Assignment-5: Maple Leaf International School

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Maple Leaf International School

Physics Practical (AS) – Unit 3

January 2021

Name :

ID Number :

Date :

Teacher’s signature :

Total Marks 35
Your Score


Answer all parts of the question.

Your handwriting must be neat and clear.

You can use calculator, graph papers (if required).

Mark is given for each part of question in round brackets ().

Experiment 5: Determination of a property known as Young modulus for the
material of a meter rule.

1. Determine the width w of the meter rule at least three times, each at different positions. Find
the mean of the values. (1)
(Use these values for your calculation, width = 3.333 cm, 3.347 cm and 3.312 cm)






a) Find the percentage uncertainty in your value of w. (3)






b) Determine the thickness t of the given rule at least three times, each at different
positions. Find the mean of the values. (1)

(Use these values for your calculation, thickness = 0.732 cm, 0.731 cm and 0.733 cm)








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c) Find the percentage uncertainty in your value of t. (3)






d) Find the percentage uncertainty in the value of the length of the ruler. (2)

(Length of meter rule is 1 m)






2. Set up the apparatus as shown below.

3. The young modulus E of the material is given by

M = mass in kg suspended at the center of the rule,
g = 9.81 m s-2,
l = distance between the two knife edges / prisms,
x = depression at the center of the rule.
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4. Taking M = 1.0 kg, l = 0.8 m (between the prisms), measure x.

Initial height
20 cm Height with mass 17 cm
without mass

Depression ‘x’ = (1)




5. Estimate the percentage uncertainty in your value of x. (3)





6. Use your measurements to calculate a value of E in Nm-2. (2)





7. Estimate the percentage uncertainty in your value of E. (6)








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8. Which parameter(s) you must measure very accurately and why? (3)




9. Take L = 0.5 m, 0.6 m, 0.7 m & 0.9 m and measure corresponding values of x. (2)

Length (L) / m Initial Height / m Final Height / m Depression (x) / m

0.500 0.200 0.181

0.600 0.200 0.178

0.700 0.200 0.174

0.800 0.200 0.170

0.900 0.200 0.161

10. Draw a graph of x against l 3. Using inverse of the gradient of the graph, calculate another
value of E on next page. (Use the empty column to process your data) (8)










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