Steam Turbine Problema

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Steam issues from the nozzles of a De Laval turbine with a velocity of

1000m/s the nozzle angle is 20o. Blade velocity is 40m/s. The blades are
symmetrical. Mass flow rate is 1100 kg/hr. Friction factor is 0.86. Nozzle
efficiency =0.96. Determine (a) Blade angles (b) Axial thrust on the
rotor. (c) Power developed (d) stage efficiency.

Vr2 V1 Vf1
Vf2 V2 Vr1
2 1 2
Vw2 Vw1

V1 = 1000m/s m=1100 kg/hr α1= 20o k=0.86 u=40m/s ηN=0.96

Vf1 = V1 Sin α1=342.02m/s Vw1= V1 Cos α1 = 939.6

Tanβ1 = Vf1/( V1 Cos α1-u) β1= 20.81

Vr12 = Vf12+( V1 Cos α1-u)2 V r1= 961.86m/s

Vr2=k V r1 = 827.2 m/s

blades are symmetrical β1= β2=20.81

Vf2= Vr2 Sinβ2=294.07 m/s Vw2= Vr2 Cosβ2 –u = 733.72 m/s

Power Produced = m(Vw1+Vw2)u Watts = 20.451 kW

Axial or end thrust on rotor =m(Vf1-Vf2) =14.624 N

Nozzle efficiency = = = =0.96 (given)

Blade / diagram efficiency= = 13.38%

 stage =bladenozzle =0.127 =12.7%

2. The discharge blade angles for both stator and rotor of an axial steam
turbine are 20o. Absolute velocity of steam at the exit of fixed blade is
140m/s. Ratio of flow velocity to blade speed is 0.7 and 0.76 at entry and
exit of rotor blades respectively. Calculate the power developed by the
turbine blade ring for a steam flow rate of 2.6 kg/s. Find also the inlet
blade angle and degree of reaction.

Vr2 V1 Vf1
Vf2 V2 Vr1
2 1 2
Vw2 Vw1

1=20 2=20 V1=140 Vf1/u=0.7 Vf2/u=0.76 m=2.6kg/s

Vf1= V1sin1 Vf1=47.88m/s 1= 37.17 Vw1= V1Cos1=131.56m/s

Vr1= 79.26m/s


Vf2= u0.76 =51.99m/s Vr2= Vf2 /sin2 =152m/s

Vw2= Vr2 Cosβ2 –u =74.43m/s

Power developed = m u (Vw1+ Vw2) =36.63kW

Degree of reaction R = 59.7%

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