Buza 2020
Buza 2020
Buza 2020
Robotic-assisted spine surgery has a number of potential advantages, including more precise pre-operative planning, a high
degree of accuracy in screw placement, and significantly reduced radiation exposure to the surgical team. While the current
primary goal of these systems is to improve the safety of spine surgery by increasing screw accuracy, there are a number of
technical errors that may increase the risk of screw malposition. Given the learning curve associated with this technology,
it is important for the surgeon to have a thorough understanding of all required steps. In this article, we will demonstrate the
setup and workflow of a combined navigation and robotic spine surgery platform using the Mazor X Stealth Edition (MXSE)
system to place cortical-based trajectory (CBT) screws, including a review of all technical tips and pearls to efficiently
perform this procedure with minimal risk of screw malposition. In this article, we will review surgical planning, operating
room setup, robotic arm mounting, registration, and CBT screw placement using the MXSE system.
Journal of Robotic Surgery
platforms. Most recent reports of the Mazor system have (CBT) screws, including surgical planning, operating room
focused on traditional pedicle screw trajectory, with reported setup, robotic arm mounting, registration, pedicle cannula-
accuracy in the range of 97–99% using the Gertzbein–Rob- tion, and CBT screw insertion. Each stage will include tips to
bins grading system [4, 7, 9–19]. Overall, although there avoid errors which may ultimately lead to screw malposition.
are limitations to the current literature, most studies have We will include the lessons which we have learned from the
found a fairly high and reproducible accuracy for pedicle early adoption of this technology at our institution, which has
screw placement using robotic-assist systems. Additionally, allowed robotic-assisted spine surgery to be performed in a
with the adoption of any new technology, it is important safe, efficient, and reproducible manner.
to consider the learning curve associated with its use. It
can be very beneficial for new adopters to understand the Surgical planning
learning process and have reasonable expectations to avoid
early abandonment. While there are a limited number of One of the main purported advantages of robotic-assisted
studies, it appears that the learning curve is in the range of spine surgery is improved pre-operative planning using soft-
approximately 15–30 cases [4, 20, 21]. In a study of 102 ware for pre-operative planning. The MXSE system is CT
patients undergoing robotic-assisted pedicle screw place- based and requires that the patient undergo a CT scan which
ment, Hu et al. found that the rate of successful placement can be done either preoperatively (CT to Fluoro) or intraop-
increased after the first 30 cases [4]. In a matched cohort eratively (Scan and Plan). For the CT to Fluoro workflow,
comparison of 95 patients undergoing robot-assisted versus the CT scan is performed using 1 mm-thick slices and then
fluoroscopic-guided pedicle screw placement in the lumbar loaded to the MXSE and planned prior to incision. This is
spine, Schatlo et al. found that the highest rate of conversion our preferred workflow as it avoids intraoperative time for
from robot-assisted to manual placement occurred in the planning. When utilizing the scan and plan workflow, an
first 5–25 patients [20]. It is likely that for most spine sur- intraoperative CT such as O-arm is utilized and the data
geons who have experience performing fluoroscopic-assisted are transferred to the MXSE and then planned, while the
pedicle screw placement, the use of robotic-assisted pedicle O-arm is being removed. Both modalities allow the surgeon
screw insertion can be adopted fairly quickly. to plan CBT screw trajectory, diameter, and length. There
While most studies on robotic-assisted screw placement are several advantages for CBT while planning. The starting
have evaluated traditional pedicle screw trajectory, recent points may be placed more medially, or in a more divergent
reports have evaluated cortical bone trajectory (CBT) screws pattern (in the cranial-caudal plane) to reduce the size of
using robotic assistance [22, 23]. CBT screws were first the skin incision and dissection in an effort to be more mini-
described in 2009 by Santoni et al. as a minimally invasive mally invasive. This reduction of tissue dissection is con-
alternative to traditional pedicle trajectory screws during sistent with the benefits of CBT. When planning, we align
posterior lumbar interbody fusion procedures [24]. CBT the tulips in the coronal plane for a straight rod, and in the
screws have a number a potential advantages. The corti- sagittal plane, we diverge the screws, so that their insertion
cal trajectory has an inferomedial entry point with a more pathway merges on the skin truly minimizing the incision
superolateral trajectory, which requires a smaller incision to size (Fig. 1a–b). We have modified our sagittal screw tra-
place instrumentation. In addition, lateral soft-tissue dissec- jectory over time. The UIV or most cranial screws need to
tion is limited to the region of the pars interarticularis, with start on the pars just distal to the proximal facet and must
less retraction required. In addition, CBT screws have been avoid facet violation at all costs to reduce adjacent segment
shown to have higher insertional torque and pullout strength breakdown. However, the remaining screws can be altered
compared with traditional pedicle screw trajectory [25–27]. to start within the facet (trans-facet), since those levels are
Clinical outcome studies in patients with degenerative lum- being fused (Fig. 2a–c). It is important to prep the surface to
bar disorders have demonstrated similar pain, functional, be relatively flat to avoid skive into the joint or off trajectory.
and disability scores as traditional pedicle screws but with Additionally, since the screw size has already been planned,
a lower complication profile [28–30]. While recent reports the surgical team can already have prepared (improve effi-
have described the use of robotic-assisted surgery to place ciency) and potentially sterile packed individually to, in
CBT screws, the surgical technique of this procedure has not theory, reduce waste.
been well described in the literature [22, 23].
Considering the learning curve associated with robotic-
assisted spine surgery, it is important that surgeons incorpo- Operating room setup
rating this technology into their practice be familiar with the
technical pitfalls that may occur during all stages of robotic- The patient may be placed prone or lateral on a radiolu-
assisted spine surgery. This article will review the technical cent table. The hands should be placed above the head, so
aspects of utilizing the MXSE for cortical bone trajectory that the arms will not interfere when acquiring images. It is
Journal of Robotic Surgery
Fig. 2 Comparison of CBT constructs. a A classic CBT construct straight in as a trans-facet orientation. c The axial view of the plan-
with both UIV and LIV screws starting on the pars with an up/out ning process of the modified LIV screws
direction. b A modified CBT construct with the LIV screws more
important to secure the patient to the operating room table Robotic arm mounting
prior to beginning the procedure. If the table does not have
a frame, a bed frame must be attached to the operating room After the patient is placed on the operating room table
table before transferring the patient onto the operating room and prior to skin preparation, the next step is to mount the
table. The robotic base should be placed at the foot of the MXSE system onto the bed frame. Given the weight of the
operating room table, as this will allow room for the robotic robotic arm, there is an on-board automated lifting mecha-
arm mount and room for fluoroscopy. C-arm fluoroscopy nism stored within the MXSE workstation which allows
may approach the patient from either side, but should be for mounting onto the bed frame. We prefer to mount the
on the side opposite the sterile field. The MXSE Robotics robotic arm at the foot of the bed on the patient’s right
image adaptor must be attached to the C-arm image intensi- side (when prone), although it can be placed on either side
fier prior to surgery (Fig. 3).
Journal of Robotic Surgery
Fig. 3 The Mazor Robotics image adaptor attached to the C-arm Fig. 4 The Mazor robotic arm mounted to the operating room table
image intensifier
all soft tissues from the planned trajectory and allow the
per surgeon preference (Fig. 4). After the robotic system surgeon to visualize the cannula dock directly onto the bone
is mounted to the bed, it can be draped. It is important surface. This direct visualization is very advantageous when
to drape the arm after the patient has been placed on the early in adoption as it allows the surgeon to trust the system.
operating room table. Additionally, we prep any obvious uneven surfaces such as
an overgrown facet to minimize the skive potential by having
the flattest surface possible. All of this should be done prior
Incision and exposure to mounting to, as well, minimize shift between the patient
and the system once registered.
After mounting the robotic arm, prior to draping the arm
or the patient we place a spinal needle at the approxi-
mate center of the incision and obtain a lateral radiograph Mounting the patient to the robotic arm
(Fig. 5a). After adjusting as necessary, this minimizes our
incision. We then perform our surgical approach exposing For additional stability, the MXSE system requires that the
to the lateral edge of the facets with another intraoperative patient is directly mounted to the robotic arm. There are
lateral radiograph to confirm level(s). For a one-level fusion, multiple different options available for affixing a coupler
we typically make a 3 cm incision centered over the level to the patient’s bony anatomy, including a spinous pro-
to be fused (Fig. 5b). We prefer to use a McCulloch retrac- cess clamp, dual spinous process clamp, link bridge to the
tor for 1–2-level fusions, utilizing the wide blades with the spinous process, MIST (MIS Thoracic) bridge to the spinous
retractor rack placed on the side opposite (cranially) the process, and a Schanz screw/pin into the pelvis. The Schanz
robotic arm. It is important to perform a meticulous sub- pin is intended for open procedures from L4 to S2, or mini-
periosteal dissection to remove all muscle and soft tissue mally invasive procedures from L1 to S2. The Schanz pin
off of the lamina and projected screw starting points, with is our most commonly performed and preferred technique
preservation of the superior facet capsule. This will remove for bone mounting in CBT cases. To place the Schanz pin,
Journal of Robotic Surgery
a stab incision is made directly over the posterior superior “no fly zone scan” (Fig. 7). It is important to make sure that
iliac spine (PSIS). The Schanz pin is then advanced directly before initiating this scan, that the sterile sleeve slack is held
into the PSIS (Fig. 6a). For patients that have an easily pal- tight against the surgical arm, so that it does not obstruct the
pable PSIS, we tend to use the 80 mm Schanz pin. For larger camera, and to place blue towels over the surgical wound
patients with increased soft tissue over the PSIS, we tend to with lights removed. We then perform a “snapshot” that tells
use the 120 mm Schanz pin. The Schanz pin is advanced into the navigation system where the robotic arm is and merges
the PSIS until it is stable. We prefer to toggle the Schanz the two together.
pin periodically after advancement; when the entire patient Following this scan, the surgeon defines the region of
moves in coordination with the Schanz pin, it is deemed sta- interest using the navigation probe at the cranial and cau-
ble (Fig. 6b). This step is critical to minimize shift between dal boundaries which is typically the top and bottom of the
the patient and MXSE system. If the Schanz pin is noted to surgical wound for short segment fusions. The next step
be loose, or toggles independently of the patient, it is rec- includes obtaining AP and oblique fluoroscopy images for
ommended be repositioned until stable fixation is achieved. registration (Fig. 8). These images must be obtained with
After placement of the Schanz pin, the Schanz screw ball the surgical arm in the respective (AP or oblique) position,
adaptor is connected to the Schanz pin (Fig. 6c). This is then as this allows the system to calibrate the position of the arm
attached to the bone mount bridge (Fig. 6d). If preferred, one in space. For the AP image, the 3D marker is attached to
may connect directly the Schanz pin with the appropriate the target extender, which is directly after obtaining the AP
connection (either a Schanz arm or Dynamic Schanz con- image, the surgeon must ensure that all levels to be operated
nector), but we prefer use the Schanz screw ball adaptor. We on are included in the image, and that the entire 3D marker
then toggle the system again to confer that the patient, bed, pattern is visible in the image. The 3D marker should ideally
and MXSE system all move as a single unit. At this point, be located in the center of the AP fluoro shot. Once an AP
the robotic arm is linked to the patient’s anatomy and the image is obtained that meets these criteria, the AP image is
surgeon may begin the process of registration. acquired by the software and the same steps may be repeated
for the oblique image. After registration, the surgeon must
perform the verification process before activating the robotic
Registration arm. Visual fluoroscopic registration is performed for all
registered vertebrae as shown.
The MXSE system has two available workflows as described
in surgical planning. We prefer the most common workflow
(CT to fluoro), which is described hereafter. After initiating Cortical cannulation and screw placement
the robot using the MXSE computer screen, the Mazor X eye
camera should be moved into a position where it recognizes The surgeon activates the surgical arm by selecting the
the reference marker, and will perform a 3D scan to define planned trajectory at the desired level to be executed. The
the working volume for the surgeon. This is referred to as the surgical arm will move into position during this time and
Journal of Robotic Surgery
will make an audible noise until the arm comes to a com- the teeth to engage without forcefully pushing the arm off
plete stop. The trajectory of the planned pedicle screw trajectory. The teeth are very sharp and one should utilize
should be assessed at each stage. If there is any suspicion this to help minimize skive. Then, follow the light taps with
for inaccuracy, the surgeon should verify system accuracy by a few more aggressive taps. The surgeon can confirm that the
either placing a navigated instrument on known anatomy and drill guide is securely positioned by applying gentle torque
confirming or placing the stylus probe into the arm guide. If to the head to the drill guide to ensure that it does not easily
there is any doubt, we recommend to redo the snapshot step rotate. To detect skive throughout these steps, we encourage
and potentially re-register. Once the robotic arm is in posi- surgeons to watch the black end-effector (EE) very close. If
tion, the surgeon may insert the appropriate length working it deviates even a small amount, it has a high potential to
cannula. Once the cannula is in position, the drill guide can skive and go off-axis. Additionally, there should be no soft-
be gently inserted into the cannula by allowing it to fall into tissue pressure on the system.
place with its own momentum (Fig. 9a). Once the drill guide Following successful docking of the drill guide, the
is in place, it should be lightly malleted into place to allow appropriate drill tip (short or long) can be attached to the
Journal of Robotic Surgery
drill, and placed into the drill guide (Fig. 9b). The drill bit
should pass smoothly within the drill guide. It is critically
important not to apply any excessive force when using any
of the tools, as this can cause skive of the trajectory. Once
the drill bit is confirmed to pass smoothly through the drill
guide, the surgeon’s non-dominant hand should be used to
stabilize the drill guide, and the drill should be advanced
into the bone. The drill bit has a stop which prevents from
excessive drilling at a depth of 30 mm. Once the pilot
hole is drilled, the surgeon may choose to tap or place the
screw. To tap, the drill cannula (inner cannula) is removed,
leaving only the outer cannula in place. The tap can then
be inserted through the outer cannula (Fig. 9c), followed
by the appropriately sized pedicle screw (Fig. 9d). It is
again important to remember that at each of these stages,
the surgeon should avoid excessive force on the system or
surgical accessories to prevent translation or skive. Also,
as an internal check when disengaging the driver from
the screw and pulling back, if there is translation or skive
of the EE and it takes a lot of force to remove, the screw
likely skived or was off trajectory.
Once all screws trajectories have been drilled, the
robotic arm may be removed from the surgical field once
their placement has been confirmed. The bone mount
bridge may be removed from the bone mount platform, and
the surgical arm may be removed from the operation area.
The Schanz pin drilled into the PSIS may be removed. We
Fig. 8 For the AP image, the 3D marker is attached to the target prefer to close this small incision with a buried 2–0 vicryl
extender, which is directly attached to the robotic arm and dermabond.
Journal of Robotic Surgery
Journal of Robotic Surgery
during use. In addition, similar to the traditional freehand improved precision in screw size selection and planned
pedicle screw placement, the surgeon should palpate all screw position, ease of registration and reduction of oper-
bony pedicle screw pilot holes with a ball-tipped feeler to ating room time, reduced radiation to the operating room
ensure safe and accurate placement. Finally, intraoperative staff, and an enhancement of the surgeon’s ergonomics and
radiographs should be used to evaluate satisfactory screw dexterity for repetitive tasks in pedicle screw placement
placement and ensure that the goals of surgery have been [4, 12, 14, 18, 20, 21, 31–34].
achieved (Fig. 10). Finally, it is important for the surgeon to consider the
different types of robotic-assisted technology that are
available, which include the Mazor X Stealth Edition
Review and discussion robotic system (Medtronic), the ROSA robot (Zimmer-
Biomet), and the Globus Medical Excelsius GPS Robot
While the technique described above pertains to robotic- [5, 7]. [8] Given the widespread use of the Mazor spine
assisted CBT screw placement, various forms of advanced robot, most studies in the literature evaluating the accuracy
imaging technology (including fluoroscopy and naviga- of robotic-assisted screw placement have utilized one of
tion) have previously been described for the purpose of the Mazor platforms. Most recent reports of the Mazor
CBT screw placement. It is important for the surgeon to system have focused on the traditional pedicle screw tra-
weigh the pros and cons for each of these technologies jectory, with reported accuracy in the range of 97–99%
when considering safe placement of CBT screws. The using the Gertzbein–Robbins grading system [4, 7, 9–19].
major advantage of navigation or robotic technology over While there are fewer studies to date on the Globus Medi-
simple C-arm fluoroscopy is obtaining true images in the cal Excelsius GPS Robot, accuracy of traditional pedi-
axial plane, which can only be estimated by the surgeon cle screw placement appears to be in the same range of
when they are limited to orthogonal images. This may 97–98% [34–38]. The ROSA robot system has been evalu-
be especially important for CBT screw placement, as the ated in feasibility and cadaveric studies, but has only been
cortical tract is narrower and more difficult to cannulate evaluated in clinical accuracy studies in a small number of
compared to a traditional pedicle screw. The use of naviga- patients, making comparison to other robotic technologies
tion-based CBT screw placement has been described in the difficult [7, 39–41]. Further clinical studies are required
literature and does offer the advantage of imaging in the before a direct comparison of pedicle screw placement
axial plane. This technique has been shown to be safe and accuracy can be made between these different robotic
reproducible. The major advantages of robotic-assisted systems. Although these robotic systems have different
screw placement over navigation-based screw placement workflows, the principles of robotic-guided pedicle screw
include increased accuracy and safety in screw insertion, placement are similar irrespective of the system used.
Fig. 10 Grade 2 Spondylolisthe-
sis treated with robotic midline
lumbar interbody fusion with
partial reduction of spondylolis-
thesis and restoration of disc
height and foramen
Journal of Robotic Surgery
Journal of Robotic Surgery
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