and gq.
A sample of a Supplemental Worksheet for Permitted Left Turns Report is shown in Figure 23-14.
Figure 23-14 Sample Supplemental Worksheet For Permitted Left Turns Report
Each element that affects the Coordinatability Factor (CF) is shown, along with the affect it has on the CF. A CF
ranges from 0 to 100 or more. Any value above 50 means that coordination is recommended. The higher the
CF, the more likely that this link will benefit from coordination. The six factors used to determine
Coordinatability are as follows:
Travel Time
Traffic to Storage Space
Proportion of Traffic in Platoon
Main Street Volume
Increase in Cycle Lengths needed for coordination
In the report, each of these values is listed along with how it affects the CF. There may be a comment next to the
factor explaining its effect on the CF.