Minolta Macro Rokkor Len Manual
Minolta Macro Rokkor Len Manual
Minolta Macro Rokkor Len Manual
6 elements in 4 groups
f 3.5 -22 Exposure value conversion index on
the lens barrel.
Hand pre-set diaphragm system
Focusing distance 00 - 23cm ( magnification 1/ 00 - 1/ 2)
23cm - 20cm (with intermediate rings)
( magnification 1/2- 1/ 1)
Focusing Straight forward helicoid focusing
Mount Leica type screw mount -with Adapter
for SR mount.
Filter Size 55mm
Accessories SR mount adapter intermediate ring,
reverse attaching ring, handle .
Macro Rokkor Lens System
(from left to right)
Reverse ring, Main lens, Intermedi
ate ring, SR adapter ring, Handle.
Lens combination
This lens is composed of main lens, reverse ring,
intermediate ring, SR mount adapter, and handle.
The lens has Leica type screw mount, and when
it is used for SR cameras, apply SR mount adapter
ring over the main lens.
For 00 - 1 : 1 magnification
a. Apply SR mount adapter ove r Iacr o Rokkor
Lens and attach it to Minolta SR cameras, by
means of the handle.
b. Now your Minolta SR cameras are available for
infinity distance to extreme close ups as close
as 23cm, without intermediate ring.
Exposure conversion Index
Macrg , Rokkor Lens has the exposure correction
index : (efective F Value) scale on the barrel to
ensure- easy aperture setting for correct exposure.
The effective F value of the lens is reduced, as
the camera moves very close to the subject and
the lens barrel is extruded to a large extent. The
exposure correction index shows the effective F
value of the lens within the range of infinity (00 )
to close up at the magnification of 1 1. Thus,
within this range, you need not trouble yourself
(Macro Rokkor has conversion index and you can
to find out the exposure correction index, with which
always read the correct exposure value, by con-
to correct F value.
verted F value on the index.)
The pictures on the next page will show how F
value changes as the distance between the lens
and the subject changes. At the magnification
of 1 2.5, F value is reduced to one half, and at
the magnification of 1 1, F value is reduced to
one fourth as compared with the F value at
the infinity shot. Therefore, aperture setting
must be moved towards the opening by one stop
at 1 25 magnification and by two stops at 1 1 § Exposure conversion index includes correct F value
magnification. for 00 shots to extreme close ups at 23cm.
At the buttom of the lens barrel, trere is additional
§ For extreme close ups at 23cm - 20cm (1/ 2 actual index for further correction wh en the interme·
size) apply the intermediate ring between the diate ring is used , from 1/ 2 to actual size repro,
lens and camera mount. In this application, lens duction on the negative.
can be attached with the upside of the barrel down ,
so that the right index comes on the upsIde.
Macro Rokkor is For extreme close up Macro Rokkor is For actual size repr()-
focused at 00 with shots as close as 23 focused at 23cm of du ction by means of
Minolta SR camera cm (Notice exposure object, with interme- intermediate ring.
for general picture value conversion in- diate ring, at magni-
taking. dex. ) fication 1/ 2.
A) At the magnification of 1 10, reading f 4 cor·
responding to the indicate line.
B) At the magnification of 50 reading f 5.6 cor-
responding to the indicate line.
C) At the magnification of 1/.. reading f 8 c0rres-
ponding to the indicate line with intermediate
For further magnification
For further magnification, use the Minolta Exten-
sion Bellow, II applying Macro Rokkor reverse way
by means of reverse ring.
The reason of attaching the lens reverse way is For larger th
to reduce aberration of the lens, and to give more actual size repr,
space between the lens and the object, for easier duction. by mel
illumination of the object. of reverse ring
When the Extension Bellow II is used with Minolta
SR cameras, the magnification, would be between
1.8 ~ 4.4. (for 1 1.8 magnification, attach the lens
normally, not reverse way )
When the lens is attached reverse way no helicoid
focusing is possible. Magnification and Exposure conversion
In this case, the following table should be used § The magnification means the ratio between the size
for correct exposure. of the object and the reproduced image on the nega-
Magni· Exposure Value tive. (g~?ativ~ Image) Minolta SR cameras have
Distance Conversion lect size
2 X 36 mm format, so the following calculation is
1 203.2 mm 4.0 24mm
1.5 211.5 6.3 shorter dimension of the object
2 229.0 9.0
2.5 240.6 12.3 § Exposure value correction and index.
3 271.8 16.0 At the same iris stop opening, negative image is
3.5 295.0 20.3 darkened in proportion to the distance between the
4 319.3 25.0 lens and the focal plane, especially when the lens is
4.5 343.6 30.3 extruded out farther than normal camera alignment.
5 368.3 36.0 Exposure value correction is, therefore, required
for taking extreme close up shots.
Exposure value Conversion Table Exposure value correction index is on the lens
( Distance is between the object and e mark on the barrel, and actual f stop value shoul d be corrected
in accordance with the index.
® camera body )
Photo by Macro Rokkor
Ins1ructions on actual use
I" 00 - 23cm
§ The particulars of Macro Rokkor have been (3=Yct:, 7ii
described in previous pages, and actual applica-
tion technique will be given here bellow.
1. Lens + SR mount adapter 23cm - 20cm /IIa1\ L· "E A
(for 00 23cm inch distance shots, at magnifi- (3 = ;1- YI Bi- II-~---I
ca tion of 0 1/ 2)
In general picture taking, focus the lens and
read the correct iris stop opening by means of
conversion index.
Magnified picture
takmg ID:'I': ~ _
B. - - - t
2. Lens + Intermediate ring + SR mount adapter
(3 = 1 - 4.1
(] ~
(for 23cm 20cm distant object, at magnification Ultra magnified pic-
of 1/ 2 1/ 1) ture taking by using
lens in reverse way·
In the same way as described above, you can (J == 1.8 - 4.4
get always correct exposure value by means of
conversion index.
3. Lens Reverse way + Reverse ring + SR mount
adapter + Extension bellow
For larger magnification than 1/ 1, apply Macro
Rokkor reve~se way by means of reverse ring,
and focusing is made with extension bellow.
For correct exposure, use the conversion table. Using SR mount
4. Minolta Macro Rokkor is not only attachable adapter
to Minolta SR cameras, but also to many dif-
ferent cameras, since it has Leica mount screw
on the lens barrel. Please refer to Table 8.
mS]) L I A'
~=: -- ----------------~
General picture
Single lens 'reflex camera
excepting Minolta SR
9l£:l~I A'
Ultra magnified picture l~fim~lve may not be pos-
taking by using lens in
reverse way with Leica sible m some c':lmera
type mount Extension
Close-up I. _
L_____ ~
* The depth of the subject field becomes very shallow in close-up shots therefore,
it is best to make aperture opening as small as possible. For accurate focusing,
it is best to use the magnifier for the SR camera .
* There must be. no moving of the subject or camera when taking close·up
shots. To prevent vibration or shaking of the camera, use a tripod or a cable release.
When taking close-up shots of animals, flowers or insects in the open, use faster
shutter speeds to avoid shaking by winds or other elements.
* When using the exposure meter for small subjects, better results can be obtained
by using the reflection system than the incident light system.
* A better view of the subject can be obtained by using the SR angle finder
* In some instances, when the extension bellow is extended to its full length, the
upper section of the view finder is darkened, so that the entire field cannot be viewed.
This occurs very often when smaller aperture openings are used. This is the pheno-
menon seen in all small-size single lens reflex camera. In this instance, the actual
photographic area is the entire field of the view finder including the upper section
that cannot be viewed. Therefore, the central circular section appearing on the
focusing screen should be used as the center for judging the photographic area.
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