Tracking Africa's Progress in Figures
Tracking Africa's Progress in Figures
Tracking Africa's Progress in Figures
7,200 5,000
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Chapter 1: Human Development
1.1 Population.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 People in Cities..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Health....................................................................................................................................................................................................11
1.4 Education.............................................................................................................................................................................................15
Chapter 2: Economic Performance, Inclusiveness, and Structural Transformation
2.1 Economic Performance and Outlook............................................................................................................................................20
2.2 Private Sector Development...........................................................................................................................................................21
2.3 Poverty Reduction and the Emergence of the Middle Class..................................................................................................24
© 2014 African Development Bank 2.4 Inclusive Growth................................................................................................................................................................................25
All rights reserved. 2.5 Structural Transformation................................................................................................................................................................26
This report was prepared by the Statistics Department Chapter 3: Governance, Fragility, and Security
in the Chief Economist Vice Presidency of the African 3.1 Governance and Corruption............................................................................................................................................................30
Development Bank. Its findings reflect the opinions 3.2 Fragility.................................................................................................................................................................................................34
of the authors and not necessarily those of the African 3.3 Security.................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Development Bank, its Board of Directors, or the countries
they represent. Chapter 4: Regional Integration, Trade, and Investment
4.1 Africa as the New Frontier...............................................................................................................................................................40
Designations employed in this report do not imply the 4.2 Trade......................................................................................................................................................................................................42
expression of any opinion on the part of the African 4.3 Regional Integration.........................................................................................................................................................................43
Development Bank Group concerning the legal status of
Chapter 5: Infrastructure Development
any country or territory, or the delimitation of its frontiers.
5.1 Developing Infrastructure for Growth..........................................................................................................................................48
5.2 Energy...................................................................................................................................................................................................49
While every effort has been made to present reliable
information, the African Development Bank accepts no 5.3 Transportation.....................................................................................................................................................................................50
responsibility whatsoever for any consequences of its use. 5.4 Information and Communication Technology............................................................................................................................54
5.5 Water and Sanitation........................................................................................................................................................................57
Cover, layout, infographics, and other design by Prognoz. 5.6 Housing.................................................................................................................................................................................................58
Printing and Production by Phoenix Design Aid—Denmark. Chapter 6: Agriculture, Food Security, and a Greener Environment
6.1 African Agriculture.............................................................................................................................................................................62
For any inquiries on this report, please contact:
6.2 Food Security......................................................................................................................................................................................64
6.3 Towards Green Growth......................................................................................................................................................................66
Statistics Department
Chief Economist Complex Conclusion....................................................................................................................................................... 68
African Development Bank Group
References....................................................................................................................................................... 69
Temporary Relocation Agency (TRA)
BP 323, 1002 Belvédère, Tunis Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................................... 71
Foreword 1
African economies have sustained unprecedented rates of growth, driven mainly by capacity to deliver economic opportunity and human connected global marketplace. With plans to establish
development; 67 percent of countries made progress in regional- and continental-wide free trade areas well
strong domestic demand, improved macroeconomic management, a growing middle fostering political participation, gender equality, and underway, political commitment will be required to
class, and increased political stability. As the continent continues to evolve, the African human rights; and 40 percent of countries strengthened translate the trade agendas into sound policy and
their safety and rule of law. Tackling corruption remains regulatory reforms to maximize the benefits.
Development Bank’s Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures publication looks at the key an essential part of Africa’s development agenda.
megatrends of the last few decades that will shape Africa’s future. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT
Africa is growing, creating both opportunities and
risks. Change is intrinsic to the development process; As Africa continues to urbanize, the importance of public
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT This is coupled with the continent’s emerging middle if managed effectively, they can help unlock Africa’s investment in infrastructure becomes increasingly
class, grown to some 350 million people and projected to development potential. Yet change can also be evident. Basic amenities such as housing, drinking water,
Over the last 20 years the continent’s population has reach 1.1 billion by 2060. Africa’s growth, however, has disruptive: urbanization and slum development, the and sanitation facilities are needed to provide Africa’s
grown rapidly and in 2011 exceeded the 1 billion mark. not been even across all countries. Six of the ten most youth bulge, inequality and social exclusion, climate growing population with a better standard of living.
Of all global regions, Africa will lead population growth unequal countries in the world are in Africa, and there pressures, environmental damage, new resource rents Investments in energy and transport will also help
over the next 50 years. Linked to this megatrend of rapid is not yet any evidence of progress in reducing income and resource scarcity, and weak governance all have the increase access to affordable and reliable electricity,
population growth is that of urbanization. The people inequality. With the endowment of a young growing potential to place African societies under considerable improve transport connectivity, and reduce transport
of Africa will increasingly be city dwellers. Since 1960, workforce on the one hand and natural resources on the strain. Fragility comes about where these pressures cost and time.
the urban share of Africa’s population has doubled from other, Africa has an important opportunity for inclusive become too great for countries to manage within the
19 to 39 percent, equivalent to an increase of more than growth. The challenge is to seize it through well- political and institutional process, creating a risk At the same time, Africa’s rising consumer class has
416 million people in 2011. This means that Africa will executed investment in infrastructure, increased access that conflict spills over into violence. Despite tough resulted in a surge in mobile-cellular subscriptions and
have some of the largest mega-cities in the world. to education and relevant training, the development of challenges posed by fragility, progress is possible. internet usage. As it stands, broadband coverage is at 16
capable institutions, and support for private investment While various fragile states have lost ground in terms of percent and will likely reach 99 percent by 2060.
With a large population, Africa can harness and build and job creation. economic growth during earlier periods of conflict—such
on the expanded workforce to spur economic growth. as the case of Liberia where GDP dropped by as much as AGRICULTURE, FOOD SECURITY, AND
However, this is conditional on Africa improving access Structural economic change is indispensable to achieve 90 percent in 20 years—many of them, with peace and A GREENER ENVIRONMENT
to and equity within health systems, articulating the desired progress of Africa and to bring prosperity stability, are now on the path of growth and recovery.
right education policies, and creating employment to the continent’s populations. In order to alleviate Agricultural production has increased, but mainly by
opportunities. poverty and reduce income inequalities, Africa will need More effective and better coordinated efforts, tailored bringing more land under cultivation rather than by
to embrace structural transformation while maintaining to each individual situation, must be made to assist improvements in yields. Feeding the expanding urban
ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE, INCLUSIVENESS, robust economic growth. Fostering diversification countries affected by fragility and conflict, and countries population will present a challenge that will entail
AND STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION through transition to high-productive sectors will be in transition in managing political, security, economic, adoption of the latest technologies and high-yielding
a catalyst for industrial upgrading and technological and environmental stresses that make them and their crop varieties as a way of raising productivity.
Africa is on the rise. On aggregate, the region’s GDP innovation which in turn will increase job creation. The citizens vulnerable.
growth is expected to average more than 5 percent path toward obtaining the status of middle-income and Strengthening agriculture and food security through
over 2013–2015. Average inflation in Africa stood at high-income countries will necessitate diversifying REGIONAL INTEGRATION, TRADE, AND an integrated value chain approach can improve the
8.9 percent in 2012 and has since edged down to 6.7 African economies away from dominant sectors such as INVESTMENT livelihoods of Africans who live in rural areas. Many are
percent in 2013, having been largely contained in most agriculture and commodities. reliant on subsistence farming, and a sizable proportion
In recent years, Africa has emerged as a frontier market, is chronically vulnerable to climatic uncertainty.
African countries. Macroeconomic stability, trade and
having increasingly attracted the attention of investors. Africa lives off its land, and more than 227 million
exchange rate liberalization, and new policies and GOVERNANCE, FRAGILITY, AND SECURITY In 2012, Africa’s foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow
incentives supportive of the private sector have helped Africans work on the land, which too often fails to
grew to USD 50 billion while exports amounted to USD provide for their needs. By continuing to invest in rural
drive private sector development. Africa’s rapid economic growth is transforming the
641 billion. At the same time, intra-African trade remains infrastructure (such as rural roads, irrigation, electricity,
lives and livelihoods of Africans at an unprecedented
Supported by the strong economic growth, the low. Integration remains essential for Africa to realize storage facilities, access to markets, conservation
pace. Such growth is underpinned by improvements
proportion of people living in poverty has fallen from its full growth potential, to participate in the global systems, and supply networks), countries can increase
in governance: over the period of 2000-2012, around
over 50 percent in 1981 to less than 45 percent in 2012. economy, and to share the benefits of an increasingly their agricultural productivity and competitiveness.
89 percent of African countries have improved their
some of the countries doubling or even tripling their numbers, opportunity depends on access to education and skills, the Africa, females 1950 Africa, males 1950 Africa, females 2010 Africa, males 2010
Asia, females 1950 Asia, males 1950 Asia, females 2010 Asia, males 2010
making Africa the region with the largest population growth. quality and scale of public investment in infrastructure, and
the associated private investment in business and jobs.
Sustained population growth has been driven by mortality
Population growth: Africa, Asia, and Latin America & the Caribbean, 1951-2010
rates falling faster than fertility rates, in large part due to Africa, a continent whose physical size is larger than China,
improvements in access to clean water and a decline in India, United States, Japan, and most of Europe and United %
the spread of preventable and communicable diseases. Kingdom combined and has what is soon-to-be the world’s 3.0
Not only will fertility rates continue to fall, so too will largest workforce, has an opportunity to transform into a 2.5 Whilst population growth
child mortality. How far the population increases will global economic powerhouse. 2.0 in other regions has slowed,
depend on how fast fertility falls. 1.5
Africa’s has increased by
1.0 2.42% per year for the past
Rapid population growth calls for governments, development 30 years.
agencies, and the private sector to collaborate on strategic
Africa Asia Latin America and
the Caribbean
1951 - 1980 1981 - 2010
is becoming the next 6
frontier market. 5 By 2050, the African
population is forecast
With rapidly growing to rise to at least 2.4 billion
Germany 3
and will continue to grow
population, increased
urbanization, and what
PORTUGAL to 4.2 billion—four times
largest workforce, Africa has 0 100 years.
an opportunity to transform 2010 2025 2040 2055 2070 2085 2100
Mortality and fertility rates, Africa, 1965-2010
245 7
210 6
Sustained population growth
140 4
105 3
rates falling by more than
70 2
fertility rates.
Source: African Development Bank 35 1
0 0
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Under-five mortality per 1,000 live births (lhs) Total fertilit y rate (rhs)
Source: African Development Bank and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
0 0
Johannesburg........... South Africa.. 3,263........ 3,670.........3,867.........3,996.........4,127 12.5
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Cape Town................. South Africa.. 3,091........ 3,405........ 3,579.........3,701.........3,824 12.3
All Africa (%) Urban (Millions)
Source: African Development Bank Source: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Urban share of Africa’s By 2030 urban populations Percentage of people living in Africa has 52 cities with populations Several African cities, such as Dar es Salaam
population has doubled will increase by an additional cities is higher than in India and Kinshasa, are now and will continue to be
of one million or higher–the same number
from 19% to 39% over the last 350 million people. and will reach 58% by 2030. as for Europe. among the fastest-growing in the world.
50 years, which means more
than 360 million new city
evident need to establish more robust health systems and to in most places as the strong focus on reducing the impact of
and urban improve the availability and quality of health care services. preventable and communicable diseases continues. Inclusive
investment will Nairobi
economic growth and better access to water, sanitation, and
ensure that benefits 10m
LIFE EXPECTANCY health facilities will contribute to a projected two-thirds
of urbanization are decline in average child and infant mortality, from 93 per
maximized while 2m
Life expectancy at birth reflects the overall mortality 1,000 live births in 2015 to 32 per 1,000 live births by 2060.
negative effects are 0
prevailing across all age groups of a population. Over the
minimized. last 60 years, life expectancy in the continent has risen from MAJOR CAUSES OF DEATH
37 in 1950 to 58 in 2011. The increasing life expectancy
Dar es Salaam in Africa is being partly driven by improved economic The traditional communicable diseases of HIV/AIDS, malaria,
opportunities, with significant sub-regional variations: sub- and tuberculosis remain the main drivers of mortality.
regions and countries with higher GDP per capita tend to Projections indicate that the number of people living with HIV/
report higher life expectancy; the reverse is also true, with AIDS will be around 70 million by 2050; therefore combating
Luanda poverty associated with lower life expectancy. Though such HIV/AIDS will present an extraordinary challenge. Treatments
Cape Town
sub-regional variations are likely to persist—with North and for the major communicable diseases will continue to occupy
Slum population in urban Africa Durban
East Africa experiencing the highest expectancy and Central a significant portion of national health budgets for the
Africa most likely to be making the slowest progress—it is foreseeable future. The likelihood of an HIV vaccine coming
anticipated that life expectancy will steadily improve by onto the market in the coming decade is slim, but perhaps one
Algeria 2060, with the continental average reaching 71 years. will emerge over the next 50 years. HIV will continue to cause
premature deaths in the working-age population, and will erode
Morocco Total urban population by country MORTALITY the social fabric of countries and the integrity of communities.
Million inhabitants A promising malaria vaccine is more likely to emerge, although
65 Share of urban Infant mortality on the African continent has improved ensuring the vaccine’s affordability will need to be addressed.
population living
in slums by around 36 percent over the past 20 years, from 102 Outbreaks of polio and measles should cease to exist.
Mali Niger 15
No data
deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 65 per 1,000 in
Gambia Burkina Faso Chad Eritrea
2011. Significant progress has been recorded for under-five Concomitantly, chronic conditions such as cardiovascular
Guinea Benin Sudan
Djibouti 0.5
mortality also, as shown by a decline of over 50 percent diseases, diabetes, and cancer—associated with a growing
Sierra Leone Togo over the past 40 years, from 227 deaths per 1,000 live middle-class lifestyle—are also emerging as major killers on
Liberia Central African Ethiopia
Côte Republic births in 1970 to 103 per 1,000 live births in 2011. Maternal the continent. This is creating a double disease burden which
d'Ivoire Ghana Somalia
Cameroon mortality ratio—although still high in comparison to other African health systems are ill equipped to handle. In fact, it is
Equatorial Guinea
Uganda Kenya
Slum-dwellers currently world regions—decreased from 708 per 100,000 live births the chronic, non-communicable conditions that will emerge
Congo Rwanda
Gabon account for half of urban in 1990 to 415 per 100,000 live births in 2010, supported by as Africa’s biggest health challenge over the next half century;
DR Congo Burundi declining fertility rates and greater access to contraceptives. these are expected to overtake communicable diseases as the
Tanzania inhabitants.
most common cause of death. Scaling up interventions for the
Comoros While Africa has made steady, significant improvements prevention and control of chronic diseases will be critical.
Angola Malawi
over recent decades, it remains the global region with
Zambia Mazambique the lowest average life expectancy and highest mortality ACCESS TO AND THE USE OF HEALTHCARE
Competition, transfer of know- ratios. The overall population growth, conflict and SERVICES
Zimbabwe Madagascar
civil emergencies, and the effects of HIV/AIDS have all
Botswana how, and spill-over effects can
contributed to this increase. However, the average masks In Africa, on average there are only 17 hospital beds per
make cities a source of rapid massive variations between sub-regions and countries, 10,000 people, in comparison to the world average of 30.
whereby the impressive performance of certain countries Improved sanitation systems and better access to safe water
economic growth.
are overshadowed by poor results of others. Madagascar, have lessened the risk of waterborne diseases and so have
South Africa for example, stands out as a good performer, significantly contributed to the decline in maternal and infant mortality.
Source: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Family planning services have been neglected across the is becoming clear that achievement of this goal is not 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
continent. Only 15 percent of women of reproductive age reliant on the health sector alone; rather it is mediated by
1990 2011
use modern family planning methods, while 25 percent environmental, social, infrastructural, and regulatory systems.
of women report an unmet need for contraception. The The next half-century will witness a more holistic approach
relatively poor access to reproductive health services to improving health, as systems move toward preventative as
is reflected in the continent’s high adolescent fertility well as curative care. Improving access to and equity within
rates. This is significant given the causal link between health systems will require multisectoral interventions. It will
adolescent birth rates and maternal mortality. also mean engaging the cooperation and participation of all
Under-five mortality rate, Africa, 1990 vs 2011
stakeholders, including national and provincial governments,
High-profile campaigns have been launched in recent the private sector, and local communities. The international Per 1,000 live births
years to scale up childhood immunization. This has led to community and regional development institutions also have
a dramatic increase in the number of children protected a role to play in assisting to build the capacity of national Africa
against key preventable diseases. Some countries have health systems, as well as in mobilizing financial support. South-East Asia Average child and infant
Eastern Mediterranean mortality will reduce from
Life expectancy, Africa World 93 per 1,000 live births in
Years Western Pacific
2015 to 32 per 1,000 live
Americas births by 2060.
Life expectancy in the Europe
Central Africa
continent is expected to rise 0 40 80 120 160 200
East Africa
to over 70 years by 2060,
1990 2011
North Africa though not without
Southern Africa sub-regional variations.
West Africa
40 50 60 70 80
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Maternal mortality ratio, Africa, 1990 vs 2010
Per 100,000 live births
6 70
People with Diabetes: 12.1 million patients People with Cancer: 681,000 new cases in
Source: World Bank and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
today, 24 million by 2030. 2008, 1.6 million new cases a year by 2030.
Source: World Health Organization Africa has made good progress 30 million children are out of school.
toward achieving universal primary
education. More needs to be done 35% of the youth have no access to secondary education
Sustained improvements in health to improve primary completion or technical skills development.
and education will help economic rates, the quality of education, and
secondary and tertiary enrollments. Half of all children reach adolescence without achieving
growth become more inclusive.
literacy or numeracy.
Maths Reading
Urgent action
Eastern and Southern Africa 36 64 is needed to
Central and West Africa 43 35 improve the quality
of education in
For many young people,
80 six years of school are
60 insufficient to build
literacy skills.
Nigeria Ghana Zambia Kenya U.R. Tanzania
F—Female M—Male
Sub-Saharan Africa South and West Asia Arab States Sub-Saharan Africa South and West Asia Arab States
Source: EFA Global Monitoring Report team analysis (2012) based on Demographic and Health Survey data
20 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Economic Performance, Inclusiveness, and Structural Transformation 21
Business regulatory efficiency improvement
Distance to frontier (percentage points)
Rank Country 2005 2013 Change
Reforms More than 400,000
new companies were
01 Rwanda................................................................................................................................ 37.4.................70.5............. 33.1........... 34
registered last year.
02 Georgia................................................................................................................................48.4.................80.8............. 32.3........... 36
03 Belarus.................................................................................................................................41.1................. 67.1............. 26............... 29
04 Ukraine................................................................................................................................38.2.................61.3............. 23.1........... 26
05 Macedonia, FYR.................................................................................................................54.3.................74.2............. 19.9........... 31
06 Burkina Faso......................................................................................................................30.6.................50................ 19.4........... 20
07 Kyrgyz Republic.................................................................................................................44.9.................63.7............. 18.8........... 14 The future of African economic growth—and the futures of millions of Africans and
08 Tajikistan.............................................................................................................................30.8.................48.4..............17.6........... 14
09 Burundi................................................................................................................................33.2.................50.6..............17.4........... 21 thousands of African communities—is closely tied to the private sector.
10 Egypt, Arab Rep.................................................................................................................... 38.................55.1..............17.1........... 23
11 Mali.......................................................................................................................................34.3.................51.2............. 16.9........... 16
12 Sierra Leone....................................................................................................................... 37.3.................54.1............. 16.8........... 20 The most problematic factors for doing business, sub-Saharan and North African averages
13 China....................................................................................................................................... 45.................60.9............. 15.9........... 18
14 Poland.................................................................................................................................. 57.6.................73.4............. 15.8........... 22 % of responses
15 Azerbaijan.............................................................................................................................. 49.................64.6............. 15.6........... 18
16 Colombia.............................................................................................................................55.1.................70.3............. 15.2............27 Access to financing
17 Ghana...................................................................................................................................... 52................. 67................ 15............... 12
18 Guinea-Bissau....................................................................................................................32.9................. 47.2............. 14.2.............. 7 Corruption
Since 2005, 20 countries in Africa are among the top 50 most-improved world economies in business
regulatory efficiency. Among these economies, Rwanda improved the most over the past 7
22 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Economic Performance, Inclusiveness, and Structural Transformation 23
MIDDLE CLASS While the overall outlook for Africa appears bright, challenges deep economic disaffection could exist side by side with
remain. Economic growth varies across the continent, and not apparent affluence for a while, eventually serious social
Economic growth is essential in Africa to alleviate poverty, build is projected to continue to grow and reach 1.1 billion (42 all Africans are benefiting from the growth. Six of the ten most tensions break out. Socio-economic equality is therefore
livelihoods, and improve quality of life. Over the past 20 years, percent of the population) by 2060. The more affluent unequal countries in the world are in Africa, and there is not yet a public good that is crucial for the preservation of social
despite the successive global food and financial crises, Africa lifestyle associated with the middle class has contributed to any evidence of progress in reducing income inequality. peace and harmony, which are in turn important for growth
has been growing at an unprecedented rate. The proportion of increased domestic consumption in many African countries. and wealth generation. The challenge will be to address
people living in poverty (below the threshold of USD 1.24 per Sales of refrigerators, television sets, mobile phones, motors, As it stands, income inequality, measured by the Gini index, continuing inequality so that all Africans, including those
day) has, in turn, fallen from over 50 percent in 1981 to less than and automobiles have surged in virtually every country in ranges from 31 percent in Egypt to 66 percent in Seychelles, living in isolated rural communities, deprived neighborhoods,
45 percent in 2012. Data from household surveys also show recent years. Consumer spending in Africa, primarily by the while Africa’s average Gini index is at 44 percent—only slightly and fragile states are able to benefit from economic growth.
some improvements in living standards. Though it will take middle class, has reached an estimated USD 1.3 trillion in better than in 1980. This shows a greater degree of inequality
decades of growth to make major inroads into Africa’s poverty, 2010 (60 percent of Africa’s GDP) and is projected to double than all other regions of the world, except Latin America. The time to unlock Africa’s great potential is now, and it is
there is now a growing optimism about Africa’s potential. by 2030. As such, the middle class is helping to foster Unemployment and underemployment in Africa are high more important than ever for African governments to work
private sector growth in Africa as they offer a key source of overall but for the youth and women they are especially acute. steadfastly to achieve growth that is more inclusive, leading
At the same time, the dramatic change in the economic effective demand for goods and services supplied by private Although the size of the middle class has increased markedly not just to equality of treatment and opportunity but to deep
landscape has served as both a cause and a consequence of sector entities. The middle class is also helping to improve in the past decade, generating a consumer boom and higher reductions in poverty and a correspondingly large increase
the emergence of a sizeable middle class. Defined as those accountability in public services through more vocal demands domestic investment, many poor people struggle to make a in jobs. For Africa, the ingredients for sustainable, inclusive
earning between USD 2 to USD 20 per day, Africa’s middle for better services. The middle class is better educated, better living in urban and rural areas, with little or no access to social growth are well-known: boosting agricultural production,
class has grown to some 350 million people (34 percent of informed, and has greater awareness of human rights. It is services. In some countries, urban dwellers are worse off than helping small businesses, better quality and relevant
Africa’s population), up from 126 million in 1980 (27 percent the main source of the leadership and activism that create the cousins they left in the countryside. All these indicate that education, encouraging the private sector, improving the
of the population). This represents a growth rate of 3.1 and operate many of the nongovernmental organizations the growth experienced in Africa over the past decades— investment climate, and addressing gender and regional
percent in the middle class population from 1980 to 2010, that push for greater accountability and better governance important as it has been in the fight against poverty—is uneven disparities. Promoting inclusive growth will also help
compared with a growth rate of 2.6 percent in the continent’s in public affairs, a position that augurs well for creating a and confined to specific population groups and geographical ensure political stability as equal distribution of wealth,
overall population over the same period. The middle class suitable environment for growth and development. areas. Wide regional disparities are further aggravated by poor increased social and productive sectors, spending leading
infrastructure, making it difficult for vulnerable communities to to the creation of decent work, and adequate fiscal policies
benefit from the growth in neighboring regions. The exclusion will reduce the risks of political uprisings. Addressing these
Poverty rate, Africa, 1981-2015 of women, youth, and other vulnerable groups from the issues adequately will require structural transformation of
mainstream development process comes with consequences. the African economies.
% of population living below $1.25 a day in 2005 PPP
The Arab Spring and similar uprisings indicate that although
24 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Economic Performance, Inclusiveness, and Structural Transformation 25
2.5 STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION exports. Similarly, one of the largest shoe exporters in China—
Huajian—has set up a factory in Ethiopia as part of a plan to
without the mobilization of substantial resources. Despite
the fact that most African countries are well endowed with
invest USD 2 billion over 10 years in developing manufacturing resources, these resources will not be sufficient for structural
African economies have sustained unprecedented rates Actors in a value chain may range from micro enterprises to
clusters focused on shoemaking for export. The company has transformation. In this context, regional integration among
of growth in the past decade, driven mainly by exports of multinational corporations, and these actors—the different
the potential to create 100,000 jobs over the period and will African countries would be essential to mobilize the needed
natural resources and commodities, improved macroeconomic links in the value chain—can be embedded in quite different
integrate local input manufacturers to global supply chains. resources for the entire region. Regional integration will
management, a growing middle class, and increased domestic environments. A global value chain (GVC) might involve
also accelerate structural transformation through economies
demand fueled by consumption, and increased political the link between rural producers and urban processing and
By promoting global value-led development strategies within of scale and by enhancing the competitiveness of African
stability. However, Africa’s growth has not been inclusive, marketing enterprises in a developing country at the domestic
the broader development framework, African countries can economies.
as poverty rates and inequalities remain high. In order to end and then linked on to firms in the developed countries.
be placed higher up the value chain, reaping gains along
significantly transform the economies of Africa from the current This coordination of production and trade relationships has
the process. This would require carefully tailored measures In recent years, African countries have demonstrated
low-income level to middle-income status, it is paramount been made possible with the openness of trade and direct
aimed at attracting foreign direct investment, building local renewed commitment to structural transformation as part
that value is added to Africa’s large reservoir of natural and foreign investment brought about by globalization and the
capacities, and fostering private sector development in of a broader agenda to diversify their economies and to
agricultural resources through processing and manufacturing global integration of production systems. GVCs also present
manufacturing and primary input processing. develop productive capacity for high and sustained economic
activities—implicit in the transition process from a resourced- an unprecedented opportunity for African economies to move
growth, employment opportunities, and substantial poverty
based economy towards an industry- or service-based economy. beyond producing raw materials and build dynamic and
SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES reduction. This commitment is manifested at the sub-
competitive manufacturing sectors capable of processing
regional and regional levels through programs unveiled, for
In the past two decades, a few African countries, including the continent’s abundant minerals and agricultural products.
Special economic zones (SEZs), as designated areas possessing example, by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development
Mauritius, South Africa, and Uganda, have succeeded It is also an opportunity to create sustainable jobs and
special regulations and economic incentives for promoting (NEPAD), Southern African Development Community (SADC),
in structurally transforming their economies. Other stimulate inclusive growth as new markets for value-added
industrialization, come in handy for organizing production East African Community (EAC), and Economic Community
African countries experienced some degree of structural products evolve both in the continent and externally in the
built around processing and manufacturing activities. SEZs Of West African States (ECOWAS) to achieve economic
transformation following different paths and at different industrialized and emerging economies.
have also recently gained increasing attention in Africa. integration through industrialization. African leaders are
speeds. Some countries transformed through low-wage
In the context of economic diversification, SEZs stimulate showing determination to seize emerging opportunities
manufacturing while others transformed through services Though value gains from Africa’s traditional exports tend to be
the agglomeration of new economic activities, particularly to foster industrial development in support of sustainable
or the agricultural sector. Overall, however, Africa has skewed towards developed countries, resulting in Africa having
manufacturing and processing, in a designated location by economic transformation and as a vehicle for economic
experienced a delayed structural transformation. For a limited share of world income generated from GVCs, more and
providing infrastructure, as well as industrial-related services growth and poverty reduction. This is evidenced by a series
instance, labor is not moving out of agriculture to other more countries are employing new strategies to enable better
and facilities. They also represent a great opportunity for of declarations and decisions made at major summits
more productive industrial or services sectors fast enough access to value chains. For instance, Côte d’Ivoire, the world’s
African industry to gain access to capital, skills and technology and ministerial meetings, such as the Action Plan for the
and the share of agriculture in GDP is declining too fast. This largest producer and exporter of cocoa beans, is mobilizing
transfers, as well as backward and forward linkages. In the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) which
was mainly explained by the lack of inclusive agricultural foreign investment resources to expand local capacities for
context of its development cooperation with Africa, foreign was adopted by African Heads of States and Governments
policies and the non-effective industrialization strategies of processing cocoa into chocolate. This move has attracted three
investors like China, the United States, and European Union at the tenth African Union Summit in Addis Ababa in
most African countries. It is, therefore, crucial for Africa to multinational companies—Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland
countries have initiated and supported the operation of SEZs 2008. At the global level, attention is also focused on the
harness all available opportunities to attain a more dynamic (ADM), and Olam—thus far, placing the country higher up the
in various African countries, including Zambia, Mauritius, challenges of industrial development in Africa as evidenced
growth process. ladder of the global confectionery market estimated to be worth
Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tanzania, Algeria, and Botswana. by the adoption of relevant United Nations General Assembly
USD 84 billion. Lesotho, too, has witnessed an expansion in its
African governments have responded by granting favorable resolutions, including one proclaiming an annual ‘Africa
GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS economy in recent years, driven by the growth of its apparel
conditions to foreign investors in the SEZs, which they Industrialization Day’ (AID), and specific programs and
sector. It has benefited from two distinct value chains emanating
believe will create jobs, boost export earnings, and generate activities of The United Nations Industrial Development
The importance of structural transformation for Africa is the from differing investment incentives, production and distribution
technology spillovers that will benefit domestic enterprises Organization (UNIDO), Food and Agriculture Organization of
promise that it holds for a more diversified, inclusive, and networks, and inter-firm linkages between Taiwanese and
and enhance competitiveness. the United Nations (FAO), International Labour Organization
sustained pattern of economic growth. In particular, the South African owned textile firms. By capturing gains from
(ILO), and other specialized agencies of the United Nations.
promotion of value chains is gaining increasing recognition both regional and international value chains, the apparel
within the realm of private sector development and beyond sector now employs nearly 50 percent of Lesotho’s workforce
as a strategy for helping countries get out of primary and accounts for 18 percent of its GDP, 70 percent of the total
Structural transformation requires innovation to overcome
production and into processing and manufacturing activities. manufacturing production, and 70 percent of total merchandise
deficiencies in infrastructural development. Good
knowledge of the industrial value chains and structures
are prerequisite for an effective transformation of African
A major policy challenge for Africa today
economies. Investing continuously in education, training,
is how to broaden access to economic improvement of skills, and technological innovation is
imperative to prepare the ground for a successful industrial
opportunities for its expanding population,
transformation. Innovation will help build the capacity to
including the most vulnerable groups. Africa produce more sophisticated products with high added
value. In addition, the transition towards an economy
requires structural transformation to propel
based on industry and services cannot meet its targets
it towards inclusive growth.
26 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Economic Performance, Inclusiveness, and Structural Transformation 27
Fragility, and
Governance score, Africa, 2013 Number of countries with
Economic growth can only lead to sustainable and equitable development if it improved governance scores
is based on a foundation of just, inclusive, accountable, transparent, and efficient Change since 2000
governance, and institutions administered by the capable state. Governments, along Mauritius
82.9 7.3
Botswana 5.6
with regional and continental institutions, having increasingly understood the vital Cabo Verde 76.7 6.0
Seychelles 75.0 5.5
link between poor governance, fragility, and social unrest. Together, they are taking South Africa 71.3 0.6 46
greater responsibility for strengthening institutions of accountability and the rule of Namibia 69.5 2.3
Ghana 66.8 5.3
law, resolving conflicts, and overcoming fragility, thus fostering economic stability Tunisia 66.0 4.4
Lesotho 61.9 7.7
and sustainable growth. Senegal 61.0 4.3
São Tomé & Príncipe 59.9 3.2 Overall score
Zambia 8.6
Benin 58.7 2.5
Morocco 58.0 5.1
Africa’s new economic dynamism could not have happened In recent times, there has also been a major push Rwanda 57.8 10.9
without substantial improvements in governance. Better on transparency in financial governance, to improve Malawi 56.9 5.2
Tanzania 56.9 1.4
macroeconomic management and improvements to citizens’ ability to hold their governments to account. The countries
Uganda 56.0 5.5
the business environment have been critical to growth credibility of national budgets has improved, although
Egypt 55.0 0.4
performance. However, poor governance, especially in expenditure controls and internal audit functions remain Mozambique 54.8 2.3
fragile states, remains one of Africa’s most substantial weak. It is estimated that, with more effective institutions, Kenya 53.6 1.5 Safety & Rule of Law
challenges, contributing significantly to poverty, African states could double their tax revenue. Auditor- Gambia 53.6 4.0
inequality, and conflicts. general institutions and parliament public accounts Burkina Faso 53.0 1.2
Today, 20 countries in Africa are considered electoral gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to be lost Nigeria 43.4 0.8
to corruption every year, with about USD 1.4 trillion Guinea 43.2 6.2
democracies, compared to only 4 in 1991. There are
Congo 43.0 8.0
now more representative governments, more democratic considered to have been diverted from Africa between
Côte d'Ivoire 40.9 1.8
elections, and more peaceful transitions of power. While the years of 1980 and 2009. Besides stunting economic
growth, corruption carries other indirect costs: children
Equatorial Guinea 40.9 8.8 46
women in government are still under-represented in Guinea-Bissau 37.1 -1.8 countries
most countries, the participation rate of women in drop out of primary school five times more in countries Zimbabwe 35.4 1.5
national-level parliaments has increased to 21 percent where high corruption is prevalent than in those with low Chad 33.0 1.2
in 2013, up from 10 percent in 2000. Progress, however, levels of graft; infant mortality rates are twice as high. Central African Rep. 32.7 3.8
Human Development
varies across the continent. More than 40 percent of While corruption affects everyone, it hurts the poorest Eritrea 31.9 -5.5
Congo, Democratic Rep. 31.3 7.3
legislators are women in Rwanda, Seychelles, Senegal, most by crippling the public services they so badly
Somalia 8.0 -1.7 Improved African Countries
and South Africa, while women represent less than 10 need. Tackling corruption is therefore an integral part of
Improved Fragile States
percent of parliamentarians in Egypt, Comoros, Swaziland, economic and social development. Safety & Rule of Law Sustainable Economic Opportunity
Participation & Human Rights Human Development Others (did not improve)
Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Gambia, Botswana, Benin, and
Democratic Republic of Congo. Source: Mo Ibrahim Foundation
economies, while Somalia, with a score of 8, ranks last. would not do so. Other 4%
▪▪ 19 of the 35 world’s fragile states are in Africa. ▪▪ One in six fragile states depends on minerals or fuel for
Fragile states lag behind on almost all development indicators ▪▪ These African states are home to more than 200 75% or more of their
million people, approximately 20% of the continent’s ▪▪ 77% of all post-Cold War international crises have
50% 20% 18% population. involved at least one unstable or fragile state.
higher malnutrition higher child mortality lower primary completion rates ▪▪ Today almost half of fragile states are middle-income, ▪▪ On average, development assistance remains the
a complete shift from a decade ago when most were biggest financial flow into fragile states, followed by
low-income countries. remittances and foreign direct investment. However, ¾
of foreign direct investment goes to only 7 countries,
▪▪ Lack of economic opportunities and high unemployment
most of which are resource-rich.
are key sources of fragility.
poised to become the world’s next emerging economy. To turn its economic gains
Mozambique 5,238
South Africa 4,644
into sustainable growth and shared prosperity, Africa's public and private sectors Ghana
Congo, Dem. Rep. 2,892
must work together to connect the continent's markets, deepen regional integration, Morocco 2,842
Egypt, Arab Rep. 2,798
and adopt reforms that enhance competitiveness. Congo, Rep. 2,758
Sudan 2,488
Equatorial Guinea 2,115
expansion of local markets, and facilitation of skill creation investments. By addressing impediments to cross-border Lesotho 198
Togo 166
through backward linkages. Remittances from the diaspora investment linkages, Africa will be able to fully benefit from Rwanda 160
also represent a substantial form of resources for the continent. its increasing global economic importance. Benin 159
Malawi 129
10 consumergrowing
and spending consumer
creating opportunities
spending for
are creating 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
manufacturing and services
opportunities for
Source: World Bank
industries to
manufacturing grow
and. services
industries to grow InInrecent
stridesinin developing
developing itsits private
private sector;
sector; since
since 2000,
2000, foreign
2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 directinvestment
direct investmenthashasincreased
increasedfivefold, $50
fivefold,toto$50 billion
billion last last
year,year, nearly
nearly a sixth
a sixth of which
of which wentwent
Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
top recipient Nigeria. to top recipient Nigeria
back by small national markets and a lack of strong national UEMOA CEMAC Morocco São Tomé Mauritania
commitment to regional integration arrangements. Most intra- CEMACBenin São Tomé Mauritania and Príncipe Tunisia Libya
Overall, there is still a great deal to be done before the vision of Burkina Faso and Príncipe Burundi Tunisia Libya Dji
African foreign direct investment goes to finance mergers and an economically integrated Africa can become a reality. There Cameroon Djibouti Er
Burkina Faso Burundi
Côte d'Ivoire
acquisitions, rather than greenfield investments. This suggests is no question that Africa’s leaders recognize the importance Cameroon
Guinea-Bissau Central African Republic Eritrea Eth
Côte d'Ivoire
that intra-African foreign direct investment might provide of regional integration to sustainable development. But the Guinea-Bissau Central African Republic
Mali Chad Ethiopia South
attractive opportunities to countries privatizing state firms or structures and processes required to transform this commitment Mali Chad Niger Congo South Sudan Su
seeking to increase output from existing ones. into sustained action will need to be strengthened. Niger Congo Senegal Equatorial Guinea Angola Sudan
Senegal Equatorial Guinea
Togo Gabon
Angola Dem. Rep. of the Congo
CONSOLIDATING REGIONAL INTEGRATION Promoting the free movement of goods, services, labor, and Togo Gabon Dem. Rep. of the Congo
African States (ECCAS), are planning a merger, and ECCAS has gains available from regional cooperation, African countries Botswana
already begun to modify its rules of origins and tariffs with a would expect to see the pace of integration accelerate. Mozambique
Nations Children’s Fund, and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
million people without
access to electricity.
For Africa, the need for adequate infrastructure—secure energy, efficient transport, reliable
communication systems, resilient sanitation, and affordable housing—is particularly apparent.
30 40
48 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Infrastructure Development 49
increase 93% between electrification rate ranges from 65% in people live without
today and 2035. in Africa stands at just urban areas to 28% clean cooking facilities.
43%, leaving 600 in rural areas.
million people without
access to electricity.
severe traffic congestion. Road safety is also an issue, with road Some countries are making good progress. Ethiopia, for
fatalities resulting in 225,000 deaths every year—about one- example, has reduced the average distance to an all-weather
70% fifth of total fatalities from road crashes worldwide. As the size road from 21 kilometers in 1997 to 12.4 kilometers in 2012, and
of the middle-class population increases, more automobiles access to an all-weather road is said to have decreased poverty
will be purchased and improvements in road safety need to by 6.9 percent and increased food consumption by nearly 17
be stepped up. Safety Nigeria measures include the introduction percent. Senegal,84.5
too, has embarked on an ambitious program
30 40
(where not already Ethiopia
in existence) of speed limits, drink-driving 65
of infrastructure development, which involves these
the construction
Democratic Republic of Congo 61.7
laws, compulsory seatbelt use and child constraints, and the of a 32-kilometer toll highway that will link Dakar to Diamnadio
wearing of helmets for motor cyclists. There should also be
39.3 countries account for
in the western part of the country. Cross-border corridors are
2020 annual safety checks
for vehicles over a certain
age (e.g. 3-5 65% of theimportant
also being used to link markets—particularly people for
Uganda 29.7
years) to ensure their Sudan
road-worthiness. Such
measures landlocked countries—and enhance
will intra-African
who lack access trade.
to The
require greater investments and regulation,
Mozambique 19.1 especially in the Trans-Africa Highway (Cairo–Dakar) is the most ambitious
Two-thirds of the population continue Projections for electrification rates indicate set-up phases.Madagascar 18.4 road network on the continent: itelectricity
comprises ninein Africa.
Malawi 14.2 highways with a total length of 56,683 kilometers. Other
to burn biomass for fuel, which poses both a steady rising trend in the upcoming three
Investment rates in transport infrastructure have been 60 planned or80ongoing regional projects include the Abidjan–
decades, to around 70% in 2040, providing
0 20 40 100
health and environmental hazards and requires increasing, thanks to major continental initiatives such as the Ouagadougou–Bamako Transport corridor, connecting Côte
access to 800 million more people.
Population without access to electricity
time-consuming foraging by women Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA). d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Mali.
and children.
African countries with the largest population without access to electricity 90% 225,000
Nigeria 84.5
Ethiopia 65
Together, these
Democratic Republic of Congo 61.7
Tanzania 39.3 countries account for
Uganda 29.7
65% of the people
Sudan 24.7 who lack access to
Mozambique 19.1
electricity in Africa.
Roads are the main 53% of the roads are Less than half of Road safety is also an
Madagascar 18.4
mode of transport, unpaved, isolating Africa’s rural issue, with road
Malawi 14.2
0 20 40 60 80 100
carrying at least 80% people from basic population has access fatalities resulting in
Population without access to electricity
of goods and 90% education, health to an all-season road. 225,000 deaths every
of passengers. services, transport year—about one-fifth
Source: African Development Bank and International Energy Agency
corridors, trade hubs, of total fatalities from
and economic road crashes worldwide.
90% 225,000 opportunities.
Reliable transport infrastructure, in all four subsectors— A significant percentage of Africa’s road network is unpaved, Paved roads in selected African cities
roads, railways, air transport, and ports—is an essential isolating people from basic education, health services,
component of all countries’ competitiveness. It is transport corridors, trade hubs, and economic opportunities.
particularly crucial for landlocked countries, for which it Moreover, access to the road network is uneven, with rural
Meters per 1,000 population
84,000 km Paved Roads
is a prerequisite to opening up production zones. Reliable areas largely underserved. This unequal access makes the
flow of goods and services to and from rural areas difficult Abidjan.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 346
transport must be in place for companies to import and
export are thetomain
goods, 53%
fill orders, and of thesupplies.
to obtain roads are Less than half
and expensive. Maintenance
of of
Roadthe safety
road network
is alsoisanalso Conakry......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 174
inadequate, and when done often inefficient. Further Dakar............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 467
mode of transport, unpaved, isolating Africa’s rural
complicating the issue, the roadissue,
networkwith road countries
in various Dares Salaam............................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
carrying at least 80% people from basic
ROADS population
continues to has
sufferaccess fatalities
from vehicle resulting
overloading, causinginroad Outdated infrastructure and limited maintenance In total, Africa counted 84,000 kilometers of
Kampala........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 225
of goods and 90% education, health surfaces
to to prematurely
an all-season road.degrade225,000
and resulting in reduced
deaths every have undermined the effectiveness of railways rail track, for a surface of about 30 million
Kinshasa......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Although roads are the predominant mode of transport construction life span and high maintenance costs.
Africa—carrying at least services,
80 percent transport
of goods and year—about one-fifth across Africa. square kilometers, most of it in Southern and400
Average Sample in African low-income countries............................................................................................................................
Northern Africa. 318
90 percent of passengers—major corridors, trade
deficits hubs,
exist in its Despite having fewer vehicles onofitstotal fatalities
road than from
any other region, Average Developing World...................................................................................................................................................................1,000
infrastructure throughout theand economic
continent. the underdevelopment of the road crashes worldwide.
road network has resulted in
opportunities. Source: African Development Bank and Commonwealth Business Council
84,000 km
Mozambique 19.1
electricity in Africa.
Madagascar 18.4
Malawi 14.2
0 20 40 60 80 100
90% 225,000 6 700 000
Of all the transportation modes, rail networks are the least Nonetheless, the African rail system has the potential for
developed in Africa, with very few additions since colonial expansion and to act as a catalyst for regional integration, trade,
times. Outdated infrastructure and limited maintenance and economic development. Inefficiencies and inadequacy in the
have undermined the effectiveness of railways across
Africa,%resulting in a significant reduction in usable track.
railroad network are increasingly being addressed by countries
in recent years. For instance, Zambia has been working on $ 67 800 000 000
improving the operational efficiency of the Zambia Railways / 270 000
In total, Africa counted 84,000 kilometers of rail track, for a surface and the TAZARA Railway. There are also plans on extending the
53% of the roads are
of about 30 million square kilometers, most of it in Southern and
Roads are the main Less than half of
Zambia Railways network to the Botswana Railways network via
Road safety is also an
Northern Africa. Thirteen sub-Saharan African countries have no
mode of transport,
the planned Kazungula Bridge. Air transport supports 6.7 million In 2012, airlines based in Africa In 2012, African airlines
operational rail networks, while theunpaved, isolating
spatial density of operational Africa’s rural issue, with road
jobs and $67.8 billion in GDP carried 70 million had one accident
rail ranges from 1 to 80%
at least people per
6 route-kilometers from basicsquare
thousand population has
It is also notable thataccess fatalities
African exports resulting
are largely in
bulky primary
of goodsThe and 90%density foreducation,
network most African countries
health ranges commodities,
to which could
an all-season 225,000 transported moredeaths
efficiently and
every in Africa. passengers. (with a Western-built
from 30 to 50 kilometers per million people, with a few countries
of passengers. services, transport year—about one-fifth
at lower cost by rail than by road. Rail development therefore jet aircraft) for every
(Gabon, Botswana, and South Africa) having network densities holds some opportunities for investors. Investments in 270,000 flights.
of more than 400 kilometers per corridors, trade
million people. Thesehubs,
network of total
associated activities like locomotive fatalities
building, from
logistics, and 2006 Globally, the industry
densities are very low compared toand economic
Europe’ s range of 200 to 1,000 communications also exist. road crashes worldwide.
kilometers per million people. opportunities. average was 1 accident
for every 5 million
Outdated infrastructure and limited maintenance In total, Africa counted 84,000 kilometers of PORTS
have undermined the effectiveness of railways rail track, for a surface of about 30 million
Seaports too are badly in need of investment and regulatory about half of the coastal countries that operate port facilities
across Africa. square kilometers, most of it in Southern and reforms to remove the bottlenecks and chronic congestion introducing sectoral legislation and regulatory reforms, new
Northern Africa. problems. Whereas Africa operates 64 ports, many of investment opportunities will present themselves.
them are poorly equipped and uneconomically operated.
Source: African Development Bank and Commonwealth Business Council
Huge problems exist with respect to inadequate capacity, Enhancing port infrastructures can substantially reduce the
particularly in terminal storage and maintenance. Delays are cost of production for companies and contribute to economic
AIRPORTS often caused by long processing times and poor shipment growth. For instance, as a result of the recent Dakar Port
handling rates, with over-the-quay container-handling Container Development Project, Senegal has been able to
By providing a quick link to export markets, air transport upgrades, notably surveillance equipment and fleet performance running below 20 moves per hour in the African expand its exposure to international markets, increase the
enables the trade of time-sensitive, perishable exports modernization. Progress is further hampered by poor region, compared to 25 to 30 in modern terminals worldwide. volume of port traffic by 13 percent, and reduce average waiting
such as cut flowers, vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish, which airport infrastructure and inadequate air connections. Africa
In addition, handling64
operates ports,
costs many
average Delays
50 percent more are often time
in Africa caused by from 15Handling
for ships hours to 2 costs average
hours and 50%
for trucks from
are becoming increasingly important foreign-exchange of them
than are poorly
in other parts of equipped
the world. Further long processing
challenge stems times
several and more
hours to less than in Africa
30 minutes. Thethan in other
port enhancement
earners for African countries. The importance of air transport, especially for landlocked from a lack of efficient linkages
and uneconomically between roads
operated. poorand project willrates.
rail lines, handling
shipment increase berth
of thebyworld.
50 percent and vessel
countries, cannot be overemphasized. It is imperative and their poor connectivity to ports. productivity from 20 moves per hour to 61 moves per hour.
Yet air transport in Africa remains expensive by that African countries enhance this sector’s development Moreover, the port will operate the terminal continuously, on
international standards. This is mainly because of lower
passenger traffic, limited liberalization of air space, high
to improve connectivity and safety and to reduce costs
in order to promote intra-African and global trade. Air
Private investment in ports is low; yet there is a great need a 24-hour-a-day basis. Costs have also been reduced by the
for transshipment facilities and maritime structures. Four implementation of an electronic customs clearance system
passenger and airport taxes, safety issues, and limited transport has to be enhanced not only by the amount regional hubs exist and these include Durban in Southern and the liberalization of the container shipping market.
infrastructure (airports, runways, and safety systems). and quality of physical infrastructure but also, even more Africa, Mombasa, and Dar-es-Salaam in East Africa, with
Africa still records the lowest safety standards in air importantly, by the way it is operated with regard to air- Djibouti also emerging as a new hub. In West Africa, Abidjan Africa’s prolonged underinvestment in transportation
transport of any region in the world. African airlines traffic control and ground-air communications, which are used to play this role but as a consequence of the civil war, its has resulted in a dilapidated transport infrastructure.
have also lagged behind in terms of technological inadequate in much of the region and need to be boosted. role has been supplanted by the port of Malaga in Spain. With Indeed, compared with other developing countries—
Over-the-quay container-handling performance Further challenge stems from a lack of efficient
runs below 20 moves per hour in African linkages between roads and rail lines, and their
terminals, compared to 25 to 30 moves per poor connectivity to ports.
52 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures hour in modern terminals worldwide. Infrastructure Development 53
2006 Globally, the industry
total internet traffic. In some countries like Kenya, nearly 99 and e-books, remote diagnosis and treatment could be
percent of internet subscriptions are on mobile phones. provided to those with lack of access to a health clinic,
farmers could access up-to-date weather and market
Telecommunications is crucial to economic growth: it information, and more people could gain access to
underpins business growth by providing connectivity finance via mobile and online banking. As the continent
access to global markets and supporting trade becomes more connected, social and economic growth
Africa operates 64 ports, many Delays are often caused by Handling costs average 50% communications; it has also brought on innovations will accelerate, transforming lives in the process.
of them are poorly equipped long processing times and more in Africa than in other
and uneconomically operated. poor shipment handling rates. parts of the world. Africa’s mobile phone market
The transport sector needs to be better
oriented towards enhancing human and
social capital. 2016 1 000 000 000 -
5.4 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY There are now 760 million mobile Africa’s mobile data usage amounts to 15% of the
subscribers in Africa. This number is projected total internet traffic.
While Africa’s information and communication technology (ICT) Africa is now the fastest growing and second largest mobile
to cross the 1 billion mark by 2016.
market is still relatively immature, robust economic growth, phone market in the world. More than eight in ten Africans have
population boom, rapid urbanization, an emerging middle a mobile phone, amounting to 760 million mobile subscriptions, Source: International Telecommunication Union and TA Telecom
class, strong competition among providers, and the increasing up from only 15 million in 2000—across the continent. Progress
affordability of mobile devices have propelled it to grow will continue over the next 5 years, with the number of
dramatically in recent years. Substantial development assistance subscriptions projected to cross the 1 billion mark by 2016. The
has been channeled to the ICT sector in Africa while private average penetration rate has also risen from 37 percent in 2010 Mali Ethiopia and Zambia
$5,800 $70,000
investment amounted to USD 50 billion over the last decade. to 80 percent in 2013 and is still growing at 4.2 percent annually.
Turkey 0.9
overall GDP is low, but 2012
Vietnam 0.9
is projected to grow to
at least 5 to 6%, the
% a day
Ethiopia 0.6
Angola 0.5 1.2
same level as Sweden, 2005
Taiwan, and the United
Africa 1.1% 1.9%
economies 3.7% Developed
economies Kingdom, by 2025.
The share of population in Only 28% of Africa’s poorest Almost half of the people with
GDP adjusted for all revenues
Africa’s poorest countries with countries have access to no access to improved
Source: McKinsey & Company
access to an improved water improved sanitation facilities. sanitation live on less than
source has increased from 56% two dollars a day.
Top 10 Internet Countries in Africa in 2005 to 59% in 2012.
Number of
Internet Users
In 2012, over 197.6 million
South Africa..................................................................................................21.5 people in Africa are using the
Morocco......................................................................................................... 17.9 internet, which corresponds to GDP
Kenya..............................................................................................................13.9 18.6% of the population.
Algeria.............................................................................................................. 5.9 Broadband coverage is at 16% and
On average, inadequate water Poor sanitation costs Nigeria, In most countries, current
Uganda............................................................................................................. 5.3 will likely reach 99% by 2060.
Tunisia.............................................................................................................. 4.5 and sanitation costs Africa Kenya, and Ghana $3 billion, investments in sanitation
Ghana............................................................................................................... 4.3 5% of its GDP. $324 million, and $290 million are less than 0.1% of GDP.
Source: International Telecommunication Union each year respectively.
Source: African Development Bank, World Health Organization, UNICEF, and World Bank
12 000 80 000
There are now 760 million mobile Africa’s mobile data usage amounts to 15% of the
subscribers in Africa. This number is projected total internet traffic.
to cross the 1 billion mark by 2016.
5.6 HOUSING <$2
% a day Mali Ethiopia and Zambia
$5,800 $70,000
African cities are growing exponentially, adding an estimated While there are great challenges, they are not insurmountable.
15 to 18 2005 56%
million people a year—averaging to 40,000 to Several countries have already demonstrated progress toward
50,000 people every day. In the coming decades, Africa’s urban affordable housing provision by successfully implementing
population is projected to grow 45 percent faster than the housing policies and programs catered to low-income households.
The shareasofa population
whole. By 2040inhalf of Africa’s 28% of
Only As a result,
willAfrica’s poorestsome 24 million
Almost half
African urban dwellers
of the peoplehavewith
live in a city. significant improvements in their living conditions. The number of
Africa’s poorest countries with countries have access to no access to improved
slum populations in countries like Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia has
access to an improved water improved sanitation facilities.
The growth of cities comes with an increasing demand of also substantially reduced sanitation live
over the past on as
decade less than
land for has
source increased
housing, services,from 56%other aspects of urban
jobs, and two dollars a day.
in 2005 to 59% in 2012.
development. Yet, housing is rarely affordable—with prices Urban legislation should continue to be a priority area for
ranging from USD 5,800 in Mali to USD 70,000 in Ethiopia sustainable urban development. Governments should legislate to
and Zambia. This leaves half of the urban population—the ensure that all categories of citizens have equal access to adequate
majority of which are between the ages of 15 and 24—with no and affordable housing, basic infrastructure and services, and equal %
alternatives but to live in slums and informal settlements under job opportunities. Mass affordable housing would require careful
poor, overcrowded conditions instead. Today, over 226 million policy coordination—removing inappropriate building regulations;
people in Africa live in slum conditions—up from 123 million clarifying land titling and legal enforcement; encouraging innovation
in 1990. Those living with insecure property rights often find in housing finance; promoting the construction, maintenance, and GDP
themselves living beyond the reach of the law and vulnerable upgrades of existing housing properties and informal settlements;
to exploitation. and supplying integrated infrastructures and services that target the
marginalized groups, including the poor, youth, women, and elderly
On average, inadequate water Poor sanitation costs Nigeria, In most countries, current
Scarce urban land for housing development, increasingly high people. It also demands a carefully crafted and comprehensive
and sanitation
construction costs
materials andAfrica Kenya,
infrastructure costs, andasGhana
as well $3 billion,
a response investments
from city planners in sanitation
to ensure orderly urban development
lack ofofland
its GDP. $324 million,
and housing policies and legislation, all lead toandand$290 million
prevent areBetter
urban sprawl. than 0.1%and
lesscommunication ofallocation
rising housing costs and tenure insecurity. Housing finance in
each year respectively.resources from central to municipal authorities are also crucial.
Africa is generally limited, with 85 percent of urban dwellers
unable to secure housing due to high down-payment
requirements, short loan periods, and high interest rates.
10 000
by a formal developer in 2013 (USD)
0 0
South Africa
Côte d'Ivoire
Dem. Rep. of Congo
Burkina Faso
South Sudan
Sierra Leone
Central African Rep.
> 1/2
Over half of the 55% of Africa's labor force is The Congo, Nile, Zambezi, and Niger
world’s fertile yet employed in agriculture; in some are amongst the world's longest
Promoting agriculture continues to be the most effective way of driving inclusive PRODUCTION AND YIELD
unused cropland is in
countries like Djibouti, Guinea, and rivers while Lake Victoria is the
growth and poverty-reduction in Africa. The continent needs its own green revolution Over half of the
Africa. 55% of Africa's
Burkina labor
Faso, the force is
The Congo,
world's Nile,largest
second Zambezi, and Niger
Agricultural Production
world’s fertile yet
Index, Africa, 1961-2012 are amongst the world's longest
to improve yield and commercialize agriculture. exceeds 94%
employed in agriculture;
. in some
Index (1961=100)
unused cropland is in countries like Djibouti, Guinea, and rivers while Lake Victoria is the
Africa. Burkina Faso, the proportion world's second largest lake.
exceeds 94%.
Agriculture is the dominant source of livelihood in Africa, crop irrigation, has made Africa heavily dependent on rainfall—
especially in low-income rural areas. Nearly half of the continent’s which is increasingly unpredictable. With little protection against 400
population—equivalent to just over 530 million people, 227 climate variability and climate change, droughts, floods, cyclones,
million of which are directly employed in the sector—are and desertification often lead to crop failure, poor harvests, and
dependent on an agricultural lifestyle. Promoting agriculture— food insecurity. Lack of access to improved water resources also 400
which provides direct inputs to the agro-processing value chain, causes many farmers to use wastewater for agriculture, leading to
supplies food to urban areas, and is a source of household a high incidence rate in food poisoning and foodborne diseases.
savings for investment—and food security is therefore one of the Inadequate energy supply constrains productivity and also 300
most effective ways to drive inclusive growth and reduce poverty. processing and storage of produce. Africa’s very low connectivity
density in paved road and rail network contributes to high,
With more than half of the world’s fertile yet unused cropland, sometimes up to 40 percent, postharvest losses and lack of access 200
abundant water resources, and plentiful agricultural labor, Africa to markets. In addition, there is growing concern that a decline
clearly has an opportunity to feed a rapidly growing population, in long-term soil fertility is limiting agricultural production and
increase productivity and competitiveness, and spur economic yield in Africa, and that the problem is getting worse. 100
growth. Indeed, agricultural output has been increasing steadily
across the continent over the past decades and has the potential Given the continent’s projected increase in food requirements and
to continue growing in the next decade. Yet, while Africa did the limits to extensive agricultural growth, a major transformation 0
see an increase in agricultural production, average yield and of African agriculture from subsistence towards commercial
cropping intensity have not improved. While other global regions production would be vital. Improved yields and productivity are Yield
across world regions, 1961 vs 2012
have doubled or tripled their average yields between 1961 and necessary to meet non-African competition and contribute to 1.48
2012, the growth in yield in Africa is barely perceptible. Plausible reducing food prices without taxing smallholders. This would Metric Ton per Hectare
explanations for the low yields include lack of access to water, fuel, require scaling up investments in irrigation, improving access to
and improved planting materials, as well as low use of fertilizers, key agricultural inputs and technology, establishing supporting 6
4 1.48 2.23 1.64
machinery, and irrigation technology. Africa, especially Sub- mechanisms for increased use of nutritional supplements in
Saharan Africa, is characterized by minimal water storage capacity, agricultural production, developing local and regional food 5 1.96
resulting in gross underutilization of Africa’s abundant water procurement and distribution centers, and removing trade 3 2.21
resources. This, along with the lack of technology used for proper barriers and impediments to Africa’s agricultural and food market. 4 2.23 1.64
0.99 1.96
Fertile land
Fertile land Plentiful
Plentiful agricultural
agricultural labor labor Abundant
Abundant water
water resources
resources 0
Africa North America Central America South America Asia Europe Oceania
> 1/2 0
1961 2012
Africa North America Central America South America Asia Europe Oceania
1961 2012
Over half of the 55% of Africa's labor force is The Congo, Nile, Zambezi, and Niger
world’s fertile yet employed in agriculture; in some are amongst the world's longest Agricultural production has been increasing steadily across Africa over the past decades. Yet,
rivers while Lake Victoria is the the continent’s average yield growth lags behind other world regions.
unused cropland is in countries like Djibouti, Guinea, and
Africa. Burkina Faso, the proportion world's second largest lake.
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
exceeds 94%.
Source: African Development Bank
62 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Agriculture, Food Security, and a Greener Environment 63
Investments in agriculture can make a significant difference Recent global food crises and ongoing struggles with hunger in some parts of Africa,
particularly in the Horn and the Sahel, emphasize the need for greater food security.
Africa must also harness more of its own capital—human, natural and financial—to
Irrigation technology could Increased fertilizer and
increase output by up to 50%. 1990 %
pesticide use can help bridge more yield in drought-prone kg
yield gaps. areas. 1990 % kg
Hunger Levels dropped by Malnutrition has been reduced The proportion of under-weight
25% between
Hunger 1990 andby2013.
Levels dropped by 23% sincehas
Malnutrition thebeen
reduced children
The decreased
proportion from 34%
of under-weight
25% between 1990 and 2013. by 23% since the 1990s. 24% in 2012.
in 1990 todecreased
children from 34%
Improved infrastructure can Modern information and Trade liberalization can uplift
in 1990 to 24% in 2012.
reduce postharvest losses. communication technologies Africa’s agricultural potential.
can improve market integration. Country progress in the combat against hunger, Africa
Percentage change in 2013 GHI compared with 1990 GHI
Source: African Development Bank and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Winners Losers
-68% Winners Losers
new estimates, about 226 million people—around one by ensuring that progress is sustainable.
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Source: International Food Policy Research Institute
64 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Agriculture, Food Security, and a Greener Environment 65
Africa On the Move Towards Green Growth
6.3 TOWARDS GREEN GROWTH Africa on the move towards green growth
Africa is endowed with abundant natural wealth, from its As a high proportion of Africans depend for their
land to its water and its extraordinary biodiversity. In recent livelihoods on renewable resources like land, water, and Morocco Tunisia
years, rapidly growing population, dietary changes, rising fisheries, finding a more efficient, sustainable, and resilient
income, high demand for commodities, and urbanization in growth pathway for Africa would make sound economic
the developing world have led to a surge in international sense. Green growth will help ensure that the benefits of Egypt
demand for Africa’s resources. This situation is likely to natural resource endowments are shared equitably across
continue, with international demand for natural resources the continent, and with future generations. Structural
projected to triple by 2050. transformation of African economies can also help reduce Egypt
dependence on natural resources and other commodities
Whereas this resource wealth represents an extraordinary through greater diversification and more sophisticated Mali
opportunity for Africa to reducing poverty and fighting value chains.
hunger, it also puts the continent’s natural environment
Mali Niger
under increasing pressure. In some instances, high demand, For this reason, a number of African countries are working Burkina
coupled with climate change, has also led to widespread through national investment plans to move toward Faso
environmental damages and losses: many African countries sustainable green growth—to manage their natural Nigeria
have already lost a significant quantity of their soils, resources more efficiently, maximize development
contributing to reduced yields and food insecurity; and benefits, minimize vulnerabilities, and ensure that their Nigeria Kenya
almost 200 million Africans now live on degraded land. natural wealth is preserved for future generations.
Desertification continues, with 37 percent of the continent Many African countries now have the policy, as well as
at risk. If current trends were to continue, much of Africa’s legal and institutional frameworks, required to improve Ethiopia
DR Congo
natural capital could be squandered within a generation, environmental management, but most still need to
leaving large parts of the continent still trapped in poverty. develop the capacity for implementation and enforcement.
Wind Forests
Geothermal Transport
Capacity (MW) by
260 CSP
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso
technology of
Ge 0
approved projects
66 Tracking Africa’s Progress in Figures Agriculture, Food Security, and a Greener Environment 67
Conclusion References
Over the last several decades, Africa has embarked on a Africa as a continent will be much more integrated. African Development Bank Group, ADB Statistics African Development Bank Group, Regional Integration
process of economic and social transformation. Robust Goods, services and people will move across countries Department, Socio-economic Database and staff estimates Brief, No. 1. April 2013
growth is lifting Africans out of poverty at an impressive and regions—creating larger markets, increasing African Development Bank Group, The Middle of the
African Development Bank Group, AfDB CIF Annual Report
rate and propelling a growing number of African countries companies’ competitiveness, and expanding intra-African Pyramid: The Emerging Middle Class in Africa, AfDB, 2011
towards middle-income status. trade opportunities. Fostering cooperation within trans-
boundary basins will support growth, peace, and stability. African Development Bank Group, Africa & Global African Development Bank Group, The PIDA Energy Vision,
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prosperous continent with high-quality growth that more efficient.
African Development Bank Group, Africa Economic & African Development Bank Group, Understanding the
creates more employment opportunities for all, especially
Financial Brief, various issues Barriers to Regional Trade Integration in Africa, 2013
women and youth. African countries are determined Realizing Africa’s vision is achievable but will not come
to harness the benefits of development for their easily. The choices made today about human capital, African Development Bank Group, World Bank Group,
African Development Bank Group, Africa Economic Brief,
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increased competitiveness. In this vision, sound policies options far into the future. Overcoming the challenges African Development Bank Group, Africa in 50 Years’ Time:
and better infrastructure will drive Africa’s transformation along the way will require a new mindset where Africa’s African Development Bank Group, Development Centre
The Road Towards Inclusive Growth, September 2011
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and by boosting investment, entrepreneurship, and development. And it will require continuing support from African Development Bank Group, African Development Development, United Nations Development Programme,
micro, small, and medium enterprises. In this context, the international community to reinforce Africa’s efforts Report 2012 Economic Commission for Africa, African Economic
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private investment from foreign sources. Faster growth, diversified, and growing economies participating fully in International Fund for Agricultural Development, and
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productivity, and create new jobs and expertise. They will Assessing Progress in Africa toward the Millennium
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