PereraMIC1 4 2014
PereraMIC1 4 2014
PereraMIC1 4 2014
Title: Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit: Application to Norwegian
Article citation: Perera, D. W. U., Pfeiffer, C., & Skeie, N.-O. (2014). Modelling the heat
dynamics of a residential building unit: Application to Norwegian buildings. Modeling,
Identification and Control, 35(1), 43-57. doi: http://dx.doi.org10.4173/mic.2014.1.4
Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2014, pp. 43–57, ISSN 1890–1328
Faculty of Technology, Telemark University College, Postboks 203, N-3901, Porsgrunn, Norway. E-mail: wath-
[email protected]
The paper refers to the development of a continuous time mathematical heating model for a building
unit based on the first principles. The model is described in terms of the state space variables, and a
lumped parameter approach is used to represent the room air temperature and air density using mass and
energy balances. The one-dimensional heat equation in cartesian coordinates and spherical coordinates
is discretized in order to describe the thermic characteristics of the layers of the building framework and
furniture respectively. The developed model is implemented in a MATLAB environment, and mainly a
theoretical approach is used to validate it for a residential building unit. Model is also validated using
experimental data for a limited period. Short term simulations are used to test the energy efficiency of
the building unit with regard to factors such as the operation of heat sources, ventilation, occupancy
patterns of people, weather conditions, features of the building structure and heat recovery. The results
are consistent and are obtained considerably fast, implying that the model can be used further in modelling
the heating dynamics of complex architectural designs and in control applications.
Keywords: Heating model, Heat recovery, Power consumption, Residential building unit, Ventilation
c 2014 Norwegian Society of Automatic Control
Modeling, Identification and Control
explicit models. For this reason, CFD models can- research areas are presented.
not be easily integrated with open architectural sys-
tems. Mendes et al. (2003), Andersen et al. (2000),
Kazanavicius et al. (2006), Lee et al. (2011) and Desta 2 Buildings in Norway
et al. (2005) have developed good dynamic mathemat-
ical models for characterizing the thermal performance In Norway, the thermal comfort of the residents is
of building units, yet most of them lack of the mod- highly dependent on the outdoor freezing temperatures
elling of the heat loss associated with ventilation. Fur- which dominate from late autumn to early spring. Ac-
thermore, none of the referred articles have proposed cording to Bergesen et al. (2013), 66% of the total en-
the modelling of the thermal mass of household goods ergy consumption of residential buildings occurs in the
such as furniture. In the model introduced in Mendes space heating sector of Norwegian residential buildings.
et al. (2003), a set of ordinary differential equations To maintain the indoor thermal comfort and to sustain
describe four states, which are the temperature of air, an acceptable energy economy, the design of buildings
walls and an electric heater together with the latent with precise heating strategies is important. The prin-
heat release by water vapour present in the building. cipal Norwegian normative document which presents
The work performed by Andersen et al. (2000) is about the building technical regulations is the ”Norwegian
the modelling of air temperature and floor temperature Building Code”. TEK10 is the recent issue (2010) of
for a single storeyed non-ventilated two zone building these perspective requirements TEK (2010), and it rec-
unit. Simultaneously, the thermal energy released to ommends the values of significant parameters, which
the interior by solar radiation is presented in detail. pertain to better energy economy and thermal com-
The building thermal storage effect is formulated as fort.
a model in Kazanavicius et al. (2006) with consider- The use of wood as a construction material in Norwe-
ation of weather data, mass flow of the radiator and gian houses is widely known as it can withstand chang-
indoor temperature. The dynamic heating model pre- ing weather conditions. Compared to brick houses,
sented in Lee et al. (2011) is more or less equal to wooden houses have a low thermal mass (the ability
work done by Mendes et al. (2003). They have also of a material to store heat, and is a function of specific
built a statistical model that contributes to the un- heat capacity and density of the material) which con-
derstanding of the energy usage patterns. The heat tributes to a drop in heating demands in cold climates.
transfer phenomenon inside a ventilated air space is Usually, the walls, floor and roof are assembled with
described using the data based mechanistic model by several layers of different materials. For example, outer
Desta et al. (2005). Their approach mainly gives an walls consist of layers of wood panelling, vapour bar-
account of the heat loss by ventilation, heat transfer rier, insulation, wind barrier and ventilated cladding
through the building envelopes and inside heat gener- from the inside surface of the wall to the outside re-
ation. spectively. The presence of floor and roof insulations
The intention of this task is to highlight an in-depth concurrently enhance the thermal efficiency of Norwe-
dynamic heating model to integrate it with an open gian buildings.
architectural energy control system. It makes up for
most of the deficiencies present in the published ex-
plicit building heating models. A well mixed zone the- 2.1 Building regulations for Norway
ory is used to model the air temperature and air den-
In accordance with TEK10, the maximum overall heat
sity within the building unit. It is also merged with
transfer coefficient, U (Wm−2 K −1 ) for the outer walls,
the thermal masses of walls, floor, roof and household
roof, ground floor and windows/doors should be kept
goods. The ventilation plays a significant role in deter-
at values equal to or less than 0.18, 0.13, 0.15 and 1.2
mining the total energy loss. The primary model of the
respectively. Air exchange in closed buildings is one
building unit can be used with relevant adjustments to
of the fundamental requirements for achieving thermal
develop models for complex architectures. This will be
comfort and the health of occupants. Total air ex-
undertaken in the future work.
change is twofold; infiltration and ventilation. Fresh
The rest of the paper presents the details about Nor- air flow rate at a minimum of 1.2 m3 /h per 1 m2 of
wegian buildings and regulations, the heating model floor space when the housing unit is in use, and 0.7
development approach, the test building unit and eval- m3 /h per 1 m2 of floor space when not in use are rec-
uation of the results obtained by the model simulations. ommended. Especially, bedrooms should have a fresh
After that, the model is validated for the experimen- air flow at a minimum of 26 m3 /h for each bed when
tal data considering a residential building in Norway. in use. Inadequate air can give rise to health problems
Finally, closing conclusions about the work and future and excessive air is an energy waste. To minimize the
Perera, ”Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit”
s s
dTi,f Ti+1,f − 2Ti,f + Ti,f qi,f
= αi,f 2 + (10)
dt li,f ρi,f cpi,f
−K1,f s s
hb,f Tb − Ti,f = T2,f − T1,f (11)
s s
dTi,r Ti+1,r − 2Ti,r + Ti,r
= αi,r 2 (12)
Figure 1: Sketch of a conventional building unit dt li,r
−K1,r s s
hb,r Tb − Ti,r = T2,r − T1,r (13)
2.2 Mechanistic model formulation
In this section, a mechanistic dynamic heating model −Ki,r Ai+1,r s s
is formulated for the building unit presented in Fig- Ti+1,r − Ti,r = h∞,r Ai+1,r Ti+1,r − T∞
ure 1, which is considered as a control volume. The
formulated mathematical model is based on mass and
+ σi+1,r Ti+1,r − T∞ 4
energy balances and the equations (1) to (23) describe (14)
the complete model. The subscripts b, w, f, r and fur
denote building unit, walls, floor, roof and furniture re-
spectively. The nomenclature is presented in Table 6. !
s s
dTi,f ur Ti+1,f ur − 2Ti,f ur + Ti,f ur
dρb V̇in ρin − V̇out ρb = αi,f ur 2
= (1) dt δri,f ur
dt Vb s s
1 Ti+1,f ur − Ti,f ur
+ αi,f ur
dEb r δri,f ur
= Ėin − Ėout + Q̇ + Ẇ (2)
dt (15)
Eb = UbE = Hb − Pb Vb (3)
−K1,f ur s s
hb,f ur Tb − Ti,f ur = T2,f ur − T1,f ur
Ẇ = (P V̇ )in − (P V̇ )out (4) 2l1,f ur
Modeling, Identification and Control
Perera, ”Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit”
cp is the specific heat capacity. two more heat losses that need to be addressed. They
are the losses via windows and doors, which are de-
∂T q̇ scribed by eq.(17) and eq.(18).
− α∇2 T − = 0, (24)
∂t ρCp With an integrated ventilation heat recovery system,
Heat is transferred through the wall from the inside air inflow temperature will be higher compared to the
of the building to the outside. Therefore, it is accept- outside temperature. It is possible to estimate this
able to have one-dimensional heat transfer equations temperature using an energy efficiency η, and with the
deduced from eq.(24). To simplify the problem, ex- assumption of equal densities and specific heat capaci-
tracted equations are transformed to ordinary differ- ties in the two counter current air flow streams. eq.(23)
ential equations using the finite difference method. It is for computing the air inflow temperature after the
is assumed that the temperature throughout each layer economizer. With this installation, the thermal prop-
of the wall is uniform. Further, the surface tempera- erties of inlet air should be calculated with regard to
tures are approximated as the mean temperature of the this new temperature (Tin ).
two consecutive layers. q̇ is zero being equal to no heat With all these equations presented, the dynamic
generation within the wall. eq.(7) is the energy balance heating model is ready to be used as described in the
for each ith layer of wall. Boundary conditions for in- consecutive sections.
ternal and external layers of the wall are presented by
eq.(8) and eq.(9).
The same concept can be used to derive the appro- 3 The test building unit
priate heat transfer equations for the floor and roof of
the building unit. In addition, the heat equation of the Figure 3 illustrates the building unit with an outer di-
floor consists of a source term indicating the presence of mension of 3.65m × 4m × 3.3m (L × W × H), which
a floor heater. eq.(10) and eq.(11) describe the thermic is chosen for modelling. It consists of one window with
processes of floor and eq.(12), eq.(13) and eq.(14) de- an area of 1m × 1.2m (W × H) and one door sized
termine the thermal characteristics of a flat roof, where 0.75m × 2.1m (W × H). The walls, roof and floor of
the subscripts ”f” and ”r” represent the floor and roof the unit have a thickness of 0.2m , 0.24m and 0.17m
respectively. respectively.
The modelling of household furniture is vital because
it acts as either a heat sink or a heat source depend-
ing on the surrounding temperature. A portion of en-
ergy supplied by the heater is stored in the furniture
as thermal energy. This process happens until its body
temperature is in equilibrium with the indoor air tem-
perature. The indicated process will increase the time
required for heating the room to a desirable level. Con-
currently, it takes a long time to cool down a building
because the process of heat release from furniture is
slow. Heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the
material of construction determine the rate of the heat
absorption or release. To simplify the modelling ap-
proach of furniture, it is assumed that it behaves like
a sphere with the same mass and equivalent average Figure 3: Dimensions and elements of the building unit
thermal diffusivity that can be found experimentally.
The heat equation in spherical coordinates is given by;
The primary heat supply to the zone is by an On/Off
∂T ∂
q̇ type electrical heater with a full capacity of 1kW
r2 −α r2 − r2 = 0, (25) (Q̇Heater ). Cooling down any building to sub-zero tem-
∂t ∂r ∂r ρCp
peratures is not recommended since water sources can
After discretization of eq.(25) using the finite dif- freeze and damage pipes throughout the house. Nearly
ference method, eq.(15) is obtained for each spherical all of the controllable commercial heating systems in
layer i. As there is no heat generation, the term (q̇) can Norway use 150 C as the energy saving set point, which
be eliminated. eq.(16) presents the boundary condition is the suggested temperature for the energy saving pe-
for the outer layer of the sphere. riods when the building is not in use. While in use,
Except for the heat losses via walls, floor, roof and 200 C is the comfortable set point temperature. These
furniture (eq.(19), eq.(20), eq.(21), eq.(22)), there are two temperatures are the fixed points in this study,
Modeling, Identification and Control
and it is necessary to keep to these requirements by door and window. Overall heat transfer coefficients are
turning the heater on and off. The controller operates restricted to be at the upper limit as recommended by
with a dead zone defined by ±10 C around the set point TEK10. Warm outer surfaces of the walls and roof
value. The determination of the usage pattern of the emit radiative heat to the environment, but this phe-
building is important for better control of the heater. nomenon is small in cold Norwegian climates.
Moreover, there are four energy saving events specified The furniture inside the building unit acts as either
in this task, and they are, ”Wake, Leave, Return and a heat sink or a heat source depending on the current
Sleep”. With these four events, a period of one day indoor temperature, as described in the previous sec-
is split up into 4 sections so that during 8:00 to 16:00 tion. Principally, the furniture is assumed to be made
the room is not occupied and during 23:00 to 6:30 the of wood. Moreover, furniture will fill up a volume of
occupants are asleep. The building is occupied for the 1m3 .
rest of the time slots. Outside conditions give a noticeable effect on the
Besides the heat supply from the electrical heater, indoor thermal qualities. It is necessary to have out-
other electrical appliances such as a refrigerator, per- side weather data (Temperature and Relative Humid-
sonal computer, light bulb and water heater are in op- ity) which can be applied in the model. This informa-
eration, emitting a fraction of internal heat produc- tion is extracted from the ”Norwegian Meteorological
tion to the surroundings. These internal gains also Institute” web site ( for the month of February,
tend to increase the indoor temperature by a significant 2012 in Oslo (Blindern) and averaged to obtain a pro-
amount. An incandescent light bulb more or less con- file of hourly mean values fitted to a 24-hours period.
verts not more than 10% of the total energy into light The average ground temperature is approximated to be
energy, and the rest is dissipated as thermal energy. 50 C higher than the outdoor temperature, and knowl-
All the electrical appliances are assumed to contribute edge about the ground temperature is a requirement
to heating the building unit by 150W . in determining the heat transfer via the floor of the
According to Havenith et al. (2002), the heat re- building.
leased by an average-sized person through metabolic Thermal parameters associated with the building en-
activities is approximately 58.2 Wm−2 . Therefore, it closure and furniture are given in the Table 1. The
is possible to approximate a heat release of 80W when values are estimated for typical Norwegian buildings
the building unit is occupied by one person with a body from Frostrup (1999). The values of heat transfer co-
surface area of 1.4m2 . efficients are chosen based on TEK10 standards and
they are presented in Table 2. Thermal conductivities,
Glass windows let the solar irradiation pass through
thermal diffusivities and half thicknesses of each layer
their transparent surfaces. A fraction of incident so-
of walls, floor and roof are presented for ith layer. Over-
lar radiation is transmitted into the inside space, rais-
all heat transfer coefficients of walls, floor and roof can
ing the temperature of both air and possibly the floor
be estimated from the given thermal conductivities and
or furniture when these are exposed to direct sunlight.
heat transfer coefficients. Densities and specific heat
The solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) defines the por-
capacities of each layer of the floor are also shown.
tion of solar energy allowed to pass through the surface.
Most of the available windows have a SHGC of 0-60%
Harley (2002). Annual average solar irradiation in Nor-
way is around 100 Wm−2 Olseth and Skartveit (1986),
4 Results and discussion
and during the cold winter periods, it can go below the Within this section, the performance of the developed
average value. In the simulations, the period where model is analyzed by 7 different cases. Each of them
sunshine is available is approximated as 10:00 to 14:00 is implemented in a MATLAB environment and solved
during the winter time. using ode15s after specifying initial conditions for all
The mechanical ventilation system present in the the state variables. Table 3 summarizes the variants
building unit enables the control of the air flow rate as of the inputs and physical parameter settings of the
directed by the Norwegian regulations. Besides, equal building unit for each case. Performance analysis of
volumetric inflow and outflow rates are used in the val- the model is mainly a theoretical investigation. In the
idations. The approach of equal air flow rates (but section 5, simple experimental validation is done with
different mass flow rates owing to density difference) a limited amount of experimental data.
is used because of the unavailability of the specifica- Case 4 is composed of three distinctive approaches
tions of mechanical ventilation systems related to this depending on the characteristics of furniture. In case
theoretical work. 6, the size of the building unit is doubled by increasing
The fraction of thermal losses from the building unit the floor area. Further, case 7 is different from the oth-
is by means of heat transfer through walls, roof, floor, ers owing to the combination of two separate building
Perera, ”Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit”
Modeling, Identification and Control
Temperature (T) - 0C
The single zone building unit with one door and one 35
4.3 Case 3
4.2 Case 2
In order to assess the effect of ventilation on the perfor-
In this case, the heat dynamics of the building unit mance of the electrical power consumption, an analysis
is examined with a heater associated with an On/Off is conducted assuming that the building unit is hermet-
controller. When the building is in use, the set temper- ically sealed. Figure 6 shows the relevant variations of
ature is 200 C in order to avoid the discomfort of the oc- temperature to this examination.
cupants. During the rest of the time, the temperature As there is no ventilation, air density is uniform
can be reduced to 150 C by controlling the heater at ap- throughout the period. Cooling down the building unit
propriate instances. The outdoor temperature and RH is slow mainly due to the unavailability of airing. Heat
profiles are used in this simulation and are not fixed dissipated by the electrical appliances, human body
as in case 1. There is a circulating air flow into the and heat release from the furniture put the heater in
building unit, and it has a value in accordance with cessation up to 6:00. Starting from 8:00 the temper-
the TEK10 regulation requirements. All of the other ature in the room declines once again until it reaches
heat supplies, in addition to the heater, influence the 150 C. This reduction is faster compared to the previous
thermal behavior of the building unit. Figure 5 gives because the outside temperature has its lowest values
Perera, ”Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit”
struction to steel with 1m3 volume and no presence
1.3 of furniture. Results from case 2 are used as the base
case scenario in analyzing these alternatives. Figure 7
Room Temperature (T) - 0C
21 22
1m3 Wooden Furniture
2 20
Room Temperature (T) - 0C
18 14
0 5 10 15 20 25
1m3 Steel Furniture
Temperature (T) - 0C
1 20
16 18
15 Density 0.5
Temperature 14
0 5 10 15 20 25
14 22
1m3 Steel Furniture
13 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Room
18 Layer 1
Time - hrs Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 6: Temperature variation inside the hermet- Time - hrs
Modeling, Identification and Control
ity and high thermal conductivity. Heat absorbed by this fact will be discussed under the power consump-
the surface of the wood is not capable of moving to the tion section.
middle with the same rate. This constitutes the domi-
nant temperature gradients in the wooden furniture.
When the volume of the wooden furniture increases, 21
ers of the larger sphere compared to the smaller one. 18
4.6 Case 6
Q̇centralwall = Ucentralwall Amiddlewall (Tb − Tzone2 )
In the case 6, the performance of the model is evalu- (26)
ated for a building unit having a larger volume than the The attached room has the temperature variation
regular one. The length and the width of the unit are shown in Figure 9, while the internal temperature of
twice those of the first building unit. This increases the the main building unit is kept between the set points.
internal volume approximately by four. With a larger The zone 2 temperature behaves more or less simi-
volume, intensive fluctuations in the temperature pro- larly to the outside temperature. Heat energy trans-
file are seen in Figure 8. ferred by conduction through the intermediate wall is
It is not possible to observe the effect of solar insola- not sufficient to raise the temperature of zone 2. The
tion during the day time as in case 2 and 3. According introduction of a heater with a capacity of approxi-
to the observations heater power consumption must be mately 300W in zone 2 can maintain the inside tem-
significantly higher than in the remaining cases, and perature at an average of 200 C.
Perera, ”Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit”
Table 4: Assessment of Scenario 2 and Scenario 5 with respect to heat recovery ventilation
Property Scenario 2 Scenario 5
Mean Tin -2.2 C 12 0 C
Heater energy consumption 14 MJ 8 MJ
Ventilation heat loss 8.7 MJ 2.4 MJ
23 45
17 35
Power Consumption - MJ
Temperature (T) - 0C
Zone 1
Zone 2
7 Outside
C2 C4c
C4a C4b C7
1 10
-5 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time - hrs Case Number
Figure 9: Temperature profiles for the two zones of the Figure 10: Power consumption of different case studies
combined building
Modeling, Identification and Control
Table 5: Energy losses from the building block as a percentage of total loss
Case No. Ventilation Wall Other
C2 28 40 32
C3 0 55 45
C4a 28 40 32
C4b 27 40 33
C4c 27 40 33
C5 9 50 41
C6 32 11 57
C7 35 25 40
4.10 Energy losses assembled with two wooden panels (each 2 cm) and a
mineral wool insulation (12 cm) in the middle. The to-
The main energy losses from the building unit are due tal volume of the interested building block with the at-
to the conduction heat transfer through the framework tic is 148.5 m3 . There are 7 windows and 2 doors (each
of the building unit and convection heat transfer by 1.95x0.8 m2 ) found in the building block and window
ventilation. Radiation heat losses from the external dimensions are given in the Figure 11. The supplied
surfaces to the environment are not significant owing electrical heater power to heat the zone is 3250 W and
to the presence of particularly low temperatures ex- it is regulated by an on/off controller with a set point
trinsic to the building unit. Hence the estimations of 70 C when the building is not occupied. This build-
are based on overall heat transfer coefficients, which ing does not consist of a mechanical ventilation system
are assumed to be a combination of both convection and, therefore, either mass or energy flow is not no-
and radiation heat transfer coefficients. Table 5 shows ticed. The estimated wooden furniture volume is 5 m3
the substantial heat losses associated with the building including the internal building structures. The tem-
unit. When calculating the total heat loss, the amount perature of the first floor is measured approximately
of thermal energy absorbed or released by the furniture to have 100 C which will be regarded as the ground
is not taken into consideration. Other heat losses in- temperature in this case. The thermal process param-
clude thermal energy transfers via window, door, floor eters presented in the Table 2 is applied to this case
and roof. as well. The overall heat transfer coefficient via walls,
Amongst all of the losses, wall heat losses are the floor and roof are 0.4 W/(m2 K).
highest except for the last two cases. The bigger the
building unit, the higher the ”ventilation” heat losses
and ”other” losses. Case 6 has the second highest heat 3.85 m
losses via the roof which is 16%. Losses are estimated
0.4x0.4 m2 0.4x0.4 m2
only for zone 1 of the two zone building in case 7. It 1.13 m
accounts for lower wall heat losses than case 2 owing 4.75 m
to the different heat dynamics of the intermediate wall.
Significant wall heat losses can be diminished by intro-
ducing adequate insulation and ventilation heat losses 1x0.9 m2
0.7x0.9 m2
can be reduced by heat recovery systems as determined
by case 5. 5.25 m
1x0.65 m2
1x0.9 m2
experimental data 1x0.9 m2 0.7x0.9 m2
Perera, ”Modelling the heat dynamics of a residential building unit”
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