General'S Handbook 2020: Designers' Commentary, January 2021
General'S Handbook 2020: Designers' Commentary, January 2021
General'S Handbook 2020: Designers' Commentary, January 2021
The following commentary is intended to complement A: This is to allow the Auxiliary Objectives to be used as
the General’s Handbook 2020. It is presented as a series more effective tiebreakers, rather than relying on ‘kill
of questions and answers; the questions are based on points’ to separate tied players at organised events.
ones that have been asked by players, and the answers
are provided by the rules writing team explain and how Q: Do the bonus points described in the Pitched Battle, Meeting
the rules are intended to be used. The commentaries Engagement and Coalition of Death tournament packs apply to
help provide a default setting for your games, but players victory points scored for a battle or only to my tournament score?
should always feel free to discuss the rules before a A: They only apply to your tournament score and
game, and change things as they see fit if they both want have no effect on the victory points of the battleplan
to do so (changes like this are usually referred to as being used.
‘house rules’).
Q: Can you explain in more detail how to determine the
Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes number of victory points I score in the Places of Arcane
are made any changes from the previous version will be Power battleplan?
highlighted in magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. A: Victory points are scored at the end of each of your
‘Revision 2’, this means it has had a local update, only turns only. This means that you would score 1 victory
in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other point if you gained control of the objective in the same
minor correction. turn, you would score 2 victory points if you controlled
the objective at the end of your last turn and had not
Q: There are some army-specific keywords that are not covered lost control of it since, and so on.
in the Anvil of Apotheosis; for example, there is no way to give
a Mortal a ‘Mark of Chaos’ keyword and there is no way to give Q: Do terrain features that are included in or added to your
a Kharadron Overlord the Marine keyword. What should I do army during a battle count as models in your army, such as for
in situations like this? the purpose of determining control of an objective?
A: The Anvil of Apotheosis was designed to help players A: No.
bring the narrative characters of their creation to
life on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. If there Q: Some of the Pitched Battle (2020) battleplans award
is a keyword that should apply to your character but additional victory points if units with a specific battlefield role
the rules do not cover it, discuss with your opponent control an objective. Does this include allied units that have the
before the battle and come to an agreement on which Battleline battlefield role?
additional keywords are appropriate for the character A: Yes.
you have created.
Q: Can a friendly unit with a ‘Battleline if’ condition in its
Q: The scenery rules for Pitched Battles (2020) instruct you to Pitched Battle profile lose its battlefield role if that condition is
randomly generate a scenery rule for unique terrain features, no longer met during a battle – for example, if a unit of Orruk
even if they have a warscroll. Does this mean I use both the Ardboys that was taken as a Battleline unit in an Ironjawz
warscroll abilities and a randomly generated scenery rule for army has less than 10 models after removing slain models
that unique terrain feature? from play?
A: No, use the randomly generated scenery rule for that A: No.
unique terrain feature only.