Retaining Wall Stability Computation Sheet 2.05
Retaining Wall Stability Computation Sheet 2.05
Retaining Wall Stability Computation Sheet 2.05
For wall dimensions, loads, and properties For stem and footing thickness
Include surcharge over bh? No fc' = 3,000 psi
fy = 60,000 psi
Df = 2.0 ft r/rb= 0.45
hw = 15.0 ft
i= 5 deg. Calculated
Backfill g eq = 45 pcf bh = 7.25 ft
Backfill gbf = 125 pcf H = 16.80 ft
Surcharge qs = 150 psf Eh1 = 882 lbs/ft
Ks = 0.35 Eh2 = 6,354 lbs/ft
m = 0.55 Eh = 7,236 lbs/ft
y/H = 0.35 Ev = 0 lbs/ft
Kv = 0.00 Wbf = 13,881 lbs/ft
B = 10.50 ft Wf = 1,843 lbs/ft
bt = 2.00 ft Ws = 2,160 lbs/ft
t1 = 1.25 ft Wk = 188 lbs/ft
t2 = 0.67 ft Wff = 199 lbs/ft
d = 1.17 ft y= 5.88 ft
x1 = 2.76 ft
Properties of soil in front of key x2 = 6.90 ft
g = 120 pcf x3 = 2.63 ft
c' = 100 psf N = 18,271 lbs/ft
f ' = 30 deg T = 7,236 lbs/ft
x = 3.68 ft
Depth of key below footing q = 2,479 psf
Notes: 1. Pp = passive pressure resisting force. Passive resistance is only Dk = 1.00 ft Pp= 1,246 lb/ft
included for the soil in front of a key, that is, only over the depth D k.
2. fc' = 28-day compressive strength of concrete (psi). Calculated
3. fy = yield strength of reinforcing steel (psi). Sliding on granular layer Fs = 1.56 Should be 1.5 or greater
4. r = Steel ratio = Area of steel/Area of concrete. Position of Resultant x/B = 0.35 Should be 0.33 or greater
5. rb = Balanced steel ratio - corresponds to equal concrete Overturning Fom = 2.50 Should be 1.5 to 2.0 or greater
and steel strength in flexure. Volume of Concrete = 1.03 Cubic yds per ft of wall
6. The computed stem and footing thicknesses are based on required s Stem and footing thickness based on shear and moment capacity
and moment capacity, which depend on fc', fy and r. These values are Approximate stem thickness (t1) = 1.20 (ft) Advisory - see note 6 at left
advisory. They are not automatically inserted as wall dimensions. Approximate footing fhickness (d) = 1.14 (ft) Advisory - see note 6 at left
Calculated Calculated
Bearing capacity factor of safety Bearing capacity factor of safety
Fbc = 3.14 Should be 2.5 or greater Fbc = 2.30 Should be 2.5 or greater
Sliding factor of safety
Fs = 1.27 Should be 1.5 or greater
Notes: 1. N60 = SPT blow count corrected to 60% of theoretical energy.
2. Df = Depth of embedment of footing for bearing capacity calculations.
3. m = Base friction coefficient
Calculated Calculated
Bearing capacity factor of safety Bearing capacity factor of safety
Fbc = 2.68 Should be 2.5 or greater Fbc = 3.86 Should be 2.5 or greater
Sliding factor of safety
Notes: 1. Su = Undrained shear strength of cohesive soil. Fs = 1.56 Should be 1.5 or greater
2. Df = Depth of embedment of footing for
bearing capacity calculations.
3. m = Base friction coefficient