RFBT - Negotiable Instruments
RFBT - Negotiable Instruments
RFBT - Negotiable Instruments
2F MMCO Building, 8000 Lakeview Ph3 Angela Street, Halang Calamba City Laguna, Philippines
Tel No. (02) 330-8617, (049) 523-6031; (02) 330-6057
RFBT Atty. David Aquino
Bills in Set: one composed of several parts, Party primarily liable Party primarily liable
each part numbered and containing a reference is the maker is the acceptor
to the
other parts, the whole of the parts constituting One presentment Could be two
but one bill. only: for payment presentments: for
acceptance and for
Rights of holders where parts are negotiated payment
1. If both are HIDC, the holder whose title
first accrues is considered the true
owner of the bill.
When a BILL may be treated as a NOTE: Legal Tender Power of:
1. Drawer and drawee are the same person. Notes – no limit as to amount
2. Drawee is a fictitious person. Coins –
3. Drawee has no capacity to contract. a. P1, P5 & P10 – up to P1,000
4. When instrument is so ambiguous, the b. P0.25, P0.10, P0.05 & P0.01 – up to P100
holder may treat it either as a BILL or a (BSP Circular No. 537, Series of 2006)
Note: A negotiable instrument (including check)
although intended to be a substitute for money,
BILLS OF CHECK is not legal tender.
Not necessarily Not necessarily SEC. 60. Legal Character. _ Checks representing
drawn on a deposit. drawn on a deposit. demand deposits do not have legal tender power
The drawee need The drawee need and their acceptance in the payment of debts,
not be a bank not be a bank. both public and private, is at the option of the
Death of a drawer Death of the drawer creditor: Provided, however, That a check which
of a BOE, with the of a check, with the has been cleared and credited to the account of
knowledge of the knowledge of the the creditor shall be equivalent to a delivery to
bank, does not bank, revokes the the creditor of cash in an amount equal to the
revoke the authority authority of the amount credited to his account. (RA 7653)
of the drawee to pay banker
to pay Incidents in “Life” of Negotiable Instrument
May be presented Must be presented 1. Preparation and signing
for payment within a for payment within a 2. Issue
reasonable time after reasonable time after 3. Negotiation
its last negotiation its issue. 4. Presentment for acceptance, in certain kinds
because it may be of bills of exchange
further negotiated 5. Acceptance
May be payable on Always payable on 6. Dishonor by non-acceptance
demand or at a fixed demand 7. Presentment for payment
or determinable 8. Dishonor by non-payment
future time 9. Notice of dishonour
Presentment for Need not be 10. Protest, in some cases
acceptance may be presented for 11. Discharge
required (Sec. 143) acceptance
Issue - the first delivery of the instrument,
complete in form, to a person who takes it as a
Other Forms of Negotiable Instruments holder.
1. Certificate of deposit issued by banks,
payable to the depositor or his order, or to Delivery - transfer of possession, actual or
bearer constructive, from one person to another
2. Trade acceptance Holder – refers to the:
3. Bonds, which are in the nature of a. If ORDER instrument - The payee or
promissory notes indorsee of a bill or note who is in
4. Drafts, which are bills of exchange drawn by possession of it, or
one bank upon another b. If BEARER instrument - The bearer
All of these must comply with Sec. 1, NIL thereof (sec.191)
Note: Postal Money Order, Treasury Warrant, Bearer - the person in possession of a bill or
Certificate of Stock, Letter of Credit, Bill of note which is payable to bearer.
Lading and Warehouse Receipts are not
negotiable instruments.
Legal Tender
That kind of money that the law compels a
creditor to accept in payment of a debt when
tendered by the debtor in the right amount.
Under Sec. 52 of RA 7653, all notes and coins
issued by the BSP shall be legal tender in the