Assessment Task No. 5
Assessment Task No. 5
Assessment Task No. 5
Task No. 5
A good digital citizen uses digital tools to advance their learning and
keeps up with changing technologies. What is your understanding of this?
Explain (5 points)
Yes, indeed that a good citizen like us should use digital tools and keep up
with changing technologies. Technology has big help on us especially in learning
we should use technologies as a tool and utilize it where we can learn and can
make progress from it. As we’re living in this modern world we should be
adaptable to all changes, I do believe that every day has a lot of changes and
every day is opportunity and learning.
How would you describe a global digital citizen? What are the task expected
from you as a global digital citizen? Explain. (5 points)
How can you observe social, ethical, and legal responsibilities in the use of
technology tools and resources? Explain. (5 points)
As students and soon to be a teacher, we should know or understand the
acronym TECH SMART. TECH SMART stands for Take care of technology
equipment, Explore appropriate and safe sites for learning and research,
Copyright law, Fair Use Act and Creative Commons matter, Help prevent
cyberbullying, Self-image is important, Make use of netiquette, Always give credit
to original source, Remember to be effective, thoughtful and ethical digital
creators, and last but not the least is to Think. This TECH SMART will help us to
become an ethical citizen in this digital world. In this modern or digital world, we
should mindful of all the things we going to do.
Social media can attain many things in terms of social good (Brutas, 2015). How
can social media be used to affect positive change? Explain (5 points)
Practices like flaming and trolling can transform a friendly message board into a
verbal battleground. How can you fight online rudeness and help bring courtesy
and respect back to the web? Explain. (5 points)
As a future teacher, we need to be respectful and act as a professional.
To fight online rudeness and help bring courtesy and respect to the web, we
teachers should be role models to everyone, inspire everyone teach everyone
that online rudeness is not a good thing. As a future educator someday, I want
to teach my students to be respectful and responsible in all things.
How can you protect yourself from hacking, theft and plagiarism and keep
yourself digitally secure? Explain. (5 points)
1. Digital Access
2. Digital Commerce
3. Digital Communication
4. Digital Literacy
5. Digital Etiquette
6. Digital Law
7. Digital rights and Responsibility
8. Digital Health & Wellness
9. Digital Security
Personal Responsibility
Global Citizenship
Altruistic Service
Environmental Stewardship
Digital Citizenship
1. Clone plagiarism
2. Remix plagiarism
3. Hybrid plagiarism
4. Ctrl C plagiarism
5. Recycle plagiarism
6. Find and Replace plagiarism
7. Mashup plagiarism
8. “404 Error” plagiarism
9. Aggregator plagiarism
10. Re-Tweet plagiarism
II. Essay
Because we don’t own it then we easily copy it without asking permission and
crediting it to the rightful owner what if this thing happens to us, will it be okay? Of
course not, so we should be mindful of others' work because they work hard on it and
then we just plagiarize it without asking their permission or crediting their work.