KS Spaces
KS Spaces
KS Spaces
17 557
2 authors, including:
Tepper L Gill
Howard University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Tepper L Gill on 28 October 2016.
Equally important is the fact that these spaces contain all Henstock-Kurzweil
integrable functions and, in particular, the Feynman kernel and the Dirac
then suggest that KS2 is a more appropriate Hilbert space for quantum the-
ory, in that it satisfies the requirements for the Feynman, Heisenberg and
application, we show that the mixed topology on the space of bounded con-
tinuous functions, Cb [Rn ], used to define the weak generator for a semigroup
T (t), is stronger than the norm topology on KSp . (This means that, when
1. Introduction
The standard university analysis courses tend to produce a natural bias and un-
ease concerning the use of finitely additive set functions as a basis for the general
Key words and phrases. Banach space, Henstock-Kurzweil integral, Feynman path integral.
theory of integration (despite the efforts of Alexandrov [AX], Bochner [BR], Du-
bins [DU], Dunford and Schwartz [DS], de Finetti [DFN] and Yosida and Hewitt
[YH]). (We should remember that the concept of measure was, and is, important
for geometry and some, but not all, parts of analysis. In other parts, the concept
[BD], and [DUK]) argues forcefully for the intrinsic advantages in using finite ad-
ditivity in the basic axioms of probability theory. (The penetrating analysis of the
In a very interesting paper [DU], Dubins shows that the Wiener process has a num-
ber of ”cousins”, related processes with the same finite dimensional distributions
as the Wiener process. For example, there is one cousin with polynomial paths and
another with piecewise linear paths. Since the Wiener measure is unique, these
The most important of the finitely additive measures is the one generated by the
and Pettis integrals. (It was discovered independently by Henstock [HS1] and
Kurzweil [KW1].) The HK-integral is equivalent to the the Denjoy integral. How-
ever, it is much easier to understand (and learn) compared to the Denjoy and
Lebesgue integrals, and provides useful variants of the same theorems that have
calculus. Loosely speaking, one uses a version of the Riemann integral with the
interior points chosen first, while the size of the base rectangle around any interior
Section 2). For more detail and different perspectives, see Gordon [GO], Henstock
1.1. Purpose. Clearly, the most important factor preventing the widespread use
of the HK-integral in engineering, mathematics and physics has been the lack of
a natural Banach space structure for this class of functions (as is the case for the
Lebesgue integral). The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new class of Banach
embeddings. Our original interest was in the fact that each of these spaces contains
the Denjoy integrable functions, as well as all the finitely additive measures. These
spaces are perfect for the highly oscillatory functions that occur in quantum theory
we construct the KS-spaces and derive some of the important properties of these
spaces. We then prove that the Fourier transform and convolution operators have
bounded extensions to KS2 . These results are applied to the construction of the
discuss our contention that KS2 is a more natural Hilbert space for quantum theory
2. HK-Integral
In this section, we introduce the HK-integral (in the simplest case) and present
some of its properties. Our purpose is to provide those researchers unfamiliar with
this integral a concrete sense of its simplicity. Proofs of all stated results can be
found in Gordon [GO]. The general case can be found in Henstock [HS] or Pfeffer
Definition 1. Let [a, b] ⊂ R, let δ(t) map [a, b] → (0, ∞), and let P =
{t0 , τ1 , t1 , τ2 , · · · , τn , tn }, where a = t0 6 τ1 6 t1 6 · · · 6 τn 6 tn = b. We
Remark 2. Gordon writes P = {(τi , [ti−1 , ti ]) : 1 6 i 6 n} and calls {τi } the tags
and {[ti−1 , ti ]} the collection of tagged intervals. Also, the phrase nearly everywhere
Definition 3. The function f (t), t ∈ [a, b], is said to have a HK-integral if there is
an number F [a, b] such that, for each ε > 0, there exists a function δ from [a, b] →
(0, ∞) such that, whenever P is a HK-partition for δ, then (with ∆ti = ti − ti−1 )
∆ti f (τi ) − F [a, b]
< ε.
In this case, we write F [a, b] = (HK)- a f (t)dt.
(1) If f (t) is Lebesgue integrable on [a, b], then it is HK-integrable on [a, b] and
Rb Rb
HK- a f (t)dt =L- a f (t)dt.
(2) If f (t) is HK-integrable and bounded on [a, b], then it is Lebesgue integrable
on [a, b].
(3) If f (t) is HK-integrable and nonnegative on [a, b], then it is Lebesgue inte-
The last result shows in what sense we can think of the HK-integral as the reverse
of the derivative. (The result is not true for Lebesgue integrals. The standard
3. KSp Spaces
In order to construct the spaces of interest, first recall that the HK-integral
is equivalent to the Denjoy integral (see Henstock [HS] or Pfeffer [PF]). In the
one-dimensional case, Alexiewicz [AL] has shown that the class D(R), of Denjoy
integrable functions, can be normed in the following manner: for f ∈ D(R), define
kf kD by
kf kD = sup f (r)dr .
s −∞
It is clear that this is a norm, and it is known that D(R) is not complete (see
(3.1) kf kD = sup f (x)dx = sup EBr (x)f (x)dx < ∞,
r>0 Br r>0 Rn
where Br is any closed cube of diagonal r centered at the origin in Rn , with sides
parallel to the coordinate axes, and EBr (x) is the characteristic function of Br .
rational for each i. Since this is a countable dense set in Rn , we can arrange it as
Qn = {x1 , x2 , x3 , · · ·}. For each l and i, let Bl (xi ) be the closed cube centered at
xi , with sides parallel to the coordinate axes and diagonal rl = 2−l , l ∈ N. Now
let {Bk , k ∈ N} be the resulting set of (all) closed cubes {Bl (xi ) |(l, i) ∈ N × N}
(3.2) Fk (f ) = Ek (x)f (x)dx.
Rn × Rn by:
hX ∞ i
dP(x, y) = tk Ek (x)Ek (y) dxdy.
physical analysis in another context. We call the completion of L1 [Rn ], with the
above inner product, the Kuelbs-Steadman space, KS2 [Rn ]. Following suggestions
of Gill and Zachary, Steadman [ST] constructed this space by adapting an approach
developed by Kuelbs [KB] for other purposes. Her interest was in showing that
L1 [Rn ] can be densely and continuously embedded in a Hilbert space which contains
the HK-integrable functions. To see that this is the case, let f ∈ D[Rn ], then:
X∞ Z 2 Z 2
2 2
kf kKS2 = tk Ek (x)f (x)dx 6 sup Ek (x)f (x)dx 6 kf kD ,
k=1 Rn k Rn
so f ∈ KS2 [Rn ].
Proof. By construction, KS2 [Rn ] contains L1 [Rn ] densely, so we need only show
X∞ Z 2qq #1/2
kf kKS2 = tk Ek (x)f (x)dx
k=1 Rn
X∞ Z q2 #1/2
6 tk Ek (x) |f (x)| dx
k=1 Rn
Z q1
6 sup Ek (x) |f (x)| dx 6 kf kq .
k Rn
h i2n
Hence, f ∈ KS2 [Rn ]. For q = ∞, first note that vol(Bk )2 ≤ √
2 n
, so we have
X∞ Z 2 #1/2
kf kKS2 = tk Ek (x)f (x)dx
k=1 R n
i1/2 n
2 1
6 tk [vol(Bk )] [ess sup |f |] 6 √ kf k∞ .
k=1 2 n
The fact that L∞ [Rn ] ⊂ KS2 [Rn ], while KS2 [Rn ] is separable makes it clear in
a very forceful manner that whether a space is separable or not depends on the
densely, so we need only show that KSp [Rn ] ⊃ Lq [Rn ] for q 6= p. First, suppose
X∞ Z pq #1/p
6 tk Ek (x) |f (x)| dx
k=1 Rn
Z q1
6 sup Ek (x) |f (x)| dx 6 kf kq .
k Rn
Thus f ∈ KSp [Rn ], and L∞ [Rn ] ⊂ KSp [Rn ]. The case p = ∞ is obvious.
(4) If 1 < p < ∞ and p−1 + q −1 = 1, then the dual space of KSp is KSq .
Proof. The proof of (1) follows from the classical case for sums. The proof of (2)
follows from the fact that, if {fn } is any weakly convergent sequence in K with
limit f , then
Ek (x) [fn (x) − f (x)] dx → 0
The proof of (3) follows from a modification of the proof of the Clarkson inequal-
In order to prove (4), observe that, for p 6= 2, 1 < p < ∞, the linear functional
Z p−2 Z
Ek (y)f (y)∗ dy
Lg (f ) = kgkKSp tk Ek (x)g(x)dx
k=1 Rn Rn
is a unique duality map on KSq for each g ∈ KSp and that KSp is reflexive from
(3). To prove (5), note that f ∈ KS∞ implies that Rn Ek (x)f (x)dx is uniformly
R p
bounded for all k. It follows that Rn Ek (x)f (x)dx is uniformly bounded for each
X Z p 1/p
tk Ek (x)f (x)dx 6 kf kKS∞ < ∞
k=1 Rn
Note that, since L1 [Rn ] ⊂ KSp [Rn ] and KSp [Rn ] is reflexive for 1 < p < ∞, we
see that the second dual L1 [Rn ] = M[Rn ] ⊂ KSp [Rn ]. Recall that M[Rn ] is
the space of bounded finitely additive set functions defined on the Borel sets B[Rn ].
This space contains the Dirac delta measure and the free-particle Green’s function
for the Feynman integral. We will return to M[Rn ] in the next section.
dard Sobolev spaces Wpm (Rn ). We close this section with an admittedly incomplete,
but most direct approach to the corresponding extension for the KSp spaces. First
Xm n
p (R ) = {Bα ∗ g = (I − 4) g : g ∈ Lp (Rn ), 0 < α < n, 0 < α < m}
coincides with Wpm (Rn ) when 1 < p < ∞ and m > 0, where Bα is the Bessel
Theorem 9. The completion of Xm n n
p (R ) relative to the KS (R ) norm defines
Proof. Since Bα ∈ L1 (Rn ), we see from Young’s inequality for convolutions that
R p
In closing, we first recall that a function f such that K
|f (x)| dx < ∞ for
every compact set K in Rn is said to be in Lploc (Rn ). We can easily show that
Lploc (Rn ) ⊂ KSq (Rn ), 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, for all p, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. This means that KSq (Rn )
3.1. Extension of Fourier and Convolution Operators. Let L[B], L[H] denote
space H. The following is the major result in Gill et al [GBZS]. It generalizes the
well-known result of von Neumann [VN1] for bounded operators on Hilbert spaces.
Theorem 10. Let B be a separable Banach space and let A be a bounded linear
The proof depends on the fact that, given a separable Banach space B, there
operator on B, we define A∗ by
It is not clear that A need have a bounded extension to H2 . On the other hand,
(i.e., (Ax, y)H2 = (x, Ay)H2 for all x, y, ∈ B ), then A is bounded on H2 and
H2 . However, this need not be the case. To obtain a simple counterexample, recall
B ⊗ B 0 : B → B, by Ax = (b ⊗ b0 )x = hx, b0 i b.
0 0
Thus, if b0 is in B 0 \H2 , then J2 {J1−1 [(A1 )0 ]J2 |B (x)} need not be in H2 , so that
Theorem 12. Let A be a bounded linear operator on B. If B ⊂ H2 , then A has a
Proof. The proof is now easy if, we observe that, with the stated condition,
J2 {J1−1 [(A1 )0 ]J2 |B (x)} is in H2 for all x ∈ B. It follows that, for any bounded linear
Lax’s theorem, T is bounded on H2 , with kA∗ AkH2 = kAk2H2 ≤ kA∗ AkB ≤ kkAk2B ,
We can now use Theorem 12 to prove that F and C, the Fourier (transform) op-
erator and the convolution operator respectively, defined on L1 [Rn ], have bounded
extensions to KS2 [Rn ]. It should be noted that this theorem also implies that both
operators have bounded extensions to all Lp [Rn ] spaces for 1 ≤ p < ∞. This is the
first proof based on functional analysis, while the traditional proof is obtained via
Theorem 13. Both F and C extend to bounded linear operators on KS2 [Rn ].
Proof. To prove our result, first note that C0 [Rn ], the bounded continuous functions
operator from L1 [Rn ] to KS2 [Rn ]. Since L1 [Rn ] is dense in KS2 [Rn ] and L∞ [Rn ] ⊂
L1 [Rn ] by:
Cg (f )(x) = g(y)f (x − y)dy.
Once again, since Cg is bounded on L1 [Rn ] and L1 [Rn ] is dense in KS2 [Rn ], by
Theorem 12 it extends to a bounded linear operator on KS2 [Rn ]. Now use the
on L1 [Rn ] for all f ∈ KS2 [Rn ]. Another application of Theorem 12 completes the
w s
→ µ in M[Rn ], then µn −
Theorem 15. If µn − → µ (strongly) in KSp [Rn ].
Theorem 16. The space KS2 [Rn ] is a commutative Banach algebra with unit.
In closing, it is clear that all bounded linear operators on Lp [Rn ] have extensions
to KS2 [Rn ]. It is easy to see that they also have densely defined closed extensions
to KSp [Rn ] for p 6= 2. We have not been able to show that these extensions are
4. Applications
4.1. Markov Processes. In the study of Markov processes, two of the natural
spaces on which to formulate the theory, Cb [Rn ], the space of bounded continuous
Markov processes, whose generators have unbounded coefficients, are not necessarily
strongly continuous when defined on Cb [Rn ]. This means that the generator of such
weaker (equivalent) definitions have been developed in the literature. For a good
discussion of this and related problems see Lorenzi and Bertoldi [LB].
Theorem 18. If {fn } converges to f in the mixed topology on Cb [Rn ], then {fn }
Proof. It is easy to see that both Cb [Rn ] and UBC[Rn ] are subsets of KSp [Rn ]
limn→∞ kfn − f kKSp = 0. This now follows from the fact that each box, used
Theorem 19. Suppose that T̂ (t) is a transition semigroup defined on Cb [Rn ], with
weak generator Â. Let T (t) be the extension of T̂ (t) to KSp [Rn ]. Then T (t) is
strongly continuous, and the extension A of  to KSp [Rn ] is the strong generator
of T (t).
Proof. First observe that the dual of Cb [Rn ] is M[Rn ], which is contained in
KSp [Rn ] for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Thus we can apply Theorem 12 to show that T̂ (t)
has a bounded extension to KS2 [Rn ]. It is easy to show that the extended operator
T (t) is a semigroup. Since the τ M topology on Cb [Rn ] is stronger then the norm
4.2. Feynman Path Integral. Historically, the mathematics community has had
physics. The first response has been to fit the idea or method into an existing
framework. The second and more exciting is when such an idea or method leads to
The most prevalent and successful response has been in finding an existing math-
ematical structure that will reasonably accommodate the physical theory and pro-
vide (at least) the framework for mathematical rigor. An excellent example of this
theory (e.g., matrix mechanics) by Born and Jordan [BHJ]. This made it possi-
ble for Schrödinger to show that, in the non-relativistic case, his wave mechanics
was equivalent to Heisenberg’s theory. This was later shown to be rigorously true
spaces (c.f., von Neumann [VN2]). However, even in this case, we should not con-
clude that this is the complete story. There have always been physical advantages
in looking at and working with some problems using the Heisenberg formulation.
In fact, in 1964, Dirac strongly suggested on physical grounds that, at the quan-
tum field level, Heisenberg’s formulation is much more fundamental (see [BO], page
130). Furthermore, recent studies strongly indicate that the mathematical concept
(For example, it is known, [GZA], that the Dirac operator is non-local in time, while
ture which can completely accommodate the theory in the manner presented by
tration) that any conclusions derived from the use of these ideas or methods are at
least suspect. Over the last sixty years, all of the above positions have appeared in
Since his path integral is the object of this section, let us consider the simple
∂ψ(x, t) ~2
(4.1) i~ − ∆ψ(x, t) = 0, ψ(x, s) = δ(x − y).
∂t 2m
−3/2 " #
2πi~(t − s) im |x − y|
ψ(x, t) = K [x, t; y, s] = exp .
m 2~ (t − s)
n 2 o
(4.2) K [x, t; y, s] = ∫x(s)=y Dx(τ ) exp im
2~ ∫st dx
dτ ,
n 2 o
∫x(s)=y Dx(τ ) exp ∫st dx
2~ dt
dτ =:
h i3N/2 YN X N h i
m 2
lim ∫R3 dxj exp ~i m
2ε(N ) (xj − xj−1 ) ,
N →∞ 2πi~ε(N )
j=1 j=1
to ”apparently” define an integral over the space of all continuous paths of the
However, this approach (using the Lagrangian directly) has led to a new method
for quantizing physical systems, called the path integral method. It is now used
almost exclusively by large groups (in all branches of physics) and has also been used
must conclude that Feynman’s formulation (as he proposed it) is both physically
• The kernel K [x, t; y, s] and δ(x) are not in L2 [R3 ], the standard space
Thus, a natural question is: Does there exist a separable Hilbert space containing
K [x, t; y, s] and δ(x) which also allows the convolution and Fourier transform as
make sense of equation (4.3) and have a representation space for the Feynman
The properties of KS2 [Rn ] derived earlier suggest that it may be a more ap-
easy to prove that both the position and momentum operators have closed densely
that both the Schrödinger and Heisenberg theory have faithful representations on
KS2 [Rn ].
Since KS2 [Rn ] contains the space of measures, it follows that all the approx-
imating sequences for the Dirac measure converge strongly to it in the KS2 [Rn ]
topology. (For example, [sin(λ · x)/(λ · x)] ∈ KS2 [Rn ] and converges strongly to
δ(x).) Thus, the finitely additive set function defined on the Borel sets (Feynman
Z .
−n/2 2
Kf [t, x ; s, B] = (2πi(t − s)) exp{i|x − y| 2(t − s)}dy
is in KS2 [Rn ] and kKf [t, x ; s, B]kKS 6 1, while kKf [t, x ; s, B]kM = ∞ (the total
Kf [t, x ; s, B] = Kf [t, x ; τ, dz]Kf [τ, z ; s, B], (HK-integral).
δn (s), s ∈ [0, t] for each n, with limn→∞ ∆µn = 0 (mesh). Set ∆tj = tj −tj−1 , τ0 =
(4.4) Kf [Dx(τ ) ; x(0)]ψ[x(0)] = lim Kf [Dλ x(τ ) ; x(0)]ψ[x(0)]
Rn[0,t] λ→∞ Rn[0,t]
Remark 21. In the above definition we have used the Poisson process. This is not
accidental but appears naturally from a physical analysis of the information that is
knowable in the micro-world (see [GZ]). In fact, it has been suggested by Kolokoltsov
[KO] that such jump processes often provide another effective way to give meaning
to the Feynman path integral and also offers a nice approach to Feynman diagrams.
The next result is now elementary, since KS2 [Rn ] is closed under convolution.
Z .
1 2
Kf [Dx(τ ) ; x(s)] = Kf [t, x ; s, y] = √ exp{i|x − y| 2(t − s)}.
Rn[s,t] [2πi(t−s)]n
The above result is what Feynman was trying to obtain without the appropriate
space. A more general (sum over paths) result, that covers almost all application
areas, will appear later, where these spaces have been used to provide a generaliza-
tion of the constructive representation theory for the Feynman operator calculus
data, then a partial solution has been obtained by a number of workers. (See [GZ1]
A related approach to the Feynman path integral can be found in the work of
Fujiwara and Kumano-go (see [FK1], [FK2] and references therein). For a survey
of this approach, see [FK3]. They have systematically developed a time-slicing ap-
proximation method that covers a large portion of classical quantum theory. They
method seems general enough to eventually include the additional cases. (They
show the power of their approach by providing an analytic formula for the second
4.3. Examples. A standard method is to compute the Wiener path integral for
the problem under consideration and then use analytic continuation in the mass to
provide a rigourous meaning for the Feynman path integral. The following example
provides a path integral representation for a problem that cannot be solved using
analytic continuation via a Gaussian kernel (see Gill and Zachary [GZ3]). It is
shown that, if the vector potential A is constant, µ = mc/~, and β is the standard
beta matrix, then the solution to the square-root equation for a spin 1/2 particle:
2 2 4
i~∂ψ(x, t)/∂t = β c p − c A + m c ψ(x, t), ψ(x, 0) = ψ0 (x),
is given by:
ψ(x, t) = U[t, 0]ψ0 (x) = exp (x − y) · A K [x, t ; y, 0] ψ0 (y)dy,
h 1/2
−H2 µ(c2 t2 −|| x−y ||2 )
[c2 t2 −|| x−y ||2 ] , ct < −||x||,
ictµ β
h i
2 2 2 1/2
−2iK2 µ(|| x−y || −c t )
K [x, t ; y, 0] = , c |t| < ||x||,
4π π[|| x−y ||2 −c2 t2 ]
h i
(2) 2 1/2
2 2
H2 µ(c t −|| x−y || )
[c2 t2 −|| x−y ||2 ] , ct > ||x||.
The function K2 ( · ) is a modified Bessel function of the third kind of second or-
(1) (2)
der, while H2 , H2 are Hankel functions (see Gradshteyn and Ryzhik [GRRZ]).
Thus, we have a kernel that is far from the standard form. This example was first
introduced in [GZ2], where we only considered the kernel for the Bessel function
term. In that case, it was shown that, under appropriate conditions, that term
will reduce to the free-particle Feynman kernel and, if we set µ = 0, we get the
kernel for a (spin 1/2) massless particle. In closing this section, we remark that
the square-root operator is unitarily equivalent to the Dirac operator (in the case
4.4. The Kernel Problem. Since any semigroup that has a kernel representa-
tion will automatically generate a path integral via the reproducing property, a
fundamental question is: Under what general conditions can we expect a given
section we discuss a class of general conditions for unitary groups. It will be clear
that the results of this section carry over to semigroups with minor changes.
(4.5) aij(β) (x, η) 6 Cαβ (1 + |η|)m−ξ|α|+δ|β| ,
aij(β) (x, η) = ∂ α pβ aij (x, η),
similar definitions for β. The notation for derivatives is ∂ α = ∂1α1 · · · ∂nαn and
Equation (4.5) states that each aij (x, η) belongs to the symbol class Sξ,δ (see
Let a(x, η) = [aij (x, η)] be the matrix-valued symbol for A(x, η), and let
matrices, we assume that the following conditions are satisfied by a(x, η). For
We assume that A(x, p) is a selfadjoint generator of a unitary group U (t, 0), so that
Definition 23. We say that Q(x, t, η, 0) is a symbol for the Cauchy problem (4.6)
Following Shishmarev [SH], and using the theory of Fourier integral operators,
so that
(4.8) ψ(x, t) = U (t, 0)ψ0 (x) = (2π) K(x, t ; y, 0)ψ0 (y)dy.
group with domain D, S(Rn ) ⊂ D in L2 (Rn ), such that conditions (1)-(3) are
satisfied. Then there exists precisely one symbol Q(x, t, η, 0) for the Cauchy problem
Theorem 25. If we replace our condition (3) in Theorem 24 by the stronger con-
(30 )
|λ0 (x,η)| = O (1 + |η|)(ξ−δ)/(3k−1−ε) , ε > 0, |η| > c0 ,
then the symbol Q(x, t, η, 0) of the Cauchy problem (4.6) has the asymptotic
behavior near t = 0:
uniformly for x, y ∈ Rn .
Now, using Theorem 24 we see that, under the stronger condition (3’), the kernel
K(x, t ; y, 0) satisfies
K(x, t; y, 0) = exp[i(x − y, η) − (i/~)ta(x, η)]
Rn (2π)n/2
+ exp[i(x − y, η)] o(1).
Rn (2π)n/2
In order to see the power of KS2 (Rn ), first note that A(x, p) has a selfadjoint
extension to KS2 (Rn ), which also generates a unitary group. This means that we
can construct a path integral in the same (identical) way as was done for the free-
particle propagator (i.e., for all Hamiltonians with symbols in Sα,δ ). Furthermore,
it follows that the same comment applies to any Hamiltonian that has a kernel rep-
resentation, independent of its symbol class. The important point of this discussion
is that no initial data nor Gaussian form for the kernel is required!
integral by one based on a finitely additive measure would be negative. After all
we would lose all of the advantages of the powerful theorems (dominated conver-
gence theorem, monotone convergence theorem, etc) that depend on the countable
additivity of the measure. Those strongly vested in using L2 for the C ∗ -algebra
approach to quantum theory via the GNS construction may also feel obliged to
object to such a proposed change. These are all reasonable concerns. However, we
do not lose any of the powerful theorems found via countable additivity. First of all
the HK-measure is an extension of the Lebesgue measure so that all of its power is
still available to us. In fact, Henstock has extended each of the standard theorems
to the HK-integral (see [HS]). Those concerned with the C ∗ -algebra approach to
quantum theory need not be concerned since KS2 is a separable Hilbert space and
In this paper we have shown how to construct a natural class of separable Banach
spaces KSp which parallels the standard Lp spaces but contains them as dense
compact embeddings. These spaces are of particular interest because they contain
the Lebesgue measure. We have also constructed the corresponding spaces KSm
p of
Sobolev type.
We have used KS2 to construct the free-particle path integral in the manner
originally intended by Feynman. We have suggested that KS2 has a claim as the
natural representation space for the Feynman formulation of quantum theory in that
semigroup T (t) associated with the process is not strongly continuous on Cb [Rn ],
continuous functions. We have shown that the weak generator defined by the mixed
locally convex topology on Cb [Rn ] is a strong generator on KSp [Rn ] (e.g., T (t) is
(1948), 289-293.
[AX] A. D. Alexandroff, Additive set functions in abstract spaces, I-III, Mat. Sbornik N.
S., 8 ( 50) (1940), 307-348; Ibid. 9 ( 51) (1941), 563-628; Ibid. 13 ( 55) (1943),
[BHJ] M. Born, W. Heisenberg, and P. Jordan Sür Quantenmechanik II, Zeits. f. Phys.,
35 (1925), 557-615.
[BO] M. Born, Atomic Physics, eighth edition, Dover Publications, New York (1969).
[BR] S. Bochner, Integration von Funktionen, deren Werte die Elemente eines Vector-
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