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Exonic Transcription Factor Binding (Fig. 1, A and B; fig. S1A; and table S1). Ap-
proximately 14% of all human coding bases con-
tact a TF in at least one cell type (average 1.1%
Directs Codon Choice and Affects per cell type) (Fig. 1C and fig. S1B), and 86.9%
of genes contained coding TF footprints (average
Protein Evolution 33% per cell type) (fig. S1, C and D).
The exonic TF footprints we observed likely
underestimate the true fraction of protein-coding
Andrew B. Stergachis,1 Eric Haugen,1 Anthony Shafer,1 Wenqing Fu,1 Benjamin Vernot,1 bases that contact TFs because (i) TF footprint
Alex Reynolds,1 Anthony Raubitschek,2,3 Steven Ziegler,3 Emily M. LeProust,4* detection increases substantially with sequencing
Joshua M. Akey,1 John A. Stamatoyannopoulos1,5† depth (13), and (ii) the 81 cell types sampled, al-
though extensive, is far from complete; we saw
Genomes contain both a genetic code specifying amino acids and a regulatory code specifying little evidence of saturation of coding TF footprint
transcription factor (TF) recognition sequences. We used genomic deoxyribonuclease I footprinting discovery (fig. S2).
to map nucleotide resolution TF occupancy across the human exome in 81 diverse cell types. To ascertain coding footprints more completely,
We found that ~15% of human codons are dual-use codons (“duons”) that simultaneously specify we developed an approach for targeted exonic
both amino acids and TF recognition sites. Duons are highly conserved and have shaped protein footprinting via solution-phase capture of DNaseI-
evolution, and TF-imposed constraint appears to be a major driver of codon usage bias. Conversely, seq libraries using RNA probes complementary to
the regulatory code has been selectively depleted of TFs that recognize stop codons. More than human exons (19). Targeted capture footprinting of
17% of single-nucleotide variants within duons directly alter TF binding. Pervasive dual exons from abdominal skin and mammary stromal
encoding of amino acid and regulatory information appears to be a fundamental feature of fibroblasts yielded ~10-fold increases in DNaseI
genome evolution. cleavage—equivalent to sequencing >4 billion reads
per sample by using conventional genomic foot-
he genetic code, common to all organisms, malian genomes (7–11), which appear to be under printing (fig. S3A)—quantitatively exposing many
Fig. 1. TFs densely populate and evolutionarily constrain protein-coding synonymous (brown), and nonsynonymous (red) coding SNVs (European) within
exons. (A) Distribution of DNaseI footprints. (B) Per-nucleotide DNaseI cleavage and outside footprints [P values per (21)] (G) Structure of DNA-bound KLF4 versus
and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) signal for coding CTCF average per-nucleotide DNaseI cleavage and evolutionary constraint at KLF4
(left) and NRSF (right) binding elements. (C) Proportion of coding bases within footprints. (H) Average per-nucleotide conservation at 4FDBs (brown) and NDBs
DNaseI footprints in each of 81 cell types (left), or any cell type (right). (D) Average (red) overlapping KLF4 (left) and NFIC (right) footprints [r, Pearson correlation;
footprint density within first, internal, or final coding exons [mean T SEM; P value, conservation at promoter bases versus 4FDBs (top) or NDBs (bottom)]. (I) Evo-
paired t test; nonsignificant (n.s.) indicates P > 0.1]. (E) PhyloP conservation at lutionary constraint imparted by 63 TFs at promoter elements, 4FDBs and NDBs
4FDBs within and outside footprints. (F) Estimated mutational age at all (gray), (Pearson correlations).
Fig. 2. TFs modulate global codon biases. (A) Proportions of all codons (gray), of each codon trinucleotide in coding versus noncoding regions (C, coding; NC,
or codons outside of (yellow) or within (purple) footprints, that encode asparagine noncoding). (D) Difference in average evolutionary constraint at third positions of
(top) or leucine (bottom). Codons with bias (AAC for asparagine and CTG for leucine) biased codons outside versus within footprints (P values, Mann-Whitney test). (E)
preferentially localize within footprints. (B) Preferential footprinting of biased Proportions of amino acids encoded by CpG-containing codons among all codons
codons, calculated as in (A) (P values, Pearson’s c2 test). (C) Preferential footprinting (gray), codons outside footprints (yellow), or codons within footprints (purple).
Fig. 3. TFs exploit and avoid specific coding features. (A) Percentage of amino acid sequence within YY1 footprints overlapping start codons. (D)
TF motifs occupied in coding versus noncoding regions (P values, paired t test). (Top left and bottom) For NRSF as per (C). (Right, arrow) Protein domain
(B) Density of NFYA (left), AP2 (middle), and SP1 (right) footprints relative to annotation of first exon third-frame NRSF footprints versus SP1 footprints.
translated region of first coding exons. (C) (Top) Density of YY1 footprints across (E) TF preference (avoidance) of stop codon trinucleotides within versus out-
first coding exons. (Bottom) YY1 recognition sequence and corresponding side footprints in noncoding regions (P values, Pearson’s c2 test).
Fig. 4. Genetic variation in duons frequently alters TF occupancy. (A) zygous (G/A) cells. (D) Proportion of synonymous and nonsynonymous variants
Proportion of coding footprints overlapping a SNV in any of 81 cell types. (B) in duons that allelically alter TF occupancy. (E and F) Proportion of nonsyn-
Proportion of SNVs in duons that allelically alter TF occupancy. (C) (Top) Per- onymous variants from (D) grouped by predicted impact of coding variant on
nucleotide DNaseI cleavage at common nonsynonymous G→A SNV (rs8110393) protein function using (E) SIFT or (F) Polyphen-2. None of the bins are signif-
in G/G and A/A homozygous cells. (Bottom) Allelic SP1 occupancy in hetero- icantly different (Fisher’s exact test; n.s. indicates P > 0.1).