Correlation Between Neuropsychiatric
Correlation Between Neuropsychiatric
Correlation Between Neuropsychiatric
ABSTRACT. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and caregiver burden are highly prevalent in older adults with Alzheimer’s disease
(AD). Objective: To evaluate the correlation between neuropsychiatric symptoms and caregiver burden in a community-
based sample from São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A total of 1,563 randomly-selected subjects were assessed by the Mini-
Mental State Examination, Fuld Object Memory Evaluation, Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly and
Bayer – Activities of Daily Living Scale. Subjects considered screen-positives were submitted to a dementia workup and
diagnosis was determined according to ICD-10 criteria. The neuropsychiatric Inventory was applied to caregivers to evaluate
neuropsychiatric symptoms and the Zarit Burden Interview was also applied to assess caregivers’ burden. Results: Sixty-
one AD patients, 25 Cognitively Impaired Non Demented (CIND) and 79 healthy elderly subjects were evaluated. Zarit mean
scores for controls, CIND and AD were 2.32, 3.92 and 20.11, respectively. There was strong positive correlation between
total NPI and Zarit scores. Conclusion: In conclusion, neuropsychiatric symptoms showed a significant association with
higher rates of caregiver stress.
Key words: Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment no dementia, neuropsychiatric symptoms, caregiver burden.
Old Age Research Group, Institute of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Jefferson Cunha Folquitto. Rua Dr. Ovídio Pires de Campos, 785 / 3º andar / sala 14 – 05403-903 São Paulo SP – Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]
Received May 08, 2013. Accepted in final form August 04, 2013.
INTRODUCTION ly, drawn from three districts of the urban area of São
ers of patients with CIND, and 79 caregivers of normal NPI of 34.97, scores higher than those observed in our
elderly. study. Godinho et al.,23 studying a sample of 64 clinical
Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of outpatients with Alzheimer’s disease, observed a mean
subjects and comparisons between the three groups. NPI score of 35. One possible explanation for this dif-
Table 2 gives the number of subjects who had at least ference is that our sample was community-based, while
one symptom in each subsection and the mean Zarit Moscoso et al.22 evaluated a clinical sample. Considering
scores for each NPI domain. the CIND subjects’ neuropsychiatric symptoms, popula-
Comparing the subjects by diagnostic group, there
was a statistically significant difference, as evaluated
using the Kruskal-Wallis test, for both total NPI score Table 2. Zarit scores according to each NPI domain.
(c2=65.848; p<0.001) and Zarit score (c2=79.266;
Number of Subjects Zarit
p<0.001), which were higher in the AD group. Mean
Domains (Score: Item ≥ 1) Mean (SD)
scores on the NPI and Zarit by diagnostic group are de-
Delusions 7 39.86 (25.73)
picted in Table 3.
Of the 61 AD patients included in the present study, Hallucinations 5 34.00 (18.00)
25 (41%) were classified as mildly demented (CDR=1), Agitation 17 27.24 (25.06)
29 (47.5%) moderately demented, and 6 (9.8%) as se- Depression 32 22.13 (19.06)
verely demented. To compare the groups, Mild AD was Anxiety 26 17.62 (17.45)
considered CDR 1, and Moderate and Severe AD as CDR Euphoria 3 41.33 (26.63)
2 and CDR 3,respectively, but no statistically significant
Apathy 35 20.71 (16.19)
differences were observed among the groups.
When evaluating groups using the Spearman rank Disinhibition 10 37.30 (24.66)
correlation coefficient, a significant positive correlation Irritability 18 25.22 (22.53)
was observed between the NPI and Zarit scores (Spear- Aberrant motor behavior 6 38.33 (21.23)
man=0.684; p<0.001). Stratifying subjects by diagnosis, Night-time disturbance 32 21.91 (21.12)
the positive correlation between NPI and Zarit remained Eating changes 15 24.33 (20.81)
strong for both CIND (Spearman=0.606; p=0.002) and
AD (Spearman=0.589; p<0.001) groups, but was weak
for controls (Spearman=0.300; p=0.008).
Table 3. NPI and Zarit scores by diagnostic group.
Controls CIND AD
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
In the present study, subjects with AD had mean scores
on the Zarit and NPI of 20.11 and 12.28 points, respec- NPI score 0.87 (2.94) 3.08* (4.69) 12.28**,# (13.29)
tively, scoring higher than controls. Moscoso et al.,22 in Zarit score 2.32 (3.96) 3.92 (6.05) 20.11**,# (17.38)
thirty-one elderly patients with AD from the outpatient SD: Standard Deviation; *Mann-Whitney test-controls versus CIND: U=693.500, p=0.002;
**Mann-Whitney test – controls versus AD: NPI (U=690.000; p<0.001) and Zarit (U=405.500;
unit of CEREDIC (Clinics Hospital – Cognitive Refer- p<0.001); #Mann-Whitney – CIND versus AD: NPI (U=378.500; p<0.001) and Zarit (U=198.000;
ence Center), observed a mean Zarit score of 31.77 and p<0.001)
tion-based studies have shown that these symptoms are of studies from different regions of the world (North
more frequent among this patient group compared with America, Europe/Australia and Asia) a significant asso-
healthy elderly.24,25 ciation between neuropsychiatric symptoms and care-
Regarding the severity of dementia, there were no giver burden was reported.26 Moreover, the incidence of
significant differences in caregiver burden scores by de- behavioral problems seems to have a higher potential to
mentia group. According to Moscoso et al.,22 there is no cause stress than persistence of these symptoms,28 but
consensus on the influence of the severity of dementia constant caregiving may significantly increase the risk
on caregiver stress. of caregiver stress and burden.29
Considering the mean Zarit scores for each NPI do- In conclusion, several factors influence the presence
main in Table 2, we found that Delusions, Hallucina- of caregiver burden, with neuropsychiatric symptoms
tions, Euphoria, Disinhibitions and Aberrant Motor showing a significant association with higher rates of
Behavior were the domains with higher Zarit scores. caregiver stress, mainly related to symptoms such as
Additionally, we observed a good correlation between aggression and delusions. Our study found a significant
the scores on the NPI and Zarit inventories. Moscoso association between Zarit and NPI scores while subjects
et al.22 also observed a significant association between who presented one or more symptoms, such as delu-
caregiver burden and total NPI scores. Several studies sions, hallucinations, euphoria, disinhibition and aber-
have observed a relationship between neuropsychiatric rant motor behavior, had the highest scores on the Zarit
symptoms and caregiver stress. Fialho et al.26 evaluated inventory. The adequate treatment and management of
83 caregivers of patients diagnosed with dementia in these neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with de-
the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and found a positive mentia can have a significant impact on the quality of
correlation between NPI and Zarit scores. In a review life of patients and their caregivers.
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