Io1 Report 3dp-Vet
Io1 Report 3dp-Vet
Io1 Report 3dp-Vet
Pr. n° 2019-1-EL01-KA202-062909
Research report on 3D Printing Education
Partners contribution:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of
the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained there
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 4
2. BACKGROUND RESEARCH ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.1 European Programmes .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 German Programmes........................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Greek Programmes .............................................................................................................. 12
2.2.4 Italian Programmes.............................................................................................................. 13
2.2.5 Polish Programmes .............................................................................................................. 15
Inżynier druku 3D (3D printing Bachelor) ............................................................................................. 19
2.2.6 Portuguese Programmes ..................................................................................................... 21
NobleProg ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Getting Started with 3D Printing .......................................................................................................... 22
Introduction to 3D printing .................................................................................................................. 23
GetReady43D7/Sabe Online ................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.7 Spanish Programmes ........................................................................................................... 24
2.2.8 Programmes in other countries ........................................................................................... 27
2.3 RESULTS OF THE BACKGROUND RESEARCH........................................................................................... 30
3 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ......................................................................................................................... 31
3.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS .............................................................................................................. 31
3.2 RESULTS OF THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ............................................................................................ 32
3.2.1 Origin and distribution of the experts ................................................................................. 32
3.2.2 Activity of the expert ........................................................................................................... 33
3.2.3 Knowledge of educational programs using 3D printing....................................................... 34
3.2.4 Participation in previous courses on the use of 3D printing in education ........................... 34
3.2.5 Advantages of 3D printing in VET ........................................................................................ 36
3.2.6 Factors limiting the use of 3D printing in VET...................................................................... 37
3.2.7 Field of application of 3D printing in VET ............................................................................ 38
3.2.8 Skills required to adopt 3D printing technologies ............................................................... 39
3.2.9 Additional comments .......................................................................................................... 41
4. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 42
5. RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................................. 43
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 44
APPENDIX 2 – ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................................................... 56
English........................................................................................................................................... 56
German ......................................................................................................................................... 58
Greek ............................................................................................................................................ 60
Italian ............................................................................................................................................ 62
Polish ............................................................................................................................................ 64
Portuguese.................................................................................................................................... 66
Spanish ......................................................................................................................................... 68
1. Introduction
Over the last twenty years, technology has made noticeable progress, thanks to the technological
innovations achieved. One of the considerable developments in the technological field is certainly
the 3D printer. In recent years, 3D printing has had considerable success, gaining a slice of the market
but above all creating a great economic impact thanks to the various possibilities it offers. The global
3D printing market size was valued at USD 11.58 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a CAGR
exceeding 14% from 2020 to 2027. Globally, 1.42 million units of 3D printers were shipped in 2018
and this number is expected to reach 8.04 million units by 2027.
The image below provides an analysis of the market share of additive manufacturing in 2017. The
most interesting data is how additive manufacturing is not linked to a particular sector, but has now
had an impact on a vast number of apparently distant sectors (from engineering to architecture,
from medicine and clothing, not to mention all the new emerging applications).
Source: Everything You Need to Know About 3D Printing: The Ultimate Guide (2019)
What is happening in the last 10 years is the use of 3D printing into the school sector, with a
considerable increase in interest in the subjects in the STEAM area. With the growing importance of
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects, 3D printing has taken on greater
interest in schools.
3D printing needs careful consideration but the benefits it offers to both teachers and students
makes the effort worthwhile.
3D printing in schools provides the space for ideas to develop and makes education more fun.
books for visually impaired children were created, a striking example. This project not only provides
useful tools for children with difficulties, but also provides the opportunity for young people in
middle and high schools to experience 3D printing technology.
Despite the educational opportunities that 3D printing technology can offer, this has not yet had a
truly significant impact within educational institutions.
One of the reasons for its slow impact in the field of education is probably the lack of knowledge of
this technology by the experts: the teachers.
In this regard, the 3D printing in VET project aims to create and provide useful tools and
methodologies to increase knowledge and use of the 3D printing tool in both public and private
Through this first analysis we will be able to have a general overview both at national and European
level of the various 3D printing courses that already exist, then analysing them in a more specific way
we will be able to understand what are the needs of the target group chosen and create ad hoc tools
for them.
The background research is the first adopted investigation methodology. It intends to identify and
analyse existing international and national training programs on the use of 3D printing in education,
and more specifically in VET. In particular, we want to identify the main contents of the training
programs, the adopted training materials, the potential qualifications/certifications and eventual
best practices. The final aim is to identify any deficiencies or weaknesses in the existing training
programs, to be filled with the development of the 3DP-VET project.
A compilation method was used for this research. The sources that have been taken into
consideration come both from the internet and from face-to-face interviews that have been made to
teachers and students that are attending or attended technological study courses.
In particular, we have analysed some internet sites that offer e-learning courses on 3D printing field
and websites of schools that offer 3D printing course.
Furthermore, we have analysed the national and regional training offer of the schools in the
vocational education and training field.
Some results have been taken from European project sites that have the main goal the creation of
tools for the education and vocational training system focused on 3D print in the school and
professional fields.
The main investigated dimensions have been language of the contents, countries involved (in case of
international programmes), duration of the courses, target groups, delivery mode(s), period of
validity/availability, issued certificate, qualification framework.
Other results, from some opinions given to us by the teachers and students of our network with
whom we collaborate for different projects in the technological field.
This section includes tables summarising the existing training courses found. There is a table for
European programmes and one for each partner country. Where available, links to the course
websites are provided, for further information.
A more detailed description of the European programmes is available in Appendix A.
2.2.1 European Programmes
Period of
Countries Duration of Delivery Certificate Qualification
N. Title Target Group validity
involved the course mode issued framework
1 Pedagogical Resources IN Teaching IT, UK, TR, To be defined School/Institute/Educational center Blended 2 years Printed Not specified
Science, Technology, Engineering, EL, PL, CZ, – General education (secondary certificate
Mathematics ES level): Students and teachers.
2 ERASMUS3D+: Training material for DE, SI, ES, 2 days Higher education institution (tertiary At distance 2 years Online Not specified
developing 3D printers. IT level): Students, users and workers certificate
who want to expand their formation
in a new.
3 Training in 3D Printing to Foster EU RO, MT, Beginner: 15h Small and medium sized enterprise: At distance 2 years Online Not specified
Innovation & Creativity LT, ES, Intermediate: 25h VET and other students, post- certificate
IT, PL Advanced: 40h tertiary graduates and key personnel
of various organizations
4 Robotics – Training for The New UK, PT, AT, 50 hours Small and medium sized enterprise. In 2 years Printed Not specified
Age SE Students for “New Age Technology”. presence certificate
5 3D printing support service for IE, PT, EL, To be defined Higher education institution (tertiary In 3 years Printed Not specified
innovative citizens SK, RO, ES level). The services offered to users presence certificate
of public and university libraries.
6 Evaluating Novel Tangible and CY, SE, FI, To be defined Academics, medical educators and Blended 2 years Printed Not specified
Intangible Co-creative Experiential EL, UK industrial content creators in the certificate
medical education medical sector.
7 New Training Resources for The ES, RO, IT, To be defined Research Institute/Centre, teachers At distance 2 years To be Not specified
Change of The Industrial Paradigm SI and students of VET schools, defined
business professionals and
unemployed people.
8 3D modelling curriculum and TR, PT, RS, 5 courses: 9 School/Institute/Educational At distance 2 years Online Not specified
applications for 3D printers and BG, hours each centers, VET students, individual certificate
tabs for VET schools UK learners.
9 3DP TEACHER - implementation of PT, PL, TR, To be defined School/Institute/Educational At distance 2 years To be Not specified
3D Printing in future education IT, ES, RO, centers, general education (primary defined
EL level), teachers from secondary
schools, students, school
10 3D Printer, Technology for the DE, RO, To be defined School/Institute/Educational Centre, Blended 2 years Printed Not specified
Future ES, EL, PL VET Students, and other young certificate
people looking for improving their
professional skills, specialized
teachers and trainers.
11 Enhancing EU Employability by CZ, MT, To be defined Small and medium sized enterprises, Blended 2 years Ongoing Not specified
Adult Training in 3D Printing RO, LT, HR adult learners and adult trainers.
12 3D Jail: printing the future IT, ES, BE, To be defined Social enterprises, inmates, In 2 years Printed Not specified
DE, EL, TR penitentiary educators, the prison presence certificate
13 FUN@SCIENCE - Exploiting 3D PT, CZ, PL, To be defined School/Institute/Educational In 2 years Printed Not specified
printing for science education and EL, IT centers, general education presence certificate
scientific careers (secondary level), school students.
14 Erasmus+ for the immersion in 3D DE, SI, ES, 10 hours Higher education institution (tertiary At distance 3 years Online Not specified
printing of VET centres IT level): teachers in educating certificate
15 Secondary Education for and UK, SI, ES, To be defined School/Institute/Educational In 3 years Printed Not specified
through the 3D Printing IT centers, general education presence certificate
(secondary level), students.
External links:
2.2.2 German Programmes
Duration Period of
Target Mode of Certificate Qualification
N. Title Description of the validity /
Group Delivery issued framework
course availability
1 3D-Druck Schritt für Practice guide for beginners. Simply explained for 2h Beginners online Available / no -
Schritt an instant start into the world of 3D printing chargeable
2 3D Druck & Maker Der Kurs für alle Einsteiger im 3D Printing. CAD, 7h Beginners online, Available / no -
Komplettkurs Fusion 360, 3D Design, Prusa 3D Drucker von A-Z Video chargeable
3 Learn 3D printing A simplified explanation for understanding and 7,5h Beginners online, Available / no -
(Additive creating 3D printed objects Video chargeable
4 Introduction to 3D An introduction to 3D printing and CAD for Teachers online, Available / no -
printing teachers Video chargeable
5 3DTECH Private organized online course min 2 h Beginners Blog, Available no -
Video and
6 3dprinting- min 5 h Beginners, Blog, Available / no - Engineers Video chargeable
External links:
Duration Period of
Target Mode of Certificate Qualification
N. Title Description of the validity /
Group Delivery issued framework
course availability
1 3D printing 3D objects design and creation with the use of na Teachers/ Face to During Certificate of -
Tinkercad design program Students face academic attendance
training year
2 3D printing in education construction of a 3D printer Geeetech prusa I3 A 60 hours Teachers/ Face to During Certificate of -
Pro 3D printer DIY/ Applications-Benefits of 3D Students face academic attendance
printing in Education training year
3 3D printing courses in Teaching of basics in computer design. Use of na Teachers/ Face to During Certificate of -
schools AutoDESK software to design models for 3D Students face academic attendance
printing. training year
4 3D Printing-Fostering This course is intended for any teacher/educator na Teachers, Regular 2019-2020
Creativity Your Students desiring to use the technology of 3d printing in the trainers, Courses
classroom, especially for those educators wishing to careers
learn how to effectively use 3d printing projects to officers,
increase or develop the creativity of their students.
any other
interested in
learning and
External links:
1. https//τρισδιάστατη-εκτύπωση-3d-printing/
Duration Period of
Target Mode of Certificate Qualification
N. Title Description of the validity /
Group Delivery issued framework
course availability
1 Advanced 3D FDM This course provides participants with the 2 days 3D printer Face to certificate -
Printing knowledge necessary to expand the use of their operators, face
high-end Stratasys FDM 3D printing systems 3D CAD
(Fortus), to improve the ability to print in 3D and designers
to increase their skills in verifying the files to be
printed, of post-processing and improving the use
of thermoplastic materials through theoretical
sessions and practical exercises on machines.
2 3D Italy During classroom training the student will learn 196 hours 8 young Face to 2017 certificate -
to: design prototypes using the Cad software at people aged face
an advanced level, design in 3D mode and create between 19-
a compatible output for 3D printing and 3-axis 29 years
unemployed /
milling systems; render a drawing, model it and
manage a render with Sketchup and then with resident /
Cura; Slicing software: the conversion of a 3D domiciled in
model into dialogue instructions with the 3D Veneto.
printer; print a 3D model.
3 Oppi The proposed training path is the use of 3D Students, Face to certificate -
printers that use FDM technology to millimetre, Teachers face
in reels and deposited according to the shape
decided by a 3D design software. This type of
printer, also called Desktop, is currently the most
economical and suitable for all schools.
4 Steam Academy An organic training course, fully accessible online, 1 year Students, webinar certificate
which will allow you to have access to more than Teachers
30 free webinars during the course of 2019 that
will cover the themes of STEAM education for the
Italian school.
You can learn or explore topics such as coding,
robotics, creative electronics, tinkering, printing
and 3D scanning, enriching your STEAM lessons
with an engaging practical experience as required
by the National Digital School Plan.
The training will be delivered with synchronous
webinars in which it will be possible to interact in
real time with the trainer. The slides and all the
documentation necessary to transfer the
acquired knowledge to your students will be
available immediately.
External links:
Period of
Duration of Mode of Certificate Qualification
N. Title Description Target Group validity /
the course Delivery issued framework
1 Druk 3D w technologii Open training about using 3D printers 3 days Open course Face to Ongoing / Polish and ISO
FDM – szkolenie face Unlimited English 9001:2015
podstawowe (3D certificate oraz ISO
printing in FDM 29990:2010
technology) TüV NORD
2 Kurs obsługi drukarki Course related to specific 3D printer 4 hours Open course Face to Ongoing / n/a -
(Course about 3D
printer „ULTIMAKER
3 Kurs obsługi drukarki Course related to specific 3D printer 4 hours Open course Face to Ongoing / 4 hours -
(Course about 3D
printer „ZORTRAX
4 Kurs obsługi drukarki Course related to specific 3D printer „SLA 4 hours Open course Face to Ongoing / 4 hours -
3D „SLA PRO” PRO” face Unlimited
(Course about 3D
printer „SLA PRO”)
5 „JAK ODNIEŚĆ Training about 3D printing history in 8 hours Open course Face to Ongoing / 8 hours -
SUKCES W BRANŻY Poland, case studies of the successful face Unlimited
szkolenie handlowe
(how to succeed in
3D printing sector)
6 Commercial training Comprehensive introduction to the 3D 2 days Business Face to Ongoing / 2 days -
with 3D printing for printing market in Poland and worldwide. representatives face Unlimited
enterprises and It is intended for companies and
corporations enterprises thinking about introducing
3D printers and consumables for sale, as
well as related to services of 3D printing
7 Szkolenie „Podstawy Participants will learn about the 1 day Open course Face to Ongoing / n/a -
druku 3D” (Training – possibilities and applications of 3D face Unlimited
basis of 3 D printing) printers, learn the basics of using Zortrax
3D printers and a cross-section of
programs for creating 3D models. At
meetings, we will show the printing
process and tell about various materials
from which models are created.
8 Kurs Drukarka - 3D – Lectures and practical workshops on 1 day Open course Face to Ongoing / n/a -
Warsztaty using 3D printers (for people face Unlimited
(Workshops about 3 interested in
D printing) techniques of
3D printing)
9 Stomatologia cyfrowa Practical workshops on how to use a 3D 1 day Open course Face to Ongoing / n/a -
w praktyce: printer, 3D scanner and 3D software. (dentists) face Unlimited
skanowanie, Full-day stationary training aims to
modelowanie i familiarize the possibilities of the
drukowanie 3D Formlabs Form 3 3D printer in the dental
(Digital dentistry in industry. A certified trainer will present
practice: scanning, the principles of proper device operation
modeling and 3D and selection of appropriate dental
printing) materials for printing.
10 Drukowanie 3d (3 D General introduction of 3 D printers 12 meetings in Teachers Face to Ongoing / n/a -
printers) 6 months face Unlimited
11 Kurs modelowania i Modeling and 3D printing course – basic 50 online Open training Online Ongoing / n/a -
drukowania 3D information, knowledge compendium lectures course Unlimited
(Modeling and 3D
printing course)
12 „Druk 3D i robotyka Supporting, practical materials in a form No time Dedicated to Face to For schools n/a -
w szkołach” of course for schools which bought 3 D estimation schools face + interested
("3D printing and printers (as additional services for free in buying
robotics in schools") schools) there are 4 levels online the 3D
materials printer
13 Drukarka BANACH 3D Tailored made solution for schools No time Dedicated to Face to For schools n/a -
(Printer BANACH 3D) interested in buying specific model of 3D estimation schools face + interested
printer. Pourchase of the printer is linked free in buying
with examples of lessons scenarios, online the 3D
practical materials, training for teachers materials printer
(technical instruction)
14 Akademia 3D – General introduction of 3D printers and Postgraduate MA studies Face to Ongoing / Postgraduate Academic
projektowanie i druk practical knowledge studies - 14 graduates – face Unlimited study programme
3D (3D Academy - 3D meetings in open study diploma
design and printing) 2 semesters
222 hours
(198 in
15 Projektowanie i druk Students will gain practical skills in 3D Postgraduate Open study Face to 2 semesters AutoCAD 3D Academic
3D (3D design and object design, 3D printer construction, studies 176 h face Ongoing / and Inventor programme
printing) materials science and technical Unlimited Certificate +
documentation. Postgraduate
16 Poligrafia cyfrowa, Qualifications (substantive and didactic 3 semesters Teachers Face to 2 semesters Certificate of Academic
modelowanie i druk preparation of the subject) for teaching postgraduate face Ongoing / qualifications programme
3D (Digital printing, vocational subjects and practical studies 410 Unlimited in preparation
modeling and 3D vocational training in the scope of hours (90 for teaching
hours of
printing) planning and implementing digital vocational
preparatory processes (including subjects and
elements of computer graphics) as well practical
as digital printing processes, object vocational
modeling and 3D printing in general high training in
schools, technical schools, industry the field of
schools, lifelong learning centers, computer
practical training centers. graphics and
digital printing
17 Mechatronika w laboratory classes using modern devices Postgraduate Teachers in the Face to Ongoing / Postgraduate Academic
edukacji and tools for teaching mechatronics studies – 3 field of face Unlimited diploma and programme
(Mechatronics in (including Festo Didactic, CNC machines, semesters mechatronics certificate of
education) PLC controllers, Rapid Prototyping - qualifications
incremental techniques, spatial printers, in preparation
3D scanners for reverse engineering, for VET
vision methods in process control in teaching
robotics) and modern methods of
prototype preparation - virtual design
and rapid prototyping.
18 Wzornictwo Knowledge and skills in product design, Postgraduate Open study Face to Ongoing / Postgraduate Academic
przemysłowe i druk packaging, computer graphics and 3d study – 2 face Unlimited diploma programme
3D (Industrial design modeling. We will teach you how to semesters
and 3D printing) choose the form of artistic message to 198 hours.
create your creative ideas and
communication methods to cooperate
with producers, advertising agencies,
design studios, art studios, cultural
institutions, as well as to conduct
independent design activities.
19 Inżynier druku 3D (3D Bachelor study of 3d printers Bachelor Open study Face to Ongoing / Bachelor Academic
printing Bachelor) study – 4 face Unlimited diploma programme
20 Zarządzanie Bachelor IT study – specialty: Production Bachelor Open study Face to Ongoing / Bachelor Academic
produkcją w management in additive technologies study face Unlimited diploma programme
technologiach (3D printing)
przyrostowych (druk
3D) – (Production
management in
additive technologies
(3D printing)
21 Grafika komputerowa Work in FDM and 3DP technology, 6 semesters Open study Face to Ongoing / Postgraduate Academic
i produkcja broad knowledge of the topics related to (bachelor face Unlimited diploma programme
multimedialna 3D printing studies)
(Computer graphics
and multimedia
External links:
Duration Period of
Target Mode of Certificat Qualification
N. Title Description of the validity /
Group Delivery e issued framework
course availability
1 CoLiDo 3D Course 3D printers operation; Course on 20 hours People Face-to- Different Certificat -
preventive and corrective maintenance and interested face periods e of
Comprehensive training conversion software (Slic3r); Course on new in 3D along the attendanc
in 3D printing alternatives in conversion software and 3D Printing year e
printing techniques; Course on resolution of
practical cases and remote control of equipment.
2 NobleProg 3D printing is a process used to quickly create or 7 hours People Face-to- Different NoblePro -
Getting Started with 3D "print" three-dimensional objects using computer interested face or periods g
Printing control to join materials. In this live instructor in 3D distance along the Certificat
training, participants will learn how to design Printing; learning year e
their own 3D models and how to use a 3D Engineers;
printer. At the end of this training, participants Technical
will be able to: Understand the basics behind 3D personnel in
printing; Learn how to use 3D modeling tools like any industry
Google SketchUp; Design your own 3D model;
Learn how to use and calibrate a 3D printer; Print
your 3D model using a 3D printer.
3 CENFIM Develop the theoretical and practical knowledge 25 hours Companies; Face-to- October Certificat -
Introduction to 3D needed for 3D printing. Adults or face 2019 e of
Printing People attendanc
interested e
in 3D
4 COMPETÊNCIAS Design and build 3D models for printing. Print 3D 40 hours People Face-to- To be Certificad -
CAD Course - 3D models. At the end of the training, trainees interested face defined o de
Modeling and Printing should be able to design and build 3D models for in 3D Formação
printing and print them. Printing Profission
5 Print4fun3D Event created by the Order of Engineers of 3 hours Users with Face-to- Undefined Certificat -
3D modeling and Aveiro. At the end of the training, the trainees little or no face e of
printing will have notions of modeling and 3D printing. knowledge attendanc
They will be able to download parts and print of 3D e
them using a 3D printer. modelling
and printing.
6 Academia do Software 3D Printing is a revolutionary technology that lets 16 hours Creatives, Face-to- To be Certificat -
you transform your ideas into real objects. In this professionals face defined e of
3D Printing and workshop you will have the opportunity to and people attendanc
Modeling Workshop explore the world of 3D Printing. You will interested e
understand its potential and have the ability to in 3D design
create and print a three-dimensional piece. The / printing.
printers have practical applications in the most
varied areas.
7 Fábrica Moderna Motivation: Prepare the participant for work that 8 hours People Face-to- Along the Certificat
has not yet been created; Use digital intereste face year e of
Workshop 3D Printing manufacturing technology to add value to the d in 3D attendanc
from beginner to participant's processes and products. Printing e
advanced - Do It At the end the participant should be able to solve
Yourself problems with the manufacture of objects from
digital models and use of 3D printer.
8 LAB ABERTO FAB LAB Sequence of workshops with a structure that can Any with Face-to- To be Certificat
Introduction to 3D be followed sequentially or alternately. Each interest in face defined e of
printing participant will choose the path that is most 3D attendanc
appropriate for them. printing e
9 GetReady43D7/Sabe Turn your ideas into reality with 3D printing. 2 hours Anyone Online Along the certificate
Online Learn an amazing new skill and be on the cutting with an year of
edge of a technology that will soon change the interest in achievem
economy. 3D ent
In this course, you will learn everything about the printing;
3D printing process, understand its benefits, and Professio
demystify some preconceived ideas. You will also nals,
identify the major players within the 3D printing business
ecosystem and understand that there’s a place leaders
for new business models waiting for you. With and
easy to follow segments and plenty of real world students
examples, you will learn how to take advantage
of this amazing technology.
External links:
course availability
1 Integral 3D Printing with A company based in Barcelona, Spain that uses 12 hours Teachers, Face-to- Ongoing Yes -
MakerBot MakerBot methodology and 3D equipment and educators face
offers an official MakerBot Education Program for and hands-
educators with internationally recognised trainers on with
certification. They move around Spain and come online
to the school that requests their certification compon
programme. ents
2 AirBot A company based in Barcelona offering a series of 6 to 9 Anyone at Online Ongoing Yes Certified by
online 3D printing courses at various levels with months any level the Spanish
no previous knowledge required. The online (100 to (no Ministry of
courses have an element of classes streamed live 180 previous Science and
via their platform with reduced groups of no hours) knowledg Education
more than 15 learners. Streamed lessons can be e
accessed later so that learners can do the course necessary
at their own pace, in their own time. )
The course is 100% online with no physical face-
to-face aspect. Training is offered on a virtual
platform with previously recorded
videoconferences and other learning resources
available (such as downloadable pdf). All the
learning content is based on projects. Learners
can have direct contact with teachers through
the online campus, where they can request video
tutorials to solve problems.
3 IAM 3D Hub A company based in Barcelona and Terrassa with 1 to 3 Anyone Face-to- Upon Doesn’t -
a focus on providing SMEs with the equipment days face request specify
and knowledge they need to adopt 3D Printing
technology and incorporate additive
manufacturing technologies. Their expert team
also provides training programmes in 3D Printing
at various levels for all individuals, from total
beginners to intermediate and advanced
learners. There are 4 levels available, two for
beginners, one for intermediate and one for
advanced learners: AM Introduction (BEGINNER),
4 Academia 3D de CoLido An official certification programme that trains 15 hours Trainers Blended Upon Yes -
learning centres to enable them to offer 3D + 10 at VET request
printing courses. This is training specifically for online centres
trainers. The modality of the 3D printing course is modules
blended. The certification programme starts with of 2.5
face-to-face training (two modules) and online hours
training (for the remaining four modules). They each
offer online support where the CoLido Support
Department gives personalised attention to
learners. The course enables trainers to impart
3D training courses with a duration of 40-60
External links:
2.2.8 Programmes in other countries
Duration Period of
Target Mode of Certificat Qualification
N. Title Country Description of the validity /
Group Delivery e issued framework
course availability
1 LeapFrog NL Implementing 3D printing in educational - Educators E- -
programs is highly beneficial for the Teachers Learning
learning process. Students get tactile Students
feedback of learning concepts that are
difficult to represent using only standard
learning materials. Preparing students for
their future careers and teaching them
valuable skills with 3D printing is a high
viable path that many schools are utilizing
today. It serves as an extra revolutionizing
tool to aid in many areas of education and
provides teachers with new ways of
getting their message across.
2 PrintLab UK, NL The PrintLab Certification Course is the 4 to 6 Educators Online Certificate -
ultimate training journey for teachers hours
getting started with 3D printing and a approx..
great chance for intermediate/advanced
users to learn new tips. The course brings
together extracts from various PrintLab
resources and pieces them together to
create a step-by-step professional
development journey. The aim of the
course is to enable teachers to become
proficient and confident in teaching 3D
printing curriculum, whilst ensuring they
have the necessary 3D design and 3D
printing skills.
3 Learn by Layers UK Based in the UK but they’ve trained Startup: Educators Face to Ongoing / Doesn’t -
schools in over 30 countries worldwide. 4 hours face with Unlimited specify.
Website and materials available in Standard: online
language 1 day contents
: 1,5 days
4 MakerBot US USA-based but internationally available na Teachers, Hands- Ongoing Yes, -
with certified trainers around the world trainers on face- different
and to-face certificates
5 Ultimaker NL A website selling 3D Printing hardware, na Online, No
parts, materials, solutions and software non-
with a separate section dedicated to formal
providing FREE learning resources to
teachers and trainers. Materials include
video tutorials
External links:
About the background research, we obtained the information contained in the report through a
detailed analysis of the assessed training programs. The main difficulty was to standardize the search
for the information; in fact, each course is settled and developed with an autonomous methodology
and catalogued information is not available for homogeneous sections for each project. In particular,
the analysis and comparison of the Output was useful for verifying the delivery methods of the
programmes. It was not always easy to understand the setting of the courses; for this reason, it was
often necessary to make an in-depth study of the programmes to draw information in a deductive
way. The information regarding the presence and typologies of didactic materials was also extremely
heterogeneous: not all projects have an accessible website, and some websites permitted only a
limited navigation as a guest.
Part of our analysis focused on European projects, which can be compared more easily because they
have a similar structure. In the Erasmus+ project database we have found 89 KA2 projects related to
3D printing in general and 15 of them more specifically to 3D printing in education. Out of them, 7
mainly target the VET and school sectors, 5 the industrial sector and the remaining 3 other sectors.
From the background research emerges the existence of a growing number of projects on the use of
3D printing at both national and European level. However, the lack of consolidated methodologies is
highlighted, which is also understandable since it is a new and evolving discipline. There is also a lack
of homogeneity in the conservation of contents.
It also emerges that many online courses and content are in English, while content in other
languages is much smaller.
Finally, it is clear that the qualification frameworks for the certification of skills are basically unused.
The small-scale qualitative research is a complementary action with respect to the background
research. It aims to get the point of view of experts of 3D printing in education at European level, in
order to understand their personal vision on the topic. The qualitative research is also useful to try
to evidence differences among the different countries.
The results of the qualitative research, compared with the data from background research, are the
elements on which the conclusions are based and the basis for the planning of the other project
To efficiently carry out small-scale qualitative research, on the basis of the project proposal, a semi-
structured online questionnaire was created. The project partnership, under the supervision of the
leading organization, contributed jointly to the design.
The questionnaire consists of 11 questions, 9 of which are multiple choice and 2 open answer. Most
of the answers are multiple choice both to facilitate the compilation and to facilitate the comparison
of the received data. The two open-ended questions are intended to allow the interviewee to freely
express opinions and gather information initially not provided for in the structured part of the
9. Please rank how much the following skills are important for using 3D printers (1 = very little, 5 = very
10. Please provide your point of view about 3D printing in education or add any relevant additional
comment. (open question)
The second question has the purpose of dividing the experts into categories, in order to be able to
correlate the answers to the type of interviewee. The next questions intend to identify the benefits
and concerns related to the use of 3D printing in education, the possible applications and the
required skills.
To facilitate the completion of the results and the collection of answers, the questionnaire was
produced in English and in all the languages of the partnership. It is available in Appendix B.
To facilitate distribution, the questionnaire was uploaded online as a Google Form.
Each partner was responsible for distributing the questionnaire and collecting data in their own
Germany Greece Italy Poland Portugal Spain
3.2.2 Activity of the expert
As previously explained, the question aims to classify the interviewed experts according to their
activity. As shown in the following graph, most of the replies come from educational provides (34%
VET centres, 27% other educational centres). A relevant part of replies comes from educators (10%)
and networks of educators (15). A small part from 3D printing service providers. We believe that
such a distribution is in line with the idea behind the proposal.
It is worth noting that the distribution in not uniform in the different countries, as shown in the
following graph. For instance, in Spain the number of educational centres is about 90%, while in Italy
the percentage drops to 33%, with a higher number of teachers and network of teachers.
Germany Greece Italy Poland Portugal Spain
3.2.3 Knowledge of educational programs using 3D printing
Being the question open, unfortunately a large part of the experts has left empty the answer about
the knowledge of previous programs on 3D printing. So, we don’t know if the empty answer would
be a “Yes” or a “No”. From the not empty answers, it emerges that a smaller percentage has a
previous knowledge of other training courses on 3D printing, as shown in the next graph.
36% No
Analysing the answers in the countries, there are no significant differences. The percentage of
answers "Yes" vary from 30% in Germany and Portugal to 10% in Poland.
Analysing the answers in which training courses were mentioned, there isn’t one more popular than
the others. There is no course mentioned by more than three different experts. It is interesting
noting that many more online courses are mentioned than in presence.
Previous participation to other courses on the
use of 3D printing in education
Germany Greece Italy Poland Portugal Spain
Yes No
It is worth noting, although these are courses on the use of 3D printing in education, the topics most
covered are 3D printing technologies (39%) and materials for 3D printing (27%), so the focus is on
the printing process. On the other hand, best practices are treated only marginally (14%).
Other courses on the use of 3D printing in
education: main covered topics
Provides complementary
25% educational materials
Don't know / Other
In the comparison between countries, some fluctuations are observed with respect to the global
averages, which in some cases reach ±10%.
Rigidity of curricula
I don't know / other
In this case, much more marked differences are observed from country to country. It is interesting to
note that cost is a limiting factor for only 8% of experts in Germany and 17% in Italy, while it exceeds
30% in other countries up to a maximum of 55% in Portugal. On the other hand, the lack of skills is
estimated only for 5% in Portugal, while it is worth over 30% in Spain and Germany and 45% in Italy.
Computer drafting/design
History and Humanities
Industrial Technology
Physical Sciences
Don't know
With lesser preferences but still relevant are computer drafting, art, medicine and physical sciences.
At national level, some fluctuations in preferences are observed. For example, in Germany in the
first place there is computer drafting, with 28%. In Portugal, art ranks second among preferences,
with 26%, while engineering is lower than elsewhere. In Poland, medicine ranks second, with 22%.
Importance of skills for adopting 3D printing in VET
(educatator role)
4,0 Germany
3,0 Greece
2,5 Italy
1,5 Poland
3D modelling
Problem solving
Knowledge of
Knowledge of
As regards the skills related to users of 3D printers, similar trends are highlighted, as shown in the
following graph. Once again, the most important skill is "3D Modeling", followed by "Knowledge of
materials", while "Programming" is once again the skill considered less important. In this case the
differences between the various countries are even more significant than in the previous case. It is
worth noting that there are significant differences between countries for some skills. For the
Creativity and Drawing dimensions, in Germany the score is about 1.5 below the average while in
Greece more than 0.5 above the average.
3D modelling
Problem solving
Knowledge of
The following graph compares the averages of the educator and user profiles, without finding
significant differences.
3D modelling
Problem solving
Manufacturing processes
Knowledge of materials
Educator User
The questionnaire ends with a text field in which experts are asked to add any comments. Most of
the experts wrote that the development of 3D printing in training is very important and is one of the
main technologies to focus on to bring innovation in education. It is important to promote active
learning and to substitute outdated learning materials.
Various experts say they would like to have 3D printers in their VET centres, but they are still not
equipped. Others have equipment, but no training for use them. Therefore, the 3DP-VET project can
produce very useful results.
Some believe it is easier to use 3D printing in higher education than in schools or VET, as the time
available in HEI is greater and there is more flexibility in the curricula. Instead, others stress the
importance of being able to "touch" the objects, especially for kids, made possible by 3D printing.
Some experts foresee that, as computers and printing have revolutionized the communication
sector, 3D printing will revolutionize those of art, architecture and product design. This will lead to a
great use of 3D printing in VET.
Last but not least, the use of 3D printing in VET is also useful to let the teachers acquire new skills
and innovative teaching methodologies.
From background research and qualitative research, it is clear that 3D printing is now a mature
technology to impact in many sectors, including training. What can appear today as a "novelty" will
probably be a key element of the formation of the 21st century and a tool of common use in the
next decade. It will be an essential tool for innovation, for a transition towards digital education.
Teachers and training centres that acquire 3D printing skills in training will have a competitive
advantage in terms of innovative methodologies and services to offer.
Research confirms that 3D printing in education can bring several clear benefits: greater student
involvement, development of creative thinking, promotion of active learning, development of new
skills for teachers and students.
At the moment, however, there are some factors that limit the spread of 3D printing. The cost factor
is still perceived as a problem and many training centres are not yet equipped with 3D printers. The
problem seems to be linked both to the cost of printers, although it has significantly decreased in
recent years, and also to the cost of printable materials, which is by no means negligible. Another
limiting factor is represented by the skills of the trainers, both as the ability to use and have the
printers used, and as the ability and willingness to adapt the curricula and teaching methods to
introduce the new technology. Moreover, research shows that the percentage of people trained on
the use of 3D printing in education is still very low today.
For all these reasons, it is essential to develop quality training programs on the use of 3D printing in
education. It is worth noting that not all trainers have advanced technical / IT and linguistic skills,
therefore teaching materials must be easily searchable, usable and possibly multilingual. This often
does not occur for online training courses, while it is easier to find in face-to-face training courses
which, however, by their nature are not always accessible.
Research shows that there are several projects and training courses on 3D printing, both in presence
and online. First, it is noted that most of the online teaching materials are in English, while it is more
difficult to find content in other languages. Moreover, many of the contents are scattered on the
net, presented in different ways and not always catalogued. For a teacher who has a specific need, it
may be difficult to find the result quickly.
Another problem that emerges from the research is that training courses often deal with printing
technologies and materials. Although these are essential skills to use and let use of 3D printers,
innovative creativity and pedagogical methodologies are equally important aspects, which however
are very difficult to find in training courses.
Last but not least, there is an open issue related to the certification of the competences. In all the
courses examined it seems that the qualification framework is a very marginal aspect. It is generally
left out at the national level, while the ECVET framework is used only in a few European programs.
On the other hand, the perception is that there is still no need to certify trainers to use 3D printing.
This aspect is not in line with European policies on lifelong learning and should be further explored.
On the basis of the previously presented analyses, the following conclusions can be drawn:
• rethinking methodologies: 3D printing is not a simple didactic tool that can be added to
predefined training programs. On the one hand, it requires the definition of new teaching
methods, on the other, the redefinition of traditional training programs. This also requires
open-minded trainers.
• training of trainers: 3D printing will play an increasingly important role in education, but at
the moment many trainers are not able to use this technology. It is essential to fill this gap. It
is important to focus on materials and printing technologies, but also on new teaching
methodologies and best practices.
• make available qualified content repositories: on the internet there are many materials on
3D printing, but of a heterogeneous nature. Often, they are not classified and their
availability changes over time, especially for non-English content. A teacher often has no
additional time to devote to researching materials. A reliable and easy to consult repository
where to find classified and metadata data would therefore be useful.
• communities are important: for the exchange of good practices, for the creation of joint
activities, for creating links between the various actors of 3D printing (suppliers, educators,
end users, fablabs, etc.). Communities can be created locally or internationally, however
their creation should be encouraged.
• cost of printers and materials: promote initiatives for the diffusion of low-cost 3D printers –
such as the Rep-Rap initiative – and the adoption of low cost of recycled printable materials.
• qualification frameworks: explore the possibility of defining VET qualifications, recognizable
at European level, to attest the skills of trainers in the use of 3D printing in education.
One of the most critical problems detected by the survey is the lack of information about the
Qualification framework. None of the 15 surveyed European projects revealed exact information
about this important aspect. In this way the first results of the survey reveal us useful information
• Lipson, H., & Kurman, M. (2013). Fabricated: The new world of 3D printing. John Wiley & Sons.
• Campbell, T., Williams, C., Ivanova, O., & Garrett, B. (2011). Could 3D printing change the world
Technologies, Potential, and Implications of Additive Manufacturing, Atlantic Council,
Washington, DC, 3.
• Ford, S., & Minshall, T. (2019). Invited review article: Where and how 3D printing is used in
teaching and education. Additive Manufacturing, 25, 131-150.
• Canessa, E., Fonda, C., Zennaro, M., & Deadline, N. (2013). Low--cost 3D printing for science,
education and sustainable development. Low-Cost 3D Printing, 11.
• Buehler, E., Kane, S. K., & Hurst, A. (2014, October). ABC and 3D: opportunities and obstacles to
3D printing in special education environments. In Proceedings of the 16th international ACM
SIGACCESS conference on Computers & accessibility (pp. 107-114).
• Trust, T., & Maloy, R. W. (2017). Why 3D print? The 21st-century skills students develop while
engaging in 3D printing projects. Computers in the Schools, 34(4), 253-266.
• Schelly, C., Anzalone, G., Wijnen, B., & Pearce, J. M. (2015). Open-source 3-D printing
technologies for education: Bringing additive manufacturing to the classroom. Journal of Visual
Languages & Computing, 28, 226-237.
• Verner, I., & Merksamer, A. (2015). Digital design and 3D printing in technology teacher
education. Procedia Cirp, 36, 182-186.
• Buehler, E., Easley, W., McDonald, S., Comrie, N., & Hurst, A. (2015, October). Inclusion and
education: 3D printing for integrated classrooms. In Proceedings of the 17th International ACM
SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility (pp. 281-290).
• AbouHashem, Y., Dayal, M., Savanah, S., & Štrkalj, G. (2015). The application of 3D printing in
anatomy education. Medical education online, 20(1), 29847.
• Neumüller, M., Reichinger, A., Rist, F., & Kern, C. (2014). 3D printing for cultural heritage:
Preservation, accessibility, research and education. In 3D Research Challenges in Cultural
Heritage (pp. 119-134). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
• Wu, P., Wang, J., & Wang, X. (2016). A critical review of the use of 3-D printing in the
construction industry. Automation in Construction, 68, 21-31.
• Horowitz, S. S., & Schultz, P. H. (2014). Printing space: Using 3D printing of digital terrain models
in geosciences education and research. Journal of Geoscience Education, 62(1), 138-145.
• Martin, R. L., Bowden, N. S., & Merrill, C. (2014). 3D printing in technology and engineering
education. Technology and engineering teacher, 73(8), 30.
• Schelly, C., Anzalone, G., Wijnen, B., & Pearce, J. M. (2015). Open-source 3-D printing
technologies for education: Bringing additive manufacturing to the classroom. Journal of Visual
Languages & Computing, 28, 226-237.
• Buehler, E., Comrie, N., Hofmann, M., McDonald, S., & Hurst, A. (2016). Investigating the
implications of 3D printing in special education. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing
(TACCESS), 8(3), 1-28.
• Jones, R., Haufe, P., Sells, E., Iravani, P., Olliver, V., Palmer, C., & Bowyer, A. (2011). RepRap–the
replicating rapid prototyper. Robotica, 29(1), 177-191.
• Stangl, A., Kim, J., Yeh, T. (2014). 3D printed tactile picture books for children with visual
impairments: a design probe. Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and
children, 321-324.
The project “ERASMUS3D+: Training material for developing 3D printers” (project E3D+) focuses
on the creation of an international vet training programme on 3D Printing. It will consist on be a
flexible learning pathway in line with the needs of learners and companies from industrial sector
that can use this kind of technology.
Contents of the training course:
Training path, learning content structure and guidelines for trainers.
Training Path definition, definition of learning content modules + Activity: Harmonization and
validation of learning modules and training path.
Development of the guidelines for trainers:
- E-learning Platform
- Modules Material
- Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future
Available didactic materials:
The ERASMUS3D+ consortium present on its website 4 webinars (in English language) that show
the outputs of 2 years of work and cooperation, introducing the predictive of the 3D PRINTING.
N. 4 Title: Robotics – Training for The New Age
Countries involved: UK, PT, AT, SE
Funded: Yes Source of funding: European Commission Ref. 2016-1-UK01-KA202-024437
Available now: Yes Qualification framework: Not specified
The specific aim of the Project was to develop an introductory training programme, incorporating
a combination of robotics competition activities and curriculum, designed to help teachers to
teach programming skills to young people to enable them to gain knowledge and experience of
these new technologies, including the use and application of 3D printing.
Activity 5– Validating quality assurance and improvement of 3D Printing curriculum and 3D
Printing training materials
Activity 6– Transferring project results and best practices. Institutionalizing 3D Printing in Libraries
of each EU partner in the project to ensure ongoing training of librarians and library users for
future generations.
Available didactic materials:
Materials and results for this project are not yet available. They might become available after the
project's end date.
N. 7 Title: New Training Resources for The Change of The Industrial Paradigm
Countries involved: ES, RO, IT, SI
Funded: Yes Source of funding: European Commission Ref. 2019-1-ES01-KA202-065905
Available now: No Qualification framework: Not specified
This project covers all possible approaches by incorporating all the actors involved as partners,
facilitating the formation of new technicians who will develop new products. This project aims to
integrate Additive Manufacturing and 3D printers with Mechatronics as a perfect complement to
students to acquire knowledge that positions them in emerging Industry 4.0 concepts, bringing
together eight qualified partners in various fields that will provide their expert vision.
N. 8 Title: 3D modelling curriculum and applications for 3D printers and tabs for VET schools
Countries involved: TR, PT, RS, BG, UK
Funded: Yes Source of funding: European Commission Ref. 2016-1-TR01-KA202-034204
Available now: Yes Qualification framework: Not specified
Main aim of the "3D modelling curriculum and applications for 3D printers and tabs for VET
schools" (3D for VET Schools) project is to create a comprehensive 3D modelling curriculum and
training module for VET schools that will include five key design principles (alignment, strategy,
learning outcomes, assessment, validation).
The main aim of the 3D4VET project is a comprehensive 3D modeling and education enforcement
that will include five basic principles of education (setting, strategy, learning outcomes,
measurement and verification) for vocational schools.
Contents of the training course:
3D printing provides several features that can revolutionize education. Those are: 1) It provides
teachers with 3 dimensional visual aids that they can use in classroom particularly in illustrating a
hard to grasp concept.2) 3D printers make it easy for teachers to seize the interest of students
compared to just showing the pictorial representations of objects.3) It enhances hands-on
learning and learning by doing. Using this prototyping technology, students will be able to
produce realistic mini models. 4) It provides more interactive class activities.
Available didactic materials:
3D objects library and Customizable Creations, software in download, Project Flyer, Project Poster
This project was elaborated with the main aim of improving at a European dimension the quality
of professional skills and personal abilities of students and young people who seek to continuously
improve their vocational preparation, with the final aim to facilitate their integration on the
market field. The participant partners are vocational schools with technical background, training
companies that offer training course in new technologies and e-learning and a NGO that promote
innovative teaching methodologies and ICT.
Contents of the training course:
1.a. Developing professional knowledge of students in the area of the 3D printer technology
1b. Developing students' professional competencies by learning basic steps in programming the
3D printer
1c. Improving students' personal competencies and abilities.
Produced material well adapted to the needs of students and young people generally, from
different sectors, who want to incorporate the 3D printing possibilities into their work
(Learning/Teaching Activities) and Make this material as reachable as possible at least in the
partners' countries (translation of the LM).
Available didactic materials:
The principal didactic material of the project is a Learning Module on the subject of 3D printer’s
technology, available in two different versions: for face-to-face teaching and for e-learning. This
Learning Module will have the following chapters: 1. 3D printer - generalities (history, technology,
current printing processes, additive manufacturing, software, possibilities of use) 2. 3D printer and
Internet of Technology (IoT, industry 4.0, impact on business, industry, society and politics, open-
source community) 3. Programming for 3D printer (with CAD, SketchUp and 3D Scan) 4. Setting up
of a single company or Social Entrepreneurship. The Learning Module, both versions, will be
tested by students in the frame of two short term learning mobilities.
Training course will be available in 5 languages: English, Czech, Romanian, Lithuanian and
N. 13 Title: FUN@SCIENCE - Exploiting 3D printing for science education and scientific careers
Countries involved: PT, CZ, PL, EL, IT
Funded: Yes Source of funding: European Commission Ref. 2017-1-PT01-KA201-035929
Available now: No Qualification framework: Not specified
The proposal intends to develop and test a model for science education, working on all school
level, based on the valorisation of 3D printing technologies and experiences. The implementation
of this model will create learning experiences supported by 3D printing activities at schools which
can improve students’ interest in scientific careers and in the development of logic and
mathematics skills, complementing the other classroom activities or succeeding where the
classroom might have failed.
Contents of the training course:
a) Collection and analysis of interesting practices in at least 5 European Member States about
science education in curricular activities with reference to 3D printing activities, for monitoring
the effects of informal science education related to 3D printing on students’ interest in scientific
careers and on the development of logic and mathematics skills.
b) Elaboration of a proposal for building a global education model incorporating informal
schooling-based 3D printing activities in school curricula, at all educational level, allowing its
accreditation and the evaluation of the reference educational contents.
c) Design and implementation of peer learning experiences for teachers and trainers so to share
and acquire the competences for designing, implementing and validating the model in their school
d) Testing the model at all educational level in at least 4 classes for each participating country,
according to a common framework based on a well-defined educational project.
e) Collection of open educational resources and reporting the results of the experimented
educational practices implemented in the project, so to multiply the project effects and results.
Available didactic materials:
Results and materials for this project are not yet available. They might become available after the
project's end date.
for all teachers.
2- 3D software files: Develop software files that will contain the design of the 25 exercises that
will be created by the teachers concerned. These exercises will be suitable for different types of
VET subjects.
Series of webinars that will contribute to the dissemination of the material to the European
community. The purpose of this activity is to open the dialogue and foresee the use of 3D printing
in VET.
Small-scale qualitative research on 3D Printing Education
This questionnaire is part of the European project “3D Printing in VET”, that aims to design and implement new
training programs to facilitate the adoption of 3D printing in education.
The main aims of the questionnaire are to understand the potential benefits and limiting aspects related to the
use of 3D printing in education.
Your opinion is important for us, being useful to better design the training programs. We thank you in advance
for the time spent in filling the questionnaire. It will take less than 10 minutes.
Data are collected in an anonymous way.
3. Do you know of any educational program using 3D printing? If yes, please name it (or them) and if
possible, provide the link(s).
Open question
4. Have you already taken part to any training program(s) about the use of 3D printing in education?
• Yes
• No
4a. If yes, what have been the main contents covered by the training program(s)?
• Materials for 3D printing
• Design tools for 3D model
• Kinds and functioning of 3D printers
• Exporting .stl files
• Postprocessing
• Update of curricula with use of 3D printing
• Best practices on 3D printing in education
• Other
• Encourages creative/design thinking
• Facilitate the comprehension, through the visualization of real objects
• Improve drawing skills
• Provides complementary educational materials
• Others (please specify)
6. What are the main limitations the diffusion of 3D printing in education? (max 2 answers)
• Cost of 3D printers
• Lack of competences in the use 3D printers
• Lack of methodologies that use 3D printing in education
• Absence of benefits from using 3D printers
• Health hazards
• Rigidity of curricula
• Others (please specify)
7. Which sectors can benefit most from the use of 3D printing in education? (max 2 answers)
• Art
• Computer drafting/design
• Cooking
• Engineering
• History and Humanities
• Mathematics
• Mechanics/Industrial technology
• Medicine
• Physical Science (Chemistry, Geology, etc.)
• Others (please specify)
8. Please rank how much the following skills are important for adopting 3D printers in education (1 = very
little, 5 = very much)
• Creativity
• Drawing
• 3D modelling
• Problem solving
• Programming
• Knowledge of manufacturing processes
• Knowledge of materials
9. Please rank how much the following skills are important for using 3D printers (1 = very little, 5 = very
• Creativity
• Drawing
• 3D modelling
• Problem solving
• Programming
• Knowledge of manufacturing processes
• Knowledge of materials
10. Please provide your point of view about 3D printing in education or add any relevant additional
Open question
Kurzumfrage zur 3D-Druckausbildung
Dieser Fragebogen ist Teil des europäischen Projekts „3D-Druck in der Berufsbildung“, das darauf abzielt, neue
Schulungsprogramme zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, um die Einführung des 3D-Drucks in der Bildung zu
Das Hauptziel des Fragebogens besteht darin, die potenziellen Vorteile und die einschränkenden Aspekte des
Einsatzes von 3D-Druck in der Bildung zu verstehen.
Ihre Meinung ist uns wichtig, um die Schulungsprogramme besser gestalten zu können. Wir bedanken uns im
Voraus für die Zeit, die Sie zum Ausfüllen des Fragebogens aufgewendet haben. Es dauert weniger als 10
Die Daten werden anonym gesammelt.
3. Kennen Sie ein Bildungsprogramm für den 3D-Druck? Wenn ja, benennen Sie es bitte (oder sie) und geben
Sie nach Möglichkeit die Links an.
• Offene Frage
4. Haben Sie bereits an einem Schulungsprogramm über den Einsatz von 3D-Druck in der Ausbildung
• Ja
• Nein
4a. Wenn ja, welche wesentlichen Inhalte wurden durch die Trainingsprogramme abgedeckt?
• Materialien für den 3D-Druck
• Konstruktionswerkzeuge für das 3D-Modell
• Arten und Funktionsweise von 3D-Druckern
• Exportieren von.stl-Dateien
• Nachbereitung
• Aktualisierung der Lehrpläne mit Hilfe des 3D-Drucks
• Bewährte Verfahren zum Thema 3D-Druck in der Bildung
• Sonstiges
• Fördert kreatives Denken und Design
• Erleichtern Sie das Verständnis durch die Visualisierung realer Objekte.
• Verbesserung der Zeichenfähigkeiten
• Bietet ergänzende Lehrmaterialien an
• Andere (bitte angeben)
6. Was sind die Haupteinschränkungen bei der Verbreitung des 3D-Drucks in der Bildung? (max. 2
• Kosten für 3D-Drucker
• Mangelnde Kompetenzen im Umgang mit 3D-Druckern
• Fehlende Methoden, die 3D-Druck in der Bildung verwenden.
• Fehlende Vorteile durch den Einsatz von 3D-Druckern
• Gesundheitsrisiken
• Starrheit der Lehrpläne
• Andere (bitte angeben)
7. Welche Branchen können vom Einsatz des 3D-Drucks im Bildungswesen am meisten profitieren? (max. 2
• Kunst
• Computer Entwurf/Design
• Kochen
• Ingenieurwesen
• Geschichte und Geisteswissenschaften
• Mathematik
• Mechanik/Industrietechnik
• Medizin
• Physikalische Wissenschaften (Chemie, Geologie, etc.)
• Andere (bitte angeben)
8.. Bitte bewerten Sie, wie wichtig die folgenden Fähigkeiten für die Einführung von 3D-Druckern in der
Ausbildung sind (1 = sehr wenig, 5 = sehr viel)
• Kreativität
• Zeichnung
• 3D-Modellierung
• Problemlösung
• Programmierung
• Kenntnisse der Herstellungsverfahren
• Materialkenntnisse
9. Bitte bewerten Sie, wie wichtig die folgenden Fähigkeiten für den Umgang mit 3D-Druckern sind (1 = sehr
wenig, 5 = sehr viel)
• Kreativität
• Zeichnung
• 3D-Modellierung
• Problemlösung
• Programmierung
10. Bitte geben Sie Ihren Standpunkt zum Thema 3D-Druck in der Ausbildung an, oder fügen Sie einen
entsprechenden zusätzlichen Kommentar hinzu.
• Offene Frage
Μικρής κλίμακας ποιοτική έρευνα για την 3D εκτύπωση στην εκπαίδευση.
Το ερωτηματολόγιο αυτό αποτελεί μέρος του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος "3D Printing in VET", το οποίο
στοχεύει στο σχεδιασμό και την εφαρμογή νέων εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων για τη διευκόλυνση της
υιοθέτησης της 3D εκτύπωσης στην εκπαίδευση.
Οι κύριοι στόχοι του ερωτηματολογίου είναι να κατανοήσουν τα πιθανά οφέλη και να περιορίσουν τις πτυχές
που σχετίζονται με τη χρήση της εκτύπωσης 3D στην εκπαίδευση.
Η γνώμη σας είναι σημαντική για εμάς, καθώς είναι χρήσιμη για τον καλύτερο σχεδιασμό των προγραμμάτων
κατάρτισης. Σας ευχαριστούμε εκ των προτέρων για το χρόνο που αφιερώσατε στην συμπλήρωση του
ερωτηματολογίου. Θα διαρκέσει λιγότερο από 10 λεπτά.
Τα δεδομένα συλλέγονται με ανώνυμο τρόπο.
3. Γνωρίζετε κάποιο εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα που χρησιμοποιεί 3D εκτύπωση; Εάν Ναι, ονομάστε το (ή τα)
και, αν είναι δυνατόν, δώστε τον (τους) σύνδεσμο (τους).
Ανοιχτή ερώτηση
4. Έχετε ήδη λάβει μέρος σε οποιοδήποτε εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα (-τα) σχετικά με τη χρήση 3D
εκτύπωσης στην εκπαίδευση;
• Ναι
• Όχι
4a. Εάν Ναι, Ποια είναι τα κύρια περιεχόμενα που καλύπτονται από το εκπαιδευτικό(-α) πρόγραμμα(-τα);
• Υλικά για εκτύπωση 3D
• Εργαλεία σχεδίασης για το μοντέλο 3D
• Είδη και λειτουργία εκτυπωτών 3D
• Εξαγωγή .stl αρχείων
• Μετα-επεξεργασία
• Ενημέρωση των προγραμμάτων σπουδών με χρήση της τρισδιάστατης εκτύπωσης
• Βέλτιστες πρακτικές για την 3D εκτύπωση στην εκπαίδευση
• Άλλο
5. Ποια είναι τα κυριότερα πλεονεκτήματα της 3D εκτύπωσης στην εκπαίδευση; (μέγ. 2 απαντήσεις)
• Βελτιώνει τη συμμετοχή των φοιτητών/αφοσίωση
• Προωθεί την διαδραστική μάθηση
• Ενθαρρύνει τη δημιουργική/σχεδιαστική σκέψη
• Διευκόλυνση της κατανόησης, μέσω της απεικόνισης των πραγματικών αντικειμένων
• Βελτιώνει τις δεξιότητες σχεδίασης
• Παρέχει συμπληρωματικά εκπαιδευτικά υλικά
• Άλλο (παρακαλώ, διευκρινίστε)
6. Ποιοι είναι οι βασικοί περιορισμοί για τη διάδοση της 3D εκτύπωσης στην εκπαίδευση; (μέγ . 2
• Κόστος των 3D εκτυπωτών
• Έλλειψη ικανοτήτων στη χρήση 3D εκτυπωτών
• Έλλειψη μεθοδολογιών που χρησιμοποιούν 3D εκτύπωση στην εκπαίδευση
• Απουσία παροχών από τη χρήση 3D εκτυπωτών
• Κίνδυνοι για την υγεία
• Αυστηρότητα των προγραμμάτων σπουδών
• Άλλο (παρακαλώ, διευκρινίστε)
7. Ποιοι τομείς μπορούν να επωφεληθούν περισσότερο από τη χρήση 3D εκτύπωσης στην εκπαίδευση;
(μέγ. 2 απαντήσεις)
• Η τέχνη
• Η σύνταξη/σχεδίαση με υπολογιστή
• Η μαγειρική
• H μηχανική
• Η ιστορία και ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες
• Τα μαθηματικά
• Η μηχανική/βιομηχανική τεχνολογία
• Η ιατρική
• Οι Φυσικές επιστήμες (χημεία, γεωλογία, κτλ.)
• Άλλο (παρακαλώ, διευκρινίστε)
8. Παρακαλώ βαθμολογείστε πόσο σημαντικές είναι οι ακόλουθες δεξιότητες για την υιοθέτηση 3D
εκτυπωτών στην εκπαίδευση (1 = πολύ λίγο, 5 = πάρα πολύ)
• Δημιουργικότητα
• Σχεδίαση
• Μοντελοποίηση 3D
• Επίλυση προβλημάτων
• Προγραμματισμός
• Γνώση των διεργασιών κατασκευής
• Γνώση των υλικών
9. Παρακαλώ βαθμολογείστε πόσο σημαντικές είναι οι ακόλουθες δεξιότητες για τη χρήση των 3D
εκτυπωτών (1 = πολύ λίγο, 5 = πάρα πολύ)
• Δημιουργικότητα
• Σχεδίαση
• Μοντελοποίηση 3D
• Επίλυση προβλημάτων
• Προγραμματισμός
10. Παρακαλώ εκφράσετε την άποψη σας σχετικά με την 3D εκτύπωση στην εκπαίδευση ή προσθέσετε
οποιοδήποτε σχετικό σχόλιο.
Ανοιχτή ερώτηση
Ricerca sull'uso della stampa 3D nella formazione
Questo questionario fa parte del progetto europeo "3D Printing in VET", che mira alla definizione di nuovi
programmi di formazione per facilitare l'introduzione della stampa 3D nella formazione.
Gli obiettivi principali del questionario sono comprendere i potenziali benefici e gli aspetti che limitano l'uso
della stampa 3D nella formazione.
La tua opinione sarà molto importante per noi, per meglio progettare i programmi di formazione. Ti
ringraziamo anticipatamente per il tempo dedicato alla compilazione del questionario. Ti chiediamo soltanto
10 minuti del tuo tempo.
I dati saranno raccolti in forma anonima.
3. Conosci un corso didattico sulla stampa 3D? In caso affermativo, si prega di fornire il/ i nome/i ed il/i link
di questo/i.
Domanda aperta
4. Hai mai partecipato a dei programmi didattici sull’utilizzo della stampa 3D?
• Si
• No
• Incoraggia il pensiero creativo / progettuale
• Facilita la comprensione, attraverso la visualizzazione di oggetti reali
• Migliora le abilità di disegno
• Fornisce materiale didattico complementare
• Altro (per favore specificare)
6. Quali sono i principali limiti della diffusione della stampa 3D nell'istruzione? (max 2 risposte)
• Il costo della stampa 3D
• Mancanza di competenze nell'uso delle stampanti 3D
• Mancanza di metodologie che utilizzano la stampa 3D nell'istruzione
• Assenza di vantaggi dall'uso di stampanti 3D
• Rischi per la salute
• Rigidità dei curricula
• Altro (per favore specificare)
7. Quali settori possono trarre maggiori vantaggi dall'uso della stampa 3D nell'istruzione? (max 2 risposte)
• Arte
• Elaborazione / progettazione al computer
• Settore culinario
• Ingegneria
• Storia e scienze umane
• Matematica
• Meccanica / Tecnologia industriale
• Medicina
• Scienze fisiche (chimica, geologia, ecc.)
• Altro (per favore specificare)
8. Si prega di classificare quanto sono importanti le seguenti abilità per l’utilizzo delle stampanti 3D
nell'istruzione (1 = molto poco, 5 = molto)
• Creatività
• Disegno
• Modellazione 3D
• Risoluzione dei problemi
• Programmazione
• Conoscenza dei processi produttivi
• Conoscenza dei materiali
9. Si prega di classificare quanto sono importanti le seguenti abilità nell’uso delle stampanti 3D (1 = molto
poco, 5 = molto)
• Creatività
• Disegno
• Modellazione 3D
• Risoluzione dei problemi
• Programmazione
10. Per favore, si prega di dare il proprio punto di vista riguardo l’utilizzo della stampa 3D in ambito
educativo e se necessario si prega di aggiungere eventuali commenti.
Domanda aperta.
Badania jakościowe – małej skali w zakresie edukacji – druk 3D
3. Czy znasz jakiś program edukacyjny wykorzystujący drukowanie 3D? Jeśli tak, proszę podać nazwę, link do
strony ( jeśli możliwe)
Pytanie otwarte
• Zachęca do kreatywnego / projektowego myślenia
• Ułatwienie zrozumienia poprzez wizualizację prawdziwych obiektów
• Poprawia kompetencje w zakresie rysunku
• Zapewnia uzupełniające materiały edukacyjne
• Inne (sprecyzuj jakie)
7. Które sektory mogą najbardziej skorzystać z zastosowania druku 3D w edukacji? (maks. 2 odpowiedzi)
• Sztuka
• Grafika komputerowa
• Kulinaria
• Inżynieria
• Historia i nauki humanistyczne
• Matematyka
• Mechanika / technologia przemysłowa
• Medycyna
• Nauki fizyczne (chemia, geologia itp.)
• Inne (sprecyzuj jakie)
8. Proszę oceń, na ile następujące umiejętności są ważne przy wdrażaniu drukarek 3D w edukacji (1 = bardzo
mało, 5 = bardzo)
• Kreatywność
• Rysowanie
• Modelowanie 3D
• Rozwiązywanie problemów
• Programowanie
• Znajomość procesów produkcyjnych
• Znajomość materiałów
9. Proszę uszeregować, jak ważne są następujące umiejętności korzystania z drukarek 3D (1 = bardzo mało, 5
= bardzo)
• Kreatywność
• Rysowanie
• Modelowanie 3D
• Rozwiązywanie problemów
• Programowanie
10. Proszę przedstaw swoją opinię na temat drukowania 3D w edukacji lub dodaj odpowiedni komentarz.
Pytanie otwarte
Investigação qualitativa sobre a Educação em Impressão 3D
Este questionário faz parte do projeto Erasmus+ “Impressão 3D no Ensino e Formação Profissional”, que visa
projetar e implementar novos programas de formação, de forma a facilitar a adoção da impressão 3D na
Os principais objetivos deste questionário são compreender os potenciais benefícios e os aspetos limitadores
relacionados com o uso da impressão 3D na educação.
A sua opinião é importante e útil para melhor desenvolvermos os programas de formação.
Agradecemos antecipadamente o tempo gasto no preenchimento deste questionário que demorará cerca de
10 minutos.
Os dados serão tratados de forma anónima.
3. Conhece algum programa educacional que integre impressão 3D? Se sim, indique o nome (ou os nomes) e,
se possível, forneça o(s) link(s).
Pergunta aberta
4a. Em caso afirmativo, quais foram os principais conteúdos abrangidos pelo(s) programa(s) de formação?
• Materiais para impressão 3D
• Ferramentas de design para modelo 3D
• Tipos e funcionamento de impressoras 3D
• Exportação de arquivos. stl
• Pós-processamento
• Atualização de currículos com uso de impressão 3D
• Melhores práticas de impressão 3D na educação
• Outros
5. Quais são, para si, as principais vantagens do uso da impressão 3D na educação? (máx. 2 respostas)
• Promove a aprendizagem ativa
• Encoraja o pensamento criativo/design
• Facilita a compreensão, através da visualização de objetos reais
• Melhora as habilidades de desenho
• Fornece materiais educativos complementares
• Outros (especificar)
7. Na sua opinião, quais os sectores que podem beneficiar mais com a utilização da impressão 3D na
educação? (máx. 2 respostas)
• Arte
• Desenho/desenho informático
• Cozinha
• Engenharia
• História e Humanidades
• Matemática
• Mecânica/Tecnologia industrial
• Medicina
• Ciências Físicas (Química, Geologia, etc.)
• Outros (especificar)
8. Por favor, classifique o quanto as seguintes competências são importantes para a utilização de
impressoras 3D na educação (1 = muito pouco, 5 = muito)
• Criatividade
• Desenho
• Modelação 3D
• Resolução de problemas
• Programação
• Conhecimento dos processos de fabricação
• Conhecimento de materiais
9. Por favor, classifique o quanto as seguintes competências são importantes para a utilização de
impressoras 3D (1 = muito pouco, 5 = muito)
• Criatividade
• Desenho
• Modelação 3D
• Resolução de problemas
• Programação
10. Dê-nos a sua opinião sobre a impressão 3D na educação ou adicione qualquer comentário adicional que
considere relevante.
Pergunta aberta
Investigación cualitativa sobre la impresión 3D en la educación
Este cuestionario es parte del proyecto europeo "Impresión 3D en FP", que tiene como objetivo
diseñar e implementar nuevos programas de capacitación para facilitar la adopción de la impresión
3D en la educación.
Los objetivos principales del cuestionario son comprender los beneficios potenciales y los aspectos
limitantes relacionados con el uso de la impresión 3D en la educación.
Tu opinión es muy importante para nosotros, ya que nos será muy útil a la hora diseñar mejor los
programas de formación para profesores y educadores. Le agradecemos de antemano el tiempo
dedicado a completar el cuestionario. Tomará menos de 10 minutos.
Los datos se recopilan de forma anónima.
1. ¿Dónde te encuentras?
• Alemania
• Grecia
• Italia
• Polonia
• Portugal
• España
• Otro
2. ¿A qué te dedicas?
• Centro/Proveedor de Formación Profesional
• Otro centro educativo
• Red de educadores
• Proveedor de equipamiento de impresión 3D
• FabLab / Centros de fabricación
• Otro
3. ¿Sabes de algún programa educativo que utilice la impresión 3D? En caso afirmativo, por favor escribe
su(s) nombre(s) y si es posible añade enlace(s) Pregunta abierta
4. ¿Has participado en algún programa formativo acerca del uso de la impresión 3D en la educación?
• Sí
• No
4a. Si la respuesta a la pregunta anterior ha sido afirmativa, ¿cuáles han sido los principales contenidos del
programa o programas formativos?
• Materiales para la impresión 3D
• Herramientas de diseño para modelos 3D
• Tipos de impresoras 3D y su funcionamiento
• Exportar ficheros .stl
• Postprocesamiento
• Actualización de currículo con el uso de la impresión 3D
• Buenas prácticas de la impresión 3D en la educación
• Otro
• Mejora la participación y atención de los estudiantes
• Fomenta el aprendizaje activo
• Fomenta el pensamiento creativo / de diseño
• Facilita la comprensión a través de la visualización de objetos reales
• Mejora habilidades de dibujo
• Proporciona materiales educativos complementarios
• Otros (por favor especifica)
6. ¿Cuáles son las principales limitaciones para la difusión de la impresión 3D en la educación? (selecciona un
máximo de 2 respuestas)
• Coste de impresoras 3D
• Falta de competencias en el uso de impresoras 3D
• Falta de metodologías que utilicen la impresión 3D en la educación
• Ausencia de beneficios del uso de impresoras 3D
• Riesgos operacionales (riesgos contra la integridad física)
• Rigidez del currículo educativo
• Otros (por favor especifica)
7. ¿Qué asignaturas se beneficiarían más del uso de impresoras 3D en la educación? (selecciona un máximo
de 2 respuestas)
• Arte
• Diseño computacional
• Cocina
• Ingeniería
• Historia y Humanidades
• Matemáticas
• Mecánica/ Tecnología Industrial
• Medicina
• Ciencias Físicas (Química, Geología, etc.)
• Otros (por favor especifica)
8. Por favor puntúa cuán importantes son las siguientes habilidades a la hora de integrar la impresión 3D en
la educación (1 = muy poco, 5 = mucho)
• Creatividad
• Dibuja
• Modelaje 3D
• Resolución de problemas
• Programación
• Conocimiento de los procesos de fabricación
• Conocimiento de los materiales
9. Por favor puntúa cuán importantes son las siguientes habilidades a la hora de usar impresoras 3D (1 =
muy poco, 5 = mucho)
• Creatividad
• Dibujo
• Modelaje 3D
• Resolución de problemas
• Programación
10. Por favor, danos tu punto de vista acerca de la impresión 3D en la educación o añade cualquier
comentario adicional.
Pregunta abiert
¡Muchas gracias por su contribución del equipo 3DP-VET!