MBA Strategy Exam - Detailed Answer Marking
MBA Strategy Exam - Detailed Answer Marking
MBA Strategy Exam - Detailed Answer Marking
By Mustapha Mugisa, ACA, MBA, CISA, CFE, CrFA, CPAU, CEH, CHFI
Marking scheme
[Strategies differ from person to person. There should be some flexibility in the marking process
in respect to use of relevant examples, and sound suggestions.]
1. Cost leadership
A company wishing to obtain competitive advantage can compete by achieving lower costs than
its rivals and by charging similar prices for the products and services, which it offers, thereby
achieving advantage via superior profitability.
This generic strategy calls for being the low cost producer in an industry for a given level of
quality. This would enable Drinksoft to sell its products (Livewell, Kaizen consulting services
and other products in addition to the proposed bottled mineral water) either at average industry
prices to earn a profit higher than that of rivals, or below the average industry prices to gain
market share.
In the event of a price war, the firm can maintain some profitability while the competition suffers
losses. Even without a price war, as the industry matures and prices decline, the firms that can
produce more cheaply will remain profitable for a longer period of time. The cost leadership
strategy usually targets a broad market. Comment [MMugisa1]: 2 marks
In order to achieve cost leadership, Drinksoft must put in place some of the following: Comment [MMugisa2]: 2 marks for each point,
maximum 3 points. Total marks available 6.
Seek to set up production facilities for mass production as these will facilitate the
economies of scale advantages to be achieved. There is not enough information in the
case to assess whether Drinksoft can afford to do this. However, given that the company
is highly geared i.e. over relying a lot on borrowed funds, it may not be able to achieve
this. Already, the company’s bank loan is Ugx. 4 billion, which is Ugx. 2 billion above
the company’s equity. This is excessive reliance on external financing, and accordingly
the company’s decision making is highly dependent on the bankers.
Also, with a current ratio at 1.3, this means the current liabilities are three times more
than the current assets. If all Drinksoft’s creditors wanted their money, there is no enough
assets to offset them. Accordingly, Drinksoft has no enough resources to set the factory
for mass production.
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
Invest in the latest technology – improved quality less labour needed. As discussed
above, latest technology involves huge capital spending and this needs money. Given that
Drinksoft is currently highly indebted, it may not be able to obtain money to invest in
technology to enable production efficiencies and cost cutting.
Seek to obtain cheaper and favourable access to sources of raw materials. It is not
indicated in the case the source of Drinksoft’s raw materials. However, given the
competition from Globalsoft, Primedrink and presence of many producers of bottled
mineral water, the bargaining power of suppliers may be higher, which implies high cost
of material inputs. The financial controller indicates in his deliberation that suppliers
have been increasing the prices for raw materials, and that Drinksoft has no alternatives.
This means that it is impossible for Drinksoft to obtain cheaper access to raw materials.
Efficient distribution channels. Since inception, Drinksoft has been involved in the
business of distributing other manufacturers’ products, which implies that it has internal
processes and capacity to process.
Overall, the cost leadership strategy is ideal for Drinksoft. However, the lack of enough
resources to invest in latest technology coupled with high bargaining power of supplies, are some
of the key obstacles. Drinksoft should consider cost leadership strategy for its consulting and
distribution services, as these appear to not requiring huge working capital requirements. Comment [MMugisa3]: 2 marks for appropriate
conclusion/ recommendation
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
2. Differentiation
Drinksoft can differentiate itself from its competitors by providing products and services that are
unique valuable to buyers. A differentiation strategy calls for the development of a product or
service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers and that customers perceive to
be better than or different from the products of the competition. The value added by the
uniqueness of the product may allow Drinksoft to charge a premium price for it. Drinksoft must
ensure that the higher price will more than cover the extra costs incurred in offering the unique
product. Because of the product's unique attributes, if suppliers increase their prices the firm may
be able to pass along the costs to its customers who cannot find substitute products easily.
As indicated, the market in which Drinksoft operates is driven by price and product awareness,
this means that the differentiation strategy may not work, as it will entail charging higher prices
for the products. Being price sensitive, clients may not buy the products which are highly priced
than the competitive products. Comment [MMugisa4]: 2 marks
Even then, to succeed in a differentiation strategy, Drinksoft must have the following internal
Access to leading scientific research.
Highly skilled and creative product development team.
Strong sales team with the ability to successfully communicate the perceived strengths of
the product
Big marketing budget to aggressively promote the products, and their unique
characteristics to the target market.
Corporate reputation for quality and innovation. Comment [MMugisa5]: 2 marks for each point,
3 points max. Total marks 6. Points should be given
for good explanations and application to the case
With its consulting division, Drinksoft may be considered as having access to leading scientific
research. However, this may require investments in terms of latest technologies to implement.
The fact that Drinksoft is highly indebted means it cannot afford to implement the latest break-
through manufacturing practices, although it may have access to the technologies. Also,
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
Drinksoft must set aside enough money in advertising and promotion. As indicated by James, the
managing director in the recent meetings, the company has no more money to spend in
advertising. This is a big challenge to Drinksoft given that its key competitors currently spend
five times more that it does, at a time it has been running a bank overdraft. Clearly, going
forward there is no money for advertising and this renders the differentiation strategy not
appropriate for the company.
The risks associated with a differentiation strategy include imitation by competitors and changes
in customer tastes. Additionally, various firms pursuing focus strategies may be able to achieve
even greater differentiation in their market segments. Given that Drinksoft’s market appears to
be ‘driven by price and product awareness’, the differentiation strategy should be of image
differentiation and aggressively marketed. Comment [MMugisa6]: 2 marks
Suitability: Suitability identifies the extent to which the proposed strategy enhances the situation
identified in the strategic analysis. An ideal strategic option must be able to close Drinksoft’s
planning gap of developing having regional presence with a strong brand. Clearly, acquisition of
Rwanda Breweries by Drinksoft does not close this planning gap, since Rwandasoft only
operates in Rwanda geographically. Drinksoft needs to first clean house internally by being more
efficient and establish streamlined processes.
The acquisition strategy does not address threats and weaknesses of Drinksoft. The company has
a wide product portfolio which it is failing to manage well. Its pioneer product, Livewell is
experiencing deteriorating sales and market share. Above all, the company heavily relies on
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
credit and bank loans, all these means that it cannot afford to buy another company, since such a
strategy involves a lot of money.
Considering that Drinksoft has past experience in consulting and distribution, this is where its
strength is. To succeed, it needs to focus on the consulting business which is even more
profitable despite that it has not been advertising the service line aggressively. In the end, it may
prove to be a very bad decision if Drinksoft acquired a company involved in Breweries, when it
is likely to close the Brewing business altogether in the future, since it is cost intensive, highly
competitive and less profitable compared to consulting and logistics management.
Feasibility: The issue of feasibility evaluates whether the chosen strategy can be implemented
successfully. The resources the organisation has at its disposal will obviously determine this. If
you consider Drinksoft’s resources in terms of money, markets, manpower, materials and make-
up, it is clear that the option is not ideal. Drinksoft lacks the money to acquire the company,
given that its debt to equity is Ugx. 2 billion in excess as well as it has a high current ratio of 1.3
times. There is high competitive rivalry in the industry. The target company, Rwanda Breweries
is fourth in terms of market share in Rwanda, and indication of stiff competition as well. Taken
together, the acquisition strategy may not be the best option given the circumstances.
Acceptability: The final issue to address is whether the selected strategy will meet the
expectations of the key stakeholders in the firm and typical issues to be looked at would include
the level of risk and return resulting from the option. Since the company has only three
shareholders, it may be easy to get a decision from them as long as their investment is not at
stake. Considering the factors explained above, it appears the decision to buy is out of reach. Comment [MMugisa8]: 2 marks each point
max. 3 points. Total 6
It is clear from the above, the acquisition strategy is not appropriate for Drinksoft. Comment [MMugisa9]: 2 marks
4. Diversification
This represents the most risky of the product market strategies for Drinksoft as it involves the
introduction of a totally new product in a new market. Accordingly, this will involve introducing
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
a bottled mineral water product in the market, in addition to rolling out the Livewell product
regionally, in addition to providing consulting and logistics management. Comment [MMugisa10]: 2 marks
Clearly, Drinksoft’s proposed diversification does not fall under any of these.
Unrelated diversification involves movement into industries which bear little relationship to the
present one and is often the result of a profit motive. The proposal to manufacture mineral water
falls under this. Comment [MMugisa11]: 2 marks @, maximum
3 points, total 6 marks.
Considering Drinksoft’s business SWOT, diversification represents the most risky decision and
Drinksoft must carefully evaluate all the options, and the possible repercussions. Comment [MMugisa12]: 2 marks
(b) Strategic planning is the process of establishing vision, goals and objectives of a company
and developing a course of action to achieve them. Drinksoft (U) Ltd identified a strong market
need for distribution and retail of soft drinks from other breweries products. The company also
makes a soft drink called Livewell, in addition to producing four other new products. Even
more, Drinksoft plans to introduce bottled mineral water product. These are many things being
done at the same time. Given that the company is operating in a very competitive environment
and there is always the danger that like any business, that Drinksoft can lose its sense of
Comment [MMugisa13]: 2 marks for
To analyse the extent to which strategic planning has failed or succeeded at Drinksoft, the
following critical strategic planning process will be evaluated.
Drinksoft’s vision and mission are not clearly defined in the case study. A mission statement
communicates the company’s vision, mission and values – the critical things which answer key
strategic questions like where does the company want to be, how to get there and which values
and beliefs to follow to enable us get there.
The lack of a vision and mission is one of the reasons for failure of otherwise strong companies.
Already, the company wants to go in mineral water production, in addition to distributing and
consultancy services. With a vision, Drinksoft would be able to decide whether to focus on
manufacturing or consulting, depending on where it has competitive advantages, rather than
trying to do everything. Comment [MMugisa15]: 2 marks for
In that respect, Drinksoft’s vision and mission are not in existence, so there is a risk of loss of
direction. The question what business are we in, is therefore very difficult to answer. The
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
mission statement therefore is not well written and communicated, an indication of poor strategic
planning. Accordingly, strategic planning at Drinksoft has failed in this respect. Comment [MMugisa16]: 1 mark for
recommendation/ conclusion
The Drinksoft goals and objectives are not stated anywhere in the case.
Overall corporate goals and objectives must be set for the organisation so as to ensure that there
is consistency. Lack of clearly defined objectives and goals means that it is difficult to monitor
business performance, which renders any control efforts fruitless. Comment [MMugisa18]: 1 marks
On this regard, strategic planning at Drinksoft has failed. Comment [MMugisa19]: 0.5 mark
The company is highly indebted, however, the director proposed strategic options like
acquisition of a competitor in a new market – this clearly shows that there has been poor
communication of the company’s weak finance resources to management. The financial
controller knows a lot of details about the company, but it appears are staff are on a different
page. This is an indication of failure in strategic planning, as all these things need to be
documented and communicated to all staff.
Although Drinksoft wants to dominate the regional market, it has no idea how to do so, as there
are no clear strategies to that effect despite the acknowledged competition from well established
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
players like Primedrink and Globalsoft, as well as well existence of many mineral water
producers in the market. All these threaten the company’s market. Although the company makes
a lot of money in consulting, re the financial controller’s revelations, no investment and focus in
developing the service line has been made. Evidently, management is not planning well. Comment [MMugisa21]: 2 marks for
Internally, the company has identified the present problems, but it is just rhetoric and no clear
action plan has been put in place to overcome them. Considering all the above factors, the
internal and external environment of Drinksoft appears to be hazy even to the company’s senior
management itself. Comment [MMugisa22]: 1 mark for conclusion
The company wants to function largely by focusing on cost, through application of technology.
However, implementation of the same has largely failed and this is the area where management
should focus. The comments and outbursts made by various staff at the strategic retreat is an
indication of lack of brainstorming platform where staff are left to be creative by deliberating on
ideas and being let to implement them. Comment [MMugisa24]: 1 marks
In light of the above, the only way to judge success or failure is with hindsight, which is not
available to the planners. There are a number of criticisms of strategic planning in general.
It precludes an opportunistic approach
It is never possible to plan out environmental uncertainties
The planning process becomes an end in itself Comment [MMugisa27]: 1 mark
Considering all the foresaid issues, overall strategic planning at Globalsoft has failed. Comment [MMugisa29]: 2 marks
Section B
Question 2: Longlast Ltd
Successful implementation of new processes and systems involves managing change. This
involves undertaking the Change Management Methodology, which involves three key processes
of unfreeze, change and refreeze. These processes are further broken down into eight processes,
including: Comment [MMugisa30]: 1 marks for
1. Establish a Sense of Urgency
2. Clarify and share the transformation Vision and form a powerful coalition
3. Increase Change Capability
7. Implement Project Integration
8. Enhance Performance and Organization Alignment Comment [MMugisa31]: 1 mark for draft
methodology i.e. listing the change management
process in steps or bullet points in order – unfreeze,
change, refreeze. Additional 1 mark for a person
who breaks down each BIG step into small steps
Below is a description of each step, and its rationale.
practices or cultural norms in preparation for the change. Given that over 90% of the senior
employees at Longlast Ltd have been with the company since its inception, this unfreezing phase
is necessary as a ‘shaking-up’ phrase.
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
To successfully implement change, there is need to establish a ‘sense of urgency’ by the change
agent. The changing market conditions especially the pilling customer orders, is a big warning
to management and staff that change is imminent. Internally, the company hardly breaks-even
despite having turnover in excess of Ugx. 100 million. Also, the existence of close competitor –
Countryclays Ltd means that Longlast Ltd must improve its internal processes so as to shorten
order lead times and create a satisfied clientele base. Failure to do this might mean loss of clients
to the competitor.
Of importance, there is need to clarify and share the transformation mission, which helps form a
powerful coalition with senior staff as change agents. Many times new initiatives fail to takeoff
due to lack of clarity of mission and vision by the change agent. Given that many staff have been
with the company since inception, these have a sense of belonging and share something with the
company. To effectively implement change in such an environment, a well documented and
communicated mission for change must be put in place.
It is also important to increase the change capability through training all staff about the need for
change. Given that Longlast Ltd is in the business of clay manufacturing, most of the staff are
casual and accordingly the need to be trained about the new skills needed for the new proposed
changes – this will give them confidence of ownership of the new processes, which will
ultimately reduce resistance to change.
The above steps are necessary to ensure all staff are prepared for the change. This helps
minimize resistance to change, as this is usually due to fear of the unknown.
must first understand the internal systems and existing processes, staff backgrounds, etc. Some of
these may take long to effectively work. However, once people are aware of the need for change,
are and clear of the new level, it is easy for them to buy in.
Accordingly, establishing the communication approach and involving everyone in the system is
critical. Considering that the company is a family business of two brothers, decision making can
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
be easy, which facilitates quick and consistent communication of the change effort and
implementation progress at all leadership levels.
to its old ways. Again, it is like cementing in the news practices and believes of staff in working
the new way. With automation, people need to continuously be trained, monitored and corrected
on spot so as to feel comfortable with the new ways, rather than abandoning and reverting to the
old practices.
Given the manual nature of the clay making processes, it is critical to implement the new
processes and integrate them within the staff practices. Importantly, enhance performance and
ensuring organizational alignment is paramount.
Overall, change management requires a clear plan and involvement of all stakeholders. Even
more, there must be frank and open communication to all employees of the new ways and the
impact to all staff.
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
Following your request, below is the business planning process, which will help improve the
business’s performance through a process of planning and evaluation.
Business planning involves developing a strategic direction of the business over a given period
of time i.e. short term (less than 1 year), medium (2-3 years), and long-term (4 – 7 years). The
content of a business plan is described below.
1. The organization’s vision and mission. This looks at the bigger picture i.e. where the Comment [MMugisa36]: 0.5 marks for
identification, 2 marks for explanation
organisation wants to be, and how to get there. It also provides answers to questions like ‘to
what extent have the firm’s values changed over time, and how should this be reflected in
what the firm does?’
2. Goals and objectives. The business plan must define clear objectives which should be Comment [MMugisa37]: 0.5 marks for
mentioning, 2 marks for explanations
quantified wherever possible. Objectives must be simple, measurable, attainable, realistic and
time bound (SMART). Objective helps the firm attain its goal, which in turn makes it
possible for the business to grow. The company’s objectives needs to be supported with
details of the resources required to meet its long term goals.
3. Organisational appraisal. This involves analysis of both the internal and external Comment [MMugisa38]: 0.5 marks for
mentioning, 2 marks for explanations
environments’ currently affecting the firms activities.
External analysis involves use the PESTLED model to analyse the company’s political,
economic, social, technological, legal, ecological and demographic factors. Where these
external factors are in the company’s favour, they are considered as its opportunities and if
they impact the business negatively, they are identified as threats. ITSimplified needs to
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
assess the chaning customer requirements, impact of existing and new economic policies,
influence of competitive forces on the company’s business, etc.
Internal analysis involves examining the company’s resources – money, materials, markets,
makeup and manpower. If the organisation has these assets, then they are its strengths,
otherwise, they are weaknesses. The rationale of organisational appraisal is to identify the
weaknesses and find ways of turning them into strength, and threats into opportunities so as
to gain competitive advantage.
4. Strategic option generation. Based on the results of the environmental appraisal, the company Comment [MMugisa39]: 0.5 marks for
mentioning, 2 marks for explanations and application
can then generate appropriate strategic options.
5. Strategic option selection and implementation. Once the options are selected, the Comment [MMugisa40]: 0.5 marks for
mentioning, 2 marks for explanations
organisation can then develop and implementation action plan, which include, among others
establishing activities involved and a budget.
6. Monitoring and control. Once the company starts implementation of the selected strategy, it Comment [MMugisa41]: 0.5 marks for
mentioning, 2 marks for explanations
most establish processes to monitor implementation progress and take corrective action on a
timely manner.
Note: 1 marks for a candidate who puts the above steps in the order presented above. Comment [MMugisa42]: 1 marks for putting
the process in order.
There are obviously many activities and steps under each of the above processes.
Each of the major departments needs to be involved in the business of planning process, so this
will mean that the senior managers of marketing, production, human resources, procurement,
accounting and information technology should all contribute to the business plan and oversee its
implementation. At an operational level, all the staff need to feel that they own the strategy for
easy implementation.
The business plan will be developed at senior level but implemented at operational level. To be
effective, all staff must know what is expected of them. This necessitates a hierarchy of
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
objectives and delegated responsibilities so that at each level of organisation there are clear
performance requirements identified and sound tactical plans implemented. Also, it is necessary
to get the insight of people from a variety of sources so that they own the planning processes.
Failure to involve all necessary personnel will result in loss of business direction, staff will
become confused about their roles and inefficiencies will start to develop. This can only result
eventually in a loss of competitive edge and loss of customers.
Comment [MMugisa43]: 2 marks for mention
of parties involved and implications for non
[Total 20 marks]
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
Activities in the value chain affect one another. For example, more costly product design or
better quality production might reduce the need for after-sales service.
Value chain linkages require coordination – for example, just in time requires smooth
functioning of operations, outbound logistics and service activities such as installation.
Accordingly, the bank can secure competitive advantage in several ways:
The value chain looks at nine generic activities as sources of value created by the bank. These
are grouped in two categories – primary activities and secondary/ support activities, as explained
1. Primary Activities – these are the upstream and downstream activities of a firm. They are
activities directly related to production, sales, marketing, delivery and service. Comment [MMugisa45]: Total 8 marks for this,
1 mark for each well explained value chain item, and
3 mark for conclusion
a) Inbound logistics
b) Operations (production)
c) Outbound logistics (distribution)
d) Marketing and sales
e) Service
The following are factors to consider in assessing the bank’s primary activities:
Confidential: for your understanding of my thinking. As you read, keep in mind that there is no ‘right’ or
‘best’ answer in strategic planning. This is to give you ideas for answering exam questions. This document is
copyright of by Mustapha Mugisa, your success partner.
a) Inbound logistics
Location of the bank’s branches, automated teller machines (ATMs), and other distribution
facilities to minimize service delivery lead time
Excellent material and inventory control systems, to ensure minimal process losses
Systems to reduce time to send “returns” to suppliers
Bank layout and designs to increase efficiency of operations for incoming deposits
Efficient service delivery processes to provide quick delivery and minimize damages e.g.
transaction processing services like cash withdrawals
Efficient banking processes
Supplying/ providing of banking services in large lot sizes to minimize costs
Quality handling technology to increase order picking/ handling
Application of efficient technology to lower operating costs
e) Service
2. Support/Secondary activities. These activities provide purchased inputs, human resources, Comment [MMugisa46]: 8 marks total, 1 mark
for each explained item which gives 5 marks, and 3
technology and infrastructural functions to support the primary activities. mark for application.
a) Administration (infrastructure)
b) Human Resources
c) Technology (new product/R&D) development
d) Procurement
Factors to consider in assessing the bank’s support/secondary activities are:
b) Human Resources
Effective research and development activities for process and product initiatives
Positive collaborative relationship between R&D and other departments
State of the art equipment and facilities
Culture to enhance creativity and innovation
Excellent professional qualifications of personnel
Ability to meet critical deadlines
d) Procurement
Procurement of raw material inputs to optimize quality, speed and minimize the
associated costs
Development of collaborative win-win relationship with suppliers
Effective procedures to purchase advertising and media services
Analysis and selection of alternate sources of inputs to minimize dependence on one
Ability to make proper lease or buy decisions
[Total 20 marks]