Comparative Study of Nosql Databases For Big Data Storage: International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Comparative Study of Nosql Databases For Big Data Storage: International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Comparative Study of Nosql Databases For Big Data Storage: International Journal of Engineering & Technology
6) (2018) 83-87
Review Paper
Big data is a collection of large scale of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. It is generated due to Social networks, Busi-
ness organizations, interaction and views of social connected users. It is used for important decision making in business and research
organizations. Storage which is efficient to process this large scale of data to extract important information in less response time is the
need of current competitive time. Relational databases which have ruled the storage technology for such a long time seems not suitable
for mixed types of data. Data can not be represented just in the form of rows and columns in tables. NoSQL (Not only SQL) is comple-
mentary to SQL technology which can provide various formats for storage that can be easily compatible with high velocity, large volume
and different variety of data. NoSQL databases are categorized in four techniques- Column oriented, Key Value based, Graph based and
Document oriented databases. There are approximately 120 real solutions existing for these categories; most commonly used solutions
are elaborated in Introduction section. Several research works have been carried out to analyze these NoSQL technology solutions. These
studies have not mentioned the situations in which a particular data storage technique is to be chosen. In this study and analysis, we have
tried our best to provide answer on technology selection based on specific requirement to the reader. In previous research, comparisons
among NoSQL data storage techniques have been described by using real examples like MongoDB, Neo4J etc. Our observation is that if
users have adequate knowledge of NoSQL categories and their comparison, then it is easy for them to choose best suitable category and
then real solutions can be selected from this category.
Keywords: NoSQL Database, Column oriented, Graph based, Document based, Key Value
not only required these days, rather many quality attributes like
1. Introduction availability, consistency, durability, maintainability, reliability and
scalability are need of current business and research organizations.
Structured data is handled by traditional relational databases over It is easily distributed and scalable to handle large scale of data
the years. In traditional relational database, data is stored in rows [4]. The main characteristics of NoSQL data storages are high
and columns format. Big data is combination of structured, semi- availability and strong consistency [4]. There are 120 solutions
structured and unstructured data. A lot of information is generated available for NoSQL databases at present. Several research works
due to interactions on social networking sites and mobile applica- have compared most popular solutions but in this paper, we have
tions. Semi-structured and unstructured data can not be stored in compared NoSQL databases architecture. This comparison seems
the form of tables as in relational databases [1]. These forms of more effective as it completely demonstrates real differences
data can be stored and processed by Big Data technologies only. based on schema, query languages, consistency, availability and
Moreover sql data storage is horizontally scalabale i.e. if large response time. In this paper, important differences in NoSQL da-
scale of data is to be stored and processed, then storage capacity is tabases are identified which can provide guidance to researchers
to be increased only inside single server. There is limit on server and practitioners to select the most appropriate solution.
capacity enhancement. Distributed data storage, cloud storage,
NoSQL and NewSQL are latest techniques to deal with large scale Standard query language is not defined for NoSQL data stores.
of mixed data. NoSQL (Not Only SQL) term was introduced by C. This is due to the fact that various NoSQL solutions use different
Strozzi in 1998 in which SQL interface was not used [2]. In 2009, structure for storage and query. Researchers are able to solve it by
NoSQL was re-introduced by Johan Oskarsson in a conference on articulating standard query language for one category based solu-
“open-source, distributed, non-relational databases”. NoSQL data- tions. It is in scope of further research to articulate and develop
base will not replace relational database, rather these databases standard query language for various categories.
compliments each other [3]. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and
Durability are the properties which are provided by relational The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, Big
databases. In the era of Big Data, when query response time mat- data storage difficulties and opportunities are elaborated. Catego-
ters a lot, then it is necessary to distribute the large scale of data. ries of NoSQL databases with real examples are explained in Sec-
NoSQL database supports BASE (Basically Available, Soft state, tion 3. Comparison between NoSQL databases are highlighted in
Eventual Consistency) properties [3]. BASE prioritizes availabil- Section 4. NoSQL query languages are described in Section 5.
ity of data than consistency. It also allows approximate answers Section 6 concludes the paper and provides the further research
provided with fast response time. Performance requirements are perspectives to researchers.
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestrict-
ed use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
84 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
2. Big Data Storage bases can not be deployed for this scenario. It is expected that
NewSQL is 50 times faster than simple SQL. VoltDB,Clusterix
etc. are examples of this storage technique. Query in NewSQL is
Big data is large scale of data which is generated due to Social
in the form of relational tables but internally it can store the record
networks, Business organizations, interaction and views of social
in other format also.
connected users. It is used for important decision making in busi-
ness organizations. It is represented by 3Vs (Velocity, Variety and
Volume). Velocity is the rate at which data comes from small 3. NoSQL databases categories
scale to become large scale. Variety is different types of data-
structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Volume is the NoSQL databases are used for many different applications. Dif-
amount of data which is very large in scale. Data acquisition, data ferent categories of NoSQL databases are defined based on these
analysis, data curation, data storage and data usage are important domain specific applications which are as follows:
phases of Big data mining [6]. There are several characteristics of ➢ Column oriented
big data storage- Cloud storage, query interfaces, NoSQL, ➢ Graph based
NewSQL, Scalability, Consistency, Security and Performance etc. ➢ Key value
Traditional storage can be efficiently implemented by relational ➢ Document oriented
databases like SQL and processed on Weka, Java etc. Scalability
is not well managed by relational databases [3].These can be effi- 3.1. Column Oriented
ciently deployed for structured data. Several techniques have been
articulated and implemented by researchers to deploy large scale In this storage structure, values are not stored in rows. It is stored
of data. These novel strategies to store large scale of data provide based on the values of columns. In traditional relational databases,
scalability with less complexity. This is verified with the populari- values are stored in rows, so values are stored as null for columns
ty of storage like Cloudera, MapR and NoSQL solutions [6]. where values are not known. This drawback is removed by col-
umn oriented storage structures. Column data is distributed on
different clusters; hence large scale of data can be easily handled.
Storage Capacity Requirements Scalability is improved by using this data storage technique. Many
column oriented databases can be easily deployed on Mapre-
Data Size(terabytes)
duce[7], hence easily deployed for big data. It is most suitable for
300 data mining applications. Column oriented databases provide bet-
ter indexing and query structure than key value databases [8].
200 Google BigTable[9], HBase[10], SciDB, Amazon SimpleDB and
100 Cassandra are examples of column oriented database.
ID Name Address Age
1980 1985 1993 2000 2008
1 Abc Abc1 25
Year 2 Xyz Xyz1 28
3 Klm Klm1 30
4 Wer Wer1 27
Fig. 1: Requirement of storage capacity
Fig. 2(a): Row oriented data storage
It is clear from Figure 1 that there is need of storage technique
which can handle large scale of unstructured data, which is not ID Name
possible for relational database.
1 Abc
Big data storage is provided by following three techniques 2 Xyz
[Strohbach]: 3 Klm
4 Wer
1. Distributed File Systems
2. NoSQL
3. NewSQL
Address Age
Distributed File System: HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
is used for distributing large scale of data on different clusters. Abc1 25
These clusters work in parallel on chunks of data and after pro- Xyz1 28
cessing merge to form final results. Hadoop MapReduce is de- Klm1 30
ployed for mapping and reducing unstructured type of data. Wer1 27
NoSQL : This storage technique is used for data where tables in
rows and columns can not be applied. There are many NoSQL
solutions available which can remove the drawbacks of relational
Fig. 2(b): Column oriented data storage
databases, which is explained in next section. NoSQL databases
provide scalability but with the increase in scale of data, scalabil-
Figure 2(a) demonstrates rows based storage and Figure 2(b)
ity limits are reduced slightly.
demonstrates storage based on columns.
NewSQL : Relational databases with novel techniques to process 3.1.1. BigTable
large scale of data comes under this category. This is area where
further research is required. The advantage of using this technique This data storage is developed by Google and uses GFS (Google
is relational databases benefits for Big data are provided. NewSQL File Systems) [3]. In transaction, data is written until memtable
is used for multi-object transactions like in finance services, where reaches threshold value. Multiple set of data is read at once.
multiple objects can use concurrent transactions. NoSQL data- BigTable does not support SQL like structure. It is used in Google
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 85
app engine. It manages many clusters by using CMS (Cluster 3.2.2. OrientDB
Management Systems). Data is stored in SSTable format which is
a persistent and ordered map. Graph based and document based storage are combined in this
NoSQL database. It uses the scheme-less as well as scheme-mixed
format. Sql queries can also be implemented in this data storage
3.1.2. Cassandra technique.Social networking and recommendations are some of
key application area of OrientDB.
This data storage is developed by Apache Software Foundation.
This storage technique is implemented in Java. In this data storage 3.3. Key Value
structure, data is distributed on multiple nodes. Relational data-
base format is not followed in this storage technique, rather dy- This data storage technique is very simple but effective. Data is
namic schema and content is used. Fault tolerance with no single stored in the form of key which have unique value like Map or
point of failure and high throughput are important features of this dictionary. Key-value pair structure is fast in index i.e. value can
storage technique. Social networking sites, banking and finance be retrieved faster as compared to traditional relational database.
are the application areas of this storage technique. It supports SQL Key can not be duplicate and has unique value. Response time for
like query language CQL. It is same as SQL but to implement query using this storage technique is very less. Data is stored with
scalability some features of SQL are not present like Joins, aggre- schema less format [3].This storage technique is very efficient for
gate functions. Values are stored in the form if triple (row, column, distributed storage. In scenario where relations or structures are
timestamp). Its throughput is consistently better than many other required, key-value storage is not suitable [8]. Key value store is
databases. used in Web sessions or any user specific information sites. The
reason is that user data (i.e. value) should not be accessed directly,
3.1.3. HBase it must be accessed by the use of key. Dynamo [12] from Amazon,
Azure Table and Redis are examples of key value database.
It is open source implemented in Java and developed by Apache
Software. It uses HTTP/REST protocol. Storage is provided by
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and Hadoop MapReduce
framework. Search engines and log data analysis are the applica-
tion area of HBase.
3.2. Graph based
Social networking sites use connection amongst users to provide key3 Value2
them information, latest views or recommendations from connect- key4
ed users. This information can not be stored by relational database.
Moreover, relational database works only for predefined schema, key5
dynamic schema can be used by graph based databases. Graph Value3
based data can be stored using nodes as users and edges as con-
nection amongst users. Semi-structured and unstructured data is
well handled by this storage technique [3]. Graph datbases are not Value4
suitable for horizontal scaling i.e. when connected nodes are dis-
tributed on clusters, it is very difficult to traverse and manipulate
graph. Neo4J, OrientDB and InfoGrid are examples of graph
based databases. Value5
3.4. Document based is clear from Table 1 that comparison using category of NoSQL is
far much better than comparison using real examples.
Data is stored in the form of documents rather than simple row-
column values. XML [eXtensible Markup Language] or JSON Following properties need to be considered for selecting NoSQL
[Javascript Object Notation] format is used which stores relevant solutions based on specific requirements:
information in the form of documents. The advantage of using 1. Data model
JSON format is that different programming object structure can be 2. Schema
easily mapped in this format [1]. Document oriented data storage 3. Distributed storage
technique should not be used when there are a lot of relations 4. Query response time
amongst different tables and normalization is to be incorporated. 5. Query API
This storage technique uses dynamic schema, the advantage is
new attribute can be easily added for some documents. This is Table 1: Comparison of NoSQL database categories
different from relational database fixed schema structure where Param- Column Graph Key Value Document
new attribute is to be added for all records, if values are not known; eter Oriented Based Oriented
many null values are to be added. Document based databases pro-
vides indexing based on primary key [8]. Blogs and content man-
agement systems are easily stored in document oriented databases. Storage Columns Nodes and Unique Key XML,
MongoDB, CouchDB, OrientDB and MarkLogic are examples of edges with value JSON,
document oriented databases. BSON
Appli- Sparse Social Indexing Program-
Student cations data connec- ming ob-
{ id=101, tions jects stor-
name=”abc”, age
age=20} Exam- Big Table, Neo4J, Dynamo, MongoDB,
ples Cassandra InfoGrid Oracle CouchDB
Fig. 5: Document oriented data storage Format Flexible Dynamic Schema-less Schema-
schema schema less
3.4.1. MongoDB
Ad- Scalability High fault Less query Generalized
It is open source document oriented data storage. It works on Mas- van- tolerance response storage for
ter-Slave storage architecture. Master can read and write in the tages time objects
form of documents while slave can only read. Format for storage
is BSON (more compact format i.e. Binary JSON) which uses Flexi- Average High High High
dynamic schema. Fault tolerance is the main feature of MongoDB. bility
MongoDB allows data to be organized in the form of Collections Perfor- Good Varying Good Good
and not on tables. Querying specified record from this collection is mance
used by dot (.) notations. Many programming languages are sup- Scala- High Varying High Varying
ported by this storage system. It is widely used for storing records bility
in the form of documents in Healthcare [13]. It can provide high Flexi- Average Good Good Good
throughput than many other databases. bility
Com- Low High Low Low
3.4.2. CouchDB plexity
It is used for implementing web interface using JSON format. It is Scalability is important parameter to analyze the processing for
written in Erlang and not based on schema as in relational data- large scale of data [14][15]. It is explained in [16] that Big Data
base. It is also defined as combination of unreliable clusters. Http frameworks can retain scalability.Scalability in this comparison is
and Rest protocol is used in this data storage [4]. Map and Reduce not only for read but also for write, as many research works have
is used for deploying Big data in CouchDB. Javascript query lan- concluded that write requires more replication storage [17]. Read-
guage is used to fetch unstructured data. High scalability and high ers can also decide by the use of Table 1 that which schema and
availability are important features of this storage structure. format requirement is most suitable for application. Advantages of
categories are also described. There are 120 solutions for NoSql
4. Comparison of NoSQL databases categories databases [18]. It is very difficult to compare with real solutions.
Several research works have compared NoSQL varieties based on 5. NoSQL Query Language
real examples. In this paper, we have compared NoSQL varieties
based on storage architecture. It is very easy for reader to differen- The analysis of query model is very important for any data storage
tiate different varieties and select storage techniques best suitable [19]. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard used by
for specific application. Comparison of NoSQL database catego-
relational database vendors but, there is no standard query lan-
ries is given in Table 1. guage articulated for NoSQL databases. This can be assumed as
disadvantage of this storage technique. UnQL query language is
Various applications of NoSQL data storage techniques are elabo- developed to work same as SQL interface, but it is not popularly
rated in Table 1. If any application requires social connections
used till now. Many NoSQL database use its own query language
analysis, then graph based NoSQL should be used. Programming that is not applicable for other types of database. CQL (Cassandra
languages objects can be stored using JSON in Document based Query Language) for Cassandra, Cypher for Neo4J, MongoDB
storage. If query response time should be reduced then key-value query language, Javascript for CouchDB are some of examples. It
storage should be used. In applications where column values are
is active research area to define and develop NoSQL databases
not known, column oriented storage is best suitable. Main differ- standard query language. The difficulty in developing standard
ences in the architecture of NoSQL databases are explained and query language for NoSQL is that every solution is designed for
also most popular solutions are explained in previous sections. It specific purpose and use different formats and schema..Category
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 87
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ples. In this paper, these categories are compared based on several
parameters. Requirement specific solutions are provided for guid-
ance of reader to select most suitable technique. It is explained
that query language is not standardized for NoSQL databases due
to different protocols and schema used by four categories. Query
languages are briefed for some solutions. In future, these standard
query languages can be further researched and developed by read-
ers. Moreover, extra parameters can be added to compare the
NoSQL databases based on architecture.
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