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UNIT-2 MCQ Answer: d

Explanation: The urban factor (UF) is derived by comparing the predictions by the original Longley –Rice
1. Which of the following is not an outdoor propagation model?
model with those obtained by Okumura. It deals with radio propagation in urban areas and is relevant to
a) Longley-Rice model
mobile radio.
b) Ericson Multiple Breakpoint Model
c) Hata model 5. Which of the most widely used model for signal prediction in urban areas?
d) Okumura model a) Ericsson Multiple Breakpoint Model
View Answer b) Log distance path loss model
c) Okumura model
Answer: b
d) Attenuation factor model
Explanation: Ericson multiple breakpoint model is an indoor propagation model. Longley-Rice, Hata and
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Okumura model are outdoor propagation models. Most of these models are based on a systematic
interpretation of measurement data obtained in the service area. Answer: c
Explanation: Okumura’s model is one of the most widely used models for signal prediction in urban areas.
2. Longley –Rice model is applicable to _________
This model is applicable for frequencies in the range 150 MHz to 1920 MHz (Extrapolated upto 3000 MHz).
a) Point to point communication
b) All to all communication 6. Which of the following is the major disadvantage of the Okumura model?
c) Point to multipoint communication a) Complex
d) Multipoint microwave distribution system b) Inaccurate
View Answer c) Not practical
d) Slow response to rapid change in terrain
Answer: a
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Explanation: The Longley-Rice model is applicable to point-to-point communication systems in the
frequency range from 40 MHz to 100 GHz. They are applicable for different kinds of terrain. Terrain profile Answer: d
may vary from a simple curved Earth profile to a highly mountainous profile. Explanation: The major disadvantage with the model is its slow response to rapid changes in terrain.
Therefore the model is fairly good in urban and suburban areas, but not as good in rural areas. Common
3. Longley-Rice prediction model is also referred as _________
standard deviations between predicted and measured path loss values are 10 dB to 14 dB.
a) Okumura model
b) Hata model 7. The Hata model is empirical formulation of which model?
c) ITS irregular terrain model a) Okumura model
d) Bertoni model b) Longley- Rice model
View Answer c) Durkin’s model
d) Walfisch and Bertoni model
Answer: c
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Explanation: The Longley Rice prediction model is also referred to as ITS irregular terrain model. The
model is based on electromagnetic theory and on statistical analyses of both terrain features and radio Answer: a
measurements. It predicts the median attenuation of a radio signal as a function of distance and the Explanation: The Hata model is an empirical formulation of the graphical path loss data provided by
variability of the signal in time and in space. Okumura. It is valid from 150 MHz to 1500 MHz. Hata presented the urban area propagation loss as a
standard formulation. It supplied correct Equations for application to other situations.
4. The extra term for additional attenuation due to urban clutter near the receiving antenna is called
__________ 8. Hata model is well suited for _________
a) Power factor a) Personal communication system
b) Urban gain b) Large cell mobile radio system
c) Clutter factor c) Small cell mobile radio system
d) Urban factor d) Every mobile radio system
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hata model is well suited for large cell mobile radio systems. But it is not well suited for
personal communication system (PCS) which have cells on the order of 1 km radius. Hata model does not 13. Which of the following is not a practical path loss estimation technique?
have any path specific corrections which are available in Okumura model. a) Log distance path loss model
b) Log normal shadowing
9. Which of the following considers the impact of rooftops and building? c) Determination of percentage of coverage area
a) Okumura model d) Hata model
b) Hata model View Answer
c) Walfisch and Bertoni model
Answer: a
d) Longley- Rice model
Explanation: Log normal shadowing, log distance path loss model and determination of percentage of
View Answer
coverage area are practical pat loss estimation techniques. Hata model is only valid for exterior
Answer: c environment.
Explanation: The impact of rooftops and building height is considered by Walfisch and Bertoni model. It
uses diffraction to predict average signal strength at street level. It considers path loss to be a product of 14. Average received signal power decreases __________ with distance.
a) Exponentially
three factors.
b) Logarithmically
10. The variability of the environment is slower for a smaller range of T-R separation distances in indoor c) Two times
models. d) Four times
a) True View Answer
b) False
Answer: b
View Answer
Explanation: Both theoretical and measurement based propagation models indicate that average received
Answer: b signal power decreases logarithmically with distance. It is valid for both outdoor and indoor channels.
Explanation: The indoor radio channel differs from the traditional mobile radio channel. The distances
15. What does path loss exponent indicates?
covered are much smaller and variability of the environment is much greater for a much smaller range of
a) Rate at which path loss decreases with distance
T-R separation distances.
b) Rate at which path loss increases with distance
11. Propagation within building is not influenced by _________ c) Rate at which path loss decreases with power density
a) Layout of the building d) Rate at which path loss increases with power density
b) Construction materials View Answer
c) Building type
d) Trees outside the building Answer: b
Explanation: The average large scale path loss for an arbitrary T-R separation is expressed as a function of
View Answer
distance by using a path loss exponent, n. It indicates the rate at which the path loss increases with
Answer: d distance.
Explanation: It has been observed that propagation within buildings is strongly influenced by specific
16. The reference distance should not be in the far field of the antenna.
features. These features are layout of the building, the construction materials, and the building type.
a) True
12. Smaller propagation distances make it more difficult to insure far-field radiation for all receiver b) False
location and types of antenna. View Answer
a) True
b) False Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: It is important to select a free space reference distance that is appropriate for the
propagation environment. The reference distance should always be in the far field of the antenna so that
Answer: a near field effects do not alter the reference path loss.
Explanation: Smaller propagation distances make it more difficult to insure far field radiation for all
17. Which distribution describes the shadowing effect?
receiver location and types of antenna. The condition is very variable for smaller propagation distances.
a) Log normal distribution
3 4
b) Nakagami distribution
c) Cauchy distribution
d) Rayleigh distribution
View Answer 1. The distribution used for describing statistical time varying nature of received envelope of multipath
Answer: a component is:-
Explanation: Log normal distribution describes the random shadowing effects. It occurs over a large (A) Levy distribution
number of measurement locations which have the same T-R separation, but have different clutter on the (B) Rayleigh distribution
(C) Gaussian distribution
propagation path.
(D) None of these
18. Log normal shadowing is a phenomenon that occurs with same T-R separation having same level Answer
clutter on the propagation path. Correct option is B
a) True
b) False 2. The signal envelope under narrowband fading with uniform AOA is ________.
View Answer (A) Ricean
(B) Rayleigh
Answer: b (C) Nakagami
Explanation: Log normal shadowing occurs over a large number of measurement locations which have the (D) None of these
same T-R separation, but have different levels of clutter on the propagation path. It follows log normal Answer
distribution. Correct option is B
19. Log normal shadowing implies that measured signal levels at specific T-R separation have ______
distribution when signal levels have values in dB units. 3. In which of the following distribution a LOS component exists?
a) Rayleigh (A) Ricean
b) Gamma (B) Nakagami
c) Gaussian (C) Both
d) Nakagami (D) None of these
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Correct option is C
Answer: c
Explanation: Log normal shadowing implies that measured signal levels at a specific T-R separation have 4. Envelope of the sum of two quadrature Gaussian noise signal follows _________ distribution
Gaussian (Normal) distribution. It is about the distance dependent mean of 4.68 where the signal levels (A) Ricean
have values in dB units. (B) Rayleigh
(C) Nakagami
20. A link budget is accounting of all __________
(D) None of these
a) Gain and losses from the transmitter
b) Power transmitted by transmitter
Correct option is B
c) Power received by receiver
d) Power transmitted and received
5. Full form of BER.
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(A) Bit Error Rate
Answer: a (B) Bit Error Ratio
Explanation: A link budget is accounting of all of the gains and losses from the transmitter, through the (C) Bit Ease Rate
medium (free space, cable, waveguide, etc.) to the receiver in a telecommunication system. It accounts (D) None of the above
for the attenuation of the transmitted signal due to propagation, as well as the antenna gains and Answer
miscellaneous losses. Correct option is A

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6. On which of the following BER depends? (C) Can not say
(A) Modulation scheme (D) Remains unchanged
(B) Type of fading Answer
(C) Antenna diversity Correct option is A
(D) All of the above
Answer 12. What is the rice factor (k) for a channel with no line of sight component?
Correct option is D (A) 0
(B) 1
7. For a signal with unity average signal power, the capacity of the channel depends upon (C) 2
(A) Modulation scheme (D) 3
(B) Symbol rate Answer
(C) Receiver sensitivity Correct option is A
(D) All of the above
Answer 13. The envelope of a bandpass noise is:-
Correct option is B (A) Rayleigh
(B) Gaussian
8. In a Rayleigh fading signal, mean and median differ by, which of the following? (C) Uniformly distributed
(A) 0.2 dB (D) None of the above
(B) 0.55 dB Answer
(C) 0.10 dB Correct option is A
(D) None of the above
Answer 14. Which of the reception problems given that is not due to multipath?
Correct option is B (A) Rayleigh fading
(B) Slow fading
9. Which is the most appropriate multipath model foe cellular transmission, where a dominant line of (C) Delayed spreading
sight plus may weak reflections are present? (D) All of the above
(A) Ricean Fading Answer
(B) Rayleigh Fading Correct option is B
(C) Nakagami Fading
(D) None of these 15. Full form of SCRM.
Answer (A) Stochastic Ratio Channel Model
Correct option is A (B) Stochastic Radio Channel Model
(C) Stochastic Radio Channel Modulation
10. Which of the following gives rise to statistics similar to that of Rayleigh pdf? (D) None of the above
(A) Ricean distribution with rice factor (k) = 0 Answer
(B) Ricean distribution with rice factor (k) = 1 Correct option is B
(C) Nakagami-m distribution with m = 1/2
(D) All of the above 16. Which of the following is false for a characteristic of flat fading?
Answer (A) Nonlinear phase response
Correct option is A (B) Mobile radio channel has constant gain
(C) Linear phase response
11. How does the rice factor (K) change with a decrease in the power of line of sight component? (D) None of the above
(A) Decreases Answer
(B) Increases Correct option is A

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Rayleigh and Rician fading channel
17. Flat fading channel is also called as:-
(A) Wideband channel
(B) Amplitude varying channel
(C) Frequency varying channel
1. Which of the following distribution is used for describing statistical time varying nature of received
(D) Phase varying channel
envelope of multipath component?
a) Log normal distribution
Correct option is B
b) Levy distribution
c) Rayleigh distribution
d) Gaussian distribution
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Answer: c
Explanation: Rayleigh distribution is the most common distribution for statistical modelling. It is used to
describe the statistical time varying nature of the received envelope of a flat fading signal. It also
describes the envelope of an individual multipath component.

2. Envelope of the sum of two quadrature Gaussian noise signal obeys _________ distribution.
a) Rayleigh
b) Inverse Gaussian
c) Nakagami
d) Gamma
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is well known that the envelope of the sum of two quadrature Gaussian noise signal obeys
Rayleigh distribution. This fading distribution could be applied to any scenario where there is no line of
sight path between transmitter and receiver antennas.

3. For a Rayleigh fading signal, mean and median differ by _______

a) 2 dB
b) 10 dB
c) 0.55 dB
d) 100 dB
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Answer: c
Explanation: The mean and median differ by only 0.55 dB in a Rayleigh fading signal. The differences
between the rms values and the other two values are higher.


4. It is easy to compare different fading distributions using mean values instead of median values.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: By using median values instead of mean values, it is easy to compare different fading
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distributions which may have widely varying means. Median is used in practice since fading data is Ricean distribution is the probability distribution which has magnitude of a circular bivariate normal
measured in the field and a particular distribution cannot be assumed. random variable with potentially non-zero mean.

5. For a nonfading signal component present, the small scale fading envelope distribution is ____________ 9. What do you call an attenuation that occurs over many different wavelengths of the carrier?
a) Rayleigh a) Rayleigh fading
b) Gaussian b) Ricean fading
c) Log normal c) Wavelength fading
d) Ricean d) Slow fading
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Answer: d Answer: d
Explanation: The small scale fading envelope is Ricean when there is a dominant stationary (nonfading) Explanation: Slow fading does not vary quickly with the frequency. It originates due to effect of mobility.
signal component, such as line of sight propagation path. In such a situation, random multipath Slow fading is the result of signal path change due to shadowing and obstructions such as tree or buildings
components arriving at different angles are superimposed on a stationary dominant signal. etc.

6. Ricean distribution degenerates to ________ distribution when the dominant component fades away. 10. Which of the reception problems below that is not due to multipath?
a) Log normal a) Delayed spreading
b) Gamma b) Rayleigh fading
c) Rayleigh c) Random Doppler shift
d) Gaussian d) Slow fading
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Answer: c Answer: d
Explanation: Ricean distribution degenerates to Rayleigh distribution when the dominant component Explanation: Slow fading arises when the coherence time of the channel is large relative to the delay
fades away. As the dominant signal becomes weaker, the composite signal resembles a noise signal which requirement of the application. Slow fading is caused by events such as shadowing, where a large
has an envelope that is Rayleigh. obstruction such as a hill or large building obscures the main signal path between the transmitter and the
7. The envelope of a bandpass noise is __________
a) Uniformly distributed
b) Rayleigh
c) Ricean
d) Gaussian
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Answer: b
Explanation: The envelope of only bandpass noise is Rayleigh distribution. Rayleigh distribution is a
continuous probability density function for positive random variables.

8. The envelope of a sinusoid plus bandpass noise has __________

a) Uniformly distributed
b) Rayleigh
c) Ricean
d) Gaussian
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Answer: c
Explanation: The envelope of a sinusoid plus bandpass noise has Ricean distribution. In probability theory,

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5. The Hata model is empirical formulation of which model?
a) Okumura model
b) Longley- Rice model
Ocumura model and Hata path loss model c) Durkin’s model
1. Which of the most widely used model for signal prediction in urban areas? d) Walfisch and Bertoni model
a) Ericsson Multiple Breakpoint Model View Answer
b) Log distance path loss model
c) Okumura model Answer: a
d) Attenuation factor model Explanation: The Hata model is an empirical formulation of the graphical path loss data provided by
View Answer Okumura. It is valid from 150 MHz to 1500 MHz. Hata presented the urban area propagation loss as a
standard formulation. It supplied correct Equations for application to other situations.
Answer: c
Explanation: Okumura’s model is one of the most widely used models for signal prediction in urban areas. 6. Hata model is well suited for _________
This model is applicable for frequencies in the range 150 MHz to 1920 MHz (Extrapolated upto 3000 MHz). a) Personal communication system
b) Large cell mobile radio system
2. Okumura model is applicable for distances of _________ c) Small cell mobile radio system
a) 1 m to 10 m d) Every mobile radio system
b) 1 km to 100 km View Answer
c) 100 km to 1000 km
d) 10 km to 10000 km Answer: b
View Answer Explanation: Hata model is well suited for large cell mobile radio systems. But it is not well suited for
personal communication system (PCS) which have cells on the order of 1 km radius. Hata model does not
Answer: b have any path specific corrections which are available in Okumura model.
Explanation: Okumura’s model is applicable for distances of 1 km to 100 km. It can be used for base
station antenna heights ranging from 30 m to 1000 m. Okumura developed a set of curves giving the 7. Which of the following considers the impact of rooftops and building?
median attenuation relative to free space in an urban area. a) Okumura model
b) Hata model
3. Okumura model is considered to be complex in predicting path loss. c) Walfisch and Bertoni model
a) True d) Longley- Rice model
b) False View Answer
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Answer: c
Answer: b Explanation: The impact of rooftops and building height is considered by Walfisch and Bertoni model. It
Explanation: Okumura’s model is considered to be among the simplest and best in terms of accuracy in uses diffraction to predict average signal strength at street level. It considers path loss to be a product of
path loss prediction for mature cellular and land mobile radio system. It is very practical and has become three factors
a standard for system planning in modern land mobile system in Japan.
8. Path loss in free space model is defined as difference of ________
4. Which of the following is the major disadvantage of the Okumura model? a) Effective transmitted power and gain
a) Complex b) Effective received power and distance between T-R
b) Inaccurate c) Gain and received power
c) Not practical d) Effective transmitter power and receiver power
d) Slow response to rapid change in terrain View Answer
View Answer
Answer: d
Answer: d Explanation: I Path loss is defined as difference of effective transmitter power and receiver power. Free-
Explanation: The major disadvantage with the model is its slow response to rapid changes in terrain. space path loss is the loss in signal strength of an electromagnetic wave that would result from a line-of-
Therefore the model is fairly good in urban and suburban areas, but not as good in rural areas. Common sight path through free space, with no obstacles nearby to cause reflection or diffraction.
standard deviations between predicted and measured path loss values are 10 dB to 14 dB.
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9. Far field region is also known as _________ d) Hata model
a) Near field region View Answer
b) Fraunhofer region
c) Erlang region Answer: a
d) Fresnel region Explanation: Small scale propagation model is also called fading model. Fading model characterize the
View Answer rapid fluctuations of the received signal strength over very short distance of a few wavelengths or short
time duration. The propagation models are used to estimate the performance of wireless channels.
Answer: b
Explanation: The far field is the region far from the antenna. In this region, the radiation pattern does not
change shape with distance. Also, this region is dominated by radiated fields, with the E- and H-fields
orthogonal to each other and the direction of propagation as with plane waves.

10. Fraunhofer distance is given by _____

a) 2D2/λ
b) 2D/λ
c) D/λ
d) 2D/λ2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fraunhofer distance, also known as far field distance is inversely proportional to wavelength.
It depends on the largest physical dimension of the antennal (D). This distance basically denotes the
boundary between far field and near field region.

11. Relation between gain and effective aperture is given by ______

a) G=(4πAe)/λ2
b) G=(4π λ2)/Ae
c) G=4πAe
d) G=Ae/λ2
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12. Relation between wavelength and carrier frequency is _________

a) λ=c/f
b) λ=c*f
c) λ=f/c
d) λ=1/f
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Answer: a
Explanation: Wavelength is inversely proportional to carrier frequency. For electromagnetic radiation in
free space, wavelength is a ratio of speed of light (c) and carrier frequency (f). Speed of light is 3*108 m/s.
The unit for wavelength is meters.

13. Small scale propagation model is also known as _________

a) Fading model
b) Micro scale propagation model
c) Okumura model

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5. Flat fading channel is also known as _______________
FADING a) Amplitude varying channel
1. Which of the following is not a channel parameter? b) Wideband channel
a) Bandwidth c) Phase varying channel
b) Coherence time d) Frequency varying channel
c) Rms delay spread View Answer
d) Doppler spread
Answer: a
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Explanation: Flat fading channel is also known as amplitude varying channel. They are also sometimes
Answer: a referred to as narrowband channel. In flat fading channel, the bandwidth of the applied signal is narrow
Explanation: Channel parameters are coherence bandwidth, rms delay spread and Doppler spread. Signal as compared to the channel flat fading bandwidth.
parameters are bandwidth and symbol period. Different types of fading occur depending on the relation
6. In a frequency selective fading, mobile radio channel possess a constant gain and a linear phase over
between channel and signal parameters.
bandwidth smaller than bandwidth of transmitted signal.
2. ______ leads to time dispersion and frequency selective fading. a) True
a) Doppler spread b) False
b) Multipath delay spread View Answer
c) Time dispersive parameters
Answer: a
d) Frequency delay spread
Explanation: If the channel possesses a constant gain and linear phase response over a bandwidth that is
View Answer
smaller than the bandwidth of transmitted signal, then the channel creates frequency selective fading on
Answer: b the received signal. Frequency selective fading channel are much more difficult to model than flat fading
Explanation: Multipath delay spread leads to time dispersion and frequency selective fading. Doppler channel.
spread leads to frequency dispersion and time selective fading. These two propagation mechanism are
7. Frequency selective fading channels are also known as ________
independent of each other.
a) Narrowband channel
3. Which of the following s not a characteristic of flat fading? b) Wideband channel
a) Mobile radio channel has constant gain c) Amplitude varying channel
b) Linear phase response d) Phase varying channel
c) Non linear phase response View Answer
d) Bandwidth is greater than the bandwidth of transmitted signal
Answer: b
View Answer
Explanation: Frequency selective fading channels are also known as wideband channels. The bandwidth of
Answer: c the signal is wider than the bandwidth of channel impulse response.
Explanation: The received signal will undergo flat fading if mobile radio channel has a constant gain and
8. Frequency selective fading does not induce intersymbol interference.
linear phase response over a bandwidth which is greater than the bandwidth of transmitted signal. It is
a) True
the most common type of fading.
b) False
4. Spectral characteristics of the channel changes with time in flat fading. View Answer
a) True
Answer: b
b) False
Explanation: Frequency selective fading is due to time dispersion of the transmitted symbols within the
View Answer
channel. Thus, the channel induces intersymbol interference (ISI). The channel have certain frequency
Answer: b components in the received signal spectrum that have greater gain than others.
Explanation: In flat fading, the multipath structure of the channel is such that spectral characteristics of
9. For fast fading channel, the coherence time of the channel is smaller than _______ of transmitted
the transmitted signal are preserved at the receiver. But, the strength of the received signal changes with
time due to fluctuations in the gain of channel caused by multipath.
a) Doppler spread

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b) Bandwidth
c) Symbol period
d) Coherence bandwidth
View Answer 1. Power delay profile is represented as plots of __________ with respect to fixed time delay reference.
a) Relative received power
Answer: c
b) Frequency
Explanation: In fast fading channel, the channel impulse response changes rapidly within the symbol
c) Transmitted power
duration. Thus, the coherence time of the channel is much smaller than the symbol period of the
d) Relative power
transmitted signal.
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10. In slow fading channel, Doppler spread of the channel is much less than the ________ of baseband
Answer: a
Explanation: Power delay profiles are generally represented as plots of relative received power as a
a) Symbol period
function of excess delay with respect to a fixed time delay reference. They are calculated by averaging
b) Phase
instantaneous power delay profile measurements over a local area.
c) Coherence time
d) Bandwidth 2. Which of the following is not a multipath channel parameter that can be determined from power delay
View Answer profile?
a) Mean excess delay
Answer: d
b) RMS delay spread
Explanation: Slow fading channel may be assumed to be static over one or several reciprocal bandwidth
c) Excess delay spread
intervals. In the frequency domain, this implies that the Doppler spread of the channel is much less than
d) Doppler spread
the bandwidth of the baseband signals.
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Answer: d
Explanation: The mean excess delay, excess delay spread and rms delay spread are some multipath
channel parameters. They can be determined from a power delay profile. Doppler spread is a measure of
spectral broadening caused by time rate of change of mobile radio channel.

3. The time dispersive properties of wideband multipath channel are quantified by ______ and _______
a) Mean excess delay, rms delay spread
b) Doppler spread, rms delay spread
c) Doppler spread, coherence time
d) Mean excess delay, Doppler spread
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Answer: a
Explanation: The time dispersive properties of wide band multipath channels are most commonly
quantified by their mean excess delay and rms delay spread. Coherence time characterizes the time
varying nature of frequency dispersiveness of mobile radio channel in time domain.


4. _______ is the square root of the second central moment of the power delay profile.
a) Mean excess delay
b) Rms delay spread
c) Excess delay spread
d) Coherence time
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Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: The rms delay spread is the square root of the second central moment of the power delay Explanation: The rms delay spread and coherence bandwidth are inversely proportional to one another.
profile. Many measurements are made at many local areas in order to determine a statistical range of However, their exact relationship is a function of the exact multipath structure.
multipath channel parameters for a mobile communication system over a large scale area.
9. Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measure of range of frequencies over which channel is considered
5. Which of the following is the first moment of the power delay profile? _______
a) Rms delay spread a) Time dispersive
b) Excess delay spread b) Frequency selective
c) Mean excess delay c) Time variant
d) Doppler spread d) Flat
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Answer: c Answer: d
Explanation: Mean excess delay is the first moment of the power delay profile. It is defined from a single Explanation: Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measure of range of frequencies over which channel is
power delay profile which is temporal or spatial average of consecutive impulse response measurements considered flat. A flat channel is a channel which passes all spectral components with approximately
collected and averaged over a local area. equal gain and linear phase.

6. What is the order of typical values of rms delay spread in outdoor mobile radio channels? 10. Which of the following describes time varying nature of the channel in a small scale region?
a) Microseconds a) Delay spread and coherence time
b) Nanoseconds b) Coherence bandwidth and delay spread
c) Seconds c) Doppler spread and coherence time
d) Minutes d) Delay spread and doppler spread
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Answer: a Answer: c
Explanation: Typical values of rms delay spread are on the order of microseconds in outdoor mobile radio Explanation: Delay spread and coherence bandwidth describes the time dispersive nature of the channel
channels. For indoor mobile radio channels, they are of the order of nanoseconds. in a local area. They do not give information about the time varying nature of the channel caused by
either relative motion between the mobile and base station, or by movement of objects in the channel.
7. Power delay profile and magnitude frequency response of a mobile radio channel are related through
_______ 11. Doppler spread is a range of frequencies over which received Doppler spread is _______
a) Laplace Transform a) Zero
b) Fourier Transform b) Non zero
c) S Transform c) Infinite
d) Wavelet Transform d) One
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Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: Power delay profile and magnitude frequency response of a mobile radio channel are related Explanation: Doppler spread is a range of frequencies over which received Doppler spectrum is essentially
through the Fourier transform. Therefore, it is possible to obtain an equivalent description of the channel non-zero. It is a measure of spectral broadening caused by time rate of change of mobile radio channel.
in the frequency domain using its frequency response characteristics.
12. _______ is a statistical measure of time duration over which channel impulse response is invariant.
8. ______ and coherence bandwidth are inversely proportional to one another. a) Coherence time
a) Rms delay spread b) Doppler spread
b) Mean excess delay c) Mean excess delay
c) Excess delay spread d) Rms delay spread
d) Doppler spread View Answer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Coherence time is actually a statistical measure of the time duration over which the channel
impulse response is essentially invariant. It quantifies the similarity of the channel response at varying


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