Dynamic Partner Fit of International Alliances: The Experience of Taiwanese Construction Consulting Firms
Dynamic Partner Fit of International Alliances: The Experience of Taiwanese Construction Consulting Firms
Dynamic Partner Fit of International Alliances: The Experience of Taiwanese Construction Consulting Firms
February, 2011
Republic of China
The success of international alliance depends largely on the extent to which partner
firms work seamlessly with each other. In this study, we identify three kinds of partner fit:
fundamental, strategic and behavioral fit, and illuminates that how various fits affect the
Furthermore, this study also proposes a model of the dynamics of partner fit in the process
construction consulting firms in Taiwan, the performance implication when partners reach
The use of strategic alliances has increased sharply over the last decade and they are
strategic alliances (ISAs) has received growing interest in the literature during the last
several years (Nielsen, 2003). ISAs are cooperative arrangements involving autonomous
firms from different countries. They allow partners to share risk and resources, accumulate
knowledge, and secure access to the foreign markets (Miller et al., 2008). ISAs have
increasingly important, but a high level of dissatisfaction with actual outcomes relative to
expectations has been reported, and many are not successful (Hitt et al., 2000).
Alliance success depends on an effective and efficient alignment (in other words, fit)
between the partners involved. During the alliance, management must primarily focus on
achieving and maintaining a good ‘fit’ between the partners. Therefore, inter-partner’s fits
are key successful factors regarding the alliances. In this paper, we investigate the
When managers have access to all relevant information and are not under time
constraints, then they can use a rational, analytical process to evaluate the fit among
alternatives. However, it becomes much more difficult when there is inadequate information
(Bierly & Gallagher, 2007). Past research on international alliance has been accumulating
evidence on the governance decision and alliance performance. Relatively few come to
term with the performance effect of partner selection. Finding the right partner is one of the
most important success factors of a strategic alliance. However, partners are not always
complete fit. For instance, the corporate has no sufficient time to search fit partner, or there
are no complete fit partners you can choose. Sometimes, partners are appointed by
customer and are strangers. In order to achieve successful alliance, the fits should be
The traditional concept of fit is too static considering the dynamic nature of strategic
and cultures, as well as the individual interests of the partners must be aligned. The fit that
environment or within the organization of one of the partners (Douma, 2000). In this paper,
we take a dynamic rather than static view of fit. A good fit may deteriorate over time,
whereas an insufficient fit at the start of an alliance can sometimes be improved, provided
the alliance partners have the capacity to manage the dynamics of fit effectively.
There are three core objectives of this article. First, this article identifies different
aspects of fit and their interrelationships. Here, we focus on fundamental, strategic and
behavioral fit and the dynamics of those in particular. This study proposes the dynamics of
various fit during the process of cooperation, and discusses the relationship between
Douma (2000) argues that the success of any given alliance depends on the extent to
which partners match with each others in an effective and efficient manner; that is, the
degree of “fit” among alliance members is critical. Harrigan (1988b) define so called “fit” as
the complementarity or compatibility among partners. The former implies different and
valuable resources or capabilities contributed by partners to the alliance (Kale et al., 2000)
because their specialties are not overlapped (Mowery et al., 1996b). In contrast to the
visible features of partners, the latter focuses on the so called “chemistry” between partners
which affects the communication and coordination. In addition, the partner fit can be
characterized not only by their complementary balance but by mutual benefits, harmony,
Bronder & Pritzl (1992) observe many types of partner fit and classify them into (1)
fundamental fit, characterized by the complementarity of some visible and extrinsic assets
or resources; (2) strategic fit, characterized by the harmony, shared or coherent goals and
strategic posture; (3) cultural fit, characterized by the compatibility among the partners in
terms of culture, technology, communication and coordination. Luo (1998) is the first
attempt to classify the partnership fit and argues that the firm should select the partner with
strategic, organizational and financial fit. A partner’s strategic fit influences the operational
skills and resources needed for the joint venture’s competitive success, organizational fit
affects the efficiency and effectiveness of inter-firm cooperation, and financial fit impacts the
Fundamental fit is one of the most common and rational explanations for the way in
which the resource needs of alliance partners are met. An alliance may provide a firm with
access to resources that are not available within the firm. In terms of the International
strategic alliance, firms need the resources may take the form of capital, assets, experience,
local knowledge or market position/reputation. These resources are observable and easily
A successful alliance requires mutual dependency; that is, the better the partners
complement one another (such as resources, competence complimentarity and so on), the
more likely the alliance succeeds. Sustaining mutual dependency requires a proactive
attitude from the partners involved. They must try to avoid, for example, unwanted transfer
of knowledge or too great an overlap in markets, which would reduce mutual dependency
(Douma, 2000). Two companies achieve a strategic fit when activities and expertise
complement in a way that increases value potential. A ‘win-win’ situation from which both
Bucklin & Sengupta (1993) highlight organizational compatibility as the critical factors
for partner selection; that is, not only are the pursuing goals shared by partners but also
business logics and culture are similar。In an international strategic alliance, the possible
conflicts as a result of economic distance and cultural distance among partners can be
effectively reduced by mutual trust and reciprocity, which are collectively characterized as
“behavioral fit”. The failure of the cooperation in International strategic alliances was due to
Based on the above review, this study proposed the three types of partner fit in
international alliance, namely, fundamental fit, strategic fit, and behavioral fit, each of which
leads somewhat to the performance of an alliance (as Figure 1). The international
partnership need not to reach all types of fit nor pursue them in sequence, but the nature of
these fits goes from extrinsic to intrinsic gradually, demanding more time and mutual
The core of the alliance issue lies in the potential conflict between partners. The
contractual hazards, such as the contract incompleteness and the ensuing opportunistic
behaviors of alliance members, increase the transaction costs and reduce the willingness
of close collaboration. However, with the advent of globalization and competition in faster
cycle, partnership is sometimes the only choice because of the limited resources and
capabilities of any single firm under the circumstance of high-velocity competition and
increasingly short life cycle of products or services. The most common observable cases
are that MNCs collaborate with local firms due to the lack of local knowledge. The
fundamental fit is thus reached by the complementarity of some visible features, assets or
reputation. However, some strategic alliances are formed under the shared goals to pursue
certain competitive advantage. The strategic fit can be reached by the complementarity of
some invisible resources and capabilities among partners. Despite many strategically fitted
alliances are usually operated under frequent communication, the collective performance of
alliance are sometimes hindered by the conflicts from economic or cultural distances
between partners. On the other hand, the strategic fit does not guarantee the behavioral fit
which comes usually from prior experience, long-term commitment and similar routines of
doing things.
Morgan & Hunt (1994) argue that the similar cultural background among alliance
members, through a more common values, belief and routines, lead to higher level of
mutual trust and, in turn, the performance of alliance. In a study of marketing alliances,
Smith & Barclay (1997) conclude that the cultural difference between alliance members is
negatively associated with the level of mutual trust, implying the indispensable role of
cultural difference in the success of alliance. Although the above results are known to
practitioners, cultural difference cannot be blamed as the only excuse for many alliance
failures. More and more studies are concerned with the ex post mechanisms or the pursuit
Although the issue of cultural distance has been well studied, management
researchers seem to have neglected another important variable assessing the distance
between partners’ countries. Ghemawat (2001) labeled this the “Economic Distance”, which
between two countries often reflects differences in factor costs (such as wages) and in
technological capability, both important factors leading to the conflict and affecting the
Scholars have defined trust as one party’s confidence that the other party in the
relationship will not exploit its vulnerabilities, and will behave in a predictable and mutually
acceptable manner. Trust allows members to cooperate by expecting that others will
respond favorably, and to candidly exchange technical and commercial information, thus
reducing opportunism, limiting transaction costs and facilitating learning (Murray & Kotabe,
2005). Trust between the organizational partners has been empirically demonstrated to be
important for alliance formation.6 Trust can be a substitute for formal control mechanisms,
reduce transactions costs, facilitate dispute resolution, and allow more flexibility in an
alliance. Therefore, when trust among partners is high, partners have more confidence in
each other and the probability of opportunism decreases (Bierly & Gallagher, 2007).
The cultural and economic differences in international partnership lead easily to the
misunderstanding and conflict. The behavioral fit can only be reached over time and
patience. Hence, more time is required for behavioral fit between international strategic
alliance partners than Strategic alliance as well as fundamental alliance. In other worlds,
the partner fit in more implicit manner needs more time to achieve in the international
Proposition 3. The partner fit in more intrinsic manner needs more time to achieve in
We provide a dynamic model (Figure 2) which can indicate the degree of implicit as
well as the demand time of achieving fit in terms of these three kinds of fits.
Economic Distance
Resource Complementarity
Competence Complementarity
Local Experience
when its component parts are thoroughly understood down to the operational level. Multiple
from the nature of the industry and institutional environment within which the alliance
Although there is no commonly accepted measure for the performance of alliance, this
performance. The former includes the extent to which the alliance goal is reached,
satisfaction with alliance and other partners, while the latter includes profitability, alliance
sales, investment and the returns on sales and investment. The fit in lower order, such as
fundamental fit and sometimes strategic fit, is based on the complementarity of visible
resources, and more likely to pursue performance in an extrinsic way which can be
measured objectively. On the contrast, the fit in higher order, such as behavioral fit, could
Proposition 4. The partner fit in more explicit manner is positively associated with
Fundamental, strategic and behavioral fits are all crucial to international alliance’s
performance. A partner with fundamental fits, but lacking strong Strategic and Behavioral
fits, results in an unstable alliance. The possession of desirable Strategic fits without
corresponding fundamental and behavioral fits leaves the alliance unprofitable. A partner
with superior behavioral fit without fundamental and strategic competencies can also lead
to an unsustainable alliance.
alliance partners that are unknown to each other. Therefore, the form of trust between
strangers is weak (Li et al., 2008). Due to the lack of trust and prior experience of
collaboration, the behavioral fit is difficult to reach in an alliance with unfamiliar partner.
However, despite the extrinsic fit, such as fundamental fit, cannot guarantee that the
alliance is able to move smoothly to the intrinsic fit because of some inter-organizational
obstacles to be overcome. On the contrary, the extrinsic fit is the essential prerequisite for
the intrinsic fit. At the absence of fundamental fit, the resource needs of alliance partners
are not met, providing partners no or little access to resources that are not available within
the firm, or the partners don’t complement one another (including resources or competence
complimentarity), then they don’t need each other, therefore, behavioral fit is more difficult
Proposition 5. In an alliance with unfamiliar partner, the extrinsic fit may not lead to
the intrinsic fit. However, the lack of extrinsic fit is unlikely to generate
subjective performance.
Fundamental Strategic
environment (Carrillo 2001). It also exhibits a high oligopolistic market structure in which a
few large firms from industrialized countries are responsible for a vast majority of contracts
(Ofori 1996; Warf 1991). The past ten years saw the decline of the US share of the market
and the emergence of firms from European and developing countries (Ofori 1996; Warf
1991), however US construction firms as a whole still received larger quantities of foreign
awards than their rivals elsewhere (Warf 1991). Raftery et al. (1998) reported that one trend
construction. He observed from archival research that the major international construction
markets are moving from the developing world to the developed countries in Western
from 1979 through 1988 and explained the changes to the changing fortunes of the
nations; and progressive integration of the Western European markets. Han and Diekmann
(2001) summarized four globalization factors in the last decade that may expand
opportunities for contractors in international construction markets: (1) all signatory countries
to the GATT (now, WTO) systematically opening their domestic markets; (2) the
development of regional Free Trade Blocs; (3) the establishment of world standards; and (4)
nonaffiliated organization, used to further the common interests of the members.” Partners
designers, and others. Badger and Mulligan (1995) indicated that many construction firms
alliances, because forming alliances with the right firm can open the door to these markets,
and it also makes the transition into new markets much easier. (Chen, 2005)
After an extensive interview with project managers of several local construction
consulting firms and foreign firms, we collected and analyzed their company profiles,
general support the above propositions. For example, a MRT project in Delhi India
conducted by Continental Engineering Corporation (CEC) in Taiwan and Soma Co. in India
shows us the performance implication of different partner fits. In this project, the CEC is
responsible for the subcontracts of tunnel and tracks; Soma is in charge of the construction
of MRT station building. Based on the similar level of assets of two partners and Soma’s
strength in local knowledge and prior experience of which CEC is short, this partnership
illustrates the fundamental fit between the two firms. The strategic fit of this international
construction project is also fulfilled because CEC is experienced in track engineering and
which is capable to handle. Despite the two partners match with each other in terms of
assets, experience and competence, there are occasionally conflict and miscommunication
coming out of different business logics, values, norms and cultural backgrounds, some of
which cannot be predicted beforehand and difficult to handle. However, the fundamental fit
and strategic fit exhibited in this partnership have ensured the two sides with enough ability
and motivation to pursue some goals of this project. The project is at the moment not yet
finished but the objective performance indicators, such as the scheduled progress and the
financial goals, have been met. From this case, different types of partner fit (or misfit) can
be seen, and the preconditions to different fits are unique. By and large, the more extrinsic
fit is easier to be reached. By contrast, due to the intrinsic nature of strategic and behavioral
fits, it shows the diseconomies of time compression for partners to pursue. Therefore, our
loan from the Asian Development Bank, Taiwanese construction consulting firm CECI and
French railway company SNCF are jointly responsible for the upgrade of the 285-kilometre
railway line stretching from the northern suburbs of the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi to the
border with China. The two contractors are experienced either in design/maintenance or
construction of railway business. SNCF owns enough local knowledge while CECI offers
low-cost and efficient design service. Therefore, such a partnership meets the fundamental
fit and strategic fit in the early stage of cooperation. However, like the case above, the
objective indicators, such as the scheduled progress, are achieved. As regards the
subjective indicators, the two partners adopt special communication and coordination
mechanisms after the mid-stage of the project to resolve the incongruence, and achieve
gradually the behavioral fit in the latter stage of the project. The performance effect of
partner fit in this case is quite opposite to another case run by CECI with a US construction
firm in Vietnam, in which the two firms misfit with each other due to the size difference and
competence overlapping. Despite many efforts are spent to soften the conflicts, the
fundamental and strategic misfit never lead to behavioral fit. Our empirical evidence seems
This article explores the performance of international alliance through the lenses on
partner fit. We begin by identifying three kinds of partner fit: fundamental, strategic and
behavioral fit, and classify them according to the intrinsic or extrinsic nature. In this article,
we have presented a dynamic model for partner fit, and address the relationships among
these three fits, for instance, the extrinsic fit may not lead to intrinsic fit; however, intrinsic fit
must be an accumulative result of extrinsic fit. Also, it illuminates that how various fits yield
different performance effects. More importantly, we argue that in an alliance with unfamiliar
partner, the partner fit in a more implicit manner may soften the disadvantage of explicit
misfit. Furthermore, we have tried to exam the cases of construction consulting firms in
There are some critical implications for future research. First, we need more
fine-grained inquiries into the conceptual discussion of this study, especially with a larger
sized sample of international partnership in the construction industry. Second, with more
case studies in other industries, we may be able to generalize our finding and refine the
model of partner fit in the future. In particular, we need to pay closer attention to the
relationships of various fits, the time to achieve them and the sequence of achieving each
of them. Third, we should examine how to operationalize the paradoxical nature of social
phenomena like international partnership via the dialectical logic for complete and
consistent model-building.
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