(Cooking) Brew - Your.own. .150.classic - Clone.recipes. .2006

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The document discusses a beginner's guide magazine that covers both homebrewing beer and winemaking.

It is about homebrewing beer and provides recipes and instructions for making different beer styles at home.

It provides recipes for various beer styles categorized by name, brewer, style and country. It also provides information on calculating extract efficiency and potential extract values for grains and hops.


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Make Your Favorite

_4~_____.B~:tout Recip_es._ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
11 Pocter Recipes

_18 Brown Ale Recipes _ __ _ __ _ __

21 Bed_o_c___Ambe c_~Le_Be_cJpes _ _ _ _ __

25 Scottisb-A.Le_Becipes_ _ _ __

e:z IPA (and beyond IPALRecip_es'""""'-- - -

:E Pale-A.Le_aod_D.:tbe.c_Li_
g bt Ale Recipes_

~....___wheat Reec_Becipes,_ _ __ __ _ __

1'1 Relgian_o_c_B _elgiao__l_o_sp_i_c_e_d ~le Recipes

Ef1 _Lagec_Recipe.~s,____
61 _Specialty Beer Recipes _ _ _ __

8(1 Winter Be_er Recipes _ __ ______

7'2 Recip_e_lodex by Name~-------

~pe_lodex by Brewe_e__)L_ _ __ _ __
2 B_ Becipe lndex_b_)LStyle_ _ _ _ _ _ __

_E Recipe Index by_Countcy_ __ __ __

Extract efficiency: 65%
(i.e. - 1pound of 2-row malt, which has a THE HOW-TO HOMEBREW BEER MAGAZINE
potential extract value of 1.037 in one gal-
lon of water, would yield a wort of 1.024.)
How to reach us
EDITOR Editorial and Advertising Office
Extract values for malt extract: Chris Colby Brew Your Own
liquid malt extract (LME) = 1.033-1.037 5053 Main Street, Suite A
dried malt extract (DME) = 1.045 ART DIRECTOR Manchester Center, VT 05255
Coleen Jewett Heingartner
Tel: (802) 362-3981
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Fax: (802) 362-2377
Potential extract for grains: Garrett Heaney E-Mail: [email protected]
2-row base malts= 1.037-1.038
wheat malt = 1.037 TECHNICAL EDITOR Advertising Contact
6-row base malts= 1.035 Ashton Lewis Kiev Rattee
[email protected]
Munich malt= 1.035
Vienna malt= 1.035 Dave Green Editorial Contact
crystal malts = 1.033-1.035 Chris Colby
chocolate malts= 1.034 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS clu·is@byo .com
dark roasted grains= 1.024-1.026 Steve Bader, Thom Cannell,
flaked maize and rice= 1.037-1.038 Horst Dornbusch, Bill Pierce,
Subscriptions Only
Marc Martin, Terry Foster, Glenn
Brew Your Own
BurnSilver, Kristin Grant, Paul Zocco
P.O. Box 469121
Hops: CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Escondido , CA 92046
We calculate IBUs based on 25% hop Don Martin, Ian Mackenzie, Tel: (800) 900-7594
utilization for a one hour boil of hop pellets Shawn Turner, Jim Woodward
M-F 8:30-5:00 PST
at specific gravities less than 1.050. E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (760) 738-4805
Charles A. Parker
Special Subscription Offer
CANINE ASSISTANT 8 issues for $24.95
Web Site
Brad Ring


ADVERTISING DIRECTOR All contents of Best of Brew Your Own's 150
Kiev Rattee
Classic Clone Recipes are Copyright © 2006
ADVERTISING SALES COORDINATOR by Battenkill Communications, unless other-
Jolm Ragozzine wise noted. Brew Your Own is a registered
trademark owned by Battenkill
Jim Moulton Communications, a Vermont corporation.
Although all reasonable attempts are made to
NEWSSTAND DIRECTOR ensure accuracy, the publisher does not
Carl Kopf
assume any liability for errors or omissions
EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD anywhere in the publication. All rights
Matt Cole • Rocky River (Ohio) Brewing Co. reserved . Reproduction in part or in whole
Horst Dornbusch • Beer Author without written permission is strictly prohibit-
Mark Garetz • Homebrew Consultant
Chris Graham • Beer, Beer and More Beer ed. Printed in the United States of America.
Craig Hartinger • Merchant du Yin
Anita Johnson • Great Fermentations (IN)
Mal"lon Lang • Homebrew Consultant
Jolm Maier • Rogue Ales
Paul Manzo • Homebrew Consultant
Kirby Nelson • Capital Brevving Co.
Greg Noonan • Vermont Pub & Brewery
Ralph Olson • Hopunion USA Inc.
Mark Szamatulski • Maltose Express
Tess Szamatulski • Maltose E:•:press
John Weerts • Homebrew Consultant
Cluis White • White Labs
Anne Whyte • Vermont Homebrew Supply
Homebrew Clone Recipes
MAKE YOUR favorite commercial beer AT HOME


By Chris Colby
no secret that homebrewers the Recipator at brewery.org, or a home-

drink a lot of beer, and not all made spreadsheet, like the Excel work-
of it is homebrew. Given that sheet I use. If you can calculate original
homebrewers also enjoy many specific gravity (OG) and color (in SRM)
craft beers and imports , it's not from the amount of malts in the recipe,
surprising that a popular topic among us final specific gravity (FG) from the atten-
is clone brew recipes - homebrew uation of the yeast, bittering (in !BUs)
recipes for commercial beers. from the amow1t of hops added and alco-
In this special issue of hol (in ABV) from the drop in specific
Brew Your Own, we present gravity, you can easily generate a "first
150 clone r ecipes. Most of draft" of a clone recipe.
these clones were formu- The second, and most important,
lated with input from the thing you 'll need to .formulate a clone is
brewery. With the exception information - and lots of it. To draw up
of two new recipes -for a decent clone recipe, you'll need the
Murphy's Stout and Old above beer specifications plus informa-
Peculiar - all are drawn tion on both the ingredients in the beer
from the pages of BYO. All and the procedures used to make it. For
older recipes have been updat- ingredients , you'll need to know the types
ed to meet BYO's standardized and percentage of malts used, the types
assumptions (adopted in 2003 and of hops used and when they are added,
found on the facing page). In addi- the kind of yeast and information on any
tion, many were updated to take into other ingredients (kettle adjuncts, spices,
account new information - and a few fruits, etc). On the procedural side, you
(for example, our Fat Tire clone) were should find out the details of the mash
completely r evamped . Among these program, boil times, fermentation tem-
recipes you'll find old standbys, new peratures and any unusual processes
trendsetters and a few homebrewer used . This is a lot of information, but -
favorites that are no longer brewed com- as I'll show you - there are some short-
mercially (for example, Red Hook Double cuts you can take.
Black Stout).
But what do you do if you can't find a Where to get the
clone of your favorite beer? Read on and information needed
fmd out how to do it yourself. Information on a commercial beer
can come from a variety of sources. First
What you'll need and foremost, you may be able to get
To formulate a clone recipe, you'll much or all of the information straight
want to use some sort of beer recipe cal- from the brewer. If your local brewpub
culator. This can be a stand alone pro- has a porter you just love, stop by during
gram - like ProMash, Beersmith or the day sometime - when the brewer is
Strangebrew- an online calculator, like most likely there - and ask if you can

talk to him. Some brewers are reluctant enter various amounts of base malt until and 1.0 oz (28 g) of black patent malt get
to give out any information about their you get a number equal to your original me to the right color for Swnmit Winter
beers, and others are bound by confiden- gravity estimate. On my spreadsheet, I Ale. Looking at other sintilar recipes,
tiality agreements, but many others are find that I would need 12 lbs. (5.4 kg) of especially recipes from my homebrew
happy to "talk shop." Information about a 2-row pale malt to ltit the OG of 1.058. notebook, this seems reasonable.
beer may also appear on a brewery's Extract brewers will use light malt How did I decide to use crystal 75?
website or on their packaging. extract as their base malt, but the rest of Well, from experience, I knew the amount
If you can't get any information fi·om the process is the same for both extract of black patent malt that would give a
the brewer or brewery, you may be able and all-grain brewers. Ilice amount of color, but only a tinge of
to fmc! at least some information (such as What if, however, your only indica- flavor (as I remember Summit Winter
alcohol content, in ABV) at other websites tion of the size of the beer was the alco- having) . From there, I found - by trial
on the Internet. Recipes for similar beers hol content? Using only this piece of and error- that when I used crystal 75 ,
can help you develop a clone recipe . And information, you can still estimate the OG I got a. reasonable amount of crystal in
finally, of course, you can use your sens- of yonr beer to be cloned. The amount of the r ecipe for a beer of tltis type. From
es to figure out some aspects of a beer. alcohol in a beer is prin1arily determined experience, I was pretty sure that the hue
You can certainly see the color of a by how much malt sugars the yeast "eat. " of the beer would be similar to what I
beer. And, if you have a color chart - Different yeast strains, however, will fer- remember the beer having. (In aclclition,
such as the one that appeared in the ment a different percentage of wort sug- the relatively small amount of crystal
May/June 2003 issue of BYO - you can ars. If you know the beer's yeast strain malts makes sense when you look at the
estimate the color rating (in SRtvl). (or can make a reasonable guess), you FG the beer needs to reach to get the
Tasting your clone target and some other, can use its average attenuation to esti- right alcohol content.)
similar beers of known bitterness (and mate the original gravity fi·om the alcohol Note that, as you acid other malts into
hop types) can help you make decisions content (in ABV) of the beer. In your your calculations, you will need to
about how much and what hops to use. recipe calculator, select the proper yeast decrease the amount of base malt to keep
Once you've gathered - or guessed at- type or type in a. reasonable number for the beer at the correct OG. This can, in
all the information you need, you're attenuation . Then fill in amounts of base tnrn, change the color of your beer. With
ready to draw up a draft recipe. malt until you reach the correct ABV. (If multiple malts, this can lead to a lot of
you have no idea. of what attenuation to ficlclling. However, after you've done this
In the cloning lab pick, try 75%. This is about average for a few times, you'll get better at it. After
Once you have all the information most ales.) adding the specialty malts, I needed to
assembled, one way to construct a clone Next, if you have the percentages of scale the pale malt amount back to
is to take a trial and error method to the other malts, just multiply the total 10 lbs. 14 oz. (4.9 kg) to maintain the OG.
entering the information into your brew- amount of grain by these percentages and Once yonr original gravity and color
ing calculator. I use this method when fill them in . For example, if we knew - match your initial estimates, take a look
constructing clones for BYO. As an exam- wltich we don't- that Summit used 10% at the final gravity (FG) and alcohol con-
ple of how to do this, I'll show you how I caramel malt, we'd know to add about 1.1 tent (in ABV) . If you're lucky, they might
cloned a real world beer - Summit lbs. (0.49 kg) of caramel. If you don't have be right on. If not, adjust the amount of
Winter Ale- using information found on any information on the proportion of the attenuation so the FG is right. In our case,
their website and my recollections of tast- various malts, the color of the beer can we don't have the final gravity, but we
ing this beer. help you make a. reasonable guess. have the alcohol content. In order to get
the correct ABV, I needed to lower the FG
Color and malt flavor to 1.012.
Beer Stats for If you don't know the percentage of Sometimes you may enter all of your
Summit Winter Ale other malts, start adding the other malts information into your brewing calculator
(from Summit's website)
in reasonable amow1ts into your brewing and the results won't match up with the
OG: 14.5 oPiato calculator. (You can use information on brewery's information. For example, you
IBU: 20 how similar beers are brewed as a basis may enter the amotmt and color ratings
Color: 21
for what a reasonable amount is.) In the of the malts they use and end up with a.
ABV: 5.9%
Malts: case of a beer with one base malt and one ca.lcula.tecl color other than the SRM they
2-row Harrington, Caramel, specialty malt (both of known color rat- claim (or the color you've seen) . Likewise ,
Black malt ing), there is only one combination that the alcohol content they claim may not
Willamette, Fuggle, Tettnanger will yield the right color and gravity for jibe with the drop in specific gravity the
the beer. If there are three or more malts, beer undergoes.
Start construction of your clone by there are an infinite nurriber of solutions From the standpoint of cloning, you
getting a rough idea of how much malt to the puzzle . need to decide how to deal with this dis-
you'll need to reach your estimate of the Using trial and error, I found that crepancy. The best way, in my opinion, is
beer's original gravity. To do tltis, just 1.25 lbs. (0.57 kg) of crystal malt (75 °L) to look over your brewing notebook and


formulate the clone so it works on your flrst draft of yow- clone recipe. explicitly will help you decide on the
system. For example, if the brewery's choices. Finally, maybe the brewer would
recipe yields a beer that you know will be Assessing the clone give you some more feedback once you've
too dark on yom system, decrease the Once you've got your clone recipe compiled yow- clone.
amount of dark malts. The way a beer is drawn up, you'll probably wonder how it In a worst case scenario - one in
brewed affects how it turns out, so use tastes. The obvious solution is to brew it which you've had to guess at many fac-
every bit of knowledge of how beers tmn and flnd out. However, if you've had to tors- you should end up with a beer that
out on yom system when formulating make several asswnptions along the way, is of the correct style, but that tastes dis-
your clone . you may be hesitant to do so, afraid that tinctly different from your clone target. If
you will be wasting your time. As you your information is very complete, the
Bitterness and hop character draw up a clone , it's natural to think success of yom clone wiii rest mostly on
Once you have the malt information about aU the w1certainties. Once you're your brewing skill and how close the
set, you can begin to calculate how much done, however, it's good to step back and recipe assumptions match the parame-
hops to use. As wort density affects hop also think of all you know you got right. ters of yom system. As a linal check, I
utilization, you need to get at least the Then, examine the consequences for your sent my clone - wltich appears on page
original gravity of yom beer set before being wrong. Let's use om presumptive 68 of tltis special issue - to Summit for
you calculate hop additions. Summit Winter Ale clone as an example. comm ent and Brewer Horace
If you don't know the level of bitter- We know the OG, ABV and color from Cunningham was nice enough to respond,
ness (in !BUs) of your beer, you can do om clone will be very close. And, the malt saying that my clone should produce "a
comparison tasting of different brews and and hop types are correct. However, I did very satisfying Winter Ale."
get a fairly good handle on the level of guess at the color of the crystal malt -
bitterness in a beer. What can be more and the amow1t of crystal malt we used Just brew it
difficult is determining the hop types. was based on that guess. What if I was Of comse, you can only really judge
If you could not get this info from the wrong about that? Different colors of the success of your clone by brewing it. If
brewer or some other soLu·ce - and you crystal malt are roasted differently and you do brew the clone, taste your home-
can't identify the types by tasting- your have different flavors, but the different brew alone first and judge it versus your
best approach is to use a hop type appro- flavors lie along a continuum. Given the memories of the target beer. Next, con-
priate for that beer style based on other color of the beer, the lightest versions of duct a side-by-side tasting with the com-
recipes. In general, English ales tend to crystal malt can be ruled out. Likewise, mercial beer. If the clone is significantly
use English hops (including East Kent the darkest are not that likely as only a flawed, you will notice that the beer do es-
Goldings and Fuggles), German beers use small addition would be required. So, if I n't taste right even before the head-to-
noble hops (such as Hallertau, Tettnang guessed wrong, the crystal malt flavor head comparison. If the clone is fairly
or Saaz) and American ales often, but not might be different than the actual beer, good, you'lllikely be pleased with the ini-
always, use citrusy "C" hops (Cascades, but not entirely so. ([f you've experiment- tial tasting. However, in the side-by-side
Chinook or Columbus). ed with different colors of crystal malt, tasting, you will pick up some differences.
Type different amounts of hops into you might have a feel for the margin of In the best-case scenario, the clone will
the bre\-ving calculator w1til you hit the error here.) taste very sintila r to the target, even in
target IBU . If you're lucky, the brewer Likewise, I guessed at the relative the direct comparison.
will have specified the amount of !BUs for contributions and timing of hops. Using your tasting notes, you should
each addition of hops. If you don't have However, tltis beer doesn't have a ton of be able to tweak the recipe to match the
any information about the tinting of the hop bitterness or flavor. It's balanced details of your system and move from a
additions, use information from similar more towards the malty side, as many "generic" clone to "system specillc" clone
beers as a guide . For the Summit Winter winter beers are . So, unless I'm ludi- for your brewery. Getting a real dead-on
clone , I found I needed 4.5 AAU of !Jitter- crously way off on the hops, this should- clone may involve the tweaking of water
ing hops (boiled for 60 minutes) com- n't produce a huge difference in the fla- salts, brewing procedures, aging details
bined with 3.75 AAU of flavor hops vor of the beer. I tllink the biggest chance and more. (Takjng a bottle of your home-
(boiled for 15 minutes) to reach 20 !BU. I for a difference from the target beer is in brew clone to the brewer and letting him
guessed that the Willamette hops would my choice of yeast. try it may open the door to more insight
be the !Jittering hops and the Fuggles and Another way of assessing yom clone on the brewing details .)
Tettnanger together would be the flavor before brewing is to formulate a few dif- l hope these clone recipes , and infor-
hops. ferent clones making different guesses. mation on cloning, help you to brew beers
Once the malt and hops have been For example, what if Summit really uses like the conunercial beers you enjoy.
decided, all that's left is the yeast, water crystal 90 instead of crystal 75? In that
and perhaps the miscellaneous ingredj- case, I'd need only about 1.0 UJ. (0.45 kg) Chris Colby is Editor · of BYO and
ents - the details of whkh you either of crystal (and slightly less pale malt than would like to thank all th e brewers who
have in yom possession or not. Add those before) to hit the same color and gravity. responded to our requests for information
details to your recipe and voila - the Sometimes drawing out the difference over the years.

OG = 1.038 FG = 1.006 fairly complex set of instmctions, meant


SRM = 40 ABV = 4.2% to mimic how the commercial beer is
made. You can simplify them by just
mashing all the grains togethe1; ferment-
Guinness Draught clone 14.5 oz. (411 g) Muntons Light dried ing this wort and omitting the souring
(Guinness & Co., Ireland) malt extract step. Howeve1; following the full instruc-
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) 2.66 lbs. (1.21 kg) Muntons Light tions will lead to a better clone - and
OG = 1.038 FG = 1.006 liquid malt extract (late addition) you will have an interesting story to tell
IBU = 45 SRM = 40 ABV = 4.2% 1 lbs. 6 oz. (0.62 kg) English pale when you serve it.
ale malt (3 oL)
This is a clone of "classic" 10 oz. (0.28 kg) flaked barley Ingredients
Guinness dry stout. It's a bit more 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) roasted barley (500 °L) 13 lbs. (5.9 kg) 2-row pale ale malt
bitter and has a sharper roast 12 AAU East Kent Goldings hops 2 lbs. 2 oz. (0 .96 kg) flaked barley
grain edge to it than the Guinness (60 min) 1 .0 lb. (0.45 kg) roasted barley
Draught found in widget cans or bottles (2.4 oz./68 g of 5% alpha acids) 11.33 AAU Challenger hops (60 mins)
in the US today. To brew today's Guinness Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) or White Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) or White Labs
Draught, decrease the amount of roasted Labs WLP004 (Irish Ale) yeast WLP004 (Irish Ale) yeast
barley to 12 oz. (0.34 kg) and add only 8 (2 qt./2 L yeast starter) (2 qt/-2 L starter)
AAU of hops, to yield 30 !BUs. 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) % cup corn sugar (for priming)

Ingredients Step by Step Step by Step

5.0 lbs. (2.3 kg) English 2-row pale Place crushed grains and flaked bar- Brew pale base beer Mash flaked barley
ale malt ley in a steeping bag. In a large kitchen and 11 lbs . (5.0 kg) of pale malt for 60
2. 5 lbs. (1.1 kg) flaked barley pot, heat 4.5 qts. (4.3 L) to 161 °F (72 °C) minutes at 152 OF (67 °C) in 4.1 gallons
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) roasted barley (500 °L) and submerge grain bag. Let grains steep (15 L) of mash water. Collect about 6 gal-
12 AAU East Kent Goldings for 45 minutes at around 150 OF (66 °C). lons (23 L) of wort and boil for 90 min-
hops (60 min) While grains are steeping, begin heating utes, ainling to end up with 4 gallons (15
(2.4 oz./68 g of 5% alpha acids) 2.1 gallons (7 .9 L) of water in your brew- L) of wort. Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C).
Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) or White pot. When steep is over, remove 1.25 qts . Make coloring extract Mash 2.0 lbs.
Labs WLP004 (Irish Ale) yeast (1 .2 L) of water from brewpot and add to (0.91 kg) of pale malt and roasted barley
(2 qt./2 L yeast starter) the "grain tea" in steeping pot. Place at 150 OF (66 oc) . Stir in CaC03 until pH
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) colander over brewpot and place steep- value is between 5.2 and 5.4. Collect 1.5
ing bag in it. Pour diluted grain tea gallons (5 .7 L) of wort. Boil to reduce vol-
Step by Step through grain bag. Heat liquid in brewpot ume to 1.0 gallon (3.8 L). Cool, aerate and
Heat 2.66 gallons (10 L) of water to to a boil, then stir in dried malt extract pitch yeast. Ferment at 70 °F (21 °C).
161 °F (72 °C) and stir in crushed grains and hops and begin the 60 nlinute boil. Make "Guinness tang" After pitching the
and flaked barley. Mash at 150 OF (66 °C) With 15 minutes left in boil, turn off heat yeast to your pale base beer, siphon
for 60 minutes. Stir boiling water into and stir in liquid malt extract. Stir well to 19 oz. (560 mL) of pitched wort to a san-
grain bed until temperature reaches 168 dissolve extract, then resun1e heating. itized 22 oz. (650 mL) bottle. Pitch bottle
°F (76 °C) and rest for 5 minutes. (Keep the boil clock running while you with a small amount of Brettanomyces.
Recirculate until wort is clear, then begin stir.) At the end of the boil, cool wort and Affix fermentation lock and let ferment.
rumling wort off to kettle. Sparge with transfer to fermenter. Add water to make When done, pour sour beer in a saucepan
170 °F (77 oc) water. Boil wort for 90 5 gallons (19 L), aerate wort and pitch and heat to 160 °F (71 °C) . !;fold at tllis
minutes, adding hops with 60 minutes left yeast. Ferment at 72 °F (22 °C). Rack to temperature for 15 minutes. Cool the
in boil. Cool wort and transfer to fer- secondary when fermentation is com - beer and pour it back in the bottle . Cap
menter. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. plete. Bottle when beer falls clear. bottle and refi·igerate. (For best results,
Ferment at 72 °F (22 °C). Rack to sec- ferment bottle at 70-80 °F (21-27 °C) for
ondary when fermentation is complete. Guinness Foreign 2-3 months.)
Bottle a few days later, when beer falls Extra Stout clone Make stout Combine pale beer, color
clear. If beer is kegged, consider pushing (Guinness & Co., Ireland) extract and sour "tang" beer in keg or
with a nitrogen blend (see the Jan-Feb (5 gallons/19 L, bottling bucket.
2005 issue of Brew Your Own for more all-grain)
information on this). OG = 1.078 Murphy's Pub Draught clone
FG = 1.019 (Murphy Brewery, Ltd., Ireland)
Guinness Draught clone IBU = 40 SRM = 43 (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
(Guinness & Co., Ireland) ABV = 7.5% OG = 1.038 FG = 1.007
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) This recipe has a IBU = 32 SRM = 41 ABV = 4.0%


(6 .6 L) of water to 180 op (82 °C). Scoop Beamish Genuine
Ingredients 2 qts (-2 L) of water from brewpot and Irish Stout clone
5 lb. 12 oz. (2.6 kg) add to "grain tea" in kitchen pot. Remove (Beamish & Crawford p.l.c.,
2-row pale ale malt grain bag and place in colander over Ireland)
2.0 oz. (57 g) crystal brewpot. Pour diluted "grain tea" (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
malt (90 °L) through the bag, then discard grains. OG = 1.039 FG = 1.008
3.0 oz. (85 g) chocolate Bring liquid in brewpot to a boil, then stir IBU = 26 SRM = 40 ABV = 4.0%
malt in dried malt extract. Return to a boil,
10 oz. (0.28 kg) roasted add hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add Ingredients
barley (500 °L) second charge of hops, liquid malt extract 0.5 lbs . (0.23 kg) light dried malt extract
12 oz. (0.34 kg) cane sugar (15 mins) and sugar vvith 15 minutes left. Cool wort 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) light liquid malt extract
8 MU Target hops (60 mins) and transfer to fermenter. Add water to (late addition)
(0. 72 oz./20 g of 11% alpha acids) make 5 gallons (19 L) and aerate. Pitch 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) 2-row pale ale malt
0.25 oz. East Kent Goldings (15 mins) yeast and ferment at 70 op (21 °C). Bottle 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) wheat malt
White Labs WLP005 (Dry English Ale) with corn sugar. 6.0 oz. (170 g) cane sugar
yeast (1 q1!-1L starter) 4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
lf, cup corn sugar (for priming) Beamish Genuine 6.0 oz. (170 g) chocolate malt
Irish Stout clone 4.5 oz. (128 g) roasted barley (500 °L)
Step by Step (Beamish & Crawford p.l.c., 1.5 oz. (43 g) black patent malt (500 °L)
Treat water to about 150 ppm Ireland) 3.5 MU Challenger hops (60 mins)
CaC0 3 . Heat 2.5 gallons (9.5 L) of strike (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (0.5 oz./14 g of 7% alpha acids)
water to 161 op (72 °C). Mash in pale malt OG = 1.039 FG = 1.008 3.0 MU Kent Goldings hops (60 mins)
and crystal malt first, then stir 'd ark IBU = 26 SRM = 40 (0.6 oz./17 g of 5% alpha acids)
grains into top layer of the grain bed. ABV = 4.0% 1 MU Hallertau Hersbrucker hops
Mash at 150 op (66 °C) for 60 minutes. (15 mins)
Boil 90 minutes. Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C). Ingredients (0.25 oz./7 g of 4% alpha acids)
Bottle with corn sugar or keg (and prefer- 5.88 lbs. (2.65 kg) 2-row 1 tsp. Irish moss
ab ly push beer with nitrogen mix). pale ale malt Wyeast 1968 (yeast name) or White Labs
8.0 oz. (226 g) wheat malt WLP002 (yeast name) yeast
Murphy's Pub Draught clone 6.0 oz. (170 g) cane sugar (1 qt./-1 L yeast starter)
(Murphy Brewery, Ltd., Ireland) 4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 0.66 cups corn sugar (for pruning)
{5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 6.0 oz. (170 g) chocolate malt
OG = 1.038 FG = 1.007 4.5 oz. (128 g) roasted barley (500 oL) Step by Step
IBU = 32 SRM = 41 ABV = 4.0% 1.5 oz. (43 g) black patent malt (500 °L) Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
3.5 AAU Challenger hops (60 mil1s) ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of
Ingredients (0.5 oz./14 g of 7% alpha acids) water at 149 op (65 °C) for 30 minutes.
2.66 lbs. (1.2 kg) lVIuntons Light dried 3.0 MU Kent Goldings hops (60 mins) Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of
malt extract (0.6 oz./17 g of 5% alpha acids) water at 170 op (66 °C). Add water to
0.66 lbs. (0.3 kg) Muntons Light liquid 1 MU Hallertau Hersbrucker hops make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt
malt extract (15 mins) extract and bring to a boil.
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale ale malt (0.25 oz./7 g of 4% alpha acids) Boil for 60 milmtes, adding hops at
2.0 oz. (57 g) crystal (90 °L) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) time indicated in ingredient list. Add the
3.0 oz. (85 g) chocolate malt Wyeast 1968 (yeast name) or White Labs liquid malt extract and Irish moss with 15
10 oz. (0.28 kg) roasted barley (500 °L) WLP002 (yeast name) yeast minutes left in the boil.
12 oz. (0.34 kg) cane sugar (15 mins) (1 qt./-1 L yeast starter) Cool brewpot in sink, with the lid on,
8 MU Target hops (60 mins) 0.66 cups corn sugar (for priming) until the side of the brewpot no longer
(0. 7 2 oz./20 g of 11% alpha acids) feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter
0.25 oz. East Kent Goldings (15 mins) Step by Step and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool
White Labs WLP005 (Dry English Mash grains at 149 op (65 °C) in 9.5 water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
Ale) yeast (1 q1!-1L starter) qts. (9 .0 L) of mash water. Mash for 60 Ferment at 70 op (21 °C) .
lf, cup corn sugar (for priming) minutes. Collect 4.0 gallons (-15 L) of
wort. Add 2.5 gallons (9.4 L) of water and
Step by Step boil wort for 90 minutes, adding hops at Young's Double
In a large (8 qt./-8 L) kitchen pot, times indicated ill recipe. Add sugar and Chocolate Stout clone
steep crushed grains at 150 °F (66 °C) for Irish moss for final 15 minutes of boil. (Young & Co.'s Brewery
45minutes in 3 qts. (-3 L) of water. While Ferment at 70 op (21 °C). p.l.c., England)
grains are steeping, heat 1. 7 5 gallons (5 gallons/19 L, all -grain)

OG = 1.053 FG = 1.013 Ingredients 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) Hugh Baird Carastan
IBU = 28 SAM = 35 ABV = 5.2% 0.5 lb. (0 .23 kg) Muntons Light dried malt (35 °L)
malt extract 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Hugh Baird Brown
Young's Website claims that their Double 4 lb. 2 oz. (1 .9 kg) John Bull Plain Light malt (60 °L)
Chocolate Stout is made from. pale, crys- Uquid malt e;dract (late addition) 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) chocolate malt
tal and chocolate malts, with a "special 8.0 oz. (0.23 kg) 2-row pale ale malt 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (120° L)
blend of sugars." This stout is fairly 11 oz. (0 .31 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 0.25 lb . (0.11 kg) roasted black barley
sweet and we suspect the brewery proba- 13 oz. (0.37 kg) chocolate malt 21.5 AAU Cluster hops (60 mins)
bly adds sugar before bottling and then 12 oz. (0.34 kg) lactose (3.1 oz./87 g of 7% alpha acid)
pasteurizes the bee1: We went with a bit 8.0 oz. (0.23 kg) invert sugar 8.0 AAU Northern Brewer hops (2 nlins)
of lactose, which brewers yeast cannot 4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) cane sugar (0 .88 oz./25 g of 9% alpha acid)
ferment, instead. Young's also adds "real 6.0 oz. (0.17 kg) cocoa powder 8.9 AAU Centennial hops (2 1nins)
dark chocolate and chocolate essence" to 0.33 oz. (9.4 g) Uquid chocolate extract (0.74 oz./21 g of 12% alpha acid)
this bee1: You can add more or less choco- 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
late extract to taste. Ys tsp. yeast nutrients (15 mins) Wllite Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or
7 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins) Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
Ingredients (1.4 oz./40 g of 5% alpha acids) (3 qt.l-3 L yeast starter)
6lb. 14 oz. (3.1 kg) 2-row pale ale malt 1.25 AAU Kent Golclings hops (15 mins) 0 .75 cup of corn sugar for printing
11 oz. (0.31 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) (0 .25 oz./7 g of 5% alpha acids)
13 oz. (0.37 kg) chocolate malt Wyeast 1318 (London Ale Ill) yeast Step by Step
12 oz. (0 .34 kg) lactose (1.5 quart/-1.5 L yeast starter) Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
8.0 oz. (0 .23 kg) invert sugar 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) ing bag and steep in 5.0 qts . (4. 7 L) of
4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) cane sugar water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 minutes .
6.0 oz. (0.17 kg) cocoa powder Step by Step Rinse grains with 2.5 qts. (-2.3 L) of
0.33 oz. (9.4 g) liquid chocolate extract Place crushed grains in a nylon water at 170 °F (77 °C). Add water to
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) steeping bag. Heat 3.0 quarts (2.8 L) of make 4 gallons (15 L), stir in dried malt
y, tsp. yeast nutrients (15 mins) water to 164 °F (73 °C) and steep grains extract and bring to a boil. Add the
7 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins) for 45 minutes at 153 °F (67 °C). Rinse Cluster (bittering) hops and boil for 60
(1.4 oz./40 g of 5% alpha acids) grain bag with 1.5 quarts (-1.5 L) of minutes. Add the Uquid malt extract and
1.25 AAU Kent Goldings hops (15 mins) water at 170 °F (77 °C). Add dried malt Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the boil.
(0.25 oz./7 g of 5% alpha acids) extract, sugars and water to make 3 gal- Add the aroma hops (Northern Brewer
Wyeast 1318 (London Ale Ill) yeast lons (11 L) and bring to a boil. Add hops and Centennial) for the last two minutes
(1.5 quart/-1.5 L yeast starter) and boil for 60 minutes. With 15 minutes of the boil.
0 .75 cups corn sugar (for priming) left, turn off heat and stir in liquid malt When you are done boiling, cool wort
extract. Add cocoa powder (dissolved in by submerging brewpot in sink (with the
Step by Step hot water), second close of hops , Irish lid on) Lmtil the side of the brewpot no
Heat 10.5 quarts (9 .9 L) of water to moss and yeast nutrients and resume longer feels warm. Transfer wort to fer-
164 °F (73 °C). Stir in crushed grains and boiling. Cool wort, transfer to fermenter menter and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with
mash at 153 °F (67 °C) for 60 minutes . and top up to 5 gallons (19 L). Aerate and cool water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
Collect 4.25 gallons (16 L) of wort, add pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C). Add Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C) for 10 to 14
2.25 gallons (8.5 L) of water and boil for chocolate extract in secondary. days. Bottle your beer, age for two to
90 minutes. Add hops at times indicated three weeks and enjoy! (Yes, that's right,
in ingredient list. Add sugars, Irish moss Old Rasputin this beer so well-balanced that North
and yeast nutrients with 15 minutes Imperial Stout clone Coast releases it to the public in less than
remaining in the boil. Dissolve cocoa in (North Coast Brewing Company, a month.)
hot water and add with 15 minutes California)
remaining. Cool wort, aerate and pitch (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) All -grain version:
yeast. Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C) . Add OG = 1.091 Replace the malt extract with 16 lbs.
chocolate essence in secondary. FG = 1.022 (7.3 kg) of pale malt. Mash your grains at
IBU = 75 SAM = 61 152 OF (67 °C) or 45 minutes . Use 24
Young's Double ABV = 8.9% quarts (23 L) of mash water. Collect about
Chocolate Stout clone 10 gallons (38 L) and boil to reduce vol-
(Young and Co.'s Brewery p.l.c., Ingredients ume to 5.0 gallons (19 L).
England) 3.75 lbs . (1 .7 kg) light dried
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) malt extract
08= 1.053 FG=1 .013 6.6 lbs. (3 .0 kg) Coopers Light Uquid
IBU = 28 SAM = 35 ABV = 5.2% malt extract (late addition)


Fish Tale Trout Stout clone 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Carapils malt (bittering hop, boil 60 min.)
(Fish Brewing Company, 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt (0. 75 oz./21 g of 9.0% alpha acid)
Washington) 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (15 °L) 4.5 AAU Northern Brewer hops
(5 gallons/19 L, 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (40 "L) (aroma hop, boil 5 min .)
all-grain) 0.5 lb. (0 .23 kg) black malt (0.50 oz./14 g of 9.0% alpha acid)
OG = 1.059 FG = 1.016 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) roasted malt (220 °L) Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) or White
IBU = 40 SRM = 55 0.1 oz. (2.8 g) gypsum in mash Labs WLP013 (London Ale) yeast
ABV = 5.5% 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) 0. 75 cup (180 mL) of corn sugar
8.4 AAU Chinook bops (60 mins) (for priming)
Ingredients (0.7 oz./19.6 gat 12 %AA)
8.5 lbs . (3.8 kg) 2-row pale malt 1.1 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins) Step by Step
1.0 lb . (0 .45 kg) Carapils malt (0.2 oz./5.6 gat 5.5 % AA) Steep the grains and flakes in 1.5 gal-
1.0 lb. (0 .45 kg) Munich malt 1.1 AAU Cascade pellet hops (10 mil1s) lons (5.7 L) of water at 150 op (66 "C) for
0.5 lb . (0 .23 kg) crystal malt (15 °L) (0.2 oz./5 .6 gat 5.5 % AA) 30 minutes. Add water to make 3 gallons
0.5 lb . (0.23 kg) crystal malt (40 °L) 1.1 AAU Cascade pellet hops (0 mil1s) (11 L) , add the malt syrup and bring to a
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) black malt (0.2 oz./5 .6 g at 5.5% AA) boil. Add the Northern Brewer bittering
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) roasted malt (220 °L) Wyeast 1332 (Northwest Ale) yeast hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add the
0.1 oz. (2 .8 g) gypsum in mash 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Northem Brewer finishing hops for th e
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) last 5 minutes of the boil. Now add the
8.4 AAU Chinook hops (60 mins) Step by Step wort to 2.0 gallons (7.6 L) of cool water il1
(0 .7 oz./19.6 gat 12 %AA) Put crushed grains il1 a nylon steep- a sanitary ferm enter and top off with cool
1.1 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins) ing bag. Steep grains at 155 op (68 °C) in water to 5.5 gallons (21 L) Cool the wort
(0 .2 oz./5 .6 gat 5.5 % AA) 1.7 gallons (6.4 L) of water for 45 min- to 75 op (24 °C), aerate the beer and pitch
1.1 AAU Cascade pellet hops (10 mins) utes. Ril1se grains with 0. 75 gallons (2 .8 your yeast. Allow the beer to cool over
(0.2 oz./5.6 gat 5.5 % AA) L) of wa ter at 170 op (77 °C). Add -0.8 the next few hOW'S to 68 op (20 °C), and
1.1 AAU Cascade pellet hops (0 mins) gallons (-3 L) of boiling water to make 3 hold at this temperature until the beer
(0.2 oz./5 .6 gat 5.5% AA) gallons (11 L), add dried malt extract and has finished fermenting. Bottle or keg
Wyeast 1332 (Northwest Ale) yeast bring wort to a boil. Add Chinook hops your beer and enjoy!
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) and boil for 60 minutes. Add Cascade
hops at times indicated in ingredient list. All-grain version:
Step by Step At 15 minutes r emainil1g in th e boil, stir This is a single step infusion mash.
Heat 4 gallons (15 L) of strike water in liquid malt extract and add Irish moss. Replace the malt syrup with 10 lbs.
to 166 op (74 °C) . Mash grains at 155 op Cool wort and siphon to fermenter. Top (4.5 kg) of 2-row pale ale malt. Mash the
(68 °C) . Let rest for 30 minutes, recircu- up to 5 gallons (19 L), aerate and pitch 4 grains together at 152 op (68 °C) for 45
late until clear, then sparge with 170 op yeast. Ferment at 68 op (20 °C). Prime minutes. Collect approxin1ately 7 gallons
(77 °C) water. Start 90-minute boil. When with corn sugar and bottl e. - Jenn wort (26.6 L) to boil for 90 minutes and
wort starts to boil, commence hop sched- Gridley. Head Brewer have a 5.5 -gallon (21-L) yield.
ule: 0.7 oz. (19 .6 g) Chinook hops at 60
minutes , 0.2 oz . (5.6 g) Cascade at 60 Lookout Stout clone Snowplow Milk Stout clone
minutes, 0.2 oz. (5 .6 g) Cascade at 10 (Haines Brewing Company, (Widmer Brothers Brewing,
minutes, 0.2 oz. (5 .6 g) Cascade at end of Alaska) Oregon)
boil. Cool wort to 68 "F (20 °C) , ferment (5 gallons/19 L, extract (5 gallons/19 L,
until final gravity is reached (1.016). with grains) all-grain)
Prime with :y, cup corn sugar and bottle . OG = 1.059 OG = 1 .068 FG = 1.028
FG = 1.018 IBU = 27 SRM = 49
Fish Tale Trout Stout clone 37 ABV = 5.2%
(Fish Brewing Company, ABV = 5.4%
Washington) Ingredients
(5 gallons/19 L, extract w/ grains) Ingredients 4.5 lbs. (2.0 kg) 2-row pale malt
OG = 1.059 FG = 1.016 6.6 lbs. (3 .0 kg) Muntons Light 2.0 lbs. (0 .91 kg) wheat malt
IBU = 40 SRM = 55 ABV = 5.6% unhopped malt extract syrup 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) llaked oats
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Maris Otter malt 2.1 lbs. (0.95 kg) Carapils malt
Ingredients 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 2.1 lbs. (0 .95 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
1.25 lb . (0.57 kg) Coopers dried 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) flaked barley 13 oz. (0.37 kg) roasted barley
malt extract 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) ro asted barley 6.5 oz. (0.18 kg) black patent malt
4.5 lbs. (2.0 kg) Coopers Light liquid (uru11alted) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) lactose
malt extract (late addition) 6. 75 AAU Northern Brewer hops 7.25 AAU Magnum hops (60 min)

(0 .52 oz./15 g of 14% alpha acids) Brewmaste1; for information about
2.5 AAU Willamette hops (15 min) Snowplow. All-grain version:
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) Tllis is a single-step infusion mash.
Wyeast 1187 (Ringwood Ale) yeast Oscar's Chocolate Oatmeal Replace the malt syrup with 9.0 lbs.
0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Stout clone (4 .0 kg) of Briess pale 2-row malt, and
(Sand Creek Brewing Company, mix with the rest of yom grains in the
Step by Step Wisconsin) extract version. Mash the grains together
Mash at 156 oF (69 °C) . Boil for 90 (5 gallons/19 L, at 150 "F (66 "C) for 60 minutes.
minutes, adding hops as indicated in the extract with grains) Collect approximately 7 gallons
recipe and lactose for the final 15 min- OG = 1.056 (26 L) of wort to boil for 120 minutes , so
utes of the boil. Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C). FG = 1.020 you have a 5.0-gallon (19-L) yield. The
IBU = 30 SRM = 20 remainder of the recipe is the same as the
Snowplow Milk Stout clone ABV = 4.75% extract. Enjoy your chocolate oatmeal
(Widmer Brothers Brewing, stout!
Oregon) Ingredients
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 6.6 lbs . (3.0 kg) Briess Light Cappuccino Stout clone
OG = 1.068 FG = 1.028 unhopped liquid malt extract (Lagunitas Brewing Company,
IBU = 27 SRM = 49 ABV = 5.2% 1.0 !h . (0 .45 kg) Briess Munich California)
malt (10 "L) (5 gallons/19 L, all-
Ingredients 1.0 !h. (0.45 kg) Briess wheat malt grain)
2 oz. (57 g) light dried malt extract 4 .0 oz . (0.11 kg) Briess roasted OG = 1.070
4.66 lhs. (2 .1 kg) amber liquid barley malt FG = 1.014
malt extract 4.0 oz. (0 .11 kg) Briess chocolate malt IBU = 52 SRM = 35
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) wheat malt 10.0 oz. (0.28 kg) Briess flaked oats ABV = 7.2%
1.0 !h. (0 .45 kg) flaked oats 1 tsp . Irish moss (boil 60 minutes)
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) Carapils malt 7.1 AAU Goldings hops Ingredients
1.0 !h. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (60 oL) (bittering hop, boil 60 minutes) 10 lbs. 1 oz. (4.6 kg) 2-row pale malt
13 oz. (0 .37 kg) roasted barley (1.5 oz./42 g of 4. 75% alpha acid) lib . 12.5 oz (0.81 kg) wheat malt
6.5 oz. (0 .18 kg) black patent malt 4.75 AAU Goldings hops 1 lb . 4. 75 oz. (0.59 kg)
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) lactose (aroma hop, boil 5 minutes) crystal malt (60 °L)
7.25 AAU Magnum hops (60 min) (1.0 oz./28 g of 4.75% alpha acid) 9.5 oz. (0 .27 kg) chocolate malt
(0.52 oz./15 g of 14% alpha acids) Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White 9.5 oz . (0.27 kg) corn sugar
2.5 AAU Willamette hops (15 min) Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast 3 oz. (85 g) coffee
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) 0. 75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 7.4 AAU Horizon hops (60 mins)
Wyeast 1187 (Ringwood Ale) yeast (0 .67 oz./19 g of 11% alpha acids)
0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Step by Step 0.72 AAU Willamette hops (30 mins)
Steep the crushed malts in 1.5 gal- (0.14 oz./4.1 g of 5% alpha acids)
Step by Step lons (5.8 L) of water at 150 oF (66 °C) for 2.15 AAU Cascade hops (30 mins)
Begin by heating 2.1 gallons (7. 9 L) of 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort (0.36 oz./10 g of 6% alpha acids)
water to 167 °F (75 °C) in your brewpot. and add water to make 3 gallons (11 L). 4.9 AAU Willamette hops (0 mins)
Place the crushed grains in a large grain Add the malt syrup to your wort and (0.98 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids)
steeping bag and submerge them in this bring to a boil. 5.9 AAU Cascade hops (0 mins)
water. Steep grains at 156 oF (69 °C) for Add the Goldings bittering hops and (0.98 oz./28 g of 6% alpha acids)
30-45 minutes. After steep, remove grain Irish moss then boil for 60 minutes. Add 0.07 oz. (1 .9 g) Willamette hops
bag and let drip dry. Add dried malt the Goldings finishing hops for the last 5 (dry hop)
extract and 0.9 gallons (3.4 L) of water to minutes of the boil. 0.08 oz . (2.4 g) Cascade hops (dry hop)
brewpot and bring to a boil. (Note: You Now add the wort to 2 gallons (7 .6 L) Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
can be heating this mixture while you are of cool water in a sanitary fermenter, and 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
steeping.) Boil for 60 minutes, adcling top off with cool water to 5.5 gallons (21
hops at times indicated. With 15 minutes L). Cool the wort to 75 "F (24 "C)- do not Step by Step
left in the boil, add liquid malt extract - aerate (you want a high ending gravity Mash at 155 oF (68 °C). Boil 60 min-
stirring well so extract dissolves com- for this beer!). Pitch your yeast and allow utes, adding corn sugar at beginrling of
pletely. After boil. cool wort and siphon to the beer to cool over the next few hours boil. Ferment 70 oF (21 °C). Brew coffee
fermenter. Top up with water to 5 gallons to 68 "F (20 "C), and hold at this temper- and add in secondary.
(19 L), aerate and pitch yeast. Ferment at ature until the beer has finished ferment-
70 OF (21 °C) . ing. Then bottle or keg your beer and Cappuccino Stout clone
Thanks to Joe Casey, Assistant enjoy! (Lagunitas Brewing Company,


California) (0.98 oz./28 g of 6% alpha acids) Thanks to Tony Magee from Lagunitas for
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 0.07 oz. (1.9 g) Willamette hops the recipe for Cappuccino Stout.
OG = 1.070 FG = 1.014 (dry hop)
IBU =52 SRM = 35 ABV = 7.2% 0.08 oz. (2.4 g) Cascade hops (dry hop) Oak Barrel Stout clone
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast (Old Dominion Brewing
Ingredients 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Company, Virginia)
1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) Briess Light dried (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
malt extract Step by Step OG = 1.056 FG = 1.017
5.33 lbs (2.4 kg) Alexander's Pale Heat 7.0 qts . (6.6 L) of water to 166 IBU = 52 SRM = 61 ABV = 5.1%
liquid malt extract (late addition) °F (74 °C). Place crushed grains in a
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt steeping bag and steep at 155 °F (68 °C) Ingredients
1 lb. 12.5 oz (0.81 kg) wheat malt for 45 minutes. (Check temperature every 8 lbs. 1 oz. (3.66 kg) 2-row pale
1 lb. 4.75 oz. (0.59 kg) crystal 10 minutes and heat steeping water to malt
malt (60 °L) 160 °F (71 °C) when it falls below 155 °F 6.5 oz. (0.19 kg) Carapils malt
9.5 oz. (0.27 kg) chocolate malt (68 °C) .) In a separate pot, heat 5.25 qts . 15 oz. (0.43 kg) Munich malt
9.5 oz. (0 .27 kg) corn sugar (5 .0 L) rinse water to 170 °F (77 °C) . 10 oz. (0.28 kg) crystal
3 oz. (0.09 kg) coffee Rii1se grains and brii1g "gram tea" (wort) malt (40 °L)
7.4 AAU Horizon hops (60 mii1s) -around 11.6 qts. (10.9 L) total- to a 6 oz. (0.17 kg) rauchmalz
(0.67 oz./19 g of 11% alpha acids) boil. Add dried malt extract and corn 6.5 oz. (0.19 kg) wheat malt
0.72 AAU Willamette hops (30 mms) sugar and boil for 60 minutes, adding 10 oz. (0.28 kg) chocolate malt
(0.14 oz./4.1 g of 5% alpha acids) hops at tilnes ii1dicated ill recipe and add 12 oz. (0.34 kg) roasted barley (500 °L)
2.15 AAU Cascade hops (30 mins) liquid malt extract with 15 minutes left in 13 AAU Perle hops (60 mins)
(0.36 oz./10 g of 6% alpha acids) boil. Cool wort and transfer to fermenter. (1.9 oz./53 g of 7% alpha acids)
4.9 AAU Willamette hops (0 mins) Top up to 5 gallons (19 L) and aerate. 8 AAU Willamette hops (5 mins)
(0.98 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids) Pitch yeast and ferment 70 °F (21 °C). (1 .6 oz./45 g of 5% alpha acids)
5.9 AAU Cascade hops (0 mii1s) Brew coffee and add ii1 secondary. Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White

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Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast dried malt extract and hops and boil for
1 y, vanilla beans 60 minutes. Add liquid malt extract with
2.5 oz. (71 g) oak cubes 15 minutes remaining. Cool wort, trans-
0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) fer to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons
(19 L). Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
Step by Step Ferment at 66 °F (19 °C) . Add vanilla
Mash at 154 oF (68 °C). Boil for 90 beans (sliced down center) and oak cubes
minutes . Ferment at 66 oF (19 oC). Add in secondary. Ingredients
vanilla beans (sliced down center) and (Most winemaking shops sell oak 6.6 lbs. (3 .0 kg) Coopers unl1opped
oak cubes in secondary. cubes; a medium toasted French oak light malt extract syrup
would work well.) 0.75 lbs. (340 g) Coopers light dried
Oak Barrel Stout clone Thanks to Old Dominion for the informa- malt extract
(Old Dominion Brewing tion used to formulate this clone. 1.0 lbs. (454 g) Mllllich malt
Company, Virginia) (dark, 20 "L)
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) Navish's Oatmeal Stout clone 1.0 lbs. (454 g) Mwlich malt
OG = 1.056 FG = 1.017 (The Portsmouth Brewery, (light, 10 °L)
IBU =52 SRM = 61 ABV = 5.1% New Hampshire) 0.75 lbs. (340 g) aromatic malt
~...-~~OUt~t ~ (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) 0.44 lbs. (200 g) Weyermann .
Ingredients Q.o4
a~ OG: 1.065 FG: 1.025 Carafa® III malt (500 °L)
0.66 lbs. (0.30 kg) Briess Light ~ ~ IBU = 50 SRM = 34 0.44 lbs. (200 g) chocolate malt
dried malt extract t: .. :< ABV = 5.2% 0.75 lbs . (340 g) lactose
4.13 lbs (1.87 kg) Alexander's Pale 1, ~:t- (milk sugar) (60 min.)
liquid malt extract '~~l'sMo\l't'(\ Ingredients 2.5 oz (70 g) Belgian chocolate
(Ia te addition) 11 lbs. (5 .0 kg) pale malt (melted)
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt 1.0 lbs. (0 .45 kg) caramel malt (60 °L) Half of a whole vanilla bean
6.5 oz. (0.19 kg) Carapils malt 0.2 lbs. (91 g) chocolate malt (add to secondary fermenter)
15 oz. (0.43 kg) Munich malt 0.2 lbs. (91 g) black malt 3.3 AAU Tettnanger hops (60 min)
10 oz. (0.28 kg) crystal malt (40 °L) 0.8 lbs. (0 .36 kg) roasted barley (0.75 oz./21 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
6 oz. (0.17 kg) rauchmalz 1.0 lbs . (0.45 kg) rolled quick oats 3.3 AAU Tettnanger hops (30 min)
6.5 oz. (0 .19 kg) wheat malt 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) steel-cut oats (0. 75 oz./21 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
10 oz. (0.28 kg) chocolate malt 14 AAU Chinook hops (75 mins) 1.0 AAU Liberty hops (in hopback)
12 oz. (0.34 kg) roasted (1.2 oz./33 g of 12% alpha acids) (0 .25 oz.n g of 4.0% alpha acid)
barley (500 oL) Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) or White Labs Wyeast 1007 (German Ale) or
13 AAU Perle hops (60 mins) WLP004 (Irish Ale) yeast White Labs WLP029 (German
(1. 9 oz./53 g of 7% alpha acids) 0. 75 cup corn sugar (for priming) Ale/Kolsch) yeast
8 AAU Willamette hops (5 mins) 20 oz. Jamaican Blue coffee
(1.6 oz./45 g of 5% alpha acids) Step by Step (cold brewed, add at bottling)
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or Mash the grains and rolled oats at 0.75 cup (180 mL) of corn sugar
White Labs WLP001 160 °F (71 °C) for one hour and then (for printing)
(California Ale) yeast sparge and run off enough wort into the
1 y, vanilla beans kettle for a 90-minute boil. Add 1.2 otmce Step by Step
2.5 oz. (71 g) oak cubes (33 g) of Chinook hops at 15 minutes into Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
0.75 cups corn sugar the boil. Add 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) of steel-cut ing bag and steep in 5.4 qts. (5.2 L) of
(for priming) oats (Irish oatmeal) in a mesh bag to the water at 150 °F (66 oc) for 30 minutes.
boil during the last 45 minutes. Remove Rinse grains with 2.0 qts. (1.9 L) of water
Step by Step bag of Irish oatmeal and cool wort. Move at 170 oF (77 oc). Add water to make 3
In yow- brewpot, heat 7.66 qts. (7.2 cooled wort to fermenter and add Irish gallons (11 L).
L) of water to 165 oF (74 °C). Place stout yeast. Ferment at 65-68 oF (18-20 VVhile the malts are steeping, melt
crushed grains in a steeping bag and °C) Wltil reaching terminal gravity (about the Belgian chocolate in a double boiler.
steep at 154 OF (68 °C) for 45 minutes. 7-12 days). Remove grains Ji·om wort, add the dried
Check temperature every 10 minutes and malt extract, lactose, Belgian chocolate
heat steeping water to 159 °F (71 oc) if it Chocolate Jitters clone and bring to a boil.
falls below 154 oF (68 °C) . Heat 5.75 qts. (Rocky River Brewing Company, Add the first addition of Tettnanger
(5.4 L) of rinse water to 170 oF (77 oc) in Ohio) bittering hops and boil for 60 minutes.
a separate pot. Rinse grains and heat (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) Add the second addition of Tettnanger
"grain tea" (wort) - of which you'll have OG = 1.071 FG = 1.018 hops for the last 30 minutes of the boil.
about 12.6 qts. (12.0 L) - to a boil. Add IBU = 21 SRM = 49 ABV = 7.0% Add the Liberty hops for th e last 5 min-


utes of the boil. Mash in all grains at 149 oF (65° C), All-grain version:
Cool brewpot in sink, with the lid on, using 17.5 qts. (16.5 L) of mash liquor. Replace malt extract with 9.25 lbs.
until the side of the brewpot no longer Hold until converted, about 1 hom. Mash (4.2 kg) of pale malt. Mash grains togeth-
feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter off at 170" F (77° C) and begin lautering. er for 60 minutes at 155 °F (68 °C). Boil
and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool Sparge to achieve seven gallons (26 L) of for 90 minutes.
water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. wort. Total boil is 70 minutes. After the
Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C). When primary boil, tmn off the heat and ad d finish hops
fermentation is finished, transfer the
beer into anoth er carboy (called a sec-
ondary fermenter) and add the vanilla
for five minutes. Cool to 70" F (21 o C) and
ferment with ale yeast. Add espresso at
end of primary fermentation, bottle and
bean to the beer, and age for about enjoy! Fuller's London Porter clone
another week. Cold brew 20 oz. (590 mL) (Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.,
of coffee for 24 hams, add the coffee to Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout clone England)
your beer, bottle and enjoy! (Big Sky Brewing Company, (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
Montana) OG = 1.056 FG = 1.014
All-grain version: ~JliD\W'JILf (5 gallons/19 L, IBU = 35 SRM = 62
This is a single step infusion mash . - L 'ii' s, partial mash) ABV = 5.4%
Replace the malt extract with 11 lbs . OG = 1.055
(5 .0 kg) of pale malt. The rest of the FG = 1.016
grains used are the same as the extract IBU = 20
recipe. Mash the grains together at SRM = 46 ABV = 5.1 % British 2-row pale
152 "F (67 °C) for 60 minutes. Collect ale malt
approximately 7 gallons (26 L) wort to Ingredients 14 oz. (0.40 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
boil for 90 -120 minutes and have a 5- 0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) two-row pale malt 7.0 oz. (0.20 kg) chocolate malt
gallon (19 L) yield. The remainder of the 1.5 lbs . (0 .68 kg) crystal malt (80 °L) 7.0 oz. (0.20 kg) black patent malt
recipe is the same as the extract. 4.0 oz. (112 g) black patent malt 4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) roasted barley (500 °L)
6.0 oz. (168 g) chocolate malt 8.5 AAU Kent Goldings hops (60 mii1s)
Double Black Stout clone 6.0 oz. (168 g) flaked oats (1.7 oz./48 g of 5% alpha acids)
(Red Hook Ale Brewery, 1 lb. 10 oz. (0. 7 g) light dried 1.25 AAU Kent Goldrngs hops (15 mills)
Washington) malt extract (0.25 oz./7 g of 5% alpha acids)
4.0 lbs. (1.8 g) light liquid malt extract 0.25 oz. (7 g) Kent Golclings (5 mins)

(late addition) 0.25 oz. (7 g) Kent Goldrngs (0 mins)
5.5 AAUs East Kent Golding hops 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
-WGil~- (60 mins) Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White
BREWi.~. (1.1 oz./31 g) of 5% alpha acid) Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) (1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter)
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB Ale) or White 0.75 cups corn sugar
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast (for priiuing)
OG = 1.069 FG = 1.016 (1 .75 qt./-1.75 L yeast starter)
IBU = 70 SRM = 96 ABV = 6.9% 7', cup corn sugar (for priming) Step by Step
Use moderately to highly carbonate-
Ingredients Step by Step rich water (75-125 ppm). Mash graii1s for
9.0 lbs. (4.1 kg) 2-row pale malt Steep specialty grains in about 3 gal- 60 minutes at 156 or (59 °C). Collect 6.5
2.25 lbs. (1.0 kg) crystal malt (60-80 °L) lons (11 L) of water at 150-155 oF (66-68 gallons (25 L) of wort. Boil wort for 90
1.5 lbs. (0. 7 kg) wheat malt °C) for 30 minutes. Remove grains, add miimtes. Ferment at 70 or (21 °C).
1.25 lbs. (0.6 kg) chocolate malt malt syrup and bring to a boil. Add 1.25
0.5 lb. (0.2 kg) roasted barley oz. (35 g) Kent Golding hops and 1 tea- Fuller's London Porter clone
0.5 lb . (0.2 kg) black patent malt spoon Irish moss and boil for 60 minutes. (Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.,
19.5 AAU Northern Brewer hops When clone boiling, strain out hops and England)
(60 mins) add the wort to cool water in a sanitized (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
(2.2 oz./61 g of 9% alpha acids) ca rboy. Fill carboy to the 5-V, gallon OG = 1.056 FG = 1.014
1.5 oz. (43 g) Cascade hops (0 mins) (21 L) mark. Add your yeast when the IBU = 35 SRM = 62 ABV = 5.4%
15 oz. (445 mL) of espresso wort is 75-80 °F (24-27 °C) and aerate
ale yeast (yow- choice) well. Let the wort cool to about 68 oF Ingredients
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (20 °C) over the next few hours and then 1 llJ. 10 oz. (0.91 kg) Muntons Light
ferment at 66-70 OF (19- 21 °C) until fer- dried malt extract
Step by Step mentation is complete (7 to 10 clays). 4 Lb. 5 oz. (2 .0 kg) Muntons Light liquid

malt extract Oate addition) (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) British pale ale malt Step by Step OG = 1.067 FG = 1.017
14 oz. (0.40 kg) crystal malt (60 oL) Steep cmshed chocolate malt and IBU = 44 SRM = 63 ABV = 6.5%
7.0 oz. (0.20 kg) chocolate malt roasted black barley in 2 qts. (-2 L) of
7.0 oz . (0.20 kg) black patent malt water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 milmtes. Ingredients
4.0 oz. (0 .11 kg) roasted barley (500 oL) Add water make 3 gallons (11 L). Add 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) Briess Light dried
8.5 AAU Kent Goldings hops (60 mins) dried malt extract to wort and brillg to a malt extract
(1.7 oz./48 g of 5% alpha acids) boil. Add Magnum hops and boil for 60 4.88 lbs (2.21 kg) Briess Light liquid
1.25 AAU Kent Goldings hops (15 mii1s) 1nillutes. Add liquid malt extract for last malt extract Oate addition)
(0.25 oz./7 g of 5% alpha acids) 15 minutes of boil and Kent Goldillg hops 1.33 lbs. (0.60 kg) Munich malt (10 °L)
0.25 oz. (7 g) Kent Goldings (5 mills) for the last 5 millutes of the boil. Cool 1 lb. 2.66 oz. (0.53 kg) crystal
0.25 oz. (7 g) Kent Goldings (0 mills) wort, transfer to fermenter and top off to malt (120 oL)
1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins) 5 gallons (19 L). Aerate and pitch yeast. 9.33 oz. (0.26 kg) Carapils malt
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White Ferment for 68-70 oF (20-21 °C). 9.33 oz. (0.26 kg) chocolate malt
Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast 7.0 oz. (0.20 kg) black patent malt
(1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter) All-grain version: 4.24 AAU Columbus hops (60 mills)
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Replace extracts with 10 lbs. (4.5 kg) (0 .33 oz./9.2 g of 13% alpha acids)
British pale malt and 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 3.24 AAU Columbus hops (30 mins)
Step by Step crystal malt (60 °L). Mash at 155 oF (0.25 oz./7.1 g of 13% alpha acids)
Steep crushed grains in 4.5 quarts (68 °C) . Boil for 90 millutes. 12.5 AAU Columbus hops (0 mins)
(4.3 L) of water at 156 oF for 45 millutes . (0.96 oz./27 g of 13% alpha acids)
Rinse grains with 2 quarts (-2 L) of water New World Porter clone 8.2 AAU Fuggles hops (0 mins)
at 170 oF (77 °C). Add dried malt extract (Avery Brewing Co., Colorado) (1.64 oz./46 g of 5% alpha acids)
and water to make 3 gallons (11 L) of (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) 1.2 oz. (34 g) Fuggles hops (dry hop)
wort. Bring to a boil. Add first addition of OG = 1.067 FG = 1.017 Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) yeast
hops and boil for 60 minutes . With 15 IBU = 44 SRM = 63 ABV = 0.75 cups corn sugar (for prilning)
minutes left in boil, turn off heat and stii· 6.5%
in liquid malt extract. Resume heating Step by Step
and add Irish moss and second addition Ingredients In your brewpot, heat 5.8 qts. (5 .5 L)
of hops. Add remaining hops at tilnes 9 lbs. 7.5 oz. (4.3 kg) 2-row of water to 167 oF (75 °C). Place crushed
indicated. Cool wort and siphon to fer- pale malt grains ill a large steepillg bag and steep
menter. Add water to make 5 gallons 2.33 lbs. (1.06 kg) Munich at 156 oF (69 °C) for 45 minutes. Check
(19 L), aerate wort and pitch yeast. malt (10 °L) temperature every 10 minutes; if steep-
Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C). 1 lb. 2.66 oz. (0.53 kg) crystal ing temperature drops below 156 °F (69
malt (120 oL) °C), heat to 161 OF (72 °C). In a separate
BridgePort Porter clone 9.33 oz . (0 .26 kg) Carapils malt pot, heat 4.4 qts. (4.1 L) of rinse water to
(BridgePort Brewing Company, 9.33 oz. (0 .26 kg) chocolate malt 170 °F (77 °C). Rinse grains and bring
Oregon) 7 oz. (0.20 kg) black patent malt "grain tea" (wort) to a boil. Boil for 60
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 4.24 AAU Columbus hops (60 mills) minutes, adding hops at tilnes illdicated.
0G=1.056 FG=1.015 (0.33 oz./9.2 g of 13% alpha acids) Add liquid malt extract with 15 minutes
IBU = 35 SRM = 50+ ABV = 5.4% 3.24 AAU Columbus hops (30 mills) left ill the boil. Cool wort, transfer to fer-
(0.25 oz./7.1 g of 13% alpha acids) menter, top up to 5 gallons (19 L) and
Ingredients 12.5 AAU Columbus hops (0 mins) aerate wort. Pitch yeast from starter and
6.6 lbs. (3 .0 kg) Coopers Amber (0.96 oz./27 g of 13% alpha acids) ferment at 70 OF (21 °C).
liquid malt extract 8.2 AAU Fuggles hops (0 mins) Thanks to Adam Avery for the informa-
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) Muntons Amber (1.64 oz./46 g of 5% alpha acids) tion used to formulate this clone.
dried malt extract 1.2 oz. (34 g) Fuggles hops (dry hop)
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) chocolate malt Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) yeast Alaskan Smoked Porter clone
0.75 lb. (0 .34 kg) roasted black barley 0.75 cups corn sugar (for prilnillg) (Alaskan Brewing Company,
8.7 AAU Magnum hops (60 mins) Alaska)
(0.67 oz./18 .8 g of 13% alpha acid) Step by Step (5 gallons/19 L,
3.7 AAU Kent Golding hops (5 mins) Mash 156 °F (69 °C). Boil 90 minutes. all-grain)
(1.0 oz./28 g of 3.7% alpha acid) Whirlpool for 15 minutes before cooling. OG = 1.065 FG = 1.015
White Labs WLP051 (California VAle) or Ferment at 70 oF (21 oc). IBU = 45 SRM = 58
Wyeast 1318 (London Ale lii) yeast ABV = 6.5%
0.75 cups of corn sugar New World Porter clone
(for priming) (Avery Brewing Co., Colorado) Ingredients


8.25 lbs. (3.74 kg) 2-row pale malt 10 oz. (283 g) Hugh Baird Carastan OG = 1.052 FG = 1.017
4.0 lbs. (1.81 kg) Munich malt malt (35 °L) IBU = 43 SRM = 36
12 oz. (0.34 kg) crystal malt (45 °L) 10 oz. (283 g) Munich malt ABV= 4.5%
11 oz. (0.31 kg) chocolate malt 7.0 oz. (198 g) chocolate malt
7 oz. (0.20 kg) black patent malt 5.0 oz. (142 g) crystal malt (120° L) Ingredients
10.75 AAU Chinook hops (60 mins) 1.0 oz. (28 g) roasted black barley 9.0 lbs. (4.1 kg) 2-row
(0.90 oz./25 g of 12% alpha acids) 2.5 AAU Northern Brewer hops pale ale malt
3.75 AAU Willamette hops (15 mins) (60 mins) 8.0 oz. (227 g) caramalt
(0.75 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acids) (0 .28 oz./8 g of 9.0% alpha acid) 6.0 oz. (170 g) crystal malt (40 °L)
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or 2.1 AAU Willamette hops (20 m.ins) 4.0 oz. (113 g) amber or brown malt
White Labs vVLP002 (0.42 oz./12 g of 5.0% alpha acid) 4.0 oz. (113 g) Munich malt
(English Ale) yeast 2.4 AAU Goldings hops (2 mins) 8.0 oz. (227 g) chocolate malt
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (0.5 oz./14 g of 4.8% alpha acid) 2.0 oz. (57 g) roasted barley
1 tsp Irish moss (15 mins) 0.07 oz. (2 g) gypsum
Step by Step White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or 0.04 oz. (1 g) calcium carbonate
Smoke 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) of the Munich Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast 1 tsp. Irish moss
malt with alder wood . Mash at 154 °F (68 (1.75 qt.l-1.75 L yeast starter) 11.25 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins)
°C). Boil for 90 minutes. Ferment at 68 oF 0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) (2 .5 oz. /71 gat 4.5% alpha acids)
(20 °C). 0.5 oz. (14 g) Kent Goldings hops (1 min)
Step by Step 0.25 oz. (7 g) Kent Goldings hops (1 min)
Extract with grains version: Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- 0.25 oz. (7 g) Northern Brewer hops
Replace pale and Munich malt with ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2 .8 L) of (0 min)
2.25 lbs. (1.0 kg) dried malt extract, 4.75 water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. 1 pkg. of your favorite ale yeast
lbs. (1.25 kg) liquid malt extract and 1.25 Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of (not an estery strain)
lbs . (0.56 kg) Munich malt. Smoke 1.0 lb. water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to 6 oz. (170 g) corn sugar (for priming)
(0 .45 kg) of the Munich malt. Heat 4. 7 make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt
qts. (4.4 L) of water to 165 oF (74 °C). extract and bring to a boil. Step by Step
Steep crushed grains at 154 oF (68 °C) for Add the Northern Brewer (bittering) Mill all the grain and mash with the
45 minutes. Rinse with 3.5 qts . (3.3 L) of hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add gypsum and calcium carbonate to
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add dried malt Willamette (flavor) hops for the last 20 achieve a 155 °F (68 °C) mash tempera-
extract and water to make 2.5 gallons minutes of the boil. Add the liquid malt ture . You will need 3.4 gallons (13 L) of
(9.5 L) of wort. Boil for 60 minutes, extract and Irish moss with 15 minutes strike water at around 166 °F (74 °C) to
adding hops at times indicated and liquid left in the boil. Add the Goldings hops do this . Let the mash rest for 40 minutes.
malt extract with 15 minutes remaining. (aroma) for the last two minutes of the Recirculate until the drawn off wort is
Cool wort, transfer to fermenter and add boil. fairly clear. Sparge with 170 op (77 °C)
water to make 5 gallons (19 L). Aerate Cool wort by submerging the brew- water. Bring wort to a boil, starting at a
wort, pitch yeast and ferment at 68 op pot in the sink, with the lid on, until the level of 5.8 gallons (22 L). Boil to reach
(20 °C). side of the brewpot no longer feels warm . 5.5 gallons (typically about 60 mins) ,
Thanks to Kristi Monroe and Curtis Transfer wort to fermenter and top up to making the following additions: Add the
Holmes from Alaskan Brewing for their 5 gallons (19 L) with cool water. Aerate .Fuggles at the beginning of the boil. Add
assistance in making this clone. wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF the Irish moss with 20 minutes to go. Add
(20 oc). Ferment for 10-14 days. Bottle y, oz Kent Goldings with 1 minute to go.
Fredericksburg Porter clone your beer, let it age for two to three Add y, oz. Kent Goldings and y, oz.
(Fredericksburg Brewing Co., weeks and enjoy! Northern Brewer just before chill down.
Texas) Chill the wort down and ferment at the
(5 gallons/19 All-grain option: appropriate temperature for your
L, extract Replace the light malt syrup with favorite ale yeast. Once fermentation is
with grains) 9 lb. 6 oz. (4.3 kg) of pale malt. Mash all complete, chill the beer to as close to 36
OG = 1.054 your grains at 155 op (68 °C) for 45 min- op (2 °C) as you can and age for 10-14
FG = 1.014 utes in 14.5 qts. (13 .7 L) of mash water. days. Bottle or keg and enjoy!
IBU = 15 SAM= 36 ABV = 5.5% Collect about 6.0 gallons (23 L) of wort,
add 0.5 gallons (1.9 L). of water and boil Cutthroat Porter clone
Ingredients for 90 minutes. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) . (Odell Brewing Co., Colorado)
2 lb. 10 oz. (1.18 kg) light dried (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
malt extract Cutthroat Porter clone OG = 1.052 FG = 1.017
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Northwestern Gold (Odell Brewing Co., Colorado) IBUs = 43 SAM = 36 ABV = 4.5%
liquid malt extract (late addition) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)

Ingredients 10 oz. (0.28 kg) crystal malt (60° L) IBU = 40 SRM
2 lb. 6 oz. (1.1 kg) Muntons Light 2.5 lbs. (1 .13 kg) light dried malt extract = 46 ABV =
dried malt extract 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) light liquid malt extract 5.1%
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Muntons Light liquid Oate addition)
malt extract Oate addition) 1 tsp . Irish moss Ingredients
8.0 oz. (227 g) caramalt 4 AAU Galena hops (60 mins) 1.25 lbs .' (0.56 kg) light dried
6.0 oz. (170 g) crystal malt (40 °L) (0.33 oz./9 gat 12% alpha acid) malt extract
4.0 oz. (113 g) amber or brown malt 4.25 AAU Cascade hops (30 mins) 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) light liquid malt extract
4.0 oz. (113 g) Munich malt (0.85 oz./24 g at 5% alpha acid) Oate addition)
8.0 oz. (227 g) chocolate malt 4.5 AAUs Tettnanger hops (5 mins) 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) 2-row pale malt
2.0 oz. (57 g) roasted barley (1.1 oz./31 g) at 4% alpha acid) 2.0 lbs. (0 .91 kg) smoked malt
0.07 oz. (2 g) gypsum Wyeast 1318 (London Ale Ill) or 0.5 lb . (0.23 kg) black patent malt
0.04 oz. (1 g) calciwn carbonate Danstar London Ale yeast 0.5 lb. (0 .23 kg) chocolate malt
1 tsp. Irish moss (20 mins) (1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter) 9 AAU Chinook hops (65 mins)
11.25 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins) 0.75 cups com sugar (for priming) (0. 75 oz./21 g of 12% alpha acids)
(2.5 oz. /71 gat 4.5% alpha acids) 3 AAU Goldings hops (5 mins)
0.5 oz. (14 g) Kent Goldings hops (1 min) Step by Step (0. 75 oz./21 g of 4% alpha acid)
0.25 oz. (7 g) Kent Goldings hops (1 min) Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- Wyeast 1098 (yeast name) yeast
0.25 oz. (7 g) Northern Brewer hops ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of (1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter)
(0 min) water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. 0. 75 cup corn sugar (for prinling)
1 pkg. of your favorite ale yeast Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of
(not an estery strain) water at 170 OF (77 oc) . Add water to Step by Step
6 oz. (170 g) corn sugar (for priming) make 3 gallons (11 L) , stir in dried malt A note on the malt: You can smoke
extract and bring to a boil. pale malt over maple and app le wood, or
Step by Step Boil for 30 minutes. Add Galena pel- you can buy rauchmalt. Heat 2.0 gallons
Place crushed grains in a nylon let hops. Boil 30 minutes and add (7.6 L) water to 163 op (73 °C) . Crush
steeping bag and steep at 155 °F (68 °C) Cascade hops. Boil 25 minutes and then grains, mLx into liquor and hold 75 min.
in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of water for 45 minutes. add Tettnanger hops. Boil for 5 minutes at 152 oF (67 "C). Sparge grains with 1.5
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (1.4 L) of water and remove from heat. (Add the liquid gallons (5.7 L) at 168 op (76 "C). Add the
at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water (to save time, malt extract and Irish moss with 15 min- dried malt extract, mix well. Raise to
preferably boiling water) to "grain tea" to utes left in the boil.) boiling, add Chinook hops and boil for 65
make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt Cool to about 70 oF (21 "C) and trans- minutes. Add liquid malt extract with 15
extract and bring to a boil. Boil for 60 fer to fermenting vessel. Aerate and add minutes left in boil and Goldings hops for
minutes, adding hops and Irish moss at yeast. Ferment at 67 op (19 "C) Wltil com- final 5 minutes of the boil. Remove from
times indicated in the ingredient list. Stir plete (about 7 to 10 days), then transfer heat, cool wort and transfer to fermenter.
in liquid malt extract with 15 minutes to a secondary vessel, or r ack directly Add water to make 5.0 gallons (19 L) of
remaining in boil. Keep a small pot of into bottles or keg with corn sugar. Let it wort. When cooled to 68 oF (20 °C), pitch
boiling water handy and do not let the age a few weeks and enjoy with a dollop yeast starter. Ferment for tlU'ee weeks at
wort volume dip below 2.5 gallons (9.5 L) of ice cream. 65 °F (18 "C), rack to secondary and con-
during the boil. Cool wort, siphon to fer- dition three weeks at 55 °F (13 "C). Prime
menter, top up to 5 gallons (19 L), aerate All- grain version: with corn sugar and bottle . Condition
and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68-72 oF Omit extract and mash 10 lbs. (4.5 three weeks at 45 °F (7 °C).
(20-22 °C). kg) pale malt with specialty malts in 14
qts. (13 L) of water to get a single-infu- All-grain version:
Black Butte sion mash temperature of 152 oF (67 "C) Replace the malt extracts with
Porter clone for 45 minutes. Sparge with hot water of 6 lb. 14 oz. (3.1 kg) 2-row pale malt.
(Deschutes Brewery, Oregon) 170 op (77 °C) or more to get 6.0 gallons Mash at 152 oF (67 °C) for 60 minutes.
(5 gallons/19 L, (23 L) of wort. Add 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) of Boil for 90 minutes. Ferment for three
extract with grains) water and boil for 90 minutes. Use the weeks at 65 oF (18 "C), rack to secondary
. QG = 1.053 FG = above hopping and fermentation sched- and condition three weeks at 55 oF
1.013 ule fTom the extract recipe. (13 "C). Bottle or keg and condition for
IBU = 30 SRM = 29 another three weeks at 45 op (7 "C).
ABV = 5.2% Vermont Smoked Porter clone
(Vermont Pub and Brewery, Old Leghumper Porter clone
Ingredients Vermont) (Thirsty Dog Brewing Company,
13 oz. (364 g) two-row pale malt (5 gallons/19 L, partial mash) Ohio)
9.0 oz. (252 g) chocolate malt 0G=1.055 FG=1 .016 (5 gallons/19 L, partial mash)


OG = 1.061 FG = qts. (13 L) mash liquor. Thirsty Dog uses
1.024 a simple single-infusion mash at 155 " F Thirsty Trout Porter clone
IBU = 24 SRM = 54 (68 °C) for this beer. Boil for 90 minutes. (Dark Horse Brewing Co.,
ABV = 4.7% Ferment at 72 oF (22 °C) Michigan)
(5 gallons/19 L, extract w/grains)
Ingredients Thirsty Trout Porter clone SG=1.064 FG=1.016
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Munich malt (20 °L) (Dark Horse Brewing Co., IBU = 27 SRM = 54 ABV = 6.2%
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) maltodextrin Michigan)
10 oz. (0.28 kg) crystal malt (20 °L) T ;s~ (5 gallons/19 L, aii- Ingredients
10 oz . (0.28 kg) crystal malt (80 oL) )'J.. grain) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Briess Light dried
10 oz. (0.28 kg) crystal malt (120 oL) ~ SG = 1.064 FG = 1.016 malt extract
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) chocolate malt ~ IBU = 27 SRM = 54 4.66 lbs. (2.11 kg) Briess Light liquid
12 oz. (336 g) flaked barley ~ ABV = 6.2% malt extract (late addition)
4.5 lbs. (-2 kg) light liquid malt extract 2.3 lbs. (1 .04 kg) Bonlander Mw1ich malt
Oate addition) Ingredients 1.25 lbs. (0.57 kg) crystal malt (40 "L)
5.75 AAU German Northern Brewer 8.25 lbs. (3.74 kg) 2- 1.25 lbs. (0.57 kg) crystal malt (80 °L)
hops (60 mins) row pale malt 0.70 lbs. (0 .32 kg) chocolate malt
(0 .64 oz./18 g of 9% alpha acid) 2.3 lbs . (1.04 kg) Bonlander Munich malt 1.1 oz. (32 g) black malt
5 AAU Liberty hops (5 mins) 1.25 lbs. (0.57 kg) crystal malt (40 "L) 3.9 AAU Columbus hop (90 mii1s)
(1.5 oz./42 gat 3.7% alpha acid) 1.25 lbs. (0.57 kg) crystal malt (80 °L) (0.25 oz./7 g of 15.6% alpha acids)
Wyeast 1028 (London Ale), White Labs 0.70 lbs. (0.32 kg) chocolate malt 3 AAU Cascade hop (30 mins)
WLP023 (Burton Ale) or WLP013 1.1 oz. (32 g) black malt (0.5 oz./14 g of 6% alpha acids)
(London Ale) yeast 3.9 AAU Columbus hop (90 mins) 0.83 oz. (24 g) Cascade hops (0 mins)
(-2 qt./2 L yeast starter) (0.25 oz./7 g of 15.6% alpha acids) 1 pkg. Nottingham Ale Yeast
0.5 tsp. isinglass (for fining) 3 AAU Cascade hop (30 mins) 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) (0.5 oz./14 g of 6% alpha acids)
0.83 oz. (24 g) Cascade hops (0 mins) Step by Step
Step by Step 1 pkg. Nottingham Ale Yeast Place crushed grains in a large nylon
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) steeping bag. (There are 5.6 pounds/2 .5
ing bag and steep in 8.0 qts . (7 .6 L) of kg of grains to steep.) Steep at 152 "F (67
water at 150 "F (66 oC) for 30 minutes . Step by Step "C) in 2.1 gallons (8.0 L) of water for 60
Rinse grains with 4.0 qts. (3.8 L) of water Start by milling your grain, hydrate minutes. (Poke and prod bag periodically
at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to make 3 with 3.2 gallons (12.1 L) water at around with brewing spoon to ensure grains and
gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt extract 163 °F (73 °F) to hit a mash temperature liquid mix.) Lift bag out and place ii1 a
and malta-dextrin and bring to a boil. of 152 "F (67 "C). Let the mash rest for 15 large colander over brewpot. Slowly rii1se
When the wort begins boiling, add to 30 minutes. (Take an iodine test if the graii1s with 1.0 gallon (3.8 L) of water at
Northern Brewer hops and boil for 60 thought of a shorter mash causes you 170 oF (77 °C). Add dried malt extract to
minutes. Add the liquid malt extract and concern.) Recirculate wort over grain for "grain tea" and bring to a boil. Add
Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the boil. about 5 minutes m1til the wort clears . Columbus hops and begii1 the 90-minute
Add the Liberty hops for the last 5 min- Run wort into kettle and sparge with boil. Keep a small pot of boiling water
utes of the boil. 168-172 "F (76-78 "C) water until you handy and don't let th e boil volume dip
Cool wort in an ice bath or with wort reach volume on kettle. Bring wort to boil below arow1d 2.25 gallons (8.5 L) . Add
chiller. Transfer to primary fermenter and commence hop schedule: First hop Cascade hops at tiines indicated ii1 the
and add enough cold water to bring the addition at start of boil (90 min) , second ingredient list. Turn ofT heat and add liq-
volume up to 5.0 gallons (19 L). Pitch hop addition at 30 minutes left in boil and uid malt extract with 20 miimtes left ill
yeast and aerate well. Ferment this beer the third hop addition at end of boil. boil. Resume heating until end of boil
on the warm side, at 72 °F (22 °C) as per (Whirlpool, if possible, for 5 minutes) . period. Cool wort and siphon to fer-
the brewer's instructions , for 7 to 10 Rest for 5 minutes, th en knock out into menter. Top np to 5 gallons (19 L), aerate
days. Add the isinglass to the beer a fter fermentation vessel. Cool to 68-70 "F wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 "F
fermentation is complete to help achieve (-21 "C) and pitch yeast. Ferment at (20 "C).
clarity. Prime, bottle and age for about approximately 68 "F (20 "C) until brew
two weeks. reaches 3.8-4.2 "Plato (- SG 1.015- Total Disorder Porter clone
1.017). Rack off yeast and condition for 5 (Ram Big Horn Brewing Co.,
All-grain version: days. Add priming sugar or wort. Rack Oregon)
Replace the malt syrup and malto- into bottles and let age at 40 "F (-4 "C) or (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
dextrin with 6.25 lbs. (2.8 kg) of pale cooler for two weeks. Pop a top and OG = 1.055 FG = 1.016
malt. Mash the grains together with 14 enjoy! IBU = 17 SRM = 44 ABV = 5.0%

Ingredients (5 gallons/19 L) maize
6.0 lbs. (2.7 kg) OG = 1.044 FG = 1.007 1 lb. 5 oz. (0.60 kg) crystal malt
Coopers Light IBU = 24 SRM = 25 ABV = 5.2% (120-150 °L)
liquid malt 5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) chocolate malt
extract Newcastle Brown Ale - called sim- 0.75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (300 °L)
0.33 lbs. (0.15 kg) wheat malt ply Newkie by many fans of this ale - is 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (80 °L) actually a blend of two beers. Brewers Ys tsp. yeast nutrients (15 mins)
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) chocolate malt blend a strong, dark ale that has been 8.25 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins)
2.8 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins) aged and a smalle1; younger amber ale. (1.65 oz./47 g of 5% alpha acids)
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5.75% alpha acid) As a consequence, this average-strength 1.25 AAU Kent Goldings hops (15 mins)
6.25 AAU Willamette hops (15 mins) brown ale shows some plum and raisin (0.25 oz./7 g of 5% alpha acids)
(1.25 oz./35 g of 5.0% alpha acid) characteristics more frequently encoun- Wyeast 1099 (Whitbread ale) or White
5.75 AAU Cascade hops (3 mins) tered in an old ale. Labs WLP017 (Whitbread Ale) yeast
(1.0 oz./28 g of 5.75% alpha acid) You can make 5 gallons (19 L) of this (2 quart/-2 L yeast starter)
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) beer in one fermenter by adding the
White Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast ingredient list of two of the component Step by Step
0.75 cups of corn sugar (for priming) beers and dividing by two. Howeve1; don't Heat 16.5 quarts (15 .6 L) of water to
e.1;pect the characteristics of an aged 163 oF (73 °C). Mash grains at 152 oF
Step by Step dark ale to appecu: (67 °C) for 60 minutes. Collect 7 gallons
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- (26 L) of wort. Boil wort for 120 minutes,
ing bag and steep in 3.5 qts. (3.3 L) of Ingredients adding hops at the times indicated in
water at 152 °F (67 °C) for 30 minutes. 2 gallons (7 .6 L) old ale ingredients list. Add Irish moss and yeast
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of (Newkie Component #1) nutrients with 15 minutes left. Ferment
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to 3 gallons (11 L) amber ale at 71 oF (22 oC) . Rack to secondary and
make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in roughly half (Newkie Component #2) let condition in a cool place.
of the liquid malt extract and bring to a 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
boil. Newcastle Brown Ale clone
Add Cascade (bittering) hops and boil Step by Step Component #1 (Old ale)
for 60 mins. Add Willamette hops, liquid Brew old ale (see recipe below) and (Scottish and Newcastle p.l.c.,
malt extract and Irish moss with 15 min- let condition in secondary for about 2 England)
utes left in the boil. Add Cascade hops for months, preferably below fermentation (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
last 3 mins. of the boil. temperature . Brew amber ale (re<;ipe 0G=1.064 FG=1 .013
Cool brewpot in sink, (with the lid below), ferment for 3-4 days and rack to IBU = 32 SRM = 40 ABV = 6.6%
on) until the side of the brewpot no longer secondary. Once amber ale falls clear,
feels warm. (Or, us e a wort chiller.) rack 2 gallons (7.6 L) of old ale to yom Ingredients
Transfer wort to fermenter and top up to keg. Rack 3 gallons (11 L) of amber ale 1 lb. 4 oz. (0.57 kg) Muntons Light
5 gallons (19 L) with cool water. Aerate into it. Alternately, rack beers to bottling dried malt extract
wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 °F bucket, stir gently and bottle. Keg or bot- 4 lbs. 12 oz. (2.2 kg) Northwestern Gold
(20 °C). Bottle yom beer, age for two to tle remaining old ale and amber ale and liquid malt extract (late addition)
three weeks and enjoy! enjoy separately. [Option: you can com- 4 oz. (0.11 kg) British 2-row pale
bine 5 gallons (19 L) of amber ale with ale malt
All-grain version: 3.33 gallons (12.6 L) of old ale to make lib. 11 oz. (0.77 kg) corn sugar
This is a single infusion mash. 8.33 gallons (32 L) of brown ale, leaving 1 lb. 5 oz. (0.60 kg) crystal malt
Replace the light syrup with 7.5 lbs. (3.4 1.66 gallons (6.3 L) of old ale.] (120-150 °L)
kg) 2-row pale malt, mash yom grains at 5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) chocolate malt
152 °F (67 °C) for 60 mins. Collect enough Newcastle Brown Ale clone 0.75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (300 °L)
wort to boil for 90 ruins. and have a 5.0- Component #1 (Old ale) 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mills)
gallon (19-L) yield. The remainder of the (Scottish and Newcastle p.l.c., y, tsp. yeast nutrients (15 mills)
recipe is the same as the extract version. England) 8.25 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins)
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (1.65 oz./47 g of 5% alpha acids)
OG = 1.064 FG = 1.013 1.25 AAU Kent Goldings hops (15 mins)

BROWN ALES Ingredients

ABV = 6.6% (0.25 oz./7 g of 5% alpha acids)
Wyeast 1099 (Whitbread ale) or White
Labs WLP017 (Whitbread Ale) yeast
Newcastle Brown Ale clone 9.0 lbs. (4.1 kg) British 2-row (2 quart/-2 L yeast starter)
(Scottish and Newcastle p.l.c., pale ale malt
England) . ,..,, ", ,..,. 2 lb. 8 oz. (1.13 kg) ilake Step by Step


Place crushed grains in a nylon clear prior to blending. 2 lb . 4 oz. (1.0 kg) John Bull Plain Light
steeping bag. Heat 2.9 quarts (2.75 L) of liquid malt extract (late addition)
brewing liquor to 163 °F (73 °C) and sub- Newcastle Brown Ale clone 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) British 2-row pale malt
merge bag. Steep grains at 152 oF (67 °C) Component #2 (Amber ale) 8 oz. (0 .34 kg) crystal malt (90 °L)
for 45 minutes. Rinse grains with 1.25 (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 0.33 lb. (0.15 kg) corn sugar
quarts (-1.25 L) of water at 170 oF (77 OG = 1.031 FG = 1.007 0.75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (300 °L)
°C). Add water to "grain tea" to make 3 IBU=19 SRM=15 ABV=3.1% 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 ruins)
gallons (11 L) of wort. Add dried malt Vs tsp . yeast nutrients (15 mins)
extract and corn sugar and bring to a Ingredients 5 AAU Challenger hops (60 mins)
boil. Add first charge of hops and boil for 9 oz. (0.26 kg) Muntons Light dried (0.71 oz./20 g of 7% alpha acids)
60 minutes. Add other hops, Irish moss malt extract Wyeast 1099 (Whitbread ale) or White
and yeast nutrients at times indicated .
With 15 minutes left in boil, shut off heat
and stir in liquid malt extract. Resume

heating and finish boil. Cool wort and
transfer for fermenter. Top up to 5 gal-
lons (19 L) with brewing liquor, aerate
wort well and pitch yeast. Ferment at 71
oF (22 °C) . Rack to secondary and let con-

dition in a cool place .

Newcastle Brown Ale clone

Component #2 (Amber ale)
(Scottish and Newcastle p.l.c.,

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.031 FG = 1.007
IBU=19 SRM=16 ABV=3.1%

5 lb. 2 oz. (2.3 kg) British 2-row
pale malt
12 oz. (0.34 kg) crystal malt (90 °L)
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) flaked maize
0.75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (300 °L)
1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins)
Vs tsp . yeast nutrients (15 ruins) Beer is our life. Wyeast, the world's
5 AAU Challenger hops (60 ruins)
(0.71 oz./20 g of 7% alpha acids) finest liquid brewing yeast.
Wyeast 1099 (Whitbread ale) or White
Labs WLP017 (Whitbread Ale) yeast
(1 quart/-1 L yeast starter) www.wyeastlab.com
Step by Step
Mash grains at 152 oF (67 °C) in 8.0
quarts (7.6 L) of water. Mash for 60 min-
utes. To avoid oversparging the small
grain bill, collect only about 3.5 gallons
(13 L) of wort. [Alternately, monitor the
specific gravity of yom runnings and stop
collecting wort when they fall below SG
1.010 or the pH climbs above 5.8.] Add
3 gallons (11 L) of water and boil wort for
90 minutes, adding hops, Irish moss and
yeast nutrients at the times indicated in
ingredients list. Ferment at 71 oF (22 °C).
Rack to secondary and let the beer fall
Labs WLP017 (Whitbread Ale) ye ast Step by Step ferment at 70 OF (21 °C).
(1 quart/-1 L yeast starter) Caramelize sugar in kettle prior to Thanks to Bryan Selders, Lead Brewer at
runoff. Mash at 152 °F (67 °C) in 3.75 gal- Dogfish Heacl, for providing the informa-
Step by Step lons (14 L) of water. Boil 90 minutes. tion used to produce this clone.
Place crushed grains in a nylon Ferment at 70 °F (21 °C).
steeping bag. Heat 2.7 quarts (2.6 L) of Turbodog clone
brewing liquor to 163 OF (73 °C) and steep Indian Brown Ale clone (Abita Brewing Co., Louisiana)
grains at 152 °F (67 °C) for 45 minutes. (Dogfish Head Brewing, (5 gallons/19 L,
Rinse grains with 1.25 quarts (-1.25 L) of Delaware) extract with grains)
wa ter at 170 °F (77 °C). Add dried malt (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) OG = 1.054 FG =
extract, corn sugar and water to make OG = 1.070 FG = 1.016 1.014
3 gallons (11 L). Bring to a boil, add first IBU = 50 SRM = 32 IBU = 32 SRM = 35
charge of hops and boil for 60 minutes . ABV = 6.9% ABV=5.1%
Add other hops, Irish moss and yeast
nutrients at times indicated . With 15 min- Ingredients Ingredients
utes left in boil, shut off heat and stir in 1.25 lbs . (0.57 kg) Muntons Light 2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) Muntons Light dried
liquid malt extract. Resume heating and dried malt extract malt extract
finish boil. Cool wort and transfer for fer- 5.25 lbs (2 .3 kg) Muntons Light liquid 3.3 lbs. (1 .5 kg) Muntons Light liquid
menter. Top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with malt extract (late addition) malt extract (late addition)
brewing liquor, aerate wort well and 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Pilsner malt 1.25 lbs. (0 .5 7 kg) crystal malt
pitch yeast. Ferment at 71 °F (22 °C). 15.2 oz. (0 .43 kg) brewers corn syrup (Sclu·eier crystal 100 or
Rack to secondary and let the beer fall 10.9 oz. (0.31 kg) amber malt 1\IIuntons crystal dark)
clear prior to blending. 10.8 oz. (0.31 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 0.50 lbs. (0.23 kg) chocolate malt
6.5 oz. (0.18 kg) coffee malt (Schreier chocolate or
Indian Brown Ale clone 2.2 oz. (0.06 kg) roasted barley Muntons chocolate)
(Dogfish Head Brewing, 6 oz. (0.17 kg) brown sugar 7 AAUs Cltinook hops (90 ntins)
Delaware) 11.5 AAU Warrior hops (60 ntins) (0.6 oz./17 g of 12% alpha acid)
(0.72 oz./20 g of 16% alpha acids) 5 AAUs Willamette hops (5 mins)
6 AAU Golding hops (10 mins) (1.25 oz./35 g of 4% alpha acid)
(1.2 oz./34 g of 5% alpha acids) 6 AAUs Willamette hops (0 mins)
6 AAU Liberty hops (0 mins) (1.5 oz./43 g at 4% alpha acid)
(1.33 oz./38 g of 4.5% alpha aci ds) White Labs WLP004 (Irish Ale) or
0.25 oz. (7 g) Goldi11gs hops (dry hop) Wyeas t 1084 (Irish Ale) yeast
0.25 oz. (7 g) Liberty hops (dry hop) 0. 75 cup corn sugar (for prilning)
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) White Labs WLP005 (British Ale) yeast
OG = 1.070 FG = 1.016 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Step by Step
IBU = 50 SRM = 32 ABV = 6.9% Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
Step by Step ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts . (2.8 L) of
Ingredients In your brewpot, add just enough water at 152 "F (67 °C) for 30 minutes .
10.75 lbs. (4.88 kg) Pilsner malt water to the brown sugar to dissolve it. Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (- 1.5 L) of
15.2 oz. (0.43 kg) flaked maize Heat to a boil and caramelize sugar water at 170 °F (77 °C). Add water to
10.9 oz. (0.31 kg) amber malt (without SCOI'clting it). Then, add 4.3 qts. make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt
10.8 oz. (0 .31 kg) orystal malt (60 °L) (4 .1 L) of water to your brewpot a nd heat extract a nd bring to a boil.
6.5 oz. (0 .18 kg) coffe e malt to 163 op (73 oC). Place crushed grains in Add Chinook hops and boil for 85
2.2 oz. (62 g) roasted barley a steeping bag and steep grains at around minutes and add Willamette hops. Boil
6 oz. (0 .17 kg) brown sugar 152 OF (67 °C) for 45 minutes. During the five mil1utes and remove from heat. (Add
11.5 AAU Warrior hops (60 mi11s) steep, h eat 3. 2 qts. (3.1 L) of rins e water the liquid malt extract and Irish moss
(0.72 oz./20 g of 16% alpha acids) to 170 °F (77 °C) in a separate pot. After with 15 minutes left in th e boil.) Hold
6 AAU Golding hops (10 mins) steep, rinse grains, add water to make at wort on the stove without heat for a rest,
(1.2 oz./34 g of 5% alpha acids) least 2.5 gallons (9.5 L) of "grain tea" then add Willamette hops . Boil five ntin-
6 AAU Liberty hops (0 mins) (wort) and bring to a boil. Add dri ed malt utes a nd remove from heat. Hold wort on
(1.33 oz./38 g of 4.5% alpha acids) extract and corn syrup and boiJ for 60 the stove without heat for a rest, th en add
0.25 oz. (7.1 g) Goldings hops (dry hop) minutes, adding hops at tilnes indicated Willame tte hops and let the wort se ttle
0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Liberty hops (dry hop) in recip e. Add liquid malt extra ct with 15 for 15 minutes.
White Labs WLP005 (British Ale) yeast minutes left in boil. Cool wort and trans- Cool to 60 "F (16 "C) and top fer-
0.75 cups corn sugar fer to ferm enter. Top up to 5 gallons (19 menter up to 5 gallons (19) . Add yeast,
(for priming) L) with water and aerate. Pitch yeast and aerate a nd let ferm ent for five to six days


at 55-58 °F (13-14 °C) , or at the lower 2.4 lbs. (1.1 kg) Muntons Light dried Mash at 154 oF (68 °C) . Boil for 90
end of your yeast manufacturer's recom- malt extract minutes. Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C).
mended fermentation temperature (at 6.0 lbs (2.7 kg) Coopers Light liquid
about 1.016). Cool to around 45 oF (7 °C) malt extract (late addition) Capital Brown Ale clone
and age for one week before racking into 1lb. 9.5 oz. (0.72 kg) Munich malt (Capital Brewery, Wisconsin)
bottles or kegs. 1 lb. 2 oz. (0.51 kg) crystal (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains}
malt (40 °L) 08 = 1.048 F8 = 1.012
All-grain version: 7.5 oz. (0.21 kg) chocolate malt IBU = 20 SRM = 17 ABV = 5.8%
Cut out DME and use 9.75 lbs. 10.5 oz. (0.30 kg) maple syrup
(4.4 kg) pale malt (Schreier special pale 15 AAU Willamette hops (60 mins) Ingredients
or Muntons pale). Heat 3.6 gallons (14 L) (3 oz./85 g of 5% alpha acids) 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) Muntons Light dried
to 160 °F (71 °C) in a brew pot and slow- Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast or malt extract
ly mix in milled malt. Hold at 152 "F (67 White Labs WLP001 (California 3.66 lbs . (1.66 kg) Muntons Light
°C) for 45 minutes, then heat the thick Ale) yeast liquid malt extract
mash to 172 "F (78 °C) and hold for five 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (late addition)
minutes. Transfer to Iauter unit and run- 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) Maris Otter pale
off first wort (should hit 1.070). Sparge Step by Step ale malt
with 3.75 gallons (14.25 L) at 172 oF (78 In your brewpot, heat 4.8 qts. (4.5 L) 1 .0 lb. (0.45 kg) Crisp Cara malt
°C). Bring wort to boil and proceed as of water to 165 oF (74 °C). Place crushed 4.5 oz. (0.13 kg) crystal malt (90 °L)
above. grain in a steeping bag and steep at 154 1.5 oz. (43 g) black patent malt
oF (68 °C) for 45 nlinutes. In a separate 5.4 AAU Fuggles hops (60 nlins)
Imperial Nut Brown clone pot, heat 3.6 qts. (3 .4 L) of rinse water to (1 .1 oz./31 g of 5% alpha acids)
(T9mmyknocker Brewery, 170 oF (77 °C). Rinse grains and add Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) yeast
Colorado) water to "grain tea " (wort) make at least 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
(5 gallons/19 L, 2.5 gallons (9.5 L) . Boil for 60 minutes,
all-grain} adding hops and dried malt extract at Step by Step
08 = 1.080 F8 = beginning of the boil. Add liquid malt Heat 5.0 qts. (4.8 L) of water to 165
1.019 IBU =50 extract with 15 minutes left and maple oF (74 °C). Steep crushed grains at 154 oF
SRM = 32 ABV = syrup at the end of the boil. Cool wort, (68 °C) for 45 minutes. Heat 3.8 qts. (3 .6
7.9% transfer to fermenter and add water to L) of rinse water to 170 "F (77 °C). Rinse
make 5 gallons (19 L) . Aerate wort and grains , add dried malt extract and
Ingredients pitch yeast. Ferment at 72 °F (22 °F). enough water to make at least 2.5 gal-
12 lbs. 13 oz. (5.81 kg) 2-row pale malt Thanks to Eric Rode, Lead Brewer at lons (9.5 L). Boil for 60 minutes, adding
1 lb. 9.5 oz. (0.72 kg) Mwlich malt Tommyknocker for the information used hops at the beginning of the boil. Add liq-
1 lb. 2 oz. (0.51 kg) crystal malt (40 °L) to formulate this clone. uid malt extract with 15 minutes left in
7.5 oz. (0 .21 kg) chocolate malt boil. Cool wort and transfer to fermenter.
10.5 oz. (0.30 kg) maple syrup Capital Brown Ale clone Top up to 5 gallons (19 L) and aerate.
15 AAU Willamette hops (60 mins) (Capital Brewery, Wisconsin) Pitch yeast and ferment beer at 70 oF (21
(3 oz./85 g of 5% alpha acids) oc).
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast or all-grain} Thanks to Kirby Nelson of Capital
White Labs WLP001 (California 08=1 .048 F8= Brewing for the information used to for-
Ale) yeast 1.012 mulate this clone.
0.75 cups corn sugar (for prin1ing) IBU = 20 SRM = 17
ABV = 5.8% Carolina Nut Brown Ale clone
Step by Step (The Carolina Brewing Co.,
Mash at 154 oF (68 °C). Boil for 2 Ingredients North Carolina)
homs, adding maple syrup at knockout. 8.65 lbs. (3.92 kg) Maris Otter (5 gallons/19 L, extract
Ferment at 72 oF (22 °F). pale ale malt with grains}
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Crisp Cara malt 08=1.045-1.047
Imperial Nut Brown clone 4.5 oz. (0.13 kg) crystal malt (90 °L) F8=1 .011-1 .012
(Tommyknocker Brewery, 1.5 oz. (43 g) black patent malt IBU = 25 SRM = 28
Colorado) 5.4 AAU Fuggless hops (60 mins) ABV=4.5-4.6%
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains} (1.1 oz./31 g of 5% alpha acids)
08 = 1.080 F8 = 1.019 Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) yeast Ingredients
IBU = 50 SRM = 32 ABV = 7.9% 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Muntons Light liquid
malt extract
Ingredients Step by Step 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) Muntons Light dried

malt extract 2.0 oz. (57 g) black patent malt (0.25 oz./7 g of 4.7% alpha acid)
1.75 lbs. (0.79 kg) Briess Victory malt 2.0 oz. (57 g) chocolate malt 2.4 AAU Fuggle hops (aroma hop)
6 oz. (170 g) crystal malt (120 °L) 5.0 AAU Willamette hops (60 ruins) (0.5 oz./14 g of 4.7% alpha acid)
4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) special roast malt (1.0 oz. (28 g) of 5% alpha acid) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 min)
4 oz. ( 113 g) chocolate malt 1 tsp . Irish moss White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or
5.9 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 min) White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
(0.66 oz./19 g of 9.0% alpha acid) Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast (1 qt./-1 L yeast starter)
6. 7 AAU Yakima Goldings hops (3 mins) 0 .75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) 0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming)
(1.5 oz./43 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 ruins) Step by Step Step by Step
White Labs WLP001 (Californla Ale) or Steep the six crushed grains in 3.5 Place crushed malts in a steeping bag
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast quarts (-3 .5 L) of water at 150 °F and steep in 4.0 qts. (3. 7 L) of water at
0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) (66 °C) for 30 minutes. Rinse with 1.75 150 oF (66 °C) for 30 minutes. Rinse
quarts (-1.75 L) of 170 oF (77 °C) water. grains with 2.0 qts. (1.9 L) of water at
Step by Step Add water and malt syrup to make 3 gal- 170 oF (77 °C) . Add water to make 3 gal-
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- lons (11 L) and bring to a boil. Add lons (11 L), add half of liquid malt extract
ing bag and steep in 4.0 qts. (3.8 L) of Willamette (bittering) hops, Irish moss and bring to a boil. Add Cascade and
water at 155 °F (68 °C) for 30 minutes. and boil for 60 minutes. Nugget (bittering) hops and boil for 45
Rinse grains with 2.0 qts. (1.9 L) of water When done boiling, add wort to 2 gal- min. Add Fuggle (flavor) hops, remaining
at 170 oF (77 °C) . Add water to make 3 lons (7.6 liters) cool water in a sanitary malt extract and Irish moss for last 15
gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt extract fermenter, and top off with cool water to minutes of the boil. Add Fuggle (aroma)
and bring to a boil. 5.5 gallons (21 L) . Cool the wort to 80 °F hops for the last two minutes of the boil.
Add Northern Brewer hops and boil (27 °C), heavily aerate the beer and pitch When done boiling, strain out hops,
60 mins. Add the liquid malt extract and your yeast. Allow the beer to cool over add wort to two gallons cool water in a
Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the boil. the next few how·s to 68-70 °F (20-21 sanitary fermenter, and top off with cool
Add Yakima Golding hops for last 3 min- °C). and hold at these cooler tempera- water to 5 gallons (19 L). Cool the wort to
utes of boil. tW'eS until the yeast has fermented com- 80 °F, aerate the beer and pitch your
Cool wort by submerging brewpot in pletely. Bottle your beer, age for two to yeast. Allow the beer to cool over the next
sink, with the lid on, until the side of the three weeks and enjoy! few homs to 68-70 °F, and ferm ent for
brewpot no longer feels warm. Transfer 10-14 days. Bottle your beer, age for two
wort to ferm enter and top up to 5 gallons All -grain version: to three weeks and enjoy!
(19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and Replace syrup with 9 lbs . (4 kg). pale
pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C). malt, mash yow· grains at 158 °F (70 °C) All-grain option:
Bottle, age for 2-3 weeks and enjoy! for 60 min. Replace the extracts with 10.75 lbs.
(4.9 kg) 2-row pale malt. Mash all your
All-grain version: Bell's Best Brown Ale clone grains at 155 °F (68 °C) for 45 minutes.
Replace malt extract with 6.8 lbs. (3.1 (Bell's Brewery Inc., Michigan) Boil for 75 minutes.
kg) of pale 2-row malt. Mash grains at (5 gallons/19 L,
155 oF (70 °C) for 60 minutes. Boil for 90 extract with Hazelnut Brown Nectar clone
minutes. grains) (Rogue Brewing Co., Oregon)
OG = 1.064
TableRock Nut Brown Ale clone FG = 1.013
(TableRock Brewpub and Grill, IBU = 30 SRM =
Idaho) 37 ABV = 6.6%
(5 gallons/19 L, extract
with grains) Ingredients
OG = 1.054 FG = 1.015 7 lbs. 14 oz. (3.6 kg) Briess Light liquid
IBU = 18 SRM = 28 malt extract (5 gallons/19 L, partial mash)
ABV = 5.0% 14 oz. (0.39 kg) Briess Victory malt OG = 1.056 FG = 1.014
14 oz. (0.39 kg) Briess Special Roast malt IBUs = 33 SRM = 32 ABV = 5.7%
Ingredients 14 oz. (0.39 kg) Briess crystal malt (60° L)
6.6 lbs. (3 .0 kg) Briess Light liquid 2.0 oz. (57 g) Briess chocolate malt Ingredients
malt extract 5.0 AAU Cascade hops (45 mins) 1.75 lbs . (0.79 kg) Coopers Light dried
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) dextrin malt (1.0 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acid) malt extract
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Carastan malt 2.5 AAU Nugget hops (45 mins) 3.3 lbs . (1.5 kg) Coopers Light liquid
6.0 oz. (168 g) brown malt (0.19 oz./5 g of 13% alpha acid) malt extract (late addition)
4.0 oz. (112 g) crystal malt (120 °L) 1.2 AAU Fuggle hops (flavor hop) 9 oz. (0.25 kg) Hugh Baird


brown malt (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) QTTERCREEI( OG = 1.050 FG = 1.013
5.6 oz. (0.15 kg) crystal malt (15 °L)
1 lb. 3 oz . (0.54 kg) crystal malt (75 °L) ~N~S?~ IBU = 20 SRM = 14 ABV = 4.8%

5.6 oz . (0.15 kg) crystal malt (120 °L) Ingredients

3.8 oz. (0 .11 kg) pale chocolate 1.5 lbs . (0 .68 kg) Mw1tons Light dried 2 lb. 3 oz.
malt (187 °L) malt extract (1.0 kg)
7.8 AAUs Perle hops (60 mins) 2.25 lbs . (1 .0 kg) Munich malt (10 oL) Coopers
(0 .86 oz./24 g at 9% alpha acid) 10 oz. (0.28 kg) crystal malt (20 °L) Light dried
1.75 AAUs Saaz hops (30 mins) 12 oz. (340 g) crystal malt (40 °L) malt extract
(0 .50 oz./14 gat 3.5% alpha acid) 10 oz. (0.28 kg) dextrin malt
1 tsp. Irish moss 6 oz. (170 g) chocolate malt 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Coopers Light liquid
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White 6 oz. (170 g) Wheat malt malt extract Oate addition)
Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast 9.0 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins) 0.50 lb. (0.23 kg) Mwlich malt
(1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter) (2.0 oz./57 g of 4.5% alpha acid) 0.50 lb. (0 .23 kg) Carapils malt
0. 75 cup corn sugar (to prime) White Labs WLP029 (German Ale) or 0.50 lb. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (20° L)
Vs oz. Stearns and Lehman Flavor-mate Wyeast 1007 (German Ale) yeast 6.0 oz. (168 g) biscuit malt
hazelnut flavoring 0 .75 cup (180 mL) corn sugar 1.0 oz. (28 g) chocolate malt
(for priming) 4 AAU Willamette hops (90 nlins)
Step by Step (0.80 oz./22 g at 5% alpha acid)
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- Step by Step 2 AAU Fuggle hops (20 mins)
ing bag and steep in 6.3 qts. (5 .9 L) of Steep the 6 crushed malts in 3 gal- (0.40 oz./11 g at 5% alpha acid)
water at 154 °F (68 °C) for 30 minutes. lons (11 L) of water at 150 oF (66 °C) for 2 AAUs Fuggle pellet hops (0 mins)
Rinse grains with 3.2 qts. (3.0 L) of water 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, (0.40 oz./11 g at 5% alpha acid)
at 170 °F (77 oc). Add water to make 3 add the malt syrup and dry malt extract 1 tsp. Irish moss
gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt extract and bring to a boil. Add the Cascade hops Wyeast 1272 (American Ale I!) or White
and bring to a boil. and boil for 60 minutes. There are no fin- Labs WLP051 (California Ale V) yeast
Add Perle hops and boil 60 minutes. ishing hops in this recipe. Now add wort (1. 2 5 qts ./-1.2 5 L yeast starter)
Add Saaz with 30 minutes left in boil. Add to 2 gallons (7 .6 L) of cool water in a san- 0.75 cup corn sugar (to prime)
the liquid malt extract and Irish moss itary fermenter, and top off with cool
with 15 minutes left in the boil. Cool wort water to 5.5 gallons (21 L). Cool the wort Step by Step
to 70 °F (21 °C), transfer to fermenter and to 75 °F (24 °C), aerate the beer and pitch Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
top up to 5.0 gallons (19 L). Aerate well your yeast. Allow the beer to cool over ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts . (2.8 L) of
and pitch yeast. Ferment cool (60 °F/16 the next few hours to 68 °F (20 °C), and water at 154 °F (68 °C) for 30 minutes .
°C) until complete (about 7-10 days). hold at tllis temperature until the beer Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of
Transfer to secondary or rack with corn has finished fermenting. Otter Creek sug- water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to
sugar and hazelnut flavoring. gests that you cold age the beer at near make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt
freezing temperature for about 5 days, extract and bring to a boil. Boil for 60
All -grain version: then bottle and enjoy! minutes, adding hops at times indicated
Omit extract and mash 8.25 lbs. (3 .7 in ingredient list.
kg) pale malt with specialty malts in 15 All-gra in version: Add the liquid malt extract and Irish
qts. (-15 L) of water to get a single-infu- This is a single step infusion mash. moss with 15 minutes left in the boil.
sion mash temperature of 153 °F (-67 °C) Substitute 6.0 lbs (2.7 kg) 2-row malt for Cool brewpot in sink, with the lid on,
for 45 min. Sparge with hot water of 170 the malt extracts. Mash the 7 crushed until the side of the brewpot no longer
oF (77 °C) and collect 6.5 gallons (25 L) of grains together at 150 °F (66 °C) for 60 feels warm . Transfer wort to fermenter
wort. Boil for 90 minutes and use above minutes. Collect approximately 7 gallons and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool
hopping and fermentation schedule. wort (26 L) to boil for 90 minutes and water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
have a 5.5-gallon (21-L) yield. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) until complete (7
Mud Bock Spring Ale clone to 10 days), then transfer to a secondary

(Otter Creek Brewing, Vermont) vessel. or rack into bottles or keg with
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) corn sugar. (Try lowering the amount of
0G=1 .058 FG=1.019 priming sugar to mimic the low carbona-
IBU = 28 SRM= 19 ABV = 5.5%

AMBER ALES tion level of Fat Tire.) Lay the beer down
for at least a few months to mellow and
mature for best results.
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Muntons Light liquid Fat Tire Amber Ale clone
malt extract (New Belgium, Colorado) All -grain version:

Omit extract and mash 8 lb. 10 oz. (Troegs Brewing Co., (21-L) yield.
(3.9 kg) pale malt with specialty malts in Pennsylvania)
13 qts. (12 L) of water to get a single infu- (5 gallons/19 L, Cambridge Amber clone
sion mash temperature of 154 oF (68 "C) extract with grains) (Cambridge Brewing Company,
for 45 minutes. Sparge with hot water of 0G=1 .063 FG=1.017 Massachusetts)
170 oF (77 "C) or higher to collect 6 gal- IBU =55 SRM= 10 (5 gallons/19 L, extract
lons (23 L) of wort. Add 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) ABV = 6.0% with grains)
of water and boil for 90 minutes. Use OG = 1.048 FG = 1.012
above hopping and fermentation sched- Ingredients IBU = 24 SRM = 19
ule. 7.75 lbs. (3.5 kg) Briess ABV = 4.7%
Pilsen Light liquid
Full Sail Amber Ale clone malt extract Ingredients
(Full Sail Brewing Company, 2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) Munich malt (20 °L) 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Coopers
Oregon) 0.25 lbs. (113 g) crystal malt (20 oL) Light Liquid
(5 gallons/19 L, 1.0 oz. (28 g) chocolate malt malt extract
all-grain) 15.25 AAU Nugget hops (60 mins) 1.85 lbs. (0.84 kg) Coopers Light dried
OG = 1.055 FG = 1.014 (1.25 oz./35 g of 13% alpha acid) malt extract
IBU = 30 SRM = 24 5.7 AAU Nugget hops (in hopback) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) British crystal
ABV = 5.3% (0.5 oz./14 g of 13% alpha acid) malt (45 °L)
2.8 AAU Liberty hops (in hopback) 0.5 lbs . (0.23 kg) US crystal malt (40 °L)
Ingredients (0.25 oz./7 g of 4% alpha acid) 1.33 oz. (37 g) chocolate malt
9.5 lbs. (4.3 kg) 2-row pale malt 2.8 AAU Simcoe hops (in hopback) 0.66 oz. (16 g) black patent malt
1 lb. 14 oz. (0.85 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) (0.25 oz./7 g of 12% alpha acid) 1 tsp. Irish moss
4.2 oz. (120 g) chocolate malt Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White 4.5 AAU Willamette hops (60 nlins)
2.6 AAU Hallertauer hops (45 mins) Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast (1.0 oz./28 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
(0.66 oz./19 g of 4% alpha acid) 0 .75 cup (180 mL) corn sugar 2.25 AAU Willamette hops (45 mins)
3.3 AAU Cascade hops (45 mins) (for priming) (0 .5 oz./14 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
(0.66 oz./19 g of 5% alpha acid) 4.7 AAU Yakin1a Goldings hops (0 mins)
1.0 oz. (28 g) Hallertauer hops (10 mins) Step by Step (1.0 oz./28 g of 4.7% alpha acid)
·1.0 oz. (28 g) Cascade hops (10 mins) Steep the 3 crushed malts in 3 gal- 2.25 AAU Willamette hops (0 mins)
1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins) lons (11 L) of water at 152 "F (67 "C) for (0.5 oz./14 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
Wyeast 1028 (London Ale), Wyeast 1318 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, Wllite Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or
(London Ale III) , White Labs WLP013 add the malt syrup and bring to a boil. Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
(London Ale) or WLP023 (Burton Add the Nugget bittering hops and boil 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
Ale) yeast for 60 minutes. For the hopback, run the
0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) hot wort through an in-line hopback type Step by Step
filter where you have the remaining 3 Steep four crushed grains in 3 gal-
Step by Step hops in a straining bag, with the outlet lons (11 L) water at 152 "F (67 °C) for 30
Mash grains for at least 45 minutes going into 2 gallons (7.6 L) of cool water minutes. Remove grains from wort, add
at 150 °F (66 °C) . Boil wort for 60 min- in a sanitary fermenter and top off with Willamette hops , malt syrup and powder,
utes . Boil hops and Irish moss for times cool water to 5.5 gallons (21 L). Cool the and bring to a boil. Add Irish moss and
indicated. Chill wort, aerate and pitch wort to 75 "F (24 "C), aerate the beer and boil for 60 minutes. Add second addition
yeast. Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C). pitch your yeast. Allow the beer to cool ofWillamette hops with 45 minutes left in
over the next few hours to 68 oF (20 "C), the boil. Add Yakima Goldings and last of
Extract with grains version: and hold at tllis temperature w1til the the Willamette hops at the end of the boil
Replace 2-row pale malt with 1.5 lbs. beer has finished fermenting, then bottle and let steep for 5 minutes.
(0.68 kg) Muntons Light dried malt and enjoy! Now add wort to 2 gallons (7 .6 L) cool
extract, 4 lbs. 2 oz. (1. 9 kg) Alexander's water in a sanitary fermenter, and top off
Pale liquid malt extract and 1.0 lb. (0.45 All-grain version: with cool water to 5.5 gallons (21 L). Cool
kg) 2-row pale malt. Steep grains at 150 This is a single step infusion mash. wort to 75 "F (24 °C), aerate the beer and
°F (66 °C) in 4.75 qts. (-4.5 L) of water for Replace the malt syrup with 10.3 lbs. pitch your yeast. Allow beer to cool over
45 minutes . Add water to make 3 gallons (4.7kg) of Briess Pilsner malt. The rest of next few hours to 68 °F (20 °C), and hold
(11 L), add dried malt extract and boil for the grains used are the same as the at this temperature until the yeast has
60 minutes. Add liquid malt extract with extract recipe. Mash the 4 grains togeth- finished fermentation. Then bottle yo ur
15 minutes left in boil. er at 152 "F (67 "C) for 60 minutes. Collect beer, carbonate and enjoy!
approximately 7 gallons (26 L) of wort to
HopBack Amber Ale clone boil for 90 minutes and have a 5.5-gallon All -grain version:


For tllis single-infusion mash , substi-
tute 8.5 lbs. (3.9 kg) 2-row malt for liquid
and dry extract malts in your grain bill.
Mash grains at 152 "F (67 ac) for 60 min-

Arctic Red clone

(Yukon Brewing Company,
(5 gallons /19 L,
extract with
FG = 1.012
IBU = 32-35
SRM= 13 ABV = 5.5%

3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Muntons Light
unhopp ed liquid malt extract
2.0 lbs. 2 oz. (0.96 kg) Muntons Light
unhopped dried malt extract
1.5 lbs. (0 .68 kg) crystal malt (10 °L)
1.4 lbs. (0 .64 kg) Mmlich malt (20 °L)
1.0 oz. (28 g) black patent malt
9.3 AAU Goldings hops (60 mins)
(1.75 oz./50 g of 5.3% alpha acids)
3.25 AAU Cascade hops (5 mins),
(0.5 oz./14 g of 6.5% alpha acids)
1 tsp (5 mi.) Irish moss (boil 60 mins)
White Labs WLP007 (Dry English Ale)
or Wyeast 1335 (British Ale II) yeast
0. 7 5 cup of corn sugar (for priming) • Gold-stamped logo on front and spine
• Opens flat for easy use
Step by Step • Leather-grained in royal blue
• Each binder holds 12 issues
Steep the crushed malts in 1.5 gallons
(5.7 L) of water at 158 °F (70 °C) for 30
Only $15 each (includes shipping)
minutes. Remove grains from wort, rinse
with 0.5 gallon (-2 L) of water under 170
°F (77 °C) if desired and add water to
Vermont residents add 6% sales tax Canadian residents add $1 per binder
brewpot to make arow1d 3 gallons (11 L)
of wort total. Add th e malt syrup and dry YES! I want BYO custom-made binders!
malt powder and bring to a boil. Quantity Amount Total
Add the Golding bittering hops and
Irish moss and boil for 60 nlinutes. Add - -- X $15
th e Cascade hops for the last 5 minutes of 0 Check enclosed OVisa OMC
th e boil. Name ________________ _ __ _ __ _ _
After th e boil , cool th e wort, transfer
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to your fermenter and top off with cool
water to 5.5 gallons (21 L). Aerate the City ____________ State _ _ _ Z i f ' - - - - - -
wort and pitch your yeast. Allow th e owrt Credit Card# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
to cool over the next few homs to 68 °F
(20 °C) and hold at tllis temperature until Signature Exp. Date _ _ _ __
the beer has finish ed fermenting . Then Send your order to:
bottle or keg your beer and enjoy!
Brew Your Own
5053 Main Street, Suite A • Manchester Center, VT 05255
or order online at www.brewyourownstore.com
All -grain version: or call (802) 362-3981 • or fax (802) 362-2377

Tllis is a single step infusion mash. moss with 15 nlinutes left in the boil. Add L), add dried malt extract and stir well.
Replace the malt syrup and dry malt the aroma hops (Cascade) for the last two Bring to a boil, add Cascade hops. Boil 60
extract with 8.5 lbs. (3.9 kg) of pale 2-row minutes of the boil. minutes. With 15 minutes left, add Saaz
malt, and mix with the rest of yow- grains When done boiling, cool brewpot in hops, Irish moss and liquid malt extract.
in the extract version. Mash the grains sink (with the lid on) until the side of the Remove from heat and cool. Add to fer-
together at 158 °F (70 ·c) for 60 minutes. brewpot no longer feels warm. Transfer menter along with enough chilled, pre-
Collect approximately 7 gallons (26 L) wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons boiled water to make 5.0 gallons (19 L).
wort to boil for 90 nlinutes and have a (19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and Aerate well and pitch yeast. Ferment at
5.5-gallon (21-L) yield . pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 •c) for 68 •F (20 "C) for ten days. Rack to sec-
Cool the wort to 75 •F (24 •c), aerate 10-14 days. Add the Cascade dry hops to ondary and cold condition (at 40 °F/4 "C)
and pitch yow- yeast. Allow the wort to your beer for five to seven days, then bot- for fifteen days. Prime with dried malt
cool over the next few hours to 68 •F tle your beer. Pellet hops work well when extract. Bottle and condition at a cool cel-
(20 •c) and hold at tllis temperatw-e until dry-hopping this beer. lar temperature (50 °F/1 0 "C) for two
the beer has finished fermenting. Rack to weeks. Serve at 50 •F (10 "C) in a
secondary and condition for 1 week, then All -grain version: straight-sided altbier glass.
bottle or keg yow- beer and enjoy! Replace the malt extract with
10.75 lbs. (4.9 kg) of British pale malt. All- grain version:
African Amber clone Mash all your grains at 155 •F (68 •c) in Omit the malt extracts and mash
(Mac & Jack's Brewery, 16 qts. (15 L) mash liquor. Mash for 45 9.5 lbs. (4.3 kg) pale malt plus the crystal
Washington) minutes. Collect 6.5 gallons (25 L) and malts (as above) in 14 qts. (-14 L) of
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with boil for 90 minutes. water at 152 •F (67 "C). Collect 6 gallons
grains) (23 L) of wort, add 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) of
08=1.060 FG = 1.018 Alaskan Amber clone water and boil for 90 minutes. Add hops
IBU = 38 SRM = 13 (Alaskan Brewing Co., Alaska) and Irish moss at times indicated .
ABV = 5.5% {5 gallons/19 L, Ferment at 68 •F (20 "C).
extract with grains)
Ingredients OG = 1.054 St. Rogue Red Ale clone
2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) Muntons FG = 1.015 (Rogue Ales, Oregon)
Light dried malt extract IBU = 18 SRM = 22 (5 gallons/19 L,
4 lb . 6 oz. (2.0 kg) Muntons Light liquid ABV = 5.1% all-grain)
malt extract (late addition) OG = 1.052
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt Ingredients FG = 1.015
0.5 lb . (0.23 kg) crystal malt (80° L) 2 lb. 2 oz. (1.0 kg) light dried IBU = 42
0.5 lb . (0.23 kg) Carapils (dextrin) malt malt extract SRM = 26
9.75 AAU Centemlial hops (60 mins) 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) light liquid malt extract ABV = 4.8%
(0.81 oz./23 g of 12% alpha acid) (late addition)
6.2 AAU Cascade hops (2 mins) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) two-row pale malt Ingredients
(1.25 oz./35 g of 5% alpha acid) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (40 •L) 7.0 lbs. (3 .2 kg) tvvo-row pale malt
2.5 AAU Cascade hops (dry hop) 0.66 lb. (0 .3 kg) crystal malt (60 •L) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acid) 0.33 lb. (0.14 kg) crystal malt (90 °L) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (15• L)
1 tsp Irish moss (15 nlins) 3.33 AAU Cascade hops (60 mills) 1.25 lb. (0.56 kg) crystal malt (40° L)
White Labs WLP005 (British Ale) or (0.66 oz./18 g of 5% alpha acid) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) crystal malt (75° L)
Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) yeast 3.33 AAU Saaz hops (15 mins) 10.5 AAU Chinook hops (90 mins)
(1.75 qt./-1.75 L yeast starter) (1.1 oz./31 g of 3% alpha acid) (0.95 oz./27 g of 11% alpha acid)
0.75 cup of corn sugar (or prinling) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 minutes) 9.5 AAU Centennial hops
Wyeast 1007 (German Ale) or (whirlpool or hopback)
Step by Step White Labs WLP029 (German (1 oz./28 g of 9.5% alpha acid)
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- Ale/Ki.ilsch) yeast Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White
ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of (1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter) Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast
water at 150 °F (66 •c) for 30 minutes . 0. 7 5 cups corn sugar (for priming) (1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter)
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of 0.75 cups corn sugar (for pruning)
water at 170 •F (77 •c). Add water to Step by Step
make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt Crush pale and crystal malts. Steep Step by Step
extract and bring to a boil. in 4.5 qts. (-4.5 L) of water at 154 •F (68 Mash grain in 3.5 gallons (13 .2 L) of
Add the Centennial Chittering) hops "C) for 45 minutes. Rinse with 2.0 qts. (-2 water at 155 •F (68 "C) for 60 nlinutes.
and Irish moss and boil for 60 minutes. L) of water at 168 •F (76 "C). Remove Sparge with eno ugh 168-170 •F (-76 "C)
Add the liquid malt extract and Irish grains, add water to make 3 gallons (11 water to collect 6 gallons (22 .8 L) of wort,


then add 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) of water. utes. Cool wort, aerate and pitch Wyeast "F (73 "C), crush grains, mix into liquor.
Total boil time is 90 minutes. At begin- 1084 (Irish Ale Yeast). Ferment at 68 "F Hold mash at 152 "F (67 "C) for 60 min-
ning of bqil, add Chinook hops and boil 90 (20 "C). utes. Put the first gallon (3.8 L) of wort
minutes. At end of the boil, kill heat and rw1 off into a heavy pot and boil it hard
add 1 oz. (28 g) Centennial, whirlpool and Extract with grains version: for 30 minutes, stirring often. This makes
cover pot. (Option at end of boil: Replace pale malt with 2.0 lbs . (0.91 a small amount of caramelized wort, to
Whirlpool and cover pot. Allow trub to kg) of Coopers dried malt extract and 3.3 be added later. Collect a further 7 gallons
settle, then transfer to fermenter via hop- lbs. (1.5 kg) of Coopers Light liquid malt (26.6 L) of wort and begin the boil, which
back containing 1 oz./28 g Centennial.) extract. Place crushed grains in a nylon will last about 2 hams. When you have
Cool to 68 "F (20 "C), oxygenate, transfer steeping bag and steep in 3.25 qts. (3.1 L) 6.5 gallons (24.7 L) of wort (and around
to fermenter and pitch yeast. Ferment at of water at 149 "F (65 "C) for 20 minutes. 90 minutes left in the boil), add
67 "F (19 "C) for 7 days, transfer to sec- Rinse bag with 1.5 qts. (1.4 L) of 170 "F caramelized wort and first addition of
ondary and condition at 63-65 "F (-18 "C) (77 "C). Add water and dried malt extract Kent Goldings hops. Add remaining
for 14 days. Prime and bottle. Allow bot- to make 3 gallons (11 L) of wort and bring Goldings with 30 m.inutes left in boil. Cool
tles to sit for one week at 60-70 "F (16- to a boil. Boil for 60 minutes . Add hops at to 68 "F (20 "C), aerate well and pitch
21 "C), then move into cold storage . times indicated in the ingredient list. Add yeast. Ferment 8 to 10 days at 65 "F (18
liquid malt extract with 15 minutes "C), transfer to secondary and condition
Rainbow Red Ale clone remaining in boil. Cool wort, siphon to at 50 "F (10 "C) for two weeks . Prin1e with
(Trout River Brewing Company, fermenter and top up to 5 gallons (19 L). dry malt extract and bottle. Age in bottles
Vermont) Aerate wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at for 8 to 10 weeks.
(5 gallons/19 L, 68 "F (20 "C).
all-grain) Extract with grains version:
OG = 1.047 Steep 2.0 lbs. (0 .91 kg) pale ale malt

FG = 1.012 and 4 oz. (112 g) roasted barley in
IBU = 57 SRM = 23 3.4 qts. (-3.4 L) of water. Steep at 152 "F
ABV = 4.5% (67 "C) for 45 minutes. Rinse grains with

8.2~ lbs. (3.74 kg) 2-row pale malt
ALES 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of 170 "F (77 "C) water.
Add water to "grain tea" to make 3 gal-
lons (11 L) , add 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) of light
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) medium crystal malt Traquair House Ale clone dried malt extract and bring wort to a
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) dark crystal malt (Traquair House Brewery, boil. Boil for 60 minutes, adding 6.5 AAU
2.0 oz. (57 g) roasted barley Scotland) of Goldings hops at beginning of boil.
8 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 mins) (5 gallons/19 L, Make other hop addition as specified in
(1.0 oz./28 g of 8% alpha acids) all-grain) recipe . With 15 minutes left in boil, turn
1 oz. Cascade hops (45 mins) OG = 1.075 FG = 1.019 off heat and stir in 5.6 lbs. (2.5 kg) light
(1.0 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids) IBU = 35 SRM = 13+ liquid malt extract. Resume heating for
1 oz. Cascade for hops (15 mins) ABV= 7.2% remainder of boil time. At beginning of
(1.0 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids) main wort boil, scoop 2 qts . (-2 L) of wort
Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) yeast Traquair House Ale is a deep reel- into 3-qt. (-3-L) soup pan and boil hard
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) dish, full-bodied and richly-flcivored ale. along side main wort for 30 minutes. This
It carries an alcoholic warmth, hop bit- will make some caramelized wort to add
Step by Step terness and smoky malt flavor that is back later. Stir "mini-wort" often, to pre-
Heat 3.1 gallons (12 L) water to 160 unmatched by any other bee1: vent scorching. After 30 minutes of
"F (71 "C) and mash at 149 "F (65 "C) for r educing "mini-wort," combine it with
20 minutes. Add one gallon (3 .8 L) of boil- Ingredients inain wort. Cool wort, transfer to fer-
ing water and begin heating the mash, 15 lbs. (6.8 kg) pale malt menter and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) .
stirring gently to prevent sticking. Heat 4 0.25 lb. 0.11 kg) roasted barley (300 "L) Aerate well and pitch yeast.
gallons (15 L) of water to 170 "F (77 "C). 6 AAU Kent Goldings hops (90 mins)
When mash temperature reaches (1.5 oz./42 g of 4% alpha acids) Wee Heavy
160-170 "F (71-77 "C), transfer mash to 5 AAU Kent Goldings hops (30 mins) Scotch Ale clone
lauter-tun and sparge with 4 gallons (15 (1.25 oz./35 g of 4% alpha acids) (Steelhead
L) of 170 "F (77 "C) water. Wyeast 1728 (Scottish Ale) yeast Brewing
Collect 5.0-5.5 gallons (19-21 L) of (2 .25 qt./2.25 L yeast starter) Company, California)
wort. Boil with the following hops addi- 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
tions: 1 oz. (28 g) Northern Brewer for 60 OG = 1.105 FG = 1 .030
minutes, 1 oz. (28 g) Cascade for 45 min- Step by Step IBU = 25 SRM = 28 ABV = 9.6%
utes and 1 oz. (28 g) Cascade for 15 min- Heat 19 quarts (-19 L) water to 163

Ingredients boil. Add Mt. Hood hops and liquid malt 5.5 AAU Centennial hops (60 mills)
20.5 lbs . (9.3 kg) Great Western extract with 20 minutes left in boil. Cool (0.55 oz./16 g of 10% alpha acids)
pale malt wort to 60 oF (16 °C) and transfer to fer- 0.5 oz. (14 g) Kent Golding hops
10.9 oz. (0.31 kg) Belgian Special B malt mente!". Aerate thoroughly and pitch (0 mins)
9.33 oz. (0.26 kg) Belgian biscuit malt yeast. If fermentation doesn't start within White Labs WLPOOS (British Ale) yeast
2.2 oz. (62 g) Briess chocolate malt 12 hours, aerate every 6 hours until it 0.7 5 cups corn sugar (for primillg)
7 AAU Nugget hops (60 mil1s) does. Ferment at 60 op (16 °C).
(0.53 oz./15 g of 13% alpha acids) Step by Step
3 AAU Mt. Hood hops (20 mins) Hope and King Scotch Ale clone Heat 7.7 qts. (7.7 L) of water to 164
(0.5 oz./14 g of 6% alpha acids) (Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery, op (73 °C), place crushed grams in steep-
Engl ish or Scottish ale yeast ~ ·- . . Minnesota)
~,~ .':o'-...(-10
ing bag and steep for 45 minutes at
(4 qt./-4 L starter) ~' ,, ···,. J:. ,".& (5 gallons/19 L, around 153 °F (67 °C). In a separate pot,
0.75 cups corn sugar (for printing) all-grain) heat 5.8 qts. (5.5 L) of rinse water to 170
OG = 1.063 °F (77 °C). Rinse grains and bring the
Step by Step IBU = 22 "gram tea" (wort) to a boil . (You will have
Heat 6.8 gallo ns (26 L) of strike water SRM = 32 ABV = 5.8% about 12.7 qts. (12 L) total.) Add
to 164 op (73 °C) and mash grains at Centennial hops and dri ed malt extract
153 °F (67 °C) for 60 minutes. Collect Ingredients and boil for 60 nlinutes. Add liquid malt
about 11 gallons (42 L) of wort. (Specific 11 lbs. 4 oz. (5 .1 0 kg) Simpsons extract with 15 minutes left and the
gravity of pre-boil wort will be around Golden Promise malt Goldings hops at the end of the boil . Cool
1.047.) Boil for 3 hours (or longer) to 6 oz . (0 .17 kg) flaked barley wort, transfer to fermenter and top up
reduce volume to 5 gallons (19 L), adding 4 oz. (0.11 kg) Mtmich malt (10 oL) with water to 5 gallons (19 L). Aerate
hops at times indicated i11 ingredient list. 10.33 oz. (0.29 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 67 op
Ferment at 60 oF (16 °C). 4 oz. (0.11 kg) US chocolate malt (19 °C) .
2 oz. (0.06 kg) UK roasted Thanks to Minneapolis Town Hall's brew-
Wee Heavy Scotch Ale clone barley (500 °L) er Mike Hoops for the information used to
(Steelhead Brewing Company, 5 AAU Centennial hops (90 mills) formulate this clone.
California) (0.5 oz./14 g of 10% alpha acids)
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 0.5 oz. (14 g) Kent Golding hops Winter Palace Wee Heavy clone
OG = 1.105 FG = 1.030 (0 mins) (Paper City Brewery,
IBU = 25 SRM = 28 ABV = 9.6% White Labs WLPOOS (British Ale) yeast Massachusetts)
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (5 gallons/19 L,
Ingredients extract with
5.0 lbs. (2.27 kg) Mw1tons Light dried Step by Step grains)
malt extract Mash at 153 op (67 °C). Boil for 90 OG = 1.075
8.13 lbs. (3.69 kg) Northwestern Gold minutes. Ferment at 67 oF (19 °C). FG = 1.019
liquid malt extract (late addition) IBU = 24
10.9 oz. (0 .31 kg) Belgian Special B malt Hope and King Scotch Ale clone SRM = 19 ABV = 7.3%
9.33 oz. (0.26 kg) Belgian biscuit malt (Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery,
2.2 oz. (62 g) Briess chocolate malt Minnesota) Ingredients
7 AAU Nugget hops (60 mins) (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 9.9 lbs . (4 .46 kg) Coopers Light liquid
(0.53 oz./15 g of 13% alpha acids) OG = 1.063 FG = 1.018 malt extract
3 AAU lVIt. Hood hops (20 nli.ns) IBU = 22 SRM = 32 ABV = 5.8% 2 lbs. (0.9 kg) 2-row pale ale malt
(0.5 oz./14 g of 6% alpha acids) 4.0 oz. (112 g) roasted black barley
English or Scottish ale yeast Ingredients 7 AAU Cascade hops (!Jittering hop)
(4 qt.l-4 L starter) 0.75 lbs. (0 .34 kg) Northwestern Gold (1.4 oz./39 g of 5.0% alpha acid)
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) dried malt extract 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
4.88 lbs (2 .21 kg) Northwestern Gold White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or
Step by Step liquid malt extract (late addition) Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
Place crushed grains in a nylon 3.5 lbs. (1.6 kg) Simpsons Golden (1.5 qts./- 1.5 L yeast starter)
steeping bag. Steep at 153 op (67 °C) for Promise malt 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming)
45 minutes in 0.5 gallons (2 L) of water. 6 oz. (0.17 kg) flaked barley
Ri11se grains with 0.25 gallons (0.95 L) of 4 oz. (0.11 kg) IVIunich malt (10 °L) Step by Step
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water and 10.33 oz. (0.29 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) Steep the crushed malts in 3.3 qts.
dri ed malt extract to make 2.5 gallons 4 oz. (0.11 kg) US chocolate malt (3.1 L) of water at 150 op (66 oc) for 30
(9.5 L) of wort. Bring wort to a boil , add 2 oz. (57 g) UK roasted minutes. Add water to make 3 gallons
Nugget hops and begin the 60-minute barley (500 °L) (11 L), add 3-4 lbs. (1.4-1.8 kg) of malt


extract and bring to a boil. Add Cascade 0.59 oz. (17 g) Amarillo hops (dry hops) tions for remai11ing details.
(bittering) hops and boil for 45 minutes . 0.59 oz. (17 g) Simcoe hops (dry hops) Thanks to Bryan Selders and Sam
Add r emaining malt extract and Irish 0.59 oz. (17 g) Glacier hops (dry hops) Calagione of Dogfish Head for the infor-
moss with 15 minutes left in boil. Wyeast 1187 (Ringwood Ale) or mation used in compiling this clone.
When done boiling, cool wort by sub- other English ale yeast
merging brewpot in sink (with the lid on) (1 .5 qt./- 1.5 L starter@ SG 1.030) 90-Minute IPA clone
until the side of the brewpot no longer % cup corn sugar (for printing) (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery,
feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter Delaware)
and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool Step by Step
water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. As Mash at 152 oF (67 °C) for 60 min-
with any hi gh-gravity beer, yow· results utes. Boil wort for 60 minutes. Begin hop-
will greatly improve if you make a yeast ping wort with a contilmous stream of
starter. Cooler fermentation tempera- Warrior hops at a rate of 0.28 oz. (7.9 g)
tmes , from 60-65 °F (16-18 °C), will per 10 rninutes. Warrior should run out ABV = 8.7%
yield a cleaner, more traditional finish. with 35 milmtes left in boil. (Target IBU
Bottle your beer, age for two to three for Wa rrior additions = 39 IBUs.) Refill Ingredients
weeks and enjoy! hopper with Simcoe hops and resume 16.5 lbs. (7 .5 kg) Pilsner malt
hopping until 25 minute remaining m ark. 1.66 lbs. (0 .75 kg) ambe r malt (35 °L)
All -grain version: (Target IBU for Simcoe additions = 10.5 16 AAU Amarillo hops (90-0 mins)
Replace the malt extract with 15 .5 IBUs .) Reflll hopper with Palisade hops (2.0 oz./57 g of 8.0% alpha acids)
lbs. (7.0 kg) British two-row pale malt. for r emailting part of boil. (Target IBU for 8.0 AAU Siincoe hops (90-0 mins)
Mash all yom grains at 157 "F (69 °C) for Palisade additions= 10.5 IBUs.) Add Irish (0 .62 oz./17 g of 13% alpha acids)
60 minutes . Use 20 qts . (19 L) of mash moss vvi.th 15 mii1utes remaining. Add 8.0 AAU Warrior hops (90-0 nuns)
water. Collect 8 gallons (30 L) and boil whiJ·Jpool hops after boil and begii1 cool- (0.53 oz./15 g of 15% alpha acids)
down to 5 gallons (19 L). ing. Aerate cooled wort and pitch yeast. 1 oz. (28 g) Amarillo hops (dry hops)
Ferment ii1itially at 71 oF (22 °C), but let 0.5 oz (14 g) Silncoe hops (dry hops)
temperature rise to 74 °F (23 °C) towards 0.5 oz. (14 g) Warrior hops (dry hops)
the end of fermentation. Warm condition 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)

IPAs and for 3 days (to r emove diacetyl), then cool

beer and add dry hops, allowing 2 weeks
Wyeast 1099 (Wltitbread) yeast
0. 75 cups corn sugar (for prilning)

BEYOND contact time .

Extract with grains version:

Step by Step
Mash in at 122 oF (50 °C), then raise
Steep 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) of 2-row pale the temperature to 149 °F (65 °C) until
60-Minute IPA clone malt and 6.4 oz. (0.18 kg) of Thomas conversion is complete. Mash out to 170
(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Fawcett amber malt at 152 oF (67 °C) in oF (77 °C). Boil the wort for 105 ntinutes.
Delaware) 2.25 qts . (2 .1 L) of water. (This is techni- Starting with 90 ntinutes left in the boil,
cally a partial mash, so follow tempera- begin slowly and evenly adding hops to
ture and volwne guidelines closely.) Al"ter th e kettle. (Tills works out to a little over
45 minutes, rinse grains with 1 qt. (- 1 L) 0.25 oz. (7 g) of hops every 7.5 minutes.)
of 170 °F (77 °C) water. Add water to Start fermenta tion at 71 oF (22 °C) and let
"grain tea " to make 4 gallons (15 L) . (To raise to 74 oF (23 °C). Dry hop ill sec-
save time , heat -3.5 gallons (13 L) of ondar y at 71 oF for 3-5 days , then cool to
water dmii1g "steep.") Stir in 4.0 lbs. 32 °F (0 °C).
Ingredients (1.8 kg) Muntons Light dried malt extract
12 lbs. 15 oz. (5 .86 kg) 2-row pale malt and bring to a boil. During the boil, do not Extract with grains version:
6.4 oz. (0.18 kg) Thomas Fawcett let wort volume drop below 3.5 gallons Replace Pilsner ma lt with 8.0 lbs.
amber malt (13 L) . Add boiling water if wort volume (3.6 kg) dried malt extract and 1.75 lbs .
11.2 AAU Warrior hops (60-35 mins) dips near this mark. Follow th e hoppi11g (0.79 kg) of Pilsner malt. Steep crushed
(0.70 oz./20 g of 16% alpha acids) instructions given in the all-grain recipes . grains in 1.1 gallons (4 L) of water a t 150
3.6 AAU Simcoe hops (35-25 mii1s) With 15 minutes left in the boil, turn off oF (66 °C) for 45 minutes . Follow the
(0.28 oz./7 .9 g of 13% alpha acids) the h eat and stir in 2.0 lbs. 14 oz. (1.3 kg) remainii1g instructions in the aU-graii1
5.6 AAU Palisade hops (2 5-0 mills) of Muntons Light liquid malt extract and recipe.
(0.70 oz./20 g of 8% alpha acids) Irish moss. Res wne heating once extr act Thanks to Sam Calagione and Andy
1 tsp. Irish moss (1 5 mins) is dissolved. After chilled wort is trans- Tveekrem of Dogfish Head for their help
0.70 oz. (20 g) Palisade hops fen· ed to ferm enter, add water to make 5 in constmcting this clone.
(whirlpool , 0 mins) gallons (19 L). See th e all-graill instruc-

AleSmith IPA clone tation instTuctions above. IBU = 84 SAM= 17 ABV = 7.2%
(AieSmith Brewing Co., Thanks to Peter Zien of AleSmith for his
California) extensive help in constructing this clone. Ingredients
,_, ,..v ~lflttc
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) 8.75 lbs. (4.0 kg)
OG = 1.073 FG = 1.014 Dreadnaught clone I ·~tJ·· hUUI I
2-row pale malt
t.Y' _, ,)
IBU = 93 SAM= 9 ABV = 7.6% (Three Floyd's Brewing Co., ' t 1( f I ~ , }/
2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) rye
Indiana) ' .... , ,., malt
. ' -

Ingredient s
,~r4~~~ (5 gallons/ 19 L,
1.25 lbs. (0.57 kg)
14.66 lbs. (6.6 kg) Gambrinus ~ all-grain) flaked rye
2-row pale malt OG = 1.084 FG = 1.15 lbs . (0.52 kg) Mlliuch malt
2.0 oz. (57 g) crystal malt (15 °L) 1.021 0.625 lbs. (0.28 kg) wheat malt
2.0 oz. (57 g) Carapils malt (6 °L) IBU = 100 SRM = 11 0.625 lbs. (0 .28 kg) Carapils malt
2.0 oz. (57 g) Mrmich malt (10 °L) ABV = 8.1% 1.75 oz. (49 g) black malt
2.0 oz. (57 g) wheat malt 10.4 AAU Tomahawk hops (60 nlins)
1.0 oz. (28 kg) honey malt Ingredients (0.74 oz./21 g of 14% alpha acids)
7.0 AAU Columbus hops (FWH) 16.25 lbs . (7.4 kg) American 4.73 AAU Centeruual hops (30 nuns)
(0 .5 oz./14 g of 14% alpha acids) 2-row pale malt (0.43 oz./12 g of 11% alpha acids)
7.0 AAU Simcoe hops (FWH) 1.25 lbs . (0.57 kg) melanoidin 24.3 AAU Tomahawk hops (0 mins)
(0.53 oz./15 g of 13% alpha acids) malt (27 °L) (1. 7 oz./49 g of 14% alpha acids)
3.25 AAU Columbus hops (60 mins) 8.0 AAU Warrior hops (60 mit1s) 0.75 oz. (21 g) Amarillo hops (dry hop)
(0.23 oz./6.5 g of 14% alpha acids) (0.53 oz./15 g of 15% alpha acids) 1.0 oz. (28 g) Centennial hops
1.33 AAU Amarillo hops (30 nuns) 8.0 AAU Simcoe hops (60 mins) (dry hop)
(0 .17 oz./4.8 g of 8.0% alpha acids) (0.62 oz./17 g of 13% alpha acids) 1 tsp Irish moss (15 mins)
2.25 AAU Simcoe hops (15 mins) 8.0 AAU Centennial hops (45 mins) Wyeast 1272 (American Ale II) or
(0.17 oz./4.8 g of 13% alpha acids) (0 .72 oz./20 g of 11% alpha acids) Wlute Labs WLP051
2.66 AAU Columbus hops (10 mins) 8.0 AAU Centennial hops (30 mills) (California V) yeast
(0.19 oz./5.4 g of 14% alpha acids) (0. 72 oz./20 g of 11% alpha acids) 0 .75 cups corn sugar (for prinung)
2 AAU Cascade hops (5 mins) 8.0 AAU Cascades hops (15 mins)
(0 .4 oz./11 g of 5.0% alpha acids) (1.6 oz./45 g of 5.0% alpha acids) Step by Step·
5 AAU Cascades hops (1 mins) 1.5 oz. Cascade whole hops (dry hops) Mash in at 145 op (63 °C) then ramp
(1.0 oz./28 g of 5.0% alpha acids) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) temperature to 152 °F (67 °C) for conver-
0.5 oz. (14 g) Columbus hops (dry hop) Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or sion. Mash out to 170 op (77 °C) . Boil for
0.5 oz. (14 g) Amarillo hops (dry hop) White Labs WLP002 (English Ale) 90 minutes, adding hops at the times
0.5 oz. (14 g) Cascade hops (dry hop) 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) indicated in the ingredient list. Whit·lpool
0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Simcoe hops (dry hop) the wort and let it sit for 15 minutes prior
0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Cllinook hops (dry hop) Step by Step to cooling. Ferment at 68 op (20 °C).
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) This is a sit1gle infusion mash at
White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) 0.75 159 op (71 °C) for 60 minutes . Boil the Extract with grains version:
cups corn sugar (for priming) wort 90 minutes, addi11g hops at the Replace the 2-row pale malt with
times indicated in the ingredient list. 4.25 lbs. (1.9 kg) dried malt extract and
Step by Step Ferment at 68 op (20 °C). 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt. Steep
Mash at 152 op (67 °C) for 60 min- crushed grains in 2.25 gallons (8.5 L) of
utes. Boil for 90 minutes, following hop Extract with grains version: water at 152 op (67 °C) for 45 minutes.
addition schedule. ("FWH" means first Replace pale malt with 8.0 lbs .
wort hops - hops added to the wort (3.6 kg) dried malt extract and 1.33 lbs. Racer 5 clone
before the boil starts.) Whirlpool wort (0 .6 kg) 2-row pale malt. Steep crushed (Bear Republic Brewing Co.,
and let sit for 15 nunutes before you grains in 3.2 quarts (-3 L) of water at California)
begin cooling. Fermentation temperature 159 op (71 °C) for 45 minutes. (5 gallons/ 19
68.5 °F (20 .3 °C). Thanks to Nick Floyd of Three Floyd's L, all-grain)
Brewing Co. for information used to con- OG = 1.071
Extract with grains version: struct this clone. FG = 1.015
Replace pale m alt with 7 .25 lbs. IBU = 60
(3 .3 kg) light dried malt extract and Hop Rod Rye clone SAM= 10 ABV = 7.2%
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt. Steep (Bear Republic Brewing Co.,
crushed pale malt plus specialty malts in California) Ingredients
64 oz. (1.9 L) of water at 152 op for 45 (5 gallons/19 L, all - grain) 11.25 lbs. (5.1 kg) 2-row pale malt
minutes. Follow the boiling and fermen- OG = 1.072 FG = 1.017 1.66 lbs. (0 .75 kg) wheat malt


0.625 lbs. (0.28 kg) crystal malt 6.1 AAU Chinook hops (90 mins) Mash at 154 oF (68 °C). Boil for 90
(15 OL) (0 .5 oz./14 g of 12 .2% alpha acids) minutes, adding hops at the time indicat-
0.42 lbs. (0 .19 kg) dextrose 12 AAU Simcoe hops (45 mil1s) ed in th e recipe. Ferment at 68 oF
(corn sugar) (1.0 oz./28 g of 12% alpha acids) (20 °C) ..
0.21 lbs. (95 g) Carapils malt 14.3 AAU Columbus hops (30 mins)
6.1 AAU Chinook hops (90 mins) (1.0 oz./28 g of 14.3% alpha acids) Extract with grains version:
(0 .5 1 oz./14 g of 12% alpha acids) 20.5 AAU Centennial hops (0 min) Replace pale malt with 11.0 lbs. (5.0
8. 7 AAU Cascades hops (60 nuns) (2 .25 oz./64 g of 9.1% alpha acids) kg) English light malt extract and 2.0 lbs.
(1.74 oz./49 g of 5.0% alpha acids) 12 AAU Silncoe hops (0 min) (0.91 kg) 2-row pale malt. Steep crushed
0.3 oz. Centennial hops (dry hop) (1.0 oz./28 g of 12% alpha acids) pale malt in 80 fl . oz. (2.4 L) of water at
0.3 oz. Amarillo hops (dry hop) 3.25 oz. Columbus hop (dry hop) 154 °F (68 °C) for 45 minutes.
0.2 oz. Cascade hops (dry hop) 1.75 oz. Centennial hops (dry hop) Thanks to John Maier of Rogue and Jason
0.2 oz. Tomahawk hops (dry hop) 1.75 oz. Simcoe hops (dry hop) Petros of Bee1; Beer and More Beer for
Wyeast 1272 (American Ale II) or 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins) their homebrew clone upon which this
White Labs WLP051 White Labs WLP001 (California clone is based.
(Califonua V) yeast Ale) yeast
0.75 cups com sugar (for priming) 0.75 cups corn sugar (for prin1ing) Lagunitas IPA clone
(Lagunitas Brewing, California)
Step by Step Step by Step (5 gallons/19 L,
Mash in at 145 oF (63 °C) then ramp Mash at 150-152 oF (66-67 °C). Boil all-grain)
temperatme to 152 °F (67 oc) for conver- 90 milmtes, adding hops at the time indi- OG = 1.059
sion. Mash out to 170 oF (77 °C). Boil for cated il1 r ecipe. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) . FG = 1.015
90 minutes, adding hops at the times Dry hop two weeks. IBU = 67
indicated in th e ingredient list. Ferment SAM= 9 ABV = 5.7%
at 68 °F (20 oc). Extract with grains version:
Replace 2-row malt with 6.15 lbs. Ingredients
Extract with grains version: (2 .8 kg) dried malt extract and 1.0 lb. 11. 33 lbs. (5.1 kg) 2-row pale malt
Replace pale malt with 6.0 lbs. (2.7 (0.45 kg) 2-row ma lt. Steep crushed 0.4 lbs. (0.18 kg) dextrine malt
kg) dried malt extract and 0.33 lbs. grains in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water at 151 0.3 lbs. (0.14 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
(0.15kg) 2-row malt. Steep crushed oF (66 oc) for 45 minutes. See remaining 0.2 lbs. (91 g) light Munich malt (4 oL)
grains in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water at 152 instructions above. 8.25 AAU Horizon hops (60 mins)
°F (67 °C) for 45 minutes. Thanks to Vinnie Cilurzo from Russian (0. 7 5 oz./21 g of 11% alpha acids)
Thanks to Richard Norgrov e of Bear River Brewing for his homebrezv clone. 4.5 AAU Cascades hops (30 nuns)
Republic Brewing Co. for his homebrezv (0 .90 oz./26 g of 5.0% alpha acids)
clone. Imperial IPA (12PA) clone 1.25 AAU Willamette hops (30 nuns)
(Rogue Ales, Oregon) (0 .25 oz.n.1 g of 5.0% alpha acids)
Pliny the Elder clone (5 gallons/19 L, 15.75 AAU Cascade hops (0 min)
(Russian River Brewing Co., all-grain) (3 .15 oz./89 g of 5.0% alpha acids)
California) OG = 1.080 FG = 1.020 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins)
(5 gallons/19 L, IBU = 62 SAM = 7 Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or
all-grain) ABV= 7.8% White Labs WLP001 (California
OG = 1.074 Ale) yeast
FG = 1.014 Ingredients 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
IBU = 100+ SAM= 8 16.25 lbs. (7.4 kg) British pale malt
ABV = 8-8.5% 13.5 AAU Newport hops (60 min) Step by Step
(1.0 oz./28 g of 13.5% alpha acids) Mash at 154 oF (68 °C). Boil for 90
Ingredients 5.0 AAU Cascade hops (30 min) nunutes, addil1g hops as indicated in the
12 .2 lbs. (5.5 kg) 2-row malt (1.0 oz./28 g of 5.0% alpha acids) il1gredient list. After the boil, let the wort
0.28 lbs. (0.13 kg) crystal malt (45 °L) 7.0 AAU Sterling hops (15 min) sit for 15 minutes before cooling.
0.86 lbs. (0.39 kg) Carapils malt (1.0 oz./28 g of 7.0% alpha acids) Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C).
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) dextrose 1.0 oz. (28 g) Amarillo hops (dry hops)
(corn sugar) 1 pkg Whirfloc (20 nun) Extract with grains version:
19.5 AAU Chinook whole hops White Labs WLP0051 Replace pale malt with 5 lbs. 9 oz.
(mash hops) (California V) yeast (2.5 kg) of light dri ed malt extract and 1.0
(1 .5 oz./43 g of 13% alpha acids) 4.0 oz. corn sugar {for priming) lb . (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt. Steep
42.9 AAU Warrior hops (90 mins) crushed pale malt and other malts in 76
(2.75 oz.n8 g of 15 .6% alpha acids) Step by Step oz. (2 .2 L) of water at 154' oF (68 °C) for

45 minutes. Elissa IPA clone (1.0 oz./28 g of 11 % alpha acids)
Thanks to Tony Magee of Lagunitas (Saint Arnold Brewing Co., 8.5 AAU Cascade hops (30 nuns)
Brewing for his lwmebrew clone, upon Texas) (1.7 oz./48 g of 5.0% alpha acids)
which this clone is based. (5 gallons/19 L, 0.66 oz. (19 g) Cascade hops (dry hop)
all-grain) 0 .66 oz. (19 g) Centennial hops
Acme IPA clone 08=1 .061 FG=1.010 (dry hop)
(North Coast Brewing, California) IBU = 60 SRM = 10 1 tsp. Irish moss (1 5 mins)
ABV = 6.6% Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or
VVhite Labs WLP001 (Califonua
Ingredients Ale) yeast
12.0 lbs. (5.4 kg) Maris Otter 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
2-row pale malt
0.71 lbs. (0.32 kg) Crisp crysta l Step by Step
malt (45 °L) Mash at 156 oF (69 °C) for 60 min-
Ingredients 13.5 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins) utes . Boil wort for 90 minutes, adding
11 .33 lbs . (5.1 kg) Great Western (2 .7 oz./34 g of 5.0% alpha acids) hops as indicated in the r ecipe. Ferment
2-row pale malt 6.0 AAU Cascade hops (1 5 mius) at 66 oF (19 °C). Dry hop in secondary for
1.0 IJJ. (0.45 kg) Vienna malt (1.2 oz./34 g of 5.0% alpha acids) 5 days at 60 °F (16 °C).
0.33 lbs. (0.1 5 kg) Munich malt 6.0 AAU Cascade hops (4 mins)
0.33 lbs. (0.15 kg) Carapils malt (1.2 oz./34 g of 5.0% alpha acids) Extract option:
3.3 AAU Clusters hops (60 mins) 0.8 oz. (23 g) Cascade whole hops Replace 2-row malt with 5. 5 lbs. (2 .5
(0 .47 oz./13 g of 7.0% alpha acids) (dry hop) kg) dried malt extract and 1.5 lb. (0.68
3. 3 AAU Clusters hops (30 mins) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) kg) 2-row malt. Steep crushed grains in
(0.47 oz./13 g of 7.0% alpha acids) Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) or White 120 fl . oz. (3 .5 L) of water at 156 °F (69
14 AAU Northern Brewer (0 mins) Labs WLP01 3 (London Ale) yeast °C) for 45 minutes. Follow all- grain
(1.6 oz./44 g of 9.0% alpha acids) 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) it1structions for boiling and ferm enting.
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) Clon e modified fi ·om a recipe printed in
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White Step by Step the October 2000 issue of BYO.
Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast Brock Wagner says, "Use water with
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) very low CaC0 3 . Gypsum is your friend ." Two Hearted Ale clone
Mash at 156- 158 oF (69-70 °C). Boil 90 (Bell 's Brewery, Inc.,
Step by Step minutes. Ferment at 72 oF (22 °C) . Michigan)
Mash at 154 op (68 °F) for 60 mins . (5 gallons/19 L,
Recirculate for 20 minutes , then collect 7 Extract with grains version: all-grain)
gallons (26 L) of wort. Boil for 90 min- Replace pale malt with 5.85 lbs. (2 .65 OG = 1.058
utes , adding Clusters hop charges with 60 kg) light dried malt extract and 1.0 lb . FG = 1.012
minutes and 30 minutes left in boil. At 15 (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt. Steep crushed lBU = 56 SRM = 8
minutes left in the boil, add the Irish malts in 70 fl . oz. (2 .1 L) of water at ABV = 5.9%
moss . At knockout, add th e Northern 156-1 58 °F (69-70 °C) for 45 minutes .
Brewer hops , whirlpool the wort and let it Clon e by Bev D. Blackwood 1/. Thanks to Ingredients
sit for 30 minutes (covered) before you Brock Wagn e1; Founder of St. Arnold 9. 33 lbs. (4.2 kg) 2-row pale malt
begin cooling. After 30 minutes, chill Brewing Company, for the recipe. 2.0 lbs . (0.91 kg) Vielma malt
wort, aerate and pitch yeast. Ferment at 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) crystal (10 °L)
68 op (20 °C). Celebration Ale clone 0.3 3 lbs. (0 .15 kg) Carapils malt (6 °L)
(Sierra Nevada, California) 5.5 AAU Centennial hops (60 nuns)
Extract with grains version: (5 gallons/19 L, (0 .5 oz./14 g of 11% alpha acids)
Replace 2-row malt with 5.5 lbs. (2 .5 all-grain) 5.5 AAU Centennial hops (45 nuns)
kg) of light dried ma lt extract and 1.0 lb. OG = 1.064 (0 .5 oz./14 g of 11% alpha acids)
(0.45 kg) 2-row malt. Stee p crushed 2- FG = 1.014 5.5 AAU Centennial hops (30 mins)
row, Vienna, Munich and Carapils malts IBU = 60 (0.5 oz./14 g of 11% alpha acids)
in 3 quarts (- 3 L) of water at 154 °F (68 SRM = 12 ABV = 6.4% 5. 5 AAU Centennial hops (15 mins)
°C) for 45 minutes. Follow all-grain instr- (0.5 oz./14 g of 11% alpha acids)
cutions for boiling and ferm entation. Ingredients 0 .33 oz. (9.4 g) Centennial hops (0 min)
Thanks to Mark Ruedrich of North Coast 11.5 lbs. (5.2 kg) 2-row pale ma lt 0. 33 oz. (9.4 g) Centennial hops
Brewing for information on Acme IPA 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal (35 °L) (dry hop)
used to construct this clone. 0.5 lb . (0.23) Carapils malt 0. 5 tsp. Irish moss (15 mit1s)
11 AAU Chinook hops (60 mit1s) Wyeast 1272 (American Ale II) , White


Labs WLP051 (California V) or yeast Add wort to 2 gallons (7.6 L) cool Add Centennial hops and boil for 60
cultured from a bottle of this beer water in a sanitary fermenter, and top oiT minutes. Add Kent Golding hops for the
0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) with cool water to 5.5 gallons (20.9 L). last 30 minutes of the boil. Add the liquid
Cool th e wort to 75 "F (24 "C), aerate the malt extract and Irish moss with 15 min-
Step by Step beer and pitch yeast. Allow the beer to utes left in the boil.
Mash at 152 oF (67 °C) for 1 hour. cool over the next few hours to 68 "F When done boiling, cool wort by sub-
Boil wort for 75 minutes, adding (20 "C) and hold at this temperature until merging brewpot in sink , with the lid on,
Centennial hops at the times indicated in the yeast has finish ed ferm entation. Add until the side of the brewpo t no longer
the recipe. Ferment at 70 oc (21 °C). Dry last addition of Centem1ial hops for dry feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter
hop for 3 days in secondary. hopping. Dry hop for 3 to 5 days, then and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool
bottle your beer, carbonate and enjoy! water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
Extract with grains version: Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) until complete
Replace 2-row malt with 4.5 lbs. All-grain version: (7 to 10 days). After ferm entation is com-
(2 .0 kg) dried malt extract and 1.0 lb. Use 14.6 llJs. (6.6 kg) 2-row malt and plete, transfer beer to secondary and add
(0.45 kg) 2-row malt. Steep crushed 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) of crystal malt (15 "L ) in LiiJerty hops to the beer (this is called
grains in 1.2 gallons (4 .6 L) of water at your grain bill. Mash your grains at dry-hopping). Let these hops sit in the
152 oF (67 °C) for 45 minutes. Boil extract 149 "F (65 "C) for 60 minutes. Collect beer for about a week to enhance the hop
version for only 60 minutes. enough wort to boil for 90 minutes and aroma, then separate the hops from the
have a 5.5-gallon (21-L) yield. beer and bottle as usual.
Ruination IPA clone
(Stone Brewing Company, Harpoon IPA clone All-grain version:
California) (Mass Bay Brewing Co., Replace m alt extracts with 10 Lbs. 10
(5 gallons/19 L extract Massachusetts) oz. (4.8 kg) of pale malt. Mash grains
with grains) (5 gallons/19 L, together for 60 minutes at 152 °F (67 °C)
OG = 1.075 FG = 1.010 extract with grains ) in 16 qts. (15 L) of mash water. Collect 6.5
IBU = 100+ SRM = 6 OG = 1.060 gallons (25 L) and boil for 90 minutes.
ABV = 7.7% FG = 1.013
IBU = 45 SRM = 11 Bottleworks IPA clone
Ingredients ABV = 6.1% (Dick's Brewing Company,
6.6 lbs. (3 .0 kg) Northwestern Gold Washington)
liquid malt extract syrup Ingredients
2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) Northwestern Gold 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) light dried malt extract
dried malt extract 5.0 lbs. (2 .3 kg) light liquid malt extract
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Briess 2-row malt (late addition)
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Briess crystal 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Mw1ich malt (5 Gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
malt (15 "L) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Victory malt OG = 1.080 FG = 1.018
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 minutes) 8.75 AAU Centennial hops IBU = 100+ SRM = 11 ABV = 8.0%
36.0 AAU Magnum hops (60 mins) (0.73 oz./20 g of 12% alpha acid)
(2.25 oz./64 g of 16.0% alpha acids) 5 AAU Kent Golding Hops Ingredients
15.7 AAU Centennial hops (1 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acid) 11.75 lbs. (5.3 kg) Briess light unhopped
(0 mins , steep for 5 mins) 1 oz. (28 g) Liberty hops (dry hops) malt extract syrup
(1.5 oz./43 g of 10.5% alpha acid) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) 8.0 oz. (224 g) crystal malt (120 "L)
21.0 AAU Centennial bops White Labs WLP006 (Bedford British 1.0 oz. (28 g) chocolate malt
(2.0 oz./56 g of 10.5% alpha acid) Ale), WLP023 (Burton Ale) , Wyeast 1 tsp Irish moss (60 min.)
White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or 1272 (American Ale II) or Coopers 33.7 AAU Colwubus hops (60 min)
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast ale yeast (2.25 oz./63 g of 15% alpha acid)
0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) (1.75 qt./-1.75 L yeast starter) 15.0 AAU Columbus hops (20 min)
0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) (1 .0 oz./28 g of 15.0% alpha acid)
Step by Step 15.0 AAU Columbus hops (5 min .)
Steep the two crushed grains in 3 Step by Step (1.0 oz./28 g of 15% alpha acid)
gallons (11 L) of water at 149 "F (65 "C) Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- White Labs WLP001 (California Ale)
for 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of or Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
add Magnum hops, malt syrup and bring water at 152 "F (67 °C) for 30 minutes. 0.75 cup (180 mL) of corn sugar
to a boil. Add Irish moss and boil for 60 Rins e grains with 1. 5 qts. (-1.5 L) of (for priming)
minutes . Add th e first addition of water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to
Centmmial hops at the end of the boil, make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt Step by Step
and let steep for 5 minutes. extract and bring to a boil. Steep the crushed malts in 3 gallons

(11 L) of water at 155 "F (68 "C) for 30
minutes. Remove grains from wort, add
the malt syrup and bring to a boil.
10 lbs. (4.5 kg) pale malt
1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) toasted pale malt
Add the Columbus bittering hops and (350 °F/177 "C for 15 minutes) Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Irish moss , then boil for 60 minutes. Add 0.75 lb. (0 .34 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) clone
the second addition of Columbus hops for 0.50 lb. (0.23 kg) malted wheat (Sierra Nevada Brewing
the last 20 minutes of the boil. Add the 7.25 AAU Northdown hops (60 mins) Co., California)
remaining Columbus hops at the end of (0.8 oz./22 g of 9% alpha acids) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
the boil and let them stee p for iive min- 6 AAU Kent Goldings hops (30 mins) OG= 1.052 FG=1.011
utes. Now add the wort to 2 gallons (1.5 oz./42 g of 4% alpha acids) IBU = 37 SRM = 10 ABV = 5.3%
(7 .6 L) of cool water in a sanitary fer- 4 AAU Bramling Cross hops (15 mills)
menter, and top off with cool water to 5.5 (1 oz./28 g of 4% alpha acids) The Sierra Nevada website has tons of
gallons (-21 L). 4 AAU Fuggles hops (dry hop) information about their flagship brew,
Cool the wort to 75 "F (24 "C), aerate (1 oz./28 g of 4% alpha acids) including the new information that they
the beer heavily and pitch your yeast. Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) yeast now use Magnum hops. Use only ft"esh
Allow the beer to cool over the next few (1. 7 5 qt./1. 7 5 L yeast starter) hops that have been stored correctly
hours to 68 "F (20 "C), and hold at this 0.75 cup corn sugar (for pruning) (frozen, preferably in an airtight contain-
temperature until the beer has flllished er) for the best hop flavor and aroma.
fermenting. Dick's conditions this beer for Step by Step
approximately a total of six weeks, then Toast pale malt on baking sheet in Ingredients
bottle or keg your beer and enjoy! oven. Heat 15 quarts (- 15 L) water to 164 10.25 lbs. (4.6 kg) 2-row pale malt
Notes: To get the full amount of bitter- oF (73 "C), crush grai11s, mix into liquor. 10 oz . (0 .28 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
ness in an extract IPA, you will need to do Hold mash at 153 op (67 "C) for 60 min- 2.5 AAU Magnum hops (60 mins)
a full-wort boil. Also, although hop bit- utes. Collect around 6.5 gallons (24. 7 L) (0.18 oz./5.1 g of 12% alpha acids)
terness is thought not to exceed 100 !BUs, of wort and bring wort to boil. Boil 90 4.8 AAU Perle hops (60 Inins)
hop flavor and aroma may increase with minutes total, adding hops at times indi- (0. 7 oz./19 g of 7% alpha acids)
additional hops. Consider adding a full cated in recipe. Cool wort to 70 op (21 "C), 5 AAU Cascade hops (15 mins)
5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) per 5 gallons (19 L) of aerate and pitch yeast. Ferment at 72 oF (1.0 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids)
bittering hops if you'r e a real hophead. (22 "C), transfer to secondary, add 0.75 oz. (21 g) Cascade hops (0 mins)
Fuggles hops (for dry hopping) and condi- 0.75 oz. (21 g) whole Cascade hops
All-grain version: tion at 50 oF (10 "C) for two weeks. (dry hop)
This is a single step infusion mash. Remove Fuggles, prime with dried malt 1 tsp Irish moss
Replace the malt syrup with 16 lbs. (7 .25 extract and bottle. Age in bottles for 4 to Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or
kg) of 2-row pale malt. Mash the three 6 weeks. White Labs WLP001 (California
grains together at 155 "F (68 "C) for 60 Ale) yeast (1.5 qt./1.5 L yeast starter)
minutes. Collect approximately 7 gallons Extract with grains version: % cup corn sugar (for primil1g)
wort (26 .5 L) to boil for 90 minutes. The Steep toasted pale, crystal and wheat
r emainder of the recipe is the same as the malts in 3.4 qts (-3.4 L) of water at 153 Step by Step
extract recipe. op (67 °C) for 45 minutes . Rinse grains Heat 3.42 gallons (13 L) of water to
with 1.5 qts . (5. 7 L) of water at 170 op (77 161 op (72 °C), stu· in crushed grains and
Samuel Smith's India Ale clone "C). (Omit pale malt.) Add water to make mash at 154 °F (68 °C). Mash for 60 min-
(Samuel Smith Old 2.5 gallons (9 .5 L) of wort, stir in 2.2 5 lbs. utes then stir in boiled water to raise
Brewery, England) (-1 kg) of light dri ed malt extract and graill bed temperature to 168 °F (76 °C).
{5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) brit1g to a boil. Add hops at times indicat- Hold for 5 minutes. Recit·culate until wort
OG = 1.060 FG = 1.015 ed in r ecipe. Add 4.5 lbs. (2.03 kg) light is clear (about 20 minutes) , then begin
IBU = 50 SRM = 13 liquid malt extract with 15 minutes left i11 rUI111ing wort off to kettle. Sparge with
ABV = 5.8% boil. Cool wort, transfer to fermenter and 170 oF (77 °C) water. Boil wort for 90
top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with water. minutes, adding hops at tilnes indicated
India Ale is an amber ale Aerate wort and pitch yeast. Ferment and in recipe. Add Irish moss with 15 minutes
with an explosive hop aroma bottle as described in all-grain r ecipe . left in boil. Cool wort and transfer to fer-
and a deep, long, buttery malt menter. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.

flavOI: The diacetyl (butter- Ferment at 68 op (20 °C) . Rack to sec-
scotch and toffee) aroma and ondary when fermentation is complete
flavor is a by-product of the and add dry hops. Bottle when beer falls
yeast strain. This beer is com-
plex, yet smooth. and OTHER clear.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone


(Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., % cup corn sugar (for priming) add last charge of hops, cool wort and
California) transfer to ferm enter. Add water to make
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) Step by Step 5 gaUons (19 L). Aerate wort and pitch
OG = 1.052 FG = 1.011 In a large soup pot, heat 3.0 quarts yeast. Ferment at 68 °F (20 oc). Rack to
IBU = 37 SRM = 11 ABV = 5.3% (2.8 L) of water to 161 °F (72 °C). Add secondary when fermentation is complete
crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge and add dry hops . Bottle when beer falls
Ingredients bag and let grains steep arow1d 154 °F clear.
1.8 lbs. (0 .82 kg) Briess Light dri ed (68 °C) for 45 minutes. While grains
malt extract steep, begin heating 2.4 gallons (9 .1 L) of Anchor Steam clone
4.0 lbs . f1 .8 kg) Briess Light water in yow- brewpot. When steep is (Anchor Brewing Co., California)
liquid malt extract (late addition) over, remove 0.83 qts. (0.78 L) of water (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
1 lb. 6 oz. (0.62 kg) 2-row pale malt from brewpot and add to the "grain tea" OG = 1.051 FG = 1.013
10 oz. (0 .28 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) in steeping pot. Place colander over IBU = 33 SRM = 12
2.5 AAU Magnwn hops (60 mins) brewpot and place steeping bag in it. ABV = 4.9%
(0.18 oz./5.1 g of 12% alpha acids) Pour grain tea (with water added)
4.8 AAU Perle hops (60 mins) through grain bag. This will strain out Like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale,
(0. 7 oz./19 g of 7% alpha acids) any solid bits of grain and rinse some Anchor Steam is an American
5 AAU Cascade hops (15 mins) sugar from the grains. Heat liquid in classic. Brewed with an inter-
(1.0 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids) brewpot to a boil, then stir in dried malt esting y east strain that is usu-
0.75 oz. (21 g) Cascade hops (0 mins) extract, add first charge of hops and ally used between typical lager and ale
0. 75 oz. (21 g) whole Cascade hops begin the 60 minutes boil. With 15 min- temperatures, Anchor Steam is a little
(dry hop) utes left in boil, add hops and Irish moss, darker and has a touch more caramel
1 tsp Irish moss then turn off heat and stir in liquid malt malt character to it. And, Anchor Steam
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or extract. Stir well to dissolve exh·act, then has less hop bitterness and flavor than
White Labs WLP001 (California resume heating. (Keep the boil clock run- Sierra Nevada. Pitching enough yeast
Ale) yeast (1.5 qt./1.5 L yeast starter) ning willie you stir.) At the end of the boil, and holding fermentation temperatures

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constant will give your clone the right fla- (0 mins) Brewer additions capture the minty fla-
vor and aroma. 1 tsp Irish moss vor and aroma of Bass's hop presence in
Wyeast 2112 (California Lager) or a homebrew clone. This clone is for the
Ingredients White Labs WLP810 (San bottled version of Bass Pale Ale available
9.66 lbs. (4.4 kg) 2-row pale malt Francisco Lager) yeast in the U.S.
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) (2 qt./2 L yeast starter)
7 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 mins) Ys cup corn sugar (for printing) Ingredients
(0.8 oz./22 g of 9% alpha acids) 7.0 lbs. (3.2 kg) 2-row pale ale malt
3.3 AAU Northern Brewer hops Step by Step 2.0 lbs . (0.91 kg) !laked maize
(15 mills) In a large soup pot, heat 3.0 quarts 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (60 °L}
(0.4 oz./10 g of 9% alpha acids) (2.8 L) of water to 165 oF (74 °C) . Add 0. 75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (300 oL)
0.5 oz. (14 g) Northern Brewer crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge 8.0 AAU Northern Brewer hops
hops (0 mins) bag and let grains steep around 154 oF (60 mins)
1 tsp Irish moss (68 °C) for 45 minutes. While graillS (0.89 oz./25 g of 9% alpha acids)
Wyeast 2112 (California Lager) or steep, begin heating 2.25 gallons (8.5 L) 2.0 AAU Northern Brewer hops
White Labs WLP810 (San of water in your brewpot. When steep is (15 mills)
Francisco Lager) yeast over, remove 1 qt. of water from brewpot (0.22 oz./6.3 g of 9% alpha acids)
(2 qt./2 L yeast starter) and add to the "grain tea" in steeping pot. 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins)
Ys cup corn sugar (for priming) Place a colander over your brewpot and v, tsp . yeast nutrients (15 mins)
place your steeping bag in it. Pour gram White Labs WLP023 (Burton Ale) yeast
Step by Step tea (with water added) through the grain (1.25 qt./-1.25 L yeast starter)
Heat 3.33 gallons (12.6 L) of water to bag. Heat liquid in brewpot to a boil, then 0.75 cups corn sugar (for primillg)
165 oF (74 °C), stir i11 crushed grains and stu· il1 dried malt extract, add flrst charge
mash at 154 °F (68 °C) . Mash for 60 min- of hops and begin the 60 millutes boil. Step by Step
utes then stir in boiled water to raise With 15 minutes left in boil, add hops and Make 13 gallons (49 L) of brewing
grain bed temperature to 168 OF (76 °C). Irish moss. Then turn off heat and stir in liquor with 100-150 ppm Ca2+ and a
Hold for 5 milllltes. Recirculate w1til wort liquid malt extract. Stir well to dissolve sl ightly lower level of carbonates. If you
is clear (about 20 millUtes) , then begin extract, then resume heating. (Keep the start with very soft, distilled or reverse
rwming wort off to kettle. Sparge with boil clock running while you stir.) At the osmosis (RO) water, use 5 teaspoons of
170 °F (77 °C) water. Boil wort for 90 end of the boil, add last charge of hops, gypsum and 4 teaspoons of chalk (calci-
minutes, adding hops at tunes indicated then cool wort and transfer to fermenter. wn carbonate) for your 13 gallons (49 L) .
il1 recipe. Add Irish moss with 15 millutes Add water to make 5 gallons (19 L), aer- (Yes, Bw"ton-on-Trent's water is harder
left in boil. Cool wort and transfer to fer- ate wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 64 than this, but you don't need "extra
menter. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. °F (18 °C) . Rack to secondary when fer- chunky" water for a great clone.) Heat
Ferment at 64 oF (18 °C) . Rack to sec- mentation is complete. Bottle when beer 12 .5 quarts (11.8 L) of water to 163 oF
ondary when fermentation is complete. falls clear. (73 °C). Mash in grains and maize to
Bottle when beer falls clear. 152 °F (67 °C) and rest for 1 hom. Collect
Bass & Co's Pale Ale clone around 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort, add
Anchor Steam clone (Bass p.l.c., England) brevving liquor to make 6.5 gallons (25 L)
(Anchor Brewing Co., California) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) and boil for 90 minutes. Add hops, Irish
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) OG = 1.049 FG = 1.010 moss and yeast nutrients at times indicat-
OG = 1.051 FG = 1.013 IBU = 32 SRM = 17 ABV = 5.0% ed. Cool wort, aerate well and pitch yeast.
IBU = 33 SRM = 13 ABV = 4.9% Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C) .
A trip to Bass's Website led to
Ingredients the formulation of this clone. Bass & Co's Pale Ale clone
1.875 lbs. (0.85 kg) Northwestern On their site, they mention a (Bass p.l.c., England)
Gold dried malt extract "light burnt roast aroma" to (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
3.75 lbs. (1.7 kg) Northwestern Gold Bass. The next day, we grabbed 0G=1.049 FG=1.010
liquid malt extract (late addition) bottle from my local super- IBU = 32 SRM = 16 ABV = 5.0%
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt market. We searched for the roast aroma
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) and you know what? It's there. We also Ingredients
7 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 mins) noticed how Bass's color has a distinct 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) Muntons Light dried
(0.8 oz./22 g of 9% alpha acids) copper shade to it, suggesting a small malt extract
3.3 AAU Northern Brewer hops addition of dark grain . Michael Jackson 3 lb . 12 oz. (1.7 kg) Alexander's Pale
(15 mins) claims that Bass uses a single addition of liquid malt extract (late addition)
(0.4 oz./10 g of 9% alpha acids) Challenger and North-down hops. He's 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale ale malt
0.5 oz. (14 g) Northern Brewer hops probably right, but we think two Northern 1 lb. 6 oz. (0.62 kg) corn sugar


1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 3.0 quarts (2.8 L) for 45 minutes. Rins e
0.75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (300 °L) Ingredients grains with 1.5 quarts (1.4 L) of water at
8.0 AAU Northern Brewer hops 12 lbs . 3 oz. (5.5 kg) Maris Otter malt 170 oF (77 oC). Add dried malt extract
(60 mills) 15 oz. (0.43 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) and water to make 3 gallons (11 L) . Boil
(0.89 oz./25 g of 9% alpha acids) 7.0 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins) for 60 minutes, addillg hops at the times
2.0 AAU Northern Brewer hops (1.4 oz./40 g of 5% alpha acids) indicated. With 15 minutes left, turn oa·
(15 mins) 2.5 AAU Goldings hops (15 mins) the heat and stir in the liquid malt
(0.22 oz./6.3 g of 9% alpha acids) (0 .5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) extract. Add Irish moss and resume heat-
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) 0.5 oz. (14 g) Goldings hops (0 min) ing. Cool wort and transfer to fermenter.
Vs tsp. yeast nutrients (15 nlins) 0.25 oz. (7.1 g) Goldillgs whole hops Add water to make 5 gallons (19 L) of
White Labs VVLP023 (Burton Ale) yeast (dry hop) wort. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
(1.25 qt./-1.25 L yeast starter) 0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Target whole hops Ferment at 69 oF (21 °C).
0.75 cups corn sugar (for pril1ling) (dry hop)
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 nlins) Fuller's ESB clone
Step by Step Wyeast 1318 (London Ale Ill) yeast (Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.,
Add 6 gallons (23 L) of soft, distilled (1.75 qt./-1.75 L yeast starter) England)
or RO water to a clean brewing bucket 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) (5 gallons/19 L,
and add 1 tsp. of gypsum and 0.5 tsp. of all-grain)
chalk to make your brewi11g liquor. Place Step by Step OG = 1.060
crushed grains in a nylon steeping bag. Mash grains at 153 oF (67 °C) in FG=1.014
Heat 3 quarts (2 .9 L) of brewing liquor to 16.5 quarts (15.5 L) of water. Mash for IBU = 35 SRM = 15
163 oF (73 °C) and submerge bag. Steep 60 milmtes. Collect 6.5 gallons (25 L) of ABV = 5.9%
grai11S at 152 °F (67 °C) for 45 minutes. wort. Boil wort for 90 minutes, adding
Rillse grams with 1 quart (-1 L) of water hops at the times indicated in ingredients This is a clone of
at 170 oF (77 °C). Add brewing liquor to list. Ferment at 69 oF (21 °C). the bottled version of Fullers ESB (5.9%
"grail1 tea" to make 3 gallons (11 L) of ABV}, the beer available in the US. There
wort. Add dried malt extract and corn Young's Special is also a cask version (at 5.5% ABV)
sugar and bring to a boil. Add first charge London Ale clone available in England. Fullers is a little
of hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add (Young & Co.'s Brewery p.l.c., darker and a little drier than its rival,
other hops, Irish moss and yeast nutri- England) Bass, and it shows a little more hop fla-
ents at times indicated. With 15 millutes (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) VOI: The biggest difference, howeve1; is

left in boil, shut off heat and stir i11 liquid 0G=1.064 FG=1.015 the distinctiv e character that derives
malt extract. Resume heating and finish IBU = 30 SRM = 14 ABV = 6.4% from the yeast. The Fullers website gives
boil. Cool wort and transfer to fermenter. the types of hops used and the yeast
Top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with brmving Ingredients strains listed below are reputed to be
liquor, aerate wort well and pitch yeast. 2 lbs. 9 oz. (1.2 kg) Coopers Light dried from Fullers. With these yeast strains,
Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C). malt extract you need to pitch an adequate amount of
4 lbs. 12 oz. (2 .2 kg) Muntons Light liq- yeast or they may settle out before fer-
Young's Special uid mentation completes.
London Ale clone malt extract (late addition)
(Young & Co.'s Brewery p.l.c., 1 lb . 1 oz. (0.48 kg) Maris Otter malt Ingredients
England) 15 oz. (0.43 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 9 lbs. 2 oz. (4.1 kg) English 2-row
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) 7.0 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mil1s) pale ale malt (3 °L}
OG = 1.064 FG = 1.015 (1.4 oz./40 g of 5% alpha acids) 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) tlaked maize
IBU = 30 SRM = 14 ABV = 6.4% 2.5 AAU Goldings hops (15 mills) 1 lb. 2 oz. (0.51 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
(0 .5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) 5.25 AAU Target hops (60 mins)
Young 's Special London Ale is 0.5 oz. (14 g) Goldings hops (0 min) (0.53 oz./15 g of 10% alpha acids)
a well-balanced strong ale 0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Goldings hops (dry hop) 2.6 AAU Challenger hops (60 nuns)
made with 100% malt, just pale 0.25 oz. (7.1 g) Target hops (dry hop) (0.34 oz./10 g of 7.5% alpha acids)
and crystal. (The website speci- 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 nlins) 0.83 AAU Northdown hops (15 mins)
Maris Otter malt, but does Wyeast 1318 (London Ale Ill) yeast (0.1 oz./2.7 g of 8.5% alpha acids)
not give the maltste1:) Fuggles (1.75 qt./-1.75 L yeast starter) 1.66 AAU Golclings hops (15 mills)
and Go/dings are used in the kettle; 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) (0.33 oz./9.4 g of 5% alpha acids)
Go/dings and Target are dry hopped. The v. tsp yeast nutrients
beer is bottle conditioned, just as most Step by Step 1 tsp Irish moss
homebrewers' beer is. and keeps for Put crushed grains in a nylon steep- Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White
months. ing bag. Steep at 153 oF (67 °C) ill Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast

(2 qt./2 L starter) bag and let grains steep around 154 °F (steep 5 nlins post boil)
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (68 °C) for 45 minutes. While grains 0.4 oz. (11 g) gypsum (CaS04)
steep, begin heating 2.25 gallons (8.5 L) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
Step by Step of water in your brewpot. When steep is Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) or
Heat 15 qts. (14 L) of water to 165 oF over, r emove 1.1 qts. (-1.1 L) of water White Labs WLP004 (Irish Ale) yeast
(74 °C) and stir in crushed grains and from brewpot and add to the "grain tea" 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
flaked maize. Mash at 154 oF (68 °C) for in steeping pot. Place colander over
60 minutes. Stir boiling water into mash brewpot and place steeping bag in it. Step by Step
to boost temperature to 168 °F (76 °C) Pour grain tea (with water added) In kettle, mash in at 150 oF (66 "C)
and hold for 5 minutes . Re circulate for 20 through grain bag. This will strain out and add gypsum (CaS0 4 ) . Rest for 15
minutes then begin running off wort. any solid bits of grain and rinse some minutes then add 1 gallon (3.8 L) of hot
Sparge with 170 oF (77 °C) water. Boil sugar from the grains. Heat liquid in water. Heat mash to 161 oF (71.5 °C) and
wort for 90 minutes, adding hops to boil brewpot to a boil, then stir in dried malt let rest for 45 minutes. Heat up to 169 oF
for the times indicated in recipe. Add extract, add first charge of hops and (76 °C) and let rest 5 minutes. Transfer
yeast nutrients and Irish moss with 15 begin the 60 minutes boil. With 15 min- mash to Iauter tun. Sparge with 3 gallons
minutes left in boil. Cool wort and trans- utes left in boil, add sugar, remaining (11 L) of sparge water to 169 oF (76 °C).
fer to ferm enter. Aerate wort and pitch hops, yeast nutrients and Irish moss. Boil for 60 minutes , adding hops and
yeast. Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C). Rack to Then turn off heat and stir in liquid malt Irish moss with indicated time remaining
secondary when fermentation is com- extract. Stir well to dissolve extract, then in ingredient list. Add final hops at knock-
plete. Bottle a few days later, when beer resume heating. (Keep the boil clock run- out (end of boil) and hold for 5 minutes
falls clear. ning while you stir.) At the end of the boil, before cooling. Cool wort, transfer to fer-
cool wort and transfer to fermenter. Add menter and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 °F
Fuller's ESB clone water to make 5 gallons (19 L), aerate (20 oc).
(Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c., wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 70 °F
England) (21 °C). Rack to secondary when fermen- Extract with grains version:
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) tation is complete. Bottle a few days later, Replace 2-row with 1.75 lbs.
OG = 1.060 FG = 1.014 when beer falls clear. (0 . 79 kg) Coopers Light dried malt
IBU = 35 SRM = 14 ABV = 5.9% extract, 3.75 lbs . (1.7 kg) Coopers Amber
Redhook ESB clone liquid malt extract and 1.0 lb . (0 .45 kg)
Ingredients (Red Hook Ale Brewery, 2-row pale malt. Steep grains at 150 oF
1.45 lbs . (0 .66 kg) Muntons Light Washington) (66 oC) in 4.5 qts. (4.3 L) of water for
dried malt extract 45 minutes. Add water to make 3 gallons
4.0 lbs . (1.8 kg) John Bull Light liquid (11 L) of wort, add dried malt extract and
malt extract (late addition) boil for 60 nlinutes. Add liquid malt
1 lb. 2 oz. (0.51 kg) English pale ale extract for final 15 minutes of the boil.
malt (3 °L)
1 lb . 2 oz. (0.51 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) SlATTLE • W( J QO f/ V LLE
BAR Pale Ale clone
1 lb . 5 oz. (0.60 kg) corn sugar (BruRm @ BAR, Connecticut)
5.25 AAU Target hops (60 mins) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
(0 .5 3 oz./15 g of 10% alpha acids) SG = 1.054 FG = 1.015 OG = 1.050 FG = 1.013
2.6 AAU Challenger hops (60 mins) IBU = 27 SRM = 13 ABV = 5.0% IBU = 52 SRM = 9 ABV = 4.9%
(0.34 oz./10 g of 7.5% alpha acids)
0.83 AAU Northdown hops (15 mins) Ingredients Ingredients
(0.1 oz./2. 7 g of 8.5% alpha acids) 9 lbs. 14 oz. (4.5 kg) domestic 2-row 9.75 lbs. (4.4 kg.) Briess 2-row
1.66 AAU Goldings hops (15 mins) pale malt pale malt
(0.33 oz./9 .4 g of 5% alpha acids) 1 lb. 2 oz. (0.51 kg) Caramunich® 0.8 lbs . (0.36 kg) crystal malt (40 °L)
y, tsp yeast nutrients malt (60 "L) 11.5 AAU Centennial hops (90 mins)
1 tsp Irish moss 0.40 lbs. (0.51 kg) Carapils malt (1 oz./28 gat 11.5% alpha acids)
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White 5 AAU Willamette hops (60 mins) 8 AAU Mt. Hood hops (10 mins)
Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast (1.0 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acid) (2 oz./56 g at 4% alpha acids)
(2 qt./2 L starter) 2 AAU Tettnanger hops (15 mins) 1 oz. (28 g) Willamette hops (dry hop)
0. 7 5 cups corn sugar (for printing) (0.5 oz./14 g of 4% alpha acid) 1 oz. (28 g) East Kent Goldings (dry hop)
2.5 AAU Willamette hops (15 mins) Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) or White
Step by Step (0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acid) Labs WLP006 (Bedford Ale) yeast
In a large soup pot, heat 3.4 quarts 1.5 oz. (43 g) Tettnanger hops 1 cup corn sugar (for printing)
(3.2 L) of water to 165 oF (74 °C). Add (steep 5 mins post boil)
crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge 1.5 oz. (43 g) Willamette hops Step by Step


Use a single-step infusion mash at Terrapin Rye Pale Ale clone done fermenting. Remove the dry hops
153-155 op (67-68 °C) for 1-1 .5 hours . (Terrapin Beer Co., Georgia) after about 4 days. Bottle your beer, age
Sparge one hour, with water no hotter (5 gallons I 19 L, for two to three weeks and enjoy!
than 175 op (79 °C), until run-off reaches extract with grains)
SG 1 .010-1.012 . Boil 90 minutes, with OG = 1.054 All -grain version:
bittering hops added after the fu·st foamy FG = 1.013 Replace the malt extracts with
head subsides. Add flavor hops 10 min- IBU = 45 ABV = 5.2% 9.0 lbs. (4.1 kg) 2-row pale malt. Mash at
utes before the end of the boil. Adjust 155 op (68 °C) for 60 milmtes . Boil for 90
wort volume with cold water, and cool to Ingredients minutes. Ferment at 68-70 op (20-21 °C).
about 70 op (21 °C) . Pitch with yeast 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg)
starter, and allow to ferment. By 5-7 Briess Light liquid Crooked River ESB clone
days , final gravity shou ld have been malt extract (Crooked River Brewing Co., Ohio)
reached; if so, rack into a glass fer- 2.33 Lbs. (1.1 kg) Briess Light dried
menter. One to two weeks later, rack malt extract
again, prime with corn sugar and pack- 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) rye malt
age in keg or bottles. The beer should be 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt (10 °L)
ready to drink after conditioning for a 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Victory malt (30 °L)
week or so. Add the dry hops (if any), 6 oz. (170 g) Gambrinus honey malt (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
preferably to the prinmry fermenter or 14 MU Magnum hops (60 mil1s) OG = 1.063 FG = 1.016
else to the keg. In either case, the hops (1.0 oz./28 g of 14% alpha acid) IBU = 45 ABV = 6.2%
should be placed in a sterilized muslin 3.75 MU Fuggle hops (30 mins)
bag, with a sterilized weight attached. (0.75 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acid) Ingredients
2.38 MU East Kent Golding hops 6.6 lbs. (3.0 kg) Muntons Light liquid
BAR Pale Ale clone (20 mins) malt extract
(BruRm @ BAR, Connecticut) (0.5 oz./14 g of 4.75% alpha acid) 0.25 lb. (0.11 kg) Muntons Light dried
(5 gallons/19 L, extract only) 2.38 MU East Kent Golding hops malt extract
OG = 1.050 FG = 1.014 (10 mins) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) aromatic malt
IBU =50 SRM = 9 ABV = 4.7% (0 .5 oz./14 g of4.75% alpha acid) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) crystal malt (30 °L)
6.8 MU Cascade hops (3 nuns) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) British crystal
Ingredients (1.0 oz./28 g of 6.8% alpha acid) malt (55 °L)
6.6 lbs. (3 .0 kg) pale ale liquid 16.4 MU Amarillo leaf hops (dry hop) 9.6 MU Horizon hops (60 mins)
malt extract (2.0 oz./56 g of 8.2% alpha acid) (0.75 oz./21 g of 12.8% alpha acid)
0.2 lbs. (91 g) pale dried malt extract 1 tsp. Irish moss 6.75 MU East Kent Goldings hops
11.5 MU Centennial hops (90 mins) White Labs WLP051 (California Ale V) or (30 mins)
(1 oz./28 gat 11.5% alpha acids) Wyeast 1332 (Northwest Ale) yeast (1.5 oz./42 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
8 MU Mt. Hood hops (10 mins) 0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) 6.8 MU Cascade hops (3 nuns)
(2 oz./56 g at 4% alpha acids) (1 oz./28 g of 6.8% alpha acid)
1 oz. Willamette hops (dry hop) Step by Step 6.8 MU Cascade hops (dry hop)
1 oz. East Kent Goldings (dry hop) Steep crushed grains in 1 gallon (3.8 (1 oz./28 g of 5.8% alpha acid)
Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) or White L) of water at 155 op (68 °C) for 30 nlin. 1 tsp. Irish moss
Labs WLP006 (Bedford Ale) yeast Remove grains. Add 2 gallons (7.6 L) of Wllite Labs \<VLP001 (California Ale) or
1 cup corn sugar (for priming) water, malt extracts and bring these 3 Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
gallons (11 L) of wort to a boil. Add 0 .7 5 cup of corn sugar (for printing)
Step by Step Magnum, Irish moss and boil for 60 min.
Bring 3-4 gallons (11-15 L) of water Add Fuggle for final 30 nlin. Add lirst Step by Step
to a boil. Turn off the heat, add malt East Kent Goldings for last 20 min. Add Steep the grains in 3 gallons (11 L) of
extracts and stir well to ensure that the second East Kent Goldings for last 10 water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 minutes.
extracts dissolve properly. Bring to a boil, min. Add Cascade for last 3 nlin. Add malt syrup and dry malt extract and
add the bittering hops and boil one hour. When you are done boiling, add the bring to a boil. Add Horizon hops, Irish
Add flavor hops in final 10 minutes of wort to 2 gal. (7.6 L) of cool water il1 a moss and boil for 60 minutes. Add East
boil. Siphon off wort from the hops and sanitary fermenter and top off with cool Kent Golding hops for the last 30 minutes
trub, then add cold water sufficient to water to 5.5 gal. (21 L). Cool to 80 up (27 of the boil. Add the first addition of
yield just over 5 gallons (19 L) of wort. oc), aerate and pitch your yeast. Allow Cascade hops for the last 3 minutes of the
Cool to around 70 op (21 °C) and follow beer to cool over the next few hours to boil. After boil, add wort to 2 gallons (7.6
instructions for all-grain beers for fer- 68-70 op (20-21 oc), and hold at tllis temp L) cool water in a sanitary fermenter,
mentation and conditioning. until the yeast has fermented completely. and top off with cool water to 5.5 gallons
Add the Amarillo hops when the beer is (21 L). Cool the wort to 80 op (27 °C),

heavily aerate the beer and pitch your boil . Cool wort by submerging brewpot in
yeast. Ferment at 68-70 oF (20-21 °C) Cool wort by submerging brewpot in sink, with the lid on, until th e side of the
Add the dry hops when the gravity has sink, with the lid on, until the side of the brewpot no longer feels warm. Transfer
dropped to about 1.025. Bottle when brewpot no Longer feels warm. Transfer wort to ferme nter and top up to 5 gallons
ready, age two to three weeks and enjoy! wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and
(19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort an d pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) .
All - grain version: pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 oC) . Bottle as usual.
Rep lace the malt extracts with
9.5 lbs. (4.3 kg) 2-row pale malt. Mash at All-grain version: All-grain version:
150 oF (66 °C) for 60 minutes. Boil fo r 90 Substitute 9.75 lbs. (4.4 kg) pale m alt Substitute 9.0 lbs . (4.1 kg) pale ma lt
minutes. Ferment at 68-70 op (20-21 °C). for malt extract. Mas h grains at 152 °F for malt extract. Use 12.5 qts. (11.8 L) of
(67 oc) for 60 minutes in 14 qts. (13 L) of mash water and mash grains at 152 oF
Mirror Pond Pale Ale clone mash water. Collect 6.0 gallons (23 L) of (67 °C) for 60 mi.Imtes . Collect 5 gallons
(Deschutes Brewery Inc., wort, add 0.5 ga llons (1.9 L) of water and (19 L) of wort, add 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) of
Oregon) boil for 90 minutes, add ing hops at times water and boil wort for 90 minutes,
(5 gallons/19 L, extract indicated in ingredient list. Ferment at 68 adding hops at times indicated in ii1gredi-
with grains) °F (20 °C). ent list. Ferment at 68 oF (20 oc).
OG = 1.052 FG = 1.01 3
IBU = 40 SRM = 10 Full Suspension Pale Ale clone Alpha King Pale Ale clone
ABV = 5.0% (Squatters Pub Brewery, Utah) (Three Floyds Brewing Co.,
(5 gallons/19 L, Indiana)
Ingredients extract with grains) (5 gallons/19 L,
2.5 lbs. (1 .1 kg) light dri ed OG = 1.048 extract with grains)
malt extract FG = 1.012 OG = 1.062
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Coopers IBU = 45 SRM = 11 FG = 1.016
Light liquid ABV = 4.6% IBU = 66 SRM = 14
malt ex h·act (late addi.- ABV = 6.0%
tion) Ingredients
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) 6.6 Lbs. (3.0 kg) Coopers Light liquid Ingredients
14 oz. (0.39 kg) Great Western two-row malt extract 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg)
pale malt 1.0 Lb. (0.45 kg) De VVolf-Cosyns Belgian pale malt
4.0 oz. (112 g) crystal malt (60 °L) CaraMunich malt 1.5 oz. (43 g) Carapils malt
8.25 AAU Centennial hops (60 mins) 10 AAU of Nugget hops (60 mins) 1.5 oz. (43 g) m elanoidin malt
(0.69 oz./19 g of 12% alpha acid) (0.71 oz./20g oz. of 14% alpha acid) 1.5 oz. (43 g) Weyermann
3.75 AAU Cascade hops (15 mins) 10 AAU of Colwnbus hops (5 mii1s) CaraMunich II® malt
(0.75 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acid) (0.77 oz./21 g of 13% alpha acid) 2.0 oz. (57 g) CaraMunich III® malt
3.75 AAU Cascade hops (5 mins) 10 AAU of Columbus hops (0 mi.ns) 1.5 oz. (43 g) caramel malt (60 °L)
(0.75 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acid) (0 .77 oz./21 g of 13% alpha acid) 1.5 oz. (43 g) DeWolf-Cosyns
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) Special B malt
White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or 0.5 oz. (14 g) r ed wheat
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast 2.75 Lbs. (1.2 kg) light dried
(1.75 qts./-1. 75 L yeast starter) (1.5 qt.l-1.5 L yeast starter) malt extract
0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) 4.5 lbs. (2.0 kg) light Liquid malt extract
(late addition)
Step by Step Step by Step 8.5 AAUs Warrior hops (90 mins)
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- (0.53 oz./15 g of 16% alpha acid)
ing bag and steep in 3.3 qts . (3.1 L) of ing bag and steep in 1.5 qts . (-1.5 L) of 8.5 AAUs Centennial hops (90 mii1s)
water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. (0.71 oz./20 g of 12% alpha acid)
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts . (-1.5 L) of Rinse gr ains with 0.75 qts. (750 mL) of 2.0 oz. (57 g) Cascade hops (0 mins)
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to 1 oz. (28 g) Cascade hops (dry hops)
make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt make 3 gallons (11 L) , sti.J· in dried malt 1 oz. (28 g) Columbus hops (dry hops)
extract and bring to a boil. extract and bring to a boil. 1 oz. (28 g) Centennial hops (dry hops)
Add Centennial hops and boil for 60 Add Nugget hops and boil for 60 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
min. Add Cascade hops, liquid malt min. Add th e liquid malt extr act and Irish Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White
extract and Irish moss with 15 minutes moss with 15 minutes left in th e boil. Add Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast
left in the boil. Add the second dose of first Columb us hops with 5 mii1. left in the (2 qt./-2 L yeast starter)
Cascade hops for the last 5 minutes of the boil and the r est at knockout. 0. 7 5 cup corn sugar (for primillg)


1.2 oz. Cascade whole hops (dry hop) (1.5 oz./4.2 g of 10% alpha acids)
Step by Step 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins) 1.76 AAU Galena hops (30 mins)
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White (0.15 oz./4.2 g of 12% alpha acids)
ing bag and steep in 2.5 qts. (2.4 L) of Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast 1.76 AAU Chinook hops (30 mii1s)
water at 154 "F (68 °C) for 30 minutes. (1 .5 qt.l-1.5 L yeast starter) (0.15 oz./4.2 g of 12% alpha acids)
Rinse grains with 1.25 qts. (-1.25 L) of 0. 75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 2.47 AAU Centennial hops (30 mii1s)
water at 170 °F (77 °C). Add water to (0.25 oz./7.0 g of 10% alpha acids)
make 4.0 gallons (15 L), stir in dried malt Step by Step 2.67 AAU Galena hops (15 mins)
extract and bring to a boil. Steep crushed grains in 3.3 qts . (-3.3 (0.22 oz./6.3 g of 12% alpha acids)
Add Magnum and Columbus hops. L) water at 150 op (66 °C) for 45 minutes. 2.67 AAU Chinook hops (15 mins)
Boil for 75 minutes, then add Irish moss Rinse grains with 1. 7 qts. (-1.7 L) of (0.22 oz./6.3 g of 12% alpha acids)
and liquid malt extract. Boil 15 more water at 170 oF (77 "C). Remove grains, 3.21 AAU Centennial hops (15 mit1s)
minutes, add Cascade hops and remove add water to "grain tea" to make 3 gal- (0.32 oz./9.1 g of 10% alpha acids)
from heat. Cool wort to about 65 oF lons (11 L), add dried malt extract and 10.75 AAU Centennial (5 mi11s)
(18 °C), transfer to fermenting vessel and bring to a boil. Boil for 60 minutes, (1.1 oz./30 g of 10% alpha acids)
top up to 5.0 gallons (19 L) . Aerate well adding hops and Irish moss at times indi- 0.53 oz. (15 g) Centennial (0 mit1s)
and pitch yeast. cated . Add liquid malt extract with 15 0.58 oz. (16 g) Centennial dry hops
Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) for three to minutes remaining in the boil. Cool wort, Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
five days until active fermentation ceases, transfer to fermenter and top up to 5 gal- 0.75 cups corn sugar (for primit1g)
then rack to secondary with dry hops for lons (19 L) . Aerate and pitch yeast.
another week. Rack into bottle or kegs Ferment at 70 op (21 "C). Step by Step
with corn sugar and leave at fermenta- Mash at 156 oF (69 °C). Boil 90 min-
tion temperature for a few days. Drop the All-grain version: utes. Ferment at 60 oF (16 °C).
temperature to 40 op (4.4 oc) for a week, Omit malt extracts and mash 9.0 lbs.
then (if possible) go to 34 op (1 .1 °C) for (4.1 kg) of 2-row pale malt plus specialty Bitch Creek ESB clone
yet another week. malts (see recipe) in about 12 .5 qts. (Grand Teton Brewing Co.,
(11.75 L) of water. Mash at 153 oF (67 "C) Wyoming)
All-grain version: for 45 minutes. Collect about 5 gallons (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
Omit extract and mash 6.0 lbs. (2.7 (19 L) of wort, add 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) of 0G=1.061
kg) American two-row malt and 6 lb. 6 water and boil for 90 minutes. Ferment FG = 1.014
oz. (2.9 kg) Belgian two-row with other at 70 oF (21 "C). IBU =54
malts in 17 qts. (16 L) of water to get a SRM = 23 ABV = 6.1%
single- infusion mash temperature of 154 Bitch Creek ESB clone
op (68 °C) for 45 minutes. Sparge with hot (Grand Teton Brewing Co., . Ingredients
water of 170 °F (77 °(:) and collect 7.0 Wyoming) 0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) Muntons Light
gallons (26 L) of wort. Boil for 2 hours to (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) dried malt extract
r educe wort volume to 5.0 gallons (19 L). 0G=1.061 4.5 lbs (2.0 kg) John Bull Light liquid
FG = 1.014 malt extract (late addition)
Otter Creek Pale Ale clone IBU =54 8 oz. (0.23 kg) 2-row pale malt
(Otter Creek Brewing Co., SRM = 23 14.5 oz. (0.41 kg) Weyermann
Vermont) ABV = 6.1% CaraA.roma® malt
(5 gallons/19 L, 1 lb. 5 oz. (0.60 kg) crystal
extract with grains) malt (60 °L)
OG = 1.048 FG = 1.012 Ingredients 2 lbs . 1.25 oz. (0.94 kg) Weyermann
IBU = 23 SRM = 10 8 lbs. 5 oz. (3.77 kg) 2-row pale malt melanoiclil1 malt
ABV = 4.6% 14.5 oz. (0.41 kg) Weyermann 6.25 oz. (0.18 kg) Weyermann
CaraAroma® malt CaraAmber® malt
Ingredients 1 lb. 5 oz. (0 .60 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 1.47 AAU Galena hops (45 mins)
1.25 lbs. (0.57 L) two-row pale malt 2 lbs . 1.25 oz. (0.94 kg) Weyermann (0 .12 oz./3.5 g of 12% alpha acids)
9.0 oz. (255 g) caramel malt (60 °L) melanoidin malt 1.47 AAU Chinook hops (45 mins)
6.0 oz. (170 g) malted red wheat 6.25 oz. (0 .18 kg) Weyermann (0.12 oz./3.5 g of 12% alpha acids)
1.75 lbs. (0.79 kg) Ught dried CaraAmber® malt 1.47 AAU Centennial hops (45 mins)
malt extract 1.47 AAU Galena hops (45 mins) (1.5 oz./4.2 g of 10% alpha acids)
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) light liquid malt extract (0.12 oz./3.5 g of 12% alpha acids) 1.76 AAU Galena hops (30 mins)
(late addition) 1.47 AAU Chinook hops (45 mins) (0.15 oz./4.2 g of 12% alpha acids)
6.25 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins) (0.12 oz./3.5 g of 12% alpha acids) 1.76 AAU Chinook hops (30 mins)
(1.25 oz./35 g of 5% alpha acid) 1.47 AAU Centennial hops (45 mins) (0.15 oz./4.2 g of 12% alpha acids)

2.47 AAU Centennial hops (30 ruins) (0.47 oz./13 gat 9.5% alpha acid) malt extract
(0.25 oz./7.0 g of 10% alpha acids) 4.5 AAUs Pride of Rin gwood hops 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) light liquid malt extract
2.67 AAU Galena hops (15 mins) (0 mins) (late addition)
(0.22 oz./6.3 g of 12% alpha acids) (0 .47 oz./13 g of 9.5% alpha acid) 4.25 AAU Perle hops (75 mins)
2.67 AAU Chinook hops (15 mins) 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins) (0.61 oz./17 g at 7% alpha acid)
(0.22 oz./6 .3 g of 12% alpha acids) Coopers dried yeast (2 packages) 2 AAU Hallertau hops (2 mins)
3.21 AAU Centennial hops (15 mins) 1 cup corn sugar (to prime) (0.5 oz./14 gat 4% alpha acid)
(0.32 oz./9.1 g of 10% alpha acids) 1 tsp. Irish m oss (15 mins)
10.75 AAU Centennial (5 mins) Step by Step Wyeast 1007 (German Ale) yeast
(1.1 oz./30 g of 10% alpha acids) Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- (1 qt./-1 L yeast starter)
0.53 oz. (15 g) Centennial (0 mins) ing bag and steep in 3. 0 qts. (2.8 L) of 0.75 cup corn sugar (for prilning)
0.58 oz. (16 g) Centennial dry hops water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 minutes.
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of Step by Step
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) water at 170 oF (77 °C) . Add water to Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt illg bag and steep ill 3.0 qts. (2 .8 L) of
Step by Step extract and bring to a boil. water at 153 °F (67 °C) for 30 minutes .
Heat 7.7 qts. (7.4 L) of water to 167 Boil for 60 minutes total, adding hops Rinse grains with 1. 5 qts. (-1.5 L) of
°F (75 °C) and steep grains at 156 °F (69 at tilnes indicated in il1g1·edient list. Add water at 170 oF (77 °C) . Add water to
°C) for 45 minutes . Check temp every 10 the liquid malt extract and Irish moss make 3 gallons (11 L), stir il1 dried malt
minutes; if below 156 °F (69 °C), heat to with 15 minutes left in the boil. extract and bring to a boil.
161 oF (72 °C). In a separ ate pot, heat 5.8 Cool wort by submerging brewpot in Add Perle hops and boil for 75 min-
qts. (5.5 L) of water to 170 oF (77 °C) to sink, with the lid on, until the side of the utes total, adding hops at tilnes indicated
rinse the gr ains. After grains are rinsed, brewpot n o longer feels warm. Transfer ill the il1gredient list. Add the liquid malt
bring the "grain tea" (wort) to boil. Add wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons extract and Irish moss with 15 minutes
dried malt extract and boil for 60 min- (19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and left in the boil.
utes, adding hops as indicated. Add liquid pitch yeast. Ferment at 65 oF (18 oC) until Cool wort in brewpot and transfer to
malt extract with 15 minutes left in boil. complete (about 7 to 10 days), then trans- fermenting vessel. Top up to 5 gallons (19
Cool wort and transfer to fermenter. Add fer to a secondary vessel or rack into bot- L). with water. Aerate wort and pitch
water to make 5 gallons (19 L) of wort. tles or keg with corn sugar. yeast. Ferment at 60 °F (16 °C) Wltil com-
Aerate and pitch yeast. Ferment at 60 oF plete (7 to 10 days) , then leave at that
(16 °C). All-grain version: temperature for anothe r six days for a
Thanks to Brewer Rob Mullin from Grand Omit extract and mash 9.75 lbs. (4.4 diacetyl rest. This will help maintain the
Teton Brewing for the information used to kg) two-row pale malt (Coopers uses malt delicate nature of the style.
formulate this clone. made from Schooner barley) with crystal
malt in 13 qts. (12 L) of water to get a sin- All -grain version:
Coopers Sparkling Ale clone gle-illfusion mash temperature of 150 °F Gypsum to yield 130 ppm calcium in
(Coopers Brewery Limited, (66 °C) for 45 minutes . Sparge with hot mash. Omit extract and mash 8.0 lbs. (3 .6
Australia) water (170 °F/77 oc or more) and collect kg) pale malt with other malts in 12 qts.
(5 gallons/19 L, extract 5.5 gallons (21 L)of wort. Add 1.0 gallon (11 L) of water to get a single-infusion
with grains) (3 .8 L) of water and boil for 90 minutes mash temperature of 153 °F (67 °C) for
OG = 1.058 FG = 1.0012 and use the above hopping and fermenta- 45 minutes. Sparge with hot water of 170
IBU = 25 SRM = 10 tion schedule . °F (77 °C) or more to collect 5.0 gallons
ABV= 5.6% (19 L) of wort. Add 1.5 gallons (5 .7 L) of
Tire Biter Golden Ale clone water and bring to boil. Boil for 90 min-
Ingredients (Flying Dog Brewery, Colorado) utes total, using above hopping and fer-
2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) Coopers Light dried (5 gallons/19 L, mentation schedule.
malt extract extract with grains)
3.3 lbs. (1 .5 kg) Coopers Light liquid OG = 1.046 Red Tail Ale clone
malt extract (late addition) FG = 1.012 (Mendocino Brewing Company,
1.5 lbs . (0.68 kg) 2-row pale malt IBU = 18 SRM = 6 California)
0.50 lb . (0.23 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) ABV = 4.5% (5 gallons/19 L, extract
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) cane sugar with grains)
4.5 AAUs Pride of Ringwood hops Ingredients OG = 1.052 FG = 1 .013
(60 mills) 6.0 oz. (170 g) two-row pale malt IBU = 26 SRM ·= 13
(0.47 oz./13 gat 9.5% alpha acid) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) white wheat malt ABV = 5.0%
4.5 AAUs Pride of Ringwood hops 10 oz. (0.28 kg) Munich malt
(15 mins) 1 lb. 10 oz. (0. 7 kg) light dried Ingredients


0.75 lb. (0.34 kg) two-row pale malt Ingredients IBU = 40 SRM = 19 ABV = 5.4%
3.5 oz. (99 g) Victory malt 6.6 lbs . (3 .0 kg) Northwestern Light
1.0 lb. (0.45 g) crystal malt (60 °1) liquid malt extract Ingredients
2.3 lbs. (1.0 kg) light dried malt extract 0.5 lb. (0 .23 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 1lb. 2 oz. (0.51 kg) Coopers Light
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) light liquid malt extract 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) wheat malt dried malt extract
(late addition) 7.2 AAU Cascade hops (bittering) 3.3 lbs.
4 AAU Cluster hops (60 mins) (1.25 oz./35 g of 5. 75% alpha acids) (1.5 kg) John
(0.5 oz./14 g of 8% alpha acid) 3.75 AAU Willamette hops (flavoring) Bull light liquid
4 AAU Cascade hops (30 mins) (0.75 oz./21 g of 5.0% alpha acids) malt extract (late addition)
(0.8 oz./22.4 g of 5% alpha acid) 4.5 AAU Tettnanger hops (aroma) 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Vienna malt
0.33 oz. (9.2 kg) Cascade whole hops (1.0 oz./28 g of 4.5% alpha acids) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt
(whirlpool) 1 tsp. Irish moss 1.5 lb. (0.68 kg) crystal malt (40 °L)
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White White Labs WLP007 (Dry English Ale) or 0.25 lb. (0 .11 kg) dextrin malt
Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast Wyeast 1275 (Thames Valley 1.9 AAU Willamette hops (60 mins)
(1.25 qt./-1.25 L yeast starter) Ale) yeast (0.38 oz./11 g of 5% alpha acid)
0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 0 .75 cup of corn sugar (for prinling) 5.6 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins)
(1 .1 oz./31 g of 5% alpha acid)
Step by Step Step by Step 7.1 AAU Cascade hops (10 mins)
Steep pale, crystal and Victory malts Steep the two crushed grains in 3 (1.4 oz./39 g of 5% alpha acid)
in 3 qts. (-3 L) water at 153 °F (67 °C) for gallons (11 L) of water at 148 °F (65 °C) 3.8 AAU Centennial hops (2 mins)
30 minutes. Remove grains and rinse for 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, (0.31 oz./9 g of 12% alpha acid)
with 1.5 qts . (-1.5 L) water at 170 oF (77 add malt syrup and bring to a boil. Add 3.7 AAU Cascade hops (2 mins)
°C) . Add water to "grain tea" to make 3 Cascade (bittering) hops, Irish moss and (0.74 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acid)
gallons (11 L), add dried malt extract and boil for 60 minutes. Add Willamette hops 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins)
bring to a boil. Add Cluster hops, and boil for the last 15 minutes of the boil. Add the White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or
60 minutes. Add Cascade hops with 30 Tettnanger aroma hops for the last 3 min- Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
minutes left in boil and liquid malt utes of the boil. When done boiling, add (1.75 qts./1.75 L yeast starter)
extract with 15 minutes left. Turn off wort to 2 gallons (7.6 L) cool water in a 0. 7 5 cup of corn sugar (for prin1ing)
heat, add whole Cascade hops (in hop sanitary fermenter, and top off with cool
bag) . Cool wort, transfer to your primary water to 5.5 gallons. Cool the wort to 80 Step by Step
fermenter and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) . °F (27 °C), aerate the beer and pitch Place crushed malts in a large nylon
Aerate wort and pitch yeast. Ferment yeast. Allow the beer to cool over the next steeping bag and steep in 2.0 gallons (7 .6
warm (68-70 °F/-21 °C)) for ten days, few hours to 68-70 °F (20-21 °C) , and L) of water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 45 min-
rack to secondary and condition cooler hold at these cooler temperatures until utes. Rinse grains with 1.0 gallon (3.8 L)
(64 °F/18 °C) for two weeks. Bottle and the yeast has fermented completely. of water at 170 °F (77 °C). Add water to
age two to three weeks. Bottle the beer, age for 2-3 weeks. Enjoy! make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt
extract and bring to a boil.
All-grain version: All-grain version: Add Willamette and Cascade (bitter-
Omit malt extracts. Mash 9.75 lbs. This is a single infusion mash. ing) hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add the
(4.4 kg) pale malt, plus Victory and crys- Replace the light syrup with 9.75 lbs. liquid malt extract and Irish moss with 15
tal malts (specified above) above , in (4.4kg) English pale 2-row malt (for a tar- minutes left in the boil. Add flavor hops
14 qts. (-14 L) of water at 153 oF (67 "C) get OG of 1.052) . Mash your grains at 148 for the last 10 minutes of the boil. Add
for 90 minutes. Collect about 6.0 gallons °F (64 °C) for 60 minutes. Collect enough aroma hops (Centennial and Cascade) for
(23 L) of wort, add 0.5 gallons (1 .9 L) of wort to boil for 90 minutes. and have a the last 2 rllinutes of the boil.
water. Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops at 5.5-gallon (21 L) yield. Decrease Cascade When done boiling, cool worth by
times indicated in recipe. Ferment at boiling hops to 1.1 oz. (31 g) to yield a 30 submerging brewpot in sink (with the lid
68 °F (20 °C). IBU beer. For the remaining steps, follow on) until the side of the brewpot no longer
the extract instructions. feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter
Shipyard Export Ale clone and top up to 5.0 gallons (19 L) with cool
(Shipyard Brewing Company, Hop Jack Pale Ale clone water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
Maine) (Widmer Brothers Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C) for 10 to 14
(5 gallons/19 L, Brewing Co., days. Bottle your beer, age for two weeks
extract with grains) Oregon) and enjoy!
OG = 1.048-1.054 (5 gallons/19 L, extract
FG = 1.012-1 .013 with grains) All-grain version:
IBU = 24-33 OG = 1.056 Replace extracts with 3 lb. 14 oz. (1.8
SRM = 9+ ABV = 4.7-5.2% FG = 1.014

kg) pale malt and 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) Munich store cold. Willa.mette and Cascade hops at the end
malt. Mash yoW' grains at 152 °F (67 °C) of the boil, and let steep for 2 min . When
for 45 minutes. Use 15 qts. (14 L) of mash All-grain version: done boiling, strail1 out the hops, add the
water. Collect 6.5 gallons (25 L) of wort Omit extract and mash 7.0 lbs. (3.2 wort to 2 gal. (7 .6 L) of cool water in a.
and boil for 90 minutes, adding hops at kg) of pale malt along with specialty sanitary fermenter and top off with cool
times indicated in the ingredient list. malts il1 11 qts. (10 L) of water to get a water to 5.5 gal. (21 L). Cool the wort to
Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C). single-infusion mash temperature of 155 80° F (27" C), heavily aerate the beer and
OF (68 °C) for 45 mill. Sparge with hot pitch your yeast. Allow the beer to cool
Clearwater Light clone water (at least 170 °F/77 °C) and collect over the next few hoW's to 64-66 oF (18-
(Clearwater Brewery, Florida) 5.0 gallons. of wort. Add 1.5 gallons (5 .7 190 C), and hold at these cooler tempera-
(5 gallons/19 L, L) of water and boil for 90 minutes. Use tures w1til the yeast has fermented com-
extract with grains) the hopping and ferm entation schedule pletely. Bottle yo ur beer, and age for two
OG = 1.041 above. to three weeks.
FG = 1.010
IBU = 17 SRM = 5 Gaelic Ale clone All- grain version:
ABV = 4.0% (Highland Brewing Co., North Replace the light syrup and powder
Carolina) with 7.6 lbs. (3.4 kg) Briess pale malt and
increase the Munich malt to 2. 75 lbs.
Ingredients grains) (1.25 kg). Mash all grains at 150" F (66°
0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) two-row pale malt OG = 1.056 C) for 60 min. to achieve high fer-
12 oz. (0.34 kg) wheat malt FG = 1.014 mentability. Collect enough wort to boil
12 oz. (0.34 kg) Carapils malt for 90 millUtes.
1 lb. 1 oz. (0.48 kg) light dried
malt extract Blue Whale Ale clone
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Muntons Light liquid Ingredients (Pacific Coast Brewing Co.,
malt extract (late addition) 2.25 lbs . (1.0 kg) Briess Light dried California)
4.25 AAUs Hallertauer hops (60 mins) malt extract (5 gallons/19 L, extract
(1.1 oz./31kg at 4% alpha acid) 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Briess Light liquid with grains)
1 AAU Saaz hops (10 mins) malt extract (late addition) OG = 1.070
(0.25 oz./7 g of 4% alpha acid) 1.5 lbs . (0.7 kg) Briess Munich FG = 1.018
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mills) malt (10 °L) IBU = 70 SRM = 25
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Briess crystal ABV = 6.8%
Labs WLP001 (California Ale) yeast malt (60 °L)
(1 qt./-1 L yeast starter) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) Briess crystal Ingredients
'Vs cup corn sugar for priming malt (40 °L) 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) light dried malt extract
0.25 lb . (113 g) Briess Extra Special malt 5.25 lbs. (2.4 kg) light liquid malt extract
Step by Step 9 AAU Chinook hops (60 mins) (late addition)
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- (0.75 oz./21 g of 12% alpha acid) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (40 °L)
ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts . (2.8 L) of 2.5 AAU Willamette hops (aroma hop) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (120 °L)
water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. (0.5 oz./14 g of 5.0% alpha acid) 7.4 AAUs Nugget hops (60 mins)
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of 2.9 AAU Cascade hops (aroma hop) (0.61 oz./17 g of 12% alpha acid)
water at 170 °F (77 °C) . Add water to (0.5 oz . (14.7 g) of 5.8% alpha acid) 7.4 AAUs Chinook hops (60 mins)
make 3 gallons (11 L), stil· in dried malt 1 tsp. Irish moss (0.61 oz./17 g of 12% alpha acid)
extract and bril1g to a boil. White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or 3.75 AAUs WiUa.mette hops (10 mins)
Add Hallertauer hops and boil for 60 Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast (0. 75 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acid)
minutes total. Add the liquid malt extract 0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) 6.6 AAUs Centennial hops (10 nlins)
and Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the (0.75 oz./21 g of 8.8% alpha. acid)
boil. Add Saaz hops vvith ten minutes left Step by Step 2.0 AAUs Perle hops (10 mins)
in the boil. Steep the crushed specialty malts il1 (0.25 oz./7 g of 8.25% alpha)
Cool wort in brewpot to around 70 oF 4.8 qts. (-4.8 L L) of water at 150" F (66° 3.25 AAUs Chinook hops (10 mins)
(21 °C), transfer to fermenter and add C) for 30 min. Rinse grains with 2.4 qts . (0.27 oz./8 g of 12% alpha acid)
water to yield 5.0 gallons (19 L). Aerate (-2.4 L) of 170 °F (77 °C) water. Add 1 .75 oz. (49 g) Centennial hops (dry hop)
wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 66 oF water to make 3 gallons (11 L). Add dried V2 tsp. White Labs yeast nutrient
(19 °C) until complete (7 to 10 days). malt extract and bring to a boil. Add 1.75 oz . (49 g) French oak chips
Transfer to secondary or rack into bottles Chinook (bittering) hops and boil for 60 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
or keg with corn sugar. Warm condition min. Add liquid malt extract and Irish White Labs WLP005 (British Ale) or
for a few weeks at room temperatlli'e and moss with 15 minutes left in boil. Add Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) yeast


0.75 cups corn sugar (for printing) (0.44 oz./12 g of 9% alpha acid) 4.0 AAU Tettnanger hops (60 mins)
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) (0.9 oz./25 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
Step by Step White Labs WLP007 (Dry English Ale) or 3.5 AAU Saaz hops (2 mins)
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- Wyeast 1275 (Thames Valley (1 oz./28 g of 3.5% alpha acid)
ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of Ale) yeast 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. (1.25 qt./-1.25 L yeast starter) White Labs WLP002 (English Ale) or
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of 0.75 cup corn sugar (for printing) Wyeast 1968 (Special London) yeast
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to 0 .75 cup of corn sugar (for printing)
make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt Step by Step
extract and bring to a boil. Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
Add Nugget hops, Chinook hops and ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of Step by Step
boil for 60 minutes. Add the liquid malt water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
extract, yeast nutrient and Irish moss Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of ing bag and steep in 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of
with 15 minutes left in the boil. Add fla- water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 nlinutes.
vor hops for the last 10 minutes of the make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt Rinse grains with 0.75 qts. (-0.75 L) of
boil. extract and bring to a boil. water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to
Cool wort by submerging brewpot in Add WiJJamette hops and boil for 60 make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt
sink, with the lid on, until the side of the nlinutes. Add the liquid malt extract and extract and bring to a boil.
brewpot no longer feels warm. Transfer Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the boil. Add the Tettnanger (bittering) hops
wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons Add the Centennial hops for the last 3 and boil for 60 minutes. Add the liquid
(19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and minutes of the boil. malt extract and Irish moss with 15 min-
pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) for When done boiling, cool wort by sub- utes left in the boil . Add the Saaz (aroma)
10 to 14 days. Transfer wort to a sec- merging brewpot in sink (with the lid on) hops for the last two minutes of the boil.
ondary fermenter, and add the oak chips until the side of the brewpot no longer When you are done boiling, cool wort
and Centennial hops for dry hopping. feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter by submerging brewpot in sink (with the
After a week, prime and bottle, then age and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool lid on) until the side of the brewpot no
for 4 weeks. water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. longer feels warm. Transfer wort to fer-
Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C) for 7 to 10 days. menter and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with
All-gra in version: Prime and bottle your beer, then age for 2 cool water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
Replace malt extracts with 12 lb. 12 weeks and enjoy! Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) for 10-14 days.
oz. (5.8 kg) pale malt, and mash your Bottle your beer, age for a minimum of
grains at 152 "F (67 °C) for 60 minutes. All-grain version: two to three weeks and enjoy!
Use 18.5 qts. (17.5 L) of mash water. Replace light malt syrup and dried
Collect 8.0 gallons (30 L) of wort and boil malt extract with 8 lb. 14 oz. (4.0 kg) pale All-grain version:
to reduce to 5.0 gallons (19 L) . (This malt, and mash your grains at 151 "F (66 Replace the light malt extract with 11
should take around 3 hours) . Follow hop- °C) for 45 minutes. Use 12 qts. (11 L) of lbs. (5 .0 kg) of two-row pale malt (2° L).
ping schedule as presented in ingredient mash water. Collect 5.0 gallons (19 L) of Mash all your grains at 155" F for 45 nlin-
list. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C). wort and add 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) of water. utes. Use 14 qts. (13 L) of mash water.
Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops at tin1es Collect 6.0 gallons (23 L) wort, add 0.5
Warthog Cream Ale clone indicated in ingredient list. Ferment at 68 gallons (1.9 L) of water and boil for 90
(Big Rock Brewery, Alberta) °F (20 °C). minutes to have a 5.0-gallon (19-L_ yield.
(5 gallons/19 L, Chill the wort, aerate and pitch yeast.
extract with grains) Wisdom Cream Ale clone wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 °F
OG = 1.045 FG = 1.011 (Big Hole Brewing Company, (20 °C) . Bottle and condition as explained
IBU = 15 SAM = 8 Montana) in the extract recipe .
ABV = 4.3% r-~
o H~o ...
......, (5 gallons/19 L,
extract with grains) Vanilla Creme Ale clone
Ingredients OG = 1.053 FG = 1.014 (Market Street Brewery
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Coopers Light dried IBU = 16 SAM= 6 and Public House, New York)
malt extract ABV = 5.2% (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Coopers Light liquid Ingredients OG = 1.040 FG = 1.01 0
malt extract (late addition) 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) Coopers Light dried IBU = 14 SAM= 6 ABV = 3.9%
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) two-row pale malt malt extract
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (40 °L) 3.3 lbs. (1 .5 kg) Coopers Light liquid Ingredients
3.5 AAU Willamette hops (60 mins) malt extract 1.25 lb. (0.57 kg) Muntons Light dried
(0.70 oz./20 g of 5% alpha acid) (late addition) malt extract
4 AAU Centennial hops (3 mins) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Muntons Light liquid

malt extract Oate addition) Ingredients OG = 1.043 FG = 1.016
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (10° L) 6.0 lbs. (2 .7 kg) mild ale malt IBU = 19 SRM = 25 ABV = 3.6%
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) wheat malt (substitute a 50:50 mix of pale ale This is simply the 11-barrel brew
3.5 AAU Nugget hops (60 mins) malt and Vienna malt or pale ale malt made at Bru Rm @BAR scaled down to 5
(0.27 oz./8 g of 13.0% alpha acid) and light Munich malt, if mild ale gallons (19 L) and adjusted to match
2.0 AAU Mt. Hood hops (2 mins) malt is unavailable) BYO 's standard recipe assumptions.
(0.5 oz./14 g of 4.0% alpha acid) 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) flaked barley Details courtesy of J eff Browning, the
2 vanilla beans (15 nlins) 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (40 °L) brewe1:
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 nlins) 0.5 lb. (0 .23 kg) light brown sugar
White Labs WLPOOl (California Ale) or 3.5 AAU Fuggle hops (90 mins) Ingredients
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast (0.7 oz./20 g of 5% alpha acid) 2.5 lb. (1.1 kg) mild ale malt
0. 75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 2.25 AAU Kent Goldings hops (90 mins) 2.5 lb. (1.1 kg) US 2-row pale malt
(0.45 oz./13 g of 5% alpha acid) lib. 11 oz. (0 .77 kg) Briess Munich malt
Step by Step Wyeast 1318 (London III) or sinlilar 14 oz. (0.40 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- (1 pt. yeast starter) 4.5 oz. (0.13 kg) Belgian Special B malt
ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of % cup corn sugar (for priming) 7.0 oz. (0 .20 kg) Briess Extra Special
water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. Roast malt
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts . (-1.5 L) of Step by Step 14 oz. (0.40 kg) Briess Vienna malt
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to Mash grains in 2.2 gallons (8 .36 kg) 1.1 oz. (32 g) Briess black malt flour
make 3 gallons (11 L) , stir in dried malt of 150 oF (66 "C) water for 60 min. Sparge 3.33 AAU Mount Hood hops (90 mins)
extract and bring to a boil. with 168-70 OF (76 °C) water to collect ( 0.47 oz./13 gat 7.1% alpha acids)
Add Nugget Chittering) hops and boil 4 gallons (15 .2 L) of wort. Add 2.5 gallons 1.25 AAU Willamette hops (30 mins)
for 60 minutes . Add chopped vanilla (9.5 L) of water and boil for 90 min. At ( 0.25 oz./7 g at 5% alpha acids)
beans, liquid malt extract and Irish moss beginning of boil, add the hops and boil 2.5 AAU Liberty hops ((5 nlins)
with 15 nlinutes left in the boil. Add Mt. 90 nlin. Add sugar for fmal15 minutes of ( 0.5 oz./14 gat 5% alpha acids)
Hood (aroma) hops for the last two min- boil. Whirlpool and cool to 68 oF (20 "C), Wyeast 1098 (Whitbread) yeast
utes of the boil. pitch yeast starter and aerate well. y, cup dried malt extract (for priming)
Cool wort by submerging brewpot in Ferment for 4-5 days at 68 oF (20 "C) ,
sink, with the lid on, until the side of the then rack to secondary fermenter. Step by Step
brewpot no longer feels warm . Transfer Condition for seven more days or until Use a single-step infusion mash at
wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons fermentation is done or gravity is about 154 "F (67 .8 "C) for 1.5 hours, keeping
(19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and 1.008 (2° Plato). Prime and bottle. Allow the black malt flour to one side . Sparge
pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) for to carbonate (<;arbonation will be low one hour, with water no hotter than
10-14 days. Bottle your beer, age for two compared to most American beers). Age 175 oF (80 °C), until run-off reaches SG
to three weeks and enjoy! at least seven more days before drinking. 1.010-1.012. Boil 90 minutes, with bitter-
ing hops added at the start. Add the fla-
All -grain option: Extract with grains version: vor hops 30 minutes, and the aroma hops
Replace the light syrup and powder Add 3.3 lbs . (1.5 kg) liquid malt 5 minutes before the end of the boil. Add
with 6 lbs. 14 oz. (3.1 kg) Great Western extract to the recipe, decrease amount of the black malt flour*, stir gently, and
two-row pale malt. Mash all your grains mild ale malt to 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) and allow to sit for y, hour. Strain, or siphon
at 155 oF (68 °C) for 45 minutes. Use 10.5 eliminate flaked barley. Steep grains in off from the hops, adjust wort volume
qts. (10 L) of mash water. Collect 4.5 gal- 0.75 gallons (2.9 L) of water at 150 °F (66 with cold water, and cool to about 70 "F
lons (17 L) wort, add 2.0 gallons (7 .6 L) of "C) water for 30 min. Sparge grains with (21 °C). Pitch with yeast starter, and allow
water and boil for 90 minutes, ainling for 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) of 170 oF (77 "C) water. to ferment. By 5-7 days , fmal gravity
a 5.0-gallon (19-L) yield. The remainder Add water to "grain tea" make 2.5 gal- should have been reached; rack into a
of the recipe is the same as the extract. Ions (9 .5 L) and heat this liquid to boiling. glass fermenter. One week later, rack
Add sugar and boil for 60 minutes. At again, prin1e with y, cup DME, and rack
Banks's Mild Ale clone begimling of boil, add hops. With 15 mins into keg or bottles (after filtration if
(Wolverhampton & Dudley left in boil, stir in liquid malt extract. desired). To ensure good fermentation, it
Breweries, England) After boil, cool wort to 68 oF (20 "C) and is best to make a half-gallon starter of the
(5 gallons/19 L, then transfer to fermenter. Add water to original yeast culture.
all-grain) make 5 gallons (19 L), aerate and pitch
OG = 1.035 starter. Aerate well. Ferment as above. * If you do not have this flour, but only
FG = 1.008 whole grain black malt, then add it the
IBU = 23 SRM = 10 Raven Hair Beauty clone mash along with the rest of the grist.
ABV = 3.5% (BruRm @ BAR, Connecticut)
(5 gallons/19L, all-grain)


WHEAT BEERS covered by - 1 inch (-2. 5 em) of wort,
begin sparging with 169 °F (76 °C) sparge
water. Measw·e wort gravity towards the
Now add wort to 2 gallons (7.6 L) of
cool water in a sanitary fermenter, and
top off with cool water to 5.0 gallons (19
Mueller Wheat clone end of collection and do not collect wort L). Cool the wort to 75 °F (24 C), aerate
(Springfield Brewing Company, weaker than 2 °Plato (SG 1.008). Boil the beer and pitch your yeast. Allow the
Missouri) wort for 90 minutes . Cool the wort to 64 beer to cool over the next few hours to 68
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) oF (18 oC) and aerate. Ferment at 64 oF °F (20 °C.), and hold at this temperature
OG = 1.045 FG = 1.007 (18 °C). Fermentation is typically down to until the beer has finished fermenting,
IBU = 18 SAM= 5 -2.8 °Plato (-SG 1.011) in 3 days. Hold then bottle and enjoy!
ABV = 4.9% temperatme at 64 °F (18 °C) for 4 days or
Ashton Lewis is the until the gravity is no greater than 2.2 All -grain version:
Master Brewer at 0
Plato (SG 1.009). Cool beer to 50 oF (10 Tllis is a single step infusion mash.
Springfield Brewing Company in °C) and hold for 6 days or until the gravi- The grain bill for this beer is 3.3 lbs. (1.5
Springfield, Missouri and the technical ty is no greater than 1.9 °Plato (1.008) kg.) wheat malt, 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kg.) pale 2-
editor of BYO. Ashton says, "We settled and then chill to 32 op (0 °C). Bottle with row malt, and 0.5 lbs. (226 g) Cara-Pils
on Weyermann malt about 5 years ago. corn sugar or keg and carbonate to a (dextrin). Mash the 3 grains together at
This malt gives a more consistent cloudi- level of 2.8 volumes of carbon dioxide. 154 oF (68 oc) for 60 minutes . Collect
ness, which I fe el is important for the approximately 7 gallons wort (32 L) to
style. Our wheat is dry, crisp and refresh- Blue Star Wheat Beer clone boil for 90 minutes and have a 5.0-gallon
ing- and has a certain 'snap' from the yield (19 L).
malted and raw wheats used, as well as
a spicy hop nose from the Liberty hops. (5 gallons/19 L, extract Oberdorfer Weissbier clone
The foam has a rich, creamy and rocky (AIIgauer Brauhaus AG, Germany)
appearance. Our wheat beer has been our (5 gallon s/1 9 L, extract
number one seller since we opened in with grains)
December 1997 and won a gold in the ABV = 3.9% 0G=1 .052 FG=1 .013
American-style wheat beer category at IB U = 15 SAM = 5
the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) Ingredients ABV= 5.0%
in 2003 and a bronze in the same catego- 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Briess
ry in 2004." Wheat liquid malt extract Ingredients
1 lb . 14 oz. (0.85 kg) Briess Light dried 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) Pilsner malt
Ingredients malt extract 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) wheat malt
3.7 lbs . (1.7 kg) Weyermann pale 0.5 lbs. (227 g) wheat malt 6 lb . 6 oz. (2.87 kg) Briess Bavarian
wheat malt 0.5 lbs. (227 g) pale 2-row malt Wheat Liquid malt extract
0.69 lbs. (0.31 kg) raw (unmalted) wheat 0.5 lbs. (227 g) Carapils (Dextrin) malt 3.75 AAU Hallertauer hops (60 mins)
4.8 lbs. (2.2 kg) pale 2-row malt 3.3 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins) (0 .94 oz./26 gat 4% alpha acid)
(Cargill Ida-Pils) (0.58 oz./16 g of 5. 7% alpha acid) 2 AAUs Hallertauer hops (2 mins)
3.20 AAU Perle hops (70 mins) 4.8 AAU Cascade hops (15 mins) (0.50 oz./14 of 4% alpha acid)
(0.40 oz./11 g of 8% alpha acids) (1.0 oz./28 g of 5.7% alpha acid) White Labs WLP300 (Hefeweizen
2.20 AAU Liberty hops (30 mins) 2.8 AAU Cascade hops (0 mins) Ale) yeast
(0.40 oz./11 g of 5.5% alpha) (0 .5 oz./14 g of 5.7% Alpha acid) (1.5 qt./- 1.5 L yeast starter)
0.56 oz. (16 g) Liberty hops (0 mins) White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or 1.2 cup corn sugar (for prin1ing)
White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
or Wyeast 1056 (American 0 .75 cup (180 mL) corn sugar Step by Step
Ale) yeast (for priming) Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
1 cup corn sugar (for bottling) ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2 .8 L) of
Step by Step water at 152 °F (67 oc) for 30 minutes.
Step by Step Steep the 3 crushed malts in 3 gal- Rinse grains with 1.5 qts . (-1.5 L) of
Use a mash water volume of 2.9 gal- lons (11 L) of water at 154 oF (68 °C.) for water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to
lons (10.9 L) and mash in at 122 °F (50 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in roughly half
°C), rest for 20 minutes, heat to 140 °F add the malt syrup and dry malt extract of the liquid malt extract and bring wort
(60 °C), rest for 30 minutes , heat to 154 and bring to a boil. Add the Cascade hops to a boil.
°F (68 °C), rest for 30 minutes and heat to and boil for 60 minutes. Then add the Add Hallertauer hops and boil for 60
169 oF (76 °C) for mash-off. Transfer the second addition of Cascade hops for the minutes . Add the liquid malt extract and
mash to the Iauter tun and do a 20- last 15 minutes of the boil. At the end of Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the boil.
minute vorlaufbefore sending wort to the the boil add the last addition of Cascade Add the rest of the Hallertauer hops . with
kettle. When the top of the grain bed is hops for aroma. 2 minutes left in boil.

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Cool wort by submerging brewpot in 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) Bavarian Hefeweizen liquid wheat
sink, with the lid on, until the side of the malt extract (late addition)
brewpot no longer feels warm. Transfer Step by Step 2.1lbs. (0.95 kg) wheat malt
wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- 0. 91 lbs. (0.41 kg) Pilsner malt
(19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and ing bag and steep in 2.4 qts. (2 .3 L) of 4. 75 AAU Hallertau-Hersbriicker hops
pitch yeast. Ferment at the low end of the water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 minutes. (1.2 oz./34 g of 4% alpha acids)
recommended temperatme range (from Rinse grains with 1.2 qts. (-1.2 L) of Wyeast 3638 (Bavarian Wheat) or
60° to 66 °F) until complete (7 to 10 days). water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to White Labs WLP380
Transfer to a secondary vessel or rack make 3 gallons (11 L) , stit· in dried malt (Hefeweizen IV) yeast
into bottles/keg with more corn sugar extract and brillg to a. boil. (1. 5 qt./1. 5 L yeast starter)
than usual to help create that signatme Add the Cascade hops and boil for 60 1.2 cups corn sugar (for primillg)
fizz. Let condition at room temperature minutes. Add the liquid malt extract and Step by Step
for a few weeks , then store it in a cool Irish moss with 15 minutes left ill the boil. In a. large soup pot, heat 4.5 quarts
place or the refrigerator a few more . Add the Saaz and Tettnanger hops for the (4.3 L) of water to 169 °F (76 °C). Add
Refrigerate before serving. last 2 millutes of the boil. crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge
When done boiling, cool wort by sub- bag and let grains steep around 158 oF
All-grain version: merging brewpot in sink (with the lid on) (70 °C) for 45 minutes. While grains
Omit extract and mash 5 lb . 5 oz. (2 .4 until the side of the brevvpot no longer steep, begin heating 2.1 gallons (7. 9 L) of
kg) of wheat malt and 5 lb. 5 oz. (2.4 kg) feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter water ill your brewpot. When steep is
of pale malt in 16 qts. (15 L) of water to and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool over, remove 1.5 qts. (1.4 L) of water
get a single infusion mash temperature of water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. from brewpot and add to the "grain tea"
152 oF (67 °C) for 45 minutes. Sparge Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) for 7 to 10 days in steeping pot. Place colander over
with hot water of 170 op (77 °C) and col- or until specific gravity remains constant. brewpot and place steeping bag in it.
lect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort, adding 1.0 Bottle your beer, age for about one week Pom diluted grain tea through grain bag.
gallon (3.8 L) of water. Boil for 90 min- and enjoy! Heat liquid ii1 brewpot to a. boil, then stir
utes. Use above hopping and fermenta- in dried malt extract, add first charge of
tion schedule. (You can also do a step All-grain version: hops and begin the 60 minutes boil. With
mash with a 15-minute rest at 122 op (50 Eliminate the malt extracts . Add 15 millutes left ill boil, turn off heat and
°C) and a 45 minute rest at 152 °F (67 oc). 4 lb. 6 oz. (2.0 kg) of wheat malt and 4 lb. stir ill liquid malt extract. Stit· well to dis-
6 oz. (2.0 kg) of two-row malt. Mash your solve extract, then resume heating. (Keep
Easy Street Wheat clone grains at 149 °F (65 °C) for 45 minutes ill the boil clock runnillg while you stir.) At
(Odell Brewing Co., Colorado) 12 qts. (11 L) of mash water. Collect 5.0 the end of the boil, cool wort and transfer
(5 gallons/19 L, extract gallons (19 L) of wort, add 1.5 gallons (5.7 to fermenter. Add water to make
with grains) L) of water and boil for 90 minutes. 5 gallons (19 L). Aerate wort and pitch
OG = 1.045 FG = 1.011 Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C). yeast. Ferment at 68 •p (20 oC). Rack to
IBU = 16 SRM = 7 secondary when fermentation is com-
ABV = 4.4% Paulaner Hefe-Weizen clone plete. Bottle a few days later, when beer
(Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. falls clear.
Ingredients KG, Germany)
1.75 lb. (0.79 g) Briess (5 gallons/19 L, extract All-grain version
Wheat dried with grains) Replace grains and extract with 7.5
malt extract OG = 1.053 FG = 1.010 lbs. (3.4 kg) wheat malt and 3.25 lbs. (1.5
3.3 lbs. (1.5 g) Briess Wheat liquid malt IBU = 18 SRM = 5 kg) Pilsner malt. Use a. single decoction
extract (late addition) ABV = 5.6% mash with a 30 minute rest at 131 °F (55
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) wheat malt °C) and a 45 minute rest at 153 op (67 •c).
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Munich malt Paulaner Hefe-Weizen is well- Boil for 120 minutes.
2.0 oz. (57 g) crystal malt (20 °L) balanced example of a hefe-
3.5 AAU Cascade hops (60 mit1s) weizen. Follow the mash details Double Eagle Ale clone
(0.70 oz./20 g of 5% alpha acid) and watch your fermentation (Rockyard Brewing Company,
3 AAU Saaz hops (2 mins) temperatures to get the much sought Colorado)
(1 oz./28 g of 3% alpha acid) after "breadiness" and banana/clove 1 (5 gallons/19 L, extract
4 AAU Tettnanger hops (2 mins) aroma of a German hefe-weizen. Prost! with grains)
(1 oz./28 g of 4% alpha acid) OG = 1.052 FG = 1.014
White Labs WLP029 (German Ingredients IBU = 27 SRM = 6
Ale/Ki:ilsch) or Wyeast 2565 1.5 lbs. (0 .68 kg) Briess dried wheat ABV = 4.8%
(Ki:ilsch) yeast malt extract
(1.25 qt./-1.25 L yeast starter) 3.75 lbs. (1 .7 kg) Weyermann


3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Briess Wheat liquid
malt extract
ALES of BYO) or skip this step and simply bottle
condition the beer. Serve at 36-39 oF (2-
4 °C) in a Champagne flut e.
2.25 lbs. (1.0 kg) Briess Wheat dried DeuS clone
malt extract (Brouwerij Bosteels, Belgium) Extract version:
0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) 2-row pale malt (5 gallons/19 L, Extract brewers can replace the pale
0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) all-grain) ale and acidulated malt with 8.3 lbs.
0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) wheat Malt Virtual OG = 1.102 (3.76 kg) of liquid malt extract or 6.75
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) FG = 1.012-1.014 lbs. (3.06 kg) of dry malt extract. Skip the
6.5 MU Perle hops (60 mins) IBU = 8 SAM = 5-6 mashing process outlined above , dissolve
(1.0 oz. of 6.5% alpha acids) ABV=11.3-11.6% the malt extract in water and begin brew-
4.0 MU Hallertauer hops (10 mins) ing at the boiling stage.
(1.0 oz. of 4.0% alpha acid) Ingredients
White Labs WLP051 (California Ale V) 11.0 lbs. (5.0 kg) Malterie Franco-Beige Hennepin clone
or Wyeast 1272 (American pale ale malt (Brewery Ommegang, New York)
Ale II) yeast 1.1 lbs. (0.50 kg) Weyermann (5 gallons/19 L,
0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) acidulated malt extract with
5.0 lbs . (2 .27 kg) dextrose (corn sugar) grains)
Step by Step or light Belgian candi sugar OG = 1.070
Steep the three crushed grains in 2.25 MU Tettnanger hops (bittering) FG = 1.008
2 gallons (7 .6 L) of water at 150 °F (66 °C) (0.5 oz./14 g of 4.5% alpha acid) IBU = 24 SAM = 5 ABV = 8.0%
for 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, 0.5 oz (15 g) whole-kernel coriander
add malt extracts and 1 gallon (3.8 L) of 2 tsp Irish moss Ingredients
water and bring to a boil. Add Perle (bit- 0.35 oz. (10.5 grams) bentonite 0.25 lbs. (0.11 kg) Muntons Light dried
tering) hops, Irish moss and boil for 60 Wyeast 1388 (Belgian Strong Ale) or malt extract
minutes. Add the Hallertauer aroma hops White Labs WLP570 (Belgian Golden 6.6 lbs. (2.97 kg) Muntons Light liquid
for the last 10 minutes of the boil. Ale) yeast malt extract (late addition)
When done boiling, add wort to 2 gal- Wyeast 3021 (Pasteur Champagne Pris 2.0 lbs. (0 .91 kg) light candi sugar
lons (7 .6 L) cool water in a sanitary fer- de Mousse) yeast 1 lb . 9 oz. (0.7 kg) Belgian Pilsner malt
menter and top off with cool water to Wyeast 3347 (Eau de Vie) yeast 7.0 oz. (0.20 kg) Belgian pale malt
5.5 gallons (21 L) . Cool the wort to 80 °F 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) corn sugar 6.5 MU Styrian Golding hops (60 mins)
(27 °C), aerate the beer and pitch your (for priming) (1.3 oz./36 g of 5% alpha acid)
yeast. Allow the beer to cool over the next 1.5 lbs. (0 .68 kg) light DME (for dosage) 1.75 MU Saaz hops (2 mins)
few hours to 68-70 °F (20-21 °C) and hold (0.5 oz./14 g of 3.5% alpha acid)
at these cooler temperatures until the Step by Step 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
yeast has fermented completely. Bottle Multi-step mash base malts for 60 1 oz. (28 g) dried ginger root (15 mins)
your beer, age for two to three weeks and minutes at 100 °F (38 °C), 15 minutes a t 1 oz. (28 g) bitter orange peel (15 mins)
enjoy! 113 °F (45 °C), 30 minutes at 122 °F (50 White Labs WLP550 (Belgian Ale) or
°C) and 30 minutes at 149 °F (65 °C). Wyeast 1214 (B elgian Abbey) yeast
All -grain version: Mash out to 172 oF (78 °C). Sparge with (1 qt./- 1 L yeast starter)
This is a two-step mash. Your grain 170 °F (77 °C) water and collect 4.5 gal- 0 .75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
bill will be 7.0 lbs. (3.2 kg) of pale 2-row lons (17 L) of wort. Boil for 75 minutes ,
malt, 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) of wheat malt, and adding bittering hops with 60 minutes Step by Step
0.5 lbs. (0 .23 kg) of Munich malt. Mash in remianing in boil. Cool wort, aerate and Steep crushed grains in 3 qts. (2.8 L)
your grains at 122 °F (50 °C) for 30 min- pitch Belgian beer yeast. Ferment at 70 of water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 45 minutes.
utes, then raise the temperature to 149 °F °F (21 °C), then fine with bentonite. Rins e grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of
(65 °C) for 60 minutes. Secondary ferm entation : Make sugar water at 170 °F (77 °C). Add water to
solution and mix into wort with make 3 gallons (11 L). Add dried malt
Champagne yeast. Fine with bentonite extract and sugar and bring the wort to a

BELGIAN or when secondary fermentation is com-

plete . Tertiary fermentation: Make sec-
boil. Add Styrian Golding (bittering) hops
and boil for 60 minutes. Add the ginger

BELGIAN ond sugar solution with 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg)

sugar and stir into beer with Eau de Vie
yeast; siphon into Champagne bottles.
root, bitter ora nge peel, liquid malt
extract and Irish moss for the last 15
minutes of the boil. Add 0.5 ow1ce of Saaz

INSPIRED Age beer for 2 months . Packaging:

Proceed with riddling and disgorgement
(as described in the May-June 2004 issue
(aroma) hops for the last two minutes of
the boil.
When don e boiling, cool wort by sub-

merging in brewpot in sink (with the lid y, tsp yeast nutrients (kettle) tin1e can take 90 minutes to as long as 3
on) until the side of the brewpot no longer Y"' tsp ("a pinch") yeast nutrients hours .) Boil for 90 minutes, following
feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter (dosage) remaining instruction in extract recipe.
and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool 1 tsp Irish moss
water. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. Wyeast 1388 (Belgian Strong Ale) or Farmhouse Summer Ale clone
Ferment at 68 •F (20 •c) . (Option: Pitch White Labs WLP570 (Belgian {Flying Fish Brewery,
yeast to wort at 64 •F (18 •c) and let tem- Golden Ale) yeast New Jersey)
perature rise during fermentation (as (3 qt./3 L yeast starter) (5 gallons/19 L,
high as 77 •F /25 •en. Bottle your beer, 1 cup corn sugar (for printing) extract with grains)
age for two to three weeks and enjoy! OG = 1.045-1.048
Step by Step FG = 1.010-1.011
All - grain version: In a large soup pot, heat 4.5 quarts IBU = 18 SRM = 3+
Replace the malt extracts with 8.75 (4.3 L) of water to 161 •F (72 •c). Add ABV = 4.3-4.6%
lbs. (4.0 kg) of Belgian Pilsner malt and crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge Ingredients
2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) Belgian pale malt. bag and let grains steep around 150 •F 3.3 lbs . (1.5 kg) Coopers Light
Brewery Ommegang uses a multiple-step (66 •c) for 45 minutes. While grains liquid malt extract
mash starting at 122 •F (50 •c) and end- steep, begin heating 2.1 gallons (7 .8 L) of 2.2 lbs. (1.0 kg) Briess Wheat
ing at 152 •F (67 •c). water in yow- brewpot. When steep is dried malt extract
over, remove 1.5 qts. (1.4 L) of water 0.5 lbs . (0.23 kg) wheat malt
Duvel clone from brewpot and add to the "grain tea" 3.0 oz. (85 g) Carapils (dextrin) malt
(Duvel Moortgat, Belgium) in steeping pot. Place colander over 3.0 oz. (85 g) pale 2-row malt
(5 gallons/19 L, extract brewpot and place steeping bag in it. (for sour mash)
with grains) Pour grain tea (with water added) 1.0 AAU Styrian Golding hops
OG = 1.072 FG = 1.006 tlu·ough grain bag. Heat liquid in brewpot (0.25 oz./7g of 4.0% alpha acid)
IBU = 30 SRM = 5 to a boil, then stir in dried malt extract, 3.5 AAU Magnum hops
ABV = 8.5% add first charge of hops and begin the 60 (0.25 oz./1.8 g of 14% alpha acid)
minute boil. With 15 minutes left in boil, 2.1 AAU Styrian Golding hops
Duvel is the classic Belgian add kettle sugar, hops and Irish moss, (0.53 oz./15 g of 4.0% alpha acid)
golden ale. Although it is then tmn off heat and stir in liquid malt 1.4 AAU Styrian Golding hops
strong (8.5% ABV}, the beer is extremely extract. Stir well to dissolve extract, then (0.35 oz./10 g of 4.0% alpha acid)
light in color and dry in taste. The dense, reswne heating. (Kee p the boil clock run- White Labs WLP005 (British Ale) or
white head that sits above the beer lasts rung while you stir.) At the end of the boil, Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) yeast
until the beer is clone. In the US, bottles of add last charge of hops , cool wort and 0.75 cup of corn sugar (for printing)
Duvel often show some oxidation in the transfer to fermenter. Add water to make
aroma. Brewing it fresh at home gives 5 gallons (19 L), aerate wort and pitch Step by Step
you a glimpse of what it tastes like in yeast. Ferment at 68 "F (20 "C). (Option : For the som mash, start 2-3 days in
Belgium. The yeast will not have an easy The brewers of Duvel pitch at 60 "F advance. Steep 3 oz. (85 g) 2-row pale
job here; they are dealing with a high- (16 "C) and let the temperature rise to as malt in a pint of 150 "F (66 "C) water, then
gravity, high-adjunct wort. Help them high as 84 •F (29 "C) during prin1ary fer- cover and let sit for 2-3 clays. On brew
(and yourself) out by making a big yeast mentation.) Rack to secondary when fer- day, steep the sour mash along with the
starter for a high cell count at pitching. mentation is complete. Bottle when beer wheat and dextrin malt -grains in 3 gal-
falls clear. lons (11 L) of water at 152 "F (67 "C) for
Ingredients 30 nli.ns. Remove grains from wort, add
1.8 lbs. (0.82 kg) Coopers Extra Light All -grain version: the fu·st wort addition of Styrian Golding
dried malt extract Replace grains and extracts with hops, malt syrup and dry malt extract,
3.5 lbs. (1.6 kg) Coopers Light 10.5 lbs. (4 .8 kg) Pilsner malt, 8.5 oz. tnen bring to a boil. Add the Magnum
liquid malt extract (late addition) (0.24 kg) CaraPils malt, lib . 11 oz. (0.77 hops and boil for 60 mins. Add the second
3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) Pilsner malt kg) corn sugar (kettle) and 11 oz. (0.31 g) addition of Styrian Golding hops for the
1 lb. 11 oz. (0.77 kg) corn sugar corn sugar (dosage). In yom kettle, mash last 30 mins. of the boil and add the last
(kettle) in to 131 "F (55 •c) and heat the mash addition of Styrian Golding hops for the
11 oz. (0 .31 g) corn sugar (dosage) slowly, over 15 minutes, to 140 "F (60 •c). last 2 ntins. of the boiL Now add wort to
6 AAU Styrian Goldings hops Add boiling water to raise temperature to 2 gallons cool water in a sanitary fer-
(60 mins) 148 "F (64 "C) and hold for 60 minutes. menter and top off with cool water to
(1.2 oz./34 g of 5% alpha acids) Mash out to 168 "F (76 "C). ) (Option: To 5.5 gallons (21 L). Cool the wort to 75 "F
3.75 AAU Saaz hops (15 mins) increase wort fermentablility, mash in at (24 "C), aerate the beer and pitch your
(0.93 oz./27 g of 4% alpha acids) 99 "F (37 "C) and slowly ramp tempera- yeast. Allow the beer to cool over the next
0. 75 oz. (21 g) Saaz hops (0 mins) ture to mash-out temperatme. The ramp few hours to 68 "F (20 °C) and hold at this


temperature until the yeast has finished brewpot no longer feels warm. Transfer adding corn sugar at the beginning of the
fermentation. Bottle and enjoy! wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons boil. Add orange peel and licorice for
(19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and final 15 minutes of the boil. Ferment
All-grain version: pitch yeast. 76-84 oF (24-29 °C). (Yes, that hot.)
This is a single infusion mash. Do the Ferment at 79-84 oF (26-29 °C) until Condition for 2 weeks at 28 °F (-2 °C). Keg
sour mash the same as above. On brew complete (3 to 7 days), then leave at that and adjust to 3.0 volumes C02 . Or bottle
day, add 8.7 lbs. (3.9 kg) of 2 row, 0.5 lbs . temperature for another six days for in heavy bottles with corn sugar with a
(0.2 kg) wheat malt and 3 oz. (85 g) of warm conditioning. Rack into bottle or target of 3.5 volumes of C02 .
dextrin malt to complete the grain bill. kegs with corn sugar for a few clays, then
Mash grains and sour mash at 152 °F (67 drop the temperature to 40 °F (4.4 °C) for Ommegang Abbey Ale clone
°C) for 60 mins . Collect enough wort to three to four additional weeks . (Brewery Ommegang, New York)
boil for 90 mins. and have a 5.5-gallon {5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
(20.9-L) yield (about 7 gallons or 26 L). All-grain version: OG = 1.074 FG = 1.013
Omit extract and mash 11 lbs. (5 .0 IBU = 22 SRM = 27 ABV = 7.8%
Saison Belgian Style Farmhouse kg) pale malt with other malts in 15 qts.
Ale clone (New Belgium (14 L) of water to get a single-infusion Ingredients
Brewery, Colorado) mash temperature of 153 °F (67 °C) for 3.33 lbs (1.51 kg) Weyermann
(5 gallons/19 L, extract 45 minutes . Sparge with water at 170 oF Bavarian Pilsner liquid malt extract
with grains) (77 °C) and collect 6.5 gallons (25 L) of (late addition)
0G=1.058 FG=1.012 wort. Boil for 90 minutes. llb. 2 oz. (0.51 kg) Pilsner malt
IBU = 25 SRM = 8 2.25 lbs. (1.02 kg) aromatic malt
Ommegang Abbey Ale clone 1 lb. 6.4 oz. (0.64 kg) crystal malt (20 °L)
(Brewery Ommegang, New York) 2.25 lbs. (1 .02 kg) Briess Special
Ingredients (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) Roast malt (50 °L)
0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) tvvo-row pale malt OG = 1.074 FG = 1.013 2.66 lbs (1.21 kg) corn sugar
10 oz. (0.28 kg) CaraPils malt IBU = 22 SRM = 27 6.25 AAU Styrian Goldings
10 oz. (0.28 kg) crystal malt (20 °L) ABV= 7.8% hops (60 mins)
2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) light dried malt extract (1.25 oz./35 g of 5% alpha acids)
4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) light liquid malt extract "The crystal and special 0.33 oz. Styrian Goldings
(late addition) roasted malts merge well hops (0 mins)
4.5 AAUs Hallertau hops (60 mins) together to yield soft caramel and raisin 0.25 oz. (7.1 g) Curacao orange peel
(1.1 oz./31 g of4% alpha acid) notes. These flavors will evolve graceful- 0.5 oz. (14 g) licorice root
4.5 AAUs of Strisslespalt hops (15 mins) ly as the beer ages. " - Randy Thiel, Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Ale) yeast
(1.1 oz./31 g of 4% alpha acid) brewer or cultured Ollllllegang yeast
v, to 2 tsp . cardamon 1.2 cups corn sugar (for priming)
v, to 2 tsp. orange peel Ingredients
v, to 2 tsp. coriander 5 lbs. 9.6 oz. (2.5:1- kg) Pilsner malt Step by Step
1 tsp. Irish moss 2.25 lbs. (1.02 kg) aromatic malt Heat 10.5 qts. (9.9 L) of steeping
Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Ale yeast) or 1 lb. 6.4 oz. (0.64 kg) crystal malt (20 °L) water in your brewpot to 124 °F (51 °C).
White Labs VI'LP565 (Belgian Saison I) 2.25 lbs. (1.02 kg) Briess Special In a separate pot, heat 7.9 qts . (7 .4 L) of
yeast Roast malt (50 °L) rinse water to 170 oF (77 °C) . Place
0. 75 cup corn sugar (for printing) 2.66 lbs (1 .21 kg) corn sugar crushed grains in a large steeping bag
6.25 AAU Styrian Golclings hops (60 mins) and submerge bag in your brewpot. Heat
Step by Step (1 .25 oz./35 g of 5% alpha acids) steeping water quickly to 144 °F (62 °C),
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- 0.33 oz. Styrian Goldings hops (0 mins) stirring occasionally, then tmn down heat
ing bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of 0.25 oz. (7.1 g) Curacao orange peel and slowly raise temperatme to 169 OF
water at 153 "F (67 °C) for 30 minutes. 0.5 oz. (14 g) licorice root (76 °C). It should take about 30 minutes
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Ale) yeast to go from 144 °F (62 °C) to 169 °F
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to or cultured Ollllllegang yeast (76 °C). Remove the grain bag and place
make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt 1.2 cups corn sugar (for priming) in a colander over your brewpot. Rinse
extract and bring to a boil. grains slowly and evenly with hot rinse
Add Hallertau hops and boil for 60 Step by Step water. Heat this "grain tea" - approxi-
minutes. Add the liquid malt extract, Step mash with a 10-min. rest at 113 mately 17.4 qts. (16.4 L)- to a boil .
Irish moss, Strisslespalt hops and spices °F (45 °C) , a 10-Inin. rest at 144 °F (62 Boil wort for 60 minutes, adding corn
with 15 minutes left in the boil. °C) , a 15-min. rest at 154 °F (68 °C), a 15- sugar at the begimting of the boil and
Cool wort by sumberging brewpot in min. rest at 162 °F (72 °C) and a 5-min. hops at time indicated. (There is no dried
sink, with the lid on , until the side of th e rest at 169 oF (76 °C). Boil for 90 minutes , malt extract in the recipe.) Add liquid

malt extract, orange peel and licorice kettle. Sparge with 170 °F (77 oc) water. grain tea (with water added) through the
with 15 minutes left in the boil. Cool wort Boil wort for 90 minutes, adding hops at grain bag. Heat liquid in brewpot to a
and transfer to fermenter. Add water to times indicated in recipe. Add sugar and boil, then stir in dried malt extract, add
make 5 gallons (19 L), aerate and pitch yeast nutrients with 15 minutes left in first charge of hops and begin the 60 nlin-
yeast. See the all-grain recipe for fermen- boil. Cool wort and transfer to fermenter. utes boil. With 15 minutes left in boil, add
tation and other remaining instructions. Aerate wort and pitch beer yeast. hops, sugar and yeast nutrients . Then
Thanks to Randy Thiel, Brewmaster at Ferment at 70 °F (21 °C) . Rack to sec- turn off heat and stir in liquid malt
Ommegang, for his lwmebrew recipe. ondary when fermentation is complete extract. Stir well to dissolve extract, then
and add Roeselare blend and dry hops. resume heating. (Keep the boil clock run-
Orval Trappist Ale clone Let condition for 2 months before bot- ning while you stir.) At the end of the boil,
(Brasserie d'Orval, Belgium) tling. Bottle in heavy bottles. cool wort and transfer to fermenter. Add
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) water to make 5 gallons (19 L), aerate
OG = 1.059 FG = 1.002 Orval Trappist Ale clone wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 64 °F
IBU = 33 SRM = 12 (Brasserie d'Orval, Belgium) (18 °C). Rack to secondary and add dry
ABV = 6.2% (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) hops when fermentation is complete .
OG = 1.059 FG = 1.002 Bottle when beer falls clear. Bottle in
Orval pours orange-brown with IBU = 33 SRM = 12 heavy bottles.
a big, rocky head. The very ABV = 6.1%
spritzy levels of carbonation and
lightly sour character make the Ingredients Westmalle Tripel clone
beer feel prickly on the tongue. 1.75 lbs. (0.79 kg) Briess Light (Brouwerij Westmalle, Belgium)
Orval beer is distinctly dry and has little dried malt extract · (5 gallons/19 L,
hop bittemess or jlav01; although it is the 2.25 lbs . (1 .0 kg) Briess Light liquid extract with
only TI-appist ale to be dry hopped. You'll malt extract grains)
really taste the pale malt base, so don't 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) Belgian pale ale malt OG = 1.081
use US, German or English malts for this. 13 oz. (0.37 kg) Vienna malt (6 oL) FG = 1.015
0.25 lbs. (0.11 kg) crystal malt (160 °1) IBU = 39
Ingredients 1.75 lbs. (0.79 kg) cane sugar SRM = 5 ABV = 8.5%
6.25 lbs. (2.8 kg) Belgian pale ale malt 7.5 MU Hallertau-Hersbriicker hops
2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) Vierma malt (60 °1) (60 mins) The quintessent.ial Trappist tripel,
0.25 lbs. (0.11 kg) crystal malt (160 °L) (1.9 oz./53 g of 4% alpha acids) vl'estmalle is very pale, very strong and
1.75 lbs. (0 .79 kg) cane sugar 2.5 MU Styrian Goldings hops (15 mins) wonde1jully smooth. One of the brew-
7.5 MU Hallertau-Hersbriicker hops (0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) house techniques that makes the
(60 mins) 0.33 oz. (9.4 g) Styrian Goldings hops Westmalle beers unique is the use of
(1. 9 oz./53 g of 4% alpha acids) (dry hops) direct gas flames on the copper kettles.
2.5 MU Styrian Goldings hops (15 nrins) v, tsp. yeast nutrients This creates hot spots that may
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) Wyeast 3522 (Belgian Ardennes) or caramelize the wort slightly, giving a
0.33 oz. (9.4 g) Styrian Goldings hops White Labs WLP530 (Abbey Ale) faint bumt-sugar taste to the beers. The
(dry hops) yeast (1. 5 qt./1. 5 L yeast starter) beers are also brewed with very hard
v, tsp. yeast nutrients Wyeast 3526 (Brettanomyces wate1; which certainly contributes to the
Wyeast 3522 (Belgian Ardennes) or lambicus) or White Labs WLP650 character of the tripel.
White Labs WLP530 (Abbey Ale) (Brettanomyces bruxellensis) yeast
yeast (1. 5 qt./1. 5 L yeast starter) (secondary fermentation) Ingredients
Wyeast 3526 (Brettanomyces 1.2 cups corn sugar (for priming) 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) light dried malt extract
lambicus) or White Labs WLP650 3.9 lbs. (1.8 kg) light liquid malt extract
(Brettanomyces bru:rellensis) yeast Step by Step (late addition)
(secondary fermentation) In a large soup pot, heat 4.6 quarts 2.0 lbs. (0 .91 kg) Pilsner malt
1.2 cups corn sugar (for priming) (4.4 L) of water to 164 °F (73 °C). Add 2.0 lbs . (0 .91 kg) sugar (cane sugar or
crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge clear Belgian (rock) candi sugar)
Step by Step bag and let grains steep around 153 °F 9.5 MU Styrian Goldings hops (60 mins)
Heat 2.8 gallons (10 .6 L) of water to (67 °C) for 45 minutes. Wllile grains (1.9 oz./53 gat 5% alpha acid)
164 °F (73 °C), stir in crushed grains and steep, begin heating 2.1 gallons (7 .8 L) of 3 MU Tettnang hops (15 mins)
mash at 153 °F (67 °C). Mash for 60 min- water in your brewpot. When steep is (0 .75 oz./21 kg at 4% alpha acid)
utes then stir in boiled water to raise over, remove 1.5 qts. of water from brew- 3 MU Saaz hops (5 mins)
grain bed temperature to 168 °F (76 °C). pot and add to the "grain tea" in steeping (0. 75 oz./21 kg at 4% alpha acid)
Hold for 5 minutes . Recirculate tmtil wort pot. Place a colander over your brewpot White Labs WLP500 (Trappist Ale) or
is clear, then begin rmming wort off to and place your steeping bag in it. Pour Wyeast 1214 (Belgian Ale) yeast


(1 qt./-1 L yeast starter) IBU = 18-22 SRM = 8 ABV = 7.9% minutes. Collect approximately 7 gallons
1.2 cups corn sugar (for priming) Ingredients wort (26 L) to boil for 90 minutes and
6.6 lbs . (3 .0 kg) Briess unhopped have a 5.5-gallon yield (21-L). As with
Step by Step light malt extract syrup the extract version, add the Candi sugar
Heat 3 qts. (-3 L) water to 161 oF 0.5 lbs. (227 g) Belgian pale malt the last 20 minutes of the boil. Lower the
(72 °C). Crush Pilsner malt and add to 2.0 lbs. (907 g) crystal malt (15 °L) amonnt of the Czech Saaz hops in the first
liquor (heated water). Steep at 150 op 2.0 lbs. (907 g) candi sugar addition of the boil to 1.25 ounces (35 g)
(66 °C) for 45 minutes. Rinse grains with (beet sugar, boil 20 min .) to accotmt for higher extraction ratio of a
1.5 qts. (-1.5 L) of water at 170 op (77 "C). 0.75 oz (21 g) bitter (Curacao) full boil. The remainder of the recipe is
Add water to "grain tea" to make 3 gal- orange peel (boil 60 min.) the same as the extract.
lons (11 L), add dried malt extract and 0. 7 5 oz (21 g) crushed coriander
sugar, stir well and bring to a boil. Boil seeds (boil 5 min.) BJ's Millennium Ale clone
for 60 minutes, adding hops as directed 5.25 AAU Czech Saaz hops (BJ's Restaurant and Brewery,
in ingredient list. Stir in liquid malt (bittering hop, boil 60 min .) multiple locations in U.S.)
extract with 15 minutes left in the boil. (1.5 oz./42 g of 3.5% Alpha acid) (5 gallons/19 L,
Cool wort and transfer to fermenter. Top 5.25 AAU Czech Saaz hops extract with adjunct)
up to 5.0 gallons (19 L) aerate well and (aroma hop, boil 5 min.) OG = 1.090
pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C). Be (1.25 oz./35 g of 3.5% alpha acid) FG = 1.020
prepared for fmal stages of fermentation White Labs WLP530 (Abbey Ale) or IBU = 25 SRM = 7
to proceed slowly. Don't rush, get your Wyeast 17 62 (Belgian Abbey II) ABV = 9.0%
beer into bottles, prime with sugar, bottle 0.75 cup (180 mL) of corn sugar Ingredients
and age eight to 10 weeks. Will improve (for priming) 2 lb 15 oz. (1.3 kg) Muntons Light dried
with more aging, up to about a year. malt extract
Serve at 50 op (10 "C) in a wide-mouthed, Step by Step 6.6 lbs. (3.0 kg) Muntons Light liquid
stemmed chalice. Steep the crushed malts in 3 gallons malt extract (late addition)
(11 L) of water at 152 °F (67 °C) for 30 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) honey (orange blossom)
All-grain version: minutes . Remove grains from wort, add 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) light Belgian
Mash 12.75 lbs. (5 .8 kg) of Pilsner the malt syrup and bring to a boil. Add candi sugar
malt in your kettle. Mash in at 131 op the Saaz bittering hops and bitter orange 8 AAU Hallertau Hersbrucker hops
(55 °C), stirring the grains into 4 gallons peel and boil for 60 minutes. Add the (60 mins)
(15 L) of water at around 142 op (61 °C), candi sugar for the last 20 minutes of the (2 oz./56 g of 4% alpha acid)
then ramp the mash temperature to 148 boil. Add the crushed coriander and sec- 1 oz. (28 g) bitter orange peel (Curacao)
°F (64 °C), stirring as you heat. Quickly ond addition of Saaz hops for the last 5 1 oz. (28 g) ginger root
boost mash temperature to 168 °F (76 °C) minutes of the boil. 0.5 oz. (14 g) coriander seed (crushed)
before transferring wort to your Iauter Now add the wort to 2 gallons (7 .5 L) 1 tsp. Irish moss
tun. Ramp time (from 131-148 oF/55-64 of cool water in a sanitary fermenter, and White Labs WLP500 (Trappist Ale) or
"C) should take at least an hour; longer top off with cool water to 5.5 gallons (21 Wyeast 3787 (Trappist Ale) yeast
times (up to several hours) will give more L) . Cool the wort to 75 oF (24 °C), aerate 0 .75 cup of corn sugar (for priming)
fermentable worts and drier, more alco- the beer and pitch yom yeast.
holic beers. (Westmalle Tripel's apparent Allow the beer to cool over the next Step by Step
attenuation is 88%, giving it 9.6% ABV.) few hours to 68 °F (20 °C) , and hold at Bring 3.0 gallons (11.4 L) of water to
Collect about 7 gallons (26 L) of wort and this temperature until the beer has fin- a boil. Remove from heat. Add dried
boil for roughly 2 hours total (w1til you ished fermenting. Dan recommends hold- extract, honey and candi sugar and
reach 5 gallons/19 L) Make hop additions ing the beer at 68 °F (20 °C) for another 3 retmn to boil. Add hops and boil 60 min.
as directed in ingredient list. Add sugar days for a diacetyl rest, and then to cool Add liquid malt extract and Irish moss for
at least 15 minutes before end of boil. the beer to 32 °F (0 °C) for another 3 days final 15 minutes of boil. Add spices for
Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C). (Do not let tem- to drop the yeast out of suspension and the last 10 min. of the boil.
peratme rise during fermentation.) clear the beer. Then bottle and keg your Cool wort by submerging brewpot in
beer and enjoy! sink, with the lid on, nntil the side of the
BJ's Grand Cru clone brewpot no longer feels warm. Transfer
(BJ's Restaurant and Brewery, All-.g rain version: wort to fermenter and top up to 5 gallons
multiple This is a single step infusion mash. (19 L) with cool water. Aerate wort and
locations in U.S.) Replace the malt syrup with 9.5 lbs . of pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) .
(5 gallons/19 L, Belgian Pale malt (for at total of 10 lbs . Bottle and age for a month.
extract with grains) (4.5 kg) Belgian pale malt), along with the
OG = 1.075 2 lbs. (907 g) of crystal malt. Mash the 2
FG = 1.015 grains together at 152 "F (67 "C) for 60

All-grain version: heat. (Any temperature tmder 170 op (77 squeeze bag. Add "grain tea" fi·om the
Replace the malt extract with °C) is fine). Recirculate tmtil wort is clear, steeping pot to your brewpot and heat to
14.5 lbs. (6.6 kg) Belgian pale malt. Mash then collect about 5 gallons (19 L) of a boil. Once boiling, shut off heat and stir
grain at 154 op (67 .8 °C) in 19 qts. (18 L) wort, sparging with water sufficiently hot ·in malt extract. Heat to a boil again and
of water for 60 min. Collect 7. 5 gallons to keep grain bed between 165-170 op boil for 60 minutes, adding hops once ini-
(28 L) wort and boil to reduce to 5.0 gal- (74-77 oc). Add 1.5 gallons of water and tial foaming subsides. Add corn syrup for
lons (19 L) , about 2.5 hours . Ferment at boil wort for 90 minutes, adding bittering the last 15 minutes of boil, stirring well to
68 op (20 °C) . hops for final 60 minutes. Add yeast avoid scorching. See the all-grain recipe
nutrient and Irish moss with 15 minutes for cooling and fermenting instructions.
left in the boil. Cool wort quickly to 54-65

LAGER BEERS op (12-18 °C) , aerate well and pitch yeast

sediment from yeast starter. Ferment at
54 op (12 °C) for 10-12 days , then let tem-
Heineken clone
(Heineken Brouwerijen,
Shiner Bock clone perature raise to 60 op (16 oc ) for a (undiluted base beer)
(Spoetzel Brewery, Texas) di.acetyl rest. This should take about 2 (5 gallons/19L, all -grain)
(5 gallons/19 L, days, but taste beer before cooling. Rack OG = 1.053
all-grain) beer to secondary fermenter and ool beer FG = 1.007
OG = 1.043 FG 1.010 to 32-40 op (0-4.4 °C) . Lager for 30-45 IBU = 25 SRM = 5
IBU = 17 SRM = 16 days . ABV = 6.0%
.___ __.._ _ __. ABV = 4.3%
Shiner Bock clone (post-dilution) (6 gallons/23L)
Ingredients (Spoetzel Brewery, Texas) virtual OG = 1.045 FG = 1.006
3.0 lbs. (1.36 kg) 6-row pale malt (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) IBU = 21 SRM = 4 ABV = 5.0%
3.0 lbs . (1.36 kg) Vienna malt (6 °L) OG = 1.039-1.043 FG 1.010
2.66 lbs. (1.21 kg) corn grits IBU = 17 SRM = 16 ABV = 4.3% Ingredients
0 .66 lbs. (0.29 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 8.0 lbs. (3.6 kg) 2-row Pilsner malt
0. 75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (500 °L) Ingredients 5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) Weyermann
4.62 AAU Brewer's Gold hops 2.8 lbs. (1.3 kg) Briess Light liquid acidulated malt
(0.6 oz./16 g of 8% alpha acids) malt extract 4.0 oz. (0 .11 kg) CaraPils malt
1 tsp . Irish moss 1.9 lbs . (0.86 kg) brewers corn syrup 2.4 lbs. (1.1 kg) corn grits
Ys tsp yeast nutrient 0.25 lbs. (0.11 kg) 6-row pale malt 2 tsp Irish moss
White Labs WLP940 (Mexican 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) y, tsp yeast nutrients
Lager) or Wyeast 224 7 0.66 lbs . (0.29 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 6.6 AAU Magnum hops (60 mins)
(Emopean Lager II) yeast 0.75 oz. (21 g) roasted barley (500 °L) (0.41 oz./12 g of 16% alpha acids)
(4 qt./4L starter) 4.62 AAU Brewer's Gold hops 0.13 oz. (3 .5 g) Saaz hops (15 mins)
% cup corn sugar (for priming) (0.6 oz./16 g of 8% alpha acids) Wyeast 2024 (Danish Lager) or White
1 tsp. Irish moss Labs WLP850 (Copenhagen
Step by Step Ys tsp yeast nutrient Lager) yeast
In a large kitchen pot, mix corn grits, White Labs WLP940 (Mexican (3 qt./-3 L yeast starter at
5 oz. (141 g) of the 6-row malt and 3.3 Lager) or '"'yeast 2247 SG 1.030-1.040)
qts. (3.1 L) of 159 op (71 °C) water to (European Lager II) yeast 2 tsp . Polyclar AT (fining agent)
make a cereal mash . Hold cereal mash at (at least 2 qt./-2L starter) 1 gallon (3 .8 L) dearated water
148 op (64 °C) for 15 minutes . While % cup corn sugar (for priming) (for blending)
cereal mash is resting, pour the rest of 1.25 cups corn sugar (for priming)
the grains into yom brew kettle and mash Step by Step
in to 140 op (60 °C). Use about 1.66 gal- Begin by heating 1.75 gallons (6.6 L) Step by Step
lons (6 .3 L) of water for an initially thick of water in your brewpot and 3 quarts Heat 12 quarts (11 L) of water to 142
mash. Heat the cereal mash to a boil, stir- (2.8 L) of steeping water in a separate 6-8 op (61 oC) in your kettle . Set aside corn
ring constantly, and boil for 30 minutes. qt. (-6-8 L) pot. Place crushed grains in a grits and one pow1d (0.45 kg) of Pilsner
After boiling the cereal mash, add it to nylon or muslin steeping bag. When malt. Stir remaining crushed grains into
the main mash and adjust temperatme steeping water reaches 169 op (76 °C), hot water and mash at 131 op (55 °C).
with water to 152 op (67 °C). This should tmn ofT heat and begin steeping. The Make cereal mash by combining 5.0
bring yom mash thickness into the nor- temperature of the "steep" should drop to quarts (4 .7 L) of water with grits and
mal range. Mash for 45 minutes, then around 158 op (70 oc). When the temper- crushed Pilsner malt. While main mash is
heat mash to 165 op (74 °C) . Stir fre- atme of the steeping water falls to 148 op resting, begin heating cereal mash to 158
quently, and expect the temperature to (64 oc) , remove grain bag from steeping op (70 °C) . Hold cereal mash at 158 op (70
keep climbing a bit after you shut off the water. Do not rinse grains with water or °C) for 5 minutes , then heat to a boil, stir-


ring constantly. Boil cereal mash for 15 malt extract (LME) Varum clone
minutes. After main mash has rested 15 1 lb. 7 oz. (0.65 kg) brewers corn syrup (Warsteiner Brauerei, Germany)
minutes, begin heating it to 140 °F (60 1 tsp Irish moss (5 gallons/19 L, extract
°F). Stir this mash as well. (If you don't v, tsp yeast nutrients with grains)
have a brewing partner, save yourself 5.4 AAU Magnum hops (60 mins) OG = 1.046 FG = 1.009
some headaches and make the cereal (0.33 oz./9.6 g of 16% alpha acids) IBU = 33 SAM =4 ABV = 4.8%
mash immediately before mashing in the 0.11 oz. (3 .1 g) Saaz hops (15 mins)
main mash.) Hold main mash at 140 °F Wyeast 2024 (Danish Lager) or White Warsteiner is a well-known
(60 °C) for 15 minutes. Stir cereal mash Labs WLP850 (Copenhagen German Pils1W1: This light-col-
into main mash and adjust temperature Lager) yeast ored lager has a more rounded,
to 152 °F (67 °C). Hold at this tempera- (2 qt./-2 L yeast starter at less crisp, malt profile compared
ture for 45 minutes, then heat to 170 oF SG 1.030-1.040) to Bitburge1: 1l·eat your yeast well to
(77 °C) . Transfer mash to Iauter tun (and 1.5 tsp. Polyclar AT (fining agent) reach the fairly low final gravity of this
rinse out your kettle). Recirculate wort 1.0 cup corn sugar (for priming) bee1:
for 20 minutes, then begin running off Step by Step
wort. Heat sparge water to 190 °F (88 °C) Put crushed Pilsner malt in a nylon Ingredients
and monitor the temperature of the top of steeping bag. In a large (8 qt/8 L or big- 1.35 lbs. (0.61 kg) Coopers Extra
the grain bed. When it reaches 170 oF (77 ger) kitchen pot, heat 3 quarts (-3 L) of Light dried malt extract
°C), add cool water to sparge water to water to 169 °F (76 °C), turn off heat and 3.75 lbs. (1.7 kg) Weyermann
cool it to 170 OF (77 °C). Collect wort until dunk steeping bag. Steep grains for 45 Bavarian Pilsner liquid malt
the specific gravity of the final runnings is minutes. If steeping temperature falls extract (late addition)
below 1.008 or the pH climbs above 5.8. below 148 °F (64 °C), heat slowly to 158 1. 7 lbs. (0. 77 kg) Pilsner malt
Add enough water so you will yield 5 gal- °F (70 °C). (This is actually a partial 0.25 lbs. (0.11 kg) CaraPils malt
lons of wort after a 90 minutes boil - mash, so follow temperatures and liquid 6.65 AAU Magnum hops (60 mins)
around 6.5-7 gallons (25-26 L) for a rea- amounts closely.) While grains are steep- (0.48 oz./13 g of 14% alpha acids)
sonable evaporation rate. Add a pinch of ing, heat 2.0 gallons (7.6 L) of water to 2 AAU Tettnang hops (15 mins)
calciwn (CaCI 2 or gypsum) at the begin- 180 °F (82 °C) in your brewpot. When (0.5 oz./14 g of 4% alpha acids)
ning of the boil. Add hops at times indi- steep is over, add 2 quarts (-2 L) of hot 2 AAU Hallertau-Hersbriicker hops
cated in recipe. Add Irish moss and yeast water from kettle to the "grain tea" in the (15 mins)
nutrients with 15 minutes left in the boil. steeping pot. Remove grain bag and place (0.5 oz./14 g of 4% alpha acids)
After boil, cool quickly and transfer to in colander over brewpot. Pour the dilut- 0.25 oz. (7.1 g) Hallertau-Hersbriicker
fermenter. Aerate and pitch yeast sedi- ed "grain tea" through the grains in the hops (0 mins)
ment from yeast starter. Ferment at 53 oF steeping bag. Discard grain bag, add 0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Saaz hops (0 mins)
(12 °C) until terminal gravity is within 3 DME and corn syrup to the liquid in the 1 tsp Irish moss
"gravity points" of final gravity. Let tem- kettle and bring to a boil. Once a boil is Wyeast 2124 (Bohemian Lager) or
perature rise to 60 °F (16 °C) and let rest reached, wait until the foam subsides and White Labs WLP830
until diacetly is gone. Cool to 30-40 °F then add hops and begin timing the 60 (German Lager) yeast
(-1.1-4.4 °C) and lager for 4-6 weeks. Add minute boil. With 15 minutes left in boil, (4 qt./4 L yeast starter)
2 tsp PolyClar AT to beer the night before add Saaz hops, Irish moss and yeast lis cup corn sugar (for priming)
you keg or bottle it. Dilute 5 gallons (19 L) nutrients, then turn off heat and stir in
of base beer to 6 gallons (23 L) of finished LME. Resume heating once LME is com- Step by Step
beer by blending base beer with 1 gallon pletely dissolved . (Keep boil clock run- In a large soup pot, heat 3.0 quarts
(3 .8 L) of deaerated water. Package in keg ning.) After boil, cool wort quickly and (2.0 L) of water to 167 °F (75 °C). Add
or green bottles. transfer to fermenter. Add water in fer- crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge
menter to make 5 gallons (19 L) . Aerate bag and let grains steep around 156 °F
Heineken clone and pitch yeast sediment from yeast (69 °C) for 45 minutes. While grains
(Heineken Brouwerijen, starter. Ferment at 53 °F (12 °C) until ter- steep, begin heating 2.4 gallons (9.0 L) of
Netherlands) minal gravity is within 3 "gravity points" water in your brewpot. When steep is
(5 gallons/19L, extract with grains) of final gravity. Let temperature raise to over, remove 1.0 qt. (0.9 L) of water from
OG = 1.045 FG = 1.006 60 °F (16 °C) and let rest until diacetly is brewpot and add to the "grain tea" in
IBU = 21 SAM =4 ABV = 5.0% gone. Cool to 30-40 °F (-1.1-4.4 °C) and steeping pot. Place colander over brew-
lager for 4-6 weeks. Add 1.5 tsp PolyClar pot and place steeping bag in it. Pour
Ingredients AT to beer the day before you keg or bot- grain tea (with water added) through
2.0 lbs. (0. 91 kg) 2-row Pilsner malt tle it. Prime beer with corn sugar and grain bag. This will strain out any solid
13 .6 oz. (0.39 kg) Laaglander Light dried bottle in green bottles. bits of grain and rinse some sugar from
malt extract (DME) the grains. Heat liquid in brewpot to a
2.5 lbs. (1.13 kg) Coopers Light liquid Warsteiner Premium boil, then stir in dried malt extract, add

first charge of hops and begin the 60 adding hops at tin1es indicated in recipe. dried malt extract
minute boil. Add other hop charges at Add liquid malt extract with 15 minutes 5.33 lbs. (2.42 kg) Weyermann
times indicated. With 15 minutes left in remaining in the boil. Cool wort to 55 •F Bavarian Dunkel liquid malt
boil, add Irish moss. At end of boil, turn (13 "C), transfer to fermenter and top up extract (late addition)
off heat and stir in liquid malt extract. to 5.0 gallons (19 L) with water. Aerate 1.33 lbs. (0.60 kg) Munich malt (10 •LJ
Stir weB to dissolve extract, and let hot wort well and pitch yeast. Ferment at 55 1.33 lbs. (0.60 kg) Munich malt (20 •L)
wort sit (covered) for 15 minutes before •F (13 "C). Near end of prin1ary fermenta- 0.33 lbs . (0.15 kg) chocolate malt
cooling. Cool wort and transfer to fer- tion, let beer warm up to 60-65 •F (16-18 6 AAU Hallertau hops (60 mins)
menter. Add water to make 5 gallons (19 °C), then rack to secondary, cool and (1 .5 oz./42 g of 4% alpha acids)
L), aerate wort and pitch yeast. Ferment lager at 35-38 •p (2-3 "C), for six weeks. 1 tsp Irish moss
at 55 •F (13 •c). Rack to secondary when Bottle condition warm for two days, then Wyeast 2206 (Bavarian Lager) or
fermentation is complete. Bottle a few lager in bottles at 38-40 •p (3-4 "C) for White Labs WLP820
days later, when beer falls clear. four to six weeks. (Octoberfest!Marzen) yeast
(4 qt./4 L yeast starter)
All-grain version: All -grain version: 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
Replace the grains and extracts Mash 8.75 lbs. (3.9 kg) of Pilsner
above with 9.0 lbs. (4.1 kg) Pilsner malt malt, along with the CaraPils in the Step by Step
and 6.0 oz. (170 g) CaraPils malt. Use a recipe, in your kettle . Use 4.5 gallons In a large soup pot, heat 4.4 quarts
step infusion mash with 15 minute rests (17 L) of mash liquor and begin mash at (4.2 L) of water to 169 •p (76 ·c). Add
at 131 °F (55 ·c) and 140 °F (60 °C) and 140 •F (60 "C). (This is a somewhat thin crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge
45 minute rest at 149 •F (65 •c). Boil wort mash, compared to most homebrew bag and let grains steep around 158 •p
for 90 minutes. mashes.) Hold for 15 minutes, then heat (70 •c) for 45 minutes. While grains
to 150 •p (66 "C). Hold 45 minutes, then steep, begin heating 2.1 gallons (7.8 L) of
heat to 170 •F (77 "C) and transfer mash water in your brewpot. When steep is
Bitburger Premium clone to Iauter tun. Collect around 5 gallons complete, remove 1.5 qts. (1.4 L) of water
(Bitburger Brewery, Germany) (19 L) of wort, add 1. 5 galJons (5 . 7 L) of from brewpot and add to the "grain tea"
(5 gallons/19 L, extract water and boil for 90 minutes. Add hops in steeping pot. Place colander over
with grains) at tin1es indicated in ingredient list. Cool brewpot and place steeping bag in it.
OG = 1.045 FG = 1 .011 wort to 55 •F (13 "C), aerate well and Pour grain tea (with water added)
IBU = 38 SRM = 5 pitch yeast. Ferment at 55 •F(13 "C), then through grain bag. This will strain out
ABV = 4.5% lager at near freezing temperatures . any solid bits of grain and rinse some
Perform a diacetyl rest (let temperature sugar from the grains. Heat liquid in
rise to 60 •F/16 "C for 2-3 days) in brewpot to a boil, then stir in dried malt
Ingredients between primary fermentation and lager- extract, add hops and begin the 60
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Pilsner malt ing. (With the mash descrilied above, you minute boil. With 15 minutes left in boil,
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) CaraPils malt should achieve a lower FG than that add Irish moss. Then turn off heat and
1.5 lbs. (0 .68 kg) light dried malt extract given in the extract recipe. Your all-grain stir in liquid malt extract. Stir well to dis-
3.3 lbs. 1.49 kg) light liquid malt extract brew should finish around 1.008, yielding solve extract, then resume heating. (Keep
(late addition) a 4.8% ABV beer - the level of alcohol the boil clock running while you stir.) At
8.75 AAU Perle hops quoted for Bitburger.) the end of the boil, cool wort and transfer
(1.1 oz./31 gat 8% alpha acid) to fermenter. Add water to make 5 gal-
3 AAU Hallertau hops Ayinger Celebrator clone lons (19 L). Aerate wort and pitch yeast.
(0. 75 oz./21 g at 4% alpha acid) (Brauerei Aying, Germany) Ferment at 55 •F (13 •c). When fermen-
Wyeast 2007 (Pilsen Lager) or White ~~~~~• (5 gallons/19 L, extract tation is complete, allow temperature to
Labs WLP830 (German Lager) yeast with grains) rise to 60 •p (16 •c) for two days, then
(3 qt./-3 L yeast starter) OG = 1.073 rack to secondary and cool to 40 •p (4.4
Ys cup corn sugar (for priming) = 1.021 FG •c). Lager for at least six weeks, then bot-
lr~~~~WJ IBU = 22 SRM = 30 tle or keg.
Step by Step II ABV = 6.7%
Place the crushed grains in a grain All -grain version:
bag. Steep them in 3 qts. (2.8 L) of water This massively malty Bavarian Replace the extracts and malts given
at 148 •p (64 "C) for 45 minutes. Rinse dopplebock is darker than Salvator ancl above with 10.2lbs. (4.6 kg) Pilsner malt,
grain bag with 1.5 quarts (-1.5 L) of shows a distinct chocolate malt charac- 2.33 lbs. (1.05 kg) Munich malt (10 °L),
water at 170 •F (77 "C). Remove grains, tel: 2.33 lbs. (1.05 kg) Munich malt (20 •u
add water to "grain tea" to make 3 gal- and 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) dehusked Carafa II
lons (11 L), add dried malt extract and Ingredients malt. Perform a single decoction mash
stir well . Bring to a boil. Boil 60 minutes, 2.75 lbs. (1 .25 kg) Laaglander Light with a 15 minutes rest at 131 •p (55 •c)


and a rest at 158 •F (70 •c) for 45 min- grains at 155 °F (68 °C) for 60 minutes in beer to a secondary and cool the beer
utes. Boil wort for 90 minutes. 13 qts. (12 L) of mash water. Collect 5.0 again to 50 °F (10 °C) for another four
gallons (19 L) of wort, add 1.5 gallons (5.7 days. Finally, Sin City lagers the beer at
Creemore Springs L) of water and boil for 90 minutes. near freezing for another two weeks.
Premium Lager clone Ferment at 58 oF (14 •c).
(Creemore Springs Brewery, All-grain version:
Ontario) Sin City Amber clone This is a multiple step infusion mash .
(5 gallons/19 L, (Sin City Brewery, Nevada) Your grain bill will be 8.5 lbs . (3 .8 kg)
extract with grains) German Pilsner malt, 1.5 lbs. (0.7 kg)
"" OG = 1.048 extract with grains) German Munich (15 °L), and 1.0 lbs . (0.5
FG = 1.012 OG = 1.053 FG = 1.012 kg) German Munich (10 °L) . Mash grains
IBU = 22 SRM = 8 IBU = 18 SRM = 11 together at 100 op (38 °C) for 20 minutes,
ABV = 4.6% then increase to 125 °F (52 °C) for 10
Ingredients minutes, then 150 °F (66 °C) for 25 min-
1.8 lbs. (0.82 kg) light dried malt extract Ingredients utes, then 162 °F (72 °C) for 30 minutes,
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Coopers light liquid 3.3 lbs . (1.5 kg) Coopers light liquid then 172 °F (78 °C) for 5 minutes, then
malt extract (late addition) malt extract begin runoff. Collect enough wort to boil
1.5 lb. (0 .68 kg) Pilsner malt 2.25 lbs. (1.0 kg) Coopers light dried for 90 minutes and have a 5.5-gallon
0.5 lb. (0 .23 kg) crystal malt (30° L) malt extract (20.9-L) yield (-7 gallons or 26.6 L).
5.25 AAU Czech Saaz hops (60 mins) 1.5 lb. (0.7 kg) German Munich
(1.5 oz./42 g of 3.5% alpha acid) malt (15 °L) Sprecher Special Amber Lager
3.5 AAU Czech Saaz hops (5 mins) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) German Munich clone (Sprecher Brewing Co.,
(1 oz./28 g of 3.5% alpha acid) malt (1 0 °L) Wisconsin)
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) (5 gallons/19 L,
White Labs WLP810 (San Francisco 4.75 AAU Hallertau Hersbriicker hops extract with grains)
Lager) or Wyeast 2112 (California (60 mins) OG = 1.052
Lager) yeast (1.0 oz./28 g of 4. 75% alpha acids) FG = 1.013
(1.75 qt./-1.75 L yeast starter) 2.4 AAU Hallertau Hersbriicker hops
0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) (10 mins) IBU = 22 SRM = 17 ABV = 5.0%
(0.5 oz./14 g of 4.75% alpha acid)
Step by Step White Labs WLP820 (Oktoberfest/ Ingredients
Steep the crushed malts in 3.0 qts. Marzen Lager) or Wyeast 2308 2 lb. 2 oz. (0.96 kg) Briess Light dried
(2.8 L) of water at 150 oF (66 °C) for 30 (Munich Lager) yeast malt extract
minutes. Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (1.5 L) 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) Alexander's Pale liquid
of water at 170 op (77 °C) . Add water to malt extract (late addition)
make 3.0 gallons (11 L), add dried malt Step by Step 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) dark Munich malt (20 °L)
extract and bring to a boil. Add Saaz (bit- Steep the 2 crushed Munich malts in 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) Belgian CaraVienna malt
tering) hops and boil for 60 minutes. Add 3 gallons (11 L) of water at 150 op 0.5 lb. (0 .23 kg) crystal malt (120 °L)
liquid malt extract and Irish moss for last (66 °C) for 30 minutes . Remove grains 5.5 AAU Cascade hops (60 mins)
15 minutes of boil. Add Saaz (aroma) from wort, add the malt syrup and dry (0.91 oz./25 g of 5.0% alpha acid)
hops for last 5 minutes of the boil. malt extract and bring to a boil. Add the 4.0 AAU Mt. Hood hops (2 mins)
When done boiling, cool wort by sub- first addition of Hallertau Hersbriicker (1.0 oz./28 g of 4.0% alpha acid)
merging brewpot in sink, (with the lid on) hops, Irish moss, and boil for 60 minutes. 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
until the side of the brewpot is cool to the Add the last addition of Hallertau Wyeast 2206 (Bavarian Lager) or White
touch. Transfer wort to fermenter and Hersbriicker hops for the last 10 minutes Labs vVLP830 (German Lager) yeast
top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with cool water. of the boil. Now add wort to 2 gallons (7.6 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming)
Aerate wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at L) cool water in a sanitary fermenter, and
58-60 °F (14-16 °C) until the yeast has top off with cool water to 5.5 gallons Step by Step
fermented completely. Then drop the (20.9 L). Cool the wort to 75 oF (24 °C), Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
temperature of the beer to 35-40 °F aerate the beer and pitch your yeast. ing bag and steep in 2.3 qts. (2 .1 L) of
(1 .7-4.4 °C) and lager for a minimum of 2 Allow the beer to cool over the next few water at 150 °F (66 •c) for 30 minutes.
weeks . Bottle your beer, age for 2-3 hours to 68 °F (20 °C) and hold at this Rinse grains with 1.3 qts . (-1.3 L) of
weeks and enjoy! temperature until the yeast has started water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to
fermenting. Then cool to 50 oF (10 °C) make 3 gallons (11 L) , stir in dried malt
All-grain version: until finished fermentation . Sin City then extract and bring to a boil. Add the
Replace the light syrup with 9.25 lbs . does a diacetyl rest by warming the beer Cascade hops and boil for 60 minutes.
(4 .2 kg) two-row pale malt. Mash all your to 70 oF (21 °C) for 4 days. Then rack the Add liquid malt extract and Irish moss for

last 15 minutes of boil. Add the Mt. Hood (-1.5 L) of water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add (aroma/finishing hop)
hops for the last two minutes of the boil. water to make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in (1.0 oz./28 g of 4.7% alpha acid)
When done boiling, cool wort by sub- dried malt extract and bring to a boil. 3.5 AAU Czech Saaz hops
merging brewpot in sink, with the lid on, Add first charge Hallertau hops and (aroma/finishing hop)
until the side of the brewpot feels cool. boil for 60 minutes. Add second charge of (1.0 oz./28 g of 3.5% alpha acid)
Transfer wort to fermenter and top up to Hallertau hops with 30 minutes left in the White Labs WLP830 (German Lager)
5 gallons (19 L) with cool water. Aerate boil. Add the liquid malt extract, rish or Wyeast 2206 (Bavarian Lager)
wort and pitch yeast. Ferment at 50 oF moss and Saaz hops \'lith 15 minutes left yeast
(10 °C) until fermentation is complete, in the boil . Remove from heat. Cool wort 0. 7 5 cup of corn sugar (for prinling)
about 14 days . Then, cool the beer to 33 to about 50 °F (10 °C) and transfer to fer-
°F (0.6 °C) and lager for an additional menting vessel. Top up to 5.0 gallons (19 Step by Step
three to five weeks. Bottle your beer, car- L) with water, aerate and pitch yeast. Steep crushed grains in 3 gallons (11
bonate and enjoy! Ferment at 50 oF (10 °C) until complete L) of water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 mins.
(ten days to two weeks) , then transfer to Remove grains from wort, add Northern
All-grain version: a secondary vessel for two to three Brewer hops , malt syrup and bring to a
Replace the extracts with 9.25 lbs . weeks. Rack into bottles or keg with corn boil. Add Irish moss and boil for 60 mins.
(4.2 kg) Pilsner malt. The Sprecher brew- sugar and maintain at fermentation tem- Add the first addition of Czech Saaz hops
ery does a two-step mash. Mash all your perature for three to five days. Finally, for last 20 mins of boil . Add Hallertau
grains at 122 op (50 °C) for 30 minutes, drop temperature to 35-40 °F (1.7-4.4 Hersbrucker and final addition of Czech
then raise the temperature to 155 °F °C) for two or more weeks . Saaz for last 5 mins. of boil.
(68 °C) for 45 minutes. Collect 6.0 gallons When done boiling, add wort to 2 gal-
(23 L) of wort, add 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) of All-grain version: lons (7.6 L) cool water in a sanitary fer-
water and boil for 90 minutes. Ferment Omit extract and mash 6. 75 lbs. menter and top off with cool water to 5.5
at 50 °F (10 °C) . (3 .1 kg) Pilsner malt and 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) gallons (20.9 L). Cool wort to 75 °F (24 °C)
in 12 qts . (11 L) of water to get a single- aerate the beer and pitch yeast. Allow the
Labatt Blue clone (Labatt Brewing infusion mash temperature of 152 OF beer to cool over the next few hours to 65
Co., Ontario) (67 °C) for 45 minutes. [You could also do °F (18 °C) and hold until the yeast has
(5 gallons/19 L, a step mash with a 15-minute rest at 122 started fermentation. When fermentation
extract with grains) OF (50 °C) and a 45 minute rest at 152 OF. starts, reduce temper ature to 50 °F (10
OG = 1.045 (67 °C).] Collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort, °C) and hold until beer has dropped to
FG = 1.009 IBU = 20 SAM = 5 ABV = 4.5% add 1.0 gallon (3 .8 L) of water and boil fmal gravity. This should take about 3
for 90 minutes. Ferment at 50 oF (10 °C) . weeks. Bottle your beer, lager at 45 °F (7
Ingredients Lager at 40 oF (4.4 °C). °C) for 4-6 weeks and Enjoy!
0.75 lb . (0.34 kg) Briess Light dried
malt extract La Conner Pilsner clone (La All -grain version:
3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Coopers Light liquid Conner Brewing Co., Washington) Tllis is a single infusion mash. Use
malt extract (late addition) (5 gallons/19 L, 4.75 lbs. (2.2 kg) of both Dingeman
1 lb. 6 oz. (0.62 kg) six-row pale malt extract with grains) Pilsner Weyermann pilsner malts. Mash
10 oz. (0.28 kg) flaked maize 08=1.051-1 .056 grains at 151 °F (66 °C) for 60 mins.
1.0 lb . (0 .45 kg) corn sugar FG=1.013-1.014 Collect enough wort to boil for 90 mins .
4.5 AAUs Hallertau hops (60 mins) IBU = 37 SAM= 5 and have a 5.5-gallon (21-L) yield. Lower
(1.1 oz./31 gat 4% alpha acid) ABV = 4.9-5 .4% the amount of Northern Brewer boiling
1AAUs Hallertau hops (30 mins) hops to 0.66 oz. (18.5 grams) to account
(0.25 oz./7 g at 4% alpha acid) Ingredients for lligher extraction ratio of a full boil.
0.25 oz. (7.1 g) Saaz hops (0 mins) 6.6 lbs (3 .0 kg) Coopers light malt LaConner Brewing uses the first wort
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) extract syrup addition method of hopping, so add the
Wyeast 2272 (North American Lager) or 0.75 lb. (0 .34 kg) Dingeman Pilsner malt Northern Brewer hops to the wort when
White Labs WLP800 Pilsner Lager) 0.75 lb. (0 .34 kg) Weyermann Pilsner the runoff is finish ed, and leave them in
yeast malt the beer during the boil. The remainder
(3 qt./-3 L yeast starter) 1 tsp . Irish moss of the recipe is the same as the extract.
V. cup corn sugar (for priming) 9.0 AAU Northern Brewer hops
(bittering hop/60 mins) Eastside Dark clone (Lakefront
Step by Step (1.0 oz./28 g of 9.0% alpha acid) Brewery, Wisconsin)
Place maize and crushed malts in a 3.5 AAU Czech Saaz hops (5 gallons/19 L, extract
nylon steeping bag and steep in 3.0 qts. (flavor hop/20 mins) with grains)
(2 .8 L) of water at 150 oF (66 °C) for 45 (1 .0 oz./28 g of 3.5% alpha acid) OG = 1.060 FG= 1.015
minutes . Rinse grains with 1.5 qts . 4.7 AAU Hallertau Hersbrucker hops IBU = 20 SAM= 24 ABV = 5.8%


Ingredients mg gravity, then bottle or keg your beer
0.75 lb. (0.34 kg) Briess light dried Saint Arnold Summer Pils clone and enjoy!
malt extract (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.,
6.6 lbs. (3.0 kg) Briess light liquid Texas) All -grain version:
malt extract (5 Gallons/19 L, extract This is a single step infusion mash.
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Pilsner malt with grains) Yom gram bill will be 9.5 lbs . (4.3 kg) of
10 oz. (0.28 kg) Briess Munich malt OG = 1.048 FG = 1.008 German Pilsner malt and 3 ounces (9 g) of
5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) Briess chocolate malt IBU = 30 SRM = 5 German Munich malt. Mash the two
0.75 oz. (21 g) Briess black patent malt ABV = 5.2% grains together at 152 op (67 "C) for 60
4.5 AAU Mt. Hood hops (60 mins) minutes.
(0.9 oz./25 g of 5% alpha acid) Ingredients Brock Wagner (of Saint Arnold
1.75 AAU Mt. Hood hops (15 mins) 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Coopers Light unhopped Brewing) suggests a slightly thmner than
(0.35 oz./10 g of 5% alpha acid) liquid malt extract normal mash to produce a higher degree
1.0 AAU Mt. Hood hops (2 mills) 2.3 lbs. (1.0 kg) Coopers Light of fermentability. Collect approximately 7
(0.2 oz./6 g of 5% alpha acid) unhopped dried malt extract gallons (26 L) wort to boil for 90 milmtes
1 tsp Irish moss (15 mins) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) German Pilsner malt to yield 5.5 gallons (21 L).
White Labs WLP830 (German Lager) or 3.0 oz. (85 g) German Munich malt Lower the amount of the Hallertauer
Wyeast 2206 (Bavarian Lager) yeast 1 tsp (5 mL) Irish moss (15 min) hops in the flrst addition of the boil to
(3 qt./-3 L yeast starter) 8.0 AAU Hallertauer hops (60 min) 1.75 ounces (50 g) to account for higher
0 .75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (2.0 oz./56 g of 4.0% alpha acid) extraction ratio of a full boil.
3.5 AAU Saaz hops (0 mill) Brock suggests a "flrst wort hopping"
Step by Step (1.0 oz./28 g of 3.5% alpha acid) addition for these hops, which means you
Steep crushed malts in 3.0 qts. (2 .8 L) 1.3 AAU Hallertauer hops (0 min) add the hops to the wort to the kettle as
of water at 150 op (66 °C) for 30 minutes. (0 .33 oz./9 g of 4.0% alpha acid) you collect it- when the heating wort is
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts. (-1 .5 L) of White Labs WLP830 (German Lager) or around 170 "F (77 "C) - rather than
water at 170 op (77 oc). Add water to Wyeast 2206 (German Lager) yeast waiting for the wort to come up to a boil.
make 3 gallons (11 L). Add dried malt 0.75 cup (180 mL) corn sugar The fermentation and lagering proce-
extract and bring to a boil. Add Mt. Hood (for priming) dures for your beer are the same as in the
(bittermg) hops and boil for 60 minutes. extract recipe .
Add liquid malt extract, Mt. Hood (flavor Step by Step
hops) and Irish moss for last 15 millutes Place crushed malts il1 a nylon steep- Pilsner Urquell clone
of the boil. Add Mt. Hood (aroma) hops ing bag and steep in 1.75 qt. (1.69 L) of (Pizensky Prazdroj,
for the last two mmutes of the boil. water at 152 oF (67 "C) for 30 mmutes. Czech Republic)
When done boili11g, cool wort by sub- Remove grain bag from wort, rinse with (5 gallons/19 L, extract with
mergillg brewpot in sil1k, with the lid on, 0.75 qt. (-0 .75 I) of 170 op (77 °C) water. grains)
until the side of the brewpot no longer Add water to make 3 gallons (11 L), add OG = 1.048 FG = 1.014
feels warm. Transfer wort to fermenter the malt syrup, dried malt extract, bitter- IBU = 40 SRM = 7 ABV = 4.4%
and top up to 5 gallons (19 L) with refrig- mg hops and bring to a boil. Boil for 60
m·ated water. Aerate wort and pitch minutes. Add Irish moss with 15 minutes Brewed in Plzen, Czech
yeast. Ferment at 50 op (10 °C) for 14 remammg. Add the Saaz and the second Republic, Pilsner Urquell is the
days. When fermentation is just about addition of Hallertauer hops at the end of original Pilsner bee~: For the
complete, let the temperature rise to 60 the boil and let them steep for 5 millutes . best results, brew this clone with
°F (16 °C) for two days, then cool the beer Now add the wort to 2 gallons (7.6 L) soft wa.te1:
to 36 op (2.2 oc) and lager for two weeks . of cool water in a sanitary fermenter, and
Bottle your beer, let it carbonate for two top off with cool water to 5.5 gallons Ingredients
to three weeks and swil1g .. . or swig! (20 L) Cool the wort to 75 op (24 "C), aer- 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Laaglander Light
ate the beer heavily and pitch your yeast. dried malt extract
All grain version: For fermenting lager yeast, you want 3.75 lbs. (1.7 kg) Coopers Light
Replace the extracts and pale malt the beer to cool over the next few hours liquid malt extract Oate addition)
with 11.25 lbs. (5 .1 kg) two-row pale to 68 "F (20 "C) , and hold at this temper- 1.75 lbs. (0 .79 kg) Pilsner malt
malt. Mash the pale malt and specialty ature until the beer has begun ferment- 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) Vienna malt
grams at 155 °F (68 °C) for 60 mmutes ill illg, normally about 24 hours. Then cool 0.25 lbs. Munich malt (10 °L)
15.5 qts. (14.7 L) of mash water. Collect the beer to 48 "F (9 °C) and hold there for 0.5 lbs. (0 .23 kg) CaraPils malt
6.5 gallons (25 L) of wort and boil for 90 the remainder of the fermentation, prob- 8.75 AAU Cluster hops (60 mills)
minutes. Ferment at 50 oF (10 °C). ably about 2 more weeks, since yeast fer- (1 .3 oz./38 g of 6.5% alpha acids)
Diacetyl rest at 60 oF (16 °C) for two days. ments slower at lower temperatures . 3.75 AAU Saaz (Zatek) hops
Lager at 36-40 op (2.2-4.4 °C). When the beer has dropped to your end- (15 mins)

(0 .93 oz./27 g of 4% alpha acids) FG = 1.014 at 50 °F (1 0 °C). Diacetyl rest at 60 °F
0.75 oz. (21 g) Saaz (Zatek) hops IBU = 25 SRM = 11 ABV = 5.2% (16 °C). Lager at 40 oF (4 °C).
(0 mins)
1 tsp Irish moss Ingredients John Courage Amber clone
Wyeast 2001 (Urquell Lager) or 1.5 lbs . (0.68 kg) light dried malt extract (Scottish & Newcastle p.l.c.,
White Labs WLP800 (Pilsner) yeast 3.3 lbs . (1.5 kg) Coopers Light liquid England)
(3 qt./3 L starter) malt extract (late addition) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) Pilsner malt OG = 1.045 FG = 1.010
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt IBU=18 SRM=10
Step by Step 0.5 0 lb. (0.23 kg) CaraPils malt (2 °L) ABV = 4.6%
In a large soup pot, heat 4.5 quarts 0.50 lb. (0.23 kg) CaraMunich II malt (45 °L)
(4.3 L) of water to 169 oF (76 °C). Add 5.25 AAUs Tettnang hops (60 mins) John Courage has an
crushed grains to grain bag. Submerge (1.3 oz./36 g) at 4% alpha acid) unusual twist for a British
bag and let grains steep around 158 oF 3 AAUs Hallertau hops (15 mins) beer: It used to be labeled "amber lager"
(70 °C) for 45 minutes. While grains (0.75 oz./21 g) at 4% alpha acid) and is still brewed as a lage1: It is malty
steep, begin heating 2.1 gallons (7.8 L) of White Labs WLP820 (Oktoberfest!Marzen and sweet, with a dry grainy aftertaste.
water in your brewpot. When steep is Lager) or Wyeast 2308 (Bavarian
over, remove 1.5 qts. (1.4 L) of water Lager), 2206 (Munich Lager) Ingredients
from brewpot and add to the "grain tea" (4 qt./-4 L yeast starter) 8.25 lbs . (3.7 kg) pale malt
in steeping pot. Place colander over 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) 0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) biscuit malt
brewpot and place steeping bag in it. 0. 75 lb . (0 .34 kg) crystal malt (30 °L)
Pour grain tea (with water added) Step by Step 4.5 AAU Northern Brewer hops
through grain bag. This will strain out Heat 6 qts. (-6 L) of water to 163 oF (45 mins)
any solid bits of grain and rinse some (73 °C). Place crushed grains in a grain (0 .5 oz./14 g of 9% alpha acid)
sugar from the grains. Heat liquid in bag. Submerge bag and mash at 152 °F 4 AAU Fuggles hops (5 mins)
brewpot to a boil, then stir in dried malt (67 °C) for 45 minutes . Sparge with 3 qts. (1 oz./28 g of 4% alpha acid)
extract, add first charge of hops and (-3 L) of water at 168 oF (76 °C). Add Wyeast 1338 (European lager) or
begin the 60 minute boil. Add other hop water to "grain tea" to make 3 gallons (11 17 42 (Danish lager) yeast
charges at times indicated. With 15 min- L), add dried malt extract and bring to a (2 qts./2 L yeast starter)
utes left in boil, add Irish moss . Then turn boil. Boil 60 minutes, adding hops at 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming)
off heat and stir in liquid malt extract. times indicated in recipe . Add liquid malt
Stir well to dissolve extract, then resume extract with 15 minutes remaining in the Step by Step
heating. (Keep the boil clock running boil. Cool wort to 50 oF (10 °C), transfer to Heat 11 quarts of water to 163 oF (73
while you stir.) At the end of the boil, cool fermenter and top up to 5.0 gallons (19 L) °C), crush the grains and mix into liquor.
wort, transfer to fermenter and top up to with water. Aerate well and pitch yeast. Hold mash at 152 oF (67 °C) for 60 min-
5 gallons (19 L) with water. Aerate wort Ferment at 50 oF (10 °C) for one week, utes. Collect 5 gallons (19 L) of wort, add
and pitch yeast. Ferment at 55 oF (13 oC). then transfer to secondary and condition 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water and bring the
Rack to secondary when fermentation is cold (38-40 °F/-4 °C) for six to eight wort to a boil. Boil for 60 minutes, adding
complete. Bottle a few days later, when weeks. Let temperatui·e raise to 60 oF (16 hops at times indicated in recipe. Cool
beer falls clear. "C) for 2 days in between primary fer- wort to 55 °F (13 "C), aerate and pitch
mentation and lagering. Prime with yeast. Ferment at 55 oF (13 °C), transfer
All-grain version: sugar, bottle and age at 40-45 °F (4-7 °C) prompty to secondary when primary fer-
Replace grains and extracts listed for six weeks. mentation is over and condition at 40 oF
above with 8.0 lbs . (3.6 kg) Pilsner malt, (4 °C) for three weeks. Prime with dried
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Vienna malt, 0.5 lbs . All -grain version: malt extract and bottle. Age in bottles for
(0.23 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) and 0.5 lbs. Omit malt extracts. Mash 9.25 lbs. four weeks.
(0.23 kg) CaraPils malt. Perform a single (4.2 kg) of Pilsner malt along with other
decoction mash with a 15 minute rest at malts in recipe. Heat 17 qts. (16 L) of Extract with grains version:
131 °F (55 °C) and a 45 minute rest at 155 water to 163 °F (73 °C), stir in grains and Steep biscuit and crystal malts, along
°F (68 ac). Boil wort for 90 rrtinutes. mash at 152 °F (67 °C) for 60 minutes . with 0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) of pale malt in 3
(Alternately, begin with 15-minute low- qts. (3 L) of water at 150 oF (66 °C) for 45
Sudwerk Hubsch Marzen clone temperature rest (122-131 °F/50-55 °C), minutes . (Omit remaining pale malt.)
(Sudwerk Restaurant & Brewery, then boost temperature to 152 °F/67 oc Rinse grain bag with 1 qt. (-1 L) water at
v •• . .],.
u·~· California) for conversion). Collect 6 gallons (23 L) of 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to "grain tea"
~IJPYl.,U l\, (5 g~llons/19 L, wort, add 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) of water and to make 3 gallons (11 L) , add 1.5 lbs .
~ part1al mash) boil for 90 minutes. Add hops as (0.68 kg) of light dried mallt extract and
OG = 1.054 described in the ingredient list. Ferment bring to a boil. Boil for 60 minutes. Add


hops at times indicated in ingredient list. Extract with grains version: ale yeast (for bottle conditioning)
With 15 minutes remaining in boil, turn Replace all the grains in the all-grain
off burner and stir in 3.3lbs. (1.5 kg) light recipe with 0.5 lbs . (0.23 kg) of 2-row Step by Step
liquid malt extract, then heat for remain- pale malt, 0.5 lbs. (0 .23 kg) of CaraPils Mash for 60 minutes at 152 oF (67 °C)
ing boil time . Cool wort to 55 oF (13 "C), malt, 0.5 lbs . (0.23 kg) of flaked oats and in 3. 7 5 gallons (14 L) of water. Collect
transfer to fermenter and top up to 5 gal- 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) Munich malt. Steep the about 6 gallons (23 L) of wort, add 0.5
lons (19 L) . Aerate well and pitch yeast. crushed grains- a total of 2.0 lbs. (0.91 gallons (-2 L) of water and boil down to
Ferment at 55 "F (13 "C). Lager at 40 oF kg)- at 150 oF (66 °C) in 3 qts. (-3 L) of 4.5 gallons (17 L), which should take
(4 "C) . water. Add 2 gallons (7.6 L) of water to about 2 hours. Pitch "bottom half' of
"grain tea" and boil with 2.33lbs. (1.1 kg) yeast starters. Ferment starting at 72 °F
of light dried malt extract. (You can heat (22 °C), but let temperature rise as high
as 80 °F (27 °C) during fermentation,

the 2 gallons (7 .6 L) of water separately
while grains steep .) Boil wort for 60 min- which takes 3-4 weeks at Russian River.
utes, adding the hops at the beginning of Bottle with ale strain for bottle condition-

BEERS boil. Add 4.5 lbs. (2 .0 kg) of light liquid

malt extract and yeast nutrients with 15
minutes left in the boil. Cool wort and

Extract with grains version:

transfer to fermenter. Aerate beer and Replace grains with 1lb. 3.0 oz. (0.54
top up to 4.5 gallons (17 L) with water. kg) 2-row pale malt and 13.3 oz. (0.38 kg)
Follow remaining all-grain instuctions. Vienna malt. Steep the crushed grains at
Thanks to Tomme Arthur of Pizza Port for 150 oF (66 oC) in 3 qts. (-3 L) of water.
the recipe for Mo' Betta Bretta. Add 2 gallons (7 .6 L) of water to "grain
FG = 1.011 IBU = 12 SRM = 7 tea" and boil with 2 lbs. 2 oz. (0 .96 kg) of
ABV= 6.3% Sanctification clone light dried malt extract. Add 4.25lbs. (1.9
(Russian River Brewing kg) of light liquid malt extract and yeast
Ingredients Company, California) nutrients with 15 minutes left in boil.
9 lbs. 12.5 oz (4.4 kg) 2-row (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) Cool wort and top up 4.5 gallons (17 L)
pale malt OG = 1.056 FG = 1.007 with water. For the the remaining steps,
15.7 oz. (0 .44 kg) CaraPils malt IBU = 31 SRM = 6 follow the all-grain instructions.
15.7 oz. (0.44 kg) flak ed oats ABV = 6.3% Thanks to Vinnie Cilurzo of Russian River
17.2 oz (0.49 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) Brewing Company for the information
3.2 AAU Magnum hops (60 mins) Ingredients used to compile this clone.
(0 .2 oz/5 .7 g of 16% alpha acids) 9 lbs. 14 oz. (4.5 kg) 2-
1 capsule Servomyces (yeast nutrient) row pale malt Cherry Chocolate Beer clone
Brettanomyces anomalus cultured (or Pilsner malt) (O'Fallon Brewery, Missouri)
from bottle I
or White Labs WLP645 13.3 oz. (0 .38 kg) Vienna malt (5 gallons/19 L,
(B. claussenii) yeast 1 lb . 3 oz. (0 .54 kg) Weyermann extract with
(4 qt./- 4 L starter) acidulated malt grains)
0.66 cups corn sugar (for priming) 6.7 AAU Sterling hops (FWH) OG = 1.051
(1.3 oz./36 g of 5.3% alpha acids) FG = 1.010
Step by Step 1.5 AAU Sterling hops (90 mins) IBU = 16 SRM = 22 ABV = 5.3%
Make a 2 qt. (-2 L) yeast starter in a (0.28 oz./8.0 g of 5.3% alpha acids)
gallon (3 .8 L) jug and let ferment. Add 2.8 AAU Sterling hops (0 mins) Ingredients
another 2 qt. (-2 L) of wort to starter 1 capsule Servomyces (yeast nutrient) 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Briess Light liquid
when done . Aerate at each step. Mash at Brettanomyces bruxellensis culture, malt extract
150 °F (67 °C) for 60 minutes in 4 gallons Wyeast 3112 (B. bruxellensis) or 2.2 lbs. (1.0 kg) Briess Wheat dried
(15 L) of water. Collect about 6.5 gallons White Labs WLP650 malt extract
(25 L) of wort and boil for about 2 hours, (B. bruxellensis) yeast 9.0 oz. (0.26 kg) CaraPils (dextrin) malt
yielding about 4.5 gallons (17 L) of wort. (3 qt./-3 L starter) 9.0 oz. (0.26 kg) crystal malt (40 °L)
Add hops for final 60 minutes of boil. Add Brettanomyces lambicus culture, 5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) chocolate malt
yeast nutrients for final 15 minutes of Wyeast 3526 (B. lambicus) or 0.5 oz. (14 g) Durkee liquid chocolate
boil. Cool wort and transfer to fermenter. White Labs WLP653 (B. lambicus) extract (alcohol base)
Aerate wort and pitch yeast sediment yeast (1 qt./-1 L) starter) 2.0 oz. (57 g) Cellar Pro natmal cherry
plus half the liquid in the yeast starter to Lactobacillus delbru eckii culture or fruit flavoring
yield 5 gallons (19 L). Ferment beer at Wyeast 4335 (L. delbrueckii) 1 tsp Irish moss (15 mins)
64-75 oF (18-24 °C). Let beer condition bacteria (3 oz./100 mL starter) 2.8 AAU German Northern Brewer hops
for at least 4 weeks before bottling. 0.66 cups corn sugar (for priming) (60 min.)

(0.33 oz./9.2 g of 8.5% alpha acid) 0.65 lbs. (0 .29 kg) unmalted wheat (5 gallons/19 L,
2.4 AAU German Northern Brewer hops 5.7 AAU Cantillion Iris hops extract with
(30 min .) (1.9 oz./53 gat 3% alpha acid) grains and
(0.25 oz.n g of 8.5% alpha acid) Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) adjuncts)
White Labs WLP029 (German Ale/ or White Labs WLP001
Kiilsch) or Wyeast 2565 (Ktilsch) yeast (California Ale) yeast OG = 1.079 FG = 1.010
0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming) Wyeast 3278 (Lambie Blend) yeast and IBU = 20 SRM =7 ABV = 9.0%
bacteria (or individual cultures of
Step by Step Lactobacillus and Brettanomyces) Ingredients
Steep the 3 crushed malts in 3 gal- 1 lbs. 9 oz. (0.71 kg) Briess Light dried
lons (11 L) of water at 155 °F (68 °C) for Step by Step malt extract
30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, If you treat your water, shoot for 75 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Briess Light liquid malt
add the malt syrup and dry malt extract ppm of calcium and 50 ppm of chloride. extract (late addition)
and bring to a boil . Add the first addition lVIash grains at 154 °F (68 °C) for 30 min- 2.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt
of Northern Brewer hops, Irish moss and utes. "You are trying to create enough 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) honey (do not boil)
boil for 60 minutes. Add the last addition nutrients for a long aging process," says 2.0 lbs. (0.45 kg)Alexander's Muscat
of Northern Brewer hops for the last 30 Bouckaert. "I use relatively high mashing grape concentrate (do not boil)
minutes of the boil. There are no finish- temperatures, so that the proteins in the 4.5 AAU Willamette hops (60 mins)
ing hops in tllis recipe. Now add wort to 2 wort are complex and low in nitrogen. (0.90 oz./25 g of 5.0% alpha acid)
gallons (7 .6 L) cool water in a sanitary Stay high in temperatures if you can, but 3.0 AAU Willamette hops (15 mins)
fermenter, and top off with cool water to the trick is not to go too high." (0 .60 oz./17 g of 5.0% alpha acid)
5.5 gallons (20.9 L). Cool the wort to 75 °F Add hops at the beginning of the boil. 0.5 teaspoon dried saffron (15 mins)
(24 °C). aerate the beer and pitch your If you can't find Cantillion Iris hops, try 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
yeast. Allow the beer to cool over the next any other low-cohumulone , noble hop. White Labs WLP500 (Trappist Ale) or
few hours to 65 °F (18 °C). and hold at "Hop variety is not that important in this Wyeast 3787 (Trappist Ale) yeast
this temperature until the beer has fin- beer, " says Bouckaert. Aroma hops are (2 qts./-2 L yeast starter)
ished fermenting. Add the chocolate and not required , but if you'd like, you could 0.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming)
cherry flavors to the beer on bottling day try dry-hopping later, in the barrel.
when you add the priming sugar. Then Ferment with a neutral ale yeast at
bottle and enjoy! 77 oF (25 oC). When primary fermentation Step by Step
is complete, rack to secondary, using Steep pale malt at 150 oF (66 °C) in
All -grain version: care to filter out as much yeast as possi- 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of water. Rinse with 1.5
This is a single step infusion mash. ble. You could add some Lactobacilli at qts. (- 1.5 L) of water at 170 oF (77 °C) .
Your grain bill will be 6.33 lbs . (2.9 kg) this stage. Rack to the barrel at any time , Add water to make 2.5 gallons of wort,
pale 2-row malt, 2.75 lbs. (1.2 kg) wheat again, being careful to remove as much add dried malt extract and bring to a boil.
malt, 9 oz. (252 g) dextrin malt, 9 oz. (252 yeast as possible. Once the beer is in the Add first close of Willamette hops, and
g) crystal malt (40 °L), and 5.0 oz. (0 .14 barrel , pitch with Brettanom.yces yeast boil for 60 minutes . Add remaining
kg) chocolate malt. Mash crushed grains and Lactobacilli (if not already added). A Willamette hops, liquid malt extract and
at 156 "F (69 °C) for 60 minutes. Collect Iambic starter culture will also work. saffron for last 15 minutes of the boil.
enough wort to boil for 90 minutes and Store barrel in a cool. dry place. After Add honey at the end of the boil after you
have a 5.5-gallon (21-L) yield (about 7 that, it is just a matter of time. Samples turn off the heat. Let stand for 5 minutes
gallons/26 L) . can be reinoved with a siphon or wine to sa1litize the honey.
thief. Your beer is ready to blend, keg or Cool wort in brewpot and transfer to
La Folie clone bottle whenever you like the taste! a sanitary fermenter, then add the
(New Belgium Brewing, Muscat concentrate and top up to 5.0 gal-
Colorado) Extract with grains version: lons (19 L). Aerate the wort well and
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) Replace two-row malt, Munich malt pitch your yeast. (For a high-gravity fer-
OG = 1.062 FG = 1.015 and unmalted wheat with 9.4 pounds of mentation such as tllis , be sure to make a
(or lower) liquid malt extract designed for dark yeast starter.) Ferment at 68 op (20 °C)
IBU = 20 ABV = 6.0% German lagers (th e extract should and ferment for 10 to 14 days. Bottle your
/ include some Munich) . Steep crystal malt beer, age for three to four weeks and
Ingredients at 158 °F (70 °C) for 30 minutes, then add enjoy!
9.75 lbs. (4.4 kg) two-row pale malt extract and boil.
1.3 lbs . (0.59 kg) Munich malt All - grain version:
1.3 lbs. (0.59 kg) crystal malt Midas Touch clone Replace the malt extracts and pale
(40-80 °L, depending on the color (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, malt with 9.5 lbs. (4.3 kg) two-row pale
you want in the finished beer) Delaware) malt. Mash yow· grains at 155 °F (68 °C)


for 45 minutes in 12 qts. (11 L) of mash Extract with grain version: (21 L). Cool the wort to 75" (24 "C), aerate
water. Collect 5 gallons (19 L) of wort, Substitute the pale malt with 1.5 lbs . the beer and pitch your yeast. Allow the
add 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) and boil for 90 (0.68 kg) dried malt extract and 3.75 lbs. beer to cool over the next few hours to
minutes, adding hops at times indicated. (1. 7 kg) liquid malt extract. Steep 65 "F (18 "C) and hold at this temperature
Add saffron in last 15 minutes of boil. crushed grains for 30 minutes at 150 °F until the beer has finished fermenting.
Steep honey in hot wort for 5 minutes (66 °C) in 3.2 qts. (3 .0 L) of water. Add Add the last 2 ounces (56 g) of the
post-boil. Mix grape concentrate with water and dried malt extract to make 3.0 heather tips just as you would if you were
chilled wort in the fermenter. Ferment at gallons (11 L) and boil for 60 minutes, to be dry hopping, by adding them to the
68 "F (20 °C). adding hops and heather at indicated beer when the fermentation is clone. Let
times . Add liquid malt extract from last the heather tips dry hop in the beer for
Fraoch Heather Ale clone 15 minutes of boil. Cool wort, transfer to about five to seven days, then bottle.
(Craigmill Brewery, Scotland) fermenter, top up to 5.0 gallons (19 L),
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) aerate wort and pitch starter. Follow fer- All -grain version:
OG = 1.048 FG = 1.009 mentation schedule above. This is a single step infusion mash.
IBU = 23 SRM = 18 Your grain bill will be 9.5 lbs (4.3 kg)
ABV = 5.0% Highland Heather Ale clone British Maris Otter Pale 2-row malt and
(Highland Brewing Co., 4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) British Roasted Barley.
This is a light amber ale North Carolina) Mash crushed grains together at 150 "F
with an earthy, aromatic, (66 "C) for 60 minutes. Collect approxi-
flowery nose. It has a full malt character with grains) mately 7 gallons wort (26 L) to boil for 90
and a dry-wine finish. Heather is a 0G=1.048 FG=1 .008 minutes and have a 5.5-gallon yield
perennial ground cover with small flow- IBU = 22 SRM= 17 (21-L), allowing for racking losses later.
ers; in beer it lends a hint of chamomile,
mint and lavender. #9 clone
Ingredients (Magic Hat Brewing Company,
Ingredients 3.3 lbs. (1.5 kg) Mw1tons Light liquid Vermont)
7.75 lbs. (3.49 kg) pale ale malt malt extract
(preferably 1\llaris Otter) 2.25 lbs. (1 .0 kg) Mw1tons Light dried
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) CaraPils malt malt extract
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (20 °L) 1.0 IJJs. (0.45 kg) British Maris
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (40 °L) Otter malt
2.0 oz. (57 g) chocolate malt 4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) roasted barley ABV = 4.6%
3 cups fr esh heather flowers 2.0 oz. (57 g) heather tips (30 mins)
(or 1-2 cups dried heather flowers) 2.0 oz. (57 g) heather tips (dry "hop") Ingredients
5 AAU Fuggles hops (60 mins) 1 teaspoon Irish moss (15 mins) 1 lb. 13 oz. (0.82 kg) two-row pale malt
(1 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids) 3.5 AAU Kent Golclings hops (60 mins) 3.0 oz. (85 g) crystal malt (60 °L)
2.5 AAU Fuggles hops (15 mins) (0.75 oz./21 g of 4.7% alpha acid) 1.75 lbs. (0.79 kg) light dried
(0.50 oz/14 g of 5% alpha acid) 2.4 AAU German Hallertau Hersbrucker malt extract
Wyeast 1728 (Scottish Ale) yeast hops (60 mins) 3.3 lbs. (1 .5 kg) Coopers Light liquid
(1.5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter) (0.50 oz./14 g of 4.7% alpha acid) malt extract (late addition)
y, cup corn sugar (for priming) White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or 3 AAU Warrior hops (60 mins)
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast (0.19 oz./5 gat 16% alpha acid)
Step by Step 0. 7 5 cup of corn sugar (for priming) 2.5 AAU Tettnang hops (30 mins)
Mash grains in 3.0 gallons (11 L) of (0.63 oz./18 gat 4% alpha acid)
water at 150 °F (66 °C) for 60 minutes . Step by Step 0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Cascade hops (0 mi.J1s)
Sparge with 170 op (77 °C) water to col- Steep the two crushed malts in 3 gal- 1 tsp. Irish moss
lect 5.75 gallons (22 L) of wort. Total boil lons (11 L) of water at 150 "F (66 "C) for Wyeast 1335 (British Ale II) or White
time is 90 minutes. After 30 min. of boil, 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast
add half of heather. Continue for 60 min. add th e malt syrup and dry malt extract (1 .5 qt./-1.5 L yeast starter)
Whirlpool and add second addition of and bring to a boil. Add the Goldings 3.3 lbs . (1.5 kg) Oregon Fruit Products
heather or use a hopback. Cool wort and hops , Hersbrucker hops, Irish moss, and apricot puree [or 3 oz. (85 g) apricot
pitch yeast starter. Aerate well. Ferment boil for 60 1ninutes. Add the first addition flavoring (liquid extract)]
at 68 °F (20 °C) for seven days th en rack of Heather tips for the last 30 minutes of 0.75 cup corn sugar (for pri.J11ing)
to secondary. Continue ferm entation for the boil. There are no fmishing hops in
seven clays until gravity is about 1.012. tllis recipe. Now add wort to 2 gallons Step by Step
Rack , prime and bottle. Age seven more (7.6 L) cool water in a sanitary fermenter, Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
clays before drinking. and top off with cool water to 5.5 gallons ing bag and steep i.J1 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of

water at 152 °F (67 °C) for 30 minutes. Roast (50 °L) for 30-45 minutes. At the end of the
Rinse grains with 1.5 qts . (-1.5 L) of 13 oz. (0 .37 kg) Briess Victory malt steep, remove the bag from the steeping
water at 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to 1.6 oz. (45 g) Briess 2-row pot and let drip dry for a nlinute or so.
make 3.0 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt chocolate malt Add the "grain tea" to your brewpot and
extract and bring to a boil. 0.8 oz. (23 g) Briess 2-row black malt dissolve the dried malt extract and sugar.
Add Warrior hops and boil for 60 3.2 oz. (91 g) Turbinado sugar (90 min) Bring this wort to a boil , add the first
minutes . Add Tettnang hops for the final 5.3 AAU Bullion hops (60 min) charge of Bullion hops and boil for 60
30 minutes. Add the liquid malt extract (0 .66 oz./19 g of 8% alpha acids) nlinutes. Add other ingredients at tin1es
and Irish moss with 15 minutes left in the 8 AAU Bullion hops (30 min) indicated in the re cipe. With 15 minutes
boil. At the end of the boil, add Cascade (1.0 oz./28 g of 8% alpha acids) left in the boil, stir in liquid malt extract.
hops and remove from heat. Cool wort to 1.0 oz. Bullion hops (0 min) (Stir thoroughly to ensure extract dis-
about 72 °F (22 °C) and transfer to fer- Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) or White Labs solves and doesn't sink to the bottom of
menting vessel. Aerate and pitch yeast. WLP013 (London Ale) yeast the kettle and scorch.) After boil, cool
Ferment at 75 oF (24 °C) for three to 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) wort to 70 °F (21 °C), siphon to ferm enter,
five days, then transfer to a secondary add water to make 5 gallons (19 L) , aer-
vessel with 3.3 lbs. (one can) of apricot Step by Step ate and pitch yeast. Ferment at 70 °F
puree or 3 ounces of liquid apricot flavor- Mash at 152 oF (67 °C) . Boil wort for (21 °C) . Prime with corn sugar at bottling
ing for approximately five days. You can 90 minutes, adding sugar at beginning of tin1e.
adjust the amount of apricot to taste in boil and hops as directed in recipe . Thanks to Adam Avery for this Jubilation
subsequent batches. (Many homebrew Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C). Ale clone recipe.
shops carry fruit flavorings and Oregon
Fruit Products aseptic purees.) Prime Old Jubilation Ale clone Winter Warmer clone
with corn sugar, then bottle or keg. (Avery Brewing Co., Colorado) (Harpoon Brewery,
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) Massachusetts)
All-grain version: OG = 1.074 FG = 1.015 (5 gallons/19 L. all-grain)
Omit malt extract and mash 9 lbs . IBU = 31 SRM = 25 ABV = 7.6% OG = 1.056 FG = 1.014
10 oz. (4.4 kg) British pale malt with IBU = 23 SRM = 23
other malts in 12.5 quarts (11.8 L) of Ingredients ABV = 5.4%
water to get a single-infusion mash tem- 2 lbs. 14 oz. (1.3 kg) light dried
perature of 152 °F (67 °C) for 45 minutes. malt extract Ingredients
Collect 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort and add 5 lbs. 2 oz. (2.3 kg) light liquid 9.33 lbs. (4.2 kg) 2-row malt
1.0 gallon (3 .8 L) of water. Boil wort for malt extract 2.0 lbs. (0. 91 kg) crystal malt (90 °L)
90 minutes. Ferment at 72 oF (22 °C) . 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt 0.50 lb . (0.23 kg) CaraPils malt (15 °L)
13 oz. (0.37 kg) Briess Special 6.25 AAU Clusters hops (60 mins)
Roast (50 °L) (1.25 oz./35 g of 5% alpha acids)
13 oz. (0.37 kg) Briess Victory y, tsp . cinnamon

WINTER 1.6 oz. (45 g) Briess 2-row

chocolate malt
y, tsp. nutmeg
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White

BREWS 0.8 oz. (23 g) Briess 2-row black malt

3.2 oz. (91 g) Turbinado sugar (60 min)
5.3 AAU Bullion hops (60 min)
Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)

Old Jubilation Ale clone (0 .66 oz./19 g of 8% alpha acids) Step by Step
(Avery Brewing, Co., Colorado) 8 AAU Bullion hops (30 min) Mash at 154 oF (68 °C). Boil wort for
(5 gallons/19 L, (1.0 oz./28 g of 8% alpha acids) 90 1llinutes adding total hop package as
all-grain) 1.0 oz. BuUion hops (0 min) directed. Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C) . Add
OG = 1.07 4 FG = 1.015 Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) or White Labs cinnamon and nutmeg in secondary.
IBU = 31 SRM = 25 WLP013 (London Ale) yeast
ABV = 7.6% 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Winter Warmer clone
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
"[Old Jubilation has] mocha and tof- Step by Step OG = 1.056 FG = 1.014
fee flavors, hint of hazel nuts. In this day Begin by heating 2.0 gallons (7 .6 L) of IBU = 23 SRM = 23 ABV = 5.4%
and age it isn't that big a bee~; but it real- water in your brew pot. While that heats,
ly holds up nicely. " - Adam Avery steep the specialty grains at around Ingredients
152 op (67 °C). Do tllis by heating 1 gallon 1.66 lbs. (0.7 5 kg) light dried
Ingredients (3.8 L) of water to 163 op (73 °C) in a malt extract
13.33 lbs. (6.0 kg) 2-row pale malt large kitchen pot. Add crushed grains to 4.25 lbs. (1 .9 kg) light liquid malt extract
13 oz. (0.37 kg) Briess Special a large steeping bag and submerge bag 0.50 lbs. (0.23 kg) 2-row pale malt


2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) crystal malt (90 °L) 3 AAU East Kent Goldings hops (10 min) (Magic Hat Brewing Co.,
0.50 lbs. (0.23 kg) CaraPils malt (15 °L) (0.6 oz./17 g of 5% alpha acids) Vermont)
6.25 AAU Clusters hops (60 mins) 1.2 oz. East Kent Goldings hops (0 min) (5 gallons/19 L. all-grain)
(1.25 oz./35 g of 5% alpha acids) Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White OG = 1.060 FG = 1.020
y, tsp . cinnamon Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast IBU = 29 SRM = 56
y, tsp . nutmeg 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) ABV= 5.2%
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White
Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast Step by Step "This beer is more along the
0.75 cups corn sugar (for printing) Mash at 154 °F (68 °F). Boil wort for style of a sweet stout. Theres n.o
70 minutes, adding hops as indicated in milk sugw; but we use one pound offresh
Step by Step recipe. Ferment at 69.5 oF (20.5 °C). Adds raspberries per gallon!" - Magic Hat
Begin by heating 2 gallons (7 .6 L) of Big Sky Head Brewer Matt Long, "You head brewer Matt Cohen
water in yam brewpot. Steep specialty can also dry hop with some EKG if so
grains for 30-45 nlinutes at 154 °F (68 °C) desired. " Ingredients
in a separate pot. (Use just over 1 gallon 9.25 lbs. (4.2 kg) Crisp 2-row pale malt
(-4 L) of water at 165 °F (74 °C) in a large Powder Hound Winter Ale clone 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) CaraPils malt (15 °L)
kitchen pot for steeping water.) After (Big Sky Brewing Co., Montana) 1.66 lbs. (0. 75 kg) crystal malt (70 °L)
steeping, remove bag and let drip dry for (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 0.26 lbs. (0.12 kg) chocolate malt
a minute . Then add "grain tea" and dried OG = 1.060 FG = 1.013 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) roasted barley
malt extract to brewpot. Bring to a boil, IBU = 40 SRM = 22 ABV = 6.1% 1.0 fl. oz. (3 .5 mL) blackstrap molasses
add hops and boil for 60 minutes. With 15 5.0 lbs. (2.3 kg) fresh raspberries
minutes left in the boil, add liquid malt Ingredients (secondary)
extract, stirring well to ensure it dissolves 2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) dried malt extract 8 AAU Warrior hops (60 nlins)
completely. After boil, cool wort and 4.25 lbs. (1.9 kg) liquid malt extract (0.5 oz./14 g of 16% alpha acids)
siphon to fermenter. Add water to make 5 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) crystal malt (75 °L) Wyeast 1187 (Ringwood Ale) yeast
gallons (19 L), aerate and pitch yeast. 0.5 oz. (14 g) chocolate malt 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
Ferment at 70 oc (21 oc). After primary 7.75 AAU Challenger hops (60 min)
fermentation is finished, rack to sec- (1.1 oz./31 g of 7% alpha acids) Step by Step
ondary and add spices. 7 AAU Challenger hops (20 min) Mash at 156 oF (69 °C). Boil wort for
Thanks to AI Marzi of Harpoon Brewery (1.0 oz./28 g of 7% alpha acids) 90 minutes adding all hops after 30 min-
for the information used to construct this 3 AAU East Kent Goldings hops (10 min) utes. Add molasses with 15 minutes left
Harpoon Winter Warmer clone. (0.6 oz./17 g of 5% alpha acids) in boil. Ferment at 70 °F (21 °C) for 7
1.2 oz. East Kent Goldings hops (0 min) days. Add raspberries in secondary.
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White
Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast Feast of Fools clone
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (Magic Hat Brewing Co.,
Step by Step (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
Begin by heating 2.25 gallons (8 .5 L) OG = 1.060 FG = 1.020
of water in yam brewpot. As that heats, IBU = 29 SRM = 56 ABV = 5.2%
steep the specialty grains at 154 °F
"Powder Hound is traditional in (68 °F) in 0.75 gallons (2.8 L) of water in Ingredients
style, but as far as a winter bee~; it is still a separate pot. After steeping for 30-45 1 lb. 14 oz. (0.85 kg) light dried
something that could be considered a ses- minutes, remove bag and let drip dry. malt extract
sion bee1: In keeping it around 6.4% ABV Add "grain tea" and dried malt extract to 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) light liquid malt extract
it remains much more drinkable."- Matt brewpot and bring to a boil. Add hops as 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) 2-row pale malt
Long, head brewer at Big Sky indicated in recipe. With 15 minutes left 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) CaraPils malt (15 °L)
in the boil, stir in liquid malt extract. (Stir 1.66 lbs. (0.75 kg) crystal malt (70 °L)
Ingredients thoroughly to avoid scorching.) After boil, 0.26 lbs. (0.12 kg) chocolate malt
10.0 lbs. (4.5 kg) 2-row pale malt cool wort and siphon to fermenter. Add 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) roasted barley
2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) crystal malt (75 oL) water to make 5 gallons (19 L), aerate 1.0 fl. oz. (3.5 mL) blackstrap molasses
0.63 lbs. (0.29 kg) flaked barley and pitch yeast. Ferment at 69.5 oF 5 lbs. (2.3 kg) fresh raspberries
0.5 oz. (14 g) chocolate malt (20.5 °C) . (secondary)
7.75 AAU Challenger hops (60 min) Thanks to Matt Long of Big Sky Brewery 8 AAU Warrior hops (60 mins)
(1.1 oz./31 g of 7% alpha acids) for contributing this recipe. (0.5 oz./14 g of 16% alpha acids)
7 AAU Challenger hops (20 min) Wyeast 1187 (Ringwood Ale) yeast
(1.0 oz./28 g of 7% alpha acids) Feast of Fools clone 0. 7 5 cups corn sugar (for priming)

Step by Step (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) working here. " - Saint Amold Brewing
Place crushed specialty grains in OG = 1.050 FG = 1.014 Brew Mastel; Dave Fougeron
large grain bag and steep at 156 °F (69 IBU = 64 SAM = 27 ABV = 4 .6%
°C) in 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) of water in your Ingredients
brewpot. Steep for 30- 45 minutes. After Ingredients 11 lbs . (5.0 kg) 2-row pale malt
steep, remove grain bag and let drip dry. 0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) light dried malt extract 13 oz. (0. 37 kg) :tviw1ich malt
Add dried malt extract and 1.5 gallons 3.5 lbs. (1.6 kg) light liquid malt extract 7 oz. (0.20 kg) CaraMunich malt (40 °L)
(5 .7 L) of water to brewpot and bring to a 0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) 2-row pale malt 7 oz. (0 .20 kg) Special B malt
boil. (To save time, you can h eat the addi- 1.1lbs. (0.50 kg) Munich malt (10 °L) 1 lbs. 3 oz. (0.54 kg) CaraVienne
tional water during the steep in a sepa- 1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) cr ystal malt (35 °L) malt (20 °L)
rate pot.) Add hops at beginning of boil. 2.1 lbs . (0.95 kg) crystal malt (75 °L) 10.8 AAU Perle hops (30 min)
Stir in molasses and liquid malt extract 6 AAU Centennial hops (60 min) (1.5 oz./43 g of 7.2% alpha acids)
with 15 minutes left in the boil. (Stir well (0.66 oz./19 g of 9% alpha acids) 3 oz . (85 g) Liberty hops (0 min)
to avoid scorching.) After boil, cool wort 12.65 AAU Centennial hops (45 min) Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White
and siphon to fermenter. Add water to (1.4 oz./40 g of 9% alpha acids) Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast
make 5 gallons (19 L), aerate and pitch 1.0 oz. Columbus hops (0 Inin) 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
yeast. Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C) then rack 0.75 oz. Centennial hops (dry hop)
to secondary and add raspberries. Irish ale yeast Step by Step
Thanks to Matt Cohen for providing all Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) or White Labs Single step infusion mash at 150 oF
the details necessary to formulate this WLP004 (Irish Ale) yeast (66 °C). Boil wort for 90 minutes, adding
Feast of Fools clone. 0.75 cups corn sugar (for printing) h ops as indicated at 30 minutes. Ferment
at 72 OF (22 °C) "to get those nice , fruity
Cottonwood Frostbite clone Step by Step esters."
(Carolina Beer Co., North In your brewpot, heat 1.85 gallons
Carolina) (7 .0 L) to 167 oF (75 °C). Place crushed Saint Arnold Christmas Ale
5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) grains in a large steeping bag and sub- (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.,

OG = 1.050 FG = 1.014 merge in water. Steep at 156 oF (69 °C) Texas)
IBU = 64 SAM = 27 for 30-45 minutes . After steep, remove (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
ABV= 4.6% grain bag and let drip dry. Add dried malt OG = 1.066 FG = 1.013
extract and 1.15 gallons (4.4 L) of water IBU = 22 SAM = 23 ABV = 6.8%
"It is a happier bee1; (but) is very to brewpot and bring to a boil. (Yo u can
drinkable and heavier for the season. " be heating this mixture while the grains 1. 7 5 lbs. (0. 79 kg) light dried
- head brewer Nikki Koontz steep, if you have an extra pot.) Boil for malt extract
Ingredients 60 minutes, adding hops at 60 and 45 5.0 lbs . (2.3 kg) light liquid malt extract
6.6 lbs. (3.0 kg) 2-row pale malt minutes left in the boil. With 15 111inutes 1.0 lb . (0,45 kg) 2-row pale malt
1.1 lbs . (0 .50 kg) Munich malt (10 oL) left in the boil, stir in liquid malt extract. 13 oz .. (0.37 kg) Mnnich malt
1.0 lbs. (0.45 kg) cr ystal malt (35 °L) (Stir-well to dissolve extract completely 7 oz .. (0.20 kg) CaraMunich malt (40 °L)
2.1 lbs. (0 .9 5 kg) crystal malt (75 °L) and avoid scorching.) After boil, cool wort 7 oz. (0.20 kg) Special B malt
4.95 AAU Centennial hops (90 min) and siphon to ferm enter. Add water to 1 lbs. 3 oz. (0.54 kg) CaraVienne
(0.55 oz./16 g of 9% alpha acids) make 5 gallons (19 L) of wort, aerate an d malt (20 °L)
12.65 AAU Centennial hops (45 min) pitch yeast. Ferm ent at 70 oF (21 °C). 10.8 AAU Perle hops (30 min)
(1.4 oz./40 g of 9% alpha acids) Thanks to Nikki Koontz. head brewer at (1.5 oz./43 g of 7.2% alpha acids)
1.0 oz. Columbus hops (0 min) Carolina Beer for assisting in this clone 3 oz. (85 g) Liberty hops (0 min)
0.75 oz. Centennial hops (dry hop) recipe for Cottonwood Frostbite. Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White
Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale) or White Labs Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast
\-VLP004 (Irish Ale) yeast Saint Arnold Christmas Ale 0.7 5 cups corn sugar (for priming)
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.,
Texas) Step by Step
Step by Step (5 gallons/19 L. In yom brewpot, heat 1.45 gallons
Mash at 156 ~ F (69 °C). Boil wort for all-grain) (5 .5 L) of water to 161 oF (72 oC). Place
90 minutes adclli1g hops as indicated in OG = 1.066 FG = 1.013 crushed grains in large steeping bag and
the ingredient list. Ferment at 70 oF IBU = 22 SAM = 22 submer ge in water. Steep for 30-45 min-
(21 °C). _____,
..._ ABV = 6.8% utes at 150 °F (66 °C). After steep, r emove
bag and let drip dry. Add 1.55 gallons (5.9
Cottonwood Frostbite clone "Its a spicy bee1: Theres no spices in L) of water and dri ed malt extract to
(Carolina Beer Co., North (th e Christmas Ale) at all, but I would brewpot and heat to a boil. (Note: To save
Carolina) have sworn there was before I started time, you can bring the the water and


extract up to temperatme in a separate 5.25 lbs. (2.4 kg) light liquid malt extract 2.8 oz. (80 grams) corn sugar
pot while steeping.) Add Perle hops with 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) (for priming)
30 minutes remaining in the boil. With 15 1.0 oz. (28 g) chocolate malt
minutes remaining, stir in liquid malt 0.5 oz. (14 g) black patent malt Step by Step
extract. (Stir until extract dissolves com- 6.1 AAU Chinook hops (60 min) Mash in with 8.3 gallons (31 L) of
pletely to avoid scorching.) After boil, (0.51 oz./14 g of 12% alpha acids) water at 113 °F (45 °C) . Step mash with
cool wort and add to fermenter. Top up to 3.8 AAU Mt. Hood hops (15 min) rests at 104 °F (40 °C), 122 °F (50 °C),
5 gallons (19 L) with water, aerate and (0.76 oz./22 g of 5% alpha acids) 140 °F (60 °C) and 158 °F (70 °C) . Collect
pitch yeast. Ferment at 72 oF (22 °C). Wyeast 1272 (American Ale II) yeast 13 gallons (49 L) of wort. Boil to reduce to
Thanks to Dave Fougeron of Saint Arnold 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) 5 gallons (19 L), at least 5 hours. Cool
Brewing for providing the information wort, aerate well and pitch yeast sedi-
used in formulating this Christmas Ale Step by Step ment from starter. Ferment for 30-45
clone. Begin by heating 2.5 gallons (9.4 L) of days at 52 OF (11 °C). Rack to secondary,
water in your brewpot. In a separate pot, add fresh yeast and let temperature rise
Breckenridge heat 0.50 gallons (1.9 L) of water to to 60 °F (16 °C), then lager for about 180
Christmas Ale clone 161 op (71 °C) . Place crushed grains in a days at 38 oF (3.3 °C) . Bottle or keg,
(Breckenridge Brewery, stepping bag and submerge in water, shooting for 2.20 volumes C0 2 .
Colorado) steeping at 150 op (66 °C) for 30-45 min-
(5 gallons/19 L, utes. After steep, remove grain bag and Samichlaus clone
all-grain) let drip dry. Add "grain tea" and dried (Schloss Eggenberger, Austria)
OG = 1.078 FG = 1.020 malt extract to your brewing pot and (5 gallons/19 L, extract
IBU= 22 SRM = 21 bring to a boil. Boil for 60 minutes, with grains)
ABV = 7.4% adding hops at the times specified. With OG = 1 .140 FG = 1 .034
15 minutes left in the boil, stir in liquid IBU= 28 SRM = 17
"{Breckenridge Christmas Ale] is up malt extract. (Stir constantly until extract ABV = 14%
there in alcohol too, so you get some nice is completely dissolved.) After boil, cool
warming characteristics from it as well. " wort and siphon to fermenter. Add water Ingredients
- Breckenridge Brewery head brewer to make 5 gallons (19 L), aerate and pitch 10 lbs. (4.5 kg) light dried malt extr act
Todd Usry yeast. Ferment at 70 °F (21 °C). 3.0 lbs. (1.4 kg) Alexander's Munich
Thanks to Todd Usry, Breckenridge liquid malt extract (12 °L)
Ingredients Brewery head brewer for his contribu- 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Carahell dark
14.66 lbs. (6.6 kg) 2-row pale malt tions to this Christmas Ale clone recipe. malt (65 °L)
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) crystal malt (60 °L) 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) cane sugar
1.0 oz. (28 g) chocolate malt Samichlaus clone 12 .8 AAU Northern Brewer hops
0.5 oz. (14 g) black patent malt (Schloss Eggenberger, Austria) (60 min)
6.1 AAU Chinook hops (60 min) (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) (1. 5 oz./43 g of 8. 5% alpha acids)
(0 .51 oz./14 g of 12% a lpha acids) OG = 1.139 FG = 1.034 2.3 AAU Tettnang hops (15 min)
3.8 AAU Mt. Hood hops (15 min) IBU = 28 SRM = 15 ABV = 14% (0.5 oz./14 g of 4.5% alpha acids)
(0. 76 oz./22 g of 5% alpha acids) 0.50 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfruh
Wyeast 1272 (American Ale II) yeast Ingredients hops (2 min)
0 .75 cups corn sugar (for priming) 21 lbs. (9. 5 kg) Pilsener 1 tsp Irish moss (15 min.)
malt (2 °L) White Labs WLP885 (Zurich Lager) yeast
Step by Step 2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) Vienna (7 qt./-7 L yeast starter)
Mash at 152 °F (67 °C) for 45 min- malt (3 oL) 2.8 oz. (80 grams) corn sugar
utes. Boil wort for 90 minutes. Ferment 1.5 lbs . (0.68 kg) Carahell dark (for printing)
at 70 OF (21 °C). malt (65 °L)
2.0 lbs. (0.91 kg) cane sugar Step by Step
Breckenridge 12.8 AAU Northern Brewer hops Steep grains at 148 op (64 °C) for 30
Christmas Ale clone (60 min) minutes. Boil wort for 60 minutes. Cool,
(Breckenridge Brewery, (1.5 oz./43 g of 8.5% alpha acids) aerate and pitch yeast sediment. Follow
Colorado) 2.3 AAU Tettnang hops (15 min) all-grain recipe for fe rmentation instruc-
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) (0.5 oz./14 g of 4.5% alpha acids) tions.
OG = 1.078 FG = 1.020 0.50 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfruh
IBU = 22 SRM = 21 ABV = 7.4% hops (2 min) Full Sail Wassail clone
1 tsp Irish moss (15 min.) (Full Sail Brewing Co., Oregon)
Ingredients White Labs WLP885 (Zurich Lager) yeast (5 gallons/19 L,
4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) light dried malt extract (7 qt./-7 L yeast starter) all-grain)

OG = 1.070 FG = 1.014 (0.55 oz./16 g of 5% alpha acids) (1.2 oz./34 g of 5% alpha acids)
IBU = 55 SRM = 29 3. 7 5 AAU Hallertau Hersbriicker hops 5 AAU Willamette hops (30 min)
ABV = 7.3% (15 min) (1 .0 oz./28 g of 5% alpha acids)
(1.1 oz./30 g of 3.5% alpha acids) 1 oz. East Kent Golding hops (2 min)
Ingredients 3. 75 AAU Styrian Goldings hops (15 min) Wyeast 1338 (European ale) or Coopers
13 .75 lbs . (6.2 kg) 2-row pale malt (0. 75 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acids) ale yeast
9 oz. (0.27 kg) crystal malt (60 oL) 7.5 AAU Hallertau Hersbriicker hops 1 cup dried malt extract (for priming)
2.0 oz. (57 g) crystal malt (120 oL) (0 min)
2.0 oz. (57 g) chocolate malt (2.1 oz./61 g of 3. 5% alpha acids) Step by Step
1.0 oz. (28 g) roasted barley 7.5 AAU Styrian Goldings hops (0 min) Steep grains in 0.66 gallons (2.5 L) of
1.0 oz. (28 g) black patent malt (1 .5 oz./43 g of 5% alpha acids) water at 155 °F (68 °C) for 30-45 min-
2.5 AAU Northern Brewer hops (75 min) Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) yeast utes . Add water and dried malt extract to
(0.36 oz./10 g of 7% alpha acids) 0 .75 cups corn sugar (for priming) make 2.5-3 .0 gallons (9.4-11 L) of wort.
2.5 AAU Styrian Goldings hops (75 min) Boil for 60 minutes, adding hops when
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) Step by Step indicated. Add liquid malt extract with 15
3.75 AAU Hallertau Hersbriicker hops Begin by heating 2.33 gallons (8 .8 L) minutes left in boil. Cool wort and siphon
(15 min) of water in your brewpot. In a separate to fermenter. Add water to make 5 gal-
(1.1 oz./30 g of 3.5% alpha acids) pot, heat 0.66 gallons (2 .5 L) of water to lons (19 L), a er a te and pitch yeast.
3.75 AAU Styrian Goldings hops (15 min) 161 °F (72 °C). Place the crushed grains Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C) .
(0.75 oz./21 g of 5% alpha acids) in a steeping bag and submerge in tllis
7. 5 AAU Hallertau Hersbriicker hops water. Steep for 30- 45 nlinutes at 150 oF All-grain version:
(0 min) (66 °C). After steeping, remove the grain Replace th e malt extracts with
(2.1 oz./61 g of 3.5% alpha acids) bag and let drip dry. Add "grain tea " and 13 .5 lb . (6.1 kg) 2-row pale malt. Mash at
7.5 AAU Styrian Goldings hops (0 min) dried malt extract to brewpot and heat to 155 °F (68 °C) for 60 minutes. Boil for 90
(1.5 oz./43 g of 5% alpha acids) a boil. Boil for 60 minutes, adding hops at minutes. Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C).
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) yeast times indicated. With 15 minutes left in
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) the boil, stir in liquid malt extract. (Be Summit Winter Ale clone
sure to stir until extract is completely dis- (Summit Brewing Co.,
Step by Step solved, or else extract may scorch.) After Minnesota)
Mash at 150 °F (66 °C) for 30 min- boil, let wort sit for 15 minutes before (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
utes. Soften water with CaS04 and CaC1 2 . cooling. Then, cool wort and siphon to OG = 1.058
Boil wort for 90 minutes, adding hops as fennenter. Top up to 5 gallons (19 L), aer- ~ FG = 1.012
directed in r ecipe. Let wort sit for 15 min- ate and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 °F • f IBU = 20 SRM = 21
utes before cooling. Ferment at 68 oF (20 °C) - V =-- ABV = 5.9%
(20 °C). Thanks to James Emmerson for informa-
tion on the 2002 formulation of Full Sail Ingredients
Full Sail Wassail clone Wassail. 10 lbs . 14 oz. (4.9 kg) 2-row pale malt
(Full Sail Brewing Co., Oregon) 1.25 lbs. (0.57 kg) crystal malt (75 oL)
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with Snow Cap Ale clone 1.0 oz. (28 g) black patent malt
grains) (Pyramid Breweries, Inc., 1 tsp Irish moss (15 min)
OG = 1.070 FG = 1.014 Washington) 4.5 AAU Willamette hops (60 min)
IBU = 55 SRM = 29 (5 gallons/19 L, (0.9 oz./26 g of 5% alpha acids)
ABV = 7.3% extract with grains) 1.75 AAU Fuggles hops (15 min)
OG = 1.071 FG = 1.017 (0.35 oz./10 g of 5% alpha acids)
Ingredients IBU = 30 SRM = 28 2 AAU Tettnanger hops (15 min)
3.25 lbs. (1.5 kg) light dried malt extract ABV = 7.0% (0 .5 oz./14 g of 4% alpha acids)
5.0 lbs . (2 .3 kg) light liquid m alt extract Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White
0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) 2-row pale malt Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast
9.0 oz. (0 .26 kg) crystal malt (60 oL) Ingredients 0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming)
2.0 oz. (57 g) crystal malt (120 oL) 3.5 lbs. (1.6 kg) Briess light dried
2.0 oz. (57 g) chocolate malt malt extract Step by Step
1.0 oz. (28 g) roasted barley 5 lbs. 2 oz. (2.3 kg) Coopers light Mash at 153 °F (67 °C). Boil for 90
1.0 oz. (28 g) black patent malt liquid malt extract minutes . Ferment at 72 °F (22 oc).
2.75 AAU Northern Brewer bops 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) crystal malt (80° L)
(60 min) 0.33 lbs. (0.15 kg) chocolate malt Summit Winter Ale clone
(0 . 39 oz./11 g of 7% alpha acids) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) (Summit Brewing Co.,
2.75 AAU Styrian Goldings hops (60 min) 6 AAU Willamette hops (60 min) Minnesota)


(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) 1 tsp Irish moss (15 mins) Step by Step
OG = 1.058 FG = 1.012 7 AAU Willamette hops (60 mins) Steep the two crushed grains in
IBU = 20 SRM = 21 ABV = 5.9% (1.4 oz./40 g of 5% alpha acids) 3 gallons (11 L) of water at 150 "F (65 "C)
2.5 AAU Willamette hops (10 mins) for 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort,
Ingredients (0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids) add malt syrup, dry malt extract and
2.66 lbs. (1.2 kg) Northwestern Gold 1.0 oz. (28 g) Tettnanger hops (2 mins) bring to a boil. Add Perle (bittering) hops,
dried malt extract Wyeast 1335 (British Ale II) or White Irish moss and boil for 60 minutes. Add
4.33 lbs. (2.0 kg) Northwestern Gold Labs WLP023 (Bw"ton Ale) yeast Fuggle aroma hops for the last 3 minutes
liquid malt extract 0. 75 cups corn sugar (for priming) of the boil.
1.25 lbs . (0.57 kg) crystal malt (75 °L) vVhen done boiling, add wort to 2
1.0 oz. (28 g) black patent malt Step by Step gallons (7.6 L) cool water in a sanitary
1 tsp Irish moss (15 min) Begin by heating 1.3 gallons (5 L) of fermenter, and top off with cool water to
4.5 AAU Willamette hops (60 min) water to 169 •F (76 •c) in yow- brewpot. 5.5 gallons (20.9 L). Cool wort to 80 "F (27
(0.9 oz./26 g of 5% alpha acids) Place your crushed grains in a large "C), aerate the beer and pitch yow- yeast.
1.75 AAU Fuggles hops (15 min) steeping bag and steep at 158 •F (67 •c) Allow the beer to cool over the next few
(0.35 oz./10 g of 5% alpha acids) for 30-45 minutes. Add water and dried hours to 65-67 "F (18-19 "C), and hold at
2 AAU Tettnanger hops (15 min) malt extract to make 3.0 gallons (11 L) of these temperatmes until the yeast has
(0.5 oz./14 g of 4% alpha acids) wort. Boil for 60 minutes, adding hops at fermented completely. Bottle yow- beer,
Wyeast 1968 (London ESB) or White the times indicated. Add liquid malt age for 2-3 weeks and enjoy!
Labs WLP002 (English Ale) yeast extract with 15 minutes left in the boil.
0.75 cups corn sugar (for printing) Cool wort and siphon to fermenter. Add All -grain version:
Step by Step water to make 5 gallons (19 L) , aerate This is a single infusion mash .
Begin by heating 2.5 gallons (9.4 L) of and pitch yeast. Ferment at 68 •F (20 •c). Replace the light syrup and dry malt
water in your brewpot. In a separate extract with 12.0 lbs. (5.4 kg) US pale 2-
smaller pot, heat 0.5 gallons (1.9 L) of All- grain version: row malt. This will give an OG of 1.062,
water to 164 •F (7 3 •c). Add crushed Replace the malt extracts with 8 lb. assuming an extract efficiency of 65%.
grains to steeping bag and steep at 153 •F 4 oz. (3.7 kg) 2-row pale malt. Mash at Mash yow· grains at 155 "F (68 "C) for 60
(67 •c) for 30-45 minutes in a smaller 158 •F (70 •c) for 60 minutes. Boil for 90 minutes . Collect enough wort to boil for
pot. Add "grain tea" and dried malt minutes. Ferment at 68 •F (20 •c). 90 minutes and have a 5.5-gallon (20 .9-L)
extract to brewpot bring to a boil. Boil for yield. With a full wort boil, 1.5 oz. (35 g)
60 minutes, adding hops when indicated. Butte Creek of Perle hops will yield 42 IBU (in conjuc-
Add Irish moss and liquid malt extract Winter Ale clone tion with the late addition hops) . (The
with 15 minutes left in the boil. Cool wort (Butte Creek Brewing Co., rest of the recipe follows the extract
and siphon to ferm enter. Add water to California) instructions given above.
make 5 gallons (19 L) . Aerate and pitch (5 gallons/19 L,
yeast. Ferment at 68 •F (20 •c) . extract with Sam Adams Winter Brew clone
grains) (Boston Beer Co.,
Winterhook clone OG = 1.055-1.061 Massachusetts)
(Red Hook Brewing Co., FG = 1.014-1 .015 IBU = 32-42 SRM = 21 (5 gallons/19 L,
Washington) ABV = 5.4-5.9% partial mash)
(5 gallons/19 L, OG = 1.069 FG = 1.016
extract with grains) Ingredients IBU = 29 SRM = 19
OG = 1.056 6.6 lbs. (3.0 kg) Briess Light liquid ABV = 6.9%
FG = 1.018 malt extract
IBU = 28 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Briess Light dried L___ _ _ __ J Ingredients
SRM = 16 ABV = 4.9% malt extract 2.75 lbs . (1.24 kg) light dried
7.0 oz. (2.0 kg) chocolate malt malt extract
Ingredients 3.0 oz. (85 g) Munich malt 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) light liquid malt extract
1.5 lbs . (0.68 kg) Briess Light dried 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 nlins) (late addition)
malt extract 11.25 AAU Perle hops (60 mins) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) wheat malt
4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) Briess Light liquid (1.5 oz./43 g of 7.5% alpha acid) 1.5 lbs . (0.68 kg) Mwlich malt (20 •L)
malt extract 4.5 AAU Fuggle hops (3 nlins) 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) crystal malt (60 •L)
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale malt (1.0 oz./28 g of 4.5% alpha acid) 1.0 oz. (28 g) Curacao orange peel
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Carastan malt (34 •L) White Labs WLP051 (California VAle) or (bitter orange peel)
0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) CaraVienne Wyeast 1272 (American Ale II) 0.5 oz. (14 g) ginger root (freshly grated)
malt (21 •L) 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) 0.5 tsp . cinnamon (powdered)
0.25 lbs. (0.11 kg) CaraPils malt (6 •L) 9.5 AAU East Kent Goldings hops

(60 nuns) Ingredients (5 gallons/19 L,
(1.9 oz./53 g of 5% alpha acid) 1.0 lb . (0.45 kg) light dried malt extract extract with
4 AAU Tettnanger hops (2 mins) 1.25 lbs . (0.57 kg) wheat dried grains)
(1 oz./28 g of 4% alpha acid) malt extract 0G=1 .054 FG=1.013
4 AAU Hallertau Hersbrucker hops 6.6 lbs. (3.0 kg) Muntons Light liquid IBU = 19 SAM= 22 ABV = 5.2%
(2 mins) malt extract (late addition)
(1 oz./28 g of 4% alpha acid) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) English crystal Ingredients
1 tsp. Irish moss malt (60 °L) 2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg) light dried malt extract
White Labs WLP830 (German Lager ) or 1.0 oz. (28 g) chocolate malt 3 lb. 11 oz .. (1. 7 kg) Coopers Light
Wyeast 2206 (Bavarian Lager) yeast 1.0 oz. (28 g) black patent malt liquid malt extract (late addition)
(4 qt./-4 L yeast starter) 5 AAUs Fuggle pellet hops (40 mi.J1s) 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich malt
0. 75 cup corn sugar (for priming) (1.0 oz./28 gat 5.0% alpha acid) 0.5 Ibs. (0.23 kg) crystal malt (60" L)
5 AAUs Cluster pellet hops (20 mins) 1.5 oz. (43 g) chocolate malt
Step by Step (0 .71 oz./20 gat 7.0% alpha acid) 1.0 oz. (28 g) roasted barley
Place crushed malts in a nylon steep- 4 AAUs Mount Hood pellet hops (0 mins) 3 AAUs Chinook hops (60 mins)
ing bag and steep in 6.0 qts. (5 . 7 L) of (1 oz./28 g at 4.0% alpha acid) (0.25 oz./7 g of 12% alpha acid)
water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 nlinutes. 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) 1.5 AAUs Willamette hops (60 mins)
Rinse grains •vvith 3.0 qts. (2.8 L) of water Wyeast 1318 (London Ale III) , White (0.30 oz./8 g of 5% alpha acid)
at 170 °F (77 °C). Add water to make 3.0 Labs WLP023 (Burton Ale) or Danstar 1 AAU of Tettnang hops (5 mins)
gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt extract London dried ale yeast (0.25 oz./7 g of 4% alpha acid)
and bring to a boil. (2.5 qts./-2.5 L yeast starter) 2 AAU of Hallertau hops (0 mins)
When the wort begins boiling, add 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming) (0 .5 oz. (14 g) of 4% alpha acid)
East Kent Golding hops and boil for 60 1 tsp . Irish moss (15 mins)
minutes. Add the liquid malt extract, Step by Step Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) or White Labs
Irish moss and spices with 15 minutes left Steep specialty grains in 1.75 qts . WLP002 (English Ale) yeast
in the boil. Add Tettnanger and Hallertau (1.6 L) of water at 154 °F (68 °C) for 45 (1.75 qts./-1.75 L yeast starter)
hops for the last 2 minutes of the boil. min. Remove grains , rinse with 14 oz. 0.75 cup corn sugar (for priming)
Remove from heat and cool wort in (410 rnL) of water at 170 OF (77 °C) and
ice bath or with wort chiller. Transfer to add dried malt extracts. Bring to a boil Step by Step
fermentation vessel (such as a glass car- and boil for 60 minutes total. Add Fuggles Place crushed malts in a nylon steep-
boy). Add enough cold water to the wort hops with 40 minutes left in boil. Add ing bag and steep in 2.5 qts. (2.4 L) of
to bring the volume up to 5.0 gallons (19 Cluster hops with 20 minutes left in boil. water at 150 "F (66 °C) for 30 Illinutes.
L) . Pitch yeast and ferment at 55 "F Add Irish moss and liquid malt extract Rinse grains with 1.25 qts. (-1.25 L) of
(13 °C) for 3 to 4 weeks. Prime, then bot- with 15 minutes left in boil. Remove from water at 170 °F (77 °C) . Add water to
tle or keg. You should lager tllis beer for heat and add Mount Hood hops. Cool make 3 gallons (11 L), stir in dried malt
about 4 weeks prior to serving. wort to about 72 °F (22 °C), then transfer extract and bring to a boil.
to fermenter. Top up to 5 gallons (19 L), Add Chinook and Willamette hops
All-grain version: aerate well and pitch yeast. Ferment at and boil for 60 minutes total. Add Irish
Eliminate the malt extracts. Add 5.25 70 °F (21 °C) or 7 to 10 clays or until fer- moss, Tettnang hops and liquid malt
lbs. (2.4 kg) of pale malt. Increase the mentation is completed. Then rack to sec- extract with 15 minutes left i.J1 the boil.
Munich malt to 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) and the ondary fermentation, or bottle or keg Add the Hallertau hops at the end of th e
wheat malt to 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg). I would with priming sugar. Age for several boil. Chill the wort as quickly as possible .
suggest a two-step mash schedule for this weeks. Pour wort into sanitized fermenter and
beer. This involves doing a 30-minute rest add water to ecrual 5.0 gallons (19 L).
at 122 °F (50 °C), followed by 60 minutes All - grain version: Aerate well, pitch yeast and ferment at
at 155 "F (68 °C). Use 18 qts. (17 L) of Substitute 11 lbs . 11 oz. (5.3 kg) 68 °F (20 °C).
mash water. Collect 8.0 gallons (30 L) of Maris Otter pale ale malt and 1.5 lbs.
wort and boil to reduce volume to 5.0 gal- (0.68 kg) wheat malt for malt extracts. All-grain version:
lons (19 L), about 3 hours. Ferment at 55 Mash grains at 154 °F (68 oc) for 60 min- Substitute 9. 75 lbs. (4.4 kg) pale
°F (13 oc) . utes. Use 18 qts. (17 L) of mash liquor. malt for malt extracts. With 14.5 qts.
Collect 7.5 gallons (28 L) and boil down to (13 .7 L) of mash liquor, mash grains at
Ubu Ale clone 5.0 gallons (19 L) , wllich should take 152 °F (67 oc) for 60 Illinutes . Collect 6.0
(Lake Placid Pub and Brewery, about 3 hours. Ferment at 70 °F (21 °C) gallons (23 L) of wort and boil for 60 min-
New York) utes. Ferment at 68 °F (20 °C) .
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) Avalanche Ale clone
OG = 1.069 FG = 1.014 (Breckenridge Brewery, Old Peculier clone
IBU = 28 SAM = 23 ABV = 7.0% Colorado) (T&R Theakston Brewery, England)


(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) 0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) torrified wheat (or
OG =1.060 FG =1.013 flaked wheat)
IBU =30 SAM =32 ABV 0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
= 6.0% 4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) crystal malt (120-150
Ingredients 3.0 oz. (85 g) chocolate malt
9.0 lbs. (4.1 kg) 2-row 8.0 oz. (0.23 kg) cane sugar (15 mins)
pale ale malt 5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) invert sugar (15 mins)
0. 75 lbs. (0.34 kg) torrified wheat 3.0 oz. (85 g) molasses (15 mins)
(or flaked wheat) 1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins)
0.75 lbs. (0.34 kg) crystal malt (60 °L)
4.0 oz. (0.11 kg) crystal malt
7 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 mins)
(0.78 oz./22 g of 9% alpha acids)
(120-150 °L)
3.0 oz. (85 g) chocolate malt
2.5 AAU Fuggles hops (15 mins)
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids)
8.0 oz. (0.23 kg) cane sugar (15 mins) 0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Fuggles hops (dry hops) Beginner's Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover II
5.0 oz. (0.14 kg) invert sugar (15 mins) Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) or White Labs 802-362-3981
3.0 oz. (85 g) molasses (15 mins) WLP026 (Bw-ton Ale) yeast [email protected]
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 mins) (2 qt.!-2 L yeast starter)
0.75 cups corn sugar (for priming) Blichmann Engineering, LLC . . .. . .. ... .9
7 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 mins)
(0.78 oz./22 g of 9% alpha acids) [email protected]
2.5 AAU Fuggles hops (15 mins) Step by Step
Place crushed malts in a large nylon Brew Your Own Back Issue Binders . ... 23
(0.5 oz./14 g of 5% alpha acids)
0.25 oz. (7 .1 g) Fuggles hops (dry hops) steeping bag. Heat 4.5 qts. (4 L) of water www.brewyourownstore.com
Wyeast 1028 (London Ale) or VVhite Labs to 164 °F (73 °C) and submerge bag. [email protected]
WLP026 (Burton Ale) yeast Steep at 153 oF (67 °C) for 30 minutes.
Brew Your Own Back Issues ...... . .. .46
(2 qt./-2 L yeast starter) Rinse grain bag with 2 qt. (-2 L) water at 802-362-3981
0.75 cups corn sugar (for printing) 170 oF (77 °C). Add water to "grain tea" www.brewyourownstore.com
to make 3 gallons (11 L), add dried malt [email protected]
Step by Step extract and bring to a boil. Add bittering Brew Your Own Merchandise ...... Gov. Ill
Heat 14 qts. (13 L) of water to 164 op hops and boil wort for 60 minutes. Add 1-877-809-1659
flavor hops , sugars and Irish moss at www.cafepress.com/brewyourown
(73 °C}, stir in crushed grains and wheat
and mash at 153 op (67 °C). Hold mash at times indicated in ingredient list. Cool BYO.COM ............... . ... ... .... 33
153 oF (67 °C) for 45 minutes. Collect wort, transfer to fermenter and top up to www.byo.com
5 gallons (19 L). Aerate we ll and pitch [email protected]
about 5.5 gallons (21 L) of wort, add 1.0
gallon (3.8 L) of water and bring to a boil. yeast. Ferment at 70 oF (21 °C). Rack beer Muntons p.l.c.................... Gov. IV
Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops, sugars to secondary and let beer condition for 2 011-441-449618333
and Irish moss at time indicated in ingre- weeks. Add dry hops 5 days before pack- www.muntons.com
[email protected]
dient list. Cool wort and transfer to fer- aging beer. Bottle with corn sugar or keg.
menter. Aerate wort and pitch yeast. My Own Labels .. .. .. . . . ... .. .. ..... 23
Ferment at 70 op (21 °C). Rack beer to www.myownlabels.com
[email protected]
secondary and let beer condition for 2
weeks. Add dry hops 5 clays before pack- White Labs Pure Yeast & Fermentation .. 33
aging beer. Bottle with corn sugar or keg.
[email protected]
Old Peculier clone
Wyeast Laboratories, Inc.- Fresh
(T&R Theakston Brewery, Fermentation Cultures . ............. .17
England) www.wyeastlab.com
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) [email protected]
OG = 1.060 FG = 1.013
IBU = 30 SRM = 32 ABV = 6.0%

2.0 lbs (0.91 kg) Mtmtons Light dried
malt extract
3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) Mw1tons Light liquid
malt extract (late addition)
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) 2-row pale ale malt

#9 (Magic Hat Brewing Co.) ...... ... ... 63 (Capital Brewery Co.) . ... ... . .. ..... . .. 19

60-min IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) .. 27

90-min IPA (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) . .27

Acme IPA (North Coast Brewing Co.) . .... 30

African Amber
(Mac & Jack's Brewery) ... ... ...... . ... 24
Cappuccino Stout (Lagunitas Brewing Co.) .8

Carolina Nut Brown Ale

(The Carolina Brewing Co.) . .. . . •.. . ... .19

Celebration Ale
(Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.) . . .. . ....... 30

Cherry Chocolate Beer
Alaskan Amber (Alaskan Brewing Co.) .. .. 24 (O'Fallon Brewery) . . .. .. . . .• . .. . . . ... .61

Alaskan Smoked Porter Chocolate Jitters

(Alaskan Brewing Co.) . ........... .. ... 12 (Rocky River Brewing Co.) . ......... ... .10

AleSmith IPA (AieSmith Brewing Co.) ... .. 28 Clearwater Light (Clearwater Brewery) . .. .42

Alpha King Pale Ale Coopers Sparkling Ale

(Three Floyd's Brewing Co .) .............38 (Coopers Brewery Ltd .) . . • .. . ... . ..... .40

Anchor Steam (Anchor Brewing Co.) ... ... 33 Cottonwood Frostbite

• Arctic Red (Yukon Brewing Co .) .. ..... . .23

(Carolina Beer Co.) ...... . . .. ... ... ... .66

Creemore Springs Premium Lager

Avalanche Ale (Breckenridge Brewer-Y) .... 70 (Creemore Springs Brewery) . .. ... .. ... .57

Q) Ayinger Celebrator (Brauerei Aying) ....... 56

Banks 's Mild Ale

(Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries) .... .44
Crooked River ESB
(Crooked River Brewing Co .) .... ........ 37

Cutthroat Porter (Odell Brewing Co.) .. .. .. 13

c. BAR Pale Ale (BruRm @ Bar) .... • ..... .. 36

Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale (Bass p.l.c.) ....... 34

Beamish Genuine Irish Stout

(Beamish & Crawford p.l.c.) ..... .. . . •. . . .5

Bell's Best Brown Ale

DeuS (Brouw erij Bosteels) . .. . .•.. . • .. . .49

Double Black Stout

(Redhook Ale Brewery) .. . . .. .. . . . .' .. . .11

Double Eagle Ale

(Rockyard Brewing Co.) . ..... .. .. .... . .48

(Bell 's Brewery Inc.) .... . .. .. ..... .. ... 20 Dreadnaught (Three Floyd 's Brewing Co.) . .28

Bitburger Premium (Bitburger Brewery) ... 56 Duvel (Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat) ... . . . . .50

Bitch Creek ESB Eastside Dark (Lakefront Brew ery) . . . .. : .58

(Grand Teton Brewing Co.) . ..• ..... . ... 39
Easy Street Wheat (Odell Brewing Co.) . . . .48
BJ's Grand Cru
(BJ 's Restaurant & Brewery) .. . .. . ...... 53 Elissa IPA (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) .. .. .30

BJ's Millenium Ale Farmhouse Summer Ale

(BJ 's Restaurant & Brewery) .. . ... .... .. 53 (Flying Fish Brewery) .. . ... .•. . .... . . .. 50

Black Butte Porter Fat Tire Amber Ale

(Deschutes Brewery) ...... ... .. .. ..... 14 (New Belgium Brewing Co.) ... . . . ....... 21

Q) Blue Star Wheat Beer

(North Coast Brewing Co .) .... . • . .• ... . .45

Blue Whale Ale

Feast of Fools (Magic Hat Brewing Co.) .. .65

Fish Tale Trout Stout (Fish Brewing Co.) .... 7

(Pacific Coast Brewing Co .) ...... . . • . .. .42 Fraoch Heather Ale (Craigmill Brewery) . . .. 63

Bottleworks IPA Fredericksburg Porter

(Dick's Brewing Co.) . . .... . ... . .. . . . ... 31 (Fredericksburg Brewing Co.) ... . • . ..... 13

Breckenridge Christmas Ale Full Sail Amber Ale

(Breckenridge Brewery) ........ . . .. .... 67 (Full Sail Brewing Co.) . . ..... . ..... . ... 22

0 BridgePort Porter
(BridgePort Brewing Co .) . . . • ... • . . . .. .. 12

Butte Creek Winter Ale

(Butte Creek Brewing Co.) ..... . •... ... .69
Full Sail Wassail (Full Sail Brew ing Co.) ... .67

Full Suspension Pale Ale

(Squatters Pub Brewery) .. .... ... .. .. .. 38

Fuller's ESB

Cambridge Amber Ale (Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.) .. . .. . • . . . . .35
(Cambridge Brewing Co.) . . . . ...•.. . .... 22
Fuller's London Porter
Capital Brown Ale (Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l. c .) .. . . .. •..... 11

(AIIgauer Brauhaus AG) ..... ... ...... . .45
Gaelic Ale (Highland Brewing Co.) . . ..... .42 Snow Cap Ale (Pyramid Breweries Inc.) . . .68
Old Jubilation Ale (Avery Brewing Co.) . ... 64
Guinness Draught (Guinness & Co.) .. . ... . 4 Snowplow Milk Stout
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout Old Leghumper Porter (Widmer Brothers Brewing Co.) ..... .. .... 7
(Guinness & Co.) . .. ...... . . . . ... ... .. .4 (Thirsty Dog Brewing Co .) ... ... ...... .. 14
Sprecher Special Amber Lager
Harpoon IPA (Harpoon Brewery) . . . ... . . .31 Old Peculier (T&R Theakston LTD) .... ... 70 (Sprecher Brewing Co.) .. .. . .... .... ... 57

Hazelnut Brown Nectar (Rogue Ales) . ... .20 Old Rasputin Imperial Stout St. Rogue Red Ale (Rogue Ales) ....•.. . .24
(North Coast Brewing Co.) . . .. ....... ... .6
Heineken (Heineken Brouwerijen) .... .... 54 Sudwerk Hubsch Marzen
Ommegang Abbey Ale (Sudwerk Restaurant & Brewery) .... . .... 60
Hennepin (Brewery Ommegang) . . . ... .. .49 (Brewery Ommegang) .. ... . ...... .. ... 51
Summit Winter Ale
Highland Heather Ale Orval Trappist Ale (Brasserie d'Orval) . .. . .52 (Summit Brewing Co.) ...... . .. .. ...... 68
(Highland Brewing Co.) .. ... ......... .. 63
Oscar's Chocolate Oatmeal Stout TableRock Nut Brown Ale
Hop Jack Pale Ale (Sand Creek Brewing Co.) . . ..... . ....... 8 (TableRock Brewpub & Grill) ... . ........ 20
(Widmer Brothers Brewing Co.) . ...... .. .41
Otter Creek Pale Ale Terrapin Rye Pale Ale (Terrapin Beer Co.) .. 37
Hop Rod Rye (Otter Creek Brewing Co.) ........ .. ... .39
(Bear Republic Brewing Co.) ... .. .• . . . .. 28 Thirsty Trout Porter
Paulaner Hefe-Weizen (Dark Horse Brewing Co.) ... . .. . • . ... . .15
Hope and King Scotch Ale (Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG) .. ... .48
(Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery) ... • ..... 26 Tire Biter Golden Ale
Pilsner Urquell (Pizenky Prazdroj) ....... .59 (Flying Dog Brewery) . ... • .. ...... . . .. .40
Imperial IPA (I' PA) (Rogue Ales) . .. .... ... 29
Pliny the Elder (Russian River Brewing Co.) .. 29 Total Disorder Porter
Imperial Nut Brown (Ram Big Horn Brewing Co.) .. . ......... 15
(Tommyknocker Brewery) ..... . •... ... .. 19 Powder Hound Winter Ale
(Big Sky Brewing Co.) .. . . .............65 Traquair House Ale
Indian Brown Ale (Traquair House Brewery) .. .. . . . ..... ... 25
(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) .. . . ..•.. .. 18 Racer 5 (Bear Republic Brewing Co .) . . . . .28
Troegs Hopback Amber Ale
John Courage Amber Rainbow Red Ale (Trbegs Brewing Co.) ... ...... .. . .. ... .22
(Scottish & Newcastle p.l.c.) .. .• ... . .... 60 (Trout River Brewing Co.) .. .... . . . . •. . .. 25
Turbodog (Abita Brewing Co.) .. .. ... . ... 18
La Conner Pilsner Raven Hair Beauty (BruRm @ Bar) ... . .. .44
(La Conner Brewing Co.) . . . .. . ...... . . .58 Two Hearted Ale (Bell 's Brewery, Inc.) . . . .. 30
Red Tail Ale (Mendocino Brewing Co.) ... .40
La Folie (New Belgium Brewing Co.) .... . .62 Ubu Ale (Lake Placid Pub & Brewery) ... . .70
Red hook ESB (Red hook Ale Brewery) . ... 36
Labat! Blue (Labat! Brewing Co.) ... . . . .. 58 Vanilla Creme Ale
Ruination IPA (Stone Brewing Co.) . . . . ... 31 (Market Street Brewery & Public House) .. .43
Lagunitas IPA (Lagunitas Brewing Co.) .. . .29
Saint Arnold Christmas Ale Vermont Smoked Porter
Lookout Stout (Haines Brewing Co.) ....... 7 (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) ... . .... . .. ... 66 (Vermont Pub & Brewery) .......... . .... 14

Midas Touch Saint Arnold Summer Pils Warsteiner Premium Varum

(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) ... . •...... 62 (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) ..... . ........ 59 (Warsteiner Brauerei) ....... .. . . . . . . ... 55

Mirror Pond Pale Ale Saison Belgian Style Farmhouse Ale (New Warthog Cream Ale
(Deschutes Brewery) . . .• .. .•. .. •...... 38 Belgium Brewing Co.) . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .51 (Big Rock Brewery) .. .. ... . ... • .. . . . . .43

Mo' Betta Bretta Sam Adams Winter Brew Wee Heavy Scotch Ale
(Pizza Port Brewing Co.) .... • . ..• ...... 61 (Boston Beer Co.) . . . .. . . .. ............69 (Steelhead Brewing Co.) .... .. .•.. .. ... 25

Mud Bock Spring Ale Samichlaus (Schloss Eggenberger) . ... ... 67 Westmalle Tripe!
(Otter Creek Brewing Co.) .. ........ . .. .21 (Brouwerij Westmalle) ... . ... • .. . • . .. . . .52
Samuel Smith 's India Ale
Mueller Wheat (Springfield Brewing Co.) . . .45 (Samuel Smith Old Brewery) ... . .. . ... . .32 Winter Palace Wee Heavy
(Paper City Brewery) ... . .. . ... . .. . ... .26
Murphy's Pub Draught Sanctification
(Murphy Brewery Ltd .) . . .. ....... • ..... .4 (Russian River Brewing Co.) .... . . • ..... 61 Winter Warmer (Harpoon Brewery) .. . . . . .64

Navish's Oatmeal Stout Shiner Bock (Spoetzel Brewery) ...•.. ... 54 Winterhook (Redhook Ale Brewery) .. . . . . .69
(The Portsmouth Brewery) . ..... .. . .. . . .10
Shipyard Export Ale Wisdom Cream Ale
New World Porter (Avery Brewing Co.) ... .12 (Shipyard Brewing Co.) ... • ... . .... . .. .41 (Big Hole Brewing Co .) .. .. ... .. ... . ... .43

Newcastle Brown Ale Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Young 's Double Chocolate Stout
(Scottish & Newcastle p.l.c.) .. ... .. • . . . .16 (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.) . ........... 32 (Young & Co.'s Brewery p.l.c.) ...... . ... . .5

Oak Barrel Stout Sin City Amber (Sin City Brewery) ... • .... 57 Young's Special London Ale
(Old Dominion Brewing Co.) .... .. .. . .... 9 (Young & Co.'s Brewery p.l.c.) ..... . .. .. .35
Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout
Oberdorfer Weissbier (Big Sky Brewing Co.) .... .... . ... . .. .. 11

Turbodog .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . • . . . . . . .18 Butte Creek Winter Ale ..... . . . .. . ..... 69
Alaskan Amber . . ... . .. ..... . . .. . . .. .24 Cambridge Amber Ale . . . .. .... .. .. .. .22

Q) Alaskan Smoked Porter .. . .. .. . ... . ... 12

AleSmith IPA . . ..... . . . ... . . .. • . . . .. .28
Capital Brown Ale . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. ..... 19
Cottonwood Frostbite .... ... . . . •.. . .. 66

-c Oberdorfer Weissbier ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Anchor Steam . . . .. . ..... .... . . . ..... 33
Clearwater Light . . ..... ..... .. . .• . . . .42

AVERY BREWING CO. Coopers Sparkling Ale . .. . .. . . • . ... .. .40
New World Porter . . . . . . ... .. . ..•.. . . .12 CRAIGMILL BREWERY
Old Jubilation Ale .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 64 Fraoch Heather Ale ... .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .63
Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale ... . .. ...... . .... 34 Creemore Springs Premium Lager . .. . ... 57


Beamish Genuine Irish Stout .... . .... .. .5
Crooked River ESB .. . .. . . ..... . ... .. 37
Hop Rod Rye . . . . . ....... ... .... ... .28 Thirsty Trout Porter . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. ... 15

Q) Racer 5 . . . . .. .... . . .. . ...... ..•. .. .28

Bell 's Best Brown Ale ...... . ..•..•.... 20
Black Butte Porter . .. .. ...... . . . ..... 14
Mirror Pond Pale Ale . . ..... . .........38

Two Hearted Ale .. . . .. . . ..... • . ..... .30 DICK'S BREWING CO.
BIG HOLE BREWING CO. Bottleworks IPA . .. . .. .... ... .... .. . .31
Wisdom Cream Ale . .... . .. . ......... .43 DOGFISH HEAD CRAFT BREWERY
BIG ROCK BREWERY 60-min IPA . . .... . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. 27
Warthog Cream Ale . . . .... .. ... . .. . . .43 90-min IPA . . .. . . . ..... • . . •.. . . .27


Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout ... . . ..... . .. .11
Indian Brown Ale . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. 18
Midas Touch . . . . . . . . • ..•.. • . . . .. 62
Powder Hound Winter Ale ... • . . • . . .. . .65 FISH BREWING CO.
BITBURGER BREWERY Fish Tale Trout Stout . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 7
Bitburger Premium .................. .56 FLYING DOG BREWERY
BJ'S RESTAURANT & BREWERY Tire Biter Golden Ale ... ... . .. •. .•. . . .40
BJ 's Grand Cru .... . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .53 FLYING FISH BREWERY
BJ's Millenium Ale .. ..... . . . .. ... . .. .53 Farmhouse Summer Ale .. . ...... ·.. .... 50
Sam Adams Winter Brew .. . ..• . .. . .. . .69 Fredericksburg Porter . ... . ............ 13
Orval Trappist Ale ....... . . . .... • ... . .52 Full Sail Amber Ale . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . .. .22
BRAUEREI AYING Full Sail Wassail ... ... ... .. . . ........ 67
Ayinger Celebrator . .. . . . . . . .. . .... .. .56 FULLER, SMITH & TURNER P.L.C.

Avalanche Ale . . . .. .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . .. 70
Breckenridge Christmas Ale ..... . .• . .. .67
Fuller's ESB . . . ......... . ....... .. . .35
Fuller's London Porter . ... ... . .. . . ... .11

BREWERY OMMEGANG Bitch Creek ESB ....... . ..... . ... .. . .39
Hennepin . . ...... . .. . . . . • ..•..•.. . .49 GUINNESS & CO.
Ommegang Abbey Ale . ... . . . . . . . ... . .51 Guinness Draught . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . .4
BRIDGEPORT BREWING CO. Guinness Foreign Extra Stout . ... . .. .. . .4
BridgePort Porter ... . ...... . . ... . . . .. 12 HAINES BREWING CO.

DeuS .. . . .... .. . . . ... . . . .... . .. . .. .49
Duvel . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . ..... . .... . ... 50
Lookout Stout ..... . . .. . . • ..•. . .... . . .7
Harpoon IPA . .. . .... . . . . • ..•.. . ..... 31
Winter Warmer . . . . .. . . ... .. ...•.. . .. 64

Westmalle Tripel . . ....... . . . ..... . . .. 52 Heineken . ... . . .. ... . . .. . ..... • .. ... 54
BAR Pale Ale ... ........ . . . .. . .. . .. .36 Gaelic Ale ...... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . .42
Raven Hair Beauty ... . . . . . .. . . ... .. . .44 Highland Heather Ale . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 63


La Conner Pil sner ....... . ... . ..... . . .58 Double Black Stout . . .. .. . . . •..•.. .. .11 Navish's Oatmeal Stout . . .. ... . ... ... .10
LABATT BREWING CO. Redhook ESB . . ... . .. .. . . .. . .. . ..... 36 THIRSTY DOG BREWING CO.
Labat! Blue ... ... .. . ... . ... .... . . . . .58 Winterhook ... ... ... . .. . .. . . . . •. . .. .69 Old Leghumper Porter . . . .. . .. . . ...... 14
Cappuccino Stout . . .. . . . .. . .... . .. . .. 8 Chocolate Jitters .... . .. . . . .. . . • .. . .. 10 Alpha King Pale Ale . . .... ...... . ... . .38
Lagunitas IPA ... . . .... . ..... .. ..... .29 ROCKYARD BREWING CO. Dreadnaught . . . . . .. . .... . ..... ...... 28
LAKE PLACID PUB & BREWERY Double Eagle Ale .. . .. .... . . .... . .... 48 TOMMYKNOCKER BREWERY
Ubu Ale ... . . . . . . . .. . . . ...... . . ... .. 70 ROGUE ALES Imperial Nut Brown . . . . ... . .. .. . .. .... 19
LAKEFRONT BREWERY Hazelnut Brown Nectar . ...• . .•... . . . .20 TRAQUAIR HOUSE BREWERY
Eastside Dark . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... . . . .58 Imperial IPA (I' PA) . . .... ....... . . . ... .29 Traquair House Ale . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. 25
MAC & JACK'S BREWERY St. Rogue Red Ale ......... . .. . . •... .24 TROEGS BREWING CO.
African Amber ... ... ..... .... .. ...... 24 RUSSIAN RIVER BREWING CO. Troegs Hopback Amber Ale .. .. ... • .... 22
MAGIC HAT BREWING CO. Pliny the Elder .. ... . . ..... . . . .. . . .. .29 TROUT RIVER BREWING CO.
#9 .... . . .. . .. .. . ........... . .... . .63 Sanctification .. . ... .. . . ... . . ....... .61 Rainbow Red Ale .. . ... .... ..... . .. . .25
Feast of Fools ..... .. . . .. . . . .... . .. .. 65 SAINT ARNOLD BREWING CO. VERMONT PUB & BREWERY
MARKET STREET BREWERY & PUBLIC Elissa IPA .. . ....... . .. . ......... . .. 30 Vermont Smoked Porter . .. .. ..... . ... .14
HOUSE Saint Arnold Christmas Ale ..•. . •. . .... 66 WARSTEINER BRAUEREI
Vanilla Creme Ale . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .43 Saint Arnold Summer Pils .. . .... . .. . .. 59 Warsteiner Premium Varum . .. .. . . ... .. 55
Red Tail Ale . . .. . ... ... . .. . .. . .. . ... .40 Samuel Smith 's India Ale .............. 32 Hop Jack Pale Ale .. . .... . . . .. ..... . .41
MINNEAPOLIS TOWN HALL BREWERY SAND CREEK BREWING CO. Snowplow Milk Stout . ......... .. .. .. .. 7
Hope and King Scotch Ale . ..... . . . ... .26 Oscar's Chocolate Oatmeal Stout .. .. . ... 8 WOLVERHAMPTON & DUDLEY
Murphy's Pub Draught ..... . ..... .... . .4 Samichlaus . . .... .. . . ....... . . . .. . . .67 Banks's Mild Ale ............. . ...... .44
Fat Tire Amber Ale .. .... . . .. . ..... . .. 21 John Courage Amber ...... . .... . ..... 60 Young's Double Chocolate Stout ...... .. .5
La Folie .. . .. . . .... . ... .. .... . .. .... 62 Newcastle Brown Ale . . . . .. ... ..... ... 16 Young's Special London Ale . . .. .. . . .. .. 35
Farmhouse Ale ...... . ......... . • .. .. 51 Shipyard Export Ale . . .. . .. . .... . ... . .41 Arctic Red ........... ...... ......... 23
Acme IPA ........ . . .. . ........ . . . .. 30 Celebration Ale .. . ..... . .. ... . . ..... .30
Blue Star Wheat Beer . ...... .. ....... .45 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale .. . ..•. . •. .. . ... 32
Old Rasputin Imperial Stout .. . . .... . . . .. 6 SIN CITY BREWERY
O'FALLON BREWERY Sin City Amber .. . .. . .. . ..•.. • . . • . .. .57
Cherry Chocolate Beer . . . . . .. . .. ..... .61 SPOETZEL BREWERY
ODELL BREWING CO. Shiner Bock ...... . ..... . .. . . .... . . .54
Cutthroat Porter . . . . .. . .. . . .... . . ... .13 SPRECHER BREWING CO.
Easy Street Wheat .. .... . . .. . ....... .48 Sprecher Special Amber Lager .........57
Oak Barrel Stout .. . .............. .. ... 9 Mueller Wheat . ... .. ......... • . .. . . .45
Mud Bock Spring Ale .. ...... . . . .. . ... 21 Full Suspension Pale Ale .. .... .. . .. ... 38
Otter Creek Pale Ale . .. . . . . .. .. .... . . .39 STEELHEAD BREWING CO.
PACIFIC COAST BREWING CO. Wee Heavy Scotch Ale .... . ...... .. . .. 25
Blue Whale Ale .... ... ... . ........ . . .42 STONE BREWING CO.
PAPER CITY BREWERY Ruination IPA .. . . . .. . . ...... . . . . .... 31
Winter Palace Wee Heavy . . .. . .. . ..... 26 SUDWERK RESTAURANT & BREWERY
PAULANER BRAUEREI GMBH & CO. KG Sudwerk HUbsch Marzen . . . .. . .... . ... 60
Paulaner Hefe-Weizen .. .. .... .. . . .. . .48 SUMMIT BREWING CO.
PIZZA PORT BREWING CO. Summit Winter Ale . .. . .. .... . .. • ..... 68
Mo' Betta Bretta . . . ... . .. ........ . ... 61 T&R THEAKSTON LTD
PLZENKY PRAZDROJ Old Peculier . .. .. ...... . .. . ... ... ... 70
Pilsner Urquell .. .. ... . ....... . . • .... 59 TABLEROCK BREWPUB & GRILL
PYRAMID BREWERIES INC. TableRock Nut Brown Ale .............20
Snow Cap Ale ... . ... ... .... . ....... .68 TERRAPIN BEER CO.
RAM BIG HORN BREWING CO. Terrapin Rye Pale Ale . . .. . . .... . .•... .37
Total Disorder Porter ... .... . . .. .. . ... 15 THE CAROLINA BREWING CO.
Carolina Nut Brown Ale . . . .. . . . . .•.... 19

STOUT Turbodog (Abita Brewing Co .) ... .... .... 18
Imperial Nut Brown
Guinness Draught (Guinness & Co.) . . . . .. .4 (Tommyknocker Brewery) .... . . . ....... 19

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout Capital Brown Ale (Capital Brewery Co. . .19)
(Guinness & Co.) . . ... . .. . .... . ...... . .4

()) Murphy's Pub Draught

(Murphy Brewery Ltd.) . .. .. . ..... . ... . . .4

Beamish Genuine Irish Stout

Carolina Nut Brown Ale
(The Carolina Brewing Co.) . . .. . ... . . . .. 19

TableRock Nut Brown Ale

(TableRock Brewpub & Grill) ............ 20

(Beamish & Crawford p.l.c.) . . . . .. . ...... 5
Bell 's Best Brown Ale (Bell 's Brewery Inc.) .20
Young 's Double Chocolate Stout
(Young & Co .'s Brewery p.l.c.) .. . . . . • . . .. .5 Hazelnut Brown Nectar (Rogue Ales) . . . . .20

Old Rasputin Imperial Stout Mud Bock Spring Ale

(North Coast Brewing Co.) .... .. ... . . . . .6 (Otter Creek Brewing Co .) .. . .... ... . . . .21

Fish Tale Trout Stout (Fish Brewing Co.) . . . .7

Lookout Stout (Haines Brewing Co.) ... .. .. 7
Fat Tire Amber Ale
(New Belgium Brewing Co.) . . . . . .. . ... .21

Snowplow Milk Stout
(Widmer Brothers Brewing Co.) . . . . .. . ... .7
Full Sail Amber Ale
Oscar's Chocolate Oatmeal Stout (Full Sail Brewing Co.) ......... ... . . ... 22
(Sand Creek Brewing Co.) . . ... . . .... . . . .8
Triiegs Hopback Amber Ale
(Triiegs Brewing Co.) ........ . . .. ...... 22

Cappuccino Stout (Lagunitas Brewing Co.) .8

Oak Barrel Stout Cambridge Amber Ale

{Old Dominion Brewing Co.) . .. .... .. . . .. 9 (Cambridge Brewing Co .) . . . . ..... . .... 22

Navish's Oatmeal Stout Arctic Red (Yukon Brewing Co.) . . ... .. . .23
(The Portsmouth Brewery) . .. . . .. . . ..... 10
African Amber
Chocolate Jitters (Mac & Jack's Brewery) . . .. . ... . . . ..... 24
(Rocky River Brewing Co .) .. . . . ... .. ... 10
Alaskan Amber {Alaskan Brewing Co.) .... 24
Double Black Stout

• (Redhook Ale Brewery) ....... ..... . . . . 11 St. Rogue Red Ale (Rogue Ales) . .. . ... . .24

Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout Rainbow Red Ale

(.) (Big Sky Brewing Co.) .. . ... . . .. .. . ... . 11 (Trout River Brewing Co .) ... . . ... ...... 25


Fuller's London Porter Traquir House Ale

(Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.) .... . . . . .... 11 (Traquir House Brewery) ... . . . . .. • . . . . .25

BridgePort Porter (BridgePort Brewing Co.) 12 Wee Heavy Scotch Ale

(Steelhead Brewing Co.) . . .... . ........ 25
New World Porter (Avery Brewing Co.) .... 12
Hope and King Scotch Ale
Alaskan Smoked Porter (Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery) ... . .... 26
(Alaskan Brewing Co.) ..... . .. . ... . . .. .12
Winter Palace Wee Heavy
Fredericksburg Porter (Paper City Brewery) ......... . . .. • .... 26
(Fredericksburg Brewing Co.) . . . . . . . . ... 13


Cutthroat Porter (Odell Brewing Co.) . .... 13

Black Butte Porter (Deschutes Brewery) .. .14 60-min IPA

(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) .. . . ..... . .27
Vermont Smoked Porter

(Vermont Pub & Brewery) . . . . .......... 14 90-min IPA
(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) .. ......... 27
Old Leghumper Porter
(Thirsty Dog Brewing Co .) . . .. ... . ... .. .14 AleSmith IPA {AieSmith Brewing Co.) ... .28

Thirsty Trout Porter Dreadnaught (Three Floyd's Brewing Co.) .28

(Dark Horse Brewing Co.) .. .. ...... . .. .15

Hop Rod Rye
Total Disorder Porter (Bear Republic Brewing Co.) ............ 28
(Ram Big Horn Brewing Co .) . . .. . .. . ... .15
Racer 5 (Bear Republic Brewing Co.) . . . . .28

BROWN ALE Pliny the Elder

(Russian River Brewing Co .) . . . . .. . ..... 29
Newcastle Brown Ale
(Scottish & Newcastle p.l.c.) . . ...• . . . . . . 16 Imperial IPA {I'PA) (Rogue Ales) ..... . .... 29

(.) Indian Brown Ale

(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) .. . . .. . . . . .18
Lagunitas IPA (Lagunitas Brewing Co.) .... 29

Acme IPA (North Coast Brewing Co .) .. . .30


Elissa IPA (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) . . .. .30 WHEAT BEERS SPECIALTY BEERS
Celebration Ale Mueller Wheat (Springfield Brewing Co.) 44 Mo' Betta Bretta
(Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.) . .. . . ..... . .30 (Pizza Port Brewing Co.) . . ... . ....... . .61
Blue Star Wheat Beer
Two Hearted Ale (Bell's Brewery, Inc.) .. . .30 (North Coast Brewing Co.) . ... .. .. . . . . .45 Sanctification
(Russian River Brewing Co.) . . .. •. .. . ... 61
Ruination IPA (Stone Brewing Co.) .... . .. 31 Oberdorfer Weissbier
(AIIgauer Brauhaus AG) . . . . ...... .. ... .45 Cherry Chocolate Beer
Harpoon IPA (Harpoon Brewery) . .. . ..... 31 (O'Fallon Brewery) . .... . .... . . . .. . .. . .61
Easy Street Wheat (Odell Brewing Co.) .. .48
Bottleworks IPA (Dick 's Brewing Co.) .... 31 La Folie (New Belgium Brewing Co.) ... . .. 62
Paulaner Hefe-Weizen
Samuel Smith's India Ale (Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG) . ... .48 Midas Touch
(Samuel Smith Old Brewery) .....• ... .. .32 (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) ....... . . .. 62
Double Eagle Ale (Rockyard Brewing Co.) .48
Fraoch Heather Ale (Craigmill Brewery) . . .63
Highland Heather Ale
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale BELGIAN OR BELGIAN (Highland Brewing Co.) ...... . .. • . . .... 63
(Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.) .. . ... . . ... .32 INSPIRED BEERS
#9 (Magic Hat Brewing Co.) . . ... •. .. .. .63
Anchor Steam (Anchor Brewing Co.) . . ... 33 DeuS (Brouwerij Bosteels) . . . .. . . . . .. .. .49

Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale (Bass p.l.c.) .. . .. . .34 Hennepin (Brewery Ommegang) ....... . .49 WINTER BEERS
Young's Special London Ale Duvel (Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat) . .. . . . .. 50 Old Jubilation Ale (Avery Brewing Co.) .. . .64
(Young & Co.'s Brewery p.l.c.) .. . ... ..... 35
Farmhouse Summer Ale Winter Warmer (Harpoon Brewery) . .... . .64
Fuller's ESB (Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.) . .35 (Flying Fish Brewery) . .. . . .......... . . .50
Powder Hound Winter Ale
Redhook ESB (Redhook Ale Brewery) .. . .36 New Belgium Saison Belgian Style Farmhouse (Big Sky Brewing Co.) . . . ...... . . . . . . .. 65
Ale (New Belgium Brewing Co.) . ........ 51
BAR Pale Ale (BruRm @ Bar) ... ... .. . . .36 Feast of Fools (Magic Hat Brewing Co.) . .. 65
Ommegang Abbey Ale
Terrapin Rye Pale Ale (ferrapin Beer Co.) .. 37 (Brewery Ommegang) ..... ... .. ....... 51 Cottonwood Frostbite
(Carolina Beer Co.) .. . .. ....... . • .. ... 66
Crooked River ESB Orval Trappist Ale (Brasserie d 'Orval) .. .. .51
(Crooked River Brewing Co.) .. .. . ....... 37 Saint Arnold Christmas Ale
Westmalle Tripe! (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) . . ..... . . . ... 66
Mirror Pond Pale Ale (Deschutes Brewery) .38 (Brouwerij Westmalle) . . . ......•. . ..... 52
Breckenridge Christmas Ale
Full Suspension Pale Ale BJ's Grand Cru (Breckenridge Brewery) .. ... .. . ...... .. 67
(Squatters Pub Brewery) . . ...... .... . . .38 (BJ's Restaurant & Brewery) . ... . .. .... .53
Samichlaus (Castle Eggenberger) .. ... . .. 60
Alpha King Pale Ale BJ 's Millenium Ale
(fhree Floyd 's Brewing Co.) . ... • .. • . . . .38 (BJ's Restaurant & Brewery) .... . ..• .. . .53 Full Sail Wassail (Full Sail Brewing Co.) ... 67

Otter Creek Pale Ale Snow Cap Ale (Pyramid Breweries Inc.) . . .68
(Otter Creek Brewing Co.) .. . • . .• .. . .. . .39 LAGER BEERS
Summit Winter Ale (Summit Brewing Co.) .68
Bitch Creek ESB Shiner Bock (Spoetzel Brewery) . . ....... 53
(Grand Teton Brewing Co.) . . . ... .. . .. .. 39 Winterhook (Red hook Ale Brewery) ...... 69
Warsteiner Premium Varum
Coopers Sparkling Ale (Warsteiner Braurei) .. .. .... . . . . .. . ... .55 Butte Creek Winter Ale
(Coopers Brewery Ltd.) . .. . .. . . .. .. ... .40 (Butte Creek Brewing Co.) . .. . ..•... .. .. 69
Bitburger Premium
Tire Bite Golden Ale (Bitburger Brewery) ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . . .56 Sam Adams Winter Brew
(Flying Dog Brewery) . ... . . .. . . . ... . .. .40 (Boston Beer Co.) . .. . . . ... .. . . .... . .. 69
Heineken (Heineken Brouwerijen) ........ 54
Red Tail Ale (Mendocino Brewing Co.) .. . .40 Ubu Ale (Lake Placid Pub & Brewery) ..... 70
Ayinger Celebrator (Brauerei Aying) . . . . . .56
Shipyard Export Ale Avalanche Ale (Breckenridge Brewery) . . .. 70
(Shipyard Brewing Co.) ... .. . • .. . .. . . . .41 Creemore Springs Premium Lager
(Creemore Springs Brewery) . . . ...... . .. 57 Old Peculiar . . . ...... . . .. . ........... 70
Hop Jack Pale Ale (f&R Theakston Brewery)
(Widmer Brothers Brewing Co.) .. . . . . . .. .41 Sin City Amber (Sin City Brewery) . ... .. .. 57

Clearwater Light (Clearwater Brewery) .. . .42 Sprecher Special Amber Lager

(Sprecher Brewing Co.) . ... . . .. . . . .. . . .57
Gaelic Ale (Highland Brewing Co.) ...... .42
Labatt Blue (Labatt Brewing Co.) ... . . . . .58
Blue Whale Ale
(Pacific Coast Brewing Co.) ... •. . • .. .. .42 La Conner Pilsner
(La Conner Brewing Co.) . . . ...... ... . .. 58
Warthog Cream Ale
(Big Rock Brewery) ... .. ..... . .. . .. . . .43 Eastside Dark (Lakefront Brewery) . . . .. .. 58

Wisdom Cream Ale Saint Arnold Summer Pils

(Big Hole Brewing Co.) .... . .. . . ..... . .43 (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) . . . . .... ..... 59

Vanilla Creme Ale Pilsner Urquell (Pizenky Prazdroj) ........ 59

(Market Street Brewery & Public House) . .43
Sudwerk Hubsch Marzen
Banks 's Mild Ale (Sudwerk Restaurant & Brewery) .. .... .. 60
(Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries) .... .44
John Courage Amber
Raven Hair Beauty (BruRm @ Bar) .. .. . . .44 (Scottish & Newcastle p.l.c.) . . .. •.. ... . .60

AUSTRALIA (Bell 's Brewery Inc.) . .. . ... . . . . . .20 (Pizza Port Brewing Co.) .... . .... 61
Coopers Sparkling Ale Bitch Creek ESB Mud Bock Spring Ale
(Coopers Brewery Ltd .) ......... .40 (Grand Teton Brewing Co.) . .. . . . .39 (Otter Creek Brewing Co.) . ....... 21
BJ 's Grand Cru Mueller Wheat
AUSTRIA (BJ 's Restaurant & Brewery) .. .... 53 (Springfield Brewing Co.) . . . .... .44
Samichlaus BJ's Millenium Ale Navish's Oatmeal Stout
(Schloss Eggenberger) .. ... . . ... 67 (BJ 's Restaurant & Brewery) .. .... 53 (The Portsmouth Brewery) .. . . ... 10
Black Butte Porter New World Porter
BELGIUM (Deschutes Brewery) ... .. ... .... 14 (Avery Brewing Co.) ....... . ..... 12
Deus (Brouwerij Bosteels) . .... . . .49 Blue Star Wheat Beer Oak Barrel Stout
Duvel (Brouwenj Duvel Moortgat) .. 50 (North Coast Brewing Co.) . . .... .45 (Old Dominion Brewing Co.) .. . . . .. 9
Orvallrappist Ale Blue Whale Ale Old Jubilation Ale
(Brasserie d'Orval) .. .. . .. .. . . .. .52 (Pacific Coast Brewing Co.) ..... .42 (Avery Brewing Co.) . . ...... . . . . .64
Westmalle Tripel Bottleworks IPA Old Leghumper Porter
Brouwerij Westmalle) .......... . .52 (Dick's Brewing Co.) .... .... .... 31 (Thirsty Dog Brewing Co.) .. .. .... 14
Breckenridge Christmas Ale Old Rasput1n Imperial Stout
CANADA (Breckenridge Brewery) .......... 67 (North Coast Brewing Co.) . . . .. ... 6
Arctic Red (Yukon Brewing Co.) . .. 23 BridgePort Porter Ommegang Abbey Ale
Creemore Springs Premium Lager (BridgePort Brewing Co.) .. . ..... 12 (Brewery Ommegang) . .. . . . . .. . .51
(Creemore Springs Brewery) . . ... .57 Butte Creek Winter Ale Oscar's Chocolate Oatmeal Stout
Labat! Blue (Labat! Brewing Co.) .. 58 (Butte Creek Brewing Co.) . . . . . . .69 (Sand Creek Brewing Co.) . . .. . . . .. 8
Cambridge Amber Ale Otter Creek Pale Ale
CZECH REPUBLIC (Cambridge Brewing Co.) .. . . . . . .22 (Otter Creek Brewing Co.) . . . ..... 39
Pilsner Urquell (Pizenky Prazdroj) . .59 Capital Brown Ale Pliny the Elder
(Capital Brewery Co.) . . .. . .. . .. .19 (Russian River Brewing Co.) ...... 29
ENGLAND Cappuccino Stout Powder Hound Winter Ale
Banks's Mild Ale (Wolverhampton & (Lagunitas Brewing Co.) ..........8 (Big Sky Brewing Co.) . . .........65
Dudley Breweries) . . ..... . . ... . .44 Carolina Nut Brown Ale Racer 5
Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale (Bass p.l.c.) .34 (The Carolina Brewing Co.) ...... .19 (Bear Republic Brewing Co.) .. . ... 28
Fuller's ESB Celebration Ale Rainbow Red Ale
(Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.) . . . .. .35 (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.) .... . .30 (Trout River Brewing Co.) . .. ..... 25
l=uller's London Porter Cherry Chocolate Beer Raven Hair Beauty (BruRm @ Bar) .44
(Fuller, Smith & Turner p.l.c.) . .... .11 (O'Fallon Brewery) .......... . .. .61 Red Tail Ale (
John Courage Amber Chocolate Jitters Mendocino Brewing Co.) ... . . . . .40
(Scottish & Newcastle p.l.c.) .. .... 60 (Rocky River Brewing Co.) . . . . .. .10 Redhook ESB
Newcastle Brown Ale Clearwater Light (Redhook Ale Brewery) . . . .. ... .. 36
(Scottish & Newcastle p.l.c.) ... . .. 16 (Clearwater Brewery) ...... . .... .42 Ruination IPA (Stone 13rewing Co.) .31
Old Peculier (T&R Theakston LTD) .70 Cottonwood Frostbite Saint Arnold Christmas Ale
Samuel Smith's India Ale (Carolina Beer Co.) ............. 66 (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) .... ... 66
(Samuel Smith Old Brewery) . . .... 32 Crooked River ESB Saint Arnold Summer Pils
Young's Double Chocolate Stout (Crooked River Brewing Co.) ..... 37 (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) ...... .59
(Young & Co.'s Brewery p.l.c.) . . .. . .5 Cutthroat Porter Saison Belgian Style Farmhouse Ale
Young's Special London Ale (Odell Brewing Co.) . .... ........ 13 (New Belgium Brewing Co.) .. ... .51
(Young & Co.'s Brewery p.l.c.) . .... 35 Double Black Stout Sam Adams Winter Brew
(Redhook Ale Brewery) . . ..• . .... 11 (Boston Beer Co.) ............. .69
GERMANY Double Eagle Ale Sanctification
Ayinger Celebrator (Rockyard Brewing Co.) . . .. . . . . .48 (Russian River Brewing Co.) .. . ... 61
(Brauerei Aying) . ............ .. .56 Dreadnaught Shiner Bock (Spoetzel Brewery) . .. 53
Bitburger Prem1um (Three Floyd 's Brewing Co.) . .. .. .28 Shipyard Export Ale
(Bitburger Brewery) ... ... . .. . . . .56 Eastside Dark (Lakefront Brewery) .58 (Shipyard Brewing Co.) . .... . ... .41
Oberdorfer Weissbier Easy Street Wheat Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
(AIIgauer Brauhaus AG) .... .. ... .45 (Odell Brewing Co.) .. . . .. ..... . .48 (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.) .... . .32
Paulaner Hefe-Weizen Elissa IPA Sin City Amber (Sin City Brewery) .57
(Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG)48 (Saint Arnold Brewing Co.) .. . ... .30 Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout
Warsteiner Premium Varum l=armhouse Summer Ale (Big Sky Brewing Co.) .... .. ..... 11
(Warsteiner Braurei) . ... . . .. ..... 55 (Flying Fish Brewery) . . ..........50 Snow Cap Ale
I=at Tire Amber Ale (Pyramid Breweries Inc.) . . . . .. . . .68
IRELAND (New Belgium Brewing Co.) ..... .21 Snowplow Milk Stout
Beamish Genuine Irish Stout l=east of Fools (Widmer Brothers Brewing Co.) ... .7
(Beamish & Crawford p.l.c.) . .. .... 5 (Magic Hat Brewing Co.) . ........ 65 Sprecher Special Amber Lager
Guinness Draught (Guinness & Co.) .4 l=ish Tale Trout Stout (Sprecher Brewing Co.) ...... .. .. 57
Guinness Foreign ~ xtra Stout (Fish Brewing Co.) .. . .. . .. . . . ... .7 St. Rogue Red Ale (Rogue Ales) ... 24

(]) (Guinness & Co.) ....... . ....... .4

Murphy's Pub Draught
l=redericksburg Porter
(Fredericksburg Brewing Co.) ..... 13
l=ull Sail Amber Ale
Sudwerk Hubsch Marzen
(Sudwerk Restaurant & Brewery) .. 60
Summit Winter Ale

(Murphy Brewery Ltd .) . . . . .. ..... .4
(Full Sail Brewing Co.) ...... . . . .. 22 (Summ it Brewing Co.) ...........68
NETHERLANDS l=ull Sail Wassail TableRock Nut Brown Ale
Heineken (Full Sail Brewing Co.) ...... . .... 67 (TableRock Brewpub & Grill) . ..... 20
(Heineken Brouwerijen) ... .. ..... 54 l=ull Suspension Pale Ale Terrapin Rye Pale Ale

Fraoch Heather Ale
(Craigmill Brewery) .. . ....... ... 63
(Squatters Pub Brewery) . . . . . . .. .38
Gaelic Ale (Highland Brewing Co.) .42
Harpoon IPA (Harpoon Brewery) ... 31
Hazelnut Brown Nectar
(Terrapin Beer Co.) . . . ....... . .. 37
Thirsty Trout Porter
(Dark Horse Brewing Co.) .. .... .. 15
Tire Biter Golden Ale
(Rogue Ales) .... . . . . . . . . . ..... 20 (Flying Dog Brewery) ........... .40
(.) Traquair House Ale
(Traquair House Brewery) . ... .... 25 Hennepin (Brewery Ommegang) .. .49
Highland Heather Ale
Total Disorder Porter
(Ram Big Horn Brewing Co.) . . . . .. 15
UNITED STATES (Highland Brewing Co.) . . . . .. ... .63 Troegs Hopback Amber Ale
#9 (Magic Hat Brewing Co.) ...... 63 Hop Jack Pale Ale (Troegs Brewing Co.) .... . .. . .... 22
60-min IPA (Widmer Brothers Brewing Co.) .. .41 Turbodog (Abita Brewing Co.) ..... 18
(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) ... . .27 Hop Rod Rye Two Hearted Ale
90-min IPA (Bear Republic Brewing Co.) . .. . . .28 (Bell's Brewery, Inc.) ..... . . . .. . .30
(Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) ..... 27 Hope and King Scotch Ale Ubu Ale
Acme IPA (Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery) .. 26 (Lake Placid Pub & Brewery) ...... 70
(North Coast Brewing Co.) ... . .. .30 Imperial IPA (I' PA) (Rogue Ales) ... 29 Vanilla Creme Ale (Market Street
African Amber Imperial Nut Brown Brewery & Public House) . .. . . .. .43
(Mac & Jack's Brewery) .. . . . .. . .. 24 (Tommyknocker Brewery) . . .. . .. .19 Vermont Smoked Porter
Alaskan Amber Indian Brown Ale (Vermont Pub & Brewery) ...•.... 14
(Alaskan Brewing Co.) . . . . .. . . .. .24 (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) .. .. .18 Warthog Cream Ale
Alaskan Smoked Porter La Conner Pilsner (Big Rock Brewery) . . . ...... ... .43
(Alaskan Brewing Co.) . . . . . . . . . .. 12 (La Conner Brewing Co.) ........ .58 Wee Heavy Scotch Ale
AleSmith IPA La Folie (Steelhead Brewing Co.) ....•. ... 25
(AieSmith Brewing Co.) . ....... . .28 (New Belgium Brewing Co.) . . .... 62 Winter Palace Wee Heavy
Alpha King Pale Ale Lagunitas IPA (Paper City Brewery) ............26
(Three Floyd's Brewing Co.) . . . . .. 38 (Lagunitas Brewing Co.) ......... 29 Winter Warmer (Harpoon Brewery) .64
Anchor Steam Lookout Stout (Ha1nes 13rewing Co.) 7 Winterhook (Red hook Ale Brewery) 69
(Anchor Brewing Co.) . ... ... . .. .33 Midas Touch Wisdom Cream Ale
Avalanche Ale (Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) ..... 63 (Big Hole Brewing Co.) . ... . . . . . .43
(Breckenridge Brewery) ..... . .... 70 Mirror Pond Pale Ale
BAR Pale Ale (BruRm @ Bar) ... .. 36 (Deschutes Brewery) .. .. ..... . . .38
Bell 's Best Brown Ale Mo' Betta Bretta


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