Special Form of Request For Payment of United States Savings and Retirement Securities Where Use of A Detached Request Is Authorized
Special Form of Request For Payment of United States Savings and Retirement Securities Where Use of A Detached Request Is Authorized
Special Form of Request For Payment of United States Savings and Retirement Securities Where Use of A Detached Request Is Authorized
I am the owner or person entitled to payment of the securities described below, which bear the name(s) of
Provide name(s) of the person(s) currently registered/listed on the securities.
(If you need more space, attach either a list or FS Form 3500 [see www.treasurydirect.gov].)
______________________________________ OR __________________________________________
(Social Security Number of Payee) (Employer Identification Number of Payee)
(Name/Names on the Account)
___________________________________________________ ______________________________
(Financial Institution’s Name) (Financial Institution’s Phone No.)
1. The number shown on this form is my correct Taxpayer Identification Number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and
2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has
notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and
Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup
withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return.
Sign in ink in the presence of a certifying officer and provide the requested information.
Here: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
(Print Name) (Social Security Number)
_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
(City) (State) (ZIP Code) (Email Address)
Here: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
(Print Name) (Social Security Number)
_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
(City) (State) (ZIP Code) (Email Address)
Instructions to Certifying Officer: 1. Name(s) of the person(s) who appeared and date of appearance MUST be completed.
2. If a Medallion stamp is used an original signature is required. 3. Person(s) must sign in your presence.
is/are known or proven to me, personally appeared before me this _______________ day of _______________ __________
(Month) (Year)
at ___________________________________________________ and signed this form.
(City, State)
(Signature and Title of Certifying Officer)
(Name of Financial Institution)
(City, State, ZIP code)
is/are known or proven to me, personally appeared before me this _______________ day of _______________ __________
(Month) (Year)
at ___________________________________________________ and signed this form.
(City, State)
(Signature and Title of Certifying Officer)
(Name of Financial Institution)
(City, State, ZIP code)
USE OF FORM – Use this form to request payment of United States Savings Bonds, Savings Notes, Retirement Plan Bonds,
and Individual Retirement Bonds.
WHO MAY COMPLETE – This form may be completed by the owner, coowner, surviving beneficiary, or legal
representative of the estate of a deceased or incompetent owner, persons entitled to the estate of a deceased registrant, or
such other persons who may be entitled to payment under the regulations governing United States Savings Bonds. A minor
may sign this form if, in the opinion of the certifying officer, he or she is of sufficient competency to understand the nature of
the transaction. An incompetent person may not sign this form.
ITEM 1. DESCRIPTION OF BONDS – Provide the name(s) of the person(s) shown in the inscription of the bonds for which
payment is requested. Describe the bonds by issue date and serial number.
The person(s) requesting payment of the bonds must sign the form in ink, print his or her name, and provide his or her
address, daytime telephone number, and if applicable, e-mail address. If the name of a person requesting payment has
been changed by marriage or in any other legal manner from the name in the inscription of the bonds, the signature to the
request for payment must show both names and the manner in which the change was made; for example, "Miss Mary T.
Jones now by marriage Mrs. Mary T. Smith.”
WHERE TO SEND – Unless otherwise instructed, send this form and the bonds, as well as any other appropriate forms and
evidence, to the proper address below. Legal evidence or documentation you submit cannot be returned.
• Series HH or Series H savings bonds:
Treasury Retail Securities Services, PO Box 2186, Minneapolis, MN 55480-2186.
(Phone: 844-284-2676--toll free.)
• All other securities:
Treasury Retail Securities Services, PO Box 214, Minneapolis, MN 55480-0214.
(Phone: 844-284-2676--toll free.)
The purpose of requesting the information is to enable the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and its agents to issue securities, process
transactions, make payments, identify owners and their accounts, and provide reports to the Internal Revenue Service. Furnishing the
information is voluntary; however, without the information, the Fiscal Service may be unable to process transactions.
Information concerning securities holdings and transactions is considered confidential under Treasury regulations (31 CFR, Part 323)
and the Privacy Act. This information may be disclosed to a law enforcement agency for investigation purposes; courts and counsel for
litigation purposes; others entitled to distribution or payment; agents and contractors to administer the public debt; agencies or entities
for debt collection or to obtain current addresses for payment; agencies through approved computer matches; Congressional offices in
response to an inquiry by the individual to whom the record pertains; as otherwise authorized by law or regulation.
We estimate it will take you about 15 minutes to complete this form. However, you are not required to provide information requested
unless a valid OMB control number is displayed on the form. Any comments or suggestions regarding this form should be sent to the
Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Forms Management Officer, Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328. DO NOT SEND completed form to the above
address; send to the correct address shown in "WHERE TO SEND" above.