Bme Boiler Part 1

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Steam Boilers


Learning Objectives
What is a Boiler? Comparison Between Fire Tube and Water Tube
Function of Boiler Boiler
Factor Affecting the Selection of a boiler
Application of Boiler
Different Mountings
According to I.B.R.
Primary Requirements of Steam Boiler Different Accessories

Classification of Boiler
Fire Tube Boiler and Water Tube Boiler
Advantage and Disadvantage of Water Tube
Boiler Over the Fire Tube Boiler
Cochran Boiler,
Lancashire Boiler
Babcock and Wilcox boiler,
Functioning of different mountings
Functioning of different Accessories
Steam boiler is a closed vessel in which heat produced by the combustion of
fuel is utilized to generate steam from water, at desired temperature and

Boiler is a device used for generating steam which is used for driving prime
movers like steam turbines or industrial purposes like process heating.
According to Indian Boiler Regulation (I.B.R.) Act 2007
"Boiler" is a closed pressure vessel in which steam is generated with capacity
exceeding 25 litres, gauge pressure greater than or equal to 1 kg/cm, and water
is heated at 100 C or above.”

It includes all the mounting fitted to such vessels which remain wholly or
partly under pressure when steam is shut-off.
The boiler used for power generation has considerably large capacity
and steam is generated at high pressure to get high efficiency of

The boiler used for process heating and steam is generated at a low
pressure. It is generally smaller in size and simpler in design.
Classification of Boiler
1. According to geometric orientation of boiler
2. According to relative position of water and hot gases
3. According to location of furnace
4. According to method of water circulation
5. According to working pressure
6. According to mobility of boiler
7. According to numbers of tubes in the boiler
According to geometric orientation of boiler
Horizontal boiler: If the axis of boiler is horizontal, then the boiler is knowns as
Horizontal boiler. (Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler)

Vertical boiler: If the axis of boiler is vertical, then the boiler is knowns as vertical
boiler. (Cochran boiler)

Inclined boiler: If the axis of boiler is inclined, then the boiler is knowns as inclined
According to relative position of water and hot gases
Fire tube boilers:

If the hot gases of combustion from the furnace pass through the tubes and water is surrounding the
tubes is called fire tube boilers.

(Cochran, Lancashire, Locomotive)

Water tube boiler:
If the water passes through the tubes and hot gases surrounding the tubes is
called water tube boiler.

(Babcock and Wilcox boiler,)

According to location of furnace
Externally fired boilers:

In this boiler the furnace is placed outside the boiler shell. Generally water tube boilers are
externally fired. ( Babcock and Wilcox boiler)

Internally fired boilers

In this boiler the furnace is placed inside the boiler shell. Generally fire tube boilers are
internally fired.  (Lancashire, Cochran Boiler)
According to method of water circulation
Natural circulation boilers:

In this boiler, water flow take place naturally, by

density difference of water. The flow of water and
steam are set up due to density difference resulting
from difference in temperature.
(Lancashire, Babcock & Wilcox boilers)
Forced circulation boilers:

In this boiler, water flow takes place by a

pump. High pressure boilers are forced
circulation boilers.
 (Benson boiler, La-mont boiler, Velox boiler)
According to working pressure
High pressure boiler:  (Babcock and Wilcox boiler Lancashire, Locomotive)

The working pressure of this boiler is higher than 25 bar.

Medium pressure boiler:  (Lancashire, Locomotive)

The range of working pressure of this boiler is between 10 bar to 25 bar.

Low pressure boiler: (Cochran, Cornish boiler)

The range of working pressure is between 3.5 to 10 bar.

According to mobility of boiler
Stationary boiler:

This boiler cannot be moved easily from one place to another place. This are used in power
generation or process heating in industries.

Mobile boiler:

It is portable boiler and can easily moved from one place to another place. This boiler is
used in marine and locomotive.
According to numbers of tubes in the boiler
Single tube boiler: (Cornish boiler)

This boiler having only one fire or water tube for circulation of hot gases or water.

Multi-tube boiler : (Cochran, Lancashire , Babcock and Wilcox boiler)

This boiler having two or more fire or water tubes for the circulation of hot gases or
Advantage and disadvantage
water tube boiler
the fire tube boiler
Advantages of water tube boiler
The heating surface of the boiler per unit space occupied is greater.

The water tube boiler is required a smaller floor area compared to fire tube

The fuel is completely burnt due to the large heating area of furnace.
Good And fast circulation of water can be possible, and the temperature is maintained
uniform throughout the different parts of the boiler.

Steam can be raised more quickly therefore it can be used for variable load.

The different parts of the boiler can be separated, therefore easier to transport.

Maximum amount of heat transfer is possible due to hot gases travel approximately at
right angle to the heating surfaces.
Disadvantages of water tube boiler
Scale deposition will cause overheating and bursting of tubes.

Proper control system is required to maintain constant level of water as

there is small reserve of water.

The maintenance cost is higher than that of the fire tube boiler.
Comparison between fire tube and water tube Boilers
Particulars Fire-tube boilers Water-tube boilers

Position of water and hot Hot gases inside the tubes and water Water inside the tubes and hot gases
gases outside the tubes outside the tubes
Mode of firing
Generally internally fired Externally fired

Operation pressure
Limited to 25 bar Can go up to 125 bar

Rate of steam production Lower Higher

Suitability Not suitable for large power plants Suitable for large power plants

Chance of explosion Involves lesser risk of explosion due More risk on bursting due
to lower pressure to high pressure
Floor area For a given power it occupies For a given power it occupies
more floor area less floor area
Particulars Fire-tube boilers Water-tube boilers
Transportation Difficult Simple

Shell diameter Large for same power Small for same power

Scale deposition No problem yes

Not so necessary More necessary
Treatment of water
Accessibility of Various parts not so easily
Accessible for cleaning, More accessible
various parts repair and inspection

Requirement of skill Require less skill for efficient Require more skill
and economic working and careful attention
Factor Affecting the Selection of a boiler
Working pressure
Quality of steam
Steam generation rate
Floor area available
Quality and quantity of fuel and water available
Initial cost
Operating and maintenance cost
Accessibility for repair and inspection
Essential requirement for good boiler
Should produce maximum steam per unit fuel, to increase efficiency.
Steam production rate should be as per requirement.
Light in weight
Occupy less space
As per IBR
Able to minimize the frictional losses
Tubes should be sufficiently strong to resist wear and corrosion.
Basic Parts of Boiler
1. Cylindrical shell
2. Grate
3. Furnace (Fire box)
4. Fire hole
5. Ash pit (Ash pan)
6. Smoke chamber (Smoke box)
7. Man hole
8. Hand hole
9. Mud box
10.Steam collecting pipe (Anti-priming pipe )
Cylindrical shell:
It is shell in which different parts of the boiler are enclosed and on which the different
mountings are fitted.
It is platform in the furnace on which fuel is burnt.
Furnace (fire box):
It is a chamber formed by the space above the grate and below the boiler shell in which
combustion takes place. It is also called a fire box. This chamber contains hot gases
produced by combustion of fuel.
Fire hole:
It is the hole through which coal is added to the furnace.
Ash pit (ash pan):
It is the area in which the ash of burnt coal is collected.
Smoke chamber (smoke box):
The waste gases are collected here and then release to the chimney and then to
Man hole :
It is a hole provided on the boiler shell so that a workman can go inside the boiler for inspection, cleaning and
maintenance. Based on man shape and strength point of view it is in oval shape. An oval shaped door or cover
is provided to close the man hole.
Hand holes :
It is a hole provided on the shell to give easy access for the purpose of cleaning the water tubes or some other
internal parts of boiler. They are also fitted with covers.
Mud box:
It collects all impurities present in the water. It is at the bottom of barrel or shell. This impurities are removed
time to time by help of blow off cock.
Steam collecting pipe (Anti Priming pipe):
When the steam leaving the boiler, it contains certain amount of water.
Antipriming pipe is used to separate water particles from the steam and to
collect dry steam from boiler. The water having a much higher specific gravity
than the steam, tends to fall back as the steam moves upward. Also a deflectoris
provided in the path of wet steam which change the direction of wet steam, since
water particles having more weight and higher inertia, cannot follow the steam
path so it fall back. This principle is used in steam collecting pipe.
Simple Boiler..
Cochran Boiler
Characteristics of Boiler
Multi Tubes
Fire Tube
Internally Fired
Natural circulated Boiler

Specification of Boiler
Shell diameter : 2.75 m
Height: 5.75 m
Heating surface area: 120 m2
Working Pressure: 6.5 bar
(max 15 bar).
Steam capacity 3500 kg/hr (max 4000 kg/hr).
Efficiency 70% to 75%.
The boiler consists of a cylindrical shell, hemispherical fire box, fire tubes and chimney.

The hemispherical crown of boiler gives good strength to withstand pressure of steam inside the boiler.

The hemispherical shape of furnace can withstand high heat and is also useful to increase radiant
heat transfer from the furnace to hemispherical furnace wall.
The grate is placed at the bottom of furnace and ash pit is located below the grate.

The furnace and the combustion chamber are connected by short flue pipe.
 The water is supplied to the boiler through the feedcheck valve.

 Because of the burning coal at the furnace produced hot gases enters combustion chamber through flue pipe.
 This hot gases enters into horizontal fire tubes.

 Convection heat transfer take place from flue gases passing inside the tubes to water surrounded the tubes.

 The flue gases coming from of fire tubes enter into smoke box.

 Finally they discharge to atmosphere through a chimney.

 The ash formed is collected in ash pit and the steam is collected through anti-priming pipe on top of the shell.
It is compact and portable boiler therefore minimum floor area is required.

Initial cost is less.

It’s a mobile boiler.

Quick and easy installation.

Any type of fuel can be used.

 Steam raising capacity is less due to vertical design.
 Water along with steam may enter the steam pipe under heavy
loads due to small steam space.
 Efficiency is poor in smaller sizes.
Multi Tubes
Fire Tube
Internally Fired
Natural circulated Boiler

Shell diameter: 2 to 3 m
Length of shell : 7 to 9 m
Working Pressure: 16 bar
Steam capacity : 9000 kg/hr.
Efficiency 50% to 70%.
Lancashire boiler
It consists of a cylindrical shell and two fire tubes, cylindrical shell is placed over
the brick structure.
The fuel grates are provided at the front end and inside of two main fire tubes, a fire
bridge is provided at the end of the grate to prevent coal and ash particles entering into
the interior of the furnace tubes.
Super heater is provided at the end of the main flue tubes in passage of flue gases, while
an economizer is at the end of the side flues, before exhausting the gases to chimney.
The coal is introduced to the grate through fire holes.

The combustion of coal takes place in presence of air which is regulated by

The combustion will produce hot gases.
 Due to three phases of flue gases, the heating surface area per unit volume of boiler
is large.
 The fluctuation in load can be easily met by this boiler due to large reservoir(storage).
 Easy operation, low maintenance costs, easy to clean and inspect(survey).
 By use of economizer and super heater, maximum heat of flue gases is utilized, so
efficiency of boiler can be increased.
 Maximum working pressure is limited to 16 bars.
 Due to brick work, more floor area is required.
 Response of pressure build up is less.
 The furnace is inside the tubes therefore the grate area is restricted.
Characteristics of Boiler Babcock and Wilcox Boiler
Multi- Water Tubes
Externally Fired
Natural circulated Boiler
Tubes are inclined at 5 – 150 to promote
water circulation.
Specification of Boiler
 Diameter of drum: 1.22 to 1.83 m
 Length: 6.096 to 9.144 m
 Size of the water tubes: 7.62 to 10.16 cm
 Size of superheated tubes: 3.84 to 5.71 cm
 Pressure Range: 11.5 to 17.5 bar(max 42 bar)
 Steaming rate – 20000 kg/hr( max 40000 kg/hr)
Babcock and Wilcox Boiler
It consists of inclined water tubes, a steam and water drum, a mud box and
Superheater as shown in fig.

The drum is connected to up take and down take header by short riser tubes.

These headers are connected to a series of inclined water tubes The water tube
inclined to the horizontal about 15 or above to bring natural circulation of
The hand hole is provided in header in front of each tube for cleaning and
inspection of tubes The baffles plates are provided in order to make the
circulation of hot gases in sine wave form.
 A damper is fitted at back of the boiler to regulate the draught and the
furnace is equipped with chain grate stoker to feed the coal to furnace.
Soot doors (cleanout door) is prwided to clean the outside of the water tubes
and to remove the soot. Soot doors are also help to access the interior of the
The water is fed into the drum through the feed check valve. Due to gravity
water passes through the short riser tubes, header and fills up the inclined
water tubes.
Then watercollects in the drum Initially one half of drum is filled up with
The coal is introduced to furnace grate by help of stoker. The coal is fired, hot
gases produced is first forced to move upward through passage between tubes.
The baffles plates make flow of hot gases in sine wave, as move down and then
upward over the water tubes.
The damper controls the flow of air into the furnace. Water in the drum
comes down through down take header and enter the tubes.
They are heated by hot gases coming from furnace. Due to heating of the
water, density of water decreases. Low density water moves upward in water
The water tubes just above furnace is heated comparatively at a higher
temperature than the rest of it. Therefore low density water gradually
converted into steam in their path and rises into the drum through the
uptake header.
Thus a continuous circulation of water from drum to water tubes and water
tubes to drum is maintained due to density difference of water and gravity,
without any pump.
The steam then enters through the antipriming pipe and flows in the
Superheater tubes where it is further heated and is finally taken out through the
main steam stop valve and supplied to the engine when needed, At the lowest
point of the header, mud collector is provided to remove the mud particles
through a blow down cock.
The steam generation capacity of the boiler is very high, about 2000 to 40,000 kg/hr.

Replacement of defective tubes is easy.

The losses as compared to other boilers is minimum.

It is used in power station for generating large quantity of steam.
Boiler is required less space area compared to fire tube boilers, and offers greater
operational safety.

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