Pts Bib 111 Historical Books Pentateuch Benefit

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AUGUST, 2019
The Old Testament puts off many Christians. It seems long and difficult to
understand at times.
If we want to know about Jesus fully, we can’t ignore the beginning of the story.
The books of the law or, as Jewish tradition has it, the Torah other books which
makes up the Pentateuch, are the opening scenes and events of the story of Jesus.
As we go through these books, we will see that law has a very broad meaning.
While it does contain many commandments.

The Pentateuch records all the happenings between God and man, his plans and
the plan for salvation linking these books to the coming of Christ for the purpose
of salvation. It was in Geneses after man’s fall that God looked at man and had
compassion and promised the source of salvation in Geneses 3:15. That was and
is the root of our salvation today. That promise brought about the coming of
Jesus. If not for the Pentateuch there would have been great doubt even when
some still don’t believe that Jesus is the hope of mankind.

When we open the Bible and start from the beginning, we find the book of
Genesis, which appropriately means “beginning.” But what many modern
readers don’t realize is that Genesis is not really the first book, it is the first part
of the first book of the Bible. In other words, the Torah (Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) is really a single book that has been
divided into five parts. That is why the Torah is sometimes referred to as the
Pentateuch, or five scrolls. This one composition was divided into five parts
because an ancient scroll could not hold the entire story.

Sitting down to read Genesis through Deuteronomy is like opening a book to

where the plot begins, and we are introduced to new characters and situations.
The stories in these chapters help us understand later parts of the Bible. We
wouldn’t pick up an exciting new novel and start reading in the middle or near
the end. (Okay, sometimes we cheat and read the end of an exciting mystery, but
then that spoils the anticipation.)
We start at the beginning2 in order to understand the story and really appreciate
the ending.
Bringing the study of the Pentateuch in enhancing my ministry. Haven read and
understood what happened in the old testament books and the testimonies there

in, it is pertinent that these findings be applied to the ministry of the modern day
especially mine.

We read about the rise and fall of some men of God; the rise and fall of some
kings; the rise and fall of some kingdoms so on.

What really made then fall should be avoided and not practiced so as not to be a
victim of the same circumstance.

We read about the effect of disobedience against the laws of God. When one
deviates from his statutes he punishes in the same vein. I will need to be
obedient to doing the things of God and following and obeying his
commandment. Disobedience made the Israelites to spend 40 years in the
wilderness a journey that would have lasted for only 40 days as the case may be.
If embrace disobedience it may likely delay progress in my ministry and may not
achieve any meaningful fruit.
We were made to serve and obey God, any contrary opinion keeps us in
rebellion with God.

We read about total dependence on God and what comes as a result of the
dependence. When one depends on God he neve fails. In my ministry I will
depend on God and God alone. Today most minsters tend not to depend on God
but their own impute and that had never yielded any positive effect on them. He
said who unto him that puts his trust in arms of flesh what that means is that
trust and depend on no other but me. Prophets of old trusted him and they saw
and reaped his backings. If I trust and obey I will see his backings as well. Trust
also means do not see for other powers to make or do miracles. If he can do it in
the days of old when he had not come to die and grant us full access, then he can
do better now.
We read about the effect of compromise during the days in the wilderness and
the provision of God. All these still go along way to boosting my ministry. When
a man compromises a standard the end result would loose the perceived an
intended fruit or benefit

We read about the success of some kings and during the course of the study we
discovered that some succeeded and failed because of their background. Who
were their mothers and fathers? Vipers would always beget a viper. We saw it in
the life of Jeroboam, Nadab, Elah, Zimri, Ahab who was one of the most wicked.
Rehoboam who happened to be the son of Solomon did not do too bad compared
to Jeroboam. The background has some major influence on a man. This goes to

show for a man to succeed in ministry he need work on his background if it be
not clean and sustain it if it be clean lets it will be corrupted

We read about the refusal of Israel to heed to instruction of not marrying from
the other tribes and communities and the consequences of that disobedience.
Example was the marrying of Jezebel by Ahab. She came with all the idols she
had been worshipping and corrupted Israel. Baal became the official god of
norther Israel because of her been married. It also affected the life of King
Solomon when married the queen of Sheba. She also corrupted his mind with her
idle worship. In my ministry I will encourage that my members marry only from
the house hold of faith.

We read about prophet killers’ example of which were the old prophets in town
in 1 Kings 13 where a prophet was advised by God to go deliver a message of
warning and that he did only to be accosted by an old prophet in town and made
to deviate from an instruction he was given
Hopefully now we can see just how interesting and important the Pentateuch is
to our Christian faith. It’s important, after all, to know the beginning of the story
that leads to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins.
The Pentateuch tells us about creation (who we are), the fall (why there are deep
problems in God’s creation), and God’s passionate pursuit of our redemption.

We read about righteous living and the beauty of it. The effect of sin in the old
testament as read during the study of the Pentateuch can not be over
emphasized. The devastating effect how nations were destroyed, tribes and
families wiped away, people were buried alive and so on. If I am to mention the
scope of write may not cover them. He urged us to live for him in righteousness
and that I will encourage in my ministry. If a prophet like Enoch could be
remembered and the first thing they wrote about him was that he walked with
God. It was a clearer definition of what God wanted from the lives of his

The Law Drives Us to Christ: The Law is an expression of God’s will for our
lives. For that reason, “the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous
and good” (Romans 7:12). But the law also condemns us because we are sinners
who cannot keep the law (“all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
“Romans 3:23). We cannot save ourselves from sin, guilt, and death. What are we
to do? Paul raises this question when he asks, “Who will rescue me from this
body . . . of death?” And almost in the same breath he answers it with “Thanks
be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (7:24–25). The law

would condemn us, but it also drives us to Christ who kept the law and suffered
the penalty of the law on our behalf.
If I should put all these knowledges into play in my ministry and do not deviate
where I should not and obey what I should my ministry will blossom.

Ministerial works is all about commitment to laid down principle and true
discipleship. If you do that which is right and pleasing before God, you would
see yourself growing faster and better than you had ever thought.
God is a principled God and his principles never change. He had been the same
god from the beginning and same he is till date and will ever be.

He needs service, the same service Moses, Joshua and others did that made them
outstanding is what is required of us today.

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