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feroh feeafacarert University of Delhi 5 Ref. No. : Estab-IV/017/2018-2020/ Date: 27.08.2020 NOTIFICATION Subject: Promotion of teachers under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS-2018). Following are notified herewith for the information of all the concerned: * Detailed guidelines for promotion of teachers in the University and its Colleges under CAS 2018 as_per UGC Regulations 2018 and adopted by University secordingly. (The Annexures and Tables referred in these guidelines are as per the Notification No. CNC-11/093/1(12)/2019-20/25 dated 03.10.2019 relating to adoption of UGC Regulations 2018). * APAR proforma for Assistant Professors (Stage I and Stage II) to be filled annually by the concerned applicant. * PBAS proforma for Assistant Professors (Stage I and Stage II) to be filled for Promotion by the concemed applicant for promotion to Assistant Professor (Stage Tl and Stage Ill) * APAR proforma for Others (Assistant Professor - Stage II and above) to be filled annually by the concerned applicant. * PBAS proforma for Others (Assistant Professor - Stage Ill and above) to be filled for promotion by the concemed applicant for promotion to Associate Professor and above * Option Proforma to be filled by consideration under CAS 2010 or CAS 2018 in accordance with UGC Regulations 2018, (The above mentioned proformas and documents are annexed.) Important Note: 1. The UGC Regulations 2018 prescribe counting of Ad hoc or Temporary or Contractual service (by whatever nomenclature it may be called) and therefore, experience on account of ad hoc, temporary, contractual services of the concemed applicant shall also be required to be accounted for the purpose of direct recruitment and promotions in addition to the regular service of the applicant, subject to the provisions of Clause 10.0(f) of the UGC Regulations 2018. ‘The cases where ad hoc services or any other service other than the regular service has been counted for promotions, that have already been made operational, shall not be reopened. wp Page 1 of 2 fecoh faeafeemreer University of Delhi 4. With respect to the pending cases, the applicant will have the option to be considered under CAS 2010 or CAS 2018 in terms of relevant provisions of UGC Regulations 2018. The option proforma has already been notified. The applicants opting for assessment under CAS 2010 shall be assessed as per criteria laid out in the UGC Regulations 2018 as adopted by the University, on the basis of proforma already notified. No new proforma is being notified, Z avd at DEPUTY REGISTRAR (RECRUITMENT) This issues with the approval of competent authority. Copy to: Joint Registrar (Colleges) for circulation to the colleges for compliance. Deputy Registrar (Establishment - Teaching) for circulation to the Heads of Departments Director, Delhi University Computer Centre for uploading on the website. Guard file. \ Renn coaarend (ESTAB-IV) Page 2 of 2 feech faeatequrerr University of Delhi fs Detailed Guidelines for Promotion for teachers in the University and its Colleges under CAS 2018 as per UGC Regulations 2018, Career Advancement Scheme ~ 2018 (CAS-2018) ZThe criteria for promotions under Career Advancement Scheme laid hereunder shall be effective from 18.07.2018. However, to avoid hardship to those faculty members who have already {Walified or are likely to qualify shortly under CAS 2010, a choice may be given to them, fey being considered for promotions under the same. This option can be exercised only within three years from 18.07.2018, (A teacher who wishes to be considered for promotion under the CAS may submit in writing to the University/College, within three months in advance of the due date, that she/he fulfills all the requirements under the CAS and submit to the university/college the Assessment Criteria and Methodology Proforma as evolved by the University supported by all credentials as per the Assessment Criteria and Methodology guidelines set out in these guidelines, which are in accordance with UGC Regulations 2018 as incorporated in Ordinance XXIV of the Ordinances of the University. Further, in order to avoid any hardship, the candidates who fulfill all other criteria mentioned in these Regulations, as on and till the date on which these regulations are notified, can be considered for promotion from the date, on or after the date, on which they fulfill these eligibility conditions, (i) The Selection Committee specifications as contained in Statute 19(1) for University and Ordinance XVIM for Colleges as applicable to all direct recruitments of faculty Positions and equivalent cadres shall be applicable to Career Advancement promotions from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, from Associate Professor to Professor, Professor to Senior Professor (in University) and for equivalent cadres, (iii) The CAS promotion from a lower stage to a higher stage of Assistant Professor shall be conducted through a “Screening-cum-Evaluation Committee”, following the criteria laid down in these guidelines, (iv) The promotion under the CAS being a personal promotion to a teacher holding a substantive sanctioned post, on her/his superannuation, the said post shall revert back to its original cadre. (v) For the promotion under the CAS, the applicant teacher must be on the role and in active service of the University/College on the date of consideration by the Selection Committee. ‘The candidate shall offer herself/himself for assessment for promotion, if she/he fulfils the minimum grading specified in the relevant Assessment Criteria and Methodology Tables, by submitting an application and the required Assessment Criteria and we Methodology Proforma. She/he can do so three months before the due date. Guidelines for CAS 2018 Page 1 of 15 Ww Qh we fecct favafieuree University of Dell (a) If @ candidate applies for promotion on completion of the minimum eligibility period and is successful. the date of promotion shall be from that of minimum period of eligibi (b) If, however, the candidate finds that she/he would fulfills the CAS. promotion criteria, as defined in Tables VI-A.a, VI-A.b, of Annexure VI-A, ata later date and on that date and is successful, her/his promotion shall be effected from that date of the candidate fulfilling the eligibility criteria, (©) The candidate who does not succeed in the first assessment, she/he shall have to be re-assessed only after one year. When such a candidate succeeds in the eventual assessment, her/his promotion shall be deemed to be one year from the date of rejection, (vil) The Assessment of the performance of College and University teachers for the CAS promotion is based on the following criteria: (a) Teael ig and Evaluation: The commitment to teaching based on observable indicators such as being regular to class, punctuality to class, remedial teaching and clarifying doubts within and outside the class hours, counselling and mentoring, additional teaching to support the college/university as and when the need arises, ete. Examination and evaluation activities like performing of examination supervision duties, question-papers setting for university/college examinations, participation in the evaluation of examination answer scripts, conducting examinations for internal assessment as per the schedule to be announced by the institution at the beginning of each Academic Session and returning and discussing the answers in the class. (b) Personal Development Related to Teaching and Research Activities: Attending orientation/refresher/methodology courses, development of e-contents and MOOCs, organising seminar/ conference/ workshop / presentation of papers and chairing of sessions/guiding and carrying out research projects and publishing the research output in national and intemational journals etc. (©) Administrative Support and Participation in Students’ Co-curricular and Extra- curricular Activities, (viii) Assessment process: The following three-step process is recommended for carrying out assessment for promotion under the CAS at all levels: Step 1: The College/University teachers shall submit to College/University an annual \ hk self-appraisal report in the prescribed Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) eee designed on the basis of Annexure VI-A. The report should be submitted at the end of Guidelines for CAS 2018 Page 2 of 15 Zz Wise? feech fazafacurer University of Delhi every academic year, before 30)" June of the relevant academic year. The teacher will provide documentary evidence for the claims made in the APAR, which is to be verified by the HOD/Teacher- in-charge ete. The submission should be through the Head of the Department (HOD)/Teacher-in-charge. Step 2: After completion of the required years of experience for promotion under CAS and fulfilment of other requirements indicated below, the teacher shall submit an application for promotion under CAS as per Performance Based Appraisal System Proforma (PBAS Proforma) Step 3: A CAS Promotion shall be granted as mentioned in subsequent clauses of this Ordinance. 1, Stages of Promotion under the Career Advancement Scheme of Incumbent _and Newlv-Appointed Assistant Professors/ Associate Professors/Professors sity and Colleges Teachers (Except the Teachers of University College of Medical Sciences and Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest Institute) A. The entry-level Assistant Professors (Level 10) shall be eligible for promotion under the Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) through two successive levels (Level 11 and Level 12), provided they are assessed to fulfill the eligibility and performance criteria as laid down hereunder. B. Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) For University Teachers (1) Assistant Professor (Academic Level 10) to Assistant Professor (Senior Scale/Academic Level 11) Eligibility: (@) An Assistant Professor who has completed four years of service with a Ph.D. Degree or five years of service with a M.Phil. / PG degree in professional courses, such as LLM, M.Tech, M.V.Se.and M.D., or six years of service in case of those without a Ph.D/MPhil/ PG degree in a professional course and satisfies the following conditions: (ii) Attended one orientation course of 21 days duration on teaching methodology; \; yt (iii) Any one of the following: completed Refresher/ Research Methodology Course/ Se Workshop’ Syllabus Up-Gradation Workshop/ Training —Teaching-Leaming- s oe" f Evaluation, Technology Programmes/ Faculty Development Programmes of at least one week (5 days) duration, or taken one MOOCS course (with e- certification) or Guidelines for CAS 2018 WY” Page 3 of 15 feoct faeafeeurera University of Delhi development of e-contents in four-quadrants / MOOC’s course during the Assessment Period; and (iv) Published one research publication in the peer-reviewed journals or UGC-listed journals during Assessment Period. CAS Promotion Criteria: A teacher shall be promoted ifs (i) Shethe gets a ‘satisfactory’ or ‘good’ grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) of at least three/four/five of the last foutfive/six years of the assessment period as the Case may be (as provided in Annexure VI-A, Table VI- (i) The promotion is recommended by the screening-cum evaluation committee. (2) Assistant Professor (Senior Scale/Academic Level 11) to Assistant Professor (Selection Grade/Academic Level 12) Eligibility: (i) Assistant Professors who has completed five years of service in Academic Level 1/ Senior Scale. (ii) A Ph.D. Degree in the subject relevantallied/relevant discipline. (iii) Has done any two of the following in the last five years of Academic Level 11/Senior scale: completed a course / programme from amongst the categories of refresher courses/research —_methodology/ workshops/ syllabus up-gradation workshop/ teaching-learning-evaluation’ technology programmes / faculty development programme of at least two weeks (ten days) duration (or completed two courses of at least one week (five days) duration in lieu of every single course/programme of at least two weeks (ten days) duration), or, completed one MOOCS course in the relevant subject (with e-certification); or contribution towards the development of e-content in 4-quadrant (at least one quadrant) minimum of 10 modules of a course/contribution towards the development of at least 10 modules of MOOCs course/ contribution towards conduct of a MOOCs course during the period of assessment, (iv) Published three research papers in the peer-reviewed joumals or UGC-listed journals during Assessment Period. CAS promotion criteri A teacher shall be promoted if: (i) The teacher gets a ‘satisfactory’ or ‘good’ grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) of at least four of the last five years of the Assessment Period, (as prescribed in Annexure VI-A, Table VI-A.a) and; wees (i) The promotion is recommended by the screening-cum-evaluation committee, Fe - 7 Guidelines for CAS 2018 Wer’ Page 4 of 15 fever faeafaqurer University of Delhi (3) Assistant Professor (Selection Grade/Academic Level 12) to Associate Professor (Academic Level 13) Eligibility: (i) Assistant Professor who has completed three years of service in Academic Level 12/ Selection Grade (ii) A Ph.D degree in the subject concemed/allied/televant discipline. iii) Any one of the following during last three years: completed one course / Programme from amongst the categories of refresher courses/_ research methodology workshops/syllabus _up-gradation _workshop/ teaching-leaning- evaluation technology programme’ faculty development programme of at least two weeks (ten days) duration (or completed two courses of at least one week (five days) duration in lieu of every single course/programme of at least two weeks (ten days) duration); or completed one MOOCs course (with e- certification); or contribution towards the development of e-content in 4-quadrant (at least one quadrant) minimum of 10 modules of a course/contribution towards development of at least 10 modules of MOOCS course/ contribution towards conduct of a MOOCs course during the period of assessment. (iv) A minimum of seven publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals out of which three research papers should have been published during the Assessment Period. (v) Evidence of having guided at least one Ph.D. Candidate. CAS promotion criteria: A teacher shall be promoted (i she’he gets a ‘satisfactory or ‘good’ grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports of at least two of the last three years of the Assessment Period as specified in Annexure VI-A, Table VI-A.a, and has a research score of at least 70 as per Annexure VI-A (Table VI-A.b) (ii) The promotion is recommended by a selection committee constituted in accordance Statute 19(1) with these regulations, (4) Associate Professor (Academie Level 13A) to Professor (Academic Level 14) El ity: (i) An Associate Professor who has completed three years of service in Academic Level 13A, Gil) A Ph.D. degree in the subject concerned/allied/relevant discipline. iii) A minimum of ten research publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals out of which three research papers should have been published during the ee Assessment Period a (iv) Evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate. Guidelines for CAS 2018 Wher y Page 5 of 15 6) co) fever favatacurerr University of Delhi (v) A minimum of 110 research score as per Annexure VI-A (Table VI-A.b) CAS promotion criteria: A teacher shall be promoted if, (i) Sheshe gets ‘satisfactory’ or ‘good’ grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports of at least two of the last three years of the Assessment Period, as per Annexure VI-A (Table VI-A.a), and at least 110 research score, as per Annexure VI- A, Table VI-A.b. (i) The promotion is recommended by a selection committee constituted in accordance with these regulations, Professor (Academic Level 14) to Senior Professor (Academic Level 15) A Professor can be promoted to the post of Senior Professor under the CAS. The promotion shall be based on academic achievement, favourable review from three eminent subject-experts who are not of the rank lower than the rank of a Senior Professor or a Professor having at least ten years’ of experience. The selection shall be based on 10 best publications during the last 10 years and interaction with a selection committee constituted in accordance with Statute 19(1). Eligibil (i) Ten years’ experience as a Professor. (ii) A minimum of ten publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals and Ph.D. Degree has been successfully awarded to two candidates under her/his supervision during the Assessment Period. . Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) For College Teachers. Assistant Professor (Academic Level 10) to Assistant Professor (Senior Scale/Academic Level 11) Eligibility: (i) Assistant Professors who have completed four years of service and having a Ph.D. Degree or five years of service and having a M.Phil. / PG degree in professional courses, such as LLM, M.Tech., M.V.Sc., M.D., or six years of service for those without Ph.D./M.Phil./ PG degree in professional courses; (ii) Attended one orientation course of 21 days’ duration on teaching methodology; and (iii) Any one of the following: completed one refresher / research methodology course Or Any two of the following: Workshop, Syllabus Up-Gradation Workshop, Training Teaching-Learning- Evaluation, Technology Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes of at least one week (5 days) duration, Page 6 of 15 feech feeateearerr University of Delhi Or Completed one MOOCs course (with e-certification) or development of e-contents in four-quadrants / MOOC‘s course during the Assessment Period, CAS promotion crite A teacher shall be promoted if: (i) She’he gets ‘satisfactory’ or “good” grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) of at least three/four/five of the last four/five/six years of the assessment period as the Case may be, as specified in Annexure VI-A (Table VI-A.a), and; (ii) The promotion is recommended by the screening-cum-evaluation committee. (2) Assistant Professor (Senior Seale/Academic Level 11) to Assistant Professor (Selection Grade/Academie Level 12) Eligibility (i) Assistant Professors who have completed five years of service in Academic Levell 1/ Senior Scale. (ii) Any two of the following in the last five years of Academic Level 11/ senior scale: completed courses/programmes from among the categories of refresher courses/research methodology course/workshops’syllabus up gradation workshop/ teaching-learning-evaluation’ technology programmes’ faculty development programme/ syllabus up-gradation workshop’ teaching-leamning- evaluation/ technology programmes/ faculty development programmes of at least ‘two weeks (ten days) duration (or completed two courses of at least one week (five days) duration in lieu of every single course/programme of at least two weeks (ten days) duration); or completed MOOCs course in the relevant subject (with e- certification); or contribution towards development of e-content in 4-quadrant (at least one quadrant) minimum of 10 modules of a course/contribution towards development of at least 10 modules of MOOCS course/ contribution towards conducting of a MOOCS course during the period of assessment. CAS promotion criteria: A teacher shall be promoted (i) The teacher gets ‘satisfactory’ or ‘good’ grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports of at least four of the last five years of the Assessment Period, (as prescribed in Annexure VI-A (Table VI-A.a)) and (ii) The promotion is recommended by the screening-cum-evaluation committee. \s,. Sar Guidelines for CAS 2018 Wer Page 7 of 15 feeoth favafecurorr University of Delhi @) 4) we Assistant Professor (Selection Grade/Academic Level 12) to Associate Professor (Academic Level 13A) Eligibility: (1) Assistant Professor who has completed three years of service in Academic Level 12/ Selection-Grade. (ii) A Ph.D. Degree in subject relevant /allied/ relevant discipline. (ili) Any one of the following during the last three years: completed one course / Programme from amongst the categories of refresher courses) methodology Workshop/syllabus __up-gradation workshop’ teaching- learning-evaluation technology programme’ faculty development programme of at least two weeks (ten days) duration (or completed two courses of at least one week (five days) duration in lieu of every single course/programme of at least two weeks (ten days) duration); ot completed one MOOCS course (with e- certification); or contribution towards development of e-contents in 4-quadrant(at least one quadrant) minimum of 10 modules of a course/contribution towards development of at least 10 modules of MOOCs course/ contribution towards conduet of a MOOCS course during the period of assessment, CAS promotion criteria: A teacher may be promoted ift (i) She’he gets a ‘satisfactory’ or ‘good* grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports of at least two of the last three years of the Assessment Period as prescribed in Annexure VI-A, Table VI-A.a, and (ii) the promotion to the post of Associate Professor is recommended by the selection committee in accordance with Ordinance XVII. Associate Professor (Academic Level 13A) to Professor (Academie Level 14) Eligibility: (i) Associate Professors who have completed three years of service in Academic Level 13A. A Ph.D. Degree in subject relevant/allied/relevant discipline. (iii) A minimum of ten research Publications in the peer- reviewed or UGC-listed Journals out of which three research papers should have been published during the Assessment Period. (iv) A minimum of 110 research score as per Annexure VI-A (Table VI-A.b) CAS promotion criteria: A teacher shall be promoted if; (i) The teacher gets ‘satisfactory’ or ‘good’ grade in the Annual Performance Assessment Reports of at least two of the last three years of the Assessment Period, Guidelines for CAS 2018 Page 8 of 15 Wer fecch fevafacurer University of Delhi as per Annexure VI-A, Table VI-A.a and at least 110 research score as per Annexure VI-A, Table VI-A.b (i) The promotion to the post of Professor is recommended by selection committee constituted in accordance with Ordinance XVIII Counting of Past Service for Direct Recruitment and Promotion under CAS: Previous regular service, whether national or international, as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor or equivalent in a University, College, national laboratories or other scientific/professional Organisations such as the CSIR, ICAR, DRDO, UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR and DBT, should count for the direct recruitment and promotion under the CAS of a teacher as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor or any other nomenclature, provided that: (a) The essential qualifications of the post held were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the UGC for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, as the Case may be. (b) The post is/was in an equivalent grade or of the pre-revised scale of pay as the post of Assistant Professor (Lecturer) Associate Professor (Reader) and Professor. (©) The concerned Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor should possess the same minimum qualifications as prescribed by the UGC for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, as the Case may be. (A) The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection procedure as laid down in the regulations of the University/state government/central goverment institutions concemed, for such appointments. (e) The previous appointment was not as Guest Lecturer for any duration, (f) The previous ad-hoc or temporary or contractual service (by whatever nomenclature it may be called) shall be counted for direct recruitment and for promotion, provided that: (i) The essential qualifications of the post held were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the UGC for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, as the Case may be i) The incumbent was appointed on the recommendation of a duly constituted selection committee! selection committee constituted as per the rules of the respective University: Gii) The incumbent was drawing total gross emoluments not less than the monthly gross salary of a regularly appointed Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, as the Case may be: and (g) No distinctions shall be made with reference to the nature of management of the institution where previous service was rendered (private/local body/government), while counting the past service under this clause. Note: In the Case of any dispute with regard to information given by the teacher in his PBAS proforma, the decision of the Screening-cum-Evaluation Committee shall be final. — Guidelines for CAS 2018 Wwe Page 9 of 15, fect faeafeeurer University of Delhi ‘Table VI-A.a, Assessment Criteria and Methodology for University/College Teachers (Applies to Section B.1 and B.2 of the APAR and PBAS Proformas) S.No.) Activity Grading Criteria Teaching: (Number of classes taught/total classes assigned)x100% (Classes taught includes sessions on tutorials, lab and other teaching related activities) 80% & above - Good Below 80% but 70% & above-Satisfactory Less than 70% - Not satisfactory Involvement in the University/College students related —_activities/research activities: (a) Administrative responsibilities such as Head, Chairperson’ Dean’ Director/ coordinator, Warden ete. (b) Examination and evaluation duties: assigned by the college / university or attending the examination paper evaluation. (c) Student related co-curricular, extension. and field based activities such as student clubs, career counseling, study visits, | student seminars and other events, cultural, sports, NCC, NSS_ and community services. (@) Organising seminars! conferences! workshops, other college/university activities. (e) Evidence of actively involved in guiding Ph.D students. (8, Conducting minor or major research project sponsored by national or international agencies. (g) Atleast one single or joint | publication in peer- reviewed or UGC list of Journals. Good - Involved in at least 3 activities Satisfactory - 1-2 activities Not-satisfactory Not involved / undertaken any of the activities Note: Number of activities can be within or| across the broad categories of activities, Overall Grading shall be done as per following grades Go Sati jood in teaching and satisfactory or good in activity at SI.No.2. Or + Satisfactory in teaching and good or satisfactory in activity at SILNo.2. Wika juidelines for CAS 2018 Page 10 of 15, feet faeafequret University of Delhi Not Satisfactory: If neither good nor satisfactory in overall grading Note: For the purpose of assessing the grading of Activity at Serial No. 1 and Serial No. 2, all such periods of duration which have been spent by the teacher on different kinds of paid leaves such as Maternity Leave, Child Care Leave, Study Leave, Medical Leave, Extraordinary Leave and Deputation shall be excluded from the grading assessment, The teacher shall be assessed for the remaining period of duration and the same shall be extrapolated for the entire period of assessment to artive at the grading of the teacher. The teacher on such leaves or deputation as mentioned above shall not be put to any disadvantage for promotion under CAS due to her/his absence from her/his teaching responsibilities subject to the condition that such leave/deputation was undertaken with the prior approval of the Competent Authority following all procedures laid down in the UGC Regulations as adopted by the University. Seen Table VI-A.b: Methodology for University and College Teachers for Calculating Academie/ Research Score (This applies to section B.3 of the APAR and PBAS Proforma ) (Assessment must be based on evidence produced by the teacher such as: copy of Publications, project sanction letter, utilization and completion certificates issued by the University and acknowledgements for patent filing and approval letters, students’ Ph.D award letter, etc.) Faculty of Sciences/ Faculty of Languages / Engineering/Agriculture | < Humanities / Arts/ So Academie/Researeh Activi fi i Sciences/Library /Education ie /Medical / Veterinary (Physical Education / Commerce/Management & other related disciplines 1. | Research Papers in Refereed/Peer- 08 per paper 10 per paper Reviewed or UGC listed Journals Sciences & other related disciplines 2. | Pul ions (other than — Research | Papers) | (a) Books authored which are published by 5 International publishers | 12 12 Guidelines for CAS 2018 wets ane Wes 4 / Page 11 of 15 feech faeafaauret University of Delhi National Publishers 10 10 | | Chapter in Edited Book 05 05 Editor of Book by International Publisher 10 10 Editor of Book by National Publisher | 08 08 1 | (b) Translation works in Indian (and Foreign Languages by qualified | faculties Chapter or Research paper 03 03 } ~ || Book’ 08 08 3. | Creation of ICT mediated Teaching) Learning pedagogy and content and | development of new and innovative courses and curricula "| (a) Development of Innovative pedagogy | 05 05 (b)_ Design of new curricula and courses | 02 per curricula/course 02 per curricula/eourse A x Se WA goo yt (©) MOOCs | — Nh Development of complete MOOCs in 4] 20 20 quadrants (4 credit course)(In case of MOOCS of lesser credits 05 marks/credit) MOOCs (developed in 4 quadrant) per 05 05 module/lecture Content writer/subject- matter expert for 2 2 each module of MOOCS (at least one || quadrant) | "Course Coordinator for MOOCS (4 credit | 08 08 | course)(In case of MOOCS of lesser credits | 02 marks/credit) (@) E-Content Guidelines for CAS 2018 Page 12 of 15 feoot freafieurerer University of Delhi Development of e-Content in 4] 12 12 quadrants for a complete course/e-book €-Content (developed in 4 quadrants) per 05 05 | | module Contribution to development of e-content 2 a module in complete course/paper/e-book (at least one quadrant) Editor of e-content for complete course/ 10 10 paper /e-book __ 4 | @) Research guidance | PhD. 10 per degree awarded 10 per degree awarded 05 per thesis submitted | 05 per thesis submitted M.Phil/PG Dissertation 02 per degree awarded 02 per degree awarded "| (b) Research Projects Completed More than 10 lakhs 10 10 © | Less than 10 lakhs 05 05 (©) Research Projects Ongoing : || More than 10 lakhs - OS, 0s Less than 10 lakhs @ 2 ') @) Consuitaney 03 03 5 | (a) Patents International 10 | 10 National 07 7 (b) *Policy Document (Submitted to an International body/organisation like UNO/UNESCO/World Bank/International | Monetary Fund ete. or Central Government or State Government) | Guidelines for CAS 2018 yr Page 13 of 15 feech favafacurer University of Delhi International 10 10 National 07 07 | State 04 04 (0) Awards/Fellowship Intemational 07 07 National 05 05 6. | “Invited lectures / Resource Person/ Paper presentation in Seminars/ | Conferences/full_ paper in Conference Proceedings (Paper presented in inars/Conferences and also published as full paper in Conference Proceedings will be counted only once) International (Abroad) 07 07 International (within country) 05 05 National 03 03 State/University 02 02 The Research score for research papers would be augmented as follows : Peer-Reviewed or UGC-listed Journals (Impact factor to be determined as per Thomson Reuters list): (i) Paper in refereed journals without impact factor - ‘5 Points (ii) Paper with impact factor less than 1 - 10 Points (iii) Paper with impact factor between | and 2 - 15 Points (iv) Paper with impact factor between 2 and 5 - 20 Points (v) Paper with impact factor between 5 and 10 - 25 Points (vi) Paper with impact factor >10 - 30 Points (a) Two authors: 70% of total value of publication for each author. Woot ZA Guidelines for CAS 2018 Page 14 of 15, feech favafequret University of Delhi Note: (b) More than two authors: 70% of total value of publication for the First/Principal/Corresponding author and 30% of total value of publication for each of the joint authors. Joint Projects: Principal Investigator and Co-investigator would get 50% each. Paper presented if part of edited book or proceeding then it can be claimed only once. For joint supervision of research students, the formula shall be 70% of the total score for Supervisor and Co- supervisor. Supervisor and Co-supervisor, both shall get 7 marks each. *For the purpose of calculating research score of the teacher, the combined research score from the categories of 5(b). Policy Document and 6. Invited lectures/Resource Person/Paper presentation shall have an upper capping of thirty percent of the total research score of the teacher concerned. The research score shall be from the minimum of three categories out of six categories. orien Guidelines for CAS 2018 Page 15 of 15 Wea ae feoot fazafaqaret University of Delhi Annual Performance Appraisal Report (Assistant Professor Stage I and Stage 11) As per CAS 2018 (To be submitted at the end of every academie year) Academic Year Information provided should pertain to the academic year referred above! PART-A: GENERAL INFORMATION AND ACADEMIC BACKGROUND. 1 ‘Name (in Block Letters): 2 Father's Name/Mother’s Name: 3 Date and Place of Birth: 4. Sex: 5. Marital Status: 6. Nationality 2, Department: 8 ‘Current Designation and Academic Level: 9. Date of Last Appointment/Promotion: 10. Category (SC/ST/OBC/PWD/General): 11. Address for Correspondence (with Pin code): Address: Telephone No: Mobile No: 12 Permanent Address (with Pin code), in case different from SI.No.11: \we “OY APAR as per CAS 2018 (Assistant Professor) Wu" Page 1 of 8 fect favafaquret University of Delhi @ (b) Academic Qualifications: Examination [Name] University | Yearof [Percentage | Division’ | Main of Passing | of Marks | Class/ | Subjects Exam obtained Grade Graduation’ Post- Graduation Other Examinations, ifany Research Degree (5) Degrees Name of the Title of dissertationithesis | Date of Date of, University submission | award MPhil. Ph.D/ DPhil. D.Sc/D.Lit. | Courses taught at various levels during the academic year (Name the course giving details): ‘Undergraduate: Postgraduate: Field of Specialization under the Subject/Discipline: APAR as per CAS 2018 (Assistant Professor) wey? Page 2 of 8 feoct favafaeurorr University of Delhi 17. Details of Course/Programmes/Workshop/MOOCS attended or completed. 17.1 Details of reftesher/orientation course/research methodology/workshop/syllabus up-gradation/ teaching -learning-evaluation/technology programmes/Faculty Development Programme SNo. | Details | Place [Period | Sponsoring/Organising Agency From | To 17.2. MOOCS completed with e-certification S.No. | Details Subject Date of Level E- of certification | (UG/PG/Other) | certification MoOC agency no. 17.3. Contribution towards development of e-conten’MOOCs in 4- quadrants SNo. | Deialls of E- | Quadrants | No.of | Course | Sponsoring | Year | Level contents! developed | Modules agency (UGIPG/Other) MOOCs in 4-quadrants 174 Contribution towards conduct of MOOCs SNo. | Details | Subject] Sponsoring | Level E of ageney (UGIPG/Other) | certification Mooc no. BRE ‘0! APAR as per CAS 2018 (Assistant Professor) Page 3 of 8 age were

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