Basic Concept: Chapters Overview
Basic Concept: Chapters Overview
Basic Concept: Chapters Overview
Basic Concept
Chapters Overview
Characteristics/Features/Advantages of Company
Important Case Studies
Concept of Corporate veil & Lifting of such veil
Basic Concept Company Law
❖ The word ‘company’ generally means coming together to generate penny i.e. money, and it
originally referred to an association of persons who took their meals together. Company is a
joint stock enterprise in which the capital is contributed by several people.
❖ Thus, a company denotes an association of likeminded persons formed for the purpose of
carrying on some business or undertaking. A company [Incorporated] is a corporate body and
a legal person having status and personality distinct and separate from the members
constituting it.
❖ It is called a body corporate because the persons composing it are made into one body by
incorporating it according to the law and clothing it with legal personality. Accordingly,
‘corporation’ is a legal person created by a process other than natural birth. It is, therefore,
sometimes called artificial legal person.
Form of company
Incorporated Unincorporated
company company
⧫ Company means a voluntary organization of persons who are contributing their money in the
common stock of the company and who agree to invest the same for a common goal/purpose,
and to share the profits and the losses arising threfrom.
⧫ Persons who are contributing their money are called as shareholders or members; and the
common stock in which contributed is called share capital of the company.
Section 8 of the companies Act, 2013 deals with “associations not for profit”, i.e. the companies
meant for promotion of arts, science, culture or commerce, and which prohibit the payment of
dividend to its members by AOA.
Such company [including OPC] get itself registered under Companies Act without the words
“Ltd./Pvt. Ltd. at the end of its name after obtaining licence from the CG (RD). For Example: CII,
FICCI etc.
✓ Even in case of war all the members of one private company, while in
GM, were killed by a bomb, but the company survived — not even
a hydrogen bomb could have destroyed it”
4. SEPARATE → A company being a legal person and entirely distinct from its
PROPERTY members, is capable of owning, enjoying and disposing of
property in its own name.
→ “No member can claim himself to be the owner of the company’s
property during its existence or in its winding-up”. A member does
not even have an insurable interest in the property of the company.
5. TRANSFERABILITY ✓ The capital of a company is divided into parts, called shares. The
OF SHARES shares are said to be movable property and, subject to certain
conditions, freely transferable and therefore provide liquidity to the
✓ The shares of public companies are freely transferable. In the case
of a private company, the Companies Act put certain restrictions on
the transferability of shares.
6. COMMON SEAL ➢ Although company is a separate legal entity yet it has no physical
existence, therefore require to act through its agents and all such
contracts entered into by its agents must be under the seal of the
➢ The common seal, acts as the official signature of a company. The
name of the company must be engraved on its common seal.
➢ A document not bearing common seal is not authentic and has
no legal force behind the company.
Points to be Remembered:
7. CAPACITY TO SUE ✓ A company, being a separate entity, can sue and be sued in its own
• Separate legal identity of the company acts as a “corporate veil” which segregates the
persons present inside the company (i.e. BOD and the Members) from the outside world.
• All the benefits accruing to the company are enjoyed by its members and directors, but if
the company commits any breach of contract then the suit is faced by the company in its own
name, and not by the shareholders and directors in their personal names.
As the company is a separate personality under the eyes of law, it must be used for
legitimate business purposes only. And if a fraudulent and dishonest use is made of the
legal entity, the individuals concerned will not be allowed to take shelter behind the
corporate personality. The Court will break through the corporate shell and apply the
principle of “lifting of or piercing through corporate veil”.
Decision of court
✓ The Court held that the company was created by A only for avoidance of
his liability from specific performance. Thus, A must complete the
contract, since he had the full control of the limited company in which the
property was vested.