Pep Guardiola and The Teaching-Learning Process
Pep Guardiola and The Teaching-Learning Process
Pep Guardiola and The Teaching-Learning Process
not a gift, but a process. The coach is a craftsman of the teaching, who cultivates talent
through deliberate practice (′′deep learning′′), which encourages the creation of habits
that allow the player to act without the need to think: only act. Habits are one of the
triggers of talent; more efficient interactions between players must also appear.
Corrections must be immediate to benefit learning progress.
If what you don't train is forgotten, how should the training be not to forget it and, above
all, to offer its best fruit?
The foundation of human intelligence is memory. And talent is based on ideal memory
management. Therefore, within his teaching program, the coach should concentrate much
of the work on stimuli to the athlete's memory. Because the more the player remembers,
the less he should think, besides being able to perform and interrelate the better."