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JIS JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association JIS D 5301: (BAJ/JSA) Lead-acid starter batteries ICS 29.20.20; 43.060.50 Reference number : JIS D 5301 : 2006 (E) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 218 D 5301 : 2006 Foreword This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee as the result of proposal for revision of Japanese Industrial Standard submitted by Battery Association of Japan (BAJ)/Japanese Standards Association (JSA) with the draft being attached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial Standardization Law applicable to the case of revision by the provision of Article 14, Consequently JIS D 5801 : 1999 is replaced with this Standard. This revision has been made based on IEC 60095-1: 2000 Lead-acid starter batteries—Part 1: General requirements and methods of test, TEC 60095-2 : 1984 Lead-acid starter batteries Part 2: Dimensions of batteries and dimensions and marking of terminals, Amendment 1 (1991) and Amendment 2 (1993), and IEC 60095-4:1989 Lead-acid starter batteries Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks and Amendment 1 (1996) for the purposes of making it easier to compare this Standard with International Standard; to prepare Japanese Industrial Standard conforming with International Standard; and to propose a draft of an International Standard which is based on Japanese Industrial Standard. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard may conflict with a patent right, application for a patent after opening to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have technical properties. The relevant Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifying the patent right, application for a patent after opening to the publie, utility model right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have the said technical properties. Date of Establishment: 1951-07-30 Date of Revision: 2006-11-20 Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2006-11-20 Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee Standards Board ‘Technical Committee on Electricity Technology JIS D 5301 :2006, First English edition published in 2007-06 ‘Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association 4-1-24, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JlS is to be the final authority. © JSA 2007 All rights reserved, Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and ‘microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Japan KAAT PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT D 5301 : 2006 Contents Page Introduction .. 1 Cccp a 2 Normative references... 3 Terms and definitions... 2 4 Classification . 4 5 Condition on delivery. 9 6 Performance... 9 7 Structure 10 7.1 Structure general..... 10 7.2 Terminal... : f oe 10 73 Vent plug 8 External dimensions nT 00 let i 9.1 Sampling of battery for testing. au 92 Testing states... 9.3. Activation of dry charged battery...... 12 94 Testing conditions 12 9.5 Testing methods. 13 9.8 Sequence of tests 19 10 Inspection... 11 Designation of product 20 12 Marking... 20 Annex I (informative) General requirements and test methods 22 Annex 2 (informative) Comparison table between JIS and corresponding International Standards .... @ PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD. JIS D 5801 : 2006 Lead-acid starter batteries Introduction This Japanese Industrial Standard has been prepared based on the sixth edition of IEC 60095-1 Lead-acid starter batteries—Part 1: General require- ments and methods of test published in 2000, the third edition of IEC 60095-2 Lead- acid starter batteries Part 2: Dimensions of batteries and dimensions and marking of terminals published in 1984, Amendment 1 published in 1991 and Amendment 2 published in 1993, and the first edition of IEC 60095-4 Lead-acid starter batteries Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks published in 1989 and Amendment 1 published in 1996 with some modifications of the technical contents. ‘The portions given continuous sidelines and dotted underlines are the matters in which the contents of the original International Standards have been modified. A list of modifications with explanations is given in Annex 2 (informative). 1 Scope This Standard specifies lead-acid batteries with a nominal voltage of 12 V (hereafter referred to as “batteries") used for starting of internal combustion engine, lighting, ignition, ete. of automobiles, ete. However, the valve-regulated lead-acid batteries for automobile, and batteries for rolling stock, for electric automobiles, and for motoreyele are excluded. NOTES 1 In this Standard, automobiles, etc. mean, in addition to ordinary au- tomobile, industrial vehicles (eliminating motor-driven vehicles such as forklift tracks, tow tractors, carrying vehicles), machinery used for public works and agricultural vehicles (such as tire rollers, tractors) and other vehicles for similar applications, or power supply use in incidental facilities (such as audio, wiper) of internal combustion engine- driven vehicles. 2 The International Standards corresponding to this Standard are as follows. In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standards and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISOMEC Guide 21. IEC 60095-1:2000 Lead-acid starter batteries—Part 1: General require- ments and methods of test (MOD) TEC 60095-2:1984 Lead-acid starter batteries Part 2: Dimensions of batteries and dimensions and marking of terminals, Amendment 1 (1991) and Amendment 2 (1993) (MOD) IEC 60095-4:1989 Lead-acid starter batteries Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks and Amendment 1 (1996) (MOD) 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent edi- tions of the standards (including amendments) indicated below shall be applied. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 2 D 5301 : 2006 JIS B 7411 Solid-stem general purpose liquid-in-glass thermometers JIS B 7507, Vernier, dial and digital callipers JIS B 7525. Density hydrometers JIS C 1102-2 Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories Part 2: Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters JIS C 60068-1_ Environmental testing Part 1: General and guidance 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this Standard, the following defi- nitions apply. a) nominal voltage the voltage used to designate a battery voltage Generally, a little lower voltage than the electro-motive force at_a full charge is applied. For the lead-acid batteries, it is 2 V per unit cell. b) nominal reserve capacity C,. the duration (in min) in which the full charged battery at 25 °C 12°C is capable of discharging successively with 25 A by the cut-off voltage of 10.5 V ©) effective reserve capacity C,. the actual duration (in min) in which the full charged battery held at 25 °C=2°C has discharged successively with the cur- rent of 25 A+1 % by the voltage of 10.50 V + 0.05 V The obtained discharging time expressed in min is used to ensure Cy.» @)__5h rate capacity Cs» _ the electric quantity that the full charged battery at 25 °C + 2°C is capable of supply by the cut-off voltage of 10.5 V at 5 h rate cur- rent e) effective 5h rate capacity C;. the product of time in which the full charged battery held at 25°C 42°C is capable of discharging successively by 10.50 V + 0.05 V with 5h rate current, and the current The obtained electric quantity is used to ensure Cs». f)__ Bh rate current Js_ the current (A) which expresses the amount of charging current and discharging current of the battery and is obtained by dividing 5 h rate capacity by 5 g) 20h rate capacity Czy, the electric quantity that the full charged battery at 25 °C +2°C is capable of supply by the cut-off voltage 10.5 V at 20h rate cur- rent h) 20h rate current Jz the current (A) which expresses the amount of charg- ing current and discharging current of the battery, and is obtained by dividing 20 h rate capacity by 20 i) nominal cold cranking ampere I.- the discharging current which expresses the scale of the engine cranking performance of the battery, and is specified so that the discharging voltage at a temperature of -18 °C+1°C after 30 s shall be 7.2 V or over PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT dD k) D m) n) 0) p) ®@ r) 8) t) w) 3 D 5301 : 2006 high rate discharge characteristics the characteristics discharged with the current comparable to the cranking current of automobile cut-off voltage of discharging _ the terminal voltage of the battery when dis- charging is ceased charge acceptance the characteristics which shows the ease of charging to the discharged battery heavy load endurance applied for Class B battery (mainly for trucks, buses, taxis, industrial vehicles, machinery used for public works and similar applica- tions), and the number of runs of the charging and discharging cycle until the endurance in the heavy load range in which the discharged quantity of one time is 20 % or over of the 5h rate capacity light load endurance applied for Class A battery (mainly for passenger ve- hicles, light commercial vehicles and similar applications), and the number of runs of the charging and discharging cycle until the endurance in the light load range in which the discharged quantity is 10% or under of the 5h rate capac- ity water consumption the amount of battery electrolyte decreased by over-charg- ing small water consumption battery the battery whose water consumption is less than 4 g/Ah in clause 2 of Annex 1 (informative) The capacity used for the calculation of water consumption shall be 20h rate capacity C2» obtained by the conversion formula with the effective reserve ca- pacity Ce... very small water consumption battery the battery whose water consump- tion is less than 1 g/Ah in clause 2 of Annex 1 (informative) The capacity used for the calculation of water consumption shall be 20 h rate capacity Co obtained by the conversion formula with the effective reserve ca- pacity Cy. charge retention the cranking performance of the charged battery filled with electrolyte after conserved in open circuit under the specified condition of tem- perature and time dry charged battery the battery which is immediately activated and capable of being used by filling proper electrolyte, and satisfies the requirements in clause 4 of Annex 1 (informative) vibration resistance the battery ability to hold the working condition under the periodie or irregular accelerating force electrolyte retention the battery ability to hold the electrolyte under the speci- fied mechanical condition PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 4 D 5301 : 2006 4 Classification The classifications of batteries shall be as shown table 1 and table 2 and divided into Class A which is mainly for passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles and similar applications, and Class B which is mainly for trucks, buses, taxis, industrial vehicles, machinery used for publie works and similar applications. Major dimensions shall be as shown in figure 1. length ith Oo container ht overall height heiat ‘overall height “width x container height division” is F to H Figure 1 Shape of battery PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT D 5301 : 2006 oz | to o ¥ wat ou [Sr eens ore [bee % 5 16 om, esiiote woe | sr v6 os soc | ooi_[ Oe | vies | vee | voce | ove | Renoer cc 6 ng we ori oe iss wu [58 0% oi_[ oet_| toe Tess ost 8 xt se oer [ore | isos |S eee TS0Shr or | wow 8 Fe Sz a sash oer ee oe Sie ost_| isos | car use [SaeTT 8 oe wo _[ ee | Ser Trae oi | sae oe | cos [os [ee Toe | Sow | vot | sere | vec [Tras ig ¥ w5 ei Fireasor ow | se [Foorr - [Fe s_ | v9 [ser] 0c areas tel se ‘war_[ 8 [tor aeao8 wee a F, Be _| Soe “eas =| a OF, 86 RET so | ox Fa [Su] $e re ee EERE ov _[ ste oe] er | owe | oce_| aw |e _| ve ease oF Yop ov | ost | ole oF FT, coz | Sect | Soc | see [WcGOs De[ oe | we we Bi wee se eF, see | x [95 | Yee Rear oF oF woe _| |e Tear Fe se [5 Suet | Feet Toe ag se] ot see_| we | iw Tei ist “ei are ee i Taare oe Fe aR 9% ve scot | sect | seoe | ace | 189e ‘wou coir | epemy eouteeea | am eam is ia a Scsaiapep onreni | aang coming Shins | sag Send sis sone ok ods (eoueurtojzod pu od 43) S1034¥q Jo UoNwaIISSEID T O1qRI, ‘OPYRIGHT “TED BY C PROTEC 12006 D5301 oF oot | ow a oo [et | 88 [moos | bcce TS5 ORT oF oer ¥6 ¥F e_[aer |_Se TIT HE vamaa [FET] 0 ve TE] wos [o_O |__| sus | cer isc [ToT] 4 Fo on | ar i F we_ le Par Tet oo |S fy oF ee _ | OT] Sow | Sou | See | vec [PRO Fa ae_ [ore [ ae Fe wee Teas Far ot [se _[ ore [ee ¥E we_ [|__| Fone Tea oa To] ee [wore [ee PSE ws | a wea) 8 591 oo [sie _| sore ¥ oe [oe weaes| FT w_[ NE _| wre ve oF | oT |e | | rose Bea va 7] oe | ore we] ce] owe we PS eee | eu | we | sce PEROT F ‘L [| — | wT ve] oe vr |e | _ Teer | fcoe | zee | WOE va oF [oT Tee _ | | O_ | rece Tew For] ib | HH Fe WET BEL FE Ee ior] eet Teese] |i | eamas [oe | — | wor | - [oa] ee] wi |e [ yum [reer | feo | ace [Tee sacsaiaay ‘aos | we 3 es Siang | Samnpas ait] Seo [ot | orm Journ ost [ape] anny ir toi | poor BeT ers] wt, “inf aoe | is ee sianiay | smal tare | ty aaa ES is osu oun wsa_| eno (goweurzojsod pue dA) oanqny uy UMEApYITA oq 04 A10978q JO UOCOYISSEIQ Z OTAEL PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT D 5301 : 2006 (SYILTase ‘ojdwexg iis We WS), Baippw KG paarwap! a4 Rs Mi THe U7, Sw paavauds dg jo Fy Bawa Wawa sinoqioj 8 9q Yous parwaxpuy 8 WoIBIAED ToutaAiDN dy Yin WH BAK Oa + 91qv) uy umoys sv oq [Tey FZ puL iY sjoquics juowosuEse peUFUAIO, (0. 02) «tHo/8 9g2"T Jo Aysuop oysfoayooqo ue yw osouy axe sonpea oouRUIIO}I0" [TY + ounSty UE UMOYS Se 9q [EUS HT 97 JE St 14S8t04 ZoUFE}UOD x YAPIN Jo UoIstAIp 94 PUY pu Te JoqUIAS ou YILM OsOH, oangny oy Ur UAeAPYRA oq, 0} oaw puo qe joquics oy} UL Y Jo asous, “E O4NY UL UMOYS se st JUOWOSUBLU oy PUL Y YIM poSuEYp st "T ‘sed asx9A04 OY UT Z amnsy UI UMOYs Se 9q [[EYS JuSWIOSUEIIE oY “TST puD Fe [oquIAs 2U} Vay "JUSWOSUBIIE ApLTB[Od [BUTWAIAy Jo 594A} Om] QALY G OF g ST ,UONEOYISSEYD YIOY JOUTEZUOD x YAP, YOTyA Jo IsouT, supques soueuso}10q y aU HOD IM £4 worst uBua] £q uorstar quowosuese Suejod rear, | To a ee quowoSuv. x width 80 x thickness 5 ¢) Horizontal fastening Figure 7 Fastening method Table 8 Fastening condition 5 h rate capacity as shown in ‘Fastening load table 1 and table 2 Fastening method per one bolt Ab N 72 or under Vertical or horizontal 980) Over 72, Diagonal or horizontal 1.960 NOTE: Fastening is performed at 15 °C to 35 °C. 9.5.9 Other tests The charge retention test, water consumption test, electrolyte retention test and cranking performance test for dry charged batteries after activa- tion which are specified in TEC 60095-1 shall be as shown in Annex 1. 9.6 Sequence of tests The sequence of tests shall be as shown in table 9. How- ever, when a battery can not satisfy the specified performance of capacity and cranking performance, the test may be carried out further two times, namely three times in PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 20 D 5301 : 2006 total. When the performance satisfies the specification, 9.5.4 to 9.5.6 shall be car- ried out subsequently. These tests shall be started within one week after the completion of the cranking performance test. The sequence of 9.5.7 and 9.5.8 shall be optional. Table 9 Sequence of test Test Battery Ttems Subelause[ 1] 2 [8 | 4 [5 Capacity test 952 C Cranking performance test | 9.5.8 Charge acceptance test. 954 Endurance test Light load endurance test or | 9.5.5 Heavy load endurance test Vibration resistance test 95.6 NOTE: Five batteries shall be prepared. Batteries 4 and 5 may be used for any test. 10 Inspection The battery shall comply with the provisions of clause 6 and clause 8 when the test is carried out in accordance with clause 9. When agreed between the parties concerned with delivery, a part of these items may be omitted. a) Dimension b) Capacity (reserve capacity or 5 h rate) ©) Cranking performance [cold cranking current or high rate discharge character- isties (-15 °C)] 4) Charge acceptance (test 1 and test 2) e) Endurance (light load endurance or heavy load endurance) f) Vibration resistance g) Strength of terminals h) Robustness to fastening 11 Designation of product The product shall be designated by the name and type. Example: Lead-acid starter battery 28B17L 12 Marking The following items shall be marked on a clearly visible place of each battery. a) Marking of rating 1) Type PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT b) 21 D 5301 : 2006 2) Polarity The polarity shall be marked for at least the positive terminal. For this marking, “+” mark shall be shown on the upper surface of the lid near the positive terminal or on the positive terminal. When showing also the negative polarity, “-” mark shall be shown on the upper surface of the lid near the negative terminal or on the negative terminal. 3) Manufacturer’s name or abbreviation 4) Year and month of manufacture, manufacturing date or its abbreviation Information : Abbreviation for the manufacturing date shall be as fol- lows. Example: 21 1 06 (Now/21/2006) (day) (month) (year) Marking for safety On batteries, six coloured symbols as shown in figure 8 shall be marked. The symbol size shall be common as shown in figure 9, and the minimum size shall be 10 mm. The meaning of the symbols is preferably expressed close to the symbols. ®O® A@A Figure 8 — No smoking, no open fire, no sparking — Protect naked eyes — Keep off children — Electrolyte — Pay attention to instruction manual — Explosive gas PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 22 D 5301 : 2006 Annex 1 (informative) General requirements and test methods Introduction The testing methods in this Annex have been deliberated for IEC revision next time, however, there are no practical usage in Japan. Therefore, An- nex 1 this time of JIS D 5301 shows the testing methods and requirements as a reference, and is not to constitute the provisions of this Standard. In the next revi- sion of JIS D 5301, the contents will be submitted for the next revision of IEC 60095. 1 Charge retention test a) A battery with its vent plugs firmly in place and a clean, dry surface shall be stored at 40 °C +2°C for the following period in open circuit. No connecting clamps or cables shall be attached to the terminals during storage. 14 days - 49 days Small water consumption battery -- Very small water consumption battery « b) After this storage period the battery, without recharge, shall be placed in a cooling chamber at a temperature of -18 °C +1 °C for a minimum of 20 h or until the temperature of either cell in the centre position has reached -18 °C +1°C. c) The battery shall be discharged within 2 min after the cooling with 0.6 Ice that is 0.6 times the nominal cold cranking current. This discharging current shall be kept constant to within 0.6 «+ 0.5 % while discharging. 4)__ The terminal voltage after 30 s from the start of discharging shall be 8.0 V or over. 2 Water consumption test a) After the completion of charging according to 9.4.2 of the text, clean and dry the surface of the battery, and the weigh the mass of battery (W,) to an accu- racy of + 0.05 % or better. b) The battery shall be placed in a water bath at 40°C +2°C. The water surface shall be 15 mm to 25 mm below the upper surface of the battery. If several batteries are in the same water bath then the distance between them and also the distance to the walls of the bath shall be at least 25 mm. ) Charge the battery with 14.40 V +0.05 V (measured across the battery termi- nals) for a period of 500 h. @) Immediately after this overcharging, clean and dry the surface of the battery, and weigh the battery mass (W,) using the balance the same in a). e) Water consumption shall be calculated as follows. (W, ~ We)/1.242.9.C,.85 (g/Ah) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 23 D 5301 : 2006 £) The water consumption shall be the value shown below or under. “4 g/Ah +: 1 g/Ah Small water consumption battery - Very small water consumption battery -- 3 Electrolyte retention test a) After the completion of charging according to 9.4.2 of the text, the battery shall be placed in open circuit at a temperature of 25 °C +5 °C for 4h b) If required, the electrolyte level of each cell shall be adjusted to the maximum level with pure water. The surface of battery shall be cleaned and dried. c) The battery shall be tilted in back and forth and both sides directions. Each test shown below shall be performed at the interval of not less than 30 s. 1) The battery shall be tilted at 45° to the upright in the maximum period of 1s. 2) The battery shall be maintained in this position for 3s. 3) The battery shall be back to the upright position in the maximum period of ls. d) After this test, no evidence of liquid shall visible on the vent plugs. 4 Cranking performance test for dry charged battery after activation a) The dry charged battery and the electrolyte of which amount is specified by the manufacturer shall be placed at 25°C +5 °C for at least 12h without filling electrolyte. b) The dry charged battery shall be filled with the appropriate electrolyte to the maximum level indicated by internal or external marks of the battery or in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's instructions ©) After a rest period of 20 min at the same temperature, the battery shalll be dis. charged with rated cold cranking current Iz for 30 s. 4) The terminal voltage after 30 s from the start of discharging shall be 7.2 V or over. 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