Apache HVAC
Apache HVAC
Apache HVAC
1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 What is ApacheHVAC and where does it fit within the Virtual Environment? ........................1
1.2 ApacheHVAC Interface Overview .........................................................................................2
1.2.1 Virtual Environment Menu Bar .................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 ApacheHVAC Menu Bar ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 ApacheHVAC Toolbars ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.4 View Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2.5 Model Workspace ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.6 Component browser .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.7 Mouse controls ............................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.8 Mouse/key operations summary ................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 A Component-based Approach to System Simulation ...........................................................8
1.4 System Modeling Fundamentals ..........................................................................................9
1.4.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.2 Efficient workflow ...................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.3 Constructing Airside System Networks ...................................................................................................... 11
1.4.4 Network drawing tool ................................................................................................................................ 12
1.4.5 Room components..................................................................................................................................... 13
1.5 HVAC System Components................................................................................................. 14
1.5.1 Waterside plant equipment and water loops ............................................................................................ 14
1.5.2 Airside plant equipment and system components .................................................................................... 14
1.5.3 Room units – zone equipment applied within Room components ........................................................... 14
2 Plant Equipment and Water Loops ............................................................................................ 16
2.1 Heat Sources...................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Generic Heat Source .......................................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 Generic heat source dialog ........................................................................................................................ 20
2.2.2 Heating equipment .................................................................................................................................... 21
2.2.3 Heat recovery ............................................................................................................................................ 22
2.2.4 Air-source heat pump ................................................................................................................................ 27
2.2.5 Combined Heat & Power ........................................................................................................................... 29
2.3 Hot Water Loop and Heating Equipment Sequencing.......................................................... 31
2.3.2 Hot water loop dialog ................................................................................................................................ 34
2.3.3 Hot Water Loop tab ................................................................................................................................... 35
2.3.4 Pre-heating tab .......................................................................................................................................... 42
2.3.5 Solar water heater ..................................................................................................................................... 43
2.3.6 Heat recovery ............................................................................................................................................ 45
2.3.7 Air-to-water heat pump ............................................................................................................................. 52
2.3.8 Combined heat & power............................................................................................................................ 54
2.3.9 Heating Equipment Set tab ........................................................................................................................ 55
2.4 Part Load Curve Heating Plant ............................................................................................ 58
2.4.1 Part load curve heating plant dialog .......................................................................................................... 58
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC i
2.4.2 Pump power .............................................................................................................................................. 59
2.4.3 Part-load Performance .............................................................................................................................. 59
2.5 Hot Water Boilers .............................................................................................................. 60
2.5.1 Hot water boiler dialog .............................................................................................................................. 60
2.5.2 Boiler Performance .................................................................................................................................... 61
2.5.3 Design Condition ........................................................................................................................................ 66
2.5.4 Rated Condition ......................................................................................................................................... 66
2.6 Air-source heat pump ........................................................................................................ 69
2.6.1 Heat pump update ..................................................................................................................................... 69
2.6.2 Air-to-water heat pump (AWHP) and generic Air-source heat pump (ASHP) ........................................... 71
2.6.3 Air-to-water and air-source heat pump settings ....................................................................................... 72
2.6.4 Air-to-water and air-source heat pump performance ............................................................................... 73
2.6.5 Air-to-air heat pump (AAHP)...................................................................................................................... 73
2.6.6 Air-to-air heat pump settings .................................................................................................................... 75
2.6.7 Air-to-air heat pump performance ............................................................................................................ 76
2.6.8 Modeling heat pump temperature and part-load dependent performance ............................................. 77
2.7 Heat Transfer Loop ............................................................................................................ 81
2.7.1 Water-to-air heat pump systems ............................................................................................................... 81
2.7.2 Heat transfer loop configurations.............................................................................................................. 82
2.7.3 Loop control and sequencing..................................................................................................................... 84
2.7.4 Loop capacity and feedback to WAHPs ..................................................................................................... 85
2.7.5 Heat transfer loop sizing procedure .......................................................................................................... 85
2.7.6 Heat transfer loop pump modeling ........................................................................................................... 86
2.7.7 Heat transfer loop distribution losses and pump heat gain ...................................................................... 86
2.7.8 Heat transfer loops dialog ......................................................................................................................... 87
2.7.9 Heat transfer loop dialog ........................................................................................................................... 87
2.7.10 Heat transfer loop tab ............................................................................................................................... 89
2.7.11 Temperature control tab ........................................................................................................................... 96
2.7.12 Heat acquisition tab ................................................................................................................................... 98
2.7.13 Solar water heater ................................................................................................................................... 100
2.7.14 Heat recovery .......................................................................................................................................... 101
2.7.15 Air-to-water heat pump ........................................................................................................................... 107
2.7.16 Combined heat and power ...................................................................................................................... 110
2.7.17 Heating Equipment Set ............................................................................................................................ 111
2.7.18 Water-source heat exchanger tab ........................................................................................................... 115
2.7.19 Heat rejection tab .................................................................................................................................... 120
2.7.20 Cooling tower with heat exchanger ......................................................................................................... 123
2.7.21 Fluid cooler .............................................................................................................................................. 125
2.8 Water-to-air Heat Pump .................................................................................................. 129
2.8.1 Water-to-air heat pump model ............................................................................................................... 130
2.8.2 Rated condition and Design condition..................................................................................................... 131
2.8.3 Water-to-air heat pump sizing procedure ............................................................................................... 132
2.8.4 Water-to-air heat pump type level data .................................................................................................. 132
2.8.5 Water-to-air heat pump (types) dialog .................................................................................................... 132
2.8.6 Water-to-air heat pump dialog ................................................................................................................ 134
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2.8.7 Rated condition ....................................................................................................................................... 135
2.8.8 Performance curves ................................................................................................................................. 135
2.8.9 Water-to-air heat pump instance level data ........................................................................................... 138
2.8.10 Water-to-air heat pump data in Simple heating coil dialog .................................................................... 139
2.8.11 Water-to-air heat pump data in Simple cooling coil dialog ..................................................................... 140
2.8.12 Water-to-air heat pump performance curves: details and editing.......................................................... 142
2.9 Chilled Water Loops, Pre-Cooling, Heat Rejection, and Chiller Sequencing ........................ 154
2.9.1 Chilled water loop dialog ......................................................................................................................... 158
2.9.2 Chilled Water Loop tab ............................................................................................................................ 160
2.9.3 Pre-cooling tab (section update pending) ............................................................................................... 164
2.9.4 Chiller Set tab........................................................................................................................................... 166
2.9.5 Heat Rejection tab (updates pending for changes in organization of the dialog) ................................... 170
2.10 Part Load Curve Chillers ................................................................................................... 182
2.10.1 Part load curve chiller definition ............................................................................................................. 183
2.10.2 Condenser Heat Recovery ....................................................................................................................... 185
2.10.3 Electrical power consumption for pumps and fans ................................................................................. 186
2.10.4 COP Temperature Dependence ............................................................................................................... 187
2.10.5 Part-load performance data for chiller and auxiliary equipment ............................................................ 187
2.11 Electric Water-cooled Chillers .......................................................................................... 189
2.11.1 Water-cooled chillers............................................................................................................................... 189
2.11.2 Chiller Performance ................................................................................................................................. 191
2.11.3 Design Condition ...................................................................................................................................... 199
2.11.4 Rated Condition ....................................................................................................................................... 201
2.12 Electric Air-cooled Chillers................................................................................................ 204
2.12.1 Air-cooled chiller definition ..................................................................................................................... 204
2.12.2 Chiller Performance ................................................................................................................................. 206
2.12.3 Design Condition ...................................................................................................................................... 214
2.12.4 Rated Condition ....................................................................................................................................... 215
2.13 Dedicated Waterside Economizers (types)........................................................................ 218
2.13.1 Dedicated waterside economizer settings dialog .................................................................................... 220
2.14 DX Cooling ....................................................................................................................... 224
2.14.1 DX Cooling model .................................................................................................................................... 224
2.14.2 One-to-one relationship of DX Cooling model type and coil ................................................................... 225
2.14.3 DX Cooling COP and condenser fan power .............................................................................................. 225
2.14.4 Rated condition and Design condition..................................................................................................... 225
2.14.5 DX cooling sizing procedure ..................................................................................................................... 226
2.14.6 DX cooling type level data ....................................................................................................................... 227
2.14.7 DX cooling (types) dialog ......................................................................................................................... 227
2.14.8 Pre-defined DX Cooling Types.................................................................................................................. 228
2.14.9 DX Cooling dialog ..................................................................................................................................... 229
2.14.10 Performance curves ................................................................................................................................. 230
2.14.11 Rated condition ....................................................................................................................................... 231
2.14.12 DX cooling instance level data ................................................................................................................. 232
2.14.13 DX cooling data in the cooling coil dialog ................................................................................................ 232
2.14.14 DX Cooling Performance curves: details and editing ............................................................................... 233
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5.3.2 Sensed variables ...................................................................................................................................... 303
5.4 Controls in combination ................................................................................................... 305
5.4.1 Multiple controllers at a single network node......................................................................................... 305
5.4.2 Linking of controllers via logical AND and OR connections ..................................................................... 306
5.5 Airflow controllers ........................................................................................................... 306
5.6 Controller parameters—terminology and general discussion ............................................ 307
5.6.1 Time Switch or On/Off Control ................................................................................................................ 307
5.6.2 Sensor (for on/off and proportional control) .......................................................................................... 308
5.6.3 Set Point (for on/off control) ................................................................................................................... 309
5.6.4 Proportional Control ................................................................................................................................ 310
5.6.5 AND Connections ..................................................................................................................................... 312
5.6.6 OR Connections ....................................................................................................................................... 312
5.6.7 Allow OR inputs to override time switch? ............................................................................................... 313
5.7 Controller Algorithm ........................................................................................................ 313
5.8 Airflow control ................................................................................................................ 315
5.9 Independent Time Switch Controller ................................................................................ 316
5.10 Independent Controller with Sensor ................................................................................ 318
5.10.1 Proportional controls sequencing............................................................................................................ 321
5.11 Independent Differential Controller ................................................................................. 323
5.12 Dependent Time Switch Controller................................................................................... 324
5.13 Dependent Controller with Sensor ................................................................................... 325
5.14 Dependent Differential Controller .................................................................................... 326
6 Room Unit Controllers ............................................................................................................ 329
6.1 Hot Water Radiator Control ............................................................................................. 330
6.1.2 On/off and set point controls .................................................................................................................. 331
6.1.3 Proportional controls for water flow rate and temperature ................................................................... 333
6.2 Chilled Ceiling Control ...................................................................................................... 336
6.2.2 Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 338
6.2.3 On/off and set point controls .................................................................................................................. 338
6.2.4 Proportional controls for water flow rate and temperature ................................................................... 340
6.3 Direct Acting Heater/Cooler Control................................................................................. 342
6.3.1 Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 343
6.3.2 On/off and set point controls .................................................................................................................. 344
6.3.3 Proportional control for heating and/or cooling output ......................................................................... 345
7 Library .................................................................................................................................... 347
7.1 Import from library .......................................................................................................... 347
7.1.1 Import options ......................................................................................................................................... 348
7.2 Export to library............................................................................................................... 352
7.2.1 Export options.......................................................................................................................................... 353
7.3 Simplified HVAC Wizard ................................................................................................... 353
7.3.1 HVAC Wizard dialog ................................................................................................................................. 353
7.3.2 HVAC Wizard: Create New System .......................................................................................................... 355
7.3.3 Page 3 of the HVAC Wizard (Create New System) ................................................................................... 356
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC v
7.3.4 HVAC Wizard: Open Recent System ........................................................................................................ 357
8 Multiplexing HVAC System Networks ...................................................................................... 358
8.1 Creating a Multiplex – Overview ...................................................................................... 359
8.1.1 Rules for Multiplexes and controllers within them ................................................................................. 363
8.2 Create Multiplex .............................................................................................................. 364
8.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................................................... 364
8.2.2 Editing Mode............................................................................................................................................ 364
8.2.3 Layers ....................................................................................................................................................... 365
8.2.4 Principal Rooms ....................................................................................................................................... 366
8.2.5 Assign from Room Group ......................................................................................................................... 368
8.3 Edit Multiplex .................................................................................................................. 369
8.3.1 Multiplex Toolbar .................................................................................................................................... 369
8.3.2 Edit Multiplex Dialog................................................................................................................................ 369
8.4 Editing Components and Controllers in multiplex ............................................................. 370
8.4.1 Tabular Editing ......................................................................................................................................... 370
8.4.2 Touch Edits............................................................................................................................................... 370
8.4.3 Edit Room Component Instances and Room Unit Controllers................................................................. 370
8.5 Tabular Editing ................................................................................................................ 371
8.5.2 Paste to Data Table using tabular edit view ............................................................................................ 373
8.6 Node Numbering ............................................................................................................. 375
8.7 Delete Multiplex .............................................................................................................. 376
9 System Loads, Ventilation, and Autosizing .............................................................................. 377
9.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 377
9.2 Zone-level loads and sizing............................................................................................... 377
9.2.1 Zone-level system set up and autosizing steps ........................................................................................ 378
9.3 System-level loads and sizing ........................................................................................... 385
9.3.1 Unmet Load Hours tests .......................................................................................................................... 387
9.3.2 Understanding loads for ApacheHVAC components in Vista Results ...................................................... 391
9.4 System Prototypes & Sizing workflow navigator............................................................... 392
9.4.1 System Prototypes & Sizing workflow summary ..................................................................................... 392
10 Prototype HVAC Systems (section under construction) ............................................................ 395
10.1 Prototype HVAC systems: System types and configurations.............................................. 397
10.2 Working with prototype systems ..................................................................................... 400
10.2.1 Loading, saving, and retrieving prototype systems ................................................................................. 401
10.2.2 Selecting, moving, copying, and naming systems .................................................................................... 401
10.2.3 Modifying pre-define prototype systems ................................................................................................ 401
10.3 Prototype HVAC systems: Common features .................................................................... 404
10.3.1 System-level or air handler vs. zone-level elements ............................................................................... 406
10.3.2 Outside air intake and outlet ................................................................................................................... 406
10.3.3 Airside energy recovery ........................................................................................................................... 406
10.3.4 Energy recovery and bypass damper section .......................................................................................... 407
10.3.5 Outside air ventilation damper and airside economizer ......................................................................... 410
10.3.6 Return air damper component ................................................................................................................ 420
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10.3.7 Supply fan ................................................................................................................................................ 421
10.3.8 Return fan ................................................................................................................................................ 422
10.3.9 Cooling coil – system level or AHU .......................................................................................................... 422
10.3.10 Heating coil – system level or AHU .......................................................................................................... 422
10.3.11 Duct heat gain/loss component – zone level ........................................................................................... 422
10.3.12 Reheat coil and controller (or similar components) – zone level ............................................................ 422
10.3.13 Zone or “principal room” component ..................................................................................................... 422
10.3.14 Return air plenum component ................................................................................................................ 422
10.3.15 VAV airflow controls ................................................................................................................................ 423
10.3.16 Exhaust fan .............................................................................................................................................. 424
10.3.17 Exhaust airflow controller ........................................................................................................................ 424
10.3.18 Transfer airflow controller ....................................................................................................................... 424
10.4 Prototype systems: System-specific descriptions and guidance......................................... 425
10.4.1 Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioning (PTAC) ............................................................................................ 425
10.4.2 Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP) .................................................................................................... 425
10.4.3 Single-zone air-conditioning system with furnace (PSZ-AC) .................................................................... 425
10.4.4 Single-zone heat pump system (PSZ-HP) ................................................................................................. 425
10.4.5 VAV-reheat using DX Cooling and HW boiler........................................................................................... 425
10.4.6 VAV using DX Cooling and parallel fan-powered boxes with electric heat .............................................. 425
10.4.7 VAV-reheat using water-cooled chiller and HW boiler ............................................................................ 425
10.4.8 VAV using water-cooled chiller and parallel fan-powered boxes with electric heat ............................... 425
10.4.9 Dedicated outside air system (DOAS) with four-pipe fan-coil units, EWC chiller and HW boiler. ........... 426
10.4.10 Indirect-direct evaporative cooling version of VAV-reheat system 5 above with backup DX cooling and
zone-level CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation (DCV). ................................................................. 426
10.4.11 VAV-reheat with differential-enthalpy economizer set up for the public areas of a hotel or similar
building with PTAC systems for individual guest/resident rooms drawing air from an atrium zone on the
main VAV system. .................................................................................................................................... 426
10.4.12 Mixed-mode natural ventilation and VAV-reheat with zone temperature and zone CO2 overrides for
nat-vent when it is insufficient ................................................................................................................ 426
10.4.13 Single-fan dual-duct and with zone-level mixing boxes........................................................................... 426
10.4.14 Dual-fan-dual-duct with zone-level mixing boxes. .................................................................................. 426
10.4.15 Underfloor air distribution with parallel fan-powered boxes for perimeter zones, leakage path, and
heating-mode re-mixing of PFPb zones. .................................................................................................. 426
10.4.16 UFAD/DV system as above, plus heat pipe or run-around coil in AHU for free re-heat of sub-cooled
(dehumidified) air after the AHU cooling coil. ......................................................................................... 426
10.4.17 Active chilled beams and DOAS for ventilation using electric water-cooled chiller with waterside
economizer and condenser heat recovery; HW boiler and recovered heat for DOAS and zone baseboard
fin-tube convectors. ................................................................................................................................. 428
10.4.18 Radiant heating and cooling panels (i.e., four-pipe system), plus DOAS with airside energy recovery and
DCV. ......................................................................................................................................................... 428
10.4.19 Radiant panels and DOAS as above with heat pipe or run-around coil in AHU for free re-heat of sub-
cooled (i.e., dehumidified) air after the AHU cooling coil. ...................................................................... 428
11 Appendix A: Rules for Air Flow Specification ........................................................................... 430
12 Appendix B: HVAC zone controller profile values relative to setpoints entered in the System
Schedules dialog ......................................................................................................................... 432
13 Appendix C: ApacheHVAC Component and Controller Limits ................................................... 433
1.1 What is ApacheHVAC and where does it fit within the Virtual Environment?
ApacheHVAC is used for modeling heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, and falls
within the Virtual Environment’s Thermal application category.
Virtual Environment
Thermal applications
ApacheHVAC view
The ApacheHVAC supports the detailed definition, configuration, control, and modeling of HVAC systems.
The simulation program itself is run from within Apache Thermal.
ApacheHVAC is invoked as an adjunct to Apache Simulation by linking to a particular HVAC system file
when the building model simulation is run, as described in the Apache User Guide.
There are two distinct means of space conditioning and HVAC simulation in the IES Virtual Environment,
and these are suitable for very different tasks, levels of analysis, and stages of design.
Apache Systems – Simplified system modeling for schematic design and code compliance in ApacheSim:
• Fully autosized and ideally controlled systems condition spaces exactly to set points via pre-
defined HVAC system-type algorithms and minimal room, system, and plant inputs within
ApacheSim. This simplified HVAC modeling is fully integrated with the thermal, solar, and bulk-
airflow modeling at every simulation time step. However, because the systems are
approximated, it is far less representative of actual system equipment, configurations, and
controls. Thus, while it may be very useful in early design phases and space loads analyses, this
type of modeling is normally not used in design development, documentation of energy
performance for the ASHRAE 90.1 performance rating method, thermal comfort studies, or
other detailed analysis.
ApacheHVAC – Detailed HVAC systems modeling:
• Detailed dynamic modeling of systems, equipment, and controls in ApacheHVAC is also fully
integrated with the thermal, solar, and bulk-airflow modeling at every simulation time step.
Component-based system models can be built from scratch or by modifying autosizable
prototype systems, or the prototype systems can be used in their pre-defined configuration.
When ApacheHVAC is invoked, all spaces in the model that are assigned to a room component in the
active ApacheHVAC system at the time of simulation will be served by that system. So long as this is true,
these rooms will not be served by the simpler systems otherwise defined in the Apache Systems dialog.
Like infiltration, however, air changes or flow rates for Auxiliary ventilation and Natural ventilation as
defined in the Air Exchanges tab of the Thermal Conditions template or Room Data remain in effect for all
rooms to which they have been applied, regardless of whether or not these rooms are served by an
ApacheHVAC system.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 1
1.2 ApacheHVAC Interface Overview
Figure 1-1: The ApacheHVAC view or module within the IES Virtual Environment.
The ApacheHVAC view comprises the interface features described below.
These menus provide functions used throughout the Virtual environment. Please refer to the Virtual
Environment User Guide for further information.
The toolbars provide quick access to menu functions, selection of components and controllers to be
placed on the system schematic, creation and editing of system of multiplexes, and access to system
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 2
• New
• Open
• Save
• Independent time switch controller • Dependent time switch controller • AND connection
• Independent controller with sensor • Dependent controller with sensor • OR connection
• Independent differential controller • Dependent differential controller
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 3
• Edit system schedules and setpoints
• Edit system parameters
• Room and zone-level sizing
• System equipment and plant sizing
• System loads, sizing, and ventilation reports
• Move
• Copy
• Query item
• Check network
• Assign zones
• Apache profiles
• Delete
• Enable/disable component tooltips
• Show/hide link for all overlays
• Show/hide overlays
• Remove all overlays
• Preferences
The last ten of the toolbar buttons above will be available along with the graphic waerside interface in
ApacheHVAC and detailed component-level results in Vista-Pro as of VE 2012 Feature Pack 2.
This provides functions for manipulating the view of the system schematic, including zoom to HVAC
network extents, window, in, out, pan, previous, and next.
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1.2.5 Model Workspace
Figure 1-2: The model workspace or canvas displays the HVAC system airside schematic and provides a
graphical means of selecting, configuring, organizing, and editing airside component and controller
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1.2.6 Component browser
Browser show/hide toolbar button.
Figure 1-3: Component browser tree with HVAC network components and controllers.
The component browser provides a listing of all components in the current ApacheHVAC file. This can be
used to locate and/or select a particular type of component or controller within a large or complex HVAC
network. Selecting the component or controller within the browser causes it to be highlighted on the
network in the model space. The browser can also be useful in determining how many of a particular
component or controller type are present.
It is not necessary to hide the component browser for most HVAC system networks, as the speed of this
has been significantly improved over earlier versions. When working on exceptionally large or complex
HVAC networks, if the opening of component and controller dialogs does begin to slow noticeably, the
component browser can be turned OFF by clicking the browser show/hide button on the toolbar. This will
further increase the speed with which component and controller dialogs open.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 6
1.2.7 Mouse controls
The left mouse button is used for selecting and placing component and controllers. When placing these,
the current selection persists until cancelled by clicking the right mouse button. The mouse scroll wheel
can be used to zoom in and out of the systems view. The pan function accessed provided by moving the
mouse while depressing the scroll wheel. Elements of a selected controller (applies only when a single controller is selected)
Click & Drag MOVE NODE (round sensor bulb or control lead end with arrowhead)
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 7
1.3 A Component-based Approach to System Simulation
Energy simulation programs have in the past provided models of only certain fixed system types (VAV,
induction, fan coils, etc). In practice, building systems do not conform to these rigid system types, and so
it was necessary to accept a degree of compromise in the realism of the model.
Figure 1-4: A multi-zone HVAC network—in this case variable-air-volume with indirect-direct evaporative
cooling, energy recovery, variation of static pressure with bypass of heat exchangers, duct heat gain,
return air plenums, controls for mixed-mode operation with natural ventilation, and primary, transfer,
and exhaust airflow paths available to each of the zones in the layered multiplex region.
ApacheHVAC has been designed to impose minimal restrictions on the user in defining the system model.
The user is offered a number of basic blocks, each describing a generic type of equipment (heating coil,
fan, humidifier, etc.). These basic blocks can be assembled as required to model an actual system
configuration, rather than an idealized simplification. The complexity of the model is limited only by the
types of block available and some basic rules concerning their interconnection. Within these constraints,
it is possible to assemble models of many different system and control configurations and to explore the
benefits of variations on standard system types.
An item of plant or control can be described once, and then copied or referenced as many times as may
be required to define the system.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 8
1.4 System Modeling Fundamentals
1.4.1 Preparation
The speed, efficiency, and effectiveness with which an ApacheHVAC system can be set and all thermal
zones assigned to it is significantly dependent upon the extent to which the model has been appropriately
organized prior to doing so. Therefore, it is important to complete the following in ModelIt, before
attempting to assign rooms or zones to an ApacheHVAC system:
• Begin by using the Connect Spaces tool to couple any rooms in the model that will share a
common thermostat or related means of controlling space conditions (e.g., they will all be
served by a single VAV box). The resulting thermal zone will thus be represented as a single
“Room” component in ApacheHVAC. This will facilitate use of multiplexing, pre-defined
systems, and efficient system layout, while avoiding unnecessary complexity.
o When connecting spaces, if they will be separated by physical partitions in the actual
building, these partitions should be retained, as their thermal mass and ability or
receive solar gain or other radiant, conductive, and convective heat transfer will
contribute to the accuracy of thermal and energy modeling.
o If any of the zones has absolute internal gains (W or Btu/h) rather than internal gains
defined according to floor area (W/m2 or W/ft2), the absolute gains will have to be
manually added in the composite zone. However, if they are assigned per unit floor
area, no action is required, as no floor area will be lost.
• In addition to conditioned spaces, create geometry for any other spaces or zones that will
need to be represented in ApacheHVAC, such as return-air plenums (typically one per floor or
as designed), underfloor air distribution (UFAD) supply plenums, thermally stratified zones,
radiant heating or cooling slabs, earth tubes, solar chimneys, etc.
• It is important to set up a Grouping Scheme in ModelIt that sorts thermal zones into groups
such as System-1, -2, -3, etc. or AHU-1, -2, -3, etc. and other space types, such as Return air
plenums, Solar chimney segments, Unconditioned zones, etc.
• If the model includes UFAD of thermal displacement ventilation (DV), it is essential to ensure
that the number and order of Stratified zones exactly matches the number and order of
corresponding Occupied zones in any one AHU group. Doing so will facilitate system
multiplexing, autosizing, and other fundamental aspects of system modeling. If there are some
mixed (non-stratified zones) on the same system, either place them in a separate group of
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 9
occupied zones or create dummy stratified zones (e.g., a series of small super-insulated boxes
with no internal gains) in the model that can fill out the list of stratified zones to make it
parallel the list of occupied zones on the same system. Occupied and Stratified should be in
separate groups with the AHU Assignment scheme.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 10
1.4.3 Constructing Airside System Networks
Airside system networks are constructed by picking components from the toolbars. Airside components
take the form of ‘tiles’ that are placed on the canvas to build up a schematic of the airside system.
Controllers can also be drawn, together with lines indicating the associated sensor and control points.
Certain components, such as plant equipment, do not appear on the schematic, but are instead linked to
other components via text references.
Each component has a set of parameters characterizing its operation. Facilities for editing these
parameters are accessed by double-clicking on the component or through the menus. Once placed,
groups of components may be selected, deleted, moved, or copied using functions on the toolbar.
Multiplexing, described in section 6, provides an efficient means of assigning groups of spaces to a set of
room components and of replicating and editing HVAC components, controllers, and configurations
thereof. The associated Tabular Edit view supports efficiently editing and checking numerous inputs for
components and controllers.
When drawing schematics it is helpful to keep in mind the following principles:
• When first building an HVAC system, it is advisable to keep the system simple. This makes it
easy to test the control principles involved. The system can later be expanded to introduce
additional rooms and control refinements.
• Set up the minimum number of flow controls necessary to define the flow throughout the
system—i.e., on all branches. In other words, airflow must be specified in all parts of the
system, except where the flow can be deduced from other specified flows by addition and
subtraction at junctions. Specifying more flows than are strictly necessary is not forbidden, but
always ensure that the specified flows are mutually consistent. In most cases, it will be easier
to allow flows to be calculated wherever they can be.
• In the case a room, it is only necessary to specify either the supply or the extract flow. The
program will then set the other flow on the assumption of equality of inflow and outflow. In
specialized applications, such as when MacroFlo is running in tandem with ApacheHVAC, the
room inflow and outflow may be set to different values. Any imbalance between inflow and
outflow will then be picked up by MacroFlo (if it is in use), and the difference will be made up
with flows through openings in the building. An imbalance can also be meaningful if MacroFlo
is not in use. For example, if more air is supplied to a room than is extracted, the excess will be
assumed to be vented to outside. For a full account of the rules for airflow specification see
Appendix A.
• The schematic may include multiple System Inlet and System Outlet components. These can be
used to represent both the air inlet and outlet of a mechanical system and other paths, such as
exfiltration in the case of a pressurized building.
• Most components placed on the airside network must have appropriate controllers attached
in order to function. See component sections for details.
• The Check network button can identify many kinds of errors in a schematic. It also numbers
the nodes of the network, providing a reference that is useful when viewing simulation results.
To remove the node numbering, if desired, simply re-open the same ApacheHVAC file.
Details of all equipment to be included in the simulation are entered in ApacheHVAC. The extent of data
input depends on the scope of the simulation, which is at the discretion of the user. For instance if it is
required to calculate the net energy consumption of a low-temperature hot water (LTHW) heating coil, it
will be necessary to specify a coil and a heat source to serve it. However, it will not be necessary to input
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 11
the characteristics of the LTHW system. In such a case, the distribution losses of the LTHW system and
pump power should be entered as zero and the heat source efficiency taken as 100%.
Note that the capacity (duty) of equipment for simulation can be set as the components are placed or can
be provided by the autosizing process. In many cases, it is necessary to specify or autosize the system to
provide a capacity that equals or exceeds any requirement subsequently called for; however, the hot and
chilled water loops and the advanced heating and cooling coils are capable of accurately representing
system performance when heating or cooling plant equipment are undersized (whether the undersizing is
intentional or otherwise). This can be useful for modeling systems intentionally designed to be heavily
dependent on mixed-mode operation with natural ventilation, waterside economizer operation, lake or
well-water heat exchange, solar hot water systems, or to directly address all but transient peak loads,
leaving the transients to be mitigated by the effects of thermal mass or similar passive strategies. The
simulation can provide evidence of energy saving benefits, consistency of thermal comfort, and system
performance and the effectiveness of design and control strategies under challenging conditions.
The “Pencil” icon on the lower toolbar can be used to enter a network drawing mode, shown by the
cursor changing to a pencil. While in this mode, all of the simple connectors, elbows, and junctions of a
network can be quickly drawn by a minimal number of successive mouse clicks.
An airflow path is initiated by clicking either in a blank cell or on an existing network component. In the
case of the latter, the path may continue from any free connection of that component.
The behaviors of different types of mouse click, during the drawing of a path, are listed below.
• Having initiated the airflow path, a subsequent click in a blank cell sets that cell as the location of
a right-angle bend (a cusp), and the next click can be in any of the 3 possible orthogonal directions
from there; connections are permitted in orthogonal directions only—i.e., not diagonally.
• Clicking on a network component will incorporate it in the path, which may then be continued
from any remaining free connections on that component. This makes it easy to connect network
components that have already been placed on the canvas.
• Clicking on either an existing straight connector at right angles to the path, or an existing bend,
will generate a new “indeterminate” junction bearing a red question mark, to indicate that its
flow directions are undefined. As long as indeterminate junctions exist, the network is invalid and
thus they need to have their flow directions individually defined later (using the normal double-
click or query), before attempting either to check the network or to use it in a simulation.
• Clicking twice in a blank cell terminates the current path with a bare half-connector. You are still
in the drawing mode, and can start a new path elsewhere by clicking in any other blank cell, or on
any object with free connections. You can also continue the path from any bare half-connector.
Drawing a path past, and at right angles to, a bare half-connector will generate a junction at that
location. As with indeterminate junctions, a network containing bare half-connectors is invalid, so
these need to be connected up before a network check or simulation run.
At any time, up to 10 previous segments of the path can be undone using Ctrl-Z, or Undo on Edit menu.
There are three ways to exit the drawing mode: Right click on canvas; Esc key; click another toolbar icon.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 12
1.4.5 Room components
There are a number of important points to note with regard to the arrangement of room components in
the air system and the specification of supply airflow rates:
• A “Room” in the VE is any 3D space that is to be modeled as a distinct thermal zone. This can
be multiple rooms combined in ModelIt as a thermal zone, a single room, or a subdivided
potion of room volume, such as a perimeter zone in an open-plan space or the occupied or
stratified zone within a space served by displacement ventilation. The ApacheHVAC “Room”
component can also refer to a space that would not or could not be occupied, but which plays
a role in the dynamic thermal interaction with HVAC systems. Examples include a return-air
plenum, an underfloor air distribution (UFAD) plenum, a segment within an earth tube, a space
within a vented double-skin façade, or even a concrete slab that will be directly heated or
cooled by a hydronic loop.
• It is permissible to use the same room component more than once in the air system network
description, such as when more than one system supplies air to the same room. For example,
consider a case where room type A has separate air supplies for heating and cooling; there
may only be one actual room type A, but we can use two in the system network description -
one in the heating branch and one in the cooling branch. The result is exactly the same as if
you had mixed the heating and cooling supply branches together through a combining junction
and supplied this mixed air to a single room type A. The use of multiple room components in
this way reduces the need for large numbers of mixing and dividing junctions.
• Once the system air has entered a room component, the program assumes that the air within
the room (or bounded thermal zone assigned to a room component) is fully mixed. It is not
possible to differentiate between, say, air entering from a ceiling diffuser and air entering from
a perimeter unit or a floor outlet. You can, if you wish, describe a single room as several room
types for the purposes of the computer simulation—e.g., the core and perimeter zones of an
open plan office could be described as separate room types. However, you should appreciate
that there are a number of complex mechanisms of heat transfer involved in such a situation
(wind, stack, and induced air movement, radiant heat exchange, etc.) and the program can
only approximately analyze some of these.
• Some situations are best modeled by putting two room components in series. For example,
you may wish to model a building in which the return air is extracted via the ceiling void. This
can be achieved by describing the occupied space and the ceiling void as two separate room
types and then connecting them in series.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 13
1.5 HVAC System Components
The first set of these are defined mainly in plant equipment dialogs. Components in the middle set are
dealt with mainly on the airside network. The last set, room units, differ from other HVAC components in
that they are defined in terms of “types” but then located within a room component or thermal zone
(including in non-occupied space or a heated or cooled slab zone) rather than on the airside network.
The modeling of plant components is quasi-steady-state in that the program does not attempt to model
transient behavior between simulation time steps. However, because time steps in ApacheSim are
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 14
typically only 6-10 minutes, and can be as little as 1 minute, if desired, constant plant behavior over a time
step is an appropriate assumption. Furthermore, there is interaction between the HVAC system and
conditioned spaces (including natural ventilation, stack-vent double-skin facades, etc. when running
MacroFlo) at every simulation time step.
The solution algorithm also provides for modeling intentionally undersized heating and cooling plant
equipment or sources. Coils and other connected devices on a hot or chilled water loop will receive off-
design water loop temperatures in keeping with the capability of the modeled plant equipment when the
load exceeds the heating or cooling capacity.
Data entered for fans represents a special case in that fans are not controlled directly and fan component
inputs are used only to calculate consequential energy consumption and effect on air temperature. The
value entered in a fan component does not determine airflow through the system. Rather, the fan
component acts like a meter with a defined set of performance characteristics. The airflow through the
fan is determined by flow controllers on network branches.
All pre-defined HVAC equipment performance curves, such as those provided for Electric Water-Cooled
Chillers, DX Cooling, Hot-Water Boilers, and Water-to-Air Heat Pumps, are valid only at the reference or
Rated conditions that were used to derive the curves from the performance data. (Reference condition is
the condition to which all other performance data are normalized.) The default Rated condition
temperatures—for example, the rated entering condenser water temp and rated chilled water supply
temperature for the EWC chillers—as shown in the Rated condition tab of the chiller editing dialog are
those used as the reference conditions for the currently selected set of performance curves. Therefore,
except when intending either to edit the performance curves or add new performance curves based on
different reference condition temperatures, avoid editing the default rated condition temperatures.
Loads and sizing data for room/zone loads, ventilation rates, zone/terminal equipment, primary airside
equipment, and heating and cooling plant are provided in design sizing reports.
Simulation results are provided for each reporting time step (1 hour maximum; 6 minutes minimum).
Results are reported separately for each plant equipment category and fuel/energy type. Coil
psychrometrics can be assessed for each time step. Thermal, moisture, and air flow results for each
airside node can be queried for individual time steps. Energy used by room units at each time step is
accounted for and reported separately from airside HVAC heating and cooling components.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 15
2 Plant Equipment and Water Loops
Section 2 covers the following rather broad range of models for various plant equipment and water loops:
• Generic Heat Sources
• Hot Water Loop and Heating Equipment Sequencing
• Part Load Curve Heating Plant
• Hot Water Boilers
• Air-source heat pumps
• Heat Transfer Loops
• Water-to-air Heat Pumps
• Generic Cooling Sources
• Chilled Water Loops, Pre-Cooling, Heat Rejection, and Chiller Sequencing
• Part Load Curve Chillers
• Electric Water-cooled Chillers
• Electric Air-cooled Chillers
• Dedicated Waterside Economizers
• DX Cooling
• Unitary Cooling Systems
Figure 2-1: All of the equipment and water loops listed above are treated separately from the airside
HVAC network. All can be accessed, configured, and edited, via dialogs. Water loops and equipment on
those loops will also be displayed and accessed via a graphic waterside interface as of VE 2012 Feature
Pack 2, as in the chilled water loop editing dialog above.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 16
2.1 Heat Sources
ApacheHVAC offers three principal types of heat sources:
• Hot water loop with various connected and sequenced heating equipment
• Generic part-load data heat sources
• Air-to-air heat pumps
The Heat sources dialog provides for defining the first two of these. Air-to-air heat pump types are
separately defined.
Hot water loops are used to configure, sequence, and model heat sources involving hot water. A hot
water loop has a heating equipment set comprising any number (up to 99) of pieces of equipment. The
hot-water heating equipment may be of different types (hot water boiler, part load curve heating plant)
and can be sequenced according to a user-specified sequencing scheme.
Generic heat sources are used to model heating equipment that either does not involve hot water or for
which the water loop modeling will be simplified. Examples include generic boilers, electrical resistance
heat, furnaces, steam sources, water- or ground-source heat pumps with fixed thermal lift, or other non-
conventional types of heating plant. A generic heat source is associated with a part load curve heating
plant, without equipment sequencing.
Both Hot water loops and Generic heat sources can serve domestic hot water loads (passed to
ApacheHVAC from ApacheThermal). Both also have options for incorporating recovered condenser heat
from chiller sets, air-to-water or air-source heat pumps, and combined heat & power systems (separately
defined in ApacheThermal). When associated with Generic heat source, these simply address the load
ahead of the primary heat source. In the case of hot water loops, these provide pre-heating as specifically
located on the hot-water return pipe. Hot water loops also have the option for pre-heating with a solar
hot-water system defined in ApacheHVAC.
Except in the case of Air-to-air heat pumps (described elsewhere in this User Guide), components that
present a heating load, such as heating coils and radiators, are assigned a heat source rather than an
individual piece of heating plant equipment. Individual pieces of heating and pre-heating plant equipment
coupled to or sequenced as part of a Heat source are separately defined—i.e., they are not defined as
types. Each item of heating plant is defined in the context of a heat source (generic or hot-water loop).
Thus no individual item of heating plant equipment is permitted to serve or be an element of more than
one heat source. Heating plant equipment can, however, be duplicated using the Copy button within a
heating equipment set (in a hot water loop). An Import facility is provided for copying a defined heating
plant items from one heat source to another (for both hot water loops and generic heat sources).
Heat sources described in this section are accessed through the Heat sources toolbar button below.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 17
Double clicking on an existing heat source (or clicking the Edit button after selection) opens the
corresponding heat source dialog (either a Generic heat source dialog as shown in Figure 2-3 or a Hot
water loop dialog as shown in Figure 2-8) for editing equipment, configurations, options, operational
settings, sequencing, and other parameters.
Figure 2-2: Heat sources list for accessing and managing Hot water loops and Generic heat sources.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 18
Generic heat sources can operate as or in conjunction with an air-source heat pump as follows:
1) Air-source heat pump (ASHP) as either the primary heat source with the Heating equipment used
to model electric backup or as pre-heating for some other device modeled within the Heating
equipment part of the dialog. This is done by ticking the Air-source heat pump checkbox in the
GHS dialog and specifying the associated parameters on the corresponding tab.
2) Air-to-air heat pump as a backup for an (AAHP) by setting up the ASHP in the GHS dialog as above
and then selecting this GHS heat source in the AAHP dialog.
Generic heat sources can also be used to meet remaining load after the heat available from a combined-
heat & power (CHP) system or condenser heat recovery (CHR, from the part load curve chiller or from the
condenser water loop) has been consumed.
The heating load collectively presented by the radiators, heating coils, etc. assigned to a particular generic
heat source is summed at each time step to set the required instantaneous output from the heat source.
An allowance is made for any pipe-work distribution losses (these loses do not accrue to the building
interior, and thus this is most appropriately used for modeling losses to unconditioned spaces or similar).
Heat available from any optional pre-heating devices (CHR, ASHP, and CHP) on the generic heat source is
first in line to meet the load. The pre-heating devices have a set sequence: 1st CHR, 2nd ASHP, and 3rd CHP.
The part load curve heating plant associated with that generic heat source is then used to cover the load
remaining after the pre-heating capacity has been consumed. Thus the loading sequence on a generic
heat source is (assuming all possible pre-heating devices are present): CHRASHPCHPPart load curve
heating plant. Absent pre-heating devices will be skipped from the loading sequence.
Note: If the load on a generic heat source is greater than its capacity (whether the capacity of just the
part-load curve heating plant or that combined with capacity from various pre-heating devices), the GHS
will supply the additional heat with the energy efficiency remaining at the value associated with the
maximum design capacity of the last heat source in the sequence above. In other words, a shortage of
capacity on a generic heat source does not feed back to the components it serves. If loads (heating coils,
radiators, etc.) on a generic heat source exceed its design capacity, the demand will still be met. The
source will be performing above its design capacity at constant efficiency. The total capacity of a generic
heat source is therefore constrained only by the design capacity of the connected heating coils, radiators,
etc. This differs from hot water loops wherein deficiencies in capacity do feed back to the loads they serve
as a reduction in hot-water supply temperature.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 19
2.2.1 Generic heat source dialog
Figure 2-3: Generic heat source (GHS) editing dialog showing illustrative inputs for a model combining an
autosizable air-source heat pump as the primary heat source for both space-conditioning and domestic
hot water (DHW), heat recovery, and an electric resistance back-up heat source.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 20
2.2.2 Heating equipment
The Heating equipment Reference displays the name of the associated part load curve heating plant.
The Part load curve heating plant component of a generic heat source can be defined in two ways:
1) Clicking Edit just to the right of this field and specifying parameters and performance data in the
part load curve heating plant dialog;
2) Clicking the Import button to the right of this field and selecting part load curve heating
equipment to copy from another heat source or water loop. The Import facility list existing heat
sources, each of which can be expanded in the tree to show associated heating equipment that
can be selected for importing. A copy of the selected heating equipment is added to the currently
open Generic heat source and its reference name displayed in the Heating equipment textbox.
Note that only Part load curve heating equipment can be imported to a Generic heat source.
The selected Heating equipment is, of course, also editable via the Part load curve heating plant dialog
that is opened via the Edit button to the right of this field.
Figure 2-4: An illustrative Part load curve heating plant dialog. Parameters and inputs for this dialog are
explained in section 2.5, following the Hot Water Loop and Heating Equipment Sequencing section.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 21 Distribution Losses
Enter the losses due to heat distribution as a percentage of heating load. For example, if distribution
losses are entered as 5% and the heat source is connected to 10 radiators presenting a total design
heating load of 20kW, the distribution loss of 0.05 × 20 kW (1kW) is added to radiator heat demand to
give a fuel consumption of 21 kW × the heating plant efficiency at the design load. The losses, however,
do not accrue to zones in the building; they are assumed to be losses to outdoor or unconditioned spaces.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 22
realistic than a dynamic limit, such that users can avoid recovering more heat with the WWHP
than would be possible (or desirable) in practice. Without this constraint the WWHP could
entirely displace the boilers on a HWL, which might not be what the user intends or expects.
Heat recovery sources and recipients
All heat recovery data are now displayed, edited, and stored on the recipient side (Figure 2-5, below).
Heat recovery sources can be either a part-load-curve “chiller” model (which may represent something
other than a water-cooled chiller) or a condenser water loop serving one or more electric water-cooled
chillers. Future versions will expand on the range of possible sources, for example, allowing the heat-
transfer loop to be selected as a source. Heat recovery recipients can be a generic heat source, a hot
water loop, or a heat transfer loop.
When Percentage of heat rejection model is used (the only options available with the Generic heat source
as recipient), there can be multiple heat recovery sources linked to one recipient. This is among the
reasons that the sources are now specified in the recipient dialog. Source types can be any combination
of condenser water loops and/or part-load curve chiller models. Each heat recovery source can be linked
to just one heat recipient.
The heat recovery recipient is displayed on the source side (Heat recovery sub-tab within the Heat
Rejection tab of the Chilled water loop dialog and in the Part-load curve chiller model dialog) for user’s
information only.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 23
Figure 2-5: Heat Recovery tab within the Generic Heat Source dialog (top) with water-to-water heat pump
and illustrative selection of heat recovery sources, percentage availability/effectiveness, capacity relative
to source loop, and WWHP COP for each source. Also shown (below GHS dialog), the Condenser heat
recovery recipient designation is displayed within the Heat rejection tab of the Chilled water loop dialog.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 24 Heat recovery checkbox and tab
Tick this checkbox to specify Heat recovery as a heat source on the generic heat source (GHS). Ticking or
un-ticking this checkbox will enable or disable the associated Heat recovery sub-tab below.
When the Heat recovery sub-tab is active, you will be able to specify multiple heat recovery sources in a
source table, together with other parameters required by the Percentage of heat rejection model. (Note
that the only heat recovery model available here is the Percentage of heat rejection model, as there is no
explicit modeling of loop water temperatures in the case of a Generic heat source.)
For each row in the heat recovery source table, the following column fields are displayed:
• Source type —condenser water loop or part-load chiller model
• Source —a particular loop or part-load chiller model
• Max. heat recovery with HX (%) —i.e., as percentage of source loop load
• Heat pump capacity (%) —i.e, as percentage of source loop capacity
• Heat pump COP —fixed in the case of the simple Percentage of heat rejection model
• Heat pump fuel —energy source type
A heat recovery source can be added or removed using the Add or Delete button below the source table.
Double clicking any active cell within the source table provides editing access to that specific cell. Source
Choose the particular heat recovery source of the selected type by double-clicking the cell in this column
and picking the source name from those available. Heat recovery sources previously assigned to other
recipients will not be shown on this list.
Sources that will be available in the dropdown list:
• If the selected Source type is Condenser water loop, the drop-down will list all available chilled
water loop names in the system file. The defined chilled water loop must have a condenser water
loop (the Condenser water loop checkbox in its Heat rejection tab is ticked), which has not been
specified as one of the heat recovery sources of any other heat recovery recipient.
• If the selected Source type is Part-load chiller, the drop-down will list all available Part-load chiller
names in the system file. Available Part-load chiller models will include all those defined in the
system file that have not been specified as a heat recovery sources for any other recipient.
For each source, the associated recipient will be displayed (for information only) in the corresponding
source dialog. For example, when a particular Condenser water loop is specified as a source, the Heat
recovery sub-tab within the Heat rejection tab of a Chilled water loop dialog will list the recipient.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 25 Max. heat recovery with HX (%)
This column of the source table allows setting the percentage of the source heat rejection that is subject
to heat recovery using a heat exchanger or water-source heat pump.
For the Percentage of heat rejection model, the amount of heat recovered at any given time is given by:
(Ql + Qc ) × p
Heat Recovered =
Ql is the load on the cooling equipment (the load on one or more electric water-cooled chillers in a
chiller set, if the heat recovery source is a condenser water loop; the load on the named part-load
curve chiller, if the source is set to Part-load chiller).
Qc is the compressor power for the chiller(s).
p is heat recovery percentage—equivalent to a fixed heat exchanger effectiveness.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 26
2.2.4 Air-source heat pump
An Air-source heat pump (ASHP) can be included as a component of the Generic heat source. This can b e
used to model an ASHP as the primary heat source for both space heating and domestic hot water when
the backup heat source is intentionally sized smaller than the peak load. This is in contrast to the
modeling of an ASHP on a HW loop, wherein the HW loop flow rate is determined by the total capacity of
boilers and/or other part-load curve equipment in the Heating equipment set. The ASHP in the Generic
Heat sources dialog has otherwise been implemented to cover heat pumps in legacy systems from older
versions of ApacheHVAC. It can be used to model either an air-to-water heat pump (as can be modeled
for pre-heating on a Hot water loop) or an air-to-air heat pump (AAHP). However, the latter is normally
done via the separate AAHP Types dialog, wherein types are defined and a new instance of each type is
created for each heating coil assigned (AAHPs normally have a one-to-one relationship with the heating
coil they serve). When present, the Air-source heat pump will be the first in line after condenser heat
recovery (when active) to meet assigned loads.
The following loading sequence is pre-set for all Generic heat sources: CHRASHPCHPPart load
curve Heating equipment.
The air-source heat pump option within the Generic Heat Source dialog is activated by a tick box and is
accessed via a tab in the lower part of the dialog.
Figure 2-6: Generic heat source dialog (shown with the Air-source heat pump sub-tab selected).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 27 Air-source heat pump
Tick this checkbox to specify an air-source heat pump as part the Genetic heat source. The input
parameters for Air-source heat pumps are described in section 2.7. These parameters are accessed for
editing by clicking the Edit button in then Air-source heat pump tab.
Figure 2-7: Air-source heat pump dialog with illustrative inputs (described in section 2.7).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 28 Percent of autosized heat source capacity (%)
During a system sizing run, if the Autosize air-source heat pump? checkbox (see above) is ticked, the sized
Generic heat source capacity will be multiplied by the value in this field to set the Air-source heat pump
capacity. The resultant maximum heat pump capacity value will then be used to update the part-load
capacity (output) values in the Air-source heat pump dialog: The autosizing will reset the value in the
bottom row and proportionally adjust all other values to maintain their relationships as load fractions.
Once the generic heat source has been sized, edits made in this field will dynamically update the capacity
of the Air-source heat pump, adjusting of all part-load Output values in the associated heat pump dialog
to maintain their proportional relationships to the value in the bottom row.
The autosized capacity fraction assigned to the Air-source heat pump is not subtracted from the overall
Generic heat source capacity. In other words, the sizing of the Air-source heat pump size does not alter
the size of the Part load curve Heating equipment component of the Generic heat source.`
Figure 2-8: Generic heat source dialog (shown with the CHP sub-tab selected).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 29 Combined heat and power (CHP)
Tick this box to indicate that loads served by this heat source will be met by available heat from a
Combined heat & power (CHP) system prior to engaging the part-load curve Heating equipment. When
present, heat available from CHP will be used to cover the load imposed on the generic heat source
according to the following loading sequence: CHRASHPCHPPart load curve Heating equipment. A
CHP system is defined within the CHP section of the Renewables dialog in the Apache Thermal view.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 30
2.3 Hot Water Loop and Heating Equipment Sequencing
A hot water loop is associated with a sequenced Heating equipment set comprising any number of heating
devices, and a number of optional Pre-heating devices or sources with a pre-set sequence and specific
locations on the primary and secondary (if used) hot-water loop returns. The Heating equipment set can
include any combination of two different heating equipment types:
• Hot water boiler: uses editable pre-defined curves and other standard inputs, such as
efficiency at rated condition, supply temperature, flow rate, and parasitic loads
• Part load curve heating plant: flexible generic inputs entered in a matrix of load-dependent
efficiency and parasitic power—i.e., a data grid with efficiency and pump/parasitic power set
relative to maximum and part-load values; can represent any device used to heat water
The Hot water loop (HWL) heat source can provide heat to any components that present a heating load,
with the exception of steam humidifiers, which can be served only by a Generic heat source. Components
that can be served by a Hot water loop range from heating coils (both simple and advanced type),
radiators, radiant panels, and baseboard heaters to absorption chillers (via Part load curve chiller dialog).
Hot water loops can also be designated to serve domestic hot water (DHW) loads from Apache Systems
(DHW loads, tanks, associated losses, and DHW-specific solar HW systems are modeled in Apache
Systems; resulting/remaining loads are then passed to ApacheHVAC). To designate a GHS to serve DHW
loads, tick the ‘Is DHW served by ApacheHVAC boiler?’ box in the Hot water tab in the Apache Systems
dialog, then, in ApacheHVAC, check the ‘Use this heat source for DHW?’ checkbox in the HWL dialog.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 31
Presently (as of VE, the adjusted hot water supply temperature affects only certain types of
components. Advanced heating coils respond to the adjusted supply temperature by reducing the amount
of heat they are able to deliver. Radiators (including radiant panels and baseboard heaters) and zone-level
hydronic heating loops are next in line to have this capability. Simple heating coils, and radiators in the
current version, do not respond to the adjusted temperature. Their heat output is dictated by autosizing
and user inputs within the component dialogs and the conditions on the air-side system or in the building
spaces where they reside. Likewise, loads on a Hot water loop associated with domestic hot water and
absorption chillers are insensitive to the hot water loop supply water temperature. For the time being,
these loads must be constrained on the demand side in order to prevent the Heating equipment set on
the hot water loop meeting an overcapacity load condition.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 32
heater inlet sees the lowest temperature available in the case of a space heating loop. On the primary
loop, heat sources modeled in parallel to each other, and thus each of these sees the primary loop return
temperature at its inlet. These are, however, engaged sequentially to raise the hot water return
temperature to the hot water supply temperature set point. These heat sources can include: CHR
(Condenser heat recovery), AWHP (Air-to-water heat pumps), CHP (Combined heat and power), PLE (Part
load curve heating equipment), and HWB (Hot water boilers).
When Primary only is selected as the Hot water loop configuration, this effectively removes the constant-
speed primary loop pump and common pipe from the diagram below.
CHR water
Secondary pump
CHP Tldb
Common pipe
Advanced coil
Simple coil
HWB 2 Tedb
Primary pump ge
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 33
2.3.2 Hot water loop dialog
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 34
Figure 2-10: Hot water loop dialog (shown with the Hot water loop tab selected)
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 35 Distribution Losses
Enter the hot water loop distribution losses—i.e., the loss due to distribution of heating from the heating
plant to point of use—as a percentage of heating demand. The loss entered here does not accrue to the
conditioned spaces within the building. Rather, this heat is assumed to be lost to the outdoor to the
outdoor environment.
Warning Limits (%) 0.0 to 20.0
Error Limits (%) 0.0 to 75.0
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 36 Outdoor Dry-bulb Temperature Low Limit
When hot water supply temperature reset type is selected as Outdoor air temperature reset, enter the
outdoor dry-bulb temperature low limit to be used by the reset. Primary Circuit Hot Water Specific Pump Power at Rated Speed
Enter the primary circuit hot water specific pump power at rated speed, expressed in W/(l/s) in SI units
(or W/gpm in IP units).
If the ‘loop configuration’ is selected as Primary-only:
Primary circuit hot water pump power will be calculated on the basis of variable flow, subject to the
constraint that the pump will start cycling below the minimum flow rate it permits. The operating
pump power will be based on its design pump power modified by the pump power curve. Its design
pump power is calculated as the specific pump power multiplied by the design hot water flow rate.
The default value for the specific pump power in this case is the total hot water specific pump power
(19 W/gpm) as specified in ASHRAE 90.1 G3.1.3.5.
The required variable flow featured in the pump power curve is calculated as the summation of
required flow from all components (heating coils, radiators, etc.) served by the hot water loop, subject
to the minimum flow the pump permits. Required hot water flow rates for simple heating coils,
radiators, absorption chillers, and DHW loads vary in proportion to their heating loads. Required hot
water flow rate for advanced heating coils are determined by the detailed heat transfer calculation of
the advanced heating coil model.
If the ‘loop configuration’ is selected as Primary-Secondary:
Primary circuit hot water pump power will be calculated on the basis of constant flow (when it
operates). The model will be based on a specific pump power parameter, with a default value of 3.8
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 37
W/gpm. The default value is based on the total hot water specific pump power (19 W/gpm) as
specified in ASHRAE 90.1 G3.1.3.5 and assuming a 20:80 split between the primary and secondary
The primary circuit hot water loop flow rate will be calculated from the design heating capacity (Qdes)
and the design hot water temperature change (∆Tbdes) of the hot water loop. Primary Circuit Hot Water Pump Heat Gain to Hot Water Loop (fraction)
Enter the primary circuit hot water pump heat gain to hot water loop, which is the fraction of the motor
power that ends up in the hot water. Its value is multiplied by the primary circuit hot water pump power
to get the primary circuit hot water pump heat gain, which is deducted from the heating load of the hot
water loop.
The primary circuit hot water pump power curve fPv(v) is a cubic function of
v = V/Ve
V = pump volumetric flow rate.
Ve = design pump volumetric flow rate.
2 3
fPv(v) = (C0 + C1 v + C2 v + C3 v ) / Cnorm
C0, C1, C2 and C3 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fPv(1) = 1
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 38
The primary circuit hot water pump power curve is evaluated for each iteration of the hot water loop, for
each time step during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the design primary hot water pump
power to get the operating primary pump power of the current time step, for the current fraction of
pump volumetric flow rate. The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the operating pump volumetric
flow rate equals rated pump volumetric flow rate (v = 1.0).
Figure 2-11: Edit dialog for the primary circuit hot water pump power curve (values for constant-speed
pump are shown) Secondary Circuit Hot Water Specific Pump Power at Rated Speed
This field is only active when the ‘loop configuration’ is selected as Primary-Secondary.
If this field is active:
Enter the secondary circuit hot water specific pump power at rated speed, expressed in W/(l/s) in SI units
(or W/gpm in IP units). The default value (15.2 W/gpm) is based on the total hot water specific pump
power (19 W/gpm) as specified in ASHRAE 90.1 G3.1.3.5 and assuming a 20:80 split between the primary
and secondary circuits.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 39
Secondary circuit hot water pump power will be calculated on the basis of variable flow, subject to the
constraint that the pump will start cycling below the minimum flow rate it permits. The operating pump
power will be based on its design pump power modified by the pump power curve.
Its design pump power is calculated as the specific pump power multiplied by the design hot water flow
rate. The design secondary circuit hot water loop flow rate is assumed equal to the design primary circuit
hot water loop flow rate, which is calculated from the design heating capacity (Qdes) and the design hot
water temperature change ∆Tbdes.
The required variable flow featured in the pump power curve is calculated as the summation of required
flow from all components (heating coils, radiators, etc.) served by the hot water loop, subject to the
minimum flow the pump permits. Required hot water flow rates for simple heating coils, radiators,
absorption chillers, and DHW loads vary in proportion to their heating loads. Required hot water flow rate
for advanced heating coils are determined by the detailed heat transfer calculation of the advanced
heating coil model. Secondary Circuit Hot Water Pump Heat Gain to Hot Water Loop (fraction)
This field is only active when the ‘loop configuration’ is selected as Primary-Secondary.
If this field is active:
Enter the secondary circuit hot water pump heat gain to hot water loop, which is the fraction of the
motor power that ends up in the hot water. Its value is multiplied by the secondary circuit hot water
pump power to get the secondary circuit hot water pump heat gain, which is deducted from the heating
load of the hot water loop.
V = pump volumetric flow rate.
Ve = design pump volumetric flow rate.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 40
2 3
fPv(v) = (C0 + C1 v + C2 v + C3 v ) / Cnorm
C0, C1, C2 and C3 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fPv(1) = 1
The secondary circuit hot water pump power curve is evaluated for each iteration of the hot water loop,
for each time step during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the design secondary hot water
pump power to get the operating secondary pump power of the current time step, for the current
fraction of pump volumetric flow rate. The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the operating pump
volumetric flow rate equals rated pump volumetric flow rate (v = 1.0).
Figure 2-12: Edit dialog for the secondary circuit hot water pump power curve (values for constant-speed
pump are shown)
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 41
2.3.4 Pre-heating tab
The Pre-heating tab (Figure 2-11 below) manages information used for possible pre-heating devices
(SWH, CHR, AWHP, CHP) on the hot water loop.
Figure 2-13: Pre-heating tab on Hot water loop dialog showing all possible pre-heating options. These are
accessed and edited via the tabs at the bottom of the dialog, which include Edit buttons to open nested
dialogs for the Solar water heater and Air-to-water heat pump models.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 42
2.3.5 Solar water heater
Solar water heater can be used as a pre-heating device on a hot water loop. When present, the solar
water heater will be the first-loaded device to cover the load imposed on the hot water loop. Solar water
heater on a hot water loop functions just like the solar water heater available for DHW heating in an
Apache System (see Apache Thermal User Guide); however, the relationship to the hot water loop should
be understood, as this is not present in Apache Thermal.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 43
Figure 2-15: Solar water heater on hot water loop (HWL) with domestic hot water (DHW) in ApacheHVAC.
Return water from the HWL enters the storage tank at left. The mixing valve at point “C” provides the set
HW supply temperature to the extent feasible with the solar heated water exiting the storage tank at “B.”
When the HWL is assigned to be the source of heat for domestic hot water (DHW), a heat exchanger is
added in parallel with other loads (coils, etc.) on the HWL.
In contrast to the Apache Thermal version of the solar water heater wherein cold water from the mains is
fed the storage tank directly, without a bypass or mixing valve, and the tank temperature is constrained
to the set supply temperature, in ApacheHVAC the solar water heater model allows for the solar panel to
continue adding heat to the tank until it can no longer do so because there is no useful delta-T or the tank
reaches the fixed upper limit of 95°C—a temperature that the panel will not likely ever achieve.
Therefore, the temperature at point ‘B’ can actually be much hotter than the HWL, especially if the HWL
is being used for relatively low temperature system, such as heated floors. The bypass/mixing valve
determines the supply temperature downstream of the tank at point “C”.
The HWL solar heat input results variable is taken at point “A.” This heat input from the solar panel to the
solar storage tank can be affected by several factors, including: solar radiation; solar panel efficiency;
storage tank capacity, temperature, and thermal losses; HWL secondary return temperature, the target
HWL supply temperature, and variability of loop loads. Point “C” corresponds to the results variable
ApHVAC total HWL solar heat input, which indicates the heat that was added to the HWL from the solar
water heater.
In ApacheHVAC, a HWL with or without the solar water heater may be used for heating DHW, but this
aspect of the right side of the diagram is fully optional, as with any other load on the loop. While the
DHW-coupled Solar HW configuration in the Apache Thermal view is more common for residential
applications, commercial applications often have very little DHW demand, and thus tend more often to
use the solar hot water for space heating. Hybrid systems are also feasible.
The presence of Solar Hot Water equipment on the HWL return in ApacheHVAC does not negate the use
of the separate Solar HW module in Apache Thermal view. And, the two can be combined, such that the
Solar HW model in Apache Thermal view is first in line to meet DHW load, thus take advantage of the
greater delta-T between main water supply and the solar HW loop for improved solar HW efficiency. Any
remaining load is then passed on to the HWL in ApacheHVAC by ticking the box after “Is DHW served by
ApacheHVAC boiler?” in the Apache Systems dialog.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 44 Use solar water heater?
Tick this checkbox to specify a solar water heater as a pre-heating device on the hot water loop.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 45
• Explicit heat transfer:
This option models the heat transfer between the heat recovery source and recipient loops using
an explicit water-to-water heat exchanger, which modulates the heat exchanger effectiveness for
off-design temperature differences across the heat exchanger. Users enter an effectiveness value
for the design condition—i.e., when the source loop (leaving the condenser) and recipient loop
(return from loads) are at their design temperatures. Based on this single data point, the model
determines effectiveness for all other loop temperature combinations during simulation.
• Variable-COP water-source heat pump model
In the explicit heat transfer model, the water-to-water heat pump (WWHP) used to upgrade
recovered heat modulates COP in response to the temperature difference or “thermal lift”
between the heat recovery source loop and the heat recovery recipient loop at each
simulation time step. This relatively simple model uses linear interpolation to vary the COP
between two user-input COP values corresponding to two heat pump operation points (low &
high thermal lift). The Explicit heat transfer model can be used only when there is an explicit
modeling of the loop water temperatures on the heat recovery source and recipient sides.
Capacity for the Heat Recovery WWHP is now limited to a user-specified percentage of the heat recovery
source capacity, whereas in pre-v6.5 versions WWHP capacity was a percentage of the instantaneous
load on the source. This revised limit has been introduced in both of the WWHP models described above
in order to provide a more realistic basis for the capacity. This avoids recovering more heat with the
WWHP than would be possible (or desirable) in practice. Without this constraint the WWHP could entirely
displace the boilers on a HWL, which might not be what the user intends or expects.
Heat recovery sources and recipients
All heat recovery data are now displayed, edited, and stored on the recipient side (Figure 2-16 and Figure
2-17, below).
Heat recovery sources can be either a part-load-curve “chiller” model (which may represent something
other than a water-cooled chiller) or a condenser water loop serving one or more electric water-cooled
chillers. Future versions will expand on the range of possible sources, for example, allowing the heat-
transfer loop to be selected as a source. Heat recovery recipients can be a generic heat source, a hot
water loop, or a heat transfer loop.
When the Percentage of heat rejection model is used, there can be multiple heat recovery sources linked
to one recipient. This is among the reasons that the sources are now specified in the recipient dialog.
Source types can be any combination of condenser water loops and/or part-load curve chiller models.
Each heat recovery source can be linked to just one heat recipient.
When the Explicit heat transfer model is used, there can be only one heat recovery source linked to a
given recipient loop, and the source type is limited to condenser water loops.
The heat recovery recipient is displayed on the source side (Heat recovery sub-tab within the Heat
Rejection tab of the Chilled water loop dialog and in the Part-load curve chiller model dialog) for user’s
information only. Each heat recovery source can be linked to only one heat recovery recipient.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 46
Figure 2-16: Heat Recovery tab within the Hot water loop dialog (top) using the Percentage of heat
rejection model with water-to-water heat pump and illustrative inputs for source, percentage heat
recovery, and WWHP performance. Also shown (below the Hot water loop dialog), the Condenser heat
recovery recipient designation is displayed within the Heat rejection tab of the Chilled water loop dialog.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 47
Figure 2-17: Heat Recovery tab within the Hot water loop dialog (top) using the Explicit heat transfer
model with water-to-water heat pump and illustrative inputs for source, heat exchanger effectiveness,
and WWHP performance. Also shown (below the Hot water loop dialog), the Condenser heat recovery
recipient designation is displayed within the Heat rejection tab of the Chilled water loop dialog.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 48 Heat recovery checkbox
Tick this checkbox to specify Heat recovery as a heat source on the hot water loop. Ticking or un-ticking
this checkbox will enable or disable the associated Heat Recovery sub-tab below. Source
Choose the heat recovery source name for a particular source.
For the Percentage of heat rejection model, Source is listed in the second column of the source table.
Double clicking a cell in this column allows you to choose the source from a drop-down list of available
sources currently defined in the HVAC system file.
For the Explicit heat transfer model, use the Source drop-down list on the right hand side of the dialog to
select from available sources currently defined in the HVAC system file.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 49
Note that for both heat recovery models, only current available sources defined in the HVAC file will be
included in the drop-down list:
• If the selected Source type is Condenser water loop, ‘available’ means the listed chilled water
loop has a condenser water loop (Condenser water loop box on Heat rejection tab is ticked) and
has not been specified as a heat recovery source for any other heat recovery recipient.
• If the selected Source type is Part-load chiller, ‘available’ means the defined part-load chiller has
not been specified a heat recovery source for any other heat recovery recipient.
On switching the model option from Percentage of heat rejection to Explicit heat transfer, no more than
one source will remain active and displayed (and this should not be a part load curve chiller). If there are
multiple sources specified prior to the switch and these include more than one valid source for the
Explicit heat transfer option, then the first valid source for the Explicit heat transfer option will remain;
other specified sources will be removed. If prior to the switch, there are only part load curve chillers
specified as sources, then upon switching the Source drop-down list will be set to <None>.
For a specified heat recovery source, its recipient will be displayed in the corresponding source dialog for
information only.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 50
For the Percentage of heat rejection model, double clicking a cell in the heat pump capacity column of the
source table allows you to edit its value.
For the Explicit heat transfer model, heat pump capacity is edited in the field labeled Heat pump capacity
as percentage of source loop capacity.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 51
2.3.7 Air-to-water heat pump
An Air-to-water heat pump (AWHP) can be used as a pre-heating device on the hot water loop. When
present, the Air-to-water heat pump will be the first in line to meet assigned loads. The following loading
sequence is pre-set for all Hot water loops: SWH CHR AWHP CHP Heating equipment set.
Figure 2-18: Pre-heating tab on Hot water loop dialog with the Air-to-water heat pump sub-tab selected.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 52 Air-to-water heat pump reference
This displays the reference name of the Air-to-water heat pump associated with this hot water loop. It is
not editable directly in the HWL dialog and should be edited in the Air-to-water heat pump dialog, which
is opened by clicking the Edit button to the right of this field.
The Edit button opens the Air-to-water heat pump dialog.
Figure 2-19: Air-to-water heat pump dialog with illustrative inputs (described in section 2.7.2).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 53
Once the hot water loop has been sized, edits made in this field will lead to automatic dynamic updating
of the heat pump capacity and adjusting of all other data lines in the associated heat pump dialog, based
on the hot water loop capacity.
Note that the capacity fraction assigned to the heat pump is not subtracted from the hot water loop
capacity. In other words, the Air-to-water heat pump size will not influence the Hot water loop sizing.
Figure 2-20: Pre-heating tab on Hot water loop dialog with the CHP sub-tab selected.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 54 CHP sequence ranking
CHP sequence ranking determines the sequence in which heat available from CHP is used to cover heating
loads imposed on the specified heat sources. Heat sources (Generic, Hot water loop, or Heat transfer
loop) with lower values of this parameter will receive available heat from CHP before those with higher
values. If two ApacheHVAC heat sources have the same sequence ranking in this field, they will
simultaneously receive available heat from the CHP system defined in Apache Thermal until either the
loads are met or the CHP resource is fully utilized.
Figure 2-21: Heating equipment set tab on Hot water loop dialog with illustrative boiler sequencing
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 55
A heating equipment sequencing table is provided to set the order in which heating equipment are turned
on within any particular load range and to set the relative weighting of autosized capacities. Tick boxes
are provided to activate up to 5 load ranges for sequencing and the cells with white background can be
edited by double clicking. The cells containing heating equipment names in the heating equipment list
column provide access to editing individual heating equipment.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 56
Note: If the load on a Hot water loop exceeds the combined capacity of Pre-heating devices and Heating
equipment set, the Hot water loop will, for just one simulation time step (e.g., 6 minutes) supply the
additional energy required, with efficiency remaining at the value associated with full capacity. However,
at the very next simulation time step, any deficiency in overall Hot water loop capacity will result in a
reduction of the hot water supply temperature, thus providing feedback to the components served by the
loop. In other words, heat sources on a Hot water loop will always attempt to achieve the target supply
water temperature. If the target supply water temperature cannot be reached, the components served
must attempt to meet heating loads with cooler water. This differs from Generic heat sources, in which
case capacity shortages do not feed back to the components served.
Presently (as of VE, the adjusted hot water supply temperature affects only certain types of
components. Advanced heating coils respond to the adjusted supply temperature by reducing the amount
of heat they are able to deliver. Radiators (including radiant panels and baseboard heaters) and zone-level
hydronic heating loops are next in line to have this capability. Simple heating coils, and radiators in the
current version, do not respond to the adjusted temperature. Their heat output is dictated by autosizing
and user inputs within the component dialogs and the conditions on the air-side system or in the building
spaces where they reside. Likewise, loads on a Hot water loop associated with domestic hot water and
absorption chillers are insensitive to the hot water loop supply water temperature. For the time being,
these loads must be constrained on the demand side in order to prevent the Heating equipment set on
the hot water loop meeting an overcapacity load condition.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 57
2.4 Part Load Curve Heating Plant
The part load curve heating plant model can be used by both generic heat source and hot water loop.
However, note that since heating plants are treated as instances, not types, each (instance of) heating
plant is defined in the context of a heat source. Thus no heating plant is permitted to serve more than one
heat source. Heating plants can be duplicated using the Copy button within a heating equipment set (in a
hot water loop) and an “Import” facility (both in a hot water loop and in a generic heat source) is provided
for copying a defined heating plant from one heat source to another.
Also note that if the load on a part load curve heating plant is greater than the maximum load specified in
the heating plant definition, it will supply the additional energy but the efficiency will remain at the value
entered for full load.
Figure 2-22: Part load curve heating plant editing dialog showing illustrative inputs
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 58 Heating plant reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. Fuel
Select the fuel, type of energy source, or energy end-use category for the part load curve heating plant.
For scratch-built systems, this will normally be either Natural Gas or Electricity and for pre-defined
systems this is, depending upon the equipment type, set to Heating (fossil fuel) or Heating (electricity),
which are energy end-use designations for the ASHRAE 90.1 Performance Rating Method reports (see
section 8: Pre-Defined Prototype HVAC Systems and the separate user guide for the PRM Navigator). Load
Enter up to ten load values to define the part-load efficiency characteristic.
Important: The part-load values must be entered in increasing (ascending) order from top to bottom. If
entered in the reverse order, only the first value with be used. Efficiency
Enter an efficiency value for each part-load value. Linear interpolation is applied between the defined
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 59
2.5 Hot Water Boilers
The hot water boiler model can only be used by a hot water loop. Since heating plants are treated as
instances, not types, each (instance of) heating plant is defined in the context of a heat source. Thus no
hot water boiler is permitted to serve more than one hot water loop. Hot water boilers can be duplicated
using the Copy button within the Heating equipment set in a hot water loop. An “Import” facility (in the
heating equipment set tab of a hot water loop dialog) is provided for copying a defined hot water boiler
from one hot water loop to another.
The model uses default or user-defined boiler performance characteristics at rated conditions along with
the boiler efficiency curve to determine boiler performance at design and off-rated conditions, as
specified and simulated, respectively.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 60 Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. Fuel
Select the fuel, type of energy source, or energy end-use category for the hot water boiler. For scratch-
built systems, this will normally be either Natural Gas and for pre-defined systems this is set to Heating
(fossil fuel), which is an end-use designations for the ASHRAE 90.1 Performance Rating Method reports
(see section 8: Pre-Defined Prototype HVAC Systems and the separate user guide for the PRM Navigator).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 61 Boiler Efficiency Curve, fEpt(p,Tlbt)
The boiler efficiency curve currently selected. Use the Select button to select the appropriate curve from
the system database.
Pre-defined efficiency curves
• Non-condensing boiler
• Condensing boiler
• Circa 1975 high temp boiler
• Circa 1983 mid temp boiler
• Newer low-temp boiler
The first, second, and last of the pre-defined efficiency curves above are the most likely to be applicable
for modern hot-water boilers. Keep in mind that these curves describe performance via the “shape” of
the curve, whereas the user input for Efficiency at the rated condition shifts the entire curve up or down.
Use the Edit button to edit the curve parameters if needed. The Edit button will pop up a dialog displaying
the formula and parameters of the curve, allowing the curve parameters to be edited. You are allowed to
edit the curve coefficients, in addition to the applicable ranges of the curve independent variables. When
editing the curve parameters, it is important that you understand the meaning of the curve and its usage
in the model algorithm.
Also be careful that the edited curve has reasonable applicable ranges for the independent variables. A
performance curve is only valid within its applicable ranges. In the case the independent variables are out
of the applicable ranges you set, the variable limits (maximum or minimum) you specified in the input will
be applied.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 62
Figure 2-25: Drop-down boiler type selection list for the hot water boiler model
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 63
Figure 2-26: Hot water boiler efficiency curves Edit dialog (part load and water temperature dependence)
The boiler efficiency curve (part load and water temp dependence) fEpt(p,Tlbt) is a bi-cubic function of
p = part-load ratio
tlbt = Tlbt – Tdatum
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 64
fEpt(p,Tlbt) = (C00 + C10 p + C20 p2 + C30 p3 + C01 tlbt + C02 tlbt 2 + C03 tlbt 3
+ C11 p tlbt + C21 p2 tlbt + C12 p tlbt ) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C30, C01, C02, C03, C11, C21, and C12 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fEpt(1,Tlbtrat) = 1
Tlbtrat = rated hot water supply (leaving boiler) temperature.
The boiler efficiency curve is evaluated for each time step during the simulation. The curve value is
multiplied by the rated efficiency (Erat) to get the operating efficiency (E) of the current time step, for the
specific part load ratio p and Tlbt temperature:
E = Erat fEpt(p,Tlbt)
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the part load ratio equals 1.0 and the Tlbt temperature is at
rated condition.
A note on the applicable range of part-load ratio p:
The minimum p is used by the program as the minimum part-load ratio for continuous operation,
under which the boiler starts cycling on and off.
The maximum p should usually be 1.0. During the simulation, a part-load ratio greater than 1.0 is a sign
of boiler undersizing.
Also note that the bi-cubic form of the boiler efficiency curve can be used in simplified forms. For
example, to use it in a bi-quadratic form, simply specify C30, C03, C21, and C12 to be zero. To use it in a
quadratic-linear form, simply specify C30, C03, C02, and C12 to be zero.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 65 Parasitic Electric Input Ratio, Wp/Qdes
The ratio between the boiler design parasitic power consumption and the boiler design heating capacity.
It is automatically derived by the program using the provided boiler parasitic power and the boiler design
heating capacity, and does not need to be specified.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 66
Figure 2-27: Hot water boiler efficiency curves Edit dialog (part load and water temperature dependence)
To use catalogue boiler data, enter capacity and efficiency at the rated condition and read the derived
capacity and efficiency at the design condition. The model sets the design capacity as equal to the rated
capacity. Design efficiency, however, may differ from rated efficiency if the user specifies a design hot
water supply temperature that is different from the rated hot water supply temperature.
To size a boiler based on a design load, enter a capacity and efficiency at the rated condition; then adjust
the efficiency to produce the desired derived efficiency at the design condition (allowing for a margin of
over-sizing). Again, the Design capacity will always equal the rated capacity.
If the rated condition and design condition are one and the same, tick the Rated condition is design
condition checkbox, which makes the rated condition data a linked copy of the design condition data.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 67 Hot Water Supply Temperature, Tlbtrat
When ‘Rated condition is design condition’ is ticked, the rated hot water supply temperature (leaving
boiler water temperature) is a dynamic copy of the design hot water supply temperature.
When ‘Rated condition is design condition’ is not ticked, enter the rated hot water supply temperature.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 68
2.6 Air-source heat pump
The air-source heat pump (ASHP) can be the primary heat source for any heating coil or radiator. Starting
from VE6.4.0.5, there are three kinds of air-source heat pumps modeled in ApacheHVAC:
• Air-to-water heat pump (AWHP) in the context of a hot water loop
• Air-source heat pump (ASHP) with generic heat output in the context of a generic heat source
• Air-to-air heat pump (AAHP) which is always in a one-to-one relationship with a heating coil
The air source for the air-source heat pumps is always assumed to be outside air.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 69
• The maximum load percentage for the AAHP type—the bottom row value for Output (%)—is
fixed at 100%. Values in other rows for the Output (%) column must be between 0% and 100%.
The assumption underlying this is that capacity increases with source temperature.
• When converting old ASHPs to the new AAHP type(s), a ‘sharing rule’ is applied: when possible,
the minimum number of AAHP types and GHS instances are created for each multiplexed
The sharing rule implies that there are two cases where the multiplexed ASHP with backup
part-load heat source can be considered as having the same ‘shape’ and therefore will be
converted to a single AAHP type:
1. All the data fields contain identical values within the multiplexed ASHPs associated
with a common part-load backup heat source. Obviously, these ASHPs will translate to
the same AAHP type. This case happens when multiple ASHPs are replicated in the
process of multiplexing a system with an ASHP on the initial layer, without any user
edits in the individual ASHPs on subsequently created layers.
2. The first two columns of data (Source temp. and COP) in the ASHP’s performance table
are the same, and although the third column has different values, all data in this
column are in the same proportions—i.e., if you transfer the last column data to
percentage values expressed as a percentage of the capacity (setting the last row
value to 100%), then you will get the same column of percentages. This is normally the
result of autosizing an old system with multiplexed otherwise identical ASHPs serving
multiplexed heating coils. The ASHP on each multiplex layer is likely to have a unique
capacity after autosizing, with part-load values in other rows proportionally scaled,
based on their previous values expressed as a fraction of the maximum.
In all other cases, multiplexed ASHPs coupled to part-load backup heat sources are considered
as having different ‘shapes’ and are thus converted to separate AAHP types.
• When updating an old ASHP to an Air-to-air heat pump (AAHP) in cases where this heat pump
is associated with a single heating coil, the capacity from the old ASHP (the figure shown for
‘Output’ in the last row of its performance table) is assigned to the associated heating coil in
the updated system.
This rule means that the capacity assigned to a coil may be changed by the updating process,
so that if (at certain time steps) a heating coil reaches its capacity, it will behave differently in
the updated system. However, this is better than changing the performance characteristics of
the heat pump (which would be the result if the coil capacity remained unchanged), in which
case the energy consumption at every time step would have to change.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 70
2.6.2 Air-to-water heat pump (AWHP) and generic Air-source heat pump (ASHP)
The air-to-water heat pump (AWHP, in the context of a hot water loop and accessed from the Pre-heating
tab of the ‘Hot water loop’ dialog) or Air-source heat pump (ASHP, in the context of a generic heat source
and accessed from the ‘Generic heat source’ dialog) is essentially the old air source heat pump but
interfaced in a different way. Instead of being drawn on the system air network, it is specified in the heat
source dialogs (as shown above in the ‘Generic heat source’ dialog and in the ‘Pre-heating’ tab of the ‘Hot
water loop’ dialog). In the background of ApacheHVAC, air-to-water heat pumps are treated as actual
components (instances) rather than ‘types’, in contrast to the Air-to-air heat pumps, which are treated as
‘types’, not ‘instances’.
The new AWHP will always use outside air, rather than a user-selected location on the airside network, as
its heat source (which is nearly always the case in reality).
Note the change on where the link between an AWHP and a backup heat source is specified. Pre-v6.4.0.5,
this was specified in the old ASHP dialog through the ‘Backup heat source’ parameter. From v6.4.0.5
onward, it is determined in the heat source dialogs, given that the AWHP can be added only as a pre-
heating device on a ‘Hot water loop’ or similar option in the ‘Generic heat source’ dialog.
Although determined in a different location and having a more appropriate “parent-child” relationship
from the user perspective, the one-to-one relationship (constraint) between an AWHP and a backup heat
source still exists (for now): only one AWHP may be specified as the pre-heating device for a given generic
heat source or hot water loop.
In the case of an AWHP linked to an HWL the simulation will incur pumping power when the AWHP is
running and the main (‘backup’) heat source is not.
Figure 2-28: AWHP accessed from the Pre-heating tab of the ‘Hot water loop’ dialog.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 71
Figure 2-29: ASHP accessed from the ‘Generic heat source’ dialog with illustrative values, including
modest capacity and a relatively high minimum source temperature as might be used to model domestic
hot water (DHW) heating via heat pump in a warm climate with an otherwise all-electric, cooling-centric
space-conditioning system. Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 72 Minimum Source Temperature
The heat pump is assumed to switch off completely when the source temperature drops below this value.
Above this value, the heat pump is assumed to meet as much of the load as it can, with the heat source
being brought in to top up this demand if required. Output
Enter the maximum heat pump output at the corresponding source temperature. If the demand for heat
output exceeds this value then the heat source is used to make up the extra demand.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 73
Figure 2-30: Air-to-air heat pump (types) dialog
This facility supports defining the performance characteristics of one or more AAHP types.
The entities defined here are types. A single AAHP type may be assigned to many heating coils. At the
time of simulation instance of the AAHP type is automatically created for each heating coil to which the
AAHP type is assigned. In this respect AAHP differ from the AWHP attached to a hot water loop (or the
ASHP attached to a generic heat source).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 74
Figure 2-31: Air-to-air heat pump dialog with default inputs as provided for the AAHP in the pre-defined
packaged single-zone heat pump (04 PSZ-HP) system when the autosized load range is >135 kBtu/h. Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 75 Backup heat source
Select the backup heat source for the AAHP type. Note that only heat sources of the generic type will be
available to be selected as the backup heat source for an AAHP type. Output
Enter the maximum heat pump output at the corresponding source temperature. If the demand for heat
output exceeds this value then the backup heat source (if present) is used to make up the extra demand.
Note that AAHP Output is in the form of a percentage value. Output percentage is defined as the heat
pump output (kW in SI units; kBtu/h in IP units) divided by the heat pump design capacity. Design capacity
of an AAHP is specified as the capacity of a simple heating coil connected to an AAHP type.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 76
2.6.8 Modeling heat pump temperature and part-load dependent performance
The air-source heat pump models (ASHP, AWHP, and AAHP) in ApacheHVAC provide straightforward and
very clear means of modeling of the following relationships:
• Air-source-temperature dependent COP
• Air-source-temperature dependent output (heating capacity, not to be confused with load)
• Minimum source temperature for operation
This model does not, however, provide a direct means of accounting for the additional dimension of part-
load-dependent COP. The following method of doing so has been used in the pre-defined AAHPs as an
illustration of one possible approach to this and can be reproduced by users as appropriate.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 77
Figure 2-33: Air-source heat pump performance associated with illustrative inputs in Figure 2-26
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 78
Figure 2-34: Graphic representation of the illustrative inputs in Figure 2-26
Figures 2-26, 2-27, and 2-28 above show illustrative inputs for the ASHP dialog and the relationship
between these and the heat pump capacity curve and full-load COP curve.
To account for both change in performance (output and COP) with outdoor temperature and reduced
COP at part load, it is useful to create simple graphs of the first two of these (green and purple lines in
Figure 2-27) and then use simulation results to determine part-load values corresponding to outdoor
temperature above the outdoor temperature at which the heat pump output is well matched to heating
load. At lower outdoor temperatures, the heat pump will be fully loaded, and thus the model should use
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 79
the full-load COP (dashed yellow line segments in Figure 2-27). At higher outdoor temperatures, which
normally are associated with reduced heating loads, the heat pump COP will tend to decrease with load
(dashed orange and red line segments in Figure 2-27). If the heat pump is never to be fully loaded at the
outdoor temperature associated with the rating condition (e.g., at 47 °F), which is a function of design
sizing condition and oversizing, it may be that the COP provided at the rating condition will never be
applicable. In other words, because the COP will tend to decrease both with decreasing load (as the
outdoor temperature rises above that which corresponds to the fully loaded condition) and with
decreasing outdoor temperature below the rating condition, the heat pump COP will always be less than
the COP when fully-loaded at the rating condition.
Simulation results were used to determine that the load placed upon the ASHP after sizing would be 100%
at 32 °F, with supplemental heat from the backup heat source increasingly required below that
temperature and, above 32 °F, heating load gradually diminishing to 40% at an outdoor temperature of 62
°F. This information was used to determine the part-load COP curve (dashed line) in Figure 2-27. To
facilitate insertion of the autosized capacity (based upon the winter heating design day conditions for the
project location) in the row associated with the ARI testing condition (47 °F) used to determine the
equipment capacity and COP, the curves are intentionally truncated to end at 47 °F.
In the example in Figures 2-26, 2-27, and 2-28 above, the COP for the fully loaded heat pump at the 47 °F
rating condition would be 4.0, and this is the outdoor temperature at which the full rated capacity would
be available. However, when sized to meet the full load at 32 °F, the heat pump load is 81% of full load at
47 °F outdoor temperature for this example. Thus the maximum COP of 3.35 occurs at an outdoor
temperature of approximately 37 °F and 95% load and the COP is just 3.2 at 47 °F and 81% load.
The inputs in the ASHP dialog could be extended to warmer temperatures if needed. Because the dialog
accepts just 10 rows of data, the spacing between data points would need to be revised to accommodate
this. Because the model uses linear interpolation between the data points provided, and the COP and
capacity curves are both relatively flat between about 17 and 32 °F for this particular data set, this would
be the best region of the curve to be represented by a reduced density of data points.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 80
2.7 Heat Transfer Loop
The heat transfer loop component is developed firstly to facilitate the simulation of water-to-air heat
pump (WAHP) systems in VE 2012 (v6.5). In this first phase, the heat transfer loop must serve water-to-air
heat pumps. It will eventually be extended to support heating, cooling, and collecting or rejecting heat via
hot/cold-water coils on the airside network and to serve the purpose of transferring heat between other
water loops (heat transfer loops, chilled water loops, hot water loops, etc.).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 81
The WAHP units must be connected to (served by) a common Heat Transfer Loop (HTL) by selecting the
appropriate HTL within the heating/cooling coil dialogs. Details of the Water-to-air heat pump component
and modeling are covered in section 2.9. This section provides details for the Heat transfer loop
Heat sources (or sinks) available on the heat transfer loop may include the following:
• For heating: solar water heater (SWH), water source heat exchanger (WSHX), condenser heat
recovery (CHR), air-to-water heat pump (AWHP), combined heat and power (CHP), sequenced
heating equipment set
• For cooling: water source heat exchanger (WSHX), cooling tower (CT) or fluid cooler (FC)
Note that the ground-water heat pump implementation in this phase is intended for modeling ambient-
and ground-water sources (oceans, rivers, lakes, ground water, wells, etc.) with a constant or readily
profiled water temperature. If you choose to use this component to model a ground loop above the water
table (i.e., a “geo-thermal heat exchanger”), please be aware that this will not include a dynamic model of
the ground mass as a source and sink to be thermally depleted and recharged over time. For more
detailed modeling of ground-source heat pump systems, including characteristics of bore fields and geo-
thermal heat exchangers, see Appendix D: Ground-Source Heat Pump Modeling using ApacheHVAC loads
and Gaia Geothermal Ground-Loop Design.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 82
Figure 2-35: Heat transfer loop with primary-secondary configuration, a range of optional heat acquisition
and heat rejection devices, and zone-level water-loop (water-to-air) heat pumps. The fluid cooler
alternative to the cooling tower and available heat recovery connections are not shown.
Figure 2-35 shows the conceptual heat transfer loop configuration. In this configuration, the heat transfer
loop uses a primary-secondary loop configuration. On the secondary loop, source water is supplied to
multiple water-to-air heat pump units connected in parallel. Water-to-air heat pump units are used to
serve both simple heating coils and simple cooling coils. A optional solar water heater can be included on
the return side of the secondary loop, downstream of the heat pumps (i.e., as a pre-heating source on the
secondary return pipe).
On the primary loop, there are five optional heat sources connected in a pre-defined series configuration.
These heat sources could include: WSHX (water source heat exchanger), HR (Heat recovery), AWHP (Air-
to-water heat pump), CHP (Combined heat and power), and sequenced boiler(s) or similar equipment in a
Heating equipment set. Each of these, when included, adds heat to raise the loop water temperature to
the supply water temperature set point. If the first device in line to do so does not achieve the set point,
the next device in series after it will have the opportunity to address the remaining load.
There are also heat rejection devices connected in series on the primary loop. These heat rejection
devices can include: WSHX (water source heat exchanger) and cooling tower or fluid cooler. The water
source heat exchanger, as noted above, can also function as a heat source. The modeling and dialog are
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 83
set up to assume that the WSHX is a single device that may, if desired, operate in both heat-acquisition
and heat-rejection modes. The cooling tower option comprises a separate loop with open cooling tower,
water-to-water heat exchanger (WWHX), and cooling tower loop pump. The cooling tower loop is thus
connected to the HTL through the WWHX, which is included to reflect the real-world need to prevent
contaminants from entering the HTL. The cooling tower loop with pump and heat exchanger can
alternatively be replaced with a fluid cooler, as waterside of the fluid cooler is fully contained within its
integral water-to-air heat exchanger. rejecting heat to cool down the source water return temperature to
source water supply temperature set point when needed.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 84
2.7.4 Loop capacity and feedback to WAHPs
If the loop heating or cooling load exceeds the combined capacity of all heating equipment and heat
acquisition and rejection devices available on the loop, any deficiency in overall heat transfer loop
capacity will result in a deviation of the loop supply water temperature from the loop heating or cooling
supply water temperature set point. HTL supply water temperature thus provides feedback to the WAHPs.
In other words, while heating or cooling sources on a Heat transfer loop will always attempt to achieve
the target supply water temperature, this may not be feasible under all simulated conditions. If the target
supply water temperature range on the HTL cannot be maintained, the WAHPs served must attempt to
meet heating or cooling loads with cooler or warmer water.
The WAHPs served by the HTL will respond to the adjusted loop supply water temperature in its capacity
and efficiency calculations, as the loop supply water temperature features as one of the independent
variables in the WAHP performance curves.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 85
• Heat rejection load (loop cooling capacity)
o 100% + oversizing factor goes to the principal cooling equipment (it will be sized to meet the
entire loop heat rejection load).
o User specified percentage × (100% + oversize factor) goes to other heat rejection devices that
are present and designated for autosizing.
Whether or not the capacity for an individual heating or cooling device will be updated with the autosized
value depends on the status of its corresponding Autosize… checkbox. If this checkbox is ticked for a
device, its capacity will be updated with the autosized value. If this checkbox is not ticked for a device, its
capacity will not be updated with the autosized value.
In addition to the capacities for the heat transfer loop and individual heating and cooling devices, the
following two design temperatures will also be updated after a system sizing run:
• Design outdoor dry-bulb temperature on the Heat rejection tab of the HTL dialog
• Design outdoor wet-bulb temperature on the Heat rejection tab of the HTL dialog
2.7.7 Heat transfer loop distribution losses and pump heat gain
Distribution losses from the pipe work are considered as a user-specified percentage of the heat transfer
loop load. Transfer of loop pump heat gain to the loop is modeled according to a user input fraction for
pump and motor heat gain to the heat transfer loop.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 86
2.7.8 Heat transfer loops dialog
The heat transfer loops tool provides access to adding, editing, copying, and removing named heat
transfer loops.
Figure 2-36: Heat transfer loops dialog shown with illustrative default loop included with the pre-defined
systems in VE 2012 (v6.5).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 87
• Heat rejection: This tab manages information used for heat rejection devices (cooling tower or
fluid cooler) on the loop, except the WSHX, which can be used as both heating and cooling source
and is presented on its own in a separate tab.
Figure 2-37: Heat transfer loop dialog shown with the Heat transfer loop tab selected.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 88 Sizing status
The sizing status is an informative field indicating whether the design calculation is feasible for the current
settings of all relevant heat transfer loop input parameters.
The sizing status is checked and updated instantaneously in response to any changes on the parameters
that the following derived parameters depend upon, provided that these derived parameters are active
a) Loop flow rate in the HTL tab
b) HX design approach and design effectiveness in the WSHX tab
c) Fluid cooler or cooling tower design approach in the Heat rejection tab
d) Cooling tower HX design approach and design effectiveness in the Heat rejection tab
For the above derived parameters to be considered as feasible:
a) HTL loop flow rate should be > 0.0;
b) WSHX design approach should be ≥ 0.0 K;
c) WSHX design effectiveness (ɛ) should be:0.0 ≤ ɛ ≤ 1.0;
d) Fluid cooler design approach should be ≥ 0.01 K;
e) Cooling tower design approach should be ≥ 0.01 K;
f) Cooling tower HX design approach should be ≥ 0.0 K;
g) Cooling tower HX design effectiveness (ɛ) should be:0.0 ≤ ɛ ≤ 1.0;
When an individual derived parameter is feasible, it is displayed in black text. When all of the above
derived parameters are feasible, the sizing status field displays “Design calculation successful.”
If any of the above derived parameters is infeasible (out of range), the infeasible derived parameter is
displayed (on the interface) in red text, and the sizing status field displays “Design calculation failed. The
parameters in red are out of range.” in red text.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 89 Oversizing Factor
Following system-level autosizing, the factor by which the heating or cooling plant equipment size is
increased relative to the peak value occurring during the sizing run.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 90
will be multiplied by its Percent of autosized loop heating or cooling capacity (see below) to determine its
capacity. The resultant capacity will then be used to update the capacity of this individual device. In other
words, a non-principle device with its Autosize checkbox ticked will get a percentage of the autosized loop
heating or cooling capacity as specified by its Percent of autosized loop heating or cooling capacity, after
consideration of the oversizing factor. In this case, the capacity fraction assigned to the non-principle
device is not subtracted from the loop heating or cooling capacity.
Also, for a non-principle device with its Autosize checkbox ticked, once the heat transfer loop has been
sized, edits made in its Percent of autosized loop heating or cooling capacity (%) field will lead to
automatic dynamic updating of its capacity, based on the autosized loop heating or cooling capacity.
Loop flow rate is derived dynamically from the Current loop capacity values, taken together with loop
temperature delta-T parameters specified in the ‘Temperature control’ tab. The loop flow rate feeds into
dynamic parameter derivations for certain components on the loop (cooling tower, fluid cooler, water-
source heat exchanger, etc.).
Capacities for individual heating and cooling devices can be edited manually, overriding autosized values
for the equipment. In the case of principal equipment for sizing, when the ‘Override’ box is not ticked,
user edits made in the principal equipment capacity will feed back to the Current value of Loop capacities.
This may cause a change to Loop flow rate, which may in turn cause changes to dynamically derived
parameters for other devices on the loop.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 91
The required variable flow featured in the pump power curve is calculated as the summation of
required flow from all components (WAHPs) served by the heat transfer loop, subject to the minimum
flow the pump permits. Required loop water flow rates for WAHPs vary in proportion to their heat
rejection or heat acquisition loads.
If the ‘loop configuration’ is selected as Primary-Secondary:
Primary circuit pump power will be calculated on the basis of constant flow (when it operates). The
model will be based on a specific pump power parameter, with a default value of 3.8 W/gpm. The
default value is based on the total specific pump power (19 W/gpm) as specified in ASHRAE 90.1
G3.1.3.5 and assuming a 20:80 split between the primary and secondary circuits.
The primary circuit loop flow rate will be calculated from the Current loop capacity values, taken
together with loop temperature delta-T parameters specified in the ‘Temperature control’ tab. Primary Circuit Pump Heat Gain to Heat Transfer Loop (fraction)
Enter the primary circuit pump heat gain to heat transfer loop, which is the fraction of the motor power
that ends up in the loop water. Its value is multiplied by the primary circuit pump power to get the
primary circuit pump heat gain, which is added to the loop cooling load or deducted from the loop
heating load.
V = pump volumetric flow rate.
Ve = design pump volumetric flow rate.
2 3
fPv(v) = (C0 + C1 v + C2 v + C3 v ) / Cnorm
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 92
C0, C1, C2 and C3 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fPv(1) = 1
The primary circuit pump power curve is evaluated for each iteration of the heat transfer loop, for each
time step during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the design primary pump power to get
the operating primary pump power of the current time step, for the current fraction of pump volumetric
flow rate. The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the operating pump volumetric flow rate equals
rated pump volumetric flow rate (v = 1.0).
Figure 2-38: Edit dialog for the primary circuit pump power curve (values for constant-speed pump are
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 93
Enter the secondary circuit specific pump power at rated speed, expressed in W/(l/s) in SI units (or
W/gpm in IP units). The default value (15.2 W/gpm) is based on the total specific pump power (19
W/gpm) as specified in ASHRAE 90.1 G3.1.3.5 and assuming a 20:80 split between the primary and
secondary circuits.
Secondary circuit pump power will be calculated on the basis of variable flow, subject to the constraint
that the pump will start cycling below the minimum flow rate it permits. The operating pump power will
be based on its design pump power modified by the pump power curve.
Its design pump power is calculated as the specific pump power multiplied by the design loop flow rate.
The design secondary circuit loop flow rate is assumed equal to the design primary circuit loop flow rate,
which is calculated from the Current loop capacity values, taken together with loop temperature delta-T
parameters specified in the ‘Temperature control’ tab.
The required variable flow featured in the pump power curve is calculated as the summation of required
flow from all components (WAHPs) served by the heat transfer loop, subject to the minimum flow the
pump permits. Required loop flow rates for WAHPs vary in proportion to their heat rejection or heat
acquisition loads. Secondary Circuit Pump Heat Gain to Heat Transfer Loop (fraction)
This field is only active when the ‘loop configuration’ is selected as Primary-Secondary.
If this field is active:
Enter the secondary circuit pump heat gain to heat transfer loop, which is the fraction of the motor
power that ends up in the loop water. Its value is multiplied by the secondary circuit pump power to get
the secondary circuit pump heat gain, which is added to the loop cooling load or deducted from the loop
heating load.
V = pump volumetric flow rate.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 94
Ve = design pump volumetric flow rate.
2 3
fPv(v) = (C0 + C1 v + C2 v + C3 v ) / Cnorm
C0, C1, C2 and C3 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fPv(1) = 1
The secondary circuit pump power curve is evaluated for each iteration of the heat transfer loop, for each
time step during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the design secondary pump power to get
the operating secondary pump power of the current time step, for the current fraction of pump
volumetric flow rate. The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the operating pump volumetric flow rate
equals rated pump volumetric flow rate (v = 1.0).
Figure 2-39: Edit dialog for the secondary circuit pump power curve (values for constant-speed pump are
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 95
2.7.11 Temperature control tab
The Temperature control tab provides inputs for the heat transfer loop temperature controls. There are
two parallel sets of temperature control parameters provided in this tab: one set for heating, one set for
cooling. The descriptions below for each of these temperature control parameters apply to both heating
and cooling temperature controls.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 96 Design Loop Temperature Difference, DeltaThdes & DeltaTcdes
Enter the design loop temperature difference for heating and cooling, i.e., the difference between the
design loop supply water temperature and return water temperature.
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 97
• Outdoor dry-bulb temperature low limit
• Supply water temperature at or below low limit
• Outdoor dry-bulb temperature high limit
• Supply water temperature at or above high limit
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 98
Figure 2-41: Heat acquisition tab on Heat transfer loop dialog (shown with the Heating equipment set sub-
tab selected).
VE 6.4 ApacheHVAC 99 Location of Pre-heating Components
Select the Location of pre-heating components on the heat transfer loop. Currently only one option is
provided: Secondary return. Source
Choose the heat recovery source name for a particular source.
For the Percentage of heat rejection model, Source is listed in the second column of the source table.
Double clicking a cell in this column allows you to choose the source from a drop-down list of available
sources currently defined in the HVAC system file.
For the Explicit heat transfer model, use the Source drop-down list on the right hand side of the dialog to
select from available sources currently defined in the HVAC system file.
Figure 2-46: Air-to-water heat pump dialog with illustrative inputs (described in section 2.7).
Figure 2-48: Heat acquisition tab on Heat transfer loop dialog (shown with the Heating equipment set
sub-tab selected). Capacity
Enter the heating and cooling capacities for the water-source heat exchanger.
This parameter is autosizable. When this parameter is autosized, its value in the field and its autosizing
label ‘A’ becomes green. Approach
Design approach of a water-to-water heat exchanger is defined as the absolute temperature difference
between its load-side leaving temperature and source-side entering temperature.
When the Heating radio button (see above) is ticked, enter the heating design Approach. The cooling
design Approach is made a dynamic copy of the specified heating design Approach in this case.
Similarly, when the Cooling radio button (see above) is ticked, enter the cooling design Approach. The
heating design Approach is made a dynamic copy of the specified cooling design Approach in this case.
The entities defined here are types. A single water-to-air heat pump type may be assigned to many simple
heating or cooling coils.
Figure 2-53: Water-to-air heat pump edit dialog (shown with the Rated condition sub-tab selected)
(screenshot to be added)
The water-to-air heat pump dialog contains the ‘type’ level parameters for a water-to-air heat pump. It
provides editing access to the parameters and inputs fields that determine the shape of the performance
characteristics of a water-to-air heat pump.
Figure 2-55: Simple heating coil dialog (shown with System type selected as water-to-air heat pump)
Figure 2-57: Edit dialog for the water-to-air heat pump heating capacity curve
fCAPtt(Tedb, Tewt) = (C00 + C10 tedb + C20 tedb 2 + C01 tewt + C02 tewt 2 + C11 tedb tewt) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fCAPtt(Tedbrat, Tewtrat) = 1
Tedbrat = rated entering coil dry-bulb temperature.
Tewtrat = rated entering water temperature.
The heating capacity curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation. The curve value is
multiplied by the rated cooling capacity (Qrat) to get the available (full-load) heating capacity (Qcap) of the
current time step, for the specific Tedb and Tewt temperatures:
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions. Heating EIR Temperature Dependence curve, fEIRtt(Tedb,Tewt), details and editing
Use the Edit button to view and edit the curve parameters. The Curve Editing dialog displays the formula
and parameters of the curve and provides for editing of the curve parameters. You are permitted to edit
the curve coefficients and the applicable ranges of the independent variables.
When editing the curve parameters, it is important that you understand the meaning of the curve and its
usage in the model algorithm.
Ensure that the edited curve has reasonable ranges for the independent variables. A performance curve is
valid only within its applicable ranges. If the independent variables are outside of the ranges that you set,
the specified variable limits (maximum or minimum values) will be used.
The heating EIR (temperature dependence) curve fEIRtt(Tedb, Tewt) is a bi-quadratic function of
fEIRtt(Tedb, Tewt) = (C00 + C10 tedb + C20 tedb 2 + C01 tewt + C02 tewt 2 + C11 tedb tewt) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fEIRtt(Tedbrat, Tewtrat) = 1
Tedbrat = rated entering coil dry-bulb temperature.
Tewtrat = rated entering water temperature.
The heating EIR (temperature dependence) curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation.
The curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of
performance) to get the full-load EIR of the current time step, for the specific Tedb and Tewt temperatures.
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions. Heating EIR Part-load Dependence curve, fEIRp(p), details and editing
Use the Edit button to view and edit the curve parameters. The Curve Editing dialog displays the formula
and parameters of the curve and provides for editing of the curve parameters. You are permitted to edit
the curve coefficients and the applicable ranges of the independent variables.
When editing the curve parameters, it is important that you understand the meaning of the curve and its
usage in the model algorithm.
Ensure that the edited curve has reasonable ranges for the independent variables. A performance curve is
valid only within its applicable ranges. If the independent variables are outside of the ranges that you set,
the specified variable limits (maximum or minimum values) will be used.
p = Q/Qcap
p = part-load fraction
Q = heating load
Qcap = available (full-load) heating capacity
The cooling EIR (part-load dependence) curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation. The
curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of
performance) and the EIR (temperature dependence) curve value to get the EIR of the current time step,
for the specific Tedb and Tewt temperatures and the specific part load ratio at which the WAHP unit is
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the part load ratio equals 1.0 and the temperatures are at
rated conditions.
A note on the applicable range of part-load ratio p:
The minimum p is used by the program as the minimum unloading ratio, where the WAHP unit capacity
can no longer be reduced by normal unloading mechanism and the WAHP unit must be false loaded to
meet smaller loads. A typical false loading strategy is hot-gas bypass. If this is the false loading strategy
used by the WAHP unit, the minimum p is the part load ratio at which hot gas bypass starts.
The maximum p should usually be 1.0. During the simulation, a part-load ratio greater than 1.0 is a sign of
WAHP units undersizing.
fCAPtt(Tewb, Tewt) = (C00 + C10 tewb + C20 tewb 2 + C01 tewt + C02 tewt 2 + C11 tewb tewt) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fCAPtt(Tewbrat, Tewtrat) = 1
Tewtrat = rated entering water temperature.
Tewbrat = rated entering coil wet bulb temperature.
The cooling capacity curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation. The curve value is
multiplied by the rated cooling capacity (Qrat) to get the available (full-load) cooling capacity (Qcap) of the
current time step, for the specific Tewb and Tewt temperatures:
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions. Cooling EIR Temperature Dependence curve, fEIRtt(Tewb,Tewt), details and editing
Use the Edit button to view and edit the curve parameters. The Curve Editing dialog displays the formula
and parameters of the curve and provides for editing of the curve parameters. You are permitted to edit
the curve coefficients and the applicable ranges of the independent variables.
When editing the curve parameters, it is important that you understand the meaning of the curve and its
usage in the model algorithm.
Ensure that the edited curve has reasonable ranges for the independent variables. A performance curve is
valid only within its applicable ranges. If the independent variables are outside of the ranges that you set,
the specified variable limits (maximum or minimum values) will be used.
The cooling EIR (temperature dependence) curve fEIRtt(Tewb, Tewt) is a bi-quadratic function of
fEIRtt(Tewb, Tewt) = (C00 + C10 tewb + C20 tewb 2 + C01 tewt + C02 tewt 2 + C11 tewb tewt) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fEIRtt(Tewbrat, Tewtrat) = 1
Tewtrat = rated entering water temperature.
Tewbrat = rated entering coil wet bulb temperature.
The cooling EIR (temperature dependence) curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation.
The curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of
performance) to get the full-load EIR of the current time step, for the specific Tewb and Tewt temperatures.
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions. Cooling EIR Part-load Dependence curve, fEIRp(p), details and editing
Use the Edit button to view and edit the curve parameters. The Curve Editing dialog displays the formula
and parameters of the curve and provides for editing of the curve parameters. You are permitted to edit
the curve coefficients and the applicable ranges of the independent variables.
When editing the curve parameters, it is important that you understand the meaning of the curve and its
usage in the model algorithm.
Ensure that the edited curve has reasonable ranges for the independent variables. A performance curve is
valid only within its applicable ranges. If the independent variables are outside of the ranges that you set,
the specified variable limits (maximum or minimum values) will be used.
p = Q/Qcap
p = part-load fraction
Q = cooling load
Qcap = available (full-load) cooling capacity
The cooling EIR (part-load dependence) curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation. The
curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of
performance) and the EIR (temperature dependence) curve value to get the EIR of the current time step,
for the specific Tewb and Tewt temperatures and the specific part load ratio at which the WAHP unit is
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the part load ratio equals 1.0 and the temperatures are at
rated conditions.
A note on the applicable range of part-load ratio p:
The minimum p is used by the program as the minimum unloading ratio, where the WAHP unit capacity
can no longer be reduced by normal unloading mechanism and the WAHP unit must be false loaded to
meet smaller loads. A typical false loading strategy is hot-gas bypass. If this is the false loading strategy
used by the WAHP unit, the minimum p is the part load ratio at which hot gas bypass starts.
The maximum p should usually be 1.0. During the simulation, a part-load ratio greater than 1.0 is a sign of
WAHP units undersizing.
Figure 2-63: Chilled water loops dialog (shown with default and illustrative loops included with the pre-
defined systems)
Vc Ve
L T1 Secondary pump
Cooling gl
tower EWC 1
Chilled ceiling
Advanced coil
Simple coil
Towb Tect
water pump
EAC 2 Tedb
Condenser water loop Primary pump ge
Chilled water loop
Figure 2-64: Chilled water loop configuration drawn with a chiller set that includes all three types of chiller
models (part-load-curve; electric water-cooled; electric air-cooled): only the electric water-cooled type is
couple to the condenser water loop and cooling tower model. See 2.10.11 Primary Circuit Chilled Water
Specific Pump Power for modeling systems having only a primary chilled water loop—no secondary loop.
Figure 2-65: Chilled water loop editing dialog (shown with the Chilled water loop tab active) Primary Circuit Chilled Water Specific Pump Power at Rated Speed
Enter the primary circuit chilled water specific pump power at rated speed, expressed in W/(l/s) in SI units
(or W/gpm in IP units).
Primary circuit chilled water pump power will be calculated on the basis of constant flow (when the chiller
operates). The model will be based on a specific pump power parameter, with a default value of 4.4
W/gpm. The default value is based on the total chilled water specific pump power (22 W/gpm) as
specified in ASHRAE 90.1 G3.1.3.10 and assuming a 20:80 split between the primary and secondary
circuits. The basis for this default split is described under Secondary Circuit Chilled Water Specific Pump
Power at Rated Speed, below.
The primary circuit chilled water loop flow rate will be calculated from the design cooling capacity (Qdes)
and the design chilled water temperature change (∆Tedes) of the chilled water loop.
Primary-only vs. Primary + Secondary loop configurations: To model a primary-only configuration with
VSD pump, rather than the pre-set primary + secondary chilled water loop configuration (for version 6.3
through 6.4), first set the primary specific pump power to zero. Select the VSD curve for the secondary
pump and set the specific pump power for the secondary loop as appropriate for the primary loop pump.
This simply removes the primary pump from the system and allows the secondary pump to serve as the
‘primary pump’ with VSD in the actual system. If, on the other hand, you were to include a specific power
input for the primary pump and set the secondary pump specific power to zero, there would be no
opportunity to use the VSD, as the primary pump is assumed (for version 6.3 through 6.4) to run at
constant speed whenever the chiller operates. Primary Circuit Chilled Water Pump Heat Gain to Chilled Water Loop (fraction)
Enter the primary circuit chilled water pump heat gain to chilled water loop, which is the fraction of the
motor power that ends up in the Chilled water. Its value is multiplied by the primary circuit chilled water
pump power to get the primary circuit chilled water pump heat gain, which is added to the cooling load of
the chilled water loop. Secondary Circuit Chilled Water Pump Heat Gain to Chilled Water Loop (fraction)
Enter the secondary circuit chilled water pump heat gain to chilled water loop, which is the fraction of the
motor power that ends up in the Chilled water. Its value is multiplied by the secondary circuit chilled
water pump power to get the secondary circuit chilled water pump heat gain, which is added to the
cooling load of the chilled water loop.
V = pump volumetric flow rate.
Ve = design pump volumetric flow rate.
2 3
fPv(v) = (C0 + C1 v + C2 v + C3 v ) / Cnorm
C0, C1, C2 and C3 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fPv(1) = 1
The secondary circuit chilled water pump power curve is evaluated for each iteration of the chilled water
loop, for each time step during the simulation. The design secondary chilled water pump power is
multiplied by the curve value to get the operating secondary pump power of the current time step, for
the current fraction of pump volumetric flow rate. The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the
operating pump volumetric flow rate equals rated pump volumetric flow rate (v = 1.0).
The standard curve for a variable-speed pump at 60% of the design flow rate will return a value of 0.216.
Assume for the example that the design flow rate were 100 gpm, thus 60% would be 60 gpm. If the
specific pump power at the design flow rate were 15 W/gpm, this would equate to 1,500 W at design
flow. Finally, the 1,500 W pump power at the design flow would be multiplied by 0.216 to yield 324 W
pump power at 60% for the design flow rate. If the input for “Minimum v” in the pump performance
curve Edit dialog were set to 0.600 or 60%, indicating a minimum 60%pump operating volume, this would
cause the secondary pump power to remain at 324 W when the pump operates (subject to the 60%
minimum setting for the volumetric flow rate).
As noted in previous sections, the secondary circuit chilled water pump is assumed to operate in line with
the chiller (when the chiller operates); however, regardless of whether or not the chiller has reached the
minimum load fraction set point for continuous operation, the pump will cycle whenever the required
flow rate is at or below the set minimum flow rate for the pump (Minimum v in the performance curve
Edit dialog). When the pump is on, the pump power is calculated as the design pump power multiplied by
the pump curve value for the minimum v point on the curve. When cycled off, the pump power is zero.
Because the pump is assumed to operate in line with the chiller, it will also cycle on/off with the chiller
when the loop cooling load is . The associated chiller cycling ratio will this be used in the pump power
calculation when the pump is cycling on and off as a result of the chiller doing so. If the require water flow
rate is also at or below minimum for the pump, the pump power calculated as the design pump power
multiplied by the pump curve value at the minimum v will be further multiplied by the pump running
fraction and chiller running fraction.
In the last column, Chiller autosizing capacity weighting values indicate the relative proportion of the
chilled water loop load that each chiller will take during autosizing.
This example will size and sequence the chillers in the set as follows:
• Chillers A and B will each have twice the autosized capacity of Chiller C.
• At less than 20% of design load, only Chiller C operates.
• Between 20% and 40% of design load, only Chiller A operates.
• From 40% to 60% of design load, Chiller C switches in as required to supplement Chiller A.
• From 60% to 80% of design load, Chillers A and B share the load in proportion to their share of
the overall design capacity (indicated in the 100% column).
• Above 80% of design load, Chillers A and B initially share the load in proportion to their design
capacities, with Chiller C switching on to top up as necessary.
In this example, Chiller C is a “pony chiller” sized for and operated only when loads are either very
low or to supplement the two larger chillers. Above 20% of design load (presumably more
common conditions), the chillers are sequenced to share the load and ideally also to optimize
operating efficiency. Appropriate sequencing will depend upon the particular distribution of hours
at any particular load, the part-load performance curves for selected equipment, and the intent of
the operating scheme.
When the active chillers within a part-load range reach maximum output, the sequencing moves
automatically to the next range, until it reaches 100%.
The example of three sequenced water-cooled chillers of two sizes shown in Figure 2-35 above, as
included with the pre-defined systems, illustrates the intentional setting of load ranges that are offset
with respect to the fraction of cooling capacity provided by each chiller in the set. This might be done, for
example, to minimize the operation of any chiller
Up through version, any load in excess of 100% will be met by the combination of all chillers active
in the 100% column with operating performance held constant with respect to part-load curves.
However, as of version, if the full load cannot not be met with all chillers operating a maximum
output under the current outdoor conditions, etc., then the load will be underserved—i.e., the supply
water temperature will be warmer than the specified setpoint for this value.
2.9.5 Heat Rejection tab (updates pending for changes in organization of the dialog)
The Heat rejection tab (Figure 2-36) facilitates the definition of the design outdoor dry-bulb and wet-bulb
temperatures for the heat rejection and for setting the parameters of a condenser water loop. The design
conditions for heat rejection are used for all electric air-cooled and water-cooled chiller models and
associated cooling towers. The condenser water loop in this tab functions for all water-cooled chillers in
the attached chiller set and includes condenser water temperatures, cooling tower, condenser water
pump, condenser hear recovery, and waterside economizer. There are now (as of VE also options
for wet and dry fluid coolers (closed-circuit towers) in place of the standard open cooling tower model.
Inputs and controls for the integrated waterside economizer are located (for VE 6.4.0.x) on the Pre-
cooling tab; however, as several pre-cooling options for the chilled-water return will be added in version
6.5, the integrated waterside economizer, which is tied to the cooling tower or fluid cooler on the
condenser-water loop, will move to the Heat Rejection tab.
As noted below, condenser water loop flow rate is calculated from heat rejection load and condenser
water temperature range at the design condition and the condenser water pump speed and flow rate are
constant whenever the chiller operates. The heat rejection device (cooling tower or fluid cooler) is
automatically sized for the heat rejection load at the design condition. The fan in the heat rejection device
then modulates (speed if two-speed or variables-speed, otherwise on/off) in an attempt to maintain the
set condenser-water loop design temperature.
Figure 2-70: Heat rejection tab in the Chilled water loop dialog with the heat rejection device set to
Cooling tower. Condenser Water Pump Heat Gain to Condenser Water Loop (fraction)
Enter the condenser water pump heat gain to the condenser water loop, which is the fraction of the
pump motor power that ends up in the condenser water. Its value is multiplied by the condenser water
pump power to get the condenser water pump heat gain, which is added to the heat rejection load of the
cooling tower. (Condenser water pump is assumed to be on the supply side of the cooling tower.) Use WSE only we can meet the load in full (non-integrated WSE)
This selection restricts operation of the WSE to simulation time steps when it can meet the entire chilled
water loop cooling. If the WSE cannot meet the load in full, and therefore the chiller must be engaged,
selection of this mode will force the WSE to be disengaged at that time. This is also commonly referred to
as a “non-integrated” waterside economizer, as it cannot function in WSE mode when the chiller is also
operating. Because the cooling tower used for the WSE is shared with the chiller set, the tower reverts to
providing only chiller condenser water heat rejection (note that this is in contrast to any cooling tower
dedicated to a pre-cooling function, as can be separately established on the Pre-cooling tab).
Figure 2-74: Chiller set tab of Chiller water loop dialog shown with two sequenced Part-load curve chiller
models and current type to add set to part load curve. Fuel
The energy source used by the chiller compressor. For the electric chillers, this should be either the more
generic ‘Electricity’ source or ‘Cooling,’ which is an electrical end-use designation that is mapped to
“Cooling electricity” in the reports for the ASHRAE 90.1 Performance Rating Method (see section 8: Pre-
Defined Prototype HVAC Systems and the separate user guide for the PRM Navigator). When the
‘Absorption Chiller?’ box is ticked, the ‘Fuel’ selection will be replaced with a ‘Heat source’ selection.
Figure 2-76: Part load curve chiller editing dialog showing tick box for absorption chiller and associated
selection of a driving heat source in place of the typical fuel code for electricity or energy end use.
The electric water-cooled chiller model simulates the performance of an electric chiller cooled by
condenser water from an open cooling tower. The model uses default or user-defined chiller performance
characteristics at rated conditions along with three performance curves for cooling capacity and efficiency
to determine chiller performance at off- rated conditions.
The three chiller performance curves used are:
• Chiller cooling capacity (water temperature dependence) curve
• Chiller electric input ratio (EIR) (water temp dependence) curve
• Chiller electric input ratio (EIR) (part-load and water temperature dependence) curve Reference
Enter a description of the component. Reference names should be informative with respect to
differentiating similar equipment. It is for your use when selecting, organizing, and referencing any
equipment within other component and controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These
references can be valuable in organizing and navigating the system and when the system model is later
re-used on another project or passed on to another modeler. Fuel
Select the “fuel” or energy source used by the chiller compressor to determine the category for reporting
energy consumption results. For scratch-built system models, this should normally be set to “Electricity”
for the electric chillers. It will be pre-set to “Cooling” as an energy end-use category (consistent with LEED
EA credit 1 submittal requirements) when working with the pre-defined prototype ApacheHVAC systems,
as provided by the Prototype Systems Library, System Prototypes & Sizing facility, or the ASHRAE 90.1
PRM workflow navigator.
Figure 2-80: Edit dialog for the cooling capacity curve of electric water-cooled chiller
Tect = entering condenser water temperature.
Tlet = chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
fCAPtt(Tlet, Tect) = (C00 + C10 tlet + C20 tlet2 + C01 tect + C02 tect2 + C11 tlet tect) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fCAPtt(Tletrat, Tectrat) = 1
Tectrat = rated entering condenser water temperature.
Tletrat = rated chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
The cooling capacity curve is evaluated at each iteration of the chiller performance, for each time step
during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the rated cooling capacity (Qrat) to get the available
(full-load) cooling capacity (Qcap) of the current time step, for the specific Tect and Tlet temperatures:
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions.
Tect = entering condenser water temperature.
Tlet = chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
Tdatum = datum temperature (0°C or 0°F), introduced for the convenience of units conversion of the
curve coefficients.
fEIRtt(Tlet, Tect) = (C00 + C10 tlet + C20 tlet2 + C01 tect + C02 tect2 + C11 tlet tect) / Cnorm
The chiller EIR (water temperature dependence) curve is evaluated for each iteration of the chiller
performance, for each time step during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/
COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of performance) to get the full-load EIR of the current time
step, for the specific Tect and Tlet temperatures. The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the
temperatures are at rated conditions. Edit EIR (Part-load and water temperature dependence) curve, fEIRpt(p,Tect–Tlet)
The Edit button opens a dialog displaying the formula and parameters of the curve, allowing the curve
parameters to be edited, if needed. However, this is recommended for advanced users only and requires
both sufficient data from a manufacturer and an appropriate tool, such as MatLab, for generating the
proper fit curve coefficients. For most users, selecting a representative curve for the chiller type and then
entering appropriate performance characteristics (COP, cooling capacity, supply temperature, etc.) in the
rated and design conditions tabs will be most appropriate.
When editing the curve parameters, it is important that you understand the meaning of the curve and its
usage in the model algorithm. The edited curve should have reasonable ranges for the independent
variables, as a given performance curve is only valid within its applicable ranges. If the independent
variables are out of the set applicable ranges, the variable limits (maximum or minimum) specified in the
input dialog will be applied.
The chiller EIR (part-load and water temperature dependence) curve fEIRpt(p,t) is a bi-quadratic function of
p = Q/Qcap
t = Tect–Tlet
p = part-load fraction
Q = cooling load
Qcap = available (full-load) cooling capacity
Tect = entering condenser water temperature.
Tlet = chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients,
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fEIRpt(1, Tectrat–Tletrat) = 1
Tectrat = rated entering condenser water temperature.
Tletrat = rated chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
The chiller EIR (part-load and water temperature dependence) curve is evaluated in each iteration of the
chiller performance, for each time step during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the rated
EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of performance) and the EIR (water temperature
dependence) curve value to get the EIR of the current time step, for the specific Tect and Tlet temperatures
and the specific part load ratio at which the chiller is operating:
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the part load ratio equals 1.0 and the temperatures are at
rated conditions.
A note on the applicable range of part-load ratio p:
The minimum p is used by the program as the minimum unloading ratio, where the chiller capacity can no
longer be reduced by normal unloading mechanism and the chiller must be false loaded to meet smaller
cooling loads. A typical false loading strategy is hot-gas bypass. If this is the false loading strategy used by
the chiller, the minimum p is the part load ratio at which hot gas bypass starts.
The maximum p should usually be 1.0. During the simulation, a part-load ratio greater than 1.0 is a sign of
chiller undersizing.
Figure 2-83: Electric water-cooled chiller dialog showing design condition tab when “Rated condition is
Design condition” tick box is ticked. When this is un-ticked, the inputs for Cooling capacity and COP are no
longer edited here, but are editable in the Rated condition tab. Reference
Enter a description of the component. Reference names should be informative with respect to
differentiating similar equipment. It is for your use when selecting, organizing, and referencing any
equipment within other component and controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These
references can be valuable in organizing and navigating the system and when the system model is later
re-used on another project or passed on to another modeler. Fuel
Select the “fuel” or energy source used by the chiller compressor to determine the category for reporting
energy consumption results. For scratch-built system models, this should normally be set to “Electricity”
for the electric chillers. It will be pre-set to “Cooling” as an energy end-use category (consistent with LEED
EA credit 1 submittal requirements) when working with the pre-defined prototype ApacheHVAC systems,
as provided by the Prototype Systems Library, System Prototypes & Sizing facility, or the ASHRAE 90.1
PRM workflow navigator.
Figure 2-88: Edit dialog for the cooling capacity curve of electric air-cooled chiller
Todb = outdoor air dry bulb temperature.
Tlet = chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
fCAPtt(Tlet, Todb) = (C00 + C10 tlet + C20 tlet2 + C01 todb + C02 todb 2 + C11 tlet todb) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fCAPtt(Tletrat, Todbrat) = 1
Todbrat = rated outdoor air dry bulb temperature.
Tletrat = rated chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
The cooling capacity curve is evaluated at each iteration of the chiller performance, for each time step
during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the rated cooling capacity (Qrat) to get the available
(full-load) cooling capacity (Qcap) of the current time step, for the specific Todb and Tlet temperatures:
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions.
Todb = outdoor air dry bulb temperature.
Tlet = chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
Tdatum = datum temperature (0°C or 0°F), introduced for the convenience of units conversion of the
curve coefficients.
fEIRtt(Tlet, Todb) = (C00 + C10 tlet + C20 tlet2 + C01 todb + C02 todb 2 + C11 tlet todb) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fEIRtt(Tletrat, Todbrat) = 1
Todbrat = rated outdoor air dry bulb temperature.
Tletrat = rated chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
The chiller EIR (temperature dependence) curve is evaluated for each iteration of the chiller performance,
for each time step during the simulation. The curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where
COPrat is the rated coefficient of performance) to get the full-load EIR of the current time step, for the
specific Todb and Tlet temperatures. The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at
rated conditions.
p = part-load fraction
Q = cooling load
Qcap = available (full-load) cooling capacity
Figure 2-90: Edit dialog for the EIR (part-load and temperature dependence) curve of electric air-cooled
f EIRpt(p,t) = (C00 + C10 p + C20 p2 + C01 t + C02 t2 + C11 p t) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients,
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fEIRpt(1, Todbrat–Tletrat) = 1
Todbrat = rated outdoor air dry bulb temperature.
Tletrat = rated chilled water supply (leaving evaporator) temperature.
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the part load ratio equals 1.0 and the temperatures are at
rated conditions.
A note on the applicable range of part-load ratio p:
The minimum p is used by the program as the minimum unloading ratio, where the chiller capacity can no
longer be reduced by normal unloading mechanism and the chiller must be false loaded to meet smaller
cooling loads. A typical false loading strategy is hot-gas bypass. If this is the false loading strategy used by
the chiller, the minimum p is the part load ratio at which hot gas bypass starts.
The maximum p should usually be 1.0. During the simulation, a part-load ratio greater than 1.0 is a sign of
chiller undersizing.
Figure 2-91: Electric air-cooled chiller dialog showing design condition tab when “Rated condition is
Design condition” tick box is ticked. When this is un-ticked, the inputs for Cooling capacity and COP are no
longer edited here, but are editable in the Rated condition tab.
T2 towb
Heat exchanger
tedb tldb
air Cooling coil
ge gl
Figure 2-95: Dedicated waterside economizer configuration: each instance of a type serves only one coil. Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers.
If the tower loop has the lower flow, the effectiveness is εtower, defined by
εcoil and εtower are in the ratio of the flows in the coil and tower loops. The heat exchange effectiveness
parameter is thus the smaller of these two effectivenesses.
The entities defined here are types. A single DX cooling type defining fundamental performance
characteristics may be assigned to many cooling coils. A separate instance of the assigned type is
automatically created for each cooling coil. This provides a one-to-one relationship between modeled DX
cooling “types” and connected DX coils. The contact factor, capacity, and design conditions can then be
The DX cooling dialog contains the ‘type’ level parameters for a DX cooling unit. It provides editing access
to the parameters that determine the ‘shape’ characteristics of the performance. Fuel
Select the “fuel” or energy source used by the DX Cooling type to determine the category for reporting
energy consumption results. For scratch-built system models, this should normally be set to “Electricity”.
It will be pre-set to “Cooling” as an Energy end-use category consistent with LEED EA credit 1 submittal
requirements for the pre-defined prototype ApacheHVAC systems, as provided by the Prototype Systems
Library, System Prototypes & Sizing facility, and the ASHRAE 90.1 PRM workflow navigator.
Figure 2-98: Simple cooling coil dialog (shown with System type selected as DX cooling) DX equipment
Select the DX cooling type that is used to serve this simple cooling coil, from the DX equipment dropdown
list, which will list all DX cooling types that have been defined in the system. The DX cooling type
determines the shape of the performance characteristics of a DX cooling unit.
Figure 2-99: Edit dialog for the cooling capacity curve of DX cooling type
fCAPtt(Tewb, Tect) = (C00 + C10 tewb + C20 tewb 2 + C01 tect + C02 tect 2 + C11 tewb tect) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fCAPtt(Tewbrat, Tectrat) = 1
Tectrat = rated entering condenser temperature.
Tewbrat = rated entering coil wet bulb temperature.
The cooling capacity curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation. The curve value is
multiplied by the rated cooling capacity (Qrat) to get the available (full-load) cooling capacity (Qcap) of the
current time step, for the specific Tewb and Tect temperatures:
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions.
The DX cooling EIR (temperature dependence) curve fEIRtt(Tewb, Tect) is a bi-quadratic function of
fEIRtt(Tewb, Tect) = (C00 + C10 tewb + C20 tewb 2 + C01 tect + C02 tect 2 + C11 tewb tect) / Cnorm
C00, C10, C20, C01, C02 and C11 are the curve coefficients
Cnorm is adjusted (by the program) to make fEIRtt(Tewbrat, Tectrat) = 1
Tectrat = rated entering condenser temperature.
Tewbrat = rated entering coil wet bulb temperature.
The DX cooling EIR (temperature dependence) curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation.
The curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of
performance) to get the full-load EIR of the current time step, for the specific Tewb and Tect temperatures.
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the temperatures are at rated conditions.
p = Q/Qcap
p = part-load fraction
Q = cooling load
Qcap = available (full-load) cooling capacity
The DX cooling EIR (part-load dependence) curve is evaluated at each time step during the simulation. The
curve value is multiplied by the rated EIR (= 1/ COPrat, where COPrat is the rated coefficient of
performance) and the EIR (temperature dependence) curve value to get the EIR of the current time step,
for the specific Tewb and Tect temperatures and the specific part load ratio at which the DX cooling unit is
The curve should have a value of 1.0 when the part load ratio equals 1.0 and the temperatures are at
rated conditions.
A note on the applicable range of part-load ratio p:
The minimum p is used by the program as the minimum unloading ratio, where the DX cooling unit
capacity can no longer be reduced by normal unloading mechanism and the DX unit must be false loaded
to meet smaller cooling loads. A typical false loading strategy is hot-gas bypass. If this is the false loading
strategy used by the DX unit, the minimum p is the part load ratio at which hot gas bypass starts.
The maximum p should usually be 1.0. During the simulation, a part-load ratio greater than 1.0 is a sign of
DX cooling units undersizing.
The unitary cooling system is a unitary split vapor compression cycle cooling system serving one zone. It
consists of an outdoor air-cooled condensing unit, a compressor and an indoor evaporator coil. On the
outdoor side there is a heat rejection fan and on the indoor side a supply fan, which is downstream of the
evaporator coil. The system does not incorporate a fresh air supply and it does not provide heating.
On the schematic a unitary cooling system should be set up by placing a cooling coil in a loop circulating
air through a room and assigning a suitable unitary cooling system type to the cooling coil. The supply fan
will then be placed automatically in the duct following the cooling coil, but it is not shown on the
In the intended mode of operation the compressor and both fans cycle to maintain the desired room set
point. While the system is on it delivers cooling at a rate determined by the outside air dry bulb
temperature and the condition of the air entering the evaporator coil. This control regime should be set
up in ApacheHVAC by setting an unattainably low temperature set point for the cooling coil (for example
0˚C) and modulating the coil airflow on a proportional band in response to room temperature. The airflow
through the coil will then be a time average, which is achieved in the real system by on/off cycling.
Other control regimes are possible, but deviation from the intended mode of operation may invalidate
the performance map on which the algorithm depends. Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. ODB
Values of outside dry bulb temperature EWB
Values of evaporator coil entering (thermodynamic) wet bulb temperature at which the system
performance is specified.
At part load, COPr is reduced by a load-dependent multiplicative COPr degradation factor, CDF:
where COPrfull is the value of COPr at full load (for a given outside and on-coil condition).
CDF is assumed to be a linear function of part load ratio, PLR:
3.1.1 Background
ApacheHVAC provides two levels of heating coil models for use in HVAC systems. A Simple heating coil
model uses a simplified approach to determining coil heat transfer characteristics and assumes constant
waterside temperature change through the coil. An Advanced model more explicitly models both airside
and waterside heat transfer providing a more detailed and accurate calculation of coil heat transfer and
corresponding airside/waterside properties. The Advanced model provides the necessary modeling detail
to support explicit waterside modeling contained in Hot Water Loop configurations. The Advanced model
also provides more detailed coil specification methods so that coils may be better sized or selected from
manufacturer data for specific HVAC system configurations. This facilitates more accurate determination
coil design and off-design performance.
Both Simple and Advanced heating coil models are accessed through the toolbar heating coil button and
heating coil component dialog. An HVAC system configuration can contain both Simple and Advanced
models; however, individual multiplex layer instances of a coil occupying a particular location must all be
of the same coil model type (i.e., all Simple OR all Advanced models).
Simple models can be served by a Hot Water Loop, Generic Heat Source, Water-to-Air Heat Pump, or Air-
to-Air Heat Pump. Advanced heating coil models can be served only by a Hot Water Loop.
The Simple model is the default heating coil model. The Simple model only requires two input values to
set the coil performance: Heating capacity and Over-sizing factor. The Simple is recommended early in the
design process when detailed coil data or performance is not required.
The Advanced model is more detailed and accurate characterization of the heat transfer process of a
heating coil. The Advanced model uses more detailed coil design parameter specification and enhanced
heat transfer modeling capability. One of the features of the Advanced model is the ability to design (i.e.,
“size”) the heating coil for the specific HVAC system application. In this context, “size” refers to
determining the coil heat transfer characteristics at a design point. With these design point
characteristics, the heating coil can then be more accurately modeled at both design and off-design
operating conditions. The Advanced heating coil is automatically sized by the system Autosize process
but sizing parameters can also be modified manually to provide user flexibility.
The Advanced model dialog facilitates the design sizing process by immediately “sizing” the heating coil
for the current state of design sizing inputs. Typical default coil design values are provided to aid in the
initial sizing process. Editing a design parameter will automatically and instantly re-size the coil, and the
new sizing parameters, Hot water design flow and Heating capacity, immediately displayed. A Sizing
status message box indicates the state of the sizing process including error conditions resulting from out-
of-range or inconsistent input parameters.
Figure 3-2: Simple heating coil dialog with coil served by a generic heat source
Figure 3-3: Simple heating coil dialog with coil served by a Water-to-air heat pump
The upper portion of both the Simple and Advanced model dialogs contain information for specifying the
reference name, coil model type, and system type serving the coil. The lower section of the dialog
contains the Design sizing parameters appropriate for each model type. Detailed descriptions of these
parameters are provided below. Reference
Enter a description of the component.
**Timothy- the default/error limits are correct for all of these, however could you please check the
Typical values for what you think makes sense.** Hot water loop supply temperature and Hot water loop delta temperature
Hot water loop supply temperature is the design hot water temperature entering the coil. Hot water loop
delta temperature is the design hot water temperature drop through the coil. Both values are linked to
the corresponding Hot water loop parameters (see HWL Sec. 2.4) serving the coil and non-editable in the
Advanced heating coil dialog. These parameters may be edited in the corresponding HWL dialog and the
edited values automatically updated in the Advanced heating coil dialog.
Q̇ coil ,des = ṁ air ,des × �hair ,enter − hair ,leave � = ṁ water ,des × cp,water ,des × ∆THWL
User Input
Over-sizing factor
3.2.1 Background
ApacheHVAC provides two levels of cooling coil models for use in HVAC systems. A Simple cooling coil
model uses a simplified approach to determining coil heat transfer characteristics and assumes constant
waterside temperature change through the coil. An Advanced model more explicitly models both airside
and waterside heat transfer providing a more detailed and accurate calculation of coil heat transfer and
corresponding airside/waterside properties. This includes modeling the coil in for dry (sensible), wet
(latent), and partial dry/wet conditions. The Advanced model provides the necessary modeling detail to
support explicit waterside modeling contained in Chilled Water Loop configurations. The Advanced
model also provides more detailed coil specification methods so that coils may be better sized or selected
from manufacturer data for specific HVAC system configurations. This facilitates more accurate
determination coil design and off-design performance.
The Simple model is the default cooling coil model. The Simple model requires only three input values to
determine the coil performance: Contact factor, Cooling capacity, and Oversizing factor. The Simple coil is
useful early in the design and modeling process when detailed coil data or performance is not required.
While the simple coil model does account for water temperature when it is coupled directly to the
dedicated waterside economizer component (not to be confused with the WSE options associated with
chilled water loops, which require use of the advanced coil model), it does not otherwise account for this.
In the case of the DX Cooling evaporator coil application of the simple coil model, the entering air wet-
bulb temperature is also passed on to the DX performance model. See the section on DX Cooling for
further description of this.
The Advanced model is more detailed and accurate characterization of the heat transfer process of a
cooling coil and its interaction with the water loop to which it is connected. The Advanced model uses
more detailed coil design parameter specification and enhanced heat transfer modeling capability. One
of the features of the Advanced model is the ability to design (i.e., “size”) the cooling coil for the specific
HVAC system application. In this context, “size” refers to determining the coil heat transfer
characteristics at a design point. With these design point characteristics, the cooling coil can then be
more accurately modeled at both design and off-design operating conditions. To provide user flexibility
two sizing methods (modes) are available: Autosizing and Manual.
In the first mode, Autosizing, the user specifies the coil Contact factor (similar to the Simple model) and
then may invoke the System Sizing process to determine the remaining airside parameters necessary to
size the coil. In the second mode, Manual sizing, the user specifies both airside/waterside conditions (and
the coil Contact factor is determined from these parameters). Note that for both sizing modes, although
coil contact factor is specific or determined at the design point, in the simulation contact factor will vary
as coil operating conditions change. This ability to model coil off-design performance is a key feature of
the Advanced coil model. More details on the two sizing modes is provided below.
An Advanced model dialog facilitates the two design sizing approaches by immediately “sizing” the
cooling coil for the current state of design sizing inputs. Typical default coil design values are provided for
both Autosizing and Manual modes. Editing a design parameter will automatically and instantly re-size
the coil, and the new sizing parameters immediately displayed. A Sizing status message box indicates the
state of the sizing process including error conditions resulting from out-of-range or inconsistent input
For each sizing mode, there are a set of derived parameters that are calculated upon user edit of any
design parameter. For example, in Autosize mode the user sets (or can rely on System Sizing data) the
Figure 3-7: Simple cooling coil dialog with coil served by a dedicated waterside economizer (this is distinct
from the Integrated WSE mode available for chiller sets including water-cooled chillers on a chilled water
loop, which can be used only with Advanced cooling coils)
Figure 3-9: Simple cooling coil dialog (coil served by Water-to-air heat pump)
The Advanced coil model can be selected within the Simple model dialog. Once selected, the Advanced
model dialog will be the dialog for any particular coil set to use the Advanced coil model. The Advanced
coil dialog is shown below for both Autosizing and Manual sizing modes.
The upper portion of both the Simple and Advanced model dialogs contain information for specifying the
reference name, coil model type, and system type serving the coil. The lower section of the dialog
contains the Design sizing parameters appropriate for each model type. Detailed descriptions of these
parameters are provided below. Reference
Enter a description of the component. Coil Contact Factor (if coil served by Chilled Water Loop, Waterside economizer, or DX) Cooling capacity (if coil served by Chilled water loop, waterside economizer, or DX)
Coil has been sized using Coil has been sized with input
Autosizing complete Calculation successful
autosized parameters. values.
Entering air WB
Not Possible: Entering air WB temperature is
temperature is too low for Not Possible: Entering
Entering WBT too too low for the corresponding
the corresponding entering WBT too low
low entering DB temperature
DB temperature
Leaving air WB temperature is
Not Possible: Leaving
too low for the corresponding
WBT too low
leaving DB temperature
Entering air WB
Not Possible: Entering air WB temperature is
temperature is greater than Not Possible: Entering
Entering WBT > greater than the entering air DB
the entering air DB WBT > Entering DBT
Entering DBT temperature
The over-sizing factor is only pertinent to the Autosizing mode to allow the user to oversize the coil from
an autosized design values. For the Manual sizing mode, no over-sizing factor is necessary since the coil
design parameters can be set directly to consider additional capacity if desired.
Default Values 1.15
Typical Range 1.00 to 1.50
Error Limits 0.00 to 5.00
Note that spray humidifiers either run wild or are off, i.e. it is not possible to control moisture input or off-
coil conditions.
3.3.1 Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers.
Figure 3-16: Fan dialog with illustrative inputs (see section 8.3.7 Supply Fan for explanation of default
values used in fans for pre-defined systems in the HVAC library).
Flow × Pressure
Power =
ρ × 1000 × Efficiency
Pressure is the pressure resistance against which the fan has to work in Pa at Flow—typically
between 50 and 200 Pa for local fans and between 500 and 2000 Pa for ducted fans.
ρ is the air density
Efficiency is the total (mechanical + electrical) fan efficiency
It is important to realize that the fan curve data must account for the system layout (total pressure) and
the type of airflow and fan controls. For example, the same fan would performance depending on
whether it is controlled by a downstream damper or by variable-speed drive. In the system with speed
control, the pressure either will drop with flow or will be maintained at a constant value as the basis for
fan speed control (in either case, power and heat will fall with flow); whereas the damper-controlled
system will have roughly constant speed, and therefore the pressure must rise as flow is reduced. Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. Flow
Enter the fan flow rate. Up to five points may be defined on the fan characteristic curve.
Warning Limits (l/s) 0.0 to 25000.0
Error Limits (l/s) 0.0 to 900000.0 Pressure
Enter the total fan static pressure at this flow rate, including both internal pressure (resulting from filters,
coils, and other air handler components) and external pressure (from ductwork, terminal units, etc.).
Warning Limits (Pa) 150.0 to 2000.0
Error Limits (Pa) 10.0 to 90000.0 Efficiency
Enter the fan total efficiency at this flow rate. This figure is used to calculate the electrical consumption of
the fan at any instant, by dividing the work done on the air by the efficiency. The value entered here
should be the product of the efficiencies of the impeller, drive, and motor.
Warning Limits (%) 25.0 to 90.0
Error Limits (%) 10.0 to 99.0
Figure 3-18: Example controller dialog as set up for modulating the damper to a target mixed-air dry-bulb
temperature for a typical outside air economizer. Note that this particular controller also has an AND
reference to a dependent controller with sensor that provides an outdoor air dew-point temperature high
limit. In this example, the controller will modulate the damper, mixing outside air and return air to get as
close as it can to achieving a target mixed-air temperature of 55°F. Whenever the sensed outdoor
temperature exceeds either of the high limit values—70°F DBT and 55°F DPT in this example, the
controlled damper set will shut down to its minimum flow setting for the left branch (outdoor air). Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers.
Figure 3-19: Illustrative HVAC network configuration with added outside-air damper and controller for
CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation in a mixing (recirculating) system.
A second example (below) illustrates an appropriate configuration for control of the zone-level outside air
ventilation rate with a 100% outside air system. This is typical for ventilation systems used with fan-coil
units, active chilled beams, and similar terminal equipment. In this case, some zones can use constant-
volume ventilation and others can have ventilation rate varied according to CO2 concentration in the
Junction component after placement, but before flow directions have been set.
Convergent and divergent junction components (flow direction have been set).
Figure 3-22: Clicking on the red arrows in the Junction flow direction dialog determines the direction of
flow on each branch and thus also the divergent versus convergent nature of the junction component.
Percentage flow control can be used on one branch only in the case of divergent junctions.
When the flows for a junction component are set to be divergent, the junction can be controlled to
function as a fixed or variable percentage-flow splitter damper. Until a percentage flow controller is
pointed to the downstream node at one of two outlets on a divergent junction, it functions as a simple
uncontrolled junction of airflow paths. Attaching a percentage flow controller to either one of the two
outlets provides a controlled split of the flow, regardless of the current flow rate. It is important the
percentage-flow control is applied to only one of the two downstream nodes, and not both. Furthermore,
the flow must not also be determined by a flow-rate controller on the same downstream branch, as this
would create an over-constrained path. See also Appendix A: Rules for Air Flow Specification.
Figure 3-23: Divergent junction with percentage flow controller attached to one of two outlets.
Toolbar buttons for ductwork heat pick-up (horizontal and vertical components). Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. Location
Select either “external to building” (outside the conditioned envelope) or “contained with room”
(including non-occupied spaces, such as return air plenums). Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. Efficiency
Enter efficiency for the direct acting heater.
Figure 4-5: Editing dialog with for pre-defined scalable 4-kW unit overhead radiant heating panel (the 4-
kW capacity is matched at conditions in the Reference with the pre-defined scalable 1-kW cooling panel). Orientation
Select an orientation to describe the orientation of the radiator. Standard radiators are vertically
orientated, which will tend to increase the convective heat transfer coefficient within the overall heat
transfer calculation. Use horizontal orientation when modeling an overhead radiant panel or a hydronic
radiant heating floor system.
Vertical radiators or panels are mainly convective and horizontal radiators or panels are mainly radiative
in their effect. The selected option therefore affects the default radiative fraction in the next cell. It is also
used as a parameter to the Alamdari and Hammond convective heat transfer coefficient equations in
determining the variation of the convective heat transfer coefficient with radiator/panel temperature.
Qstd is the standard heat output at ΔTu and rf is the radiant fraction.
Note that the Alamdari and Hammond equations are used to set up the form of the variation of the
convective heat transfer coefficient as the radiator and room temperatures vary and not to calculate
absolute values from first principles. When the radiator-room difference is at ΔTu, the convective heat
output from the unit is Qstd x (1 - rf). Material
Select the material from which the chilled ceiling panels or passive chilled beams are made (steel or
aluminum). The material is used together with the 'Total weight' and the water capacity to calculate of
the total thermal capacity of the radiator. Reference
Enter a description of the component. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. Reference names should be informative with
respect to differentiating similar equipment, components, and controllers.
Tsr is the standard room temperature (set to 22°C)
Tsb is the standard beam temperature (= Tsr - ΔTb)
ORI is the Orientation
CHARL is the characteristic length (set to 0.1m)
F_HCIs is a function implementing the equations
Figure 5-1: The example of a VAV system with “mixed-mode” controls above illustrates some of the broad
range of controller applications and configurations possible in ApacheHVAC (this is system 07c Mixed-
mode VAVr - Nat Vent in the HVAC systems library). Controllers can include various combinations of
sensors, a control point (if independent), as well as logical AND connections and OR connections to other
controllers. The green boxes represent independent controllers; the blue boxes are dependent
controllers. The green control leads with arrowheads point to controlled nodes for airflows and
equipment; those with a round bulb at the end are sensors. Dashed green lines are logical AND
connections. Dashed blue lines are logical OR connections. Controllers can be variously placed within or
outside of the multiplexed region of a system (see section 6.1.1 Rules for Multiplexes and controllers
within them), which determines whether just one or multiple control signals will be “voting” on the
controlled variable at a particular node (see section 3.4.1 Multiple controllers at a single network node).
In this example, four controls have been added to a standard VAV system to create an advanced mixed-
mode system: The primary mixed-mode control senses the difference between the room or zone
temperature and outdoor temperature. This is coupled by an AND connection to prevent the VAV damper
opening for mechanical cooling air supply when conditions are appropriate for natural ventilation. A
dependent time switch controller coupled by an OR connection (thin dashed blue line) is used to enable
or disable mixed-mode controls during autosizing of the mechanical system. There are two additional
• time switch
• controller with sensor
• differential controller
Dependent controllers
• time switch
• controller with sensor
• differential controller
Following the selection of a controller from the toolbar, you first choose the controlled node. For most
components that are placed on the airside network, a controller is required and the controlled node
should be the node immediately downstream of the component. A few components, however, do not
require a controller. For airflow, and only in the case of airflow, the controlled may be any node on the
system branch to which the controlled flow rate applies. Typically it will not be a node immediately
adjacent to a fan component. Next you place the controller, and finally (where applicable) the sensed
node or nodes.
The following is a summary of considerations for placing controllers; however, there are important rules
that do need to be followed in the case of multiplexed controls. These are clearly laid out in the section on
Placement of controllers:
• Most components – Control is required at the downstream node adjacent to the component in
order for the component to function.
• Fans and Ductwork heat pickup – These two components have characteristic performance that
relates to the airflow passing through them, but neither should be directly controlled.
• Divergent “T” junctions – One of two downstream branches for a flow-splitting “T” junction
can be controlled, via the immediately downstream node on that branch, as a percentage of
Applicable control variables for each type of component on the airside HVAC network
Component Dry-bulb Relative Wet-bulb Dew-point % Heat Moisture Flow
Temp. Humidity Temp. Temp. Flow Transfer input rate
Heating coil Yes No No No No Yes No No No
Cooling coil Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No
Heat recovery Yes No No No No No No No No
Spray chamber No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No
Steam humidifier No Yes No No No No Yes No No
Mixing damper set Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No
Return Air damper n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Divergent junction No No No No Yes No No No No
Active duct n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Fan n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Network branch No No No No No No No No Yes
Table 5-1: Controlled variables allowed for each type of component—i.e., at the network node
immediately downstream. As an example, Percentage Flow Rate is permitted only at the outlet of a
damper set or at one outlet of a divergent (flow-splitting) junction. However, dry-bulb-temperature and
enthalpy are also permitted at the outlet of a mixing damper set, where they are interpreted as targets to
be achieved, to the extent this can be done by mixing the available inlet streams.
Note that Active Duct components are not controlled at all, Fan components are not directly controlled,
and flow rate can be controlled anywhere on a network branch.
Dominant control value when multiple controls point to a single network node
Component Dry-bulb Relative Wet-bulb Dew-point % Heat Moisture Flow
Temp. Humidity Temp. Temp. Flow Transfer input rate
Heating coil Max – – – – Max – – –
Cooling coil Min – – Min – Min – – –
Heat recovery Max – – – – – – – –
Spray chamber – Max – Max – – Max – –
Steam humidifier – Max – – – – Max – –
Mixing damper set Max – – – Max – – Max –
Return Air damper n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Divergent junction – – – – Max – – – –
Active duct n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Fan n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Network branch – – – – – – – – Max
Table 5-2: The dominant value when multiple controllers point to a single node or component. Active
Tick this box to enable on/off control. This may operate in conjunction with, or as an alternative to,
proportional control. On/off control must be enabled for direct acting heaters, radiators and chilled
On/off control
signal Deadband
illustrated for
High Sensor
Input = OFF
Set point Sensed
variable Deadband
Deadband defines the range of sensed variable values over which switching occurs in on/off control. The
response characteristic for on/off control is shown in Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-12.
The deadband enables the program to model switching hysteresis. If it is specified as zero the control will
switch between the ON and OFF states whenever the value of the sensed variable passes through the set Active
Tick this box to enable proportional control.
Proportional control features are used within the ApacheHVAC system model to allow components to
mimic the operation of real controls. Proportional control usually gives better quality control than on/off
(set point) control—i.e., it is generally more stable and provides better maintenance of the target value
for the controlled variable.
Proportional control is used to adjust the value of a controlled variable smoothly as a function of the
value of a sensed variable. Examples of this type of control are the modulation of a VAV supply airflow
rates and CAV supply temperatures.
variable Proportional
Value at
minimum signal
Value at
maximum signal
Midband Sensed
variable Midband
The midband parameter specifies the value of the sensed variable at the center of the proportional band
(see Figure 5-4 above). A constant value for midband is entered as a number. A variable value is provided
by an absolute profile specifying the value of the midband throughout the year.
5.6.6 OR Connections
The effect of an OR connection to a controller with a sensor is to make the controller generate an ON
switching signal if either its own on/off controller OR the signals from one or more other attached
controllers is ON.
Vaule of variable
being sensed
Are there any referenced OR controllers YES Does the current time fall within the
currently in an ON state? Time Switch Profile?
OFF Control Signal
ON Control Signal
Figure 5-5: On-Off control logic. Note: This logic diagram does not yet include the capability for allowing
OR connections to override the OFF state of a time switch. See section 5.6.7 above.
Figure 5-6: Independent Time Switch Controllers (without and with an AND connection)
This is the simplest type of controller. It controls a variable at a constant value at prescribed times
(subject to physical feasibility and the optional addition of AND connections). When it is attached
immediately downstream of a component such as a heating coil it controls the coil in such a way as to set
the off-coil temperature, provided this is feasible given the on-coil condition, the airflow rate and the
coil’s capacity.
The term independent is used to denote that the controller feeds its signal directly into a component (in
this case a preheat coil and a mixing damper set). Independent controllers generate two types of signal: a
switching signal and a numerical signal. The switching signal turns the controlled device on or off and the
numerical signal indicates the value to be set for the controlled variable.
The switching signal is ON when the time switch profile is ON (subject to provisos detailed below). The
numerical signal is the value of the parameter ‘V at maximum signal’, where V denotes the controlled
AND and OR connections attached as outputs from the controller may be used to feed its switching signal
into other controllers.
If AND connections are input to an independent time switch controller they affect the switching signal in
the following way.
The controller gives an ON signal when, and only when:
• the time switch profile is ON
• all the input AND connections (if any are present) are ON
AND and OR connections only convey a switching signal, not a numerical signal.
In the example shown in Figure 5-7 the switching signal will be ON at all times, provided the switching
signal from the controller named “Mixed-air < 53°F = OFF (2-F deadband),” which is coupled by an AND
connection, is also ON. The numeric control signal will then be 53°F.
The independent time switch controller has been illustrated here first using temperature control as an
example. When the controlled variable is airflow rate, as in Figure 5-8) two special conditions apply.
Figure 5-8: Time Switch Controller with Flow Rate as controlled variable
This type of controller responds to a variable sensed at a system node. In the case illustrated in Figure 5-9,
the controller monitors room temperature and feeds its signal into a heating coil on the primary air supply
to the room.
After placing the controller, select the controlled node (indicated by an arrow), followed by the sensed
The control parameters shown in Figure 5-10 are set up to provide proportional control. When the Time
Switch Profile is on, the off-coil temperature is adjusted between 28°C and 14°C – the values set for the
parameters Dry-bulb temperature at minimum signal and Dry-bulb temperature at maximum signal – as
the room air temperature varies over a proportional band centered on 20°C (the midband) and with a
width of 2K (the proportional bandwidth).
The control characteristic for proportional control is shown graphically in Figure 5-11.
variable Proportional
Value at
minimum signal
Value at
maximum signal
Midband Sensed
On/off control
signal Deadband
illustrated for
High Sensor
Input = OFF
Set point Sensed
The state of the on/off controller switches between ON and OFF as the sensed variable rises through the
upper limit or falls through the lower limit of the deadband. Within the deadband the signal retains its
current value. The characteristic gives rise to hysteresis: the value of the control signal in the deadband
depends on the history of the sensed variable as well as its current value.
The overall shape of the on/off characteristic is set by the parameter High Sensor Input. If this is OFF (as in
Figure 5-12) the signal is OFF at high values of the sensed variable. If it is ON the characteristic is inverted.
The on/off logical control signal is subject to modification by optional AND and OR connections feeding
into it. These connections also govern the operation of the controller when proportional control is used.
The controller gives an ON signal (and operates in proportional control mode) when, and only when:
the time switch profile is ON
the on/off control signal, or at least one OR connection, is ON, or
the on/off (set point) control is not ticked
all the input AND connections (if any are present) are ON
AND and OR connections attached as outputs from the controller may be used to feed its switching signal
into other controllers.
Figure 5-13: Plot of typical VAV cooling airflow control and SAT reset.
Figure 5-15: Controller inputs for typical VAV heating airflow control.
The independent differential controller takes as its input the difference between variables sensed at two
system nodes. In other respects it behaves like an independent controller with sensor.
After placing the controller, select the controlled node (indicated by an arrow), followed by the two
sensed nodes. The order of selecting the sensed nodes is important: the input signal is the value at the
node selected first minus the value at the node selected second. On the graphic the first-selected node is
shown attaching to the control box below the second-selected node.
This type of controller is used less often than the dependent differential controller. In the case illustrated
in Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17, it senses the difference between flows sensed in two network branches
and sets a third flow equal to this difference when it is positive.
Figure 5-18: Dependent Time Switch Controller (shown with both with input AND connection and output
OR connection)
This controller operates like the independent time switch controller, but is not directly attached to a
component. Its purpose is to generate a switching signal to be fed into one or more other controllers via
AND and OR connections. The control signal is a function of the profile and any input AND connections.
Figure 5-19: Dependent Controller with Sensor (with output AND connection)
This controller operates like an independent controller with sensor but is not directly attached to a
component. Its purpose is to generate a switching signal to be fed into one or more other controllers via
AND and OR connections. The switching signal is a function of the profile, the sensed variable any input
AND or OR connections. Proportional control is not an option with this type of controller, as it does not
generate a numeric control signal.
The dependent differential controller takes as its input the difference between variables sensed at two
system nodes. In other respects it behaves like a dependent controller with sensor. A common use for this
type of controller is to detect whether fresh air is warmer or cooler than return air as the basis for
recirculation decisions.
After placing the controller, select the two sensed nodes.
The order of selecting the sensed nodes is important: The input signal is given by the value at the first
node selected minus the value at the second node selected. As of VE 2012, the bulb symbol for the sensor
at the first node is larger than the bulb at the node selected second. In Figure 5-21, the first sensed node
is shown attaching to the control box below the second sensed node. This will always be true, regardless
of the left-hand vs. right-hand orientation of the differential controller box.
In the case illustrated in Figure 5-21 and the first of the two example control dialogs in Figure 5-22, the
controller senses the difference between temperatures in the return and fresh air inlet ducts and returns
an ON signal if the return air enthalpy is greater than the outside air enthalpy. This signal is fed, via an
AND connection, into the damper set controlling outside air intake.
Note that while the “Setpoint” value when sensing temperature (DBT, WBT, or DPT) will be expressed in
°K (indicating a differential) when in metric units mode, in IP units the differential will be expressed in °F,
as there is no differential IP unit for temperature.
Figure 6-1: Room component dialog, including facilities for selecting defined Room Units and examples of
unit types (note that this is for illustration only, as it would be very unusual to place room units from all
three categories in a single space within the model).
Individual instances of a Room unit Type are indicated within the Room component dialog. The type must
be defined before this action will be available for a given category of room unit. A “Room” component can
represent any occupied or unoccupied 3D space in the model, including normal rooms or thermal zones,
façade cavities, supply plenums, and heated or cooled ceiling or floor slabs. User-defined types are
effectively sitting on a shelf—they are not active until an instance of the defined type is placed within a
Room component. Each time a room unit type is placed within a room component, an additional instance
of that type is created. Room unit controllers are thus specific separate instances of a particular room unit
type. Note that no more than one room unit instance per category (e.g., Radiators) may be placed within
a given room component; however, for Radiators and Chilled ceilings, it is possible via their respective
controller dialogs to specify multiple copies of the unit for any given instance. Thus, it is possible to have
many identical radiators or chilled ceilings in particular model space using a single instance of the type.
Figure 6-2: Radiator control dialog with illustrative inputs for a fin-tube hydronic baseboard heater using a
constant set-point temperatures for thermostatic on-off control, a fixed supply water temperature, and
proportional control of water flow rate to modulate the output of the device (the HP3 profile provides a
proportional midband value that is linked to user inputs for the occupied hours setpoint and setback value
for unoccupied hours). The sensors for on-off and proportional controls have been located in the local
room; however, they can be located in other spaces or outside of the building. Deadband
Deadband defines the controller hysteresis or range of sensed variable values over which switching occurs
in on/off control (see section
Enter an appropriate deadband value. Orientation
When the sensed variable is Solar radiation, enter the orientation or azimuth of sensing surface in degrees
(0 deg = North and 180 deg = South) Slope
When the sensed variable is Solar radiation, enter the slope (angle from horizontal) of the surface
containing the sensor in degrees (0 deg = horizontal and 90 deg = vertical) OR Reference
Add/Remove logical OR connections to other controllers as appropriate (see section 5.6.6). Chiller
Select the chilled water loop that will serve the chilled ceiling device. Deadband
Deadband defines the controller hysteresis or range of sensed variable values over which switching occurs
in on/off control (see section
Enter an appropriate deadband value. Orientation
When the sensed variable is Solar radiation, enter the orientation or azimuth sensing surface in degrees (0
deg = North and 180 deg = South). OR Reference
Add/Remove logical OR connections to other controllers as appropriate (see section 5.6.6).
6.3.1 Settings Reference
Enter a description of the controller. The reference is limited to 100 characters. It is for your use when
selecting, organizing, and referencing any component or controllers within other component and
controller dialogs and in the component browser tree. These references can be valuable in organizing and
navigating the system and when the system model is later re-used on another project or passed on to
another modeler. Reference names should thus be informative with respect to differentiating similar
equipment, components, and controllers. Orientation
When the sensed variable is Solar radiation, enter the orientation or azimuth of the sensing surface in
degrees (0 deg = North and 180 deg = South). Slope
When the sensed variable is Solar radiation, enter the slope (angle from horizontal) of the surface
containing the sensor in degrees (0 deg = horizontal and 90 deg = vertical) OR Reference
Add/Remove logical OR connections to other controllers as appropriate (see section 5.6.6).
The Import from library button on the toolbar brings up the Import Systems dialog, as below.
In both “User exported systems” folders, only .asp files that can be opened by the current <VE> version
will be listed.
As you select each file in the tree in turn, the displayed Network diagram and Description text will both
update. The Network diagram can also be zoomed in or out, or fitted to view using the three buttons at
top left.
For placing the imported network within the current open network, two methods are available as follows.
If Stay in dialog is left unchecked, the Import button will close the dialog and provide the user with a
floating image of the import which they must anchor anywhere in the canvas by clicking at a valid
location. Alternatively, the placement functionality available in previous releases can be replicated by
checking Stay in dialog then using the (now enabled) arrows to select automatic placement by the Import
button either to the right of, or below, all existing network objects.
When staying in dialog, the Exit button is used to close the dialog.
There is an optional checkbox Show at startup to have the Import library dialog always shown at the start
of each ApacheHVAC session, in a similar fashion to the ApacheHVAC wizard in earlier releases.
Note 1: Unique is the only option which may demand plant reassignment in imported network objects, in
order to pick up the appropriate plant items already present in the target file.
Note 2: The numbers “(1)”, “(2)” etc will be added to any imported Reference where this is necessary to
avoid duplication of References in the final network.
Note 3: The Heat source assignment to DHW (if any) in the target file is not modifiable by an Import
operation, therefore the DHW assignment (if any) in an imported Heat source will be automatically
removed and the user informed.
The default presence/usage options, listed below, are intended to facilitate the import of needed
plant/equipment items while avoiding unwanted duplicates:
• When the first library system is imported to empty HVAC file, the default import option = All
• When any subsequent installed system is imported into a non-empty file, the default = None,
only if no extra required/referenced equipment is present; if not, the default = Referenced
• When any subsequent User-defined system is imported, the default import option = Unique
A note for upgraders regarding the two previous v6.4.0.5 options for importing into non-empty networks:
The Export to library button on the toolbar brings up the Export dialog, as below.
Note that (by default) the Network diagram shows only those network objects that were selected prior to
initiation of the Export. This can be changed to None or All on the Options tab, see 5.2.1.
When first exporting to the Local hierarchy, a folder must be created by entering its name in the field next
to New Library then clicking the button. This new folder becomes the selected export destination folder.
If desired later, any number of additional folders and sub-folders can be created by use of New Library.
When exporting to the Any destination, click in the tree to browse to any folder on the current machine
or LAN (if any). New Library will change to Folder: and the OK’ed folder will be echoed here.
When Include profiles is checked, the project’s current profiles will be exported.
When Include fuels is checked, the project’s current fuel codes will be exported.
The Plant options define how each of the seven distinct plant equipment types will be exported.
• None: No plant of this type will be exported. (Note: such a file is not valid on its own).
• Ref’d (default): Export all plant of this type which is referenced by those objects to be exported.
• All: Export all plant of this type. Next
• Select to view next page in the HVAC Wizard Cancel
• Select to exit from the HVAC Wizard without opening or creating a HVAC system Reset
Click to reset the HVAC system to the starting single zone system Finish
Click to create the HVAC system
This dialog shows recently used, modified, or opened system models in the order in which they were
accessed. These files may be in any combination of currently available folders. Select a system to open
and click Finish. If the system selected is from a previous project or is to be significantly modified, it is
advisable to proceed from here to Save As before making any changes.
Step 1: Position the green multiplex box at the bottom left corner of the area of network that you
wish to multiplex.
Step 2: Holding down the left mouse button drag the green multiplex box from the bottom left to the
top right of the desired multiplex region and release the button.
Rooms or thermal zones in the model are assigned to multiplex layers either by adding layers and manually selecting the
spaces from the Principal Room drop-down list on each layer or by using the “Assign from Room Group” feature. These
are described in more detail under Create Multiplex, below.
Figure 6-3: Disallowed use of connector segments through a multiplex and between multiplexes
Figure 6-3 provides examples of network branches consisting solely of connecting segments that are not
permitted within a multiplex. In cases such as that shown on the left, either re-route the connectors
around the anticipated multiplex region or move the controller box downwards so that the multiplex with
not overlap the upper path. Direct connections between multiplexes consisting solely of connecting
segments (straight or elbow), such as illustrated on the right-hand side of this figure, are not permitted. The
network must be revised so that there is a junction or other component between the multiplexes.
8.2.1 Description
Enter a name and description here to make it easier to identify the multiplex and manage complex
When including more than one room component on each multiplex layer, the principal Room is typically
the occupied space with which a thermostat or other sensors and controls are associated.
Example 1: It is common to have a return air (RA) plenum void in commercial spaces. This should be
modeled as a separate thermal zone over top of all of the zones it serves. There may, for example, be one
plenum for each floor of the building. These RA plenums would be represented by a non-principal “room”
component directly downstream of the occupied space on all multiplex layers. However, the Principal
Room component on each layer will typically be assigned a different space in the model. Therefore, if
there were one RA plenum for entire 1st floor, it would need to be associated with all occupied thermal
zones on that floor, and thus the same RA plenum space in the model should be assigned to the plenum
room components on each of the layers that contain a room on the first floor that has a return-air grill.
If there are spaces on the first floor in this example that have supply air and either a ducted return or no
return (perhaps they are exhausted), they would not be coupled with the RA plenum. For layers assigned
to these spaces, the RA plenum component should be set as an Adiabatic duct.
Select a Grouping Scheme and Room Group then click the OK button to assign each room or thermal zone
in the selected Group as a Principal Room on a multiplex layer.
If there are more rooms in the group than layers in the multiplex, the option is given to create layers for
each additional room. This is an efficient way to add layers.
Click Yes to add the required number of layers. This is an efficient way to add layers to a multiplex. Click
No to assign the rooms from the group to just the existing layers in the multiplex.
When the OK button is clicked to complete multiplex creation, the Editing mode and layer selection will
be reflected in the multiplex toolbar and subsequent edits.
Figure 6-4: In Global Edit mode there are two OK buttons for multiplexed Room unit controller dialogs, as
shown here. OK & Copy All replicates the data in all the controller fields on the display layer to controllers
for corresponding room units on other currently selected layers, whereas OK replicates only the data that
has just been modified and not yet saved.
Figure 6-7: Copy & paste from a CSV file to tabular edit view
Note: If the Paste is performed without first clicking on any cell in the Data Table, and multiple variables
have been selected for inclusion in the Data Table view, the copied values will be assigned to the last
variable column (at the right side of the table). The paste will begin with the current Display Layer (row
highlighted in yellow) and continue downwards, entering new values on each layer up to the total number
of values present in the copied selection set.
Note: It is possible to paste numeric or text characters. However, any pasted text must exactly match the
available options for that input (e.g., Profile names must exactly match the names of available profiles in
the ApPro database; Boiler names must exactly match those defined in the Heat Sources dialog; etc.).
Note: Tabular Editing of Room Unit controller parameters and input data is not yet supported. Room Unit
controllers should be edited in Local Edit mode with just one exception: Use Global Edit mode when the
intent is to apply ALL settings within a particular Room Unit controller to ALL other controllers for that
unit Type within the currently selected Rooms.
Node numbers are not always sequential across multiplex boundaries. This is merely an artifact of how
the multiplexed network is handled by the software, and may change in future versions.
As viewed either in Vista Results or in an error message, node numbers within a multiplexed ApacheHVAC
network are numbered 1, 2, 3,… as in a normal network, but with the layer number appended to indicate
the layer—e.g., the nodes on layer zero are 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, … and on layer 1 are 1/1, 2/1. 3/1, … and on
layer 2 are 1/2, 2/2, 3/2,….and so forth.
Figure 6-9: When de-multiplexing or deleting a multiplex, a pop-up dialog requires a choice between
deleting the entire multiplex and all items within it, or simply de-multiplexing. De-multiplex
The multiplex is removed but the current Display Layer is retained in the network (on layer zero). This is
the default action. Prior to de-multiplexing, check the currently selected layer if you intend to retain a
layer containing a particular set of inputs to components and controllers.
9.1 Overview
Pre-defined prototype ApacheHVAC systems can be imported and autosized at both the zone and system
levels. These two levels of loads analysis and autosizing can also be applied successfully to a broad range
of user-modified variants of the pre-defined prototype systems. All systems, including any user-defined
configuration, can be autosized with respect to system coils, fans, water loops, and plant equipment.
For pre-defined systems and variants thereof, the autosizing process sizes a broad range of system
elements in two stages—first at the room/zone level, then at the system/plant level—with opportunity
for user intervention between the two. ASHRAE Loads calculations are linked to target ApacheHVAC
systems for both stages of the sizing process:
• Zone-level loads and sizing must be completed either manually or through the autosizing
procedure described below. The resulting values for airflows and other controller settings
must be assigned to the HVAC system in order for the spaces to be adequately conditioned.
• System-level loads and sizing, which applies to coils, fans, water loops, chillers, DX cooling,
boilers, heat pumps, and other heat sources, must be completed in order to appropriately
scale equipment capacities and performance data to obtain appropriate performance and
energy consumption (unless the equipment sizing/capacities are otherwise manually set).
While any pre-defined prototype system can be modified without losing autosizing capabilities, retaining
the zone-level autosizing capability requires maintaining pre-defined controller applications, controller
reference name prefix with colon (e.g., “MC4: ….” ), and relationships to the Loads Data spreadsheet for
each system. The use of the Loads Data spreadsheet is further described below.
System-level autosizing for coils, fan components, DX Cooling, HW and CHW loops, Heat transfer loops,
boilers, chillers, heat pumps, and most other heating and cooling sources that “see” a load during the
sizing run, applies to all ApacheHVAC systems, regardless of how and when they were created.
From left to right, the toolbar buttons in Figure Figure 7-1 provide the following functions.
Figure 7-2: Open ApacheHVAC, load selected systems from the HVAC Prototype Systems Library as
needed, and save the file. When using workflow navigators for either the ASHRAE 90.1 PRM or System
Prototypes & Sizing, creation and naming of a blank file called “proposed.asp” is automatically executed
by the Prototype System action in the navigator; however, outside the context of the ASHRAE 90.1 PRM
Navigator, this naming is not required when working directly from the ApacheHVAC toolbar.
Additional systems can be loaded at any time and additional sizing runs performed as needed. Prototype
systems can be modified or used as resources from which to copy elements for customizing or extending
the capabilities of a particular system. For all but advanced users, however, it is recommended that initial
system sizing and brief test simulations are completed prior to modifying the system configuration,
components, or controls (substantial experience with ApacheHVAC is also recommended).
Figure 7-3: Use Edit Multiplex to assign groups of rooms or zones to the prototype system.
*Note: In 2013 detailed system parameter dialogs with tabular edit views will be attached to each system
and the Loads Data spreadsheet will no longer be used.
Figure 7-8: System-level sizing and System Loads report buttons on the Systems setup and sizing toolbar.
System load calculations and autosizing can be run from the System-level sizing button on the
ApacheHVAC toolbar (Figure 7-8 above), directly from within the ASHRAE Loads dialog (Figure 7-9 below),
or from the System load calculations action item in the System Prototypes & Sizing navigator. This third
option is further described under in the System Prototypes & Sizing workflow navigator section below.
In addition to the System Loads Calculation reports, there are also a number of tools available for
checking the number of “unmet load hours” according to various criteria. This is explained in the next
subsection immediately below.
As can be seen in Figure 7-9, above, the profiles set in the Room Data dialog for a particular space (either
via a Thermal Template, via System Schedules dialog, or manually) for heating and cooling setpoints are
recorded at the time of simulation and can readily be placed on graph along with the zone/room air
temperature. The profiles show the setpoints for occupied hours and setback for unoccupied hours.
The right-hand graph shows the heating setpoint and room temperature once again with the Plant profile
(red). The plant profile toggles between 0 and 1 to indicate the times during which the normal daytime
setpoint should be fully met (future versions of the VE may use this profile to provide more detailed
information regarding system status relative to setpoints, night-cycle operation, and so forth).
It is important to keep in mind that the heating and cooling profiles show the setpoint for occupied hours
as a target for the morning start-up and after-hours operating periods. Thus you may see the room
temperature lagging behind the setpoint profile, particularly in the early morning hours. The definitions
below describe how unmet load hour tests use nighttime setback values while the modeled spaces are
transitioning between nighttime setback and daytime setpoint. This avoids over-counting unmet hours.
Note that in the illustrative example on the preceding page there are some spaces in the model for which
the hours in all three columns are zero. These spaces are plenums and an unconditioned vestibule. While
they still have profiles assigned to them in Room Data (via System Schedules or manually) for timed
heating and cooling setpoints and setback, they have their heating and cooling on/off profiles (on/off
schedules) in Room Data set either individually or via thermal templates to “off continuously.” This is the
essential means of indicating that a space in unconditioned with respect to unmet load hours tests.
When the VE detects heating and cooling on/off profiles set to “off continuously” and thus determines
that a particular room is fully unconditioned, a nominal unconditioned values range of 20°C +/-80°C (68°F
+/-144°F) is applied. This equates to an unconditioned heating value of -76°F (-60°C) just shy of the -80°F
lowest external temperature ever recorded in the US, and an unconditioned cooling value of 212°F
(100°C)—the boiling point of water. These values are recorded at the time of simulation as continuous
setpoints for any fully unconditioned space.
Figure 8-1: The Prototypes Systems Library facilitates loading any pre-defined or user-defined system.
ApacheHVAC includes a range of pre-defined systems for which numerous parameters (controller inputs,
flow rates, coil sizes, temperature resets, fan sizes, heating and cooling plant equipment capacities, etc.)
can be autosized with respect to setpoints, design loads, ventilation rates, operating schemes, and so
forth. There also capability for autosizing coils, fans, and heating & cooling equipment in fully custom-built
systems. Section 7: System Loads, Ventilation, and Autosizing, describes the auto-sizing process,
opportunities for user intervention, and the setting of associated system schedules, operating schemes
for unoccupied hours, economizer operation, and other system parameters.
IMPORTANT: While the pre-defined prototype systems will run as provided, with only the assignment of
rooms or zones having been completed, appropriate results depend upon completion of sizing at two
levels. This sizing process, as described in the previous section, is completed in two separate stages:
• Zone-level sizing for airflow controllers and other similar system elements must be completed
either manually or through the largely automated process described in the previous section, in
order for the spaces to be adequately ventilated and conditioned.
• System-level loads calculation and sizing, which applies to coils, fans, chillers, DX cooling,
boilers, heat pumps, etc., must be completed in order to appropriately scale this equipment
capacities and performance curves and thus to obtain performance and energy consumption
The full set of pre-defined HVAC systems in VE 6.4 includes the following (Please note that the range of
systems offered is expanding with each major release; therefore this list may not include or describe all
systems in the Prototype Systems Library:
• All eight systems required by the ASHRAE 90.1 Performance Rating Method (PRM) with all
default equipment, component, and control inputs (including air and water supply
temperature resets, etc.) set to 90.1-PRM Baseline values. These generic systems are also
provided in a “standard” form that includes a small number of additional features and non-
PRM default settings and initial inputs values. Either version of these can be used outside the
context of the ASHRAE 90.1 PRM; only those labeled as “PRM Baseline” systems should be
used for the baseline model in the context of the ASHRAE 90.1 PRM:
o Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioning (PTAC)
o Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP)
o Single-zone air-conditioning system with furnace (PSZ-AC)
o Single-zone heat pump system (PSZ-HP)
o VAV-reheat using DX Cooling and HW boiler
o VAV using DX Cooling and parallel fan-powered boxes with electric heat
o VAV-reheat using water-cooled chiller and HW boiler
o VAV using water-cooled chiller and parallel fan-powered boxes with electric heat
o Heat & vent only DOAS with either furnace or electric resistance heat (for 90.1-2010)
These systems meet all ASHRAE 90.1-2007 PRM requirements for baseline systems modeling,
including all detailed system-specific requirements. Where equipment performance standards
vary with sized equipment capacity or design airflow rates, such values are revised according
to PRM requirements at the time of autosizing if the system application is a PRM baseline
model (there are a small number of exceptions, such as number of chillers, that still require
user intervention). For example, multiple pre-defined DX cooling types are provided for each
standard load range and associated COP/EER for DX cooling in systems 03–06. While users can
manually select these DX types, in the case of a PRM baseline model, the DX cooling type will
be automatically re-assigned to match the COP/EER to the load range as required by ASHRAE.
• Alternate configurations for both PTAC and PTHP systems (three each), supporting different
ventilation/exhaust airflow paths and providing a choice of models for DX cooling and small
unitary systems, depending upon user preference and/or available performance data.
• Dedicated outside air system (DOAS) with four-pipe fan-coil units, optional demand-controlled
ventilation, EWC chiller, and HW boiler.
• Indirect-direct evaporative cooling variant of the basic VAV-reheat system with backup DX
cooling and zone-level CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation (DCV).
• VAV-reheat with differential-enthalpy economizer set up for the public areas of a hotel or
similar building with PTAC systems for individual guest/resident rooms drawing ventilation air
from an atrium zone on the main VAV system.
• Mixed-mode natural ventilation and VAV-reheat with zone temperature and zone CO2
overrides to force mechanical operation whenever nat-vent is insufficient (for example, when
The pre-defined systems added in 6.3 include versions of systems 1 & 2 using the more detailed Unitary Cooling System
Model, a more advanced configuration of system 5 with enthalpy economizer and directly coupled copies of system 1 for
residence/hotel rooms, and a range of eight more advanced “non-conventional” systems. These include the following:
• Packaged terminal air conditioning using the detailed Unitary Cooling System (UCS) model
(appropriate for small single-zone units with fixed-speed fans that cycle on and off, such as
through-the-wall AC), with a hot-water heating coil coupled to a central boiler.
• Packaged terminal heat pump using the detailed Unitary Cooling System (UCS) model (appropriate
for small single-zone units with fixed-speed fans that cycle on and off, such as through-the-wall AC)
in cooling mode and an air-source heat pump in heating mode, with electric-resistance backup
heating coil.
• Indirect-direct evaporative cooling VAV-reheat system with backup DX cooling coil, dew-point-
temperature OA economizer high-limit control, zone-level humidity high-limit control, and CO2-
based demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) using zone-level sensors to first force individual VAV
boxes further open and the request additional outside air at the system level.
• VAV-reheat with differential-enthalpy economizer set up for the public areas of a hotel, dormitory,
or similar building with PTAC systems for individual rooms drawing air from and atrium zone prior
to the return path of the main VAV system.
• Mixed-mode natural ventilation and VAV-reheat with zone temperature and zone CO2 overrides to
re-introduce system air supply when nat-vent mode is insufficient (e.g., when the room occupancy
is very high or wind-driven pressure differentials are too low) in spite of indoor-outdoor thermal
conditions that are appropriate for ventilation and cooling via operable openings.
All 22 predefined systems will now load via the System Prototypes “S” button in ApacheHVAC and the System Prototypes
& Sizing Navigator. When the tabbed views have been provided in ApacheHVAC, users will load these predefined systems
individually, as needed. Maintaining autosizing capability for components and controllers with autosized parameters
• The following system elements depend upon the relationships to the Loads Data spreadsheet:
o Room/zone-level airflow sizing process, including oversizing factors, turn-down ratios, etc.
Zone cooling min & max flows
Zone heating min & max flows
Ventilation rates
Minimum OA setting the OA economizer damper set
o Settings from the AHU parameters dialog
AHU cooling coil LAT values
AHU heating coil LAT values
OA Economizer enabling
OA Economizer DBT high-limit value
Heat recovery enabling
Heat recovery sensible effectiveness
Heat recovery latent effectiveness
• Currently, updating system parameters and autosizable values in components controllers in a design or
proposed system—i.e., not the system for a PRM Baseline model—using the “Assign system
parameters and room sizing data” action requires that the target ApacheHVAC system file is named
“Proposed.asp”. As of version 6.4.1, there will be a list for selecting the target ApacheHVAC file when
performing a Room Loads Calculation, using the System Parameters dialog, or using the “Assign system
parameters and room sizing data” action, much as there is presently in the ASHRAE Loads dialog for
System-level sizing.
• The “Baseline0.asp,” “Baseline90.asp,” “Baseline180.asp,” “Baseline270.asp,” file names are and will
continue to be required for autosizing of baseline systems for the PRM Baseline model.
• Note, however, that for non-Baseline models only the four elements listed above under Room/zone-
level airflow sizing are significantly challenging to manually determine, edit, and/or modify directly in
the ApacheHVAC system file without the link to the spreadsheet. The others are about as easy to
change in either place, provided the next point is understood.
• If any autosized or autosizable values (with an “A” next to the input field) are manually edited in the
ApacheHVAC system file, care should be taken to prevent these being overwritten if the user wants to
avoid losing the changes if/when a subsequent “Assign system parameters and room sizing data”
action is used to update other numbers in the same ApacheHVAC system file. If this is a concern and
the user may again want to apply the “Assign system parameters and room sizing data” action for a
particular ApacheHVAC system file, then preserving manual edits to a component or controller
requires removing the alpha-numeric designation and colon at the beginning of its reference name—
e.g., deleting the “S2:” or “MC3:” bit of the component or controller name.
Avoid unnecessarily deleting and replacing controllers in autosizable systems; however, if a controller does
need to be replaced and the intent is to preserve relationships to the room/zone-level sizing spreadsheet for
the system elements listed above, the following rules apply:
• Any controller mapped for autosizing (having an “A” next to one or more input fields) must retain the
alpha-numeric designation and colon at the beginning of its reference name, as in “MC3:” , in order for
the autosizing function to be retained for those values.
• The controller must be the same type with the same active elements—e.g., with “Proportional
control” enabled—if the same input fields are to receive autosized values that would have gone into
the pre-defined controller.
• Users can also add controllers that re-use the alpha-numeric designation and colon at the beginning of
the reference name, as in “MC3:” , if they would like to have the newly added controller pick up the
same autosized values as the identically designated controller of the same type within the same HVAC
system category.
o For example, if it is helpful for some reason to have the Heating Airflow values in MC4 for
system type 07 show up in a controller that is be added to a customized version of a pre-
defined system that has a 07 at the beginning of the name, the new control would need to be
• Users can substitute non-autosized controllers, if desired. This is a workable approach in the case of
any controller for which inputs will be the same for all or most multiplex layer instances—e.g., a supply
temperature reset controller that will be set to have a range of 58 to 68 F for all layers in the
multiplex—or when the system has a very small number of layers, which makes manual editing much
more straightforward.
Return fan or common exhaust fan Fan and outlet for separately exhausted spaces
(volume not available for recirculation or transfer)
Figure 8-2: Many elements shown here are common to other pre-defined prototype systems. The sections below describe these and many others.
This system element is common to all of the pre-defined multi-zone systems, and provides for recovery
and heating and cooling energy for pre-conditioning of outside air when it is enabled.
• Midband for damper modulation and set point for changeover from heating to cooling mode for
energy recovery target are the airflow-weighted average midpoint between heating and cooling
room temperature setpoints for all zones on the same system. If the heating and cooling setpoints
for the zones on the system are 68 °F and 76 °F, respectively, then the midband/setpoint value
returned to these controllers will be 72 °F.
• For the Energy Recovery mode controls, this is the return air temperature, subject to a
deadband or hysteresis, above or below which the default configuration assumes the majority
of zones on the system are in cooling vs. heating mode. The majority, in this case, is with
respect to total conditioned/ventilation air volume on the system, as the sensors for these
controls see only the combined return air temperature. If the RA temperature is below the
threshold minus half the deadband (e.g., 71 °F for the example above with a 2 °F deadband),
the zones are, on average given the volume return air from each, assumed to be in heating
mode, and the heating mode temperature target in SC5 applies. If the RA temperatures is
above the threshold plus half the deadband (e.g., 73 °F), the zones are, on average, assumed
to be in cooling mode, and the cooling mode temperature target in SC4 applies.
• For the Energy recovery bypass damper SAT target, the same value, is the midband for
proportional control of the mixed-air target temperature downstream of continuously
modulated bypass damper. As the return air gets warmer, indicating the zones are collectively
warmer, the temperature target for damper modulation is steadily reduced over the
bandwidth of sensed values. For the 72 °F the example above with a 4 °F defaults bandwidth,
the bypass temperature target will be at its maximum value when the sensed RA temperature
is 70 °F and will be at its minimum value when the sensed RA temperature is 74 °F, thus
minimizing undesirable heating or cooling load associated with outside air while maximizing
fee cooling when a warmer RA temperature indicates the zones are on average (by volume) 74
°F or warmer (i.e., they are in cooling mode).
Autosizing values in the energy recovery device and bypass damper controllers are determined as follows:
Target temperatures for the energy recovery bypass damper and for the heating and cooling for modes of
the energy recovery device are also based upon the return air temperature. The intent here is to
maximize economizer hours. The ER component has a leaving air temperature target set as follows:
• The LAT target for ER is set unachievable low value (for “coolth” recovery) when the temperature of
the return air is above the mid-point between the flow-weighted average of heating and cooling
setpoints for all zones on the system. This condition suggests that the “average” conditioned
volume of air for any zone on the system is in cooling mode.
• The LAT target for ER is set unachievable high value (for heat recovery) when the temperature of
the return air is below the mid-point between the flow-weighted average of heating and cooling
setpoints for all zones on the system. This condition suggests that the “average” conditioned
volume of air for any zone on the system is in heating mode.
• Both of the above are subject to a 2 F deadband that provides hysteresis—i.e.,the RA temp must
drop to 1 F below the flow-weighted average setpoint mid value before the ER will switch from
coolth recovery to heat recovery.
• The ER bypass damper uses the same flow-weighted average of heating and cooling setpoints for all
zones on the system as a proportional midband to adjust the bypass damper mixed-air target from
Note that the energy recovery heating and cooling mode target temperatures are intended to be
unattainable targets, just beyond the reach of the capability of the device to pre-heat or pre-cool the
incoming outdoor air with recovered heat or “coolth”. For the example above, when in heating mode
(based upon a sensed RA temperature of 71 °F or less) the energy recovery would not be expected to be
able to heat the outside air all the way to 70 °F with heat recovered from return/exhaust air that is itself
71 °F or cooler. Similarly, the energy recovery would certainly not be expected to cool the outside air all
the way to 50 °F by rejecting heat from it to the return/exhaust air that is itself 73 °F or warmer.
SC5 uses the same values at Min and Max signal as the energy recovery targets in SC4 and SC5. For the
controllers on the energy recovery device, SC4 and SC5, the targets could be more extreme with no effect,
as they are almost certainly unattainable. However, if the target temperatures at the high and low ends of
the proportional control band for the bypass damper are set to overly extreme values, this will have the
effect of making the useful part of the proportional band ramp very quick (over a nary range of sensed
values) from the lowest to the highest attainable values, or vice versa.
The most important number in these three controllers is the setpoint in the energy recovery mode
controls and midband value for the proportional control in the bypass and the bypass damper control, as
• CO2 sensors – single stage control for dedicated 100% outside air systems (DOAS): For these
systems, there is no recirculation path at the system level and thus the air handler is always
delivering 100% outside air to the conditioned zones. Therefore, for this fundamental category
of system configuration the sensed zone CO2 level is simply used to directly control the system
airflow to just that zone. If the air handler is delivering only tempered air having a relatively
neutral temperature to the zones, it may be acceptable for the system airflow to modulate to
zero so long as this does not cause CO2 levels to rise above the ppm setpoint. The default
calculations in the Loads Data spreadsheet set the lower bound at 30% of the maximum
airflow, however, this can be easily overridden by setting the Flow rate at Minimum Signal in
controller MC3 to an alternate value, including zero. When this type of DCV is set up to
modulate all the way to zero airflow, the zone damper will normally begin to open again as the
CO2 levels approach the ppm setpoint. The default proportional control bandwidth of 400
ppm, which can also be readily overridden in the controller (MC3 for any system type 09),
A typical overall room CO2 setpoint might, for example, be in the range of 1,000 ppm, depending upon the
application, codes, etc. A single stage control for spaces served by a dedicated outside air system without
recirculation (e.g., one of the 09 prototype systems) would simply use this value as the midband to ramp
zone ventilation air between minimum and maximum values in keeping with CO2 levels for that zone. A
two-stage control for VAV system configurations 05 and 07 (with recirculation) might force the zone VAV
box all the way open using a ramp with midband of 900 ppm and then have a second stage ramp with
midband of 1,100 ppm used to gradually demand more system OA if the zone CO2 levels continue to rise.
Specific instructions for category 09 active chilled beam and 4-pipe active beam systems, as well as other
prototype system categories, follow below.
Figure 8-3: Two-stage DCV components in prototype system 5b are highlighted in this screen capture.
To add zone-CO2 based DCV to multi-zone VAV system 5 or 7 configurations (including most variants):
1. Delete the three connectors marked with a red “X” in step in the image above and move the SA
fan, OA/economizer damper, and associated controls one cell to the right.
2. Select and copy the junction, connectors, damper set, and both MC11 and MC12 controllers
(pointing to primary airflow path and DCV damper, respectively) as highlighted an placed in step
above. This will provide two-stage DCV-based control that first forces the zone VAV box more open
and then (when the VAV box is fully open) demands more system OA at the air handler, consistent
with the descriptive Reference names for controllers MC 11 and MC12.
3. Because systems 5 & 7 share the same fundamental configuration as system 5b, the MC11 and
MC12 controllers copied from that system to any derivative of either 5 or 7 will remain linked to
the “Sys 5,7” tab in the Loads Data spreadsheet. When data is assigned from the spreadsheet to
the controllers in the system, they will pick up min and max VAV airflows and CO2 midbands
bracketing the target CO2 level set in the System Parameters dialog.
To add zone-CO2 based DCV to multi-zone VAV + fan-powered boxes system 6 or 8 configurations:
1. Delete the three connectors marked with a red “X” in step in the image above and move the SA
fan, OA/economizer damper, and associated controls one cell to the right.
2. Select and copy the junction, connectors, damper set, and just the MC12 controller (the controller
pointing to the DCV damper) as shown in step above. This step will provide the DCV-based
system OA control, consistent with the labeling of MC12, “Demand-controlled ventilation (DCV)
per zone CO2 levels - stage 2 - demand more system OA”
3. To include the initial stage of DCV control that first forces the zone VAV box to open further (until
fully open) before demanding additional outside air at the system air-handler, you will also need
the MC11 controller; however, because there is loop with fan for the zone fan-powered box in
systems 6 and 8, this control needs to occupy a different location on the canvas.
4. Version 6.5 will include stretchable controller leads
for the controlled and sensed nodes, which allows
for copying the MC11 controller from system 5b
and stretching lead to fit it as shown (figure at
right). In releases prior to v6.5, however, the MC11
controller needs to be re-created so as to include
the same sensed and controlled variables, etc. as in
system 5b. Place the new controller as shown
above so that it senses room/zone temperature
and controls airflow at the same nodes as the
primary airflow VAV control, but without falling on
top of the loop for the fan-powered box.
The bold values for flow rate, which is autosizable, total pressure, and overall efficiency are the default
values within the supply fan component dialog for multi-zone VAV systems in the HVAC library. The fan
performance curve is defined by the series of shaft power (bhp) values relative to the Design shaft power
at max flow. The default RA fans use the same curves, but with 1.0 iwc default pressure at maximum flow
rate. Default fans for EA, fan-coil units, and fan-powered boxes are assumed to be constant-volume with
autosizable flow rate, 0.5 iwc pressure, and 70% overall efficiency. All fans have a default oversizing factor
of 1.15 for the flow-rate scaling of the performance curves during autosizing. Note that these fans are
notably more efficient than the required defaults for PRM Baseline systems.
Fan performance data in all ASHRAE 90.1 PRM Baseline systems is specific to the required fan power
allowances: Pressure and overall efficiency in the SA fan yield the required curve for variable-volume
systems and in all Baseline system the SA fan power accounts for all SA + RA + EA fans (but not fans in
parallel FPBs). The SA fans have flat pressure and very low efficiencies; RA and EA fans have zero pressure.
10.3.12 Reheat coil and controller (or similar components) – zone level
10.4.6 VAV using DX Cooling and parallel fan-powered boxes with electric heat
10.4.8 VAV using water-cooled chiller and parallel fan-powered boxes with electric heat
To understand this system, start by understanding System 7 VAV reheat, and substitute parallel fan-
powered boxes with 2-stage ER heat for the HW reheat coil.
The zone re-heat coil is two stage because that is how most electric-resistance coils in zone-reheat fan-
powered boxes are set up and controlled---as two on/off coils each with a fixed output. This allows users
to model this type of control/operation.
Parallel fan powered boxes have a fan that can run as needed for heating purposes (not all the time) and
also has both primary (mixed air from the AHU) and secondary (recirculated room air) paths that are
mixed together in the parallel box. Read up on parallel fan-powered boxes to learn more. A parallel fan-
powered box takes air out of the room, mixes that with the primary airstream, and runs both through a
heating coil and back to the room. The node immediately downstream of the room component on the
network is effectively "in" the room—i.e., it sees the fully-mixed condition of that room. This node is the
location on the network where air at the current room condition can be drawn from the room and
recirculated back to the room.
The zone-level recirculation loop is the parallel fan-powered box, as described above. Because System 8 is
a multi-zone VAV system with economizer damper set, just like other VAV re-heat systems but with fan-
powered reheat boxes using ER coils in place of HW reheat coils, and not a dedicated outside air system,
it must therefore also have a path for recirculating air at the system level.
10.4.10 Indirect-direct evaporative cooling version of VAV-reheat system 5 above with backup DX
cooling and zone-level CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation (DCV).
10.4.11 VAV-reheat with differential-enthalpy economizer set up for the public areas of a hotel or
similar building with PTAC systems for individual guest/resident rooms drawing air from an
atrium zone on the main VAV system.
10.4.12 Mixed-mode natural ventilation and VAV-reheat with zone temperature and zone CO2
overrides for nat-vent when it is insufficient Temperature and CO2-based overrides when not enough cooling or ventilation is provided via
operable windows, in spite of favorable indoor-outdoor thermal conditions
10.4.15 Underfloor air distribution with parallel fan-powered boxes for perimeter zones, leakage
path, and heating-mode re-mixing of PFPb zones. Can be used for thermal displacement ventilation by simply omitting the PFPb’s, UFAD plenum,
leakage path, and re-mixing in heating mode.
10.4.16 UFAD/DV system as above, plus heat pipe or run-around coil in AHU for free re-heat of
sub-cooled (dehumidified) air after the AHU cooling coil.
Figure 8-4: Many elements shown here are common to other pre-defined prototype systems. The sections below describe these and many others.
10.4.18 Radiant heating and cooling panels (i.e., four-pipe system), plus DOAS with airside energy
recovery and DCV.
10.4.19 Radiant panels and DOAS as above with heat pipe or run-around coil in AHU for free re-
heat of sub-cooled (i.e., dehumidified) air after the AHU cooling coil.
PLEASE NOTE: This section of the ApacheHVAC User Guide is presently still under construction. Please be
sure to check for updates.
GLD results exported to the IES VE .aps file should appear in Vista Results as in the screen capture above.
If you have followed the steps above without success, first check that the .aps file from the VE does in fact
include boiler and/or chiller loads to be addressed by the heat pump system. If you have confirmed these
loads are present in the file, but are still having difficulty, Gaia Geothermal has expressed willingness to
provide technical assistance to GLD users to address any import/export issues.
The table of results below shows another means of confirming the transfer of recovered heat from zones
in cooling mode to zones in heating mode: When there is a cooling load present and the cooling load
(total for all zones presently in cooling mode) times the cooling COP—i.e., the amount of heat that needs
to be rejected by the VRV system in cooling mode—is equal to or greater than the heating coils load (total
for all zones presently in heating mode), then the part-load heat source or heat pump load should go to
zero, as should the backup heat source if using the ASHP with backup electric heat.
16.1 Modeling hydronic heated and/or cooled slabs using radiant panels (method 1)
This method approximates the performance of a hydronic radiant slab using radiant heating and cooling
panels within the conditioned space. There are no slab zones and nothing inside of any floor or ceiling
construction. Panel performance parameters are treated much as they would with actual heating and
cooling panels, with two very important exceptions: the panels representing the slab will be massive and,
if the slab is a floor, the surface of the panels must be treated as a floor with people walking on it and
sitting immediately above it.
Radiator and Chilled ceiling Types dialogs:
• Orientation should be horizontal if this is to mimic a ceiling or floor; vertical if an active wall element.
• Radiant fraction should be set according to the split of convective vs. radiant effect. The faction will
tend to be higher for a cooled floor or heated ceiling than for a cooled ceiling or heated floor, given
the convective heat transfer characteristics of floor and ceiling surfaces.
• When using a model of radiant panels to mimic a heated and/or cooled slab the reference surface-to-
air delta-T and associated heating or cooling capacity must be constrained by the need to maintain
slab surface temperatures within the range desired for human thermal comfort—typically 64°F (18°C)
minimum in cooling mode and 75°F (24°C) in heating mode. Given room air temperature of around
75°F (24°C) when in cooling mode and 68°F (20°C) when in heating mode, the reference delta-T values
would be just 11°F (6 K) and 7°F (4 K) for cooling and heating modes, respectively.
• The heat or cooling output at the reference temperature should then be set at a reasonable value for
this modest delta-T. In the case of a heated floor, the convective heat transfer coefficient will be
higher, and thus capacity will be better than a heated ceiling slab. In the case of a cooled floor, unless
there is direct-beam sun striking the floor to present the load very directly, the cooled floor will have
less cooling effect than a cooled ceiling, given convective heat transfer will be very limited in the
downward direction. Sensible cooling capacity for typical slab-to-space temperature differentials is on
the order of 24 Btu/hr-ft2 (~7 W/ft2 or 77 W/m2) of active surface, not including associated
ventilation systems or strategies. When even a relatively low-cooling-capacity ventilation system,
such as DV, is also accounted for, cooling capacities begin to approach those of conventional all-air
VAV systems.
• Water capacity should be the volume in each radiant loop/zone, within reason, as the effect of this
will be dwarfed by the effect of the massive floor.
• The weight should reflect the approximate mass of the heated/cooled floor construction. Again, very
rough numbers can be used at this stage just to approximate the thermal inertia of the slab.
• Additional general technical information such as that provided above, along with many references for
further reading, is available in a paper authored by ApacheHVAC Product Manager, Timothy Moore,
prior to his joining IES. This paper is available from the UC Berkeley Center for the Built Environment
at www.cbe.berkeley.edu/research/pdf_files/IR_RadCoolScoping_2006.pdf
Radiation enclosure
with facing surfaces
at 24°C (75°F)
Figure 195a: A cross-section of the concrete slab with embedded hydronic tubing is described in THERM
as a repeatable segment bounded by the chilled surface (bottom), center of the tubing (top), and midpoint
between tubes (either side). Boundaries other than the tube interior and chilled surface are adiabatic.
Figure 13b: Isothermal contours indicate the distribution of temperatures resulting from the finite-element
model of two-dimensional heat transfer between boundary conditions.
Figure 13c: Isothermal contours as graduated colored/grayscale fills provide a visualization of continuous
temperature gradients throughout a cross-section of the chilled slab material.
• There’s no point in modeling a UFAD building without stratified thermal zones, as this is the primary
means of obtaining energy savings with such systems, so treat this as a given in the proposed model.
Including the UFAD plenum geometry is also important for understanding actual supply temperatures
after gain in the plenum.
• It is essential, especially in larger models, to ensure that loads in the stratifies zone normally specified
in terms of W/ft2 (or m2) are entered and converted via the Room Data Tabular Edit view to absolute
values (btu/h or W) before replacing the “floor” surface of the stratified zone with a “hole” to the
occupied zone below. Changing the input mode for all stratified zones in the building can be done
simultaneously via a single selection change of this parameter in Room Data Tabular Edit view with all
stratified zones selected and ticked in that view.
The plenum gain numbers can be set to typical values to begin with (e.g., 2–5 °F), and then later
adjusted according to results of an initial system-level sizing run.
This adjustment of the supply air temperature for UFAD airflow should be done independent of the
SAT and reset values for the AHU cooling coil entered in the System Parameters dialog. This dialog
edits the system tabs of the corresponding Loads Data spreadsheet, and these values set the LAT at
the AHU cooling coil, which will differ from the SAT at the diffusers. Because the coil LAT must be
lower to address the heat gain in the UFAD plenum, and may need to be colder still for
dehumidification, the AHU input parameters must be set independent of the zone SAT that is used for
airflow calculations. Therefore, use the System Parameters dialog or direct editing of system design
parameters on the relevant system tab, as shown below, to set the leaving temperatures for the AHU
coils. Use the added column described above to adjust the SAT values for design airflow calculations.
b. Zone-level loads for the occupied and stratified zones need to be combined for the autosizing
of airflow controllers by adding a cell reference for this within the Loads Data spreadsheet for
the system. This must be done for each Baseline or alternate non-stratified system in order to
have the zone airflows properly sized to address the entire load with the space fully mixed.
This is actually quite simple. The example below shows the Loads Data spreadsheet for the
Baseline VAV system in a model where the stratified zones where present at the time of zone-
level autosizing. The formula in cells K8 through K11 have been modified to add the loads from
cells J16 to 19, respectively. This will then size the design cooling airflow to the occupied zones
according to the total load in occupied plus stratified zones. The same is done for the heating
loads and airflow calculations. The controller airflow settings need to be updated (Assign
System Parameters and Room Sizing Data in the workflow navigator) after combining the loads
in the spreadsheet airflow calculation.
Temperature (°F)
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00
Date: Tue 02/Feb
Air temperature: 01 Perim Occupied (ufad example 2.aps) Cooling set point: 01 Perim Occupied (ufad example 2.aps)
Temperature (°F)
00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00
Date: Tue 02/Feb
Air temperature: 01 UFAD Plenum (ufad example 2.aps) Air temperature: 01 RA plenum (ufad example 2.aps)
Air temperature: 01 Perim Occupied (ufad example 2.aps) Air temperature: 01 Perim Stratified (ufad example 2.aps)
• As for whether or not to include the UFAD plenum in the model, there are a number of advantages in
terms of modeling how UFAD systems actually work. It is valuable and perhaps essential to explicitly
model the UFAD supply plenum whenever one or more of the following is true:
c. The raised floor top surface of the UFAD plenum sees direct-beam solar gain.
d. The UFAD plenum is sitting on a floor deck that has a warm return plenum below it, as in
many multi-story projects.
In either of these two cases, there will be significant gain to the plenum, and thus the supply air
temperature to the zone will not be the same as the leaving temperature from the AHU (regardless of
whether you’re including duct heat gain). As the plenum area is generally large, gain to the plenum can
be substantial. A study by the UC Berkeley Center for the Built Environment (CBE) showed that, even
for a core zone, as much as 40% of cooling load for a typical multi-story office space with RA plenum
below the floor deck can accrue to the supply air in the UFAD plenum before it reaches the diffusers.
When direct beam solar is striking the raised floor, heat gain in the UFAD supply plenum can be much
• Apart from its use as described above for re-mixing the occupied and stratified zones to model a non-
stratified system for comparison, the re-mixing path and control is used to de-stratify the model in
spaces that are served by a UFAD system and have a fan-powered box for reheat (such as perimeter
Typical configurations
The initial configuration for Solar Hot Water in ApacheHVAC (as of VE 6.4.1) will most often be used in
low-temperature heating systems, such as hydronic radiant floors, for which the return water
temperature is quite low. This solar HW application is normally paired with a condensing boiler as the
backup heat source, so as to maximize the opportunity for actual condensing operation, which also
required a moderate return temperature.
Solar hot water panels as a pre-heating system on the HW loop return is also a configuration sometimes
used for natatoriums. However, a heat pump or “heat-recovery chiller” may more sense in such cases as
means of handling latent loads from pool evaporation on the evaporator side, with condenser heat being
rejected to the pool. This is because the majority of heat loss from swimming pools is typically in the form
of latent heat and the air then needs to be dried to avoid condensation on windows and other
components of the building fabric.
Advanced configurations
Then there are more complex strategies, such as that implemented for a regional hospital project in BC
Canada, that use hot, cold, and temperate water loops with two water-to-water heat pumps to facilitate
recovery of heat from low-temperature sources, such as the exhaust air stream, to heat both DHW and
occupied spaces. A strategy such as this presents an opportunity for solar heating of both DHW (heating
cold water from the mains) and for putting heat into the heat recovery loop that is then a resource for
water-source heat pumps.
The range of applications for the solar HW in ApacheHVAC will further expand as IES adds water-to-water
heat pumps and additional configuration options. Presently, however, users can model heat-recovery
chillers and can upgrade the temperature of condenser heat from a chiller set via a single-COP heat pump
option on the HW loop.
System heating Capacity from sizing runs, modified as required to accommodate the following
For actual applications, this will typically be a function of the equipment sizing as prioritized for Design
Cooling Loads, with the heating and cooling capacity both determined by sizing at 100 to 125% of the
cooling load. However, for heating, the NRCAN recommended outdoor temperature balance point (OA
temp at which capacity equals space-conditioning load) should be in the range of 23 to 32 F (-5 to 0 C).
For ASHRAE 90.1 PRM Baseline Systems, in order to have the electric resistance heat share the load at
a temperature closer to the 40 F outdoor maximum for electric backup operation, the ASHP heating
capacity should be thr great of:
If the heating design day OA temp is significantly below 30 F, and additional design sizing run with OA
temperature between 30 and 40 F may be justified to determine an ASHP capacity and balance point
that will engage the electric backup below the design temperature when internal and solar gains are
not present.
If the required heating capacity to satisfy B is greater than the cooling capacity, A, the cooling capacity
should be increased up
To maintain consistency with industry best practice, the cooling capacity should be oversized no more
than 125%, unless this is required to match sizing of heating capacity in a PRM baseline system to
avoid operation of the backup electric heat when the OA temperature is above 40 F.
The sizing process for ASHPs tends to differ significantly from that of other HVAC equipment. The ASHRAE
PRM specification is unfortunately unclear with respect to the sizing this type of equipment for baseline
systems (more on this below). Thus there is a degree of interpretation required here, and you are free to
The screen captures above show how the default Minimum HP Heat Temp has been reduced to 10 °F to
avoid this particular problem. Because we have found no justification for cutting the heat pump off at
even 10 °F when the backup heat source is electric resistance, the default value in ApacheHVAC as of VE
6.3 is 0 °F.
ASHP sizing
For actual applications, ASHP sizing and selection is a combined function of design cooling Loads and
heating balance point. The cooling loads are usually the priority in a climate with significant cooling load,
especially if it is a humid climate. On the other hand, the preferred heating balance point (the lowest
outdoor temperature at which the ASHP meets the entire heating load) is typically in the 22 to 32 °F
range. If driven purely by cooling requirements, both heating and cooling capacity would be sized at about
100 to 110% of the cooling load. This approach is meant to provide efficient cooling operation and
effective dehumidification. In climates with mild winters, this may provide ample capacity to meet all
heating loads. In colder climates, however, this approach to sizing will tend to address some significant
fraction of the heating load, but not all of it. The rest will be addressed by a backup heat source. To
minimize dependence on the backup heat source, a somewhat larger unit may be selected in order to
provide a lower heating balance point with respect to outdoor temperature. However, where the climate
is not all that cold, oversizing with respect to heating to achieve a low balance point temperature may
reduce seasonal heating efficiency if it leads to a majority of operating hours at low part-load fractions,
which is significantly less efficient than operating the heat pump at or near full load. Furthermore, part-
load operation at low outdoor temperatures is doubly inefficient: at an outdoor temperature of 37 F, the
COP for a typical heat pump can drop below 1.0 if the load is less than about 30%. Finally, if
dehumidification is anticipated when in cooling mode (i.e., in all but notably dry climates), best practice,
even when seeking a lower heating balance point, is to avoid sizing the unit greater than 125% of the
cooling load. Getting this right requires a somewhat sophisticate bit of logic.
Design 25 to 47 F
temp 35 F ?
Maybe best to simply size ASHP capacity at 47 F OA source temp to equal required heating capacity at
design heating condition. Until we build some or all of this logic into the software, user intervention will
be required to determine appropriate sizing of the ASHP component in ApacheHVAC. As of VE 6.4, the
ASHP capacity at 47 F outdoor temperature will, for systems 2 & 4 when used in an ASHRAE 90.1 PRM
Baseline model or when requested by the user, be set equal to the DX cooling capacity. However, in the
rare case of spaces with both moderate cooling loads and substantial heating loads occurring when
outdoor temperatures are above 40 F, it will be incumbent upon the user to check that these heating
loads are not exceeding the ASHP capacity and causing use of backup heat when outdoor temperatures
are greater than 40 F. The reason for this is that the backup heating for ASHPs in ApacheHVAC does not
include an arbitrary high limit input for the backup heat source. Rather, the backup supplements the ASHP
when the latter cannot fully meet the load.
A further refinement will extend this logic as follows, using an additional special-purpose heating design
sizing run with the outdoor temperature forced to 40 F.
For true PRM Baseline systems (i.e., only when such system are used in PRM Baseline models), in order
to have the electric resistance heat share the load at a temperature closer to the 40 F outdoor
maximum for back operation, the ASHP heating capacity should be the greater of the following:
1) the associated cooling capacity
2) heating capacity sufficient to maintain the space heating setpoint without solar or internal
gains when the outdoor temperature is 40 F
When the heating capacity must greater than the desired cooling capacity such that the backup source
will never be required when the outdoor temperature is above 40 F (#2 above), the associated DX
cooling capacity will need to be increased to match the heating capacity. This scales the performance
curves in the DX cooling dialog so that the part-load efficiencies are correct.
The ASHRAE PRM specification includes the very clear statement regarding controls to prevent backup
electric heat operation above outdoor temperatures of 40 F; however, this applies only to software that is
incapable of modeling a true back heat source that is used only when the primary (ASHP) heat source is
unable to meet the load as a function of outdoor conditions and/or indoor heating loads.
Let’s say the design condition is a 10 F outdoor temperature just before sunrise (no sun) with no internal
gains in the space, and maintaining the room at say a 70-F setpoint under these conditions results in a
quasi-static load of 464 kBtu/h. Multiply this by 1.25 and we get 580 kBtu/h.
If sized according to ASHRAE requirements for baseline building equipment, the ASHP has to have a
capacity of 580 kBtu/h, and we assume this should be at the “rated” condition (this is where ASHRAE is
more than just a bit unclear). If we then go and look at the rating conditions for an ASHP in a baseline
system (EER tables at the end of 90.1 chapter 6), we see that the ARI rating condition is an outdoor
temperature of 17 F. Thus, following this logic, our baseline ASHP should be capable of providing 580
kBtu/h at 17 F outdoor temperature. If the load is greater or the outdoor temperature is lower, it may not
actually meet the load. However, as the design load was determined at 10 F outdoor temperature and the
equipment must be 25% oversized, this probably will never by a limiting factor for a baseline ASHP
system. There will, however, be another very significant limiting factor: The ASHP probably will have a
lower limit, such as 17 F, below which it will provide no useful heat…