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Acute simple cystitis in women

Authors: Thomas M Hooton, MD, Kalpana Gupta, MD, MPH
Section Editor: Stephen B Calderwood, MD
Deputy Editor: Allyson Bloom, MD

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.

Literature review current through: Jun 2021. | This topic last updated: Mar 15, 2021.


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) include cystitis (infection of the bladder/lower urinary tract) and pyelonephritis
(infection of the kidney/upper urinary tract). In women, the pathogenesis of UTIs begins with colonization of
the vaginal introitus by uropathogens from the fecal flora, followed by ascension via the urethra into the
bladder and, in the case of pyelonephritis, to the kidneys via the ureters.

This topic will review the approach to women with typical symptoms of cystitis when there is no concern that
the infection has extended beyond the bladder. We consider this to be acute simple cystitis.

When there is concern that the infection has possibly extended beyond the bladder (eg, when there is flank
pain or other features suggestive of pyelonephritis, fever, and/or other signs of systemic illness, including
sepsis) we consider this to be a complicated UTI. This approach to categorizing UTI ( table 1) differs from
other conventions, as discussed in detail below.

Our approach to the diagnosis and management of complicated UTI is discussed elsewhere. (See "Acute
complicated urinary tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in adults".)

Additionally, acute simple cystitis in men and UTIs in special populations are discussed elsewhere:

● (See "Acute simple cystitis in men".)

● (See "Urinary tract infections and asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy".)
● (See "Catheter-associated urinary tract infection in adults".)
● (See "Kidney transplantation in adults: Urinary tract infection in kidney transplant recipients".)
● (See "Recurrent simple cystitis in women".)

Asymptomatic bacteriuria is also discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Asymptomatic bacteriuria in adults".)

Urinary tract infection in children is also discussed separately. (See "Urinary tract infections in children:
Epidemiology and risk factors" and "Urinary tract infections in children: Long-term management and
prevention" and "Urinary tract infections in infants and children older than one month: Clinical features and
diagnosis" and "Urinary tract infections in infants older than one month and young children: Acute
management, imaging, and prognosis".)

We use the term acute simple cystitis to refer to an acute urinary tract infection (UTI) that is presumed to be
confined to the bladder ( table 1). Such infections lack signs or symptoms that suggest an infection
extending beyond the bladder, which include:

• Fever (>99.9°F/37.7°C) – This temperature threshold is not well defined and should be
individualized, taking into account baseline temperature, other potential contributors to an elevated
temperature, and the risk of poor outcomes should empiric antimicrobial therapy be inappropriate.
• Other signs or symptoms of systemic illness (including chills or rigors, significant fatigue or malaise
beyond baseline).
• Flank pain.
• Costovertebral angle tenderness.

If any of these signs or symptoms are present in the setting of pyuria and bacteriuria, we consider the patient
to have acute complicated UTI and manage the patient differently. By this definition, pyelonephritis is a
complicated UTI, regardless of patient characteristics. (See "Acute complicated urinary tract infection
(including pyelonephritis) in adults".)

We do not automatically consider patients with underlying urologic abnormalities (such as nephrolithiasis,
strictures, stents, or urinary diversions), immunocompromising conditions (such as neutropenia or advanced
HIV infection), or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus to have a complicated UTI if they have no concerning
symptoms for upper tract or systemic infection. However, such patients can be at higher risk for more serious
infection and have not traditionally been included in studies evaluating the antibiotic regimens we typically use
for acute simple cystitis. Thus, we follow such patients more closely and/or have a low threshold to manage
them as complicated UTI (eg, if they have subtle signs or symptoms that could be suggestive of more
extensive infection). Many patients with significant urologic abnormalities come to clinical attention for UTI
because of signs or symptoms consistent with complicated UTI as defined here (rather than features of simple
cystitis alone).

Certain populations, such as pregnant women and renal transplant recipients, have unique management
considerations and thus are not included in the above categorization. These populations are discussed
elsewhere. (See "Urinary tract infections and asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy" and "Kidney
transplantation in adults: Urinary tract infection in kidney transplant recipients".)

These definitions of acute simple cystitis and complicated UTI are different from other categorizations, which
themselves are somewhat variable. Specifically, cystitis or pyelonephritis in a nonpregnant premenopausal
woman without underlying urologic abnormalities has traditionally been termed acute uncomplicated UTI [1],
and complicated UTI has been defined, for the purposes of treatment trials, as cystitis or pyelonephritis in a
patient with underlying urologic abnormalities. Individuals who do not fit into either category have often been
treated as having a complicated UTI by default. Rather than use this convention, we favor an approach to
treatment based on the presumed extent of infection and severity of illness. Since complicated UTI, as defined
here, is a more serious infection than simple cystitis, the efficacy of an antimicrobial agent is of greater
importance, and certain agents used for simple cystitis should not be used for complicated UTI because they
do not achieve adequate levels in tissue, which may be important for cure. Risk for infection with drug-
resistant organisms is a consideration in antibiotic selection for both simple cystitis and acute complicated

Women categorized as having acute uncomplicated cystitis according to the traditional definition would fall
under the definition of acute simple cystitis that we use here.


Cystitis among women is extremely common [2,3]. The shorter distance from the anus to the urethra likely
explains why women are at higher risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs) than men.

Among otherwise healthy women, risk factors for cystitis include recent sexual intercourse and a history of UTI
[4,5]. Use of spermicide-coated condoms, diaphragms, and spermicides alone are also associated with an
increased cystitis risk.

Other comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus and structural or functional urinary tract abnormalities, can also
increase the risk of cystitis [2]. Although patients with these comorbidities have traditionally been categorized
as having complicated UTI, our approach does not necessarily categorize them as such.


Microbial spectrum — Escherichia coli is the most frequent microbial cause of simple cystitis (75 to 95
percent of cases), with occasional infections caused by other species of Enterobacteriaceae (such as
Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis) and other bacteria, such as Staphylococcus saprophyticus [6,7].
Other gram-negative and gram-positive species are infrequently isolated in acute simple cystitis in the
absence of antimicrobial or health care exposures.

The microbial spectrum of simple cystitis in patients with recent antimicrobial or other health care exposures
may be broader and also includes other gram-negative bacilli (eg, Pseudomonas), enterococci, and
staphylococci. Thus, culture and susceptibility testing are essential for management in patients who have such
risk factors ( table 2). Even in the absence of specific risk factors, resistance in E. coli can be a major issue.

Among otherwise healthy nonpregnant women, the isolation of organisms such as lactobacilli, enterococci,
Group B streptococci, and coagulase-negative staphylococci other than S. saprophyticus from voided
midstream urine most commonly represents contamination of the urine specimen [8,9]. Nevertheless, it may
be appropriate to consider these organisms the likely causative agent in symptomatic women when found in
voided midstream urine at high counts and with pure growth (ie, without growth of other bacteria). That such
organisms are rarely the cause of acute simple cystitis in such women is supported by a study of 202
premenopausal, nonpregnant women with acute cystitis who collected a midstream, clean-catch urine, and
subsequently underwent urethral catheterization to collect a bladder urine specimen [10]. There was high
concordance between growth on voided and catheterized specimens for E. coli (even at counts as low as 10
colony-forming units [CFU]/mL), K. pneumoniae, and S. saprophyticus. In contrast, enterococci and Group B
streptococci were isolated from 20 and 25 voided specimens, respectively, but only from two corresponding
catheterized specimens each. In the majority of specimens with these organisms, growth was <104 CFU/mL,
and E. coli was also isolated.
Resistance trends in E. coli — Expected susceptibility patterns of E. coli should inform the empiric
antimicrobial selection for cystitis. Increasing rates of resistance have been reported globally. Risk factors for
urinary tract infection (UTI) with resistant organisms include recent broad-spectrum antimicrobial use, health
care exposures, and travel to parts of the world where multidrug-resistant organisms are prevalent [11-15] (
table 2). Ongoing monitoring of local prevalence of resistance is necessary for optimization of empiric
therapy. (See 'Empiric antimicrobial selection' below.)

The in vitro susceptibility of E. coli varies considerably by geographic region. In four large studies, overall
resistance rates were higher in medical centers in the United States than in Canada, and higher in Portugal
and Spain than in other European countries [16-19]. In general, resistance rates >20 percent were reported in
all regions for ampicillin and in many regions for trimethoprim (with or without sulfamethoxazole).

Nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin, and pivmecillinam (the last is not available in the United States) have demonstrated
good in vitro activity in all countries investigated [16-19] and are thus appropriate first-line agents for acute
simple cystitis when there are no clear risk factors for resistance [1].

Resistance rates for first and second generation oral cephalosporins and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid are
regionally variable but generally <10 percent.

Fluoroquinolone resistance rates have been <10 percent in most parts of North America and Europe, but
there has been a clear trend of increasing resistance over time [16-21]. In a study of E. coli urinary isolates
from outpatients in the United States, resistance rates to ciprofloxacin increased from 3 to 17 percent between
2000 and 2010 [20]. In a population-based study of over 5000 E. coli urinary isolates collected in Minnesota
between 2005 and 2009, the incidence of urinary isolates resistant to fluoroquinolones and/or trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) increased among older adult patients and those with community-associated
isolates, but not among health care-associated cases [21]. One caveat in interpreting these data is that
passive laboratory-based surveillance methods tend to overestimate true resistance rates since they are
skewed by urine cultures obtained from patients who may have failed initial therapy or who have specific risk
factors for resistance, such as recent travel or antimicrobial use [22-24].

TMP-SMX is the agent for which there are the most data to guide clinical use; identified risk factors for
resistance in women with acute simple cystitis include use of TMP-SMX in the preceding three to six months
and travel, particularly international travel [25-28]. In addition, clinical, in vitro, and mathematical modeling
studies have suggested that a 20 percent resistance prevalence should be the threshold at which TMP-SMX
should not be used for empiric treatment of acute simple cystitis [29,30].

For other antimicrobial agents, there are insufficient data to determine the resistance levels at which the
likelihood of failure outweighs the potential benefits; the decision depends on individual practitioner discretion.
In addition, it is important for clinicians to understand that local resistance rates reported in hospital
antibiograms are often skewed by cultures of samples obtained from hospitalized patients or those with
complicated infection and may not accurately predict susceptibilities in women with acute simple community-
acquired cystitis, in whom resistance rates tend to be lower [31,32].

Nevertheless, resistant infections are increasing in number, including those caused by extended-spectrum
beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing strains. An increase in ESBL-producing isolates has been described among
patients with acute simple cystitis worldwide [33-35]. In particular, a specific strain of E. coli, sequence type
131 (ST131), has emerged globally as a major cause of fluoroquinolone-resistant and ESBL-producing E. coli
UTIs [36].


The classic clinical manifestations of cystitis consist of dysuria, urinary frequency, urinary urgency, and
suprapubic pain [37]. Hematuria is also often observed.

Symptoms of cystitis can occasionally be subtle and more difficult to tease out, particularly in older women.
Older women can have a number of nonspecific urinary symptoms (such as chronic dysuria or urinary
incontinence) that mimic symptoms of cystitis, even when there is no evidence of urinary tract infection (UTI).
A systematic review of studies evaluating the diagnosis of UTI among community-dwelling adults older than
65 years suggested that symptoms such as chronic urinary nocturia, incontinence, and general sense of lack
of well-being were common and nonspecific for UTI [38]. In contrast, acute dysuria (less than one week
duration), new or worsening urinary urgency, new incontinence, frequency, gross hematuria, and suprapubic
pain or tenderness were more discriminating symptoms. Fever was also a discriminating feature, although we
consider patients with cystitis symptoms and fever to have a complicated UTI. (See "Acute complicated
urinary tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in adults", section on 'Clinical manifestations'.)

Similarly, among debilitated patients, many generalized signs or symptoms, such as falls, change in functional
status, and change in mental status, are frequently attributed to UTI, but growing evidence indicates that these
are not reliable predictors of bacteriuria or cystitis. In one cohort study of nursing home residents, among
clinical features that prompted evaluation for UTI (including change in gait or falls, change in functional status,
fever or chills), only acute dysuria, change in the character of urine (gross hematuria, change in color or odor),
and change in mental status were associated with the presence of both pyuria and bacteriuria [39]. However,
other studies that controlled for comorbidities have found no association between bacteriuria in nursing home
patients and nonspecific mental status changes (such as increased restlessness, confusion, or aggression)
[40]. Among those with bacteriuria, there also appears to be no association between these nonspecific mental
status changes and urinary markers of inflammation (ie, interleukin-6) [41]. Furthermore, treatment of
bacteriuria in patients with acute delirium or nonspecific symptoms is not associated with improvement in
mental or functional status (but is associated with Clostridioides [formerly Clostridium] difficile infection)

Although cloudy or smelly urine may be associated with bacteriuria (as demonstrated in nursing home
residents [39]), there is no evidence of benefit to treating patients with only these complaints as having a UTI
prior to onset of usual cystitis symptoms. Color and odor of urine are influenced by ingestion of certain foods,
dehydration, and other noninfectious factors. Thus, increased fluid intake and careful observation are
reasonable initial approaches to patients who complain of changes in odor or color of urine.

Fever, chills, rigors, and other signs of systemic illness are not compatible with a diagnosis of acute simple
cystitis and raise the possibility of pyelonephritis or other complication of UTI. (See "Acute complicated urinary
tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in adults".)

Clinical suspicion and evaluation — Acute simple cystitis should be suspected in women who have acute
symptoms of dysuria, urinary frequency or urgency, and/or suprapubic pain, particularly in the absence of
vaginal symptoms (eg, vaginal pruritus or discharge). The probability of cystitis is greater than 50 percent in
women with any of these symptoms and greater than 90 percent in women who have dysuria and frequency
without vaginal discharge or irritation [37].

Women should be asked about fevers/chills and flank pain. Physical examination is often not necessary for
the diagnosis, but if performed, should include assessment for fever, costovertebral angle tenderness, and
abdominal tenderness. A pelvic examination is indicated if symptoms or signs suggesting vaginitis or urethritis
are present. If fever (>99.9°F/37.7°C), other signs or symptoms of systemic illness (including chills, rigors, or
marked fatigue or malaise beyond baseline), flank pain, or costovertebral angle tenderness are present, the
patient should be evaluated and managed as potentially having complicated urinary tract infection (UTI),
which is discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Acute complicated urinary tract infection (including
pyelonephritis) in adults".)

For most women with suspected acute simple cystitis, particularly those with classic symptoms, no additional
testing is warranted to make the diagnosis.

However, in women who have clinical features that are suggestive, but not clearly diagnostic of cystitis (such
as atypical urinary symptoms), urinalysis is a useful diagnostic tool, as the absence of pyuria on urinalysis
suggests a diagnosis other than cystitis. Apart from the classic features listed above, features that should
prompt urine testing include new or worsening urinary urgency, new incontinence, or gross hematuria. Chronic
urinary nocturia, chronic incontinence, general malaise, and cloudy or malodorous urine are nonspecific
findings that should not routinely prompt urine testing to evaluate for cystitis. We do not routinely test urine in
elderly or debilitated patients with nonspecific changes in mental or functional status in the absence of focal
urinary tract symptoms, and instead hydrate, carefully observe, and assess other potential contributing factors
[44]. If fever is also present, evaluation for infection, including complicated UTI, is warranted (see "Acute
complicated urinary tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in adults"). The evaluation and diagnosis of UTI in
elderly adults is further discussed elsewhere. (See "Approach to infection in the older adult", section on
'Urinary tract infection'.)

When indicated, urinalysis can be performed either by microscopy or by dipstick. (See 'Urinalysis' below.)

Urine culture and susceptibility testing are also generally unnecessary in women with acute simple cystitis, but
should be performed in patients who are at risk for infection with a resistant organism ( table 2). We also
check culture and susceptibility testing on patients with risk factors for more serious infection, such as those
with underlying urologic abnormalities, immunocompromising conditions, and poorly controlled diabetes,
regardless of other risk factors for resistance. (See 'Determining the microbial etiology' below.)

Pregnancy testing is appropriate in women of childbearing potential when the possibility of pregnancy cannot
be reasonably excluded by history alone.

Blood testing is not warranted for patients with acute simple cystitis.

Urinalysis — Urinalysis (either by microscopy or by dipstick) for evaluation of pyuria is a valuable

laboratory diagnostic test for UTI. It is not indicated in women with typical symptoms of acute simple cystitis (in
whom the diagnosis can reliably be made on symptoms alone), but it can be helpful in cases in which the
clinical presentation is not typical. Pyuria is present in almost all women with acute cystitis; its absence
strongly suggests an alternative diagnosis [45,46].

● The most accurate method for assessing pyuria is to examine an unspun, voided midstream urine
specimen under the microscope with a hemocytometer; an abnormal result is ≥10 leukocytes/microL [45].
However, this laboratory test is usually not available to the clinician. The presence of hematuria is helpful
since it is common in the setting of UTI but not in urethritis or vaginitis. However, hematuria is not a
predictor for complicated infection and does not alter the approach to therapy. White blood cell casts in
the urine, although rare, are indicative of upper tract infection rather than simple cystitis. (See "Acute
complicated urinary tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in adults", section on 'Diagnostic approach'.)

● Dipsticks are commercially available strips that detect the presence of leukocyte esterase (an enzyme
released by leukocytes, reflecting pyuria) and nitrite (reflecting the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, which
convert urinary nitrate to nitrite). The dipstick test is most accurate for predicting UTI when positive for
either leukocyte esterase or nitrite, with a sensitivity of 75 percent and a specificity of 82 percent [37].
However, results of the dipstick test provide little useful information when the clinical history is strongly
suggestive of UTI, since even negative results for both tests do not reliably rule out infection in such

Additional details on urine collection and testing (with microscopy for pyuria and dipstick) are found elsewhere.
(See "Sampling and evaluation of voided urine in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in adults".)

Determining the microbial etiology — The causative organisms and their antimicrobial susceptibility
profiles are frequently predictable in women with acute simple cystitis, and thus routine cultures for such
infections are often not necessary for management decisions. However, given the increasing prevalence of
antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens, obtaining a urine culture prior to initiation of therapy is
warranted in patients who have risk factors for antimicrobial resistance ( table 2), as well as in patients at
risk for more serious infection (eg, those with underlying urologic abnormalities, immunocompromising
conditions, and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus).

If voided urine cultures are sent to the laboratory, the clinician should ask the laboratory to quantify E. coli, if it
grows, to at least 103 colony-forming units/mL to improve specificity. Moreover, E. coli should not necessarily
be considered a contaminant if it grows in mixed flora since almost any growth of E. coli in voided urine in a
symptomatic patient reflects bladder growth [10]. Growth of organisms generally thought to be contaminants
(such as lactobacilli, enterococci, Group B streptococci, and non-saprophyticus coagulase-negative
staphylococci) may be considered causative when found in voided midstream urine at high counts and with
pure growth (see 'Microbiology' above). Issues related to interpretation of urine culture colony counts are
discussed separately. (See "Sampling and evaluation of voided urine in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection
in adults", section on 'Definition of a positive culture'.)

Diagnosis — The clinical diagnosis of cystitis is made in a patient who has classic signs and symptoms (ie,
dysuria, urinary frequency, urgency, and/or suprapubic pain). For women who have atypical urinary
symptoms, the diagnosis is supported by the presence of pyuria and bacteriuria on urinalysis and/or culture.
(See 'Clinical suspicion and evaluation' above.)

The clinical diagnosis of acute simple cystitis also excludes fever (>99.9°F/37.7°C), other signs or symptoms
of systemic illness (including chills, rigors, or marked fatigue or malaise beyond baseline), flank pain, and
costovertebral angle tenderness ( table 1). The presence of any of these features suggests pyelonephritis
or extension of the infection beyond the bladder, and we thus consider the patient to have an acute
complicated UTI, which is discussed in detail elsewhere. We also have a lower threshold to consider patients
with risk factors for more serious infection as having acute complicated UTI, for example, if they have more
subtle signs or symptoms of possible upper tract or systemic infection. Such risk factors include urologic
abnormalities (eg, nephrolithiasis, strictures, stents, or urinary diversions), immunocompromising conditions
(eg, neutropenia or advanced HIV infection), or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. (See "Acute complicated
urinary tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in adults".)

Bacteriuria with or without pyuria in the absence of any symptom that could be attributable to a UTI is called
asymptomatic bacteriuria and generally does not warrant treatment in nonpregnant patients who are not
undergoing urologic procedures. (See "Asymptomatic bacteriuria in adults".)

The diagnosis of UTI in a patient with an indwelling urinary catheter is discussed in further detail elsewhere.
(See "Catheter-associated urinary tract infection in adults", section on 'Diagnosis'.)


Both infectious and noninfectious processes can cause symptoms of dysuria, frequency, urgency, suprapubic
pain, and/or hematuria [9].

● Vaginitis – In women with dysuria, the presence of vaginal discharge or odor, pruritus, dyspareunia, and
absence of urinary frequency or urgency should prompt consideration of vaginitis. Causes of vaginitis
include yeast infection, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis. (See "Approach to females with
symptoms of vaginitis".)

● Urethritis – Evaluation for urethritis is warranted in sexually active women with dysuria, particularly those
with pyuria on urinalysis but no bacteriuria. Causes of urethritis in women include chlamydia, gonorrhea,
trichomoniasis, Candida species, herpes simplex virus, and noninfectious irritants, such as a
contraceptive gel. (See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis infections",
section on 'Dysuria-pyuria syndrome due to urethritis'.)

● Painful bladder syndrome – This is a diagnosis of exclusion in women who have ongoing discomfort
related to the bladder with symptoms of dysuria, frequency, and/or urgency but no evidence of infection or
other identifiable cause. (See "Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome: Clinical features and diagnosis".)

● Pelvic inflammatory disease – Lower abdominal or pelvic pain and fever are the most common clinical
findings in patients with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), although dysuria may also be present. The
findings of mucopurulent endocervical discharge or cervical motion tenderness on pelvic examination are
strongly suggestive of PID. (See "Pelvic inflammatory disease: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis".)


Empiric antimicrobial selection — The selection of an antimicrobial regimen for acute simple cystitis (
table 1) depends on the risk of infection with a multidrug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative organism (
algorithm 1).
We generally consider patients to be higher risk for an MDR gram-negative organism if they have any of the
following occurring in the prior three months:

● An MDR gram-negative urinary isolate (ie, nonsusceptible to at least one agent in three or more
antimicrobial classes; this includes extended-spectrum beta-lactamase [ESBL]-producing isolates).
● Inpatient stay in a health care facility (eg, hospital, nursing home, long-term acute care facility).
● Use of a fluoroquinolone, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, or broad-spectrum beta-lactam (eg, third or
later generation cephalosporin) [47].
● Travel to parts of the world with high rates of MDR organisms (eg, India, Israel, Spain, Mexico).

Women categorized as having acute uncomplicated cystitis according to the traditional definition would fall
under the definition of acute simple cystitis that we use here and be managed as presented here. (See
'Terminology' above.)

Low risk for resistance — For patients who do not have risk factors for an MDR gram-negative infection (
table 2), we typically choose one of the first-line antimicrobial regimens (nitrofurantoin
monohydrate/macrocrystals, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fosfomycin, or pivmecillinam) ( algorithm 1).
(See 'First-line antimicrobial options' below.)

For patients who have reasons to avoid all these options (either because of allergies or intolerances or a
history of a urinary isolate resistant to these agents within the prior three months), we choose an alternative
option. (See 'Alternative antimicrobial options' below.)

First-line antimicrobial options — The preferred agents for empiric therapy of acute simple cystitis are
nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fosfomycin, and, if available,
pivmecillinam because of the favorable balance between efficacy and adverse effects (including the risk of
selecting for resistant organisms) [1]. None of the first-line agents clearly outweighs the others in terms of the
efficacy/adverse effects balance, with the exception that resistance is more likely with trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole and that pivmecillinam (and possibly fosfomycin) is somewhat less effective; the optimal
antimicrobial in one region may be different from that in another depending on resistance prevalence (see
'Resistance trends in E. coli' above). Thus, the choice among them should be individualized based on patient
circumstances (allergy, tolerability, expected adherence), local community resistance prevalence, availability,
cost, and patient and provider threshold for failure. If the patient has taken one of the agents in the preceding
three months, a different one should be selected.

If all these are appropriate options based on patient circumstances and prior urinary isolates, we suggest
nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole rather than fosfomycin or pivmecillinam. Because fosfomycin
retains activity against many MDR isolates and overuse may result in increasing rates of resistance, we favor
reserving it for suspected MDR infections or when other first-line agents cannot be used. Pivmecillinam is
somewhat less effective but is commonly used in Europe because of a low risk of selection for resistance.

Details on dosing, expected efficacy, and additional reasons for avoidance are as follows:

● Nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals (Macrobid) – Dosed at 100 mg orally twice daily for five days.
Randomized trials suggest a 79 to 92 percent clinical cure rate with a five- to seven-day regimen, with
minimal resistance promotion [48-50]. Higher rates of failure occurred with shorter courses [51]. It has
minimal propensity to select for resistant organisms. Nitrofurantoin should be avoided if there is suspicion
for early pyelonephritis or if the creatinine clearance is <30 mL/minute. Observational studies have
suggested that the agent is effective and safe with mild renal impairment, even in older women [52-55].

● Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole – Dosed as one double-strength tablet (160/800 mg) orally twice daily for
three days. Randomized trials suggest a 79 to 100 percent clinical cure rate with a three- to seven-day
regimen [48,56-58]. Empiric trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole should be avoided if the regional prevalence
of resistance is known to exceed 20 percent [29,30]. In some regions, trimethoprim (100 mg twice daily
for three days) is used in place of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and is considered equivalent [59].

● Fosfomycin – Dosed as 3 grams of powder mixed in water as a single oral dose. One randomized trial
reported an early clinical cure rate of 91 percent and a bacterial cure rate similar to nitrofurantoin [60],
and a meta-analysis demonstrated no difference in cure rates between fosfomycin and other agents,
including fluoroquinolones, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and nitrofurantoin [61]. However, in a
subsequent open-label trial, a single dose of fosfomycin resulted in lower clinical (58 versus 70 percent)
and microbiologic (63 versus 74 percent) success rates at 28 days compared with nitrofurantoin given
three times daily for five days [62]. Lower than expected clinical success rates in both groups may be a
result of the definition used in this study (complete resolution of UTI signs and symptoms rather than
improvement of signs and symptoms, as used in other trials). It is not clear whether the open-label trial
design influenced the findings [63]. Susceptibility testing for fosfomycin is not routinely available in most
clinical laboratories. Fosfomycin should be avoided if there is suspicion for early pyelonephritis.

● Pivmecillinam – Doses used in studies range from 400 mg orally two or three times daily for three to
seven days; we suggest a dose of 400 mg three times daily for three to five days. In one randomized trial
of women with cystitis, the 400 mg three times daily dose given for three versus five days resulted in
similarly high clinical (73 versus 76 percent) and microbiologic success rates (87 versus 88 percent) [64].
Pivmecillinam is a penicillin with an extended gram-negative spectrum, is used only for treatment of
urinary tract infection (UTI) and has minimal propensity to select for resistant organisms [65,66]. It is not
available in the United States but is an agent of choice in many Nordic countries due to low resistance
rates [67]. Pivmecillinam should be avoided if there is suspicion for early pyelonephritis.

These antimicrobial options and suggested treatment durations for acute simple cystitis are the same for any
adult woman with acute simple cystitis, regardless of age. A systematic review of studies evaluating treatment
of cystitis in community-dwelling adults ≥65 years of age concluded that the optimal regimens are the same as
those recommended for younger adults and that shorter antimicrobial courses (three to six days) resulted in
similar outcomes as longer ones (7 to 14 days) [68]. However, since these studies excluded women with
urinary tract abnormalities, immunocompromising conditions, or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, it is
reasonable to use a longer duration of therapy (eg, 7 days) in women with such comorbidities.

If there is diagnostic uncertainty regarding cystitis versus early pyelonephritis, we treat the patient as having
an acute complicated UTI (which includes pyelonephritis). In particular, the use of nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin,
and pivmecillinam should be avoided in such cases because they do not achieve adequate renal tissue levels
[1]. This is discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Acute complicated urinary tract infection (including
pyelonephritis) in adults", section on 'Management'.)

Alternative antimicrobial options — If any factors (such as allergies or concern for resistance)
preclude use of the above first-line antimicrobials, oral beta-lactams (other than pivmecillinam) are appropriate
options, and if beta-lactams cannot be used, a fluoroquinolone is reasonable ( algorithm 1).
Acceptable beta-lactam agents include amoxicillin-clavulanate (500 mg twice daily), cefpodoxime (100 mg
twice daily), cefdinir (300 mg twice daily), and cefadroxil (500 mg twice daily), each given for five to seven
days [58,69,70]. A shorter course is not adequate; in one trial, cefpodoxime did not meet criteria for
noninferiority to ciprofloxacin for clinical cure when each was given for three days [71]. Other beta-lactams,
such as cephalexin (250 to 500 mg every six hours), are less well studied but may be acceptable. Ampicillin or
amoxicillin should not be used for empiric treatment given the high prevalence of resistance to these agents
[16-19,59]. In general, beta-lactams are second-line agents because they are less effective and have more
potential adverse effects than other UTI antimicrobials [59,70,72].

If beta-lactams cannot be used (eg, because of severe allergy), ciprofloxacin (250 mg twice daily or 500 mg
extended release daily) and levofloxacin (250 mg daily), each for three days, are reasonable alternative
agents. Other less commonly used fluoroquinolones that are effective include ofloxacin and norfloxacin.
Moxifloxacin attains lower urinary levels than other fluoroquinolones and should not be used. Multiple
randomized trials have demonstrated that fluoroquinolones are very effective for treatment of acute cystitis,
and that fluoroquinolones are more effective than beta-lactams [57,66,69,70,73-78]. However, increasing rates
of resistance mitigate the utility of the fluoroquinolone class. Furthermore, because of concerns about the
adverse effects of fluoroquinolones, the risk-benefit balance for acute cystitis favors the use of
fluoroquinolones only if other agents (including beta-lactams) cannot be used. When possible,
fluoroquinolones should be reserved for more serious infections than acute simple cystitis [79,80]. If a
fluoroquinolone is used, patients should be advised about the uncommon but potentially serious
musculoskeletal and neurologic adverse effects. (See "Fluoroquinolones", section on 'Benefits and risks of

If a patient has reasons not to use any of the first-line agents, beta-lactams, or fluoroquinolones, we obtain
urine culture and susceptibility testing and select an antimicrobial based on those results (see 'Directed
antimicrobial selection' below). For acute simple cystitis, studies among women without comorbidities have
suggested that deferring antimicrobial therapy until these results are available is a safe strategy [81].
Analgesics can be used for symptomatic therapy in the interim for women with mild to moderate symptoms
(see 'Symptomatic therapy' below). If there are concerns about deferring antimicrobials (eg, because of
significant bladder symptoms), it is reasonable to treat empirically with an agent (eg, first-line option, beta-
lactam, or fluoroquinolone) that was initially avoided because of concerns for possible resistance while
awaiting culture results. Alternately, if there are concerns about potential treatment failure with oral agents in
patients with risk factors for more serious infection (eg, an underlying urologic condition or
immunocompromising condition), the patient can be treated with an initial intravenous agent, as in our
approach to complicated UTI. (See "Acute complicated urinary tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in
adults", section on 'Outpatients'.)

High risk for resistance — For patients who have risk factors for an MDR gram-negative infection (
table 2), we first obtain urine culture and susceptibility testing ( algorithm 1). For empiric treatment, oral
options include nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals (Macrobid, 100 mg orally twice daily for five days),
fosfomycin (3 grams of powder mixed in water as a single dose), or, if available, pivmecillinam (400 mg orally
three times daily for three to five days), unless the patient has a history of an isolate with documented
resistance to these agents in the prior three months. If all these are appropriate options based on patient
circumstances (allergies, intolerances, drug interactions) and prior urinary isolates, we suggest nitrofurantoin.
We favor reserving the use of fosfomycin for documented MDR gram-negative infections or when
nitrofurantoin is not an option, and pivmecillinam is not as effective. In the United States, resistance to all oral
options is still uncommon among outpatients with E. coli cystitis.

Studies have suggested that nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin, and pivmecillinam still retain clinical activity against
some MDR organisms, including ESBL-producing isolates [35,72,82,83]. As an example, in a case-control
study including 113 patients with ESBL-producing E. coli UTIs, no resistance to fosfomycin was detected and
clinical cure rates were high (93 percent) [72]. Some studies have evaluated a higher dose of fosfomycin (eg,
3 g once every 2 to 3 days for 3 doses) for infections due to MDR organisms, but there is no evidence that this
has greater efficacy than single-dose therapy [84,85].

If none of these can be used because of resistance or other concerns, we defer antimicrobial therapy until a
regimen can be selected based on results of culture and susceptibility testing (see 'Directed antimicrobial
selection' below). For acute simple cystitis, studies among women without comorbidities have suggested that
deferring antimicrobial therapy until these results are available is a safe strategy [81]. Analgesics can be used
for symptomatic therapy in the interim for women with mild to moderate symptoms (see 'Symptomatic therapy'
below). If there are concerns about deferring antimicrobials (eg, because of significant bladder symptoms), it
is reasonable to treat empirically with an agent (eg, first-line option, beta-lactam, or fluoroquinolone) that was
initially avoided because of concerns for possible resistance while awaiting culture results. Alternately, if there
are concerns about potential treatment failure with oral agents in patients with risk factors for more serious
infection (eg, an underlying urologic condition or immunocompromising condition), the patient can be treated
with an initial intravenous agent, as in our approach to complicated UTI. (See "Acute complicated urinary tract
infection (including pyelonephritis) in adults", section on 'Outpatients'.)

Directed antimicrobial selection — Acute simple cystitis in women is often treated empirically without
culture and susceptibility testing. If such testing was performed (eg, because of risk for resistance or severe
infection), those results can be used to inform regimen selection or adjustment. If susceptibility of the isolate
allows, the approach to antimicrobial selection generally follows the same preferences as for empiric
antimicrobial regimen selection, with nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fosfomycin, and, if
available, pivmecillinam as the preferred agents, followed by beta-lactams, followed by fluoroquinolones. The
doses and durations for each option are detailed elsewhere. (See 'First-line antimicrobial options' above and
'Alternative antimicrobial options' above.)

If an Enterococcus or Group B Streptococcus grows as the only isolate on culture and is determined to be the
cause of cystitis (see 'Determining the microbial etiology' above), amoxicillin is usually the preferred agent, as
long as the isolate is susceptible. (See "Treatment of enterococcal infections", section on 'Urinary tract
infection' and "Group B streptococcal infections in nonpregnant adults", section on 'Regimen selection'.)

Antimicrobial sparing strategies — Given that acute simple cystitis is associated with increasing
antimicrobial resistance and has a low risk of progression to invasive disease in patients without risk factors
for serious infection, antimicrobial sparing management strategies for some women with simple cystitis are of
increasing interest (eg, anti-inflammatory drugs or delayed treatment), but warrant further study before they
can be routinely employed [81,86,87].

Delaying antimicrobial therapy while awaiting urine culture results appears to be a reasonable approach in
women without comorbidities if empiric therapy is complicated by resistance or drug intolerance. In a
randomized trial of nonpregnant women <75 years of age with acute simple cystitis, symptom duration and
severity were similar with immediate antimicrobial therapy compared with four other strategies, including
delayed antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial therapy based on a symptom score, urinalysis findings, or
urine culture results [81]. Although a large retrospective database analysis of patients ≥65 years of age with
lower urinary tract infection suggested an association between delaying antimicrobial therapy and subsequent
bloodstream infection within 60 days, multiple limitations of this study reduce confidence in the findings; these
include potential misdiagnosis of cystitis, important and potentially confounding differences between groups,
and failure to link the microbiology of the cystitis to bacteremia [88].

Substituting anti-inflammatory agents for antimicrobial therapy has also been evaluated but, pending
additional data, cannot be recommended as an initial approach to management of symptomatic acute simple
cystitis. In one trial of 241 women with acute simple cystitis without risk factors for complications, those
randomly assigned to treatment with ibuprofen (400 mg three times daily for three days) had a higher mean
symptom burden compared with those who received fosfomycin as a single 3 g dose [87]. Fewer women in
the ibuprofen group received any antimicrobials compared with the fosfomycin group (35 versus 100 percent),
but they were more likely to require additional therapy with antimicrobials in follow-up and had a higher rate of
serious adverse events, including five cases of pyelonephritis (2 percent) compared with one case (0.4
percent) in the fosfomycin group. Similar findings were observed in a trial comparing diclofenac with
norfloxacin [89].

Other interventions

Symptomatic therapy — Symptoms of acute simple cystitis should respond to antimicrobial therapy within
48 hours. In fact, dysuria is usually diminished within a few hours after the start of antimicrobial therapy [90].
In the interim, for some patients with severe dysuria, a urinary analgesic such as over-the-counter oral
phenazopyridine three times daily as needed may be useful to relieve discomfort. A two-day course is usually
sufficient to allow time for symptomatic response to antimicrobial therapy and minimize inflammation.
Phenazopyridine should not be used chronically since it may mask clinical symptoms requiring clinical

Patients with urologic abnormalities — In many cases, patients with underlying functional or anatomic
urinary tract abnormalities (such as an indwelling catheter, urethral stent, neurogenic bladder, nephrolithiasis)
have systemic symptoms (such as fever or autonomic dysreflexia) in the setting of UTI and are thus managed
as having a complicated UTI. (See "Acute complicated urinary tract infection (including pyelonephritis) in
adults", section on 'Management'.)

For those who appear to have only acute simple cystitis without upper tract or systemic symptoms, we believe
that it is reasonable to cautiously treat them as outlined above. However, because these patients were not
included in efficacy studies of the regimens we use for simple cystitis, we monitor them carefully for treatment
failure (eg, persistent symptoms after initiation of empiric therapy) and follow initial urine cultures to ensure
that the empirically chosen regimen was appropriate. Furthermore, since the antimicrobial durations listed
above have not been well studied in patients with urologic dysfunction, a longer duration of therapy (eg, one to
two weeks, depending on the agent chosen) is reasonable. It is also reasonable to have a lower threshold to
treat such patients as having a complicated UTI (eg, for more subtle symptoms of pyelonephritis or systemic

In addition, other treatment measures in addition to antimicrobial therapy may be warranted. These include
more frequent intermittent catheterization, changing out an indwelling catheter prior to obtaining a urine
culture (particularly if it has been in place for longer than one or two weeks), or urologic/urogynecologic


Follow-up urine cultures are not needed in patients with acute simple cystitis whose symptoms resolve on
antimicrobials. For patients who had hematuria on initial presentation, a urinalysis should be repeated several
weeks following antimicrobial therapy to evaluate for persistent hematuria. (See "Etiology and evaluation of
hematuria in adults", section on 'Overall approach to the evaluation'.)

Patients who have persistent symptoms after 48 to 72 hours of empiric antimicrobial therapy or have recurrent
symptoms within a few weeks of treatment should have additional evaluation for other potential conditions that
may be causing those symptoms and for factors that might be compromising clinical response. This includes
urine culture and empiric treatment with another antimicrobial agent. Subsequent treatment should be tailored
to the susceptibility profile of the causative organism isolated (see 'Directed antimicrobial selection' above). If
symptoms persist in the setting of appropriate antimicrobial therapy, urologic assessment and radiographic
imaging (generally with computed tomography) may be appropriate to evaluate for anatomic abnormalities
that would interfere with response to antimicrobial treatment.


Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world
are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Urinary tract infections in adults".)


UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics
patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer
the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients
who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient
education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to
12th grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with
some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print or e-mail
these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a variety of subjects by
searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

● Basics topic (see "Patient education: Urinary tract infections in adults (The Basics)")

● Beyond the Basics topics (see "Patient education: Urinary tract infections in adolescents and adults
(Beyond the Basics)" and "Patient education: Kidney infection (pyelonephritis) (Beyond the Basics)")


● We use the term acute simple cystitis to refer to an acute infection that is confined to the bladder in a
nonpregnant individual ( table 1). Such infections lack features that suggest infection extends beyond
the bladder, such as fever (>99.9°F/37.7°C), other signs or symptoms of systemic illness (including chills,
rigors, and marked fatigue or malaise beyond baseline), flank pain, and costovertebral angle tenderness.
This definition is distinct from traditional categorizations of urinary tract infection (UTI) and is more
focused on the clinical presentation and severity of illness.

Women categorized as having acute uncomplicated cystitis according to traditional definitions would fall
under the definition of acute simple cystitis that we use here. (See 'Terminology' above.)

● Escherichia coli is the most frequent microbial cause of cystitis, with occasional infections caused by
other species of Enterobacteriaceae, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis, and other
bacteria, such as Staphylococcus saprophyticus. The microbial spectrum of cystitis in patients with recent
antimicrobial or other health care exposures may be broader and also include other gram-negative bacilli
(eg, Pseudomonas), enterococci, and staphylococci. Increasing rates of resistance in uropathogens have
been reported globally. Risk factors for UTI with resistant organisms include recent antimicrobial use,
health care exposures, and travel to parts of the world where multidrug-resistant (MDR) organisms are
prevalent ( table 2). (See 'Microbiology' above.)

● The classic clinical manifestations of cystitis consist of dysuria, urinary frequency, urinary urgency, and
suprapubic pain. Symptoms of cystitis can be difficult to assess in older or debilitated women, who can
have a number of nonspecific urinary symptoms (such as chronic dysuria or urinary incontinence) that
could mimic symptoms of cystitis. (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)

● For women with classic symptoms of cystitis, no additional testing is warranted to make the diagnosis.
For women who have atypical urinary symptoms, the diagnosis is supported by the presence of pyuria
and bacteriuria on urinalysis and/or culture. Chronic nocturia, chronic incontinence, general malaise, and
cloudy or malodorous urine are nonspecific findings that should not routinely prompt urine testing to
evaluate for cystitis. (See 'Clinical suspicion and evaluation' above and 'Diagnosis' above.)

The selection of an antimicrobial regimen for acute simple cystitis depends on the likelihood of infection
with an MDR gram-negative isolate ( algorithm 1). Prior to initiation of therapy, urine culture and
susceptibility testing are warranted for patients who have risk factors for antimicrobial resistance (
table 2) or for more serious infection (eg, those with underlying urologic abnormalities,
immunocompromising conditions, and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus). (See 'Empiric antimicrobial
selection' above.)

• For patients who do not have risk factors for an MDR gram-negative infection ( table 2), the first-
line antimicrobial agents include nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals (Macrobid, 100 mg twice
daily for five days), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (one double-strength tablet [160/800 mg] twice
daily for three days), fosfomycin (3 grams of powder mixed in water as a single dose), or
pivmecillinam (400 mg twice daily for five to seven days). If all these are appropriate options based
on patient circumstances, local resistance rates, and prior urinary isolates, we suggest nitrofurantoin
or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole rather than fosfomycin or pivmecillinam (Grade 2C). (See 'First-
line antimicrobial options' above.)
• Oral beta-lactams are appropriate alternative options for those who cannot use any of the first-line
antimicrobials. If beta-lactams cannot be used, a fluoroquinolone is reasonable; however, these
should be reserved for more serious infections than acute simple cystitis, if possible, because of
concerns of adverse effects. (See 'Alternative antimicrobial options' above.)

• For patients who have risk factors for an MDR gram-negative infection ( table 2), oral options
include nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals (Macrobid, 100 mg orally twice daily for five days),
fosfomycin (3 grams of powder mixed in water as a single dose), or, if available, pivmecillinam (400
mg orally three times daily for three to five days) unless the patient has a history of an isolate with
documented resistance to these agents in the prior three months. If all these are appropriate options
based on patient circumstances, local resistance rates, and prior urinary isolates, we suggest
nitrofurantoin (Grade 2C). Culture and susceptibility results should be used to guide directed therapy.
(See 'High risk for resistance' above.)

• If none of these options are appropriate because of resistance or other concerns, we defer
antimicrobial therapy until a regimen can be selected based on results of culture and susceptibility
testing. For acute simple cystitis, studies among women without comorbidities have suggested that
deferring antimicrobial therapy until these results are available is a safe strategy. However, if there is
concern about deferring antimicrobial therapy (eg, because of bothersome symptoms or risk factors
for more serious infection), options include using one of the oral regimens for simple cystitis that was
not chosen because of the possibility of resistance or using an initial dose of a parenteral agent, as
used in acute complicated UTI. (See "Acute complicated urinary tract infection (including
pyelonephritis) in adults", section on 'Outpatients'.)

● Patients who have acute simple cystitis in the setting of underlying functional or anatomic urinary tract
abnormalities (such as an indwelling catheter, urethral stent, neurogenic bladder, history of
nephrolithiasis) may warrant more frequent catheterization, changing out an indwelling catheter, or
urologic/urogynecologic consultation. Additionally, a longer duration of antimicrobial therapy is
appropriate, since shorter durations have not been well studied in such patients. (See 'Patients with
urologic abnormalities' above.)

● Patients who have persistent symptoms after 48 to 72 hours of empiric antimicrobial therapy or have
recurrent symptoms within a few weeks of treatment should have urine submitted for culture and
susceptibility testing. If symptoms persist in the setting of appropriate antimicrobial therapy, radiographic
imaging to evaluate for anatomic abnormalities is appropriate. (See 'Follow-up' above.)

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Topic 8063 Version 60.0
Our approach to categorizing UTI in adults and adolescents

Acute UTI that is presumed to be confined to the bladder

Acute simple cystitis* There are no signs or symptoms that suggest an upper tract or systemic
infection (refer to below)

Acute UTI accompanied by signs or symptoms that suggest extension of

infection beyond the bladder:
Fever (>99.9°F/37.7°C)¶
Chills, rigors, significant fatigue or malaise beyond baseline, or other
Acute complicated UTI
features of systemic illness
Flank pain
Costovertebral angle tenderness
Pelvic or perineal pain in men

Special populations with unique Pregnant women

management considerations Renal transplant recipients

We categorize UTI as either acute simple cystitis or acute complicated UTI based on the extent and severity of infection.
This categorization informs management and differs somewhat from other conventions. Specifically, cystitis or
pyelonephritis in a nonpregnant premenopausal woman without underlying urologic abnormalities has traditionally been
termed acute uncomplicated UTI, and complicated UTI has been defined, for the purposes of treatment trials, as cystitis or
pyelonephritis in a patient with underlying urologic abnormalities or other significant comorbidities. Individuals who do not
fit into either category have often been treated as having a complicated UTI by default. Rather than use this convention,
we favor an approach to treatment based on the presumed extent of infection and severity of illness. Patients categorized
as having acute uncomplicated cystitis according to traditional definitions would fall under the category of acute simple
cystitis that we use here.
UTI: urinary tract infection.

* We do not automatically consider patients with underlying urologic abnormalities (such as nephrolithiasis, strictures,
stents, or urinary diversions), immunocompromising conditions (such as neutropenia or advanced HIV infection), or poorly
controlled diabetes mellitus to have a complicated UTI if they have no concerning symptoms for upper tract or systemic
infection. However, such patients can be at higher risk for more serious infection and have not traditionally been included
in studies evaluating the antibiotic regimens we typically use for acute simple cystitis. Thus, we follow such patients more
closely and/or have a low threshold to manage them as complicated UTI (eg, if they have subtle symptoms other than
those listed above that could be suggestive of more extensive infection).

¶ This temperature threshold is not well defined and should be individualized, taking into account baseline temperature,
other potential contributors to an elevated temperature, and the risk of poor outcomes should empiric antimicrobial therapy
be inappropriate.
Graphic 117508 Version 2.0
Risk factors for multidrug-resistant gram-negative urinary tract infections
Suspect multidrug-resistant gram-negative urinary tract infection in patients with a history of any of the following in the
prior three months:

A multidrug-resistant gram-negative urinary isolate

Inpatient stay at a health care facility (eg, hospital, nursing home, long-term acute care facility)

Use of a fluoroquinolone, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, or broad-spectrum beta-lactam (eg, third or later

generation cephalosporin)*

Travel to parts of the world with high rates of multidrug-resistant organisms¶

NOTE: The predictive value of these risk factors for multidrug-resistant gram-negative urinary tract infections has not been
systematically evaluated. In particular, the time interval since these exposures is not well validated. The threshold for
empirically covering a multidrug-resistant infection varies with the severity of infection, with a lower threshold warranted for
more severe disease.
Multidrug resistance refers to nonsusceptibility to at least one agent in three or more antibiotic classes. This includes
isolates that produce an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL).
* This includes a single antibiotic dose given for prophylaxis prior to prostate procedures.

¶ The prevalence of multidrug resistance is not well documented in all parts of the world. Some countries where the
prevalence is particularly high include India, Israel, Spain, and Mexico.
Graphic 114310 Version 3.0
Empiric antimicrobial selection for women with acute simple cystitis
This algorithm outlines the approach to empiric therapy for acute simple cysitits in women when there is no concern
for extension of infection beyond the bladder (eg, no suspicion for pyelonephritis and not a febrile urinary tract
infection). Refer to other UpToDate content for details on our approach to categorization of UTI.
In addition to antimicrobial therapy, patients who have anatomical or functional urinary tract abnormalities (including
neurogenic bladder, indwelling bladder catheters, nephrostomy tubes, ureteral stents) may warrant additional
management, such as more frequent catheterization to improve urinary flow, exchange of a catheter, and/or urologic
or gynecologic consultation.
For each group of antibiotic options presented, the choice among them depends on patient circumstances (allergy,
tolerability, and adherence), susceptibility of prior urinary isolates, local community resistance prevalence, availability,
and cost. The durations presented have not been well studied in patients with urinary tract abnormalities,
immunocompromising conditions, or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, and in such patients, a longer duration of
therapy (eg, 7 days) is reasonable.
Doses listed are for patients with normal renal function and may require adjustment in the setting of renal impairment.

UTI: urinary tract infection; MDR: multidrug-resistant; TMP-SMX: trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; DS: double-strength;
ESBL: extended-spectrum beta-lactamase.

* Among debilitated patients, many generalized signs or symptoms, such as falls, changes in functional status, and changes
in mental status, are frequently attributed to UTI, although growing evidence indicates that these are not reliable predictors
of bacteriuria or cystitis. We do not routinely test urine in elderly or debilitated patients with nonspecific changes in mental or
functional status in the absence of focal urinary tract symptoms and fever, and instead hydrate, carefully observe, and
assess other potential contributing factors.

¶ We do not automatically consider patients with underlying urologic abnormalities (such as nephrolithiasis, strictures,
stents, or urinary diversions), immunocompromising conditions (such as neutropenia or advanced HIV infection), or poorly
controlled diabetes mellitus to have a complicated UTI if they have no concerning symptoms for upper tract or systemic
infection. However, such patients can be at higher risk for more serious infection and have not traditionally been included in
studies evaluating the antibiotic regimens we typically use for acute simple cystitis. Thus, we follow such patients more
closely and/or have a low threshold to manage them as complicated UTI (eg, if they have subtle signs or symptoms that
could be suggestive of more extensive infection).

Δ The temperature threshold used to determine whether to treat a patient as simple cystitis versus complicated UTI is not
well defined and should take into account baseline temperature, other potential contributors to an elevated temperature, and
the risk of poor outcomes should empiric antibiotic therapy be inappropriate.

◊ An MDR isolate is nonsusceptible to at least one agent in three or more antimicrobial classes; this includes ESBL-
producing isolates.

§ Even in the absence of risk factors for resistance, we also check culture and susceptibility testing on patients with risk
factors for more serious infection to ensure adequacy of the empirically chosen regimen. Such patients include those with
underlying urologic abnormalities, immunocompromising conditions, and poorly controlled diabetes.

¥ Reasons to avoid these options include an allergy or intolerance to the agent, an unmodifiable drug interaction, or history
of a resistant urinary isolate within the past three months.

‡ Nitrofurantoin should be avoided if the creatinine clearance is <30 mL/minute.

† TMP-SMX and trimethoprim should be avoided if the known community prevalence among Enterobacteriaceae is >20%,
but efficacy is high for susceptible organisms.

** Studies have suggested that deferring antibiotic therapy until culture and susceptibility tests are available is a safe
strategy for otherwise healthy women who have mild simple cystitis without evidence of infection extending beyond the
bladder. Analgesics can be used for symptomatic therapy. If there is concern about deferring antimicrobial therapy (eg,
because of bothersome symptoms or risk factors for more serious infection), options include using one of the oral regimens
for simple cystitis that was not chosen because of possible resistance or using an initial dose of a parenteral agent, as used
in acute complicated UTI.

¶¶ If all of these are appropriate options based on patient circumstances and prior urinary isolates, we favor nitrofurantoin
over fosfomycin. Although they appear to have generally comparable efficacy, overuse of fosfomycin may result in
increasing resistance. Thus, we favor reserving use of fosfomycin for documented MDR infections or when nitrofurantoin
cannot be used. Pivmecillinam is not as effective but is commonly used in Europe because of a low risk of selecting for

ΔΔ If all of these are appropriate options based on patient circumstances and prior urinary isolates, we favor nitrofurantoin
or TMP-SMX over fosfomycin. Although they appear to have generally comparable efficacy, fosfomycin retains activity
against many MDR isolates, and overuse of it may result in increasing resistance. Thus, we favor reserving it for suspected
MDR infections or when other first-line agents cannot be used. Pivmecillinam is not as effective but is commonly used in
Europe because of a low risk of selecting for resistance.

◊◊ Trimethoprim is an option for individuals who have a sulfonamide (but not trimethoprim) allergy.

§§ Cephalexin is not as well studied as the other beta-lactam options listed.

¥¥ When possible, fluoroquinolones should be reserved for more serious infections than acute uncomplicated cystitis. If
used, patients should be advised about the uncommon but potentially serious musculoskeletal and neurologic adverse
effects associated with fluoroquinolones.
Graphic 115993 Version 6.0
Contributor Disclosures
Thomas M Hooton, MD Consultant/Advisory Boards: Danone [UTI]; Ocean Spray [UTI]; Utility Therapeutics [UTI];
Sequoia Vaccines, Inc [UTI]. Equity Ownership/Stock Options: Fimbrion Therapeutics [UTI prevention]. Kalpana Gupta,
MD, MPH Equity Ownership/Stock Options: First Light Diagnostics [Rapid detection and antimicrobial testing of infections].
Grant/Research/Clinical Trial Support: Pfizer [Staphylococcus aureus post-surgical infections]. Consultant/Advisory
Boards: Paratek Pharmaceuticals [UTI]; Nabriva [UTI]; Shionogi [UTI]; First Light Diagnostics [UTI]; Qiagen [UTI]; Glaxo-
Smith Kline [UTI] Utility Therapeutics [UTI]; Spero Therapeutics [UTI]. Stephen B Calderwood, MD Equity
Ownership/Stock Options: Pulmatrix [Pulmonary infections]. Consultant/Advisory Boards: Day Zero Diagnostics [Whole
genome sequencing for microbial identification and determination of antimicrobial susceptibility]. Allyson Bloom,
MD Nothing to disclose

Contributor disclosures are reviewed for conflicts of interest by the editorial group. When found, these are addressed by
vetting through a multi-level review process, and through requirements for references to be provided to support the
content. Appropriately referenced content is required of all authors and must conform to UpToDate standards of evidence.

Conflict of interest policy

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