University of Caloocan City
University of Caloocan City
University of Caloocan City
∙ Cite real-life examples that reflects the concept of collaboration and teachers
helping teachers
I. Introduction
Working in teams enables individuals to share knowledge and work more
efficiently and effectively. Each member of the team is like another resource or tool that
the team members can leverage to in order to make better and wiser decisions. In
addition, working together in teams promotes healthy and harmonious work
relationships which leads to better team performance and overall productivity.
This concept of working together as a team is called collaboration. Collaboration
plays a huge part in every organization—whether in the field of business, management,
sciences, medicine, and of course education. Teachers help each other and serve as
each other’s resource or tool in order to ensure the development of teaching and
learning in their respective schools. Chalfant and Psych (1979) actually pioneered a
Teacher Assistance Team Model which talks about the ways on how collaboration
works in the field of education and how it can be utilized by the teachers. This model
was later on adapted by Porter, Wilson, Kelly and den Otter (1991) and designed the
"Problem Solving Teams: A Thirty Minute Peer-Helping Model." These models both
addresses the idea of Teachers Helping Teachers.
II. Content
A. Role of Collaboration
Note: This approach is designed to take no more than 30 minutes of teacher time
for any given problem-solving meeting.
Note: These factors are present in educational environments where the Teachers
Helping Teachers approach works most effectively.
III. References