Office of The City Mayor: Republic of The Philippines Province of Surigao Del Sur

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Surigao del Sur

City of Bislig
Website:, Email: [email protected]

Office of the City Mayor

Series of 2021



WHEREAS, the Local Chief Executive, Mayor Florencio C. Garay signed several
Executive Orders providing additional health guidelines and protocols in Bislig City;

WHEREAS, there is a rapid increase of COVID19 cases in the city and as of

May 6, 2021, there are already ninety-seven (97) confirmed cases of COVID19;

WHEREAS, on May 6, 2021, the Bislig City Inter Agency Task Force on the
Management of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-MERID),
conducted a meeting for the proposed City Hall temporary lockdown and 30%
maximum venue capacity for all mass gatherings;

WHEREAS, the Office of the City Mayor deemed it proper and necessary to
adopt the foregoing measures for the best interest of the public;

WHEREAS, Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160 also known as the Local
Government Code provides that within their respective territorial jurisdiction, Local
Government Units shall ensure and promote health and safety of their inhabitants;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FLORENCIO C. GARAY, Mayor of Bislig City, by the

virtue of the power and authority vested in me by law, do hereby order the following.

SECTION 1. Guidelines. The following shall be strictly followed during the

temporary lockdown of the City Hall:

1. The City Hall compound shall be placed under temporary

lockdown on May 8-16, 2021.
2. Employees who will report back to work on May 17, 2021 shall
undergo Antigen test prior to their return. Only those with
negative Antigen test results shall be allowed to report to work.
3. Employees who are considered 1st generation contacts of those
who tested positive must undergo RT-PCR test. Those who have
NEGATIVE RT-PCR results can report to work on May 17, 2021.
4. Employees who are considered 2nd and 3rd generation contacts
are required to undergo antigen test. Those who have NEGATIVE
Antigen tests results will be allowed to resume to work on May 17,
2021. Those who tested POSITIVE in the Antigen test must submit
themselves for RT-PCR.
5. Employees who are considered “Recovered Cases” are not required
to undergo Antigen or RT-PCR test upon their return to work.
6. On May 17, 2021, only 50% of the workforce per office should
report to work while the other 50% will be on Work-From-Home
(WFH) scheme in accordance with the existing Memorandum
Order, implementing the Interim Alternative Work Arrangement.
7. During the lockdown period, all government employees are highly
encouraged to stay at home and refrain from going out except
during emergency cases or exceptional circumstances.

SECTION 2. Venue Capacity. All mass gatherings shall be limited to a

maximum of thirty percent (30%) venue capacity. The Incident Management Office
shall conduct surveillance and monitoring to ensure compliance of all
establishments. Furthermore, unnecessary and non-essential gatherings shall be
suspended except for government initiated programs and activities.

SECTION 3. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

Done this 7th day of May 2021 at the City of Bislig, Surigao del Sur.

City Mayor

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