SUTRA Model: Arpita Sharma Classes
SUTRA Model: Arpita Sharma Classes
SUTRA Model: Arpita Sharma Classes
➢ Scientists from the IITs of Kanpur and Hyderabad have applied the SUTRA
Model to predict the Covid graph in India.
✓ It first came into public attention when one of its expert members
announced in October 2020 that India was “past its peak”.
1. Beta: Also called contact rate, which measures how many people an
infected person infects per day. It is related to the R0 value, which is the
number of people an infected person spreads the virus to over the course
of their infection.
2. Reach: It is a measure of the exposure level of the population to the
3. Epsilon: It is the ratio of detected and undetected cases.
1. National COVID 19 Supermodel Committee was formed by the Government of India to make projections
about the spread of COVID 19 in India
2. The committee comprises scientists from IIT Kanpur and Hyderabad