PRE Manual 2021
PRE Manual 2021
PRE Manual 2021
Department- HR
rights and
Version: 1 Page: Page 1 of 1
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(This is for the patients and relatives, but all the staff are re you have the right to...
Treatment and service evaluation and referral as needed. If we cannot meet these
needs, or if you request a transfer, we will facilitate a transfer. You may be
transferred to another facility once the following has occured:
o You have received complete information about why the transfer is needed
o We have discussed available options with you in lieu of a transfer
o The receiving facility has agreed to the transfer
To be treated with dignity and regard for your psychosocial, spiritual and
cultural beliefs.
Acceptance and respect. Hope hospital respect and serve with dignity all people
without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, religion, disability, age,
Vietnam or other veteran status, sexual orientation or any other status protected
by relevant law.
To be able to exercise cultural and spiritual beliefs and practices that do not
interfere with the well-being of others or your treatment plan.
Appropriate continuity of care and referrals. You have the right to be informed of
needed follow-up care after you leave the hospital.
Information about any relationship of the hospital and staff to other healthcare and
educational institutions, as it is related to your care.
You have the right to access the healthcare provide of their choice that would
sufficiently provide quality healthcare.
Receive information on diagnoses, treatment and prognosis in terms you can
understand, and have right to seek amendments to thier protected health
Information on your role in your care and the treatment options.
Expected course of the treatment and/or recovery
Benefits and risks of treatments
The names of doctors, staff responsible for your care
To always have the right to refuse treatment including tests, examinations and
diagnostic procedures and care .
To be informed by the healthcare team of any anticipated medical outcome of
You have the right to leave the hospital even if the doctor advise against it.You
need to give the consent for "Discharge against medical advised".
The presence of members of your own gender, upon request, during exams or
procedures performed by healthcare professionals.
Other Rights
Patient responsibilities:
To help us provide you with high-quality care, you are responsible for:
Providing, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about
your health, including:the history,Nature of your illness,past illness and
hospitalization,medication , reactions and concerns
Participate and understand your r treatment plan and your role in that plan.
Making informed decisions about your care.
Participating in the treatment plan agreed upon with your healthcare team.
However, you always have the right to consciously refuse treatment.
Following hospital rules as they affect patient care, such as:
o Consideration for the rights and respect for the property of other patients
and staff
o Assistance in our efforts to limit noise
o Assistance in our efforts to limit the number of visitors for safety and noise
o Compliance with our smoke-free environment policy
Be honest with HOPE hospital , and refrain from violent behavior and any
verbal abuse with hospital staff.
To comply with the hospital rules and regulations time to time.
Providing complete, accurate and timely information about the sources of payment
for the care provided by the hospital. Emergency services will not be delayed while
we are waiting for such information.
Fulfilling your financial obligations for your health are as promptly as possible.
Department- Operations
Policy Policy for obtaining patient and
family's consent
Version: 1 Page: Page 1 of 1
Reviewed by Approved by
1. Aim:
It gives a scope to the hospital to inform the condition ,line of treatment, type of surgery, complications and prognosis
of the patient to the relatives.
3. Rationale:
To protect the patient right
To avoid legal complications which may occur due to not informed to the relative.
4.Types of consent
5. Policy:
The general consent is taken in a separate printed sheet at the time of admission, with the patient's and the
relatives full information like name, age, sex, address.
The consent can be taken by front office assistants and it should be in English and the local language
The matter has to explained to the relative in their own language.
This consent should cover the date, time, patient's name, name of the procedures, possible complication of
medication, investigation, therapy,operation and anesthesia.
Such complications should be clearly defined as bleeding , infection, cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism etc.
The general consent should cover that on receipt of bills during or at the time of discharge the expenses will
be paid by the person.
One relative and two witnesses are mandatory for the general consent with their full name, phone no,
signature, date and time.
The consent for surgery should be taken by RMO only and it should cover the patient's name, registration
no, bed no, name of the procedure, reason for surgery, possible complications of surgery and anesthesia.
The consent for sending the patient outside for diagnostic or other procedure has to be taken by RMO
only in the patients file.
Other consents can be taken in the patients file.
If the patient is incapable of independent decision making then the blood relation person can give the consent
(mother , father, wife, son, daughter)
All the consents should be secured in the patient's file and should be shown in the handover.