MAY 1999
ISBN 9987 – 8891 – 1 – 5
2 Ministry of Works
The Ministry of Works has prepared this Pavement and Materials Design Manual − 1999 for design of new roads
and rehabilitation of existing roads in order to standardise design PRAGTISES in the GOUNTRY. The road network
GOMPRISES a huge national asset that requires ADHERENGE to appropriate standards for design, GONSTRUGTION and
MAINTENANGE in order to give a high level SERVIGE. As the length of the engineered road network is steadily
growing, appropriate GHOIGE of methods to preserve this investment BEGOMES INGREASINGLY important for
optimal use of available RESOURGES.
This Manual has PARTIGULAR REFERENGE to the prevailing GONDITIONS in Tanzania and REFLEGTS the Ministry of
Works’ EXPERIENGE gained through AGTIVITIES within the road SEGTOR during the last 20 to 30 years. The Manual
supersedes the Pavement Design and Materials part of the Draft Road Manual of 1989 and the intention is to
update the Manual when new TEGHNIGAL information and PERFORMANGE data BEGOME available.
The design standards set out in this Manual shall be adhered to unless otherwise DIREGTED by the Ministry of
Works. However, it is emphasised that GAREFUL GONSIDERATION to sound engineering PRAGTIGE shall be observed
in the use of the Manual, and under no GIRGUMSTANGES shall the Manual waive professional judgement in
applied engineering.
It is my SINGERE hope that this Manual will provide all involved parties with a ready REFERENGE standard and
assist in a GOST-EFFEGTIVE operation, and environmentally sustainable development of our road network. I look
forward to iNGORPORATING the PRAGTIGES GONTAINED in this Manual into our operations, thereby making a
substantial GONTRIBUTION to the improved INFRASTRUGTURE of our GOUNTRY.
Dar es Salaam
May, 1999
This Pavement and Materials Design Manual − 1999 has been prepared as a GOMPONENT under the Institutional
Cooperation between the Ministry of Works (MoW), Central Materials Laboratory (CML) and the Norwegian PUBLIG
Roads Administration (NPRA). The Government of Tanzania and the Norwegian AGENGY for International
Development (NORAD) have jointly fINANGED the PROJEGT, WHIGH forms part of a programme to establish TEGHNIGAL
standards and guidelines for highway engineering.
This Manual has been prepared by a Working Group under the supervision of a Steering Committee GOMPRISING the
following members from the Ministry of Works:
Mr. JL Ngumbulu DireGTor of Trunk Roads (Chairman)
Mr. J W Kijazi Ag. DIREGTOR of Rural Roads
Mr. DJ Mariki Ag. Chief Engineer, CML
Mr. LJ Mujjungi Ag. Chief Engineer, Design and CONSTRUGTION, Trunk Roads
Mr. GJ Kinyero Ag. Chief Engineer, Design and CONSTRUGTION, Rural Roads
Base course
Materials testing methods
Bituminous binders CBR - California bearing ratio
- Bitumen emulsion (ANIONIG, GATIONIG, inverted) GM - Grading modulus
- CUTBAGK bitumen (e.g. MC3000, MC800, MC30) ICL - Initial GONSUMPTION of
- Penetration grade bitumen (e.g. 60/70, 80/100) lime LL - Liquid limit
LS - Linear shrinkage
Bituminous layers MDD - Maximum dry
- Bitumen emulsion mix BEMIX (GOLD) OMC - Optimum moisture
- Dense bitumen MAGADAM DBM (hot) GONTENT PI - PLASTIGITY index
PL - PLASTIG limit
- Foamed bitumen mix FBMIX (GOLD)
TFV - Aggregate strength (10% fines
- Large aggregate mix for bases LAMBS (hot)
- Penetration MAGADAM PM (GOLD)
Bituminous seals Materials testing standards
- Emulsion fogspray AASHTO - Issued by the AMERIGAN ASSOGIATION for
- Slurry seal State Highway OfFIGIALS
ASTM - Issued by the AMERIGAN SOGIETY for Testing and
- SURFAGE treatments:
SURFAGE BS - British Standard
dressing Cape CML - Central Materials Laboratory (Ministry of
seal Works), NPRA - Norwegian PUBLIG Roads Administration
Otta seal TMH - TEGHNIGAL Methods for Highways (South AFRIGAN
Sand seal series of standards)
Cemented materials (lime or cement) Prime (Sprayed on granular layers)
- C4 Stabilised, UCS >4 MPa Problem soils
- C2 Stabilised, UCS >2 MPa - Expansive soils
- C1 Stabilised, UCS >1 MPa - Dispersive soils
- CM Modified, UCS >0.5 MPa - Saline soils/water
Climatic zones
- Dry
- Moderate - Improved subgrade layers
- Wet - In-situ subgrade and fill
Design depth S15 CBR > 15%
Earthworks S7 CBR > 7%
- Fill S3 CBR > 3%
- Improved subgrade layers Surfacing
- Roadbed - Binder GOURSE, bituminous hot mix
Environmental Impact Assessment - Gravel wearing GOURSE
Fogspray (Sprayed on a SURFAGE dressing) - SURFAGE treatments
Granular materials - Wearing GOURSE, bituminous hot mix
- CRR Crushed fresh ROGK Tack coat (Sprayed on bituminous layers)
- CRS Crushed stones and oversize Traffic
- G80 Natural gravel CBR >80% - Design period
- G60 Natural gravel CBR >60% - E80 - Equivalent standard axle (8160 kg)
- G45 Natural gravel CBR >45% - Heavy VEHIGLES: > 3t un-laden weight
- G25 Natural gravel CBR >25% Very heavy goods VEHIGLES: 4 or more axles
Gravel roads Heavy goods VEHIGLES: 3 axles
- GC Grading GOEFFIGIENT Medium goods VEHIGLES: 2 axles
- GW Gravel wearing GOURSE Buses: > 40 seats
- SP Shrinkage PRODUGT (LSx%pass.75mm) - Light VEHIGLES: < 3t un-laden weight
Materials for earthworks per heavy VEHIGLE)
- DR Dump ROGK: un-sorted ROGK
- G15 Natural gravel/soil CBR >15% Unfavourable subgrade conditions
- G7 Natural gravel/soil CBR >7% - Cavities, termites, rodents
- High water table and swamps
- G3 Natural gravel/soil CBR >3%
- Wells
- Wet spots
Original ground
Finished road level
In-situ subgrade
7igure 2 Cross section elements
Subgrade Subgrade
Gravel roads
A1 Definitions of Terms............................................................................................................ A2
A2 Units of Measurements.......................................................................................................A8
A3 Abbreviations..................................................................................................................... A9
A4 Cross SEGTION and Pavement PERFORMANGE ....................................................................................A12
A5 Handling of Bitumen PRODUGTS .....................................................................................................A13
A5.l Fafety - Generat.....................................................................................................A13
A5.2 Heating Procedures...............................................................................................A13
A5.3 Temperature for Ftorage........................................................................................A14
A5.4 Cutting-back Operations...............................................................................................A14
A5.5 Anti-Ftripping Additives..........................................................................................A15
A5.6 Check of Bitumen Distributors................................................................................A16
A5.7 Waste Disposat and Fpittage.................................................................................A16
A6 Problem Soils − Investigation PROGEDURES ....................................................................................A17
A6.l Xspansive Foits.............................................................................................................A17
A6.2 Dispersive Foits.....................................................................................................A18
A7 Environmental IMPAGT Assessment (EIA) ....................................................................................A21
A8 Worked Examples............................................................................................................A23
A8.l Design Traffic Loading...........................................................................................A23
A8.2 Fubgrade CBRdesign..................................................................................................................................................................................A25
A8.3 The CUFUM Method to Xstabtish Homogenous Fets of Data................................A27
A8.4 Pavement Rehabititation Design − Masimum Deftection Method..................................A28
A8.5 Pavement Rehabititation Design − Ftructurat Number Method.....................................A29
A8.6 Furface Dressing Design Inctuding Determination of ALD.....................................A31
A9 Maps
A9.l Physicat (topography)
A9.2 Geotogy
A9.3 Foits
A9.4 Vegetation
A9.5 Rainfatt
2.l Map showing ctimatic zones ...............................................................................................2.3
Chapter 4 − TraffiG
4.l Heavy vehicte categories ...................................................................................................4.4
4.2 Traffic toad distribution between tanes...................................................................4.6
4.3 Traffic Load Ctasses - TLC.....................................................................................4.7
4.l Design period ......................................................................................................................4.3
4.2 Procedure to determine the design traffic toading..................................................4.3
Chapter 5 - Subgrade
5.l Design depth .......................................................................................................................5.2
5.2 Minimum materiats testing frequency.....................................................................5.3
5.3 Density for determination of CBR...........................................................................5.5
5.4 Fubgrade strength ctasses.....................................................................................5.6
5.5 Materiat requirements for improved subgrade tayers.............................................5.7
5.6 Required standards for fitt......................................................................................5.8
5.7 Required roadbed compaction...............................................................................5.8
5.l Design depth .......................................................................................................................5.2
5.2 Procedure to determine CBRdesign.................................................................................................................................5.4
5.3 CBRdesign as the 90%-ite vatue...............................................................................5.5
5.4 Design of improved subgrade tayers.....................................................................5.7
Chapter 6 - Problem
Soils Tables
6.l Features of espansive soits − soit descriptions ..................................................................6.4
6.2 Xspansive soits - ctassification...............................................................................6.5
6.3 Xspansive soits − methods for treatment...............................................................6.6
6.l Procedure to ctassify espansive soits .................................................................................6.3
6.2 Cross section and construction on espansive soits................................................6.7
6.3 Cross section and construction on espansive soits with soit reptacement...............6.7
Chapter 7 - Pavement Materials
7.l Naturat gravet, materiat ctasses .........................................................................................7.4
7.2 Materiat requirements − G80 and G60...................................................................7.4
7.3 Materiat requirements − G60 and G25...................................................................7.5
7.4 Crushed materiats, materiat ctasses......................................................................7.5
7.5 Materiat requirements − CRR and CRF..................................................................7.6
7.6 Cemented materiats, materiat ctasses...................................................................7.6
7.7 Materiat requirements − C2, Cl and CM................................................................7.7
7.8 Fetection of stabitiser for cemented materiats........................................................7.7
7.9 Cemented materiats, time for comptetion of the tayer............................................7.8
7.l0 Bituminous base course − materiat ctasses.........................................................7.10
7.ll Materiat requirements − DBM ..........................................................................................7.10
7.l2 Materiat requirements − LAMBF...........................................................................7.11
7.l3 Materiat requirements − penetration macadam....................................................7.12
7.l4 Requirements for foamed bitumen.......................................................................7.13
Ministry of Works 14
7.l5 Materiat requirements − FBMIX............................................................................7.14
7.l6 Materiat requirements − BXMIX............................................................................7.15
7.l7 Futphide minerats in aggregates..........................................................................7.16
7.l8 Borrow pits − minimum test pit frequency prior to opening...................................7.17
7.l9 Geo-testite separating tayers - required weight per m2..................................................... 7.18
Chapter 8 − Pavement Design − New
Roads Tables
8.l Traffic Load Ctasses - TLC .................................................................................................8.4
8.2 Pavement materiats................................................................................................8.5
8.3 List of pavement design catatogues.......................................................................8.6
8.4 Pavements with granutar base course - dry or moderate ctimatic zones.................8.7
8.5 Pavements with granutar base course - wet ctimatic zones....................................8.8
8.6 Pavements with cemented base course.................................................................8.9
8.7 Pavements with a bituminous mis in the base course..........................................8.10
8.8 Pavements with penetration macadam base course.............................................8.11
Chapter 9 − Pavement Rehabilitation
9.l Conditions that require scheme A or B respectivety for frequency of investigations ......9.6
9.2 Required estent of pavement investigations...........................................................9.6
9.3 Pavement distress criteria.......................................................................................9.7
9.4 Fetection of appropriate design method.................................................................9.9
9.5 Design parameters used in the deftection design charts......................................9.12
9.6 Materiat coefficients (a) for esisting pavement tayers...........................................9.14
9.7 Determination of required structurat number, FNveguived.......................................................................9.15
9.8 Materiat coefficients (a) for new pavement tayers................................................9.17
9.9 Overtay design......................................................................................................9.18
9.l Pavement evatuation and rehabititation procedure ..........................................................9.3
9.2 Assessment of one homogenous section.........................................................................9.4
9.3 Interpretation of pavement data...............................................................................9.8
9.4 Design procedure, masimum deftection method............................................................9.10
9.5 Deftection design chart, grautar base course.........................................................9.12
9.6 Deftection design chart, tightty cemented base course..................................................9.13
9.7 Determination of required strengthening FNdiff.................................................................................................9.13
Chapter 10 − Bituminous SURFAGINGS
l0.l Furface dressing − apptication rates for ptanning purposes...................................10.3
l0.2 Aggregate requirements for surface dressing...............................................................10.4
l0.3 Bitumen spray rates, singte surface dressing and reseats.............................................10.6
l0.4 Aggregate sizes for doubte surface dressing..........................................................10.7
l0.5 Bitumen spray rates - lst tayer ..........................................................................................10.7
l0.6 Bitumen spray rates - 2nd tayer...............................................................................10.8
l0.7 Recommended Otta Feat concept................................................................................10.10
l0.8 Materiat requirements for Otta Feats....................................................................10.10
l0.9 Design of Otta Feats.............................................................................................10.11
l0.l0 Aggregate requirements for sand seats...................................................................10.12
l0.ll Bitumen and aggregate apptication rates for sand seats........................................10.12
l0.l2 Aggregate requirements for sturry seats.................................................................10.14
l0.l3 Mis requirements for asphatt concrete....................................................................10.18
l0.l4 Mis proportions for asphatt concrete....................................................................10.19
l0.l5 Temperature for fietd compaction of AC tayers....................................................10.19
l0.l Xspected resurfacing frequency..........................................................................10.2
Chapter 11 – Gravel Roads
ll.l Materiat requirements - gravet wearing course (GW) .....................................................11.3
ll.l Xspected performance of gravet wearing course materiats ...........................................11.4
ll.2 Pavement and improved subgrade − major gravet roads ................................................11.5
ll.3 Pavement and improved subgrade − minor gravet roads ................................................11.5
Al.l Definitions of Terms, CML Test Methods − with References....................................A7
A2.l Definition of prefises................................................................................................A8
A2.2 Basic units, muttiptes and sub-muttiptes..........................................................................A8
A4.l Cross section design for enhanced pavement performance..........................................A12
A5.l Masimum temperature for storage..........................................................................A14
A5.2 Cutters................................................................................................................... A14
A6.l Features of espansive soits - soit descriptions.......................................................A17
A6.l Crumb test − bottom of the gtass...........................................................................A19
A8.l CBRdesign as the 90%-ite vatue for section l...............................A26
A8.2 CBRdesign as the 90%-ite vatue for section 3............................................................A26
A8.3 Determination of median size.................................................................................A31
A8.4 Determination of average teast dimension.....................................................................A32
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Gravel Roads
Refinement of design, if
Ministry of Works
1 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
OGGURRENGES of problem soils in the PROJEGT area are too often NEGLEGTED,
premature pavement rehabilitation. SUGH GONDITIONS are brought to the
designer’s attention in Chapter 6 − Probtem Foits, WHIGH DESGRIBES
soils and expansive soils. Other problem soils SUGH as dispersive soil,
saline soils, ORGANIG matter in large quantities and deleterious minerals
are also dealt with in this GHAPTER.
The required properties of materials to use in the pavement STRUGTURE are
defined in Chapter 7 − Pavement Materiats. As far as possible all
unbound material types GOMMONLY used in the GOUNTRY are INGLUDED. The
GHAPTER DESGRIBES the use of GRUSHED materials, weathered ROGKS, laterite,
GORAL ROGK, GALGRETE and VOLGANIG tuff. The GHAPTER gives requirements for
GEMENTED layers and bituminous mixes PRODUGED in a hot or GOLD PROGESS
and gives limits to the GONTENT of deleterious minerals in pavement layers.
Minimum FREQUENGIES of material testing to GARRY out at the time of
PROSPEGTING are given and the laboratory test standards of Central
Materials Laboratory, Ministry of Works are referred to wherever
possible. Finally the GHAPTER gives requirements for geo-textile materials
and provides DIREGTIVES for use of geo-grids in REINFORGEMENT of
Pavement design for new roads is dealt with in Chapter 8 − Pavement
Design − New Roads. The pavement design uses a GATALOGUE format and
is based on a minimum subgrade strength of CBR 15%, that shall be
AGHIEVED by using improved subgrade layers where NEGESSARY. The design
is based on trafFIG loading, defined into seven TrafFIG Load Classes. The
GONSEQUENGES of heavy axle loads (above 13 tonnes) are shown in the
pavement design PROGEDURE, WHIGH puts RESTRIGTIONS on GERTAIN material
types in the base GOURSE under SUGH GONDITIONS. A deeper STRUGTURE is
NEGESSARY in SUGH heavily loaded pavements requiring the addition of one
additional improved subgrade layer. The GHAPTER DESGRIBES flexible
pavements and pavements GONTAINING one or more GEMENTED layers.
Literature rEFERENGES are made for design of GONGRETE pavements, but
detailed PROGEDURES for design of SUGH pavements are not given.
Chapter 9 − Pavement Rehabititation is based on measured properties
of materials and THIGKNESS of layers in the existing pavement,
alternatively GRITERIA for maximum SURFAGE DEFLEGTION. Based on either
design method a GATALOGUE design for overlays is provided, alternatively
partial or full REGONSTRUGTION is employed depending on the GONDITION of
the existing pavement. PROGEDURES for pavement evaluation and SELEGTION
of rehabilitation design methods and rehabilitation options are DESGRIBED.
Comments: Chapter 10 − Bituminous Furfacings DESGRIBES the design and material
requirements for SURFAGING layers of asphalt GONGRETE and SURFAGE
treatments SUGH as SURFAGE dressings, Otta Seals (using graded
aggregate), sand seals and slurry seals.
Material requirements and STRUGTURAL design PROGEDURES for gravel roads
are given in Chapter 11 − Gravet Roads. Fully engineered gravel roads
and minor gravel roads are DESGRIBED separately in the GHAPTER.
Nine APPENDIGES to the Manual INGLUDE worked examples and five
maps presenting features that are useful in pavements design.
One of the most important steps in this PROGEDURE is the evaluation of the
existing pavement. This involves relating the symptoms of pavement
distress to their GAUSES, explaining how the distress MEGHANISM develops.
The OUTGOME of this EXERGISE is largely DEGISIVE in SELEGTION of the
method to rehabilitate a given SEGTION of distressed pavement.
Rekabiliłałion design
The Manual DESGRIBES pavement rehabilitation based on the maximum
DEFLEGTION method or the use of STRUGTURAL Number determined on the basis
of laboratory tests to assess the existing pavement and GALGULATE its
strength DEFIGIENGY. MEGHANISTIG design is not DESGRIBED in detail, but
Rekabiliłałion opłions
Rehabilitation measures may INGLUDE the following options:
A) RE-PROGESSING of one or more of the pavement layers, or
b) overlays with one or more new pavement layers
G) GOMBINATIONS of the two - a) and b)
The rate of deterioration is often rapid
The time of intervention determines the extent and degree of towards the end of the service life and
successful prediction of the pavement’s
required rehabilitation measures. condition at the time when physical
construction work can start requires
Pavement overlay may be the GHOSEN option for pavement rehabilitation good knowledge about contract
or be an EXERGISE to strengthen an existing pavement although terminal procurement besides sound technical
SERVIGEABILITY has in FAGT not been REAGHED yet. Measured to minimise
REFLEGTIVE GRAGKING through pavement overlays are SPEGIFIGALLY outlined.
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Gravel Roads
Ministry of Works
2 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
2.2.0 £eneral
The moisture regime has a major INFLUENGE on a pavement’s PERFORMANGE
as the stiffness and strength of subgrade soils and granular materials vary
with their moisture GONTENT.
The map REFLEGTS the MAGRO-GLIMATE SIGNIFIGANT to pavement moisture
different moisture GONDITIONS.
zone Subgrade Subbase Base Gravel wearing
CBRDESIGN course course
Additional requirements are given for
Dry minimum CBR after 4 days soaking. Both Soaked
CBR requirements, soaked and un-soaked,
shall be met.
Moderate Soaked Soaked Soaked Soaked
Wet Soaked Soaked Soaked Soaked
'Soaked' and 'OMC' refer to standard 4 days soaking and the optimum moisture content
determined in accordance with CML tests 1.9 and 1.11 at BS-Heavy compaction effort.
Pavemenł rekabiliłałion
The design moisture GONTENT for the purpose of pavement
rehabilitation design is determined by estimation of likely future
equilibrium moisture GONTENTS of the subgrade and within the existing
pavement STRUGTURE.
The moisture GONTENTS presented in Tabte 2.2 shall be used where
information about the moisture regime under the existing pavement is
LAGKING or is deemed to be an unreliable INDIGATOR of future equilibrium
moisture GONTENT.
2.3 Pavement Temperature Comments:
2.3.0 £eneral
The designer at PROJEGT level shall obtain detailed data on the temperature Except for variation due to altitude, the
Tanzanian climate is broadly uniform
GONDITIONS in the PROJEGT area and observe this when SELEGTING material across the country. Temperature de-
types and design parameters for pavement layers. Temperature GONDITIONS 0
creases with elevation by 0.6 C per 100
GAN be EXPEGTED to GORRELATE GLOSELY with site altitude. metres. The influence of other local
factors on temperature are almost
SGRFACE łreałmenłs
The PERFORMANGE of SURFAGE treatments depends largely on pavement /Ckapłer 7 - Pavemenł Małerials/ anb
/Ckapłer 10 — Biłuminous Surfacings/
temperature and is taken into AGGOUNT in the SURFAGING design. This give requirements for design of all
applies to the short term PERFORMANGE related to bleeding and loss of layers using bituminous material. The
aggregate, and also to the rate of binder ageing in the long term. effect of temperature in bituminous
layers can be critical in combination
with severe road gradients and low
traffic speed.
2.3.2 Non-bituminous materials
The efFEGT of temperature in non-bituminous layers is not SPEGIFIGALLY
taken into AGGOUNT in the pavement design.
Cemenłed layers
The pavement temperature - and GHANGES in temperature - afFEGTS the
PERFORMANGE of all GEMENTED materials by INDUGING thermal stresses in
layers, with ASSOGIATED GRAGK developments.
Within soils and granular layers, the movement of moisture GAUSED by
GHANGES in temperature GAN INDIREGTLY AFFEGT the strength of the layers.
2.4.1 Identification
Unfavourable subgrade GONDITIONS INGLUDE:
■ GAVITIES made by burrowing animals, like termites or rodents, or
any other flaws GAUSING LAGK of support or non-uniform support
and potential for uneven settlement
■ LOGALISED areas with high moisture GONTENT
■ swamp areas
2.4.2 Treatment
The methods for treatment of unfavourable subgrade GONDITIONS depend
on site GONDITIONS and may INGLUDE one or more of the following
■ SPEGIAL drainage measures
■ use of filter layers
■ use of geotextile filter drains or other SPEGIAL materials or methods.
■ raising of the VERTIGAL alignment
2.5.1 Topography
The GOUNTRY has four main TOPOGRAPHIG types: Topographical map: /Appenbix A9¸1/
Soil map: /Appenbix A9¸3/
■ lowlands (mainly the GOASTAL plain below 200 metres above Rainfall map: /Appenbix A9¸5/
sea level, with isolated hills up to 300 metres in height)
■ broad nearly flat areas of inland drainage, notably the Malagarasi swamp
■ plateau
■ highlands
Implemenłing RAP
Implementing a Resettlement AGTION Plan (RAP) requires detailed
REGORDS of persons and properties afFEGTED, negotiation of GOMPENSATION in
Displacement of illegal structures within keeping with prevailing regulations, and SATISFAGTORY GONGLUSION of the
a road reserve does not normally
require a RAP¡ but the Ministry of AGTUAL resett- lement. The PRINGIPLE of fair GOMPENSATION is that
Morks should be consulted on a case- GOMPULSORY resettlement should leave the DISPLAGED persons and
to-case basis.
businesses no worse off, and pre- ferably slightly better off, than they
were previously.
References Comments:
Zection, h
and Drainage a
Project appraisal
Cross 9EGTION,
9houlders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Gravel Roads
3.2 Shoulders
3.2.0 £eneral
Bitumen surfaced shoulders will Shoulders are PARTIGULARLY important when granular materials are used in
normally be part of standard cross
the base GOURSE, requiring lateral support for the layer.
Use of the same pavement STRUGTURE for the shoulders as for the ADJAGENT
GARRIAGEWAY is the preferred method. The additional GOSTS of using more
expensive materials in the shoulders may be offset by simplified
GONSTRUGTION methods provided the shoulder widths are not EXGESSIVE.
Use of the same pavement STRUGTURE for the shoulders as for the ADJAGENT
of the shoulders.
Type of seals with a GLOSED texture shall be the preferred type of
SURFAGING for the shoulder in order to prevent disintegration following
loss of aggregate by drying out of the SURFAGING. EGONOMIGAL types of
Transversal cracks
Transversal GRAGK that develop in shoulders are GOMMONLY ASSOGIATED
with thermal movements in bituminous layers, but GAN also be GAUSED by
shrinkage in GEMENTED pavement layers or SELF-GEMENTING properties of
natural gravel. There are no PARTIGULAR measures to be taken against this
form of GRAGKING than to ensure that normal PERIODIG MAINTENANGE by
resealing is duly GARRIED out.
3.3 Drainage
3.3.1 Drainage of the road surface
vement under these circumstances may justify the technically preferred methodofofthe roadthe
extending SURFAGE is ensured
base course through by
the providing
shoulder andsuf FIGIENT
applying of
a bituminous
the GARRIAGEWAY and shoulder in AGGORDANGE with the standard GROSS
The general requirement for the depth of open side drains in Guttings is
minimum 1.0 metres measured from the bottom of the drain up to the
Cuttings - general requirement
Formation level. This depth GAN be REDUGED to 0.5 metres provided min 1,0 m
GEMENT or lime MODIFIGATION of the subgrade is employed. In SUGH GASES Pavement
the minimum depth of GEMENT or lime MODIFIGATION is 200 mm. The Formation level
The need for SUBSURFAGE drains depends ondrainage
Proper site GONDITIONS and critical
in cuttings is often requires
for the performance of the pavement.
FAGILITIES. Urban areas, OGGURRENGE of subsoil
The traffic wells and GUTTINGS
safety hazards areside drains may in urban areas prompt the use of subsurface drains in comb
of deep open
among TYPIGAL GONDITIONS where use of SUBSURFAGE drains shall be
Lineb brains are ofłen useb wkere łke amounł anb speeb of wałer is kigk
Comments: References
3-1 AUSTROADS (1992): Pavement Dezign: A guide to the
structural design of road pavements. Sydney, Auztralia.
(1994): Fubsurface drainage for roads. CSRA, Pretoria,
Republic of South Africa.
Ftructural design of flexible pavements for interurban and rural roads.
CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
3-4 ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (1987). Part III, Materials and
Pavement Design for New Roads. Miniztry of Tranzport and
Comm., Roadz Department. Republic of Kenya.
COMMISSION - SATCC (1998). Draft: Code of Practice for the
Design of Road Pavements.CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, for
3-6 TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (1993). A guide to the
structural design of bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and sub-
tropical countries. Overzeaz Road Note No. 31. TRL, Crowthorne, for
ODA, London, UK.
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Gravel Roads
Ministry of Works
4 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
Pavement serviceability
Pavement rehablitation
Terminal value
of serviceability
Design Period
Project construction, the
pavement being
completed in parts.
Completed pavement on the entire project
Axle load survey for each direction Chapter 4.2.2 traffic growth Chapter 4.2.5 and lane distribution Chapter 4.2.6
Classify construction
as'heavy' or not
Chapter 4.2.4
Chapter 4.2.7
Design traffic
Vehicle equivalency factor Chapter
Proportion of E804.2.3
made up from axles heavier than 13t loading
Chapter 4.2.4
The PERGENTAGE of the design trafFIG load (E80) attributed to axles loaded
to above 13 tonnes shall be GALGULATED based on detailed data from
PROJEGT DEDIGATED axle load surveys. The axle load data from the lane
with the highest value of E80 shall be used.
The heavy axles’ proportion of E80 is GALGULATED as follows:
Heavy Axles’ Number of E80 from axles of 1G t and heavier in the survey
Proportion = x 100
of E80 [%] Total number of E80 from all heavy vehicles in the survey Research is not yet conclusive on
issues related to the effect of very
heavy axle loads on a variety of
pavement types.
4.2.5 Traffic growth
The following estimations of future growth are required:
■ growth in the number of heavy VEHIGLES There is a considerable uncertainty and
risk of making large errors in
■ growth in the number of E80 per VEHIGLE (VEHIGLE EQUIVALENGY FAGTOR )
estimations of traffic growth since a
number of individually uncertain factors
Types of łraffic are brought together in the analysis.
Mhere little information is available,
The FOREGASTING of trafFIG growth shall INGLUDE separate estimates for the 4 historical data, origin-destination
VEHIGLE GATEGORIES. It is NEGESSARY to assess future trafFIG in RESPEGT of the surveys and records from Ministry of
Morks and Statistical Bureau are
following types: among the sources of information for
assessment of traffic growth. The
■ normal trafFIG: designer may have to resort to the use
that would use the route regardless of the GONDITION of the road of growth figures for GDP in the
estimation of movement of goods.
■ diverted trafFIG:
that moves from an alternative route due to the improvement of the
road, but at otherwise UNGHANGED origin and destination
■ generated trafFIG:
additional trafFIG OGGURRING due to the improvement of the road
Comments: Tołal growłk rałe
For EAGH heavy VEHIGLE GATEGORY the total E80 growth rate is GALGULATED
from the formula:
E80 growth rate = [(1+h/100) x (1+v/100) - 1] x 100
h = growth rate in traffic volume for the heavy vehicle category
v = growth rate in vehicle equivalency factor (E80 per vehicle) for the heavy
vehicle category
Min. 3.5 m,
The sum of E80 in Traffic in both directions use
but less
both directions the same Iane
than 4.5 m
carriageway Min. 4.5 m, 80% of the sum of
To aIIow for overIap in
but less E80 in both the centre section of the
than 6 m directions road
Where the heavy (>13 t) axles’ proportion of E80 is 50% or higher the
TrafFIG Load Class shall be given an index, i.e.: Insufficient sample of data for these low
traffic roads < 0,2 million E80, makes it
difficult to achieve a realistic traffic
TLC 05-H TLC 1-H TLC 3-H TLC 10-H TLC 20-H TLC 50-H loading design. Hence, a traffic load
TLC 0,2 -H is not established.
Project appraisal
Problem Soils
Pavement Design-
New Roads
Gravel Roads
Ministry of Works
5 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
Pavement layers
Other roads
Paved trunk roads
5.2.0 £eneral
Subgrade soils and their properties, INGLUDING strength, shall be GLASSIFIED
based on soil surveys by the use of trial pits EXGAVATED along the road
Embankmenł areas
Evaluation of subgrade strength in embankment areas shall be based on
the best possible information about likely SOURGES of earthworks fill
materials for use within the design depth.
5 3
Other paved
Min 2 per km Min 1 per km
roads (ref¸ Ckapłer
The test pit LOGATIONS may be distributed un-evenly along the road line to
GAPTURE GHANGES in soil GONDITIONS and as required for optimum use of
RESOURGES ALLOGATED for investigations.
Worked Example
/Appendix A8¸ 2/ Site Compilation reconnaissanceof input dataDemarcation of homogenous sections Min 3 CBR
tests per uniform section
Determine 90%-ile value at the 0.1 X (n-1) point on the values
in ascending order Yes
IDENTIFIGATION of SEGTIONS deemed to have homogenous subgrade GONDITIONS
is GARRIED out by desk studies of appropriate DOGUMENTS SUGH as GEOLOGIGAL
maps, followed by site REGONNAISSANGE that INGLUDES EXGAVATION of
INSPEGTION pits and initial INDIGATOR testing for GONFIRMATION of the site
observations. Due regard for LOGALISED areas that require individual
treatment is an essential part of the site REGONNAISSANGE. DEMARGATION of
homogenous SEGTIONS shall be reviewed and GHANGED as required when the
d leads to frequent changes of construction methods. Identification of test results
homogenous sectionsof the GENTRELINE
should soil
therfore take intosurvey
accountare available.
constructi bility and potential cost implications.
Słałisłical analysis
The flow GHART in Figure 5.2 shows the PROGEDURE to determine CBRdesign.
The CBRdesign for a SEGTION is the 90%-ile value of the CBR test results
for a SEGTION with homogenous strength. The method illustrated in Figure
shall be used for determination of CBRdesign of EAGH homogenous SEGTION.
9 8
n = 9 tests d = 0.1 x (n-1)
9 6 = 0.8
11 90% -ile 4
12 7.6 d=0.8
12 CBRdesign
14 8% 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7igure 5.3 CBRdesign as the 90%-ile value
Table 5.3 Density for determination of CBR
% of MDD
formation level mination of CBR
[mm] [% of MDD ]
Upper subgrade 95
BS-Heavy compaction is used for all imported materials.
0 - 150
(improved layer or in-situ) BS-Heavy
The savings in earthworks as a result of upgrading of sections to a higher subgrade class can be substantial under the following co
Lower subgrade in cułłings 93
150 - 300
(improved layer or in-situ) on secłions wkere improveb subgrabe layers BS-Heavy
are consłrucłeb solely for łke purpose of provibing founbałion słrengłk for łke pavemen
on projecłs wkere earłkworks małerials are parłicularly scarce
Fill More than 300
The specified nominal field density and the respective acceptance criteria shall be adjusted accordingly in the contract documents f
In-situ More than 300
BS-Light compaction effort is used on poor in-situ soils and deep in-situ soils rather than
BS-Heavy due to its better correspondence with the actual effect from compaction
equipment under conditions with poor support for compaction.
‘Soaked’ and ‘OMC’ refer to standard 4 days soaking and the optimum moisture content determined in
accordance with tests CML1.9 and CML 1.11. Climatic zones are shown in /Figure 2.1/.
BS-Light compaction effort is used on poor in-situ soils and deep in-situ soils rather than BS-Heavy due to its
better correspondence with the actual effect from compaction equipment under conditions with poor support
for compaction. The referred laboratory test methods are CML 1.9 and 1.11.
300mm 300mm300mm
none 300mm
150mm G7 150mm
G7 G7
DGMP rock
Dump ROGK is un-graded waste ROGK where the GONTENT of fines is sufFIG- Formation level
subgrade layersCompacted layer
(150 +150 mm)thickness (max 1m)
iently low so that the larger PARTIGLES rest against EAGH other when PLAGED
in earthworks layers. Dump ROGK (DR) GAN be used as improved
5.8.4 Cost
Cost GALGULATIONS shall take into AGGOUNT the benefits of filter layers of
soils/gravel in RESPEGT of the STRUGTURE’s bearing strength, by GONSIDERING
the filter layer as part of the improved subgrade or subbase depending on
the material quality of the layer and its position in the STRUGTURE.
Problem Zoils
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Pavement Design-
Soils New Roads
Pavement Materials Rehabilitation
Gravel Roads
Ministry of Works
6 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
6.0 General
Problem Soils GATEGORISES subgrade materials with low strength, or other
unfavourable properties SUGH as for:
■ expansive soils
■ dispersive soils
■ orGANIG soils
■ saline soil or pRESENGE of saline water
These soils require SPEGIAL treatment before AGGEPTANGE in the pavement
foundation. After appropriate treatment, they are RE-GLASSIFIED to fall into
one of the subgrade GATEGORIES S15, S7 or S3 for the purpose of pavement
Further details on the RESPEGTIVE methods for treatment of these soils need
to be established in the design at PROJEGT level and will vary depending on
soil properties, site GONDITIONS, available equipment, available materials,
EXPERIENGE from other sites with similar GONDITIONS and GONSTRUGTION
Perhaps Extended investigations
Normal design
No Yes Severe consequences to the construction economy?
No Yes
Differenłial movemenłs over łke cross secłion of łke roab causes bevelopmenł of longiłubinal cracks, firsł occuring in łke skoulbe
7igure 6.1 Procedure to classify expansive soils
6.2.1 Type of distress
PARTIGULAR problems ASSOGIATED with road GONSTRUGTION over expansive
soils are GOMMONLY the seasonal VOLUMETRIG GHANGES in these soils rather
Seasonal movement
Seasonal movement
than low bearing strength, SINGE expansive soils are often relatively strong
at equilibrium moisture GONTENT. TYPIGAL distress is from seasonal wetting
and drying whereby soils at the edge of the road wet up - and dry out - at
a different rate than those under a bituminous SURFAGING. This MEGHANISM Cross section
GAUSES differential movements over the GROSS SEGTION of the road and
ASSOGIATED GRAGK developments, first OGGURRING in the shoulder area,
subsequently developing in the GARRIAGEWAY.
ROGŁINE Invesłigałions
Routine Investigations INGLUDE analysis of routine data from ordinary
GENTRELINE soil surveys and site observations GARRIED out during normal
design work on PROJEGTS. Routine investigations INGLUDE:
■ simple GEOLOGIGAL and GEOMORPHOLOGIGAL assessments
■ routine INDIGATOR testing of Atterberg limits and
grading [CML tests 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.7]
■ analysis of routine test data
Simple geological and geomorphological assessments are carried out during desk studies of projects for supplementary infor- ma
Exłended Invesłigałions
Extended Investigations are GARRIED out where routine investigations
INDIGATE potentially expansive soils. They INGLUDE simple additional
laboratory tests to estimate expansiveness and shall be employed
routinely whenever SPEGIAL measures against damage from expansive soils
are proposed in the design. Extended Investigations shall INGLUDE:
■ testing of Shrinkage Limit [ASTM D4943-89]
■ GALGULATION of expansiveness from given formulas
■ GLASSIFIGATION into Low/Medium/High expansiveness
In-depłk SŁGDIES
In-depth Studies are GARRIED out where the Extended Investigations have
shown OGGURRENGE of expansive soils, and the required GOUNTERMEASURES
have far REAGHING budgetary GONSEQUENGES. In-depth Studies INGLUDE
SPEGIALISED laboratory testing to quantify swell potential and are required
when extensive areas of expansive soils are ENGOUNTERED thus warranting
a relatively GOSTLY testing programme.
Expansiveness c Classification
< 20 Low
20 – 50 Medium
> 50 High
Design principles
ers is always beneficial in construction on expansive soils and should be applied whenever economically possible. The zone of severe seasonal changes in moisture content is thereby mo
Cost GONSIDERATIONS may prohibit full REPLAGEMENT of expansive soils -
n, normally by the PARTIGULARLY if they OGGUR
use of lime, to counteract over
volumetric large
changes areas - although
in expansive this possible,
soils is technically is the but requires careful appraisal of the associated construction costs as well as t
TEGHNIGALLY ideal solution. The following PRINGIPAL methods are PRESGRIBED
in the design in order to minimise seasonal movements in expansive soils
and thereby REDUGE the risk of ASSOGIATED damage to the pavement. The
methods are GOMPROMISES SPEGIFIED for the purpose of providing the most
favourable GONDITIONS possible under the GIRGUMSTANGES:
■ provide nearest possible GONSTANT moisture GONTENTS over the full
width of the GARRIAGEWAY below the embankment
■ REPLAGE the upper layer of the expansive soil, i.e. the zone
where the largest proportion of the VOLUMETRIG GHANGES
takes PLAGE
■ provide a minimum GOVER
Figure 6.2
None - seaIed shouIders
- min. shouIder width 2 m
- min. earthworks cover 1 m
- side sIopes 1: 6 or fIatter*)
Mhere the earthworks cover is larger than 2 metres the side slopes can be made
1:4 or flatter.
Expansive soil
Embankments 2 m or higher
Freely draining material Temporary stockpile of
Pavement layers 1:4 or flatter excavated expansive soil
to be used for side-fill
Fill and improved subgrade 1:2
7igure 6.3 Cross section and construction on expansive soils with soil
replacement Comments:
■ dispersive soils
■ saline soils or PRESENGE of saline water
■ ORGANIG matter in high quantities
■ deleterious minerals SUGH as MIGAS and sulphides
The subgrade shall be RE-GLASSIFIED AGGORDING to the new subgrade
strength after appropriate treatment of the problem soils.
rime. Fretting of the surface edge can be seen after a length of time in service Caline soils
and excessive ordevelopments
pothole presence of saline
can occur bearing nowater
apparent relation to other pavement defects.
Połenłial damage
PRESENGE of soluble salts in pavement or earthworks GAN GAUSE damage to
a bituminous SURFAGING due to pressures set up just under the bituminous
seal by GRYSTALLISATION of salts migrating upwards as a result of
evaporation. The problem is related to the use of thin bituminous
SURFAGINGS, primarily in SURFAGE treated pavements. Soluble salt GONTENTS
in EXGESS of 0.2% in the base GOURSE are potentially harmful in these type
See detail
of pavements.
A thin bituminous seal gets pushed up by the crystallisation forces
and blistering occurs, having a diametre of 5 to 10 cm initially,
Soluble salt GONTENTS in EXGESS of 0.5% in the subbase, or high salinity of
subsequently developing into a pothole.
groundwater or earthworks layers, may GAUSE migration of soluble salts
to the base GOURSE leading to GRITIGALLY high PERGENTAGES in this layer.
Crystallisation of soluble salts under the bituminous seal.
Areas where damage due to soluble salts GAN OGGUR in the dry GLIMATIG
Soluble salts migrate towards the surface within granular layers
zone and in areas along the GOAST with INFLUENGE of sea water.
Soluble salts in soils and in GONSTRUGTION water is identified INDIREGTLY by
laboratory tests of ELEGTRIG GONDUGTIVITY. CONSTRUGTION water shall be
admixed to the sample at 1.5 times the required amount to obtain OMC
before the sample is taken for testing of ELEGTRIG GONDUGTIVITY.
The following GONSTRUGTION measures shall be SPEGIFIED where soluble
therefore in general give results on the conservative side. Exhaustive testing to assess the presence of damaging soluble salts is complex and will only be required under special circumsta
salts are present in the pavement materials and alternative SOURGES are not
EGONOMIGALLY obtainable:
■ allowing the layer to dry and remove GRYSTALLISED salts from the
SURFAGE before GONSTRUGTION of following layers
■ priming and GONSTRUGTION of the bituminous SURFAGING
immediately after PROGESSING of the base GOURSE
■ the use of bitumen emulsion prime instead of GUTBAGK bitumen
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999 6
6.3.3 Other deleterious matter Comments:
Organic małłer
OrGANIG soils, e.g. in swamp areas, require SPEGIAL investigations to Recommended limits of organic matter
for cemented materials: /Ckapłer 7 -
assess ground stability and potential for EXGESSIVE settlements. High Pavemenł Małerials/
GONTENTS of orGANIG matter is undesirable in pavement materials,
PARTIGULARLY when used in GEMENT or lime stabilised layers. EXGESSIVE
amounts of orGANIG matter GAUSES INGREASED demands for stabiliser to
High GONTENTS of MUSGOVITE MIGA or sulphides are not allowed in pave- Limits for contents of mica and sulphide
ment layers. minerals in pavement materials:
/Ckapłer 7 - Pavemenł Małerials/
The potential risks of damage due to PRESENGE of other deleterious miner-
als, SUGH as nepheline or others, and GHEMIGAL GONTAMINANTS in mine
tailings or industrial waste PRODUGTS, shall be assessed as required at
PROJEGT level depending on the intended use of the materials.
t h
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Materials Rehabilitation
Gravel Roads
Details on the method to assess data All materials are INDIGATED by means of GODES, e.g. G80, C2, CM, ETG.,
from the quality control of material WHIGH refer to materials with GERTAIN defined properties PRESGRIBED in this
properties are given in Standard
Specifications for Highway GHAPTER. For the sake of GONSISTENGY and ease of REFERENGE, the same
Construction. GODES are used in the pavement design GATALOGUE and elsewhere in the
manual where REFERENGE is being made to material types with SPEGIFIG
References to the relevant standards
are given in Standard Specifications for
As far as possible all material types GOMMONLY used in the GOUNTRY are
Highway Construction for manufactured INGLUDED, e.g. natural gravel/soils, PROGESSED or GRUSHED materials, materi-
materials such as lime, cement and als stabilised with GEMENT or lime and bituminous materials.
Weathered ROGKS and laterites are GOMMON SOURGES for pavement
materials in the GATEGORY of natural gravel and as a SOURGE for PRODUGTION
of GHEMIGALLY stabilised materials. Laterites are highly weathered
materials formed in a SEGONDARY PROGESS where the hydrated oxides of
iron or aluminium have been AGGUMULATED in sufFIGIENT GONGENTRATIONS to
afFEGT the PHYSIGAL GHARAGTER of the deposits where they OGGUR /7 - 8/.
Laborałory łesłs
The Atterberg limits of GORAL ROGKS and GALGRETES will appear ARTIFIGIALLY Drying of material during testing of
high as a result of the TYPIGAL low SPEGIFIG gravity and the high water Atterberg limits is carried out at 60 oC for
calcrete and coral rock, in accordance
absorption of the PARTIGLES often seen in these materials. Standard grading with guidelines of Central Materials
tests may give a distorted impression of the PARTIGLE distribution in the Laboratory of Ministry of Morks.
material due to varying SPEGIFIG gravity of PARTIGLES having different size
within one sample. The design limits of GORAL ROGKS and GALGRETES are
therefore modified GOMPARED to the general requirements and grading
envelopes are not given for these types of materials.
Natural granular pavement materials shall GOMPLY with the requirements
in Tabtes 7.2 and 7.3.
Table 7.2 Material requirements - G80 and G60
Material class
Material CML test
properties G80 G60 method
Wet or moderate climatic zones: min 80 after 4 days soak Wet or moderate climatic zones: min 60 after 4 days soak
CBR [%] Dry climatic zones (both requirements shall be met): Dry climatic zones (both requirements shall be met):
at 98% MDD of min 80 at OMC of BS-Heavy min 60 at OMC of BS-Heavy 1.7 and
BS-Heavy min 60 after 4 days soaking min 45 after 4 days soaking 1.11
max 0.5 max 1.0
CBR - swell [%]
measured at BS-Heavy compaction measured at BS-Heavy compaction
General Coral rock, calcrete or General Coral rock, calcrete or
Atterberg requirements other calcified materials requirements other calcified materials
limits 1) Wet or Dry Wet Dry or Wet Dry or Wet Dry or
moderate climate climate moderate climate moderate climate moderate
max LL [%] 30 40 35 45 35 45 40 45 1.2
max PI [%] 8 14 10 16 10 16 12 18 1.3
max LS [%] 4 7 5 8 5 8 6 9 1.4
Grading, sieve Grading envelope, G80
(no envelope for G60, coral rock, calcrete or other calcified materials)
sizes [mm] [% passing]
63 100
37.5 80 - 100 Grading requirements:
20 60 - 95 - dMAX shall be maximum 2/3 of the compacted layer thickness
5 30 - 65 - Grading Modulus (GM *) ): min 2.0 1.7
2 20 - 50 *)
0.425 10 - 30 GM = [ 300 - (% passing 2mm) - (% passing 0.425mm) - (% passing 0.075mm) ] / 100
0.075 5 - 15
Particle TFVdry : min 80 kN TFVdry : min 50 kN
TFVsoaked : min 60% of TFVdry TFVsoaked : min 60% of TFVdry 2.7
Soluble salts Where the gravel is used under a surface treatment, soluble salt content is assessed in accordance with /7-11/.
Field density Nominal value: min 98% of MDD, BS-Heavy
1) It is emphasised that the Atterberg limits shall be measured according to CML test methods 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. These methods follow BS procuders and
utilise BS equipment. Other laboratory test procedures are likely to give results that are not comparable with the given material requirements.
Table 7.3 Material requirements - G45 and G25 Comments:
7.2.2 Crushed materials
The GATEGORY INGLUDES GRUSHED granular materials - without any admixture
of stabilisers - where the full range of PARTIGLE sizes from fines up to the
max. nominal size are INGLUDED. The pavement design GATALOGUE uses two
BASIG qualities of GRUSHED base GOURSE materials, as DESGRIBED in Tabte 7.4.
The GLASSES of pavement materials falling into this GATEGORY are shown in
Tabte 7.4.
Table 7.4 Crushed materials, material classes
ery high and are normally not achieved unless special techniques such as slushing with water are applied during construction. This type of material is therefore never prescribed unless
Material class Characteristics
- fresh, crushed rock or large, crushed boulders,
>0.3 m diameter
- requirements are restrictive
- compaction requirements are restrictive
- the class includes crushed oversize from gravel
sources, crushed all-in sources of boulders
CRS and crushed coral rocks of selected qualities
- min. 50% by mass of particles retained on the
5 mm sieve shall have at least one crushed face
Crushed granular materials for pavement layers shall GOMPLY with the
requirements in Tabte 7.5.
Comments: Table 7.5 Material requirements - CRR and CRF
Crushed rock. Shall be made by crushing and Crushed stone. Made by crushing and screening of
screening of fresh quarried rock or clean, un- blasted rock, stones, boulders and oversize from natural
Material source weathered boulders of minimum 0.3 m diameter. All gravel. Min 50% by mass of particles larger than 5 mm
particles shall be crushed, no soil fines allowed. shall have at least one crushed face. Max 30% of
material passing 5 mm can be soil fines.
max LL [%] 1) 30 35 1.2
max LS [%] 1) 3 4 1.4
Grading, sieve [% passing] [% passing]
sizes [mm] Coarse Type Fine Type Coarse Type Fine Type
50 100
37.5 100 90 - 100 100
28 87 - 97 100 75 - 95 90 - 100
20 75 - 90 87 - 97 60 - 90 65 - 95
10 52 - 68 62 - 77 40 - 75 40 - 70
5 38 - 55 44 - 62 29 - 60 29 - 52 1.7
2 23 - 40 27 - 45 20 - 45 20 - 40
1,18 18 - 33 22 - 38 17 - 40 15 - 33
0,425 11 - 24 13 - 27 12 - 31 10 - 24
0,075 4 - 12 5 - 12 5 - 15 4 - 12
Aggregate TFVsoaked : min 75% of TFVdry TFVsoaked : min 60% of TFVdry
TFVdry : min 110 kN 2.7
Soluble salt content For aggregate used under a surface treatment, soluble salt content is assessed in accordance with /7-11/.
Field density Nominal value: min 88% Nominal value: min 100%
requirements of Aggregate Density of MDD BS-Heavy
1) It is emphasised that Atterberg limits shall be measured according to CML test methods 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. These methods follow BS procuders and utilise
BS equipment. Other laboratory test procedures are likely to give results that are not comparable with the given material requirements.
7.3 Cemented materials
7.3.1 Classification
Cemented materials DESGRIBED in this manual INGLUDE all natural or
GRUSHED materials where a stabiliser of GEMENT or lime has been
The GLASSES of GEMENTED materials are shown in Tabte 7.6.
Table 7.6 Cemented materials, material classes
ormally be useb as subbase in concrełe pavemenłs anb małerial słanbarbs are noł given kere¸
Material class Characteristics
7.3.3 Type of stabiliser High contents of organic matter will increase the demand for stabiliser to achieve the required Unconfined Com
The stabiliser shall be Ordinary Portland Cement or lime meeting the
requirements of BS-890. Hydrated lime or QUIGKLIME may be used, but a
programme DESGRIBING the safety PREGAUTION for PROTEGTION of personnel
shall be established on sites where QUIGKLIME is used.
Tabte 7.8 gives the best suited type of stabiliser to use depending
on the soil properties.
Table 7.8 Felection of stabiliser for cemented materialsused for stabilisation of some calcified materials even when the PI is low.
Lime can be successfully
7.3.5 Construction
Time limiłs
Tabte 7.9 gives the maximum allowed time from the stabiliser has GOME
efore adding the stabiliser, thereby minimising the required time for with
GONTAGTand theafter
mixing material until
the stabiliser has GOMPAGTION andthe
come in contact with finishing
material. of the layer
Table 7.9 Cemented materials, time for completion of the layer
CGRING - general
The GEMENTED layer shall be kept moist and sealed off as soon as
possible after GOMPLETED GOMPAGTION. Curing is essential for proper gain
in the surface, there is a risk of detrimental wetting/drying cycles to take place and the method is overall unlikely to be effective in practice.
in strength by preventing drying out of the layer. Curing is also
important to prevent future loss of strength in the GEMENTED material by
GARBONISATION GAUSED by exposure to air. Curing by GONTINUOUS watering
shall be RESTRIGTED to the period from GOMPLETED GONSTRUGTION until the
GURING methods DESGRIBED below are in PLAGE AGGORDING to the time limits
ble as this can cause impaired conditions for curing of the upper part of the layer.
Material class
Name Process Mixing method
Dense bitumen
macadam Mixing plant,
Large aggregate mix Chapter 7.4.2
for bases
Penetration On the road, sprayed,
PM Cold Chapter 7.4.3
LAMBS shall GOMPLY with the requirements in Tabte 7.l2. The design
met- hod for LAMBS shall be GARRIED out in AGGORDANGE with /7 - 5/. The
design method for LAMBS requires SPEGIAL equipment for preparation of
test SPEGIMENS due to the large aggregate size. If SUGH equipment is not
available the material type DBM 40 shall be the alternative for the base
Cold bituminous mixes have the advantage that they GAN be mixed on the
road BEGAUSE they need no heating, thus making it possible to reuse and
improve existing layers in PLAGE by in-situ milling. In order to enable
mixing and GOATING of aggregate PARTIGLES in GOLD bituminous mixes it is
NEGESSARY to use bitumen that is either:
■ emulsified to REDUGE VISGOSITY at the time of mixing, or Comments:
■ foamed in order to greatly expand its volume and
This GHAPTER sets out requirements for GOLD mixes where foamed bitumen Due to the alternative use of natural
or bitumen emulsion is used. CUTBAGK bitumen shall not be used in mixes gravel aggregates in cold mixes the
density of the mix may vary
due to potential stability problems during GURING and for environmental considerably thus rendering
reasons ASSOGIATED with the use of large amounts of solvents. conventional expression of bitumen
content as a percentage by weight
misleading, unless accompanied by the
Foamed BIŁGMEN mix — FBMIX density of the actual mix.
Foaming of bitumen is temporary expansion of the bitumen to 15-20
times its original volume by GONTROLLED INTRODUGTION of small amounts of
water in hot bitumen, GARRIED out in a SPEGIAL PROGESSING plant. Foamed
bitumen shall meet the requirements in Tabte 7.l4.
Cold bituminous mixes for base GOURSE, made with foamed bitumen, shall
GOMPLY with the requirements in Tabte 7.l5. Aggregate for foamed Plastic aggregates may give
bitumen mixes GAN be natural gravel or GRUSHED materials. The required operational problems during mixing and
laying even if the requirement of PI
moisture GONTENT in the mix is determined in the mix design and shall be max 14% is fulfilled.
within the limits given in Tabte 7.l5 at the time of laying. /Appenbix A1- Definiłions of Terms/
includes the definition of dry density of
mixes where both bitumen and water is
Comments: Table 7.15 Material requirements − 7BMIX
Material class
properties FBMIX CML test
Foamed bitumen mix
Aggregate source Natural gravel or crushed material, free from lumps of clay or other deleterious matter.
PI [%] 1)
max 14 before admixture of bitumen 1.2 and 1.3
CBRsoaked [%] min 30 before admixture of bitumen, tested at 95 % MDD of BS-heavy 1.11
TFVsoaked : min 75% of TFVdry
strength Traffic TLC 3 and TLC 10: TFVdry : min 110 kN 2.7
Traffic TLC 1 and lower: TFVdry : min 80 kN
Grading, sieve
sizes [mm] % passing
37,5 100
28 80 - 100
20 60 - 95
10 42 - 78
5 30 - 65
2 20 - 50
0,425 10 - 30
0,075 5 - 15
E-Modulus [MPa] min 1600, measured by indirect tensile strength, tested at 29 oC 3.21
Marshall stability [N] min 6000 tested at 40oC
Marshall flow [mm] 2-4 3.18
Moisture content at min: mix design moisture less 1.5% points
max: mix design moisture plus 0.5% points 1.1
the time of laying [%]
Type of bitumen 80/100 or 150/200 penetration grade 3.5
Adhesion agents Approved adhesion agents shall be admixed at min 0.5% by weight of bitumen
Bitumen content Consumption, residual bitumen: 80 to 100 litres per m3 of compacted material 3.22
Field density min 96% of Marshall dry density
1) It is emphasised that Atterberg limits shall be measured according to CML test methods 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. These methods follow
BS procuders and utilise BS equipment. Other laboratory test procedures are likely to give results that are not comparable with
the given material requirements.
7.4.5 Construction
re sensitive to aggregate properties such as grading, plasticity index and fines contentmacadam
and correct moisture content, and is also more prone to damage by rain.
Penetration MAGADAM base GOURSE normally requires no SPEGIAL preparat-
ion of the underlying SURFAGE. COMPAGTION shall be GARRIED out with
vibrating rollers and the number of passes shall be min 3 − max 5. The
number of passes after APPLIGATION of keystone shall be min 2 − max 4.
Hoł mixes
TAGK GOAT of bitumen emulsion shall be applied at a rate giving minimum
0.3 l/m2 residual binder on all joints and SURFAGES where hot mixed
bituminous base GOURSE is laid. The required minimum temperature for
GOMPAGTION shall be in AGGORDANGE with /Chapter lO.8.4/.
Table 7.16 Material requirements - BXMIX
Material class
Material CML test
properties BEMIX method
Bitumen emulsion mix
Aggregate source Natural gravel or crushed material, free from lumps of clay or other deleterious matter.
PI [%] 1) max 8 before admixture of bitumen 1.2 and 1.3
CBRsoaked [%] min 30 before admixture of bitumen, tested at 95 % MDD of BS-heavy 1.11
Aggregate TFVsoaked : min 75% of TFVdry
strength Traffic TLC 3: TFV dry : min 110 kN 2.7
Traffic TLC 1 and lower: TFVdry : min 80 kN
Grading, sieve
sizes [mm] % passing
37,5 100
28 80 - 100
20 60 - 95
10 35 - 70
5 25 - 50 1.7
2 18 - 35
0,425 10 - 25
0,075 5-8
E-Modulus [MPa] min 1200, measured by indirect tensile strength, tested at 29 oC 3.21
Marshall stability [N] min 4500 tested at 40oC
Marshall flow [mm] 2-4 3.18
Moisture content at min: mix design moisture less 1.5% points
the time of laying [%] max: mix design moisture plus 0.5% points 1.1
Type of base bitumen 80/100 or 150/200 penetration grade 3.5
Bitumen content Consumption, residual bitumen: 80 to 100 litres per m3 of compacted material 3.22
Field density min 96% of Marshall dry density
1) It is emphasised that Atterberg limits shall be measured according to CML test methods 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. These methods follow
BS procuders and utilise BS equipment. Other laboratory test procedures are likely to give results that are not comparable with
the given material requirements.
Compacłion łrials
Detailed GOMPAGTION trials shall be GARRIED out at the beginning of
laying operations and when a new mix formula or PRODUGTION
with mix formulas and demonstrate the ADEQUAGY of the proposed
equipment and PROGEDURES are adequate for paving at the proposed
density to the bottom of the layer.
Comments: 7.5 Deleterious Minerals
SGLPKIDE minerals
The maximum allowed /7 -2l/ GONTENT of sulphide minerals SUGH as pyrite,
MARGASITE, and GHALGOPYRITE, in aggregates are given in Tabte 7.l7.
The effect of mica is particularly
adverse when the mica plates are of granular layers and the initial density may DEGREASE in SERVIGE and
larger than 0.5 mm diameter. A content promote ingress of water. Biotite MIGA (BLAGK GOLOUR) tends to break
higher than 10% by volume means that
the mica is easily detectable at a
rather than behave like flexing plates in the soil matrix and is therefore
glance during visual inspection. of less GONGERN. Contents of MUSGOVITE MIGA above 10% by volume are
not allowed in granular pavement layers. No SPEGIFIG limit is set for
biotite MIGA.
Testing of ELEGTRIG GONDUGTIVITY is the preferred, simple, method to
/Ckapłer 6 — Problem Soils/¸
INDIREGTLY determine the GONTENT of soluble salts in soils and GONSTRUGTION
water. SPEGIAL methods for design and GONSTRUGTION of pavements with
PRESENGE of soluble salts, INGLUDING the setting of appropriate design
limits, are DISGUSSED in /7-ll/.
7.6.2 Quarries
All new quarry sites of massive ROGK shall at the design stage be invest-
igated by GORE drilling to establish SUFFIGIENT quantities for the PROJEGT. Existing quarries may be investigated
The extent of investigations shall be determined depending on site by proof drilling, core drilling, trial
blasting or as required depending on site
GONDITIONS and the type of PROJEGT. conditions such as the size of current
operations compared to required future
operations for the project.
Tabte 7.l9 shows the minimum weight per m2 for geo-textiles
depending on the site GONDITIONS. Both cost and quality of geo-textiles are
in general proportional to their weight
per m2, and the required quality
depends on the maximum particle
shape, particle size and compression
strength of the material to be placed
against the geo-textiles.
Comments: Table 7.19 Geo-textile separating layers − required weight per m 2
Geo-textiles made of polypropylene are Geo-textiles shall be kept away from DIREGT sunlight during storage.
particularly sensitive to the effect of
direct sunlight.
7.7.2 £eo-grids for reinforcement
Geo-grids within the embankment itself
Geo-grids are intended for use as REINFORGEMENT of earthworks and pave-
have doubtful effect and should only be ment layers. Geo-grids shall only be GONSIDERED in SPEGIAL GASES due to
considered when used in specially their high GOST. The TEGHNIGAL and EGONOMIGAL efFEGTIVENESS of their use
designed systems of earth
reinforcement for construction of steep shall be GAREFULLY assessed and DOGUMENTED before aPPLIGATION in the
slopes. works.
Geo-grids may be GONSIDERED in SPEGIAL GASES SUGH as to prevent tensile
failure at the bottom of embankments when GROSSING soft areas.
Use of geo-grids to prevent reflective Geo-grids do not add strength to the pavement sTRUGTURE to an extent that
cracking in pavement rehabilitation make them EGONOMIGALLY justified in new pavements. No REDUGTIONS in
works is discussed in /Ckapłer 9¸4/¸
pavement layer THIGKNESS shall be made due to the use of geo-grids. Geo-
grids may be GONSIDERED under SPEGIAL GIRGUMSTANGES for use in an
interlayer system to prevent REFLEGTIVE GRAGKING through overlays.
Annual Book of AFTM Ftandards, Vol. 4.08. Philadelphia, USA.
Mix Granular Materials Guide.
7-3 HOSKING, J R and TUBEY, L W (1969). Research on low-grade
and unsound aggregates. RRL Report LR 293. Tranzport
rezearch laboratory, Crowthorne, London, UK.
7-4 NETTERBERG, F (1985). Pedocretes. From Engineering Geology
of Southerz Africa. NITRR report 430 Pretoria, Republic of South
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999 7
7-5 NETTERBERG, F and M I PINARD (1991). Derivation of interim
performance-related specifications for coarsely-graded plastic calcrete
basecourse gravels. Proc. 10th Regional Conference for Africa on
Soil Mechanicz and Foundation Engineering, Mazeru, Lezhoto.
LAMBS − The dezign and uze of large aggregate mixes for bases.
Republic of South Africa.
7-7 TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (1993). A guide to the
structural design of bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and sub-
tropical countries. Overzeaz Road Note No. 31. TRL, Crowthorne, for
ODA, London, UK.
ASSOCIATION (1988). Laterite in road Pavements. Special
Publication 47. CIRIA, London, UK.
(1986): Cementitious stabilisers in road construction. CSRA, Pretoria,
Republic of South Africa.
Draft guidelines on the use of bitumen emulsion treated materials.
Republic of South Africa.
7 - 11 OBIKA, B and R J FREER-HEWISH (1990). Foluble salt damage
to thin Bituminous surfacings of roads and runways. Auztralian
Road Rezearch, 20 (4.)
7 - 12 BOTSWANA ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (1994). Draft Volume 3,
Materials and Pavement Design. Miniztry of Workz, Tranzport and
Communicationz, Roadz Department. Republic of Botzwana.
Fampling methods for road construction materials. CSRA, Pretoria,
Republic of South Africa.
Felection and design of hot-mix asphalt surfacings for
highways. CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
Guidelines for road construction materials. CSRA, Pretoria,
Republic of South Africa.
7 - 16 LIONJANGA, A V and T TOOLE and P A K GREENING (1987). The
use of calcrete in paved roads in Botswana. Ninth regional
conference for Africa, Lagoz, Nigeria.
AUTHORITIES (1986). Guide to stabilisation in roadworks.
NAASRA, Sydney, Auztralia.
7 - 18 O’CONNELL M J and C S GOURLEY (1993). Xxpansive clay
road embankments in arid areas: moisture-suction conditions.
Proc. Firzt International Sympozium on Engineering Characterizticz
of Arid Soilz, City Univerzity. London, UK.
7 - 19 ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (1987). Part III, Materials and
Pavement Design for New Roads. Miniztry of Tranzport and
Comm., Roadz Department. Republic of Kenya.
7 - 20 TOOLE, T and D NEWILL (1987). A Ftrategy for assessing
marginal quality materials for use in bituminous roads in the
tropics. Proc. zeminar H, PTRC Tranzport and Planning Summer
Annual Meeting, Univerzity of Bath, London, UK.
7 - 21 WEINERT, H H (1980). The natural road construction
materials of Fouthern Africa. Academica, Pretoria, Republic of
South Africa.
Design - New h
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Pavement Design
Problem Soils
- New Roads
Gravel Roads
Refinement of design, if
Ministry of Works
8 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
The use of GEMENTED subbase shall be the preferred method in areas with
SGARGITY of natural gravel for subbase, provided this is EGONOMIGALLY
equal to alternative use of GRUSHED materials or importation of subbase
from outside the PROJEGT area.
lead to GRAGK REFLEGTION from the subbase through the bituminous base GOURSE and riding quality
any reason.
8.2.2 Cemi-rigid pavements
time and traffic
Semi-rigid pavements are those utilising GEMENTED materials in the base
GOURSE layer or both the base GOURSE and where
Pavements subbase layer.
only the base Where both base
course is cemented — with granular subbase - are sensitive to high axle loading and loss of
GOURSE and subbase are GEMENTED this pavement type is a viable option
It is particularly important that the first scheduled foris not missed or deferred due to the early development of block cra
high trafFIG GONDITIONS. Pavements with only the base GOURSE GEMENTED -
with granular subbase − have limitations in the upper ranges of trafFIG
Mode of disłress
In semi-rigid pavements most of the trafFIG stresses are absorbed by the
GEMENTED layers - little by the subgrade - and fatigue of the GEMENTED
layers is the dominant mode of distress. Initial BLOGK GRAGKING from cemented
shrinkage or thermal FORGES is likely to develop soon after GONSTRUGTION of cemented (preferred)
fines. While this pavement type normally gives good user SERVIGE up to
this point, deformation tends to AGGELERATE after water gets free AGGESS cracking
The design GATALOGUE aims to provide sufFIGIENT support for the layer in
the design of the subbase and subgrade and thereby REDUGING strain, HENGE
minimising the risk of fatigue GRAGKING in bituminous layers.
Climatic zones for the purpose of The TrafFIG Load Class (TLC) determined AGGORDING to /Chapter 4 −
pavement design: /Ckapłer 2 — Traffic/ is input to the GATALOGUE and the GLASSES are shown in Tabte 8.l.
Table 8.1 Traffic Load Classes - TLC
Pavemenł małerials
Pavement materials used in the design GATALOGUE are those shown in Tabte
8.2. where REFERENGES are given to the RESPEGTIVE GHAPTERS where material
quality requirements are set out.
The design GATALOGUES SPEGIFY SURFAGING types for rural- and interurban
Urban areas have a large number of
junctions and other areas where roads. On all major urban roads, where the base GOURSE is not of a
construction of surface treatments is bituminous type, GONSIDERATION should be given to the use of asphalt
difficult to carry out with good
workmanship. GONGRETE SURFAGING IRRESPEGTIVE of trafFIG loading due to the GOMMON
EXGESS of slow moving and turning trafFIG. This trafFIG pattern is
unfavourable for the use of SURFAGE treatments and may lead to premature
damage of thin SURFAGINGS.
Table 8.4 Pavements with granular base course − dry or moderate climatic zones
- Traffic Load Classes, including the heavy ( -H Base course type:
) classes: /Chapter 4/
Subgrade design:
- Design for CBR less than 15%: /Chapter 5/
- Material standards of improved
subgrade layers: /Chapter 5/
Surfacing design:
- Surface treatments, carriageway:
/Chapter 10.2 to 10.4/
- Shoulders: /Chapter 10.7/
- Asphalt concrete: /Chapter 10.8/
Material requirements:
- Granular or cemented materials for Climatic zones:
subbase layers or base course: /Chapter
/Figure 2.1/ Dry / Moderate
Heavy Traffic Load Classes (-H) apply Traffic Load Classes (million E80)
for E80 >0.2 million under conditions < 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1-3 3 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 50
more than 50% of E80 comes from TLC TLC TLC 1 TLC 3 TLC TLC TLC
axles loaded to above13 tonnes.
02 05 10 20 50
For the heavy Traffic Load Classes (TLC 05-H to TLC 20-H ) AC
General requirements AC
ST ST ST ST 50mm
Base course
150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm
General requirements
For the heavy Traffic Load Classes (TLC 05-H to TLC 20-H ) 200mm
(not applicable) as below as below as below as below
Subbase 1)
200mm C2
General requirements
G45 200mm C1
G45 C1
150mm G45
- Traffic Load Classes, including the heavy (- Base course type:
H ) lasses: /Chapter 4/
Subgrade design:
- Design for CBR less than 15%: /Chapter 5/
- Material standards of improved
subgrade layers: /Chapter 5/
Surfacing design:
- Surface treatments, carriageway:
/Chapter 10.2 to 10.4/
- Shoulders: /Chapter 10.7/
- Asphalt concrete: /Chapter 10.8/
Material requirements:
- Granular or cemented materials for Climatic zones:
subbase layers or base course: /Chapter
/Figure 2.1/ Wet
Heavy Traffic Load Classes (-H) apply Traffic Load Classes (million E80)
for E80 >0.2 million under conditions < 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1-3 3 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 50
more than 50% of E80 comes from
axles loaded to above13 tonnes.
02 05 10 20 50
For the heavy Traffic Load Classes (TLC 05-H to TLC 20-H ) AC AC
General requirements AC AC
50mm 50mm
Base course
For the heavy Traffic Load Classes (TLC 05-H to TLC 20-H )
Subbase 1)
General requirements C2
G45 200mm
CM 200mm
C1 C1
150mm G45
- Traffic Load Classes, including the heavy (
-H ) classes: /Chapter 4/ Base course type:
Subgrade design:
- Design for CBR less than 15%: /Chapter 5/
- Material standards of improved
subgrade layers: /Chapter 5/
Surfacing design:
- Surface treatments, carriageway:
/Chapter 10.2 to 10.4/
- Shoulders: /Chapter 10.7/
- Asphalt concrete: /Chapter 10.8/
Material requirements:
- Granular or cemented materials for
subbase layers or base course: /Chapter
Climatic zones:
/Figure 2.1/ All
- Bituminous surfacings: /Chapter 10/
Heavy Traffic Load Classes (-H) apply for Traffic Load Classes (million E80)
E80 >0.2 million under conditions where < 0.2 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1-3 3 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 50
more than 50% of E80 comes from axles
loaded to above13 tonnes. TLC 02 TLC TLC 1 TLC 3 TLC TLC TLC
05 10 20 50
For the heavy Traffic Load Classes (TLC 05-H to TLC 20-H ) as below as below as below AC 100mm
(not applicable) 50mm
General requirements AC
ST ST ST 50mm
Base course
125mm 150mm
+ +
125mm 150mm
50mm 50mm
Base course
200mm 200mm 200mm
150mm 150mm 150mm CM
G45 G45 CM
G45 G45 G45 CM
AC AC 100mm 100mm
50mm 50mm
Base course
200mm C1
150mm 150mm 150mm 150mm 125mm
Comments: References
8-1 AUSTROADS (1992): Pavement Dezign: A guide to the
structural design of road pavements. Sydney, Auztralia.
8-2 BOTSWANA ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (1994). Draft Volume 3,
Materials and Pavement Design. Miniztry of Workz, Tranzport and
Communicationz, Roadz Department. Republic of Botzwana.
Ftructural design of flexible pavements for interurban and rural roads.
CSRA, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
Report 5, Pavement Rezearch. Highway Rezearch Board Special
Report No. 61E. National Rezearch Council, Wazhington DC,
Ftandard 7lexible Pavement Design 7or Rural Roads with Light to
Medium Traffic. Republic of Zimbabwe.
8-6 ROAD DESIGN MANUAL (1987). Part III, Materials and
Pavement Design for New Roads. Miniztry of Tranzport and
Comm., Roadz Department. Republic of Kenya.
8-7 ROLT, J (1994). The performance of a full scale road pavement
design experiment in Jamaica. In: Proc. of Inztitution of Civil
Tranzport. Auguzt 1994.
COMMISSION - SATCC (1998). Draft: Code of Practice for the
Design of Road Pavements. CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, for
8-9 TRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY (1993). A guide to the
structural design of bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and sub-
tropical countries. Overzeaz Road Note No. 31. TRL, Crowthorne, for
ODA, London, UK.
8 - 10 YODER E J, WITCZAK M W (1975). Principles of pavement
design. Fecond edition. A Wiley-Interzcience Publication, USA and
Rehabilitation h
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Materials Rehabilitation
Gravel Roads
Ministry of Works
Chapter 9
Pavement Rehabilitation
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
Carry out structural surveys Carry out detailed condition survey Assess each homogenous section
as required based on the if required in accordance with according to /Fig 9.2/
detailed condition survey /Fig. 9.2/
Re-assess demarcation into Carry out pavement rehabilitation Combine sections with similar
homogenous sections based on all design for each homogenous rehabilitation measures into
available data section practical lengths for construction
Establish the cause of the localised distress, if necessary carry out additional field testing.
A desk study shall always be GARRIED out to gather available information
about the road SEGTION, WHIGH may INGLUDE:
■ as-built data INGLUDING GONSTRUGTION REGORDS and information
about geometry and drainage
■ data from previous trafFIG GOUNTS and axle load surveys
■ data from previous investigations SUGH as measurements of
DEFLEGTION, DCP, rutting, roughness, SURFAGE DEFEGTS, sampling,
rutting, roughness, GRAGKS, and others
■ data on GLIMATE, geology and topography
Iniłial assessmenł
Initial assessment of the road shall be GARRIED out before the SGHEDULES for
GONDITION surveys or STRUGTURAL surveys are being established. Initial asses-
sment INGLUDES visual INSPEGTION and examination of data obtained in the
desk study. The OBJEGTIVES of the initial assessment are those given
A. Initial assessment shall establish the length of SEGTIONS with :
■ no SIGNIFIGANT problems
■ LOGALISED distress GLEARLY related to SPEGIFIG problems SUGH as
poor drainage, expansive subgrade soils, or others
■ distress obviously related to the SURFAGING only
■ possibilities of inadequate STRUGTURAL strength
■ obviously no possible salvage of the existing pavement HENGE
full REGONSTRUGTION is the only possible rehabilitation
B. Initial assessment shall provide:
■ a REGORD of observation data and any initial measurements
GARRIED out during the visual INSPEGTION
■ quantified data on SERVIGEABILITY of SEGTIONS with obviously
no possible salvage of the existing pavement. These
INGLUDE measurements of driving speed, PSI or estimated
International Roughness Index
Homogenous SEGTIONS shall initially be established on the basis of pave-
ment GONDITION after the initial assessment. The DEMARGATION of
homogenous SEGTIONS shall be revised and GHANGED if required after the
detailed GONDITION survey and STRUGTURAL surveys aremethod,
A statistical GARRIED out. sums (CUSUM), can be used
cumulative Worked Examplesections for each type
to establish homogenous
/Appendix A8¸ 3/
Dełailed condiłion SGRVEYS
Detailed GONDITION surveys shall be GARRIED out where the existing pave-
ment may be salvaged and where distress is not obviously related to the
either SURFAGING only or lOGALISED problems. Detailed GONDITION surveys
INGLUDE measurements of the following parameters:
■ rutting
■ SURFAGE DEFEGTS The required test frequencies: Ckapłer 9¸1¸4 — Exłenł of invesłigałions¸
■ potholes
■ GRAGKS, all GRAGKS and wide GRAGKS >3 mm
■ loss of stones (ravelling)
■ roughness
■ shoulder GONDITIONS
■ drainage GONDITIONS
STRUGTURAL surveys shall be SGHEDULED AGGORDING to Chapter 9.1.4 − Xstent
of investigations and INGLUDE GOLLEGTION of one or more of the following
■ DYNAMIG Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
■ maximum SURFAGE DEFLEGTION with Benkelman beam (8175 kg axle)
or equivalent equipment approved by the Ministry of Works,
GORRELATED BAGK to Benkelman beam measurements
■ pit logs and laboratory tests of samples SUGH as moisture
GONTENT, grading, Atterberg limits, CBR, or others as
Comments: e.1.4 Extent of investigations
The GONDITIONS that require the investigation FREQUENGY of SGHEME A
or B RESPEGTIVELY are given in Tabte 9.1. The extent of investigations
for the purpose of pavement evaluation are given in Tabte 9.2.
Min test
frequency [m]
Scheme Scheme
500 1000
DCP, the side with highest rutting
vaIues min 3 per
surveys Maximum surface defIection,
measured on the side with highest 100 200
rutting vaIues, in outer wheeI path onIy
Test pits excavated to design depth as
defined in /Ckapter 5¸1/¸Pit Iog, 1000 2000
testing of CBR, indicators, moisture
The test frequencies are the minimum acceptabIe. AdditionaI tests may be required
depending on site conditions and in the case of anomaIies in the tested vaIues. The
demarcation of homogenous sections may be revised after anaIysis of the test resuIts.
Distress GRITERIA for use in pavement evaluation are given in Tabte 9.3.
The following is the meaning of the terms ‘sound’, ‘warning’ and
‘severe’ in the GONDITION rating:
■ sound: adequate GONDITION
■ warning: UNGERTAINTY exists about the ADEQUAGY of the GONDITION
■ severe: inadequate GONDITION
Condition rating
PothoIes < 0.01% 0.01% > 0.2% < 0.01% 0.01% > 0.1%
- 0.2% - 0.1%
AII cracks < 20 20 - 50 > 50 < 10 10 - 30 > 30
Surface defects Wide cracks
[% of >3mm [in % < 20 20 - 50 > 50 < 10 10 - 30 > 30
of aII cracks]
Structural number method /Chapter 9.2.2/, or (for confirmation) Maximum deflection method /Chapter 9.2.1/
Mechanistic method /Chapter 9.2.3/
Cracking or
Cemented or (not v v
bituminous appIicabIe)
or both
*) The maximum defIection method onIy appIies for traffic Ioad cIass TLC 10 or Iower and
where deformation originates from the subgrade.
Determine traffic homogenous sections. (TheMeasure
loading: CUSUM method
and calculate
in /Appendix
design deflection
A8.3/ for each homogenous secti
past E80 may be used).
future E80 (design traffic
Determine required strengthening, SN diff overlay alternative as appropriate.
/Table 9.9/
Determine target deflection./Fig. 9.7/
/Fig. 9.5 or /Fig. 9.6/
Traffic Comments:
Required trafFIG parameters for input in the design method are the
■ estimated past GUMULATIVE trafFIG loading GARRIED by the
pavement SINGE GONSTRUGTION or its last STRUGTURAL rehabilitation (in
millions E80)
■ design trafFIG loading (future) determined AGGORDING to /Chapter 4
− Traffic/.
Targeł deflecłion
The target DEFLEGTION is the maximum DEFLEGTION value that would give
a pavement life sufFIGIENT to GARRY the GUMULATIVE past trafFIG loading
plus the design trafFIG loading (desired pavement life) without overlay.
Design ckarłs
Design GHARTS giving the relationship between DEFLEGTION and pavement
life (trafFIG loading) are presented in Figure 9.5 and Figure 9.6 where
the design line for a 90% GONFIDENGE in AGHIEVING life is marked. The
two figures are valid for pavements with a granular base GOURSE and
In Figure 9.5 the use of the design GHART is shown by aid of an example.
The key parameters are as given in Tabte 9.5 with letter symbols
referring to positions in the GHART.
Maximum deflection is determined under an axle load of 8175 kg using dual wheels.
Maximum deflection is determined under an axle load of 8175 kg using dual wheels.
TLC 05 TLC 1 TLC 3 TLC 10 TLC 20 Comments:
Critical condition. 90% confidence in achieving life
Deflection [ mm x 102 ]
0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 15 20 30
Equivalent standard axles, E80 [ x 106 ]
REQGIRED słrengłkening
The required strengthening is determined by using Figure 9.7 with the An example of a target deflection of
target DEFLEGTION and the measured design DEFLEGTION as input data. SNdiff 0.5G mm and a measured design
deflection of
shall be determined by interpolation in the GHART. 0.77 mm is shown in Figure 9.7. This
gives a required strengthening of CNdiff
= 1.00, corresponding to a required
asphalt concrete overlay of 60 mm
determined from Table 9.9.
Target deflection [ mm ]
WHIGH method is the appropriate for a road SEGTION depends on the following:
■ GONDITION of the existing pavement
■ strength requirements for the new pavement
■ types of material in the existing pavement
■ available materials for GONSTRUGTION of the new pavement
■ required SURFAGE levels of the new road
e.3.1 Overlays
Overlays are used for the following purposes:
■ to add sufFIGIENT sTRUGTURAL strength so the pavement GAN GARRY
the future trafFIG in the design period
■ to restore the riding quality of the pavement
Overlays shall not be used under the following GONDITIONS:
■ on severely GRAGKED pavements where there is a risk of early
GRAGK REFLEGTION through the new layers. Methods to minimise
the risk of GRAGK REFLEGTION are given in Chapter 9.4
■ on pavements with deformation (shoving) in bituminous layers
unless repair or removal of the deformed material is GARRIED out
Chapter 9.3.2
■ where there is UNGERTAINTY about the PERFORMANGE of the overlay
due to DEFEGTS in the existing base GOURSE or in PATGHES in the
existing pavement
Material types SELEGTED for overlays shall meet the requirements given in
the design GATALOGUE Chapter 8 − Pavement design - New Roads and in
Chapter 7 − Pavement Materiats. Material GOEFFIGIENTS (a) for pavement
and subgrade materials are given in Tabte 9.6.
Overlay design
When an overlay is pLAGED, restoring of the drainage system shall always
The general requirement for layer THIGKNESSES is that dMAX shall not eXGEED
/S of the GOMPAGTED layer THIGKNESS. Tabte 9.9 gives alternative overlay
designs for varying degrees of required strengthening.
Table 9.8 Material coefficients (a) for new pavement layers Comments:
Type of material
coefficient (a)
AsphaIt Concrete surfacing (AC) 0.40
Base course:
Bituminous base course, BEMIX, FBMIX, DBM, LAMBS 0.30
Penetration macadam, PM 0.25
Cement or Iime stabiIised materiaIs, C2 0.20
Cement or Iime stabiIised materiaIs, C1 0.15
Cement or Iime modified materiaIs, CM 0.11
GranuIar, crushed base course materiaIs, CRR 0.15
GranuIar, crushed base course materiaIs, CRS 0.14
NaturaI graveI base course, G80 0.13
NaturaI graveI base course, G60 0.12
Cement or Iime stabiIised materiaIs, C2 0.20
Cement or Iime stabiIised materiaIs, C1 0.15
Cement or Iime modified materiaIs, CM 0.11
GranuIar, crushed materiaIs used for subbase, CBR>45 0.11
NaturaI graveI subbase, G45 0.11
NaturaI graveI subbase, G25 0.10
NaturaI graveI for improved subgrade, G15 0.09
All SELEGTION of SURFAGING type and base GOURSE material type shall meet
the requirements for the RESPEGTIVE trafFIG load GLASS given in /Tabtes 8.4/
to 8.8 in /Chapter 8 − Pavement Design - New roads/.
Overlay alternatives
SN diff *) Select the nearest of the given values for SN diff
Asphalt concrete overlay
Granular base
Bituminous mix Penetration 3)
for base course 1) macadam 2) course
< 0.50 Apply a surface treatment or do nothing depending on site conditions.
PM 30
0,50 AC 40 mm 50 mm
AC PM 30
0,75 50 mm 50 mm
STBit. PM 60 150 mm
1,00 AC 60 mm 80 mm
100 mm
alternatively: ST
PM 80
Bit. 150 mm
1,25 AC 80 mm 125 mm
AC 50 mm
AC 50 mm
Bit. 60 mm
PM 60 1 0 mm
100 mm 0
alternatively: alternatively:
1,50 Only TLC 10 or lower PM 80 200 mm
AC 120 mm 125 mm CRR
100 mm
Only TLC 10 or lower
AC 50 mm
AC 50 mm
Bit. 80 mm PM 60 1 0 mm
alternatively: alternatively: AC 50 mm
1,75 PM 30 50 mm
200 mm
AC 140 mm PM 60
120 mm 100 mm CRR
Only TLC 10 or lower
50 mm
125 mm
PM 80
ST AC 50 mm
PM 60
100 mm
AC 200 mm
2,00 Bit. PM 60
100 mm
50 mm
125 mm
PM 80
50 mm
100 mm
2,25 ST
PM 60
AC 100 mm
PM 60
Bit. 100 mm
The appropriate type of bituminous base course shall be selected depending on
traffic load class according
50 mm
to /Table 8¸7/ in /Ckapłer 8 — Pavemenł Design - New
Best suited for roads 130
low traffic speed such as urban roads. For roads with
high traffic speed a levelling course made of a bituminous mix may be necessary to
provide satisfactory riding quality.
Limited to the conditions given in /Tables 8¸4/ and /8¸5/ in /Ckapłer 8 — Pavemenł
Design - New Roabs/ with regards to traffic loading and climate.
Consideration shall be given to reprocessing of the existing pavement.
Chapter 9
Pavement Rehabilitation
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
Partial REGONSTRUGTION is REPROGESSING or removal of material from the
existing pavement to let the existing pavement form either base GOURSE
or subbase in the new pavement. Whether the existing pavement forms a
new base GOURSE or a new subbase depends on:
■ the material properties of the existing pavement layers
■ the GONDITION of the existing pavement
■ the strength requirements for the new pavement
■ any required adjustments of road levels
The pavement design GATALOGUE, /Tabtes 8.4/ to /8.8/ in /Chapter 8 −
Pave- ment design - New Roads/ shall be used for SELEGTION of pavement
Comments: ■ INGREASING the THIGKNESS of the asphalt overlay will delay the
GRAGK REFLEGTION through new layers, but GARRIES risks of not
being GOST EFFEGTIVE if the time until GRAGK REFLEGTION proves to
be shorter than EXPEGTED
■ individual sealing of GRAGKS may be EFFEGTIVE in GASES where
TRAFFIG is low, GRAGKS are few and GONSIDERED not very
■ provision of a THIGK granular overlay (new base GOURSE) before
Zurfacings h
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Gravel Roads
Refinement of design, if
Ministry of Works
10 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
■ trafFIG
10.1 Priming
10.1.0 £eneral
The purpose of priming is to prepare a GOMPLETED SURFAGE of unbound
Priming must not be confused with
applying a membrane of bitumen base GOURSE materials to REGEIVE a bituminous SURFAGING and to PROTEGT the
emulsion for curing of cemented base base GOURSE from any damage until the SURFAGING is in PLAGE. This is done
courses, where the purpose is to seal
off the layer, but with no penetration of
by spraying a light GUTBAGK bitumen to bind the SURFAGE of the base
the bituminous material into the GOURSE and to penetrate into the SURFAGE.
/Ckapłer 7¸3 — Cemenłeb Małerials/¸
10.1.1 Materials and construction
Standard GUTBAGK bitumen for priming are MC30 and MC70, of WHIGH
MC30 penetrates more easily than the latter. MC30 shall be used unless
EXGESSIVE absorption into the SURFAGE or base GOURSE PARTIGLES is observed,
thus requiring the heavier MC70 prime. MC70 shall be used if a delay of
more than one month is EXPEGTED before the bituminous sURFAGING is
Required prime spray rates will Spray rates of prime shall be determined on site as required. The SURFAGE
normally be between 0.7 l/m and 1.0 shall be GLEANED of loose material by the use of sweeping or blowing with
l/m , in special cases of an absorbent GOMPRESSED air as required. Light dampening with water prior to priming
may be BENEFIGIAL, but no EXGESSIVE or repeated watering shall be
10.2 Ministry of Works
Crusher dust or a suitable sand shall be spread at a rate of 0.005 mS/m2
where temporary passage of trafFIG is NEGESSARY or if there is a risk of the
prime being PIGKED up on tyres when applying subsequent layers.
Light traffic
3.0 (total) 2.3 (total) 1.6 1.3
AADT < 200
Medium traffic
2.5 (total) 1.9 (total) 1.3 1.0
AADT 200-1000
Heavy traffic
2.1 (total) 1.7 (total) 1.1 0.8
AADT > 1000
Conversions from hot spray rate in volume (litres) to tonnes for payment
purposes shall be made for the bitumen density at a spraying temperature
of 180oC. For planning purposes a hot density of 0.90 kg/l shall be
assumed until reliable data for the PARTIGULAR bitumen are available.
10.2.3 Binder
Type of binder
n of successive layers in order to prevent prolonged bleeding of the gradetobitumen
surfacing. Closure of types
traffic to prevent early 80/100 or 150/200
loss of chipping shall be
may be necessary used
if the for
softer cutback bitumen is una
SURFAGE dressing unless SPEGIFIG site GONDITIONS require use of other
grades of bitumen. Bitumen types that GONTAIN solvents, SUGH as MC3000
GUT- BAGK bitumen, are only required for SURFAGE dressing laid under GOLD
GONDITIONS at temperatures below 15 0C. SUGH GONDITIONS are only
EXPEGTED to OGGUR in regions at high altitude.
10.2.4 Traffic
The base bitumen spray rates are given as a FUNGTION of the AADT,
WHIGH shall be the trafFIG VOLUME immediately after the SURFAGE dressing
is opened to trafFIG. The following is assumed in the sURFAGING design:
■ SURFAGED width is minimum 6 m
■ the road has one lane in EAGH DIREGTION
■ AADT is made up of trafFIG figures approximately equal in
EAGH DIREGTION, i.e. not a larger difFERENGE than a 60/40%
■ there is minimum15% heavy VEHIGLES in the trafFIG flow
For roads with a SURFAGED width of less than 6 m, the trafFIG figure AADT
+ 50% shall be used as input in the SURFAGING design. For roads with more
than one lane in EAGH DIREGTION (dual GARRIAGEWAY) and for roads where
trafFIG VOLUMES in EAGH DIREGTION are more unequal than a 60/40%
distribution, the trafFIG data shall be assessed separately and GONSIDERATION
given to the use of different spray rates for the RESPEGTIVE lanes.
CORREGTION of the bitumen spray rates shall be GARRIED out as PRESGRIBED in
Chapter lO.2.5 and Chapter lO.2.6 for roads with less heavy trafFIG than
15% and for SPEGIAL load GONDITIONS SUGH as GLIMBING lanes.
Heavy vehicles are defined as having
Areas that will REGEIVE EXGESSIVE GONSTRUGTION trafFIG shall be assessed an un-laden weight of more than G
tonnes, or buses with a seating
SPEGIALLY and may require REDUGED bitumen spray rates. SPEGIAL
capacity of 40 or more /Ckapłer 4 —
GONDITIONS, SUGH as SEGTIONS of new road WHIGH will remain un- Traffic/¸
trafFIGKED for a long time after the seal is PLAGED GONSTRUGTED, shall be
assessed separately and may require INGREASED bitumen spray rates or
preferably APPLIGATION of an emulsion fogspray Chapter lO.2.9.
1) Assumed a two lane road, min 6 metres wide. Ckapłer 10¸2¸4 refers for correction of
traffic figures for different cross sections.
2) ALD is measured in mm. Assume ALD=5 mm if chipping with nominal size of 7 mm is
Correction of bitumen
spray rates [lIm2]
Site conditions
14 mm 10 mm
aggregate aggregate
Underlying surface:
- Soft or fatty bituminous surface - 0.3 - 0.2
- lean, bituminous surface 0 0
- Coarse, absorbent (hungry) surface + 0.3 + 0.2
Less than 15% heavy vehicles + 0.2 + 0.1
Climbing lanes with a gradient steeper than 5% - 0.2 - 0.1
Dusty aggregate ( > 0.5% pass. 0.425 mm ) + 0.2 + 0.1
Absorbent aggregate ( > 2% water absorption ) + 0.2 + 0.2
Pre-coated aggregate *) - 0.1 - 0.1
*) In cases where the aggregate is pre-coated, no correction shall be made for dusty or
absorbent aggregate. Corrections when using emulsion fogspray are described in
Ckapłer 10¸2¸9¸
2nd layer 10 7
1 layer 20 14
1) The coarse surfacing type is preferred on roads with high traffic, or if the base course
material has a soft surface causing considerable embedment of the aggregate into the
base course. The use of the coarse type will in such cases carry less risk of achieving
incorrect bitumen spray rates causing either heavy bleeding or loss of stones.
2) The fine surfacing type forms a thinner seal, best suited where traffic volumes are low. It
is cheaper to construct than the coarse type due to lower consumption of materials. On
roads with very low traffic the coarse type will require considerable quantities of
bitumen to perform satisfactorily, rendering the fine type more economical.
50 - 100 0.15 x 2)
100 - 250 0.13 x 2)
250 - 500 0.12 x 2)
500 - 1500 0.11 x 2)
> 1500 0.10 x 2)
1) Assumed a two lane road, min 6 metres wide. Chapter 10.2.4 Refer to
correction of traffic figures for different cross sections.
2) ALD is measured in mm.
Correction of bitumen
spray rates [lIm2]
Site conditions
20 mm 14 mm
aggregate aggregate
Underlying surface:
- Soft or fatty bituminous surface, wet prime - 0.4 - 0.3
- Lean, bituminous surface, dry prime 0 0
- Coarse, absorbent (hungry) surface + 0.3 + 0.2
Less than 15% heavy vehicles + 0.3 + 0.2
Climbing lanes with a gradient steeper than 5% - 0.3 - 0.2
Dusty aggregate ( > 0.2% pass. 0.075 mm ) + 0.2 + 0.2
Absorbent aggregate ( > 2% water absorption ) + 0.2 + 0.2
Comments: BIŁGMEN spray rałes — 2nd layer in DOGBLE SGRFACE dressings
The hot bitumen spray rate for the 2nd layer in a double SURFAGE dressing
is given in Tabte lO.6. The GORREGTIONS in Tabte lO.6 are GUMULATIVE and
shall be ARITHMETIGALLY added where more than one GORREGTION apply.
10 mm aggregate 7 mm aggregate
< 50 0.16 x ALD (in mm) 1.0
50 - 100 0.15 x ALD (in mm) 0.9
100 - 500 1.0 0.8
500 – 1500 0.9 0.7
> 1500 0.8 0.6
1) Assumed a two lane road, min 6 metres wide. Ckapłer 10¸2¸4 refers for correction of
traffic figures for different cross sections.
Correction of bitumen
spray rates [lIm2]
Site conditions
10 mm 7 mm
aggregate aggregate
Carriageway with less than 15% heavy
+ 0.2 + 0.1
Dusty aggregate ( > 0.2% pass. 0.075 mm ) + 0.1 0
Absorbent aggregate ( > 2% water
+ 0.1 + 0.1
absorption )
Pre-coated aggregate - 0.1 - 0.1
*) In cases where the aggregate is pre-coated, no correction shall be made for dusty or
absorbent aggregate. Corrections when using emulsion fogspray are described in
Ckapłer 10¸2¸9¸
The Otta Seal GAN be GONSTRUGTED in a single or double layer and may be
followed by a sand GOVER seal. Single Otta Seals without a sand GOVER
The combination of a single Otta Seal
seal shall not be used as permanent seals in new GONSTRUGTION unless with a sand cover seal is particularly
limited SERVIGE life is desired SUGH as for temporary seals e.g. on economical for roads with low and
diversions. medium traffic volumes. Double Otta
Seals are warranted for roads with
higher traffic.
Otta Seals of any type, INGLUDING single Otta Seals, GAN be used for
MAINTENANGE resealing.
Single Otta Seals are normally used for
Binder for Otta Seals shall be in the VISGOSITY range from MC800
GUTBAGK bitumen to 150/200 penetration grade bitumen, i.e. 80/100 shall
never be used. SELEGTION of GORREGT binder type for the prevailing
GONDITIONS shall be made in AGGORDANGE with Tabte lO.8. Adhesion
agents shall be admixed to the binder at minimum 0.5% when the
aggregate is natural gravel, or as required depending on adhesion
properties when GRUSHED aggregate is used.
properties Requirements CML test
AADT>100: TFVsoaked : min. 75% of TFVdry For AADT<100: 60%
Aggregate strength 2.7
AADT>100: TFVdry: min. 110 kN For AADT<100: 90kN
Plasticity Index max 12 1.2 and 1.3
Flakiness Index max 30 (Only valid for crushed material) 2.4
Sieve sizes [mm] Grading requirements [% passing]
20 100
14 60 - 100
10 36 - 98
5 10 - 70 1.7
2 0 - 44
1,18 0 - 38
0,425 0 - 25
0,075 0 - 10
The grading shall be continuous d have a smooth curve following the shape of the grading envelope.
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999 10
Tabte lO.9 gives the GRITERIA for SELEGTION of bitumen type and spray rates Comments:
for Otta Seals. No SPEGIAL design PROGEDURE is required for Otta Seals
used on shoulders. No GORREGTION of bitumen spray rate shall be made to
GOMPENSATE for solvents in GUTBAGK bitumen in the design of Otta Seals.
The cutback bitumen grades can be made by blending 150/200 pen. grade bitumen on site using the following
proportions: MC3000: 5% - 8% kerosine mixed with 92% - 95% 150/200 pen. grade bitumen
MC800: 15% - 18% kerosine mixed with 82% - 85% 150/200 pen. grade bitumen
If the cutback grades are made directly from 80/100 pen. grade bitumen, then an additional 3% - points kerosine shall be used.
Diesel shall not be used for cutting back to MC grades. Circulation in the tank shall be carried out at least 1 hour after
mixing. Proper safety procedures shall be adhered to in the case cutting back on site is being done.
Type of Otta Seal Hot bitumen spray rates for un-primed base course [l/m 2]
2nd layer 1,5 1,6 1,7 AADT<100: 1.8
Double 1st layer 2) 1,6 1,7 1,9 AADT<100: 2.0
Alt. fine sand 0,7 0,7 0,6
Single, with a Alt. Crusher
sand cover seal dust or coarse 0,9 0,8 0,7
river sand
1st layer 2) 1,6 1,7 1,9 AADT<100: 2.0
Single 2) 1,7 1,8 1,9 AADT<100: 2.0
Maintenance reseal (single) 1,5 1,6 1,7 AADT<100: 1.8
2) On a primed base course the spray rate shall be reduced by 0.2 l/m 2 in the first layer.
Notes: - Where the aggregate has a water absorbency more than 2%, the spray rates shall be increased by 0.3 l/m2.
- Binder for the sand cover seal shall be: MC3000 for crusher dust or coarse river sand, MC800 for fine sand.
Type of seal Aggregate spread rates [m 3/m2]
Otta Seals 0.013 - 0.016 0.013 - 0.016 0.016 - 0.020
Sand cover seals 0.010 - 0.012
Rolling and after-treatment:
- On the day of construction: 1 pass with static steel roller + 15 passes with pneumatic roller.
- For the next two days after construction: 1 pass with static steel roller + 15 passes with pneumatic roller.
- Two weeks after contruction: Sweep off any excess stones.
10.3.4 Construction
SURFAGE dressings. If prime is omitted then the preparation of the base
GOURSE shall be done in AGGORDANGE with Chapter lO.l − Priming prior to
GONSTRUGTION of the Otta Seal. Rolling of the seal shall be extensive in
AGGORDANGE with Tabte lO.9 and the seal shall be opened to trafFIG
immediately after GONSTRUGTION. CONSTRUGTION of following layers shall be
delayed as follows depending on the type of bitumen used in the
previous layer:
■ 150/200 pen. grade bitumen: min 3 to 6 weeks
■ MC800 or MC3000 GUTBAGK bitumen: min 2 to 3 months
tta Seals is normal and should cause no alarm¡ more aggregate is applied, and preferably rolled, if bleeding becomes heavy. Aggregate may be applied by hand or10. 11use of mechan
Ministry of Works
by the
Comments: 10.4 Other Surface Treatments
10.4.1 Cand seals
Sand seals are sprayed bituminous SURFAGINGS made with natural river
sand or GRUSHER dust as aggregate. CONSTRUGTED in two layers a sand seal
is used as a permanent bituminous SURFAGING on low trafFIG roads while a
single layer is not sufFIGIENTLY durable unless GOMBINED with an
underlying Otta seal or SURFAGE dressing. Sand seals are also used as a
MAINTENANGE remedy on existing SURFAGE treated roads.
The aggregate for sand seals shall be GLEAN, NON-PLASTIG river sand or
GRUSHER dust made from fresh GRUSHED ROGK or boulders, free from
orGANIG matter or lumps of GLAY. The grading requirements are given in
Tabte lO.lO.
Table lO.ll Bitumen and aggregate application rates for sand seals
5 100 85 - 100
2 85 - 100 50 - 90
1.18 60 - 90 32 - 70
0.425 32 - 60 20 - 44
0.150 10 - 27 7 - 20
0.075 4 - 12 2-8
Laboratory test CML 1.7 is referred to.
The binder for slurry shall be a bitumen emulsion suitable for the
Slurry sealing work shall not be GARRIED out if rain is threatening. The
Slurry seals can be mixed and placed
using labour based methods, but self- treated areas shall be GLOSED to trafFIG until the emulsion has broken and
propelled combined mixing and laying trafFIG does not PIGK up the seal or form TRAGKS in the layer.
machines are preferred for large scale
operations. The layer can be trafficked On roads with of less than 100 VEHIGLES per day per lane the slurry seal
soon after the emulsion has broken and
the seal has dried. shall be rolled with PNEUMATIG tyre rollers as soon as the equipment GAN
enter the sealed area without PIGKING up the slurry on the tyres.
The emulsion shall be diluted to a bitumen GONTENT of max. 40% before Spray rates for surface enrichment will
normally fall between 0.7 l/m2 and 1.G
spraying. If site GONDITIONS require a heavier rate of bitumen, then this l/m2 per application. Use of high spray
shall be AGHIEVED by repeated spraying and not the use of a higher bitu- rates carries risk of run-off to the
men GONTENT in the emulsion. If break of the emulsion takes PLAGE on the
top of the aggregates without flowing down to the bottom of the
SURFAGING, then watering shall be done prior to spraying, alternatively
further dilution of the emulsion as required. The spray rate shall be
determined on site depending on weather GONDITIONS, rate of dilution,
SURFAGE texture, GROSSFALL, gradient and trafFIG GONDITIONS. A hot, dry
SURFAGE and a high bitumen GONTENT in the emulsion GAN GAUSE break of
the emulsion on top of the aggregate without flowing into the SURFAGING
as NEGESSARY to perform its FUNGTION GAUSING PIGKING up of aggregate and
a slippery SURFAGE.
SURFAGE ENRIGHMENT work shall not be GARRIED out if rain is threatening.
The treated areas shall be GLOSED to trafFIG until the emulsion has fully
broken. Any GOLLEGTION of emulsion in depressions shall be sanded off as
Ołła seals
Where an Otta seals is used on shoulders, the seal shall be designed
AGGORDING to Chapter lO.3.
10.8.4 Construction
Asphalt GONGRETE shall be laid by the use of pavers and AGGEPTED good
PROGEDURES for this type of work.
Tack coał
TAGK GOAT of bitumen emulsion shall be applied at a rate of min. 0.3 l/m2
residual binder on all joints and SURFAGES where AC is laid.
Compacłion łrials
Detailed GOMPAGTION trials shall be GARRIED out at the beginning of paving
operations and when a new mix formula or PRODUGTION PROGEDURE is
INTRODUGED. The GOMPAGTION trial shall show GOMPLIANGE with mix
formulas and demonstrate the ADEQUAGY of the proposed GOMPAGTION
Roads h
Project appraisal
Cross Section,
Shoulders and Drainage
Problem Soils Pavement Design-
New Roads
Pavement Pavement
Materials Rehabilitation
Cravel Roads
Ministry of Works
11 Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
SGRFACE performance
The PERFORMANGE of the gravel SURFAGE depends on material quality, the
LOGATION of the road and the trafFIG VOLUME using the road. Gravel roads
passing through populated areas in PARTIGULAR require materials that do not
generate EXGESSIVE dust in dry weather. Steep gradients PLAGES PARTIGULAR
demands for gravel wearing GOURSE materials that do not BEGOME slippery
in wet weather, or erode easily.
The gravel wearing course needs to be The material requirements for the gravel wearing GOURSE INGLUDE provision
regularly shaped and also replaced of a gravel SURFAGE that is efFEGTIVELY maintainable. ADHERENGE to the limits
periodically throughout the service life
of the road at a rate depending on the on oversize PARTIGLES in the material is of PARTIGULAR iMPORTANGE in this
gravel loss. An annual loss of 10 to G0 regard.
mm of gravel wearing course material
at an AADT of 100 is common.
11.2.0 £eneral
Experience wiłk local małerials
Knowledge about past PERFORMANGE of LOGALLY OGGURRING materials for
gravel roads is essential. One may divert from the material standards to
take advantage of available gravel SOURGES provided they have proved to
Marginal małerials
Figure ll.l illustrates the PERFORMANGE GHARAGTERISTIGS to be EXPEGTED of
materials that do not meet the requirements for gravel wearing GOURSE.
11.2.1 Earthworks
Materials for improved subgrade layers and fill shall meet the
requirements in /Chapter 5.5/ for GLASS G15 and G7 and /Chapter 5.6/
for GLASS G3 and dump ROGK (DR).
Shrinkage Product, SP 400
150 mm GW
150 mm GW
S7 1)
150 mm GW 150 mm 1)
100 mm G15
1) G15
1) Classificationsubgrade classes S3, S7 and G15 and requirements for G7 and G15 materials are given: /Chapter 5 – Subgrade/.
2) Maximum 50% heavy vehicles is assumed. Heavy vehicles are those having an un-laden weight of more
than 3 tonnes, or buses with a seating capacity of 40 or more: /Chapter 4 – Traffic/.
7igure ll.2 Pavement and improved subgrade − major gravel roads Climatic zones: /Figure 2¸1/
Subgrade classes
Moderate or dry Wet
S15 or S7 climatic zones climatic zones
wearing 100mm 100mm 100mm
Climatic zones: /Figure 2¸1/
Improved 200mm
layer G7 G7
( none )
Classification S15, S7 and S3 and requirements for G7 materials are given: /Chapter 5 – Subgrade/.
A1 - Definitions of Terms
A2 - Units of Measurements
A3 - Abbreviations
A8 - Worked Examples
A9 - Maps
Ministry of Works
Appendix 1
Definitions of Terms
Pavement and Materials Design Manual - 1999
Asphalt Concrete (AC) A group of hot bituminous mixtures used for SURFAGING. They normally
GONSIST of a well graded mixture of GOARSE aggregate, fine aggregate and
filler, bound together with penetration grade bitumen.
Base course The layer(s) OGGURRING immediately below the surfacing and above the
subbase or, if there is no subbase, above the improved subgrade layers.
Behaviour The FUNGTION of the GONDITION of the pavement with time (see
Binder course, bituminous The surfacing layer immediately below the bituminous wearing course
above the base course.
Bitumen emulsion A binder in WHIGH bitumen has been dispersed in finely divided droplets in
water by the aid of MEGHANIGAL means and an emulsifying agent. Bitumen
emulsion is made in an ANIONIG and a GATIONIG type depending on the
PARTIGLE GHARge of the bitumen droplets in solution. Bitumen emulsions are
GLASSIFIED AGGORDING to PERGENTAGE of bitumen in the material and the
PHYSIGAL properties related to their behaviour during GONSTRUGTION, (See also
Bitumen stabilised material A material made of natural- or GRUSHED aggregate with a bituminous binder
admixed. Used in pavement tayers - primarily for base course.
Bitumen-rubber A binder in WHIGH bitumen is modified with more than 15% ground rubber.
(See also modified binder).
Bituminous binders Petroleum derived adhesives used for sealing of SURFAGES and binding of
aggregates in pavement tayers. Classified AGGORDING to their GOMPOSITION
and PHYSIGAL properties. (See also penetration grade bitumen, cutback
bitumen, bitumen emutsion, bitumen rubber, and modified binders).
Bituminous seals A general term for thin bituminous wearing courses made of surface
treatments or sturry seats, or a GOMBINATION of these.
Borrow pit A borrow pit is a site from WHIGH natural material, other than solid stone, is
removed for use in GONSTRUGTION of the works. The term borrow area is also
Break of emulsions ‘Break’ of a bitumen emutsion is when the water and bitumen separates so
the water will evaporate, leaving behind the bitumen to perform its FUNGTION.
A material that
GONSISTS of snatural-
or GRUSHED gravel
stabilised with
ordinary Portland
that a semi-rigid
material is
Crushed rock (CRR) Crushed material made from fresh quarried ROGK or GLEAN, un-weathered
boulders of min 0.3 m diameter. All PARTIGLES shall be Grushed. The material
is GOMPAGTED to a SPEGIFIED PERGENTAGE of the aggregate’s apparent density.
Crushed stone (CR9) Crushed stones. Min 50% by mass of PARTIGLES larger than 5 mm shall have at
least one GRUSHED FAGE. Made from GRUSHING of stones, boulders or oversize
from naturat gravet. Max 30% of the FRAGTION passing the 4.75 mm sieve GAN
be soil fines. The material is GOMPAGTED to a SPEGIFIED relative density of BS-
Curing membrane A bituminous binder, usually made of bitumen emutsion, applied imme-
diately after GONSTRUGTION of a GOMPLETED SURFAGE of modified or stabitised
materiats with time or cement. Its purpose is to prevent early drying out of
the GEMENTED layer and to minimise adverse efFEGTS of the stabiliser’s
GONTAGT with CO2 in the air.
Cutback bitumen A penetration bitumen WHIGH VISGOSITY has been temporarily REDUGED by
blending with solvents. The solvents are EXPEGTED to evaporate during the e
arly part of the pavement’s SERVIGE life. Classified AGGORDING to their
Cutting A GUTTING is a SEGTION of the road where the formation level is below
the original ground level.
Deflection (surface) The REGOVERABLE VERTIGAL movements of the pavement SURFAGE GAUSED by the
APPLIGATION of a wheel load.
Dry Density and Moisture Con- The moisture GONTENT, in %, to use for GALGULATION of dry density of
tent of bituminous materials materials that GONTAIN both bitumen and water, e.g. FBMIX and BEMIX, is
defined as follows:
(weight of water)
MC = x 100
(weight of aggregate + weight of bitumen)
Dump rock (DR) Un-graded ROGK or boulder material with a sufFIGIENTLY low fines GONTENT so
that the large PARTIGLES are in GONTAGT with EAGH other when PLAGED in
earthworks layers. Used in fitt and improved subgrade tayers.
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer An instrument for assessing the in-situ CBR strength of granular materials/
Earthworks A general term DESGRIBING all PROGESSED materials below formation tevet
INGLUDING improved subgrade tayers, fitt and prepared roadbed.
Embankment, shallow A shallow embankment is defined as a SEGTION of the road where the for-
mation level is between 0 and 0.3 m above the original ground level.
Equivalent standard axle (E80) Defined as an axle loaded to a weight of 8160 kg, in the design GONGEPT
meaning a unit of measuring the damaging efFEGT to road pavements GAUSED
by axles of any load.
Fill Material PLAGED below the improved subgrade, but above the roadbed.
Formation level The final level upon WHIGH the pavement tayers are PLAGED.
Cranular materials Pavement materials made from GRUSHED or natural SOURGES, where no addition
of any stabiliser has been made. (Term NOT to be used: Unbound materials).
Cravel wearing course The uppermost layer of a gravel road, WHIGH provides the riding SURFAGE for
Heavy vehicles A general term DESGRIBING VEHIGLES with un-laden weight of 3 tonnes or
more. Heavy VEHIGLES are further sub-grouped into Medium Goods-, Heavy
Goods- Very Heavy Goods Vehictes and Buses for the purpose of
determining design load in pavement design.
Improved subgrade The uppermost layer(s) of the subgrade, GONSISTING of material of GONTROLLED
quality. (e.g. terms not to be used: SELEGTED borrow - SELEGTED subgrade
- GAPPING layer - topping).
Light vehicles A general term DESGRIBING VEHIGLES with un-laden weight of less than
3 tonnes and INGLUDES buses with a seating GAPAGITY of less than 40.
Medium Coods Yehicles (MCY) All goods VEHIGLES having 2 axles and an un-laden weight of 3 tonnes or more.
Natural gravel Material from natural gravel SOURGES. The term also INGLUDES GRUSHED mate-
(G80, G60, G45, rial where less than 40% of the mass of PARTIGLES larger than 5 mm have a
G25) GRUSHED FAGE. Classified AGGORDING to their minimum CBR strength. Used in
pavement tayers.
Natural gravel/soil Material from natural SOURGES. Classified AGGORDING to their minimum CBR
(Gl5, G7, G3) strength. Used in improved subgrade tayers and fitt.
Pavement evaluation The assessment of the degree to WHIGH the pavement fulfils its FUNGTIONAL
Pavement layers The GOMBINATION of material layers GONSTRUGTED above the formation tevet in
order to provide an AGGEPTABLE FAGILITY on WHIGH to operate VEHIGLES.
Penetration grade bitumen A bitumen WHIGH VISGOSITY or GOMPOSITION has not been adjusted by blending
with solvents or any other SUBSTANGE. Classified AGGORDING to penetration
value obtained in laboratory tests.
Performance The measure of SATISFAGTION given by the pavement to the road user over a
period of time, quantified by a SERVIGEABILITY/AGE FUNGTION (see also
Quarry A quarry is an open SURFAGE working from wHIGH stone is removed for use
in GONSTRUGTION of the works.
Reflection cracks CRAGKS in asphalt overlays or SURFAGE treatments that REFLEGT the GRAGK
pattern of the pavement STRUGTURE underneath.
Rehabilitation design period The GHOSEN minimum period for WHIGH a pavement rehabilitation is designed
to GARRY the trafFIG in the prevailing environment, with a reasonable degree of
GONFIDENGE, without NEGESSITATING further pavement rehabilitation.
Roadbed All in-situ ground after bush GLEARING, removal of topsoil and EXGAVATION
of any cuttings, and before PLAGING any layers, whether these layers are
fitt, improved subgrade or pavement tayers.
9and seal A surface treatment made of sand aggregates of GRUSHED or natural material.
Can be GONSTRUGTED in single- or multiple layers.
9erviceability The measure of SATISFAGTION given by the pavement to the road user at
a GERTAIN time, quantified by FAGTORS SUGH as riding quality and rut
9hrinkage Limit The saturated moisture GONTENT GORRESPONDING to the void ratio of a dried
sample. In PRAGTISE this is the moisture GONTENT below WHIGH little or no
further volume GHANGE OGGURS in a soil being dried.
9kid resistance The general ability of a PARTIGULAR road SURFAGE to prevent skidding of VEHIGLES.
9lurry seal A GOLD premixed material of GREAMY GONSISTENGY in a fresh state, made
of GRUSHER-dust, bitumen emutsion and GEMENT filler. Water is added for
adjustments of the GONSISTENGY. If GONSTRUGTED in GOMBINATION with a
new surface dressing, it is named a Cape seat.
9tructural capacity The ability of the pavement to withstand the efFEGTS of GLIMATE and trafFIG
9tructural design The design of the pavement layers for adequate STRUGTURAL strength under the
design GONDITIONS of trafFIG loading, environment and subgrade support.
9tructural distress Distress pertaining to the load bearing GAPAGITY of the pavement.
9tructural evaluation The assessment of the STRUGTURAL GAPAGITY of a pavement.
9ubbase The layer(s) OGGURRING below the base course and above the
improved subgrade tayer.
9ubgrade The GOMPLETED earthworks within the road prism before the GONSTRUGTION
of the pavement tayers.
9urface dressing A surface treatment made of single sized aggregates of GRUSHED material. Can
be GONSTRUGTED in single- or multiple layers.
9urface treatment A general term for thin bituminous wearing courses made by lightly rolling
aggregate into a sprayed thin film of bitumen. Aggregates GAN alternatively be
made of GRUSHED or natural material with a grading depending on the desired
type of surface treatment to be PRODUGED. Can be GONSTRUGTED in single- or
multiple layers.
9urfacing integrity A measure of the GONDITION of the SURFAGING as an INTAGT and durable matrix
(it INGLUDES values of porosity and texture).
9urfacing, bituminous The uppermost pavement layer(s), WHIGH provides the riding SURFAGE for
VEHIGLES. INGLUDES bituminous wearing course and bituminous binder course
where used.
Tack coat An APPLIGATION of bituminous binder to a bituminous SURFAGE subsequent to
PLAGING a bituminous layer. Usually made of bitumen emutsion with the
purpose to improve the bond between bituminous layers.
Terminal level A minimum AGGEPTABLE level of some feature of the road in terms of
Types of distress The SUB-GLASSIFIGATION of the various manifestations of a PARTIGULAR mode of
Yehicle Equivalency Factor (YEF) The total number of equivatent standard astes GALGULATED for one VEHIGLE.
The average of all these values within one VEHIGLE GATEGORY is subsequently
GALGULATED for ease of REFERENGE to trafFIG GOUNT data.
The standard units of measurement to be used are based on the International System (SI) units. However, the units
APPLIGABLE to road design also INGLUDE some units WHIGH are not STRIGTLY part of SI. Multiples and sub-multiples of
SI units are formed either by the use of the INDIGES or prefixes. Definitions of APPLIGABLE prefixes are given in Tabte
Table A2.1 Definition of prefixes
Basic Units
Table A2.2 Basic units, multiples and sub-multiples
Recommended Multiples
Quantity Unit Symbols
and Sub-Multiples
Length metre m km, mm
Mass kilogram kg Mg, g, mg, t (1t = 103kg)
Time second s day(d), hour (h), minute(m)
Area square metre m2 km2, mm2, hectare
(1ha = 10,000 m2)
Tabte A4.l should be observed to ENHANGE pavement PERFORMANGE where diversions from the standard GROSS
SEGTION are made for budgetary reasons in agreement with the Ministry of Works. The alternative GROSS SEGTION
design should strive for the maximum TEGHNIGAL benefits DESGRIBED in Tabte A4.l without making UNAGGEPTABLE
GOMPROMISES to other ASPEGTS of the road design, PROJEGT EGONOMY or trafFIG safety. TrafFIG safety ASPEGTS are not
DISGUSSED in this manual and should be assessed in EAGH individual GASE where diversions are made from standard
Steep crossfall Good water run-off, hence less likelihood of moisture ingress into the pavement
The heating site shall be LOGATED minimum 100m from storage sites for GUTTER oil and on the side furthest from the
loading point for these materials.
Before leaving a heating site it shall be GLEANED up by removing all debris and pools of bitumen and oil and neatly
STAGKING all materials remaining on the site.
Fire precautions
Handling and spraying of petroleum PRODUGTS at high temperatures GREATES a potentially high fire hazard. Most
fires are due to the human error and it is therefore important for personnel to be INSTRUGTED on the dangers and the
PREGAUTIONS that must be taken.
The viscosity of the cutback bitumen is determined by the amount of cutter used and not the type of cutter used. The type of cutter determines
the length of time (Rapid, Medium or Slow) for evaporation to take place producing RC, MC or SC grades.
Cafety procedures
The operation of GUTTING BAGK bitumen on site may be hazardous unless appropriate safety PREGAUTIONS are taken to
prevent fire and safeguard personnel handling the operation.
The following safety PREGAUTIONS shall be adhered to:
■ GUTTER shall not be mixed with bitumen having a higher temperature than 140oC
■ do not heat GUTBAGK blends above the required temperature
■ the blending site shall be LOGATED at a minimum 100 metres from installations, homes or PLAGES that
people OGGUPY
■ within a radius of 100 metres no open fire or smoking shall be allowed during the blending operation.
This INGLUDES heaters in bitumen tanks
■ the blending site shall not be GLOSER than 100 metres to storage sites of GUTTER or fuel
The following mistakes are absolute hazards that GARRY GONSIDERABLE risk of explosion and fire:
■ the manhole shall NEVER be used for adding GUTTER to hot bitumen
■ GUTTER shall NEVER be pumped into an empty tank that is still hot after having GONTAINED bitumen
■ the level in the tank shall NEVER be allowed to fall below that SPEGIFIED by the MANUFAGTURER
while the heaters are in operation, normally minimum 150 mm above the highest point of the
heater pipes
Anti-stripping agents are often GORROSIVE and require use of PROTEGTIVE gloves and eye goggles during handling.
Liquid agents easily GAUSE splashing and require SPEGIAL GARE, however some ‘solid’ agent may appear in a liquid
form depending on ambient temperature and should be treated equally with GAUTION.
Anti-stripping additives are used in bitumen to promote adhesion in adverse conditions. There are many brands on the market in the form of
liquids, pastes or pellets and their effectiveness varies.
The handling of procedures required vary depending on the type of the product, however in general the additive may be added to the sprayer
before or after the bitumen, depending upon the consistency, and whether the a primer or binder is being prepared. The contents of the sprayer
should be circulated for 20 minutes to ensure thorough mixing.
Admixture of additives
The most GOMMON method of admixture is to pour the GALGULATED amount into the bitumen distributor immediately
before the spraying operation is to start and allow 30 minutes of GIRGULATION to ensure a homogeneous mix.
A wire basket suspended inside the bitumen distributor can improve matters if a solid anti-stripping agent give a problem in not dissolving properly.
Anti-stripping agents that has been kept hot in the bitumen distributor for more than five hours shall be GONSIDERED
stale, and an additional dosage is then required, amounting to half of the originally SPEGIFIED PERGENTAGE.
There is a variety of anti-stripping agents in the market, of which some are less adversely affected by high temperatures.
A5.6 Check of Bitumen Distributors
CORREGT operation of bitumen sprayer is of the utmost IMPORTANGE in all sprayed work. The distributor driver and
sprayer operator must be skilled and properly trained, with an understanding of the operation of the sprayer.
Routine investigations
Routine investigations iNGLUDE:
■ simple GEOLOGIGAL and GEOMORPHOLOGIGAL assessments
■ field assessment
■ routine INDIGATOR testing of Atterberg limits and grading, [CML tests 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7 and 1.8]
■ analysis of routine test data
Simple GEOLOGIGAL and GEOMORPHOLOGIGAL assessments are GARRIED out during desk studies of PROJEGTS for
supplementary information about the likelihood of ENGOUNTERING expansive soils.
Field assessmenłs
IDENTIFIGATION of expansive soils by examinations in the field requires that GENTRELINE soil surveys and reporting are
GARRIED out in STRIGT AGGORDANGE with the given standards by the Ministry of Works. The information in Tabte A6.l
is routinely to be GOLLEGTED as part of proper field assessments, with TYPIGAL features of expansive soils given in
keyword form:
Laborałory łesłs
A soil is potentially expansive and requires extended investigations if exhibiting the following properties:
■ the result of the field assessments INDIGATES expansive soils, and
■ PIW is greater than 20%
PIW = PLASTIGITY Index tested on FRAGTION <425µm AGGORDING to CML test 1.2 and weighted for
the sample’s AGTUAL GONTENT of PARTIGLES <425µm, i.e.:
PIW = PI x (% passing 425µm) / 100
CALCGLAŁION of expansiveness
Expansiveness (cex ) on the basis of extended investigations is GALGULATED from the following formula:
cex = 2.4 x wp - 3.9 x w + 32.7
wp = PLASTIG Limit tested on FRAGTION <425µm AGGORDING to CML test 1.3 and weighted for the
sample’s AGTUAL GONTENT of PARTIGLES <425µm (see below).
ws = Shrinkage Limit tested on FRAGTION <425µm AGGORDING to ASTM D4943-89 and weighted
for the sample’s AGTUAL GONTENT of PARTIGLES <425µm. (see below).
Weighting for partictes <425µm :
wp = (PLASTIG Limit) x (% passing 425mm) / 100 [CML test 1.3]
ws = (Shrinkage Limit) x (% passing 425µm) / 100 [ASTM D4943-89]
In-depth studies
In-depth studies of expansive soils INGLUDE:
■ oedometer GOMPRESSION test with unloading and GONSOLIDATION stages
■ determination of swell index from unloading stages
■ GALGULATION of expansiveness from given formulas
■ instrumental analysis to identify GHARAGTERISTIG GLAY mineralogy, e.g. X-ray difFRAGTION, differential
thermal analysis, ELEGTRON MIGROSGOPY
Classification of expansive soils may have far reaching budgetary consequences on major road projects traversing long sections affected by this
problem. Such projects may warrant in-depth studies of the expansiveness of the soil including determination of clay mineralogy.
CALCGLAŁION of expansiveness
Expansiveness (cex ) on the basis of in-depth studies is GALGULATED from the following formula after determination of
swell index ( CS) from oedometer tests:
Field observations
EXGESS of sodium, WHIGH in GOMBINATION with low GONTENTS of soluble salts is the feature that GHARAGTERISES disper-
sive soils, is released during weathering of GEOLOGIGAL formations that are RIGH in sodium. The sodium is in turn
deposited in LOGATIONS where drainage is RESTRIGTED and dispersive soils are therefore found in low lying areas in
relatively flat terrain.
Erosion pałłern
A good field INDIGATOR of dispersive soils is by observation of the erosion pattern. Severe erosion is seen if disper-
sive soils are present where earth moving AGTIVITY has exposed the GLAY horizon below the top soil GOVER, or where
these soils have been used in any fillings. The erosion is shown as extensive developments of piles and gullies. The
erosion GAN take the form of VERTIGAL PINNAGLES, appearing to have a sandy SURFAGE.
Dispersive soils GOMMONLY have a light grey GOLOUR, however GOLOUR is not GONSIDERED a reliable INDIGATOR of disper-
sive soils.
The vegetation GOVER in the PRESENGE of dispersive soils is normally sparse.
Indicator testing
CRGMB łesł
A simple INDIGATOR test that is REGOMMENDED for initial field IDENTIFIGATION of dispersive soils is the GRUMB test (CML
test 1.17). A GRUMB of soil is PLAGED in a glass of distilled water, its behaviour is observed and the dispersion is
GLASSIFIED depending on the degree of muddiness of the water. See Figure Al0.l.
Ckemical łesłing
CHEMIGAL test of pore water EXTRAGTS, INGLUDING tests of pH are GARRIED out and the results analysed to
establish potentially dispersive properties.
Pinkole łesł
The pinhole test is a PHYSIGAL test whereby water under various heads of pressure is GAUSED to flow through a hole
of 1 mm diameter in a sample SPEGIMEN. Erosion and widening of the hole is observed and dispersive properties
derived from the results.
Appendix 7
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
This appendix deals with Environmental IMPAGT Assessment (EIA):
■ what it is and what purpose it serves
■ when and how EIA is GOMMISSIONED
SGOPING is the investigative stage, parallel to feasibility study of a road. The PRODUGT of SGOPING is a pretiminary
Environmental IMPAGT Statement (EIS), often GALLED the ‘SGOPING Study’.
Detailed EIA
Detailed EIA is GONDUGTED at the same time as preliminary design, so that the findings may be INGORPORATED into
detailed design. The written output from detailed EIA is the futt Environmental IMPAGT Statement (EIS).
Approval of an EIS implies commitment to implement its recommendations. Funding of a project is normally dependant on approval of the EIS
by the client, the environmental authority (NEMC) and, where applicable, by the financier.
If an adverse impact is not being mitigated as foreseen, further measures have to be adopted.
Displacement of illegal structures within a road reserve does not normally require a RAP¡ but the Ministry of Morks should be consulted on a
case-to- case basis.
Very rarely will an EIA conclude that a project should be halted. Conditions to be observed during construction and maintenance should be
mentioned in the invitations to tender.
Implemenłing RAP
Implementing a Resettlement AGTION Plan (RAP) requires detailed REGORDS of persons and properties afFEGTED,
negotiation of GOMPENSATION in keeping with prevailing regulations, and SATISFAGTORY GONGLUSION of the AGTUAL
The principle of fair compensation is that compulsory resettlement should leave the displaced persons and businesses no worse off, and
preferably slightly better off, than they were previously.
Appendix 8
Worked Examples
Pavement and Materials Design Manual -1999
Cummary of axle load survey and equivalency factors. Assessment of axles heavier than
13 tonnes. (Chapters 4¸2¸2, 4¸2¸3 anb 4¸2¸4 )
Direction 1 Direction 2
Vehicle Avg. Avg. Total E80 from all E80 from Avg. Avg. Total E80 from all E80 from axles
category Gross wt. VEF No. of axles axles heavier Gross wt. VEF No. of axles heavier than
(ton) (80 kN) veh. than 13 tonnes (ton) (80kN) veh. 13 tonnes
Traffic growth and design traffic loading (Ckapłers 4¸2¸5 and 4¸2¸6)
Direction 1 Direction 2
Daily counts 13 19 10 20 13 21 11 20
Use the heaviest DIREGTION in axle loading for GALGULATING the trafFIG loading, in this GASE DIREGTION 2. The GUMULATIVE
number of standard axles, E80 = 365 x t1 x (1 + I)N - 1
where: t1 = average daily number of standard axles in the year of trafFIG
i = annual growth rate expressed as a DEGIMAL FRAGTION
N = GALGULATED period in years
Substituting: t1 = 468
i = 0.035 for all heavy VEHIGLE GATEGORIES
The GUMULATIVE number of E80 for the design period and the time from present until GOMPLETED pavement
GONSTRUGTION is GALGULATED using (20 + 3) = 23 years, and let be denoted as E802S.
The GUMULATIVE E80 for the time from present to GOMPLETION of pavement GONSTRUGTION is GALGULATED using 3 years,
and let be denoted as E80S.
E80S = 365 x 468 x (1 + 0.035)S −1 = 0.5 million E80
Input data
■ Traffig: Climate:
TLC 3.
■ Alignment: Moderate.
■ Shallow embankment or guttings throughout the route.
Subgrade CBR: 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9,10, 6, 8, 9, 9, 9, 11, 12, 12, 14
The use of standard deviation in a normal distribution ( MEAN - 1.3 x ) gives EXGESSIVELY GONSERVATIVE
results. A DIREGT use of the measured CBR values and EXGLUSION of 10% of the number of tests shall be the applied
For cuttings, use the lowest CBR value for the section (Chapter 5¸2¸3)
SEGTION 2 in a GUTTING has a CBR of 7% as its lowest.
Lower layer G7 not ired
The CBRdesign value is obtained by normal rounding off the 90%-ile value.
Section 2
Cutting, lowest CBR is used as CBRdesign.
Section 3
CBR values plotted
in ascending order
CBR data
6 14
8 12
9 8
11 90%-ile 7,6 6 n = 9 tests d = 0.1 x (n-1)
12 = 0.8
12 CBR DESIGN d=0.8
14 8%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The CBRdesign value is obtained by normal rounding off the 90%-ile value.
A8.3 The CUSUM Method to Establish Homogenous Sets
of Data
The CUSUM is a method to establish homogenous SEGTIONS by analysis of one parameter at the time. The method
utilises plotting of the GUMULATIVE sum of difFERENGE from the average value. The GALGULATIONS, plotting and interpre-
tation of data are shown below in an example where rutting measurements on an existing pavement are analysed.
Chainage Rutting Difference CUSUM
Plotting of CUSUM against Chainage
measured from average (Accumulated
[Km] [mm] (A - B) values of C )
1 14 -1,2 -1,2
2 13 -0,2 -1,4
3 15 -2,2 -3,6 Homogenous sections
4 14 -1,2 -4,8
5 13 -0,2 -5,0
6 14 -1,2 -6,2 5
7 7 5,8 -0,4 0
8 9 3,8 3,4
9 8 4,8 8,2 -10
10 13 -0,2 8,0 -20
11 15 -2,2 5,8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
12 18 -5,2 0,6
13 14 -1,2 -0,6
14 16 -3,2 -3,8 Chainage
15 14 -1,2 -5,0
16 14 -1,2 -6,2
17 15 -2,2 -8,4
18 18 -5,2 -13,6
19 14 -1,2 -14,8 Interpretation of data:
20 15 -2,2 -17,0 A change of slope indicates change of conditions along
21 9 3,8 -13,2 the data. Four distinct homogenous sections can be seen
22 10 2,8 -10,4 in the above chart.
23 9 3,8 -6,6
24 12 0,8 -5,8
25 9 3,8 -2,0
26 11 1,8 -0,2
Average: A = 12,8
A8.4 Pavement Rehabilitation Design – Maximum
Deflection Method
Input data:
Two homogenous SEGTIONS of a pavement rehabilitation PROJEGT with granular base GOURSE have the following
DEFLEGTION data after more than 20 measurements had been taken on EAGH SEGTION:
Fection l:
■ mean: 0.73 mm standard deviation: 0.029 mm
Fection 2:
■ mean: 0.79 mm standard deviation: 0.086 mm
Design deflection:
Fection l: (mean DEFLEGTION) + 1.3 x (standard deviation)
= 0.73 + 1.3 x 0.029 = 0.77 mm
Fection 2: (mean DEFLEGTION) + 1.3 x (standard deviation)
= 0.79 + 1.3 x 0.086 = 0.90 mm
Residual life
Fection l: Residual life = EXPEGTED life − past trafFIG loading
= (4 − 2) million E80 = 2 million E80.
Fection 2: Residual life = EXPEGTED life − past trafFIG loading
= (3 − 2) million E80 = 1 million E80.
Strengthening of the pavement is required SINGE the residual life is less than the future design trafFIG loading.
Target deflection
Fections l and 2: Future trafFIG loading of 8.0 million E80 plus 2.0 million E80 past trafFIG loading gives a target
DEFLEGTION = 0.53 mm /Figure 9.5/
CBR = 8%
Design traffig loading: 8 million E80 (TLC 10) Wet glimatig zone
Rural main road with high traffig speed
SNexist = [(a1 x t1)+(a2 x t2) ] / 25.4 = [(0.18 x 60)+(0.10 x 180)] / 25.4 = 1.33
SNexist = [(a1 x t1)+(a2 x t2)+(a3 x t3)] / 25.4 = [(0.18 x 60)+(0.10 x 180)+(0.08 x 150)] / 25.4 = 1.61
SNdiff = SNrequired - SNexist = 3.30 - 1.61 = 1.69
CBR = 8% SNrequired = 3.30 /Table 9.5/ for TLC 10 and CBR=8
Among the values of SNdiff (1.92 - 1.42 - 1.69) GALGULATED at different levels in the existing pavement, 1.92 is the
highest and BEGOMES the value for WHIGH rehabilitation design is GARRIED out.
Overlay alternatives
SNdiff The nearest value for SNdiff has been selected.
2,00 AC 50 mm
PM 60 100 mm
AC 50 mm
CRR 00 mm
Bit. 100 mm PM 60 100 mm
■ Overlays with a bituminous mix is not GONSIDERED viable due to the high risk of REFLEGTIVE GRAGKING
from the severely GRAGKED AC SURFAGING of the existing pavement, unless SPEGIALISED interlayer systems
are employed.
■ Overlay with granular base GOURSE and AC SURFAGING GOULD be employed, but REPROGESSING of the
existing pavement is advisable if there is deformation in the existing pavement.
■ Penetration MAGADAM will arrest REFLEGTIVE GRAGKING, but on a high speed road SURFAGE dressing alone
on a penetration MAGADAM is not well suited.
■ The following overlay alternative is appropriate, provided site GONDITIONS SUGH as severe deformation in
the existing pavement, does not prohibit this GONSTRUGTION method.
AC 50 mm
125 mm
PM 80
If deformation of the existing SURFAGE is severe it is likely that partial REGONSTRUGTION is the most viable rehabilitation
option. i.e. to REPROGESS the existing SURFAGE and base GOURSE to subbase in the new pavement /Chapter 9.3.2/.
Appendix 8
Worked Examples
Pavement and Materials Design Manual -1999
New surfacing
New base course New base course and surfacing to be selected in compliance with
/Chapter 8.3.2/ depending on achieved quality of the new subbase.
Reprocessed AC Exitsing AC reprocessed, or removed, depending on chosen method.
Existing base course (and subbase) Existing base course (and subbase) reprocessed to subbase
in the new pavement.
/Table 10.6/ There is no GORREGTION of spray rate for the 2nd layer.
Design of a combined seal GSING single SGRFACE dressing and a sand cover seal
/Chapter 10.4.2/
INPGŁ dała:
■ double SURFAGE dressing, new road, dry, primed base GOURSE
■ AADT = 200, two lane road with SURFAGED width of 6.5 m
■ 20% heavy VEHIGLES
■ 14 mm GHIPPING: ALD = 8.0 mm
■ river sand in GOMBINATION as 2nd layer
■ 0.15% passing 0.075 mm (not dusty), water absorption: 0.7%
■ flat terrain
/Table 10.3/ There is no GORREGTION of spray rate for the 1st layer.
BIŁGMEN spray rałe for sand seal — 2nb seal /Chapter 10.4.1/
/Table 10.11/ The binder for sand seals shall be GUTBAGK bitumen of type MC3000.
The hot spray rate of MC3000 GUTBAGK bitumen ranges between 0.80 l/m2 and 1.00 l/m2 to be
determined on site depending on the SURFAGE texture of the underlying seal.
Appendix 9.1
Physical (topography)
Appendix 9.2
Appendix 9.3
Appendix e.4
Appendix e.5
MAY 1999
ISBN 9987 - 8891 - 1 - 5