Artigo Controler 1
Artigo Controler 1
Artigo Controler 1
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper proposes an approach of a grid connected PV control scheme, that provides optimal PV power
Received 30 November 2014 and high quality of current injected into the grid and, therefore, high power quality. The control scheme
Received in revised form 19 July 2016 combines current control and power control loops. To analyze the dynamic behavior and the design of
Accepted 29 October 2016
the control strategy, a conventional two-stage energy conversion is selected and briefly modeled. The
Available online 17 November 2016
command developed around the first stage will raise the relatively low solar voltage to a suitable level
corresponds to the optimal photovoltaic power. Around the second stage a voltage and current loops
have been designed to regulate respectively the dc link voltage and the output inverter current. The
PV generator
aim of this command is to inject energy into the grid at unity power factor and a current with low
PLL harmonic distortion. All command loops of the grid connected photovoltaic system is based on classical
Grid controllers which are composed of proportional-integral (PI) regulators. The choice of control variables
MPPT and the design of command loops are discussed. The proposed global model is simulated with the help
PI controllers of Matlab–Simulink, by considering a 3 kWc solar generator.
Current controller © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
0378-7796/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
504 N. Hamrouni et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 503–512
MPPT command Inverter command
Vpv Ipv Rs Np Vpv Ipv Rs
Ipv = Np Iph − Np Is exp + −1 − + (1)
nkT Ns Np Rp Ns Np
Measures References Measures
Fig. 1. Scheme of the grid connected PV system. The model inputs are the solar irradiance, the ambient temper-
ature, the PV voltage and the wind speed, while the only output is
the PV current which is supplied by the panel.
trol strategy. It is usually adopted because it exhibits better safety,
stability and fast response. It is composed of two-cascaded loops;
an inner current and an outer voltage loops which regulate respec- 2.2. Modeling of the dc–dc converter
tively the output inverter current and the dc-link voltage [18–21].
The output of the dc-link controller sets the reference for the The coupling of the load at constant power to the PV gen-
active current. However, active and reactive power controller pro- erator without the use of a battery does not ensure an optimal
vided the reactive current to be injected into the grid [22]. In case of operation. This is due to the instantaneous fluctuation of the opti-
rotating dq-frame, the reference current d-component is controlled mal power with the variation of the climatic conditions (sunning,
to manage the active power and the reference current q-component temperature. . .). It is then essential to envisage a dc–dc converter
is controlled to manage the reactive power. To obtain the line cur- which ensures an extraction of the optimal PV power and to main-
rent in phase with the grid voltage, reference current q-component tain the dc-link voltage as constant. The boost reveals two power
should be zero. The second control scheme studied in the literature accumulation elements and thus two variables to control [11]. They
use a power controller instead of dc-link voltage controller. The are the PV voltage (Vpv ) and the inductor current (il ). They are given
references for the active and reactive current are calculated from by Eq. (2):
the active and reactive power references [23–25]. A third command
scheme which does not needs internal current loops because the ⎪ dvpv 1
inverter switching states are appropriately selected by a switch-
⎨ = ipv − il
dt Cpv
ing table. This command became the most interesting technique (2)
⎪ di 1 Rpv
in the last years [20]. All previous studies demonstrate that these ⎩ l = vm − vpv − il
various control strategies are well performing under normal grid dt Lpv Lpv
In our approach, a combination between the first and the sec- The internal structure of the dc–dc converter is appeared as a
ond inverter control scheme is developed. The reference current matrix function [33]. It is described by the following relation (3):
components have been calculated from reference active and reac-
tive powers. To have the grid current vector in phase with the grid f11 f12
voltage (i.e., high power factor), reference reactive power should [f ] = (3)
be zero. The active power control is achieved through the con- f21 f22
trol of the dc-link voltage. The reference current components in
the dq-frame are dc quantities. Thus, the command of the overall
- f12 and f22 are equal respectively to 0 and 1.
system should be made in synchronous reference dq-frame using
proportional-integral (PI) regulators [26–30]. For grid connected
PV system, PI controllers have a very good harmonic rejection for Variables modulated by the boost, which are the voltage vm and
low order harmonics and ensure good performance characteristics the current idc , can be expressed according to [33], by Eq. (4):
such as stability and zero state error [31]. Moreover, those con-
trollers are used due to their characteristics of better regulating dc
vm vdc
signals and simple design procedure. = mh (4)
In this paper, a conventional two-stage energy conversion sys- idc il
tem is studied. In the second part, elementary and global models
of the grid connected PV system are briefly developed. The third
part discusses the command scheme designed around converters. - mh is equal to the connection function f11 . It has a binary value
Linear control approach, using PI regulators, are detailed. Simula- {0,1}.
tion results are discussed in Section 4. Finally, the conclusion is
presented in Section 5. 2.3. Modeling of the dc link bus
2. Modeling of the grid connected PV system The dc link voltage is governed by Eq. (5):
To adapt the network model to the elementary models devel- The main objective of the control is to convert dc power from the
oped previously and to facilitate the exchange with the industrial PVG to ac power feeding to the grid. The proposed control scheme
environment, we will approach the model used in Power System is composed of two parts. The first block is designed around the
Block set (PSB) of the MATLAB/SIMULINK. Fig. 2 presents the equiv- boost. Its goal is to track the PV’s maximum power point (MPP). The
alent scheme of the network chosen in this paper. This model keeps second block is calculated around the dc–ac converter. Its objective
the natural approach which considers the network as a voltage is to obtain unity power factor and low harmonic distortion at the
source. The part formed by the energy transport line and all the con- inverter output current. This controller consists of an inner current
nection transformers between the various voltage levels is modeled loop and an outer voltage loop, as indicated in Fig. 3.
by a Thevenin equivalent circuit [11]. It is composed of a sinusoidal
voltage source in series with impedance. 3.1. Control of the dc–dc converter
According to Fig. 2, the line current injected into the grid
expressed in the synchronous dq-frame, is given by Eq. (9): In the present paper a MPPT algorithm based on P&O is devel-
ird vrd erd irq oped. Its objective is to find the adequate voltage Vpv * imposed by
Lr + Rr = − + Lr w (9) the dc–dc converter to the system. If the operating voltage of the
dt irq vrq erq −ird PVG is perturbed in a given direction and if the power drawn from
the generator increases, one can infer that the operating point has
2.6. Modeling of the filter moved toward the MPPT and therefore the operating voltage must
be further perturb in the same direction. If the power extracted
The line filter reduces the high frequency harmonics generated from the PVG decrease, the operating point has then moved from
by the switched operation of the inverter. Usually, the line fil- the maximum power point, and therefore, the direction of the oper-
ter consists of inductors but other combinations of capacitors and ating voltage perturbation must be revised. The reference voltage
inductors such us LC or LCL filters can be used. The L-filter is a Vpv *, given by the MPPT algorithm, constitutes the input of the volt-
506 N. Hamrouni et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 503–512
Fig. 4. Diagram of dc–dc converter command. The choice of matrix coefficients Kh allows the design of the
controller gains Rc and Rv.
vm ∗ = Rc Rv vpv ∗ +(1 − Rc Rv )vpv + Rc ipv − Rc il (14) Dc-link voltage control. The main of the voltage control loop
is to regulate the dc-link voltage at a specified value and to provide
RC and Rv represent respectively the PV current and the voltage
the reference current.
regulators. When the boost switch frequency is higher, the time
The dc-link voltage is set to 550 V while the line voltage is set
constant is very small and its influence to the whole system may be
to 220 V. The closed loop control of the dc-link voltage is needed
ignored, so proportional correctors are sufficient. They are parame-
because the output power of the PV is variable with irradiance
terized according to the value of the capacitor (Cpv ), the inductance
and temperature. The use of the informational graph of causality
(Lpv ) and the dynamic of the regulation loops.
(IGC) as well equations developed in Section 2 permit the design
Eq. (2), representing the model of the PV and boost association,
of the control loop [32]. The inverter input reference current ie * is
can be as follows Eq. (15):
described by the following relation (18) [34]:
X = AX + B1 U1 + B2 U2 (15)
ie ∗ = idc − PI(vdc ∗ −vdc ) (18)
⎛ ⎞
To control the dc-link voltage, a proportional-integral corrector
0 − 0 1 has been used to reduce the steady state error of the dc bus voltage.
A=⎝ ⎠ , B1 =
1 , B2 = Cpv It is parameterized according to the capacitor and the dynamic of
− − Lpv 0 the regulation loop.
Lpv Lpv
N. Hamrouni et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 503–512 507 Design of the dc-link voltage regulator. The dc-link voltage characteristic polynomial, we deduce parameters of the dc-link
regulator consists of a PI controller which is adopted to avoid sta- voltage controller. They are given by Eq. (20):
tionary dc bus voltage. The low pass filter in the feedback loop limits ⎧
the bandwidth of the dc-link voltage regulator. It implies that the ⎪
⎨ Kdc =
2fc Cdc
dynamic of the line current regulator can be neglected in the dc-link (20)
voltage controller design. Therefore, the voltage and the current ⎪
⎩ dc = 9
loops can be considered decoupled, and there by the actual grid 2fc
current components can be considered equal to their references
when designing the dc-link voltage controller. Thus, we can cal- Calculator of reference currents. Reference currents ird * and
culate, from Fig. 6, the closed loop transfer function of the dc-link irq * are calculated from the grid voltage and the reference active and
voltage regulator. It is given by Eq. (19): reactive powers. These currents, according to [36], are expressed in
the synchronous reference dq-frame by Eq. (21):
ird ∗ 1 Pr ∗ −Qr ∗ vrd
= (21)
dc C dc
Kdc [sdc + 1] [s + 2fc ] irq ∗ v2rd + v2rq Qr ∗ Pr ∗ vrq
H(s) = (19)
2fc Kdc 2fc Kdc
s3 + 2f c s2 + s+
Cdc dc Cdc Qr * is the reference reactive power. To obtain the line current in
phase with the grid voltage, Qr * should be zero. Pr * is the reference
active power injected into the grid. It is given by Eq. (22):
fc is the cut frequency of the low pass filter F(s). It is set to 30 Hz Pr ∗ ≈ ie ∗ .vdc (22)
The characteristic equation of the closed loop system is a third 3.2.2. Synchronization
order having three poles. To avoid the oscillation in the dc-link According to Eq. (21), reference currents injected into the grid,
voltage, we supposed that the characteristic equation has three are deduced from the measurement of grid voltages. Indeed, the
identical poles. By identification of the coefficients of the charac- network voltages at the connection point can contain various faults
teristic equation given by the denominator of H(s) with the desired (voltage dips, harmonics, short interruptions. . .) which can pass
508 N. Hamrouni et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 503–512
Fig. 10. Characteristics of the input and output inverter voltages (a): dc link voltage
(measure and reference), (b): output inverter voltage (measure and reference).
Fig. 12. Reactive and active powers injected into the grid (reference and measure).
Fig. 11. Inverter output current (-*40) and grid voltage under various illuminations.
510 N. Hamrouni et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 503–512
Table 1
Principal parameters of the PI regulators and the grid connected PV system.
seen that, the P&O program developed around the dc–dc converter
presents a good dynamic performance. During each change in solar
radiation, the maximal PV power was established in delay time
equal to 0.5 s. This disadvantage characterizes limits of the P&O pro-
gram. In steady state and for each solar radiation, the PVG provides
the maximal power. Fig. 9b and c show respectively the current and
voltage variations of the PVG.
Fig. 9b presents the variation of the measure and reference of the
dc–dc converter input current. It is maintained, in steady state, at a
constant and maximal level in each case of solar irradiance (1000,
500, 800 and 300 W/m2 ). The error in steady state has been caused
by the approximation made during the design of the PV current
According to Fig. 9c, the measure of the capacitor voltage follows
the reference voltage imposed by the current regulator.
Fig. 10a presents the dc side voltage. It can be seen that the dc
measured voltage follows instantaneously its deadbeat reference
voltage Vdc *. An important steady state error is noticed. The dc-
link voltage oscillates between 530 V and 542 V according to the
solar radiation. The PI controller encounters problems and limits in
the voltage regulation. Fig. 10b represents inverter output voltage
before filtering and the reference voltage provided by the inverter
control system.
Fig. 11 shows the ac side voltage and the inverter output current.
As it might be noticed in this figure, there is a phase leading/lagging
between grid side line current and voltage. A low displacement
can be noticed between the synthesized current, current effectively
injected into the grid, and the line voltage. A current THD, lower
than 5%, around the rated inverter output has been achieved. As a
result, a unit power factor is achieved.
Fig. 12a and b present respectively the reactive and active power
injected into the grid. The reactive power oscillates around its ref-
erence (Q* = 0VAR). It shows the unity power factor operation and
the control performance of the grid current. The measured active
Fig. 13. Simulation results under various climatic conditions: (a) inverter current
power supplied by the inverter oscillates around its maximal ref-
d-component (measure and reference), (b) inverter current q-component (measure
and reference). erence. It can be seen that the power output of the inverter follows
its reference and that average power control has been established.
The measure current dq-components as depicted in Fig. 13a and
selected to demonstrate the most significant aspects of system
b follow their references provided by the current control. These
behavior and the performance of the designed control loops. The
figures showed the control performance of the grid current.
reference and measure are respectively represented by dotted and
As can be noticed from Figs. 13 and 14, the current injected into
continuous line. Salient parameters of the system and regulators
the grid contains high and low frequency harmonics. They are due
are presented in Table 1. The PV generator is a polycrystalline
to the inverter switching, the design and the choice of the filter and
finally the deficiency of the inverter current controller. In order to
Fig. 9a shows characteristics of the PV power provided during
reduce the low order harmonics, the L-filter must be replaced by
various step transients in the solar radiation. The irradiance fluctu-
other filters such us LC or LCL filter.
ates at 2.1 s, 3 s and 4 s. It changes from 1000 to 500 W/m2 , and then
it increases to 800 W/m2 and finishes at 300 W/m2 . It can be clearly,
N. Hamrouni et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 143 (2017) 503–512 511
Fig. 14. Line current under various climatic conditions (measure and reference).
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