Aasted Tempering: Perfecting The Art of Chocolate Tempering Since 1946

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Aasted tempering

Perfecting the art of

chocolate tempering
since 1946

Welcome to our world

innovating tempering
With 100 years of experience,
our tempering machines are
embedded with unique know-how
from dedicated and passionate
engineers and chocolate
We are proud to introduce you to
the future of tempering technology,
which not only enhances the quality
of your chocolate but also provides
significant energy savings.

AMC SuperNova
The AMC SuperNova covers any tempering
purpose, handling high and low viscosity
masses at any scale. Continuously developed
to match our customers’ desires and market

The SuperNova Energy provides significant
energy savings whilst enhancing the total
quality of your chocolate. The by-pass concept
allows longer crystallization, which is one of
the many benefits of the SuperNova Energy.

Lab equipment
Our small scale tempering machines are easy
to use with a capacity of 50 kg and 100 kg.
A mobile unit which allows creativity. The
small scale tempering machines are suitable
laboratory production.

AMC SuperNova
The AMC SuperNova is based on a • Different versions for
continuous development of perfecting different purposes
the quality of tempered chocolate • Easy to clean and maintain
since 1917. High-quality materials • High-quality performing tempering
and easy maintenance give you a low • Suitable for any moulding or
cost operating tempering machine. enrobing line.
With our AMC SuperNova program,
you have the possibility of handling
any tempering purpose at any scale.

The Basic module covers anything
from straight heat exchanging of
any pumpable mass to highly precise
creation of Beta V crystals in high- The Aeration version will supply
quality chocolate mass. any kind of aerated mass to
your production line. The gas is
• Low maintenance costs supplied directly into the chocolate
• Basic and high-quality tempering outlet. In this way the tempering
• Constant crystal content and crystallization process is not
disturbed by the gas mixing.

PreTreat • Operates for any tempering

purpose without aeration
The unique PreTreat module ensures • De-aeration possible
that you are working with the correct • Optional color and flavor mixing
temperature and stability. The mass is
then free of any undesirable crystals.
• Minimizes fat-bloom
• Prolongs shelf life and quality of Heavy masses and fillings, e.g.
your products nougat, require special attention to
• Stabilizes and corrects mass the toughness and strength of the
temperature tempering machine. In the HeavyDuty
version especially mechanical parts
such as gear, shaft, and stirring

CTS elements are chosen to meet the

challenges of heavy mass.
The CTS features a built-in compact
tempering system with a tank and pump • Tempers high viscosity masses
for recirculation of excess mass. It offers • Strong mechanical parts for
you complete flexibility to re-circulate mass high-pressure tempering
from an enrober or to perform an inline • Suitable for large scale
production shift of mass to a depositor or production
an extruder. • User-friendly interface

• Re-circulation of mass to temper

• Quick and easy in-line production shifts
• Space saving. No external tank or pump

Configuration with
AMC SuperNova Extruder
Basic Depositor

Configuration with
AMC SuperNova
PreTreat Extruder

Configuration with
AMC SuperNova
CTS Extruder

Configuration with
AMC SuperNova

Configuration with
AMC SuperNova

The inside story Unique innovative
features, such as
process control of
The Basic version is designed to deliver the crystallization
high performance and low operating costs area with adaptive,
throughout its service life. High-quality dynamic K-Zone and
materials and engineering, together with I-Plate technology,
easy access to the few components ensure the best
requiring maintenance, mean consistently available all around
high uptime and performance. performance and
versatility on the

Easy access to all connections

(open temper machine
for inside look)

Process control with

touch screen display
The operator has a clear overview of
all process parameters on the colour
display. The touch screen enables
straightforward operation and is simple
to clean with a damp cloth.

Modular, turbulent
flow water system
A turbulent flow water system employing
CIP water filters enables rapid heat
transfer and cooling via the large surface
areas of the tempering elements. This
ensures even temperature distribution
and complete temperature control of
each zone.

Gear motor Water heat exchanger

The basic location of the gear motor and circulation pump
eliminates any risk of oil entering the When you require a closed water
temperer. A simple disconnection system to avoid corrosion and sediment
enables the removal of the gear motor build-up, we supply optional heat
for maintenance. exchanger and circulation pump.

I-Plate insulation
between stages
The insulation efficiency provided
by the I-Plate enables unique
temperature control by minimizing
heat transfer between cooling and
heating stages

SuperResponse Constant recipe

The innovative SuperResponse Dynamic K-Zone technology
circuit instantly adapts the cooling ensures a constant percentage
water flow to the requirements of Beta crystals.
dictated by chocolate temperature
and flow.

Highly effective combined horizontal and

chocolate mixing vertical mixing ensure effective
Multiple-winged SuperShear mixing and homogenous
scrapers with a special flow- distribution of the crystals
optimized profile design for created in the mass.

PreTreat conditioning
for stable supply of
decrystallized mass
The PreTreat conditioning module
sets temperatures between
28°C and 65°C, for example at
a constant preset of 45°C.

In 2011 we introduced the world’s first energy saving • Dense crystal structure with only Beta V crystals
tempering machine – a green solution that revolutionizes • Faster solidification for higher throughput
your production. The SuperNova Energy consists of same • Slower fat migration
high quality elements as the AMC SuperNova, but with • Lower viscosity for potential cocoa butter savings
a new and patented tempering method. The SuperNova • Longer shelf-life, better gloss and crispy break
Energy gives you the highest quality possible giving your • Up to 2 degree higher output temperature
products the best consistency, look and break. Besides • Reduction of operation costs, by obtaining energy
of significantly enhancing the quality of your production, savings of least 50% and up to 80% when
you will discover substantial energy savings – making your combining with Energy enrober.
production more efficient than ever before.

The SuperNova Energy is available in a Basic, PreTreat,

and CTS module – giving you various options to choose
from – depending on your needs and current production




In the new tempering process Substantial savings
only 1/3 of the mass is crystallized, The result is a far more stable,
which makes the crystallization easier controllable and much more
time up to 10 times longer than in powerful crystallization process than
a traditional tempering machine. with the traditional machines. As an
Delivers smaller Beta 5 crystals with extra benefit, the total consumption
a much high melting point due to the of water and electric power is
5-10 times longer high sheer crystal reduced 50–80% for the new
zones compared to normal industrial SuperNova Energy in comparison
standard tempered machinery. with traditional tempering machines.

Energy crystallization Bonus in quality raise

technology inside When you start testing the output
The new groundbreaking by-pass of your new SuperNova Energy you
concept inside the SuperNova Energy will discover an extra bonus. The
is the secret to your future savings. tempering index is “constant” and
The considerably longer time that non-fluctuating. Crystals in the mass
the mass stays in the crystallization are stable Beta V only. The amount
zone, the use of our unique scraper is constant over time. The quality
wings and a precise temperature of your products will be severely
control contribute to making the improved having the longest possible
SuperNova Energy an ingenious shelf life.

The world’s smallest
tempering machines
with capacities of
50 and 100 kg/h.
The tempering system, type AMC SuperNova 50/100, supplies
uniformly treated chocolate, tempered to manufacture high-quality
products with regard to gloss, shelf-life, crisp break and contraction.

The AMC SuperNova 50/100 is perfectly suitable for small moulding

or enrobing lines, or for decoration as well as laboratory purposes.

The portable AMC SuperNova 50/100 has a 3-zone

tempering system that is fully adjustable for
tempering any chocolate recipe to the highest

• Holding tank, complete with stirrer etc.

that scrapes the tank sides
• Chocolate pump driven form the same variable
gear motor that also drives the stirrer
• Detempering section to ensure that the mass
in the tank is detempered before reaching the
tempering section
• Stainless steel portable table, including
necessary control cabinet and water
circulation system

Test your ideas

The AMC SuperNova 50/100 is the optimal solution for test
of new recipes or ideas in your laboratory or test facilities.

You are most welcome to visit the Aasted Technology Center.

Width Length Height Tankvol. Capacity

AMC SuperNova 50 600 mm 1040 mm 1200 mm 15 Kg 50 kg/hour

AMC SuperNova 100 600 mm 1125 mm 1405 mm 30 Kg 100 kg/hour

Tempering software

Our patented QuickStart software • Annual savings on a SuperNova
allows our tempering machines AMC 2000 P – 12.000 kW/year.
to get ready for production in • The machines are ready for
just 8 minutes. By lowering the production in less time. On an
temperature during the night you are yearly basis our customers will
not only getting ready for production be able to save approximately
faster, you are also saving money. 120 hours.


55  ºC Traditional night func tion

50  ºC

45  ºC 45  ºC
45  ºC
40  ºC

40  ºC 42  ºC
40  ºC 35  ºC
38  ºC
35  ºC 36  ºC

30  ºC
30  ºC
30  ºC 30  ºC

25  ºC Time (hours)

0h00m 8h00m 8h08m 8h30m

100 years of experience – in just one click
With our EasyStart software anyone can add new recipes
and start tempering perfectly right away. Simply choose
your mass type and fat percentage and let our algorithms
do the rest. Almost one hundred years experience of
exceptional tempering in just one click.

• Easy operation and control of Aasted machines

• Easy application of new recipes
• Ensure higher output temperature

The AMC SuperNova programme
Capacity Capacity Length Width Height Length Width Height
kg/h Ibs/h mm mm mm inches inches inches

AMC SuperNova 150 150 330 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68

AMC SuperNova 275 275 600 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68
AMC SuperNova 550 550 1,210 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 750 750 1,650 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 1000 1,000 2,200 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 1500 1,500 3,300 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 2000 2,000 4,400 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 3000 3,000 6,600 1690 1007 2214 67 40 87
AMC SuperNova 4000 4,000 8,800 1911 1207 2315 75 48 91
AMC SuperNova 5500 5,500 12,100 2252 1207 2896 89 48 114
AMC SuperNova 7500 7,500 16,500 2252 1207 3388 89 48 133
AMC SuperNova 10000 10,000 22,000 2650 1400 3500 105 55 138
AMC SuperNova 12000 12,000 26,400 2650 1400 3500 105 55 138

AMC SuperNova 150 P 150 330 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68

AMC SuperNova 275 P 275 600 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68
AMC SuperNova 550 P 550 1,210 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 750 P 750 1,650 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 1000 P 1,000 2,200 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova 1500 P 1,500 3,300 1690 1007 2214 67 40 87
AMC SuperNova 2000 P 2,000 4,400 1690 1007 2214 67 40 84
AMC SuperNova 3000 P 3,000 6,600 1911 1207 2317 75 48 91
AMC SuperNova 4000 P 4,000 8,800 2252 1207 2896 89 48 114
AMC SuperNova 5500 P 5,500 12,100 2252 1207 3384 89 48 133
AMC SuperNova 7500 P 7,500 16,500 2650 1400 3500 105 55 138

AMC SuperNova 50 CTS 50 110 1040 600 1200 40 23 46

AMC SuperNova 100 CTS 100 220 1125 600 1405 43 23 54
AMC SuperNova 300 CTS 300 660 1891 1007 2218 75 40 87
AMC SuperNova 550 CTS 550 1,210 1891 1007 2312 75 40 91
AMC SuperNova 1000 CTS 1,000 2,200 1891 1007 2218 75 40 87
AMC SuperNova 1600 CTS 1,600 3,500 2111 1207 2522 83 48 99
AMC SuperNova 2200 CTS 2,200 4,850 2294 1207 2886 90 48 106
AMC SuperNova 3300 CTS 3,300 7,300 2294 1207 3116 90 48 123

AMC SuperNova 50 CTS 50 110 1040 600 1200 40 23 46

AMC SuperNova 100 CTS 100 220 1125 600 1405 43 23 54
AMC SuperNova 300 CTS 300 660 1891 1007 2218 75 40 87
AMC SuperNova 550 CTS 550 1,210 1891 1007 2312 75 40 91
AMC SuperNova 1000 CTS 1,000 2,200 1891 1007 2218 75 40 87
AMC SuperNova 1600 CTS 1,600 3,500 2111 1207 2522 83 48 99
AMC SuperNova 2200 CTS 2,200 4,850 2294 1207 2686 90 48 106
AMC SuperNova 3300 CTS 3,300 7,300 2294 1207 3116 90 48 123

AMC SuperNova HeavyDuty We analyze your mass in our Tecnology Centre and create the perfect HeavyDuty machine.

Technical alterations reserved


The SuperNova programme
Capacity Capacity Length Width Height Length Width Height
kg/h Ibs/h mm mm mm inches inches inches

AMC SuperNova Energy 200 200 440 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68

AMC SuperNova Energy 450 450 990 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68
AMC SuperNova Energy 800 800 1,760 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
Basic AMC SuperNova Energy 1000 1,100 2,200 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova Energy 1500 1,500 3,300 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova Energy 2200 2,200 4,840 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova Energy 3300 3,300 7,260 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova Energy 4500 4,500 9,900 1690 1007 2214 67 40 87
AMC SuperNova Energy 5500 5,500 12,100 1911 1207 2315 75 48 91
AMC SuperNova Energy 8000 8,000 17,600 2252 1207 2896 89 48 114
AMC SuperNova Energy 12000 12,000 24,400 2252 1207 3388 89 48 133

AMC SuperNova Energy 200 P 200 440 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68

AMC SuperNova Energy 450 P 450 990 1270 1007 1732 50 40 68
AMC SuperNova Energy 800 P 800 1,760 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova Energy 1000 P 1,000 2,200 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
PreTreat AMC SuperNova Energy 1500 P 1,500 3,300 1690 1007 1812 67 40 71
AMC SuperNova Energy 2200 P 2,200 4,840 1690 1007 2214 67 40 87
AMC SuperNova Energy 3300 P 3,300 7,260 1690 1007 2214 67 40 84
AMC SuperNova Energy 4500 P 4,500 9,900 1911 1207 2317 75 48 91
AMC SuperNova Energy 5500 P 5,500 12,100 2252 1207 2896 89 48 114
AMC SuperNova Energy 8000 P 8,000 17,600 2252 1207 3384 89 48 133

AMC SuperNova Energy 200 CTS 200 440 1858 614 1558 38 23 55
AMC SuperNova Energy 500 CTS 500 1,100 1891 1007 2218 75 40 87
AMC SuperNova Energy 800 CTS 800 1,760 1891 1007 2312 75 40 91
AMC SuperNova Energy 1500 CTS 1,500 3,300 1891 1007 2218 75 40 87
AMC SuperNova Energy 2000 CTS 2,000 4,400 2111 1207 2522 83 48 99
AMC SuperNova Energy 3000 CTS 3,000 6,600 2294 1207 2886 90 48 106
AMC SuperNova Energy 4500 CTS 4,500 9,900 2294 1207 3116 90 48 123

Technical alterations reserved


Width Length

Complete tempering program
The Aasted tempering program consists of AMC Supernova Lab equipment
various tempering machines for its own unique • Basic • AMC SuperNova
purpose. All machines are designed in high • PreTreat 50/100
quality and reliable engineering. • CTS
• Aeration
The Aasted tempering machines are easily • HeavyDuty
configured to an existing or a new production
line. The configurations apply to e.g. moulding SuperNova Energy
lines, bar lines, an enrober, depositor and • Basic
extruder. • PreTreat
Furthermore, the Aasted tempering machines
handles any chocolate, compound, fat and
cocoa mass.

The program covers tempering machines for

large, medium, small scale production as well
as for laboratory testing.

The 20 years of
working with Aasted,
they have always
been supporting our
production and a very
helpful partner.
Mr. R. Rune Forsberg,
Hval Sjokoladefabrikk ASA

Aasted ApS
Bygmarken 7  – 17
3520 Farum

P +45 4434 8000

F +45 4434 8080

Get inspired on www.aasted.eu

[email protected]

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