Car Rental Agreement 35
Car Rental Agreement 35
Car Rental Agreement 35
Car Renter:_____________________________________________________________________
Credit Card: [__] Visa [__] Master Card [__] American Express [__] Other: _________________
The individual mentioned above in this Car Rental Contract hereby agrees to fill the fuel tank at
the above indicated level upon returning the car. Failure to fill the tank at the prescribed level
will result in an additional penalty charge of $20.00 per quarter tank of gasoline.
Initial: ________
It is the Car Renter’s responsibility for all lost car keys and / or a lockout situation.
Initial: ________
Only the person(s) that are listed on this Car Rental Agreement and above the age of twenty-
one may drive this vehicle. The above mentioned Car Renter is hereby responsible for all
collision damage to the vehicle regardless if someone else is at fault or the cause is not known.
The Car Renter is fully responsible for the cost of any repair up to the value of the vehicle. The
Car Renter’s Insurance may cover all or only part of the financial liability for the rented vehicle.
Car Renter should check with their insurance company regarding their coverage and what they
are and are not liable for. If there is no breach of this contract the Car Renter and any
authorized driver is provided liability insurance and is limited to the minimum financial
responsibility as required by state law. Liability Insurance will only be in excess over any and all
additional collectible insurance. The above mentioned Car Renter hereby waives all uninsured
and under insured motorists, no fault and any other optional additional coverage. If such
additional coverage cannot be waived or excluded then the Car Renter agrees that such
coverage will be limited to only the minimum state requirements.
The Car Renter is hereby bound by the terms and conditions of this Car Rental Agreement. The
vehicle must be returned to the same location in which it was picked up for rental and on or
before the above indicated due back date and time. There will be additional fees due if the
Car Renter Date
Additional Car Renter Date