1000 MCQs One Paper Book (Islamic Study) by TestPoint - PK
1000 MCQs One Paper Book (Islamic Study) by TestPoint - PK
1000 MCQs One Paper Book (Islamic Study) by TestPoint - PK
20 How many Surahs name is only one letter? a) Four b) Three c) Two d) Five B
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Islamic Study Most Important Questions
TestPoint.pk یسکیھبرپیپیکایتری اپٹس رپیپاحلص رکےن ےئلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی
sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Which is the most liked place by Allah
21 a) Bazar b) Shop c) Home d) Mosque D
a) Rabi-ul- d) Jamadi-ul-
22 Which is third month of Islamic Calendar? b) Rajab c) Safar A.
Awwal Awwal
How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start
23 a) Five b) Four c) Three d) Six B
with word ‘Inna‘ ?
a) 9th b) 8th c) 7th d) 10th
24 Fasting was made obligatory in ______. D
Shaban, 2 A.H Shaban, 2 A.H Shaban, 2 A.H Shaban,2 A.H
d) None of
25 What does Taraweeh means? a) To Rest b) To sit c) To Stand A.
How many fasts Hazrat Isa (AS) Kept in
26 desert and advised his followers to follow a) 30 b) 20 c) 10 d) 40 D
Who was the first son of Hazrat a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Al- c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
27 B
Muhammad (SAW)? Abdullah Qasim Ibrahim Abdurrehman
Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah sons of
a) Jannat al- b) Jannat ul c) Maqbara d) Al adl
28 Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) are burried in A.
Mu’alla Baki Shabeka Cemetery
a) Hazrat
Sixth Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
29 Zainab binte C.
_______. Sauda (RA) Salmah (RA) Hafsa (RA)
30 Which Sura is the name of one Holy war? a) Fathi b) Ahzab c) Room d) Nasr B
Hazrat Adam (AH) name mentioned in the
31 a) 27 b) 25 c) 23 d) 29 B
Holy Quran ____ times.
a) Wa Ma b) Wa Mamin
32 What is name of 14th Para of Holy Qur’an? c) Yatazeroon d) Rubama D
Ubrioo Da’abat
Which Sura is called ‘Aroos-ul-Qur’an (the
33 a) Jinn b) Yaseen c) Fatiha d) Rahman D
Bride of the Qur’an)?
Which was the favorite month of Hazrat
34 a) Sha’ban b) Rajab c) Ramadan d) Safar A.
Muhammad (SAW)?
How many units (rakat) taraveh are offered
35 a) 16 b) 8 c) 12 d) 20 D
in Ramadan?
a) Hazrat
_____________ Umm-ul-Momineen b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
36 Maria Qibtiya B
received salutation from Allah. Khadija (RA) Ayesha (RA) Safia (RA)
How many daughters Hazrat Khadija (RA)
37 a) One b) Three c) Two d) Four D
had with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Name the Prophet who was the first man to a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
47 D
write? Shoaib (ؑ
) Dawood (A.S) Ibrahim (ؑ) Idrees (ؑ
Boat of Hazrat Noah (A.S) is called
48 a) Arrow b) Arc c) Curve d) Arrec B
The Mosque of Prophet (PBUH) was
a) Motasim d) Razia
49 damaged due to fire in the reign b) Aurangzeb c) Shahjahan A.
Billah Sultana
50 The Muslim invaded Spain in__________? a) 717 A.D b) 711 A.D c) 701 A.D d) 727 A.D B
Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah was the conqueror
51 a) Yarmuk b) Iran c) Egypt None of the a A.
a) Translation b) Medical
52 “Baytal-Hikmat was a___________? c) Observatory d) None A.
bureau University
During Which prayer, the change of Qibla
53 a) Asar b) zuhr c) Fajar d) Magrib B
happened? Page 3 of 59
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TestPoint.pk یسکیھبرپیپیکایتری اپٹس رپیپاحلص رکےن ےئلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی
sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Book named “The Voice of Human Justice ” a) Hazrat Abu b) Hazrat Ali c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
54 B
is biography of___________? Bakr (R.A) (R.A) Umer (R.A) Usman (R.A)
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) belonged to the tribe a) Banu
55 b) Banu Taym c) Banu Sahm d) Banu Asad B
of__________? Hashim
c) Hazrat Abu
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Ali d) none of
56 Who wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya? Ubaidah Bin B
Usman (R.A) (R.A) them
Jarrah (R.A)
How many Umahaat ul Momineen were
57 a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 3 D
The Battle of Sallasil or the Battle of Chains
58 was fought between__________and the a) Persians b) Jews c) Arabs d) Romans A.
Pious-Caliphate lasted for a) Thirty b) Twenty c) Eighteen
59 d) Five Years A.
about:__________ Years? Years Years Years
60 How many Sajdas are in Salat-e-Janaza? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 0 D
_________,was the brother of Hazrat Ali r.a
61 who was taken as prisoner in the battle of b) Aqeel c) BIN JASH d) NONE B
Badr ?
a) The b) The c) The
62 What is meaning of Tehlil? recitation of recitation of recitation of d) all of them C.
Tauheed Quran Majeed Kalima
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had a) 2 brothers b) 1 brother c) 1 brother &
93 d) None D
___________ brothers & sisters. & 1 sister & 2 sisters 1 sister
Who was the second son of Hazrat a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Al- c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
102 C.
Muhammad (SAW)? Ibrahim Qasim Abdullah Abdurrehman
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Hazrat Ibrahim son of Hazrat Muhammad a) Jannat al- b) Jannat ul c) Maqbara d) Al adl
103 B
(SAW) is burried in _______________. Mu’alla Baki Shabeka Cemetery
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat
Seventh wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
104 Zainab binte Zainab binte B
was _______. Salma (RA) Hafsa (RA)
Khazeema(RA) Hajash (RA)
105 Which Sura is the name of one metal? a) Ahzab b) Hadeed c) Ra’ad d) HUD B
Kalima Tayyaba, salat, Zakat, Hajj and soam
106 a) Pillars b) Faiths c) Beliefs d) Corners A.
are the fundamental______of Islam?
c) d) Qadd
107 What is name of 15th Para of Holy Qur’an? a) Aqtarabo b) Qal Alam C.
Subhanallazi Aflaha
Madani Surahs were revealed in how many
108 a) 10 b) 9 c) 8 d) 11 A.
What was the age of Hazrat Aisha (R.A)
109 a) 19 years b) 18 years c) 17 years d) 20 years B
when Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) died?
110 How many Arkan Roza has? a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5 B
___________ was the only Ummul a) Hazrat
b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
111 Momineen who was not buried in Jannatul Maria Qibtiya D
Safia (RA) Ayesha (RA) Khadija (RA)
Baqi. (RA)
Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the ________
112 a) Third b) Second c) First d) Fourth C.
person to convert to Islam.
113 Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in ? a) 620 A.D b) 619 A.D c) 618 A.D d) 621 A.D B
a) Saudi
114 Where is the grave of Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan D
In how many days Allah created the
115 a) six b) five c) four d) seven A.
heavens and the earth?
The Ghazwa _____ was fought against Bani
116 a) Mota b) Ohad c) Badr d) Ghatfan D
Salba and Bani Muharba.
Hazrat Isa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet
117 a) 3rd b) 2nd c) 1st d) 4th B
(SAW) on the ________ heaven?
118 Ohad is ______ miles from Madina? a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 6 C.
a) Elahe b) Faman
119 What is name of 23rd Para of Holy Quran? c) Wa Mali d) Ha’a Meem C.
Yuruddo Azlam
Which caliph formed a parliament namely a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu
120 d) Hazrat Ali B
Majlis e Aam? Usman Umar Bakar
121 To sit straight in Salat is called________? a) Qayaam b) Jalsa c) Qauma d) Qaada D
122 In which Hijri Ghazwa e khyber was fought? a) 7 Hijri b) 6 Hijri c) 5 Hijri d) 8 Hijri A.
d) One
123 What is the meaning of Khums (?)خمس a) One fourth b) One fifth c) One sixth B
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
b) Abū Isḥāq
What is the Original Name of Muʿtaṣim a) Abu Sufyan Muḥammad c) Abu Ayub d) Abu Ansar
124 B
bi’llāh? ibn Daud ibn Hārūn al- ibn Rashid ibn Usman
c) Abd Ar
b) Abd Al
125 Who was the first Muslim Caliph of Spain? a) Abd L Malik Rehman Ad- d) Marwan 11 C.
How many years did Hazrat Muhammad
126 a) 23 b) 40 c) 52 d) 13 A.
(saw) preach Islam during his life time?
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat Ali
127 Afzal ul Bashr” is the title of __________ ? C.
Usman RA Umar RA Bakr RA RA
Holy Prophet (SAWS) laboured in the a) Masjid-e- b) Masjid-e- c) Masjid-e- d) Masjid-e-
128 A.
construction of which mosque? Quba Haram Nabvi Qiblatein
The study of Religions is a)
129 b) Theology c) Seismology d) Etymology B
called:___________? Gerontology
Who was the commanders of the Infidels in d) Khalid bin
130 a) Abu Sufyan b) Abu Jahal c) Shaiba A.
the Battle of Uhud? Walid
The literal meaning of the word Quran c) Frequently d) None of
131 a) Guidance b) Perfect C.
is________? recited these
c) Imam Abu
132 Who wrote the book “Kitab al Kharaj”? a) Abu Yusuf b) Imam Shafi Muhammad A.
Al Shaybani
After the Battle of Yermuk, which was won
by the Muslims Khalid bin Waleed was a) Saad bin
b) Abu c) Amr bin Al d) Hazrat Bilal
133 removed by the Caliph Umar (RA) from his Abi Waqas B
Ubaydah (RA) Aas (RA) (RA)
supreme command. The new Supereme (RA)
Commander was:
In which Surah of Quran mentioned that
134 a) Al-Taoba b) Al-Bakra c) Al-Imran d) Al-Anfal A.
the number of months are Twelve?
135 How many Takbeers are in Namaz-e-Janaza? a) Two b) Four c) Six d) One B
c) Hazrat
Ahsan ul Qasas is the life history of a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Muhammad d) Hazrat Essa
136 B
___________? Mussa (A.S) Yousuf (A.S) (صیل هللا علیه و (A.S)
)آله وسلم
a) Deen-e- b) Deen-e- c) Deen-e- d) Deen-e-
137 Which is old name of Islam? B
Makkah Hanif Mina Madina
138 Zam zam means_______? a) to burst b) continue c) to stop d) to flow C.
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) embraced
139 a) 8th A.H b) 7th A.H c) 6th A.H d) 9th A.H A.
Islam in which Hijri?
a) Last four b) First two c) Last two d) None of
140 Which surahs are called Mauzatain? C.
surahs surahs surahs these
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Hazart Abu Zar Ghafari (RA) belongs to
141 Banu Ghifar The kinanah Tribe and he died a) 653 Aa) b) 652 Ad) c) 651 Ad) d) 634 Ad) B
in ________A.D.
How many sons did Hazrat Adam (A.S)
142 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 A.
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu
“Mahram-e-Raza-e-Nabuwat” is the title of d) None of
143 Awais Qarni Huzefa bin - Talha Ansari B
______________? these
(RA) al-Yaman (RA) (RA)
What was the biggest religion of Arab a) Stars b) Fire c) Idol d) Sun
144 C.
people before Islam? worship worship worship worship
Name the first person who received three a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
145 blows of arrows during prayer but did not Abaad bin Saad bin Harram bin Swaid bin A.
discontinue his prayer? Bashar (RA) Maaz (RA) Malhan (RA) Samit (RA)
b) Saying of c) Life of the
Kitab-ul-Shamayel relates of to a) Muslim d) Islamic
146 Holy Prophet Holy Prophet C.
______________? Conquests philosophy
How many stones are thrown at the
147 a) 7 Stones b) 6 Stones c) 5 Stones d) 8 Stones A.
Jamarat in Hajj ritual?
The Battle Of Uhad was fought in which d) None of
148 a) 4 Hijri b) 2 Hijri c) 3 Hijri C.
hijri ? these
Name of Surah of Holy Quran which a) Surah b) Surah c) Surah d) Surah Al
149 B
mentions the rights of the parents? Mudassar Luqman Ahzab Maeda
What was the age of Hazart Umer R.A when
150 a) 29 years b) 28 years c) 27 years d) 32 years D
the embracced islam ?
c) d)
Prophet hazrat __________ (AS) known as a) Musa ( عليهمb) Essa (عليهم
151 Noah (عليهم Haroon (عليهم C.
Shaikh al Anbiya ? )السالم )السالم
)السالم )السالم
In which Islamic Battle Angeles helped the
152 a) Khyber b) Badar c) Uhad d) None B
Hazrat Fatima (R.A) is known a) Khatoon e b) Khatoon e c) Khatoon e d) both A.
153 D
as____________? Madina. Mehshar. Jannat. and b)
What is the punishment of drinking wines d) None of
154 a) 80 Lashes b) 50 Lashes c) 40 Lashes D
in Quran? these
Battle in which Holy prophet(PBUH) not
155 a) Jaziya b) Sariyya c) Sayee d) Al-Fay B
participated is known as_____________?
In which sura the regulation for prisoner of
156 a) Sura Infall b) Sura Tauba c) Sura Nesa. d) Sure Naml C.
war is mentioned?
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Who was the third son of Hazrat a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Al- c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
177 A.
Muhammad (SAW)? Ibrahim Qasim Abdullah Abdurrehman
a) Hazrat d) Hazrat
Eighth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
179 Zainab binte Umeh Habiba D
was _______. Safia (RA) Memona (RA)
Khazeema(RA) (RA)
How many times Bismillahir Rahmaanir
180 a) 114 b) 115 c) 116 d) 113 A.
Raheem is repeated in the Holy Quran?
181 Which Surah is the name of one Holy war? a) Fathi b) Ahzab c) Room d) Nasr B
c) d) Qadd
182 What is name of 16th Para of Holy Qur’an? a) Aqtarabo b) Qal Alam B
Subhanallazi Aflaha
d) None of
183 Name The First Female False Prophetess? a) Sajah b) Hiba c) Hinza A.
Who was the first child born after migration a) Abu Salma b) Abdul bin c) Abdul bin d) Abu Zainab
184 B
(hijrat)? (R.A) Zubair (R.A) Qasim (R.A) (R.A)
185 Number of angels of hell are ______? a) 21 b) 19 c) 17 d) 23 B
What was the age of Hazrat Khadija (RA)
186 a) 35 b) 30 c) 25 d) 40 D
when married to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?
c) Awwam
What was the name of Hazrat Khadija (RA) a) Asad ibne b) Zubair ibn d) Khuwaylid
187 bint D
father? abd-ul- Uzza al-awam ibn Asad
b) Pregnancy
a) Senility c) Sickness &
188 Who are exempt from Ramadan’s fasting? and d) All of these D
and old age Travelling
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
a) Saudi
189 Where is the grave of Hazrat Zikriya (A.S)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan C.
A male is coffined / wrapped in _______
190 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 A.
dressed sheets.
a) 27, 28 and b) 9, 10 and c) 11, 12 and d) 15, 16 and
191 Which days are called Ayam-e-Tashreeq? C.
29 Ramadan 11 Muharram 13 Zil Haj 17 Sha’ban
a) Abu Ubaid d)
The book “Kitab al Amwal” (The book of c) Imam
207 al Qasim Ibn b) Abu Yusuf Muhammad A.
Revenue) was written by __________ ? Bukhari
Sallam Al Shaybani
The Battle of Yarmouk was fought during a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat Ali
209 A.
the caliphate of___________? Umar (RA) Usman (RA) Bakar (RA) (RA)
c) d) Qadd
257 What is name of 17th Para of Holy Qur’an? a) Aqtarabo b) Qal Alam A.
Subhanallazi Aflaha
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
a) Days to
First Ashra (First ten days of Ramadan) is b) Days of c) Days of d) None of
258 seek refuge C.
known as? Forgiveness Mercy these
from Hellfire
How many surahs of the Holy Quran starts
259 a) 14 b) 7 c) 29 d) 21 C.
with broken letters (?)حروف مقطعات
260 Who is the gate-keeper of hell? a) Sabeel b) Malik c) Rizwan d) Tahir B
Hazrat Khadija (RA) was _______ years
261 a) 13 b) 9 c) 5 d) 15 D
older than Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).
Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the ________ wife
262 a) Third b) Second c) First d) Fourth C.
of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).
263 Where is the grave of Hazrat Ayuob (AS)? a) Amman b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan A.
a) Saudi
264 Where is the grave of Hazrat Yahya (A.S)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan C.
A Muslim female is coffined / wrapped in
265 a) 6 b) 5 c) 3 d) 8 B
_______ dressed sheets.
266 The first revealed book was_____________? a) Taurat b) Zaboor c) Injeel d) Quran A.
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
c) Hazrat
d) Hazrat
a) Hazrat Abu b) Hazrat Abu Saad Bin Abi
Talha ibn
Which of the following two Sahabis was Bakar(RA) Ubaidah Bin Waqqas(RA)
294 sent during Battle of Badr to collect and Hazrat Al Jirrah(RA) and Hazrat D
and Hazrat
information about the caravan of Quraish? Saad Bin Abi and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah
Saeed iBin
Waqqas(RA) Abu Bakar(RA) Bin Al
Name of the son of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
295 a) Ishaq (a.s) b) Yahooda c) Yousaf (a.s) d) Lawi B
whose off-springs are the Jews?
Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) Died
296 a) 13th Hijra b) 11th Hijra c) 10th Hijra d) 15th Hijra A.
In which battle Hazrat Amar bin Yasar (RA)
297 a) Safaein b) Hanein c) Yamama d) Badar A.
was martyred?
How Many Ayats (verses) are in Surah Al-
298 a) 18 b) 10 c) 12 d) 22 A.
What was real name of Hazrat Abu Baker a) Sadiq e c) Abdullah d) Saraqa bin
299 b) Abu Turab C.
(R.A)? Akber ibn Uthman jasham
When did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visit d) None of
300 a) 8th Nabvi b) 9th Nabvi c) 10th Nabvi C.
Ta’if? these
a) Hazrat b) Hzarat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
301 Who is known as Adam-e-Sani? A.
Nooh (A.S) Moosa (A.S) Adam (A.S) Ibbrahim (A.s)
Hazrat Adam (AS) is a word
302 a) Persian b) Syriani c) Hebrew d) Arabic C.
a) Umm b) Fatima-tul- d) Hazrat
303 Hazrat Ali (R.A) wife was? Ruqayyah (R.A B
Kulthum (R.A) Zahra (R.A) Aisha (R.A)
The first complete Madani Surah is d) Al-
304 a) Aal-e-Imran b) Al-Nisa c) Al-Nas D
__________? Baqarah
At the time of the death of Prophet
305 Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) a) 52 b) 35 c) 22 d) 30 C.
how many Huffaz were there?
In which Surah the story of Karoon is
306 a) Sura Baraat b) Sura Maida c) Sura Qasas d) Sura Lael C.
307 The last Sariya was fought in Syria in a) 11 A.H b) 10 A.H c) 9 A.H d) 12 A.H A.
a) Banu b) Banu Aos c) Banu Salim
The idol Manaat was fixed between
308 Saqeef and and Banu and Banu d) All of them B
Makkah and Madina. who worshiped it?
Banu Banaat Khazraj Ghatfaan
a) Hazrat d) Hazrat
Tenth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
329 Zainab binte Umeh Habiba C.
was _______. Safiya (RA) Memona (RA)
Khazeema(RA) (RA)
In which Surah of the Holy Quran the name
330 a) Maryam b) Haj c) An’am d) Mu’meen B
of Allah repeated only five times?
d) Hazrat
Which prophet mentioned first in the Holy a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
331 Muhammad B
Quran? Nooh (AS) Adam (AS) Ibrahim (AS)
c) d) Qadd
332 What is name of 18th Para of Holy Qur’an? a) Aqtarabo b) Qal Alam D
Subhanallazi Aflaha
a) Days to
Second Ashra (second ten days of b) Days of c) Days of d) None of
333 seek refuge B
Ramadan) is known as? Forgiveness Mercy these
from Hellfire
In which month Allah forgives 10 lakh
334 a) Safar b) Rajab c) Sha’ban d) Ramadan D
muslims every day at the time of Aftari?
a) b) c) d)
What was the real name of Imame Shafi
335 Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad A.
bin Idrees bin Shafee bin Usman bin Suleman
____________ died on the tenth of a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
336 B
Ramadan 10 Nabvi. Memona (RA) Khadija (RA) Salma (RA) Safia (RA)
How many sons Hazrat Khadija (RA) had
337 a) One b) Three c) Two d) Four C.
with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)?
a) Saudi
338 Where is the grave of Hazrat Yaqub (AS)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Palestine D
a) Saudi
339 Where is the grave of Hazrat Yousaf (A.S)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan B
340 The number of famous Islamic months are? a) seven b) six c) four d) two C.
The flesh of the slaughtered animals is
divided into three portions. One third is for
b) Non- d) None of
341 one’s own self. Another third for the poor a) Relatives c) Imam Sahib A.
Muslims these
and the needy and the last third is
Hazrat Idrees (A.S) met with Holy Prophet
342 a) 3rd b) 2nd c) 1st d) 4th D
(SAW) on the ________ heaven?
Serial no of Surah Yasin w.r.t Surahs in
343 a) 36th b) 34th c) 32th d) 38th A.
Quran is __________?
c) Hazrat bibi d) Hazrat bibi
Who was the Youngest daughter of Hazrat a) Hazrat bibi b) Hazrat bibi
344 Umm Ruqayyah A.
Muhammad (SAW)? Fatima (R.A) Zainab (R.A)
Kulthum (R.A) (R.A)
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
a) Elahe b) Faman
345 What is name of 25th Para of Holy Qur’an? c) Wa Mali d) Ha’a Meem A.
Yuruddo Azlam
How many Ahadis does the “Sahih Bukhari”
346 a) 8,821 b) 7,275 c) 5,636 d) 6,722 B
Which incident took place on 24th c) He d) He was
a) He was
347 September 622 AD in the life of Prophet b) He fell ill migrated to stopped to C.
Muhammad (SAW)? Madina travel
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat
c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat
348 Who is called Malik-ut-Tajjar? Usman Ghani Umar Farooq C.
Bakar (R.A) Mola Ali (R.A)
(R.A) (R.A)
Baghdad city was established as Capital of a) Harun
349 b) As’Saffah c) Al’Mansoor d) Al’Ma’mun C.
Abbasid Dynasty by____________? Rasheed
350 Third Source of Islamic Fiqah is? a) Ijma b) Sunnat c) Quran d) Qiyas A.
351 Bibi Balqees was the Ruler of__________? a) Israel b) Yemen c) Iran d) Syria B
The first Nimaz-e-Janazah performed by a) Yasir ibn b) Sumayya c) Asad bin d) Al-Harith
353 C.
Holy Prophet (SAWS) was of which Sahabi? Amir bint khabbat Zaraara ibn Abi Hala
354 When did Imam Abu Hanifa born? a) 90 Hijri b) 80 Hijri c) 70 Hijri d) 100 Hijri B
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
d) Hazrat Ali
355 Who destroyed idol “Sawa”? Saad Bin Zaid Umar Ibn Al Khalid Bin B
R.A As R.A Walid R.A
What was the name of town in Israel which
356 was the home of Hazrat Issa (A.S) in his a) Safed b) Haifa c) Tal Aviv d) Nazareth D
Collection of Holy Quran in the reign of
357 Hazrat Abubakar RA was done by Hazrat a) 13-16 A.H b) 11-15 A.H c) 11-14 A.H d) 12-15 A.H C.
Zaid RA between______?
d) None of
358 Masjid-e-Khief is located in:_________? a) Minna b) Arafaat c) Muzdilifa D
359 Kufa was made capital in which Hijra year? a) 38 b) 36 c) 35 d) 40 B
The conquest of Mecca was on ______ 8
360 a) 10 Ramzan b) 20 Shawal c) 10 Shahban d) 20 Ramzan D
Imam Abu Hanifa R.A Died during the reign b) Harun al-
361 a) Al-Mansur c) Hisham d) Al-Saffah A.
of ________ ? Rashid
d) Kashf al-
Which one of the following famous Islamic
b) Ahkam al- c) Tafsir al- Israr wa
362 book was written by Hazrat Khawaja a) Al-Kashshaf D
Qur’an Baghawi ‘Eddat al-
Abdullah Ansari R.A ?
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
What was the age of Hazrat Ammar ibn
363 a) 90 b) 80 c) 75 d) 96 A.
Yasir (RA) when he was martyred?
The Quranic surah Al-Ikhlas means a) The c) The d) The
364 b) The Purity B
__________? Straight path politeness character
365 What Is Meaning Of Astghafar? a) Testimony b) Purity c) Unity d) Penitence D
Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) had the title of a) Turjuman- b) Sayyed-ul- c) Naqeeb-e- d) Maizban-e-
366 A.
____________? ul-Quran Tabe’en Ansar Rasool (SAW)
What is the meaning of Quranic Surah”Al-
367 a) Time b) The men c) The unity d) None B
368 How many verses in “Surah Al-Baqrah”? a) 176 b) 200 c) 286 d) None C.
In whch surah are the 27 Attributes of God
369 a) Hadeed b) Al-Mulk c) Al-Qalam d) At-Talaq A.
When the first wahi was revealed to the
370 a) 630AD b) 610AD c) 600AD d) 710AD B
Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
Hijaz Mountain are found
371 a) Kuwait b) Suadi Arab c) Iran d) Iraq B
Who was the Prophet which first laid the a) Hazart b) Hazart c) Hazart d) Hazart
372 A.
foundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa ? Ibrahim ( A.S) younus ( A.S) Daood ( A.S) Suleman (A.S)
373 Surah al-Dukhan means___________? a) Cloud b) Water c) Rain d) Smoke D
d) None of
374 ‘Jalsa’ in Namaz is _________? a) Wajib b) Sunnah c) Farz A.
Hazrat zakirya was the contemporary a) hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Isa
375 d) None C.
of_________? Haroon Moosa a.s a.s
First ____________ Aayat of Holy Quraan
376 a) Six b) Four c) Three d) Seven D
are called Tawwal?
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat
Name the Ummul-Mumineen who have c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
Khadijah Aisha Siddiqa
377 narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet Hifsa (Radi- Zainib (Radi- B
(Radi-Allahu (Radi-Allahu
(pbuh)? Allahu Anha) Allahu Anha)
Anha) Anha)
b) Age of
378 The Pre-Islamic era is known as_________? a) Golden age c) Modern age d) none B
___________was the hardest form of a) Ringing b) Behind the c) In form of d) None of
379 A.
revelation? Bells Curtain Dreams these
How many times has the Qur’an
380 a) 160 times b) 150 times c) 140 times d) 170 times B
emphasized on alms or charity?
In which Surah the name of Allah is c) Surah d) Sura
381 a) Sura Al- Haj b) Sura Lael C.
repeated in every verse? Mujadala Hamzah
when the first Sariya was fought in Rabakh
382 a) 3. A.H b) 2 A.H c) 1. A.H d) 4 A.H C.
In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at
383 a) 30 b) 25 c) 20 d) 35 A.
aayat no:_____________) Page 22 of 59
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Hazart Ali (R.A) married Hazart Fatma (R.A)
384 a) 624 A.D b) 623 A.D c) 622 A.D d) 625 A.D A.
When for the first time Nimaz-e-kisoof was
385 a) 6 A.H b) 5 A.H c) 4 A.H d) 7 A.H B
386 Tawaf Al-Qudum is________________? a) Wajib b) Farz c) Nafil d) Sunnat D
d) which is
a) which is
b) which is c) which is performed
387 Mabroor Hajj means______________? observed A.
not accepted accepted with
a) Fast Strike b) Swift & c) Long Strike d) Sharp &
388 What is the meaning of Zarb-e-Azb? D
& Sharp Sharp Strike & Swift Cutting Strike
There are 3 Farz, 10 sunnat
389 a) 9 b) 11 c) 13 d) 6 D
and____________ wajibat in Hajj.
Which surah of the Holy Quran starts with a) Surah At- b) Surah An-
390 c) Surah Imran d) Surah Hud A.
two fruits name? Teen Nisa
c) Parents,
a) Brother, b) Uncle, d) Parents,
391 Who are not entitled to get Zakat? Nephew and Sister, and brother and C.
wife and
children Hisband wife
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
_____________________ were the sons of Ismail & Haroon & Ismail &
392 d) None A.
Hazrat Ibrahim (AH). Hazrat Ishaq Hazrat Ishaq Hazrat
(AH) (AH) Haroon (AH)
No of Kufars (Non Muslims Forces) in Battle
393 a) 1200 b) 1100 c) 1000 d) 1300 C.
of Badr were _________.
The most disliked thing by Allah Ta’ala is
394 a) Marriage b) Backbiting c) Murder d) Divorce D
27 attributes of Allah, mentioned in
395 a) Rahman b) Ma’ida c) Yaseen d) Hadeed D
__________ Surah.
How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start
396 a) Six b) Five c) Four d) Seven B
with Al-Hamdulillah?
a) Rabi-ul- d) Jamadi-us-
397 Which is eighth month of Islamic Calendar? b) Ramzan c) Shaban C.
Awwal Sani
In which Surah of the Holy Quran, the
398 a) Nisa b) Al- Imran c) Baqara d) Insan A.
regulations for prisoners of war mentioned?
c) To Make
b) To Provide d) To create
a) To Help the the Sacrifice
399 The function of fasting is ______. Comfort to peace in the C.
poor of Body and
the Society Society
Which Ayat of Surah Al-Baqarah describes
400 a) 82 b) 81 c) 80 d) 183 D
the obligation of soam?
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
__________ month is known as Sayeed us
401 a) Ramazan b) Sha’ban c) Rajab d) Zil-Haj A.
Hazrat Qasim was the son of Hazrat
a) Hazrat b) Rayhana c) Zaynab bint d) Maria al-
402 Muhammad (SAW) and A.
Khadija bint Zayd Khuzayma Qibtiyya
First Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
403 A.
_______. Khadeja (RA) Sauda (RA) Ayesha (RA) Hafsa (RA)
a) Hazrat
Eleventh wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
404 Maria Kibtiah A.
was _______. Safiya (RA) Memona (RA) Javeriah (RA)
In which Surah of the Holy Quran the
405 a) Nuhu b) Humaza c) Munafiqun d) Zalzala B
backbiter condemned?
In which Surah Hijrat of the Holy Prophet
406 a) Nuhu b) HUD c) A’araf d) Anfal D
(SAW) mentioned?
a) Utlu Ma b) A’man c) Wa d) Wa
407 What is name of 19th Para of Holy Qur’an? C.
Oohi Khalaq Qalallazina Manyaqnut
a) Days to
Third Ashra (last days of Ramadan) is b) Days of c) Days of d) None of
408 seek refuge A.
known as__________? Forgiveness Mercy these
from Hellfire
Allah forgives _____ muslims every day at
409 a) 8 lakh b) 6 lakh c) 4 lakh d) 10 lakh D
the time of aftari in Ramadan?
Which letter has mostly used after alif ()الف
410 a) Noon b) Seen c) Baa d) Taa A.
in the Holy Quran?
a) Hazrat
_____________ was buried at Jannat-e- b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
411 Maria Qibtiya B
Moalla in Macca. Khadija (RA) Ayesha (RA) Safia (RA)
Who did Hazrat Khadija (RA) sent to ask
412 Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) about marrying a) Brother b) Mother c) Father d) Friend D
a) Saudi
413 Where is the grave of Hazrat Suleh (A.S)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan B
a) Saudi
414 Where is the grave of Hazrat Ismail (A.S)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan A.
Hajjaj bin Yousuf was the governor of
415 a) Iraq b) Iran c) Palestine d) Maldives A.
b) Prophet
Animals are routinely sacrificed on Eid ul a) Prophet Abraham
c) Prophet d) None of
416 Adha in memory of the sacrifice Muhammad (A.S) and B
Adam (A.S) these
of_________? (PBUH) Prophet
Ishmael (A.S)
440 What Is Meaning Of Tawheed? a) Testimony b) Purity c) Oneness C.
What was the miracle given to Hazrat Isa a) Cutting the b) Moving the c) Reviving d) Giving
441 C.
(AS) by Allah? Moon in half Mountains the Dead voice to dumb
What is the meaning of Quranic surah”Al-
442 a) The unity b) The Hell c) Time d) None C.
Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there
443 a) 20 Hadith b) 50 Hadith c) 40 Hadith d) 30 Hadith C.
are _______ Hadith?
a) Hazrat
b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu- d) HAzrat
Which member of Ashra Mubashara was Abdur
444 Saad Bin Abi Ubaidah Bin Saeed Bin C.
given the title of Amin-ul-Ummat? Rehman Bin
Waqas(RA) Al-Jirrah(RA) Zaid(RA)
Hajr ( )حجرwas old city which served as
445 capital of Province “Al-Yamamah”, the a) Abha b) Dammam c) Riyadh d) Al-Qatif C.
modern name of this city is________?
For how many years Hazart Naoh (A.S) lived
446 a) 1950 b) 750 c) 550 d) 950 D
At whose request , Hazart Abu Bakar ( R.A)
a) Hazart b) Hazart c) Hazart Ali ( d) Hazart Abu
447 entrusted the task of compilation of the A.
Umer (R.A) Usman ( R.A) R.A) Bakar ( R.A)
holy Quran to Zaid bin Sabit (R.A) ?
How many Sunnah’s are in four obligations
448 a) 18 b) 13 c) 10 d) 15 B
of Ablution?
c) d)
The Title given to the pioneers of Islam b) Muslimoon
449 a) Al-awwalun Mushahidoon Assabiqoon D
was___________? al Awwalun
al Awwalum al Awwalun
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Issa c) Hazrat d) None of
450 __________ was the carpenter ? A.
Zakirya a.s Moosa a.s these
451 Doors of Hell are ____________? a) 07 b) 06 c) 05 d) 08 A.
a) Umal b) Umal c) Umal
Who was the First Women “Hafiz e Quran” Mumneen Mumneen Mumneen d) None of
452 A.
to memorize the Holy Quran? Hafsah bint-e- Hazrat Zainab Hazrat Aysha them
Umar (R.A) (R.A) (R.A)
b) Surah c) Surah d) Surah
453 _________ is known as “Saloos ul Quran”? a) Surah Nasar C.
Kausar Ikhlas Fateha
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Zaid
d) None of
454 The first poet of Islam is _______________? Hasaan ibn e Ubaidullah bin A.
sabit (R.A) (RA) Harith (RA)
Who was the first person who counted the a) Hazart Abu b) Hazart c) Hazart d) Hazart
455 B
Aayath (verses) of the Qur’an? Bakar (RA) Ayesha(RA) Fatma(RA) Umer(RA)
a) Abdullah b) Abdur c) Hazrat
Who was last Commander in chief of d) None of
456 Bin Rehman Bin khalid bin C.
Ghzwa-e-mautah? above
Rawaha(R.A) Auf (R.A) waleed (R.A)
In Which Surah the Holy Quran there is a) Surah Al c) Surah Al d) SuraH
457 b) Surah Noon A.
mention of Zulqarnain? Kahaf Mujadala Hamd
How many surah starts with
458 a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 6 C.
d) It is the
Why Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) divorced his first a) she was b) she was c) she was
459 order of B
wife on the request of his father? disobedient discourteous dishonest
Jibreal (A.S)
460 In salat, saying Darood is_____________? a) Mustahab b) Sunnah c) Farz d) Wajib B
How many obligatory Acts of Hajj are
461 a) Four b) Three c) Two d) Five B
Name the term whose avoidance is
b) Makruh-i- c) Makruh-i-
462 rewarding and although doing it, is not a a) Mubah d) Mustahab C.
Tehrimi Tanzihi
sin, yet it is a sort of vice?
a) Bukhari
Hazrat Imam Tirmazy was a student b) Imam Abu c) Imam d) Muta,Ibne
463 Sharif,Ibne B
of_____________? Dawood Bukhari Maja
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Name the Sahabi who narrated maximum a) Hazrat Zaid b) Hazrat Zaid c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat Ali
506 C.
number of Ahadis? bin Sabit R.A bin Haris R.A Hurrairah R.A R.A
Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Abu c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat
528 A.
of____________? Hanzala (R.A) Dahana (R.A) Talha (R.A) Saad (R.A)
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
529 _________ was an eloquent speaker? A.
Haroon (AS) Musa (AS) Idrees (AS) Ayub (AS)
In which year were the vowels inserted in
530 a) 41 Hijri b) 42 Hijri c) 43 Hijri d) 40 Hijri C.
the Qur’an?
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
568 Hazrat Usman khilafat period was _______? a) 12 years b) 8 years c) 5 years d) 14 years A.
Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A) was the daughter a) Khadija
b) Rayhana c) Zaynab bint d) Maria al-
569 of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and bint A.
bint Zayd Khuzayma Qibtiyya
__________? Khuwaylid
a) b) Qadd Sami c) Qala Fama d) Amma
570 What is name of 28th Para of Holy Qur’an? B
Tabarakallazi Allah Khatbukum Yatasa’aloon
571 When Hazrat Imam Shafi was born in Gaza? a) 160 AH b) 150 AH c) 140 AH d) 170 AH B
The height of Hazrat Adam (AS) d) none of
572 a) 90 Feet b) 80 Feet c) 60 Feet A.
was__________? these
a) Hazrat
Usaman Bin
573 Who is known as Sadin of Makkah? Abu Talha ( b) Asad c) Saad d) Qasim A.
key Holder of
Saying “Al-Hamdulillah” is known
574 a) Tahmeed b) Takbeer c) Tehleel d) Tasbeeh A.
Qaroon was a treasurer, he was in the reign b) Ibrahim c) Suleman d) Yaqoob
575 a) Musa (A.S) A.
of Prophet? (A.S) (A.S) (A.S)
a) The Table
d) None of
576 Al-Maida means_________? Spread with b) Fruits c) Food A.
How many years Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was
577 younger than the Prophet Hazrat a) 4 Years b) 3 Years c) 2 Years d) 5 Years C.
Muhammad (PBUH)?
Number of hadiths narrated by Hazrat Abu
578 a) 5378 b) 5374 c) 5356 d) 5837 B
Huraira R.A?
Hazrat Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Ameer
a) Conquest b) Treaty of c) Migration d) Ghuzwa
579 Muawiyah and Abu Kahafa R.A accepted A.
of Makkah Hudaibiya to Madina Uhad
Islam at the time of___________?
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
The marriage between Hazrat Hafsa (RA)
580 and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) took place a) 3 A.H b) 2 A.H c) 1 A.H d) 4 A.H A.
581 When Halaku khan sacked Baghdad? a) 1258 b) 1238 c) 1228 d) 1268 A.
a) Hazrat
Give the name, who compiled first work of b) Imam c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat Abu
582 Abdullah bin A.
Hadith “Sahifa-e-Sadiqa.” Muslim (RA) Bakar (RA) Hurairah (RA)
Amr (RA)
The Battle of Camel was fought
583 a) 36 A.H b) 33 A.H c) 30 A.H d) 40 A.H A.
On 1st Shawwal, 8th Hijra a strong Islamic d) None of
584 a) 15,000 b) 12,000 c) 10,000 B
force approached the valley of hunain ? the above
Hazrat Khadijat-ul-Kubra is buried c) Jannat-ul-
585 a) Mecca b) Madina d) Uu’hud A.
at__________? Baqee
a) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
Who solicited Hazrat Usman (R.A) to send
586 abdullah bin b) Hazrat Ali hadifa-bin- amar bin C.
the copies of Quran to different countries?
Umar Yamaan Yasar
At the time Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu)
587 how many companions had compiled the a) 75 b) 65 c) 5 d) 85 A.
Qur’an in the form of a book?
588 Ghazwa Mota took place in __________? a) Makkah b) Hijaz c) Madina d) Taif D
The tragedy of Karbala took place in
589 a) 690 A.D b) 680 A.D c) 645 A.D d) 670 A.D B
Hazrat Isa (AS) was sent to preach the
b) Whole d) Only for
590 message of Allah to the people of a) Islam c) Israel C.
World Arab
___________ ?
591 How many Rukus in surah”Al-Fatiha”? a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 5 C.
592 Batha Valley is situated in________? a) Egypt b) Madina c) Makkah d) Jordan C.
Minimum number of people required for
593 a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5 B
Jumu’ah prayer are_________?
594 How many Sajdah are in Quran? a) 14 b) 13 c) 12 d) 15 A.
Abu jahal was killed in the battle
595 a) Badar b) Khandaq c) Uhad d) Moata A.
a) Hazart
d) Hazart
Abdullah bin b) Hazart Abu c) Hazart Zaid
596 Which Sahabi name written in Quran? Zaid Bin Haris D
Massoud ( Bin Talib ( R.A) bin Sabit ( R.A)
( R.A)
In Masjid e Aqsa the word Aqsa
597 a) Highest b) Near c) Far away d) Oldest C.
Which Tawaf is Also known as the Farewell a) Tawaf Al- b) Tawaf Al- c) Tawaf Al- d) Tawaf Al-
598 B
Tawaf? Ifada Wadaa Umrah Nafl
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
__________ cured the victims of leprosy as a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
599 d) None B
a miracle ? yahya a.s Issa a.s Idrees a.s
_____________ died while standing with a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat Essa
600 C.
the support of a stick? Haroon A.S Musa A.S Suleman A.S A.S
a) Jang-e- b) Jang-e- c) Jang-e- d) Jang-e-
601 When was the meat of donkey prohibited? B
Ahzab Khaibar Badar Hunain
c) Surah
Which Surah of the Quran has the name a) Surah Al- b) Surah Al- d) Surah Al-
602 Muhammad B
“Allah” in every single verse? Ikhlas [112] Mujadila [58] Fatihah [1]
c) Tauheed,
a) Tauheed, b) Tauheed,
Risalat, d) Tauheed,
Alhami Risalat,
Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the Alhami Milka,Risalat,
603 Kutub, Malaika, B
proper order ? Kutub, Alhami Kutub
Risalat, and Alhami Kutub
Akhirat and and Akhirat
Malaika and Akhirat
What according to the Qur’an is the root
604 a) Lying b) Hypocrisy c) Alcohol d) Backbiting A.
cause of the evil?
c) A specfic
a) Name Of a b) Honour d) Name of
605 Ozza was the name of___________? goddess of C.
tree and respect snake
Hazrat Yunas (A.S) is addressed with two
a) Friend of b) Lord Of c) Home of d) None of
606 name one is ‘Dhun-Nun’ its meaning B
right the Fish Fish them
is_______ ?
b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
a) Hazrat Zaid
607 Name the last Sariya____________ ? Usamah bin Ubaidah bin Saad bin Abi D
bin Haris (R.A)
Zaid (R.A) Haris (R.A) Waqas (R.A)
How many times Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) is
608 a) 13 b) 10 c) 5 d) 20 A.
mentioned in sura baqarah?
c) d) Minister of
Who runs the accounts of central Zakat a) Accountant b) Auditor
609 Administrator Religious C.
fund in Pakistan__________? General General
General Affairs
610 There are _______________ types of Hajj? a) Four b) Three c) Two d) Five B
What an authentic Hadis is
611 a) Musnad b) Sahih c) Sahifah d) Saadiqah B
a) Sa’ad bin
b) Uqba bin c) Khalid Bin d) Amr bin Al-
612 Who is called as “Muslim Alexander”? Abi Waqas B
Nafah (R.A) Waleed (R.A) Aas (R.A)
613 First convert to Islam was a __________? a) Slave b) Boy c) Lady d) Companion C.
How many surahs of the Holy Quran start
614 َ َ a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 B
with the word “Tabaraka” (?)ت َب َارک
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
616 First Azan was called out in_______ A.H. a) 1 A.H. b) 2 A.H. c) 3 A.H. d) 4 A.H. A.
Which Angel will blow the trumpet (Sur) at a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
617 d) None B
the day of Judgment? Jabra’il Israfil Mika’il
The smallest animal mentioned in Holy
618 a) Spider b) Mosquito c) Ant d) Fly B
Qur’an is _____________.
The story of the worship of cow of Bani a) Surah c) Surah
619 b) Surah Taha d) Surah Kahfi B
Israeel mentioned in Surah ____________. Qasas Baqara
a) Jamadi-ul-
620 Which is first month of Islamic Calendar? b) Rajab c) Moharram d) Safar C.
a) Rabi-uI-
621 Which is 11th month of Islamic Calendar? b) Safar c) Ziqa’ad d) Shawwal C.
d) None of
622 The Wahi was sent in the month of ______. a) Safar b) Shawal c) Ramzan C.
d) None of
623 E’tikaf is ______ in the month of Ramzan. a) wajib b) Sunnah c) Farz B
______ days are prohibited for fasting
624 a) 4 b) 3 c) 1 d) 5 D
throughout the Year.
Which Surah is considered as 1/4 of the
625 a) Falaq b) Al-Ikhlas c) Kafiron d) Nass C.
Holy Qur’an?
Who was the youngest son of Hazrat a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
626 A.
Muhammad (SAW)? Ibrahim Qasim Abdullah Abdurrehman
Fourth Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
627 D
was _______. Khadeja (RA) Sauda (RA) Ayesha (RA) Hafsa (RA)
___________is the person who performs d) None of
628 a) Munfarid b) Musbaq c) Madurak A.
prayer alone. these
a) Wa Ma b) Wa Mamin
630 What is name of 13th Para of Holy Qur’an? c) Yatazeroon d) Rubama A.
Ubrioo Da’abat
In which Surah of the Holy Quran the letter
631 a) fatiha b) Baqara c) Al-Imaran d) Nass A.
‘Fa’ did not appear?
The portion of the wall of Ka’ba which is
632 between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is a) Haram b) Hateem c) Al multazim d) Safar C.
In which Islamic month Nafal prayer is
633 a) Safar b) Rajab c) Sha’ban d) Ramadan D
equal to Farz prayer?
How many surahs of the Holy Quran start
634 َ َ a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 A.
with the word Sab-baha (?)س َّبح
a) Hazrat
Prophet (SAW) not offered funeral prayer b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
635 Maria Qibtiya B
of _________ due to Allah‘s will. Khadija (RA) Ruqia (RA) Safia (RA)
Hazrat Khadija (RA) passed away when she
636 was _________ and Prophet Muhammad a) 63 – 48 b) 60 – 45 c) 58 – 43 d) 65 – 50 D
(SAW) was ________ years old?
a) Saudi
637 Where is the grave of Hazrat Nooh (A.S)? b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan D
a) Saudi
638 Where is the grave of Hazrat Adam (A.S)? b) Sri Lanka c) Syria d) Jordan B
639 What was the age of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib? a) 94 years b) 95 years c) 96 years d) 93 years A.
a) Utlu Ma b) A’man َ c) Wa d) Wa
640 What is name of 21st Para of Holy Quran? Oohi (ا َ ْات ُل
م Khalaq (أ َّم ْن Qalallazina Manyaqnut A.
ُ َ َ َ َ ال َّالذ
َ َ)و َق ْ ُْ
َ ِ )أ
ي )خلق (ين ِ (َ)و َم ْن َيقنت
Ghazwah Widdah was fought in _____
641 a) 5th b) 3rd c) 1st d) 7th C.
Hijrah year?
Which surah was recited by Holy Prophet at a) Surah-e- b) Surah-e- c) Surah-e- d) Surah-e-
642 B
the time of migration? Rehman Yasin Tawbah Kausar
643 _________is standing straight during Rukus? a) Qayaam b) Jalsa c) Qauma d) Qaada C.
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat
Which daughters of Prophet Muhammad Ruqiyya R.A Umme c) Hazrat
d) None of
648 (PBUH) were first engaged with the two & Hazrat Kalsoom R.A Ruqiya R.A & A.
sons of Abu Lahab? Umme & Hazrat Zainab R.A
Kalsoom R.A Zainab R.A
a) Salah udin b) Musa bin d) Tariq bin
649 __________conquered Bait-tul-Maqdas? Muhammad A.
Ayyub Nusair Ziad
bin Qasim
a) Ibrahim d) Sulaiman
650 Comb was invented by Prophet? b) Daud (A.S) c) Nuh (A.S) A.
(A.S) (A.S)
a) Honour b) A Clause of c) Name of d) Name of a
651 LEA’AN is___________? B
and respect Islamic law surah tree
a) 14 b) 12 c) 10 d) 16
674 When did incident of Karbala occur? C.
October 680 October 680 October 680 October 680
Qabeel & Habeel were the sons of which a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
687 D
prophet? Yaqoob (AH) Daud (AH) Nooh (AH) Adam (AH)
d) Hazrat
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat
688 Which prophet was put in the fire? Muhammad
Ibrahim (AH) Yousaf (AH) Nooh (AH)
Hazrat Nooh (AH) name mentioned in the
689 a) 43 b) 42 c) 41 d) 44 A.
Holy Quran _____ times.
b) Hazrat
Who killed Muslema Kazab (Musailamah al a) Wahshi c) Hazrat Ali d) None of
690 Khalid Bin A.
Kazzab)? ibn Harb (R.A) these
Waleed (R.A)
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
d) Self-
a) Self- b) Self- c) Self-
696 The pre-requisite of fasting is______. determinati B
motivation control discipline
d) None of
697 ______ is the month of purity. a) Ramazan b) Shawal c) Zil-Hajj A.
a) Lailat-ul- b) Lailat-ul- c) Lailat-ul- d) None of
698 Which night is better than thousand nights? B
Miraj Qadar Bara’at these
Which Surah of the Holy Quran was
699 a) Nooh b) Fatiha c) Ikhlaas d) Tauba B
revealed twice?
Which son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) None of
700 D
reached adulthood? Abdullah Qasim Ibrahim these
a) Hazrat
Fifth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) Hazrat
701 binte A.
_______. Sauda (RA) Salma (RA) Hafsa (RA)
In which mosque(Masjid) seventy thousand a) Masjid-e- b) Masjid-e- c) Masjid-e- d) Masjid-e-
702 A.
prophets have offered prayers? Kheef qiblatain Quba Bilal
Hazrat Hud (AH) name mentioned in the
703 a) 9 b) 8 c) 7 d) 10 C.
Holy Quran ____ times.
a) Wa Ma b) Wa Mamin
704 What is name of 12th Para of Holy Qur’an? c) Yatazeroon d) Rubama B
Ubrioo Da’abat
Makkhi Surahs were revealed in how many
705 a) 15 b) 14 c) 13 d) 16 C.
Our Holy Prophet (SAW) broke fast (Aftari) d) All of
706 a) Milk b) Water c) Dates D
with _______? these
In which Islamic month Farz prayer is equal
707 a) Safar b) Rajab c) Sha’ban d) Ramadan D
to 70 Farz prayer?
_________ was the first person to offer
a) Khadija b) Abu d) Adam
708 Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet c) Ali (RA) A.
(RA) Bakar (RA) (A.S)
(SA W).
d) Hazrat
Hazrat Khadija (R.A) bore all the children of a) Hazrat b) Abdullah c) Ibrahim
709 Ruqaiyah C.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except? Fatima (R.A) (R.A) (R.A)
Hazrat Khadija (RA) married _______ time
710 a) One b) Three c) Two d) Four B
in life.
711 Where is the grave of Hazrat Dawood (A.S)? a) Israel b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan A.
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Where is the grave of Hazrat Muhammad a) Saudi
712 b) Lebanon c) Syria d) Jordan A.
(SAW)? Arabia
713 When Hazrat Abdul Muttalib died? a) 582 A.D b) 580 A.D c) 578 A.D d) 584 A.D C.
a) Utlu Ma b) A’man َ c) Wa d) Wa
714 What is name of 22nd Para of Holy Quran? Oohi (ا َ ْات ُل
م Khalaq (أ َّم ْن Qalallazina Manyaqnut D
ُ َ َ َ َ ال َّالذ
َ َ)و َق ْ َُْ ْ َ
َ ِ )أ
ي )خلق (ين ِ ()و َمن يقنت
In _____ Hijrah year, Ghazwat Salim, Banu
715 Nuzair, Ohad, Hamara-al-Asad and Ghatfan a) 7th b) 5th c) 3rd d) 9th C.
were fought?
Most of Hafiz Quran were martyred in
716 a) Khyber b) Yamama c) Badr d) Uhud B
which battle?
Which two prayers are offered together at b) Maghrib- d) None of
717 a) Isha-Fajar c) Fajar-Zuhar B
Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj? Isha these
a) b) Qadd Sami c) Qala Fama d) Amma
718 What is name of 30th Para of Holy Qur’an? D
Tabarakallazi Allah Khatbukum Yatasa’aloon
Fatwa kazi khan is the authentic fatwa of a) Fiqah b) Fiqah c) Fiqah d) Fiqah
719 A.
which sect? Hanfia Shafi Hanbali Jafriya
b) Walid d)
Grand Mosque at Damascus was built a) Umar bin c) Abdul
723 bin None of the B
by______________? Abdul Aziz Malik
Abdul Malik above
c) Depends
d) Not
a) b) It is social on the
734 Payment of Mehr to wife is:__________? Ordained A.
Obligatory affair Demand by
by Allah
Battale of ZALAQA was fought between
735 Alfanso VI and Yousaf bin Tashfeen in a) 1121 b) 1086 c) 1070 d) 1240 B
736 When Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A) Died? a) 643 AD b) 642 AD c) 641 AD d) 644 AD B
Makkah was conquered in a
737 a) 628 A.D b) 629 A.D c) 630 A.D d) 634 A.D C.
The Umayyad rule in Spain lasted for
738 a) 136 b) 135 c) 125 d) 145 C.
c) Hazrat
“Qaim-ul-Lail” and “Saim-ul-Nahar” are the a) Hazrat b) Hazrat d) Hazrat
739 Abu Bakr D
titles of ______________ ? Umar (RA) Usman (RA) Ali (RA)
b) Hazrat
a) Hazrat c) Hazrat
“Bahr-ul-Jud” is the title of Abdullah d) None of
740 Salman Jaffar B
______________? bin Jaffar these
Farsi (RA) Tayyar (RA)
a) Hazrat Abu b) Hazrat d) Hazrat
Maizban-e-Rasool (SAW) is the title of c) Hazrat Abi
741 Ayub Ansari Salman Farsi Mugaira bin A.
____________? Ka’ab (RA)
(RA) (RA) Shuaba (RA)
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
d) Hazrat
Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the first a) Hazrat b) Hazrat abu c) Hazrat
742 Saad bin C.
time? Umar (RA) Salman (RA) Hamza (RA)
Maaz (RA)
Ibn-e-Maja (Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin
a) Kitab al b) Quran fil c) Kitab al d) Sunnan
743 Yazeed Al-Maja) wrote C.
Athaar Asr il Hazir Tafsir wal Ahadith
Which Surah is so called “The Heifer” in d) None of
744 a) Al-Ankabut b) An-Naml c) Al-Baqarah C.
Quran? Above
d) None of
745 How many manzils are there in Quran? a) 9 b) 7 c) 5 B
c) Umm Al-
Who was the first lady inspector of a) Hazrat b) Rufaida Al- d) None of
746 shifaa bint C.
Madinah appointed by Hazrat Umar (R.A) ? Ayesha Aslamia these
When did the lady named Zainab poisned a) Ghazw-e- b) Conquest c) Conquest d) None of
747 B
Holy Prophet(PBUH) ? Uhd of Khyber of Makkah these
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to
748 a) Makki b) Quraishi c) Hashmi d) Madni C.
__________ family.
Khateeb-ul-Ambia was the title of a) Prophet b) Prophet c) Prophet d) Prophet
749 D
__________. Yaqoob (A.S) Nooh (A.S) Dawood (A.S) Shoaib (A.S)
The Angel who delivered messages to
a) Israfeel b) Mikael c) Jibrael d) Izraeel
750 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah C.
(A.S) (A.S) (A.S) (A.S)
Allah says, “Wives of Prophet Muhammad
c) Aal-e-
751 (PBUH) are mothers of believers” in Surah a) Muhammad b) Yaaseen d) Ahzaab D
_________ .
In the beginning Prophet Muhammad
a) Banu d) Banu
752 (PBUH) worked as a shepherd for b) Banu Asad c) Banu Saad C.
Ummayya Makhzoom
Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time of b) Solar c) Lunar
753 a) earthquake d) heavy rain C.
__________ ? eclipse eclipse
Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in
754 a) 40 b) 38 c) 36 d) 42 A.
__________ Hijrah?
The name “Muhammad” has been
755 mentioned _________ times in the Holy a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 D
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had
756 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 A.
__________ sons.
__________ takes out souls of life bearing a) Israfeel b) Mikael c) Jibrael d) Izraeel
757 D
creatures. (A.S) (A.S) (A.S) (A.S)
Which country is called the “Land of c) Saudi
758 a) Palestine b) Syria d) Iraq A.
Prophets”? Arabia
c) Aal-e-
759 Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice ? a) Yaaseen b) Al-Namal d) Muhammad B
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had
760 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 D
__________ daughters.
Name the Angel who was appointed to
a) Israfeel b) Mikael c) Jibrael d) Izraeel
761 deliver messages to Prophet Muhammad C.
(A.S) (A.S) (A.S) (A.S)
(PBUH) from Allah?
Siha e Sitta are __________ books of
762 a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 8 B
Hadith ?
763 Which surah starts without “Bismillah” ? a) Al-Toba b) Al-Nisa c) Al-Baqara d) Al-Ikhlas A.
In the “Sacrilegious wars”, when Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, a) Umayah d) Harb bin
764 b) Abu Lahab c) Abu Jahal D
Quraish and their allies were lead by bin Khalaf Umayah
765 Cave Hira is in the _________ mountain. a) Uhud b) Sil c) As-Safa d) An-Noor D
766 Eid Prayer is __________ ? a) Sunnat b) Farz c) Wajib d) Mustahib C.
Which surah contains the orders about a) Al-
767 b) Al-Baqara c) Al-Maidah d) Al-Nisa C.
Wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum ? Mominoon
c) Prophet
To what Prophet the Zabur was revealed by a) Prophet b) Prophet d) Prophet
768 Ibraheem B
Allah? Moosa (A.S) Dawood (A.S) Essa (A.S)
The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of a) Masjid-e- b) Masjid-e- c) Masjid-ul- d) Masjid
769 C.
Earth is? Aqsa Nabavi Haram e Quba
a) Imam
The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta, was b) Imam c) Imam Abu d) Imam
770 Ahmad bin D
compiled by __________ ? Shafi (R.A) Haneefa (R.A) Malik (R.A)
Hambal (R.A)
Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in a) Ghazwah b) Ghazwah c) Ghazwah d) Ghazwah
771 B
surah Al-Imran ? Khaibar Badar Ohad Khandaq
c) Prophet
To what Prophet the Injeel was revealed by a) Prophet b) Prophet d) Prophet
772 Ibraheem D
Allah? Moosa (A.S) Dawood (A.S) Essa (A.S)
Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad d)
a) Hafsah b) Juwairyyah
773 (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq c) Aisha (R.A) Maimoonah A.
(R.A) (R.A)
(R.A)? (R.A)
In Hajj, touching the Black Stone, is
774 a) Ramee b) Sayee c) Istilam d) Tawaf C.
called__________ ?
In surah kahf, which animal is mentioned
775 a) Horse b) Cat c) Dog d) woodpecker C.
along with the Ashaab e kahf ?
What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was b) Umar c) Abu Bakr
a) Ali Al- d) Khalid bin
776 awarded with the title of “The sword of Farooque Siddique D
Murtaza (R.A) Waleed (R.A)
Allah”? (R.A) (R.A)
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
b) Prophet c) Prophet
Ishaq (A.S) Ismail (A.S)
What was the relation between Prophet
777 a) Brothers was father of was father of d) Cousins A.
Ismail (A.S) and Prophet Ishaq (A.S)?
Prophet Prophet Ishaq
Ismail (A.S) (A.S)
The first migration of the Companions and
a) Abyssinia
778 relatives of the Prophet Muhammad b) Madina c) Makkah d) Baghdad A.
(PBUH) was to __________ ?
The “Battle of Yermuk” was fought
779 a) Iranis b) Jews c) Romans d) Christians C.
between Muslims and _________ ?
What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was a) Hamza bin b) Ali Al- c) Umar
d) Khalid bin
780 awarded with the title of “The lion of Abdul Murtaza Farooque B
Waleed (R.A)
Allah”? Mattalib (R.A) (R.A) (R.A)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in
781 a) 10 b) 9 c) 8 d) 11 A.
Madina for __________ years.
Banu Quraiza, Banu Nadir and Banu
d) None of
782 Qainuqa were three tribes of a) Jews b) Christians c) Muslims A.
783 Masjid Qiblatain is in _________ ? a) Taif b) Madina c) Makkah d) Palestine B
a) b) c)
d) Ismaeel bin
784 What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)? Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad C.
Ibraheem Ismaeel bin Ismaeel
c) Abu Bakr d) Ali Al-
Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by a) Usman b) Umar
785 Siddique Murtaza D
__________. Ghani (R.A) Farooq (R.A)
(R.A) (R.A)
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” is a) Surah Al- b) Surah c) Surah Ya- d) Surah Al-
786 D
stated in Surah _________ . Muzzammil Muhammad Seen Fath
In Hajj, stoning the Devil, is called
787 a) Ramee b) Sayee c) Istilam d) Tawaf A.
__________ ?
In Hajj, traveling seven times between
788 Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is called a) Ramee b) Sayee c) Istilam d) Tawaf B
__________ ?
Second migration to Habshah took place
789 a) 615 A.D b) 614 A.D c) 613 A.D d) 616 A.D D
in__________ ?
After __________ years of the birth of Holy
790 a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 8 B
prophet Bibi Amina died ?
Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in
791 a) 620 A.D b) 619 A.D c) 618 A.D d) 621 A.D B
The flag color of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad ( )ﷺwas white and
792 a) Green b) Red c) Black d) yellow D
__________ at the time of conquest of
Makkah ?
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Hazrat _____________ levied zakat on
793 a) Usman b) Abu Bakar c) Umar d) Ali C.
First census of Islamic world in __________
794 a) Usman’s b) Umar’s c) Abu Bakar’s d) Ali’s B
795 Subject of Holy Quran is ? a) Animal b) Earth c) Universe d) Human D
In Holy Quran ____________ Surah start
796 a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 8 B
with the name of prophets.
797 Ibrahim A.S remained in fire ________ days. a) 45 b) 40 c) 35 d) 50 B
the seal affixed on important letters by a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Qais c) Hazrat Ali d) Hazrat Bilal
845 A.
prophet (SAW) was in the Custody of ? khuzaifa (RA) RA (RA) (RA)
c) Hazrat
a) Hazrat Zaid b) Hazrat Bilal d) None of
846 Name the first Muslim among slaves? Usamah bin A.
bin Haris (RA) Habshi (RA) these
Zaid (RA)
847 The meaning of Muharram is? a) Forbidden b) To Respect c) Dry Land d) To pray A.
859 Five prayers were declared compulsory in? a) 11th Nabvi b) 10th Nabvi c) 9th Nabvi d) 12th Nabvi B
a) Coming
860 Salat-e-istakhara is performed for? b) Fear c) Rain d) Death A.
861 What is the number of Zakat among Pillars? a) Fourth b) Third c) Second d) Fifth B
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Name the first person who declared his a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Ali c) Hazrat d) Hazrat Abu
876 C.
conversion to Islam emphatically? Usman (RA) (RA) Umar (RA) Bakar (RA)
d) Abdul
______________ applied the dots in the a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hujaj Bin
877 Malik D
Holy Quran? Usman Umar Yousuf
In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad
878 (PBUH) selected __________ skillful archers a) 40 b) 30 c) 20 d) 50 D
to stay on a mountain (side)?
For _______________ years Haleema took
879 a) Eight b) Seven c) Six d) Nine C.
care of Prophet (PBUH)?
Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jumaa for first
880 a) 3rd b) 2nd c) 1st d) 4th C.
time in _________ Hijrah ?
_______ Muslims fought in the battle of
881 a) 315 b) 314 c) 313 d) 316 C.
Ghazwa-e-Badr ?
Qasim was born in ___________ years
882 a) 12 b) 11 c) 10 d) 13 B
before Prophethood.
Hazrat ___________ added 2nd Azan for a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat Ali
883 A.
Friday prayers. Usman (R.A) Umar (R.A) Bakr (R.A) (R.A)
________ Verses were reveled in the first
884 a) Six b) Five c) Four d) Seven B
At age of ___________ holy Prophet
885 a) 40 Years b) 39 Years c) 38 Years d) 41 Years A.
received first Wahi.
Laws about orphanage revealed in
886 a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5 B
__________ A.H.
Hazrat Musa A.S was granted ________
887 a) 8 b) 7 c) 6 d) 9 D
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sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
c) To bow
What is the literal meaning of islam is a) To have
888 b) To obey down the d) All of these D
_________? safty
Fajar, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib and
889 a) Ishaa b) Khasoof c) Eid d) Chasht A.
_________are compulsory salats?
890 The Salat-e-Shukar is ______________? a) Wajib b) Nafl c) Mustahab d) Sunnah C.
891 In which Hijri year Zakat was imposed? a) 4 Hajri b) 3 Hajri c) 2 Hajri d) 5 Hajri C.
b) Hazrat c) Rasool
a) Imam Abu d) None of
892 Who said that Zakat is treasure of Islam? Umar Farooq Ullah (P.b) C.
Hanifa (R.A) them
(R.A) U.H)
a) Not b) Between c) Between d) Between
893 Muzdalfa is situated_____________? between Minna and Khana Kaaba Safa and B
stated above Arafaat and Minna Minna
a) Khana- d) None of
894 On which place, first Wahi was decended? b) Hira Cave c) Sore Cave B
Kaaba them
a) Hazrat
c) Hazrat Abu
Tell the Name of the Suhabi who took first Khalid bin b) Hazrat d) Hazrat
895 Bakar A.
advantage of calligraphy of Wahi? Saeed bin Usman (R.A) Umar (R.A)
Siddique (R.A)
Alaas (R.A)
Minimum Verses in a Surah in the Holy
896 a) 5 b) 3 c) 2 d) 6 B
Quran are?
Obligations in Islam are
897 a) Nafl b) Wajib c) Farz d) Sunnat C.
Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering)is made during
898 a) Muzdalifa b) Mina c) Arafat d) Safa B
Hajj at___________?
When did the event of the social boycott of a) 6th year of b) 5th Year of c) 8th year of d) 7th year of
899 D
Banu Hashim take place? Nabvi Nabvi Nabvi Nabvi
900 Which year is called the Year of Sorrow? a) 6th Nabvi b) 13th Nabvi c) 9th Nabvi d) 10th Nabvi D
a) Muhajirs b) Muhajirs c) Ansaar (RA) d) Ansaar
(RA) who (RA) who who stayed (RA) who
901 who were Ashaab-e-Sufah? stayed near stayed near near the stayed near B
the Masjid-e- the Masjid-e- Masjid-e- the Masjid-e-
Quba Nabavi Nabavi Quba
b) The belief d) The belief
a) The belief c) The belief
902 What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mujammal? in known in unknown A.
in brief in detail
things things
a) A person b) A person d) A person
c) A person
who conveys who acts who believes
903 What is the literal meaning of Nabi? who behaves A.
the message according to in the unity of
of Allah Shariah Allah
A verse of the Holy Quran indicates the a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Bilal c) Hazarat d) Hazrat
904 D
name of__________? Saad (RA)
Page 53 of 59 (RA) Muaaz (RA) Zaid (RA)
Islamic Study Most Important Questions
TestPoint.pk یسکیھبرپیپیکایتری اپٹس رپیپاحلص رکےن ےئلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی
sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
River Neil was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat Ali
905 B
by Hazrat ? Usman (RA) Umer (RA) Bakar (RA) (RA)
Who first one gave royal gift to the Holy c) Ruler of
906 a) Najashi b) Abul Hakam d) Abu Sufyan A.
Prophet (SAW)? Iran
Zaboor is revealed in ___________
907 a) Arabic b) Siriac c) Hebrew d) Farsi B
b) Prophet c) Prophet
Haroon (A.S) Moosa (A.S)
What was the relation between Prophet
908 a) Brothers was father of was father of d) Cousins A.
Moosa (A.S) and Prophet Haroon (A.S)?
Prophet Prophet
Moosa (A.S) Haroon (A.S)
For __________ years Abdul Mutalib took
909 a) Three b) Two c) one d) Four B
care of Prophet.
Year of Deputation is ________________
910 a) 10th b) 9th c) 8th d) 11th B
_________ Kings accepted Islam when holy
911 a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 5 A.
prophet sent them letters ?
Hazrat __________ died first among the
912 a) Umar b) Abu Bakar c) Ali d) Asad D
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat Abu
913 Atique is the title of ? d) Hazrat Ali C.
Usman Umar Bakar
Namaz commanded in quran for
914 a) 700 b) 600 c) 500 d) 800 A.
______________ times.
Hazrat ___________ was the foster mother
915 a) Summaya b) Ruqya c) Haleema d) Bushra C.
of Holy Prophet.
Laws about inheritance revealed in
916 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4 A.
__________ A.H
Hazrat _____________ was famous for his
917 a) Musa A.S b) Ayub A.S c) Haroon A.S d) Ibrahim A.S B
c) Islamic
b) Rules and
Laws relating
a) Both of Regulation d) None of
918 in Islam Legislation refers to___________? to mutual B
them for governing these
relation of
a nation
human beings
At the place of Muzdalfa on 9th Zulhajj, a) Asr and b) Maghrib c) Zohr and d) None of
923 B
Which two prayer are performed together? Maghrib and Eisha Asr them
a) Brings
c) Make rain
Allah’s b) Take out d) Blow the
and supply of
The function of Hazrat Mekael (AS) is message and the souls of trumpet on
932 food to C.
to_____________? commands to life bearing the day of
his prophets creatures. judgment.
a) Hazrat b) Hazrat
Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to c) Harat d) Hazrat
934 Zainab bente Zainab bente A.
one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW) ? Sauda (RA) Safia (RA)
Khuzima (RA) Jehash (RA)
a) Bring
c) Make rain
Allah’s b) Take out d) Blow the
and supply of
The function of Hazrat jibra’eel (AS) is message and souls f life trumpet on
962 food to A.
to______________? commands to bearing the day of
his prophets creatures judgment
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of a) Usman bin b) Hanzla bin c) Umara Bin d) Abdullah
964 D
Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat? Talha Abi Aamir Utba Bin Aamir
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Islamic Study Most Important Questions
TestPoint.pk یسکیھبرپیپیکایتری اپٹس رپیپاحلص رکےن ےئلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی
sr# MCQS A B C D Ans
Who did accompany the Holy Prophet a) Hazrat b) Hazrat Ali c) Hazrat Abu d) Hazrat
988 C.
(SAW) in the migration to Madina? Usman (RA) (R.A) Bakr (RA) Umar (RA)
c) Built a
After Hijrat to madina, what first important a) Created b) Built his d) Raised an
989 mosque for C.
thing Holy prophet (SAW) did? baitulmal house Army
a) Allah b) c) d) Allah
What was written on the Holy Prophet
990 Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Rasool D
(SAW) seal?
Rasool Rasool-Ullah Allah Rasool Muhammad
a) The b) c) No deity
991 What is the first belief in Iman-e-Mufassal? d) Angels C.
hereafter life Prophethood except Allah
Name the Angel who takes out souls of life a) Hazrat b) Hazrat c) Hazrat d) None of
992 C.
bearing creatures? Israfeel (AS) Jibra’eel (AS) Izra’eel (AS) them
Had –e- Qazaf (false Accusation)
993 a) 80 Lashes b) 70 Lashes c) 50 Lashes d) 90 Lashes A.
994 Arafat gathering is held on__________? a) 10 Zil hajj b) 9 Zil hajj c) 8 Zil hajj d) 12 Zil hajj B
Which of the following the Quran considers
995 a) Shirk b) Jealousy c) Lie d) Hypocrisy A.
as an unpardonable sin?
c) Akhund
____________ first translated the Holy b) Abdullah d) Bahauddin
996 a) Bulley Shah Azizullah C.
Quran in to Sindhi? Shah Ghazi Zakkaria
Hazrat ____________ conquered the fort of
997 a) Umar b) Abu Bakar c) Ali d) Usman C.
Original name of Abu Jehl was
998 a) Omar b) Saleh c) Abha d) Ali A.
___________ bin Hisham.
999 Hurrirah means a ? a) Camel b) Ant c) Goat d) Cat D
Bilal called first aazan of ___________
1000 a) Asar b) Zuhar c) Fajar d) Maghrib C.
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