Hoppe - Role of Pfs Crazy World

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The Role of the Property and Freedom Society in a Crazy World

by Hans-Hermann Hoppe*

WE LIVE IN THE AGE of the American Empire. This Empire may be crumbling, but for
the foreseeable future it will last, not only because of its military might but, more
importantly, because of its ideological power. For the American Empire has
accomplished something truly remarkable: that its core beliefs are internalized in the
minds of most people as intellectual taboos. To be sure, all governments rest on
aggressive violence and the U.S. government is no exception. It, too, does not hesitate
to crush anyone resisting its legislative whims. However, the U.S. government needs
astonishing little actual violence to achieve submission to its commands, because the
overwhelming majority of the population and in particular of the opinion-molding
intellectuals has adopted the value- and belief-system that underlies the American
Empire as its very own.
According to the official, U.S. approved belief-system, we are all intelligent and
reasonable people confronted with the same hard reality and committed to the facts
and the truth. True enough, even at the center of the American Empire, in the U.S.,
people do not live in the best of all possible worlds. There are still many defects to be
fixed. However, with the American system of democratic government, mankind has
definitely found the perfect institutional framework allowing for continuous progress
on the way toward an ever more perfect world; and if only the American system of
democracy is adopted on a world-wide scale, the path to perfection is everywhere clear
and open.
The only truly legitimate form of government is democracy. Any other form of
government is inferior. There exist monarchies, dictatorships and theocracies, and
there exist feudal land-lords and war-lords; and since any government is to be
preferred to no government at all, democratic governments must, out of necessity, at
times cooperate with other, non-democratic governments. Ultimately, however, all
governments must be changed according to the American ideal, because only
democracy allows for peaceful change and continuous progress.
Democratic governments such as the US and its European allies are inherently
peaceful and do not wage war against each other. If they must wage war at all, their
wars are wars of defense against aggressive non-democratic regimes, i.e., just wars.
Thus, all countries and territories currently occupied by American troops or those of

* Hans-Hermann Hoppe (www.HansHoppe.com) is President of the Property and Freedom Society. The present essay

was delivered as the introductory speech delivered at the Property and Freedom Society’s 2009 annual meeting in
Bodrum, Turkey, May 21, 2009.

its European allies have been guilty of aggression, and their occupation by foreign
troops is an act of self-defense and of liberation on the part of the democratic West.
The aggressiveness of the Islamic world in particular is proven by the very fact that
large parts of it are under American-Western occupation and more areas still are
provoking such liberating occupation.
Democratic governments are of the people, by the people and for the people.
In democracies no one rules over anyone, but the people rule themselves and are
hence free. Taxes are contributions and payments for services rendered by
government; and tax-evaders are accordingly thieves, who take without paying.
Harboring fugitive thieves is then an act of aggression against the people from whom
they try to flee.
Private property, markets and profit-making are good and useful institutions,
but democratic government must see to it, through proper legislation, that private
property and profits are acquired and used in a socially responsible way and that
markets function efficiently. Moreover, markets and profit-motivated business cannot
produce public goods and thus satisfy social needs, and they cannot take care of the
truly needy. Social needs and the needy can be taken care of only by government.
Government alone, through the funding of public goods and support given to the
needy, can enhance the public welfare and reduce if not eliminate the neediness and
number of the needy.
In particular, government social policy must control the private vice of greed
and profiteering. Greed and profiteering were also the root cause of the present
economic crisis. Reckless financiers created an irrational exuberance in the public that
has finally foundered on reality. The market manifestly failed, and only government
stood ready to save the situation; and only government, through proper regulation and
supervision of the banking industry and financial markets, can prevent anything like
this from ever happening again. Banks and businesses went bankrupt. But
governments and their central banks stood tall and protected savers’ money and
workers’ jobs.
Advised by the best and best-paid economists in the world, governments have
discovered the cause of the crisis and determined that to get out of the current
economic mess people must both consume more and invest more. Every penny
hoarded under the mattress is a penny withheld from present consumption and
investment and so diminishes future consumption and investment. In a recession,
under all circumstances and above all, spending must be increased; and if the people
do not spend enough of their money, then government must do it for them with its
money. Wisely, governments are equipped to do so, because their central banks can
produce all necessary liquidity. If billions of dollars or Euros will not do it, trillions
will; and if trillions still fail to do the trick then quadrillions surely will. Only massive

government spending can avert an otherwise unavoidable economic meltdown.
Unemployment in particular is the result of under-consumption: of people not having
enough money to buy consumer goods; and it must be cured by giving them higher
money wages or higher unemployment benefits.
Once the current economic crisis has been solved, governments can and must
again turn to the truly pressing among the remaining problems confronting mankind:
the elimination of all unfair discrimination as the ultimate desideratum of democratic
egalitarianism, and the control of the global environment and in particular the world
Essentially, all humans are equal. Differences are only apparent, skin-deep and
insignificant: some people are white, some brown, and some black; some are tall, and
others are short; some are male and some female; some speak English and others
Polish or Chinese; some have cancer or AIDS and others don’t. These are accidental
human characteristics. Some people happen to have them and others not. However,
from such accidental differences only trivial consequences follow, such that the tall
can reach higher up, that only women can bear children or that some people will die
sooner than others. But accidental differences such as these have no systematic
bearing on mental traits, such as motivational energy, time-preference or intellectual
prowess, and as such they are without explanatory power concerning economic and
social success: in particular income and professional status and position. Mental traits
have no physical, biological or ethnic basis and are infinitely malleable. Everyone,
except for a few pathological cases, is like everyone else in this regard, and every
people, throughout history, have made an equal contribution to civilization. Seemingly
apparent differences are solely the result of different external circumstances and
training opportunities. If properly situated and trained, everyone is capable of the
same achievements. All income and achievement differences between Whites, Asians
and Blacks, women and men, Latinos, Anglos and Thais, and Hindus, Protestants and
Moslems would vanish. Whites could be brought up to compete on a par with Blacks
for the highest prizes in the NBA, in the 100 meter sprint and in long-distance
running, and Blacks could compete with Whites and Asians in math, chess and
engineering. If it is found instead that the representation and distribution of various
accidental groups in various social positions of income, wealth or professional status is
unequal, then this shows unjustified discrimination; and such discrimination must be
rectified by appropriate affirmative action programs, by which the discriminators must
compensate the unjustly discriminated.
There is just one possible exception from this general principle of human
equality and the evil of discrimination. For, beyond any reasonable doubt, there was
one crime in history, committed by one particular people against one particular other
people, that is incomparable to any other crime. It cannot be ruled out that this
uniquely criminal disposition on the part of one people has genetic roots; and insofar

as this possibility cannot be ruled out, it is only fair that the collectively guilty must
continue to compensate the collective victims.
Hand in hand with the efforts to eradicate the evil of discrimination, democratic
governments must tackle the fundamental task of overcoming the excessive human
particularism—the individualism, the localism, provincialism, regionalism and
nationalism—ingrained still in the minds of most people and promote instead the ideal
of universalism and of the Universal Man and the interests of humanity as such. The
necessity of this policy is demonstrated most dramatically by the dangers of global
climate change. As the result of countless selfish acts: the unregulated production and
consumption of various non-renewable sources of energy, the whole globe is
threatened by unimaginable catastrophes: of tidal waves, sharply and suddenly rising
sea levels and the emergence of momentous ecological imbalances and instabilities.
Only through world-wide concerted government action, and ultimately the
establishment of some supra-national world-government, and through minute,
scientifically validated and world-wide administered and enforced behavioral
regulations of all production and consumption activities can these life-threatening
dangers be averted. Gemeinwohl (public welfare) geht vor (comes before) Eigenwohl
(private welfare)—this, above all, is what the problem of climate change demonstrates,
and it is up to government to finally put this principle into action.
The PFS—and most certainly I, personally—consider all of this just crazy: as
utter nonsense and dangerous nonsense at that. Yet this is essentially what we can hear
and read day in and day out in the mainstream media and what is proclaimed by every
respectable expert and eminence. Only few people can see through the entire charade
and even less have the courage to speak up against it. It is the purpose of the PFS and
its meetings to assemble such people, to frontally attack the entire craziness and the
ruling class perpetrating it on us—and to have fun doing it, at least while we are still
permitted to have fun.

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