History of Biotechnology

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History of Biotechnology 


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● 1902 Haberlandt:​ First attempt of plant tissue culture (Father of Plant Tissue culture)
● 1904 Hannig:​ First attempt to culture embryo of selected crucifers
● 1922 Knudson : Asymbioticgermination of orchid seeds in vitro
● 1922 Robbins : In vitro culture of root tips1925 Laibach: Use of embryo culture technique
in interspecificcrosses of linseed ( linum)
● 1934 Gautheret: In vitro culture of the cambial tissue of a few trees and shrubs, although
failed to sustain cell division.
● 1934 White : Successful culture of tomato roots
● 1939 Gautheret, Nobecourtand White : Successful establishment of continuously
growing callus cultures
● 1940 Gautheret: In vitro culture of cambial tissues of Ulmusto study adventitious shoot
● 1941 Van Overbeek: Use of coconut milk containing a cell division factorfor the first time
to culture Daturaembryos
● 1941 Braun : In vitro culture of crown gal tissues
● 1944 Skoog: In vitro adventitious shoot formation in tobacco
● 1946 Ball : Raising of whole plants of Lupinusand Tropaeolumby shoot tip culture
● 1950 Ball : Regeneration of organsfromcallus tissue of Sequoia sempervirens
● 1952 Morel and Martin : Use of meristemculture to obtain virus-free Dahlias
● 1952 Morel and Martin : First application of micrografting
● 1953 Tulecke: Production of haploid callus of the gymnosperm Ginkgo bilobafrom pollen
● 1954 Muir et al : First plant regenerated from a single cell
● 1955 Miller et al : Discovery of kinetin, a cell division hormone
● 1956 A, Kornberg et al : In vitro synthesis of DNA
● 1957 Skoogand Miller : Discovery of the regulation of organ formation by
changing the ratio of auxin: cytokinin
● 1958 Maheshwariand​ Rangaswamy: Regeneration of somatic embryos in vitro from the
nucellusof Citrus ovules
● 1959 Reinertand Steward : Regeneration of embryos from callus clumps and
cellsuspensions of carrot (Daucuscarota)
● 1959 Gautheret: Publication of first handbook on “Plant Tissue Culture”
● 1960 Kanta: First successful test tube fertilization in papaverrhoeas
● 1960 E. Cocking : Enzymatic degradation of cell walls to obtain large number of
● 1960 Bergmann : Filtration of cell suspensions and isolation of single cells by plating
● 1962 Murashiqeand Skoog: Development of Murashigeand Skoognutrition medium
● 1964 Guhaand Maheshwari:​ Production of first haploid plants from pollen grains of
Datura(Anther culture)
● 1968 H.G. Khorana​ : Awarded Nobel prize for deciphering of genetic code
● H.G. Khorana et al. : Deduced the structure of a gene for yeast alanyltRNA
● 1968 Meselsonand Yuan : Coined the term “Restriction endonuclease” to describe a
class of enzymes involved in cleaving DNA
● 1970 Carlson : Selection of biochemical mutants in vitro by the use of tissue culture
derived variation
● 1970 Power et al. : First achievement of protoplast fusion
● 1970 H. Temin and D. Baltimore : Discovered the presence of reverse transcriptase (a
RNA directed DNA polymerase which has the ability to synthesize cDNAusing mRNA as
a template
● 1970 Smith : Discovery of first restriction endonucleasefrom HaemophillusinfluenzaeRd.
It was later purified and named Hind 11
● 1971 Nathans : Preparation of first restriction map using Hind II enzyme to cut circular
DNA or SV 40 into 11 specific fragments
● 1971 Takebe et al, : Regeneration of first plants from protoplasts
● 1972 Carlson et al, : First report of interspecifichybridization through protoplast fusion in
two species of Nicotiana
● 1972 Berg et al, : First recombinant DNA molecule produced using restriction enzymes
● 1974 Reinhard: Biotransformation in plant tissue cultures
● 1974 Zaenenet al. ; Larebekeet al. : Discovered the fact that the Ti plasmid was the
tumor inducing principle of Agrobacterium
● 1976 Seibert : Shoot initiation from cryo-preserved shoot apices of carnation
● 1976 Power et al.: Inter -specific hybridization by protoplast fusion or Petunia hydridaand
P. parodii
● 1977 Maxamand Gilbert : A method of gene sequencing based on degradation of DNA
● 1977 Sharp and Roberts : Discovery of split genes
● 1978 Melchers et al. : Somatic hybridization of tomato and potato resulting in pomato
● 1979 Martonet al.: Co-cultivation procedure developed for transformation of plant
protoplasts with Agrobacterium
● 1980 Alfermannet al : Use of immobilized whole cells for biotransformation of
digitoxininto digoxin
● 1980 Eli Lilly and Co. : Commercial production of human insulin through genetic
engineering in bacterial cells
● 1981 Larkin and Scowcroft : ​Introduction of the term somaclonalvariation
● 1982 Krenset al . : Incorporation of naked DNA by protoplast resulting in the
transformation wit h isolated DNA
● 1982 Zimmermann : Fusion of protoplasts using electric stimuli
● 1983 KaryB. Mullis : Conceived the idea of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a chemical
DNA amplification process
● 1983 Pelletier et al. : Intergenericcytoplasmichybridization in Raddishand Grape
● 1984 De Block et al.; Horschet al. : Transformation of tobacco with Agrobacterium;
transgenic plants developed
● 1984 Alec Jeffreys: Development of the genetic fingerprinting technique for identifying
individuals by analyzing polymorphism at DNA sequence level
● 1986 Powell-Abel et al. :TMV virus-resistant tobacco and tomato transgenic plants
developed using cDNAof coat protein gene of TMV
● 1987 Sanford et al.; Klein et al. : Development of biolisticgene transfer method for plant
● 1987 Barton et al. : Isolation of Bt gene for bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis)
● 1990: Formal launch of the Human Genome Project
● 1990 Williams et al.; Welsh and McClelland : Development of the Random Amplified
Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique
● 1991 Fodor : Development of DNA microarray system using light directed chemical
synthesis system
● 1995 Fleischmann et al.: Reporting by the institute for Genomic Research of the
complete DNA sequence of Haemophilusinfluenzae
● 1995 Voset al. : Development of DNA fingerprinting by Amplified Fragment Length
Polymorphism (AFLP) technique
● 1997 Blattneret al. : Sequencing of E. coli genome
● 1998 C. eleganssequencing consortium : Sequencing of the genome of a
multicullularorganism (Caenorhabditiselegans)
● 2001 Human Genome Project​ Consortium and Venter et al. : Sequencing of human
genome successfully completed

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