Business Law Review: Author Guide
Business Law Review: Author Guide
Business Law Review: Author Guide
Author Guide
Business Law Review offers a regular source of practical information for legal practitioners and
researchers dealing with business law on a day to day basis, principally dealing with UK law and the
laws of the other Commonwealth members.
With six issues per year Business Law Review offers readers:
Business Law Review covers all legal aspects of running a business including: banking; business
organisations (including agencies, charities, joint ventures, partnerships, friendly societies, limited
liability partnerships, mutual societies etc.); commercial property; company law (including directors,
insider trading, takeovers and mergers etc.); competition; computers and internet; consumer credit;
consumer protection; contract; crime (e.g. bribery, corporate manslaughter, fraud); data protection;
dispute resolution; employment (including discrimination, tribunals, national minimum wage etc.);
environment and business; financial services and markets; health and safety; insolvency; insurance;
intellectual property (including patents, trade-marks, designs etc.); international trade; pensions;
public procurement; and tax.
[1] Before submission to the typesetter, manuscripts may, if requested for REA purposes, be
reviewed by members of the Board of Editors and may be returned to authors for revision. The
main editor reviews and selects all submitted articles for each issue. Single-blind or double-blind
peer review is available on request.
[2] The journal’s policy is to provide an initial assessment of the submission within thirty days of
receiving the posted submission. In cases where the article is externally referred for review, this
period may be extended.
[3] The Publishers reserve the right to make alterations as to style, punctuation, grammar etc.
[4] In general contributors will receive proofs of their article but are expected to make any essential
corrections within four working days.
[E] Copyright
[1] Publication in the journal is subject to authors signing a ‘Consent to Publish and Grant of Exclusive
License’ form. By signing this Form, authors warrant and represent that their contribution does
not contain infringing, libelous, obscene or other unlawful matter.
[2] Authors are allowed to post their articles on public websites such as SSRN subject to the
conditions set in our Rights & Permissions Guide. In this Guide you can also find which other rights
remain reserved to the author.
[3] The author shall receive for the rights granted a free copy of the issue of the journal in which the
article is published, plus a PDF file of his/her article.
[F] Indexing & abstracting databases
[1] For more information on Wolters Kluwer’s commitment to protect and maintain the high
standards for all our publications, please read our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.