Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method For Two-Dimensional Stefan Problem
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method For Two-Dimensional Stefan Problem
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method For Two-Dimensional Stefan Problem
Abstract. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is developed for modelling of melting and
solidification. Enthalpy method is used to solve heat conduction equations which involved moving
interface between phases. At first, we study the melting of floating ice in the water for two-
dimensional system. The ice objects are assumed as solid particles floating in fluid particles. The
fluid and solid motion are governed by Navier-Stokes equation and basic rigid dynamics equation,
respectively. We also propose a strategy to separate solid particles due to melting and solidification.
Numerical results are obtained and plotted for several initial conditions.
Keywords: SPH, enthalpy method, Stefan problem, moving interface
Stefan problem is related to heat transfer problem involving phase-change such as
solid to liquid (melting) or liquid to solid (solidification). This issue has the attention from
many researchers since the last few decades. Several methods are used to solve the Stefan
problem both analytical and numerical solutions. Due to its complexity, the analytical
solution is limited to one-dimensional and simple two-dimensional problem. The detail of
the analytical and numerical solution of the one-dimensional Stefan problem is discussed
in [1]. As to the numerical solution, in general, it can be divided into two methods, the
grid/mesh-based method and the gridless/meshless-based method. Finite difference,
finite element, and finite volume method are grid/mesh-based methods often used in
solving Stefan problem. Voller and Shadabi [2] used finite difference method via enthalpy
formulation for solving two-dimensional Stefan problem. Moreover, the finite element
method [3-5] and the finite volume method [6, 7] are widely employed for solving both
one-dimensional and two-dimensional Stefan problem.
The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is a meshless method. This
method is a particle-based interpolation which was originally used for modelling
astrophysical problems. However, this method is eventually developed in fluid dynamics
problems. In this paper, we propose SPH method for solving two-dimensional Stefan
problem. The SPH method which is applied in melting problem together with fluid flow
could be seen in [13]. In other case, Monaghan et al. [8] used SPH method in solving
solidification problem, but the fluid flow is not considered in the model.
In the present case, we employ SPH method to simulate ice melting problem in two-
dimensional systems. For the reverse problem that is water solidification, the
mathematical formulation is the same but different in the initial and boundary condition.
In the melting or solidification case, two regions of the system are considered, liquid
(water) and solid (ice) separated by phase change interface. Moreover, the interface is
always moving in each time step. The system leads us to the two-phase Stefan problem.
ISCS 2012 Selected Papers DEDE TARWIDI
Two heat conduction equations should be solved in solid and liquid region, but the
boundary of the domain is not known. Our goal is to determine temperature field
T ( x, y, t ) that satisfy a heat conduction equation inside solid region, a heat conduction
equation inside liquid region. Also, T ( x, y, t ) must satisfy interface condition, initial and
boundary condition.
There are three categories for governing equations of the system: fluid flow, solid
motion, and heat transfer (energy equation). The fluid motion is assumed weakly
compressible. The governing equations for weakly compressible fluid are the Navier-
Stokes and the continuity equations as follow:
Dv 1
= − ∇p + F ………………………………………………(1)
Dt ρ
= − ρ∇ ⋅ v …………………….…………………………….(2)
where v , ρ , and p are velocity, density and pressure of the fluid, respectively. While F is
external force per unit mass which can be gravitational acceleration or repulsive force per
unit mass. For the present case, surface tension is assumed not to be significant, so it can
be neglected.
The equation of state in simple form is given by
p = c 2 ( ρ − ρ0 ) + patm ……………………………………………..(3)
where c is speed of sound, ρ0 is density reference, and patm is atmospheric pressure. The
choice of speed of sound is very important in the simulation since it influences the density
variation. In order to keep density fluctuations less than 1%, c = 200 gH is chosen where
g is gravity acceleration and H is height of water level.
The governing equation of heat transfer and solid motion is discussed further in
Section 3 and Section 6, respectively.
Enthalpy method is usually used in modelling that involved phase-change such as
melting and solidification. This method refers to reformulate the heat conduction
equation in different phases into the enthalpy equation. Also, by using enthalpy equation
the latent heat (heat of fusion) is accounted in calculating the temperature field. In the
melting case, this latent heat is needed to break up the binding in the solid structure.
Otherwise, in the solidification case, the latent heat is released.
One of the advantages of the enthalpy method is, the heat conduction equation in solid
and liquid region can be solved without need to know the interface position and the heat
flux in the interface is automatically continuous. Moreover, if we know the relationship
between enthalpy and temperature then we can calculate temperature field. If we assume
heat transfer by conduction only, then the enthalpy equation is
∂H 1
= ∇ ⋅ ( k ∇T ) …………………………………………...(4)
∂t ρ
The main idea of the SPH method is to represent a function or its derivative into
integral representation and discretize it into set of particles. The detail about SPH method
is discussed in [14]. The integral interpolant of function f ( x ) is
f ( x ) = ∫ f ( x′ ) δ ( x − x′ ) d x′ ………………………………...(6)
where δ ( x − x′ ) is the Diract delta function and Ω is the volume of the integral that
contain x . If we replace the delta function by smoothing function or kernel function, W,
we get kernel aproximation of function f ( x ) :
f ( x ) = ∫ f ( x′ ) W ( x − x′, h ) d x′ ………………………………(7)
where h is smoothing length that represents influence area of kernel function. We also
can get the kernel aproximation of the derivative of function f ( x ) :
∇ ⋅ f ( x ) = ∫ f ( x′ ) ⋅∇W ( x − x′, h ) d x′ ………………………………(8)
The following equations are derived by using SPH discretization:
d va p + pa
(Navier-Stokes equation ) = −∑ mb b ∇ aW ( ra − rb , h ) …………….......(9)
dt b ρa ρb
(continuity equation) = ∑ mb ( ra − rb ) ⋅∇ aW ( ra − rb , h ) ……………...……(10)
dt b
Equation (9) and (10) mean that the velocity and density in a particle can be obtained
by summing up the contribution of the neighboring particles. The contribution is
governed by kernel function W . Therefore the choice of W will affect the accuracy of the
simulation. There are many choices of kernel function, but for the present simulation, the
following cubic spline kernel is used:
1 − 32 q 2 + 34 q 3 , 0 ≤ q < 1
10 1 3
W ( q, h ) = 2 4(
2 − q) , 1 ≤ q < 2 ……………………….(11)
0, otherwise
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where q = ra − rb / h .
The heat transfer between particles (water, ice, and solid boundary) is represented by
the temperature and enthalpy which are carried by SPH particles. In the present
simulation there are only two types of heat transfer to be taken into account of the
conduction and convection. But, the heat transfer by convection is automatically fulfilled
because the liquid particle is always moves according to the Navier-Stokes equation [13].
The heat transfer by conduction in SPH form is given by [9]
dH a m ka kb ( r − r ) ⋅∇ W ( r − r , h )
=∑ b (Ta − Tb ) a b a 2 a 2 b ………………(12)
dt b ρa ρb ka + kb ra − rb + η
where η = 0.01h .
The steps in constructing the SPH heat conduction of equation (12) is briefly discussed
in [11]. Note that by using equation (12), in interface between solid and liquid phase, the
heat flux is automatically continuous. Once we obtain the enthalpy of the particles, the
temperature particles and phase-change transition are determined by using equation (5).
The leap-frog time stepping is employed for equation (9) and equation (10) while explicit
Euler time stepping is used for equation (12).
In SPH modelling, it is very important to treat the particles that approach wall
boundaries. In this simulation, the wall boundaries are assumed as solid boundary
particles. We need these solid boundary particles to prevent the water particles penetrate
the wall boundaries. The water particles approaching wall boundaries will experience
repulsive force coming from solid particles. The force is experienced by a water particle j
normal to the solid boundary particle i is given by [10]
f j = n i R ( y ) P ( x) ………………………………………….(14)
where n i is normal vector of the solid boundary. Here,
R( y) = A 1
(1 − q ) and P ( x) = 1
2 (1 + cos ( ))
where x is distance of projection water particle j on tangent vector of the solid boundary
particle i, y is perpendicular distance of water particle j from the solid boundary particle i
(see Figure 1), q = y /(2∆p ) and ∆p is initial particle spacing. The choice of particle
spacing of solid boundary particles depends on the initial water particle spacing. If ∆p is
too small, then the water particle will experience a repulsive force before it approaches the
wall boundary. Whereas if ∆p is too big, some of water particles may penetrate the
boundary wall before experiencing the repulsive force.
is designed for weakly compressible. Consequently, ice particles will have low pressure,
and it makes water particles penetrate ice objects. The second way is to consider ice
particles as solid boundary (wall) particles. In this way, If the water particles approaching
ice particles, they will experience repulsive force. The problem is we have to find normal
vector of ice objects in each time step. It is slightly difficult since ice formation is always
changing. In melting case, it may be easy to find normal vector of ice wall because at
initial we set ice particles neatly. But, in solidification case, it is rather difficult to find
normal vector of ice wall which is formed from water particles. It is because the ice
particles formed are unstructured.
In the present simulation, the ice objects which float in water are assumed as wall
boundary particles. So that for each water particle that approaches the ice particles, it will
experience repulsive force which is calculated according to equation (14). But, the
challenge is in determining the normal vector of ice wall since the wall of ice is changing
and moving in each time step. The normal vector of ice particle i due to water particle j
can be determined by projecting vector rij onto the tangent vector of particle i. To find
tangent vector, it is necessary to find two neighboring particles of particle i says i-1 and
i+1 with the opposite position, see Figure 1. The tangent vector t i is ri +1 − ri −1 . Hence the
unit normal vector is
n i = ( rij − projti rij ) / rij − projti rij
where projti rij is projection of vector rij onto tangent vector t i . The advantage of this
strategy is that n i is always outward normal vector.
where WPs denotes water particles. The equations of motion for ice objects are derived
from the basic rigid dynamics equation. The translational and rotational equations of solid
motion are
dV dΩ
M = ∑ mi fi and I = ∑ mi ( ri − R 0 ) × fi ……………………..(16)
dt i∈IPs dt i∈IPs
where M , I , V , Ω , and R 0 are mass, moment of inertia, velocity, rotational velocity, and
center of mass of the ice objects, respectively. Here, IPs represents ice particles. The
velocity for each ice particle is given by
ISCS 2012 Selected Papers DEDE TARWIDI
d ri
= V + Ω × ( ri − R 0 ) ………………………………………..(17)
Thus the position of ice particles for each time step can be calculated by integrating
equation (17) in time.
An ice object may be separated into some ice objects during melting process and also
new ice objects may be formed during solidification process. To control the motion of
these objects, there should be a strategy to separate the ice particles into certain ice objects,
so that equation (16) can be employed. A simple strategy to separate the solid particles
has been proposed in [12]. First, each ice particle is assigned an index from 1 to N, where
N is the number of ice particles. Second, each ice particle index is updated iteratively by
the maximum index of the neighboring particles. Here, the neighbor of a particle is
defined as all particles with distance less than or equal to certain number. The last, the ice
particles index that belong to the same object will converge to the maximum index of the
ice particles in that objects.
system are adiabatic with the initial temperature is -10 0C. The heat transfer in the system
is assumed to occur only by conduction and convection. The 11322 particles are used for
this simulation. All parameters for this simulation can be seen in Table 1. For
solidification case, the physical setup is generally same but different in initial and
boundary condition. The simulation result for solidification case may be shown later in
other paper.
Figure 4. Temperature vs time of a single particle of the first and second ice cube
The left graphic in Figure 4 shows the temperature of a single particle that initially
located on the edge of the first ice cubes. The initial temperature of the particle is -15 0C,
then the temperature is gradually changed to 0 0C in 0. 426 seconds. However, in this
condition, the state is still in the solid phase. To change the phase of this particle from
solid to liquid the energy is needed for amount latent heat (heat of fusion). The latent heat
per particle is m0L = 2.99 kJ. After the particle state is changed into liquid the temperature
will be influenced by the temperature of the surrounding water particles. Total time
required for a single particle in first ice cube to change the phase from solid to liquid is
about 2.06 seconds. While the right graphic of Figure 4 shows the temperature of a single
particle of the second ice cube that has the initial temperature of -10 0C. For a single
particle in the second ice cube, the total time needed to change the phase is about 1.96
seconds. Total time that required by an ice particle to melt depends on the mass and latent
heat of the particle.
In this paper we have shown that an SPH method can be used to simulate Stefan
problem especially in ice melting problem. The advantage of the SPH method is all
physical information such as density, pressure, velocity, and temperature can be stored in
an SPH particle. With this way, it is easy to treat the interaction between solid and liquid
phase which is very hard if on the contrary, the mesh-based method is used. By using
enthalpy method via SPH formulation, heat conduction equation in solid and liquid
region can be solved without needed to know the interface position between solid and
liquid. As though, this model is new in SPH development, so it needs many
improvements to have more realistic simulation.
The author would like to thank Prof. Seiro Omata for giving very helpful comments and
suggestions. The author also thanks Dr. Masaki Kazama for the useful discussions.
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