(A) Explain What You Understand by The Term Fashion'
(A) Explain What You Understand by The Term Fashion'
(A) Explain What You Understand by The Term Fashion'
Fashion is the total outlook of an individual of today and only for today.
Fashion has reflected and continues to reflect the artistic imagination, cultural
rituals of people and persons’ taste, attitude and values. Creative design
primarily a pre-adaptation product development process, it starts with
gathering design ideas from various sources by careful researches and the
experience of the designer about the design concepts around the world.
Designers visit famous design centers located in Paris, Milan, London, New
yoke and Hong Kong, where new fashion creations are presented semi-
annually. A style of clothing worn by most of people of a country is a fashion. It
can either be long termed (classic) or short termed (fad). Fashion can
categorized as haute (high fashion), elegant, dramatic, classic, conservative,
western, casual, grunge and futuristic. Fashion may vary significantly within a
society according to age, social class, generation, occupation and geography as
well as over time. Specially young people, enjoy the diversity that changing
fashion can apparently provide, seeing the constant change as a way to satisfy
their desire to experience ‘ new’ and ‘ interesting ‘ things.
Fashion refers to the styles of dress that are currently popular. Fashion goes
beyond just clothes, though. It can extend to shoes or jewelry. Fashion is
changed in every minute, because today technology is come in advanced level
therefore people try to follow new trends in social media and they are follow
new fashion trends of famous movie stars, musician, politicians and some sub
culture. an example In the 1960s and 1970s, hippies made bell-bottomed blue
jeans popular. In the 1980s, Michael Jackson made parachute pants all the rage
but today, these things unavailable in market because trendsetters should give
new ones for society .fashion changes occur as to the lifestyle changes of the
people or may be according to seasonal changes all over the year. Frequent
fashion changes can be seen in the traditional four seasons of spring, summer,
autumn and winter. Color, texture, design and silhouettes are extremely short
lived which makes fashion forecasting, planning and marketing activities risky
and complex
When the fashion designer monitor their own design to the market, they create
their design under the major trends those are,
Ready-to-wear fashion:
Ready-to-wear fashions are the cross between haute couture and mass market.
This fashion is not made for individual customer. Fashion designer taken great
care in the fabric choice, cut of the fabric and in the making time. It also called
prêt-à-porter fashion.
Ready-to-wear garments are made in small quantities but they are maintaining
quality exclusively, so they are rather expensive.
Usually fashion houses are present Ready-to-wear fashion collections for their
Designers are created their design by the basis of season. Here season during a
period known as fashion week. The main seasons of Fashion Week include,
spring, summer, fall, winter, resort, swim, and other special occasion like
Ready-to-wear fashion is takes place on a city wide basis and occurs twice a
There is another way to view the relationship between marketing and design,
and this is termed the fashion marketing concept. That good fashion design
only requires suffi cient promotion to succeed is a view
Applicable to a very
limited number of businesses – usually those producing expensive garments for
an elite market. The alternative view of fashion design as a function of
marketing research fails to recognize either that many people do not know
what they will like until presented with choices, or that their preferences
change over time. For example, many who profess to hate a design seen on the
catwalk may later come to like it when they try the garment themselves or
realize that others have signalled acceptance. Good fashion design can
challenge conventional views. It should be recognized that consumers vary in
the conservatism they have towards fashion styles and also the speed and
readiness with which they change their opinions. A simple model of the
interrelationship of fashion design and marketing can be seen above.
fashion marketing concept attempts to embrace the positive aspects of high
concern for design, customers and profi t by recognizing the interdependence
of marketing and design. If designers understand how marketing can enhance
the creative process and marketing personnel appreciate that within the
fashion industry design can lead as well as respond to customer requirements,
progress can be made. Market researchers can establish the sizing information
customers want on garments and can also analyse reactions to several
provisional illustrations, but they cannot produce detailed styling specifi
cations. Marketing as applied to the fashion industry must appreciate the role
of design. Some major retailers such as Zara have developed information
systems bringing designers, manufacturing teams and retail sales staff much
closer together enabling customers to be
3. (a) What is fashion marketing?
Fashion marketing is the application of a range of techniques and a business
philosophy that centers upon the customer and potential customer of clothing
and related products and services in order to meet the long-term goals of the
organization. It is a major argument of this book that fashion marketing is
different from many other areas of marketing. The very nature of fashion, where
change is intrinsic, gives different emphasis to marketing activities.
Furthermore, the role of design in both leading and refl etching consumer
demand results in a variety of approaches to fashion marketing
A fashion marketing manager wears many hats. What might a fashion marketer
do on a day-to-day basis? Market research and media planning, as well as
branding, product display, ad creative, and photography all fall under the
purview of fashion marketing. Fashion marketers may also be involved with
public relations. Read on for a few key responsibilities of a fashion marketer.
Knowing who you’re selling to is a vital first step in any kind of marketing.
Fashion marketers must be able to perform qualitative and quantitative research
into fashion trends and the lives and behaviors of the people who may purchase
fashion products. Market research is presented and used to make important
decisions about fashion design and business activities.
Fashion marketers are charged with creating the story behind the brand so that
customers can relate personally and see themselves wearing the designs. Logos,
copy, and imagery all need to stay in line with the image and lifestyle that a
fashion brand represents and create a personal connection with target customers.
Pricing and distribution decisions are also part of fashion marketing. This
involves research and analysis of how products are selling in retail or online
distribution channels and determining where and at what price fashion products
should be sold, with the overarching goal of maximizing profits.