Jesuit Memorial College Mbodo Aluu Port Harcourt: First Continuuous Assesment, First Term 2017/2018 Academic Session

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Please do not open this question booklet until you are told to do so.
While you are waiting, read the following instructions carefully.

This paper consists

of two sections: I & II. Section I consist of fifty (30) multiple-choice and Section II consists of THREE
essay questions which will last for 1 hour.



1. Use HB pencil only

2. Write your Name, Subject, and your class boldly written on the answer sheet provided. Also, write
and shade appropriately Date of Exam, your DOB, Student ID & your Examination number, where
applicable, in the spaces provided.

3. Answer each question by shading the box that corresponds to the option you have chosen.

4. Do not waste time on any question. If you find any difficult, go to the others and finish them before
you come back to the difficult one(s).

5. There must not be more than one shading for an answer. Any shading with more than one box will
be marked wrong.

6. If you change your mind about an answer, completely erase the first shading.

7. Do not start until the Supervisor tells you to do so.

Turn Over


1. The bronze age is between

a) 1800 BC-2000BC
b) 300BC-600BC 9. The process of transferring lettering
c) 1000BC-2000BC or images onto paper or similar
d) 8000BC-9000BC material is called
e) 1200BC – 1600BC a) Transfer
b) Printing
2. The telephone was invented by c) Editing
a) Mario Carol d) Lettering
b) Philo Tylor Farnsworth 10. …………….was the period when
c) Guglielmo Marcorni tools and weapons were made of
d) Alexander Graham Bell stones.
a) Weapon age
3. The television was invented by b) Middle age
a) Farnsworth Bright Mark c) Tools age
b) Philomena Tylor Marconi d) Stone age
c) Philo Taylor Farnsworth
d) Gucci Philo Barbra 11. The middle ages was between the
a) Second century and third
4. Printing started in century
a) 1935 b) Twelfth and thirteenth century
b) 1544 c) Twentieth and twenty first
c) 1440 century
d) 2013 d) Seventh and eighth century
e) Eleventh and twelfth centuries
5. The importance of technology is to
…………… 12. The use of technology to improve
a) Destroy roads the speed and efficiency of the
b) Produce food transfer of information is
c) Improve lives called…………..
d) Manufacture computers a) Information media
6. Europe, Asia and Africa experienced b) Information technology
a) Middle ages c) Telecommunication
b) Stone age d) Evolution
c) Iron age
d) Bronze age 13. ……………… an electronic
7. The middle age is the period device that receives and transmits
between images and sound over a distance
a) 13th and 14th centuries a) Telescope
b) 10th and 11th centuries b) Electronic board
c) 12th and 13th centuries c) Television
d) 11th and 12th centuries d) Printer
14. Which of these cannot be used for
8. The Iron Age was the period counting large numbers efficiently
around……….. a) Fingers and toes
a) 1200 BC b) Pebbles
b) 300 BC c) Cowries
c) 1200 AD d) All of the above
d) 1500 BC

a) Efficiency in counting large
15. ICT is a feature of the umbers
…………..age/ ages. b) Perform calculations
a) Bronze effectively
b) Industrial c) Occupy large amount of
c) Middle space
d) Computer d) Fast in performing
16. ICT and computers are related
a) They are pre-modern 23. The early people used
machines ……………………. to measure land
b) They work together a) Feet
c) They like each other b) Fingers
d) They are ancient technology c) Pebbles
d) Cowries
17. The following were used for counting
except………………. 24. The television was invented by
a) Sticks a) Farnsworth Bright Mark
b) Wire b) Philomena Tylor Marconi
c) Beans c) Philo Taylor Farnsworth
d) Corn d) Gucci Philo Barbra

18. One of the main features of the 25. Printing started in

invention of the computer is a) 1935
…………………… b) 1544
a) That it uses modern c) 1440
technology d) 2013
b) That it uses old technology
c) That it uses pre-modern 26. The importance of technology is to
technology ……………
d) None of the above a) Destroy roads
b) Produce food
19. Who is the world acclaimed father of c) Improve lives
the computer d) Manufacture computers
a) Blaise paschal
b) Charles Babbage 27. Printing was invented by
c) Nicholas cage a) An English man called
d) Taylor Farnsworth Gemites Scholer
b) An Irish woman called Mavis
20. The age when electricity was
c) A French man named
discovered was
François Roger
a) Middle age
d) A German man called
b) Industrial age
Johannes Gutenberg
c) Iron age
d) Modern age
28. The telephone was invented in
a) 1876
21. The electronic age started since
b) 1920
a) 1951
c) 1522
b) 1903
d) 1976
c) 1999
d) 1900
29. The primitive ages comprises of
a) Iron, middle and industrial
22. One of the problems of the early counting
devices was………………………

b) Middle, bronze and industrial a) Early
ages b) Iron
c) Stone, Iron and bronze ages c) Oracle
d) Stone and bronze ages d) Stone
e) Bronze
30. The oldest information age is known
as ………….. age.


1. State the Relationship/ Link between the

Computer and ICT 10 marks
2. What Is Technology? 10marks
3. In tabular form state the ages of technology
and 3 tools or features found in each age 20marks

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