Single Axis Stepper Control

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Chapter 18 Single Axis Stepper Control

Stepper Lab

While this stepper lab is are important, a later lab using multiple stepper drives is preferred. This
single axis stepper control was first designed to interface with an Etch-a-Sketch. That design
didn’t work well due to limitations of the Etch-a-Sketch.

The present design has similar requirements to the servo in that a starter program was given with
the student required to enhance the program with a HMI program as well as control of the motor
in auto and manual.

Stepper Motor and Controller

Hybrid system using custom
boards and Siemens PLC

One of the design components of this lab was the green Phoenix Contact interface devices. It
was felt that students should be introduced to common devices used by industry rather than
trying to build the interface on a breadboard. Cost does increase with this design with the cost of
each of the interface devices >$100. The concept of off-the-shelf parts is an important one for
the student to learn, however.

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 1

Programming the Stepper

The Siemens PLC is used to generate the pulses controlling the stepper motor through the
EVAL6208N unit. Software configuration is described in this section. Use this application to
successfully start and control the stepper motor.

The Project Tree for a single axis PTO

drive. There are a number of blocks
programmed in the example which allow
the user to experiment with the various
blocks using the inputs from the selector
switches. The selector switches are
useful but must be supplemented by the
HMI panel in order to provide a
complete project.

The various function and data blocks as

well as tags are created in the steps

Follow the steps below in the order given to use motion control with the CPU S7-1200. The
subject will be broadly divided into the following steps. The text will only cover portions of

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 2

1. Add technological object Axis
2. Working with the configuration dialog
3. Download to CPU
4. Function test of the axis in the commissioning window
5. Programming
6. Diagnostics of the axis control

The axis program given already has commissioned the drive and has several programming
blocks present to test the operation of the stepper. The following gives the list of programming
blocks available plus the Command Table blocks. The Command Table block allows the user to
enter a number of commands in a sequence for execution as a block.

The Project Tree continued

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 3

Homing modes:

Active homing

In active homing mode, the motion control instruction "MC_Home" performs the required
reference point approach. When the homing switch is detected, the axis is homed according to
the configuration. Active traversing motions are aborted.

Passive homing

During passive homing, the motion control instruction "MC_Home" does not carry out any
homing motion. The traversing motion required for this step must be implemented by the user
via other motion control instructions. When the homing switch is detected, the axis is homed
according to the configuration. Active traversing motions are not aborted upon start of passive

Direct homing absolute

The axis position is set regardless of the homing switch. Active traversing motions are not
aborted. The value of input parameter "Position" of motion control instruction "MC_Home" is
set immediately as the reference point of the axis.

Direct homing relative

The axis position is set regardless of the homing switch. Active traversing motions are not
aborted. The following statement applies to the axis position after homing:
New axis position = current axis position + value of parameter "Position" of instruction

Overview of the Motion Control Statements:

You control the axis with the user program using motion control instructions. The instructions
start Motion Control jobs that execute the desired functions.

The status of the motion control jobs and any errors that occur during their execution can be
obtained from the output parameters of the motion control instructions. The following Motion
Control instructions are available:

MC_Power: Enable, disable axis

MC_Reset: Acknowledge error
MC_Home: Home axes, set home position
MC_Halt: Halt axis
MC_MoveAbsolute: Absolute positioning of axes
MC_MoveRelative: Relative positioning of axes
MC_MoveVelocity: Move axes at preset rotational speed

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 4

MC_Moveog: Move axes in jogging mode
MC_CommandTable: Run axis jobs as movement sequence
MC_ChangeDynamic: Changing the dynamic settings for the axis

Creating a user program

Proceed as follows to create the user program:

1. In the project tree, double-click your code block (the code block must be called in the
cyclic program). The code block is opened in the programming editor and all available
instructions are displayed.

2. Open the “Technology” category and the “Motion Control” and “S7-1200 Motion
Control” folders.

3. Use a drag-and-drop operation to move the “MC_Power” instruction to the desired

network of the code block. The dialog box for defining the instance DB opens.

4. In the next dialog box, select from the following alternatives:

Single instance
Click “Single instance” and select whether you want to define the name and number of
the instance DB automically or manually.
Click “Multi-instance” and select whether you want to define the name of the multi-
instance automatically or manually.

5. Click “ok”. The motion control instruction “MC_Power” is inserted into the network:

Parameters marked with “<???>” must be initialized; all other parameters are assigned
default values. Parameters displayed in black are required for use of the motion control

6. Select technology object in the project tree and drag-and-drop it on <???>.

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 5

Following selection of the technology object data block, the stethoscope button is
available. Click the stethoscope if you want to open the diagnostics dialog for the
technology object.

Click the toolbox icon if you want to open the configuration view of the technology

Click the toolbox icon if you want to open the configuration view of the technology
object. Click the arrow down icon to view additional parameters of the motion control

7. Add your choice of motion control instructions from steps 3 to 6 above.

Programming notes:

When creating your user program, note the following:

 Cyclic call of utilized motion control instructions. The current status of command
execution is available via the output parameters of the motion control instruction. The
status is updated with every call of the motion control instruction. Therefore, make sure
that the utilized motion control instructions are called cyclically.
 Transfer of parameter values of a motion control instruction. The parameter values
pending for the input parameters are transferred with a positive edge at input parameter
“execute” when the block is called. The motion control command is started with these
parameter values. Parameter values that are subsequently changed for the motion control
instruction are transferred until the next start of the motion control command. Exceptions
to this are input parameters ”StopMode” of motion control instruction “MC_Power” and
“Velocity” of motion control instruction “MC_MoveJog”. A change in the input
parameter is also applied when “Enable” = true or “JogForward’ and “JogBackward”…

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 6

 Programming under consideration of the status information. In a stepwise execution of
motion control jobs, make sure to wait for the active command to finish before starting a
new command. Use the status messages of the motion control instruction and the
“StatusBits” tag of the technology object to check for completion of the active command.

In the example below, observe the indicated sequence. Failure to observe the sequence
will display an axis or command error.

- Axis enable with motion control instruction “MC_Power”

You must enable the axis before it can take on motion jobs. Use an AND operation
of tag <Axis name>.StatusBits.Enable=TRUE with output parameter Status = TRUE
of motion control instruction “MC_Power” to verify that the axis is enabled.
- Acknowledge error with motion control instruction “MC_Reset”. Prior to starting a
motion control command, errors requiring acknowledgement must be acknowledged
with “MC_Reset”. Eliminate the cause of the error and acknowledge the error with
motion control instruction “MC_Reset”. Verify that the error has been successfully
acknowledged before initiating a new command. For this purpose, use an AND
operation of tag <Axis name>.StatusBits.Error = FALSE with output parameter
Done = TRUE of motion control instruction “MC_Reset”.
- Home axis with motion control instruction “MC_Home”
Before you can start an MC_MoveAbsolute command, the axis must be homed. Use
an AND operation of tag <Axis name>.StatusBits.HomingDone= TRUE with output
parameter Done = TRUE of motion control instruction “MC_Home” to verify that
the axis has been homed.

 Override of motion control command processing

Motion control jobs for moving an axis can also be executed as overriding jobs. If a new
motion control command is started for an axis while another motion control command is
active, the active command is overridden by the new command before the existing
command is completely executed. The overridden command signals this using
CommandAborted = TRUE in the motion control instruction. It is possible to override an
active MC_MoveRelative command with a MC_MoveAbsolute command.
 Avoiding multiple use of the same instance
All relevant information of a motion control command is stored in its instance. Do not
start a new command using this instance, if you want to track the status of the current
command. Use different instances if you want to track the commands separately. If the
same instance is used for multiple motion control commands, the status and error
information of the individual commands will overwrite each other.
 Call of motion control instructions in different priority classes (run levels). Motion
control instructions with the same instance may not be called in different priority classes
without interlocking. To learn how to call locked motion control instructions, refer to
“Tracking commands from higher priority classes”.

Monitoring active commands

There are three groups for tracking active motion control jobs, those with output parameter

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 7

“Done”, instruction MC_MoveVelocity and instruction MC_MoveJog.

See the results of the instructions’ timing diagram with abort or error conditions. The WinCC
book at about pg. 4000 shows these results.

Create a Motion Technology Object:

Add new object> Select Axis> Axis_1 (define the axis)

Define the mechanical parameters of the machine:

Steps per revolution
Distance per Motor Revolution
Invert Direction Signal

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 8

Leave hardware limits not enabled

Determine the acceleration/deceleration for the axis:

Select units for pulses/s
Set maximum Velocity
Set Start/Stop Velocity

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 9

Set Ramp Up/Ramp Down Time

Set Emergency Ramp Time

Determine the Emergency Decel Time for immediate stops:

Emergency Stop Deceleration

Homing Configuration (leave open)

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 10

(The Technology Object for Motion configuration is complete.)

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 11

Motion transition with preceding velocity jobs

Transition from "Complete command" to "Blend motion"

The charts below show the transition between movements in various different transition modes
in the "Next step" column:

Next begin commissioning:

Manually move the axis to verify operation
1 - Select manual control
2 - Enable axis
3 - Select action (jog)
4 - Set Home Position Offset
5 - Set Accel Rate
6 - Make it go

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 12


Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 13

This figure shows Movement Status and Dynamic Settings

This figure shows a Command Table

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 14

This figure shows the motion and position of the movements of the Command Table

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 15

Instructions used in the Motion
Application to control the axis

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 16

Instructions used in the Motion
Application Help Screens

Instructions used in the Motion

Application Help Screens

The following instructions are tied to inputs from the switched inputs directly wired to the PLC.
Each input executes a specific action. For instance, I0.0, the first input, executes a drive reset
instruction per the program below.

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 17

Reset Instruction

The Reset Instruction is used to reset the axis. It is referenced to I0.0 which is the first input on
the switch panel on top of the PLC. Use this switch input to reset the axis.

Axis Power

The Power Instruction is used to enable the axis. It is referenced to I0.1 which is the second input
on the switch panel on top of the PLC. Use this switch input to enable the axis.

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 18

Axis Home

The Home Instruction is used to home the axis. It is referenced to I0.2 which is the third input on
the switch panel on top of the PLC. If there are no home limit switches, the present position is
used as the home position and absolute moves can be entered following the Home block being

Set Velocity

The Move Velocity Instruction is used to set the velocity of the axis. It is referenced to I0.3.

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 19

Move Relative

The Move Relative Instruction is used to trigger a relative move of the axis. It is referenced to

Halt Command

The Halt Instruction is used to halt a move of the axis. It is referenced to I0.7.

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 20

Move Absolute

The Move Absolute Instruction is used to trigger an absolute move of the axis. It is referenced to
I0.6. It will move the axis to a position relative to the home instruction.

In addition to the discrete instruction listed above, a command table may be used to store the
commands of a sequence of move commands for the Siemens processor. The same command
table can be generated for Allen-Bradley although this feature was never completely made to
work by the instructor or lab tech in the course to date. It would be a challenge for a student to
execute the command sequence for both drives using that feature from the manufacturer’s


Program the Stepper Application using the Siemens PLC, Stepper Module and Siemens HMI to
control the dial for a variable number of complete turns either forward (CW) or reverse (CCW)
at a various number of speeds.

To design the HMI panel, use the description below. The description there describes a simple
single-axis machine. As an automatic sequence, use at least two different rotations. One could
be of 4 turns followed by a dwell followed by a second 4 turns followed by a dwell followed by a
return to home.

Notice the switches on the PLC. They are attached to inputs which set up the motion
application. They may be used for all inputs except those specific to the operation of the
machine such as the auto-manual, jog forward, jog reverse, halt and resume commands. Other
commands such as ‘home’, ‘reset’ and ‘power’ can remain as switches instead of being
incorporated into the HMI.

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 21

HMI Screen for Single Axis Stepper

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 22

The program given allows the user to toggle the various switches and rotate the motor. Some of the
commands will be modified in the actual program. Notice that there is a command table that may be
used. It is not usable if the pause and resume are to work properly. Try the toggle switches with the
command table and then halt the motion. Then resume the motion. Notice that the motion is reset
and starts again. The problem associated with the reset action requires the additional programming.
Follow the commands below in this order to begin the Siemens stepper application.


Starting Point

Turn on Power Switch

and Leave On (I0.1)

Toggle on and then off

Reset (I0.0)

Toggle on and then off to

set Home Position (I0.0)

Toggle Switch Settings for Siemens Stepper

Ch 18 Single Axis Stepper Control 23

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