Office of The City Mayor: Republic of The Philippines Province of Surigao Del Sur
Office of The City Mayor: Republic of The Philippines Province of Surigao Del Sur
Office of The City Mayor: Republic of The Philippines Province of Surigao Del Sur
WHEREAS, the Local Chief Executive, Mayor Florencio C. Garay signed several
Executive Orders providing additional health guidelines and protocols in Bislig City;
WHEREAS, on May 6, 2021, the Bislig City Inter Agency Task Force on the
Management of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-MERID),
conducted a meeting for the proposed City Hall temporary lockdown and 30%
maximum venue capacity for all mass gatherings;
WHEREAS, the Office of the City Mayor deemed it proper and necessary to
adopt the foregoing measures for the best interest of the public;
WHEREAS, Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160 also known as the Local
Government Code provides that within their respective territorial jurisdiction, Local
Government Units shall ensure and promote health and safety of their inhabitants;
Done this 7th day of May 2021 at the City of Bislig, Surigao del Sur.
City Mayor